MRI of the chest: types of research and its features. How it happens and what shows on the pictures MRI of the thoracic spine Contraindications MRI of the thoracic spine

MRI of the thoracic spine or organs is a diagnostic measure that allows you to determine morphological changes in tissues, degenerative-inflammatory processes, as well as a number of diseases.

With its help, you can establish and differentiate the diagnosis, as well as prescribe the optimal type of therapy. This is the safest method for examining health for the patient's body, since it is carried out without the use of x-rays.

MRI of the chest is the most informative way to diagnose diseases associated with the spine and organs of the thoracic region (lungs, heart, blood vessels, trachea, etc.).

It can be used to examine both bone and soft tissues. However, this procedure is most often used to examine the spine: vertebral bodies, spinal cord, roots and intervertebral discs.

Indications for carrying out

MRI of the thoracic spine is prescribed in the following cases:

  • suspicion of osteochondrosis (at any stage of the disease);
  • with suspicion of fractures, with injuries and bruises of the spinal column (even if the x-ray did not reveal pathologies);
  • with suspicion of hernia or intervertebral protrusion;
  • in the presence or suspicion of tumor-like neoplasms;
  • if you suspect the presence of metastases arising from a primary oncological disease;
  • with defects in the structure of the spinal column, circulatory disorders;
  • if you suspect multiple sclerosis or encephalomyelitis (chest MRI is the only diagnostic method that shows these pathologies);
  • with Bechterew's disease;
  • making such diagnoses as osteomyelitis, spondylitis and other necrotic diseases;
  • in the presence of vascular anomalies (arterial and venous);
  • control over the condition of the spine after surgery;
  • examination of the spine and soft tissues before surgery.

Organ diagnostics

If the diagnosis of the chest organs is carried out, then the heart, lungs, trachea, vascular system, etc. are subject to examination. A similar procedure shows the condition of the heart valves, its anatomical structure, blood flow and lymph flow.

If there is a study of the respiratory system, then the lungs are evaluated: the morphological structure of the tissues, the size of the organ, the condition of the pleura. At the same time, inflammatory and degenerative processes in organs, metastases, tumor-like formations of various etiologies, etc. can be detected.

MRI of the thoracic spine is the most informative procedure. To improve the quality of volumetric images, a contrast agent is often introduced, which stains healthy and damaged areas of the thoracic spine with different colors.

Key benefits of the procedure

Diagnostics using the magnetic resonance method has its advantages over other methods of examination (CT of the thoracic region, ultrasound or x-ray). Such benefits include:

  • High data accuracy. Sometimes chest MRI is the only way to establish or differentiate the diagnosis. MRI images are 3D, making it easier to select the optimal therapy.
  • No need to inject contrast agents. Magnetic resonance imaging can show pathologies without the use of contrast. Contrast agents can be additionally administered (when examining the liver, brain, etc.), but this is not a prerequisite for the procedure (unlike chest CT).
  • Informativeness. With the help of MRI, both bone tissues (mainly the spine and ribs) and soft tissues are examined (in this case, you can see the state of the heart, lungs, blood vessels, etc.).
  • Method safety. MRI of the chest organs takes place without the use of X-rays, which are unsafe for the body, diagnosis is carried out by exposing the patient to a magnetic field.
  • Painlessness. The procedure is painless and fast (diagnosis time takes an average of 30-40 minutes).

The main contraindications to the appointment

Chest MRI has one significant drawback - the procedure is not prescribed for patients who have metal and electrical implants in the body (for example, pacemakers, implants in the middle ear, etc.). This is due to the influence of a magnetic field on the body, which can damage the device (this problem does not occur with CT of the thoracic spine).

Other contraindications to the procedure include:

  • overweight (the scanner is able to withstand up to 150 kg of weight);
  • the presence of mental illness that does not allow you to maintain one position of the body;
  • epilepsy, claustrophobia, panic attacks;
  • the presence of tattoos with paints containing metal particles;
  • pregnancy (this contraindication is relative, since there is no reliable data on the negative impact of chest MRI on the fetus).

Types of procedure

MRI of the thoracic spine is performed in two ways:

  • using a contrast agent;
  • without using contrast.

The use of contrast agents is optional, but it improves image fidelity and increases the chance of correct diagnosis and appropriate therapy.

