Calm companion dog. Companion dog: representatives of miniature sizes. Companion Dog: Miniature Breeds

Any dog ​​of any breed can become a companion, if the future owner correctly calculates his strength and realizes what he wants from the future pet: quiet gatherings by the fireplace or active walks through forests and fields. A companion dog can be purebred, it all depends on the compatibility of its temperaments and that of a person.

The very definition of a companion already contains an explanation - a dog and a person should keep a company in terms of lifestyle and character, they can spend maximum time together and do not create inconvenience to each other.

What are companion dogs for?

The concept of "companion" began to be applied to a dog when a person learned to see in it not only a protector, assistant and watchman, but also a person, a comrade, a creature capable of experiencing feelings.

Important! When choosing a companion dog, non-guard and guard qualities, but the character traits of a particular animal.

Such a dog is bred mainly for the soul, so that there is a four-legged friend nearby who will never betray, who is easy to train, patiently waits for the owners from work during the day, and meets with undisguised joy in the evening, who loves children and treats other animals calmly in a word, creates harmonious relationship with the human world.

Companion dogs for an apartment

Certain breeds of dogs feel good even in a small city apartment, and the owner can be sure that his friend will not get bored during the day. Those who do not have special preferences for the breed and appearance of the dog should pay attention to the following list.


The poodle is a small, friendly dog ​​that is easy to train and enjoys learning tricks and games. Poodles are toy, small, dwarf and royal. The coat of the poodle is hypoallergenic, the dog does not shed, but needs a regular haircut for beauty. The dog is not aggressive, so the guard will not work out of it, but the watchman is excellent, and in terms of sociality, this is one of the best breeds. A great companion for children's play. Poodle owners claim that this dog has a sense of humor and ingenuity.


Decorative, stocky, funny and touching plush pet, curious and balanced, does not shed. Completely devoid of aggression, has a calm, docile and patient character, prone to pranks, loves to be in the center of events. He gets along well with other pets, but does not like it when another animal is preferred. Long walks prefers cozy gatherings at home with the owner. Blacks, according to owners and breeders, are more temperamental than light ones.


it hunting breed, but in the city it adapts perfectly. There are long-haired, wire-haired, short-haired and rabbit (miniature) dachshunds. Despite his small stature, he has a formidable voice and a serious fearless character, although she is not deprived of playfulness. It is contraindicated for dachshunds to sit on the hands of a person, jump on and off the sofa and walk up the stairs.

You can not use a harness and tape measure when walking with a dachshund. These restrictions are associated with the structural features of her spine. In winter, as well as in slush and rain, it is worth walking the dachshund in overalls so that the dog does not freeze. Too long walks are not useful for a dachshund, and in this case it is worth buying a special carrier. When training a dachshund, it is worth encouraging its achievements as often as possible, and swearing and punishment should be excluded.

Japanese Chin

Companion dogs for a private home

For those who live in their own home, it is important that the dog has good guard qualities, is powerful and serious. In this capacity, the following breeds have proven themselves well.

German Shepherd

Often dogs of this breed are brought up in the city, but they can fully show their qualities in nature, where there is more room for movement. This dog - universal breed and one of the best companions. smart, easy to train, infinitely devoted to the owner, affectionate and intelligent with close people, restrained with strangers and at the slightest danger is ready to stand up for those he loves. She loves games, is careful and gentle with children, hardy, energetic and unpretentious.


Alabai is a strong, hardy and courageous dog with territoriality and protective instinct inherent in the genes, fearless and rather obstinate. When training, it is important to show calmness, patience and perseverance. Alabai is smart and able to see the weakness in a person, and then learn how to manipulate. Despite the rather intimidating appearance and formidable roar, alabai is not inclined to attack a person, only in extreme cases.

Unpretentious to the conditions of detention, retains neat appearance even when kept in an aviary. Dislikes other dogs, especially small breeds. Guarding the yard down to the smallest duckling, everyone important decisions accepts on its own. With the owners, Alabai is unusually affectionate, meek and playful. In the territory that he takes care of, snakes and scorpions do not appear.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

A dog with a stable psyche and an invincible character of a warrior. Despite the sweet charming appearance in puppyhood, training requires serious experience, great effort and a firm hand. He doesn’t let anyone into the territory, not making out between adults, children, cats, birds, small dogs, and does not give a voice before jumping. With the owner, only parity is possible, since this dog makes important decisions on its own, and it will not carry out ridiculous, from its point of view, commands, for the same reason it is not particularly disposed to games, except for up to six months.

