Transportation of animals by road. Animal on board. How to properly transport four-legged friends in a car Rules for transporting dogs in a car

Transporting a pet in a car is most often associated with the need to visit a veterinarian or an exhibition event. Many owners of dogs of various breeds do not want to leave their four-legged companions for a long time for a vacation or weekend and take them with them on a trip by car.

The right choice of devices and accessories, knowledge of the rules for transporting animals in transport, preparing a pet for a long journey will make the trip safe and comfortable.

Read in this article

Basic rules for transporting dogs in a car

According to the Rules of the Road, the transportation of pets in a personal vehicle is equivalent to the transportation of goods. The main requirements of the law are that the pet does not interfere with driving and does not block the driver's view.

It is necessary to follow the safety rules when transporting animals in a car both from the point of view of road safety and from the standpoint of maintaining the health of the pet itself. Unpredictable and uncontrolled movements on the part of the dog can lead to a traffic accident. At the same time, a restless animal can get seriously injured in a car if its paw gets under the seat, hitting its head on hard internal surfaces when braking.

To prevent injury to a pet, and even more so an accident on the road while the car is moving, the owner can follow the following rules for transporting dogs:

Car seat for dogs
  • Small breed dogs can be transported in a cage or carrier, which is secured with straps in the back seat of the vehicle.
  • When crossing the border, you must have an international veterinary passport. The pet must be microchipped. A prerequisite is a mark of vaccination against rabies.
  • When traveling across the country between regions, a veterinary passport is not required, but desirable.

The implementation of simple rules and recommendations will help the owner to travel safely and interestingly both over long distances and during short journeys, keep his interior clean and give the pet only a positive attitude towards traveling in a car.

Preparing an animal for travel

Various troubles can happen to animals on the road. Temperamental or shy pets do not always control the physiological processes in the car and can stain the interior with feces. Some dogs become motion sick during a long trip and vomit. To prevent adverse events will help the owner to follow the following rules for preparing the animal for the trip:

  • Feed the pet should be no later than 4 - 5 hours before the planned trip.
  • In order not to damage the interior, the seats should be protected with a waterproof oilcloth.
  • The owner needs to stock up on hygiene products: disposable absorbent diapers, fragrance-free wipes, garbage bags.
  • On the road, you need to collect a bowl, a plastic container with water. From food it is better to give preference to dry food. You should also grab a couple of toys so that the pet does not get bored during the trip.
  • If the animal was motion sick on previous trips, then it is necessary to consult with a veterinarian regarding the use of special medicines.

Things for the road for the dog

Comfort and safety when transporting four-legged friends in a personal car largely depends on whether the dog is accustomed to travel. In order for the animal to calmly perceive the journey, it should be taught the rules of good manners in the vehicle. Experienced cynologists recommend the following techniques in pet training:

By accustoming the animal to short-term trips using this method, the owner can increase the duration of the trip.

Transport accessories

In a specialized pet store, the owner will be offered a wide range of modern devices for the safe and convenient transportation of dogs of various breeds in a car.

cage and carrier

It is convenient to transport pets of miniature and medium-sized breeds in a cage or a special carrier. Such devices eliminate the risk of free movement of the animal through the cabin and are one of the safest means. The disadvantage of the cage is the stiffness of the dog's movements, in this regard, such a means of transportation is not suitable for long trips.

When choosing a device, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the pet. Carrying is suitable for dwarf and miniature breeds. For a larger pet, you should purchase a cage. You should also pay attention to the materials from which the carrier or cage is made and the presence of fasteners to hold the product on the car seat using belts.


A modern device allows you to solve two problems in the process of transporting a dog: it prevents pollution of the passenger compartment and contributes to the safe and comfortable stay of the animal in the closed space of the car.

The car hammock is installed in minutes. The device has special fasteners, as a rule, universal. Pet stores offer a variety of attachments - for the entire back seat or only two thirds of the back seat. Many car hammocks also have door protection, which will keep the car interior clean.


Calm pets who can easily endure a car trip, a device such as a seat cover is suitable. It is easy to use, reliably protects the interior of the car from wool and dirt. However, for active and restless dogs, the device is not suitable, since the cover does not restrict freedom of movement and there is a high probability of injury.


