What are the pains when the kidneys hurt. Low back pain in women: is it always a kidney disease? External signs and symptoms of kidney pain in women

Perhaps everyone knows that the kidneys are located behind, just above the waist (more precisely, at the level of the eleventh thoracic and third lumbar vertebrae). Therefore, after feeling discomfort in the lower back, many women decide that they have kidney problems and “prescribe” themselves treatment with home remedies and herbal preparations.

But time passes, but it doesn’t get easier, because the aches and aching pain in the lower back, they do not always talk about kidney problems: often these symptoms indicate completely different diseases. Arising in different areas of the body, pain radiate to the lower back, making us mistaken for a kidney diagnosis.

Testicular cancer is a rare neoplastic disease with a share of about two percent of all new types of cancer. In this age group testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer. AT last years there is a significant increase in the number of new cases, while the Scandinavian countries are comparatively more heavily affected. The reason is that they are discussing genetic factors and eating habits. Proven risk factors for developing testicular tumors are the presence of abdominal, pendulum or inguinal testicles, even after surgical correction provisions.

What diseases cause back pain?

Women after forty often “attribute” diseased kidneys to themselves, although real reason their ailments - osteochondrosis of the spine or other dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system. Similar Symptoms women can give:

  1. Inflammation of the genital organs: the uterus (endometritis) or its appendages (adnexitis).
  2. Rupture or torsion of an ovarian cyst.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy.
  4. Increased load on lumbar spine during normal pregnancy.
  5. Painful periods (due to the anatomical features of the uterus, for example, its deviation backwards, or with a hormonal imbalance that increases the sensitivity of its pain receptors).

The cause of pain that radiates to the back are also diseases of the digestive tract: ulcers, gastritis, inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) or gallbladder (cholecystitis). Sharp stabbing sensations in the right half of the lower back may be bilious or hepatic colic, symptom acute appendicitis and other conditions requiring immediate treatment.

Affected men are 10 to 15 times more likely to develop testicular cancer. Most often, a malignant tumor of the testicles occurs only on one side. Looking at the tissue from which testicular tumors originate, about 90% of cases involve testicular tumors that take place in germ cells; they are differentiated into semi-nomials and non-semi-nomials. Remaining 10% malignant tumors testicles emerge from supporting and connective tissue.

The chances of being treated for testicular cancer, even in the presence of secondary tumors, improved significantly after the introduction of cisplatin chemotherapy. At the same time that standardized treatment is given, which should normally be given in specialized centers, there is a cure rate of more than 90% on average.

"Renal" causes

Acute, sudden attacks of pain “until dark in the eyes” are often the first sign of KSD: pebbles, moving in the ureter, damage its mucous membrane.

Dull, pulling constant pain or irregular severe attacks talking about chronic diseases. It can be:

  1. Pyelonephritis (inflammation of the renal pelvis). It is accompanied by aching, bursting discomfort on one, less often on both sides. Increasing from edema, the kidney stretches its capsule, and its walls put pressure on the nerve endings.
  2. Glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidneys). The disease often causes bacterial infection; it can also develop on the background of vasculitis, a malignant tumor, or drug use. With glomerulonephritis, the pains are both sharp and pulling.
  3. (nephroptosis). Pain occurs in a standing position, during the day they intensify and in the evening can reach the intensity of renal colic. Unlike pain with menstruation or with osteochondrosis, they cannot be alleviated by taking analgesics.
  4. Benign (fibroma, cyst, adenoma) and malignant neoplasms.
  5. Renal failure. The pain in this condition is so severe that the person loses consciousness.

At healthy men and women against the background of complete well-being, too, pain in the kidneys can occur from time to time. So, during a difficult physical work occasionally there is an inflection of the ureter, and colic begins.

A tuberculous tumor is usually associated with an increase in painless swelling of the testicles. If a testicular tumor is suspected on physical examination, further diagnostic measures should be taken immediately. These include, first of all, ultrasound procedure testicular and posterior abdominal cavity to support the diagnosis of testicular tumor and to obtain signs of pre-existing formation of secondary tumors in the retroperitoneal space. In addition, especially if there are signs of an existing metastasis, it is necessary to x-ray examination lungs to obtain information on the extent of metastasis, as this may be decisive for further treatment planning.

