What is spondylosis in dogs and how to treat it. The use of various drugs in the treatment of osteophytosis (spondylosis) in dogs

Bone outgrowths (osteophytes) provoke irritation of the anterior ligament, causing pain syndrome. As a result of the body's response to destructive processes in the spine and its localization, bone growths are formed. The process is spontaneous, uncontrollable and can lead to narrowing of neighboring vertebrae - the osteophytes themselves, irritating and squeezing the neurovascular bundles, break them normal function.

This disease is directly related to the age of the animal. As a rule, this disease manifests itself in dogs whose age exceeds 6 years. External manifestations - limited mobility in lumbar spine. With moderate severity of the disease - refusal to jump, move along inclined surfaces, stairs, difficulty getting up and laying down, when pressing - a painful reaction. In severe form - complete or partial paralysis, inconsistency in the coordination of movements. Often spondylosis is detected in parallel with other diseases during x-ray examination. In old age, this disease can cause limited mobility of the spine and hardening of the chest. Spondylosis is inherent in "self-healing".

The main causes of spondylosis include: all kinds of spinal injuries, prolonged static load in case of posture disorders, osteochondrosis, as well as a hereditary factor. Quite often, spondylosis can be caused by hypothermia or excessive exercise.

The presence of the disease is in no way associated with the sex of the animal and the number of births in the female. The main factor– age of the animal and breed. Thus, up to 50% of boxers have a history of spondylosis in moderate and severe forms, and 90% of them are incurable and die.

Painkiller for dogs

Treatment, as a rule, occurs in several directions: on the one hand, therapy is carried out homeopathic preparations, aimed at stopping the process (selected individually for each dog), and on the other, absorbable agents (lidase injections), to dissolve growths. They also use painkillers for dogs. Treatment is prescribed and carried out by a doctor.

We continue to treat our four-legged friends, and today we will talk about the problems associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. As you know, hunting dogs have more physical activity than pets that prefer bad weather lie down somewhere in a warm, dry place, and not chase game. And therefore, the owners need to carefully monitor the health of their assistants.

Unfortunately, our smaller brothers suffer from the same ailments as people. Dogs have not bypassed such health problems as spondylosis and osteochondrosis. It was previously thought that the latter of these two diseases did not occur in animals because they are not "upright".

But now veterinarians are increasingly discovering osteochondrosis in our four-legged pets. However, when making a diagnosis, other medical terms: dorsopathy, osteochondritis dissecans, ankylosing spondylosis and discopathy.


With this disease, cartilage mineralization is disturbed, intervertebral discs, and subsequently the vertebrae themselves. According to experts, the risk of osteochondrosis increases with genetic predisposition and congenital anomalies development as a result of intraspecific crossing. A significant influence is also external causes: the state of the environment, the quality of water and food, excess weight, excess calcium in the diet, and injury.

The disease can affect both articular cartilage and intervertebral discs. In the first case, the symptoms of osteochondrosis will be progressive lameness and an unsteady gait, as the dog's limbs will become entangled. In a sitting position, it can tumble to one side and expose its hind paw for emphasis.

Develops more slowly. At the same time, discomfort is observed during movements, a decrease in the sensitivity of the limbs up to its total loss in advanced cases.

Every animal has a different disease course. For many, it is not noticeable at first. But sometimes the puppy begins to shift the center of gravity to the chest when walking from the age of five months. As a result, the front legs are constantly with the elbows apart, the muscles hind limbs atrophy, all this may be accompanied by a curvature of the spine.

There is a point of view that running case osteochondrosis threatens complete failure hind legs. Of course, one should not start the disease to such a state. If you suddenly notice the above symptoms in your pet, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Veterinarian, first of all, will conduct a thorough examination of the animal. On palpation, cracking and crunching in the affected joint can be detected. It is possible additional examination referral for x-ray, magnetic resonance imaging or myelography.

Treatment largely depends on the stage of the disease. On the early stage Diet therapy with special feed is important. If damage is found articular cartilage, then prescribe physiotherapy, ozokeritotherapy, laser therapy and use drugs that improve blood circulation in the joint.