The procedure for conducting magnetic resonance imaging

The duration of diagnostics on MRI is from 30 to 60 minutes. The procedure includes two stages: preparation of the patient for examination and direct examination. The principle of the study includes the following steps:

  • Preparing the patient for the procedure. At the same time, all metal objects, removable electrical devices such as prostheses, hearing aids, etc. are removed. – such a measure is not required when performing a CT scan of the thoracic region.
  • Fixing the patient with rollers and straps on the couch (to maintain immobility).
  • Immersion of the patient in the tomograph and exposure to a magnetic field.

The tomograph capsule has a means of communication with technologists, a fan and lighting, so the procedure is as comfortable as possible.

How is an MRI performed? (video)

An alternative to MRI is diagnostics on a CT scanner

CT scan of the thoracic spine (computed tomography) - is prescribed when it is impossible to conduct magnetic resonance imaging. The CT procedure involves the detection of pathologies in the spine and chest organs using X-ray irradiation, so the method is not as safe as MRI.

In addition, a prerequisite for the examination is the introduction of contrast agents - MRI of the thoracic spine does not require such manipulations.

The advantage of CT of the thoracic region is the ability to perform the procedure for people who have electrical and metal implants. This is due to the fact that the method is based on the use of X-rays, which do not react to metal devices. The disadvantage of CT of the thoracic spine or organs lies in the lower information content of the procedure compared to MRI.

MRI of the thoracic spine shows inflammatory, tumor, traumatic and degenerative-dystrophic diseases. The method is considered one of the most reliable diagnostic methods.

Humanity owes its discovery to scientists at Harvard and Stanford Universities, who in 1946 found out that hydrogen atoms, under the influence of a magnetic field, absorb energy and emit it in the form of a radio signal. It is registered by the receiver, which makes it possible to form an image of tissues on the monitor screen. For this discovery, Parcel and Bloch were awarded the Nobel Prize. Determination of NMR signals proved to be so effective that the technique has spread throughout the world. The cost of the equipment is quite expensive, so a large medical center can afford it.

NMR spectroscopy, as an independent diagnostic method, appeared in 1973, when it was proved that it was possible to obtain images using tubes filled with water - NMR tomography.

For the first time, MRI of the thoracic spine was presented at the Paris Radiological Exhibition in 1982. Since then, magnetic resonance imaging has been actively used to diagnose diseases.

MRI of the thoracic spine: what shows

MRI of the thoracic region shows many anatomical structures that are saturated with hydrogen.

How to evaluate magnetic resonance imaging of the spine:

  1. Analysis of the size and shape of the spinal cord, spine. Normally, the spinal cord has even contours and dimensions, is located in the middle (T1-weighted images);
  2. Assessment of the subarachnoid space on T2-weighted images. In the presence of the "crescent" and "linear strip" syndrome, there is a high probability of hemorrhage in the spinal cord;
  3. MRI of the thoracic region does not have landmarks by which radiologists determine the localization of the pathology. The most accurate reference point for determining the topography of the pathological process of the spine is the level of C2 and L5 (the second and fifth cervical vertebrae);
  4. Analysis of the width of the spinal cord. If it is enlarged, an intramedullary tumor is possible;
  5. Determination of calcifications (deposition of calcium salts) and petrifications in soft tissues;
  6. Detection of cystic formations using myelography (contrast injection into the subarachnoid space).

How to do an MRI of the lumbar spine

MRI shows non-tumor cysts of the thoracic spinal cord without invasive techniques (puncture of the subarachnoid space) in the presence of the following signs: smooth and even contours, the presence of "synechia" (constrictions), low signal intensity from cystic cavities filled with CSF. On T2-weighted images, turbulent movement of the internal contents of the cyst can be detected, as well as the absence of contrast walls in malformation and syringomyelia.

With focal increases in the radio signal along the thoracic spine on T2-weighted images, it is necessary to differentiate between ischemic disorders and intramedullary tumor. A similar MRI picture shows a plaque of the spine in multiple sclerosis, acute encephalitis, tuberculosis and toxoplasmosis. Additionally, these types of pathology can be diagnosed by the introduction of a contrast agent.

Thickened spinal cord on MRI

If the spinal cord is thickened on an MRI of the thoracic region, radiologists will imply that a person has:

  • Ischemic changes;
  • transverse myelitis;
  • Post-traumatic deformity.

With the help of magnetic resonance imaging, it is possible to distinguish between meningioma and neurinoma - types of tumors of the nervous system.

How MRI shows a neuroma:

  • Posterior-lateral arrangement;
  • Hyperostosis and petrifications do not occur;
  • It is shaped like an hourglass.

