Healthy teeth mean a beautiful smile. Healthy teeth: what you need to know and do to have them? Regular and proper brushing of teeth

Each of us dreams of a beautiful white-toothed smile, which is why regular hygiene and oral care is very important. With improper care, you run the risk of getting a number of unpleasant dental problems, such as gum disease, various infections, bone thinning, as well as other diseases (strokes, heart attacks and many others). A thorough brushing of your teeth and a preventive check-up at the dentist once every six months will help you prevent all this. In addition, with these simple actions you can ensure good oral hygiene.

Below is a list of 10 useful tips to follow if you want to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful.

1. Thorough cleaning

This is the easiest and most affordable way to keep your mouth clean. All you need to do is hold your toothbrush at a 45 degree angle to your gum line. That is, both gum lines, as well as the surface of the teeth, should be in close contact with the bristles of the brush. Close the jaws together and with the help of "back and forth", "up and down" movements, begin to brush the outer surface of the teeth. Do not press too hard on the toothbrush - you can damage the gums. To clean the inside of the teeth, position the brush at a 45-degree angle to the gum line and teeth. The movements are the same: up and down, forward and back. Don't forget the tongue and palate - they are often the main cause of bad breath (poor hygiene encourages bacteria to multiply, which in turn causes bad breath). It is recommended to brush your teeth at least twice a day to prevent excessive accumulation of acid - the result of the process of splitting food by bacteria. If, for whatever reason, you are unable to perform a full oral cleansing, then it will be useful to rinse your mouth with water after each meal. Thus, you will remove the remnants of food from the teeth, depriving the bacteria of a nutrient substrate.

2. Dental floss

Many will say that it is too boring and tiring to floss after every snack or meal. Many simply forget, others neglect this simple procedure. But in vain. After all, only dental floss can penetrate into the most inaccessible places, unlike the most professional brush or rinse aid. Dental floss perfectly cleans the interdental space, removes plaque, removes food debris. Dentists recommend flossing at least once a day.

3. Quit smoking

Trust me, your teeth will thank you so much! First, quitting smoking will save you from possible oral cancer, as well as various periodontal complications. Secondly, you will reduce the use of lollipops, chewing gum, tea, coffee, since there will no longer be a need to mask the smell of tobacco. This is also a big plus for the condition of the teeth.

4. Limit your consumption of carbonated drinks, coffee, alcohol

The fact is that all these drinks contain a lot of phosphorus. And although it is a useful mineral for the oral cavity, in large quantities it causes calcium deficiency, which leads to serious problems with teeth and gums. Caries also develops due to a lack of calcium in the body. Also, these drinks often contain various additives, such as corn syrup and food coloring - they are very harmful to tooth enamel. Even the brightest smile will quickly fade if you do not limit the use of sweet soda, coffee and alcohol. Milk - that's what you need to strengthen the enamel, nourish the dental tissue. Do not forget about clean water - it will nourish your body with life-giving moisture and help maintain healthy teeth.

5. Calcium and other vitamins are essential for oral health.

Calcium is essential for maintaining a beautiful smile. Lots of calcium. This mineral is very important not only for teeth, but also for bones. Include milk, freshly squeezed orange juice, yogurt, broccoli, cottage cheese, and other dairy products in your diet. You may want to think about taking additional nutritional supplements and vitamin complexes, but only after consulting your doctor. Remember: calcium and vitamin D are good for teeth and gums. Vitamin B plays an important role in protecting the oral cavity: it prevents bleeding and cracking of the gums. Copper, zinc, iodine, iron and potassium are also essential for good oral hygiene.

6. See your dentist regularly

It is necessary to visit the dentist at least twice a year for preventive examinations and hygiene procedures. In addition, it is necessary to take an x-ray of the oral cavity from time to time in order to exclude or detect any pathologies.