Does not tolerate locking in an aviary and chain content, becomes aggressive. It is unpretentious in maintenance and care, but needs regular combing of wool. This is a reliable companion, but the will of the owner must be stronger than his pet.

Cane Corso

- a powerful imposing giant with an iron character. For him to become good companion for a man, serious training is necessary from early puppyhood. The history of the breed is very ancient, the genes of this dog contain the memory of fights with lions. The sooner the training and socialization of the dog is started, the better. After a year, it is desirable to increase physical activity. The dog is endowed with excellent intelligence and a balanced temperament, as well as amazing intuition, which allows it to distinguish the game from the real danger.


Already as a puppy, this strong man shows courage and independence, a sharp mind and observation, so the authority of the owner must be unshakable. Learning is easy for him, but at times he can be lazy and pretend to be incomprehensible. balanced, but with the dogs he knows well, he plays and frolics with pleasure, he is sanguine by nature. At home, the dog needs calm atmosphere. The breed sheds little, and a gentle brushing with a rubber brush once every two weeks will be beneficial to its coat.

Giant Schnauzer

Balanced, hardy, proud and very loyal. The dog is very mobile, active, hardworking. Sociability shows only with the owner, with strangers is distrustful. It has excellent memory, intelligence and quick reaction. He loves children and quickly becomes their friend and protector. It lends itself to training very well, but he needs the same active owner. The coat needs trimming and shearing. Despite the advantages, the breed is quite rare today.


A breed that combines the qualities of a bulldog and a mastiff, specially bred for the night guard of the forest to help rangers. Therefore, it is risky to start a bullmastiff without experience in dog breeding. He has a formidable appearance, a powerful physique and a fearless self-sufficient character. The dog is very powerful in a snatch and unstoppable in pursuit; it does not seek to kill or injure the attacker, only to put it on the shoulder blades. It matures by about 3 years, adolescence lasts quite a long time. Obedience from the breed can only be achieved by the owner who is ready to cooperate.

By nature, the breed is intended to protect the "flock", the family, but not property. In the family, he will choose a person with strong character, with the rest will be friendly and affectionate. Feels the mood of a person and the more ready for heroic deeds, the more excited he is. The Bullmastiff does not shed, is not picky in food, but the diet must be supplemented with special additives.


A good-natured, hardy and energetic dog that loves communication very much and clearly divides people into friends and foes. It is recommended to feed her raw food, give different types of food, dry food is undesirable due to the large amount of salt. Wool needs to be combed out from time to time and cut twice a year. At good memory, especially for insults, and this must be taken into account when training.

Classes should not be boring and of the same type, the dog will work only if she is interested. Erdeli are very stubborn, you need to start raising a puppy as early as possible and with the help of experienced cynologist. These dogs really mature at about two years of age and become full-fledged companions and good guards in adulthood.

Moscow watchdog

The Moscow watchdog is a majestic, obedient, adequate breed, extremely attached to the owner and family members, friendly to cats, dogs and other animals. It has endurance, balanced character and developed intellect. It adapts to the content in an apartment, aviary, house, lends itself to any type of training, is able to make decisions on its own. Not suitable for soft and weak-willed people, it is difficult to tolerate cramped conditions. Security qualities are on top, but he never gives a voice unnecessarily. Needs exercise and regular brushing.



02.05.14 14:10

A dog should become a true friend to its owner. It is worth noting that not all breeds of dogs are good companions. Often people choose one or another breed, because it is now considered fashionable, modern, and everyone wants to have such a dog.

But if you really want to find yourself a good companion, a friendly and respectful pet, you should pay attention to those breeds that will be presented in this article.

What should be considered when choosing a companion dog?

  1. Your pet should be easy to manage, not aggressive and rebellious. Aggression should be shown only if she or her owner is in danger. A dog will never make a good companion if it is not trainable.
  2. For urban areas, it is better to choose those breeds that do not need a large amount physical activity, since the activity of a pet in the city is often limited to small apartments and a small area for walking.
  3. Companion dog tolerates long walks, including in public transport. A dog that gets tired quickly or cannot tolerate transportation will not be with you. for a long time. What is a companion then?

