The kitten is cutting milk teeth signs. Milk teeth in cats: when do kittens change teeth? What should attract the attention of the owner

Kittens, like other pets, are born without teeth. As kittens grow older, milk teeth appear one after another, which are eventually replaced by permanent teeth. The very process of the appearance and change of teeth for the owners usually goes unnoticed, as it usually goes without any complications.

Knowledge of the process of changing milk teeth to permanent teeth will allow kitten owners to notice and eliminate them in a timely manner. possible problems in the oral cavity of kittens.

Formation of a cat's dental bite.

Milk teeth in a kitten begin to erupt from the 2nd week of life and end erupting by 6-8 weeks of age. In total, by the age of 2 months, a kitten has 26 milk teeth, which form a bite in a cat.

The sequence of teething of milk teeth in a cat.

The incisors are the first to erupt in a kitten at 2-4 weeks of age. At 3-4 weeks of age, fangs appear. Premolars in a kitten appear at the age of 6-8 weeks.

Appeared milk teeth in a kitten are thinner permanent teeth. Milk teeth will serve a kitten for several months. If the cat has enough milk, and the kittens are given a balanced supplement in a timely manner, there is no lag in weight gain and development, the change of milk teeth to permanent teeth will begin at the age of 3-4 months.

How does milk teeth change to permanent teeth?.

The change of milk teeth to permanent teeth in a kitten begins from 3-5 one month old and ends by 7-8 months, when 30 permanent teeth form a permanent molar bite. Constant contact and mechanical irritation causes the destruction of the roots of milk teeth, which stimulates loosening and their loss.

The process of changing milk teeth to permanent teeth is usually painless and goes unnoticed by cat owners.

The resulting permanent dentition in a cat is represented by:

  • 12 incisors (6 incisors each on the lower and upper jaw).
  • 4 fangs (two on each jaw, go along the edges of the incisors).
  • 10 premolars (start behind the canines, with 6 premolars in the upper jaw and 4 premolars in the lower jaw).
  • 4 molars (2 on each jaw). These 4 molars in a cat are absent in the milk bite.

The sequence of change of milk teeth to permanent teeth.

The change of milk teeth to permanent ones in a cat takes place in the same order as the appearance of milk teeth.

  • First, at 4-5 months, the incisors are replaced.
  • Then at 4-6 months the fangs are replaced.
  • At 5-6 months, the premolars are replaced.
  • At the end of the 6th month, molars grow.

Symptoms of eruption and change of teeth

In most cases, the period of eruption and change of teeth in a kitten proceeds almost imperceptibly for the owner, but there are a number of symptoms that the owner should pay attention to. And when they appear, for the health of the kitten and your own peace of mind, it is better to visit a veterinarian.

  1. Refusal to eat or loss of appetite.

If the gums are sore, the kitten may refuse the offered solid food. In the event that food refusal continues for more than a day, this should attract your attention.

  1. The kitten begins to bite toys, bedding, hands of the owner. Hand biting should be stopped immediately by kitten owners. this can lead to the development of a bad habit.

  1. There is an odor from the oral cavity ().

In most cases bad smell from the oral cavity appears when changing teeth. It is necessary to regularly inspect the kitten's oral cavity, paying attention to severe redness or the appearance of sores on the mucous membrane.

  1. The molar tooth has erupted, but the milk tooth has not yet fallen out

A similar situation in kittens occurs quite often and is explained by the fact that the molars do not grow from the same hole as the milk teeth. That is, physiologically, the molar tooth does not “push out” the milk tooth. For a while, this situation should not be scary.

If the teeth in the oral cavity do not interfere with each other, the gums and the mucous membrane of the oral cavity are not inflamed, the owners should not worry. Not a single kitten in the world has a double set of teeth, which means that your kitten will sooner or later lose its “double set”. But if milk teeth interfere with the growth of molars, inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa occurs, teeth injure oral tissues, then the owner of the kitten will need to contact a veterinarian.

