Rating: in which countries live the healthiest people. Which country has the healthiest people? Belly and spine

Why do people live happily ever after in some countries and not in others? And what do Russians need to do to become one of the healthiest nations in the world?

1. Austria

The first associations that arise when we think of Austria are colorful villages at the foot of the mountains. This is a very beautiful country with magnificent landscapes and clean air. It is one of the few countries that offer their residents and even tourists free medical care.

The Austrian health care system is two-tier, which means that along with free care, anyone can purchase a premium health plan (that is, care in private clinics). Government support for healthcare is high, averaging $5,407 per capita per year. Such expenses guarantee high quality of medical care and a sufficient number of doctors. So, in 2011, Austria was the fourth in the world in terms of doctor-patient ratio. There are 5 doctors for every 1000 patients. As for the life expectancy of Austrians, the average is 81.3 years.

The Japanese have always been considered one of the healthiest nations in the world. There are most centenarians here - people who live longer than 100 years. The small island nation has one of the lowest obesity rates in the world, at just 3.5%. Thanks to an active lifestyle and taking care of their health, Japanese people have a relatively low risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Every citizen here is covered by the state health insurance program. State spending on health care is $ 3,727 per capita per year. But there are also problems - Japan has one of the lowest birth rates in the world, hence its population is rapidly aging. Average life expectancy is 83.8 years.

In addition to health insurance, the Japanese owe longevity to proper nutrition. The basis of the diet here is fish, not red meat, seaweed (rich in iodine), vegetables and green tea. The Japanese have an ambiguous attitude to dairy products, they use them in small quantities.

Poland guarantees health insurance for all its citizens, although each person can independently choose where to receive care: in a public hospital or in a private clinic. The average life expectancy here is 78.2 years. The state allocates $1,570 per capita per year.

Infant and female mortality rates are important markers of the quality of life in any country. In Poland, 4 out of 1,000 children die before their first year of birth and 3 out of 100,000 mothers give birth. These are lower figures than the world average: 30.5 infant deaths per 1,000 births and 216 maternal deaths per 100,000 births.

If we talk about countries with the highest percentage of healthy people, including centenarians, Greece cannot be ignored. The average life expectancy in this picturesque place on the planet is 81.6 years. Infant mortality rates are about 10 times lower than the world average: 3.1 cases per 1,000 children. The state here spends $2,098 per capita per year.

It is surprising that the country is included in the ranking of the world's healthiest nations, despite the fact that there are very high rates of disposition to bad habits. For example, more than half of all men and a third of women in Greece smoke! In addition, alcohol consumption here is higher than the world average.

5. Finland

Among Scandinavian countries, Finland ranks second in terms of life expectancy. She is here - 81.4 years old. The infant mortality rate in this picturesque area is also extremely low, at 1.9 deaths for every 1,000 children, indicating an efficient healthcare system and good maternal health. By the way, support for pregnant women is at the highest level here. For every pregnant woman, the State provides a basic necessities package that includes diapers, clothing and bedding.

Another advantage of the healthcare system in Finland is the large number of doctors. This figure is twice the world average. The state allocates $3,701 a year per capita for health care.

6. Iceland

The high life expectancy of Icelanders is explained not only by the efficient operation of the healthcare system (the cost of medical care here is $ 3,882 per capita per year), but also by a healthy lifestyle. Only 17% of men in Iceland smoke, compared to 34.8% globally.

Did you know?

The life expectancy of a person largely depends on the timely medical examination. After the inhabitants of Switzerland, Sweden and Finland made the choice in favor of an annual medical examination, the average life expectancy there rose to 83 years! Thanks to the annual medical examination in Canada, mortality among the population from oncological and cardiovascular diseases has significantly decreased, and life expectancy has increased to 81 years. Norway can boast similar results. Despite the harsh climate, after the introduction of a mandatory annual examination, life expectancy here averages 81 years.

Have you passed the dispensary?

7. Israel

Israel is the only country in the Middle East that is on the list of the healthiest countries in the world. The incidence of tuberculosis here is only 3.5 for every 100,000 people. For comparison, the world indicator is 140 people per 100,000.

Scientists have concluded that the population of the healthiest countries in the world, as a rule, is concentrated in urban areas. The situation with Israel confirms this: 92.2% of Israelis live in cities. Life expectancy averages 82.1 years. The government spends $2,599 per capita on the health care system.

Life expectancy in Italy is 83.5 years, but among other things, it has one of the lowest birth rates in the world. Only 8 people are born per 1000 population. If the annual income of parents in Italy is less than 12 thousand dollars a year, the state pays a child allowance - 250 dollars a month.

