Polishing of front teeth. Polishing teeth. Is the procedure harmful?

Often people are not serious about professional oral hygiene. This is due to lack of awareness, namely ignorance of what elements the cleaning consists of and what results it leads to. In the article we will consider such a stage of brushing teeth as polishing.

This procedure is carried out after professional cleaning, filling or dental treatment.. Why do you need to polish your teeth after brushing? At the end of hygienic measures, the surface of the enamel becomes rough, which means it is more prone to the appearance of tartar and the multiplication of bacteria on it. To avoid these unpleasant consequences, it is important not to neglect the grinding of teeth. It makes the enamel perfectly smooth which positively affects both the health of the teeth and their aesthetic appearance. If you carry out such a procedure no more than twice a year, then there will be no harm from it.

Indications and contraindications

Polishing is carried out not only as an element of professional cleaning, but also for the purpose of recovery and, including after wearing braces.

Contraindications include:

Teeth polishing methods

Polishing can be done in four ways:

  1. Traditional. It implies the use of a drill with various nozzles coated with abrasive materials. This is the most inexpensive, but the most unpleasant method. It is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity of enamel.
  2. Ultrasonic. It involves the removal of plaque even from the most inaccessible places with the help of an ultrasonic device.
  3. Air. It consists in removing plaque and roughness with a powerful jet of air with abrasive particles. It is suitable for processing hard-to-reach places.
  4. laser resurfacing. Removal of stone and plaque with a laser. The most modern, but expensive method.

Sanding tools

The choice of tools depends on the method used. With the traditional method, special nozzles, tooth polishing brushes and abrasive pastes are used. Different nozzles are used for different parts of the teeth, and the choice of paste depends on the stage of the procedure. Usually grinding begins with the use of coarse-grained pastes and ends with fine-grained ones.

When carrying out the procedure by other methods, the specialist uses the appropriate devices for polishing teeth (for example, Vector with an ultrasonic method, Turbodent - with an air method).

You can learn more about the tools used in polishing by watching the video at the end of the article.

How is the procedure

The process of polishing tooth enamel is the final stage of professional cleaning.. The choice of method of its implementation depends on the recommendations of the dentist and the preferences of the patient.

Reference. Traditionally, the process takes no more than 40 minutes and is divided into three main stages: enamel treatment of the flat surface of the teeth, then chewing and interdental space.

During the process, a holder is put on the teeth. in which the polishing paste is placed. At the end of the procedure, the cavity is rinsed and a protective layer of fluoride varnish is applied to the enamel.

With the ultrasonic method the enamel is treated with a laser with ultrasound, which destroys not only tartar and plaque, but also bacteria in the oral cavity. The principle of operation of such a procedure is based on the fact that ultrasound destroys water-containing compounds, which is unwanted plaque. Plaque contains an order of magnitude more water than enamel, which means that enamel damage is minimized.

During air polishing teeth are treated for half an hour with a stream of air with abrasive particles, which can be soda. The strength of the jet is adjustable. After polishing is completed, a tint varnish is applied to the teeth, which gives the enamel a natural color.

laser polishing It is carried out in the same way as ultrasound, but with more modern devices and, accordingly, is more expensive.

At home

One such method is to use a mixture of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice. It is applied to the teeth and left for a few minutes.

Important! You should not use this method often to reduce the risk of damage to the enamel.

Besides, Can you polish your teeth with toothpaste?, namely, use special abrasive pastes for cleaning. However, before doing this, you should consult with a dentist.

From early childhood, our parents taught us to brush our teeth in the morning and in the evening. This not only guarantees fresh breath, but also protects against many oral diseases. Unfortunately, just brushing your teeth is not enough. Each person must necessarily monitor the oral cavity in order to avoid gum disease and caries.

Deposits form on the teeth, which come into contact with food debris and saliva. By eating junk food, especially with dyes, or by drinking coffee and tobacco, as well as alcohol, we give bacteria a chance to multiply.