How NMR spectroscopy shows meningioma:

  • Rear localization;
  • The presence of hyperostosis and petrifications;
  • Contrasting adjacent tissues next to the tumor.

Neurinomas are characterized by small size, located along the spinal canal. On T2-weighted tomograms, the homogeneous nature of the signal in neurinoma is clearly defined. Meningioma is large and spreads along the entire spine.

Multiple lesions of the spinal column are observed in the metastatic process. The radiologist has to differentiate these MRI symptoms with lymphogranulomatosis and myeloma. It is possible to determine the pathology of the thoracic spine using magnetic resonance imaging if the size of the formations is more than 2 mm, when they consist of cells filled with water.

Study time: about 15 minutes with contrast for 25 minutes.

Preparation for the study: no, with contrast on an empty stomach or 5-6 hours after a meal.

Contraindications: there is.

Restrictions: weight up to 155 kg, maximum volume up to 140 cm.

Time for preparing a medical opinion: 10-60 minutes.

Chest pain, respiratory failure, shortness of breath or cough can be not only signs of, for example, allergies or colds, but also talk about possible serious diseases of the spine in the chest area. Drawing pains in the legs of an unclear nature can also be caused by the presence of protrusions or hernias in the thoracic region, and not in the lumbar region, as it might seem at first. It is important not to start the disease and treat it in time. The European Diagnostic Center recommends MRI of the thoracic spine, because this is the best way to diagnose various diseases.

Anatomy of the thoracic spine

The thoracic spine plays an important role not only in the aesthetically pleasing appearance of a person, it has a very high functional value and allows you to lead a normal life.

The thoracic region is a group of 12 small bones that form the vertebral ridge in the upper body. They help support the weight of the upper body and protect the spinal cord, which runs through the spinal canal.

Usually, pathologies in this area are quite rare. at least compared to the cervical or lumbar regions. But even in these cases it is very important not to miss the moment of the development of the disease in order to stop it in time.

Main reasons dissemination diseases in the chest spine there may be too much physical activity or, conversely, a fixed image.

Among these diseases:

Adult kyphosis and Scheuermann's kyphosis - arcuate curvature of the thoracic region;

Hernia of the intervertebral disc of the thoracic region, accompanied by pain and capable of causing complete paralysis;

Infectious diseases;


Features of MRI of the thoracic region

Magnetic resonance imaging is used to detect abnormalities in the thoracic region. Thanks to a powerful 1.5 Tesla tomograph it is possible to obtain a large number of sections of the examined area in the form of highly informative images. With the help of the procedure, it is possible to build a three-dimensional model of the spine, to examine the vessels located next to it, which allows the doctor to assess the complete picture of the patient's condition.

Tomography is carried out in places of damage to the thoracic region in three projections - sagittal, frontal and axial, which helps to determine the exact localization of pathology. As a result of the procedure, images T1 and T2 of the weighted type are obtained.

Sections are performed in a position parallel to the thoracic spine, with an optimal thickness of 4 mm and an interslice space of 0.5-1 mm. They display the entire thoracic region from its anterior wall to the posterior wall. Sections of the intervertebral discs are performed in a position perpendicular to the axis of the spine.

If a neoplasm is suspected benign or malignant mandatory use of a safe contrast medium, which increases the efficiency of diagnostics and at the same time does not harm human health. High-quality preparation Omniscan (Omniscan®) or Gadovist® (Gadovist®) is used as a contrast agent.

What does a chest MRI reveal?

MRI is a modern and, most importantly, safe diagnostic method. It allows you to very accurately determine the nature of the pathologies in this area and begin their effective treatment.

MRI of the thoracic region can diagnose:

Bechterew's disease (inflammatory processes in the spine and joints);

spinal dystrophy;

Multiple sclerosis;

Benign and malignant tumors;

Vascular malformations;

Protrusion or hernia;

Thanks to the use of powerful magnets and the use of sensitive matrices for data collection, tomography makes it possible to obtain informative high-resolution images. This contributes to obtaining detailed detail of the affected areas.

The resulting images reflect the degree of degeneration of the thoracic vertebrae, the development of a hernia, and disc protrusion. An MRI of the thoracic region is performed to examine the spinal canal at the level of the chest and diagnose various pathologies, which contributes to the correct further diagnosis by a neurologist.

