Ozokerite treatment. Paraffin for children paraffin boots ozocerite. Ozokerite treatment methods and instructions for its use

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Ozokerite is a natural hydrocarbon, also known as mountain wax. It belongs to the oil group. The consistency is similar to beeswax, has the smell of kerosene. The color scheme depends on the percentage of resins and varies from white to green, and even black. Melting point from 58 degrees.

Medically purified ozokerite is sold in packs of 2-10 kg. Stored in a dry, cool place out of the reach of children. Storage temperature no more than + 25 degrees. The drug has an unlimited shelf life.

The composition of the substance includes a solid hydrocarbon (about 85% carbon, 15% hydrogen) of the ceresin and paraffin series with the addition of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons in different proportions. Its components are resinous-asphaltene substances and mineral oils. The composition may vary in percentage and the presence of individual components. The color and consistency of the substance depends on this.

Useful properties of ozocerite

It is widely used in medical purposes, because he has a wide range useful properties aimed at the treatment and improvement of the body. The main property of mountain wax is the rapid accumulation and, at the same time, the slow release of heat. Therefore, it is used in cases where for the treatment of a disease it is necessary to warm one or another part of the body for a long time.

The following beneficial features:

Varieties of funds

Ozokerite is of two types:

  1. Raw. This is the state in which it is in its natural form in nature.
  2. Purified. Used in medicine and cosmetology. During cleaning, the raw material is melted and washed with water or acid from unnecessary components. Then it is bleached to one degree or another, depending on the need. Purified ozokerite has practically no impurities. It consists of a high molecular weight hydrocarbon.

Indications for use

For medical purposes, mountain wax is used for the following indications:

  1. Diseases or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Used for fractures, dislocations, heel spur, as well as with limited work of the skeleton after an inflammatory process or a fracture.
  2. Diseases of the digestive organs. For the treatment of stomach ulcers, gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis.
  3. Diseases of the nervous system. Used for head injuries spinal cord, as well as with neuritis, radiculitis, plexitis, Rhine's disease.
  4. Otolaryngological diseases. Treats sinusitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis.
  5. Diseases of the genitourinary system. For the treatment of kidneys and Bladder.
  6. Skin problems(increased skin tone, scar treatment).

Treatment of women

The fair sex can use this substance to treat inflammation of the genital organs, in particular the uterus or appendages. It effectively heals female infertility formed as a result of inflammatory processes. Ozokerite is also used after surgery: it promotes the resorption of scars. How cosmetic product use mountain wax to smooth the skin.

Application in men

Men primarily use ozocerite to treat prostatitis. And also for the healing of injuries and hematomas, which is very important for athletes. Wax is used as a means to relax muscles, which helps to restore the body.

Use in children

Children are often overbearing active image life, which is affected by many bruises and sprains. In this case, wax contributes to the restoration and healing of injuries. It is often used to relieve increased tone from the limbs.

After a year, it can be used as a cough compress for the treatment of respiratory organs.

Ozokerite treatment methods and instructions for its use

Ozokerite has a wide range of effects on the body, therefore there is more than one method of treatment depending on the disease:

All procedures are carried out for 15 to 60 minutes. The duration of one course is 10-15 procedures. Ozokerite treatment is often carried out together with other physiotherapy procedures, but between them there must be a rest of at least 1 hour.

Contraindications, precautions and side effects

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • disease of the cardiovascular system;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • tumor;
  • cyst;
  • tuberculosis;
  • acute inflammatory process;
  • cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • increased body temperature;
  • hypertension.

Before using mountain wax, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe the number and method of procedures. It is advisable to undergo treatment under the supervision of a health worker. At home, it is very important to follow the doctor's instructions, as well as the instructions for using the remedy.

The most common side effects are burns. hypersensitivity skin or non-compliance with the instructions for use of the product. There may also be problems when using a drug of unknown origin. It is important to use exclusively purified medical product.

Ozokerite treatment in medical institutions and at home

Mountain wax is often used in a hospital, clinic, sanatorium, beauty salon. The medical staff prepares the wax accordingly, and also monitors the correctness of the physiotherapy. If side effects appear, the method can be changed.

It is not difficult to carry out the procedure of ozokerite treatment at home. Most often, sessions are held at home in cosmetic or preventive purposes but only on prescription.

For cooking at home, ozokerite is cut into pieces and placed in a jar or saucepan, which is placed in a large saucepan 2/3 filled with water. To fix the jar in a water bath, a load should be placed on it. The pan is put on fire and heated until the wax melts. Then they are used depending on the method of treatment. At home, it is important to monitor safety precautions, the temperature of ozocerite and the duration of the session.

