Why at night chills without fever. Treatment of VSD - treatment of vegetovascular dystonia. Chills without fever: the main causes

Under the influence of spasm on the muscles, an increase in body temperature occurs, and then the process of heat generation in the body accelerates. After the patient has been warmed naturally or with the use of special means, the chill disappears.

Medical practice has recorded cases of febrile chills, which was accompanied by constant and sharp jumps in body temperature.

Today in medicine there is such a phenomenon as chills without a decrease or increase in temperature. Often it can be a symptom of the following pathologies:

  • infectious diseases;
  • various injuries;
  • hormonal disorders, for example, during pregnancy or during menopause;
  • problems with blood circulation;
  • neuroses of various types.

The etiology of the symptom of chills without fever

The appearance of such a symptom as chills, which has been observed for a long time, may indicate serious violations of one or all systems of the human body. Quite often, the patient may feel chills without fever, which is later joined by fatigue, aching bones, malaise and drowsiness.

The main reasons for the development of this symptomatology include the following factors:

  • hypothermia after a long stay in the cold;
  • inflammatory diseases of the respiratory organs (ARI, influenza, etc.);
  • hypotension, as well as increased blood pressure;
  • disorders of the endocrine system.

Prolonged exposure to cold leads to constriction of blood vessels, and as a result, a person begins to feel chills. This condition is accompanied by a slowdown in blood flow (blood circulation), which leads to various disorders associated with metabolic processes in the body.

The patient may feel trembling, chilliness, which disappears after taking a warm bath or warming drinks.

The occurrence of chills in respiratory diseases is part of the protective function of the body. After the application of warm foot baths, hot tea or milk, the manifestation of the symptom stops.

Warm decoctions of raspberry or currant leaves with the addition of honey will also help get rid of the feeling of chills. It is recommended to dress warmly and it is advisable to sleep a few hours.

In some cases, the cause of chills can be an infectious pathology, accompanied by intoxication of the body. Given the fact that the causative agents of the virus are capable of releasing poisons and toxins, the treatment should be prescribed by a medical specialist.

Self-medication can worsen the patient's condition. Often, after suffering stress or prolonged emotional stress, there may be a feeling of chilliness, chills.

Even taking into account the fact that the phenomenon is not accompanied by intoxication of the body, nevertheless, such a condition carries a danger.

Therefore, in such a situation, it is necessary to bring the patient back to normal as soon as possible. Here you can give the patient sedatives of plant origin: valerian, hawthorn, mint tea. The appearance of chills after stress, without temperature, can subsequently cause neuralgia.

It is worth noting that chills without fever, especially at night, quite often occur in people diagnosed with vegetovascular dystonia, due to impaired blood circulation. You may notice that the hands and feet are often cold.

Here we should talk about violations of tone in the vessels. Going to the sauna (with a moderate temperature), contrast showers, sports and hardening will help improve the situation. A healthy and balanced diet is also important.

If there is a chill after suffering emotional stress, then it is important to remove all the toxins formed in this case. For this, tea based on lingonberry or strawberry leaves is well suited. It is very important to monitor your psychological state, not to bring yourself to nervous exhaustion, otherwise serious malfunctions in the work of all body systems are possible.

The feeling of chills is also familiar to patients with hypertension and patients prone to frequent changes in blood pressure. In case of violations of blood pressure, blood circulation throughout the body is disturbed, this condition requires the speedy normalization of pressure.

The restructuring of the hormonal background during pregnancy may be accompanied by the development of chills without a symptom of temperature. This is especially clearly noticed by future women in labor in the first trimester.

Pathologies of the endocrine system and chills without fever

Such an unpleasant symptom as chills can often be the cause of thyroid diseases. Not everyone knows that it is this body that is responsible, and also regulates temperature processes. This function of the gland is associated with its ability to secrete a certain type of hormone. It is this hormone that is responsible for heat in the human body.

Chills without fever often occur in diabetic patients. They, as well as in patients with vegotovascular dystonia, have impaired blood circulation (blood circulation).

Note that chills in diabetes and normal temperature can seriously affect the vessels of the circulatory system. As a result, there is an extensive formation of cholesterol plaques, leading to the following disorders:

  • thinning of blood vessels;
  • violation of blood circulation;
  • pathological changes in thermoregulation.