Indications for thoracic MRI

The procedure is prescribed when the patient has complaints about:

Periodic pain in the chest;

Swelling of the face and neck;

Persistent headaches and dizziness;

Pain between the shoulder blades;

Numbness of shoulders and arms;

Weakness and numbness in the legs;

Intermittent cough and shortness of breath;

The severity of movements.

Features of preparation for MRI of the thoracic region

The procedure does not require special preparation and can be performed at any time of the day (an exception is MRI with contrast, which must be performed on an empty stomach in the morning). It is better that the clothes are comfortable, comfortable and do not squeeze anything.

Before visiting the medical center for an examination, it is advisable to take with you an extract, pictures of previous examinations on a CD, if any, and a referral from a doctor.

Contraindications for thoracic MRI

Diagnostics cannot be carried out when:

The presence of a pacemaker, the Elizarov apparatus, prosthetic heart valves;

Installed metal or ferromagnetic implants;

Magnetic metal dentures;

High body weight (above 160 kg);

Heart failure in severe forms;

Allergies to components of the contrast agent.

How is a chest MRI procedure performed?

The examination is carried out in a well-lit and ventilated tomograph, which ensures patient comfort. Often, to help the patient not to move, straps fix his body. MRI of the thoracic region occurs when the person is lying down. After the tomograph couch enters the annular part of the apparatus, the gradients begin to rotate around the area under study, very often patients often feel a slight warmth in the chest. Usually this does not cause discomfort, but if the patient cannot tolerate these sensations, it is possible to stop the procedure by pressing the SOS button.

cost of chest MRI

The MRI procedure is quite expensive, so it is important to find a place in Moscow where you can get an examination without harming the family budget. It is always possible to pass an MRI examination at a low price and next to the metro at the European MRI Diagnostic Center. The price of MRI of the thoracic region in the EDC includes:

MRI of the thoracic spine on an expert-class device with a magnetic field strength of 1.5 Tesla from the recognized leader in MRI technology - General Electric;

A complete package of quality images in three projections (including additional STIR and FATSAT protocols);

Compact disc containing all images of the study in a format intended for viewing on a regular computer and printing images in high resolution;

With the help of magnetic resonance imaging, the condition of the soft and hard tissues of the spinal column is determined. When examining the thoracic (thoracic) region, MRI covers the thoracic spine, which consists of 12 vertebrae. Between the vertebral bodies are the fibrous rings of the cartilaginous plates of the intervertebral discs. Along the edges there are openings from which nerve bundles emerge, which extend to the intercostal arches.

With MRI, it is possible to determine the anatomical cause of the innervation disorder, both of the striated muscles and of the chest organs located in the upper body, topographically near the spine. The impact of the magnetic field on the human body remains harmless even with multiple studies.

Service price, rub. Share price, rub. Recording
MRI of the cervical spine 5000 rub. 3400 rub.
MRI of the thoracic spine 5000 rub. 1500 rub.
MRI of the lumbosacral spine (L1-S1) 5000 rub. 3400 rub.
MRI of the sacral spine and sacroiliac joints 5000 rub. 3500 rub.
MRI of the coccyx 4000 rub. 3600 rub.
MRI of the lumbar + thoracic spine 10000 rub. 5200 rub.
MRI of the cervical + thoracic spine 10000 rub. 5200 rub.
MRI of the cervical + thoracic + lumbar spine (3 spine sections) 13000 rub. 7900 rub.
MRI of the entire spine (S1-S5 and sacroiliac joints) (4 sections of the spine) 16000 rub. 10000 rub.

MRI of the thoracic spine in the "MDC on Vernadsky"

In our medical and diagnostic Center on Vernadsky, MRI examinations of the thoracic spine are performed at prices not higher than the average prices in Moscow. We use the latest equipment in combination with the most comfortable conditions for patients. Our MRI machine, which examines the thoracic spine, has a power of 1.5 Tesla. This is the best option, the use of lower power does not guarantee high quality images. When using a device of greater power due to sharpening, the boundaries in the image are also blurred.

The advantages of MRI in our Diagnostic and Treatment Center lie not only in the use of modern diagnostic equipment, but also in the fact that the patient, having undergone a study of the thoracic spine, has the opportunity to see a neurologist on the same day. At the doctor's appointment, the patient will receive a competent consultation, after which he will be offered a course of treatment. If necessary, the patient can be hospitalized in a specialized department. If such a need does not arise, the subject can contact us after some time and receive the results of an MRI examination of the thoracic spine, since all data is stored in our computer database.

