How many teeth does a person have, dental formula. How many teeth should an adult have?

All human teeth are small white color and rich in calcium. In the mouth, the teeth perform the function of cutting and grinding products, which are then easily absorbed by the body. The number of teeth a person has depends largely on age. Typically, children have less teeth than adults.

The development of teeth in children begins in the prenatal period. However, these teeth do not become immediately visible until the child is 6 to 12 months old. The process of development and growth of teeth becomes more frequent after the eruption of the first teeth, and already at the age of three years, most children have 20 teeth in the oral cavity. They are called milk teeth, which appear for a while and, upon reaching the age of six, are replaced by permanent teeth which have a longer lifespan.

Unlike milk teeth, which are normally 20 in the oral cavity, an adult has a total of 32 teeth, with erupted third molars. The ideal number of teeth an adult should have is 32 teeth, of which eight are incisors, four canines, eight premolars and twelve molars. Normally, you will not see a single wisdom tooth until the age of 17.

If milk teeth fall out in a couple of years, why is it so important to monitor their condition?

  • They leave space for permanent teeth
  • They give the face its normal look.
  • They contribute to the development of clear speech
  • They help achieve good nutrition
  • They help give a healthy start to the development of permanent teeth.

An adult has 28-32 teeth

How many teeth should an adult have

An adult person can normally have 28 to 32 teeth in the oral cavity. What these teeth are and why we indicate different numbers, you will understand by looking at the table below.




The incisors are the teeth that are located at the front of the mouth. central position. Each person has four incisors upper jaw and a similar number of incisors on mandible. Main function incisors - capture and cut food. The first milk incisors erupt in a child at 6 months. Permanent incisors replace milk teeth at 6 years of age.


Fangs are teeth with sharp edges. The main function of these teeth is to tear off especially solid food such as meat. The first milk fangs usually erupt when the baby reaches 20 months of age. Permanent fangs in adults erupt between 9 and 12 years of age.


Adults have eight premolars, four of them are located on one jaw (on different sides), and the remaining four on the other jaw. These teeth perform the task of grinding food into smaller particles. The age at which premolars begin to erupt is between 10 and 11 years of age.


We have a total of eight molars, four in each jaw. The first and second molars appear at the age of 6 and 13 respectively and perform the task of chewing the food we eat.

third molars

The last teeth in the dentition are the third molars, which are also. They do not erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. At a large number people, these teeth do not erupt at all. Wisdom teeth during eruption can cause severe pain and be the main cause of crowding of teeth, which leads to.

The wisdom tooth is the third and last molar on each side of the upper and lower jaw. They appear when a person is in late adolescence or about 25 years old. Each person can have no more than 4 wisdom teeth!

Wisdom tooth x-ray

Wisdom teeth are often associated with pain in the back of the jaw and difficulty chewing. When you have a fully functional set of teeth in your mouth, the question might be, what are wisdom teeth for? The answer is pretty simple. The function of wisdom teeth is the same as other teeth. They take part in the act of chewing and grinding food. With the correct position in the dentition, they are able to increase chewing efficiency. Unfortunately, third molars may not always be in the correct position, for this reason, an operation to remove teeth may be required to avoid possible complications.

Wisdom teeth extraction is a common practice and a common procedure all over the world. There are many dental indications, for surgical intervention: complicated, which cannot be treated therapeutically, dystopic position of the tooth and soft tissue injury of the crown part of the tooth, crowding of teeth (orthodontic indication).

Wisdom tooth extraction is a clinically proven process that aims to reduce pain, preserve the shape of the face while maintaining proper tooth alignment, and prevent infection.

At what age do teeth fall out in adults?

This question is individual for each person and depends on many factors, for example: heredity, etc. The table below shows the average number of permanent teeth among adults aged 20 to 64, broken down by individual characteristics.

Characteristic Average number of permanent teeth
20 to 34 years old 26
35 to 49 years old 25
50 to 64 years 22
The male 25
Woman 24
History of smoking
Smoker currently 23
former smoker 25
Never smoked 25
Average 24 permanent teeth

Data source: University of National Health and Nutrition, has been an important source of information on oral health and dental care in the US since the early 1970s.

From this article you will learn:

  • how many teeth should a person normally have,
  • when there are fewer teeth
  • dental formula human: scheme, numbering of teeth.

Human teeth are temporary and permanent. Temporary (milk) teeth normally begin to erupt in children from 8 months to 3 years of age. In total, the child should erupt 20 milk teeth - 10 teeth in the upper jaw + 10 in the lower jaw.

