Why is there loose stools all day. What to do with diarrhea? natural remedies for diarrhea

Frequent, loose stools that pass more than 3 times a day can be cause for concern. Regular loose stools, but not diarrhea, in an adult are usually a sign of disease, especially if there is blood, mucus or fat in it. In such a situation, you should abandon home treatment and consult a doctor as soon as possible. Check what diseases the above symptoms can indicate, what are the reasons for frequent urination.

A characteristic feature is the constant feeling of the need to defecate. Such a disease can alternate and be a symptom of many serious diseases.

A factor in the development of loose stools in the morning and after each meal can be a disease:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome.

This is a chronic disease - its symptoms can persist throughout life. The presence of blood is rarely observed, and there is also unexplained weight loss (despite the use of a balanced diet) and a feeling of fatigue. Often the need to defecate appears at night.

  • Colon cancer.

During the disease, changes occur within the cells of the colon mucosa. A loose stool appears, which may contain an admixture of blood (as a result of bleeding from the tumor). Often the only symptom of developing cancer is a change in the rhythm of the stool: diarrhea and constipation. It is worth knowing that the symptoms of rectal cancer are diverse and depend on the location of the tumor.

  • Nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

The disease is a chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum or colon. Its symptom is, in particular, frequent urges, which look like loose sediments mixed with blood. The disease is very dangerous, because its complications can be liver failure, colon perforation and even cancer.

  • Crohn's disease.

This is an inflammatory disease of the colon of unknown etiology that leads to destruction of the intestinal wall. The inflammatory process initially includes the mucous membrane, eventually occupying all layers of the colon wall. Symptoms of the disease are often loose stools, weight loss and changes in the membrane (ulcers, abscesses, fistulas).

  • celiac disease

Celiac disease is an inflammatory disease of the small intestine, the essence of which is gluten intolerance. In people who struggle with this type of malabsorption, inflammation occurs as a result of exposure to gluten supplements. The consequence is slow damage to the mucosa of the small intestine. A characteristic symptom of the disease is loose, pale, admixture with a strong pungent odor. It is excreted from the body in a large volume of loose stools.

  • Hyperthyroidism.

Excessive production of thyroid hormones causes an acceleration of the patient's metabolism, resulting in frequent urination, diarrhea. At the same time, there is a decrease in body weight, despite the fact that the patient's appetite does not decrease.

  • Typhoid fever.

This is a disease that can be contracted during a stay in tropical countries. It is caused by bacteria from the genus Salmonella. In the first week, fever and abdominal pain appear. In the second, severe headaches and a dry cough are observed. Only in the third week does loose stool appear.

  • Cystic fibrosis.

Urination freely, severe diarrhea immediately after eating with a strong smell is one of the characteristic symptoms of this disease. From the gastrointestinal tract, other symptoms also appear: an increase in the volume of the abdomen and blockage of the salivary glands with thick, viscous mucus.

Other causes of frequent diarrhea and dysbacteriosis:

  • medication - Many drugs, such as diabetes pills, laxatives, or hydrochloric acid antacids, can cause loose stools as an unwanted side effect of taking them. If there is a suspicion that medications are the cause of diarrhea, they should be stopped and consult a doctor. Antibacterial drugs often cause dysbacteriosis;
  • the use of large quantities of a sugar substitute (sorbitol, mannitol or xylitol).

Chronic diarrhea is a symptom of an illness that lasts more than 14 days. During this period, the patient gives more than 3 liters of fluid during the day. There can be many reasons, ranging from food allergies to life-threatening diseases.

What to do with loose stools in an adult

Some patients start the disease. Diarrhea can last for more than a year. In this case, there is a high risk of dehydration. With loose stools for a long time, it is important to conduct a comprehensive examination to eliminate the risk of developing a dangerous disease.

At the first symptoms and often recurring diarrhea, it is important to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Medicines such as:

  1. Smekta.
  2. Enterosgel.
  3. Enterofuril.
  4. Activated charcoal.
  5. Imodium.
  6. StopDiar.

The doctor may prescribe probiotics to improve internal intestinal motility (Linex, Bifidumbacterin).

If loose stools are accompanied by vomiting, then the cause of this may be a rotavirus infection or gastroenteritis. Enterofuril tablets can help to cope with a bacterial lesion. They have antibacterial and healing properties.

Soft stools after each meal are more likely to develop dehydration. Be sure to drink sweet tea or salted water in small portions. There is a special drug Regidron, which helps to cope with dehydration with rapidly developing diarrhea.

If an adult has loose stools, but not diarrhea, which bothers you for a long time, then you should definitely undergo an examination. It will help identify triggers. You should not self-medicate. After all, the disease can lead to intoxication of the body, significant weight loss and appetite.

The very fact of having diarrhea can not only worsen a person's quality of life, but also negatively affect his general health. Diarrhea is always accompanied by discomfort and loss of strength, not to mention the situation when loose stools do not stop in an adult for a long time.

To such a disorder, which lasts not just for days, but for weeks or months, the concept of “protracted” or “chronic” can be applied, which means that the problem is very advanced and will no longer be able to go away on its own without unpleasant consequences. Diarrhea is just the tip of a large iceberg, signaling less visible, but even more dangerous pathologies. Prolonged diarrhea brings the body to dehydration. With loose stools, not only moisture is lost, but also mineral salts and nutrients - everything that takes part in metabolism and regulates the water-salt balance.

It is impossible to ignore this condition, but, unfortunately, it is not so easy to diagnose the cause.