With chills that occur against the background of diabetes, the most important is the treatment of the underlying disease. The more correctly and effectively the treatment is selected, the less often such an unpleasant symptom will occur.

Women aged 50-55 also often complain of chills. In this case, the most common cause of this phenomenon is the period of menopause. The production of a certain hormone stops in the body, hormone replacement drugs will help improve the general condition.

If you notice that in recent times you have often begun to experience a feeling of chills without a temperature, while having no obvious reasons, then it is highly recommended to undergo a course of examination. It will help to establish the true causes of such a symptom.

Chills as a sign of food poisoning

The use of low-quality products, expired dishes leads to poisoning. The main reasons for this phenomenon are bacteria and viruses that develop in spoiled products. It should be noted that such poisoning may not always be accompanied by classic symptoms. Often the patient feels only weakness and chills.

Note that bacteria are present in all products, but if improperly prepared and processed, bacteria become pathogenic, thereby causing poisoning of the body.

You should also consider the causes of food poisoning. They are usually divided into 2 groups:

  • poisoning caused by poisonous mushrooms or berries;
  • intoxication with healthy food, but, for example, having an expired shelf life.

Intoxication (poisoning) can be caused by poorly washed fruits, greens, and the use of products based on raw meat or fish. In children, poor hand hygiene is often the cause of poisoning.

As for the symptoms, the first signs of poisoning may already appear in a few hours. It is generally accepted that the first sign of poisoning is an increase in the central body temperature.

However, this is not always the case. Quite often, food poisoning (for example, with dairy products) is accompanied by severe chills and nausea, while there is no increase in temperature.

During the entire disease, the symptoms may change: chills accompanied by body aches or diarrhea. Sometimes you can feel chills and fever, body aches at the same time, although when measuring body temperature, the indicators will be normal.

You can often treat food poisoning at home. But on condition that it is not accompanied by constant vomiting, a temperature above 38 degrees, and also did not affect pregnant women and children.

The main therapy involves the elimination of intestinal infection with special antimicrobial drugs, the resumption of the water-salt balance (taking Regidron). In more severe cases, an appeal to a medical facility for gastric lavage is required.

Additionally, sorbent preparations can be used to remove toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. The most famous are activated carbon and Sorbex.

Be sure to drink at least 1.5 liters of purified water per day in case of poisoning. If chills, diarrhea, nausea, weakness are accompanied by pain in the intestines, but there is no fever, a doctor's call is also necessary.

In order to avoid food poisoning and all the unpleasant symptoms associated with it, it is recommended to adhere to the following measures:

  • wash hands thoroughly after being outdoors and before eating;
  • use antibacterial wipes or hand gels;
  • fish, meat should be well fried or boiled before serving;
  • in the warm season, cover food from insects;
  • Keep track of product expiration dates in the supermarket.

Therapeutic methods for chills without fever

When hypothermia. Taking a warm bath, breathing exercises, it is possible to use soothing decoctions or tea. The patient should be dressed in warm dry clothes.

Chills as a symptom of a respiratory disease. The development of severe chills in diseases like acute respiratory infections or influenza occurs quite often, and often without fever, but treatment is required, especially for a child.

A warm foot bath or alcohol rubbing of the lower extremities will help relieve this symptom. Respiratory disease requires drinking large amounts of warm fluids. To do this, you can use hot milk, herbal decoctions, teas.

During the period of exacerbation of endocrine diseases, a feeling of chills can very often visit the patient. Increase the intake of foods containing iodine (sea fish, beef, seaweed salads).

Rhine's disease is another pathology that leads to chills. In addition to this symptom, there is cyanosis of the hands, namely the fingertips, body temperature and blood pressure are stably reduced. Such a disease requires a constant stay in the heat.

Chills against the background of vegetovascular dystonia require medical treatment. Good results are given by homeopathic preparations that increase the tone of the sympathetic department of the central nervous system in patients with vagotonia.

For those who have returned from a trip to foreign countries and are faced with severe chills without fever - urgently contact the clinic. Often this is how malaria manifests itself.