7. Use mouthwash

Not all conditioners help. You need to choose the right liquid for you. For example, Listerine mouthwashes contain chlorine dioxide, which is very good for teeth because it kills bacteria, removes plaque and prevents bad breath. Of course, you cannot achieve perfect oral hygiene with one rinse, but as a finishing touch, after daily manipulations with a toothbrush and floss, it is perfect.

8. If you have a toothache

If you have a toothache, do not put off a visit to the dentist. The doctor diagnoses the cause of the pain and eliminates it. Do not wait until a minor discomfort develops into a big problem.

9. Dental problems can lead to serious diseases.

We all should pay great attention to the state of the oral cavity, because it is the teeth and gums that are an indicator of the level of general health. Dental problems can lead to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, various infections, as well as speech impediments and inability to chew food. Crooked teeth cause inflammation of the gums, which in turn can lead to tooth loss. Remember: straight teeth are not just for beauty.

10. Be sure to brush your tongue

The tongue should be cleaned daily. With the help of a special brush for the tongue, you can remove pathogenic bacteria from its surface, which are the cause of many diseases and infections. In addition, due to the vital activity of bacteria on the rough surface of the tongue, an unpleasant odor from the mouth (halitosis) appears.

Dental health is a pressing issue for many people today. In today's world, there are more and more devices for dental care. Highly qualified dentists are always ready to help. But people's teeth continue to deteriorate.

In big cities it is quite difficult to meet a person who would have a full mouth of healthy teeth. And this is not surprising - evolutionary progress relieves us of the difficulties of eating food. We no longer chew on tough cuts of raw meat. All our food is very soft and tender. Numerous steamers, slow cookers and blenders turn food into puree, which is just what you need to swallow.

But hard food is needed for our teeth to train and cleanse. In ancient times, people gnawed on edible twigs that played the role of a toothbrush - in this way they cleaned the gaps of the teeth from stuck food debris. Then there was no such aggressive environment for the teeth - the food was of medium temperature, no hot and cold dishes. The person did not consume a lot of sweets and fruit acid, which is harmful to dental health. Modern living conditions do not spare our teeth and make them die as unnecessary - they become loose and fall out completely. How to keep your teeth healthy so that you can eat raw vegetables and meat steaks until old age? There are several conditions that will help keep your teeth healthy and strong.

Proper hygiene

  1. Brush your teeth! Teeth should be brushed twice daily. Cleaning should take at least three minutes. Brushing your teeth does not mean brushing them frantically. It is necessary to carefully clean the most inaccessible places. Brushing is best done along, not across, the teeth.
  2. Rinsing. After each meal, microscopic pieces of food remain in the mouth, which, when oxidized, harm the teeth. Therefore, after eating, rinse your mouth thoroughly with clean or salt water.
  3. Change of toothbrush. Change your toothbrush at least once every three months. After all, no matter how you wash it after cleaning, a huge number of pathogenic bacteria accumulate on it. With prolonged use of the same brush, caries can develop.
  4. Individual brush selection. When choosing a toothbrush, pay attention to its stiffness. It should be moderately hard in order to thoroughly clean the spaces between the teeth. At the same time, an overly hard brush can damage the enamel and gums. The choice of brush should be as individual as possible.
  5. Electric brush. If brushing your teeth brings you pleasure, if you like to brush your teeth often and for a long time, get an electric toothbrush.
  6. Gum. If after dinner in a public place you do not have the opportunity to rinse your mouth at all, you need to use sugar-free chewing gum. It will help clear your mouth of food debris.
  7. Dental floss. If you have eaten hard foods (such as meat), small fibers may remain between your teeth. Be sure to use a toothpick or dental floss.
  8. Means for rinsing the mouth. Often people suffer from bad breath despite their best efforts to maintain good oral hygiene. To avoid this, you need to regularly rinse your mouth with a special antibacterial composition. It not only eliminates unpleasant odors, but also blocks various processes of decay and inflammation in the mouth.
  9. Toothpaste. Many dentists advise changing toothpaste regularly, as bacteria can adapt to one or another paste and eventually stop responding to it.
  10. Paste with fluoride. There are special toothpastes that contain fluoride, which protects teeth from nicotine. These pastes are recommended for smokers. However, if you really want to protect your teeth, maybe it makes sense to stop smoking?
  11. A trip to the dentist. Everyone knows that in order to maintain healthy teeth, you need to visit the dentist regularly, at least once every six months. Be honest, when was the last time you saw a doctor? Most people go to a specialist only when the toothache becomes unbearable.

