Wild dingo dog in nature. The dingo dog is wild and powerful. Where does the wild dingo dog live and what does it eat, what continent does it live on, where to buy, price in Ukraine, Russia

For centuries, scientists and cynologists have not been able to solve the riddle of how the first dingo dogs appeared on earth. Although long years the dingo dog was considered Australian, while in general it is not an aboriginal Australian contingent. So many researchers and historians began to prove that over four thousand years ago it was these wild dogs that were brought to the Australian contingent by nomadic settlers from Asia. Today, purebred descendants of dingoes are found in the Indonesian highlands. Other researchers prove that their ancestors can be called Chinese dogs, tamed and domesticated from the South Chinese contingent over six thousand years ago. Third researchers went even further, calling the ancestors of the dingo Pariah (Indian wolf dogs), which were brought to the Australians by Indian sailors.

More recently, photographs of the ancient skull of a dingo dog were published on one of the Vietnamese sites. The skull is over five thousand years old. And archaeologists during the excavations found several remains wild dingoes who inhabited the southeast of the Asian coast over two and a half thousand years ago. The oldest petrified remains of a dog were found on an Australian contingent over three thousand years ago.

Features of the Dingo breed

Dingo - Australians compare it with a wolf. And, it is true, outwardly these dogs resemble wild ones. gray wolves, the same embittered and severe. Like their carnivorous canine relatives, wild dingoes are renowned for their robust and strong body, sharp muzzle, strong teeth, strong paws. Like a wolf, the Australian's ears and tail are pointed and point upwards, as is the tail. An adult dingo weighs 25-30 kilograms, can reach a height of up to sixty centimeters. All Australians are very strong and strong. Have beautiful color, bright, red color. Rarely are dingoes that have gray or brown skin, only their paws and the tip of their tail are white. Characterized by a completely soft, fluffy and delicate coat.

Dingo is a very complex dog in nature and disposition.. Dingo is a rebel, hard to train. We can say, rarely, who succeeds. Even if the domesticated dingo will follow the commands of the owner, it is better not to keep this dog on a leash. Outwardly calm and playful, he can attack a person even if his owners are standing next to him. But in general, domesticated Australians are very devoted and caring, until death they will obey only one owner, they will even follow him to the ends of the world.

Eating wild dingo

All dingo animals are wild, like wolves, hunting their prey mainly at night. They live on the Australian contingent at the edge of the forest. They prefer to live in places where the climate is humid or near eucalyptus thickets. They breed in arid semi-desert places in Australia, and they build burrows strictly near a reservoir, but at the root of a tree, and if it fails, then in a deep cave. Asian dingoes live mainly near people, equipping their homes in such a way as to feed on garbage.

Australians are similar to wolves in that they also love night hunting. They feed on small artiodactyls, adore hares, and occasionally even attack adult kangaroos. They eat any carrion, insects, toads are also present in their diet. Shepherds disliked dingoes, because these animals are used to attacking livestock even during the day. Farmers endured for a long time how these dogs - wolves attack the herd and kill animals, without even trying to eat them, they only bite them ... and that's it. Therefore, we decided to unite and shoot dingoes. In this regard, wild dingoes began to disappear rapidly. Lucky more Asian dogs, where these dingoes eat everything - different kinds fish, fruits and cereals.

In Asian countries, it is much easier for breeders of this breed of dogs, since dingo puppies have been tamed for hunting since six months. In one year, dingoes are already real, strong and intelligent predators, adoring the results of their victories - prey caught by their own efforts. Dingoes rarely hunt in groups at night, most of all they prefer to get their own food on their own. And if they do live in populations, then only five or six individuals.

Interesting! Wild dingoes don't bark from birth. ordinary dogs, they can only make sounds inherent in it - howl, roar. Dingoes rarely whine, and when they hunt together, sometimes they publish interesting sounds, which resemble a "dog" song.

