The sky is inflamed and it hurts: we find out the causes and prescribe treatment. PALATE - Big Medical Encyclopedia The hard palate is formed by the palatine bone and

The oral cavity itself is bounded from above by the hard palate and part of the soft palate, from below- the tongue together with the muscles that form the bottom of the oral cavity, in front and from the sides - the dentition and gums. Behind, the boundary of the cavity is the soft palate with a tongue that separates the mouth from the pharynx. In newborns, the oral cavity is short and low due to the absence of teeth. As the dentition develops, it gradually acquires a definitive volume. In people in adulthood, the shape of the oral cavity has individual characteristics. In short-headed ones, it is wider and higher than in long-headed ones.

Depending on the shape of the hard palate, the height of the alveolar processes, the vault (dome) formed by the upper wall of the oral cavity can be of different heights. In people with a narrow and high face (dolichocephalic type), the arch of the palate is usually high, in people with a wide and low face of the brachycephalic type) the arch of the palate is flattened. It has been noticed that people with a singing voice have a higher vault of the sky. With an increased volume of the oral cavity, one of the resonator cavities is the physical basis for the development of vocal data.

The soft palate hangs freely, fixed at the top along the bony elements of the hard palate. With calm breathing, it separates the oral cavity from the pharynx. At the moment of swallowing food, the soft palate is set horizontally, separating the oropharynx from the nasopharynx, i.e., isolating the food tract from the respiratory tract. The same happens during the implementation of vomiting movements. The mobility of the soft palate is provided by its muscles, which are able to strain it, raise and lower it. The action of this muscle is carried out automatically.

The bottom of the oral cavity, or its lower base, consists of soft tissues, the support of which is mainly the maxillohyoid and chin muscles.

    solid sky;

    alveolar process of the maxillary bone;

Solid sky

(palatum durum) - a bony septum that separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity on the skull and is formed by the cranial bones. For the first time T. the sky appears in reptiles, between which turtles and crocodiles have it, but lizards and snakes do not. T. the palate is formed by the convergence of various bones to the midline. In turtles, the intermaxillary bones, the jaw bones and the vomer take part in its formation, behind which the posterior nasal openings lie. In crocodiles, the vomer is closed from below by the approaching maxillary bones, but since the nasal openings are carried far back, the palatine and pterygoid bones also take part in the formation of the T. of the sky. In birds, the palatine bones do not converge, and in many birds, the internal (palatine) processes of the maxillary bones do not converge either with each other or with the vomer, so that in this case there is no palate. But in other birds (Desmognathae), as a result of the convergence of the mentioned processes with each other or with the vomer, a bone septum is formed across the palate. In mammals (including humans), the palate is formed by the palatine processes of the maxillary bones and the palatine bones, namely their horizontal plates. These bones, converging to the median line, close the vomer. The pterygoid bones in them usually grow to the sphenoid bone, but in cetaceans and edentulous they also take part in the formation of the T. of the sky, and in anteaters, armadillos, and some whales, the posterior nasal openings are also pushed far back, as in crocodiles. In human T., the palate is formed by the palatine processes of the maxillary bones converging in the midline (which also includes the intermaxillary bones) and the horizontal plates of the palatine. Both of them form, at the junction with the bone of the opposite side on the upper surface of the T. palate, an elevation, or scallop (Crista nasalis), which in front, that is, outside, protrudes in the form of a protrusion of the anterior - nasal bone (Spina nasalis anterior), and behind, i.e. inside, in the form of a posterior nasal bone (Spina nasalis posterior). Immediately behind the anterior bone on the upper surface of T. of the palate are two openings leading to two palatine-nasal canals (canales naso-palatini). These canals, which serve for the passage of the nervus naso-palatinus Scarpae, pierce T. the sky, approach and open on the lower surface of the sky with one hole (foramen incisivum), which lies on the border between the maxillary bone itself and the premaxillary. In the back of T. the palate opens with three openings on each side (foramina posteriora palatina) pterygopalatine canals (S. pterygopalatini), usually formed by the convergence of the palatine and pterygoid bones and serving for the passage of nerves (n. nasales posteriores superiores laterales).

V. Shimkevich.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .

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Palatum - the upper wall of the oral cavity itself. Divided into hard and soft palate.

The front part of the sky solid sky, palatum durum, has a bone base -, palatum osseum, which is formed by the palatine processes of the upper jaws and the horizontal plates of the palatine bones. The back of the palate - the soft palate, palatum molle, is mainly formed by muscles, aponeurosis and mucous membrane, in which the palatine glands are located.

The mucous membrane, closely adjacent to the hard palate, is smooth, passes in front and from the sides into the gums, behind - into the soft palate, into its uvula, uvula palatina, and the arches of the palate. In the middle of the mucous membrane of the palate there is a narrow whitish strip - the suture of the palate, raphe palati, near the medial incisors, there is a small fold - the incisive papilla, papilla incisva, which corresponds to the incisive canal, canalis incisivus.

