Nutrition for the first blood group: preferred foods. Weight loss by blood type - the most correct diet Diet nutrition by blood type

Everyone has heard that each person has his own blood type, there are exactly four of them, each group has a positive and a negative Rh, everyone has heard. But not everyone knows that immunity, a tendency to specific diseases, the work of the digestive tract, that is, our blooming appearance and slender silhouette, may depend on this.

Losing weight interested? Then some theory.

For the first time, the connection between blood composition and nutrition was established by a doctor from America, Peter D'Adamo. Observing patients, he noticed the beneficial or harmful effects on health, as well as the metabolism of various products for people with different blood. And I guessed to connect this with the conditions of human life in the process of evolution. Initially, the blood type was the same for everyone - the first. And the diet of ancient man did not imply much diversity.

There is logic in this, but this diet has no evidence-based scientific basis. However, it is a fairly balanced diet and can be followed on a long-term basis.

Primitive hunters ate mostly meat, their body did not know any other food (milk, cereals), it was adapted to the digestion of meat. Later, farmers and cattle breeders appeared, whose diet was completely different. The second, third, fourth groups appeared successively. For carriers of each of them, a different diet (vegetable, dairy) has become optimal.

According to the theory of Dr. D'Adamo, it is most correct for modern people with a certain composition of blood to eat food that was relevant for their ancestors at the time of the appearance of this particular group. As a result, the same products were divided into useful, harmful or neutral for representatives of different groups. More about them below, but for now, consider the advantages or disadvantages of the proposed approach to nutrition. For it is difficult to call Dr. D'Adamo's system of views a diet in the classical sense.


We hasten to please - there are practically no contraindications! Unless individual intolerance to certain foods. But they can always be replaced by others - the choice is quite wide. In many "hard" diets (you will be interested to read about them -,) the list of substitutes is much shorter.

For some diseases, eating certain foods (recommended for you) can be harmful, and also not conducive to recovery, the absence of other (“bad” for you) nutrients. For example, with hypertension or heart disease, the amount of meat should be limited, even for people of group 1, where meat is the basis of the diet. On the contrary, in the case of anemia or protein deficiency, meat cannot be excluded, even if you are recommended dairy or plant foods.

In addition, the state of a person changes with age. For example, osteoporosis develops, in which calcium is needed. Therefore, even “meat-eaters” should not remove dairy dishes from the menu. Hence the conclusion - for diseases, age-related changes, following any diet - only after consulting a doctor! Especially important - those with kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes, coronary disease.

There is also no data on the benefits of any diet for children as well as adolescents. In fairness, it should be noted that a set of well-known healthy dietary products is recommended for representatives of each group.

Diet for 1 blood group (I)

I (or O according to the international classification), according to the theory of Dr. D'Adamo, belonged to hunters - the first people on Earth. It was formed about 30 thousand years ago. The basis of the diet of hunters was meat. It is assumed that the representatives of the rest descended from the first as a result of natural selection. Today, about a third of the world's population has the first.

According to the concept of nutrition by blood, all "descendants of hunters" are shown a high-protein diet with a predominance of animal protein. This is red lean meat (lamb or beef), seafood, sea fish (especially fatty varieties), liver, and other offal. Red meat is a source of protein, iron, vitamin B, and many seafood are also excellent sources of iodine, which regulates thyroid function.

Leafy vegetables should be chosen, as well as broccoli and artichokes. Oil is the best olive oil. Sprouted grains, walnuts, prunes, figs will become a source of microelements important in a protein diet. Dark red, blue and purple fruits tend to cause an alkaline reaction in the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, neutralize high acidity. They are allowed. Foods with gluten (rye, oats, wheat), dairy (especially fatty), eggs, cabbage / cauliflower, legumes, corn are contraindicated for hunters. All of them slow down metabolism, lead to weight gain.

Pickles that cause fermentation (for example, cabbage or apples), including juices from them, are also not suitable. The best drinks for hunters are rosehip broth or mint tea. In general, representatives of group I, as a rule, have a strong digestive tract, although they have gastritis due to the increased acidity of gastric juice.

But being conservatives in nutrition, unusual food is difficult to tolerate. They definitely need to combine the right diet with physical activity - without this, the diet will not bring results. A more complete list (allowed, neutral, prohibited) can be found in the table.

Table of products for the diet of the 1st group

Allowed Neutral Forbidden
Beef, lamb lamb, veal, venisonAny meat except prohibited speciesBacon, ham, goose, pork
Cod, herring, mackerelAny fish or seafood other than prohibitedMarinated herring, catfish, smoked salmon, caviar, octopus, scallops
Olive and linseed oilButter, Feta cheese, Mozzarella, goat or soy milk cheeseAll other dairy products and yoghurts
Pumpkin seeds and walnutsRapeseed oil, sesame oilCorn, peanut, cottonseed and safflower oils
spotted beanBarley, buckwheat, rice, barley, buckwheat flour, rye breadBrazil nuts, cashews, peanuts, pistachios, poppy seeds
Kale, greens, romaine lettuce, broccoli, spinachGrapefruit, most berriesLentils red and green
Artichoke, chicory, dandelion, garlic, horseradish, cabbage, leek, parsley, parsnip, red pepper, sweet, pumpkin, seaweed, turnipChocolate, honey, cocoaCorn, wheat (bulgur, durum, sprouted, white and other wheat, germ and bran), starch, oatmeal. Any food such as flour, bread and noodles
Plums, prunes, figsWineCabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mustard greens
Laminaria and seasonings based on it, iodized salt Alfalfa sprouts, shiitake mushrooms, fermented olives
Parsley, curry, cayenne pepper Solanaceae: eggplant, potatoes
Water and teas, including herbal Corn
Oranges, tangerines and strawberries, blackberries, rhubarb, melons
White and black pepper, vinegar, capers, cinnamon, corn starch, corn syrup, nutmeg, vanilla
Ketchup, pickles, mayonnaise
Beer, coffee, black tea

Diet for blood group 2 (II)

II (or A) was formed about 20 thousand years ago by our ancestors with the development of arable farming. The food of the farmers was mainly vegetable, so their "descendants" are more suitable for vegetarianism than others, those on earth - about 38%.

The basis of their diet should be cereals, vegetable oils, cereals (gluten-containing - limit!), Fruits (apricots, lemons, plums, figs, pineapples). Meat (especially red) is better to exclude altogether, but fish and seafood will benefit. Vegetables are vital for people of the 2nd group, providing minerals, enzymes, antioxidants. They can be eaten both raw and steamed, stewed.