The main causes of prolonged diarrhea

Diarrhea is not a full-fledged disease, but only a symptom that indicates a violation of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract or other body systems. If diarrhea does not go away for a long time, then this may be due to a number of reasons:

  1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This disease is included in the group of a whole complex of intestinal disorders and can take place in two formats. The first form is systematic pain in the lower abdomen and frequent loose stools, which are uncontrollable and spontaneous. The second form in adults is bloating and constipation, which cause no less painful sensations.
  2. Wrong nutrition. And the point is not that once a person ate something spoiled and got poisoned, but in the systematic consumption of stale and poor-quality food, which are most likely infected with harmful microorganisms. Incessant loose stools can also be the result of drinking contaminated tap water, which is rarely taken to the laboratory for additional tests. The risk group can also include people who have intolerance to any product or component, but they do not even know about it. It can be gluten, lactose, or milk sugar, often found in even the healthiest and most balanced diets.
  3. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis. With this chronic disease, the lining of the large intestine becomes inflamed. It is accompanied by prolonged diarrhea with an admixture of blood and mucous passages in the feces, pain in the left abdomen, rapid weight loss and even fever.
  4. Crohn's disease. This disease is similar in nature to ulcerative colitis, which is expressed in such symptoms as: prolonged diarrhea, weakening of the body and weight loss. But there is one small but significant difference in its content: Crohn's disease affects the entire gastrointestinal tract, starting with the oral cavity and ending with the rectum. An infection, stress or heredity can provoke the occurrence of such a disease in adults.
  5. Dysbacteriosis. Long-term diarrhea can be the result of a decrease in the population of beneficial microorganisms that are always present in the intestines and help the normal course of all digestive processes. The cause of dysbacteriosis can be self-medication or illiterate use of antibiotics, which kill both pathogenic and health-essential bacteria. Incessant diarrhea makes itself felt in 90% of such cases.
  6. Infection. There are a huge number of infectious diseases that can provoke prolonged diarrhea: salmonellosis, dysentery and shigellosis. They are often accompanied by an increase in body temperature, nausea, vomiting and general weakness. If such a disease is treated incorrectly, then the infectious agent becomes a chronic carrier, disrupting the stool and the usual way of life of a person.
  7. Postpartum diarrhea. The entire period of pregnancy is accompanied by physiological and hormonal changes in the body of a woman, which make the digestive tract especially vulnerable. After childbirth, everything begins to return to normal, but this path may be accompanied by periodic disorders in the form of diarrhea. A balanced diet, proper rest, healthy sleep and taking care of the main rules of breastfeeding will help to cope with it.

Of course, this is not a complete list of possible causes of prolonged loose stools. If you find yourself with such a symptom and diarrhea does not go away for a week or more, then it's time to seek qualified help from a doctor who can conduct a thorough diagnosis of your painful condition and, with the help of additional tests, identify the exact cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

Loose stools are an unpleasant condition that can not only reduce the quality of life, but also temporarily deprive a person of full working capacity, which can directly affect his emotional and financial well-being.

Associated symptoms

  • general weakness;
  • change in the level of consciousness;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • fatigue;
  • fever and chills;
  • flu symptoms;
  • rapid heartbeat and breathing;
  • shortness of breath;
  • weight loss.

When is it time to see a doctor?

Diarrhea rarely occurs as a single symptom of the disease. Often it is combined with other clinical manifestations: abdominal pain, rumbling, bloating, false urge to go to the bathroom, nausea and vomiting, fever, fluid loss that can lead to cardiovascular failure. If prolonged diarrhea in an adult lasts more than a couple of weeks, then it can already be called protracted with confidence, and this is a good reason to come for a consultation with an experienced doctor.

Modern medicine allows for the most accurate diagnosis, which will become a reliable basis for drawing up the correct and effective therapy. For the accuracy of the diagnosis, only one examination by a qualified physician is not enough.

There is a whole list of mandatory and desirable methods and tests that a doctor can prescribe for you.

The patient should not refuse them, because his health and well-being is at stake:

  • history taking and examination. The patient reports all his symptoms, the number of bowel movements per day, his daily diet, medications used, as well as available chronic diseases such as cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, and so on. Even the presence of similar pathologies in the next of kin is taken into account;
  • laboratory tests: feces (analysis, culture, coprogram), blood (general analysis and biochemistry);
  • colonoscopy, CT scan of the abdominal organs, endoscopy, ultrasound and more.

If you do not know what to do, if the diarrhea does not go away, then any doctor's referral can save you from the danger of a pathological condition and complications, of which there are a huge number: dehydration, shock, acute renal failure, metabolic acidosis, hypokalemia and hypocalcemia, convulsions, bleeding, chronic diarrhea, etc.

Effective treatment

If unpleasant diarrhea does not go away for a week, then the person will need first aid, which consists in measures aimed at avoiding dehydration. Lost water and salts are compensated by a full drink, including dehydrating solutions (Rehydron, salted water, chamomile tea).

You need to start taking appropriate measures already at the moment when it comes to understanding that loose stools have been more than a few times and have not gone away for several days.

There are many popular drugs that promote intestinal motility if the patient’s diarrhea does not go away for a week, but they should be taken carefully and with the recommendations of a doctor, since self-medication can be fraught with unpleasant consequences:

The drug is prescribed for acute diarrhea not associated with various infections, diarrhea during travel, as well as for diagnosing irritable bowel syndrome.

Imodium is not prescribed to children under the age of 6 years, in the first trimester of pregnancy and in case of hypersensitivity to its components included in the drug.

Buy a pack of 6 pcs. 2 mg can be in any pharmacy for 230 rubles.

Used for acute intestinal infections. It is prescribed for both adults and children.

Contraindications include: intestinal obstruction and fructose intolerance, hypersensitivity to the drug, and so on.

A package of 10 sachets of 3 g costs about 150 rubles and is sold without a prescription.

The drug is used in the treatment of acute infectious diarrhea.

Contraindications: children under the age of 1 year, rejection of the components, the presence of an installed central venous catheter.

A pack of 10 capsules costs about 300 rubles and is available at any pharmacy in your city.

Linex is a complex of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, enterococci, which effectively show themselves in the treatment of acute forms of diarrhea, even in infants.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug or to dairy products.

The price in a pharmacy is about 300 rubles for 16 capsules.

Any drug treatment should be accompanied by adherence to the regimen of the day, diet and doctor's prescriptions, since self-medication can help or harm a person's health. If, even in the case of active treatment, diarrhea in adults does not go away and loose stools are observed all the time, then hospitalization may be necessary.