Best Companion Dog Breeds

This is a unique breed of dog that was originally bred for hunting purposes. Today a pet can become great friend to anyone who loves her. They have a friendly disposition, and their miniature size allows them to easily adapt to life in urban environments. Terriers love frequent walks and remember commands well.

This breed is responsive and playful. By nature, Cocker Spaniels are sociable and love to be around people. Such a companion will never betray you. Remaining faithful to the end of life.

These dogs are very playful and love to play. They always need to be the center of attention. Despite some pranks, the Welsh Terrier simply adores his owners, so he will listen to all their commands. The pet will follow you even into the fire, even into the water.

This small and active dog has a bold character. As a rule, the Spitz quickly becomes attached to the owner and in some cases behaves too jealously. In relation to this breed, you cannot afford brute force, otherwise you will lose a companion as quickly as you gained one.

Cheerful dog with a lively character. The pug gets along well with children, strongly attached to its owners. Most often, these dogs are kept in an apartment. However, she will gladly go for a walk with her master to keep him an interesting company.

The dog is waiting to be cherished and pampered. At the same time, she behaves very nicely towards children. Pekingese demands special attention and worries. In return, he responds with great devotion and love.

Despite the horror stories surrounding this breed, you will not find a sweeter, kinder and more smiling creature. However, when getting yourself a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, you must understand that this dog needs a firm hand and good training.

Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds and there is a lot to love about them. Unpretentious in maintenance and training, retrievers will become a kind and affectionate member of your family.

The star of the film "Cats vs Dogs" won the audience not in vain, because he is incredibly playful, good-natured and smart. Having got yourself a little beagle, you will never regret your decision.

Another world-famous breed of dog, and all thanks to the movie "Mask". A charming dog, which, however, requires frequent walks and movement, otherwise you can say goodbye to your favorite shoes and sofa.

Yorkies are the most popular breed of toy dogs. And all because a real terrier lives in this small body, with a sea of ​​\u200b\u200benergy and a very big heart.

Favorite dog of the English Queen and the most charming animal in the world. A kind, active and funny "biscuit" will delight you and your entire family for many, many years.

All dogs of these breeds will become indispensable companions for you, who will accompany you wherever you go.

When deciding which dog is better to have in an apartment, they pay attention to the nature, size and purpose of the pet.

When choosing a breed for urban conditions, the following factors should be considered:

  1. Dog size. Small and medium breeds get along better in an apartment. Bowls and a stove bench can be placed literally two meters apart. BUT big dogs a large area is needed.
  2. Temperament. Active pets need a lot of space to play. They are also very noisy, which can annoy the neighbors. These dogs get along high-rise buildings only when they get intense physical activity. Otherwise, dogs will become real destroyers. It is better to start calm, balanced breeds.
  3. Tendency to molt. Dogs with a thick undercoat shed the most: huskies, shepherds, spitz. But short-haired breeds also cause trouble. If long hair is easy to collect from floors and furniture, then small coarse hairs dig into the coatings and are not easy to get rid of.
  4. "Dribbling". Some breeds are prone to profuse salivation: bulldogs, boxers, bullmastiffs, St. Bernards, Newfoundlands. When keeping such people in an apartment, drooling will be everywhere - not only on the floor, but also on furniture, bedspreads, walls. For such dogs, you will literally have to walk with a rag.

Not always small breeds are better than large breeds for apartment maintenance. For example, spaniels are too active, make a lot of noise, you need to work with them for a long time. Whereas mastiffs prefer to wallow on a couch all day.

They also take into account the lifestyle of the owners, the presence of children, other pets. It is desirable that the dog is not left alone for a long time. If the owner has only a couple of free hours in the evening, it is better to refuse to buy a puppy. Otherwise, the animal will develop behavioral problems.

Small child incompatible with small dogs - it can cripple a pet. Also, most popular dogs (dachshunds, pit bulls, terriers) were originally bred for hunting. Therefore, they can pursue the owner's and other people's cats, birds, rodents.

Taking into account general rules choosing a puppy, you can select the most suitable breeds for living in an apartment.

Overview of the best breeds for apartment maintenance

Yorkshire Terrier

AT last years Yorkies have become more popular than another "home" breed - the Pekingese. The Miniature Terrier hardly sheds, eats little, and does not need long walks.

