Individual lesson staging sound sh. Synopsis of an individual lesson on sound production w

Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson.

(using isotechnics)


teacher speech therapist Shlyanina O.P.

Kurganinsk, Krasnodar Territory

Topic: Setting the sound [Ш]

Target: clarification of the articulation of the sound [Ш], sound production, clarification of the isolated position; development of speech motor skills; development of phonemic hearing; development of precise hand movements.

Equipment: mirror, subject pictures, paints, brush, jar of water, paper, frog, already, Dr. Aibolit.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment. Finger gymnastics- Look at our merry frog today, and this is the swamp in which he lives. Let's help the frog jump from leaf to leaf. (The child performs exercises with all five fingers, turning the brush to the left, to the right)

Jump, jump, jump, jump,

I'm from leaf to leaf,

I am a funny frog

Your sweet friend.

2. Articulation gymnastics.(performing, symbols are drawn with paints)

Once upon a time there was a kind Shurik. His throat hurt so badly that he stopped hissing. He went to Doctor Aibolit for help. On the way, Shurik met our cheerful frog and smiled "Smile". The frog held the mouthpiece "Shout" in its paws, croaked loudly, calling the frogs to pancakes "Pancake". Of course, Kwak invited the snake. They drank tea with Tasty Jam jam. Apple jam lay in a beautiful cup "Cup". Shurik told the frogs about what happened to him and the sun heard him. The sun extended its ray and said: “Paint it with magical yellow paint, and it will show you the way to Dr. Aibolit.” Already did so. Then he thanked everyone for their help, sat on a horse, rode "Horse". On the way to Shurik's nose, a leaf fell from a tree, he began to blow "Focus" on it. I was so carried away that I did not notice how I arrived.

"Smile" (strip)

"Chorus" (wave)

"Pancake" (circle)

"Delicious jam" (vertical stripes)

"Cup" (semicircle)

"Malyar" (zigzags)

"Horse" (poke)

"Focus" (spiral)

3. Staging sound mechanically.

Put a pencil on the child's lower teeth, the child will put his tongue on it. Ask to depict how the patient sneezed already - tap the upper alveoli with the tip of the tongue, pronounce the sound [H]. At the same time, he should blow strongly and continuously on the tip of the tongue. Then “it stops sneezing” and for a longer time pulls the sound [H] which is converted into sound [W].

So Dr. Shurik cured. He crawled and hissed Sh - Sh - Sh - Sh - Sh - Sh - Sh.

(the child schematically depicts how it crawls already)

4. Refinement of articulation.

What position are the lips in?

What position are the teeth in?

Where is the tip of the tongue?

Where are the edges of the tongue?

What stream of air comes out of the mouth?

5. Exerc. "Wonderful meadow" There are subject pictures on the table, the child must draw along the dotted contour only those in the name of which there is a sound [Ш]. Outlining the contour, the child pronounces the sound [Ш] for a long time.

Ball, umbrella, mouse, beetle, cat, bag, car.

6. Summary of the lesson.

Positive assessment of the child's activity.

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Natalia Gabdusheva
Abstract of an individual lesson on the topic: "Staging the sound Sh"

Individual lesson on sound production [Ш].


1. Correctional and educational:

- formation of an idea of ​​​​correct articulation sound Sh;

Consolidation of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgrammatical designs.

2. Correction-developing

– development of mobility of the articulation apparatus and preparation of the articulation base for staging the sound Sh;

– formation of correct articulation sound Sh;

– the formation of the skill of phonemic hearing on sound Sh;

- differentiate correct and incorrect pronunciation sound Sh;

- fasten pure sh sound, in syllables, in words with these syllables, and in sentences with worked out words.

3. Correctional and educational.

Developing the skill of monitoring the speech of a speech therapist.

Equipment: a piece of cotton wool, subject and subject pictures according to topic, scheme (characteristic sound, cards with syllables, cards with riddles, snake finger toy, telegram.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment Hello, Alina! Tell. Do you want to learn how to speak correctly and beautifully? Then let's learn!

You know, visit us today occupation a guest is coming. But who it is, you will find out a little later.