Ozokerite or paraffin: which is better

Paraffin and mountain wax have the same properties. They are used for almost the same purposes. But paraffin is more focused on cosmetology, and ozokerite is more focused on physiotherapy. This is due to the fact that paraffin melts faster, but cools faster. Therefore, it is safer less likely get BURNED.

Ozokerite is more effective due to deeper heating. AT clinical setting more often it is he who is used, because. its effectiveness for treatment is higher and it is possible to control the medical staff over the procedure.

Paraffin is used more often in beauty salons or at home, because:

  • it is safer to operate;
  • has no chemical effect on the body, only warms;
  • cleanses and improves the quality of the skin.

In order to level the shortcomings of each other, ozokerite with paraffin is often mixed to a homogeneous substance.

Cost of the procedure

The cost of ozokerite treatment in different regions of the country can vary significantly. Including the status affects the price medical institution in which the procedure is performed.

Table of the cost of ozokerite treatment in the main cities of Russia

It is also called "black gold" and "tears of the earth" and is mined in the Ukrainian and Polish Carpathians, Great Britain, on the Cheleken peninsula in the Caspian Sea. If we turn to the composition of ozocerite, it contains mineral oils, resins and other substances useful for the body. In general, this substance has dark color, practical black. Ozokerite is a complex mixture.

However, medical and industrial ozocerite are not exactly the same thing. Substance to be used in medicinal purposes must undergo special processing. As a result of cleaning, ozokerite acquires a white color.

Thanks to its constituent chemical elements, ozokerite has anti-inflammatory, resolving and regenerating properties. It is important that it is able to penetrate into the human body through healthy areas of the skin and have positive influence to painful areas.

Modern medicine uses ozocerite topically in the form of applications and tampons. It can be used vaginally and rectally by soaking tampons for insertion with medical ozocerite. More often, ozocerite is melted and applied to the painful area of ​​the body on top of the oilcloth. It is worth remembering that, like any paraffin-containing agent, ozokerite needs to be melted. At the same time, it is worth knowing that this substance is highly flammable, as a result of which its contact with an open flame is unacceptable. It can start a fire. Ozokerite is melted in a water bath or in special devices.

It is interesting that in the mining areas about healing properties ozocerite has been known for a long time. People have noticed that in some situations this remedy is very effective, for example, in neuralgic diseases, dislocations and sprains.

Scope - physiotherapy

However, the main place of application of ozokerite is physiotherapy. Widely known physiotherapy with ozocerite. In medicine, preparations based on ozocerite are used, for example, "Ozoceramin" and "Ozoparaffin", as well as napkins impregnated with ozocerite. It is important that preparations based on ozokerite rarely cause side effects. It also added to the popularity of this substance.

However, at the same time, ozokerite is undesirable in the treatment of diseases in which there is a threat of suppuration, for example, with adnexitis. In addition, a contraindication is the use of ozocerite for any acute stages inflammatory diseases. Therefore, the use of this substance must be supervised by a doctor.

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Ozokerite, or "tears of the earth", is a hydrocarbon and mineral that is part of the petroleum bitumen group. It is used both for technical and scientific purposes, and for physiotherapeutic procedures, since chemical composition ozokerite has healing properties.

Ozokerite treatment

Usually, ozokerite is used for physiotherapeutic purposes, namely for warming up diseased areas of the musculoskeletal system and inflammatory chronic diseases accompanied by peripheral circulation disorders. Ozokerite compresses have a surface-irritating effect on the skin, causing a rush of blood and stimulating blood circulation in the capillaries, improving metabolism in the heated zone. In addition, ozokerite has an analgesic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and resolving effect. On the basis of ozocerite produce such medicinal products like ozokeraphin, ozokeramin, ozocerafin and even ozokeraphin wipes.

Traditionally, ozokerite treatment is carried out in sanatoriums and clinics. Indications for its appointment are arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, contractures, neuritis, myositis, trophic ulcers limbs and bedsores. In addition, ozokerite is used to treat certain chronic diseases in remission - for example, pyelonephritis, cholecystitis, urethritis, and so on. It is also used for complex therapy female and male infertility, as well as in the process of post-traumatic rehabilitation.

