Can vision go down from physical exertion? Vision and physical activity. What sports are good for vision with farsightedness

20-08-2012, 21:35


When due to occupation the eyes are under a lot of stress

In our computerized world the state of vision, the load on the eyes and the general well-being and performance associated with them, as well as the responsibility for maintaining one's health at the workplace, have become one of the most pressing topics.

As you know, more than 80% of all information about the world around us, we receive through the organs of vision. No other sense organ is under such great stress as the eyes, and this happens not only during the performance of professional duties, but also in free time,

When working on a computer and watching TV for a long time the maximum load is experienced by the visual-brain apparatus, therefore, there are often complaints of deterioration in general well-being and visual fatigue.

Every four out of five people working on the computer for a long time complain about

  • decreased eye function
  • recurrent headaches,
  • feeling of heaviness in the back of the head,
  • stiffness and muscle tension in the collar zone and in the area of ​​​​the shoulder girdle,
  • distraction,
  • feelings of frustration and apathy.

Due to prolonged intense visual work at close range, many computer users

  • eyes turn red
  • watery,
  • there is pain and sensation of a foreign body in the eyes,
  • blurred image,
  • double vision,
  • there are pressing pains in the temples and in the region of the superciliary arches.
Their eyes are inflamed, dry, photophobia is observed, they see poorly in the dark.

The requirements for vision while working on a computer are extremely high. Even with optimal lighting, a monitor that offers maximum eye protection, and a perfectly equipped workspace.

Working on a computer often freeze for several hours in one position, without taking breaks and without moving. As a result, the muscles of the back of the head and shoulder girdle become very tense, the arms become numb, there are back pains, dizziness, a feeling of weakness, decreased attention and severe fatigue,

It is well known that eye strain affects the physical and mental state of a person and can reduce by 90% the ability to think and concentrate,

Despite the huge load on the eyes (and with them the brain) and the deterioration in well-being and vision caused by this, they, as a rule, are given little or no attention, do not give rest and do not take care of them!

First of all, it is necessary to realize that while working on a computer, the eyes experience a huge load and that the deterioration of vision is reflected in the general well-being.

It should also be accepted specific measures for eye protection and care. It is important to take care that during intensive work on the computer there is an opportunity to relieve stress from the eyes in order to restore their performance. How this can be done is clearly and clearly described in this book,

When working on a computer your gaze is riveted for hours on a monitor located at a short distance of approximately 40 - 80 cm. At the same time, the natural mobility of the eyes is sharply limited.

As a result of monotonous, constantly repetitive actions, the eyes do not have the necessary phases of relaxation, they do not have the ability to move from dark to light, from close objects to distant ones, from small objects to large ones, in order to experience the necessary contrast. In this way, central and peripheral vision are not stressed(central vision allows you to consider small details of objects, peripheral - makes it possible to navigate in space). This leads to the fact that the eyes strain, their performance decreases and the general condition of vision worsens.

In this situation, it is necessary vision training, which includes exercises to relieve tension from the eye muscles and restore eye health. The purpose of this technique- in a short time, effectively relieve stress from eyes tired from intensive work at close range and restore their performance,

Eye exercises

Eye exercises were developed in ancient China and have since been used in traditional Indian medicine to maintain good vision. Now in China gymnastics for the eyes is used to strengthen vision, and the stimulation of so-called reflex points is included in the daily program of changes in kindergartens, schools and universities, as well as breaks in institutions and enterprises. By the way, in China, compared to all other countries, there are very few "bespectacled"

Eye exercises are essential component of yoga. They are used to relieve visual fatigue, improve vision and increase the ability to concentrate,

Gymnastics for the eyes- a simple but extremely effective way to help yourself in the form of exercises to relax the eye muscles and train the mobility of the eyeballs - was first used with great success in the early 1920s. New York ophthalmologist, MD William Bates (1860-1931) in the treatment of patients with visual impairments.

The eye gymnastics named after Bates formed the basis modern method of holistic vision training, taking into account the latest scientific data from the field of psychology and general stimulating therapy /

Conscious attitude to the loads on the organs of vision and reduction of loads

Your eyes deserve an attentive, careful and loving attitude towards yourself.

Take care of your eyes by developing new visual habits that reduce eye strain. Help your eyes by applying preventive measures. Performing gymnastics for the eyes does not require a lot of time, however, when starting exercises, it is necessary to observe certain rules:

  1. Always take off your glasses while exercising.
  2. sit straight, freely, without straining;
  3. do not lower your head;
  4. the neck should be in a straight line with the spine;
  5. relax your shoulders and lower them;
  6. watch your breath, with each breath you get a boost of energy and vigor, with each exhalation you get rid of muscle stiffness and fatigue;
  7. focus all your attention on the eyes.

By following these simple rules the tension of the eye muscles will be relieved, the eyes will gain good working capacity, the ability of the brain to concentrate attention will be restored.

Take visual impairment and other eye and eye problems seriously. occurring while working on a computer. Make an effort to ensure that your working days are not complicated by ailments, so that during work you feel cheerful and your eyes do not get tired.

This book will teach you how to do effective eye exercises.

Doing them several times a day you can rest your eyes. Despite the work on the computer that requires the utmost concentration, you will significantly reduce visual load.

Do not forget that frequent short breaks significantly increase performance. You will find that after palming, i.e. laying the palms over the eyes, your thoughts will become clearer and clearer, and the ability to concentrate will improve. With daily palming, you will soon forget words like "fatigue" and "eye strain"

Learn new visual habits: don't focus on one point

This is an eye exercise. relaxes eye muscles and eliminates the habit of looking, without blinking, at one point.

Move your eyes around, looking at all the objects in the room: this is a very important decisive process, allowing the eyes to rest and relax.

When you read these lines, your gaze changes its position 3-5 times per second, i.e., about 250 times per minute. The gaze does not slide sequentially from one object to another, but freezes for a moment at one point in order to perceive what it sees, then jumps further, moves back, jumps again to the next object, etc. The eyes are in constant motion and automatically “adjust” the sharpness on an object located at any distance on which the eye falls (accommodation). Focusing the gaze of tense eyes on one point is a big load!

When working on a computer or other activity that requires intensive participation of the eye, natural eye movements are limited, and the field of view is extremely narrowed.

As a result of monotonous movements within a limited space, the eye muscles tense up, the eyes are forced to look at one point. Such long-term stress inevitably leads to eyestrain.

The consequences of the habit of such monotonous activity and one-sided strain on the eyes are:

  • tension in the muscles of the eyes and neck;
  • shallow breathing;
  • decreased performance of the eyes;
  • decreased attention and feeling overwhelmed.

Several times a day for 30 seconds or more, taking off your glasses if possible, look around at objects that are at different distances from your workplace.