Now the polishing of tooth enamel is especially relevant. Let's consider this question in more detail.

Getting rid of plaque on teeth

It is simply impossible to completely get rid of plaque on the teeth at home. No matter how many pastes you try, only professional cleaning of the oral cavity will protect against plaque and caries. To do this, you need to visit the dentist regularly twice a year and carry out the procedure. This will not only get rid of plaque, but also protect your teeth from various diseases. Professional cleaning involves subsequent polishing and grinding.

professional cleaning

Professional cleaning is carried out in the dental office using the necessary equipment and tools. This is done in order to eliminate plaque in the oral cavity and provide a whitening effect. Be sure to polish your teeth.

To achieve the desired result, there are many cleaning methods, but the most common are ultrasonic and mechanical.

Ensures the absence of pain.

Mechanical cleaning is more traumatic.

Carrying out cleaning

In the dental office, cleaning is first carried out in four stages. The dentist checks for gum disease, the degree of development of caries, and the presence of tartar. If during the procedure the patient experiences pain or discomfort, the doctor applies anesthesia, after which the dentist removes hard deposits using an ultrasonic device, which are less durable compared to tooth enamel.

Cleaning methods

How are teeth cleaned and polished?

When you fall into the hands of a dentist, and he says that cleaning is necessary, you need to urgently agree to the procedure. After all, the result is worth it. Also a very important factor is that after the procedure it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the doctor.

Contraindications and indications

Before carrying out a comprehensive cleaning, the dentist checks for contraindications and indications for the patient. Then he appoints sessions if the patient wants to whiten his teeth by two or three shades or he has a stone disease associated with long-term wearing of braces, as well as plaque due to junk food or alcohol. There are also contraindications, such as:


Heart problems;

Severe sensitivity or erosion of the enamel;

Inflammation of the gums.

Teeth cleaning and polishing

Previously, in dental offices, cleaning was carried out using a painful method (mechanical processing). Now modern and more effective methods are being used that perfectly cope with the problem. Teeth cleaning is carried out in several stages:

Removal of plaque or tartar by ultrasound or laser.

Various types of grinding.

Tooth polishing, you can also apply a protective varnish if desired.

Ultrasonic oral cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaning of the oral cavity is done with a special device called a scaler. He, in turn, kills germs, removes the darkening of the enamel from cigarettes and tea. Plaque is destroyed by wave vibrations. To relieve the pain, the enamel is cooled with water, water is supplied under pressure through the tip. This is the fastest way to remove small chipped particles, thanks to the double action.

Laser cleaning

Quickly destroys stones and If you follow all the recommendations of the dentist, the resulting effect will last six months and even a little more. In this way, you can not only save money, but also strengthen the gums and enamel. There are no disadvantages.

Mechanical cleaning of the oral cavity

The very first used in dentistry is mechanical cleaning. She has many shortcomings. If the tooth enamel is sensitive, this cleaning method cannot be used. This damages the entire dentition. If you do mechanical cleaning of the oral cavity, then you must follow proper nutrition and completely abandon bad habits. And also this type of cleaning is quite painful.


The teeth are applied without fail once every six months. With this procedure, the stone and dense deposits on the enamel are removed very quickly. The essence of this cleaning is very simple. With the help of a special tool, a powder with water under pressure is applied to the enamel of the teeth. This is the main cleaning of the teeth. done in three or four tones.

Teeth polishing

When polishing, tools with rotating heads are used. Various types of abrasive pastes are used alternately, first using a coarse, and then a fine-grained paste. A paste with large particles is designed to remove dense deposits, and the final polishing is done with a soft paste. The base includes silica, zirconium oxide, silicate, aluminum hydroxide, titanium dioxide. The composition of mixtures for prevention includes fluorine and xylitol. This is what toothpaste is like.