Every day, our teeth encounter a variety of foods - hot, cold, sour and sweet. All this affects the condition of the teeth. Everyone knows from an early age that you can not eat very cold or very hot foods - this destroys tooth enamel. To keep your teeth strong, you need to limit your consumption of hot coffee. Caffeine, found in coffee, chocolate and strong tea, destroys and loosens tooth enamel.

From childhood, we are told about the dangers of sweets. Sugar is the most favorable environment for the development of bacteria. Especially when sugar gets stuck in the gaps between the teeth. This is a direct path to caries. If your child likes to eat sweets, you should carefully monitor the condition of his teeth. Babies need to brush their teeth already after 10-12 months of life, when he switches to an adult table. After the next candy or cake, ask the baby to drink water (since they still do not know how to rinse their mouths at this age). And don't give your baby milk right before bed. Particles of dairy products are very corrosive to tooth enamel. It is better to drink milk, and then rinse your mouth with water.

You can clean your teeth from dirt, plaque and tartar with the help of coarse food. Eat more raw vegetables and fruits. Let it be better in your home in a conspicuous place not a vase of sweets, but a basket of fruit. Offer your child a peeled crispy carrot instead of a waffle, perhaps he will agree? It's much healthier and tastier. And try not to peel the fruit - it also has a lot of useful substances (this does not apply to paraffin-coated fruits brought from afar). The peel of the fruit cleans the spaces between the teeth well.

To keep your teeth strong, you need to eat more foods rich in calcium and phosphorus. These are cottage cheese, kefir, spinach, cheese, milk, beans. The use of citrus fruits reduces bleeding gums, and also suppresses the development of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Fish and seafood have a very good effect on the condition of the teeth - they contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Nuts are considered a good exercise for the teeth. But do not chew on walnuts or almonds with your teeth - you can lose them altogether.

It is interesting! Everyone knows that teething in infants is a painful process for both parents and the baby. Teeth actively begin to grow in a child after six months, at the same time, feeding the baby begins. One of the first complementary foods is homemade cottage cheese. Usually cottage cheese is made like this - kefir is added to milk and put on a slow fire. When the milk curdles, it must be thrown back onto cheesecloth and squeezed out. One well-known pediatrician advises instead of kefir to add an ampoule of Calcium chlorine to milk (exactly the one that we use for “hot” intravenous injections). When the milk curdles, you'll have a healthier curd loaded with extra calcium. It is not only useful, but also delicious. If the baby eats such cottage cheese every day, the teeth will begin to grow by leaps and bounds.

Dental health comes from within

Recent studies by scientists have proven that caries occurs in people who have general problems in the body. Low immunity, chronic diseases, diseases of the digestive tract - all this affects the health of the teeth. In ancient times, when a master hired a laborer, he looked at the condition of his teeth. If they were healthy, then it was possible to judge the good health of the person himself. If the teeth turned out to be rotten and black, then the health of the worker left much to be desired. Such laborers were not hired.

The state of human health was assessed by the teeth in the past, but even now it is a fairly significant indicator. If you, despite observing all hygiene measures, are faced with the constant formation of caries, if inflammation often occurs in your mouth, then it's time to see a doctor.