What does an examination of the thoracic spine show?

With the help of MRI of the thoracic spine, the presence of the following pathological conditions and diseases is detected:

  • anomalies in the development of the skeletal system - vertebrae;
  • thoracic osteochondrosis;
  • herniated intervertebral discs, including in the early stages - prolapse of the intervertebral nucleus pulposus;
  • tumors of the spinal cord, spinal canal, cartilage tissue;
  • MRI of signs of deformation and narrowing of the canal of the thoracic spine;
  • amyotrophic lateral sclerosis;
  • hemorrhages in the tissues of the spinal cord;
  • traumatic injuries of the vertebrae;
  • anatomical causes of infringement of the roots of the spinal cord and intercostal neuralgia.

In some cases, MRI of the thoracic spine reveals the cause of neurocirculatory dystonia, which is manifested by changes in blood pressure due to spasms of blood vessels that feed the spinal cord. For this purpose, MRI angiography of the thoracic spine is performed.

Indications for MRI of the thoracic spine

In order to determine the causes of neurological disorders, the doctor prescribes an MRI of the thoracic spine for the following complaints and symptoms:

  • stiffness of the muscles of the chest;
  • the appearance of back pain along the spine;
  • numbness, sensations of "goosebumps" in the chest and back;
  • the appearance of acute pain by the type of lumbago;
  • aching pains in the region of the spinal column and costal arches;
  • heart pains that do not disappear after taking heart medications;
  • sensory disturbances in the back and chest;
  • pain after a spinal injury.

An MRI of the thoracic spine is also done before surgery on the vertebrae. The study is also necessary to monitor the effectiveness of the use of drugs.

Contraindications for MRI examination

Contraindications for MRI of the thoracic spine are factors that prevent obtaining informative results. Image distortion can be caused by serious interference. The following factors contribute to the violation of the process of reflection of waves of the electromagnetic field:

  • ferromagnetic or electronic implants embedded in the middle ear;
  • metal plates used for osteosynthesis;
  • Ilizarov devices and their modifications;
  • vascular stents, including coronary arteries;
  • patient weight exceeding 130 kilograms.

Magnetic resonance imaging is strictly prohibited if the patient has a pacemaker. Exposure to electromagnetic radiation disables the device, which leads to cardiac arrest and ends in clinical death.

The MRI procedure is limited in the following conditions:

  • claustrophobia;
  • pregnancy;
  • epilepsy;
  • coma;
  • lesions of the nervous system, which are accompanied by involuntary movements of the upper or lower extremities.

Dental implants and crowns are not contraindications to the procedure.

Where to get an MRI of the thoracic spine in Moscow?

In Moscow, you can do an MRI of the thoracic spine at our Diagnostic and Treatment Center on Vernadsky. You will be able to undergo the procedure and receive qualified medical care on the same day without leaving the Center building!

Any physical activity of the human body, including normal walking, falls primarily on the spine, which is why it is subject to injury, wear and disease. Early diagnosis of spinal injuries plays an important role, one of the most informative procedures in this case is MRI of the thoracic spine.

Why is a chest MRI necessary?

The thoracic spine is a rigid frame that includes the ribs, sternum and 12 vertebrae. Note that the vertebrae of this section of the spine are relatively safe, they are less likely to be injured, since their movements among themselves are minimal. Despite this, patients often complain of pain in this particular part of the back. Pathologies in this case are most often caused by a metabolic disorder in the human body, which negatively affects the nutrition of the intervertebral discs. Lifting heavy objects can also cause injury to this part of the back.

MRI of the thoracic spine can detect prerequisites for the development of other chronic diseases of the spinal column. In addition, this type of diagnosis will show the causes of pain in the pancreas, heart, liver, stomach or kidneys.

To whom is the procedure assigned?

More often, this type of diagnosis is assigned by a narrow specialist, but anyone can undergo a scan on their own initiative. Among the main indications are pain and injuries.