Carrying out treatment

Ozokerite is used in the form of compresses or applications that are applied to clean, dry skin with removed vegetation. From a wide bandage folded in eight layers, a gasket is made, and the ozocerite itself is melted, a compress is moistened in it, squeezed out and cooled to 45-50 ° C. Then a second compress is made with a temperature of 70-80 ° C, which is applied over the first without contact with the skin, covered with oilcloth and a blanket, and wait 30-40 minutes. Ozokerite applications impose daily or every two days - the total course of treatment consists of 15-20 procedures.

With regard to contraindications and side effects, then ozokerite is completely safe if it is used strictly according to the instructions and is not applied during an exacerbation of diseases. At the same time, ozocerite treatment is not used in the presence of bleeding, tumors, ulcers. gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis, urolithiasis, pathologies of the liver, of cardio-vascular system and pancreas. Do not use ozokerite for thyrotoxicosis, epilepsy, diabetes, pregnancy and some gynecological diseases.

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Oil and products of its processing are complex hydrocarbon mixtures. The level of their production and consumption in modern society is one of the main criteria for an economically developed economy.

Oil refining process

The process of distillation of oil is carried out at refineries through the use of complex physical and chemical-technological processes. It includes the primary preparation of raw materials, in which oil is freed from water, mineral salts and various mechanical impurities. Then on different stages boiling during vacuum distillation, the oil is separated into fractions. They do this in order to isolate the substances originally present in it.

Types of refined products

The main purpose of the oil refining process is the production of petroleum products and fuel mixtures. They are divided into light: gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, having a different grade and density, and dark, such as fuel oil, heating oil and others.

The heavy residue formed at the end of the vacuum distillation of oil is called tar. It is he who is the raw material for the production of the well-known bitumen, which, together with crushed stone, sand and mineral powder, is part of the asphalt.

There is a huge industry formed on the basis of hydrocarbon raw materials obtained in the process of oil refining. The petrochemical industry is engaged in the production of raw materials for the manufacture of plastics, chemicals, alcohol and many other components necessary for National economy.

Many well-known lubricants are products of petroleum distillation. Automotive and machine oils used for corrosion protection, friction reduction and conservation are also based on hydrocarbons.

In the process of oil refining, so-called associated petroleum gases are formed. They are used as a fuel mixed with other components, as well as for the production of acetone, acetic acid and many types of solvents.

It is impossible to imagine the modern cosmetic industry without oil derivatives, which are part of creams and peels in the form of mineral oil, paraffin and many other substances that perform various functions. Mineral oil is the basis of powder, mascara, blush and foundation.

The use in medicine of such refined products as ozocerite, paraffin, naftalan and kerosene makes it possible to obtain positive results in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, internal organs and various pathologies including disturbances in the work of the central nervous system.

For medical procedures against skin and other diseases, not only mud and clay are used. AT recent times found wide application Ozokerite is a plastic material with high heat capacity and slow heat transfer. This material is devoted to the indications and contraindications of ozokerite, its medicinal properties, as well as the method of ozokerite therapy.

The use of therapeutic ozokerite

Ozokeritotherapy- this is one of the types of heat treatment, in which a specially processed natural mineral of petroleum origin, ozokerite, is used as a heat agent. It is a dark brown or black waxy mass containing approximately 85% carbon, up to 14% hydrogen, paraffin, mineral oils, resins and other substances. Ozokerite dissolves in gasoline, turpentine, kerosene, mixes with vegetable and mineral oils, with paraffin, therefore it has a high heat capacity and low thermal conductivity and is more effective than sand, peat, paraffin. Ozokerite is practically insoluble in water and alcohol.

When ozokerite is exposed to hot sulfuric acid, a full-fledged ceresin is obtained from it, which forms the thinnest film on the surface of various objects, including skin. Therapeutic ozokerite penetrates well into the skin, which allows it to be used as a base for the preparation of ointments and various perfume creams.

The main properties of ozokerite- this is a high heat capacity, minimal thermal conductivity, slow heat transfer, which leads to its use as a heat carrier in the treatment of various diseases.

AT medical practice dehydrated ozokerite is indicated for use - a standard obtained from ore by water boiling or extraction with organic solvents.

In addition to thermal medicinal properties ozokerite are due to its mechanical and chemical exposure on the body. It contains biologically active substances have a desensitizing, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Convection heat transfer in ozokerite is weakly expressed, therefore, when it is applied to the skin, a layer is quickly formed, the temperature of which is close to that of the skin, and heat transfer to the body from the overlying layers occurs very slowly. This makes it possible to use ozokerite in medicine for therapeutic purposes with quite high temperature(+60…+70 °С) without fear of causing burns.

