Urine therapy - “urine therapy is a salvation from acne and weak hair! checked for yourself! I advise!”. Recipes for the treatment of facial skin. Urine therapy is a great way to improve the condition of the hair.

Modern women and men are ready to do anything for the sake of preserving and enhancing beauty. Some spend an exorbitant amount of money on cosmetic services and branded care products. Others at home use cheap and sometimes free products. One such remedy is urine. Is it possible to wash your hair with ordinary urine, and what effect does urine therapy have on hair?

The chemical composition of urine depends on the state of the liquid, on the age and health of the person. There are such types:

  • from a newborn - contains an increased amount of urea compared to other types of urine. The taste is sharp and sour; is an excellent antiseptic for wounds, abrasions;
  • from a child to 13 years old - contains many immune components; it is better to use it for frequent infectious diseases;
  • from a man 18-30 years old - is used only for personal use, cannot be used for the opposite sex;
  • from pregnant women - contains a large amount of amino acids, vitamins, glucose, but the amount of hormones is also exceeded compared to ordinary urine;
  • from the elderly - a useless liquid, will not bring any benefit either externally or internally.

Urine from people of different sexes differs in the composition of hormones, so it is better to use your own urine.

Fresh, old and evaporated urine

Fresh urine is a freshly collected liquid that has not yet had time to cool and has a temperature close to 36 degrees.

Old urine is a waste product that has cooled down and smells like ammonia. Such material can only be used by specialists.

Evaporated urine will be obtained by heating it to such an extent that it has lost 3 quarters of its original volume.

Frozen urine - odorless, used most often for external use.

For cosmetic purposes, including hair washing, evaporated urine, infused for about a week, is ideal. When collecting material, one must take into account the fact that morning urine contains the maximum amount of useful substances.

Application for hair

Depending on the type of imperfection of the hair, different urines are distinguished.

Old urine 5 days old collection will do. To get the effect of using it, you just need to rinse your hair with urine. This must be done within a month.

Urine compresses, according to reviews, are also of great benefit for preserving hair. Evaporated urine should be rubbed into the scalp with a cotton pad, then put on a shower cap or a regular plastic bag. To enhance the effect, you can wrap your head with an additional towel. After two or three hours, wash your hair with regular shampoo. So that the action of the remedy does not make you wait long, you need to do the procedure 3 times a week. As a rule, the hair becomes strong and shiny after the first week of use.

During menopause, tufts of hair often fall out in women. This is due to hormonal changes and lack of estrogen. Just this substance in an unchanged form is contained in urine. In this case, it is better to take it inside.

To do this, prepare 250 ml of urine in one day. The next day, it should be taken orally according to this system: 3 sips for every 3 hours. At the same time, it is highly recommended not to consume meat, milk, cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, butter, potatoes and tomatoes. The course is 2-4 weeks. If there is a need to re-use, then this should be done no earlier than a month after the last dose.

Dry skin and dandruff

With improperly selected shampoos, the use of low-quality detergents, the scalp often suffers from peeling and dandruff. Fresh urine collected in a special way will help. Only the middle part of the urine is needed when collecting. This is usually advised to collect analysis in hospitals. This part contains the least harmful substances, it is the cleanest, safest. It is enough to rinse the head with the collected fresh material. The skin will return to normal in 2 weeks.

Cope with dandruff massage using urine. Old urine is perfect for the procedure. Lightly rub it into the skin. Then wash the urine out of your hair.

split ends

Masks are a great option. Urine is pre-evaporated by boiling. Half or a third of the original volume of liquid should remain. The product is applied regularly to the ends of the hair, it is advisable to make masks every night. In the morning, wash your hair with a decoction of herbs.

More about internal application

In order for urine therapy for any imperfection of the hair to help faster, it must be combined with an internal method. The daily dose for any diseases is 250 ml. The best time for collection and reception is early morning. The middle portion is the most useful and effective.

Some rules of treatment:

  • it is better to start urine therapy with enemas, then use it externally, and take it orally as the final step;
  • refrain from taking pills, mixtures, tinctures; from the moment of refusal of medicines to the first glass of urine, 2 days should pass;
  • adhere to the principle of separation in nutrition; avoid the pungent smell of urine, improve the quality of the collected material;
  • you can not take urine all the time - be sure to take breaks for 1-2 months;
  • eat boiled vegetables, fruits, cereals;
  • experts advise starting urine therapy at the beginning of the lunar cycle;
  • you can not do a massage if there are wounds, abrasions and pustules on the head, it is better to make lotions;
  • the volume of water per day is not less than 1 liter.

