How to do a back massage. How to do the right therapeutic back massage at home? Upper back and neck massage

Massage is one of the most effective means in combating stress, body fatigue, muscle pain and other diseases. Back massage at home is an excellent way of therapeutic and preventive measures for various diseases of the spine.

In order to do it, it is not at all necessary to be a professional massage therapist, or attend expensive sessions in beauty salons. If you follow all the rules, repeat the technique and follow the basic recommendations, it will become very easy to perform the procedure at home.

You can learn the art of massage in a few days, and you can use your relatives and close friends as a “training ground”.

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The art of massage

The posture of the person who is going to be massaged plays a key role in this procedure. To make it not only pleasant, but also useful for the body, it is necessary to relax all the muscles.

Back massage at home

For a session at home, it is recommended to use two most suitable poses:

  1. The person lies face down, arms are relaxed and extended along the body, the head is turned to one side, often in the direction of the massage therapist. The surface on which the person is standing must be firm and support the spine parallel to the table. The muscles of the whole body must be relaxed as much as possible.
  2. A person sits on a chair back to front, put his hands on the back. For convenience, you can put a pillow on the back of the chair and tilt your head to the side. In this pose, it is important to keep your back straight, while relaxing all the muscles of the body.

How to stretch your back before starting a massage? All the techniques that will be described below must be carried out exactly in the sequence in which they are presented. It is extremely important to understand that if the technique is not followed, muscles will be damaged and the pain after the procedure will intensify. No need to make unnecessary movements, just follow the recommendations, and then the session will bring maximum benefit and enjoyment.


  1. Linear smoothing. With relaxed palms, you need to make several stroking movements. Try to avoid pressure - movements should be smooth and light.
  2. Trituration. Rub your palms on the surface of your back, using up and down movements or in a circle.
  3. Warming up the surface of the back. “Saw” the massaged surface and sides with the edge of the palm, using horizontal and vertical movements.

How to do a back massage

Do 2-3 reps for each set.

Execution technique

Classic back massage starts and ends soft strokes. They, in turn, are one of the components of the movements:

  • strokes- soft smooth movements, which are recommended to be performed in different directions from the spine. So you need to process the entire surface of the back from the shoulders to the waist. So is a light massage.
  • Squeezing- unlike stroking, this technique is deeper. It is able to act not only on the skin, but also on the deeper layers. For the best effect, it is recommended to do the squeeze with two palms superimposed on each other.
  • Trituration- the stage that completes the preparatory procedures. Reception is performed with a shift of the skin in the direction from the sacrum to the neck and vice versa. Run 3-5 times.
  • kneading- as in previous cases, it is recommended to perform movements with two palms crossed with each other. Movements begin with the processing of long muscles.

After all the movements are carried out, you can end the session and do a relaxing back massage. It can include vibration, tingling of the skin and tapping the surface of the back with the fingertips. A classic back massage usually takes no more than 20-25 minutes.

Attention! The technique of performing a back massage at home is quite simple. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and follow the sequence of the procedure.

Back and neck massage

How to do a back and neck massage? How to perform the procedure in the classical and relaxing technique was described above.

Is the technique different from neck massage? Of course yes. First of all, massaging the neck and collar area is actively used in the treatment various neuralgic diseases.

Also, with the help of correctly performed manipulations, you can remove the spasm from the “numb” muscles of the neck and “disperse the salts” in the shoulders.

This procedure it is recommended to perform in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, circulatory disorders, postoperative rehabilitation, etc. Neck massage is also an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis in adults and children. The technique of performing and carrying out the procedure is in many ways similar to a classic back massage. Massaging the neck can be performed both lying on the stomach and in a sitting position, leaning on the back of a chair.

Neck massage basics for beginners at home include several stages:

  • stroking the neck and shoulders;
  • trituration;
  • kneading salts;
  • tingling, vibration, popping and jarring.