Possible complications when changing teeth in a kitten

When changing teeth, a kitten has the following types of complications:

Inflammation of the gums

Teething or the change of milk teeth to permanent teeth may be accompanied by a slight inflammatory process, which passes on its own after the full formation of the dentition. At improper feeding kitten gum inflammation can be delayed.

Symptoms. Inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) in a kitten is accompanied by heavy salivation(). The kitten tends to chew on everything. Due to increased soreness of the gums, the kitten may have a decrease in appetite. At visual inspection oral cavity, we note redness and swelling of the gums.

Treatment. Inflammation of the gums usually goes away on its own. It is necessary to transfer the kitten to soft food, which will eliminate gum irritation.

Residual ("stuck") milk teeth

In kittens, milk teeth often do not fall out until the permanent tooth emerges from the gum. Residual teeth can disturb the bite due to improper growth of the molar and lead to injuries to the gums, cheeks and lips of the cat. With such complications, the owner of the kitten will need to contact the veterinary clinic.

Symptoms. When examining the oral cavity at the age of over 6 months, we find milk teeth.

Under loose milk teeth, we find signs of growth of permanent teeth.

Treatment. Veterinary specialists of the clinic after a clinical examination of the oral cavity in case of impossibility of independent loss of milk teeth, these milk teeth are removed surgically under anesthesia.

Kitten oral hygiene

During the change of teeth, oral hygiene in a kitten becomes relevant. To hygiene of the oral cavity of a kitten must be accustomed from the very beginning. early age so as not to suffer with an adult cat in the future.

They usually start with a game - when the kitten begins to get used to a special toothbrush for animals and ceases to be afraid of it. The kitten will be happy to grab a bristly brush, especially when his gums itch. The main thing is to do it constantly, then the cat will get used to this hygiene procedure.

This will further avoid such problems as tartar () and the development of periodontitis.

Those who are planning to get a cat are interested in the question: do kittens lose their teeth and, if so, in what age period it happens. All kittens are born without teeth. Age from 7 to 14 days is characterized by the fact that they have milk teeth. After a while, at about 4 months of age, the kittens change their teeth: the milk ones fell out, and the molars grew in their place. How does this process go, how long does it take and what are the main symptoms - these questions should be of interest to the owner of the babies.

When do kittens get teeth?

The first tooth may appear as early as the second week of a kitten's life. The age at which this happens is different for each pet. But there is general rules. This does not cause any trouble for the owners, they may not even notice when this process began and ended. A cat at the age of two months already has a set of 26 milk teeth. This is four teeth less than an adult.

It is important to know at what age the teeth of kittens change and how long this process takes. Since this period can sometimes be noticeable to the owner: the pet can be capricious, gnaw on the owner’s things and even get sick. Milk teeth in kittens are replaced by molars at 4 months. The whole process takes two to three months.

The main symptoms of changing teeth

It is not difficult to notice that a baby's teeth are changing. First, you need to consider his age. And secondly, monitor his behavior and signs. The symptoms are:

  • profuse salivation;
  • the kitten gnaws everything that comes in its way;
  • possible loss of appetite;
  • swollen or slightly reddened gums may be visible.

It is also useful to know at what age the change of teeth ends. Usually it is 5 months, but sometimes this process can take a little longer and end in the 8th month. What to do if you notice that a kitten has lost a tooth? In most cases, nothing. If the process goes smoothly, don't worry. But if the owner notices some atypical or frightening behavior, then you need to seek advice from a veterinary clinic.

What should attract the attention of the owner?

Usually the owner may not even notice the period when the kittens change milk teeth. But sometimes this process does not go well. Here are some signs a pet owner should look out for:

  • The animal refuses to eat. This is due to sore gums, and in principle, this behavior is normal and not dangerous. You should be worried if the hunger strike suddenly drags on and lasts more than a day.
  • Your pet has bad breath. In this case, you need to examine the animal's oral cavity for the presence of strong irritation and redness. If there are such signs, it is better to visit a veterinarian.
  • Also, when examining the mouth, you can notice that in the place where it is still baby tooth, cut through the root. That happens. No need to worry if not severe inflammation, and the tooth does not interfere with the other. But if there is irritation of the mucous membrane, and dairy interfere with the indigenous ones, you need to make an appointment with a veterinarian.