  1. It is prescribed for traumatic injuries of the thoracic region, including fractures or any damage to the spinal cord.
  2. It is carried out for the diagnosis of osteochondrosis in this part of the spine.
  3. It is used for patients with congenital anomalies in the development of the spine.
  4. Only an MRI of the thoracic spine will reliably show demyelinating diseases of the nervous system, including encephalomyelitis, as well as.
  5. It is used to detect tumor-like formations, as well as secondary metastases that have penetrated into the thoracic region from neighboring organs.
  6. It is prescribed if there is a suspicion of this part of the back.
  7. Applicable for detecting foci of infection in the spine, for example, for diagnosing a spinal cord abscess.
  8. Magnetic tomography is also indispensable for any circulatory disorders, anomalies in the development of the vascular system.
  9. It is prescribed for inflammatory processes in the thoracic region.
  10. Used as part of a comprehensive diagnosis for patients with or with spondylitis.
  11. Doctors recommend the procedure to anyone who experiences pain, discomfort, squeezing sensations in the thoracic region, as well as tingling in the legs.
  12. MRI of the thoracic spine will show.
  13. It is used before and after surgical interventions on the spine.


  1. Metal parts on the patient's body - prostheses, implants, clips of cerebral vessels. During the procedure, such elements can become very hot, which will cause injury to soft tissues and burns.
  2. Presence of pacemakers, nerve stimulators, insulin pumps. They can fail under the influence of a magnetic field.
  3. MRI of the thoracic spine, like any other organ, is not recommended for patients who suffer from claustrophobia.
  4. Direct contraindication - that is, a condition in which the patient is not able to control the movements of his body.
  5. The procedure is not applicable for seriously ill people who are on the hardware.
  6. Scanning with contrast is contraindicated for those who have, as well as for those who are allergic to this substance.
  7. Scanning in early pregnancy is not recommended.

MRI preparation with and without contrast

Most often, scanning is performed on an outpatient basis, in rare cases - stationary. Preparation for the procedure includes taking the necessary precautions. Before entering the office, you must remove all items and jewelry that may contain metal. Also, those who have tattoos in the examined area should be approached with caution, as the paint may contain metal particles.

When applying contrast, it is important to scan on an empty stomach, you must refuse food and drink at least five hours before the MRI. If contrast is not applied, fasting is not required. Do not forget to warn the diagnostician about chronic diseases, possible pregnancy, allergic reactions, or fear of closed spaces. Please note that the introduction of a contrast agent is prohibited for pregnant women, as well as for people with diseased kidneys. The procedure is not prohibited for children, but can only be used when the child can remain still, in other cases, the use of sedatives is allowed.

How is the scan going?

  1. The patient is asked to remove watches, jewelry, clothes, except for underwear. Sometimes disposable medical clothes are issued.
  2. The patient is asked to take a comfortable position on the table of the apparatus, the limbs and head are fixed with straps that prevent accidental movements.
  3. An MRI of the thoracic spine is performed in a supine position.
  4. A table with a patient is pushed into the tunnel of the closed-type tomograph. If the device is open type, then the tomography device is installed exactly above the scanned area.
  5. During the procedure, the patient must lie still, usually scanning does not take more than an hour when using contrast, and no more than half an hour without it.
  6. During the procedure, you can keep in touch with the doctor, although he is in the next room. For communication, a microphone is used, it is installed directly in the camera of the device.
  7. The examination process is accompanied by the rotation of the tomograph ring, while the device makes a slight noise, if it tires you a lot, you can use earplugs.
  8. During the procedure, the patient does not feel anything, there will be no discomfort or pain in the area under study.
  9. Rest after the scan is not required, you can wait for the decoding of the results and go home. The procedure does not require any dietary or daily routine restrictions.

The use of a contrast agent

Note that scanning with contrast is not only longer, but also more complex, and deciphering its results will also take more time. A special contrast agent is needed when it is required to accurately define the boundaries of inflammation or tumor. The drug is administered intravenously, passing through the vessels and tinting them, it accumulates in large quantities precisely in the focus of the pathology. That is why the visualization with contrast applied is much stronger than without it.

Note that unlike the iodine solution used in the CT method, the MRI contrast is based on gadolinium. This medical substance is more easily tolerated by the body, almost does not cause allergies and side effects. Despite this, when preparing for such a scan, it is necessary to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the drug.

Deciphering the results of the study

The doctor's opinion is issued to the patient an hour after the procedure, in difficult cases it can be prepared only the next day. Pictures and their description of the patient must provide the attending physician. If tumors of various kinds were detected during the scan, then the patient is recommended to visit a neurosurgeon, as well. If the MRI results show that the patient has serious pathologies of the spinal cord or spine, then you should contact. If there is pinching of the vertebrae or trauma - to the vertebrologist and traumatologist. If there are indications for surgical intervention, then a consultation with a neurosurgeon is necessary.

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