If identified osteochondrosis intervertebral discs , then anti-inflammatory, painkillers (non-steroidal) and decongestants are used for treatment. We need drugs that improve microcirculation in tissues, chondroprotectors, glucocorticoids.

In parallel, physiotherapy (magnetotherapy) is carried out - an UMI apparatus for the affected area and nearby areas of the spine, as well as massage, controlled swimming, in some cases even acupuncture. Osteopathy (a type of manual therapy), which shows good results in the treatment of osteochondrosis in dogs.

In advanced cases, an operation is performed with a decrease in the calorie content of the diet and dosed loads during the rehabilitation period.

Spondylopathy (spondylosis deformans)

With spondylosis in dogs, degenerative changes occur in the segments of the spine and osteophytes appear - bone growths. Most often, this disease affects large pets who are over six years old.

The disease progresses slowly. Over time, the animal's mobility of the lumbar spine decreases, the shape of the chest changes, and a hunchback of the back appears. The development of the disease can contribute to hereditary predisposition, osteochondrosis, trauma, metabolic disorders, hypothermia and excessive repetitive stress that falls on the same joints or bones when performing certain exercises.

On the early stage spondylosis usually occurs without noticeable symptoms. However, already at this stage, growing osteophytes can be detected by probing. As the disease develops, the animal will decrease activity, the gait will become tense.

With moderate spondylopathy, the dog will not be able to jump and walk up stairs. It will be difficult for the pet to lie down and get up. Movement, especially after a long rest in a static position, can cause sharp pain. A severe form of the disease threatens with impaired coordination and even paresis (partial paralysis) of the hind limbs.

To detect spondylosis in a dog, a thorough diagnosis is required - blood and urine tests, as well as x-ray examination to show osteophytes. The veterinarian may also prescribe a myelogram, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

Treatment will depend on the stage at which the disease was discovered. As a rule, the dog is given painkillers and absorbable drugs, the dose of which will depend on its weight, age and breed characteristics, sometimes chondroprotectors, acupuncture, acupressure, laser and magnetic therapy. Homeopathic preparations are now widely used, which bring good results. During treatment, it is recommended to avoid excessive physical exercise and reduce your pet's weight.

With an advanced case of spondylosis, an operation will be required to remove osteophytes and connect the intervertebral discs (if necessary). This is a very complex procedure, after which a long period of rehabilitation is required. To normal life the pet will return only in a few weeks.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that diseases of the musculoskeletal system develop slowly, at first without severe symptoms, so always pay attention to the unusual behavior of your pet.

Visit the veterinarian regularly, as it is much easier to cure or slow the growth of the disease at an early stage. Be careful, love your pets, watch their health, and they will answer you the same, delighting you with hunting trophies for a long time!

Elena Prokopieva, veterinarian

Spondylosis in dogs is a local "aging" of the segments of the spine, in which degenerative changes occur in them and bone growths - osteophytes are formed.

They irritate the anterior longitudinal ligament of the spine and sometimes cause the bodies of adjacent vertebrae to fuse. Osteophytes put pressure on nerve roots and narrow spinal canal. The disease proceeds slowly and at first affects the outer fibers of the annulus fibrosus.

Over time, the dog's lumbar spine becomes less mobile, and the shape of the chest changes. Most often, spondylosis occurs in dogs older than 6 years in the absence of manifestations of sciatica and lumbago.

This is an age-related disease, however, its development can be facilitated by prolonged static load in case of posture disorders, spinal injuries, osteochondrosis, hypothermia, and metabolic disorders. The hereditary factor is also important. Most often, this disease is fixed, of which 90% are incurable and die.

Symptoms of spondylosis in dogs

Main outward manifestation disease is limited mobility in the lumbar spine. If the disease has medium severity, dog due pain refuses to jump, move on stairs, inclined surfaces.

It is difficult for her to get up and lie down, and when pressure is applied to her back, she reacts painfully. Also, the pains are aggravated after a long immobile position and when the weather changes. The shape of the back changes noticeably in the dog, the hardened chest is felt.

