What does circumcised man mean. Circumcision from a historical point of view. Possible problems after the procedure

To date, 6% of men worldwide have undergone circumcision.

But, experts still cannot come to a consensus on the usefulness and safety of such a procedure.

But, in some countries (mainly Muslim), the uncircumcised foreskin will cause ridicule, because its presence is considered unaesthetic.

What is circumcision?

It has the following properties:

  • Eliminates inflammation and pain
  • Eliminates burning sensation during urination
  • Relieves swelling of the prostate gland
  • Potency returns
  • you will feel again male power and burst of energy!

Cons of circumcision

  • Since circumcision is still an operation, the body is stressed and there may be a risk of bleeding.
  • This procedure is very painful and before it begins, it is necessary to undergo full examination, and if there are no contraindications, then get confirmation for the operation.
  • There is a danger that the penis may be harmed during circumcision.
  • An infection can be introduced if the operation is performed by an inexperienced doctor.

Medical definition of circumcision

Such an operation in medicine is called circumcision.

This process is divided into several stages:

  1. Local anesthesia is used for adult surgery, general anesthesia- for kids.
  2. Self-cutting of the foreskin. This includes circumcision in a circle around the penis. But, part of the skin at the bottom of the head is left so that there is no pain during.
  3. After the operation is completed, the bleeding is stopped, it is also called coagulation. The edges of the wound are immediately cauterized.
  4. The foreskin is connected with medical threads.
  5. Applying a sterile dressing with an antiseptic.

Such an operation usually takes no more than an hour, and immediately after its completion, the patient can leave the hospital building. After circumcision, you need to be very careful about hygiene so as not to infect.

Stories from our readers!
“There were problems with “male” health due to work and problems that had piled up. Classic pills for potency, the doctor forbids drinking, because they affect the heart and pressure.

Learned about effervescent tablets, the composition of which is completely natural, and therefore completely safe even with hypertension. After I started taking them, everything returned to normal and improved significantly!"

Circumcision for medical reasons

If the doctor finds in men certain diseases then he testifies to undergo circumcision.

These diseases include:

  • Inflammation of the skin of the glans penis (chronic)
  • Phimosis (that is, a reduction in the size of the foreskin). Such a disease, if not circumcised, can lead to difficulty urinating.
  • Paraphimosis is a complicated form of phimosis.

If the stage mild disease, then you can do without such an operation. But, it is important to observe hygiene, because its lack can lead to poor kidney function, reproductive system or to disease Bladder.

You can find out the rest of the secrets of unforgettable sex on the pages of our portal.

In some cases initial stage phimosis can lead to sexual problems, because during the act pain appears.

And in such a situation, it is necessary to make a circumcision.

Also, one of the reasons why circumcision is done is to reduce the likelihood of cancer.

Features of male circumcision

Circumcision provides many benefits for men. It allows you to simplify the hygiene of the penis. Eliminates many health problems, including diseases urethra. It also reduces the possibility of AIDS. Infection of the penis is almost impossible, because the main habitat of microbes - the foreskin - is removed.

A feature of circumcision is that men after such an operation will be much less likely to be exposed to diseases such as cystitis, pyelonephritis and many other bladder diseases. Development will also be observed much less frequently.

After circumcision, the sensitivity of the penis decreases, and as a result, the duration of sexual intercourse increases.

After circumcision, the wound will heal no longer than two weeks. But, in order to reduce pressure on the genitals, you need to refrain from moving for several days. You can only get out of bed to use the bathroom.

It is strictly forbidden to walk on stairs and ride a bicycle. The wound must not be wetted, and the bandage itself must be kept clean at all times and constantly changed. If the doctor did not prescribe special creams and ointments, then they will refrain from using them.

And for better healing you need to follow some rules: refrain from sex and masturbation, monitor hygiene so as not to bring dirt into the wound. Take a bath several times a day, but so as not to wet the bandage.

For several months after circumcision, a condom must be used during sex.

Circumcision is a surgical operation that is performed on the male genital organ. It was performed in ancient times in many countries and has not lost its relevance in modern times.

This operation is only of a religious nature and most often it is performed in infancy. Its essence lies in cutting and removing a separate section skin tissue(foreskin) on the penis.