Symptoms and clues for kidney disease

Most kidney diseases, in addition to discomfort in the lower back, are characterized by other symptoms. They help the doctor to recognize the cause feeling unwell women:

  1. General malaise: weakness, fatigue, pale skin, loss of appetite, anemia.
  2. Headache, fever, chills.
  3. Swelling in the morning, especially under the eyes and on the eyelids.
  4. Raise blood pressure.
  5. Cystitis-like symptoms: frequent painful urination, cramps and burning during micturition. This happens if pyelonephritis has developed as a complication bacterial cystitis when the infection "rose" from the urinary tract.
  6. Changes in urine that are visible or determined by tests: hematuria (blood in the urine); cloudy, brown, bright yellow or clear.

In some cases general symptoms diseases are accompanied by local ones. Characteristic of them are reddening of the skin on the lower back, swelling of this area.

In addition, it is necessary to laboratory tests blood. These blood tests provide information about general condition the patient and the functions of various organs. By identifying tumor markers, the urologist can in many cases already determine what type of testicular tumor is present and in which prognosis group the patient should be classified.

Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the head, possibly at the University Hospital of Göttingen, cooperates closely with our clinic with the Department of Radiology and nuclear medicine, radiotherapy clinic and department of hematology oncology of the Department internal medicine to quickly apply the necessary diagnostic methods and for the implementation of a therapeutic procedure.


With tolerable discomfort, the examination is carried out in the clinic, it is not worth delaying with it. Serious defeats kidneys, for example, hydronephrosis, sometimes make themselves felt weak pulling pains, but if you do not start treatment on time or carry out only symptomatic, it can come to amputation of the organ.

When back pain is accompanied by fever, general malaise, especially if these signs occur in a pregnant woman, call " ambulance". To drown out the pain with analgesics and hope that “everything will pass by itself” is deadly!

The final confirmation of the diagnosis and the first step of the therapeutic procedure is the surgical irradiation of the testicle with the removal of a tissue sample. This sample is examined histologically by a pathologist during surgery. If the diagnosis of a testicular tumor is confirmed by this specimen, the testicles, including the formations of the seminal grooves, are removed. AT exceptional cases only the tumor is removed, leaving the rest of the testicle tissue. During surgical procedure one additional tissue sample is taken from the other testicle, since in about 5% of cases precursors of a malignant event may already be detected.

Women who have kidney pain should first consult with a gynecologist. After an initial examination, the doctor will prescribe:

  • Blood and urine tests (general and for infections).
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

If the doctor determines that the patient does not have gynecological reasons pain in the lower back, he will refer her to a urologist and give a colleague the results of the tests. Further examination includes ultrasound or radiography, and if necessary, urography, computed tomography kidneys and ureters.

External signs and symptoms of kidney pain in women

If so, radiotherapy to this testicle is recommended during the course, depending on the family planning of young patients. Further therapeutic steps depend on the final histology and the severity of the disease at the time of diagnosis. Further treatment measures include radiation therapy, various chemotherapy treatments, and surgical removal daughter tumors before or after chemotherapy, which are used depending on the above results. In some cases, the concept of waiting can also be used. h. that, first of all, further therapy is not carried out.


By itself, kidney pain is not a disease, but a symptom, a sign that not everything is in order in the urinary system. Therefore, doctors warn women that by drowning out discomfort with analgesics, you can miss the time for full treatment. It can be conservative or surgical.

In these cases, a very brief follow-up of the patient is necessary to early detection possible occurrence metastases. Conclusion: Testicular tumors are malignant tumors that develop in very young people. They are among the few malignant tumors that can be cured with high percentage cases even at the metastatic stage by combined treatment surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

The stones reach about 7% of the Brazilian population. Whoever has had it guarantees that the pains are terrible, no matter how small they are. It is a health issue surrounded by myths and truths that sometimes make people even more confused. So, find out what are the symptoms, treatment and how to avoid the formation of stones.