According to experts, the secret of Italian longevity is nutrition: high consumption of olive oil (rich in omega-3 and 6 fatty acids), fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish.

9. Australia

Australia is famous not only for its landscapes, but also for its unique healthcare system. The country has the highest scores in the world on indicators of well-being. A stable economy and a strong education system play an important role in ensuring longevity. On average, people live 82 years. It took the state almost 40 years to achieve such a high figure. So, in the time period from 1986 to 2010, the child mortality rate in Australia has more than halved!

Experts believe that the main secret of the longevity of the inhabitants of Australia is a healthy diet and sports. Australians prefer natural food, and the state fully provides them with them. Popular hobbies include outdoor activities such as swimming, surfing, hiking, cycling and playing rugby.

10. Spain

The life expectancy of the inhabitants of Spain can be envied! On average, this is 83.4 years, which is 11.5 years more than the world figure. Like most of the healthiest countries in the world, Spain is a wealthy country with a stable economy. The state allocates almost $3,000 per capita per year.

The Spanish National Health System guarantees every citizen the majority of medical services at no cost to him. Here, at the legislative level, they take care of proper nutrition, which is based on fresh natural food (fruits and vegetables). Many residents observe a siesta and dance "Flamenco", feel healthy and ... happy.

11. Republic of San Marino

The small landlocked country surrounded by Italy is famous for its healthcare system, which, according to world experts, is rated as one of the top three in Europe. If you are a citizen of this country, you automatically receive free healthcare. At the same time, the quality of medical care here is so high that this republic is one of the countries with developed medical tourism.

12. Sweden

The average human life expectancy in Sweden is 83 years. Talking about this corner of the Earth, tourists usually remember tall, happy and healthy people. And indeed it is! According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), treatment outcomes in Sweden are the best in the world. The healthcare system here is financed by taxes and is $5219 per capita per year. In addition to good health insurance, the state encourages local governments to get involved in preventive medicine.

Thus, over the past 10 years, it has been possible to reduce the number of smokers by 6%: for comparison, in 2000 there were 19% of them, and in 2012 - already 13%. According to experts, this is one of the reasons for the well-being of the Swedes. Other positive factors are the emphasis on fatty fish, rye bread and fresh vegetables, as well as lifestyle - most people choose outdoor activities - hiking, camping, fishing, picking berries and mushrooms.

As statistics show, the basis of the health of the nation, first of all, is the high costs of the state for health care and the timely provision of medical care. In most long-lived countries, medical care is free, there are national programs for the prevention of common diseases and the support of motherhood. In addition, the national cuisine and traditions of the country play a significant role. Healthy nations choose organic food and active leisure.

Expert commentAlexandra Sergeevna Belodedova, dietitian, therapistAlexandra Sergeevna Belodedova, dietitian, gastroenterologist, therapist"]

How can Russians enter the list of the healthiest nations in the world?

You should start with the correction of nutrition. Unfortunately, the modern Russian consumes a lot of sugar. Even if you don't add any extra sugar, 90% of the time you're eating a lot of hidden sugar - not just confectionery, pastries, and sodas, but yoghurts, filled curds, industrial juices, and even ketchup. Excess sugar contributes to weight gain and the onset of diabetes and prediabetes, as well as contributes to premature aging. The way out is to exclude the above products from the diet as much as possible.

Dairy products, even without the addition of fillers, contain naturally occurring sugars (lactose), especially in whole milk. For adults, I do not recommend drinking a lot of milk, as lactose intolerance often occurs with age. From dairy products, sour-milk products without additives, cottage cheese, cheese are the most useful.

Fruits also contain sugars of natural origin (fructose), and therefore, I do not recommend eating a lot of fruits - optimally - berries and fruits according to the season, citrus fruits, less often other fruits. And finally, sweeteners should not be abused either - they “deceive” our body, accustoming our taste buds to a sweet taste. The safest among sweeteners is stevia powder. But I also recommend using it only at the stage of gradual rejection of sweets.

Our second problem is trans fats (margarine and palm oil). Most manufacturers save on food production by adding palm oil and margarine as a source of fat. Most often, these are cheap dairy products (curd and cheese products, milk) and cheap confectionery. Trans fats contribute to the development of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The way out is to buy products from trusted manufacturers, and home baking, where you will be sure of the composition of the product.

The third problem is salt. And salt is not only chips, snacks for beer and pickles. Salt is added to almost all industrial products and semi-finished products, even bread. The way out is the use of the most natural products, not cheap semi-finished products. Do not add salt while cooking.

The fourth trouble is the consumption of a small amount of vegetables (WHO recommends at least 400 g per day) and whole grains (cereals, whole grain bread).