Features of care at this time

The change of teeth in kittens, although normally it passes almost imperceptibly for the owner, but during this period the animal requires care, it needs special care. It consists in maintaining the immunity of the kitten, which is weakened during the period when the teeth fall out:

  • give your pet only high-quality food;
  • protect against viral infections;
  • it is not recommended to vaccinate an animal at this time;
  • during a visit to the veterinarian, warn that the pet's teeth are falling out.

Diet Features

Pets need good nutrition during the growth of new teeth (this is the age of up to 5 months). The food should enough contain calcium and phosphorus. It is these elements that are needed for the full formation of bone tissues. You can purchase and feed your baby with special vitamin supplements.

Starting from the age of 3 months, sour milk and cottage cheese are added to the diet. These products are given to the cat regularly in a small amount. The kitten should also eat lean meat, it must first be poured over with boiling water or boiled. Finely chopped meat can be mixed with cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal) or vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, zucchini). Can be given twice a week sea ​​fish. But it is not must-have product in the baby's diet.

Education during this period

When milk teeth change in kittens, the animal can be naughty. So, a kitten can gnaw on everything that comes across: the owner’s slippers or his expensive shoes, wire from the Internet or from a table lamp. You need to prepare in advance for the period when the kittens will change their teeth, buy toys at the pet store. They will bite and procrastinate them to get rid of discomfort. In pet stores, special goodies are sold for these purposes - for example, dried veins.

During the period when the kitten's teeth have fallen out and new ones are growing in their place, the animal can be capricious. This should be taken into account, and treat the pet more affectionately, because he is naughty only because he feels discomfort.

If the baby develops the habit of biting hands, it must be weaned from it. After all, the problem with teeth will pass but the habit remains.

What to do if a tooth falls out in an adult animal?

When milk teeth fall out, this is natural, but what to do if a molar tooth is lost. In what case should the owner be alerted? Here's what to consider:

  1. How old is the pet? If the animal is already more than a year, and his fangs or incisors fall out, this is bad. The change of teeth should have been over a long time ago. But if they fell out, then the cat's body is not functioning correctly.
  2. Did the pet have any injuries that led to the loss of teeth.

First of all, you need to make sure that these are permanent, and not milk, fangs. This is easy to do: dairy teeth are very white and sharp, slightly flat and thin where the tooth passes into the gum. Roots, on the other hand, have a yellowish tint, a rounded section, they do not thin out at the gums.

If an adult cat has lost a tooth, this may be due to bad care behind the mouth. Most often, such problems in animals occur after three years, when plaque on the teeth turns into stone. From now on, animals will definitely need regular cleaning oral cavity.

Among the causes of tooth loss are also problems with gastrointestinal tract, infectious diseases and viruses, reception hormonal drugs or antibiotics, which can provoke dysbacteriosis. A cat loses its fangs if it has poor immunity or impaired metabolism. Exact reason, as well as the appropriate treatment, can only be determined by a veterinarian through special analyzes and surveys.


If the kitten's teeth fell out - this is not a problem. This is the change of dairy to indigenous, which takes place at specified periods. All that the owner can do during this period is to watch the pet, feed it with vitamins and give treats that will allow the pet to “scratch” the growing teeth. If the indigenous ones fell out, this is not the norm. As a preventive measure for such a development of events, the owner should regularly monitor the condition of the pet's oral cavity, prevent the development of infections there, periodically brush the animal's teeth with a solution of chlorhexidine (once or twice a week). Take your pet to the veterinarian regularly. Especially - if there are any problems: bad breath, problems with the intestines, refusal to eat, lethargy, etc.

Your pet's health depends on how you care for it. Proper Diet nutrition, activity, keeping clean and regular care - a pledge good health and good mood pet.

Cats, like humans, can have toothaches, and sometimes even fall out altogether. Why is this happening?

Cats lose teeth for two reasons. The first is the change of milk teeth, which is physiological norm for most living beings. And the second reason is already connected, which can develop due to various factors. Let's look at the issue of tooth loss in cats.