Dog hair is similar in structure to human hair. Therefore, it is often turned on by allergy sufferers.

The Yorkshire Terrier is docile, obedient, he easily recognizes the authority of the owner and familiar people. There are no problems with training. Since Yorkies are companion dogs, it is enough for them to remember a few basic commands.

It is not worth starting a Yorkie with a small child. The dog is small, fragile, the baby can inadvertently harm him. The pet is ideal for children from 7 to 10 years old.

Like all small dogs, the Yorkie suffers from the "Napoleon complex". He can pounce on a bird, cat or dog, even if they are several times larger.

Grooming a Yorkshire Terrier is quite difficult. Necessary:

  • brush daily;
  • bathe every few weeks;
  • do grooming;
  • trim nails;
  • clean your ears and wipe your eyes every day;
  • clothes and shoes in cold weather.

Feeding dry food will not cause problems. The main thing is to choose a special line good manufacturer. But natural nutrition you will have to think carefully: even a slight deviation from the diet will immediately affect the appearance and health of the dog.

Golden retriever

Golden retriever- large, beautiful and kind dog. She is the perfect babysitter. It can be left with children of any age.

The Golden Retriever is a smart, obedient dog. Parenting problems are rare. However, do not expect an instant reaction from the animal. Before he executes the command, he needs to think carefully.

The Retriever gets along well with other pets. But he still remains a hunter. Unfamiliar animals can be perceived as prey.

The Golden Retriever is calm and needs moderate exercise. Two walks a day for an hour will be enough. On weekends, it is advisable to get out into nature so that the dog throws out energy.

The Golden Retriever is unpretentious. His care is standard. increased attention requires only long wool with thick undercoat.


Basenji is a cat in the body of a dog. She is clean, curious, loves to climb high surfaces and dislikes water.

Due to the average size (40 - 43 cm height, weight up to 12 kg), dogs feel great even in a small apartment. They also get along well with children. They get along well with pets, but only if they grew up with them.

Basenji care is not difficult. They themselves monitor their hygiene, avoid puddles and dirt. short hair won't be a problem either. It is enough to comb the animal once a week and bathe every month.

However, a number of features should be taken into account:

  • necessary a large number of physical activity, preferably sports;
  • the amount of food is carefully regulated, otherwise the dog will quickly gain excess weight;
  • Basenji are thermophilic, so they buy clothes for autumn and winter;
  • beginners are not recommended to start dogs of this breed - they have a proud, stubborn character, they tend to make decisions themselves.

Because of the structure of the throat, the Basenji cannot bark. Generally. But this does not mean that she will remain silent. The dog is "talkative": constantly howling, squealing, "grunting" and making a whole series of sounds similar to croaking or meowing.


The Beagle is an unpretentious, strong and healthy breed of medium size. It's easy to take care of them. Enough combing once a week and bathing once every 1 - 2 months.

Dogs get along well in the apartment. However, constant active walking is required.

Often there are problems with education. This is a stubborn and freedom-loving dog. In addition, she is very curious, so it is difficult for her to hold attention for a long time.

On a walk, the beagle is not let off the leash. He was bred as a hound. Having felt an interesting smell, the dog is easily carried away and can run away.

Beagles get along well with children of all ages and other pets. They occasionally show aggression, but this is usually the result of an incorrect test or mental disorders.


Pomeranian gets along well in an apartment because of small size and a small need for active loads. Its size does not exceed 22 cm, and its weight is 3.5 kg.

But with this breed there are certain difficulties:

  • Pomeranians are noisy, bark a lot;
  • Spitz are prone to dominance, there may be problems with obedience;
  • show aggression towards other dogs;
  • hard to tolerate heat: in summer it often happens thermal shock;
  • Pomeranians need careful care: without daily combing, the hair gets tangled, you need to regularly check the skin, wipe your eyes, brush your teeth, ears, and trim your nails.

The Pomeranian is smart, easy to train, learns tricks. He gets along well with other pets. However, it is recommended to start it for a child not younger than 10 years old.


Bulldogs are a paradise for dog lovers and adversaries active rest. Dogs are living "sofa cushions". They sleep more than cats. On a walk, they will decorously nurse next to the owner. Only puppies can frolic a little.