AT modern world there is a certain trend that indicates that circumcision can be performed not only for religious, but also for personal purposes according to own will or the wishes of the parents.

This operation takes its initial beginning and the first traditions and foundations of Orthodoxy. Moreover, the Bible states that the “Circumcision of the Lord” is one of the greatest Orthodox holidays for believers. But at the same time, in many other ancient countries, for example in Egypt or Africa, there are also hints of a similar rite.

Even before the onset of the twentieth century, approximately 80% of the entire male population, which adhered to a certain Muslim faith, had to carry out this ceremony.

circumcision - a surgical procedure to remove the area skin from the penis

In accordance with this, there are a number of countries where the rite of circumcision is still relevant:

  • In all Muslim countries. This procession is an obligatory adherence to the faith and it is performed even in childhood, until the child has reached one year old. Since the child is small, this decision is made by his parents for him.
  • However, it is worth noting that modern views circumcision made their own adjustments and many Muslim countries in which the Arab male population predominates, Prefer to have boys circumcised after the age of twelve
  • Only some parents who adhere to the Muslim faith prefer that their child be able to make an independent decision about whether he needs to be circumcised or not. He makes such a decision only when he reaches his full age. Such an opinion is partly considered correct, because only in this way can a person go through the path of torment and doubt, similar to the one that fell to the lot of the prophet

circumcision in Muslim countries

However, Muslim countries are not the only ones in which male circumcision. It is also carried out in Jewish countries and in some African communities.

  • When comparing Muslim and Jewish customs, then we can say with confidence that the Jews have a stricter attitude towards circumcision and are subject to clear canons. Yes, given surgical operation exposed to newborn babies who survive only their eighth day of life
  • It is practically impossible to transfer childhood circumcision among Jews, the only exception can be serious illness baby, which will cause poor wound healing. In such cases, this event can be rescheduled as much as eighth year of birth. Only after circumcision does a Jewish boy acquire his status in society and can be considered a full-fledged man.
  • And if we talk about the procedure circumcision in some African communities, then it is worth noting that more than half of the male population is exposed to this action. AT this case the religious beliefs of a person also remain relevant. However, not every settlement can boast of advanced medicine and civilization. For this reason, such circumcision often “gives” a person a lot of infectious diseases, tissue infections, and there are cases lethal outcome in men from circumcision

ceremony of Jewish circumcision of the foreskin of an infant

What is the purpose of male circumcision?

Having learned about where the circumcision ceremony is performed, it is also worth understanding numerous reasons its commission:

  • Religious canons - these are the very beliefs that their religion dictates to society. Such canons are strictly adhered to by Jews and Muslims, where the procession is carried out even in unconscious infancy by the decision of the parents (most often before the child is one year old)
  • Aesthetic beliefs - such a decision to perform the operation is only aesthetic and cosmetic in nature. Such an intervention is often performed in adult male age for the reason that such an operation seems beautiful to him, able to open and demonstratively show all the advantages of the penis. Attractive or not - each person decides individually
  • Sexual beliefs - many couples are convinced that such a surgical intervention can make adjustments to their sexual relations. Yes, some Scientific research showed that women are experiencing large quantity the pleasures of having intercourse with a circumcised man
  • Medical advice - in some cases, the doctor himself is able to convince the man that he needs circumcision. This happens because the same foreskin, which is represented by a small fold of skin, is a place of accumulation of many unpleasant and harmful infections. These infections often lead to multiple inflammatory diseases male reproductive organs and even venereal diseases, as a result of which the urinary-genital system suffers

These reasons are the most decisive in the implementation of this operation. It is worth noting that over time, such a surgical intervention has acquired its perfect form with high-quality disinfection and the availability of all necessary tools.

If earlier this action was carried out in religious institutions, now it can be professionally carried out in a medical clinic quickly and efficiently.

What kind of circumcision is done for men?

It is worth noting that there are two types of circumcision. Distinguish:

What kind of circumcision should occur is decided only by the physiological predisposition of the man and the size skin fold and the amount of flesh to be removed.

Most often, it is a partial, not complete circumcision of the flesh. It is worth noting that there is no clear certainty or rigor in the amount of cut off flesh. The main thing is to excise the tissues so that the head of the penis in a calm position always has its open position.

Increasingly, circumcision is becoming quite popular and in demand. surgical operation in regardless of what religion a man adheres to.