Traditional medicine can also contribute to a speedy recovery, but you need to understand that it should be part of a whole integrated approach, and not the only way to deal with diarrhea.

There are many recipes that can alleviate the patient's condition:

  1. Oak bark. 1 tbsp the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for an hour, after which it is carefully filtered. Infusion should be consumed in a few spoons all day.
  2. Rice porrige. A decoction is prepared from rice cereal, which is taken orally in a quarter of a glass every 3 hours.
  3. A decoction of pomegranate peels. Dried pomegranate peel is poured with water in a ratio of 1 tsp. per 1 liter of liquid and boiled in a water bath for about 40 minutes. It should be taken up to 5 times a day for 2 tsp.
  4. Blueberry infusion. Blueberries are poured with a glass of water, brought to a boil and boiled for another 5 minutes, filtered. The decoction is cooled and drunk throughout the day as a tea.
  5. Chamomile flowers. 1 tbsp is thrown into a glass of water. l. dried chamomile, the liquid is boiled for 15 minutes, then cooled and filtered. It is taken 100 ml before meals.

Diet and optimal diet

The causes and treatment of diarrhea are closely related. But, regardless of the type of disorder, diet is of paramount importance. Only a complete and thoughtful diet can help achieve good and fast results. During the period of illness, you need to increase the amount of fluid consumed, but exclude store-bought juices and carbonated drinks. Also, do not abuse fatty, smoked, fried, spicy and sweet foods. You can safely eat: stale bread and crackers, lean meat tenderloin and dietary fish, weak broths and boiled eggs, as well as cereals on the water. It is better to replace dessert with low-fat cottage cheese and home-made jelly. As for the drinking regimen, the liquid should be consumed in moderate doses, but regularly at regular intervals.

This mode will help the body recover faster and with minimal losses and solve the problem of what to do if prolonged diarrhea does not go away.

Watch a video on prolonged diarrhea

Preventive measures

Diarrhea can be treated or prevented. To do this, it is enough to carry out simple preventive measures that contribute to the normal functioning of the digestive tract. These include: regular washing of hands with soap before and after eating, good handling of fruits and vegetables, using only fresh and proven products, caution in eating exotic food or food whose origin you are not able to trace.

Ordinary diarrhea can unsettle a person for a long time, depriving him of the opportunity to fully manage his life. Diarrhea should never be ignored, as even a slight manifestation of it can indicate deeper problems. And even diarrhea that has passed with complications can cause irreparable harm to health.

Stock up on patience and doctor's prescriptions and start a new day with a new approach to your health.


The presence of symptoms such as:

  • Diarrhea
  • smell from the mouth
  • heartburn
  • stomach ache
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach
  • constipation
  • belching
  • increased gas production (flatulence)

If you have at least 2 of these symptoms, then this indicates a developing

gastritis or ulcer. These diseases are dangerous for the development of serious complications (penetration, gastric bleeding, etc.), many of which can lead to


exodus. Treatment needs to start now.

Read the article about how a woman got rid of these symptoms by defeating their root cause in a natural way. Read the material ...

If loose stools are observed in an adult for a long time, it is necessary to look for the causes. Some begin self-treatment, but the futility of such an attempt often leads to the need to seek help from specialists.

Due to the protracted nature of diarrhea, there are violations of the performance of some body systems. Lack of proper treatment leads to persistent forms of the condition. In this case, the stool has a liquid consistency, and acts of defecation occur more than twice a day. This pathological condition is called chronic diarrhea.

Factors that cause loose stools

Loose stools can occur in an adult for a long time due to a number of reasons. By stopping the impact of some factors, it is possible to restore the consistency of the stool. Some causes are temporary, and during this period it is only necessary to help the body a little in order to restore the correct defecation process. However, some factors are pathological in nature, in which diarrhea cannot pass without a diagnosis and further treatment.

The reasons for the manifestation of loose stools, disturbing for a long period, include:

  • irrational nutrition;
  • infections;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • disorders in women due to physiological causes;
  • stress.

Influence of nutrition

The cause of diarrhea that persists for a long time may be malnutrition. In a completely healthy person, after a large amount of fatty foods flavored with spicy or spicy seasonings, as well as foods that contain a lot of fiber (vegetables and fruits), loose stools may appear. If such a diet is repeated every day, then one should expect the occurrence of a long-term diarrhea.

Also, one of the causes of liquid stools are sweeteners, which are contained not only in the corresponding tablets, but also in cakes, sweets and even sweet carbonated drinks.

Some people have experienced diarrhea as a result of moving to another area. This process is influenced by the quality of the water used for drinking and cooking, as well as food unfamiliar to the stomach. Adaptation of the body to new conditions lasts up to two weeks, all this time diarrhea may not go away. This does not require special treatment, but the use of tablets, which contain enzymes, and the gradual inclusion of new products in the menu will help the stomach to quickly adapt to new water and food.

Other causes of diarrhea due to certain foods include:

  1. Dyspepsia. This pathological manifestation has another, more understandable name for an ordinary person: lazy stomach syndrome. This disorder occurs due to a violation of the motor function of the stomach, affecting the process of digestion of food. Fermentative dyspepsia manifests itself after eating foods that provoke fermentation. Among them, kvass, beer and some fruits stand out.
  2. celiac disease This is a multifactorial disease of a congenital nature. The disease is associated with intolerance to gluten (protein). It is found in large quantities in cereals (wheat, barley, rye). With the manifestation of the disease, the stool becomes frothy, sometimes with mucus, has a light color and a fetid odor. During illness, weight loss is noted, the person becomes lethargic.
  3. Excessive and daily use of alcohol often leads to prolonged diarrhea. This is facilitated by the fact that alcohol enhances peristalsis, reduces the amount of beneficial microflora, and the absorption of fluid in the intestine is slow. In this case, no pills can help. Only moderate drinking will help get rid of diarrhea.

Infectious diseases

With tuberculosis, the symptoms of inflammation are mild. In the presence of loose stools, poor appetite, rumbling and heaviness in the abdomen, sweating and body temperature slightly above 37 ° C can disturb. Tuberculosis requires a long and complex treatment.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in adults are often accompanied by long-term loose stools, nausea, bloating and rumbling in it, heartburn. The following diseases lead to such symptoms:

  • the presence of a stomach ulcer or 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • colitis or enteritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis;
  • the appearance of tumors.