  1. In order for the teeth to sit tightly in their “nests”, and the gums to hold them tightly, gymnastics for the teeth is needed. It consists in gnawing a clean twig. At first, this must be done carefully so as not to leave your teeth on this branch. While walking in the park, pluck a branch from a tree and dust it with a handkerchief or napkin. Carefully bite the branch along its entire length. When the teeth are strong enough, you can add another exercise - try to pull a piece of wood from the branch with your teeth. Such gymnastics, although it seems ridiculous, is very useful for those who have noticed that their teeth have begun to loosen.
  2. There is one proven recipe for healthy teeth and strong gums. It is suitable in the fight against periodontal disease. Mix a tablespoon of honey with half a teaspoon of salt. Wait for the salt to dissolve completely - otherwise you will hurt yourself with grains of salt. Massage the gums with this composition as often as possible, and in a few days the gums will begin to grow stronger.
  3. If you suffer from tartar, you need to rinse your teeth with a decoction of horsetail. It cleans and disinfects the surface of the teeth. Against tartar, you need to eat lemon and drink black radish juice. The juice of this root crop contains special phytoncides that break down the formation of tartar and gradually remove it.
  4. Sometimes the edges of the teeth are “adorned” with black stripes, which are very unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view. The following recipe will help get rid of them. Take burdock root and grind it. In the same amount, we need bean husks. Mix the two ingredients and prepare a strong saturated decoction based on the collection. They need to rinse their mouth several times a day. After a week of regular rinsing, you will notice a noticeable result.
  5. Mix a tablespoon of calamus tincture and the same amount of propolis tincture. Take the prepared mixture in your mouth and rinse your mouth with it for as long as possible. This remedy strengthens enamel and improves gum health.
  6. Oak bark contains a lot of tannins. Brew the crushed oak bark in a thermos and rinse the oral cavity with the prepared composition before going to bed. This will get rid of any inflammatory processes, heal sores and eliminate even the most persistent smell from the mouth of smokers.

To keep your teeth healthy, you need to follow all hygiene measures. Choose healthy foods with coarse fibers, do not drink soda, eat medium temperature foods. Eliminate coffee, smoking and alcohol from your diet. Change the quality of life, and then you can keep your teeth healthy until old age.

Video: how to keep your teeth healthy

Here is such a simple formula. Most likely, you don't think about your teeth until you drink ice-cold water, or you have a flashing reminder on your phone, reminding you that it's time for you to visit the dentist. Be that as it may, you should pay more attention to your teeth. Your teeth are one of the first things people around you see when you smile and greet them.

It has an important impact not only on the health of your teeth, but also on the health of the whole organism. Tooth decay and inflammation of the gums can be not only painful, but also contribute to the development of many serious diseases, including diabetes and respiratory diseases, as well as various infections.

In childhood and adolescence, we usually do not have the habit of caring for the oral cavity. Children very often forget about the need to brush or floss their teeth, which cannot be said about adults who regularly brush their teeth at least 2 times a day.

It is worth noting that only 28% of respondents gave an affirmative answer to the question about the daily use of dental floss, while most people are well aware of the need to use it. In America, the problem of dental health is especially acute, due to the abundance of unhealthy fast food and insufficient oral care. Against this background, Americans develop various health problems.

According to the US Academy of General Dentistry, approximately 75% of Americans suffer from some form of gum disease or gingivitis. According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cavities occur in one in three adults.

So what impact can your teeth have on your overall health, and how can you stay healthy with oral care? Here are some tips to help keep your teeth healthy and give you a beautiful white smile.

Inflammation of the gums

Inflammation of the gums, also known as periodontal disease, occurs when plaque - a sticky, colorless film of bacteria - builds up on the teeth, turning into tartar over time, which can cause infections in the gums. If left untreated, this inflammation can increase the risk of respiratory disease because the bacteria in the plaque can travel from the mouth to the lungs, causing an infection or worsening pre-existing lung problems.