Conservative therapy

Conservative therapy is carried out with anti-inflammatory drugs, if necessary, analgesics and antispasmodics are prescribed, and if the disease is provoked by an infection, antibiotics. For whatever reason, the kidneys bother you, during treatment you must follow a diet: this body “does not like” spicy, salty, smoked. Alcohol is prohibited.

"But are they really stones?", many are surprised. In fact, these "stones" look more like crystals because of the formation they take on. Stones can form from the buildup of minerals that the body produces, such as calcium, uric acid and magnesium. This buildup doesn't happen overnight and it can take years for you to experience symptoms.

Kidney stones do not necessarily remain only in the kidneys. They may develop in the ureters or bladder and may also move between these organs when they are interconnected. It is not known what causes the body to accumulate these salts, although there are some determining factors such as genetic inheritance, infections, and any existing problem with kidneys.

Methods traditional medicine use only as an auxiliary and after consultation with a doctor. You should not experiment with health, independently looking for signs of ailments in reference books and comparing with what you feel. In addition, herbs may not be combined with those prescribed for you. medicines or with other diseases that you do not know about.

It is known that in the case kidney stones kidney dysfunction occurs, which eventually prevents the production of certain substances and significantly absorbs other substances. Like any disease, symptoms and their onset can vary from person to person. Not necessarily you represent more classic symptoms and so you need to visit your trusted doctor!

Severe pain that can radiate abdominal cavity. Need to urinate frequently. Suspension or decrease in urinary flow. Processing will depend on the generation of the calculation. Once the doctor is satisfied that the calculation is being made and what is its size, he will describe the optimal treatment.

Surgical intervention

In some cases, it is not possible to get by with drugs, and then the patient is given surgical operation. Surgical treatment appoint:

  1. When a kidney breaks.
  2. Severe pyelonephritis.
  3. Significant omission of the kidney.
  4. With large benign and any malignant neoplasms.

When the organ is so damaged that it can no longer perform its functions, the patient is transferred to artificial blood purification - dialysis. In acute renal failure, it is carried out before surgery or until the functions of the organ are restored. In chronic - prescribed for life. If a surgical intervention had no effect, and dialysis no longer helps, the patient is recommended a kidney transplant.

Lithotripsy. Ureteroscopy. There is no remedy that prevents the formation of kidney stones. In your Everyday life there are only a few changes that can prevent this problem, eg. Increase your water intake. Reduce consumption of foods rich in sodium.

Empty your bladder before you feel like it's full. These 3 measures may help you not develop kidney stones, but there is a guarantee of 100% effectiveness, as it depends on the body of each person. It is estimated that 70% of people who experience this problem can come back forward. It's impossible to predict how long, so it's best to prevent it.

The leading causes of high blood pressure include the most common kidney diseases. Symptoms in women, due to the anatomical features of their body, are observed much more often than in men.

We have to figure out how kidney symptoms in women hurt, and with what diseases they are most often associated.

"Can the stones come naturally? The strength they can, but it depends on their size. Not to mention that if they leave, the pain is very great. Although some kidney stones form from calcium, it is not recommended to cut this mineral out of your diet. Even because it is very important for bone health.

Note. The information shown here is not a substitute for a doctor's visit. If you feel some symptoms, feel free to look for it soon! As far as nothing, when it comes to health, we cannot hesitate. In addition to being extremely risky, you can trigger the onset of other diseases. Only a doctor can do correct diagnosis regarding your well-being.

The size of the kidneys in women is normal

Women's kidneys can be of various sizes. The average longitudinal size of the organ varies from one hundred to two hundred millimeters.

The length of the kidney adult woman can be equated to the length of three lumbar vertebrae. As for the transverse size of the kidneys, it ranges from fifty to sixty-five millimeters, and the ratio of length and width is 2:1. Typically, the size of the kidneys of men and women differ by five millimeters (in women they are smaller).

The kidneys are even, bean-shaped organs located behind your body, and they are partially protected by the ribs. Its function is to eliminate excess organic molecules, waste products of metabolism, regulate hemostasis, regulate blood pressure, maintenance acid-base balance and production of hormones.

What are the causes of kidney pain?