After removal of the gallbladder, diarrhea may occur. Diet is the cornerstone of treatment. Strict observance of the daily regimen and the use of the necessary products contribute to the normalization of the stool.

Disorders in women

In many women, the period before and during menstruation is accompanied by diarrhea. At the same time, this manifestation is observed monthly. Why this happens and what measures to take is of interest to every woman who has experienced such an unpleasant repetition.

During the period of menstruation, a lot of prostaglandins are thrown into the body of a woman, and they are active substances, the biological effect of which has a fairly wide range. They act on the smooth muscles of the internal organs, reduce the production of gastric juice and lower its acidity. Due to such an active manifestation of prostaglandins, the development of prolonged diarrhea is possible.

Diarrhea can also occur during childbearing. Often it manifests itself as a sign of toxicosis. Also, diarrhea appears immediately before the onset of labor. This is a physiological phenomenon that promotes bowel cleansing. Sometimes at the same time as diarrhea, amniotic fluid also leaves.

In order to get rid of such a problem as prolonged diarrhea, treatment should include not only drugs for diarrhea, but also remedies for the root cause of its occurrence.

Often, when diarrhea occurs, activated charcoal is taken first. This tool is known to almost everyone. However, activated charcoal is a sorbent whose action is to absorb toxins. But along with harmful substances, it also removes fluid from the body. With prolonged diarrhea, dehydration of the body is already possible, and the use of activated charcoal only exacerbates the situation.

With the infectious nature of diarrhea, effective means are Mezim forte, Bifidumbacterin, Loperamide and Imodium. The last two drugs are good in the case when intestinal motility is increased, with irritation. However, these medications are not recommended for infectious diarrhea.

If diarrhea in an adult is caused by poisoning, then the first action should be gastric lavage. At home, this can be done with boiled water and potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). The solution for drinking should be light pink, and its quantity should be large (up to three liters).

In the treatment of celiac disease, it is necessary to strictly follow the diet, excluding foods with gluten as much as possible. Lifelong therapy includes drugs containing enzymes, remedies for dysbacteriosis, and also helps to perform a general strengthening of the body.

In the case of diarrhea due to the use of antibiotics, the beginning of treatment consists in taking antifungal agents, for example, Linex. Antispasmodic drugs, such as No-shpa or Papaverine, are used to relieve pain that has arisen in the lower abdomen. A remedy such as Regidron is used to restore the amount of useful minerals in the body.

Treatment with folk remedies

It should be remembered that long-term diarrhea with folk remedies cannot be cured. The resulting effect will only be temporary. Such recipes are welcome only in conjunction with medications. The following folk remedies will help with diarrhea:

  1. Mint. To prepare a decoction, you need up to 6 leaves of the plant and 2 cups of water. Boil, insist for an hour. After straining, drink after meals up to three times a day.
  2. Pour potato starch in the amount of 2 tablespoons into a glass of warm water. Mix well. Drink half a glass of the solution four times a day.
  3. Take 5-6 blueberries, pour a glass of water and boil for 5 minutes. Strain, let cool. The decoction should be used instead of tea throughout the day.
  4. Dry the pomegranate peel, and then boil three tablespoons of the product in crushed form for 20 minutes in two glasses of water. After straining and cooling, drink three tablespoons 30 minutes before meals.
  5. Boil chamomile in the amount of one spoon for 15 minutes in 200 g of water. Allow the broth to cool, strain, take 100 g a quarter of an hour before eating.
  6. Boil dry fruits of bird cherry in the amount of one spoon in 200 g of water. Allow to cool and strain, take the broth in small sips throughout the day.
  7. Infusion of oak bark. Bring one spoonful of bark to a boil in 200 g of water, use according to the previous recipe.

It is also possible to use decoctions of thyme, St. John's wort and a number of other plants.

Intestinal upset, diarrhea, diarrhea - these names mean one not too pleasant phenomenon, which affects both adults and children. We are talking about frequent liquid bowel movements that occur for various reasons and are a source of increased dehydration of the body. In addition, a person loses many essential minerals and nutrients, which disrupts metabolic processes.

Consider the causes and treatment of loose stools in an adult patient. Diarrhea can occur on the background of food poisoning or due to exposure to bacterial and viral agents. Each type of diarrhea has its own symptoms, and incorrect or untimely therapy can lead to complications. Therefore, even a seemingly frivolous disorder requires close attention.

Reasons contributing to the formation of the condition

Sometimes diarrhea is a short-term condition that passes quickly enough. In other cases, stool disorder is observed over a long period, which cannot but disturb. Possible reasons:

  • The problem may be irritable bowel syndrome. This functional failure can be caused by heredity or psycho-emotional states. Symptoms accompanying the disease are sharp, frequent and uncontrollable urges, bloating, long constipation, impaired gas discharge. There are spastic pains in the lower abdomen.
  • Quite often, they suffer from loose stools due to poor-quality or bacteria-infected foods and water. There is also the possibility of intolerance to certain foods, which is due to insufficient production of certain enzymes designed to digest food. In addition to diarrhea, this kind of pathology can be accompanied by nausea, bouts of pain, swelling and sometimes vomiting.
  • In chronic ulcerative colitis, liquid stools are mixed with mucous secretions and blood. Due to ulcerative inflammation of the mucous layer of the large intestine, abdominal pain occurs on the left, weight loss is observed, frequent diarrhea is replaced by constipation, and fever is observed.
  • In Crohn's disease, the symptoms are very similar to the pathology described above, however, the disease affects all parts of the gastrointestinal tract - from the oral cavity to the rectum, pain develops in the lower abdomen on the right. The disease can develop against the background of stressful situations, heredity, infections and other factors.
  • Dysbacteriosis occurs due to an imbalance in the microflora, when conditionally pathogenic organisms begin to prevail over lactobacilli. Most often, dysbiosis provokes prolonged use of antimicrobial drugs or non-compliance with the doctor's prescriptions for their use.
  • Infectious diseases, including salmonellosis and dysentery, can also become the root cause of diarrhea. In addition to diarrhea, fever, nausea, vomiting and general weakness are observed.