Indications and contraindications for ozokerite therapy

The mechanical factor of the action of ozokerite is due to its ability to decrease in volume by 10-12% during solidification, which is accompanied by a slight compression of the underlying tissues (compression effect) and contributes to a deeper penetration of heat into the body. The compression effect of ozokerite is most pronounced with circular applications, when a part of the body is covered from all sides, for example, on the limbs, while tissue swelling decreases. In the treatment with ozocerite, due to the thermal effect, the outflow of tissue fluid and lymph improves.

The chemical effect of ozocerite is based on the presence of biologically active substances in it, which have a comprehensive effect on the body, including a hormone-like effect.

The main indications of ozokeritotherapy: treatment of dermatoses occurring with pronounced infiltration, lichenification, hyperkeratosis.

The widespread use of ozokerite applications for skin treatment is facilitated by good healing effect at affordable price and ease of use. Ozokerite is used in resorts in combination with other recreational activities. Easy transportation to any city and settlements allows us to recommend the use for the treatment of adults and children.

Contraindications to ozokeritotherapy: acute and subacute stages of dermatoses, the presence malignant neoplasms, blood diseases, uncompensated disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Before use, ozokerite is brought to the required temperature in electric paraffin heaters or in a water bath. Sterilization is carried out by heating in a water bath to +100 °C for 10-15 minutes. When reusing ozokerite, 25% of the mineral that has not been in use is added to it.

Application of ozocerite: paraffin applications, layering and baths

There are several methods of procedures with ozokerite used in ozokerite therapy.

1. Layering: melted to a temperature of +65 ... +70 ° C, ozokerite is applied to the skin with a brush.

2. Trays: the limb is coated with ozocerite, and then immersed in a vessel with molten medicine at a temperature of +60 ... +70 ° C.

3. Napkin-applique: gauze folded in 8-10 layers is immersed in molten ozocerite with a temperature of +50 ... +55 ° C, squeezed and applied to the impact site, covered with oilcloth, and then with a blanket.

4. Cuvette-application: molten ozocerite with a layer of 1.5-2 cm is poured into cuvettes, and allowed to cool to +48 ... +54 ° C, removed from the cuvet on an oilcloth and applied with it to the areas to be treated.

Paraffin applications with ozocerite can be combined (alternating procedures) with galvanization or electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy, phototherapy, massage, physical therapy, shared mineral baths. The intervals between ozokeritotherapy and one of the listed procedures should be at least 1-2 hours.

For the treatment of the elderly and children, ozokerite is heated to a lower temperature (+48 ... +52 ° C), the duration of the procedure is reduced to 15-20 minutes. In children's practice, preference is given to the napkin-application method (napkins are moistened with ozocerite at a temperature of +48 ... +49 ° C and a compress is applied).

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Paraffin is prescribed to children quite often.

Paraffin treatment

Paraffin is a waxy substance that can retain heat for a long time.. Heated paraffin for children is superimposed on the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and remains on it certain time. There is a rather long and deep thermal effect on the skin, muscles and internal organs adjacent to the paraffin application site. As a result, capillaries and small capillaries expand in the heated area. blood vessels, muscles relax (both skeletal muscles and smooth muscle internal organs), the intensity of metabolism increases. Warming up with paraffin helps to relax tense muscles, relieve pain, and promotes faster resolution of inflammation foci.

Paraffin treatment is a variant of heat treatment or thermotherapy, one of the oldest methods officially used in medicine today, including in children from the first months of life.

In addition to paraffin, ozokerite is used for heat treatment.(mountain wax), it is more plastic than paraffin, therefore it is more convenient to use. In addition, ozokerite contains useful minerals and biologically active substances, which, penetrating through the skin, enhance the relaxing effect of the warming procedure.

For heating, paraffin or ozocerite can be used separately or a mixture of them. The mixture is possible in any proportion, but the most popular ratio of paraffin and ozocerite is 1:1.

Indications for the use of paraffin (ozokerite) are as follows

1. Inflammatory processes during the period of resolution (without suppuration).

2. Diseases musculoskeletal system degenerative-dystrophic and inflammatory.

3. Injuries and diseases of the peripheral nervous system.

4. Consequences of injuries (sprains, bruises).

6. Spastic muscle contractures.

In children under one year old, paraffin is most often used as a thermal relaxing procedure for spastic muscle paresis. In this case, paraffin is applied to the affected area.