Protective cape for transportation of animals in the car is designed to protect the luggage compartment from scratches, wool and dirt. The device is made of practical material and equipped with nozzles for fastening in the trunk of a car. The protective agent is easy to use, easy to wash and does not take up much space when stored.

For information on how to transport a dog in a car, see this video:

Is it possible to transport without a cage

There are no clear prohibitions and restrictions on the transportation of dogs in a personal vehicle in the legislation on keeping animals. However, based on their own safety and the prevention of injuries in a pet, the owner should take a responsible approach to solving the problem.

It is possible to transport a dog in a car without any adaptation only in extreme cases and only representatives of miniature breeds. Such a journey is possible only if a partner is present in the cabin. Only an assistant can carry a pet during a short trip.

Features of transportation of large breeds

Four-legged friends with large dimensions should be transported in the luggage compartment of a station wagon or hatchback vehicle. In the event that the size of the car allows, you can place a large dog in the back seat, using a special harness for transportation for fixation. The device is securely attached to the car's security system (belt or to a special nest) and fixes the animal.

For transportation of large dogs, a barrier mesh made of durable materials can be used. The device separates the animal in the back seat from passengers and the driver. The design of the grid does not block the view and does not interfere with communication with a furry companion.

If the animal is to be transported in the luggage compartment of an SUV, a special ramp is used to safely move the pet into the vehicle.

How to keep your salon clean

The cleanliness of the car when transporting a dog can be maintained by using special
covers, capes, bedspreads. Pre-bathing and brushing your pet will help reduce the amount of hair in the cabin.

To maintain cleanliness on a trip, you should take napkins, garbage bags.

What to do if the dog is motion sick

Some animals do not tolerate long distance travel. Due to disruption of the vestibular apparatus during the trip, they get motion sickness. The dog has increased salivation, rapid breathing, depression and vomiting. Most often, such phenomena are observed in young animals up to a year. In adult pets, symptoms can occur with diseases of the middle ear.

To avoid unpleasant phenomena during a car ride, the owner should seek professional help. Your veterinarian will recommend medications to prevent motion sickness. For these purposes, Aeron, Dramin, Racefit, etc. are most often used.

Transportation of dogs in a private car is a common thing if the pet is accustomed in advance. Compliance with the rules of transportation, the use of special devices will ensure safety and comfort during a long journey. Covers and capes will help keep the car interior clean. In case of motion sickness, it is advisable to use the drugs recommended by the veterinarian.

Useful video

For information on what to do if the dog feels bad in the car, see this video:

When the need arises transport a pet to another city in Russia, the question arises: what is the best way to do this? This problem is especially acute if you don’t have your own car, because for most animals such trips are a shock.

In order to solve the problem of transporting an animal by car, just contact Animals Travel. We have a service "Transportation by car of pets". We will help transport your pets to another locality, to a neighboring city, for longer distances that are not within the reach of a typical city zoo taxi.


If you do not have a personal vehicle, and are also limited in your free time, then it would be logical to use the services of a third-party specialized organization to transport animals by car. Agree, taking pets by bus to another city in the Russian Federation is not very convenient. In addition, the excitement that animals experience causes them to show increased aggressiveness, growl loudly, scratch or even howl.

Protect your four-legged friend from stress - order the service "Transportation by car of pets" with us - Animals Travel!

Transportation by public transport creates inconvenience for other passengers, for the driver, for your pet. The transferred stress can negatively affect the behavior of the animal in the future. The pet may begin to rush at strangers or even run away from you and hide at the sight of the carrier. In any case, you will be responsible for the behavior of the animal, and if the pet tears clothes or bites a person, then you will pay compensation.

In order not to provoke aggression and protect your pet from stress, use the services of Animals Travel - long-distance transportation of pets by car. We will be happy to solve your problem, and we will comfortably deliver your pet to the right place, regardless of the distance. If your four-legged friend has such a trip for the first time, we will prompt and help you buy the necessary carrier, drinker, bedding, etc.