Reproduction of the wild dingo breed

Australian dogs are crossed only once in 12 months, and then only in the first spring months. But Asian dingo breeds prefer to hold mating games in warm time year, end of August, beginning of September. Dingo Australians are very faithful dogs, choose a mate for life, like predatory wolves. The female gives birth to puppies, as well as simple dogs, after more than 2 months. About six or eight babies may be born, covered with hair and blind. Unlike some breeds of dogs, both the male and the female take care of their offspring.

Puppies are breastfed by their mother for only 8 weeks. After, the female takes the little dingoes out of the den to the common flock, and the adult dogs bring them food so that the kids get used to it, and then, after 3 months, they themselves, together with the adults, ran hunting.

AT wild nature dingoes live up to ten years. Interestingly, domesticated dingoes live much longer than their wild relatives - about thirteen years. lovers wild breed dingoes really want to continue the life of these animals, which is why they came up with the idea of ​​​​crossing such dogs with domestic ones. As a result, most wild dingoes today are hybrid animals: the exception is the vast territory inhabited by wild Australian dingoes in national parks. These parks in Australia are protected by law, so there is no threat of extinction of the population of these dogs.

The dingo dog is an animal with an unusual history and an ambiguous attitude on the part of humans. As such, the dingo dog breed is not officially recognized, but it does have a certain standard. The characteristics acquired by these animals appeared without human intervention, but under the influence of the environment.

This dog is not recommended for people who have never kept pets. The dingo has strong hunting instincts, and in character it is more like not a dog, but a tamed wolf, which requires special treatment.

Description of the dingo dog

The Australian dingo dog appeared on this continent no less than 6000-8000 years BC. Initially, it was a domestic animal that re-ran wild and became a major predator in the local ecosystem. The natives called these dogs tingo, but the Europeans remade this name in their own way. The history of the wild dog dingo is not simple, because it is still not known exactly when it was domesticated and when it managed to run wild. And the question of how exactly she got to the Australian continent still does not have a clear answer.

Appearance of a dingo dog

These animals are distinguished by a strong physique, they are of medium height and elongated. According to the constitution, they resemble a wolf or a coyote, which is clearly seen in the photo of a dingo dog. Their weight and height vary depending on the area in which the dog lives. In animals native to Australia, the height at the withers ranges from 47 to 67 cm, and the weight varies from 10 to 20 kg, although there are more big dogs. Males are always larger than females. Both have a long curly tail that hangs below the line of the back.

The head of the representatives of the breed with a wide, square-shaped skull, a high forehead and a pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle. The bite is correct, scissor-shaped, the muzzle is triangular in shape, tapering towards the nose. Mouth with black lips and strong white teeth. The ears are erect, triangular in shape, small in size, set high. The nose is black, large and with wide nostrils, and the eyes are dark brown, intelligent.

The coat of these animals is short, dense and thick, with a pronounced undercoat. The most common dingo color is red or yellow with a light belly and chest. Another light shade of wool is present on the muzzle, on the cheeks and around the mouth. But this is not the only possible color of dingo dogs. They can be grey, black, cream or pied, but these colors appear most often in dingo mixes and other dogs.

The nature and upbringing of the dingo dog

Due to the complex nature of the dingo dog, her home content is banned in a number of countries. In particular, in Australia there is an unconditional ban on the establishment of such pets - they can live there only in wild environment. This is due to the fact that the local farmers lost their livestock due to the attacks of these predators, and therefore the attitude towards them was extremely negative. If not for the intervention of environmentalists, then dingoes in Australia could have been exterminated by humans. But there is a problem in the domestication of dingoes, and it is connected not only with the negative attitude of Australians towards these animals.

Even a tamed and domestic dog of the dingo breed has strong hunting instincts. And they are different from other hunting dogs, because they react to prey in the same way as wolves and other wild animals from the same family do, which is why it is very difficult to keep dingoes with other pets, because they still need to prove that a cat or cavy It's not their legitimate prey.

Another problem with such a pet is that during a walk he is able to chase what he considers prey and get lost in the process, so it is advisable to walk a dingo on a leash or where he cannot run far.

