Fighting vsd best tips. Description of the psychologist's advice on how to deal with the VSD syndrome. Medicines for VSD

Common pathological condition. It is diagnosed in more than half of the population, mainly in adolescents and women. Although dystonia does not represent an immediate danger to life, it violates normal functioning organism. How to deal with VSD various methods?

The essence of vegetative-vascular dystonia is the formation of a persistent imbalance in the work of the sympathetic and. VSD occurs not as an independent disease, but as a symptom complex that accompanies somatic and psychological pathology.

Dystonia has chronic currents. It remains even after the elimination of the underlying disease. There is a state with periods of remissions and exacerbations. In remission, a person feels certain symptoms, but his ability to work and his usual way of life are not violated. With an exacerbation, which is of a short-term nature, all manifestations intensify and this leads to a violation of the rhythm of life.

Drug therapy

There is no single drug for vegetative dystonia. There is no etiotropic treatment because this is not a typical disease with a specific cause. Dystonia is a pathological condition that can manifest various symptoms. All drug therapy aimed at alleviating these symptoms. Therefore, not one drug is used, but several, from different groups.

Pathology is accompanied neurological disorders, unpleasant sensations in the region of the heart, numbness and coldness of the extremities, dyspeptic phenomena. What remedies are needed to correct all these symptoms?

Antidepressants and tranquilizers

The drugs of these groups are aimed at correcting psychological state. Patients with VSD, especially adolescents and overly emotional women, often have depressive thoughts. So that they do not turn into suicidal, it is necessary to prescribe drugs of these groups.

  1. Afobazole is a drug with an anxiolytic effect. It does not cause drowsiness, therefore it is considered a daytime tranquilizer. Indicated for the symptomatic treatment of vegetative dystonia. Eliminates anxiety, normalizes sleep. Improves cognitive abilities. Spasm decreases due to anxiety suppression internal organs and vessels. This contributes to the weakening of somatic manifestations.
  2. Grandaxin is a drug that is also a daytime tranquilizer. Regulates the work of the vegetative nervous system without having any hypnotic effect. Shown for .
  3. Adaptol is a strong anxiolytic. Provides a reduction in anxiety, eliminates a depressive mood. Does not have a hypnotic effect, but is able to normalize physiological rhythm sleep.


These drugs increase vitality, improve mood. Maintain performance, both mental and physical.

  1. Ginseng tincture - natural remedy to stimulate the nervous system. Improves mental and physical performance. Its use is indicated for the symptomatic treatment of VVD in both adults and children from 12 years of age. For the prevention of insomnia, the drug is taken in the morning.
  2. Eleutherococcus tincture is a plant adaptogen. Stimulates the activity of the nervous system. Helps reduce fatigue mental capacity. It is indicated for the symptomatic treatment of VVD in adults and children from 12 years of age.
  3. Stimol is a stimulant of synthetic origin based on citrulline. This is an amino acid that helps to increase the adaptive properties of the body. Approved for use from the age of five.


Vitamin-mineral complexes are necessary to maintain energy, improve the functioning of the nervous system, and adapt the body to the environment.

  1. Doppelgerz Ginseng - a vitamin and mineral complex containing all necessary components to fight dystonia. In addition to the main vitamins and minerals, the preparation contains ginseng extract, which has stimulating properties. Indicated for course admission with dystonia.
  2. Doppelgerz Magnesium + Potassium is a vitamin containing magnesium and potassium. These trace elements are necessary for the full functioning of the heart muscle. Improve the well-being of a person with VVD. Reduced symptoms with long-term use discomfort in the region of the heart.
  3. Vitalotonic - vitamin preparation in the form of a solution. Contains five plant extracts. Supports the work of cardiac activity, has a sedative effect. Relieves spasms of smooth muscles, including the digestive tract. Increases physical performance. Indicated for the symptomatic treatment of VVD in adults.

Means for microcirculation

With vegetative-vascular dystonia, there is a spasm of capillaries in the periphery. As a result, a person feels chilliness in the limbs, blanching and numbness of the fingers. To eliminate this symptom, drugs are used to improve microcirculation.

  • Pentoxifylline is a drug to improve microcirculation and strengthen the vascular wall. Normalizes rheological properties blood. Indicated for the treatment of peripheral circulatory disorders in vegetative dystonia.

Drugs to eliminate dyspepsia

With VVD, symptoms of indigestion may be observed. They are not a sign of any disease, but they still need to be eliminated. For this, the following drugs are used:

Treatment medications appoints only a specialist after complete examination patient and identify possible contraindications.

Non-drug treatment

Non-pharmacological methods also have great importance in the treatment of dystonia. In the fight against VVD are used proper diet, rational physical activity, psychotherapy sessions and physiotherapy methods.


The first thing that is prescribed to patients with dystonia is a diet. It does not imply strict restrictions. Therapeutic is the observance of the principles healthy eating. The diet includes those foods that can improve well-being when different types dystonia.

Nutrition should be complete and balanced, that is, include all the main products:

limited canned food, sweets, alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

In the hypertensive type of VVD, fluid intake should be limited, do not drink strong tea and coffee. It is also desirable to reduce the number table salt in food. Fruit drinks from viburnum and chokeberry, hawthorn fruit tea.