Without straining your eyes shift your gaze from object to object, outline, for example, the outlines of doors, window frames, flowers, calendars, desks, etc.

Do not forget: blink every 3-5 seconds, breathe deeply and freely.

Take every opportunity to move your eyes around. And there are countless possibilities.

While waiting for transport at stops, look at pasted posters, street signs, street clocks, passers-by, their clothes, etc.

When standing in line at the checkout in a store, inspect the shelves with goods, shopping carts, shop windows, customers, etc.

In order for you to remember to move your eyes more often, and not to look at one point, mentally draw yourself a “playing field” on which your eyes could “travel”.

Try to look more often at objects that are as far away as possible (distance accommodation), blink more often and breathe deeply at the same time. Thanks to this, you will increase the reserves of accommodation of the eye.

blinking interrupts staring at one point.

In a relaxed state, eyes with normal vision blink approximately every 3 seconds, i.e., about 20 times per minute.

Strained, tired eyes, eyes with impaired vision tend to look at one point. The eyes hardly move and as a result blink too rarely.

When blinking the following important processes are performed that contribute to the relaxation and regeneration of the eyes:

  • the surface of the eyeball is evenly moistened and cleaned with tear fluid;
  • eyes restore their functions;
  • thanks to tears, the look becomes clearer;
  • blinking interrupts incessant staring;
  • blinking smooths out the eye's attempts to see an object that is hard to see, thus preventing eye strain. Blinking briefly interrupts the flow of information from the eyes to the visual center in the brain. There is a pause that has a beneficial relaxing effect on the eyes, like a comma in a sentence.

Rare blinking is combined with shallow insufficient breathing, blinking more often, try to breathe deeper at the same time. Blinking should be light, smooth and free, like the movement of a butterfly's wings. If during hard work you suddenly feel fatigue and discomfort in the eyes, blink a few times and take deep breaths, your vision will become sharper, and your eyes will become clearer.

Yawning awakens the body and mind and increases tone

Did you know that sweet yawning, especially multiple times a day, has an extraordinary effect on your well-being? So, yawn:

  • "opens the valves" of the body, making it possible to replenish oxygen reserves
  • allows you to breathe deeper;
  • activates blood circulation;
  • clears the mind;
  • supplies the cells of the brain and body with energy;
  • promotes the activity of the lacrimal glands;
  • too dry mucous membranes (the result of using air conditioners!) are moisturized and feel much better, as if after bathing in the shower;
  • relaxes the muscles of the temples, jaws, head, face, neck, occiput, shoulders, abdomen and diaphragm; 9) improves mood and improves overall tone.

Yawning heartily, a person feels a desire to stretch, move, walk around, make a few vigorous waves of arms and legs. Do you know that when yawning, the jaw muscles tense up the most and that they have a direct effect on vision? When yawning, the temporomandibular joints move gently, while the masticatory and temporal muscles relax well. Yawning can relieve a headache in the temple area somewhat.

When yawning, you can lightly massage the jaw muscles with your fingertips. Nothing relieves muscle tension and invigorates like yawning with stretching the whole body.

When you are busy sitting at a computer, typewriter, or at a desk, the natural movement of the body is drastically limited. The consequence of sedentary work is superficial, and therefore insufficiently intense breathing. As a result, the body does not receive enough oxygen.

Within a short time after the start of work, you feel lethargy, drowsiness, fatigue, increased irritability, apathy. Efficiency decreases, the reaction slows down.

The body urgently needs an additional portion of energy: stretch your whole body well, yawn with pleasure, exhale noisily and relish, as if saying to yourself: “Calm down. All tasks will be completed one by one. I can handle everything. And now I am refueling with a new portion of energy and providing my body and brain with it!

Movement calms and relaxes

There is nothing more difficult than to relax in an excited, nervous state of tension. If you are an impulsive, nervous person, the position of lying or sitting under certain circumstances causes you a reaction just the opposite of peace, relaxation and balance, i.e. anxiety, nervousness, tension and anger in a calm relaxed position do not decrease, but rather increase.

In such cases movement and physical activity are recommended. It is well known that physical work that requires great muscular effort causes healthy fatigue. The nervous system does not experience much stress. The resulting fatigue is removed with the help of prolonged deep sleep.

So, to relieve stress, work in the garden, chop wood, do exercises, go for a jog, etc.

By observing nature, you will see that slow smooth and rhythmic movements perfectly relieve muscle and mental tension. Think of a wheat field softly swaying in a warm breeze, among which red poppy flowers, willows and birches can be seen on the banks of a thoughtful pond, the leaves of which flutter in a gentle gust of wind.

When your patience comes to an end in an atmosphere of fuss, nervousness, tension and minor troubles, you will be somewhat calmed by the rocking exercise, which must be performed for 1-3 minutes.

rocking, being an opto-motor exercise, allows you to relieve muscle stiffness in a short time, master yourself and find peace.

The famous American ophthalmologist William G. Bates, who developed an original technique for improving vision without glasses with the help of special exercises, wrote: “ Visually impaired people suffer from tension in all the nerves and muscles of the body. As a result of proper rocking, fatigue is relieved, as well as pain, dizziness and other symptoms are reduced, since rocking relaxes the oculomotor muscles».

There are 2 options for opto-motor exercises: rocking and turning. The positive impact of both exercises

1 . Intraocular and periocular muscles relax, eye strain is relieved.

2 . Breathing becomes deep and free.

3 . The spine becomes more flexible, undergoing a kind of soft massage.

4 . Swinging and turning improves the condition of the muscles of the back of the head and neck.

5 . Smooth turns of the head and torso relieve tension in the muscles of the shoulder and chest girdle.

6 . Exercises develop the correct posture, teach you to keep your head straight.

7 . Develop a sense of rhythm, learn to control your body.

8 . Reduce or completely remove the unpleasant sensations of lightheadedness and motion sickness when traveling in transport or flying on an airplane.

9 . Exercises done before going to bed, in combination with palming, have a hypnotic effect.

10 . Exercise is the simplest and most natural way to relieve muscle and psychological tension, get rid of feelings of discomfort and fatigue.


2. Stand up straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart.

3. Relax your arms and shoulders and lower them down.

4. Keep your head straight, without straining the muscles of the neck and neck.

5. Now, transferring the weight of the body to one or the other leg, smoothly and rhythmically swing from side to side, like a clock pendulum.

6. Do not close your eyes and keep your eyes on the objects moving with your movements.

7. When doing the exercise, blink more often and yawn with pleasure.

8. Make sure that your breathing is deep, even and free.

9. It is advisable to do this exercise for several minutes as often as you like.


1. When performing the exercise, always take off your glasses!

2. Take the same starting position as when swinging.

3. Moving slightly raised arms as far back as possible, simultaneously turn the torso, shoulders and head in one direction or the other.