Health problems and overweight among "farmers" are expected due to dairy food, which is poorly digested, slows down metabolism, products made from wheat flour (gluten protein, which is abundant in wheat, reduces the action of insulin), beans (hard to digest due to for high protein content). Tomatoes, potatoes, mushrooms, eggplants are not recommended, from fruits - melon, bananas, oranges and mangoes. It is better to refrain from orange juice, as well as black tea, any carbonated drinks.

In general, the digestive system of "farmers" is quite hardy - subject to proper nutrition. If you abuse meat and dairy products, there is a high risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. The right combination of spices will be a powerful helper for the immune system. The exceptions are those whose acids cause irritation of the gastric mucosa: vinegar, pepper. Condiments such as ketchup and mayonnaise should be avoided as group 2 individuals have elevated levels of stomach acid.

A more complete list of products (allowed, neutral, prohibited) for the diet can be found in the table.

Food table for blood type 2

Useful Neutral Forbidden
Carp, cod, sea bass, mackerel, red perch, rainbow trout, salmon, sardines, sea trout, silver perch, whitefish, yellow perchChicken meatBeef, pork, lamb, veal, venison, duck, goose
Linseed oil, olive oilYogurt, Mozzarella and Feta cheeses, goat cheese, goat milk, kefir, ricottaAnchovies, beluga, catfish, caviar, shells, crabs, crayfish, eel, flounder, hake, halibut, herring, lobsters, mussels, octopuses, oysters, scallops, shrimp, squid
Peanuts, pumpkin seedscod liver oilAll cheeses and milk, except neutral
spotted beanWhite beans, asparagus beansCorn, cottonseed, peanut, sunflower and sesame oils
Buckwheat, ryePearl barley, barley, rice, barley, oat and corn flakesBrazil nuts, cashews, pistachios
Soy and rye flour bread, rice cakes, flour (oatmeal, rice, rye), noodles and pasta and rice or ryeCoriander, cinnamon, cloves, vanilla, bay leafblack beans
Garlic, onion, broccoli, carrot, herbs, pumpkin, spinach Semolina, corn, rye
Artichokes, chicory, herbs, dandelion, horseradish, leek, romaine, parsley, alfalfa sprouts, tofu, turnip Products from semolina flour or durum wheat, muesli, grain bread, wheat flakes
Berries (blackberries, blueberries, cranberries), plums, prunes, figs, grapefruit, lemon Peppers, olives, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, all types of cabbage, tomatoes, eggplant, mushrooms
Pineapples, cherries, apricots Sour vegetables, especially tomatoes
Soy sauce, garlic, ginger Melons, melon, nectar, mango, papaya, bananas, coconuts
Hawthorn, aloe, burdock, echinacea, green tea, red wine (1 cup/day) Orange, rhubarb, tangerines
Ginger tea, coffee (1 cup/day) Vinegar, pepper (black, cayenne, white), capers, gelatin
Ketchup, mayonnaise, pickles
Beer, sparkling water, black tea

Diet for group 3 (III)

Representatives of III (or B) are the descendants of nomads who appeared about 10 thousand years ago with the beginning of mass migration of peoples.

Nomads are practically omnivorous, their body is hardy and unpretentious. Although some may suffer from intolerance to the lactose found in milk. The diet for carriers of this group is the most balanced of all - "nomads" are suitable for meat, fish (especially sea), cereals (except wheat and buckwheat), dairy products. As well as almost any fruits and vegetables (except tomatoes, corn, gourds).

Most nuts and seeds are not recommended, and almost all legumes are banned or can be eaten in small amounts. Many grains are not recommended, for example, rye contains lectins, which are deposited in the vascular system, causing blood diseases, increasing the likelihood of strokes. These foods contribute to sluggish metabolism, fluid retention and fatigue.

Spices should be handled with care. It is better not to use pepper, cinnamon and gelatin, but ginger, curry have a warming effect.

Representatives of this type rarely need to lose weight, they need a diet most often to improve health and maintain immunity. Despite their flexibility and amazing endurance, modern "nomads" are unstable to rare viruses, prone to autoimmune diseases and often suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. A more complete list (allowed, neutral, prohibited) for the diet can be found in the table.

Products for the 3rd blood group

helpful Neutral Forbidden
Lamb, venison, rabbitBeef, ground beef, turkey, liver, vealChicken meat, duck, goose, partridge, quail, pork
Cod, salmon, flounder, halibut, trout, mackerel, sturgeonFlaxseed, cod liver oil, butterShellfish (crab, shrimp, lobster, mussel, oyster, crayfish, clams, etc.), anchovy, beluga, eel, octopus, sea bass, snails, seaweed
Cottage cheese, Feta and Mozzarella cheese, yoghurts, milk, sour cream, curd cheeseAlmonds, walnutsIce cream
Olive oilPeas, green peas, white beans, asparagus beansRapeseed, corn, cottonseed, peanut, safflower, sesame, sunflower oil
Millet, oatmeal (bran, flour), puffed rice, rice (bran, flour) Cashew, hazelnut, pine, pistachio, peanut, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds
Wheat bread, rice cakes and waffles Black beans, spotted beans, lentils
Green leafy vegetables Wheat (bran, bulgur germ, white and durum), semolina or any products such as flour, bread and noodles made from this grain
pineapples Rye and any products from this grain
Bananas, cranberries, grapes, papaya, plums Buckwheat, corn (corn flakes, cornmeal) and products made from these grains
Ginger, horseradish, curry, cayenne pepper Barley, wild rice, couscous
Ginger, peppermint, raspberry leaf, rose hips, sage, green tea Bagels, muffin, grain bread, rye
Ginseng Artichoke, avocado, corn, olives, pumpkin, radish, cabbage, tofu, tomato
Liquorice Coconuts, persimmons, pomegranates, prickly pear, rhubarb, carom
Barley malt sweeteners, corn syrup, cornstarch, cinnamon
Allspice, almond extract, gelatin, pepper (black and white)
Ketchup, mayonnaise
Aloe, corn silk, fenugreek, gentian, hops, lime, mullein, red clover, rhubarb, shepherd's purse
Alcoholic drinks, carbonated water

Diet for 4 blood groups (IV)

IV (or AB) - the youngest and most mysterious. It arose less than a thousand years ago as a result of a mixture of the first two groups, it is found in only 7% of the world's population, they can conditionally be called "townspeople". Both recommendations and prohibitions for the “citizens” can be quite unexpected.

They are shown caviar, fish, all kinds of soy (especially tofu), dry red wine, rice, dairy products, green fruits, vegetables. Type 4 tends to suffer from gallbladder problems, so nuts should be eaten with caution. But permitted varieties of nuts will strengthen the immune system. It is recommended to eat lentils as they contain anti-cancer antioxidants.