Rubbing movements can be performed not only with the palms, but also with the pads or phalanges of the fingers. Light pressure massages will help get rid of pain in the shoulders and in the collarbone area.

Important! All movements should be smooth and soft, and not cause pain!

Spinal massage

Spinal massage can relieve stress from muscle fibers. With the help of this procedure, you can not only relax the whole body, but also relieve accumulated stress.

And most importantly, this procedure can be performed at home, if you learn a simple technique.

Massage of the spine allows you to eliminate pain, relaxes muscles, increases the tone of muscle tissue, normalizes blood circulation, increases metabolism and charges with positive emotions.

Back massage at home, part of which is massaging the spine, carried out according to general guidelines. The patient needs to lie on his stomach, relax as much as possible, hands are parallel to the body, palms up, back is even. The first movements should be soft and smooth, and pressure on the spine should be gentle.

Important! When performing the procedure at home, avoid excessive pressure and light blows to the kidneys and heart!

Massage movements are recommended to be carried out with the edge of the palm, while the movements can be completely different - from circular to linear, from vertical to horizontal. Circular movements are performed with pads or bent phalanges of the fingers.

Lumbar massage

How to do a back massage? The main thing for this procedure is to perform the correct movements. And if they are carried out at home, then how to understand that the manipulations are correct? It's simple - in response to any action, the muscles of the lower back and back will relax and re-energise. Usually, in order to relieve pain from the lumbar region, it is recommended to conduct at least 4-5 sessions in a row. In this case, it is advisable not to change the technique and perform the same movements.

Back massage for scoliosis

Massage for beginners is based on the same principles as with the classical scheme:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • kneading;
  • shaking or vibration.

If there is pain in the lower back, it is recommended add load. To do this, you can slightly increase the pressure in this area with the help of the hands clenched into a fist. Such manipulations perfectly disperse the blood, normalize muscle tone and relieve pain.

A light back massage at home is carried out at any time, but it is better to do it in the evening before bed when the muscles of the body are as relaxed as possible, and the body is preparing for rest. The basics of treatment procedures are quite simple if you learn the technique. Massaging movements are almost identical for different parts of the back - lower back, neck, spine. Experts recommend using special massage oils for maximum effect.

Video: Massage for scoliosis at home

How to do a back massage without going to professional massage therapists? Watch video tutorials, practice on your family members and loved ones, and after a few sessions you will be able to master the detailed massage technique, both classical and therapeutic or relaxing.

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After a long working week, everyone wants to relax, unwind and just get positive emotions.

After all, constant stressful situations, stress at work and other factors have a negative impact on health. The best way to do this is a classic back massage.

A properly conducted session allows not only to relax and relieve tension from the muscles, but also to prevent the occurrence of back diseases, which people of different ages often suffer from.

The procedure can be performed not only in a specialized salon, but also at home.

This will require additional preparation, the presence of emollient creams and experience (or just an understanding of how to properly massage the back) from the person who will perform the procedure.

So, we are learning how to do a classic back massage. Experts do not recommend exerting a point effect on the area of ​​​​the vertebrae, since there is a possibility of causing pain to a person or infringing on a nerve.

Areas of muscles located along the spine are massaged. In the area of ​​​​the kidneys, you should not carry out patting movements. A simple massage with the palm or fingers is enough.

The rules are simple, but you need to know them:

  • The procedure must be performed with clean hands. All massaging movements should be performed with hands moistened with cream or special oil. Also, at the end of the session, you will also need disposable towels to wipe your back.
  • The action starts from the area of ​​the sacrum, gradually moving up to the area of ​​the shoulders and the collar zone.
  • All initial movements should be progressive and gentle. Circular movements, patting and tingling are allowed. By the end of the procedure, you can increase the force of pressure and pressure.
The neck and shoulders of a person experience a constant heavy load, so it is recommended to pay more attention to these areas.

If the person to whom you are conducting a session asks you to pay additional attention to certain areas, you should definitely take this into account, because he knows best where he has pain.