The appearance of unreasonable chills, which are not accompanied by fever and other symptoms, may indicate various diseases, malfunctions in the body systems. Self-medication with a frequently recurring symptom is also not worth it. It is recommended to conduct a diagnosis of the body.

If there are no deviations in the functioning of systems and organs, but chills periodically make themselves felt, then it is worth reconsidering your lifestyle, changing your diet, and introducing more healthy foods. Timely contact with a specialist will help to avoid many serious pathologies.

Weakness, nausea, sometimes vomiting, chills without fever or with it are a set of symptoms that indicate the presence of the disease. Many diseases fit under the listed signs. To say unequivocally without additional examination - it will not be possible. It is definitely time to pay attention to the state of health. Manifestations reduce performance, interfere with normal life.

For the treatment of symptoms, folk methods, medications are used. Those who suffer from these manifestations experience additional unpleasant signs of illness: dizziness, diarrhea, headache, increased intracranial pressure, low or high blood pressure. Unpleasant symptoms can occur in an adult and in a child.

The source of unpleasant symptoms can be internal and external factors.

Internal include:

  • A brain tumor.
  • Body poisoning.
  • A disease associated with an infection.
  • Jumps in blood pressure.
  • Disorders in the work of the vascular system of the brain.

To external:

  • Frequent sleep deprivation.
  • stressful situations.
  • Chronic fatigue.

Possible diseases

An accurate diagnosis must be made before treatment. The severity of the disease depends on the number of unpleasant symptoms and their intensity. But, despite the fact that the diagnosis should be made by a specialist, each person can learn to understand his condition and provide self-help.

Only common diseases are described here. To find out the exact diagnosis, you should contact your doctor, who will diagnose and prescribe treatment.

What to do

Relieve symptoms through a holistic approach that includes medication, folk remedies, and dietary changes.

Conservative treatment

The prescription of medications depends on the diagnosis. Diagnosis is carried out by a doctor.

In case of food poisoning, activated charcoal, rehydron are prescribed. The first remedy is taken after vomiting, when the stomach is washed out and the symptoms of poisoning have subsided. Take activated charcoal when a person has loose stools. Regidron is also prescribed for poisoning to restore the body's water balance. After using the drug, the patient will no longer feel nausea, vomiting will pass.

Paracetamol is prescribed for infectious diseases. This drug helps when there is a high temperature, which may be accompanied by fever with chills. Paracetamol should not be used by pregnant women who abuse alcoholic beverages, with diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Diprazine is prescribed as a remedy that calms the human nervous system and enhances the effect of painkillers. It has contraindications similar to the previous drug.

"Asterisk" - a balm used for respiratory diseases, headaches, chills. to normalize blood flow.

With hypotension, askofen, citramon and other drugs containing caffeine are taken - it helps to increase pressure.

Folk ways

An easy way to get rid of nausea, chills is to drink tea with lemon or raspberries. The method will improve well-being, depending on the cause of the symptoms. More often this method is used for overwork, nervous tension.

If you have chills, nausea and weakness caused by a stressful situation, tea from lemon balm, mint, chamomile or sage will help. With nausea, cardamom grains are chewed, you can drink lemon water with honey, a drink with ginger.

Citrus fruits are used to lower the temperature and eliminate chills with weakness. Compresses are considered an effective remedy that lowers the temperature and reduces pain. Apply an absorbent cloth soaked in a solution of water and vinegar to the forehead.

A pressure of 120 over 80 or 110 over 90 is considered normal. Exceeding the range indicates high pressure, and falling indicates low pressure. Weakness, chills are signs of low blood pressure.

With low blood pressure and weakness, they drink black coffee, strong black tea, cocoa, take a contrast shower.

With intracranial pressure, a sign of which is, it is worth drinking tincture of hawthorn, eucalyptus, valerian.


In addition to pills and alternative methods of treatment, you should pay attention to nutrition. Often, it is malnutrition that causes unpleasant and weaknesses. Any medication eliminates only the symptoms, but in order to completely get rid of the cause of the disease, it is worth radically changing the way of life and nutrition.

The first thing to avoid is fried, fatty foods. Causes nausea after eating. Strongly carbonated, alcoholic, energy drinks negatively affect the general condition, the stomach. The abuse of sweets, spicy, pickled, salted foods should be excluded.