The hypotonic type, on the contrary, is an indication for an increase in the amount of fluid consumed up to two liters per day. In this case, you need to regularly check for edema. If they appear, the drinking regimen should be reviewed. To maintain a comfortable pressure, you can replace regular tea with green tea with jasmine. It is allowed to drink coffee, but you need to remember that it causes tachycardia.

It is necessary to develop a strict diet. It is better to take food in small portions, but more often, up to 4-5 times a day. Between doses should be approximately the same intervals of time.

Adequate physical activity significantly improves the well-being of patients with dystonia. Daily morning exercises are shown, in the evenings - hiking. Swimming, cycling, skiing, skating contribute to strengthening the nervous system and improving microcirculation. To improve lung function, running or walking over rough terrain is shown. Strengthening of cardiac activity is carried out with the help of cardio training. Showing individual sessions with specialists in physical therapy.

Physical exercises should be alternated with breathing exercises, relaxation exercises. After training, you need to devote a few minutes to meditation or auto-training.

Training should be regular, but not exhausting. The level of physical activity is calculated in accordance with the age and capabilities of the body. You can devote to physical education only half an hour a day, but do it daily.


One of the important aspects of the fight against vegetovascular dystonia. The essence of the pathology lies in malfunctions of the brain and peripheral nerves. Psychotherapy is especially important for patients with frequent panic attacks.

A competent specialist will find out the cause of the appearance of panic attacks and their accompanying manifestations. Several sessions of psychotherapy will help eliminate this problem. Psychologist's advice is especially important for young emotional girls.

In addition to classes with a specialist, you can perform some psychological techniques at home. This requires silence and a calm environment, so it is better to do this before going to bed or immediately after waking up.

Physiotherapy methods

Patients with insomnia or sleep inversion may benefit from electrosleep sessions. To normalize cardiac activity and pressure are used therapeutic baths- salt, mud, mineral.

Methods such as acupuncture, acupressure. Improving the functioning of the peripheral nervous system and the microcirculatory bed is facilitated by hardening methods - walking barefoot, dousing with cold water, cold and hot shower.

Traditional medicine recipes

Traditional medicine offers many recipes for dealing with VVD. Basically it's using medicinal herbs. They contribute general strengthening body, normalization of the nervous system.

To increase the adaptive capabilities of the body, the following decoctions and infusions are prescribed:

  • decoction of rose hips;
  • infusion of rowan fruits;
  • complex decoctions containing oregano, St. John's wort, linden flowers and chamomile.

As sedative teas from motherwort, valerian, lemon balm are shown. Peppermint leaves have a sedative and antispasmodic effect.

The fight against VVD has a significant effect if approached in a comprehensive manner. It is necessary to use all available techniques and then it will be possible to significantly reduce the manifestations of this pathology and provide a person with a normal lifestyle.


Today I will talk about the well-known disease - vegetovascular dystonia.

Many people ask about how to deal with the mysterious VVD on their own, in this article I will help answer this question.

Why is the disease mysterious?

In fact, in most countries there is no such diagnosis at all, I already wrote about it.

But in Russia for some reason they make such a diagnosis.

So is there such a disease or not? How to deal with it, if the VVD exists. And if not, why do we experience unpleasant symptoms what to do with them?

It's time to answer all these questions and "dot the i".

ghost disease

Many people know the situation that a person, experiencing unpleasant symptoms of VVD, such as pain in the heart, pressure fluctuations, migraines, and others, comes to the doctor, who, based on the results of the examination, says that the patient is completely healthy. A heart that hurts is in order, and other organs work well.

The person is surprised, and the doctor makes such a diagnosis as vegetovascular dystonia. Instead of treating a specific organ, he prescribes sedatives, and also gives recommendations for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. But also often the doctor prescribes medications that relieve the symptoms of VVD: lower or vice versa increase pressure, relieve headaches.

Thus, the doctor, firstly, did not really explain anything about the disease, because it takes a lot of time. And many doctors themselves simply do not know how to save the patient from VVD.

And secondly, he makes me take off drugs painful symptoms, not solving the problem at the root, thereby only causing harm in the future.

People do not want to work on themselves, everyone wants to get rid of the disease by swallowing a magic pill. But only you yourself, on your own, can get rid of all the many symptoms of dystonia, and how to do this, I will tell you today.

If you want magical quick healings if you don't want to do anything to get healthy and happy man, then you can simply not read the article further.

Keep going to the doctors, keep hoping for a miracle, and stay a sick and unhappy lifelong patient.

I repeat, doctors will only temporarily relieve pain, temporarily increase health, and after a while everything will return again, but maybe with greater strength. Only by eradicating the causes of the VSD, you can get rid of it, but you can only do it yourself.

Let's find out if there is such a disease or not.

From the point of view of Russian doctors, the disease exists.

VSD is a disease of the autonomic link of the central nervous system.

Who does not know, let me remind you that the autonomic nervous system is responsible for the work of our internal organs, for vascular tone, maintaining internal homeostasis. Thanks to it, the organs work autonomously, regardless of the person: the heart beats, the gastric juice and so on.