From the age of 6 temporary teeth gradually begin to fall out, and in their place permanent molars erupt. Most permanent teeth erupt between the ages of 6 and 12, and only the eruption of the last 8 teeth (wisdom teeth) usually occurs between 17 and 21 years of age. In total, an adult can erupt 32 teeth - 16 teeth in the upper jaw + 16 in the lower jaw.

Teeth in a child and an adult on x-rays -

Thus, how many teeth a person has depends on age. Normally, in children at the time of the end of the eruption of all temporary teeth- there will be 20 of them. Then the period of replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones begins, after which a person will normally have 32 permanent teeth (read about exceptions below).

Numbering of teeth in dentistry: a scheme for adults and children

Highly interesting point the numbering of teeth in dentistry is presented, because the patient can often hear or read in the medical card that the doctor treated him with 37 or 42 teeth (although there are only 32 of them). The fact is that the numbers of teeth in dentistry do not correspond to simple ordinal numbers from 1 to 32 in adults, and from 1 to 20 in children.

Formula of teeth in the medical record -

Dental formula of an adult (as well as a child) - in medical card dental patient looks like a schematic table (as in Fig. 5), which will only reflect sequence numbers permanent or milk teeth. Right in this formula, the doctor will put marks on missing teeth, teeth with caries, teeth under crowns, etc.

Dental formula in the form of a table in the medical record -

What are the exceptions in the number of teeth -

There are situations when the number of teeth in a person differs from the norm. For example, the rudiments of some teeth may be absent altogether, or they may die in the process of development. As a rule, this is a consequence of diseases either suffered by the mother during pregnancy, or diseases of the child in the first years of life.

There are situations when a child may experience a delay in teething, and parents are worried about this. It should be noted that in modern children, early or late eruption is observed in approximately 30-40% of cases from the standard terms. This process is affected not only by diseases of the mother and child, but even by the nature of nutrition during breastfeeding.

Important : big influence affects the eruption of permanent teeth inflammatory diseases at the roots of milk teeth (the latter arise as a result of untreated caries). can lead not only to a delay in the eruption of the permanent tooth, but also to the death of the rudiment of the permanent tooth. In the latter case, a permanent tooth in this place will be absent.

Supernumerary teeth

however, it also happens vice versa, when, during the laying of the rudiments of teeth, violations occur that lead to the appearance supernumerary teeth. Supernumerary canines or premolars are especially common. In this case, the patient will not have 32 teeth, but all 34 or even 36 teeth. The presence of such teeth is not a problem, and the patient is simply assigned to have them extracted. We hope that our article on the topic: How many teeth an adult has - turned out to be useful to you!

Almost everyone answers the question “how many teeth a person has”: thirty-two. No wonder so many dental clinics and cabinets are called "32 teeth". But if you look, a person can have fewer teeth than thirty-two. What is it connected with?

How do teeth appear?

The child, being born, does not have a single tooth. By the age of four, he has about 20 milk teeth. Of these, eight teeth are molars, eight are incisors, and four canines.

Then milk teeth are replaced by molars. In an adult, they are normally twenty-eight. Wisdom teeth appear at the age of twenty to twenty-five, and they erupt quite painfully. How many wisdom teeth does a person have? Four. They sometimes grow unevenly, trying to take up more space in oral cavity so dentists sometimes remove them. Scientists have found that ten thousand years ago, every inhabitant of the planet had wisdom teeth, and now only half of them erupt. This is due to the fact that people eat mostly light food, which does not need to be chewed thoroughly. At the very beginning of the appearance of people on Earth, there were 12 more teeth.

Let's calculate how many milk teeth a person has and how many permanent ones. Milk teeth grow no more than twenty. At the age of eight months, the central incisors appear, by the year the lateral incisors grow. In a year and a half, the first molars are formed, then the canines and second molars follow.

The first molars grow at the age of six (molars). In adolescence (12-14 years), milk teeth fall out, being replaced by molars. So the teenager already has 28 teeth.

What anomalies are found?

Of course, it cannot be argued that all the inhabitants of the planet have from 28 to 32 molars. There are such anomalies as hyperdontia and hypodontia.

Hyperdontia is expressed in an increase in the number of milk (over 20) and molars (over 32) teeth. It occurs in about 2% of the population. "Extra" teeth are small and conical in shape. Since they can cause deformation of other teeth, dentists recommend removing them.