Bulldogs are great with kids, especially adolescence. Cats are treated loyally, but sometimes they are played too cruelly.

The real problem- make the bulldog move. Physical activity is needed, as dogs are prone to obesity. Overweight coupled with a flattened muzzle often leads to problems with the cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory system.

In the apartment you can start any kind of bulldog breed: American, English or French.

But it will not suit squeamish people: the dog constantly snores, drools and gases, champs.


Collie - large dogs, height at the withers from 50 to 60 cm. These are smart, devoted animals with a balanced character. Puppies are playful, mischievous, often arrange riots. However, adult dogs are reserved and calm.

Collies have a lot positive qualities:

  • easy to train, remember how commands from general course, and household (bring a newspaper, slippers);
  • they will never harm children, so they can be started with children of any age;
  • obedient, do not try to dominate;
  • they like to participate in all household chores and often imitate people in everyday life, for example, they can carry a rag on the floor, carry a garbage bag to the tank, knock dust out of pillows;
  • they do not show aggression towards strangers and animals, however, in case of danger, they come to the defense of the owner.

The only problem is the long thick coat with a dense undercoat. It must be combed out at least once every two days, regardless of whether the animal is kept at home or in an aviary. You also have to cut the tangles.

Keeping a fluffy collie coat clean is easier when the dog lives in an apartment.


Dalmatians are suitable for apartment keeping, but only if they have a lot of work with them. The breed is active and needs a lot of attention. Need active walks for at least 1.5 - 2 hours every day.

The Dalmatian is clean and rarely gets sick. However, he is prone to allergies and obesity, so the menu is regulated.

Although the coat of the Dalmatian is short, he sheds all year round. Therefore, the dog is combed out at least every other day.

A dog of this breed does not show aggression towards children, it is loyal to other pets. He is wary of strangers. She makes a good guard.


There are 4 varieties of poodles: large, small, dwarf and toy. Any of them feels great in apartment buildings. Poodles are one of the most popular breeds today.

The main advantages of the breed:

  • hypoallergenic coat, no shedding;
  • sharp mind and complaisance: the poodle is easily trained, remembers tricks;
  • versatility: dogs are used for hunting birds, in search and rescue service, at customs, for protection, as a "circus performer";
  • friendly character: the dog easily finds a common language with kids and other animals.

The poodle is considered one of the smartest dogs. In terms of intelligence, he is second only to the Border Collie.

poodle fit active people. The dog requires a lot of attention and strength. Even toys need frequent active walks.

Grooming is simple, with the exception of grooming. The poodle will have to be bathed every 2 weeks and cut regularly.

welsh corgi

According to legend, Welsh Corgis were given to people by fairies who used them for riding. Allegedly, since then they have left traces of the saddle on their backs.

Welsh Corgis were bred to herd herds. Today, sheep are "replaced" by family members. They bite adults and children by the legs, as if knocking them into a heap.

Corgis are suitable for inexperienced owners. Dogs quickly memorize commands, often for the 2nd - 3rd time.

Care is also easy. Welsh Corgis feel good even in a one-room apartment. They need to be combed a couple of times a week, bathed once a month, wipe their paws, stomach after a walk, regularly inspect their ears and eyes.

Corgi's weak point is food. Dogs often overeat and should be limited.


Small to medium sized companion dogs are suitable for an apartment. Pay attention to the character: the dog must be moderately active, without pronounced hunting instincts, aggression, get along well with children and other pets.

Traditional "urban" pets - yorkshire terriers, poodles, bulldogs, spitz, retrievers.

Companions are dogs that do not require special care, physical activity and are easily trained. The purpose of the pet is not to cause inconvenience to its owner, but to be a good helper. Many companion dogs are also good watchdogs, nannies and guards. The dog must be a true friend to the owner and be non-aggressive towards strangers. Companions create a wonderful atmosphere in the family and can brighten up the life of a lonely person, which makes it possible to feel needed and valued. In total, there are about 150 dog breeds that qualify for this title. But of course, in this article we will not list them all, but will focus on the ten most popular breeds.

If you want to acquire a companion dog, please use the following criteria:

  • The dog must be easily manageable and easy to care for;
  • Choose a dog that does not require a lot of exercise,
    because most of people live in small apartments;
  • The dog must be mobile and easy to carry
    long walks and trips;
  • The diet should be unpretentious;
  • Choosing a companion dog should be based on your habits and lifestyle.