Experienced massage therapists are also guided by their own observations, formed over many years of work. Often these observations can be classified as specific advice, so they are applied after establishing the general condition of a person.

How often to do a back massage? The answer to this question is usually standard. It is recommended to do 8-10 sessions, lasting 40 minutes daily. Or the next day, if possible.

The main thing is to get a tight and intensive course. If you stretch it for weeks and months, the effect will not be so strong.

However, depending on the state of the human body, the course may vary up or down. All according to the recommendation of a massage therapist or attending physician.

We also give the basic rules that should become a kind of bible for you:

  1. Massage actions should be directed in the direction of the lymph nodes and their clusters. You should not touch the nodes themselves in order to save a person from pain.
  2. Try to lay the person down so that their body is completely relaxed.
  3. If the patient complains of pain, the pressure of the hands on the back should be reduced. There are cases when a person has a low pain threshold, so the massage procedure should be suspended.
  4. Following the correct pace and rhythm of massage allows you to carry out the procedure as efficiently as possible. It is advisable to alternate the active and passive phase, since active actions excite the human nervous system, and passive actions reduce it.
  5. Weak and strong techniques should alternate in equal proportions.
  6. The use of special creams and ointments to soften the hands and skin of the back can be abandoned if the person himself expresses this desire and does not feel pain. This procedure is considered the most effective.
  7. The patient's back must be bare.

There are not so many rules, but a clear guide to them allows you to notice positive changes even after the first back massage session.

Indications and contraindications

Undoubtedly, it is useful for everyone. But there is a certain group of people for whom it is mandatory! So, what factors require the obligatory massage procedure:

Contraindications to massage can only be if a person has open wounds, rupture of muscles or tendons, periostitis or thrombosis.

The benefits and harms of back massage

Massage is not only a pleasant procedure, but also an opportunity to get rid of serious back diseases.

During the session, the lymph flow improves, the blood begins to be better carried through the veins, nourishing the human brain with the necessary substances.

An additional benefit lies in the fact that the impact of the masseur's hands on the skin allows you to remove the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis, which is replaced by "new" skin. Any stagnation that exists in our body is eliminated.

Benefits for the nervous system

Healing actions have a positive effect on the general condition of the human nervous system. The receptors in the skin are irritated, which relieves the overall tension. Positive impulses spread throughout the nervous system and are recorded in the cerebral cortex.

Some specialists have experience in which all actions allow you to influence different parts of the back.

It has been proven that regular massage sessions allow you to fill the blood with useful substances and vitamins, so a person begins to feel completely different.

The classic back massage also has an undeniable positive effect on the general condition of the respiratory system.

The tension of the respiratory muscles becomes lower, so it is much easier for a person to breathe. Do not forget that it has a beneficial effect on the metabolism in the body.

If the massage therapist does not have enough experience to conduct a session, this should be abandoned, since it is possible to aggravate the condition of the disease and cause an acute attack.

Preparation for the procedure

Proper massage requires the patient to take the appropriate posture. This allows all groups of the spinal muscles to relax and receive a healing effect.

  • Lying position. Massaged is placed on a dense flat surface with arms extended along the body. The palms are placed with the inner side up. The head is turned to the side for better breathing.
  • In a sitting position. Massaged sits on a chair and always facing the back. Hands are placed on the back and the head rests on them. To do this, put a small soft pillow in advance.
Preparation for the procedure is an important stage, on the correctness of which the entire effectiveness of the procedure depends.

Several sessions can be a good preparation for our procedure. They will help the muscles of your body get used to the masseur's hands a little and will be ready for harder tricks.

How to do a back massage?

Classical back massage is perhaps the most popular. It is divided into several main stages, each of which should be mandatory!

The technique of classical massage should be observed very carefully. So, how to do a back massage?