4. Having made a turn, without lowering your head, look back.

During this exercise, the spine slowly and smoothly turns effortlessly. This increases its mobility and flexibility.

5. When the torso turns to the right, the right leg remains fully pressed to the floor, only the heel of the left foot is slightly off the floor. When turning to the left, the heel of the right foot comes off the floor, while the left foot is completely on the floor.

6. Performing the exercise, breathe deeply, blink and yawn more often.

7. It is best to perform this exercise to quiet, calm music.

Under the action of smooth rhythmic movements, muscle and nervous tension is relieved.

Finishing the exercise, stretch well, yawn heartily, blink frequently, and palm.


When the eyes are tired, their performance decreases, visual impairment or photosensitivity is observed.

brain reaction manifested in a decrease in attention and mental activity, there are lethargy, fatigue, general overwork.

When the eyes are deprived of natural sunlight for a long time, for example, when wearing dark glasses and sunglasses, when driving for a long time in a car with tinted windows or staying in a dark room, they are light hungry. At the same time, the nerves of the retina weaken, its perceptive abilities become dull, the eyes become overly sensitive to sunlight, vision, especially at dusk and darkness, deteriorates.

A person whose eyes are not exposed to sunlight can experience not only discomfort, but also sharp pain in bright light.

Unaware of the relationship between sunlight deficiency and "photosensitivity" of the eyes, most people believe that they should "protect" their eyes by protecting them with dark glasses. Meanwhile these ideas are directly opposite to the true state of affairs!

Light sensitivity often accompanied by poor vision in the dark, which is further worsened by headaches, migraine attacks, general fatigue, stress, or illness.

W. Bates in his book “ Better vision without glasses”(The book was first published in Russian in 1990 by the Polina publishing house, Vilnius) tells about a patient who turned to him for help, who, due to her increased eye sensitivity, was recommended by a certain doctor to wear a tight bandage on one eye, and the other eye Protect with dark glass goggles. For two years, the woman lived in a state of almost complete darkness, but did not feel any improvement. Dr. Bates spent with her sun light therapy. The patient got rid of increased photosensitivity, her visual acuity improved.

Experience shows that even with strong photosensitivity after regular exposure to sun or light baths, the eyes can easily perceive sunlight.

The positive effects of sun or light baths are as follows :

  • sunlight relieves eye, nervous and muscle tension;
  • the more sunlight your eyes perceive, the more mental activity is activated and your vision becomes sharper;
  • sunlight strengthens and regenerates the retina, improves blood supply to the eyes;
  • sunlight greatly improves vision in the dark. The eyes suffer less from the glare of the sun on the water surface, snow sparkling in the sun, the light of car headlights, etc .;
  • solarization activates and stimulates the nerves of the brain, which significantly improves attention and mental abilities;
  • solarization provides an intensive supply of energy to the body;
  • already after several sessions of solarization, the retina, which experienced light hunger, perceives objects much more clearly;
  • under the influence of sunlight, the eyes rest, the eye muscles relax, blood circulation increases;
    sunlight regulates and activates the lacrimal glands.

Overvoltage the eyes turn red, watery, blood vessels burst in them, there are unpleasant tingling sensations, as if a speck has got into the eye, photophobia is observed.

Sunlight gives you a pleasant feeling of physical comfort, soothing lightness and mental relaxation.

The warmth of the sun not only relieves stress from tired eyes and body, but also improves mood, calms the nervous system.

Pamper your eyes, let them rest for a few minutes. In clear sunny weather, strengthen them regularly.

Under the influence of sunlight on closed eyes, inflammatory processes disappear, the activity of microorganisms decreases. Solarize at every opportunity: during your lunch break, on a walk, etc.

This is done as follows:

1. take off your glasses;

2. closing your eyes, stand facing the bright sunlight (necessarily in the fresh air, and not indoors through the window glass!);

3. freely, without straining, turn your head to the right, then to the left, so that the sunlight fills your face from all sides.

If even through closed eyelids the sunlight seems blindingly bright to you, causing discomfort or pain, stand in a shade, such as under a tree.

If you are sunbathing your eyes while you are in the south, cover your closed eyes with your palms from time to time to specifically achieve absolute darkness, so your eyes will be exposed alternately to bright light and total darkness. Such quick and sharp fluctuations are a good workout for any eye.

Duration of eye solarization decide for yourself based on your well-being and needs. At first, 30 seconds is enough, then the duration of the exercise can be increased to 5 minutes.

Rely on your intuition, be guided by the degree of comfort of your condition. For one person, the maximum duration of such an exercise is 2 minutes, for another it takes more. Do not forget to comply with the most important requirement: You can do this exercise only with your eyes closed!

From time to time interrupt the light bath with the so-called glimpses.

Always finish solarization palming. After finishing the exercise, blink often, stretch your whole body until it crunches, yawn with pleasure. Rinse your face with cold water, it will invigorate and refresh you.


1. Exercise Always Do without glasses!

2. close your eyes. At a palm-width distance from the eyes, place the hands horizontally and parallel one after the other at a slight distance from each other, Spread the fingers of both hands and quickly move the brushes up and down.

Alternate effect on the eyes light of different intensity useful and beneficial. Being a kind of massage, this exercise activates the photoreceptor cells of the retina, the visual center in the brain and increases blood circulation in the eyes.

This exercise must be completed. prolonged palming. Then stretch your whole body, blink often, and yawn with pleasure.

3. Completing solarization, refresh and revitalize the eyes, To do this, moisten your fingers with cold water and gently run them over your closed eyes. Run your palms moistened with cold water over your ears, forehead, and back of your head.

useful to do contrasting eye and face washes. Rinse your closed eyes with either cold or rather hot water. The change of hot and cold stimulates blood circulation in the tissues of the eyes and around them, helps to relieve congestion and has a tonic effect.

On cloudy days, when outdoor solarization is not possible, use electric light. To do this, you can use a 150 W electric lamp. The lamp should be located at a distance of about 1 m from the face.

Never use ultraviolet light!

Duration of artificial solarization depends on how you feel, but it should not exceed 5 minutes. And in this case, end the session with a long palming. The positive effect of the exercise will be enhanced if, at the end of it, you often blink, stretch, yawn and run over your closed eyes with your palms moistened with cold water.

Eye focusing exercise

1. Perform the exercise by removing your glasses. Thanks to this exercise, relaxation of the ciliary muscle and the lens is achieved.

2. Several times look from closely spaced objects to objects that are at a considerable distance from you.

Exercise slowly to have time to focus on both close and distant objects.

Eye focusing exercise

1. Before doing the exercise take off your glasses!

2. Take your attention away from close-range work at the computer, typewriter, or desk, and direct your gaze into the distance.

3. However, unlike the previous exercise do it step by step, moving the gaze from a close object to a more distant one, then to an object located even further away and, finally, to a completely distant one.