The fifth trouble is the use of a small amount of vegetable fats (olive oil and nuts), as well as Omega-3 fatty acids (first of all, these are fatty fish - salmon, herring).

Unfortunately, most of our population is not aware of what they are eating and unconsciously make choices in favor of unhealthy foods (because it is convenient, cheap, “tasty”, does not require much effort to prepare, etc.). Therefore, I believe that not only personal, but also state control is needed here - a ban on the use of trans fats in food production, control of the salt and sugar content in products. Then we have a chance to become a really healthy nation.

Expert commentRukhshana Valerievna Neupokoeva, dietitian, cardiologist, doctor of the highest category

Healthy eating is, first of all, conscious eating in our modern rhythm of life. And each has its own rhythm, individual. Therefore, the structure of the diet will be different for everyone. But there are a number of basic principles of healthy eating, good habits, if followed, you are guaranteed good health and the prevention of many diseases.

1. Regular diet - it is important to remember the need to feed yourself every 3-4 hours in moderate portions and carefully listen to the signals of hunger and satiety that our body and hormonal system sends us.

2. Enough water throughout the day. There are simple formulas for calculating how much water to drink: women - weight X by 30, men - weight X 35. The resulting volume is evenly distributed throughout the day, it is useful to drink water 5-10 minutes before meals, you can during the meal, but after eating after 30-40 minutes.

3. Daily in the diet should be 300-500 g of fruits and 400-600 g of vegetables, respectively, according to tolerance.

4. Understanding prohibitions and restrictions. Conventionally, food can be divided into 3 categories: Daily food is complex carbohydrates; meat and seafood cooked without oils; vegetables and fruits; healthy fats, clean drinking water, dairy products and legumes according to tolerance. Festive food is our favorite desserts and treats, coffee, food on holidays, vacations and meetings with relatives and friends. Permissible for health multiplicity of such food - 2-3 times a month. Junk / toxic food is fast food, sugary sodas, alcohol are extremely unhealthy foods that are best avoided.

5. Sufficient sleep and rest. Numerous studies have shown that people who sleep less than seven hours a night are 4.5 times more likely to be overweight.

The concept of a healthy diet includes: regular diet, varied and balanced in composition: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vegetable fibers, vitamins and minerals.

The regularity of nutrition should be observed constantly. It can be 3-5 meals a day. Subject to this rule, a person does not overeat, and the energy and substances necessary for health enter the body in a timely manner, excluding outbreaks of severe hunger.

It is quite simple to observe a variety of nutrition by consuming different types of cereals, meat and fish, vegetables, herbs, fruits and dairy products daily. It is also important to use healthier cooking methods, less frying. The recommended amount of vegetable oil is an average of 2 tablespoons per day.

An example of a balanced menu for the day looks like this:

2 large fruits, 2 servings of salad, 1 serving - vegetable soup, 1 serving - stewed vegetables, 2-3 servings of a protein product (meat, fish, poultry, eggs / 1 serving - 2 pcs.), 2 servings of dairy products; starchy foods (cereals, pasta, potatoes) - 3 servings, bread - 3 slices.

It is important for people with chronic diseases to consult a doctor and follow individual recommendations.

They live well until their 90s and often cross the 100-year mark. Their existence is marked by health, but the underlying reasons are often cultural. In fact, it's not just about individuals taking care of themselves. It is a nationwide lifestyle phenomenon.

Why are certain countries home to the happiest and healthiest people on earth? What are they eating? How do their daily habits differ from other societies? The author discovers an exceptional resemblance between these healthy nations scattered throughout the world.

1. Iceland

Due to its small population, Iceland is one of the least polluted countries in the world. But clean air is not the only reason Icelanders are healthy. They also excel at gymnastics. Due to the cool weather for much of the year, the people of Iceland are engaged in physical education, including in order to overcome the winter blues. The country has one of the highest life expectancies (72 years for men and 74 for women). It also has one of the lowest infant mortality rates (2 deaths per 1,000 children). Iceland is considered the healthiest country in the world.

2. Japan

The World Health Organization (WHO) has calculated the countries where people live in complete health the longest. Japan topped the list with 74.5 years. Much of this is due to the diet.

Every food in Japan looks like a work of art. The food is beautiful, tasty and simple at the same time. They are the world's largest consumers of fish, soy, seaweed and green tea. When they are already 80% full, they pause and wait for 10 minutes. Then decide whether to continue or not. And in most cases, they are full and do not need to continue the meal.

3. Sweden

Government policy encourages a healthy lifestyle, including a positive work-life balance. The population loves to play outdoors, and with the stunning scenery of hills, mountains and glacial lakes, it's easy. In addition to this, due to the location of Sweden, the diet of the inhabitants contains a large amount of fish and omega fatty acids. Their cooking methods also testify to the health of the nation. Instead of using oil in abundance, they boil, leaven, smoke and dry their products.