You should abstain from red meat and meat products, mushrooms, buckwheat, beans, wheat, corn. Tropical fruits are poorly digested, but pineapple is a good helper for the stomach. Fruits rich in vitamin C may help fight stomach cancer.

Representatives of this group usually have a weak digestive tract, are prone to cancer and nervous disorders. At the same time, they adapt well to the constantly changing conditions of the modern world. Vitamins and microelements are vital for maintaining their health.

If you want to lose weight, eat more rice instead of pasta. And fresh vegetables will be an important source of elements for you that fight cancer and prevent heart disease. "Citizens" are very useful herbal teas - they increase immunity, prevent cardiovascular disease and anemia. A little coffee will not hurt, but alcoholic drinks have a negative effect. The full list can be seen in the table.

Food table for 4 blood groups

Useful Neutral Forbidden
Lamb, rabbit, turkeyPistachios, pine nutsBeef, chicken, ducks, geese, pork, veal, venison, ham
Tuna, cod, sea bass, hake, mackerel, sea bass, pike, trout, sardines, sturgeon, caviar, salmon, walleye, trout, pikePeas in any form, white beans, green beansAll shellfish, halibut, crustaceans, herring, eel and hake
Yogurt, kefir, fat-free sour cream, egg, mozzarella, goat cheese and milk, ricotta Blue cheese, brie, buttermilk, camembert, ice cream, parmesan, whole milk
Olive oil Oils: corn, cottonseed, safflower, sesame, sunflower
Peanuts, walnuts, poppy seeds Hazelnut, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds
Lentils black beans
Soybeans, spotted beans, lentils Buckwheat, corn (any products such as flour, bread and noodles made from them)
Millet, oat bran, oatmeal, rice bran, puffed rice, rye, germinated wheat and any products such as flour, bread and noodles made from them Artichoke, avocado, black olives, all kinds of peppers
All types of rice and any products such as flour, bread and noodles made from it Mango, guava, coconuts, bananas, oranges
Broccoli, beets, cabbage, celery, green leafy vegetables, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, parsley, parsnips, sweet potatoes Allspice, almond extract, anise, barley malt, capers, corn starch, corn syrup, gelatin, tapioca
All kinds of grapes and plums, berries (cranberries, gooseberries), cherries Vinegar, pepper (white, black, cayenne, red flakes) These vegetables are a powerful tonic and natural antibiotic for the 4th group Garlic, horseradish, parsley
Pineapples, grapefruits, lemons Alcohol, carbonated drinks, black tea
Laminaria, curry
Garlic, horseradish, parsley
Alfalfa, burdock, chamomile, echinacea, green tea
Hawthorn, licorice root, red wine (1 cup/day)
Dandelion, burdock root, strawberry leaves
Coffee or decaffeinated coffee (1 cup/day), green tea

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

The main disadvantage of this diet is its unsuitability for rapid weight loss. Those who want to lose weight in a month or three are better off choosing a different diet (for example,). This system is designed for long-term (preferably lifelong) use and brings health to the body, strengthening immunity, normalization of digestion, and as a result, weight loss.

Another argument of critics of this approach to nutrition is the lack of serious scientific research. Nevertheless, the diet has a sufficient number of fans around the world, and the number of positive reviews about it is growing.

Discussion of the diet in the program Malakhov +

Medicine does not stand still, and daily discoveries form the basis of new practices and methods of human health. However, the end result does not always appear immediately - often many years of trial and error go by in search of the ideal system that will provide the human body with health and longevity.

The division of blood into certain groups is a discovery only a century ago. Many scientists have done research in this area, and there are several different combinations of blood types. However, the practice of dividing into 4 groups is the most common. It was also the basis of the corresponding power supply system.

Blood type and human nutrition

The system is based on the assertion that nutrition played an important role in the emergence of 4 main blood types in humans. It is so easy to see that they appeared one after another, and not simultaneously, and the evolution of our ancestors served as the basis for this:

  • First group. Denoted by O(I).

Appeared among the first people who ate through hunting and gathering, and the priority of existence was survival. And now people with such blood are characterized as stubborn, purposeful.

A third of the world's population (about 33%) has the O(I) group.

  • Second group. Designated A(II).

It arose during the transition of mankind to agriculture. People with the second group are characterized as calm, sedate, constant.

The most common group on the planet: about 40% of the population have it.

  • Third group. Denoted B(III).

Its emergence was facilitated by migration at the dawn of the human era and the development of animal husbandry. Carriers of blood B (III) are characterized by a balanced and flexible disposition.

One fifth of the world's population (about 22%) has the blood of the third group.

  • Fourth group. Designated AB(IV).

The youngest of all, arose in the process of evolution during the merger of groups A (II) and B (III). Carriers are most often unusual, charismatic people.

The rarest - less than a tenth of the world's population have this group (about 8%).

In the course of research, it was found that the food consumed is absorbed differently by the body, depending on what kind of blood type a person has, affecting the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

The blood group nutrition system is not generally accepted. Between doctors and nutritionists there are disputes about the legality of its use.

Most nutritionists rely on the fact that a person should divide all products into three groups:

  • Useful;
  • Neutral;
  • Unwanted.

This division is based on the properties of blood and its reaction to a particular product. Nutrition by blood type is not mandatory, however, when choosing this system, one should strictly follow the prescribed rules.


The blood type nutrition system was invented as a method of effective weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, when the number of calories consumed does not carry any negative consequences. Simply put, if you eat the right foods, regardless of the amount, then the problem of obesity is not terrible. However, such results can be achieved only with medical supervision: a dietitian analyzes the state of the patient's body and establishes the necessary diet.

Each blood type has its own strengths and weaknesses, which are taken into account by a specialist when choosing a diet.

O(I) group:

  • Strengths: strong immunity, strong digestive system, increased physical activity and efficient metabolism.
  • Weaknesses: poor adaptation to dietary changes, allergic and inflammatory reactions due to overactive immunity.

Group A(II):

  • Strengths: Easily adapt to environmental changes and nutritional conditions.
  • Weaknesses: The digestive tract, immune and nervous systems are easily exposed to microbiological attacks, the risk of diseases of the heart, liver and gallbladder.

Group B(III):

  • Strengths: stable nervous system, strong immune system, quick adaptation to the environment.
  • Weaknesses: if the balance is disturbed, cardiovascular and oncological diseases, the development of viral diseases are possible.