4. Having moved your gaze to the next object, take your time, giving your eyes the opportunity to tune in to it, “focus”.

5. When you reach the farthest object with your eyes, keep your attention on it for a few seconds, and then move your gaze in the opposite direction, i.e. from the farthest to less and less distant, and, finally, stop your gaze on a nearby object.

By doing the exercises above, observe the following conditions:

  • Blink frequently as you move your gaze from close to distant objects, while breathing evenly, deeply and without tension. If you want your eyes to rest even better, then, after completing the stepwise eye focusing exercise, do palming for a few minutes.
  • Before you continue to work, stretch well, yawn with pleasure, make some arbitrary movements with your hands, shake your hands, move your legs, wiggle your toes, and then get to work with renewed vigor!

Exercise with a calendar

Start working at your desk by picking up a calendar. With it, you will do a kind of "massage of the lens."

1. Do the exercise with your glasses off!

2. Cover your right eye with the palm of your right hand,

3. Take a calendar in your left hand (it can also be a photograph, business card, etc.).

4. Bring the calendar very close to the open left eye,

5. Without straining, focus your eyes to see the numbers on the calendar as clearly as possible.

6. Now slowly move the calendar away from your eye until you extend your arm completely,

7. During that time, while the eye will be adjusted to any segment of this distance, blink more often and breathe deeply, evenly.

8. Now just as slowly return your hand to its original position, bringing the calendar to your left eye. While doing this, exhale.

Repeat these movements several times, doing the exercise for each eye for 20-30 seconds.

9. Don't forget to blink often!

Let's take another eye.

1. Change the starting position and close your left eye with the palm of your left hand,

2. Take the calendar in your right hand and do the same movements with it as described above.

3. Blink more often, breathe deeply, evenly and without tension,

Do each of these exercises until until you feel that your eyes have rested.

Perhaps 10 seconds per eye will be enough for you. The main thing is that you feel comfortable.

Do not forget: after the exercise for each eye, if possible, do palming for 1-2 minutes.

Attention far-sighted !

If you already wear glasses, you should be aware that using them interferes with the work of the ciliary muscle and the lens, as the glasses prevent them from tensing and relaxing, and therefore changing the curvature of the lens. Glasses detrain accommodation.

The eye muscles cease to perform their functions and gradually weaken, because glasses do the work instead. As a result, changing the curvature of the lens becomes unnecessary.

Carefully: trap!

As convenient as reading glasses may seem, they are essentially a trap, and anyone with reading glasses can confirm this.

For someone who wears reading glasses, muscles and lens become sluggish and less efficient. The eyeballs are significantly immobilized, blood circulation in the eyes worsens due to inactivity. Glasses "discourage" the tissues of the eyes to adapt. Over time, a person inevitably needs new, stronger glasses,

Just as crutches lead to atrophy of the leg muscles, so addiction to glasses contributes to an increase in lethargy of the eye muscles.

Those who train their lens and ciliary muscles several times a day maintain their mobility and flexibility, which is essential for the realization of the accommodative ability.

The palming done at the end of the listed exercises regenerates and strengthens the eyes and the brain.

These exercises in combination with palming from now on should become a mandatory item of your daily routine!

Try doing it every day for at least 5 minutes!

Cross movements

Movement invigorates and uplifts the mood!

Cross movements are a motor stereotype in which the brain, eyes and body are simultaneously "turned on" to the action.

Cross movements:

  • simultaneously activate the activity of both hemispheres of the brain;
  • improve the interaction between the eyes and the visual center;
  • increase efficiency and improve the comprehensibility of educational material;
  • facilitate the performance of any mental work;
  • contribute to the acquisition of new skills, the development of creativity and quick reaction;
  • contribute to the integrity of the thought process due to the active work of both hemispheres of the brain.

Left hemisphere the brain is responsible for logical and analytical thinking, performing actions, distributing tasks, observing the sequence of their implementation and summing up,

Right hemisphere responsible for creativity and improvement, the ability to express their thoughts.

Generally cross movements provide harmonious and dynamic interaction between the right and left halves of the body, the upper and lower parts of the body, both hemispheres and both eyes.

Cross movements are physical exercises that relieve muscle stiffness and at the same time give pleasure. When you feel tired at work or at home, when your nerves are tense to the limit, when you are overwhelmed by drowsiness and lethargy, when you are absent-minded and find it difficult to concentrate, do a few cross movements while standing or on go, if possible, to the music. At the same time, you can sing along, whistle, or simply “mumble” with your mouth closed.

And this is how it is done.

1. Stand up straight and at the same time stretch your right arm forward and lift your left leg, bent at the knee.

2. Now change the position of the arms and legs: at the same time stretch the left arm forward and lift the right leg bent at the knee.

3. At the same time, try to make circular movements with your eyes, moving your eyes to the left and up counterclockwise. This stimulates the work of the right hemisphere of the brain. Then make circular movements with your eyeballs, moving your gaze to the right up in a clockwise direction. This stimulates the work of the left hemisphere of the brain.

A similar effect on the activation and integration of both hemispheres of the brain has the exercise "horizontal eight".

"Horizontal Eight"

When performing the “horizontal figure eight” exercise, they are activated simultaneously both hemispheres of the brain.

“Write” a “lying” eight in the air with your outstretched left hand.

Start the movement from the center point crossing all the lines of the figure, then move your hand counterclockwise to the left, describing a circle and returning to the center point.

From it, move your hand to the right up in a clockwise direction and again return to the original center point.

The same exercise do it with your right hand.

In conclusion, try to complete the exercise both hands at the same time.

Activate the right hemisphere of the brain!

For most people working on a computer, it is mainly the left hemisphere of the brain that “works”.

It turns out that the right hemisphere of the brain when doing work on a computer remains practically “unloaded”, “disabled”. If the right hemisphere does not support the left hemisphere and does not work with it, then the left hemisphere is forced to experience great stress. This is reflected in the general state of the body, expressed in a feeling of fatigue, reduced attention, depletion of creative potential.

A person feels exhausted, overwhelmed, his head literally swells from excessive visual strain.

In this state, it's time to restore your strength with cross movements.

When both hemispheres of the brain start working together again, helping each other, you will immediately feel better, more alert, and work will again be easy for you.

An extremely important and complex "phase of inclusion" in the joint work of both hemispheres of the brain is already observed in a nursing infant, when he is just starting to crawl.

When crawling, which is nothing more than cross movements, both hemispheres of the brain are simultaneously connected to work.

This interaction of both hemispheres is necessary in order to learn to read and write in the future.

For this reason, every effort should be made to babies crawl more and in no case limit their motor activity. It is she who develops the child's abilities, which facilitate the process of integrated learning in the future.