Our company values ​​its customers and is ready to provide them with a convenient service at an affordable price. With Animals Travel, you can easily travel with your four-legged friends not only throughout Russia, but all over the world. The service "Transportation of pets by car" can be arranged by calling the phone number available on the website or by sending a letter to our e-mail.

Every pet owner has faced the problem of transporting dogs in a car at least once. For a pet, a change in the usual environment, unfamiliar sounds and a lot of distracting smells - all this together creates a stressful situation. Frightened, the dog can damage the interior of the car, distract the driver from driving and eventually provoke a traffic accident. These are the main reasons why transporting a dog in a car should be taken seriously. And the car, and the animal, and yourself need to be prepared for the trip.

Rules for transporting dogs in a car

Turning to the legal requirements for transporting animals in a car, it is worth noting that nothing is impossible. In general, the rules are similar to the transport of goods.

The dog is obliged not to interfere with the driver when driving, not to block visibility, not to distract. These are the basic requirements of the law. For the rest, rely only on yourself. That is, you have the right to carry a dog in the front or back seat, in a cage, in a hammock, or without them at all. All these points are not specified in the rules.

In some cases, employees of the state automobile inspectorate threaten to issue a fine for transporting a dog in a car without a certificate from a veterinary clinic. Due to ignorance, the driver agrees and admits his guilt. As a result, he pays a fine, in fact, not for a violation, but for his legal illiteracy.

Vehicle owners traveling with their pets in the car should be aware that they are not eligible for this paragraph of the rules. A certificate from the state veterinary clinic during transportation must be with you when you travel in public transport or under a transportation contract. Thus, if you have already been fined, then you can challenge it through the court and not pay. And in the future, when you stop your car in which you are transporting a dog, you politely enough explain that you are aware of your rights and obligations regarding the travel of the animal, and solve the problem on the spot. Because the traffic police are actually well aware of the true rules for transporting pets.

Somewhat different requirements for finding four-legged friends on the hunting grounds. Here, the owner of the dog has the right to demand documents. Namely, he must have a passport with him with all vaccinations, depending on the age of the animal. In addition, the dog must be included in the hunting license. If there is no such record, then there is another way to transport the animal. Namely, the presence of a hunting dog passport in the pet itself. One of these documents must be carried by the owner.

How to train your dog to drive safely

It would seem that put a four-legged friend in a car and take it - what's wrong with that. This can only be done with an already accustomed pet. He put him in a hammock, a cage or hooked him with a harness - and that's it: the driver is not distracted from the road, the animal does not feel discomfort. Everyone is happy, everyone is happy. But it won't be all at once. This is what you need to come to.

It is best to train your dog to ride in a car from childhood. There are no special tricks here. It is enough that you will often take your pet on trips. So the dog will soon get rid of the fear of the car and problems with motion sickness.

With an already adult animal that was not transported by car, everything is much more complicated. To begin with, let him inspect an unstarted car. Let the dog figure it out, get used to it. Then turn on the engine and sit with the dog in the cabin. The next step is short trips. This way you will be sure that your pet will feel comfortable and avoid stress.

Devices for transporting dogs in the car

Undoubtedly, the easiest way to transport an animal in a car is sitting in the passenger compartment or in the arms of a passenger. But, unfortunately, this option is practical only for small breeds of dogs. And besides, the pet should be calm about transportation, it is easy to endure the entire trip in his arms. Yes, and there are enough minuses of the free presence of a dog in a car. The disadvantages include the following problems:

  • In the event of a traffic accident, your pet is in a high-risk area.
  • Dirt, sand, etc. from dog paws.
  • An animal can cause a traffic accident.
  • Dog claw scratches on dashboard, seat, doors, etc.

In addition to the whole animal itself, it is not entirely comfortable to be in a moving car without support. In sharp turns and heavy braking, it is extremely difficult for the dog to stay in a stable position.

For large and restless pets, there are several other options for traveling by vehicle, which, it should be noted, are not uncomfortable.

It is used for transporting dogs in a car:

  • cell;
  • hammock;
  • case;
  • harness;
  • carrying.