It is worth giving preference to cereals boiled in water, milk, dairy products, soups on vegetable, low-fat meat broth. Drink freshly squeezed juices, eat fresh fruits.

The described diet is suitable after SARS, when the stomach hurts, with other diseases. The diet is preventive.


To prevent weakness, chills, nausea from recurring, follow preventive measures:

  • Make days off (periodically change the situation, do not overwork).
  • Take a contrast shower.
  • Monitor nutrition (adhere to the rules of the diet).
  • Give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs).
  • Take time to walk outside.
  • Periodically clean the house, which will prevent infectious diseases.
  • Do not neglect your own hygiene.
  • Monitor your health, periodically undergo an examination in the hospital.
  • Do sport.

A practice that includes the right diet, folk methods, medicines will help solve the problem, get rid of unpleasant, interfering symptoms, and restore the previous state.

Many of us are concerned with the question “What happens when I get chills?”. Chills is a feeling of coldness, which is accompanied by the appearance of goosebumps and trembling. In this condition, they say "a tooth does not fall on a tooth." Chills, weakness and fever cause a deterioration in well-being and a sense of anxiety. Of course, we want to get rid of these unpleasant symptoms as soon as possible. However, not everyone knows that chills are a protective reaction of the body. It is aimed at warming and increasing blood circulation. Let's try to find out why it often "shudders" at a temperature, whether such a reaction occurs without fever, and what to do with chills.

Signs of chills at a temperature

  • feeling cold. With fever and chills, the patient freezes, even if he is warmly dressed and is in a heated room.
  • Trembling in the body. When a person is shivering, all his muscles begin to contract frequently. This is a reflex reaction.
  • The appearance of "goose bumps". Often a sign of chills at a temperature is small pimples on the surface of the body - goosebumps. They appear due to the contraction of the muscles around the hair follicles.

Often with flu and colds, more than just fever and fever are observed. To these symptoms are added muscle pain, weakness, headache - signs of intoxication of the body.

Causes of chills at a temperature

Chills at a temperature - a reaction to infection with an infection. When bacteria or viruses enter the body, a protein is released in the blood cells that sends signals to the brain to raise the temperature. Very often this condition is observed with influenza and acute respiratory infections. In addition, when shivering, other processes can occur in the body:

  • inflammation of the urinary tract;
  • infectious diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • disorders of the digestive system as a result of intoxication (poisoning);
  • various diseases of a bacterial nature (pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, etc.).

How chills are related to fever

Fever at a temperature helps the body adapt to an infectious disease and cope with it. This mechanism is aimed at fighting viruses or bacteria. When the body temperature rises to 38 ° C and above, a person feels “broken”. There is a headache and aches in the muscles and joints, weakness and loss of appetite. Chill and fever at high temperature are close in origin. What happens when a person is shivering? It has a sharp increase in heat generation (by 200% or more). The heat transfer does not change. The body begins to give off heat to the external environment only as the heat sets in. It is due to this mechanism that the body temperature rises during chills.

Causes of chills without fever

Hypothermia. If a person is very cold, chills without fever may occur due to a sharp vasoconstriction. With hypothermia, metabolic processes are disturbed and blood flow slows down. This is what causes the reflex reaction of the body, aimed at warming. Because of the chills, a person may be disturbed by trembling in the body. Due to muscle contractions, the temperature gradually rises (from low to normal). To alleviate the patient's condition during hypothermia, the doctor may recommend warm drinks and warming procedures.

endocrine disorders. The causes of chills without fever are sometimes pathologies of the thyroid gland. It is this organ that is involved in the processes of thermoregulation of the body. Therefore, when the thyroid gland does not work properly, a person can constantly shiver. The same reaction often occurs in diabetes mellitus. In this case, chills cause circulatory disorders. In women, the cause of this condition may be a change in hormonal balance during menopause. With endocrine disorders, the drug therapy selected by the doctor helps to improve well-being and relieve chills.

Stress and fatigue. The cause of weakness and chills in the absence of fever may be physical or psycho-emotional overstrain. This reaction is the body's response to stress. In this case, to facilitate well-being, it is recommended to provide the patient with peace. Sedatives are allowed to be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

Change in blood pressure. The cause of severe chills can be a sharp decrease or increase in blood pressure. A similar reaction is often observed in hypertensive crisis. To facilitate the patient's well-being, it is required to normalize blood pressure. Specific recommendations should be given by the doctor.