Scientific studies have revealed the relationship between the motor activity of an infant and his ability to learn. In children who crawled little or no, there is a reading disorder (dyslexia) and a decrease in the ability to count (dyscalculia).

Strabismus can be partly a consequence of insufficient motor activity in infancy.

Cross movements act in such a way that the brain activates and causes the muscles to contract at the right time in the right position.

Of course, you won't be able to reproduce this familiar crawling in your workplace, but you can take steps to change your posture from time to time and make changes to the monotonous working rhythm.

If you sit at your desk for many hours, often in the wrong position, then stand up when you are on the phone.

If you need to contact colleagues working in a neighboring office, do not rush to grab the phone, do not be lazy to go there, make cross movements from time to time, every 30-60 minutes of standing or sitting, do exercises to relax the stiff muscles.

It takes no more than 15 seconds to complete any of these exercises! Stretch and yawn more often.

Actively relieve muscle tension

  • swimming,
  • a ride on the bicycle,
  • jogging,
  • cross country running,
  • football game,
  • table tennis,
  • badminton,
  • ballroom and modern dances,
  • classes in health groups,
  • participation in cross-country skiing
  • skiing,
  • skating,
  • hockey game,
  • jumping rope,
  • trampolining.

Passive stress relief and ways to improve mood

1. Listen to music in a calm environment (classical music is especially good at relieving stress).

2. Take walks in the forest, in the park, along the banks of water bodies.

3. Take part in excursions to interesting historical places, admire architectural monuments, visit museums, a zoo.

4. Do yoga, autogenic training, self-hypnosis (use the self-hypnosis formula developed by Kue: “Every day I get better and better in every respect”).

From time to time, take a break in street cafes or on benches in the park, watching passers-by.

And the most important thing: do not fuss and take your time, then you will be surprised to notice that your pulse has become even and full, and you have become deeper and calmer to breathe.

Combination exercises

Eyes and brain are a single structure!

Strictly speaking, we see with the brain, since vision is 90% the result of the work of the brain.

In the visual center of the brain, various images of an object formed by the optical system of the right and left eyes are instantly combined, merge into a single visual image. Thanks to this coordinated interaction of the eyes and the brain, we are able to process the information perceived by both eyes and create a single, rather than a split image of the external world.

Formation of a visual image

When we look at an object, Each eye perceives a different "picture". You can see for yourself: close your left eye and look at some object with your right eye only. Then close your right eye and look at the same object with your left eye only. Compare both images. The difference in the "picture" is explained by the fact that each eye perceives the object from its own angle of view.

Distinguish monocular vision(with one eye) and binocular vision when the visual fields of both eyes partially overlap. Due to the difference in the angles at which the same object is viewed by both eyes, binocularity leads to stereoscopic perception, which is one of the means of assessing the volume of objects and the distance to them.

The process of combining images is complex and requires a lot of tension in the visual-brain apparatus.

You can understand this only when you realize how often and quickly the direction of your gaze changes when working on a computer or working with documents. The gaze moves instantly from one object to another, from one digit to the next, from one line to the next, when you read, check something, compare, look for some data, and so almost without interruption every hour, every day, in for many years.

Weak matching ability.

This is expressed in split vision (strabismus), blurry, blurry perception, sudden disappearance of letters, numbers, icons, unilateral headaches or headaches, accompanied by a feeling of pressure or tension on one side in the eye, forehead, temple, fatigue, weakness, lethargy , stress, irritability, depression or illness.

Causes of image misregistration

The reasons for misregistration of images can be continuous visual work at close range, for example, on a computer, typewriter, while reading and otherwise, severe myopia, severe curvature of the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes, a condition in which one eye sees much weaker than the other (perhaps in this case, the brain suppresses the image perceived by the weaker eye), uncoordinated work of the oculomotor muscles.

In order to improve the process of combining images formed by each eye separately, and to achieve an optimal, stress-free interaction between the brain and eyes, it is useful to perform exercises to facilitate the image fusion process.

These exercises are designed to enable the brain to easily combine the images received from each eye separately into a clearly identifiable visual image.

When doing these exercises the following requirements must be met:

  • when exercising, always take off your glasses;
  • during the exercise, breathe deeply and measuredly;
  • blink and yawn more often;
  • sit straight, freely, without tension;
  • Don't put your feet on top of each other! Any tension, effort to “pull yourself together”, “gather yourself” automatically causes contraction of the eye muscles, as a result of which the flow of energy to the eyes and brain is blocked.

Image Merge Exercise

Perception of a distant object

1. Take off your glasses!

2. Hold the index finger of the left hand vertically at a distance of about 20 cm from the nose, and the index finger of the right hand vertically at a distance of about 40 cm from the nose.

4. In order for the gaze not to freeze on one point, slightly move this finger.

5. You see 2 left fingers, although your gaze is still directed to the finger that is farther away.

6. You see the so-called gate, this means that your brain has combined the images of the finger located farther, and not the one that is closer to the nose,

The "gate" gives you a "picture", which is perceived separately by each eye.

During the exercise blink more often, this relieves the tension that the brain experiences. Make sure your breathing is deep and calm,

Perception of an object located near

1. Now move your gaze to the index finger of your left hand, which is located at a distance of about 20 cm from your nose.

You have the opportunity to make sure that wherever your eyes consciously look, the brain instantly combines images. The situation when, when performing the “gate” exercise, you do not see two fingers close, that is, if one finger disappears and the other appears, is possible in the following cases: the eye with stronger vision works, and the weaker myopic eye as a result of constant oppression reacts weakly. The brain does not completely suppress the image coming from the visually impaired eye. The image formed by one eye is no longer perceived by the brain.

Image fusion exercise “Cord with a ball” (it is advisable to perform the exercise with a partner)

1. Take a string or rope 1 m long and string a large colored wooden ball on it.

2. Pinch the end of the lace between your thumb and forefinger.

3. If you don't have a partner to do this exercise with, fasten one end of the string to the back of a chair, doorknob.

4. Press the thumbnail of the hand in which you hold the cord lightly against the tip of your nose.

5. Pull the cord taut, the ball should be in the middle of the cord.

Preparing for the exercise:

1. Close your left eye first and note which side of your open eye the cord is.

2. Close the other eye and make sure the cord is now on the other side. Main exercise:

3. Completely relaxed, look with both eyes at the ball located in the middle of the cord.

4. Breathe deeply and freely, blink more often,

When you look at the ball without tension, you will see 2 cords: a "cross of the cord" is formed.

You will see that the cord forms a large "X", which means that both eyes and brain work in harmony and the image blends flawlessly,

Now move the ball:

a) towards your partner;

b) closer to your nose,

  • Try to get an image of a crossed cord at any position of the ball.
  • Blink more often, breathe calmly, measuredly and deeply.
  • Performing the exercise, do not rush, do not strain your muscles.
  • Merging images is the most difficult job for the eyes and brain.
  • Reward your eyes and brain for the effort you put in, and after completing the exercise, do palming for a few minutes.