  1. Preparatory stage. Massaged is placed on the surface. The hands are warmed up and moistened, after which a light massaging of the surface of the back begins.
  2. Stroking stage. Stroking begins with the sacral zone. The first movements are necessarily soft, and as the back warms up, they should increase. Gradually move from the coccyx to the collar area.
  3. Stretching stage. Tingling should be moderately strong so that the patient does not have pain. This stage is actively combined with patting and kneading the skin in order to maximize the impact on the back muscles.
  4. The ending. The end occurs under the influence of light pressure and stroking. Be sure to rest for a while in a supine position.

Massage on different areas of the back

Massage of the collar zone begins with light strokes. All rubbing actions should be directed from the spinal column to the edges of the neck, which allows you to normalize the process of blood flow.

Below is a training video film about the correct technique for performing a classic back massage. Very helpful video, check it out.

Over time, the pressure on the muscle mass can be increased, but do not forget to monitor the patient's condition.

Next, the trapezius muscles are kneaded with fingers, which most often hurt after serious exertion. The active phase of the massage should continue on the neck and shoulders. The time for manipulations with this zone is 15 minutes, but sometimes this time can be reduced at the request of the patient.

The same applies to the lumbar region. In no case do not do acupressure of the spinal column, which can lead to infringement of nerve endings.

Massage for men and women is performed taking into account physiological characteristics.

For example, a man's back can withstand much more stress and pressure that occurs during the procedure.

The preparatory stage of the massage is no different. The only thing is that during women's back massage, special attention is paid to the hips and kidneys, since it is this area that is prone to excess weight and pain.


Massage is a healing and really useful procedure that is prescribed for people in need with back diseases. In addition, the session can be taken by those who want to prevent the occurrence of diseases in the future.

Now you can carry out the procedure yourself and tell your friends how to do a therapeutic back massage, what is the classic massage technique.

Now there is a lot of available information both on the Internet and in printed sources (books, magazines, manuals) on store shelves, and even a video teaching the right back massage. It is not difficult to learn this manipulation. But it is important to study in detail all the information and anatomy of the human body, at least its basics. This information can be mastered even by a person who does not have a medical education. The main thing is to understand the first principle of any medical manipulation - "do no harm." Of course, the ideal option is if you are taught the classic techniques by a specialist.

Do therapeutic massage at home possible only after the permission of the doctor, because for some diseases of the back, massage is contraindicated, especially in the acute period. Therefore, it is important to know not only how to do therapeutic massage, but also when it can be done. In addition, it is important to navigate the anatomical formations of the back, and understand their relationship with each other.

What is a back?

The back is the back side of the body, located from the lower part of the neck to the border between the lower back and the sacrum. The back is formed by the spine with the back sections of the ribs and soft tissues located on these formations. A groove is defined in its center, in which you can see the ridge and vertebrae. Limit the back on both sides of the muscles passing along the back. The spinal muscles are represented by five layers of muscles. It maintains the torso in an upright position and active movements of the spine, raising and lowering the ribs, movements of the shoulders and arms.

Lymph from the vessels of the back is collected by the axillary and inguinal lymph nodes.

Basic techniques of classical therapeutic massage

To understand how to do it right, you must first master the basic massage techniques - these are stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration.

Stroking is the sliding of a massaging hand over the skin with different pressure forces, while the skin folds do not move. There are several types of stroking, the main ones are: flat and encircling, and there are also tongs, comb-like, rake-like and ironing. The main effect of stroking is to improve skin respiration.

Rubbing is the movement of a massaging hand that shifts and stretches the skin in various directions. It can be straight, circular and spiral, and there are also auxiliary types of grinding such as "sawing", "crossing", "hatching" and others. Rubbing improves blood and lymph circulation in the massaged tissues.

Kneading, in which the massaged area is first fixed, squeezed, compressed and rolled out. This movement improves the contractile function of the back muscles, stretches shortened fasciae and aponeuroses, relieves muscle tension and increases efficiency.