The ANS consists of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.

When you need to react emotionally, physically strain, mobilize strength, run away from danger or, on the contrary, attack, the sympathetic nervous system turns on.

Parasympathetic, on the contrary, is responsible for rest, peace and relaxation.

AT healthy body nature organized a competent balance between these two systems.

If the autonomic nervous system starts to work incorrectly, due to a violation of this balance or for other reasons, then they talk about the disease of the autonomic part of the nervous system, and then they make a diagnosis of vegetative dystonia. A person experiences many unpleasant conditions: heart, headache and other pains, shortness of breath, high or low blood pressure, intolerance to stuffy rooms, weather sensitivity, panic attacks may also occur, as well as other mental disorders.

That is, as if there is a disease and this violation correct operation autonomic nervous system.

But if you figure it out, look from the other side, the ANS began to work incorrectly for some reason, due to some disturbance in the body or in the human psyche.

In this case, we can say that there is no separate disease of the autonomic nervous system, it began to work incorrectly due to some kind of malfunction in the body. It is necessary to look for the causes of such a violation, to look for the disease that led to the imbalance of the ANS. This is how they approach this problem in America, in the countries of Central Europe, they make other diagnoses for the above symptoms.

A smart reader may object by saying that often one disease leads to another, in the body everything is interconnected.

But the fact is that by diagnosing VVD, we are not treating the disease that needed to be treated, without solving the problem at the root. Therefore, let's treat not vegetovascular dystonia, but those disorders in the body that led to it.

We can safely say that vegetovascular dystonia is not a disease, therefore it is wrong to make such a diagnosis, but only a complex pathological symptoms. And more often the other way around: it is the IRR that is a harbinger of a real diagnosis, a more serious illness. VVD, as it were, tells us that we are leading the wrong way of life, that something is wrong with the body. If nothing is done, then over time, you can no longer acquire a disease sign, but a real serious illness. Therefore, let's deal with the treatment of VVD before it's too late.

And for convenience, we will still call it a disease.

To get rid of VVD, you must first understand why it arose.

How can we defeat VVD on our own by eliminating the causes of its occurrence

So, having understood the causes of vegetovascular dystonia, having eliminated them, we will be able to understand how to finally overcome the VVD, and therefore forget about its unpleasant symptoms forever.

Problems with the spine

All kinds of diseases of the spine - osteochondrosis, hernia, curvature and other problems are the cause of not only VVD, but also many other human diseases, decrease vitality, imbalance of many body systems.

A healthy body is impossible without healthy spine, you must understand this.

squeezing blood vessels, nerve fibers that connect to the brain and other organs, an unhealthy spine causes many VVD symptoms. Even panic attacks and other mental problems can occur due to poor blood supply to the brain, compression of nerve endings.

It is possible to put the spine in order only with with the help of a light physical activity on him, that is, gymnastics, as well as with the help of massage, or manual therapy. To apply high-quality massage or osteopathy methods, you need to contact specialists, but no one will do gymnastics for the spine for you.

I will say more, as soon as you start doing such gymnastics every day, after some time you will solve a lot of problems, not only defeat vegetovascular dystonia, but also get rid of other diseases that seem to be not related to the spine and do it yourself. Everything in our body is interconnected. It is no secret to anyone that many diseases are the result of diseases, curvature, hernias and other problems of the spine.

The static asanas of hatha yoga also help well, but I still recommend doing the exercises in dynamics. With a slight movement without pain, you can bring spinal column in order. Ideal when you are doing hatha yoga asanas in motion without stopping or when one asana flows smoothly into another.

Also for treatment cervical spine, special gymnastics is used.

Weak vascular tone and a weakened nervous system due to an unhealthy lifestyle

If we do not healthy lifestyle life, and also often experience stress, then the vessels weaken, the nervous system is loosened, the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system is lost. As a result, we begin to experience the well-known unpleasant symptoms of VVD.

We will talk about stress separately, because it is very important point in getting rid of vegetovascular dystonia.

Now it is important to understand that a bad attitude towards your body often leads to VVD, and in order to get rid of it, you just need to embark on the path of gaining health, start leading a healthy lifestyle, and stop mocking your body.

Of course, a disregard for one's health does not lead everyone to vegetovascular dystonia, but there is a category of people for whom a small malfunction in the body is enough, as VVD immediately knocks on the door.

  1. It can be bad habits: , . They destroy the entire body, and the nervous system fails very quickly. Smoking constricts blood vessels. Alcohol leads to damage, both blood vessels and nerve cells, to the death of the latter.
  2. A sedentary lifestyle, for example, constantly sitting at the office, watching TV at home. To be healthy body must move, only in this way the vessels and the nervous system will always be in good shape.
  3. Wrong and unhealthy diet.
  4. We often eat junk food, which, instead of giving us strength, takes our energy, leads to obesity, and slagging our body.

    Also, many have such a habit as eating quickly, thoroughly. And if during the meal we think about the bad, we experience stress, then this will lead not only to problems of the gastrointestinal tract, but also to vegetovascular dystonia.