Article from the book: .

Find out if weight training is bad for your eyesight and how to do bodybuilding so as not to plant your eyesight.

The content of the article:

Going in for sports, including bodybuilding, you should always take care of your health. Actually, this is why people visit fitness centers. There is an opinion that strong physical activity adversely affects vision. Today we will try to tell you in as much detail as possible how bodybuilding and vision are connected.

This article will be interesting and useful for athletes of various levels of training. We all understand perfectly well that in sports, in addition to positive effects, there can be negative ones. If the benefits of sports in general and bodybuilding in particular are spoken of on almost every “corner”, then the possible negative consequences may be hushed up.

We will not do this and will tell you about everything related to bodybuilding and vision. To make it easier to understand everything, it’s worth starting with the work of the visual organs.

The structure and function of the organs of vision

The eye is a complex optical system that resembles a camera lens. As a result, we can perceive about 85 percent of the information about the world around us visually. We will not delve into medical terms, as this is completely unnecessary. We have already noted that the human vision system resembles a photographic lens and consider it from this position:
  • The retina is a thin film and is a kind of light-sensitive matrix.
  • Pupil - located in the center of the iris and acts as a diaphragm.
  • The lens is our "lens".
  • The sclera is the outer covering of the entire eyeball. Being his body.
In addition, the visual system includes pathways and a certain part of the brain called the visual cortex. It is these two elements of the visual system that are responsible for the analysis of the information received, which enters the brain from the eye in the form of nerve impulses.

In addition, it is necessary to mention the mechanisms of the eyeball, which should include the lacrimal mechanism, motor muscles, mucous membrane and eyelids. If we talk about the relationship between bodybuilding and vision, then the muscles that allow us to move the eyeball are of greatest interest to us. There are six of them in each eye (2 oblique and 4 rectus muscles). Thanks to these muscles, we can turn the eyeball in any direction, as well as fix our eyes on the desired point in space.

Bodybuilding and vision: the impact of physical activity

When we work with weights and, especially in basic movements, eye pressure increases dramatically. This is a negative factor that can cause an eye disease such as glaucoma. With this disease, the fluid in the eyeball does not have the ability to flow out as it should.

We did not note the presence of a trabecular network in the eyeball - small vessels that act as drainage tubes. With a frequent increase in eye pressure, which is glaucoma, these "tubes" become clogged, which leads to a violation of the eye's nutrition.

The fluid in the eyeball gradually accumulates and affects the optic nerve. As a result, nerve cells and fibers die, which can even cause complete loss of vision. The danger of developing glaucoma is that this disease has no symptoms. If the disease has begun to develop, then you have no way to find out about it, except for a special examination.

Based on all of the above, we can safely say that every event that contributes to the growth of eye pressure can cause the development of glaucoma. Of course, girls are at least at risk, since they most often use cardio loads to solve their tasks. Even during weight training, girls work with small weights, which does not cause such a powerful increase in eye pressure.

As a result, all power athletes are a target audience for the development of glaucoma. You probably know that you can't hold your breath while performing power movements. It is the increase in eye pressure at this moment that is the reason why you should carefully monitor your breathing during exercise.

The fact that holding the breath during physical exertion negatively affects the organs of vision is a scientifically proven fact. A group of Brazilian scientists specifically studied this issue. During the experiment, its participants performed bench presses in the prone position. Scientists measured the pressure in one eye at the moment of holding the breath, and in the second - at normal. As a result, scientists recorded that in 90 percent of the subjects, eye pressure increased by 4.3 millimeters of mercury during the period of holding the breath.

But when using cardio loads and performing isokinetic exercises, eye pressure drops significantly. Remember we talked about fitness girls? Scientists have found that if you raise your heart rate to a quarter of the normal level, then eye pressure will definitely decrease. Thus, it can be recommended to carry out one or two short cardio sessions during the week during mass gain. This will neutralize the negative relationship between bodybuilding and vision.

Can glaucoma be cured by bodybuilding?

We found that bodybuilding and vision are closely related, and under certain conditions, strength athletes can develop a disease such as glaucoma. In this regard, a fair question may arise - what to do if glaucoma has been diagnosed. If the situation is difficult and the disease is progressing, then you should definitely give up hard training for mass gain. In order not to aggravate the situation, switch to light training that helps maintain the gained mass.

Surgery can also help if the disease is serious. If everything is not so bad, then try special eye drops. The composition of these medications should include alpha-adrenergic receptor antagonists, beta-blockers, prostaglandin analogues, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. You can also advise to reduce the consumption of coffee and green tea. Scientists have proven that with the constant use of these drinks, eye pressure exceeds the norm by a couple of millimeters of mercury.

What exercises should be excluded for vision problems?

If you have myopia, farsightedness or other vision problems, then this point should be taken into account when drawing up a training program. We have already found out that the connection between bodybuilding and vision can have negative directions and you absolutely do not need to exacerbate existing problems. To achieve this, you should completely refuse or perform the following movements no more than once a week:
  • Presses on the bench head down (negative angle of inclination).
  • Deadlift.
  • Leg presses using the simulator.
  • Presses on a horizontal bench.
  • Squats.
  • Rod pulls in an inclined position.
The greatest impact on the increase in eye pressure is produced by movements performed in the prone position. This is due to the influx of large amounts of blood to the brain and an increase in blood pressure. If you ignore this recommendation, the consequences can be very serious.

Ways to improve vision in the gym

To strengthen your vision, you should eat foods that contain nutrients that have a positive effect on the visual system. First of all, we are talking about antioxidants. You probably know that the most powerful substances in this group are vitamins C and E. They not only help the body effectively fight free radicals, but also perform other functions.

For example, vitamin C contributes to the normalization of blood flow, which improves the quality of tissue nutrition. Fruits such as kiwi, lemon, oranges, etc. are excellent sources of vitamin C. Fatty fish species are rich in vitamin E. Vitamin and mineral complexes should also be taken to avoid deficiency of important micronutrients. Among the minerals for the organs of vision, zinc is primarily useful. This substance is found in red meat, oysters, oats and wheat.

Omega fatty acids, when combined with vitamins A and D, can also improve the performance of the visual system and improve brain performance. All three of these substances are found in salmon. By consuming garlic regularly, you can normalize blood flow and increase immunity. This product contains a large amount of sulfur, which increases the elasticity of eye lenses, as well as their strength.

Consider dark chocolate, which is a powerful source of antioxidants and flavonoids. This will allow you to protect the capillaries of the eyeball and increase the strength of the lens. Various fruits are very useful for the whole organism, including the organs of vision. For example, spinach and kale contain substances that will also help you improve your eyesight.