Raising a Dingo Puppy

All dingo puppies need to be raised from an early age, from the moment they were weaned from their mother. They differ from puppies of other breeds in that they still need to be accustomed to those things that other dogs know almost from birth. These babies, on an instinctive level, consider all living things that are smaller than them in size as their legitimate prey. It is even more difficult to accustom them to walking and to the fact that leaving puddles and heaps in the apartment is not good. To all this, dingo puppies are taught separately, and training must be constant and methodical.

Family of wild dogs Dingo. Documentary.

Dingo hunting for kangaroos

Dingoes are smart and independent animals, and therefore the problem with puppies is not to explain something to them. All these little ones are demanding to be told why they must obey. And if you do not do the training on time, then there is every chance of getting an uncontrollable and aggressive animal that is no different from a wild animal. You can use training videos on dog training, but it is recommended to refer to experienced cynologist. It will help shape the character of the animal exactly as it should.

Dingo dog care

Due to the fact that the dingo is a wild dog, it is distinguished by strong immunity and lack of hereditary diseases. But it is recommended to find a veterinarian who can choose vaccinations for a puppy of this breed, because due to the nature of the origin, it is not known how the dog will react to the wrong vaccine, but otherwise the dingo is not required. special care. It is enough to periodically comb his coat and take him to the veterinarian for a check.

This dog lives for 12-13 years, and with proper care- and longer.

Feeding the dingo dog

Dingo is a predator not only according to the book description, this is also expressed in his diet. These dogs do not always accept ready-made dry foods well, as they are balanced for the nutrition of domestic dogs. A dingo in the wild feeds mainly on meat, which makes up at least 2/3 of its diet. And preference here is given to raw or undercooked meat. Australian dogs are not picky. Here approximate diet for domestic dingo dogs:

  • Meat - at least 60% of the portion. Meat can be of any origin, as in the wild dingoes eat everything that they can catch up with. It is permissible to give liver to these dogs.
  • welded on meat broth porridge. From cereals, buckwheat, wheat or oat groats. Rice is not recommended.
  • Vegetables. Finely chopped vegetables, no more than 10-15% of the diet. From vegetables, carrots or fodder beets, cabbage are suitable, not a large number of legumes. But nightshade crops are not included in the diet.

Purchasing a Dingo Puppy

And here the problem arises not so much in choosing a dog, but in the possibility of finding a breeder. This is a wild animal that is not recognized breed. And there are no nurseries that would breed these animals in Russia. You can ask if the puppies are for sale at the nearest zoo, but even here there is no guarantee that they will agree to sell the babies. In most countries, the problem is not to buy a dingo. It often requires the execution of special documents and ensuring that the dog will be provided with decent care.

For those who live in Russia, the only way to buy dingo puppies is to buy them abroad, no matter how much it costs there. But the price of the baby will be 600-800 US dollars, not counting the cost of transportation. Here is what experienced cynologists say about buying a dingo:

“Dingo is a wild animal that needs training and education. And when acquiring it, it is worth remembering that this dog becomes attached to the owner once. If the owner refuses it, then he will literally kill the pet, so buying a dingo is a big responsibility, and not everyone can take it on themselves.


The dingo dog is a wild animal that can nevertheless be tamed. But only an experienced person should do this. One that is ready for the long and difficult process of raising a pet. The owner who has gone through this path receives a faithful, intelligent and hardy companion. The same legendary dingo dog.

Basic information about the breed

The Australian Dingo is a breed of wild dog in Australia. These dogs are often referred to as wild dingo dogs. They can be considered as representatives of the subspecies of dogs and subspecies of the wolf. Interestingly, Dingo can "sing". Singing is their special ability to howl. Representatives of this breed give out vibrating sounds, change the tone, which in the music world is called portamento. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (ICF) does not recognize this breed as a dog breed. At home, only a few are engaged in breeding these dogs. Some succeed in taming feral dingoes.

The main feature of the Australian dingo is that these dogs have become feral again. They came to the Australian continent from Asia along with settlers. Here, for some reason, they did not begin to live with people and became wild. As a result, there appeared new breed. Experts suggest that this happened due to the fact that before them there were no other varieties of wolves, jackals, dogs, etc. on the Australian continent. If they were, then the dingo, mixing with them, would disappear as a breed. And dingoes here became a unique breed and then again came to the Asian region.