In children older than 1 year, it is most often used for coughing (tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia) at the stage of resolution of the disease - then the places for applying paraffin are the same as for biliary dyskinesia, paraffin is applied to right hypochondrium, for diseases of the bladder on the lower abdomen, for the treatment of bruises and sprains from the 4th day after the injury - in this case, paraffin is applied to the area of ​​injury.


Paraffin for children (ozocerite) is not used

  1. if there is a rash or damage on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin where it is supposed to be applied.
  2. in acute period, in the first 3 days from the onset of the disease or after injury, if there is suppuration
  3. with violations of thermal sensitivity of the skin

Paraffin (ozokerite) in children is used in the form of applications or in the form of paraffin boots (mittens). If the child is being treated in a hospital or in a sanatorium, paraffin heating is carried out in a physiotherapy room. If the child is being treated on an outpatient basis, it is preferable to carry out the procedure at home, because. after it, it is recommended to warmly dress (wrap) the heated area and go outside after warming up is not desirable.

How to prepare paraffin for children at home

Because the procedure for warming up with paraffin is very simple, there are no difficulties for parents.

Paraffin and ozokerite are sold in pharmacies, paraffin looks like melted and frozen white candles, ozokerite has a dark brown, almost black color. Cosmetic paraffin it is not convenient to use for applications, because it contains petroleum jelly and other components due to which it becomes less plastic.

Paraffin (ozokerite) or a mixture of paraffin and ozokerite in a ratio of 1:1 is melted in a water bath. A little water is poured into a larger pot and put on fire, the paraffin (ozocerite) is immersed in another pan (smaller), and then the pan with paraffin is placed in the first pan, so that the bottom of the first and second pots do not touch each other. To do this, you can put a cloth or plank on the bottom of a large saucepan.

A small pot with paraffin must be closed with a lid. When the water in a large saucepan boils, the paraffin (ozocerite) in a small one will begin to melt. It is necessary that all the paraffin is melted to liquid state. It is recommended to stir it occasionally. wooden stick and, at the same time, check whether it is all melted or not.

When all the paraffin has melted, you need to take a baking sheet, put cellophane or oilcloth on it, and then pour melted paraffin (ozocerite) onto the cellophane. A layer 1-1.5 cm thick is required. You need to wait for the paraffin (ozokerite) to harden, but remain warm, and then separate the paraffin (ozokerite) from the oilcloth, cut off a piece with a knife the right sizes, check the temperature on yourself (paraffin should be warm, but not scalding and not cause the child discomfort) and apply paraffin (ozokerite) to the desired area of ​​the body. From above, paraffin is covered with cellophane or oilcloth, the size of which is 1.5 - 2 cm more sizes paraffin cakes, on top of the cellophane, the child is covered with a blanket or a warm diaper.

The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, the number of procedures is 5-20, it can be done daily or every other day, it is recommended to do this before going to bed in order to wrap the child up after the procedure and put him to bed. After the procedure, paraffin (ozocerite) can be folded into a bag, and then reused.

paraffin boots

Most often, paraffin bootsthis is the first medical procedure associated with the use of paraffin assigned to the child.

  • Usually they are prescribed by neurologists to children from the first months of life with increased tone muscles of the feet and legs.
  • In older children, this procedure can be used for a runny nose, instead of mustard socks or hot foot baths.
  • On one leg, a paraffin boot can be prescribed after injuries to the foot or ankle joint.

For boots, paraffin is prepared in the same way as described above. You will need two identical pieces of paraffin (ozocerite), such as to wrap the child's legs from fingertips to knees. Paraffin cakes are superimposed on the back surface of the lower leg starting from the popliteal fossa, and then the ends of the cake are bent onto the front surface of the lower leg and foot, the leg is completely wrapped in paraffin, it turns out like a boot. On top of the paraffin, the leg is wrapped in cellophane or oilcloth. Over the cellophane it is convenient to wear elastic socks larger than the child's size (mother's or father's), they reach the child up to the knee and even higher and hold the paraffin well, an elastic mesh bandage can be used to fix the paraffin. Then the legs can be wrapped in a diaper or put on top of another woolen father's or mother's socks.

On the video you can see how to prepare paraffin and ozokerite for boots at home

For a child in the video, you can take larger pieces of paraffin to more fully cover the front surface of the lower leg and foot to the toes. In the video, paraffin boots are poorly fixed on the legs, more secure fixation elastic mesh bandage, socks. You can simply carefully wrap (bandage) each leg in a cloth. But the process of preparing paraffin at home is shown very clearly.