Group AB(IV):

  • It has cumulative signs of strengths and weaknesses of II and III blood groups, but at the same time it is more prone to diseases inherent in both groups.


For the first group, the emphasis is on high-protein foods and the consumption of cereals is limited.

The second group is characterized by a high percentage of plant foods in the diet and undesirably increased consumption of animal fats.

For the fourth group, a mixed moderate diet will be best. The emphasis is on lean and low-fat foods.

Below are food tables for each blood group.

Nutrition table

Nutrition for the first group O(I).

Useful Neutral unwanted
Meat, eggs, poultry Beef, lamb, veal, turkey Rabbit, chicken, duck, eggs Ham, ham, lard, goose, bacon, pork
Fish, seafood Salmon, trout, cod, seaweed, sturgeon, mackerel Carp, eel, squid, perch, pike perch, crustaceans, tuna Herring, catfish, caviar, smoked
Dairy Sheep cheese, cottage cheese Cow's milk, goat's milk, ice cream, yogurt, kefir, cream, sour cream.
Fats and oils Olive oil Margarine, sunflower oil, butter, soybean oil Corn, peanut, coconut and cottonseed.
Seeds and nuts Walnuts, pumpkin seeds Pine nuts, almonds, hazelnuts Peanuts, pistachios, poppy seeds.
Legumes Soy milk and soy cheese, beans Peas, green beans Lentils.
Flour products, cereals Barley and barley groats, buckwheat and buckwheat flour, millet, rye bread Semolina, grain and wheat bread, corn, pasta
Spices Pepper curry and parsley Fennel, paprika, dill, cumin, mustard, bay leaf, cloves Black pepper, vinegar, pickles, nutmeg, vanilla
Berries and fruits Plums, figs, cherries, cherry plums, apples, prunes Blueberry, pear, cranberry, peach, currant, raisin, persimmon, watermelon, lingonberry, raspberry, lemon, gooseberry, kiwi, cherry, banana Olives, citrus fruits, coconut, strawberry, blackberry, melon.
Vegetables Leaf cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, leek, turnip, hot pepper, onion, parsnip Zucchini, radishes, beets, lettuce, carrots, rutabagas, cucumbers, celery, bell peppers, tomatoes Rhubarb, potatoes, red, white and cauliflower
Beverages Cherry, plum and pineapple juices; linden tea, rose hip tea Tomato, carrot, grape, juices; herbal teas from chamomile, mint, raspberry; beer and wine Cognac, vodka, black coffee, black tea, any alcohol tinctures; apple and orange juice

Nutrition for the second blood group A (II).

Useful Neutral unwanted
Meat, eggs, poultry Chicken, turkey, eggs
Fish, seafood Cod, zander, carp, salmon, trout, mackerel Pike, tuna, perch, seaweed, sturgeon Hake, eel, catfish, salted herring, flounder, caviar, halibut, crustaceans, smoked fish
Dairy Cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, yogurt. Cow's milk, cream.
Fats and oils Olive and linen. Sunflower and soy, margarine Creamy, peanut, corn
Seeds and nuts pumpkin seeds and peanuts Nuts of all kinds pistachios
Legumes Soy products, lentils, beans White beans and peas
Flour products, cereals Buckwheat, rye flour, buckwheat, oatmeal Cereals of all varieties, bread, rice, millet, corn Wheat products, biscuits, crackers
Spices Mustard Paprika, cloves, curry, dill, parsley, cumin, horseradish, coriander, cinnamon Black pepper, vinegar
Berries and fruits Plum, apple, prunes, grapefruit and lemon, cranberries, blueberries, blueberries, cranberries Pear, gooseberry, currant, raspberry, raisin, pomegranate, watermelon Melon, tangerine, orange, banana, olives
Vegetables Onions, carrots, broccoli, beets, turnips, spinach and pumpkin Lettuce, cucumbers, Brussels sprouts, celery, zucchini All other types of cabbage, potatoes, sweet potatoes, peppers and tomatoes
Beverages Black coffee and red wine, chamomile tea, lemon, grapefruit, apricot, cherry, pineapple and carrot juices. Grape, apple and birch juices; raspberry, mint, linden teas; White wine Alcohol tinctures, soda drinks, vodka, cognac, whiskey; orange and tomato juice

Nutrition for the third blood group B (III)

All other oils

Useful Neutral unwanted
Meat, eggs, poultry Eggs, rabbit, lamb Salo, veal, turkey, beef Pork, duck, goose, chicken, bacon, ham
Fish, seafood Salmon (non-smoked), perch, cod, pike, trout, mackerel. Tuna, catfish, herring, squid, carp Eel, crustaceans, seaweed, caviar, smoked salmon
Dairy Cottage cheese, sheep cheese, sour cream, goat milk, kefir, yogurt. Processed cheese, cream, whey and whole milk Ice cream
Fats and oils Olive oil Butter, linseed oil
Seeds and nuts Poppy Almonds and walnuts All other nuts
Legumes Soya beans Beans, peas Lentils, other beans
Flour products, cereals Oat flakes, wheat bread, rice, millet, oatmeal Wheat-rye bread, crackers, pasta, semolina Barley, rye bread, oat and corn flakes, grain bread, rye, corn grits and flour, buckwheat grits and flour, pearl barley
Spices Horseradish, parsley, curry Fennel, vinegar, dill, cumin, black pepper, paprika, nutmeg, bay leaf, coriander, mustard, cloves, vanilla Cinnamon
Berries and fruits Apple, plum, cranberry, grape, lingonberry, banana Prunes, cherries, blueberries, currants, peach, citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, pear, cherry Persimmon, olives, pomegranate, barberry
Vegetables Beets, peppers, carrots, all types of cabbage, swede Asparagus, celery, lettuce, parsnips, cucumbers, onions, zucchini Radish, radish, rhubarb, potato
Beverages Cranberry, grape and pineapple juices; green tea, rosehip tea, raspberry Apple, plum, carrot, cherry, birch, citrus juices; black tea, black coffee, beer, wine; tea from thyme, chamomile, mint, strawberry Tomato and pomegranate juices, soda water, alcohol tinctures, lemonade, cognac, vodka, linden tea

Nutrition for the fourth blood group AB (IV).

For the fourth group, the composition of the products is almost identical to that recommended for the third group, so it makes no sense to repeat it in the form of a table. However, it is worth remembering that the fourth group is the weakest and therefore it is better to adhere to the most moderate diet, and if excess weight appears, reduce the amount of food consumed.