The cost of hygienic cleaning

Procedures carried out in the dental office are always paid. In order to make a decision, you first need to familiarize yourself with the prices. As a rule, one procedure is not enough to achieve good results, you need to complete the full course. It is ten days.

1) Ultrasonic cleaning, depending on the type - from 500 rubles to 2000 rubles.

2) Laser cleaning - from 3000 rubles.

3) Mechanical teeth cleaning, it is also considered whitening - from 100 rubles. The price also depends on what kind of apparatus for polishing teeth and cleaning them.

Polishing teeth with paste is an integral part of professional oral hygiene. The procedure is carried out after ultrasonic cleaning or Air-Flow cleaning. For this, special nozzles are used - brushes and rubber cups. An abrasive paste is applied to the surface of the teeth. Its granularity is determined by the dentist and depends on the degree of surface roughness.

Tooth enamel polishing: the benefits

  1. The surface of the teeth becomes smoother, which significantly reduces the rate of plaque settling. As a result, teeth stay cleaner and healthier for longer.
  2. Polishing is absolutely safe for enamel. The hard tissues of the tooth are not damaged, there are no scratches on the enamel, and its thickness does not decrease.
  3. Polishing is a painless procedure. Anesthesia is not required.
  4. Not only the patient's own teeth, but also crowns and fillings can be polished.
  5. Enhance aesthetics. After polishing, the surface of the teeth and fillings becomes smoother, acquires shine, and better refracts light. Of course, polishing is not an alternative to bleaching, but often after a full range of hygiene procedures, the need for it disappears.

The surface of our teeth is covered with the thinnest transparent film, which is a natural barrier to coloring pigments and pathogenic microflora. During polishing, it is removed, and it will take several hours to restore it. During this period, it is necessary to refrain from eating foods that have a coloring effect: juices, tea, coffee, berries, some vegetables, as well as smoking.

Avoid increasing sensitivity will allow. This simple and inexpensive procedure will help to fill the deficiency of mineral components, strengthen the enamel and reduce the likelihood of caries.

How much does teeth polishing cost

You can get acquainted with the prices for polishing teeth and other hygiene procedures in the Price List section of the website. We use only professional pastes and modern equipment. The procedure will not cause you discomfort and will take very little time.

You can evaluate the result after brushing your teeth with the Air Flow method and polishing your teeth in the photo.

Teeth grinding and polishing is a useful procedure that makes your smile irresistible and your teeth healthy and strong. During this procedure, plaque is removed from the teeth, which is present in every person, and tartar, which is a hardened plaque, is also removed.

The procedure carried out for preventive purposes at least once a year prevents the formation of tartar and protects teeth from caries.

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How does this happen?

The dentist starts grinding and polishing the teeth only after the complete removal of plaque and tartar from the surface of the teeth.

The set of nozzles is divided into several types

Nozzles are divided not only by grain size, but also by the intended place of use. For grinding and polishing straight, even surfaces, rollers and discs with a large impact area are used, for example, for cleaning interdental spaces, tools with a narrow working surface are used.

The nozzles move at a speed of about 5000 revolutions per minute, which allows you to quickly and efficiently clean the surface of the tooth without causing any pain to the patient.

To achieve the desired result, the dentist consistently uses several types of tooth polishing pastes, as well as different types of nozzles. Polishing begins with a coarse-grained paste, and ends with a fine-grained one, which removes the remaining minor irregularities of the teeth.

Grinding and polishing of the tooth surface is essential after tooth filling. By grinding, the outer edge of the filling is given a smooth and even shape in accordance with the structure of the tooth. This avoids certain negative consequences associated with discomfort during the process of chewing food or injury to the surrounding mucous membranes and soft tissues.

Why polish and grind your teeth?

Grinding and polishing of teeth is included in the complex of procedures for cleaning teeth from plaque and stones.

After the removal of stones using ultrasound or laser, the surface of the teeth becomes somewhat rough. This is not visually visible, but the patient feels this discomfort and the surrounding mucous membranes are constantly irritated. Roughness contributes to the rapid accumulation of plaque and bacteria, which exacerbate inflammation in the oral cavity.