If you are guided by the book of the healer Malakhov, then you need to drink urine without looking up from the glass. At the same time, take small sips. Do not stop and finish drinking the liquid. The second portion of urine can eliminate the benefit of the first part.

How to overcome the psychological barrier?

Ingestion of urine is a test for many people. Some people add compotes and jam to the urine to overcome disgust. To get rid of the unpleasant aftertaste, experienced adherents of urine therapy eat lightly salted cucumbers and shrimp.


Under the ban, urine therapy in any way in such conditions and diseases:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • osteoporosis;
  • problems with blood vessels and heart;
  • oncological diseases;
  • with lichen, fungi and skin lesions of a viral nature;
  • childhood, adolescence - possible: growth retardation, underweight or obesity;
  • diabetes disease;
  • hormonal problems;

Urine contains both harmful substances and toxins. You have to be careful about its use. At the slightest sign of deterioration in the health and condition of the hair, it is necessary to stop taking it immediately.


If there is a strong psychological barrier, then you should not force yourself, you can limit yourself to external use and enemas. Urine therapy does not require any costs, and subject to all the rules and recommendations, it is a safe method for cosmetic procedures.

Urine is the best remedy for dandruff, lifeless and split ends, and even for hair loss and baldness. (I remember a letter with hair. It was sent to me by an elderly man who was surprised by the growth of hair on his head from the use of urine.) At the same time, fresh or old urine (10-day urine is considered a medicinal shampoo) is rubbed into the scalp strongly, but with a sense of proportion. After a half-hour-hour exposure, everything is washed off without soap or shampoo. The effect is higher if the urine is not washed off, but this is not always possible.

Koon van der Kron writes: “This method allows the hair on my head to grow back almost bare. This, of course, does not guarantee its use as another panacea: after all, baldness is associated with various factors, not always only with the condition of the scalp. From myself I will add: most often with the features of an individual constitution.

“For hair loss, a mixture of potato powder and sulfur mixed with old urine at a pleasant temperature helps. This mixture is smeared on the head, and hair loss slows down (you can add more calf bile) ”(Johann Heinrich Zedler, Great Universal Lexicon, 1747).


I tried some urine. 2-3 times rubbed urine into the scalp. Once after that, the head stopped hurting, and the next time the hair became curly.

7. To rejuvenate the body

For this purpose, massage, rubbing or baths with baby urine are suitable. Add 500 g or more of baby urine to baths.

Tibetan healers who use the healing power of precious stones recommend that patients urinate on such stones. When the gemstone is bathed in urine, its information is superimposed on it. This forms a special connection between the stone and the body of this particular person. As a result, not only the protective power of the stone increases, but the stone constantly “adjusts” this power to the energy of a person. As a result, crystals work much better - protecting and healing a person.


I am 70 years old. In June 1994 I bought your book, volume 3 - "Urine Therapy". Everything hurt from head to toe.

A year and a half later, here are the results:

1. Sleep is excellent without dreams.

2. Head does not hurt.

3. Bald before my head now has a head of hair.

4. Lymph nodes have resolved.

5. Diabetes has gone somewhere (no sugar in the blood and urine).

6. Heart cured: ischemia.

7. The liver returned to normal, there is no bitterness in the mouth.

8. Kidneys: sand came out, they work well.

9. The thyroid gland has disappeared.

10. The legs do not swell, do not hurt, there is no thrombophlebitis.

11. Fibroids resolved (offered surgery, refused).

12. The skin is smooth, velvety.

13. Hypertension 140/90 is my working pressure.

14. The face is young, wrinkles are straightened out.

In the hospital they give me 48, 59, 60 years, but no one gives 70 years.

She was in the hospital for 20 days for prophylaxis. The ECG confirmed that I do not have ischemia, diabetes, hypertension, etc. Isn't this a miracle? Cured 5-6 people. I even treat doctors.

How to lubricate the body with urine.

When lubricating, use light stroking movements with your hands. Then you can increase the impact until a slight pain appears, and then move on to stroking. If urine lubrication is not used during fasting on water and urine, then the positive effects of fasting cannot always be realized due to the heavy load on the heart. But if you lubricate the body with urine, then the load is largely removed and fasting is easier. Armstrong experienced this, the author confirms. Armstrong recalls that when the body is lubricated with urine, blood circulation improves and the pulse normalizes, strength is greatly preserved and fruitful work can be done.