Companion dogs are the best breeds. Top 10.

Jack Russell Terrier. They have a friendly disposition and small size, which is very convenient for living in city apartments. They love walks, easily remember commands and love children. Cons - ringing barking and hyperactivity. Owners do not call this breed anything other than "energizer dog". Being idle or alone can get bored or chew something.

The breed is distinguished by its sociable nature and willingness to help. They love human company. They get along well with other animals. Cons - long hair requires careful care.

Very compact dog. He just loves his master and will listen to all his commands. Has a playful personality. Cons: Sheep wool.

Spitz. Active and small dog. Has a cheerful disposition. Suitable for both city apartments and country house. Cons - considers himself a thunderstorm of large dogs. It is necessary to ensure that the dog does not enter into a fight.

Lively dog ​​with a cheerful character. Well suited for life in a city apartment and gets along well with children, has an extraordinary mind and quick wit. Of the minuses: poor health, a tendency to vascular disease, heart disease, obesity, allergies. Can't handle long walks summer heat. Pug nutrition must be monitored very carefully, overfeeding is unacceptable.

Staffordshire bull terrier. You will not find a more good-natured and smiling dog, despite the negative reputation. Unpretentious dogs in care and food, very hardy. They are excellent companions and are very fond of children. Cons - requires serious training from puppyhood.

Easily trained. Likes water and long walks. Kind and affectionate. She loves everyone around, both people and animals. Has no tendency to run away from the owner, an excellent companion. Cons - requires grooming, is not a guard, prone to obesity.

Small and low is a great option for an apartment. Very active dog treats children with unusual tenderness. Has a fiery temperament. Cons - loud barking.

Poodle. One of the main advantages of poodles is that they do not shed. Dexterous, cheerful artistic nature. They have a lively mind, it is easy to teach all commands. The disadvantage is regular haircuts, the need for active walks.

Golden retriever. Calm temperament, lively mind, goodwill - Retrievers are great for people both as companions and as therapy dogs. Having a docile nature, the breed is perfect for single pensioners, families with children. Of the minuses, silky wool, which needs to be looked after, love for all people (this breed is not a guard at all).

All the best, see you soon friends!
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You don't care, but I'm glad.
Sincerely, the author of the blog Marina.

The term "companion dog" entered our lives relatively recently, or rather, when a person stopped seeing in his four-legged friend only an assistant: a guard, a watchman, a hunter. However, the need for communication with this devoted and intelligent creature has not disappeared from a person.

It is especially strongly felt by urban residents, who are practically devoid of communication with nature. For a modern city dweller, the “user” characteristics of dogs are no longer so important (and sometimes not at all important): furiously barking at strangers, engaging in a fight with an intruder, chasing and raising game. Today, a person first of all looks for a friend in a dog who will always keep him company - on a long winter evening in the house, on a summer beach, on a walk in the park.

What breeds are suitable for the role of companions?

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) distinguishes ten groups of dog breeds today, which differ in the nature of their application. The ninth group includes companion dogs. Breeds (the best) can be large and small, white and multi-colored, long-haired and short-haired. It depends only on the choice of the owner.

Companion dogs do not guard yards, they are not shepherds. Them the main task- always be close to your master, and not cause him any inconvenience. What can be a companion dog? Breeds may vary. Someone is delighted with smart and cheerful spaniels, someone likes Labradors, and someone thinks that a more devoted and faithful friend than a Rottweiler cannot be found.

Companion dog requirements

It is generally accepted that companion dogs are turned on by the disabled, lonely and elderly people who need true friend and helper, families with children, to instill in the child a sense of responsibility and kindness. All this is so. But, in our opinion, every person needs a true friend who will love you simply for what you are.

Experienced cynologists believe that when choosing a companion dog (especially when the owner needs his help), you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

These indicators are relevant if you are attracted to large and medium-sized babies that do not differ in physical endurance, and besides, caring for them is not always easy. breeds are, first of all, pets that will brighten up your evening, sitting comfortably on your lap, will keep you company on an evening walk.

But do not forget that for any (even the smallest) training and education is necessary from the very beginning. early age. If the main rule of cynologists, your cute pet will turn into a cunning and uncontrollable animal.