The disorder may arise due to the use of unusual foods.

Also, diarrhea can develop against the background of ulcerative exacerbations, the development of malignant neoplasms, poisoning with mushrooms or household chemicals, and non-compliance with basic hygiene rules.

In some cases, immediate treatment to the clinic is necessary, as evidenced by the following signs:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • persistent urge to defecate;
  • pain in the abdomen, heaviness;
  • increased gas formation;
  • too high body temperature;
  • yellow tint of liquid stools;
  • black color of feces or an admixture of blood in it;
  • frothy green diarrhea in an adult patient.

Traditional therapy for diarrhea

The main danger with diarrhea is rapid dehydration, especially if vomiting is added to frequent bowel movements. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly restore the water balance - you need to drink plenty of water. The ideal option is boiled water and herbal teas, special solutions that help compensate for the loss of trace elements, Regidron is most often prescribed. When vomiting, water should be drunk in small sips as often as possible.

It is impossible to effectively treat diarrhea without correcting nutrition. Restoration of the gastrointestinal tract requires the appointment of a sparing diet, the basic principles of which are as follows:

  • Drawing up a balanced menu that allows you to ensure normal life.
  • Reducing the load on the digestive system.
  • Gradual and cautious expansion of the diet.

There are a number of rules that must be followed. Products should be boiled or cooked in a double boiler, all served dishes should not be excessively cold or hot. You should switch to fractional nutrition: increase the number of meals, while reducing portion sizes. So the stomach will be easier to restore normal functioning.

With diarrhea, preference is given to the following products:

  • unsweetened crackers or "yesterday's" bread products;
  • low-fat - better vegetable - broths;
  • dietary meat and low-fat fish dishes;
  • boiled eggs;
  • lean cottage cheese;
  • baked apples;
  • weak teas and berry kissels.

After the unpleasant symptoms disappear, the diet can be gradually expanded, while carefully monitoring the reaction of the body. If there is no diarrhea, the next product is introduced into the diet.

As for taking medications, only a specialist should deal with their appointment. When self-medicating with antidiarrheal drugs, the risk of damage to the intestinal mucosa is high. In cases where diarrhea occurs against the background of inflammatory processes, complex treatment is required. Infections are eliminated with the help of antimicrobials.

Acute diarrhea, accompanied by pain, spasms, bouts of vomiting, requires the use of drugs that reduce intestinal motility. With dysbiosis, restoration of microflora is required, for which probiotics and prebiotics are prescribed, and a vitamin course is also prescribed.

The most effective recipes for the treatment of diarrhea

If diarrhea is not complicated by other symptoms, you can use folk recipes to eliminate it, used on the background of the diet. There are a number of commonly used decoctions and infusions that have stood the test of time.

Oak bark

An ideal remedy for diarrhea - a decoction of oak bark. To prepare it, a glass of boiling water requires a pinch of crushed ingredient. Then the mixture should be kept in a water bath for ten minutes, filtered and drunk three times a day. A single serving should be 18 grams.

A decoction of walnut partitions

The peel of a pomegranate and a partition of nuts possesses the fixing properties. In 500 ml of boiling water, add a large spoonful of walnut partitions, leave for 20 minutes, filter and take in the morning before breakfast. The recommended serving is 100 ml.

Recipes for vodka tinctures

You can prepare vodka tincture. Walnut partitions in the amount of three large spoons are poured with a bottle of vodka or diluted alcohol and insisted in heat for 12 days, filtered, drink 100 ml in case of diarrhea.

Unripe walnut fruits collected in June and July are also used. Recipe for the tincture:

  1. 20 fruits are washed, finely cut along with the peel;
  2. place the raw material in a glass container;
  3. add half a liter of vodka;
  4. the container is closed and insisted for two weeks;
  5. the tincture is filtered, poured into a bottle;
  6. store the drug in the dark.

Take the remedy should be a large spoon three times a day, after the main meals.

Alcohol tincture of walnut partitions

Another recipe recommends pouring 30 grams of crushed walnut partitions with alcohol in a volume of 250 ml and insisting for three days, shaking the container regularly. The agent is filtered, taken with diarrhea from six to ten drops three or four times a day. Drink the drug should be before meals, drinking it with water. Some caution should be exercised when using nut products, as allergic reactions may develop with hypersensitivity. Also, the nut is not indicated in the presence of neurodermatitis, eczema or psoriasis.

Red wine tincture

If the disorder is very strong, it is recommended to pour a glass of walnut partitions with a liter of fortified red wine and insist the remedy in the dark for seven days, shaking it periodically. Then the drink is filtered and taken before meals in a small spoon. There should be at least three such receptions per day. The drug should be taken with warm water.

pomegranate peel

Dry pomegranate peels are no less effective remedy. Three large spoons of the crushed ingredient should be poured into 500 ml of liquid and boiled for five minutes, then insisted until cool and filtered. If diarrhea is frequent and severe, adult patients should drink 250 ml in the morning, evening and afternoon. With mild manifestations of the pathology, half a serving in the morning and before bedtime is enough.