2. Development of general motor skills. Before meeting our guest, you need to warm up well, do gymnastics


Cats live next to humans. And dogs faithfully guard their house. We are given cows meat, milk. Goats, sheep jump easily. It's hard for fat pigs to walk, It's better to be a frisky horse.

We walk quietly, inaudibly, with our hands we make movements that imitate "washing" muzzle kitty. Hands behind the back, bending slightly, we walk around us. Hands are bent at the head, index fingers imitate horns. We jump on toes, hands on the belt. Arms are bent in front of the body, we walk in place, waddling. Running in place with high knees.

3. Development of finger motor skills Alina, and the guest is coming to us from afar. Let's bake pies for him. He's probably hungry.

Finger gymnastics:

We chop cabbage, chop.

We cut cabbage, cut.

We salt cabbage, salt.

We press cabbage, we press.

We three carrots, three.

We'll bake pies, we'll bake pies. That's how smart you and I are.

4. Speech gymnastics Alina, while we were baking pies, the postman Pechkin came and said that we had received a telegram. He said he would give it back if we completed his tasks. Well, what shall we do? Look at the picture and tell me who is in it? Yes, that's right, it's an elephant, look at its trunk, let's try to portray it. Listen carefully to the instructions and follow the movements for me: “I will slightly cover my mouth, lips - "proboscis" forward. Far I pull them, as if for a long time sound: woo. Hold "proboscis" while I count to 5. Well done, very good proboscis, let's try again. An exercise "Chorus". Pull your lips forward, make a ring so that your teeth are visible. Hold like this while I count to 5.

An exercise "tongue is resting"

Our tongue is on fire. Lie down, rest in peace.

An exercise "Naughty Tongue"

The tongue ran, tired.

He became very disobedient.

We need to catch him.

And clap, punish.


With the help of this exercise, relaxation of the tongue is carried out. Calmly put the tongue on the lower lip and, slapping it with your lips, pronounce "pah-pah-pah".

An exercise "Tongue plays"

The tongue went for a walk.

He began to play happily.

(the wide front edge of the tongue lies on the lower lip)

Lie down, rest in peace

Doesn't run away.

Raises tail up

And he runs into his house.

(tongue wide "cup" near the alveoli)


The ability to keep a raised tongue in shape is developed "cups". Language "cup" starts in the oral cavity, the tip of the tongue is free and does not touch the hard palate. The edges of the tongue are pressed tightly against the upper molars.

An exercise "Focus"

Let's play now

You need to show focus.

Cotton wool on our nose.

We blow it away now.

(Alina puts cotton wool on the tip of her nose)

Let's exhale the air

And she will fly!


Children should smile, put the wide front edge of the tongue on the upper lip and blow off the cotton. Make sure that the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the teeth, and there is a groove in the middle of the tongue. The air must go in the middle of the tongue so that the fleece flies up. Make sure that the lower jaw is motionless.

5. Sound staging

(from tongue gymnastics).

Alina, you are smart. And here is our telegram, come on let's read: "I'll be there soon, your snake friend". Oh, I wonder how she hisses? Let's try hiss: first me and now you:

“Put a wide tongue on your lower lip, do "cup" outside, bring it into your mouth, press the lateral edges to the molars, leave a gap between the tip of the tongue and the alveoli, teeth close together, lips rounded and hissed. When Alina hisses, I will clearly pronounce sound Sh. Let's try again, dude. The speech therapist quietly takes out a snake mask and He speaks: “Alina, look, finally a snake has come to us. Look how sad she is. Trouble happened to her, she forgot how to hiss. But we will help the snake, right, Alina? Let's teach her how to speak sound Sh and then she will be able to hiss again.

6. Analysis of articulation sound Tell Alina to the snake how we will confess sound Sh. Alina with the help of a speech therapist He speaks: "When we pronounce soundШ - lips are pushed forward - by a mouthpiece; teeth slightly open; the tongue is raised up and forms a gap with the anterior part of the hard palate; The throat does not ring (Check with the back of your hand) - the sound is deaf; The tongue is like a cup, the air goes through the middle of the tongue. When pronouncing sound sh The air we exhale is warm. Sound sh is always solid - denoted in blue.