At what age do cats change their teeth?

Like many mammals, newborn kittens do not have teeth, they begin to erupt only in the second week of the baby's life, and by the month the kitten begins to actively use them. That is why at this age, babies bite their brothers and owners all the time.

At about 4-6 months, kittens begin to change their teeth, this process lasts until the age of nine months, but sometimes it can drag on for up to a year.

How can you notice the loss of milk teeth in a kitten

Many owners notice when their pets lose their milk teeth. The owner can understand that the process of teeth renewal has begun by a number of specific symptoms:

  • Short-term bleeding from the gums;
  • Increased secretion of saliva;
  • A slight decrease in the kitten's appetite;
  • loose teeth;
  • Craving to bite everything and gnaw on any objects.

How to understand if a kitten's teeth have changed?

By appearance The molars of cats are different from milk teeth. Temporary teeth most often very sharp, the shape of the fangs is curved, and near the gums they are thinned. And the permanent fangs are straight, have round shape, below they are not refined.

Sometimes, in the process of changing teeth, kittens have not 4 fangs, but all 8. Do not be afraid that the kitten will form more teeth than needed. This is because the molars are formed in a separate alveolus, next to the milk tooth, that is, it turns out that one tooth has not yet had time to fall out, but a new one has already appeared. But sometimes it happens that new tooth presses down on the milk root. This causes discomfort in the kitten, he stops eating, while periodically meowing plaintively.

This problem is not considered difficult, it is easily solved - you just need to remove the old tooth. But this is not recommended to be done on your own, the kitten should be assisted by a qualified veterinarian, as anesthesia may be needed. In addition, the doctor will determine the cause of the pathology that has arisen, perhaps the kitten has developmental problems or has a malocclusion.

How to care for a kitten when changing milk teeth

How much calcium and phosphorus enters the kitten's body depends on how healthy the new teeth will be. Therefore, during such a period, the owner of the kitten must supplement the pet's diet. mineral salts. The kitten should be fed foods rich in calcium: kefir, cottage cheese, and the like. In addition, you will need to apply medicines which contain substances that favorably affect the condition of the enamel. As a rule, vitamin-mineral complexes are used.

The cat should brush its teeth regularly. This is done using special pastes having a taste of meat or fish that is pleasant for kittens. The paste is rubbed into the enamel with a special brush..

Also, the kitten needs a periodic examination of the oral cavity. The owner must take care of the kitten's teeth. Every day, the oral cavity is sanitized with a solution of chlorhexidine, which perfectly kills microbes. Thanks to this, you will eliminate the risk of infection of the tooth enamel, as a result of which the cat will adulthood teeth won't fall out.

It is recommended to use special dental tablets for cats containing a disinfectant. These drugs adhere to the mucous membrane and remain on it. long time preventing the development of dental diseases.

Diseases that cause tooth loss in cats

In adults, tooth loss is mainly due to diseases:

  • Inflammatory process of the gums;
  • Caries;
  • Periodontitis;
  • Tartar;
  • Pulpitis.

Dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity, in which the balance between useful and pathogenic microflora. Many experts believe that it is dysbacteriosis that causes most diseases of the oral cavity.

All these problems can be avoided by using preventive actions, which include self-examination, care and brushing of teeth, visits to the veterinarian every six months.

Is missing teeth bad for a cat?

Of course, not all owners properly care for their cats. Sometimes the teeth of animals are in such a terrible state that they are removed because the treatment is useless. This can scare any cat owner, because it will be difficult for the pet to eat, he is threatened with starvation.

But it is worth noting that the situation may not be hopeless. Cats don't need teeth to chew. In nature, they are used to choke victims to death. With their teeth, cats tear their prey into pieces and swallow them whole. Cats are arranged digestive system in such a way that there is no need to chew food thoroughly, since it is already digested well.

Perform oral hygiene once a year

Cat owners have a lot of questions about raising and keeping a purr at home. Today we will discuss one very important topic, it concerns teeth. So, let's begin...