Vibration, in which the massaging hand transmits oscillatory movements to the body of the person being massaged. Vibration can be continuous and intermittent, labile and stable.

How to do a therapeutic back massage?

The person being massaged lies on his stomach with his arms slightly bent at the elbows and located along the torso. Pillows or rollers are placed under the chest, stomach and forehead of the patient.

Massage begins with superficial stroking, planar, deep and embracing. All movements are made with two hands. The direction of movements from the bottom up to the supraclavicular fossae, then from the iliac crests to the armpits.

Both hands actively perform kneading: ascending and descending, longitudinal and transverse. And again stroking. It is important to note that stroking is performed after each type of kneading to achieve complete relaxation of the back muscles before performing the next massage. When performing kneading, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart and kidneys is spared.

And the final technique is vibration. When massaging the back, chopping, tapping, patting, intermittent and point vibration are used. Moreover, in the interscapular region, vibration, reducing the force of impact.

Finish the massage with a superficial stroking.

For the best effect, massage is performed with special creams and oils that have a warming and tonic effect. In the hot season, you can use talc.

In ancient times, many healers knew about the benefits of massage. Over time, many methods have emerged to achieve this. In the modern world, massage is the official therapeutic prophylaxis against many diseases and pathologies. To get the desired result, you can contact a specialist or perform the manipulations yourself. How to learn to do back massage? Further in the article we will talk about the rules for its implementation.

Who needs a massage?

Carrying out such a procedure is useful for those people who:

  • have a sedentary job or spend their free time in front of a computer;
  • experiencing regular increased stress on the back;
  • are undergoing rehabilitation after a back injury or osteochondrosis;
  • experiencing persistent headaches
  • have chronic fatigue and sleep poorly at night;
  • feel stiffness of the back muscles during the day.

How to learn to do back massage? If a person has not previously encountered such procedures, then it is best for him to observe the actions of a professional. After all, then it will be clear to the beginner with what force to act on the back and what actions to perform.

Each session must be started and carried out correctly. Therefore, initially it is necessary to know the features of classic home massage.

The benefits of massage

Everyone can learn to carry out such a procedure correctly. Therapeutic massage done at home will only benefit the body. It refers to an effective way to improve the work of certain organs. There are the following massage abilities:

  • improvement of blood circulation and work of the heart, blood vessels;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes in tissues, which leads to regeneration and rejuvenation;
  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • oxygen exchange is activated;
  • improves metabolism.

Massage helps to reduce headaches and swelling, improves blood and lymph circulation in the body. The procedure has its own characteristics, so it should be carried out accordingly.

How to do healing It only brings benefits if it is carried out effectively. After the massage, the back muscles relax, additional capillaries open, the firmness and elasticity of the skin improves.

During procedures aimed at the lumbar spine, there is not only a relaxing effect, but also a healing one.

The basic principles of massage include sliding the hands over the back in the direction of the blood flow, while avoiding the location of the lymph nodes.

How to prepare for a massage

Before the procedure, you need to do a little preparation. In order for the skin to perceive the massage well, peeling is needed. Before the procedure you need to take a shower. Aromatherapy has a good effect on the body, allows you to relax and cheer up.

For a massage you will need:

  • towel;
  • disposable underwear and bathrobe;
  • oil and cream that does not cause allergies;
  • aroma sticks.

Many professional massage therapists use essential oils. Women's scents include rose, patchouli and palmarosa. For men, sandalwood essential oil is used. Be sure to use those products that do not cause allergies.

Rules for performing the procedure

How to learn to do back massage? It includes the following rules:

  1. Massage is performed in a supine position on a hard surface. It is convenient if it is a special couch. A clean cotton sheet should be laid on the surface where the massage is performed.
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly before the procedure. You should use not only soap, but also a disinfectant. Acne may be present on the patient's body, which are injured during the procedure.
  3. Special oils are used to improve glide. If the massage is therapeutic, then healing creams are used.
  4. After the procedure, the patient needs warmth and rest. You need to cover yourself with a blanket and lie down in a relaxed position for at least 15 minutes.