Gingival inflammation can also spread to the bones underneath the teeth, causing them to dissolve and therefore not be able to provide support for the teeth themselves (roughly speaking, we are talking about total loss of teeth). The study also shows a link between diabetes and gum disease. Diabetic patients have been found to be significantly more likely to develop gum disease than non-diabetics. Thus, if there were cases of diabetes in your family, it means that nature itself bequeathed to you to be as attentive as possible to your teeth.

The symptoms of gum disease can vary from one person to another, with the exception of one characteristic symptom, such as swelling, redness and sensitivity of the gums. Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing can be a warning sign, as can recessed gums, bad breath, teeth falling out or moving out of the jaw line. If you experience any of these symptoms, be sure to contact your dentist.

Your dentist or periodontist will be able to give you an accurate diagnosis of gingivitis or gingivitis (a type of gum disease) with an examination and plain x-rays. Treatment usually includes the removal of plaque, in especially serious cases, it can go as far as surgery.


I think you are familiar with caries firsthand. Caries is a sign of tooth decay, which, in turn, is a violation of the structure of the tooth. The decay can damage tooth enamel and the inside of the tooth, and occurs mainly with excessive consumption of sugar and starchy foods, such as sodas, flour products, and hard candies, which tend to stick to the teeth.

Regular visits to the dentist will prevent the occurrence of caries, with advanced caries, pain may occur, especially after consuming sweet, hot or cold foods and drinks. You may also observe the appearance of small holes and holes in the teeth. During treatment, the doctor may remove the affected part of the tooth or replace it with a filling. More serious cases that cause damage to the tooth structure may be the reason for the installation of crowns.

teeth gaps

You may think that tooth spacing is just a cosmetic problem, but it's not as harmless as it seems. Teeth that fit too tightly together can cause gum problems, as can teeth that don't fit properly, causing food to get stuck between the teeth and therefore inevitably increasing the risk of gum disease. An orthodontist can help straighten your teeth (even for adults) with braces, invisible retainers, or other oral health aids.

Other problems

What's more, poor dental and oral health can cause sleep disturbances, lower self-esteem and self-confidence, and have a negative impact on the ability to chew and digest food thoroughly. Smoking also has a damaging effect on your teeth. Tobacco smoke and chewing tobacco are very harmful to the gums, and the toxins in these products can cause oral cancer, damage the bones around the teeth, causing tooth loss.

How to keep your teeth healthy and your smile beautiful

It turns out that mom was right: "Brush your teeth 2 times a day, use dental floss." These simple tips saved from the appearance of plaque, improved breathing and kept teeth white. Moreover, according to studies, people who brush their teeth twice a day are 30% less likely to become victims of heart disease compared to people who brush their teeth just once a day. It turns out that inflammation of the gums can lead to damage to the arteries.

  • Avoid consumption of sweets and. Give preference to vegetables.
  • Make sure your toothpaste and mouthwash contain fluoride, which helps prevent tooth decay.
  • If you wear braces, make sure that there are no bits of food stuck in them and remove any leftovers with dental floss and interdental brushes to clean the space between the braces.
  • Wear mouth guards when playing contact sports.
  • Visit your dentist regularly (twice a year) to make sure your teeth are healthy.

Remember that healthy teeth not only give you a beautiful smile, but also keep your mouth healthy and improve your overall health. Take care of your teeth regularly and properly.

Healthy teeth- these days it is the calling card of any successful person. A sincere open smile is conducive to communication and makes you want to make an acquaintance. The sight of dilapidated decaying teeth exuding an unpleasant odor, on the contrary, repels and contributes to the formation of a wrong opinion about a person, despite all his obvious advantages. What foods will help keep your teeth for years to come?