In the pursuit of health, people often sacrifice health itself. The practice of eating by blood type has been around for a little over 20 years. The development of a naturopathic doctor is not unified and is of a private nature. Therefore, it is important not to resort to this method of nutrition without the supervision of a dietitian. Of course, you can follow these recommendations and build a menu based on them yourself, but it is important to remember the main principle of any diet - do no harm.


What is the peculiarity of people with the first blood group. What should be the nutrition for carriers of 1 positive and negative blood groups.

The Blood Type 1 Positive Diet is a food table for women and men who wish to take genetic factors into account when organizing their diet. In developing his own method, Dr. D'Adamo took an individual approach to the development of diets, since diseases in different people cannot be treated in the same way. He delved into the study of the characteristics of each genotype in order to reflect this in dietary recommendations.

Diet history by blood type 1

The first blood group - the oldest type. The ancestors were Neanderthals who lived almost 40,000 years ago. They hunted, created primitive tools to kill animals and get meat. Protein food was the main source of energy. Later, competition for hunting grounds forced them to disperse from Africa to Europe and Asia, occupying all the lands except Antarctica.

Peculiarities people with the first blood group:

  • strong digestive tract;
  • active immune system;
  • endurance and resistance to stress;
  • easily adapt to dietary and environmental changes;
  • have a high metabolism, stay healthy and energetic for a long time.

Of course, after millennia, changes have occurred in the nutrition of hunters, the modern diet is different from the previous one, which was high in protein, fat and low in carbohydrates.

What is the diet for the first positive blood type?

The main reason for overweight people with the first blood group is the amount of grains and legumes in the diet. Wheat contains gluten, which slows down digestion by acting against ketosis, or the use of fat as a primary source of energy. Therefore, calories are used inefficiently, since lectins disrupt insulin production.

The blood of people with developed muscles has an acidic environment. Therefore, they should avoid legumes, which make tissues unnaturally alkaline. Thyroid regulation is another factor in weight gain. Hypothyroidism - often leads to obesity in people with the first blood group. Insufficient levels of iodine reduce muscle mass, cause fatigue and swelling.

Main enemies of metabolism:

  • wheat and gluten;
  • sweet corn.

Beans and lentils interfere with calorie burning. Cauliflower and Brussels sprouts inhibit the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Foods with high levels of iodine will contribute to weight loss: kelp, seafood and iodized salt.

For effective metabolism, people of the first blood group require sources of vitamin B: liver, red meat, spinach, broccoli.

Nutrition for 1 blood group is negative: decoding the food table

Meat is the basis of the diet of a person of the first blood group. For one meal you need no more than 170 g product, according to Dr. D'Adamo. The high acid content in the blood makes it easier to digest protein, and its amount in the diet increases with physical exertion. Fresh fruits and vegetables help to balance the protein diet, preventing excessive acidification in the body, which results in irritation of the gastric mucosa and the development of ulcers.

  • Healthy foods: beef, lamb, offal, veal, venison.
  • Neutral: chicken, duck, pheasant, quail, turkey, rabbit.
  • Forbidden: bacon, goose, pork.

Carriers of the first blood group need seafood because of vitamin K, which improves clotting. Iodine in their composition regulates the function of the thyroid gland. Therefore, a blood type 1 negative diet should include more seafood than meat:

  • It is useful to use: hake, halibut, mackerel, perch, trout, salmon, sardine, sturgeon.
  • Neutral in composition: anchovy, clams, crabs, crayfish, herring, flounder, lobster, mussels, oysters, shrimp, squid.
  • Avoid: caviar, smoked salmon, octopus.

Dairy products and eggs not recommended add to the diet of 1 negative blood type, but it is permissible to consume soy milk and cheeses. Neutral foods include feta cheese, goat cheeses, and mozzarella. Categorically avoid cottage cheese, curdled milk, brie, gouda, soft cheeses, ice cream, yogurt.

Oils and fats are useful for people with the first blood type, especially linseed and olive. You can use rapeseed and sesame, take fish oil. Refuse corn, sunflower and peanut.

Nuts and seeds essential for the nervous system. Nut butter is more easily absorbed by the digestive tract of people with Rh negative than regular nuts. It is useful to eat pumpkin seeds and walnuts, sometimes allow yourself almonds and oil from it, hazelnuts, pecans, cedar, sesame seeds, tahini and sunflower seeds. Avoid Brazil nuts, cashews, peanuts (including oils), pistachios, and poppy seeds.

Legumes and legumes. Moderate consumption of beans - the best solution. The weakly acidic muscle tissue of people with a negative blood type is aimed at rapid fat burning, and legumes add alkaline lectins to the environment, slowing down the process. However, they strengthen the gastrointestinal tract, reduce acidity. You can consume black and motley beans, limited - chickpeas, green peas, beans. Avoid white beans, lentils, soy.

Cereals because of the content of gluten are dangerous for people with the first blood type negative, because they provoke weight gain. Lectins interfere with the absorption of nutrients, inhibit metabolism. Therefore, all cereals are neutral (used no more than four times a week): barley, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, rice bran. You will have to give up corn, muesli of all stripes, wheat bran and cereals.

Bakery products themselves - bad choice for a negative Rh factor, since they are made on the basis of wheat. Genes are not able to cope with grains, so you should pay attention to gluten-free, rice and rye bread, crackers, use soy flour. Products made from corn, pasta, semolina are categorically not suitable.

Vegetables contain vitamin K, so herbs take precedence: dandelion greens, escarole, garlic, beet leaves and broccoli, artichokes, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, parsley, red pepper, pumpkin, spinach and seaweed. Sometimes you can eat beets, carrots, celery, chicory, zucchini, cucumber, fennel, ginger, olives, iceberg lettuce, radishes, tomatoes and tofu. Avoid eggplant, white and red cabbage, mustard, olives, potatoes, corn.

Fruit - a significant part of the diet for blood type 1, it is negative, since the blood is alkalized. You can eat figs, plums and prunes in the first place, then - apricots, bananas, apples, currants, cherries, gooseberries, grapefruit, grapes, kiwi, mango, nectarine, pineapple, pomegranate, raisins, watermelons. It is forbidden to eat blackberries, coconut, melon, oranges, tangerines and drink juices based on them. To reduce acidity, you should drink pineapple, cherry and plum juices, and refuse apple and orange.

As spices, carob and cayenne pepper, turmeric are suitable. But in cooking, you can use almost everything except cinnamon, nutmeg, ground black pepper, vinegar and vanilla. You can fill salads with mustard, but refuse ketchups and mayonnaises.

It is useful to drink herbal teas based on mint and rose hips, mineral alkaline water. Coffee, sweet soda and tea are best removed from the menu.