Other folk remedies for diarrhea

In addition to nuts, pomegranate and oak bark, there are many effective ways that effectively eliminate diarrhea:

  1. With liquid stools, dry blackberry fruits are often used. Berries must be mixed with natural honey and eat in the morning, afternoon, evening hours in a small spoon.
  2. Medicinal tea is obtained from blueberries. The drink is consumed three times a day.
  3. A large spoon of chamomile color should be poured with boiling water in a volume of 200 ml, insist until cool. Filter and drink 0.5 cups in the morning, evening and lunch.
  4. Potato starch also helps curb the disease. In 250 ml of strong chilled tea, you need to dilute a small spoonful of the substance and drink it all at once.
  5. You can chop the rosehip branches, pour a small spoonful of the plant with a glass of boiling water, simmer the remedy in a water bath for half an hour. Then the drink is filtered and taken in the morning, in the afternoon and evening, a third of a glass.
  6. An effective plant against disorders is St. John's wort. Ten grams of the plant is brewed with 250 ml of boiling water, cooled, filtered, drunk in a large spoon in the morning, evening and at lunchtime.
  7. Cowberry and bird cherry leaves are crushed, mixed in a ratio of 1:1. Two large spoons of the collection pour 500 ml of boiling water, infuse the liquid for two hours, drink 0.5 cups several times a day.
  8. Bird cherry berries in the amount of one large spoon are brewed in a glass of boiling water, kept on the stove for another five minutes, after which they insist for two hours. Drink the remedy should be three times a day for a quarter of the initial volume.
  9. One ripe pear should be cut into small pieces and thrown into boiling water (500 ml). Then cook for 15 minutes and insist for 120 minutes. It is necessary to drink the remedy before meals. The number of doses per day is four, the volume of each serving is 100 ml.

Diarrhea is never an independent disease, but indicates a malfunction in organs and systems. Diarrhea can be a symptom of infectious and non-infectious diseases. The greatest danger is dehydration during diarrhea, as well as the loss of vitamins and minerals, and as a result, vitamin deficiency. Loose stools in an adult for a long time is dangerous, as it can cause hypovolemic shock if the patient is not given rehydration therapy.

Symptoms of chronic diarrhea

In chronic diarrhea, the patient has systematic loose stools 3 or more times a day for at least 3 weeks. If diarrhea persists for no longer than 3 weeks, they speak of acute diarrhea. With diarrhea, there are emergency, sometimes uncontrollable, urges. Frequent liquid or mushy stools are accompanied by flatulence (increased gas formation), rumbling, and abdominal pain. With diarrhea, fever and a general weakening of the body can be observed.

With diarrhea, the mass of unformed stool increases to 250–300 g per day, the water content in feces increases to 60–85%.

With diarrhea, food is liquefied, its incomplete digestion, so pieces of food can be observed in the feces. Depending on the pathogenesis, the characteristics of the stool may vary.


What to do if diarrhea occurs? First you need to determine the type of diarrhea. There are the following types of diarrhea:

  1. Secretory diarrhea - profuse (more than 1 liter) watery diarrhea, usually painless. Prolonged diarrhea is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, the frequency of stool increases up to 15 times a day, there are no false urges.
  2. Osmotic diarrhea is profuse, frothy stools that may contain blotches of semi-digested food. Prolonged diarrhea is accompanied by abdominal cramps.
  3. Exudative (invasive) diarrhea is liquid, non-abundant feces, in which pus and spotting are often observed.
  4. Motor diarrhea - moderate discharge with particles of undigested food.

Diarrhea can be infectious or non-infectious. Often, diarrhea is provoked by prolonged use of medications: antibiotics, magnesium-containing antacids, various laxatives, nonsteroidal drugs. Medicines can cause mixed type of diarrhea (exudative-secretory, motor-secretory, etc.).

Osmotic diarrhea

Due to the increase in the content of electrolytes in the intestinal lumen, water is discharged, followed by its retention in the intestine. Osmotic diarrhea is caused by:

An important difference between osmotic diarrhea and other types is its termination after 2-3 days of fasting.

secretory diarrhea

In this disorder, secretion of electrolytes and water predominates over absorption. The reason for this may be:

  • infectious diseases (toxic infection, salmonellosis, cholera, yersiniosis, Escherichia coli, staphylococcus),
  • hormonally active tumors (carcinoid, gastrinoma, VIPoma),
  • hereditary diseases (for example, chloride),
  • non-infectious causes: prolonged use of drugs and laxatives, acute poisoning with arsenic, fungi, salts of heavy metals, alcohol.

After the elimination of enterotoxin, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is getting better, the incessant diarrhea disappears.

In addition, a rare case of this type of diarrhea may be hereditary diarrhea due to gene mutation.

Exudative diarrhea

Incessant diarrhea in this form is caused by inflammation of the colon mucosa. The causes of inflammation are the following diseases:

  • tuberculosis,
  • diverticular disease,
  • ischemic colitis,
  • acute intestinal infections such as dysentery,
  • tumor processes in the intestine,
  • ulcerative colitis,
  • radiation colitis (radiation exposure),
  • vasculitis,
  • Crohn's disease,
  • adeno and rotoviruses,

This form of diarrhea, as you can see, can be infectious and non-infectious. Infectious occurs due to the penetration and spread of pathogenic strains (for example, the human immunodeficiency virus), as well as protozoa (amoebae). The non-infectious form is usually associated with ulcerative colitis.

Motor diarrhea

Irritable bowel syndrome occurs due to increased intestinal motility. It is often observed after the removal of the stomach or parts of it. Food enters the intestines faster, due to insufficient digestion, diarrhea occurs.

A decrease in motor function is observed with dermatomyositis, diabetic polyneuropathy, and scleroderma.

Treatment of diarrhea

Since the causes of incessant stools are different, it is necessary to establish the mechanism of diarrhea before treatment. If diarrhea persists for several days, rehydration therapy is indicated for all patients, regardless of pathogenesis.

With non-infectious diarrhea, the underlying disease is initially eliminated. Antibiotics are prescribed if diarrhea is caused by bacteria or protozoa.

Diarrhea associated with a hormone-producing tumor will require serious medical attention. If the diarrhea does not stop for this reason, surgical removal of the tumor will be required.

What to do with different types of diarrhea:

  1. With secretory diarrhea, Smecta, Enterol, Bifidumbacterin, Furazalidon, Baktisubtil are prescribed.
  2. With osmotic diarrhea, Imodium, Loperamide, Regidron, Codeine phosphate are prescribed; antibacterial drugs, for example, biseptol.
  3. With motor diarrhea, Imodium, astringent adsorbents, for example, bismuth preparations, are used.
  4. With exudative diarrhea, prebiotics and probiotics are mainly used (Bifiform, Linex, Hilak forte).