7. Feature sound Alina, the snake asks, and sound W vowel or consonant? And why? Hard or soft? Why? Voiced or deaf? Why? And what color is it? Alina, the snake says you are so smart.

8. Development of phonemic processes And now Alina show the snake how the wind makes noise - shshshshshsh, the snake - shshshshshsh, the air coming out of the bursting ball - shshshshshsh. While the snake is training, let's see how you remember sound Sh. Now I will call sounds and you should clap your hands on sound [w]. U, O, D, W, L, W, 3, S, W, R, W.

Now name Alina the objects whose names contain sound [w], smart girl.

And one more task, I will say the words and you tell me in which syllable it will be sound Sh: closet, school-la, fi-nish, ka-ran-dash, ka-mysh, tower-nya, Ma-sha, cat-ka.

9. Fixing sound in syllables And now I will say syllables, and you repeat after me.: ash, ash, osh, ush, ish.

Now let's play a dialogue, you will repeat after me syllables with accent:

sha, sha, sha;

sha, sha, sha., and now with different vowels:

sha, sho, shu. Liked?

Now let's play ball, let's throw it and talk:

shpa, shpo, shpu;

shka, shko, shku;

shta, shta, shtu. Well done, smart guy.

10. Fixing sound in Alina's words, the snake accidentally dropped my pictures from the table and they all got mixed up. And I really need pictures, in the title of which there is sound Sh. Help me please.

Now name: school, hat, student, boat, pants, bayonet, darn, thing, hat, hose, hut, pencil, reed, kid, finish, on foot, pebbles, tower, cup, porridge, bear, cat, midge, window, frog , mouse, grandfather, grandmother, cherry. Well done.

11. Fixing sound in sentences the Snake wants to make a wish for you puzzles: soft paws, and scratches in the paws. (Cat) Clinging to the rear tire, the bear rides on (car). And they could play pranks without a break all day (monkeys). Long, long crocodile the sea is blue (put out). The squirrel dropped a bump, the bump hit (monkey). No, your voice is not good, you are very quiet (eat).

And the snake brought interesting pictures with it, let's look at them. Can you tell me what is in this picture? The mouse runs away from the cat. Misha has a bump on the top of his head. The cat rolls the spool. Well done.

Now I will say sentences, and you repeat after me, if you try, then a surprise from the snake will await you.

There is not enough pawn in chess. Grandma has a lot of coils in her box. The seamstress sews on the machine. Misha has a helmet. Car pants need to be darned. Masha found twine in the bag. Masha, eat porridge. Misha will take a shower. The kid found a lily of the valley. The cat has ears on top.

Tell me, Alina, how many words are in this offer: "The cat rolls the reel".

You know, the snake did not come to visit you empty-handed, she brought you a gift - a big ball. She thanks you for teaching her how to speak. sound Sh. Now it's time for her to go home. Let's say goodbye to her.

12. Bottom line classes Say please, which one sound we studied today? Now show me how to pronounce sound Sh. What is the position of your lips when you say sound Sh? Ah, language? Ah, does your throat vibrate or not when you say sound Sh?

Well done Alina! You are very good today worked out: you made a beautiful cup, hissed well, talked beautifully on the phone, helped the snake learn to speak sound Sh, well guessed riddles, you're smart. Waiting for you next time. Goodbye!

13. Homework Gymnastics:

1) for lips: "mouthpiece": pull the lips forward so that the teeth are visible. Hold in this position by counting from 1 to 5;

2) for language: "shovel": open your mouth, put a wide tongue so that the lower lip is not visible. Hold in this position for a set from 1 to 5;

3) "cup": smile, open mouth, stick out tongue "shovel" and lift the edges of the tongue up so that you get a shape "cups". Hold in this position for a count of 1 to 5.



speech therapy session

for sound production [ W ]


Sound staging[ W] .


Development of the skill of articulation when pronouncing the sound Sh.


Correctional and educational:

Formation of a kinesthetic image of the sound Ш (sensations of the position of the organs of articulation);

Formation of practical skills and abilities to use corrected (phonetically clean, lexically developed, grammatically correct) speech;

Exercise in the correct pronunciation of the sound Sh.