Nutrition by blood type 1 positive food table

Meat and seafood dominate the diet. The consumption of milk and dairy products should be kept to a minimum, as they are associated with the development of heart disease in people with the first blood group. The paleo diet is ideal for this genotype.

Recommendations for the consumption of meat, dairy products, cereals, vegetables and fruits are similar to the blood type 1 negative diet for weight loss or muscle gain. Restrictions apply only to volumes and processing technology:

  1. Meat should be consumed no more than 170 g at a time in baked, fried or boiled form. Excess protein acidifies the blood. Meat and seafood remain the main part of the diet.
  2. Nuts and seeds should only be eaten raw.
  3. Beans are able to reduce the acidity of muscle tissue, therefore they are used sparingly.
  4. Moderately apply butter, eat cottage cheese and goat cheese.
  5. People with the first blood type are prone to arthritis and inflammation, so tilapia, halibut and cod will be a useful addition to the menu.
  6. Grains and dairy products are poorly digested by people with the first blood group of a positive Rh. Excessive consumption of bread, corn, wheat or gluten causes obesity.
  7. Instead of three large meals, eat 5-6 times a day fractionally.
  8. Avoid refined carbohydrates and sugar, as well as excessive drinking of wine and beer.
  9. In the process of losing weight, completely abandon bread, nuts and legumes.

Nutritional Conclusions for Blood Type 1 Positive and Negative

All the arguments of Dr. D'Adamo are based on the results of observations and the work of other research groups. He did not conduct clinical trials to prove the theory of food tolerance based on blood type. The theory of the interaction of lectins from food products with antigens on red blood cells has not been proven, since there is no concept of their intolerance in science. In one of Dr. D'Adamo's books, there was a claim about the beneficial effect of diet on the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, which also received no scientific evidence.

The blood type diet is an absolutely new trend in the field of nutrition and has been on the list of one of the most popular and effective dietary options for almost 20 years.

The Americans James and Peter d'Adamo laid the foundation for dietary nutrition by blood types, based purely on medical research and urging you to listen to the call of your nature.

This diet is not associated with strict restrictions, blood type nutrition for weight loss is not a one-day event, but a systematic approach to choosing foods throughout life.

Diets don't like temporary relationships with you. If you want results, make diet your partner in life in choosing products.

The methodology is based on the theory of innate predisposition to certain products, which was formed in the process of evolution. And time does not stand still!

If earlier you were sure of the existence of 4 blood groups, today two more groups have been identified, which were suspected 10 years ago. This is another fact in favor of the continuous development of the human body and the influence of environmental factors on this process (including environmental and chemotherapeutic ones).

We will consider the classic four groups, since it is they who prevail in the post-Soviet expanses and the weight loss diet is designed specifically for them.

The essence of losing weight, taking into account the properties of blood

The antigenic properties of erythrocytes, which determine the blood group, were formed historically and determined the immune and digestive characteristics of the body, its adaptive properties.

The concept in nutrition comes from the division of foods into useful, neutral and harmful in terms of the impact on the quality and speed of metabolism.

Useful products can be consumed in the maximum amount, they will bring the greatest benefit and are best perceived by the body.

Neutral foods will have a correspondingly neutral effect on our health and their proportion in the diet should be minimal. Harmful foods will not give any benefit and, moreover, are harmful to the body, they will not be absorbed, but will be identified as body fat.

Food directly affects the metabolic rate, the strengthening of immunity and its ability to resist viruses and pathogens, the psycho-emotional state and energy.

Such a diet can get rid of allergic reactions to certain foods (don't be surprised if you find on the lists of undesirable foods that cause you allergies).

Why do we gain weight

Have you noticed that your friends, regularly consuming dairy products, feel great and cannot live without them, but you have no interest in such an addiction and easily gain weight from the same homemade cottage cheese?

First, let's break down the list of what will be excluded from your list of products and what is allowed in small quantities.

"Hunters" of the 1st group will be excluded from the diet:

  • cereals, namely: corn, barley, rye, oats, wheat, oatmeal;
  • legumes: all types of beans, lentils, peas;
  • all types of cabbage;
  • fatty dairy products, including butter, cream, cheese.

To a limited extent, we add low-fat sour-milk products, potatoes and flour products, exotic fruits and berries to the diet. Alcohol, corn and peanut butter are allowed in very small amounts.

"Farmers" with the 2nd blood group do not eat:

  • all types of meat products;
  • dairy;
  • beans and wheat.

If possible, limit the use of baked goods, starchy foods (especially potatoes), fatty sauces and dressings.

"Nomads" 3 blood types exclude:

  • nuts (do not use peanuts at all);
  • corn, buckwheat and lentils;
  • alcohol.

Seafood and meat, peanut and corn oil, tomatoes, whole grain and rye bread are allowed in moderation.

Mysterious people with the fourth blood group do not eat:

  • meat (except lamb and rabbit meat);
  • legumes, in particular all types of beans;
  • cereals: wheat, buckwheat, corn;
  • Exotic fruits.

Mushrooms, oily fish, olive oil and, in very small doses, nuts and seeds are added to the diet to a limited extent.

How to lose weight by 10 kg using such a diet can be found in the video.

We compose a healthy menu for weight loss

Below we will consider a list of products for each group, using which you will make purchases and prioritize with your eyes closed.

I group

“Meat-eaters”, as representatives of the most ancient blood group, nature itself suggested which products to give priority in nutrition: meat is the basis of the diet and contributes to the most efficient metabolism.

The following foods will help you lose weight:

  1. Red meat (especially beef and lamb), liver, offal.
  2. Seafood, salmon, trout, pike, perch, cod, sturgeon.
  3. Foods rich in iodine (especially seaweed and walnuts).
  4. Green fruits and vegetables (except sour vegetables).
  5. Olive oil.
  6. Figs and prunes.

II group

The diet of "farmers", as born farmers, consists of a vegetarian menu with the addition of a limited amount of dairy products. Metabolism is “sharpened” for grains and vegetables.

We list the most useful products:

  1. All kinds of vegetables (except potatoes) and fruits. Pineapple is especially useful.
  2. Cereals: wheat, buckwheat, rice, soy.
  3. Beans and beans.
  4. Vegetable oils, especially useful grape seed oil, olive and sesame.
  5. Juices, fresh juices, red wine and coffee.

III group

"Nomads" boast a fairly diverse menu, and even if they eat something from the prohibited list, their metabolism is able to adapt and survive the load more easily than it happens with representatives of other blood groups.