    Many people are allergic to certain products which are often considered harmful. The person doesn't even know about it. Now you can find reviews of people who have stopped eating flour products and they have had VVD symptoms, as well as panic attacks.

    They just stopped eating gluten, which is present in wheat products. You can read more about it by following the link.

    It has long been known that the constant use of coffee and tea, as well as in large quantities, can cause a malfunction of the nervous system, that is, the occurrence of VVD.

  5. Lack of sleep, constant hard work, lack of rest.

    If you work a lot, do not devote time to proper rest, sleep little, the sympathetic nervous system begins to work for wear, and the parasympathetic does not turn on. Of course, from such incorrect work, a failure will occur, and then signs of VVD will appear.

    Sooner or later you will begin to feel a breakdown, and then you will earn along with the VSD. If you do nothing, do not start to rest normally, the body will not stand it. You will get more serious illness, then you will certainly rest, but already in a hospital bed.

So, in order to forget about VVD forever, to start living a normal life, we need to strengthen our blood vessels, strengthen the nervous system, and restore the balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic. To do this, first of all, it is necessary not only to exclude those adverse factors, which I just said, but also to train the vessels and the nervous system.

Of course, we have huge reserve forces, the body's ability to. If we exclude harmful factors, stop poisoning him and mocking him, he will gradually begin to heal himself.

But to speed up this process, you still need to help him.

What will need to be done?

Now you will know.

But first, we exclude harmful factors.

  1. We quit drinking and smoking. This is unconditional, you must understand this. You can read how to stop drinking.
  2. We exclude from the diet harmful products. What foods are harmful to the body, read in the article by clicking on.
  3. We reduce, and it is better to completely exclude the use of refined sugar during the recovery period.
  4. We reduce, and also it is better completely and tea. Better to drink or.
  5. Also consider avoiding flour products that contain gluten.
  6. Reconsider your attitude to work, adjust sleep and rest.

By doing this, you give your body the green light to heal itself.

  1. Walk daily on fresh air.
  2. Don't forget about physical activity. It must be remembered that hard sport is not suitable for those who suffer from CVD. But he is not needed. It will be enough in the fresh air to significantly alleviate the condition, and even for many to completely get rid of dystonia. Skiing, cycling, swimming are also very useful. The main thing is to give the body a light load, and not sit constantly at the computer at work.
  3. As I said, you need to do hatha yoga asanas or gymnastics for the spine in the morning. The same gymnastics will not only restore the spine, but also give a small load to the body, which is very important for the health of blood vessels.
  4. Many patients with VVD note beneficial effect contrast soul. He trains the vessels very well, thereby helping to get rid of dystonia, and indeed heals the whole body. You can read about a contrast shower.
  5. Eat right and healthy food. Your diet should be varied junk food. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Avoid excesses, as well as any newfangled diets and techniques. Don't go to extremes. You don't have to be a complete vegetarian, raw foodist, or whatever. In our Russian climate, such techniques are not suitable for everyone.
  6. Restore the balance between sympathy and parasympathetic will help you, as well. Many got rid of VSD, just by doing them.

Other causes of VSD

The above causes of vegetovascular dystonia, as well as mental, about which a little later, are the most common. But there are also many other reasons due to which the nervous system will fail, and you will feel numerous symptoms of VVD.

After all, they are aimed at the general maintenance of the body in healthy condition regardless of the cause of the failure in the nervous system and will be useful to everyone without exception.

So, we figured out the physics, it's time to move on to the psyche.

To completely and permanently defeat the VSD, you need to not only deal with the body, but also put things in order in your head.

The fact is that it is the wrong work of our psyche, constant stress, psycho-emotional overwork that are the main cause of failure in the nervous system, and then the occurrence of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

As they say, all diseases are from the nerves, and dystonia just confirms the close connection between negative emotions and diseases of the body.

We can say that VVD is an intermediate stage between bad emotions and serious diseases of the body.

But let's talk about this in the next one. After reading it, you will learn how best to deal with vegetovascular dystonia, if it arose due to stress or anxiety, my advice will help you get rid of VVD.

How often have I said that if I beat the VVD, then so can you.

Before see you soon on blog pages.

And at the end of the article, there is a very interesting video for you, in which the girl says the same thing that I wrote in this, and in other articles, but in her own words. Look for sure.

Today, you can often find such a question on the Internet: how to get rid of VVD. People are interested in solving this problem, since the disease causes a lot of trouble, worsens the quality of life and poses a considerable danger. In addition, if you do not treat vegetative-vascular dystonia and allow the disease to develop uncontrollably, you may encounter serious complications.

Treatment of VVD is a very serious and responsible issue.

So how do you get rid of VSD? Some pills alone will definitely not help. In order to recover, you will need physiotherapy exercises, psychotherapeutic methods and maintaining a healthy lifestyle (implying proper nutrition, a suitable regimen and good rest). Although, according to the doctor's prescription, drug therapy is not excluded. Some folk remedies are also used.

Typically, medications are prescribed when other treatment options fail. It is important not to self-medicate, but to strictly follow all medical prescriptions, including the regimen of taking drugs, dosage and other conditions.