Several (or one) weakly expressed transverse palatine folds, plicae palatinae transversae, depart from the suture in the transverse direction. In the region of the suture, the mucous membrane of the palate is thinner than along the edges. Between it and the periosteum is a thin layer of mucous palatine glands, glandulae palatinae. Forming two oblong clusters, they fill the space between the bony palate and the alveolar processes.

The layer of glands of the hard palate thickens posteriorly and, without a noticeable boundary, passes into the layer of glands of the soft palate.

Soft sky, palatum molle, is formed mainly by muscles. It distinguishes between the front horizontal part, which is a continuation of the hard palate, and the back part, heading obliquely back and down. The soft palate is also called the palatine curtain, velum palatinum. Together with it, it limits the isthmus of the pharynx. The palatine curtain is covered with a mucous membrane, which fuses with a well-developed palatine aponeurosis, aponeurosis palatina, the site of attachment of the muscles of the soft palate. The soft palate in the middle extends into a small conical palatine uvula, uvula palatina; on its front surface, a continuation of the seam of the sky is visible.

On each side, the palatine curtain passes into two arches. One - anterior - palatoglossal arch, amis palatoglossus, - goes to the root, the other - posterior - passes into the mucous membrane of the lateral wall of the pharynx - palatopharyngeal arch, arcus palatopharyngeus. From above, as a result of the connection of the posterior surface of the palatoglossal arch and the anterior surface of the palatopharyngeal arch, a semilunar fold, plica semilunaris, is formed, limiting the supra-almond fossa from above, fossa supratonsillaris.

Between the palatine arches, the soft palate, there is a space through which the oral cavity communicates with the cavity - the isthmus of the pharynx, isthmus faucium, and its anterior rounded edge in the clinic is called the pharynx, fauces.

A thin triangular fold, plica triangularis, of the mucous membrane departs from the posterior surface of the palatoglossal arch, partially covering the inner surface of the palatine tonsil. Narrow at the top, it is attached with its wide base to the lateral edge of the root. Between its posterior edge and the palatoglossal arch in front, the palatopharyngeal arch behind, a triangular tonsil fossa, fossa tonsillaris, is formed, at the bottom of which is the palatine tonsil, tonsilla palatina, which fills the entire fossa in adults.

Innervation: nn. palatini majores et minores, incisivi.

Blood supply: aa. palatina descendens, palatina ascendens; v. palatina externa, plexus pterygoideus, plexus pharyngeus.

palatine tonsil
, tonsilla palatina, is a paired bean-shaped formation. The tonsils are located on each side between the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches in the tonsil fossa. Outside, the tonsil has a fibrous lining - tonsil capsule, capsula tonsillaris, and borders on the buccal-pharyngeal part m. constrictor pharyngis superior. Its inner surface is uneven, with numerous round or oval tonsil pits, fossulae tonsillares, corresponding to tonsil crypts, criptae tonsillares. The latter are recesses of the epithelial lining, lie in the substance of the palatine tonsil. The walls of the pits and crypts contain numerous lymphatic nodules, noduli lymphatici.

In the normal state, the tonsil does not go beyond the fossa and there is free space above it - the supra-almond fossa, fossa supratonsillaris.

Innervation: nn. palatini, n. nasopalatinus, plexus palatinus.

Blood supply: a. palatina ascendens (a. facialis), a. palatina descendens (a. maxillaris), r. tonsillaris a. facialis. Venous blood from the sky is sent to v. facialis. Lymph flows into nodi lymphatici submandibulares et submentales.

Muscles of the palate and pharynx.

1. Muscle that strains the palatine curtain, m. tensor veli palatini, flat, triangular, located between and the muscle that raises the palatine curtain. With its wide base, the muscle starts from the navicular fossa, fossa scaphoidea, the sphenoid bone, the membranous plate of the cartilaginous part of the auditory tube and the edge of its bony groove, reaching the spine of the sphenoid bone. Heading down, it passes into a narrow tendon, which, having rounded the furrow of the pterygoid hook of the pterygoid process and the mucous bag on it, then crumbles into a wide bundle of tendon fibers in the aponeurosis of the soft palate. Some bundles are attached to the posterior edge of the horizontal plate of the palatine bone, partially intertwined with the bundles of the muscle of the same name on the opposite side.

Function: Stretches the anterior soft palate and pharyngeal section of the auditory tube.

Innervation: n. tensoris veli palatini.

2. The muscle that lifts the palatine curtain, m. levator veli palatini, flat, located medially and posterior to the previous one. It starts from the lower surface of the petrous part of the temporal bone, anterior to the external opening of the carotid canal, and from the cartilaginous part of the auditory tube, from its lower medial surface.

The bundles go down, inward, forward and, expanding, enter the soft palate, intertwining with the bundles of the muscle of the same name on the opposite side. Part of the bundles is attached to the middle section of the aponeurosis of the palate.