1. Solid vegetables and fruits - exercise for the teeth

The heat treatment of products, which a person resorts to to improve their taste and better preservation, greatly facilitates the work of the teeth. Yes, what makes it easier - it deprives the natural millstones of their work. As you know, any organ that has lost the ability to fully perform its functions will eventually atrophy as unnecessary. The same thing happens with teeth. Soft food does not benefit them at all: according to the research of the American anthropologist Peter Lucas from the University of D. Washington, it is the cause of dental problems in 90% of people. Fresh vegetables and fruits - apples, carrots, cucumbers - provide teeth with chewing load and vitamin and mineral support, remove plaque, strengthen gum tissues and muscles of the oral cavity, stimulate blood circulation.

2. Berries - teeth whitening

Many berries contain pectins and organic acids in abundance. The former, being dietary plant fibers, perfectly cope with the role of a cleaning agent - they remove age spots from tooth enamel. The second - perfectly whiten teeth. So, fresh strawberries are rich in malic acid - it is this substance that is included in whitening toothpastes, since it allows you to lighten the natural tone of the enamel without affecting the sensitivity of the teeth. The named acid breaks down substances that cause darkening of the enamel. True, it can also damage the surface of the teeth, and therefore people with thin and naturally sensitive enamel are not recommended to practice this method of whitening often. Some berries, such as cranberries and grapes, also have bactericidal properties, thanks to which they are able to provide reliable prevention of caries.

3. Greens - a source of nutrients for teeth and gums

Parsley, spinach, dill, green onions, celery, tarragon, lettuce, various types of leafy lettuce are sources of vitamins and minerals for teeth and gums. Greens contain: calcium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, fluorine, zinc, selenium, iron, beta-carotene, all groups of vitamins. macro and trace elements, coming with food, largely determine the mineral composition of saliva, on which the state of tooth enamel depends.

If there are a lot of minerals in saliva, they are absorbed into the hard surface of the teeth and strengthen it, but if there are few, they begin to wash out of the enamel. Teeth darken and decay. No less important for the oral cavity and vitamin support. So, beta-carotene helps fight inflammation, and groups B improve the condition of the gums, protect against gingivitis and increased bleeding. Among other things, greens have an antibacterial effect, thereby preventing tooth decay and bad breath.

4. Nuts - reduce toothache and get rid of caries

Cashew nuts and almonds are excellent remedies for getting rid of cavities and relieving toothache. The first contains a substance called anarcadic acid. They have the ability to destroy antibiotic-resistant gram-positive bacteria, which are the most common cause of tooth decay. Japanese researchers Masaki Himejima and Isao Kubo have found that cashew nuts can defeat tooth decay and other diseases caused by the above bacteria in just 15-30 minutes. Another scientist - Charles Weber - successfully applied them to eliminate purulent inflammation of the tooth. Almonds (bitter) are interesting in that they contain the strongest alkaloid - amygdalin glycoside, which gives the nut powerful analgesic properties. Vanadium, a substance involved in the formation of bone tissue, including teeth, was found in pine nuts.

5. Water - protection against pathogenic microbes

Saliva consists of 98.5% water - a natural disinfectant of the oral cavity and an acid-base balance regulator. With insufficient intake of natural fluid in the body, saliva production is reduced. We feel dryness in the mouth, but for pathogens, a holiday is coming. They begin to multiply rapidly. Another useful property of water is to clean the teeth from plaque and acids harmful to enamel. The fact is that its composition often contains fluorine salts that form a protective film on the teeth. This film protects them from contact with acids that wash away minerals from tooth enamel.

6. Hard cheese - prevention of acid-base imbalance

Maintaining an acid-base balance is essential for dental health. Normally, the pH of the oral cavity should be above 7. Its level of 5.5 and below creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, triggers the mechanism of tooth decay, erasing their enamel. Scientists from India studied 75 volunteers aged 12-16. They were divided into three groups. In each, the pH of the oral cavity was measured before and after the experiment. Participants in the first group consumed hard cheese, the second - unsweetened yogurt, the third - cow's milk. It has been found that hard cheese, unlike other dairy products, prevents a decrease in pH levels and protects teeth from caries and decay.