Correction-developing :

Development of the articulatory apparatus;

Development of phonemic hearing;

Elimination of defective pronunciation of the sound Ш;

The development of the grammatical structure of speech.


Raising interest in classes;

Independence education.


subject pictures.


Lesson progress:

1. Org. moment

Masha came to visit us. You know her?

2. Articulation gymnastics

She was very fond of animals. And then one day, while picking mushrooms in the forest, she met Mikhail Potapovich. The bear was delighted with such a meeting and smiled ("Smile").

He was very hospitable and, of course, invited Masha to his pancakes (“Pancake”).

They drank tea with jam (“Delicious jam”).

And Misha put the pancakes in a beautiful cup (“Cup”).

Masha really liked visiting, and in response she treated Mikhail Potapovich with mushrooms ("Mushroom").

And the neighbor's squirrel offered to take Masha home to her grandparents. She galloped along the paths so deftly that she replaced Masha with a horse (“Horse”).

3. Announcement of the topic of the lesson

Today in class, you and I will learn how to pronounce the sound correctly.[SH].

4. Sound production

Setting the sound [w] according to R.I. Levina Setting the sound [w] by imitation
Raise the tongue to the upper lip and exhale evenly, with force, controlling the air stream with the back of the hand.Having achieved the release of a warm stream of air from the position of the tongue at the upper lip, move the tongue behind the upper teeth to the sky with the mouth open. Round the lips and stretch forward, bring the teeth together at a distance of 1-2 mm and exhale. It should sound like [w].Setting the sound [w] based on the sound [t]
Pronounce the sound [t] several times with an interval of 2-3 seconds. Then the installation is given: the tongue “knocks” not on the teeth, but on the tubercles (alveoli). The sound [t] is pronounced at first with a breath, while a weak and short hissing sound is mixed with the sound of the explosion.Round the lips and stretch forward, raise the tongue to the front of the palate. Press the lateral edges of the tongue to the molars. Transition from sound [t] to sound [w]: t-t-tshshshsh. In the future, the noise lengthens and is released from the previous sound [t].Setting the sound [w] based on the sound [p]
Pronounce the sound [p] without a voice or in a whisper, gradually reducing the force of exhalation until the vibration stops and a slight hiss appears. With repeated exercises, the sound [w] is obtained without the previous pronunciation of a deaf sound [r].Hissing can be obtained by touching the underside of the tongue with a spatula, slowing down the vibration of the tongue.Setting the sound [w] based on the sound [s]
Set the tongue behind the lower teeth. Invite the child to pronounce the sound [s]. At the same time, use a spatula or probe to lift the tongue up. With the fingers of the right hand, lightly press on the cheeks and push the lips forward. Instead of a whistle, you should get a hiss. You can invite the child to repeat the syllables sa, so, sy, asa, asy, as, os while raising the tongue with a probe or spatula.Setting the sound [w] based on the sound [h]
Pronounce the sound [h] followed by a long exhalation. A warm stream of air should be felt on the hand raised to the mouth.

5. Analysis of articulation

    What position are the lips in?

    What position are the teeth in?

    Where is the tip of the tongue?

    Where are the edges of the tongue?

    What stream of air comes out of the mouth?

(The tip of the tongue rises to the upper teeth, but does not press against them; the edges of the tongue touch the upper lateral teeth. The lips are slightly rounded, the stream of exhaled air feels warm. The upper and lower teeth are brought together. The vocal cords are open, the stream of exhaled air passes freely between them .)

Sound [W] consonant,deaf, hard. There is no soft sound paired with it in Russian.

6. Fixing isolated sound

On the way to the house, in the forest, Masha noticed how the autumn leaves rustled: Shhhhh. (leaves are laid out on the floor, a rustle is made at each step: Sh-Sh-Sh).

Walk through the leaves, and imagine that you, too, ended up in the autumn forest.

On the way, Masha met a snake. She asked her to take her to her house. Come on and we'll help.

7. Development of phonemic hearing

The snake invited Masha to play the game "Hunter".