All athletes know that egg white is an excellent source of amines necessary for the growth of muscle tissue. However, not everyone knows that eggs also contain zinc, healthy fats and vitamins. Many remember from childhood that blueberries are very useful for strengthening vision. This berry contains a special substance - anthocyanoside, which directly affects visual acuity. Do not forget about therapeutic exercises for the eyes.

For more on the effect of physical activity on vision, see this video:

During sports exercises, a person is physically and spiritually in a tense state. Poor eyesight and sports should exist together, since classes contribute to the improvement of the state of various systems and organs of the human body, including the visual apparatus. Training energizes, as a result, he feels a surge of strength, his mood rises. However, with eye ailments, not all exercises have a beneficial effect.

The impact of sports on vision

A sedentary lifestyle slows down blood circulation. This means that the organs do not receive the necessary amount of nutrients, and this can cause serious health problems. During training, the efficiency of organs and systems increases, including the ciliary eye muscle, which is involved in sports activities. It is responsible for strengthening the eye blood vessels. With a sedentary lifestyle, the muscles of the eyes become sluggish, as a result, it is difficult to quickly focus the gaze.

Certain sports have a beneficial effect on human health and there is such a positive effect:

  • all structures and functions of the body develop;
  • muscle tissue is strengthened;
  • increases the functionality of the eye muscles.

The ability to play sports is affected not by the presence of the disease, but by the degree of its development.

What should be the loads?

Large physical exertion can provoke a complication of diseases of the organs of vision.

In severe forms of any eye disease and with the presence of complications, a significant decrease in activity is necessary. It is not recommended to choose sports with too sharp movements and heavy loads. Contraindicated:

  • Weightlifting,
  • hockey,
  • cycling,
  • handball,
  • boxing,
  • freestyle,
  • jumping,
  • martial arts.

Sports with poor eyesight should not include too intense training, so as not to harm the body. To obtain a positive effect, without causing damage to the visual apparatus, the load should increase gradually. When it is dosed, it has a beneficial effect on the eyes, prevents pathologies. To determine the level of vision and the right choice of sports activities, you need to consult an ophthalmologist.

If you prefer a particular sport, you should first find out from the coach about the nature of the upcoming loads. Knowing the state of the patient's visual apparatus, the doctor will give the right recommendations, and the trainer will select the pace. It is important to take into account that due to traumatic and aggressive sports, the eyes are strained, intraocular pressure increases. Intensive training can cause significant damage to the organs of vision.

Why can you play sports?

Swimming has a positive effect on the whole body.

In order for the human body to function normally, it is important to provide it with full-fledged physical activity, therefore certain relatively calm sports will only benefit vision. When the level of blood circulation increases, the necessary nutrients enter the visual organs, and the muscles of the eyes and face are in the right tone. There are sports that people with poor eyesight should not play. But there are also types of loads that favorably affect the organs of vision.

Glasses and contact lenses

With eye pathologies, doctors prescribe the wearing of glasses. However, during training, this means of vision correction has obvious disadvantages. They interfere with movement, they can accidentally fall and break, sweat. When exercising, it is preferable to use contact lenses. In them, a physically active person feels more comfortable and confident. Before using lenses, you should consult an optometrist.

Many people - even if they would like to give up glasses - doubt that this is possible.

This skepticism is largely based on misconceptions. There are five common misconceptions that lead people to think that vision cannot be improved:

  1. Poor eyesight is hereditary.
  2. Vision inevitably deteriorates with age.
  3. Vision deteriorates due to increased eye strain.
  4. Visual impairment is the result of weakness of the eye muscles.
  5. Vision is only a physical, mechanical process.

Let's look at each of these misconceptions in detail.

1 Poor Vision Is Hereditary

The first misconception is that vision problems are hereditary: if your parents had poor eyesight, then you will have it too. Previously, this view was generally accepted, but now most experts believe that visual ability is not predetermined at the time of birth.

According to statistics, only 3 out of 100 visually impaired people were born with hereditary visual problems. The remaining 97% had vision problems at some point in their lives. After all, just as we learn to talk or walk, we learn to see.

But since most of us were born with normal vision, it would be more correct to say that we learn throughout our lives. not see. Of course, we learn this unconsciously, unintentionally, and no one teaches us this, but we misuse our eyes and mind, which leads to deterioration of vision.

The latest research has shown that even one-day-old babies are able to sharply focus their eyes. When they are shown a picture of their mother's face, they focus on the picture by changing the speed at which they suck on the artificial nipple. If they suck at the right speed, the picture stays clear. If they suck much faster or slower, the picture goes out of focus. By adjusting the sucking speed, babies are able to keep the image in focus.

Prior to this original experiment, scientists mistakenly believed that children could not focus clearly until the age of 3 or 4 months. This misconception was the result of insufficient study by scientists of the behavior of infants.

From birth, we learn about the world around us with the help of five senses. Vision is dominant and most developed. Through the eyes we receive from 80 to 90% of information. Vision is of paramount importance for communication with the outside world.

A significant number of people wear glasses or lenses. The need to use optics in order to see well is considered the norm. Mankind is no longer able to use one of the most important sense organs - vision without artificial devices.

The number of people with visual problems has increased 5 times over the past 100 years. This horrendous growth took place within only three or four generations. If poor eyesight is inherited, then who could have passed it on to us?

2. Vision inevitably deteriorates with age.

The second misconception is that vision inevitably deteriorates with age, and everyone will eventually need reading glasses.

The visual system - just like any other system in your body - deteriorates over time. Of course, this happens if you do nothing to keep her youthful and elastic, and do not get rid of the tension and rigidity that accumulate over the years. The process of vision deterioration is not inevitable and irreparable. But only you can turn it back.

One example. The Cambridge Institute recently received a letter from an 89-year-old man who used the same vision enhancement system that you are now joining. He said in his letter: “I have worn reading glasses for 50 years since I was 39. Now, after 2 months of a vision improvement program, I can sometimes read without glasses. It works well for me and does not require any effort.

Well, an amazing success, but the most interesting thing was next: "I realized that I can help myself, and I foresee even more significant changes in the future." What youthful optimism! There is a lot to learn!

Your eyes and visual system respond positively to exercise, relaxation, and the elimination of stress. Success in this matter depends entirely on your attitude and specific steps aimed at preserving vision.

Our experience shows that the so-called senile vision (presbyopia) responds very well to training. Many of those who have started using the program are able not only to stop the process of vision deterioration, but also to restore their original clarity to their eyes.

3. Vision deteriorates due to increased eye strain

The third misconception is that vision deteriorates due to increased eye strain: they say that if you read a lot, or sit at a computer, or watch TV too much, you can ruin your eyesight.

And statistics on this issue such is.