Travel preparation

Before a trip, the first thing a driver should do is to protect the passenger compartment. Everything is clear about claws and wool, but what should be provided in case the dog vomits? After all, not only people get sick, animals are also susceptible to this. And it is worth noting, to a greater extent, since, in fact, they do not have any fulcrum when moving. During the period of accustoming a puppy to a car, vomiting or diarrhea happens to everyone. And sometimes a dog cannot overcome this disease all his life.

Another point is salivation. Even if your pet does not suffer from it, it will start in the car. It's all about stress.

Drivers should not lose sight of the fact that an already accustomed, but shy dog ​​can behave unpredictably. Therefore, it is best for the animal to travel fixed.

Transportation with a case

The device is very popular with dog owners, although for the animal itself this is not a very comfortable travel option. The cover in the car for transporting dogs is attached to the seat on which the pet will be. It is very easy to remove and wash. It will also protect the interior from scratches and wool. However, the dog at any sharp turn or braking will not have support, therefore, it will sway from side to side. This circumstance will add stress to the animal. Therefore, this transportation option is suitable for calm pets, who sleep curled up on the seat all the time of the trip.

Transportation in a hammock

Instead of a cover, you can use this device. A hammock for transporting dogs in a car creates a safe platform for the animal in the rear seats, on which it can travel comfortably, and does not allow it to spoil the upholstery of the seats with its claws. At the same time, the pet will be able to move freely and look out the window. Depending on the size of the hammock and the dog, she will be able to sit or lie down in it. This is undoubtedly a plus, because the pet will be able to control the situation through the glass and will not distract the driver.

Pet stores today offer a choice of several options for autohammocks - covering the entire rear space or only two-thirds, with or without door protection. The fastening is very simple - loops that cling to the headrests of the front and rear seats. When choosing this device, be careful, as small ones are universal, and large ones are suitable for certain models of machines.

An auto hammock for transporting dogs in a car is a convenient and inexpensive device. It is worth noting that you can do it yourself.

Transport in a cage or carrier

Practical devices for the case when the presence of a four-legged friend in the cabin is undesirable.

A cage for transporting dogs in a car is suitable for owners whose pets are not accustomed to frequent travel. The device does not hinder the movement of the animal. But not every car has the opportunity to put a cage.

The carrier is more suitable for small dog breeds. Plus, the pet will not have the opportunity to move much.

When choosing a cage or carrier, the owner needs to pay attention to the following points:

  • Dimensions. Devices owe their dimensions to allow the dog to stand up, roll over or lie down.
  • Strength. The material from which the device is made must be of high quality. Especially if the dog is prone to chewing on objects.
  • Fastening. In addition to the interior equipment, the dog carrier must be stable in the cabin. Or another option is to fasten with straps.

It is worth noting that the animal should be accustomed to boxing for transporting dogs in the car in advance. The easiest option is to transfer the pet's bedding to the fixture. So he will move there and settle down there for several days. And on the day of the trip, when you put the cage or carrier in the car, it will be a familiar cozy place for him.

Therefore, the option of a cage or carrying is suitable for rare trips, in the case when the pet is not accustomed to the car.

Harness for transportation

This device can protect your dog in case of an accident. Undoubtedly, the harness fetters the freedom of the pet in the car, but, as they say, "life is more expensive." The harness for transporting a dog in a car is attached to the seat belt or to its nest. This device has a low cost and excellent efficiency. Thanks to the harness for transportation, the dog in the car will sit in one place and will not distract the driver from driving. The advantage of the device is that the pet will not be able to run away if you inadvertently did not close the door, for example, at a gas station.

Instead of a dog harness, you can use a pet harness. This is a fairly handy device that is mounted on the back seat. It in no way chains the dog to the chair, but gently fixes it and does not allow it to move freely inside the car. Plus, your pet gets extra security in the event of a traffic accident. Indeed, in the event of an accident, the dog, like everyone in the car, will fly forward by inertia and, as a result, can be seriously injured.

How to prepare your pet for travel

With an animal accustomed to a car, everything is extremely simple. Therefore, we will consider what preparatory actions need to be performed with a pet that is not used to it yet.

Try not to feed the animal six hours before departure. So you reduce the likelihood of nausea in the car. Use a box or cage for travel. This will help to avoid unnecessary movements of the dog around the car. Get a new interesting toy in advance in the store. She will distract the pet for a while. And most importantly - do not plan your first trip for a long one.