Several conditions, some harmless and some serious, can cause kidney pain. The most common reasons are. In general, it affects only one side, but in rare cases it can affect the kidneys. This condition causes inflammation of the kidneys and can cause permanent damage and can also be fatal. Hydronephrosis is the retention of urine due to the lack of normal drainage of urine from the kidneys to the bladder. It only affects one kidney, but both may be involved. Polycystic kidney disease - hereditary disease kidney, educative cysts in the kidneys. These cysts are filled with fluid and can vary in number, size, and location. Over time, kidney function is damaged and the condition leads to kidney failure. Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of kidney cancer. Risk factors include: male gender, age, long-term dialysis, horseshoe kidney, polycystic kidney disease, and hypertension. Therosclerosis is the hardening of the arteries that feed these organs in the blood. Thrombosis Renal vein - Blood clots in the renal veins. Hemorrhage - Bleeding in the kidneys, mostly caused by trauma. Horseshoe of the kidneys. congenital anomaly when both kidneys are merged into one. Rubber calculations. the pain does not actually come from the kidneys as kidney stones are painless. In general, in this case, you feel pain because the stone has been moved from the kidneys to the ureter and bladder, causing renal colic, while the stones are being removed from the body.

Depending on the underlying cause, kidney pain may also be present.

List of the most common renal pathologies affecting women

The list of the most common kidney diseases in women can include:

Symptoms of kidney disease in a woman determine their relationship to a particular pathology. By accurately identifying them, you can identify the disease.

Serious symptoms that may indicate a potentially life-threatening condition include: heat, lack of urine, changes in care levels, cardiac arrhythmias, rapid breathing and strong pain. It is very important when you visit your doctor to tell you when the pain started, what belongs, whether acute or chronic pain and if you have other symptoms.

Treatment for kidney pain depends on the cause. If you have been diagnosed with a urinary tract infection, you will need antibiotics. If you have kidney stones, pain relievers, or lithotripsy, tunnel surgery is used. In the case of polycystic kidney disease, the goal of treatment is to control symptoms.

Characteristics and symptoms of renal pathologies

What does the concept of nephritis and its main symptoms include?

Jade is understood as a group renal pathologies inflammatory nature affecting the glomerular apparatus. This group of diseases includes:

  • pyelonephritis - inflammation of bacterial etiology;
  • glomerulonephritis - an inflammatory process that occurs in the renal glomeruli;
  • interstitial nephritis - a pathology accompanied by damage to the interstitial tissue and renal tubules;
  • shunt nephritis - the so-called immunocomplex glomerulonephritis.

The causes of the development of pathology do not affect the symptoms of kidney disease in women. Inflammation of the kidneys symptoms in women: andm are characterized by manifestations in the form general weakness, loss of appetite, constant dryness in the mouth and thirst, as well as in the form of headaches and back pain. Development pathological process leads to a decrease in the amount of urine, to the occurrence of flatulence, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. In addition, symptoms of kidney disease in women may include swelling of the face and legs. In this case, the presence of protein and increased amount lipids.

In case of prolonged inflammatory process seizures may occur muscle pain, as well as great weakness and paresthesia - sensation of numbness and tingling skin.

Explained given state significant loss of chlorides and potassium. Sometimes, as complications of nephritis, one can observe the development of hydrothorax and hydropericardium, accompanied by the appearance of shortness of breath even with the physical inactivity of the patient.

The occurrence of swelling of the extremities leads to a limitation of the normal activity of a woman, accompanied by pallor and peeling of the skin, dryness and brittleness of nails / hair, and a decrease in body temperature.

Nephropathy of pregnancy

Often, the development of nephropathy in pregnant women is associated with multiple pregnancies or with the first pregnancy. This can be explained by an increase in the uterus, which leads to compression of neighboring organs of the small pelvis. If compression of the ureters is observed, then the outflow of urine is disturbed, provoking the development of edema, which can be either minor or extensive, affecting the entire body. Against this background, it is possible infectious inflammation, hypertension and albuminuria.

If during the period of bearing a child, a woman had hidden edema, then she needs to undergo differential diagnosis nephropathy, and dropsy.