What to do with chills: how to quickly remove it?

The choice of treatments depends on the cause of the chills with or without fever. If a similar condition is associated with influenza or SARS, the following measures often help to alleviate the patient's condition.

Observe bed rest. Chills are often accompanied by weakness and other unpleasant symptoms of intoxication. Feeling unwell is an excuse to cancel things for a while and stay at home. Give up physical and intellectual stress. Observe bed rest. This will help the body throw all its strength into fighting the infection.

Drink warm drinks. To quickly get rid of the chills and warm up, drink compotes, fruit drinks or tea with lemon. Drinks should be warm, but not scalding. It is recommended to consume them little and often: take at least 1-2 sips every 10 minutes.

Create an optimal climate in the room. Despite the feeling of cold during chills, one should not stay in a stuffy and hot room for a long time. The optimum air temperature in the room is 20-22°C. Periodically it is necessary to ventilate the room. During the heating season, it is recommended to maintain air humidity of at least 50%.

Take an antipyretic. When the temperature during chills rises above 38 ° C due to the flu or a cold, you can use antipyretic drugs *. Complex agents are well suited for this (for example, RINZA® or RINZASIP® with vitamin C).

RINZA® and RINZASIP® with vitamin C for chills

The combination of active ingredients in RINZA® and RINZASIP® preparations with vitamin C affects the body in several directions at once. This helps to simultaneously eliminate chills, accompanied by fever, body aches and other unpleasant symptoms of SARS. The analgesic and antipyretic paracetamol reduces fever and relieves pain. The vasoconstrictor component phenylephrine helps to reduce runny nose and nasal congestion. Chlorphenamine (Pheniramine) helps relieve swelling of the mucous membranes, reduce nasal flow, and relieve itching in the nose, throat, and eyes. And vitamin C, which is part of RINZASIP® with vitamin C, helps to restore the body's defenses.

What can not be done with a chill?

Carry out warming procedures. Hot compresses, inhalations and any other similar procedures can lead to a sharp increase in body temperature during fever and, as a result, heat stroke.

Wrap up and hide. When a person is chilly, more heat is produced in the body. Under thick blankets creates the effect of a thermos. Heat is not removed outside - the body does not cool down. This can lead to overheating of internal organs. Moreover, the skin may remain cold due to vasospasm.

Bring down the temperature by physical methods. With chills, treatment should not include alcohol, vinegar or water rubdowns, cool baths, etc. Such procedures only increase the spasm of peripheral vessels. As a result, the body does not give off heat well, which leads to overheating of the internal organs.

How to get rid of severe chills?

If you are suffering from severe chills and the usual methods do not alleviate the condition, you should seek medical help. It is up to the doctor to decide what to do with severe chills and high fever. It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance if the thermometer shows more than 39.5 ° C, the patient has convulsions, delirium and loss of consciousness. Doctors will help eliminate symptoms that threaten health, determine the cause of fever and chills, and also select adequate treatment.

*In accordance with the instructions for the medical use of drugs and after consulting a doctor.

If chills appeared without fever, what could be the reason? This question worries many people who have encountered this problem at least once. What is this phenomenon, what are its symptoms? How to treat chills? It needs to be considered in more detail.

First of all, it should be said that chills are not the disease itself, but its symptom, therefore, before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to identify the root of the problem.

This term refers to spasm of blood vessels. Chills and the symptoms of the condition that causes it are similar in almost all cases. At first, the patient suddenly becomes cold and begins to tremble violently. Then there are problems with the muscles of the face, and then the whole body. There is a temperature and aches in the bones. A person begins to feel a coming weakness, a fever overtakes him. In this case, the disease can manifest itself both in the morning and at night. Depending on the factor that causes chills, the highest peak of the manifestation of the disease can also be distinguished.

Chills are usually accompanied by an increase in temperature due to muscle spasm, resulting in an increase in the amount of heat in the human body. Therefore, if chills appear without an increase in body temperature, then this is an abnormal situation that requires the intervention of a specialist.