So, let's see what breeds of dogs are companions? Perhaps from the descriptions below you can choose your four-legged friend.

Companion Dog: Breeds for an Apartment

These are representatives of small breeds, which are created only to be pets, and to please their owner with their appearance (and behavior). There are quite a few of these animals today. Here is some of them.

Miniature Pomeranian

This charming teddy bear, whose photo you see below, is one of the most popular decorative dogs. Even in the Middle Ages, animals were described that outwardly very much resembled Pomeranians. In the 18th century (according to the descriptions), these animals differed from modern individuals in larger sizes. Their weight reached 13 kg.

In the course of further selection work, only small animals were allowed to be bred. So, gradually, the breed acquired more and more miniature sizes. In 1896 Pomeranian formed as separate breed, in which two weight categories- up to 3.5 kg and more than 3.5 kg.

The Pomeranian is a strongly built, compact, square dog. The body of the Spitz is short, with a deep chest and rounded ribs. It is covered with lush thick wool, a little harsh to the touch. Spitz has a calm character, very affectionate to the owner, not aggressive, so this dog can easily cope with the role of a companion.

bichon frize

Despite its diminutive size, the Bichon Frize companion dog is a fairly robust animal. If your family has very young children, then you should try to explain to them how carefully you need to handle these charming dogs.

For older children, bichons are excellent companions. They are very playful and funny, they can play with the kids for hours on end.


And such cheerful companions hard to find for kids. Pugs are tougher than most small breeds dogs. They are very brave and smart. They can even become guards for small children. And for adults, these are infinitely kind, affectionate and sensitive creatures.

Medium sized animals

Enough large group, numbering more than two hundred representatives - it can be said that this is a conditional category. It includes representatives different classes that have similar parameters. The weight of these animals should not exceed 25 kg, and height - 57 cm.

Standard schnauzer

Every owner will love this dog. The average schnauzer is characterized by excellent abilities, easily and quickly trained, gets along with all family members. This animal is also attractive because it has practically no molting. You will not find wool on clothes and upholstered furniture. The difficulty in care lies only in regular (twice a year) trimming.

Standard Schnauzers never give out inadequate reactions, they are distinguished by a healthy nervous system. Schnauzers clearly distinguish members of their family, they are wary of outsiders.

Labrador retriever

And about this universal dog you can talk for hours. In recent years, the companion dog of the Labrador Retriever breed has become especially popular. She is smart, her working qualities are applicable when accompanied by the visually impaired. It is used at customs to search for drugs.

This animal has absorbed all the best that is inherent in dogs. This is a stable psyche, complaisant disposition, the absence of unjustified aggression, good nature. Everyone can keep such a dog at home. It will require minimal care, it is unpretentious in nutrition.

An energetic Labrador Retriever needs active walks. The training of these animals will not cause difficulties even for beginner dog breeders, they are able to learn up to three hundred phrases spoken by a person.

Large breeds

hosts large breeds dogs confidently state that keeping a large animal has many advantages. big dogs have a very impressive appearance, which discourages lovers of "joking", to get to know you better. Despite the fact that large dogs are quite wary of strangers, with people close to them, they are the embodiment of tenderness and love. Big dogs are great companions for hiking, walking, joint jogging.

German Shepherd

Hardly anyone knows a shepherd dog. This is a versatile, physically strong and intelligent animal. Its capabilities cannot be overestimated. German Shepherd It will be an excellent choice for families with children. In addition, it fits couples, both young and active, and the elderly, who love evening walks in the park.

These dogs feel comfortable in small city apartments and on rural farms. The only thing that owners need to remember is that this dog is not created for life on a chain or in an aviary. She is in dire need of love and attention. And if she gets them in the right amount You won't find a more devoted animal.

irish setter

And these red-haired handsome men are not only great merry fellows, endowed with great energy, but also smart ones. If you happen to spend a few hours with this dog, then you will understand that irish setter is the perfect companion.

Initially, this breed was bred as a hunting breed, therefore, even today, enthusiasm and energy have been preserved in this animal. hunting dog. He is very inquisitive the best activity for this handsome man - to study everything new that surrounds him. It just so happened that the Irish Setter has become a favorite of presidents, world stars and ordinary people. Such a companion dog will become your reliable companion for many years to come.

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