In some civilized countries, already in the maternity ward of the hospital, the baby is offered such an operation in the first days of his life.

In adulthood, such an operation is extremely rare, because circumcision is best done when the boy has not yet formed into a man. In adulthood, a man can be pushed into an operation by aesthetic and medical beliefs about beauty or the need for health.

In any case, this operation should be performed only by a person who has a high medical qualification. So you can be sure that the procession will be successful, without infection, blood loss, disruption of the urinary-genital system, and the left wound will heal quickly.

schematic representation of the consequences of the operation performed to cut off the foreskin in men

Where to get circumcised for men?

Every adult who goes to this operation or parents who give their child to circumcision should know that it should be performed only by a professional in their field with medical education and only in best conditions. Many modern private and public clinics offer this operation at any age.

Before performing the operation, you should carefully study the selected medical institution:

  • Each modern medical clinic must have his own website on the Internet. It is recommended to visit the page of the clinic of your choice in order to get acquainted with the services provided by it, study all the prices and possibilities, “get acquainted” with the staff and get acquainted with copies of all documents of the medical institution
  • You can always sign up for an additional and often completely free consultation to a leading surgeon who will talk about all the advantages and disadvantages of circumcision, dispel fears and give recommendations
  • The questionable reputation or insufficient funding of the clinic can lead to the fact that the staff is not attentive enough to the operation or processing of medical instruments, which in turn will lead to consequences and infections.

before performing an operation to circumcise the foreskin, you should carefully study the reputation of the clinic and staff

Circumcision for men with a laser, modern laser excision

Modern medicine opens up many possibilities for performing operations with minimal complications, pain and time costs. So the process of circumcision in men has become faster and more practical. painless form. laser removal The foreskin helps to perform the operation accurately and quickly and leads to the fact that all the consequences of the operation remain insignificant, and the wound heals very quickly.

Laser cutting makes it possible to make an accurate incision of the skin fold clearly in a circle. This method is considered the best and has many positive aspects.

pros laser surgery:

  • Laser surgery contributes to the fact that when cut, everything blood vessels literally "get drunk". This phenomenon contributes to minimal blood loss and most often does not allow blood vessels to bleed at all.
  • Laser surgery contributes to the fact that the patient completely avoids any swelling of the surrounding tissues. Healing is very fast
  • During such an intervention, only local minimal anesthesia is used, and the operation itself is painless and almost imperceptible.
  • Such an intervention takes place with all the observance of the norms of sterility, which in turn favors a calm and rapid healing and the absence of inflammatory processes after surgery
  • This method of operation is quite fast and the circumcision itself does not take more than twenty minutes (in contrast to the traditional operation, which takes about an hour)

Tissue healing after laser surgery is much faster than from traditional surgery, and therefore this method of circumcision is a favorite in the modern world. The only disadvantage of such an intervention is its tangible cost in private and professional clinics.

laser circumcision of the foreskin

Circumcision in men, photos before and after surgery

The circumcision of the foreskin in men is becoming increasingly popular and is carried out regardless of the age of the man. However, it is most often done in childhood from one to fourteen years of age.

The operation is quite simple:

  • first, a complete and thorough disinfection of the male genital organ is carried out
  • with the help of a special clamp and tourniquet, the penis is fixed
  • a special anesthetic is injected into the base of the penis (local anesthesia)
  • the skin fold is pulled back and at this moment it is cut off
  • the tissue is sutured and the penis is ligated

photo before and after cutting

Circumcision of the foreskin in men, the duration of healing, care

Simply put, this disease is characterized by too narrow foreskin, through which the glans penis cannot be fully released.

Such a disease often gives a man a lot of discomfort and pain both in normal everyday life and in sexual life.

During the operation, a special anesthetic is injected into the man, which allows him not to feel pain during the intervention.

However, in postoperative period the doctor prescribes the intake of certain drugs that allow you not to feel discomfort during the healing period.

If you have carried out traditional operation(not laser), then most likely, rehabilitation period will drag on for two weeks. Within a month after the operation, you should limit yourself from sex, so as not to harm the scarring process.