7. Drone homogenate will help calcium get to the teeth

Calcium is a building material for the construction of teeth and bones. However, the bricks themselves do not stack into the wall - builders are needed. The role of the latter in the body is performed by special cells. Sometimes their number decreases for one reason or another. Most often, hormonal imbalances are to blame. The bricks remain floating in the bloodstream, not claimed by anyone. Unabsorbed calcium clogs the vessels, as well as the tissues and organs that these vessels feed. Russian scientists have found a solution to this problem. They suggested using a unique bee product - to normalize the hormonal background and increase the number of bone tissue builders. showed that eating this substance helps to strengthen teeth and get rid of cavities in the bones.

Of course, the use of these products does not negate the observance of oral hygiene, the rules of healthy and regular preventive visits to the dentist. However, it can protect teeth from many problems and prolong their youth for a long time.



Dental elements of a person are not capable of self-healing, therefore, throughout life, they require careful care in order to maintain a healthy, beautiful smile. The main rule that everyone should remember is thorough oral hygiene and a scheduled visit to the dentist. Additionally, to maintain healthy teeth, you should pay attention to a number of useful facts.

15 facts about dental health

In fact, there is no medical indication for this procedure. Whitening is recommended only for smokers and lovers of coffee drinks. In this case, the resulting plaque is removed with minimal impact on the structure of the enamel. If you use regularly whitening pastes or carry out a professional procedure, then the enamel becomes thinner, and the teeth become hypersensitive. Dentin begins to react to external stimuli. Thanks to him, the teeth look white with transparent enamel. However, as you age, your teeth will naturally take on a yellowish tint. To minimize this manifestation, you can use tooth powder.

Fact 2. Exposure to food acids

To maintain healthy and strong teeth, you should minimize the consumption of certain foods or use them correctly. The most striking example is the use of wines, citrus juices and carbonated drinks. If a person slowly drinks these drinks (so to speak, enjoying the taste), then an acid is formed in the oral cavity, which negatively affects the enamel. As a result, hypersensitivity begins to occur, and then the teeth undergo destructive processes. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to minimize acid exposure.

Fact 3. Oral hygiene more than twice

It is a common practice to brush your teeth in the morning and before bed. However, dentists recommend hygiene procedures every time after eating. Thus, it is possible to avoid the accumulation of microbes in the oral cavity, which adversely affect the condition of the teeth. In order to eliminate food residues between the teeth (for example, after eating meat dishes), you must use dental floss (it is not capable of damaging the gums, unlike toothpicks).

Why brushing your teeth is important, the video will tell.

Video - Teeth cleaning and health

It is also important to choose the right toothpaste and mouthwash (it is best to consult a dentist, who will be able to advise the means according to the state of health of the dental cavity). A person may not notice that he has inflamed gums or dental tissues undergoing destructive processes, therefore, in each case, an individual remedy is selected. These can be toothpastes, foams, gels, varnishes, rinses, which have a beneficial effect on the gums and restore tooth enamel. At the same time, movements with a toothbrush are very important - only vertical ones, thus, the enamel layer is cleaned, but the enamel layer is not damaged.

Fact 4: Fluoride is essential for dental health

To restore and strengthen teeth, dentists use a special substance - fluoride. However, you can replenish the body with fluoride on your own with the help of certain foods. To do this, it is recommended to introduce fluoridated salt, fish and seafood, green tea into the daily diet. Thanks to them, the body will be replenished with substances necessary for the teeth.

Fact 5. It is better to use only white toothpastes.

We are talking about gel toothpastes, these toothpastes bring a minimum of benefit, so they should be discarded. It is recommended to give preference to toothpastes containing medicinal herbs or other additives, for example, phosphates, calcium salts. These trace elements contribute to the mineralization of tooth enamel, which means they prevent caries formation. You need to supplement these dental products with brushes with soft bristles or bristles of medium hardness.