As you know, male and female organisms differ from each other in their structure and functioning. Therefore, speaking about the sources of the appearance of the disease, one can single out general causes and special ones, characteristic only for women.

Severe chills without fever may appear as a result of hypothermia. Under the influence of cold, the blood vessels narrow sharply, blood flow slows down and the person begins to experience a feeling of chilliness. If there is a chill, what to do? You should drink hot tea, take a warm bath and wrap yourself in a woolen blanket. If such treatment is suitable and the signs of the disease disappear, then, then, you should not worry.

If a catarrhal infection has entered the body, chills and weakness occur without fever, while the whole body begins to ache. They appear due to the fact that the body begins to fight the virus that has invaded the blood, but the body temperature may not rise. The best way to get rid of chills is to soak your feet in hot water, drink tea with raspberries or honey, and then go to bed and sleep for a few hours.

If the appearance of chills without fever is caused by the presence of an infection in the body, then the disease will be accompanied by the following symptoms - vomiting, nausea, headaches and weakness of the body. This is due to the fact that microorganisms, getting inside a person, begin to release harmful toxins and poisons. In this case, home treatment is not suitable, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

You should always remember that chills do not happen without a reason. Therefore, if there was no hypothermia and there were no infections in the body, perhaps the cause of the phenomenon was prolonged stress and stress. In such situations, the body begins to apply certain protective mechanisms, among which chills without fever are distinguished. In this case, the treatment will be as follows. You need to isolate yourself from factors that cause stress, make an infusion of soothing herbal preparations or tea with lemon and berries. You need to take a well-deserved rest and try to relax.

The reaction of the body in the form of this disease often manifests itself at high pressure. If a person suffers from hypertension, the vessels are constantly changing, which disrupts blood circulation in the body. You can get rid of chills with high blood pressure in several ways. One of them is to take Corvalol, which helps to lower blood pressure. Be sure to relax and wash with cold water. If attempts are unsuccessful, then it is better to go to the hospital, where the attending physician will advise and prescribe the necessary therapy.

Night chills, most often, accompanies patients with impaired vegetative-vascular system. Such people always have cold hands and feet, it is often difficult for them to warm up. In order for the chills not to interfere with sleep at night, constant hardening should be carried out. More often you need to go to the bathhouse, and then "dive" into the snowdrift or contrast cold water with hot water during bathing procedures.

The causes of chills without fever are quite diverse. In particular, a thyroid disorder or diabetes mellitus is a source of chills. In the first case, the body begins to secrete a special hormone that regulates the temperature processes in the body. If a person is sick with diabetes, then the pathology often causes circulatory disorders in him. In connection with the disease, the blood vessels are affected and thinner, due to which the blood flow is disturbed.

The development of the disease in the elderly is associated with irreversible aging of the body. Many suffer from heart failure and arterial hypertension. The combination of diseases leads to a violation of the metabolic processes that are responsible for the production of heat in the body. Because of this, older people can be haunted by constant chills without fever, which only a specialist can help get rid of. Also, this group of people often develop chills after taking a large amount of medication, which is a side effect of the drugs used.

It should be noted that chills at night are most often felt with nervous tension, diabetes mellitus or SARS.

Causes of the disease in women

In the case of chills without fever, the cause in women should often be sought in a change in hormonal levels. The condition is explained by the fact that every girl experiences many changes in her body during her life. Due to various situations, such as premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy and menopause, the hormonal balance changes. This leads to the fact that the processes of thermoregulation are disturbed in the body, which, in turn, causes the appearance of chills without temperature in women. Such conditions also cause pain, in the evenings pressure may increase, an internal spasm begins.

Chills at normal temperatures can occur in nursing mothers. This happens due to the underdevelopment of the milky streams, in connection with which milk stagnation occurs and the symptoms of the disease begin.

In order to prevent changes in blood vessels in the body, you need to follow a few simple rules. First, do not allow hypothermia. A strong decrease in body temperature can lead to various kinds of negative consequences. Secondly, it is required to avoid serious emotional stress. As a rule, people are nervous because of work or personal relationships, so it is necessary to treat what is happening as confidently and calmly as possible. In some situations, the help of a specialist will never hurt. Thirdly, you should not overexert yourself physically. And, fourthly, one should not neglect going to the attending physician.