If after this time you observe healing and do not feel any discomfort, you can have sexual intercourse, but only with a condom (at least two months).

postoperative circumcision of the foreskin

Care of the penis after surgery:

  • After the intervention, the next day the doctor will independently bandage, in the future you will need to do it yourself
  • The sutures should be treated daily after the operation during the entire time of their healing.
  • If after the operation the place has a small inflammatory process, the penis should be treated a small amount antiseptic ointment

Depending on the method of operation, there may be such consequences as:

  • puffiness
  • soreness
  • oversensitivity

The consequences of circumcision in men, how to understand what are the complications?

Slight swelling and feeling of pain after surgery is the norm, which cannot be avoided in any way. However, you should pay attention to excessive redness of the penis or its large swelling. If the situation does not decrease in any way and does not weaken every day, one should urgently contact a doctor for help.

A huge deviation is the presence of a temperature in a person after the operation. This indicates that an infection or an inflammatory disease is present in the body.

To avoid the consequences, you need:

  • do not violate the regimen prescribed by the doctor
  • avoid any pressure on your sexual organ
  • do not wear tight underwear, prefer loose
  • change linens regularly
  • after the operation, avoid any exertion for one to two months

Consequences of an incorrect operation:

  • inflammatory diseases
  • infectious diseases
  • blood poisoning
  • erectile dysfunction
  • diseases of the urinary system
  • loss of organ sensitivity
  • venereal diseases
  • unaesthetic appearance
  • fatal outcome

consequences of an incorrect operation to remove the foreskin

After circumcision groin area , penis and scrotum may get a red tone. This is done through the use of specific chemical for the purpose of washing the skin before surgical intervention. The part of the penis that has been skinned will look damaged and may swell a little. Over the next few days, this simple swelling will pass.

At the end of the procedure the baby is usually observed for two to four hours. Doctors make sure that the penis of the children does not bleed, and already at the end of the circumcision process, the beginning of the male flesh can be wrapped in a gauze bandage with a vaseline substance. If a member is wrapped in bandages, then they may not be removed for a whole day. Before removing the bandages, you need to moisten them in hot water and carefully unwind them.

What is the difference between a circumcised penis and a regular penis?

In a stay of calm the beginning of the penis is closed by a narrow fold of the skin, which stretches and moves away during an erection. As a rule, the representatives of the stronger sex do not undergo practically any difficulties with the foreskin, except that due to poor hygiene, it happens that secretions accumulate under the skin, and the multiplying bacteria give a special aroma. Simple everyday washing easier than usual resolves this issue.

On the other hand, circumcised representatives the stronger sex is practically not concerned about the cleanliness of their own intimate place, even if in extreme heat everything is clean and fresh there, something that they do not get tired of fixing as positive moment their sexual partners. If the penis is tense, the difference is very clearly determined visually - in the cropped representatives of the stronger sex, the frenulum is not considered (a thin strip, a strand extending from the head by 1-2 cm), due to the fact that it is no longer directly there.

Can't deal with prostatitis?

Popular drugs often relieve only the symptoms of prostatitis for a while. The disease does not go away, but continues to progress and reduce sex drive and cause accelerated ejaculation!

The tool will help not only improve urination, reduce swelling of the prostate, but also restore potency and strengthen the immune system.

It has the following properties:

  • Eliminates inflammation and pain
  • Eliminates burning sensation during urination
  • Relieves swelling of the prostate gland
  • Potency returns
  • You will feel masculine strength and a burst of energy again!

Features of male circumcision

Anesthesia is not used for infants, for boys at the end of 12 months and up to fourteen years, a single anesthesia is used, but circumcision for men is performed under local anesthetics. The penis is washed with disinfectants. The base is pressed with a tourniquet. In the tissue on the penis with a needle, painkillers of the form of scale are injected.
After this, the flesh is first pulled back and removed.

Russian doctors, as a rule, are guided "by eye", because of which there is a danger of removing tissues on the penis or retaining a share of the foreskin. In foreign hospitals, they practice the formation of personal patterns, which correctly repeat the configuration of the head of the penis, why the removal of the foreskin is more effective.

Sample action when using the pattern is shown in the video. The skin is removed with scissors or a scalpel.

At the end of the action, sutures are applied, which should not be removed after - after healing, the threads themselves can dissolve. The penis is wrapped with a medical disinfected bandage.

Sometimes foreign doctors practice circumcision with clamps, in this case foreskin they are fixed with special devices that interfere with the access of blood, already at the end of that, the material dies off after a while.