What should always be in the diet of "nomads":

  1. Meat (do not abuse excessively fatty meats).
  2. Fish and seafood. Fatty fish species are welcome, which are so rich in healthy fatty acids.
  3. Eggs and dairy products.
  4. Cereals: rice (unpolished) and oatmeal.
  5. Green fruits and vegetables (especially white cabbage), mushrooms.
  6. Juices, fresh juices, green tea.

IV group

This blood group was formed about 1000 years ago and it is not completely known what contributed to this.

A few representatives of the fourth blood group (and they are up to 5% of the world's population) could notice an addiction to vegetables, dairy products and an aversion to eating meat. And not in vain!

In this "riddles" are similar to "cultivators" and diagonally opposite to "hunters".

What's in the Mystery Man's diet:

  1. Seafood and fish (Trout, salmon, mackerel are especially useful).
  2. Soy, tofu cheese, soy milk.
  3. Dairy products: cottage cheese, sour cream, homemade cheese and cheese, yogurt.
  4. Cereals: rice, oatmeal, millet.
  5. Green vegetables and fruits, especially fortified with vitamin C.
  6. Coffee and green tea, decoctions of wild rose and hawthorn.

  1. Do not combine proteins and carbohydrates in one plate.
  2. Eat fractionally up to 6 times a day.
  3. Don't overeat! As soon as the work with a spoon slows down, you are full, and you will feel it in 20 minutes.
  4. Never drink food, you can take liquid no earlier than 2 hours after eating and 20 minutes before eating.
  5. Cut down on sugar. Start at least with tea without sugar, your receptors will begin to feel the real taste in 2 weeks, transfer this practice to other dishes - it's all a matter of habit.
  6. Give preference to yeast-free whole grain baked goods.
  7. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir or eat a baked apple.

About contraindications

The blood type diet is not one of those that severely limit the diversity of the diet. On the contrary, on the basis of useful lists, you can create a balanced menu and not worry about hungry fainting.

The only caution would be moderate consumption of meat for patients with gout, as an increased protein content in the diet will aggravate the state of health.

All other contraindications come from the individual characteristics and state of health of each person.

The results of weight loss and reviews

Positive results greatly suppress the responses of dissatisfied experimenters. Nutritionists themselves often prefer a similar approach to diet.

It is confirmed that the best results go to those who are on a diet for a long time (more than a year).

I myself am a nutritionist and made a diet for my mother, based on a diet for blood type. The effect appeared gradually. For 2.5 years, she lost 23 kg and the weight is maintained.

-Anna, 27 years old

After reading the list of allowed foods for my second blood group, I noted that these are my dietary preferences, I myself adhere to a similar menu. My stomach feels most comfortable when eating these products.

-Maria, 33 years old

I turned to this diet not for the purpose of losing weight. I wanted to normalize the process of digestion and get rid of the heaviness after eating, which became more and more noticeable with age. And the results were not long in coming, spasms and bloating disappeared almost instantly!

-Inga, 61 years old

We can affirmatively conclude that a blood type diet is primarily a way to normalize digestive processes and general well-being.

It can be noted that the diet of almost all groups is dominated by foods with a low glycemic index, which cannot but affect weight loss, and if you enlist the general basic recommendations regarding nutrition, you will be doomed to fat loss!

The truth and myths about the blood type diet are contained in the video.

In contact with

In the 90s of the last century, the book "4 Blood Types - 4 Ways to Health" was published in the United States, written by the doctor of naturopathy Peter d'Adamo. It almost immediately became a bestseller, was translated into almost all languages ​​of the world and became a practical guide to nutrition for many people on the planet. In Russia, the book was published in 2002. According to the author of the book, for each blood type there is a historically correct concept of nutrition, and it is on this that human health and longevity depend.

The main idea of ​​this theory is based on the fact that people should eat the same food as their ancestors. It is best digested and absorbed, while the "wrong" products slagging the body. This concept of nutrition is not a diet for weight loss, it suggests a healthy wholesome diet for certain groups of people, which will help cleanse and heal the body.

Indeed, some studies have shown that people with different blood types are more or less susceptible to various diseases. For a long time, Dr. d'Adamo, together with his father, identified the effects of various foods on the body, as a result of which they were divided into 3 groups: useful, harmful and neutral. Below are lists of "good" and "bad" foods for the owners of each blood type. Products not listed are considered neutral and are recommended for consumption in limited quantities.

Nutrition for people with I(0) blood type

Almost any fish is allowed for people with the first blood group.

According to various sources, up to 40% of the world's population are the owners of the blood of this group, Dr. d'Adamo identified them as descendants of "hunters", so they should be more consistent with a meat diet.

Healthy foods

  • Beef, lamb, venison, veal, poultry meat, offal;
  • almost any fish (cod, perch, pike, halibut, sturgeon, trout, sardine are especially useful), caviar,;
  • eggs;
  • in small quantities curd and sheep cheese,;
  • butter;
  • some vegetable oils (,);
  • walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pumpkin and cedar seeds;
  • legumes rarely (with the exception of soybeans and lentils);
  • buckwheat, barley, barley groats, rice;
  • Rye bread;
  • vegetables (and its leaves, kale, artichoke, broccoli, kohlrabi, parsnips, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, turnips, bell and hot peppers);
  • almost all fruits and berries;
  • , ginger, cloves, licorice, curry, hot pepper;
  • herbal and green tea, red wines, mineral water (can be carbonated).

harmful products

  • Pork;
  • saithe, shellfish,;
  • almost all dairy products, except for those listed on the allowed list;
  • , corn, cottonseed, peanut, palm oil;
  • poppy, pistachios, peanuts, cashews, brazil nuts;
  • wheat, oats, barley, and any products thereof;
  • vegetables (cauliflower, cucumbers, leeks, potatoes, olives);
  • avocados, oranges and tangerines, melon, strawberries, coconuts;
  • strong alcoholic drinks, lemonade, beer, black tea,.

Nutrition for people with II (A) blood group

Almost 35% of the world's population inherited group II from their parents, by the way, this is the most common blood type among Europeans. The developer of this diet ranked such people among the descendants of farmers and gatherers. Their diet is very similar.