It must be remembered that chills and fever are two phenomena that, as a rule, accompany each other. And if there is a malaise without an increase in body temperature, it is better to seek the advice of a professional and, if necessary, undergo treatment.

Chills are a physiological reaction of the body to a spasm of superficial blood vessels. Most often, fine shivering is caused by cold. However, chills Chills There are also much worse reasons.

Why is there chills at a temperature

After hypothermia, the most common cause of chills is fever. Doctors determine Fever in Adults this state is as an increase to 37.7 ° C and above.

By itself, fever can be a symptom of a huge number of diseases, including bacterial infections and all kinds of inflammatory processes in the internal organs. However, most often we encounter it when we fall ill with ARVI or the flu.

The mechanism of chills in fever is simple. Trying to overcome the infection, the body raises the temperature - this is detrimental to many viruses and bacteria. To speed up the warm-up and keep the heat inside, superficial blood vessels spasm and trembling starts. Therefore, when the temperature rises rapidly, the person looks pale and is desperately shivering.

Why there is chills without fever

1. Cold

It is the cold that causes the blood vessels to contract in order to keep the heat inside the body. In response, the body begins to intensively contract and relax the muscles in order to warm up.

To start to feel cold, it is not necessary to jump out into the cold half-dressed. A sudden change in temperature is enough (for example, when you go from a hot street into a room with a working air conditioner) or a slight gust of wind when you are wearing wet clothes.

2. Taking medication

Some medications, including over-the-counter medications, cause overuse and chills. These side effects are written in the instructions for use.

Also, a combination of drugs or their overdose can provoke trembling.

By the way, for this reason, older people are often shivering. They take an impressive range of all kinds of drugs, not really reading the instructions.

3. Extreme physical activity

When you run a marathon, swim a kilometer, or do your best in some other way, your muscles release What Effect Does Exercise Have on Your Body Temperature? a lot of heat. Because of this, the body heats up and begins to cool down with the help of sweating.

Chills often occur due to the temperature difference between the skin and the surrounding air. Most often, athletes get chills on too hot (when the body is actively sweating) or too cold days.

4. Endocrine disorders

Constant feeling of cold and associated chills are common symptoms. Why Am I Cold? hypothyroidism (decreased production of thyroid hormones). Due to a lack of hormones, the body cannot effectively regulate temperature. Therefore, it tries to retain heat by spasming the subcutaneous blood vessels and starting to shiver.

5. Menstruation and menopause

In these situations, significant fluctuations in hormonal levels also occur.

6. Hypoglycemia

This is called a sharp drop in blood sugar levels. It may occur for various reasons. For example, you overexerted yourself physically or psychologically. Or sit on a too rigid diet, in which the body does not have enough glucose. Or you suffer, but your doctor made a mistake with the dosage of medicines.

With hypoglycemia, we experience acute weakness, including muscle weakness. Exhausted muscles begin to tremble, chills appear.

Hypoglycemia is a dangerous condition. If the blood sugar level continues to drop, it can lead to damage to the nervous system up to epileptic convulsions, loss of consciousness and coma.

7. Malnutrition

Its effect is the same as that of hypoglycemia. But in this case, muscle weakness is caused by a lack of not only glucose in the blood, but also other nutrients.

If you are regularly shivering due to diet or weight loss, be sure to consult a doctor. After all, after the chills come a breakdown, hair loss, inability to conceive, insomnia, depression, and even, which can be fatal. You need to normalize your diet as soon as possible.

8. Stress and emotional overstrain

When stressed, the level of adrenaline rises. Among other things, this hormone causes spasm of superficial vessels and, as a result, trembling. That is why people “already shake” when they are angry or very worried.

How to treat chills

Given the variety of causes, there is no general treatment algorithm. We need to act according to the situation:

  • If you are cold, drink hot tea, try to warm up and relax. This will remove the spasm.
  • If the chills occurred on the background of an infectious disease and fever, consult a therapist and follow his recommendations.
  • If you are overstressed physically or emotionally, allow yourself a few minutes of relaxation: take a breath,.
  • If you experience chills regularly, see your doctor to rule out hormonal imbalances, developing diabetes, or nutritional deficiencies.
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