Only 2% of fourth-grade students are nearsighted; in the eighth grade they are about 10-20%; by the time they graduate from college, 50-70% of students are nearsighted. This seems to suggest that the more you read or study, the more likely you are to become myopic.

But the reason is not the load itself. The reason is how eyes are used when the load is increased. And no one at school teaches you how to “use” your eyes correctly and how to maintain that good vision with which you were born.

When people are taught to see correctly, vision problems become much less common.

For example, in China, children and adults are taught simple eye exercises that they do every day at school or at work. And the proportion of those suffering from myopia (myopia) has significantly decreased due to this.

Unfortunately, these methods have not yet become common practice in other countries. But in some schools they are still introduced. The results are as promising as in China.

In addition, the increased load on the eyes associated with reading, working at a computer requires proper nutrition of the eyes and the body as a whole, and if these requirements are not properly met, this also contributes to visual impairment.

But, without a doubt, the wrong habits vision, and not by itself on the eyes. The real problem is the lack of knowledge. The principles of healthy vision need to be studied, promoted and widely applied.

There is hope that someday the general attitude to this problem will change. But you don't have to wait. You can take action now to protect your eyesight by learning how to use your eyes properly.

4. Visual impairment is the result of weakness of the eye muscles

The fourth misconception: visual impairment is the result of weakness of the eye muscles.

In fact, the muscles around the eyes are 150 to 200 times stronger than they need to be to function properly. These muscles rarely weaken. On the contrary, from constant stress, they become excessively strengthened, which interferes with their natural flexibility and mobility - they become constrained and inactive.

As an analogy, in a right-handed person, the muscles on the right side of the body become stronger and work with better coordination than the muscles on the left side. Why? Only because some muscles are used more often than others, and not because some are naturally weaker than others.

The same is true for the eye muscles: over time, certain habits and patterns of behavior develop, as a result of which some eye muscles become stronger and more coordinated than others. But the problem is not in the muscles themselves, but in habits. By changing habits, the eyes can be retrained. And symptoms such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, etc., will weaken or disappear.

5. Vision is only a physical, mechanical process.

The fifth misconception is based on the assertion that vision is a physical, mechanical process and normal vision is due only to the shape of the eye. If the eye has the correct shape, then vision will be normal; if the structure of the eye is deformed, then this can cause nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism.

In fact, the shape of the eye is one, but by no means the only, of the elements of the visual system. To give an example: eye doctors are well aware that two people with the same eye refraction (the ability to capture an image at a certain distance from the retina) can have different visual acuity (the ability to see letters on an optometric table). Mechanical measurements and physical data are unable to determine how well a person can see. This is due to other factors besides the shape of the eyes.

Many people report that they see better at certain times of the day. Many people report visual impairment as a result of fatigue or stress. What are these fluctuations?

Do you ever get so caught up in your thoughts while driving down the freeway that you "don't see" the turn you want to take? Or are you so tired that, reading page after page, you do not understand the words?

Vision is a dynamic, changing process that depends on many physical, emotional and mental factors. The shape of the eye can be one factor, but even that can change as a result of training.

Civilization has given our eyes a gigantic load. Children begin to read at about three years of age. Then study at school, institute ... It is hardly possible to find an occupation where vision is not required. This fully applies to physical education and sports.

With visual impairment, a number of secondary deviations in the development of children occur. Spatial orientation is difficult, the formation of motor skills is delayed, and cognitive activity is significantly reduced. Some children have a significant lag in physical development. The correct posture is violated when walking, running, in free movement, coordination and accuracy of movements are disturbed. A number of studies have determined the anatomical and physiological relationship between the visual sensory system and vegetative functions, the state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. “The above is confirmed by the low percentage of athletes with visual impairment who have reached sports heights. So, among the candidates for the master of sports, only 1.2 percent of people are visually impaired, and among the masters of sports, only 0.3 percent, ”says Tatyana Vashchenko, head of the medical and diagnostic department of the City Medical and Sports Dispensary.

Currently, more and more children start playing sports early, and with the growth of skill, the volume and intensity of loads increase both during training and during competitions. Under these conditions, the child's body, including the organ of vision, must adapt to physical and psycho-emotional stress in order to grow, develop and physically improve normally. Otherwise, you can cause overload of the body as a whole, and visual disturbances.

“Very often, when choosing a sport, children and their parents do not take into account the state of vision, although sporting achievements are directly dependent on its functions. For example, wrestling, weightlifting, skating, figure skating, swimming, rowing, hiking with a slight decrease in vision are possible. But there are sports where lowering is dangerous, for example, equestrian, sailing, diving. Rhythmic gymnastics, acrobatics, certain types of athletics, figure skating, fencing, shooting, tennis, volleyball, basketball are allowed with the use of corrective glasses. And boxing, football, all kinds of wrestling, hockey, water polo, mountaineering are not compatible with the use of spectacle correction," warns ophthalmologist Elizaveta Popova of the City Medical and Physical Education Center.

On the other hand, dosed physical activity often promotes the development of the eye and prevents disease.

In each case, only an ophthalmologist can correctly determine the level of vision and advise the sport. It is important that young athletes come to a doctor's consultation with their parents or coach. The doctor learns more fully about the nature of the loads, the daily routine, etc. and after that he will be able to give the right advice and recommendations.

Scientists have proven that cyclic physical exercises (running, swimming, skiing) of moderate intensity (pulse 100-140 beats per minute) have a beneficial effect on the ability of the eyes, causing a reactive increase in blood flow in the eyes some time after exercise and an increase in the efficiency of the eye muscle .

Dynamic physical activity helps to reduce intraocular pressure by an average of 4.5 mm Hg. Art. regardless of his initial level and degree of training. After performing cyclic exercises of considerable intensity (pulse 175 beats per minute), as well as exercises on gymnastic apparatus, jumping rope, acrobatic exercises, there is a pronounced ischemia of the eyes, which persists for a long time, and a deterioration in the performance of the ciliary muscle.

Taking into account the significant influence of physical activity on the indicators of ocular blood flow and the degree of blood supply to various parts of the eye, healthy individuals are shown physical activity, in which the heart rate does not exceed 175 beats per minute. Any physical activity at a heart rate above 175 beats per minute is a contraindication, as it leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the tissues of the eye.

Help "NG"

The level of physical development and physical fitness of visually impaired children lags far behind their normally seeing peers. Lagging in weight (from three to five percent), in height (from five to 13 cm). A noticeable lag behind the norm is also noted in the vital capacity of the lungs. Studies conducted by sports physicians show that children 10-12 years old with visual impairment have a vital lung capacity of 1600 cubic meters. cm, and for normally seeing - 1800 cubic meters. see. Muscle strength (carpal) in children with visual impairment is poorly developed compared to the norm: at the age of eight to nine years it is reduced by 28 percent, by 16 years - by 52 percent.

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