What to take with you on a trip

Going on a trip, you take a bag of necessary things for yourself. For a dog, let not such a large luggage is needed, but something should still be taken.

When transporting a pet with you, you need:

  • food and drink. If you are planning a long trip, then without it, nowhere;
  • plate;
  • napkins, garbage bags;
  • the documents. It's worth taking on a long trip just in case;
  • collar (spare), leash, muzzle;
  • toys;
  • first aid kit.

Things to keep in mind when traveling with a dog

During a long journey, you need to stop so that the pet can stretch its paws and cope with its natural needs. A mentally healthy dog ​​will never go to the toilet under him, and patience for a long time will adversely affect the health of the animal. Try to stop every three hours during transportation. Take your dog outside on a leash during this time.

Traveling with a pet will become an unbearable problem if the pet is not accustomed to the vehicle. Due to stress, the dog can get angry and act inappropriately, thereby creating a danger to both himself and the driver. Therefore, without fail, before transporting a pet, you should prepare both him and yourself.

Traveling with a dog is not boring and interesting only if the pet enjoys the trip. Wherever the owner goes, the transportation of dogs in the car must be carried out in accordance with safety rules, because reckless drivers on the roads are not decreasing. How to combine comfort, pleasant impressions and restrictions? How to accustom a dog to a car, how to overcome fear, how to overcome motion sickness? There are so many questions!

When it comes to the risk of an accident, the length of the path has only an indirect meaning: you can go around the whole country and never hit a pothole with a wheel, or you can go to the nearest store and “kiss” with a car that suddenly appeared around the corner. Therefore, the rules for transporting dogs in a car must always be observed, both when traveling around the country and during a trip to the veterinarian.

The pet is thrown from corner to corner when the car brakes sharply, wags to the sides, shakes on bumps in the road. The dog can be injured by hitting the back of the chair with its muzzle, getting under the seat, flying forward, etc. And how to transport a dog in a car if the pet does not want to sit still? Distracting the driver, he may unwittingly become the culprit of an accident. To prevent such situations, the dog is transported in the back seat of a car or in the trunk of a hatchback, always in a cage, box, hammock or fixing the pet with a special safety harness.

Before you carry a dog in the car in the front seat, imagine what will happen to the pet at the time of the frontal collision. The dog should not be on the side of the driver or on his lap, this is absolutely unacceptable: he climbs to kiss, puts his paws on his chest or shoulders, suddenly barks, pushes the driver at the moment of a sharp turn.

Imagine a dog poking his head out of a car window. And what, many pets like to do this - the wind, the flickering landscape, the mass of smells, the coolness! Now imagine that a pebble flies out from under the wheel of the car in front. Or they throw away the bottle... In general, such entertainment is best left to those who are not very concerned about the health of the pet. Loves very much? Well, then only in the backcountry and at low speed.

Top 5 DON'TS when traveling with a dog in a car:

  • While driving, the dog does NOT move freely around the cabin.
  • The dog DOES NOT stay in a locked car with closed windows, this is extremely dangerous.
  • The dog DOES NOT tolerate until the owner needs a “biopause”. Stops every three hours (pee, drink a little, stretch, ventilate the cabin).
  • The dog DOES NOT sit near the lowered glass - it will inflate. Or it will fall out the window, some even manage to wear a harness. Either leave only a small gap for air to enter, or install a fine mesh protective mesh.
  • The dog does NOT walk without a leash. Generally. Even for five minutes. It is very easy to lose a dog in an unfamiliar area, but it is extremely difficult to find it.

Get used to the car

As a rule, dogs love new experiences and always strive to be close to the owner. And in most cases, traveling with a dog by car is a whole adventure: it's so funny to watch the reaction of a pet to the landscapes passing by the window! But not all puppies quickly get used to the new, and there is more than enough new in the car: smells, sounds, unusual enclosed space and a sense of movement, the roar of the engine and much more.