Some people try to diagnose themselves, and then they are interested in how to deal with VVD. But it is likely that they have signs of a completely different disease and, accordingly, the treatment process should be different.

On the other hand, patients for whom a doctor diagnoses vegetative-vascular dystonia may not immediately realize that a change in diet and daily routine will help them get closer to recovery. That is, for some people it is difficult to understand what exactly this is the basis of successful treatment.

To make it clearer, it should be noted that the disease begins after the human vessels are affected by all sorts of toxic deposits that accumulate on the vascular walls. As a result, blood circulation is disturbed, its chemical composition worsens.

Improper nutrition only exacerbates the development of pathology. And by adjusting the diet, you can improve the condition of the vessels and bring recovery closer.

So, what exactly and how should be eaten in order to get rid of VVD once and for all? The doctor usually prescribes a balanced diet, which recommends:

  • cereals and all kinds of cereals (buckwheat, peas);
  • fresh vegetables with fruits (which contain potassium and magnesium);
  • low-fat meat products, as well as low-fat fish.

It is recommended to eat about five times a day - each time a small portion. In order to increase heart tone, dairy products, tea and weak coffee are advised (but these drinks should be consumed with caution so as not to cause an increase in blood pressure).

What should be given up?

The organization plays an equally important role in the fight against VVD. suitable image life. This disease should not be taken as an independent one: in fact, we are talking about the consequences of pathological changes associated with cardiovascular system which, in turn, can be caused by external and internal factors.

Perhaps one of the most effective options improving health is considered to reduce the impact on the body of several negative factors:

  • bad habits ( alcoholic drinks, nicotine);
  • lack of proper rest;
  • malnutrition;
  • constant heavy loads.

For example, the same sleep needs to be taken care of especially carefully, since a person must sleep at least 8 hours daily. In the room in which a person sleeps, there must be a sufficient level of humidity, for which wet cleaning is necessary at least once a week. As for bedding, it is desirable that they be orthopedic.

Avoid sitting in front of a computer monitor all day long. If that's the job, try to change it. At the very least, technical breaks are needed during which physical exercises are performed that help strengthen the muscular skeleton.

Get rid of bad habits

It is better that the body strains equally, both mentally and physically, while avoiding overload.

As soon as the opportunity arises, take a walk in the fresh air, go out of town for the weekend to places with a more or less clean environment (the environmental factor plays an important role in the development of VSD!). Frequent walking is also very useful: it is better to walk once again than to take a ride by car or public transport.

How to defeat vegetative-vascular dystonia? This is where physical activity helps. But a reasonable measure of the loads that the body is able to endure must be determined (and, of course, observed) - it cannot be overworked.

  • To do yoga;
  • dance;
  • do aerobics;
  • to ski;
  • swim in swimming pool.

It is better to opt for some kind of gaming sport, through which it will be possible to receive as many positive emotions as possible.

Judging by the reviews of former patients who have recovered from the described disease, it helps a lot breathing exercises. For example, it is useful to inhale smoothly using lower part abdomen, and then use in the process of breathing upper part, as well as chest. When it's time to exhale, observe reverse order. This exercise is done about six times a day.

Medication treatment

Drug therapy involves the use of:

  • drugs that contain magnesium with potassium;
  • tranquilizers, through which the relaxation of the nervous system is ensured, there is a sedative effect;
  • nootropics aimed at improving blood circulation;
  • beta-blockers that normalize blood pressure and heart rate;
  • antidepressants.

But you can’t prescribe certain medicines for yourself, otherwise you risk seriously harming yourself instead of helping.

Medical treatment is also practiced

Physiotherapy procedures

Thanks to physiotherapy methods, a targeted impact is exerted on human health, the functioning of many life systems is normalized.

It will be possible to overcome the VVD through the following physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • paraffin applications (the collar zone is used for their placement);
  • magnetotherapy;
  • electrophoresis procedures, as well as laser irradiation;
  • magnetotherapy.

The doctor can prescribe a course of acupuncture, thanks to which the normal sleep, the body relaxes, pressure indicators are normalized.

A contrast shower with therapeutic massage sessions has a relaxing effect. Moreover, it is not necessary to make an appointment with a professional massage therapist, when such procedures can be carried out independently, acting on special biological points.

Folk remedies

If you listen real stories those who defeated the VVD, you can often hear about the effectiveness folk remedies in the treatment of this disease.

To combat the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia, they usually use:

  • tinctures made from valerian and motherwort;
  • hawthorn;
  • Dioscorea Caucasian.

For example, regarding the advice for the treatment of VVD by Caucasian Dioscorea, it should be noted that the same culture is used in the fight against heart attacks, strokes, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory processes associated with the trigeminal nerve and so on. That is, its use is quite logical and allows to reduce negative impact dystonia on the human body.

Strengthen vascular system obtained with the following balm:

  • 40 grams of clover is poured with 40% alcohol (500 milliliters is enough);
  • The resulting solution is infused for a couple of weeks, for which you should choose a dark place.
  • Then the infusion is filtered.
  • Similarly, a solution of Dioscorea, filled with 40% alcohol, is infused.
  • Additionally, soft propolis is crushed, mixed with 70% alcohol and infused for 10 days, after which it is filtered.
  • All resulting tinctures are mixed and shaken.