Only after that you can get up and do the usual household chores.

Classic massage

Start the procedure with a simple technique. How to learn to do back massage? This procedure is best done with pain in the back, which occurs due to overstrain of the back muscles, with chronic fatigue and headaches.

With regular massage, you can relieve tension from the back, improve blood circulation and prevent the development of osteochondrosis in people with a sedentary lifestyle. The procedure has some subtleties.

How to do a back massage? A photo on this topic is presented in this material. The classic technique is as follows:

  1. Initially, they perform stroking actions. The session starts and ends with them. Stroking accelerates blood flow, warms up muscles and prepares the body for further procedures. Manipulations are carried out along the spine, and then from it in different directions in the form of a Christmas tree. At first, the actions are light, then their intensity and pressure increase.
  2. Rubbing is performed from the sides to the spine and back. Manipulations are done with the edge of the palm, but the pressure should not be strong so as not to cause pain. You need to rub until the back is completely warmed up. Redness of the skin means that the massage is carried out correctly.
  3. The most intense part is the kneading. This is done with two hands, you need to grab a thin fold near the spine and move it to the side. Each half of the back is treated separately. The duration of the manipulation is 10-15 minutes.
  4. Claps are made with palms bent in the form of a spoon. They are carried out only on the muscles, excluding the spine, kidneys and shoulders. You need to move your hands sharply, but so that the massage does not cause pain.
  5. Then vibrating manipulations are carried out from the back of the head to the spine. They should not bring pain to the patient.
  6. It is necessary to finish the massage with stroking actions. This is done at first intensively, then the pace slows down. After the end of the massage, the patient should lie down under the covers for 15 minutes.

How to learn to do back massage at home? Having mastered, a person can easily do this. If stiffness in the back is observed after sleep, then the massage is done in the morning. And when pain appears in the evening, then before going to bed.


Such manipulations are carried out carefully, they are done after the removal of an exacerbation attack. How to do a therapeutic back massage? It is carried out in the absence of contraindications and problems with the musculoskeletal system.

The procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Manipulations are carried out on a hard surface.
  2. Hands are thoroughly washed and warmed.
  3. Massage is carried out using oil or cream.
  4. The process begins with light impacts. Movements are directed from the shoulders towards the waist. Sliding should be intense, but at the same time soft. When massaging the thoracic region, special efforts should not be made.
  5. The ribs of the palms are carried out along the spinal column, with little effort when smoothing the shoulder region.
  6. Then they move their hands to their sides and carry out exciting tricks from the bottom and up.
  7. In a circular motion, knead the shoulder area, without making much effort.
  8. When the whole back is stretched, they move on to deeper effects. They move from bottom to top, grabbing skin folds with their fingers. Such manipulations are carried out on each side of the back separately.
  9. The time of massage of the cervical spine should be increased, because it is this part of the back that suffers during sedentary work.
  10. The procedure ends with light patting of the fingertips on the back.

Manipulations are carried out within an hour, observing the necessary rules and recommendations.

How to do a back massage for a man?

Any person will not refuse such a procedure, both a woman and a man.

How to learn to give a back massage to a guy? The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. Before the massage create a pleasant environment. They light an aroma lamp with such aromas: sandalwood, jasmine, orange.
  2. Massage is carried out on a hard surface. Wash your hands first. For manipulation, a cream or ointment is used.
  3. Start from the waist, gradually rising up. This will relieve pain.
  4. Then you need to go to the back of the head, stretch the upper part of the shoulders. You should work not with your fingers, but with the whole palm.
  5. Finish the procedure with stroking movements.

It is not difficult to learn how to do a back massage for a man, you just need to master the correct manipulations. It is held for half an hour, usually at night.