Are you ready to play? As soon as you hear the sound [Ш], immediately catch it - clap your hands:


8. Fixing sound in syllables

The snake is very good at hissing. She came up with syllabic songs and asks Masha to sing along with her.

Let's sing along with them.

9. Consolidation of sound in words

The snake really liked the cheerful and mischievous Masha. She decided to give her gifts - beautiful pictures with sound [Ш]

Let's call them...

10. Fixing sound in a sentence

Let's call them...

Misha has a new .

Dad is going to

Dasha found .

Masha helps

11. Homework

Think of as many words as possible where the sound [Ш] is heard:

At the beginning of a word;

In the middle of a word;

At the end of a word.

12. Summary of the lesson

Today at the lesson you visited the autumn forest, met Masha and the Bear and learned to rustle like autumn leaves rustle and hiss like a real snake. It's great you did it!

What sound did you meet today? The sound Sh is a consonant, deaf, hard.

But our Masha did not notice how she ended up at home.

13. Evaluation of the session

You worked really hard today, well done! And Masha has prepared a present for you. Hold it.

- To fix the correct performance of articulation exercises.

- Continue the formation of a long directional air jet.

- Learn to pronounce the sound [w] correctly with mechanical help.

- Continue to learn to distinguish the sound [w] from a number of words.

– Continue to develop the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

- Exercise in the selection of antonyms.

- Fix the names of marine life.

- Develop attention, memory, fine motor skills.


Toy "Gnome"; typesetting canvas; a set of letters of the split alphabet; picture (or toy) "Snake"; seven pictures for the game "Memorize by symbol"; picture "Underwater world" (images superimposed on each other).

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist. A guest is coming to our class today. But who it is, you will find out a little later.

2. Before meeting our guest, you need to warm up well, do gymnastics. Let's do it first exercise "Fence"(repeat 3-4 times), then "Ring"(repeat 3-4 times). Make sure that the teeth are closed and the lips are rounded. And now the tongue will work. Show how he can do exercise "Shovel"(repeat 3-4 times). After that, blow on the tongue. Following exercise "Cup". It should be large, wide, taken out of the mouth (repeat 2-3 times). Now blow on the nose so that it feels the breeze (repeat 3-4 times), hide the tongue behind the upper teeth and hold it in this position (repeat 3-4 times).

3. And now it's time to find out who came to us. I will pronounce the word, and you select the first sound and designate it with a letter. Put all the letters in order on the typesetting canvas. Listen carefully: Pear, Natasha, Edge, Machine. When pronouncing each word, the speech therapist highlights the first sound and the sound [w], showing its correct sound. Make a word out of letters. What did you get? Child. Dwarf. Speech therapist. That's right, a gnome came to class(puts out a toy).

4. The gnome has a snake. She loves to hiss. Let's show you how she does it. For the snake to hiss, she needs to whistle: ssss. At this time, lift your tongue with a spatula and listen to the snake (setting the sound [w] from the sound [s] with mechanical help).

5. Look at the snake, what is it like? Is she short? Child. No, it's long!

Speech therapist. Is she evil? Child. No, kind! Speech therapist. She is sad? Child. No, fun! Speech therapist. Is she prickly? Child. No, smooth!

6. Speech therapist. The snake loves to hide. And now she hissed and hid ( sound setting Sh from the sound C mechanically). Let's eat her. I will pronounce the words, and you listen carefully. As soon as you hear the snake hissing: shhh, shout loudly: “There you are!” Dog, hat, giraffe, apron, car, bathrobe, bag, snowflake, pillow, etc. Let's show again how the snake hisses (setting the sound Sh from the sound C mechanically).

7. And now the gnome goes for a walk. He walks along the path and names the pictures that come across him on the way. It's a castle, but a lot of things? That's right, a lot of castles. The child forms the form of each word, focusing on the speech therapist's question. As you go through the "track" pictures are flipped image down, symbol up.

8. A dwarf came to the seashore, put on an aqualung and dived. The air from the scuba comes out, hisses (setting the sound Sh from the sound C mechanically). Nearby there were different fish.

Look quickly, my friend!

Fish swim around

Swordfish, hammerhead and sawfish, anglerfish and needlefish.

The child makes finger movements.