By our time Australian dingo spread throughout the continent. It can also be found in southeast Asia in countries such as Malaysia, New Guinea, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Borneo Islands, Philippines. Also, populations of this breed are found in Laos and China (southeastern part). Dogs like to live in deserts, plains, wooded areas, mountains. They need a hot climate. Often dingoes live close to people and feed on food waste. On the Australian continent this dog is a threat to farmers. Sheep and rabbits become the object of hunting for dingoes. The dog population has grown a lot here and now they are causing serious damage to the farm.

Basic breed data

  • Coloring - red, reddish, sandy (sometimes it is white);
  • Wool - thick, small length, hard;
  • Height - from 25 to 60 cm;
  • Weight - from 9 to 24 kg;
  • Life expectancy - from 8 to 14 kg.

History and characteristics of the breed

At first, Australian dingoes were considered the indigenous species of the Australian continent. In fact, the dingo is the only predatory mammal of this size here. The researchers then noticed that the dog lacked the marsupiality that is present in many Australian species. As a result, they managed to prove that the Australian dingo is just a species that came from outside. There are no indigenous predatory mammals in Australia itself. It was possible to establish that dingoes were brought to Australia by settlers from Asia about 4 thousand years ago. As an ancestor of these dogs, such a species as the Indian gray wolf is considered.

In Australia, dingoes ran wild and multiplied fairly quickly. This was facilitated by favorable conditions for them: the absence of predators, a lot of food and habitats not occupied by people. And Australian dingoes short time spread throughout the continent. As time went on, farmers began to raise livestock on an industrial scale. From that moment on, dingoes turned into enemies of man. It was not possible to tame the dogs again. In addition, semi-domesticated dogs lost their fear of humans and continued to attack livestock. As a result, in order to separate the habitat of wild dingoes from the land for sheep breeding (in the southeast of the continent), a 1000 km long fence was built.

There is another problem created by the Australian dingo. With the growth of farm production in Australia, the population of some rare species animals on the continent. To save them, animals began to be placed in special natural parks. Wild dingoes liked it very much and now they destroy marsupials there. In New Guinea, in the 58th year of the last century, a variety of the Australian dingo was found. They were smaller. When they began to do research, it turned out that this breed lives in many parts of Southeast Asia. In addition, the local population here willingly breeds these dogs for the purpose of eating. For people in the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, dingo meat is one of the few sources of protein. In Australia, it is forbidden to breed these dogs, but there are still breeders. Only they breed them not for eating, but as watchdogs.

External signs of the breed

This is a medium sized dog with an excellent build. Dingoes have a slender body, strong muscular limbs. The head of the dogs is proportional in size, the ears are erect, the muzzle is square, and the jaws are large fangs. The tail is fluffy in the form of a saber great length. It can be in the region of 28-36 centimeters. dingo eyes Brown color. The height at the withers lies in the range of 25-60 centimeters, and the weight is from 9 to 24 kilograms. The Australian Dingo has a thick, short and coarse coat. If a this species lives in the mountains, then their wool is thicker there.

Dingo coloring is most often found in reddish, sandy and reddish colors. On the muzzle and belly, the coat color is more light shades. Australian dingoes with a white color are much less common. Hybrids may have black coats and limbs light color. In fact, there are no clear established standards for this breed, and basically, if the dog is not red, then it is considered a hybrid.


The Australian dingo has a wild nature and is quite complex. Dingoes look at people with suspicion, do not like them and do not feel loyalty. There can be only some cooperation in the process of taming. However, there are exceptions to the rule.

Training and taming

The Australian dingo cannot be trained. Parenting takes a lot of patience. Needless to say, this should be done by professionals. Up to a year, dingo dogs experience some affection for the owner and parents. After this age, the dog ceases to perceive both owners and parents.

The health of these dogs is strong, they do not need human care and live right on outdoors. During natural selection in a dingo population, the fittest and strongest survive.