A similar procedure - paraffin mittens - the child's hands are wrapped in paraffin from fingertips to the elbow.

Children usually calmly tolerate the procedure of warming up with paraffin. Paraffin does not cause any discomfort to children.

Mountain wax ozocerite

Literally translated from Greek, "ozokerite" means odorous wax. This natural mineral from the group of petroleum bitumens has a characteristic smell of asphalt. The mountain (mineral) wax ozocerite received its name for its resemblance to beeswax. DFor therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, pre-dehydrated ozocerite standard (medical ozocerite) is used.

Why ozokerite is better than paraffin

Natural paraffins make up about 7% of ozokerite, so these medical preparations can be called close relatives. At the same time, medical ozokerite is superior to paraffin used for medicinal purposes in a number of ways, including:

· unlike paraffin, ozokerite contains biologically active substances, which, during the procedure, penetrate intact skin and have healing effect on the body;

· in terms of heat-retaining capacity, ozokerite is almost twice as superior to paraffin, so patients easily tolerate ozokerite procedures even at a temperature of 65-70 degrees Celsius;

· ozokerite has a unique combination of high specific heat and low thermal conductivity (the lowest among all materials used for heat treatment), which greatly enhances compression effect ozokeritotherapy.

The healing properties of ozocerite

The composition of ozokerite includes various trace elements (potassium, zinc, sodium, sulfur, magnesium titanium and others), mineral oils, as well as ceresin and petroleum tar. All these useful biologically active substances penetrate into the human body during ozokeritotherapy procedures.

In addition, the therapeutic effect of ozokerite therapy is largely associated with compression, thermal and mechanical factors associated with the pyroelectric effect. chemical reactions(interaction skin gaseous hydrocarbons, various mineral oils, asphaltenes, resins carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide).

As a result, ozokeritotherapy has a wide range of therapeutic and preventive effects:

· pronounced analgesic effect;

· elimination painful spasm muscles, which is especially important in diseases spinal column(, osteochondrosis);

· improvement of blood circulation;

· increase in metabolic processes;

· fibrinolytic action (resolving effect);

· anti-inflammatory action;

· desensitizing (anti-allergic) effect;

· stimulation of regenerative processes in damaged tissues and organs.

Ozokerite: indications and contraindications

When is ozocerite treatment used?

According to a wide range therapeutic effect, ozokeritotherapy has a fairly long list of indications. In particular, with the help of ozokerite, such common pathologies as:

· ;

· ;

· ;

· ;

· ;

· chronic of any origin;

· ;

· ;

· ;

· ;

· ;

· ;

· ;

· .

Contraindications to the use of ozokerite

Ozokeritotherapy has some limitations. So, you can not use these procedures for pregnant women, as well as during breastfeeding.

In addition, the following pathological conditions are a contraindication to treatment with ozokerite:

· ;

· severe atherosclerosis ( ischemic disease heart, intermittent claudication, disorders cerebral circulation atherosclerotic origin);

· congestive heart failure;

· acute infectious diseases;

· tuberculosis;

· purulent-inflammatory processes in the body;

· malignant tumors;


· ovarian cyst;

· severe neurosis and mental illness;

· exacerbation of hepatitis and / or pancreatitis;

blood diseases.

Treatment with ozocerite in Moscow at the Clinic of Restorative Medicine

Specialists of the Vostmed clinic use several methods of ozokerite treatment. The first of these is the application method, in which sore spot superimposed moistened in a composition having certain temperature, the cloth.

The bath method involves immersion in a bath with ozocerite for certain period time of the affected lower or upper extremities.

With the layering method, the ozokerite mixture is applied in layers (up to about two centimeters) and each subsequent layer should have a slightly higher temperature than the previous one.

When applied, the ozocerite mixture should have a temperature of 50 ° C (for an adult). For the elderly, as well as children, the used ozocerite should have a slightly lower temperature - about 40 ° C.

Before use, the mixture is first heated to one hundred degrees, and then cooled. body smeared fish oil or vaseline, and then ozocerite is applied using one of the methods described above. Then for an hour the person is placed under a warm blanket, which should fit snugly in all places so that the thermal effect is as effective as possible. For children, this time is around half an hour.

The course of ozokeritotherapy includes about twelve procedures (it all depends on the disease). After every two procedures, a break is made for a day.

To book an initial consultation with a specialist is free, make a phone call.

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