9. The dwarf sank even deeper (staging the sound Ш from the sound С mechanically). Help him see the jellyfish, the octopus, the starfish, the seahorse. The child finds underwater inhabitants among the superimposed images and names them.

10. The dwarf returned to the shore and went home along the path. Look at the symbols and remember what pictures they represent. The child remembers each picture by looking at the symbols. To check the named picture you need to turn it over.

11. The result of the lesson.

Speech therapist. Today in class, you learned how to hiss correctly and showed the dwarf how well you already do it!

Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson.

Topic: "Staging the sound Sh."

Goals:- education of the air jet;

Formation of the articulation structure of the sound Ш;

Development of articulatory praxis;

The difference in the names of vegetables, fruits;

Practical formation of nouns in a suffix way;

Development of fine motor skills of fingers;

Development of verbal-logical thinking.

Equipment:"snowflake" attached to a thread 10-12 cm long, sound articulation profile Ш, a set of support patterns, manuals for articulation gymnastics, for the development of fine motor skills of fingers, a table mirror, dummies of vegetables, fruits, pictures-symbols of non-speech sounds.

Lesson progress.

1. Organizational moment.

Valera, good afternoon! You came to me for a speech therapy lesson, where we will learn how to pronounce the sound Sh.

2. Nurturing a strong directional long-lasting smooth air jet.

Come on, show me tricks. (The child is offered a “snowflake” attached to a thread 10-12 cm long.) Hold the “snowflake” in front of your lips.

Smile. Show me your teeth. Open your mouth. Raise your tongue in the shape of a cup to your upper lip. Blow on the tip of your tongue. Look how beautifully the "Snowflake" flew up.

3. Development of articulatory praxis.

In order for the tongue to be strong, to pronounce all sounds correctly, you need to perform articulation gymnastics every day. Valera, let's exercise your tongue. Look at the picture. What's this? That's right, it's a tube. Let's turn your lips into a tube. Smile, close your teeth, stretch your lips forward. Well done! Now look in the mirror while holding the tube while I count to 10.

Look at this picture. Guessed what kind of articulation gymnastics we are going to do now ?! Correctly! Let's make a tongue cup. Smile, open your mouth, put a wide tongue on your lower lip, lift the edges and tip of your tongue. Good girl! Now let's compete to see who can hold the cup the longest.

Valera, imagine that you ate a very tasty raspberry jam, you left it on your upper lip. Smile, lick the "cup" of the upper lip from top to bottom. Wonderful! Every day you get better!

4. Formation of the articulation pattern of sound Sh.

Look, this position is taken by the tongue and lips when pronouncing the sound Sh. (The child is offered a sound articulation profile with a set of reference patterns and a table mirror).

Show where the tip, back, root of the tongue, lower and upper incisors, barrier. Excellent!

And this is a tire, listen to the air coming out of a punctured tire: shhhhhh. And what other non-speech sounds does the sound of “sh” sound like? Correctly! The hiss of a snake, the rustle of leaves. Listen again to the sound: sh-sh-sh. What do lips look like when making a sound? Well done! Find a card-symbol "tube".

Now, pay attention to the position of the tongue when pronouncing the sound "sh". Correctly! Find a card with an arrow up. Good girl!

Now bring the back of your hand to my lips, feel the air coming out of your mouth. That's right, the exhaled air stream is warm.

Let's exercise your tongue. Make a “cup”, remove the “cup” by the upper teeth, round the lips with a “tube”, blow warm air on the tongue. Excellent! You've got a goose song.

5. Differentiation of the names of vegetables, fruits, practical formation of nouns in a suffix way, development of verbal and logical thinking.

Let's play a garden game. Name the dummies. Tell me, where do vegetables and fruits grow? Divide the dummies into two groups: vegetables in the garden, fruits in the garden. Take a dummy and name it. Where does an apple grow? What's this? Where will you put the apple? Etc.

Let's play the big-small game. I point to a dummy of vegetables and fruits, name a large object, and you name a small one.

6. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Take colored pencils, do the dot hatching of vegetables.

7. Outcome, performance evaluation.

What have you learned today? You made me very happy in class!

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