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For the first time, the method of treating various diseases with urine was described by Avicenna in his treatise. For centuries, people have used urine therapy as an alternative to conventional medicine. This method has proven itself as a cosmetic product for improving the condition and health of hair.

Urine contains vitamins, minerals and nitrogenous bases, thanks to which damaged and lifeless hair gains health and strength.

As a cosmetic 5-7 day old or evaporated urine is best. Moreover, the highest concentration of nutrients is contained in the morning portion of urine, which is the most saturated.

With different conditions of the hair and scalp, the methods of applying urine therapy will be different.

The most common problem both in women and men is excessive hair loss and brittleness. Often this pathological process leads to early baldness. Compresses from evaporated urine have a good effect in this condition. Apply urine to the hair along the entire length and rub into the roots. Put on a plastic cap and wrap your head in a towel for 2-3 hours. Then rinse your hair well with shampoo. Such procedures should be repeated 3 times a week. Hair will become visibly stronger and shiny after just a few compresses.

For dry scalp and dandruff rinsing with fresh urine after the hair washing procedure will help. From fresh urine, only its average portion is taken, since it is the purest and most saturated with useful substances. After 2-3 weeks of such rinses, dandruff will disappear, and the hair will gain vitality and a beautiful look.

Many women, especially in menopause, notice hair loss in bunches. This is due to a violation of the hormonal background and a lack of female sex hormones. Estrogens are excreted unchanged from the body through the kidneys. Some of these substances can be returned to the body by ingestion of urine. To do this, during the day you should collect an average portion of urine in a volume of about 250 ml. Drinking the urine collected during the day begins the next day according to the scheme: every 3 hours, 3 sips. With this method of urine therapy for the duration of treatment, it is worth refusing to eat meat and dairy products, as well as potatoes and tomatoes. The course of treatment lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. After a month break, the treatment can be repeated.

The problem of split ends can be solved by masks for hair ends based on evaporated urine. It is easy to prepare a mask: it is necessary to evaporate a small amount of urine by boiling to half or a third of the initial volume. Apply the finished product to the split ends of the hair daily at night. With regular use of this mask, the hair structure improves, and the problem of split ends disappears.

The urine hair treatment method is safe and effective. If psychologically you are not ready to take urine inside, then any other method of treating hair with urine is no less effective and absolutely does not require any costs.

Acne is an annoying problem that is not always eliminated at home, without consulting a doctor. This is due to the fact that rashes are not only a defect in the epidermis, but reflect pathological processes occurring inside the body. As long as there is an internal problem, it is impossible to make the skin clean. The mistake of irresponsible people is the unwillingness to go to the doctor with problem skin covered with acne and try to solve this problem on their own. Sometimes, by the most exotic and dubious methods. Among them, there are also attempts to cure acne with urine. But does this liquid cope with the task?

Probably, many people know this method of disinfecting small wounds, which our grandmothers could offer. And if someone followed this advice, then he is familiar with the burning sensation in the wound that accompanies such a process. This gives the impression that your own urine acts in the same way as brilliant green or iodine. This is only partly true.
In fact, urine contains corticosteroid hormones, which are prescribed in traditional medicine for the relief of serious inflammatory processes. With regard to minor damage to the skin, the effect is expressed in aseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.
And here it is important to note that any pharmacy products specially designed for these purposes undergo certain processing, are bottled and packaged in such a way as to prevent pathogenic microorganisms from entering inside. And what kind of “treatment” does urine go through before applying it to wounds? And the second point that you need to think about is that any damage to the integrity of the skin is an open gate to the circulatory system.

Pimples and blackheads are rashes that need drying, disinfection, and inflammation removal. Urine can have such an effect, but it is important to understand which trace elements contained in it are absorbed through the skin and whether the body needs them.

The dangers of using urine therapy

The body produces these hormones in the adrenal cortex and excretes the excess in the urine. If he had a need to use them somewhere, it is unlikely that he would not use it. When urinating, the following substances are removed from the body, including:

  • Corticosteroids. When a doctor prescribes a course of steroids, we usually wonder if a less radical method can be offered? And in urine, the concentration of these hormones is 10 times higher, therefore it is completely unreasonable to call such therapy sparing;
  • bacteria. If pathogenic microorganisms live in the genitourinary tract, they are washed out. Therefore, in the treatment of many infectious diseases of this system, abundant drinking is indicated.

Taking urine in any form (externally or internally) returns to the body everything that it previously refused. This leads to the transition of existing diseases into a chronic form, infection of acne-damaged skin and inhibition of adrenal function.