Healthy foods

Poultry meat is useful for people with the second blood group.
  • Turkey (preferred) and other poultry meat;
  • eggs;
  • fish (salmon, sardine, mackerel, pike perch, whitefish, carp, cod, perch, trout, char);
  • fermented milk products, whole milk - only goat's milk, cheeses are also only from it;
  • vegetable oils (olive, linseed);
  • peanuts, pumpkin, sunflower, pine seeds, hazelnuts and other nuts;
  • legumes, soy products are especially useful;
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, barley, oatmeal, rye) and flour products made from these cereals;
  • soy sauce, parsley, turmeric, ginger, mustard;
  • vegetables (the list of useful ones includes artichoke, beets, Jerusalem artichoke, kale, carrots, kohlrabi, horseradish, onions, parsnips, pumpkin, turnips, spinach);
  • all berries, lemons, grapefruits, pineapples, plums, apricots;
  • any herbal teas, green tea, white (preferred) and red wine,
    black coffee (1 cup per day).

harmful products

  • Any red meat and offal;
  • shellfish, squid, eel, catfish, flounder, etc.;
  • whole and products based on it;
  • butter;
  • corn, cottonseed, peanut, coconut oil;
  • pistachios, brazil nuts;
  • wheat, wheat flour and products from it;
  • potatoes, white, red and Chinese cabbage, chili peppers, eggplant, rhubarb, tomatoes;
  • some fruits (bananas, melons, mangoes, papaya, tangerines, coconuts);
  • gelatin, vinegar, pepper (black, white, red), capers;
  • sweets, sugar;
  • strong alcoholic and carbonated drinks, beer, lemonade, black tea.

Nutrition for people with III (B) blood group

It is believed that this blood type appeared as a result of mixing races. People endowed with it, Dr. d'Adamo attributed to the nomads. For them, the widest and most varied diet is assumed, there are fewer dietary restrictions for owners of the III blood group than for other people. This is explained by the fact that the nomads settled on different continents and were omnivores.

Healthy foods

Dairy products should be included in the diet of people with the third blood group.
  • Mutton, lamb, venison, rabbit meat;
  • eggs;
  • caviar, croaker, sea bass, pike perch, sardine, cod, flounder, haddock, hake, halibut, mackerel, pike, sturgeon, carp;
  • almost any dairy products;
  • navy and lima beans;
  • olive oil;
  • walnuts;
  • oatmeal and oatmeal, millet, rice;
  • beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes, onions, horseradish, parsnips, turnips, garlic;
  • cranberries, plums, watermelon, bananas, grapes, papaya, blueberries, blackberries, cherries;
  • curry, licorice, ginger, parsley;
  • still water, green tea, beer, red and white wine, black tea and coffee (no more than 1 cup per day is allowed).

harmful products

  • Poultry meat, pork, offal;
  • shellfish, crabs, beluga, eel, pollock, trout, char;
  • quail eggs;
  • blue and processed cheeses;
  • other varieties of beans, soy products;
  • vegetable oils: coconut, corn, peanut, soybean, sesame, sunflower,;
  • cashews, peanuts, pine nuts, poppy seeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • wheat, buckwheat, corn, rye groats;
  • olives, radish, radish, rhubarb, sauerkraut;
  • avocados, pomegranates, persimmons, melons, coconuts;
  • pepper, cinnamon, soy sauce, gelatin, ketchup;
  • carbonated and strong alcoholic drinks, lemonade, sparkling water.

Nutrition for people with IV (AB) blood type

This blood type is the rarest, it is found in only 7% of the people inhabiting our planet. The naturopathic doctor d'Adamo defined this group of people as a mixed type or "new people". Like those with type III blood, the "new people" are much more fortunate with their diet than the population with groups I and II.

Healthy foods

  • Lamb, rabbit, turkey;
  • chicken eggs;
  • mackerel, salmon, sardine, tuna, cod, zander, pike, sturgeon;
  • dairy products, but cheeses in limited quantities;
  • walnut and olive oil;
  • peanuts, walnuts;
  • lentils, soybeans, pinto beans;
  • millet, oats, rice, rye flour and products made from them;
  • beets, broccoli, cauliflower and leafy cabbage, cucumbers, garlic, sweet potatoes, carrots, eggplants, parsnips, mustard leaves, tomatoes;
  • cherry, fig, grape, grapefruit, kiwi, pineapple, plum, watermelon, lemon, gooseberry, cranberry;
  • curry, turmeric, ginger, parsley;
  • green tea, sparkling water, white and red wines.

harmful products

  • Pork, beef, chicken, goose, quail eggs;
  • flounder, perch, beluga, halibut, haddock, hake, eel, trout, arthropods and molluscs;
  • butter, margarine;
  • processed cheese, blue cheese, whole milk, cream;
  • lima beans, black, adzuki, chickpeas;
  • hazelnuts, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • buckwheat, corn, wheat and products from these cereals;
  • artichoke, olives, Bulgarian and hot peppers, radish, radish, rhubarb;
  • sunflower, corn, sesame, coconut, cottonseed oils;
  • avocados, bananas, melons, guava, persimmons, pomegranates, quince, coconuts, mangoes, oranges;
  • pepper, vinegar;
  • strong alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks, black tea and coffee.

Criticism of the American Diet by Blood Type

The opinion of traditional medicine doctors about this diet is divided, but the majority still tends to believe that it is not scientifically substantiated and has no evidence base. Perhaps its only advantage is that from the list of products for people with different blood types, you can work hard to make a complete balanced diet. However, a complete rejection of certain foods can still lead to depletion of the body in some substances. So, for example, people with group I are almost completely forbidden to consume dairy products, and this can lead to calcium and phosphorus deficiency.

Many doctors agree that the blood type diet is too general and does not take into account the individual characteristics of the body, lifestyle and other factors that do not depend on the person's blood type. In addition, as you know, there are much more blood types than 4, Dr. d'Adamo took one of the most simplified systems (AB0) as the basis for developing his diet.

Initially, the doctor's books used the term "amino acids" when it came to protein products. Protein in its original form does not enter the blood, it is first broken down into amino acids. But the body, in fact, does not care what proteins, vegetable or animal, these amino acids are obtained from, and therefore it is inappropriate to limit dairy products and meat for some categories of people. After this fact was pointed out to the author of the diet, the term "amino acids" was replaced by "lectins", which is not clear even to many doctors, not to mention to a simple layman. In general, many traditional medicine practitioners are inclined to believe that the book presenting this diet is "overloaded" with scientific terms, many of which are inappropriate and not understandable to readers.

Summing up, we can say that the blood type nutrition system did not find a response in the medical community and was even seriously criticized, and the huge number of positive reviews about this diet finds a logical explanation. First of all, this is due to the general improvement of the diet, because strong alcohol, carbonated sweet drinks, fatty meat, many “heavy” vegetables, foods rich in saturated fats and other harmful foods are completely removed from the diet, regardless of blood type. In addition, one of the important factors in the positive effect of any popular diet is the placebo effect, and the development of the American doctor d'Adamo is no exception.

STB TV channel, nutritionist Svetlana Fus talks about the principles of nutrition by blood group (Russian-Ukrainian):

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