With diarrhea, as already mentioned, it is important to eliminate dehydration, that is, dehydration.

Rehydration for diarrhea

If diarrhea lasts for a long time, ready-made pharmaceutical preparations are used to restore the water-salt balance, which are diluted with water and drunk, or you can use a self-prepared drink. A tablespoon of salt and 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar are added to a liter of water, mixed with a spoonful of soda. The prepared infusion is drunk during the day, if there is no nausea and vomiting. The patient is supposed to drink another liquid: fruit drinks, non-mineral and mineral water without gas. Fruit juices are contraindicated.

With any diarrhea, regardless of pathogenesis, there is a violation of the natural microflora, therefore, the use of prebiotics and probiotics, for example, Hilak forte, is indicated.

Diet for diarrhea

With prolonged diarrhea, a special diet should be followed. Diarrhea for several days and for a longer time is provoked by products with a laxative effect. Compliance with the diet will help speed up the treatment. A sparing diet is especially indicated for secretory diarrhea.

The patient during treatment should be excluded from the menu fatty and dairy dishes, alcohol, spices and spices, spicy foods, plums, beets, sweet foods, sauces, black bread. Boiled white rice, white bread crackers, boiled or steamed low-fat meatballs, meatballs or cutlets, apple and potato puree are allowed.

The stomach hurts and diarrhea occurs most often with indigestion and the penetration of toxins into the body. You should pay attention to the quality of food (especially expiration dates and storage conditions), the degree of water purification, personal hygiene (hand washing).

Diarrhea in an adult can be caused by lactase deficiency, intolerance to dairy products. With this pathology, milk should be excluded from the diet, in which case the diarrhea will pass in the near future.

What to do if diarrhea occurs away from home? Traveler's diarrhea is a specific form of bowel disorder. There is a disorder of the stool due to a change in climatic conditions, food unusual for the stomach, as well as the penetration of bacteria and viruses. Tourists traveling to countries with contaminated water sources (Asia, Africa, the Middle East) should be especially careful.

When traveling, it is better to take simple water filters, antibiotics and prebiotics. You should avoid dishes with raw meat and fish, unwashed vegetables. When the temperature rises above 38 degrees and bloody diarrhea appears, you should seek medical help for common viruses and microorganisms that travelers bring from vacation - Giardia, dysenteric amoeba, enterovirus, rotavirus, norovirus.

Severe diarrhea with water is a problem that every adult has encountered at least once. There are quite a few reasons for the appearance of a violation of the stool. It can be infections in the intestines or just a poor-quality product eaten at dinner. Diarrhea with water most often appears due to pathologies of the small intestine.

Know! Watery diarrhea in an adult can be a symptom of a serious illness, and therefore it is imperative to find out the cause of the diarrhea and eliminate it as soon as possible.

Diarrhea with water in an adult can occur at the most unexpected moment. It is good if the urge to go to the toilet is rare and lasts for one or two days. However, watery diarrhea in an adult can last longer. If loose, watery stools persist for more than three days, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination to find out the cause of the disease. The digestive tract is connected to all systems in the body, so any external influence can increase intestinal motility, thereby causing the appearance of watery stools in an adult. The most common causes of diarrhea are:

  • dyspepsia factor. This cause occurs due to a violation of the production and regulation of the gastric glands, which leads to the inability to digest food and absorb nutrients by the body.
  • An infectious cause is one of the most common causes. As a rule, in the presence of an infectious disease, the patient has a virus in the intestines or toxic substances left over from poor-quality products.
  • Alimentary factor. This reason is the reaction of the body to one of the substances contained in the products.
  • toxic reason. Diarrhea like water in an adult can occur as a result of poisoning with poisonous and toxic substances.
  • The drug factor is provoked by the influence of strong drugs. For example, often the appearance of diarrhea with water in an adult is caused by treatment with antibacterial agents. Antibiotics perfectly fight pathogenic microflora, however, at the same time destroy beneficial bacteria, causing dysbacteriosis.
  • The neurogenic cause is also called bear disease. In this case, loose stools, like water, appear in an adult due to strong and frequent experiences.

There are other factors that provoke the appearance of diarrhea in an adult. Many people wonder what to do with diarrhea with water. It is important in this case to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. For example, if, in addition to diarrhea with water, a high temperature is also observed, most likely, you have intoxication of the body. It can occur when poisoning with poisons or low-quality products. In addition, sometimes diarrhea is accompanied by sharp pains in the abdomen, which may indicate other serious diseases.

Additional symptoms

Diarrhea in the form of water from the intestines can be a sign of various ailments. In order to have more complete information about the disease, it is necessary to take into account other factors. For example, you should pay attention to how the disease proceeds, what additional symptoms appear, and what color the stool is.

Loose stools in an adult are often accompanied by an increase in body temperature. The maximum temperature, as a rule, is noted at the level of 39 degrees. Such a sign is considered normal, since it indicates an immunodeficiency. Diarrhea is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and an unpleasant feeling of heaviness. In addition, many also note belching with the smell of rotten eggs, which is easily explained by the flow of gases from the intestines into the stomach.

Almost any doctor can easily determine the cause of the disease by the color of the feces. Also, any patient can independently draw some conclusions. First, you should ask yourself how often I go to the toilet. If the answer is: more than three times a day, you should start to worry. Secondly, you should also ask yourself how long I go to the toilet with liquid feces. An alarming sign is the continuation of dysentery for three days or more. The color of feces may indicate the following:

  1. Green color is a sign of the presence of pathogenic microflora in the intestine. It can be harmful bacteria or viruses of various nature.
  2. The yellow color of the feces indicates increased intestinal peristalsis. This ailment is most easily eliminated, so the yellow color can be considered a good sign.
  3. The black color of the feces may be evidence of eating certain foods, such as blueberries, beets, or activated charcoal. If no such products were consumed the day before, then such a sign indicates the presence of bleeding in the body.
  4. The white color of liquid feces is a sure sign of a stone in the bile duct or a neoplasm.
  5. If the feces are transparent and look like water, it is possible to talk about the presence of cholera, which provokes all the signs of diarrhea.