Australian dingo food

Dogs of this breed are omnivorous and can eat almost anything. If possible, then most often dogs hunt wallabies, kangaroos. When this food is not available, they prey on birds, rabbits, rodents. In the event of a drought, lack of food, dingo dogs begin to attack sheep and cows. They do a good job of this task, using the method of hunting in packs. Dingoes living in Asia are more likely to feed on human waste. They live next to a person, near settlements, landfills, etc. They eat fish, rice, crabs, fruits and other foods. Dingoes in Asia lack protein in their diet and for this reason are noticeably smaller in size than the Australian dingo.

Australian dingo use

With the right professional upbringing, they make good watchmen.

wild dog Dingo (lat. Canis lupus dingo)- one of the unique breeds of dogs that was once domesticated, and then feral again. To date, this breed of dog is the only placental predator that lives in Australia. The name of this breed of dog comes from the word "tingo", which locals called dogs.

Dingo dogs, which were pets of the Australian Aborigines, at some point ran away from them or were abandoned by their owners. Thus, life forced them to return to the wild way of life and move to a new habitat for them.

Here, in the rich Australian nature, they found everything they needed to survive. This is a large amount of game, as well as almost complete absence any dangers (dingoes have practically no competitors in this food environment). Feral dingoes occupied almost the entire territory of Australia, as well as the nearest islands, except for Tasmania.

The main advantage of the dingo, which makes them the strongest over their closest competitors in this natural environment, is an opportunity to hunt in organized groups, or packs. In this regard, they are ahead of even the largest marsupial predator available on the continent - the marsupial wolf.

In the scientific world, there are two points of view about dingo dogs. The first one claims that it separate view, which has its own name Canis dingo. The second point of view distinguishes these dogs as a type of domestic dog, based on the theory of its origin from purebred domesticated Indian wolves.

The wild dog dingo looks like ordinary dog medium sizes. She has a fairly strong physique and well-developed muscles. In height, a dingo can reach from 47 to 67 centimeters, and weigh from 9.6 to 19 kilograms. The largest individuals found in nature weighed about 24 kilograms. Dingo males differ from females in their larger size and greater weight. The appearance of a dingo is closest to that of a hound dog.

The body of the dingo dog is completely covered with rather thick and short fur. Most often in nature there are dogs painted in red or brown shades. Less often - black, white or piebald dogs. In the southeastern part of Australia, there is a unique breed of dingo with a gray-white coat. Unlike domestic dogs, dingo dogs cannot bark. They only growl or howl.

The lifestyle of dingo dogs is mainly nocturnal. The most convenient habitat for them was the edges of humid Australian forests, eucalyptus thickets, as well as semi-deserts located in the depths of the continent. Dingoes do not make holes on their own, but prefer to settle either in abandoned norms or in caves. They choose burrows near water bodies, hidden from prying eyes under trees or in roots. Asian dingo dogs settled in close proximity to human dwellings.

The main diet of dingo dogs is made up of small animals - rabbits, wallabies, less often - small kangaroos. Sometimes dogs have to eat birds, snakes, lizards, or even insects. AT exceptional cases dingoes eat carrion.

Male dingo dogs young age not prone to the formation of flocks, they try to stay apart from each other. Flocks of dingoes form only when it is necessary to start hunting for large animals or a herd. During the mating season, dingoes create their own flocks, families in which up to 12 individuals can live. In terms of its structure, a pack of dingo dogs is similar to a wolf pack, which has its own leader and division over the territory. Each pair is obliged to protect the territory allocated to it from the attack of the main enemies of dingoes - jackals and dogs of other breeds.

Wolves - perform the role of orderlies. Nature cannot exist without predators.

The article focuses on one of the most famous dogs around the world, which is known to many, but which few people know today.

On this project, you can find other articles that contain no less useful and interesting information for everyone who likes dogs and puppies and who wants to learn as much as possible about a particular breed, the treatment of common diseases, how to properly feed a puppy and dog and much more.