The balm is taken three times a day after eating (each time a teaspoon is enough). The therapeutic course is a couple of months. Then you need a break for two weeks and the course of treatment is repeated.

Valerian tincture is actively used in the treatment of VSD

It will be possible to clean the vessels by means of crushed pine needles, which are mixed with onion peel and filled with boiling water. The resulting solution is infused overnight and consumed throughout the day. The course of therapy is 4 months. According to the reviews of those who cured VVD, using this solution as well, the drink is not only healthy, but also quite tasty.

It will be possible to cope with spasms of blood vessels by taking this infusion:

  • dill seeds (a glass is enough) and valerian are poured with boiling water;
  • the solution is infused during the day;
  • after all, it should be filtered and mixed with a couple of glasses of honey;
  • everything is mixed and put in the refrigerator.

The drink is drunk in a tablespoon three times a day 30 minutes before eating.

What to do if the limbs get cold?

How to overcome some of the symptoms of VVD - for example, cold feet and hands? Indeed, people suffering from the described disease often complain that they have low temperatures very cold limbs.

What to do in this case? Here are some tips:

  • dialing hot water in a regular polyethylene bottle and keep it next to you;
  • hot bath and warm clothes;
  • hot food;
  • use of thermal underwear.

By the way, cold in the legs with VVD is most often due to too high level adrenaline in the blood. This also causes PA and depression.

If the limbs become cold during VVD, hot baths will help

A decrease in adrenaline can be achieved through special sedative medications that relax blood vessels. Psychotherapeutic procedures also help in this case, allowing the patient to stop worrying, panicking and worrying.

VVD is not the "end of the world" yet!

How to live with VSD? One should not think that this disease "puts an end" to later life. By no means!

Here are a few actionable advice psychologist, following which increases the chances of getting rid of this disease:

  • the daily routine should be balanced - it is useful to work, but in such a way as not to overwork and fully relax at the same time;
  • it is desirable that the diet contains fish products, as well as fruits and vegetables;
  • walk more (for example, if you often use public transport, then why not go to the stop in advance and not go the rest of the way on "on foot");
  • ventilate the room and, as soon as possible, go out for a breath of fresh air;
  • auto-training sessions help, thanks to which it is provided positive attitude for the coming day;
  • train (educate) a positive attitude towards life.

enough today a large number of of people working in the freelance industry, sitting in front of a computer screen all day long. Naturally, sooner or later, this has a negative effect on health. negative impact- in particular, contributes to the development of dystonia. Of course, this does not mean an immediate need to change jobs (often people do not have such an opportunity), but following the above advice from a psychologist will help you cope with the disease on your own and even prevent its further development.

Auto-training improves mood and is therefore useful in the prevention of VVD

If the symptoms of the disease continue to intensify, despite all the measures you take or self-treatment was started too late, do not delay the visit to a psychotherapist. He will be able to suggest other ways to get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia, control therapeutic process and will not allow to bring the matter to dangerous (and irreversible) complications.

(VSD) is characterized by malfunctions vegetative system. This in turn causes great amount symptoms. Fighting the disease is extremely difficult. With the right approach to therapy, there is a chance of a complete cure. The approach must be comprehensive. A person should tune in to the long-term implementation of the doctor's recommendations.

Health care

First of all, a person who is thinking about how to deal with VVD should visit a doctor. A detailed examination will be carried out, during which the type of vegetovascular dystonia is determined. Based on the results of the diagnosis, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Almost always act as medicines sedatives. If it is found out that the VVD arose due to another disease, all forces will be thrown into its elimination.

Vegetovascular dystonia is subdivided into hypotonic and hypertonic.

The first type causes symptoms associated with weakness, sweating, and increased fatigue. The second type is manifested by a headache. Also, both types of IRR are characterized by panic attacks, tachycardia and constant anxiety.

On the initial stage Treatment is important to eliminate the symptoms that prevent a person from living a comfortable life. For this, sedatives are used. Most people suffer from panic attacks.

Doctors may prescribe the following remedies:

  • natural sedatives (and motherwort)
  • tranquilizers (Grandaxin, Phenazepam)
  • metabolic agents (glycine)
  • antioxidants, macronutrients and vitamin complexes(Mexidol, Complivit, potassium and magnesium)

Depending on the severity and type of VSD, the doctor will select suitable method fight the disease. On their own, a person can start using only natural sedatives. medicines. Tranquilizers, vasodilators and antioxidants are used only on prescription.


VSD is sometimes treated with natural herbs. Soothing and tonic agents are used. Their advantage is the absence side effects. Herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy. There are the following herbal remedies that can help in the treatment of the disease:

  • hawthorn fruit
  • valerian rhizomes
  • St. John's wort
  • mint herb

Infusions are prepared from herbs and fruits, which are taken orally. Before using them, you should consult your doctor. It is necessary to find out if the herbs are compatible with the main therapy. If desired, they purchase ready-made infusions and tablets in pharmacies. Pharmaceutical companies strictly monitor quality, so buying a finished drug is the preferred solution.