Attention! Toothbrushes need to be changed every two months!

Fact 6. Rinse protects teeth

Every time, even after a minimal snack, you should use a mouthwash. If there is no such remedy at hand, then ordinary water can cope with cleansing the oral cavity of unnecessary food debris. The need for this procedure is explained by the fact that not all people with the function of cleansing cope with saliva. Therefore, every time after a snack with sweets or other products, it is necessary to rinse your mouth.

Fact 7. Tea is a remedy for teeth

If we consider the use of folk recipes, then black tea without sugar can save from bleeding gums. To do this, you should brew a tea bag in a cup of boiling water, let it cool to an acceptable temperature, and rinse your mouth twice a day. Green tea has no less benefit, which can be used as a prophylaxis against caries formations (the method of preparation is similar to black tea).

Fact 8. Even, but with caries

Very often, people resort to the use of braces to align the dentition. However, they forget the main point that when braces are installed, more thorough dental hygiene is needed, since caries can develop. This is explained by the fact that food remains stuck between the parts of the braces create favorable conditions for the reproduction of bacteria, resulting in a short wait for the formation of caries. In this case, constant brushing of the teeth and the use of mouthwashes are required.

Fact 9. Beware of solid foods

People very often do not attach importance to those products that can damage the enamel. These include nuts, seeds, popcorn. Oddly enough, but these products contribute to the formation of microcracks on the surface of the teeth.

Another problem for teeth is piercing. Ornament on the lip or tongue adversely affects the condition of the teeth.

It is important! Piercing enthusiasts are 40% more likely to suffer from brittle teeth. In addition, the metal from which the jewelry is made can easily react with saliva and contribute to the spread of bacteria. Also, teeth can be deformed, which will eventually lead to their loss.

Fact 10. Professional cleaning of the oral cavity every six months

Planned trips to the dentist are essential to keep your teeth healthy. Through professional hygiene, the oral cavity is cleaned as much as possible from harmful microorganisms, and the formation of caries is also prevented. In addition, fillings may need to be replaced. Under obsolete fillings, secondary caries can easily develop. It is worth noting that some fillings can be made from cements that have a toxic effect on dental tissue.

Attention! Long-term wearing of an old filling can lead to subsequent inflammation of the pulp.

Fact 11. Chewing gum is not only healthy, but also harmful

Despite the positive aspects of chewing gum (eliminating food debris and mouth odor), it actively produces gastric juice. In addition, a large amount of saliva is produced, which can lead to depletion of the salivary glands, and further to dryness of the mucous membrane, followed by the likelihood of injury. The protective functions of saliva are impaired.

Fact 12. Cheese and cottage cheese are good for teeth

Calcium is one of the most important elements for dental health. To compensate for the daily dose for the body, one hundred grams of Dutch cheese should be consumed daily. However, this is not the only benefit of it. Regular use of this cheese is able to create a protective shell on the dental elements, thus neutralizing the effects of acids. Therefore, it is very important to eat a slice of cheese after eating sweets or foods high in citric acid. Another source of calcium is cottage cheese. It must be included in the diet as one of the most necessary products.

Fact 13. The influence of aromatherapy

As strange as it may sound, the smells of lavender and rosemary can affect the composition of saliva. Consequently, antibacterial components are activated in saliva, preventing the rapid destruction of the enamel coating. This theory was proved by Japanese scientists.

Fact 14. Regular change of hygiene products

As it turned out, every two to three months you should change not only your toothbrush, but also your toothpaste. Bacteria of the oral cavity easily adapt to the usual dental remedy, and after a few months there will be practically no result from brushing your teeth.

Fact 15. Teeth grinding destroys enamel

Very often, for one reason or another, a person grinds his teeth in his sleep. Such friction contributes to the erasure of the enamel layer. Therefore, all factors that provoke this phenomenon should be eliminated.

Video - 7 interesting facts about the teeth

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