What is the execution of the operation?

The foreskin of the penis is cut off in the area of ​​the whole circle (circumcisio) according to medical instructions. Circumcision is usually performed under local anesthesia.

Operation description

The penis is treated with an antiseptic substance, then the base of the penis is tightened with a thin flagellum, an anesthetic medication is injected into the penis, which is most often used as ubitesin, lidocaine, or ultracaine. This is an exceptional moment in the entire operation, when the patient feels some kind of pain.

Then the flesh is strongly pulled back and fixed with the support of special special means. The peel is cut, and then cut around the circumference.

Performing a circumcision operation

The choice of species timely intervention takes over the doctor. The method of the procedure is directly dependent on the volume of the area of ​​​​flesh that needs to be excluded.

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I learned about effervescent tablets, the composition of which is completely natural, and therefore completely safe even with hypertension. After I started taking them, everything returned to normal and improved significantly!"

How to always bring a girl to orgasm?

It's no secret that almost 50% of women do not experience orgasm during sex, and this is very hard on both manhood and in relationships with the opposite sex.

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The main methods are:

  1. Partial circumcision- the foreskin is cut off, but not entirely. As a result, the head is not exposed until the end.
  2. Minimum circumcision- dissection of a single place of the foreskin. It is prescribed in the presence of rounded scars, for example, due to excess foreskin.
  3. free circumcision- as a result of circumcision, the head is completely revealed. For this method, the development of a groove in the coronal sphere is inherent.
  4. Tight circumcision- all the foreskin is cut off from the beginning of the male flesh, which can lead to stretching of the skin at the beginning of the penis, while the head itself becomes almost immovable. This method used extremely rarely.
  5. High circumcision- removal of a significant part of the skin. As a result of the action, a postoperative round scar is formed, which can occur at various distances from the base of the male flesh.
  6. Low circumcision- absolute cutting of tissues inside the last flesh.

Postoperative period

Obviously, after any surgical operation, careful care is needed. And if the case touches on such a sensitive topic as manhood, then the question of leaving after circumcision is especially topical.

There are some tips for caring for a penis after circumcision:

  • The most important thing is, of course, the observance of cleanliness. After the operation, it is very important to take care of the penis and comply with all hygiene standards.
  • Physician control. You definitely need to go through a recovery period under the supervision of a doctor. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the penis, in order to immediately go to the doctor in case of obscure signs.
  • Bandages. Immediately after the procedure, the member must be regularly bandaged. It will be possible to make the main dressing in two days, in which case the first “wash” will be carried out. By the way, this operation must be carried out with hot and soapy water.
  • Bactericidal ointments. As prescribed by the doctor, it is possible to apply various antibacterial ointments.
  • Comfortable underwear. It is very important to choose comfortable underwear at the end of the operational stage. If the circumcision is performed on the baby, in this case it is more correct to choose thick underwear so that the baby, while playing, does not touch the flesh and cannot experience pain. If the procedure is done for a mature representative of the stronger sex, then it is more correct to choose spacious underwear so that the operated organ is in a “free state”.

Arguments for

Arguments against"

As such cons for circumcision is not available. But, we must not forget that circumcision is an invasion.

Its implementation can have negative results. And cause a number of complications: the formation of scars on delicate tissue, the likelihood of infectious infection, various kinds mechanical defects. Without exception, this can provoke an unfair implementation of the procedure. In addition, episodes of various are known. It must be rightly noted that this happens extremely rarely. Episodes of a similar plan are of a separate nature.

Of course, before such an operation, you need to weigh all the pros and cons, consult with relatives and friends. If you decide to have an operation, you need to discuss all the details with the doctor and follow all his instructions for performing the procedure and after it.

In many countries, circumcision of newborn boys and men has been traditionally performed for hundreds of years. There is a lot of controversy around this procedure, opinions about the benefits and harms of circumcision diverge radically.

What is circumcision?

Circumcision is excision of the foreskin of the penis in boys and men, it is also "circumization". Produced by surgical intervention. The removal of this skin fold is irreversible.

Why do they do it?