It is important not to frighten the pet with an abundance of impressions: phobias arise at one moment, and it is very difficult to cope with them. Therefore, before taking the dog in the car, you need to let the pet get acquainted with the “incomprehensible contraption”. The procedure is as follows:

  • the dog is on a leash or moves at the command “Next!”, the car door is open;
  • we bring the dog to the car and stop, not paying attention to the pet;
  • the dog sniffs the car or not, it doesn't matter. If she tried to jump into the salon, a soft “No”, without screaming and aggression. They took the dog out of the car, we stand nearby;
  • the assistant starts the engine, of course, without moving. The dog listens with interest - we do not react. You can’t reinforce, scold too, just stand and “count the crows”. Frightened, jumped back - we look at her in bewilderment, “What are you?” and put our hand on the roof of the car with the most commanding air. The owner subdued the terrible purring beast!

Someone may have questions: “I just want to know how to accustom a dog to a car. Why all these difficulties? Why not just put the dog inside?" The point is this:

  • the dog must get used to the noise and smell of the car, and only then be inside. If the pet has a strong psyche, this is not too important. But it is better to play it safe, so as not to scare the future traveler for sure;
  • the dog must always, without exception, jump into the car only at the command of the owner. A trifle? Not at all: dirty paws, they don’t plan to take the dog with them at all this time, the dog can jump into someone else’s car when he sees something interesting on the seat, the dog can get injured trying to get into the car when the door has already begun to close. Therefore, transportation of dogs in a car begins with endurance training at an open door and with accustoming to the permissive command "Let's go", "Jump", etc. And then the pet is taught to get out of the car only on command.

If the pet is clearly afraid to jump inside, we put a sausage, a favorite toy, into the salon, we put inside a friend with whom the dog is on friendly terms. And in no case do not scold the coward.

While the dog learns the commands "Let's go" and "Get out", it is focused on the owner. Education in the form of a game, without shouting and nerves, with the encouragement of a treat. Because these are elementary commands, the pet receives only positive emotions, and connects them with the car, which is what we are trying to achieve.

First trip

Before transporting a dog in a car, do not forget to fix the pet with a safety harness or put it in a cage (hammock, box). If the pet travels in a separate "apartment", it must be accustomed to the cage in advance.

We set off to ride at low speed in those places that are well known to the dog. Let the pet get used to moving in such a “strange” way and understand that inside this “thing” you can get to your favorite park much faster than on foot. Let everything be familiar at least outside the windows of the car. And at the same time, the owner will check if the dog is motion sick in the car. This attack can happen to anyone, even a healthy and hardy pet. By the way, it is not recommended to feed and water your pet three hours before the trip. And don't forget to bring a bowl, water, and napkins with you, even if the journey takes no more than an hour.

It is desirable that the first trip was not associated with a visit to the veterinarian or other unpleasant events. But if this happens, don’t take your pet to the clinic right away, let him take a walk, treat him with tasty treats, play a little - this will break the connection between the car and the veterinarian.

If the dog is afraid to ride in a car, walks restlessly in the cage, whines, barks incessantly, or otherwise shows anxiety, you need to say “No” in a firm voice. You should not scold the dog for fear, it should feel the balance of the owner. Speak in a calm, slightly disgruntled voice: “Stop it, how are you behaving?” etc. Do not stop or turn towards the dog (if you are driving). Otherwise, the pet will quickly figure out: "whined - they stopped the car, barked - they paid attention."

How often do you have to transport your four-legged pets in a car? Of course, when transporting an animal in a car, the trip should be as safe and comfortable as possible, both for the driver and for your pet.

Animals in the car begin to get terribly nervous, break out of their hands and rush around the cabin, distracting the driver and passengers. A dog looking out of the window of a foreign car and a cat importantly walking around the cabin are real pampering on the part of the owners-drivers. There are frequent cases when, out of fright, the animal crawled under the brake pedal or threw itself into the hands of the owner, which ultimately led to an accident. A frightened dog can not only crawl under the pedal, but also bite the driver. There is a case when a frightened cat rushed into the face of the driver and, in order to tear the animal off, he had to drop the steering wheel. The case ended in an accident. And during an accident, an unfastened animal turns into a projectile flying forward, demolishing everything in its path.