4. Okinawa

Okinawa is a prefecture in Japan. However, it deserves special mention, since it is believed that the healthiest people on Earth live there. According to research (centenarians of Okinawa), the ratio of centenarians who have reached 100 years old here may be the highest in the world - about 50 per 100,000 people. Super centenarians also live here - people who have reached the age of 110. Okinawans attribute their not only long, but healthy and happy lives to the fact that they consume tons of local fruits and vegetables, as well as tofu (bean curd) and seaweed. Their lives are also characterized by strict daily activities and relatively low stress.

5. New Zealand

Like Iceland, the lower population and less pollution make New Zealand a great place to make a home. New Zealanders enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and fishing. In general, this is a great place to start on the path of a healthy lifestyle. Wherever you live, you are always 90 minutes from the ocean.

“Plus, there is an abundance of healthy natural products here. We eat fresh seafood (we often catch it ourselves) and local organic fruits and vegetables. Here everyone grows something, and the neighbors put their crops up for sale. We get fresh lettuce from our children's school, avocados from our own garden, and kiwis, apples and plums from our neighbors,” says Jill Chalmers, who moved to New Zealand with her husband.

6. Sardinia

Sardinia is an autonomous region of Italy, where a large number of centenarians live. There is a strong sense of community in Sardinia. People are connected by close ties, and the elderly often live with their families. The men here often work as shepherds and walk 5 miles (8 km) a day. And the diet consists of whole grain tortillas, green beans, tomatoes, herbs, garlic, a variety of fruits, olive oil and pecorino cheese from grazing sheep (which is high in Omega 3).

7. Finland

According to the magazine Forbes, only 30 years ago Finland was hit by one of the highest death rates from heart failure. As a result, the country has taken decisive action to promote a healthy lifestyle. The number of smokers has dropped significantly, and consumption of fruits and vegetables has nearly doubled. This is a good example of what can be achieved if desired.

Although a long, healthy life depends on various factors, these countries have much in common. Many of them do not suffer from pollution, prioritize stress control and a favorable work-life balance. They rarely eat meat, if at all. The source of protein is fish and tofu. And at the same time, they consume local fruits and vegetables in abundance.

Aug 22, 2015 tigress…s

Japan has topped the "top ten" healthiest countries in the world, according to a large-scale international study of health and disease in 187 countries. Russia, on the other hand, was in 97th place in the ranking of healthy states. As the study showed, people began to live longer, but, alas, the statistics are spoiled by diseases that overcome humanity.

Japan has been holding the title of the healthiest nation for many years - for the first time it took the top line of the "health rating" 23 years ago. Moreover, both the male part of the population and the female part of the population do not complain about health here. “Whether this is due to their wonderful diet or good health care, or maybe it’s all in the genes, is not known. But be that as it may, after two decades, the Japanese are still the healthiest nation in the world,” said Dr. Lauren Brown, one from the authors of the study.

Scientists have divided the health rating into "male" and "female". Japan topped both of these rankings. Second place in the list of countries with a healthy male population was occupied by Singapore, and in the women's list - South Korea. The third line in the "men's" list was taken by Switzerland, and in the "women's" - Spain, according to The Week Magazine.

4. Spain
5. Italy
6. Australia
7. Canada
8. Andorra
9. Israel
10. South Korea

4. Singapore
5. Taiwan
6. Switzerland
7. Andorra
8. Italy
9. Australia
10. France

In the consolidated ranking of healthy countries, Russia was in 97th place, according to MedVesti.

According to the study, the overall life expectancy of people in the world has increased. Scientists also recorded a decrease in child mortality by 60 percent between 1990 and 2010.

At the same time, experts note an increase in the number of people unable to work due to illness. On average, women are incapacitated for more years than men - respectively 11.5 and 9.2. Experts explain the difference by the fact that women generally live longer than men. Among the diseases that most often lead to disability are mental disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, loss of vision and hearing.

"We are moving into a world in which disability is becoming the dominant issue as opposed to premature death," said Christopher JL. Murray of the University of Washington, co-author of the study.

According to doctors, heart disease and strokes are the diseases that most often lead to death. The incidence of diabetes and lung cancer also increased during the study period. A dangerous factor is the increase in the number of car accidents.

Scientists have also compiled "male" and "female" ratings of the ten most unhealthy countries in the world. These "dozens" included mainly disadvantaged African states, such as: Burkina Faso, Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Swaziland, the Central African Republic, Lesotho, Liberia, Burundi. Also on these lists were Haiti and Afghanistan.

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