How to Use Urine for Acne

If your faith in urine therapy is strong, or if you happen to be completely isolated and unable to get even a bottle of alcohol, then use urine only externally. No doctor will ever offer to take it orally and competent adherents of traditional medicine - too.
Use healthy baby urine whenever possible to achieve your goals. And, on the contrary, do not apply someone else's silence to your skin inflamed with acne. If you suspect that you have any diseases, it is also better to leave your urine out of direct contact with the skin. This may be an already diagnosed disease and is in "sleep mode". Inflamed skin is sensitive to pathogenic microorganisms, its immunity is reduced, because those microbes that normally live inside the body and on the surface of the skin, without causing harm, can cause serious inflammatory processes.
To relieve small acne rashes on the skin, this remedy can be used externally:

  • Dotted. Gently pat the acne-affected areas with an ear stick soaked in the product;
  • Rubbing. With a cotton swab, wipe the areas of the skin of the face and body on which rashes have appeared, and rinse with water after a quarter of an hour;
  • Applying compresses. On areas of a large area (back, shoulders), on which rashes appeared, it is recommended to make compresses with urine. Experts in urine therapy suggest, if possible, to leave such a remedy all night;
  • Gadgets. For a short time, it is permissible to apply a cosmetic disc impregnated with the described agent to inflamed areas. Remove the lotion and remove the remnants from the skin with warm water without soap;
  • Washing. If the effect of the described manipulations has not been achieved, but faith in urine therapy has not disappeared, then try replacing the usual cleansing procedures with urine washing. This liquid can even wash off makeup. Cleanse in two steps. In the first, remove decorative cosmetics, in the second - cleanse the skin of excess fat.

Many "healers" recommend using settled, old urine. Don't do this, use a fresh product before any of the goodness has evaporated from it, which may have a beneficial effect on damaged skin.

Urine therapy is not a method that should be tested on deep and extensive rashes, boils. Such problems should be solved by a doctor and it is impossible to aggravate them with self-medication. Black dots cannot be removed with urine either.

In pursuit of beauty and youth, people spend huge amounts of money buying the latest developments in the field of cosmetology. However, if you are not a squeamish person, an invaluable means of rejuvenation, literally and figuratively, is available to you. We are talking about urine therapy for the skin of the face. The method is controversial, many cause a lot of indignation, but it exists and has long established itself as effective. The choice is yours anyway. In the publication we will tell you in detail what an amazing and effective remedy urine is for the face, and we will talk about how urine can be used for cosmetic purposes.

The composition of urine and its beneficial properties

Urine is a complex chemical compound, which includes a large number of elements. Currently, science has discovered about 150 components of urine. The main composition of urine is:

  • water, moreover, structured in a strict order, due to which it is able to cleanse well;
  • ammonia, which helps soften the pores, and therefore deeper penetration of oxygen and other beneficial substances into the skin;
  • salts of calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium, which have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • hormones and enzymes, the natural property of which is rejuvenation;
  • vitamins that nourish the body and give it strength for regeneration.

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A very good feature of urine is its acidity, which completely coincides with the PH level of our skin, so when using urine, the skin does not get irritated.

To date, urine therapy is not recognized by official medicine either as a means of healing the body, or as a cosmetic product. But traditional medicine has long used urine to treat a variety of diseases, and also successfully uses it in cosmetology, for example, urine helps with acne on the face, pigmentation, wrinkles, and has a general rejuvenating effect.

It is important to know that you need to use only fresh or evaporated urine; during storage, urine quickly loses its healing properties.

For a qualitative result, urine must be "clean". How to achieve this? First of all, review your diet:

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Smoking, sedentary lifestyle, stress also have a negative impact on the composition of urine. Therefore, before you do urine therapy, pay attention to your lifestyle and adjust it if necessary.

Urine therapy and health

The list of ailments with which urine therapy can cope is almost endless. People using this method note the following results:

  • relieves any inflammation;
  • quickly heals wounds and other skin damage;
  • normalizes the work of the heart, kidneys, liver;
  • successfully treats rheumatoid diseases;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • heals joints and cartilage, indispensable for bruises;
  • helps to overcome food allergies;
  • treats sinusitis, tonsillitis;
  • well restores the skin after burns;
  • heals cracks in hemorrhoids;
  • helps to restore the skin with eczema and psoriasis;
  • stops hair loss, stimulates their growth;
  • effectively fights wrinkles, scars and skin pigmentation.