When kittens are born, there is not a single tooth in their mouth yet. At two weeks of age, the first incisors erupt. By the tenth week there is a set Many people are interested in how the change of teeth occurs in kittens, the age when babies become most biting.

At ten weeks old, the purr already has a full set of milk teeth. By the way, how many kittens do they have? There are twenty-six in all. Approximately in the third week of life, incisors appear, after seven to ten days - fangs, and later than all premolars erupt. As a rule, they appear painlessly. At this time, no one is worried: neither the kitten nor the owners. After that comes the change of teeth in kittens. It is impossible to name exactly the period when this happens, since everything is individual. Usually, already at the age of seven months, kittens have all their teeth.

The shift period brings a lot of trouble. At about three to four months, they begin to change into permanent teeth in kittens. First change the incisors, then the fangs. The last are premolars and molars.

By the way, how many permanent teeth do cats have? The purr has exactly thirty of them. The lower and upper jaws each have two fangs and three incisors. The upper jaw has four (one molar and three premolars), and the lower jaw has three (two premolars and one molar). Note that every third root is the largest.

Here adult cat: three incisors, one canine, three premolars, three incisors, one canine, 2 premolars.

In what order do they change? First, the incisors erupt (at four months), then the canines after two or three weeks, then approximately the premolars and molars (at four to six months).

Change of teeth in kittens: symptoms of the process

As a rule, everything happens asymptomatically. But still, we single out one sign of this phenomenon - excitability. The animal may be in this state while eating or drinking liquids. Can also Weakness and lethargy - these are also signs of a change of teeth. Sometimes there is also salivation and soreness of the mouth.

What to do so that the change of teeth in kittens does not turn into a tragedy? They need something to occupy their teeth. For this, special toys are suitable. They are simply irreplaceable in this period. To better soothe your gums, freeze the toy first. The more of these things, the better.


What feeding should be in this difficult time? The change of teeth in kittens is a rather difficult period, both for the owner and for the kids themselves. In principle, the diet does not need to be changed much. It is only necessary to add phosphorus. You can buy special dressings that contain these substances. There is no need to switch to any special food, as this process is completely natural.

Is it true that during the change of teeth, kittens have an unpleasant smell from the mouth? Yes it is. But the smell will disappear in a couple of months (one or two).

When there is a change of teeth in kittens, you should not treat them condescendingly. Don't let them bite and scratch your arms. Similar behavior can remain in adult cats (then scratches and bites will become much more painful), during puberty their fun develops into aggression. Therefore, immediately put a taboo on human hands, let the kids gnaw on special toys.

Is it possible to vaccinate an animal during the period of changing teeth?

Here the opinion of experts is divided. Although many believe that it is still not worth vaccinating at such a time. It is better to do this earlier (two or three months) or later (about eight months), since during the change of teeth, various changes in the body (hormonal, by the way, too). Vaccination is additional load, it can provoke complications, as well as other side effects.

Do kittens need to have milk teeth removed?

If this is not done, then what will happen next? If no fangs injure the gums, and new teeth grow evenly, then you should not worry. Now try to gently loosen the milk teeth of the kittens. This way you can speed them up. You need to start worrying if the old fangs do not fall out by six months. Then they need to be removed (although cats rarely have such problems). It will be necessary to pull out milk fangs. Excess amount teeth can lead to traumatization of soft tissues in the mouth, the development of periodontal disease and a change in bite.

Why do violations occur?

The main cause of dentition disorders is genetic predisposition. Therefore, the owner should examine his pet, starting from three and a half months. If abnormalities are detected, immediately consult a doctor.

Help from a veterinarian dentist

If you notice a double row of teeth in your pet, be sure to contact your veterinarian. Note that even with such a pathology, cats behave well, eat well, play. The presence of such a problem can lead to tartar, as well as more sad consequences such as osteomyelitis.

The only way to resolve the issue associated with a double row of teeth is to remove the interfering ones. Of course, that such a manipulation can be carried out by a doctor in a veterinary clinic. This is because such operations should be carried out under anesthesia in order to avoid significant stress for the animal, as well as to carry out the procedure for removing a milk tooth correctly.