It should be understood that phytotherapy acts as an addition to the main treatment. Only with a mild course of VVD, herbs can help get rid of all the symptoms of the disease on their own.

Herbal treatment should not exceed 1-2 months (depending on the specific remedy). Therapy should be combined with other methods of getting rid of the disease. After 3-4 months, the course of phytotherapy is repeated.

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Physical Culture

If a person wants to get rid of the disease, he needs to change his lifestyle. Drug therapy is carried out in courses. Physical exercises are used on an ongoing basis, even if it was possible to remove all manifestations of the disease.

Doctors say that without physical activity, taking medication will not give any results. Gymnastics exercises will do. It should be understood that it is not the muscles that are trained, but the vessels, so there is no need to overwork. Attention is paid correct breathing and general relaxation. After a workout, a person should feel better than before.

Exercises are selected based on the type of disease. General exercises can be used, among which are:

  1. Shoulder rotation. Put your palms on your shoulders, then begin to rotate your shoulders 10 times back and forth.
  2. Body rotation. Put your hands on your belt. Perform 10 rotations in each direction.
  3. Raise your arms up and to the side. Raise your arms above your head, then spread them to the side, return them along the body and repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

You can use other exercises from gymnastics and regular physical education. The most important thing is to breathe correctly. When exerting, you need to exhale, and when relaxing, inhale the air.

With VVD of the hypertonic type, exercises should be avoided in which blood will rush to the head intensely. People suffering from hypotonic-type vegetative-vascular dystonia will feel the effect of exercise much earlier. Physical activity help to get rid of chronic malaise and weakness.

If there are no contraindications, a person will be able to do:

  • running
  • swimming
  • aerobics
  • fitness

It is worth approaching with caution. If the program is correctly designed, then only benefits will be extracted. Moving from lighter loads to more complex ones, it is possible to strengthen your body and resist any external influences.

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Diet for VVD

One more detail complex treatment is diet. Proper nutrition can significantly improve your well-being. First of all, the diet means the exclusion of alcohol and other harmful products. You will need to use natural and healthy food. You need to add to your diet foods that are rich in:

  • potassium and magnesium
  • vitamins
  • solid dietary fiber

Suitable general diet adjusted for vascular support. With VVD, you need to eat foods that have a positive effect on the vascular system.

To increase vascular tone hypotension use dairy products, tea, coffee. If a person suffers from VVD of a hypertensive type, these products, on the contrary, will need to be excluded.

It is necessary to reduce vascular tone by eating more carrots, spinach and beans.

General principles of the diet include:

  • fractional meals 4-5 times a day
  • use of plant foods as a source of fiber
  • exclusion of alcoholic beverages
  • no overeating

You don't have to stick to a strict diet. It should not affect the psycho-emotional background. If there are no concomitant diseases, you can eat the same way as before, excluding only the most harmful foods. Eating should be enjoyable.

If a person is underweight or overweight, it should help to get rid of it. The autonomic nervous system begins to work correctly if there are no concomitant diseases.

Psychotherapy to help

If a person suffers from the appearance and constant anxiety, he needs to take the help of a specialist. Often, vegetovascular dystonia causes serious mental illness. To fight them, drug therapy is not enough, the help of a psychotherapist is needed.

Psychotherapy sessions are conducted by a psychotherapist. You cannot help yourself in this case. Between sessions, a person adheres to all the recommendations of a specialist, tries to avoid stress and situations that provoke him.

To achieve the effect of the doctor, you need to visit regularly. The duration of a psychotherapy session depends on the severity of the symptoms and individual features person. A person visits a psychotherapist until the unpleasant manifestations that interfere with a comfortable life are completely eliminated.

To get rid of VVD, a person must:

  • when panic attack try to calm down
  • try to maintain a stable psycho-emotional background
  • use medication, active image life

Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) is a symptom complex caused by a disruption in the activity of the autonomic nervous system, manifested by numerous disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, a decrease in stress resistance, asthenia, and poor exercise tolerance. At the same time, VVD has a benign course and never leads to the development of heart failure and expansion of the heart chambers.

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    Etiological treatment

    elimination causes of VVD in most cases significantly improves the patient's condition. However, to establish the etiology this syndrome quite difficult.

    The main etiological forms of VVD:

    • hereditary-constitutional (due to mental and physical features person);
    • psychogenic;
    • associated with physical stress;
    • infectious-toxic (due to the presence of a chronic infection in the body);
    • associated with professional and physical factors;
    • mixed.

    In the psychogenic form, it is necessary to avoid stressful situations.

    The infectious-toxic form of VVD requires the treatment of foci of chronic infection (timely visits to the dentist for the treatment of caries, sanitation of the throat, removal of the tonsils if indicated).

    If the VSD is due to professional factors, it is necessary to refuse to work in harmful conditions.

    Too much exercise can also contribute to development of the VSD, therefore, intensive sports training should be temporarily excluded, heavy physical work. After stabilization of the condition, you can gradually expand the mode of physical activity.