There are several reasons for circumcision:

  • Mainly tribute to religious cultural tradition Jews and Islamists. It has been done for many centuries to newborn boys. Among the Jews, the rite of circumcision is performed on the eighth day from the birth of the baby and signifies belonging to the community. There are several reasons explaining why exactly the eighth day:
  1. It is believed that after a week, the child is strong enough for the ritual.
  2. The mother of the baby recovered from childbirth to take part in a significant event for the community.
  3. Having survived the Sabbath, the child joins the holiness of Shabbat.

Islamists perform circumcision in different ages depending on national traditions: among the Turks at 8-13 years old, among the Arabs at 5-14 years old, depending on the place of residence (city or village). Although, according to religious requirements, the ceremony should be performed on the seventh day of the baby's birth.

The operation is carried out under local, general anesthesia, or without it at all. Traditionally, under the influence of religious customs, circumcision is done for newborns without anesthesia. For boys under 14 years of age, the operation is performed under general anesthesia.

The operation for an adult man is done under local anesthesia and goes like this: the penis is processed disinfectants, then an anesthetic injection is made into the head of the penis, which in itself is extremely painful. Then, when the penis loses sensation, the foreskin is pulled back and removed around the entire circumference. Sutures are placed to connect the edges of the skin incision.

How to always bring a girl to orgasm?

It is no secret that almost 50% of women do not experience orgasm during sex, and this is very hard on both manhood and relationships with the opposite sex. There are only a few ways to always bring your partner to orgasm. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Strengthen your potency. Allows you to prolong sexual intercourse from a few minutes to at least an hour, increases the woman's sensitivity to caresses and allows her to experience incredibly powerful and long orgasms.
  2. Study and application of new positions. Unpredictability in bed always excites women.
  3. Also, do not forget about other sensitive points on female body. And the first one is the G-spot.

You can find out the rest of the secrets of unforgettable sex on the pages of our portal.

After the operation, antibiotics and treatment are mandatory. antiseptic solutions. The sutures are removed after about 7 days as the wound healing progresses. Sutures can be applied with self-absorbable materials.

Advantages of the operation

The benefits of circumcision include:

  1. Reduced risk of education malignant tumors the man and his partner. Studies have shown that in countries where circumcision is traditional, the percentage of women with cervical cancer is significantly lower.
  2. The skin on the naked penis becomes coarse and loses its sensitivity, which contributes to the prolongation of sexual intercourse.
  3. Less likely to get sexually transmitted infections and AIDS, since, according to doctors, infection occurs through microdamages of the foreskin. There is also a simpler explanation: not every man observes personal hygiene after intercourse, which leads to infection.

Disadvantages of the operation

There are quite substantial arguments against circumcision:

  • Pain shock in infants during surgery without anesthesia. Although it should be noted that this barbaric method in developed countries is gradually, under the influence of public opinion and the demands of the child's parents are a thing of the past.
  • Postoperative discomfort:
  1. the exposed skin of the penis touches the fabric of the linen, which causes discomfort friction. Over time, addiction and a decrease in sensitivity occur;
  2. irritation of the penis on contact with urine. It also goes away with time as you get used to it.
  • The risk of developing an inflammatory process after surgery, as well as bleeding and blockage of the urethra.
  • A man loses sensitivity with intimacy and, using a condom, cannot achieve the former sensations. Sexual pleasure loses its usual colors.
  • The foreskin provided lubrication to the penis prior to surgery.

How to make a final decision?

Does it make sense to remove what a person has by nature, creating some inconvenience for himself along the way? This decision must be made for each man individually.

Opinions on this matter are polarized, but men who have undergone circumcision in adulthood experience g Orkoe disappointment about the loss of former sensitivity. If in circumcised men the head is always bare, which makes it coarser and less sensitive, then in uncircumcised men the head is protected and retains its sensitivity.

Parents who consider it necessary to circumcise their child should heed the opinion of society that if there is no indication from doctors about the need for an operation to remove the foreskin, then it is worth waiting for the boy to grow up and make a decision on his own.

Circumcision will be denied to patients suffering from:

  1. Inflammatory diseases genitourinary system accompanied by purulent secretions. In this case, a full examination with the appointment of treatment will be prescribed.
  2. Various types of tumors, acquired or congenital defects and pathologies requiring surgical intervention.
  3. External and internal mechanical damage(ulcers, wounds).
  4. Decreased blood clotting.