It is better to accustom pets to a car already from “small claws”. The first acquaintance is good to start with a simple sniffing of the cabin. Such an excursion will allow the four-legged to get used to the car, take a fancy to the angle he likes and, as a result, endure the journey more calmly.

The debut trip and immediately "to distant lands" can frighten or tire the animal, and in the worst case, cause dislike for the vehicle. It would be much more pedagogical to go somewhere nearby a couple of times and at the end be sure to reward the “shaggy fellow traveler” with a bone or fish. But it is not recommended to feed him before the road. And in general, for two days, exclude bones and dry food from the diet, which cause vomiting. Switch to easily digestible food - porridge with meat, cottage cheese, fish. Take a bottle of water and a bowl with you to feed your pet. For this purpose, special containers with a curved tube are provided. Such a device prevents liquid from spilling onto the seats.

Uncontrolled walking of an animal in a car can lead to an emergency. An unexpected maneuver or sudden braking can cause injury to an idle beast. Also, the released claws, in an effort to hold on, inadvertently damage the upholstery. Yes, and any little things can anger him - from the "growl" of the engine to the sound of a horn.

To avoid all this, use different devices for transporting "our smaller brothers", of which there are a lot in pet stores. Small dogs, cats, rabbits are best transported in carriers - plastic containers with a lattice door or fabric structures resembling tents. The first, if they do not have interior upholstery, are more rigid and the “passenger” will experience any unevenness. The second ones are much more comfortable, but under the influence of neighboring loads they can crush the four-legged one. They are placed on the seat and fastened with a seat belt. A harness-vest is also attached to it - another means for maintaining a "healthy" situation in the car. The front paws are threaded into it, and the “outfit” is fastened on the back. The pet will sit comfortably, changing positions, and the belt will prevent from “aerial acrobatics” in case of emergency pressing the brake. Suitable for pussies, small and medium dogs. They can also be placed in a special structure, similar to an arena.

Hatchbacks, station wagons, SUVs and minivans are ideal for overall "human friends" - all cars with a spacious trunk. Owners of large breeds should pay serious attention to this part of the car. A mesh is stretched there, forming a real “coupe”.

It also happens that "comrades" are completely unable to endure imprisonment in a "cage", showing their dissatisfaction with incessant barking or meowing. It remains to carry them under the supervision of one of the passengers, who will hold the leash or take the animal in his arms or put it on his lap.

Sometimes you just want to scream “guard”, looking at how much dirt or wool your pet left behind in the cabin. The solution will be the so-called "hammock", fastened with edges to the headrests of the rear and front seats, in which the four-legged sits. The sofa can also be covered with an old blanket or blanket. By the way, you don’t need to wash them often - let the animal smell the familiar smell. And when you see this blanket at home, you will instinctively understand about the upcoming trip. It is wiser to refuse to use oilcloths - they are too slippery.

As for small living creatures - hamsters, rats, turtles and the like - there is no trouble with them. A securely locked cage, box or covered aquarium is sufficient. They won't even notice their adventure. Birds must be delivered in a cage covered with a cloth so that they are not afraid of a quick flicker outside the window.

On the road, it is also important not to neglect the simple rules of transportation. Hitting the road when it's hot outside is a bad idea. Animals do not like to stay in stuffy rooms for a long time, therefore, if the air conditioner does not work, the windows on one side must be slightly opened, but not much so that the pet does not jump out. In no case should you leave it in a closed car, especially in the sun - five to ten minutes and heat stroke is inevitable. The dog does not need to wear a muzzle, because 90% of the water from his body evaporates from the tongue with a wide open mouth and frequent breathing. "Iron chains" will make this process more difficult.

Do not allow to lean out the window - this leads to diseases of the ears and eyes. If you are planning a long trip, more than three hours, then be prepared to stop for 10-15 minutes every hour to allow the dog to stretch its paws and drink. Do not let him off the leash - in an unfamiliar environment, she can behave unpredictably and run away. The cat does not need rest, but seeing that she is worried, park, give water and take out for a breath of fresh air. Did not help? Then pet her all the way.

Remember, we are responsible for those we have tamed, so be more attentive to the animals traveling with you.

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