Baby massage technique

The child also needs similar manipulations. Back massage for children includes the following steps:

  1. Initially, strokes are made from the bottom up for each side of the back separately.
  2. Gently press with a fist, avoiding the spine.
  3. The following manipulations are stroking.
  4. Then tapping and tingling with fingers are carried out.
  5. The massage ends with light strokes.

By conducting massage, adults bring great benefits to the child's body.

Woman back massage

Manipulations are no different from those that men do. There are several features of massage for women:

  • The procedure is individual for each woman, especially during the menstrual cycle. Some do not tolerate back massage during this period.
  • If the discharge is not intense, then the manipulations will not be dangerous. The massage and its duration will depend on this.
  • During pregnancy, a woman should not abuse the procedure, especially in the first trimester. Massaging areas such as the sacrum or coccyx can lead to spontaneous miscarriage.

Therefore, before giving a back massage to a woman, it should be clarified if there are any restrictions for its implementation.

Massage contraindications

Like any procedure, massage has its limitations. These include:

  • high body temperature;
  • state of alcoholic or drug intoxication;
  • diseases of the kidneys, heart and liver;
  • low or high blood pressure;
  • allergic reactions;
  • oncological diseases.

How often should an adult have a back massage? Manipulations can be carried out continuously if a person does not have the above health problems.


Back massage at home is a useful procedure aimed at preventing many conditions in the body. Proper manipulation will be beneficial for the health of not only adults, but also children.

The lower back is the part of the back that is under the most stress every day. She has to bear the weight of most of her body every day. And due to the low mobility of a person (and often the lack of even preventive back training), the lower back can often suffer from a number of pathologies. At a minimum, with an incorrectly dosed load on it or a sedentary lifestyle, a person may feel pain in this area. Massage is a great way to prevent a number of diseases. It also helps to eliminate pain in some cases, relax muscles and ligaments, and you can do it at home. How to do a lower back massage if there is no time to go to massage rooms?

The amazing properties of various massage techniques have been used to relax and alleviate the condition of the back for thousands of years. Massages were especially valued and continue to be valued by Chinese healers - big fans of natural methods of treatment. Now massage techniques are familiar to many and have spread all over the world - now every self-respecting salon or honey. The center has a good experienced massage therapist on staff.

The benefits of massage are obvious:

  • it will help to relax the whole body completely after work;
  • relieves stress and provides relaxation, improves mood, restores peace of mind.

Body massage oil

However, massages, first of all, are useful from the point of view of medicine, since:

  • improve heart function;
  • stimulate blood flow;
  • improve the condition of the back muscles;
  • help improve the condition of the spine;
  • stimulate material metabolism, improve the speed and quality of the supply of nutrients to the tissues of the back;
  • improve the condition of the skin, make it more elastic and elastic;
  • eliminate pain, relieve tension;
  • normalize blood pressure.

On a note! As a rule, it lasts only 30-40 minutes, but during this time you can really have a beneficial effect on the body. If you do massage regularly, then you can completely forget about pain and strain in the back.

Indications and contraindications

Massage is recognized by doctors as a therapeutic and prophylactic remedy against a number of diseases. Indications for its implementation in the lumbar region may be:

Prices for traditional medicine for back pain

However, in some cases, massage can be harmful. It cannot be done when:

  • oncological diseases;
  • serious problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • internal bleeding;
  • the first weeks of pregnancy;
  • high temperature;
  • skin diseases.

Important! In no case is a massage session performed on a person who is intoxicated or under the influence of drugs. With a pronounced pain syndrome, only an experienced specialist should conduct a session.

Techniques and types of massages

Massage is not just stroking the skin. All movements of the massage therapist must be carried out according to a certain technique, which will have a special effect on the body.

Table. Some massage techniques

Massage techniqueHolding

Any massage session begins with this technique. Stroking is necessary to relax the body. They will prepare him for other, more intense techniques, warm up the skin and muscles. Performed with the hands of a massage therapist. They can be gentle and light or more intense.