If the patient has on the genitals; warts, condylomas, growths, he will first be asked to remove them.

Only after weighing all the psychological and medical arguments, one can decide on the need for circumcision (if this measure is not forced and strongly recommended by doctors).

Circumcision of the foreskin (circumcision) is surgical removal foreskin. It is a very ancient religious rite to which all boys born in Jewish and Muslim families were subjected. Currently, this operation is performed by up to 20% of the male population of the world.

Sometimes the procedure is carried out in adulthood. Often men agree to it, following the wishes of their partner, who is not attracted by the sight of wrinkled skin covering the head of the penis. Some women ask a man to have a circumcision because they are afraid of infection due to the possible accumulation of germs under the foreskin.

But often it is carried out for purely medical reasons. These include, for example, phimosis (the foreskin grows together with the head of the penis, which prevents it from being exposed). Until the child has reached the age of puberty, there is hope for self-healing. You just need to be very careful about personal hygiene.

If self-healing does not occur, phimosis must be treated. Otherwise, there may be a violation of the function of the kidneys and bladder. In addition, there may be sexual problems. Sexual intercourse is accompanied painful sensations, or it may not be possible at all. Therefore, surgical intervention is necessary.

The operation is called circumcision. It is performed in surgical department hospital using local anesthesia. The procedure is bloodless and virtually painless.

But if not medical indications for circumcision, is it necessary to carry out it, or is it better to refrain from it? Let's discuss all the pros and cons with you. The decision, in any case, is up to you.

Male circumcision. Arguments for

Circumcision helps keep the penis clean. The fact is that under the foreskin male member smegma accumulates. This encourages the growth of microbes. This may subsequently lead to various inflammatory processes.

Just as many experts say, men with a given foreskin are less likely to become infected with gonorrhea and syphilis. But most doctors still believe that this has nothing to do with the presence or absence of the foreskin, but only with personal hygiene.

Older men may benefit from circumcision when the foreskin for a long time does not move away from the head, which leads to its growth. In this case, the operation will facilitate urination, as well as simplify hygiene care.

The arguments “for” circumcision also include the fact that after it the head of the penis becomes much less sensitive. This gives the man the opportunity to have longer sex. After all, if the sensitivity of the head is reduced, then the excitation grows more slowly.

But you need to keep in mind that the vast majority of these men no longer experience the pleasure of sex as they used to when using a condom. Therefore, you will have to choose another method of contraception.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the most convincing argument "for" circumcision is keeping the head of the penis clean. Well, in addition to this, the arguments of some men and women who find the bare head of the penis more attractive.

Arguments against

Let's now look at this problem from the other side:

Why get rid artificially of what is bestowed on man by nature? Unless, of course, this applies to diseases and some pathologies. The head of the penis has a large number of nerve endings. It is thanks to them that a man gets pleasure during intercourse. After removal of the foreskin, the thin skin of the head becomes dry and loses lubrication. This deprives a man of vivid sensations. Plus, there is constant friction on underwear, which can generally cause pain.

Although the risks of complications from the operation are minimal, they are still there. Therefore, of course, a man must decide for himself whether to circumcise or not. The success of the procedure depends on the qualifications of the surgeon - after all, the penis of a man is a very vulnerable place and it is easy to cripple it.

How is circumcision performed?

The operation is performed with or without anesthesia. Infants less than 2 months old from birth, anesthesia is not done. For boys under 14 years of age, general anesthesia is required. Adult men are given local anesthesia.

Before performing the manipulation, an anesthetic injection (lidocaine, ubistezin, ultracaine) is injected into the penis. This injection is considered the most painful moment in the overall circumcision process. Through a short time the penis loses sensitivity, and the surgeon proceeds directly to the circumcision process.

He pulls and fixes the foreskin, after which he cuts it in a circle. The skin incision is sutured. Half an hour after the procedure, you can go home. The suture is removed after 7-10 days. During this time, daily and thorough care is necessary, after which a dressing is necessarily done.

After removing the sutures and finishing the dressings, there are usually unpleasant sensations from rubbing the naked head against the linen. This can also cause erections quite often. But then the body adapts to new conditions and inconvenience no longer occurs.

In general, whether to circumcise or not is up to you. However, if you do not have this urgent need, it is better, after all, not to do this.

Svetlana, www.site

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