It is for the purpose of removing these roughness that grinding and polishing of the teeth is carried out. On the smooth surface of the teeth, plaque does not linger for a long time and there is nothing for bacteria to cling to. This means that the growth of a new layer of plaque, and even more so the formation of tartar, will not bother you for a long time.

Indications and contraindications

Polished teeth not only give an aesthetically pleasing smile, but also grinding and polishing can reduce the number of visits to the doctor, which are reduced only to preventive procedures.

Almost any dental procedure (treatment of caries, whitening, brushing teeth), as a rule, ends with grinding and polishing.

Grinding and polishing is an absolutely painless procedure, which has practically no contraindications and side effects. After the treatment and removal of the inflammatory process, grinding and polishing of the teeth is carried out to consolidate the result.

After careful implementation of these activities, some temporary discomfort may occur:

  • temporary exacerbation of hypersensitivity to the external environment;
  • unusual sensations in the oral cavity, which are associated with the removal of excess plaque on the teeth;
  • tobacco smoking, in which the number of cigarettes smoked exceeds 20 pieces (smoking weakens the tooth enamel cleared of plaque and quickly gives the teeth a yellowish tint).

After such a thorough and high-quality cleaning of the teeth, experts recommend limiting the use of coloring products for 2 days so that there are no dark spots on the tooth enamel. Limit smoking so that the tooth enamel has time to get stronger and adapt to external stimuli.

For high-quality grinding and polishing of teeth, contact the specialists of the clinic of aesthetic dentistry "Diamond". A beautiful and healthy smile is a significant part of achieving success in life.

Results of our clients

I have had dental problems since childhood. I was looking for a clinic for a long time, because I understood that the issue needed to be resolved - I wanted to live a full life! Doctors here are magic! In just a few days they brought me back to life. I could not even imagine that it would all be so fast. My only regret is that I did not know about this technology, I would have come to the clinic earlier!

Tooth polishing is an essential part of oral hygiene. The procedure is performed in the dentist's office. As a result of this manipulation, the teeth become whiter and stronger, their surface will be completely smooth. It also eliminates bad breath. Grinding and polishing of the front teeth is recommended to take place twice a year.

Our offers

If you need polishing of the tooth surface, Esculap Dental Clinic will provide such a service at a moderate cost. Our procedure is performed by experienced doctors, whose skills and professionalism have been appreciated by many patients. In our activities, we use only high-quality materials and advanced, innovative equipment. We assure you that you will not feel any pain or side effects associated with this intervention.

Also for our patients:

  • no long and tiring queues;
  • a wide range of dental services;
  • modern methods of anesthesia;
  • comfortable environment and pleasant atmosphere.

Professional teeth polishing, the price of which depends on the volume and complexity of the work, will help you get the radiant, healthy smile of your dreams. Take the right step towards your perfection with a clinic trusted by both residents and guests of Moscow. Sign up for a free consultation now! To do this, simply call us at the phone number listed on the site, or fill out the feedback form. We will offer the best appointment time for you and will do everything to ensure that you are satisfied - with a smile, with service, and with the quality of the dental procedure.

Frequently asked Questions:

Why polish teeth after brushing?

After removing hard dental deposits and sandblasting, the surface of the enamel becomes rough. Grinding makes the surface of the teeth whole and even, and also protects them from sticking food debris and cariogenic microorganisms. Polishing after caries treatment allows you to smooth the boundaries between the installed filling and dentin.

- How painful is the procedure for grinding and polishing teeth?

Polishing is carried out without anesthesia: it is absolutely painless and lasts no more than half an hour. During the procedure, an extra-soft abrasive paste with silica and zirconium oxide is used, and the grinding itself is performed with special nozzles: rotating rubber cups and cone-shaped brushes. Alignment of the surface of the teeth, doctors recommend repeating every 6 months.

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