A small conclusion

Now you know how the change of teeth occurs in kittens, the symptoms of which we have described in detail. We hope everything is clear to you. You understood how it is necessary in this period. In addition, if you notice any problems at this time in the purr, then be sure to show it to the veterinarian. By looking, he will be able to identify the problem. If timely diagnosis and treatment is carried out, then you will be able to protect yourself from more serious issues related to teeth and oral cavity animal. In general, experts advise visiting a veterinary dentist at least once a year (preferably two). Keep an eye on your pet's health, then everything will be fine.

Kelly Roper

Like many animals (and people), kittens are born without teeth. The teeth that appear after birth are called milk teeth, they then fall out. The process of changing teeth in kittens to permanent ones usually does not cause any problems, but it will not be superfluous for kitten owners to understand how this happens. By knowing how kittens teeth change, you can notice and eliminate emerging problems in time, such as sore gums or diseases of milk teeth.

The appearance of milk teeth in kittens.

According to Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine (CUCVM), the first "set" of teeth in kittens ( baby teeth) consisting of 26 teeth, begins to erupt through the gums approximately at three weeks of age. As a rule, all milk teeth in kittens germinate by six weeks of age.

Loss of milk teeth in kittens.

Usually, between three and four months Kittens start to lose their milk teeth. This is due to the fact that they are pushed out of the gums by growing permanent (molars). As a rule, a permanent tooth that takes the place of a fallen milk tooth can be seen immediately after the corresponding loss. baby tooth, since these two processes - the appearance of the root and the loss of milk, occur in kittens almost simultaneously. So far, no clear sequence of teeth change in cats has been noticed, although more often the incisors change first, then the canines and the rest of the teeth.

Molar teeth in cats.

By the time the cat reaches six months old, the process of replacing milk teeth with permanent ones is completed. A complete set of permanent teeth consists of thirty teeth, including four molars, which were not among the deciduous.

Caring for a kitten during teething.

The change of milk teeth to permanent teeth in kittens usually occurs quite imperceptibly, although veterinarians advise to pay attention to some possible complications.

Inflammation of the gums.

As in humans, teething can be accompanied by inflammation of the gums. Inflammation of the gums is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • The kitten chews longer than usual, starts chewing on inappropriate items - shoes, bedding, etc.;
  • There is salivation. Due to the pressure of growing permanent teeth on the roots of milk teeth, the kitten's body receives signals that stimulate the dissolution of the roots of children's teeth, facilitating their loss;
  • The kitten rubs its mouth with its paw or rubs its muzzle against objects more often than usual;
  • With particular soreness of the gums, the kitten may have a poor appetite;

If you notice any of these symptoms, make sure the kitten has Stuffed Toys for chewing, they will help him speed up the process of losing milk teeth. As soon as the baby tooth falls out and the molar comes out of the gum, the kitten's condition improves. Until this happens, you can replace dry food with wet food to make it easier for the kitten to chew. You can return to dry food after the teeth erupt.

Residual milk teeth.

Sometimes milk teeth remain in their places, even after an adult tooth has already emerged from the gums. This pathology is called residual milk teeth(false polydontia). Lost baby teeth interfere proper growth and development of the cat's permanent teeth. wrong height teeth can cause damage to other permanent teeth, as well as gums and palate.

Sometimes a residual tooth falls out on its own, but if there are no signs of weakening, veterinarians remove such teeth. Although examining a kitten's mouth is easier to recommend than to do, try it and see a doctor if you notice missing milk teeth after the kitten turns six months. After an examination, the veterinarian will decide whether they need to be removed, or, if it is safe, you can wait until such a tooth falls out on its own. Surgical removal counts last resort as the procedure requires anesthesia.

Healthy teeth - happy life.

Healthy permanent teeth provide the cat with problem-free nutrition, allowing the cat to use his toys the way he wants. By controlling the process of changing teeth, you will be able to eliminate problems in a timely manner, minimizing their consequences. It's a good idea to have your cat's teeth checked by a veterinarian every year to make sure they stay healthy throughout her life.

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