They are performed from the spine to the surface of the sides and in the opposite direction. Help to eliminate muscle tension, relieve swelling.

Produced with palms folded in the shape of a spoon or open. The movements are springy, short, carried out only on the muscles. Improve blood flow and stimulate blood circulation.

They are made with two hands with the capture of small folds of skin. At the same time, the hands alternately move in the direction from the spine to the sides. The technique improves the functioning of blood vessels, helps to cleanse the body of toxins.

Performed with fingertips or ribs of the palms. Helps muscles relax and improves metabolism.

On a note! Any massage should be completed with soft and relaxing movements.

Types of massages

Now masseurs can use a variety of massages to improve the condition of the back. It can be healing, classical, Thai and many others. Each of them has its own characteristics and pursues certain goals.. However, complex massage techniques should not be tried on your own at home, as you can harm the body.

It is recommended for the prevention of a number of diseases, helps relieve fatigue and improves the condition of the body as a whole. The session usually lasts no more than 20-30 minutes. A person is laid on his stomach, and under it and in the area of ​​​​the ankle joint, it is recommended to place rollers from towels. The lower part of the body is usually covered with a blanket.

A classic massage begins with stroking with the palms (about 20 times), then you need to rub the skin well until a slight redness appears. Then the muscles are kneaded with a thorough study of both sides of the body. A series of palm pats are also performed, which in no case are performed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kidneys or bones. After that, the massaged area is subjected to vibrational movements - light tapping, chopping, tapping with your fingertips. Finishing the massage, you need to stroke the surface of the human body with your hands.

Attention! During a classic massage, a person should not experience discomfort! If there are any, this indicates an incorrect massage technique, and the session must be stopped.

It is carried out not for prevention, but for the solution of an already existing problem. This technique is prescribed only by a doctor - it is impossible to arbitrarily decide on such massage sessions. It must only be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Therapeutic massage is always done on a hard surface - you will need a couch or a bed with a thick mattress for it. The session begins with light preparatory movements, and then more intense ones can be used.

On a note! All massage actions can be used on the entire back. But the lumbar region is the area from the lower rib to the buttocks.

Simple rules to follow

Massage, although it seems like a simple procedure, is actually quite complicated. And its effectiveness will largely depend on how and under what conditions it is carried out. Compliance with simple rules will make it as high quality as possible.

If you want to learn more about the step-by-step technique, as well as consider contraindications for massage, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Attention! Strong pressure on the spinal column should not be exerted in any case. All movements are performed along it.

Back massage at home

Step 1. The patient is already lying on the couch, which is covered with a clean towel. The masseur washed his hands beforehand. Next, he needs to apply a little massage oil on his hands and you can proceed to the procedure.

Step 2 It is necessary to perform a series of strokes. They are carried out across the spine with light alternate movements of the palms, then you can make several movements with the palms up and down along the spinal column. It is recommended to perform a series of circular movements.

Attention! Most massage movements in the lumbar region should be carried out downward, this is due to the orientation of the lymphatic channels in the body.

Step 3 The edge of the palm is used to rub the surface of the back along and across the spine, as well as diagonally.

Step 4 Next, you need to use kneading techniques, performing circular movements with greater intensity than when stroking. The whole palm is used, fingers are involved. The pressure should be moderate. The duration of kneading is about 2-5 minutes.

Step 5 It is required to make several shock movements with palms folded in the shape of a spoon. They cannot be performed along the spine, only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmuscle tissue.

Step 6 The next technique is muscle tightening. It is performed by touching the skin with the fingers.

Step 7 You can massage the spinal column with your thumbs. You need to act carefully, paying attention to each vertebra.

massage roller

If you want to know how to perform, as well as consider the types and features of cupping massage, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Video - Lumbar massage at home

Lumbar massage can have a beneficial effect not only on this part of the back, but also on a number of internal organs. The main thing is that it is done correctly. Otherwise, you can cause serious damage to your back.

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