    Women often suffer from dystonia against the background of various hormonal changes and failures. In this case, treatment should be carried out in conjunction with a gynecologist or endocrinologist.

    If VVD occurs against the background of organic pathology, then the emphasis should be on the treatment of the underlying disease.

    Psychotherapy and autotraining

    Psychotherapy is the main method of VSD treatment. It is several times more efficient than drug therapy. It is very important for the patient to understand the essence of the disease, to understand that the manifestations of the disease are not life-threatening and it is quite possible to achieve full recovery.

    There are certain forms of self-hypnosis that can significantly reduce the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. The maximum result can be achieved by combining self-hypnosis with auto-training according to the Schulz method and muscle relaxation.

    An important role in the treatment of VVD is occupied by art: music, painting, theater, literature. Therapy using such methods is called aesthetic therapy.

    Pathogenetic treatment

    Autonomic dysfunction occurs as a result of disorders in the limbic system and hypothalamus. Their correction contributes to the normalization of the activity of the autonomic nervous system.


    The most commonly used are valerian and motherwort. It is noteworthy that their action is not limited to sedative effect. These herbs are able to act at the level of the brain stem and hypothalamus, which leads to the normalization of their functions.

    Preparations based on belladonna (Bellataminal, Bellastezin) stabilize the work of both parts of the autonomic nervous system.

    • valerian;
    • May lily of the valley;
    • motherwort;
    • fennel;
    • peppermint;
    • calendula;
    • caraway;
    • hop;
    • horsetail;
    • linden flowers, etc.

    Improvement occurs after 2-3 weeks of taking herbal teas, but to achieve a lasting effect, it is necessary to continue treatment for up to 6-8 months.

    In a satisfactory condition, phytotherapy courses should be repeated with preventive purpose 2 times a year for 1-2 months, better in spring and autumn.


    If in clinical picture anxiety disorder prevails, unmotivated fear worries, constant psycho-emotional stress, then it would be advisable to prescribe tranquilizers. The most commonly used are Elenium, Diazepam, Phenazepam, Nozepam. The duration of the course should not exceed 2-3 weeks. It is optimal to take such drugs before the upcoming stressful situation. But if the patient's activity requires increased concentration of attention and quick decision-making, then it is better to refuse tranquilizers.

    Currently, daytime tranquilizers are widely used - Mebikar (Adaptol), Grandaxin. Their advantage lies in the absence of hypnotic and muscle relaxant effects.


    Often dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system develops against the background of depression, while in most cases it is masked by various somatic and neurological manifestations. Selection of antidepressants is carried out depending on the form of depression. The dosage is selected individually, starting with a small dose with a gradual increase to the optimum. The duration of therapy is from - 2 to 6 months.

    In some cases, a combination of antidepressants with tranquilizers is required.

    Nootropics and cerebro angioprotectors

    Nootropics (Piracetam) have a positive effect on the work of the hypothalamus and limbic system. By improving metabolic and energy processes in the brain, mental functions are activated, memory improves, which is especially important for patients whose activities are associated with intellectual work.

    If VVD is combined with cervical osteochondrosis and is manifested mainly by dizziness, it is advisable to use drugs that improve blood supply to the brain (Vinpocetine, Cinnarizine) for headache.

    Beta blockers

    An increase in the tone of the sympathetic division of the autonomic system is manifested mainly by a tendency to tachycardia, paroxysmal arrhythmias, low exercise tolerance, increased blood pressure, and frequent sympatho-adrenal crises.

    To reduce sympathetic adrenal activity, beta-blockers (Anaprilin, Metoprolol, Bisoprolol) are used. Usually, 2-4 weeks of the course are enough to improve well-being, after which the drug can be canceled.

    Physiotherapy, acupuncture, massage

    Electrosleep normalizes the functioning of the brain, reduces pain in the region of the heart, reduces the frequency of extrasystoles.

    Electrophoresis with various drugs. With a tendency to increase pressure and tachycardia, electrophoresis of eufillin, magnesium sulfate, potassium bromide, papaverine is used, and at low pressure - caffeine electrophoresis.

    In patients with VSD, good positive effect give water procedures.

    Circular shower has a tonic and restorative effect. Underwater shower massage combines several medicinal components:

    • bath with addition various herbs, salts, essential oils;
    • massage effect of the shower jet;
    • temperature contrast between bath and shower.

    Valerian, pearl, coniferous baths. With a pronounced cardiological syndrome, radon, iodine-bromine baths are recommended. For headaches, local effects are used as a distraction therapy: mustard or unleavened foot baths, paraffin boots and baths according to Gauffe.

    A general strengthening massage helps to get rid of the manifestations of VVD (in the presence of osteochondrosis, a gentle effect on the collar area and thoracic region spine).

    An effective method of treatment is acupressure. The procedure can be performed by both the doctor and the patient himself.

    A significant improvement in the well-being of patients is noted after acupuncture. Acupuncture, both traditional and in the form of electroacupuncture, contributes to the normalization of the nervous system, improves the ability to adapt, stops headache and pain in the heart, stabilizes blood pressure.

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