In a severe form of the disease in a dog, a violation of coordination of movements is observed. As a rule, spondylosis reveal other diseases.

Treatment of the disease

In non-started cases, it is possible to start therapy with homeopathic medicines. Its purpose is to stop the further process of tissue destruction. It is also possible to use absorbable agents to dissolve the growths, for example, lidase injections.

For removal pain apply. Acupuncture and electropuncture are also used in the treatment. biological points pulsed current with a frequency of 10 Hz and low strength. On average, 7-10 sessions are held, 10-30 minutes long. Acupressure is recommended between sessions. Additionally metabolic processes are additionally activated by a course of chodroprotectors.

Spondylosis deformans is a disease that affects the spine and is characterized by the presence of bone spurs or osteophytes in it. Osteophytes can form in one place (a vertebra), but more often they form in different places along the spine. The most common spondylosis of the vertebrae, which are located in the chest area, especially at the junction between chest and abdominal cavity, in the lumbar spine (lower back) and in the lumbosacral spine. In some cases, bone spurs can become large enough to completely occlude the space between adjacent vertebrae.

What are the causes of deforming spondylosis?

Spondylosis deformans is chronic illness associated with aging. Studies show that spondylosis develops as secondary disease associated with degenerative change intervertebral discs.

AT normal condition The vertebrae are connected by ligaments that protect the spinal cord. The intervertebral discs between the vertebrae also act as shock absorbers, softening their movements. All this provides the spine with flexibility in movement, while protecting the spinal cord from damage.

If the intervertebral discs are damaged, this leads to unnatural movement of the spine in general, and the vertebrae in particular. Deforming spondylosis of the intervertebral discs develops as part of the aging process, this disease is not associated with any inflammation. Bone spurs of deforming spondylosis, as it were, restore the stability of weakened and damaged vertebrae.

Osteophytes, or bone spurs, form as a result of vertebral instability and are thought to grow large enough to reinforce the damaged joint.

Is spondylosis common in certain dog breeds?

Previously it was believed that the disease occurs mainly in large breeds dogs, but it is now known that spondylosis can occur in any middle-aged or old dog. Most dogs develop this disease after age 10, and it is believed that every dog ​​will develop spondylosis if they live long enough.

What are the symptoms of spondylosis deformans?

Most dogs with spondylosis deformans do not show any symptoms. Sometimes the osteophytes restrict the movement of the spine and the dog may appear less flexible. However, if an osteophyte grows near a nerve and becomes large enough to put pressure on it, it can cause pain or lameness. If the disease becomes painful, the dog may whine or cry when the injured parts of the back are touched.

Can other diseases cause the formation of osteophytes in the spine?

Any other disease that can damage the spine can lead to the development of osteophytes. Congenital deformities of the spine, vertebral injuries, infections and surgical operations on the spine can also lead to the appearance and growth of osteophytes.

How is spondylosis deformans diagnosed?

Spondylosis is usually diagnosed with an X-ray of the spine. In some cases, the diagnosis is "accidental" when X-rays are taken for some other reason.

Osteophytes formed as a result of spondylosis deformans and as a result of an inflammatory lesion do not differ from each other, but an x-ray can help determine the root causes of spinal problems. This is especially important if the dog has symptoms of nerve damage.

Myelogram and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may also be other diagnostic methods. In some cases, a veterinarian may recommend a referral to an orthopedist for additional diagnostics and treatment.

Treatment of deforming spondylosis

Treatment recommendations depend on the individual dog and its clinical signs. Most dogs with spondylosis deformans experience little or no pain and do not need treatment. If the animal is in pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or other analgesics may be used. Also can be used physical therapy and a weight loss program.

Rarely, osteophytes can cause compression spinal cord in these cases, surgery may be recommended.

What are the prognosis for deforming spondylosis?

If the dog does not show any symptoms, spondylosis deformans may go unnoticed for years or even the dog's entire life. Many dogs live full life, although they may be somewhat limited in flexibility and some movement. The veterinarian should give a prognosis for your dog based on diagnostic study and response to treatment.

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