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The use of urine cleanses the body of toxins and other accumulated harmful substances that poison us and cause various inflammations and defects. Our appearance always depends on the internal state of the organism and is its reflection. When the body is “slagged”, acne and wrinkles appear, the color of the skin becomes gray, dull, flabbiness of the skin occurs, the hair becomes thin and hair falls out.

Just one week is enough to cleanse the colon of toxins. Stages of the procedure:

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For a qualitative result, the procedure should be carried out regularly throughout the week, it is better to use morning or baby urine. The method is safe, has no side effects, cleanses and heals the body well. The result will certainly affect the condition of the skin: they will become elastic, toned, inflammation will disappear, the skin will shine.

For more information about the procedure for cleansing the intestines with urine, see the following video:

The use of urine in cosmetology

In cosmetology, urine therapy has been used for a long time and allows you to achieve excellent results even in the most advanced cases. Especially popular is the use of urine for wrinkles and acne. Urine is also able to rid the skin of excessive pigmentation, scarring, peeling, manifestations of skin diseases and other defects.

Urine therapy for facial skin is method of external use of urine.

Washing the face with urine

The most common way to apply urine to the face is by washing. This will require morning urine. This method perfectly cleanses and moisturizes the skin of the face, and also enriches the cells of the dermis with useful minerals. After washing with urine, the face should be rinsed with clean water or herbal decoction and apply your favorite cream. .png" alt="(!LANG:Herbal Decoction" width="450" height="336" srcset="" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/img-2017-07-16-19-18-32-450x336..png 583w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Using urine for facial skin, you can achieve the following results:

  • the skin becomes elastic and smooth;
  • the turgor of the skin increases;
  • the complexion is normalized;
  • wrinkles and pimples disappear;
  • the fat content of the skin decreases with increased secretion of subcutaneous fat;
  • pigmented areas are lightened;
  • scars are smoothed out.

It is important to know that with regular use of urine, the skin is slightly lightened.

Use of lotions with urine

In addition to washing, you can use lotions. First, the skin of the face is wiped with a cotton pad soaked in urine, thus cleansing the dermis from impurities and sebum. Then gauze or a terry towel soaked in urine is applied to problem areas or to the entire face (except for the eye area). After 15 minutes, rinse your face with water. Cream in this case is not necessary. The procedure must be performed daily or at least 3 times a week until improvement occurs. .png" alt="(!LANG:Gifts" width="222" height="273"> !}

For cosmetic purposes, you can use the urine of only a healthy person, preferably your own or a child. The urine of a sick person, like an old one, is not used in traditional medicine. The urine collected at about 4 o'clock in the morning, as well as the urine of pregnant women (3rd trimester), is the richest in useful substances.

Urine compresses - amazing results

Urinotherapy for the face can solve the problem of acne, boils and other inflammations. Urinary compresses are used to treat these problems:

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Compresses with urine will help to cope even with eczema and manifestations of psoriasis on the face. You need to do them every day until you see improvement.

Good results are obtained by the use of compresses with urine for the neck and décolleté area, because the skin there is thin and early reveals the real age of the woman with wrinkles. To enhance the result, it is recommended to use evaporated urine, because. substances useful for the skin in this embodiment will be in an increased concentration. As a result, the skin becomes smoother, more elastic and toned. .png" alt="(!LANG:Neck packs" width="450" height="309" srcset="" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/img-2017-05-17-23-45-16-450x309..png 768w, https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/img-2017-05-17-23-45-16.png 877w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Facial skin massage and urine therapy

If you use urine during the usual, the effect will exceed all expectations. Just apply a small amount of urine on your fingers and massage your face as usual, not forgetting the massage lines. After the procedure, wash your face with herbal decoction and apply cream on the skin.

When using evaporated urine, you can get the effect of light scrubbing. A high-quality peeling is provided to you in any case. .png" alt="(!LANG:Urine face massage" width="339" height="450" srcset="" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/img-2017-07-16-19-13-22-339x450..png 396w" sizes="(max-width: 339px) 100vw, 339px"> !}


The results of urine therapy for facial skin from wrinkles and acne often outperform the effect of using expensive cosmetics. And the rejuvenating properties of urine therapy are comparable to some salon procedures.

Numerous positive reviews of people using urinotherapy for cosmetic purposes speak for themselves. Of course, the method is peculiar and not suitable for everyone, but it works great, has no "side effects" and has long been time-tested. If you do not have insurmountable prejudices, this method can become for you a real find of a new means of rejuvenation and salvation from many skin problems. All health and unfading youth!

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