Function: raises the soft palate, narrows the pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube.

3. Muscles of the uvula, mm. uvulae, are two muscle bundles converging to the median line of the tongue. A gradual decrease in the number of muscle bundles determines its conical shape. The muscles originate from the posterior nasal spine of the hard palate, spina nasalis posterior, from the palatine aponeurosis and go to the midline, are woven into the mucous membrane of the tongue. Most of the muscle bundles attached to the palatine aponeurosis reach the midline, as a result of which the median part is thickened and is called the suture of the palate.

palate, palatum, consists of two parts. The anterior two-thirds of it has a bone base, palatum osseum (palatine process of the upper jaw and horizontal plate of the palatine bone), this is the hard palate, palatum durum; the posterior third, the soft palate, palatum molle, is a muscular formation with a fibrous base.

With calm breathing through the nose, it hangs obliquely down and separates the oral cavity from the pharynx. A seam, raphe palati, is visible along the midline on the palate. At the anterior end of the suture, a number of transverse elevations (about six) are visible, plicae palatinae transversae (rudiments of palatine ridges that contribute to the mechanical processing of food in some animals). The mucous membrane covering the lower surface of the hard palate is fused with a dense fibrous tissue with the periosteum.

Soft palate, palatum molle, is a duplication of the mucous membrane, in which the muscles are laid along with the fibrous plate - the palatine aponeurosis, as well as the glands. It is attached with its front edge to the posterior edge of the hard palate, and the posterior soft palate (velum palatine, velum palatinum) hangs freely down and backwards, having a protrusion in the middle in the form of a tongue, uvula. On the sides, the soft palate passes into the arches. The anterior one, arcus palatoglossus, goes to the side of the tongue, the posterior one, arcus palatopharyngeus, goes for some distance along the lateral wall of the pharynx.

Between the anterior and posterior arches, a fossa is obtained, occupied by the palatine tonsil, tonsilla palatina. Each palatine tonsil is an oval-shaped collection of lymphoid tissue. The tonsil occupies a large lower part of the triangular depression between the arches, fossa tonsillaris. The tonsil in the vertical direction has from 20 to 25 mm, in the anteroposterior direction - 15-20 mm and in the transverse direction - 12-15 mm. The medial, epithelium-covered surface of the tonsil has an irregular, bumpy outline and contains crypts (depressions). The tonsil is surrounded by the thinnest fibrous capsule. The closest important blood vessel is a. facialis, which sometimes (with its tortuosity) comes very close to the pharyngeal wall at this level. This must be taken into account when removing the tonsils. Approximately at a distance of 1 cm from the tonsil passes a. carotis interna.

The soft palate consists of the following muscles.

  1. M. palatopharyngeus, originates from the soft palate and hamulus pterygoideus, goes down to the pharynx in the thickness of the arcus palatopharyngeus and ends at the posterior edge of the thyroid cartilage and in the wall of the pharynx. Pulls the palatine curtain down, and the pharynx up, and the pharynx shortens, presses the soft palate against the back wall of the pharynx.
  2. M. palatoglossus begins on the lower surface of the soft palate, descends in the thickness of the arcus palatoglossus and ends on the lateral surface of the tongue, passing into m. transversus linguae. Lowers the palatine curtain, both arcus palatoglossus tense and the opening of the pharynx narrows.
  3. M. levator veli palatini begins at the base of the skull and goes from the Eustachian tube to the soft palate. Raises the palatine curtain.
  4. M. tensor veli palatini starts from the Eustachian tube, goes vertically down, goes around the hamulus processus pterygoidei, turns from here almost at a right angle in the medial direction and is woven into the aponeurosis of the soft palate. Strains the palatine curtain in the transverse direction.
  5. M. uvulae starts from the spina nasalis posterior and from the aponeurosis of the soft palate and ends in the uvula. Shortens tongue. The tongue, uvula, is available only in humans due to the need to create a tightness in the oral cavity that prevents the jaw from drooping in a vertical position of the body. The opening that communicates the oral cavity with the pharynx is called the pharynx, fauces. It is limited laterally by the arches, arcus palatoglossus, from above by the soft palate, from below by the back of the tongue.

The palate receives nourishment from a. facialis, a. maxillaris and from a. pharyngea ascendens (branches of a. carotis externa). The veins that carry venous blood from the palate empty into v. facialis. Lymph flows to Inn. submandibulares et submentales.

The innervation of the palate is carried out by the plexus pharyngeus, formed by the branches of the IX and X cranial nerves and truncus sympathicus, as well as nn. palatini et n. nasopalatine (II branch of the trigeminal nerve). N. vagus innervates all the muscles of the soft palate, with the exception of m. tensor veli palatfni, which receives innervation from the third branch of the trigeminal nerve. Nn. palatini, n. nasopalatinus and IX pair carry out predominantly sensitive innervation.

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