Hypodontia - a decrease in the number of teeth due to a violation of their development.

Millions of people suffer from toothache, cursing their thirty-two teeth and fainting from the buzzing of the drill. Why do we need 32 teeth? They not only grind food, but are also of great importance - they participate in the formation of speech and contribute to its purity. Nowadays, teeth also have aesthetic value. After all beautiful teeth- is often an indicator social status person. Nothing in nature exists just like that. Let's try to figure this out.

The first tooth in children erupts at the age of about 6 months, and by the age of 3 years, all milk teeth are formed in most babies. By the age of 6-7, milk teeth begin to fall out and several permanent teeth appear. By the age of 13-14 there should be 28 of them. At the age of 18-25, wisdom teeth appear. Some people grow all 4 wisdom teeth, someone may have 1 or 2, some have no wisdom teeth at all. It all depends on individual characteristics.

Each tooth does its job, has its own structure. Molar teeth (there are 12 of them) have tubercles and fissures on the surface for chewing food; 8 teeth-premolars are engaged in tearing and grinding food; 4 fangs tear off food piece by piece; 8 front teeth-incisors have a cutting edge and serve directly for biting off food.

It is believed that the number of our teeth was strictly measured in the process of evolution. All of them were necessary for ancient people to chew raw meat and coarse food. Currently, food has a softer texture and 20-24 teeth are enough to chew it. Some foreign dentists even recommend "thinning" teeth in childhood, so that the rest have more freedom to grow and they deteriorate less. However, it is unlikely that parents will subject their children to additional "torture" for the sake of a dubious theory.

Austrian scientists have discovered that the nerves leading to the roots of all 32 teeth are connected to 32 nuclei of the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that regulates the activity of various organs. Thus, while chewing food, we not only grind it and help the stomach digest it, but also mechanically act on various organs associated with teeth. Consequently, the disease of any tooth can cause a malfunction in the work of the “sponsored” organ.

At the same time, teeth can give us a lot of trouble. Most often, a person who does not do caries prevention is faced with caries and gum disease, which leads to the absence of most teeth by the age of 50. In addition, bad teeth lead to a decrease in immunity, are the beginnings of some diseases. digestive system that occurs due to inflammation in the gums and teeth.

As you can see, thirty-two teeth are given to us for a reason. Therefore, they should be properly taken care of. Protect yourself from cavities and gum disease by spending necessary prevention. Brush your teeth 2 times a day: in the morning (after breakfast, but not before it) and before going to bed, and it is best to take toothbrush after every meal. Do not be lazy to use additional dental care products: dental floss, oral elixir. Most importantly - do not forget to visit the dentist 2 times a year. Regular check-ups will give you less discomfort than going to the doctor with a toothache.

27.05.2012 08:03

Most creatures on our planet have teeth. Whether it is the teeth of a predator, herbivore or omnivore, they are always maximally adapted to the food that their owner consumes and the lifestyle that he leads.

But the origin of all teeth in the world is common. Strange to realize, but our teeth are evolved fish scales.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, ancient fish used protruding hard scales located in the jaw area to capture and dismember prey. Later, these scales were transformed into full teeth. This explains the similarity in the structure of the tooth and fish scales.

Three parts are distinguished in the structure of the tooth: the root, the neck and the crown. The roots of the teeth are located in special recesses of the jaw - the alveoli.

A crown is a part of a tooth covered with hard enamel and protruding above the gum. The neck separates the root and crown and should be under the gingival margin.

The child is usually born edentulous, although the rudiments of teeth are formed from the first trimester. prenatal development. At the age of six months, the painful process of teething begins. And by the age of two healthy child has a full set of milk teeth in the amount of 20 pieces.

But under the milk teeth, their change is already being prepared - the permanent teeth. Complete replacement occurs from 6 to 12 years of age. In addition, most people by the age of 25 grow three more molars on both sides of the lower and upper jaws. Thus, we become the owners of 32 permanent teeth.

The peculiarity of the human diet is omnivorous. This is due to a specific - complete - set of teeth: incisors, canines, premolars (small molars) and molars (molars). Each of the 4 types differs from the others in shape, size and purpose. So, incisors are designed for biting off food, fangs - for tearing, premolars - for grinding, molars - for grinding.

Obviously, the number, shape and other features of our teeth are due to evolutionary development, which, by the way, never stops. This means that we can assume that our distant descendants will flaunt a completely different set of teeth, and possibly their complete absence.

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