Where does the wild dingo dog live and what does it eat, what continent does it live on, where to buy, price in Ukraine, Russia

The wild dog Dingo is a resident of the Australian continent.

The opinions of scientists about the origin of this animal are divided. Some believe that Dingo was ordinary domestic dog, brought to Australia by people and left here to the mercy of fate, others - that this is really a wild dog.

Be that as it may, Dingoes are nocturnal and hunt, huddling in packs like wolves. Their main food is all kinds of marsupials, found in abundance on the continent, and sheep, bred by man. In addition, dogs do not disdain reptiles, birds and carrion.

Keeping a wild dog Dingo in captivity was not so long ago strictly prohibited, so it was not possible to legally acquire it. But in the 1980s the Forbidden fruit”came to the attention of cynologists in the USA, Spain and France, and in Switzerland the breed standard for this animal was even officially developed. Since then, a lot of time has passed, but despite this, the puppy of the wild dog Dingo is still a rare acquisition and costs fabulous money.

Find reliable information about the sale of purebred Dingo in Russia and Ukraine failed. In Australia, the cost of a puppy purchased from a local kennel is 800 US dollars or 1000 Australian dollars.

The endemic dingo dog lives and lives in Australia, the description of the breed is brief, is it a nickname or breed

The Australian Dingo has three distinctive features that distinguish it from the background of representatives of the fauna of Australia:
- firstly, it is a predator;
- secondly - a placental mammal, while most of the local animals are marsupials;
- thirdly, it is believed that once this animal was domesticated, and then became wild again.
Despite the obvious differences, the Dingo dog, as well as marsupials, is considered endemic to the Australian continent (the concept of "endemic" does not mean the name of the breed or nickname, but is interpreted as a local and nowhere else found animal).

Dingo has a harmonious physique. The muzzle of the dog is square, the ears are erect, small. The length of the body together with the head is about 1 m. Average weight- 15 kg.

Dingo dog as a pet, is it possible to keep at home, owner reviews

Purebred dingoes cannot be considered pets. The call of wild ancestors sooner or later makes itself felt and the animal, especially during the mating season, becomes uncontrollable. A highly developed hunter also does not allow the Dingo to be near other pets - the dog will certainly attempt an attack.

Dingo owners note their wayward nature and quirky mind inherent in cats. Despite attempts at domestication, the dog remains aggressive and requires special training to keep it in line.

Dingo dog devotion to man, attacks people, which is dangerous

The wild dog Dingo will be betrayed by a person if he sees a leader in him. This is a “dog of one owner”, but even she does not always obey him as unquestioningly as her domestic relatives. Deprived of human contact, the dingo quickly runs wild again.

Typically, a dingo dog does not attack people, but you should be careful leaving it with children or near other pets.

Dingo dog interesting facts for kids

Scientists like to put forward, and then refute, their own hypotheses. So it happened with the version of the origin of the wild dog dingo. According to one of them, Dingoes are feral dogs, once domesticated by humans, the other is a separate species of animals that cannot be attributed to either wolves or dogs. Be that as it may, the fact that the ancient Aborigines used dingoes as watchdogs, as well as in the form of “live” blankets that warmed them on cold Australian nights, is irrefutable. Deprived of human contact, the dingo quickly runs wild and, like its distant ancestors, confidently masters its natural element.

Attempts modern man to domesticate this animal has not yet been crowned with complete success. The dingo remains an unpredictable animal and behaves like in the proverb "No matter how much you feed the wolf ...".

In order for the puppy to more easily adapt to life in a human environment, it is taken from its mother while still blind, then the baby who has seen his eyes sees his parents in a person and grows up not so aggressive. If, for some reason, the “parent” of a dog tamed by him must part with it, then the dingo cannot bear separation, begins to wither and dies.

Why the dingo dog does not bark, does not know how or cannot

Purebred dingo dogs really cannot bark, but howl and growl. Scientists explain this by their genetic characteristics, believing that dingo dogs are a separate species of animals that cannot be attributed to either dogs or wolves.

The article contains the most interesting information about this breed, as well as basic information about those dogs that use the spa the most.

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