With kidney disease, a symptom in women carrying a child may be constant desire urination, while the amount of urine separated will decrease. Sometimes similar condition provokes the development acute form pathology associated with renal colic, nausea, vomiting, lowering blood pressure and fever.

If the patient has noticed the presence of these symptoms, then she needs to seek urgent medical care otherwise she may develop hydronephrosis.

Polycystic kidney disease in women

Polycystic kidney disease is a serious hereditary pathology. This disease is more common in women than in men. It usually affects both organs and is accompanied by a replacement of the normal renal tissue cystic formations with different sizes that arise as a result of a violation of the condition of the renal tubules. Some tubules have blind endings, and when they are filled with urine, blisters, so-called cysts, form, making the kidneys look like grapes. As a rule, this characteristic of women pathology is accompanied by the development of cysts in neighboring organs, for example, in the liver.

Symptoms of diseased kidneys in women in the case of polycystic are: lumbar pain of a dull nature, thirst and frequent copious urination. In the absence of a full-fledged treatment, after some time the patient can earn kidney failure, cardiovascular disorders, or arterial hypertension. The urine of such women contains an admixture of blood. The result of the neglect of the disease is the development of pyelonephritis, which in turn accelerates the development of renal failure.

You will learn more about polycystic kidney disease from the video:


Another pathology of the kidneys, especially common in women, is inflammation. Bladder or cystitis. Bound development this disease With anatomical features female genitourinary system. Increased Risk the development of cystitis is due to a short urethra and located in the immediate vicinity of it by the vagina and rectum. Women suffer from cystitis 50 times more often than men.

Symptoms of this disease are: frequent urination, fever, pain in the lower abdomen. If the disease is not treated, it can become chronic.

Thus, the listed pathologies are the most common kidney diseases.

Symptoms in women at the time of bearing a child are more often manifested in the last stages of pregnancy, already closer to childbirth, however, in any case, with the appearance of uncharacteristic normal state symptoms women should consult their doctor.

By itself, the structure of the sand, which is in a motionless, but accumulating state, does not bring much discomfort. start the symptoms of the exit of sand from the kidneys in women only manifest themselves after the start of its movement along the path to the "exit". This becomes noticeable when urinating, when, together with urine, it moves along urinary tract, irritating the thinnest mucous membranes.

Pain may also be present, which is localized from the side of the lower back on the side of the affected part of the organ. It can gradually spread to the abdomen, and then to the groin. Unpleasant sensation accompanied by a cutting, stabbing, and generally sharp character.

Dark urine is sure sign the presence of sand in the kidney symptoms in women. At all advanced stage drops of blood or even pus can “swim” in it. If the disease is ignored at this stage, then organ loss can be achieved.

The temperature in this state should not be, since this does not lead to inflammation, but vomiting, nausea reflexes and high blood pressure frequent companion sandy contents in the kidneys.

Imagining moving sand and a stone along the ureter of the same diameter, one can guess that with kidney stones, the symptoms in women will be much more painful and intense.

And if the first can safely leave genitourinary system on their own, bringing only a little discomfort, then the stones, due to their size and shape, are very traumatic for the insides and can get stuck halfway through, blocking the outflow of urine.

Before the calculus begins its movement, it does not manifest itself for several years, but simply grows until salts and other solid microparticles are deposited on it.

As soon as it all starts, a woman has acute colic from the side and above the belt, then the pain begins to descend along with the stone and radiate to the lower abdomen, groin and

even in the vagina. Urine becomes cloudy, and the process itself becomes more problematic. Grains of sand or particles of stones may appear in the urine.

To accurately determine the cause of the pathology, the type of stone and other points, it is better to go to a professional.

kidney cancer

This pathology can develop as an independent problem, or as a result of the lack of treatment of others. kidney disease. If there is kidney cancer, symptoms in women can always be seen even outwardly. The patient abruptly loses appetite, and consequently, weight. She is weak and pale. Blunt pain on the side it almost never leaves, and if you probe this side, you can find a strong swelling. Constant temperature jumps, as well as blood in the urine, are present in a woman throughout the entire time.

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