Consequences of water diarrhea in adults

If diarrhea is not treated with water, an adult can get many complications. The most likely and common consequence of diarrhea is dehydration. During diarrhea, the body loses quite a lot of water. If you do not replenish its amount in the body, you can easily earn violations of the water, electrolyte and salt balance in the body.

Water and minerals are necessary for absolutely all body systems. In addition, the human skeleton is about one-fifth water, and the brain and heart are three-quarters. That is why without the right amount of water, the body simply cannot survive. Recovery after dehydration is very long.

Treatment of diarrhea

Many people wonder how to treat diarrhea with water for an adult. It is not superfluous to start by saying that the causes and treatment of diarrhea are closely related.

Important! Before starting therapy, it is imperative to determine the cause of loose stools. It is best to contact a specialist for this, since in most cases it is possible to identify the problem only with the help of special studies.

The first thing you need to worry about is to prevent dehydration of the body. It is necessary to restore the balance of water and salt, the drug Regidron is excellent for this. If it was not at hand, you can simply pour boiled water into a liter jar and add half a teaspoon of soda, a tablespoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt. It is advisable to start drinking the solution already in the first 6-10 hours of diarrhea. After taking the solution, after a while you can also add mineral water. It is not recommended to drink juices, milk and coffee during diarrhea.

Do not try to cure the disease yourself with antibacterial agents. Antibiotics are rarely prescribed during diarrhea, as in this case they can do more harm than help. In general, self-treatment most often results in complications, so it is not recommended to neglect qualified help. Many infectious diseases can lead to rather sad consequences.

How to eat during diarrhea?

An important part of treating diarrhea is following a special diet. It implies the rejection of sweet and starchy, spicy and fatty foods. In addition, alcoholic and carbonated drinks are prohibited. Also, do not include pickled or canned foods in the menu. All dishes should be steamed or boiled. Eat more grains and vegetables. It is better to replace bread with crackers.

Loose stools are a medical and household designation for the manifestation of diarrhea, a pathological condition characterized by frequent watery or amorphous discharge from the intestines, as well as rectal incontinence.

The name "stool" in relation to intestinal secretions and the process of defecation most likely came from the arsenal of English physicians, in whom the noun stool has the same figurative meaning. Initially, it is connected with the fact that in the Middle Ages, natural necessities were performed at home while sitting on a wooden chair with a hole in the seat, under which a bucket was hidden. The owners of castles had a funny privilege: in the tower of the castle they could arrange a closed balcony, in the bottom of which a hole was made. Through him, the seigneur could "bless" careless vassals.

It is curious, but the primitive man almost did not suffer from diarrhea, since he did not make special stocks of food that could spoil, and did not drink dirty water. Liquid stool became a companion of a settled civilization. The first mention of an epidemic of dysentery is found in the Greek historian Herodotus, who tells of a massive intestinal illness in the army of King Xerxes during one of the Greco-Persian wars. Hippocrates, the founder of European medicine, believed that the cause of diarrhea was drinking dirty water.

Before the invention of antibiotics in the middle of the 20th century, intestinal infections that cause loose stools were associated with a significant mortality rate, especially in children. Effective antibacterial drugs made it possible to successfully defeat diseases such as cholera, typhoid fever, and dysentery. However, in developing countries, about one and a half million people still die every year as a result of dehydration and secondary infections due to diarrhea. In addition, a new attack has arrived. Antibiotics turned out to be a double-edged sword. As a rule, even broad-spectrum drugs do not destroy all pathogenic intestinal microflora. Bacteria, which the drug does not act on, feel free and begin to multiply intensively. As a result, having coped with one disease, a person earns another, sometimes no less dangerous. Today, acute infections accompanied by diarrhea are not common in developed countries, but loose stools in adults for a long time are a phenomenon that can be found at every turn. Added to this are traveler's diarrhea, which affects approximately 30% of all tourists and business travelers who enter countries with a new climate and new food culture, as well as almost one and a half billion people suffering from the notorious irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), one of the diseases of the 19th century that designed to feed paid medicine and the pharmaceutical industry.

There is only one conclusion: the problem of loose stools on Earth is far from being solved and, most likely, will never be completely solved, since diarrhea is not just a symptom of certain pathologies, but one of the protective reactions of the body, seeking to remove toxins and toxins from infections and intoxications.

Causes of loose stools

There are many reasons that can cause diarrhea. From the point of view of physiology, they can be divided into two groups:

  1. Osmolar diarrhea caused by excess fluid in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract and slowing down its absorption into the intestinal wall.
  2. Motor diarrhea caused by increased peristalsis of the intestines and weakening of the rectal sphincter.

In most cases, a combination of two phenomena develops: with the accumulation of fluid, reflex propulsive muscle contractions begin, designed to bring endotoxins and exudate out.

If loose stools occur after eating plums or peaches, this is a natural reaction of the body and there is no need to fight it. You need to worry when frequent loose stools in an adult, and especially in a child, are observed for several days in a row and after each meal, regardless of the diet.

The danger of liquid stool

As we have already noted, the main danger that diarrhea creates is dehydration of the body as a result of a violation of the water and electrolyte balance in the intestinal tissues. An excess amount of sodium and chlorine ions enter the intercellular space through the membranes, which form the well-known table salt. It is extremely hygroscopic and attracts water from the intercellular space, and also prevents the liquid in the intestine from being absorbed into the walls. As a result, moisture leaves the body en masse, but does not come back or comes in insufficient quantities. The patient's supply of tissues with nutrients and oxygen is deteriorating, the blood becomes thicker, and blood pressure drops sharply. If urgent measures are not taken, hypovolemic shock may occur. Drinking plenty of water does not always save - water does not have time to be absorbed into the walls of the stomach, active peristalsis takes it out. In severe cases, an urgent intravenous infusion of special preparations is indicated, which include sodium and potassium salts and glucose (of course, glucose cannot be administered in diabetes mellitus). After a relative restoration of body hydration, doctors proceed directly to determining the causes of loose stools and eliminating them.

If the disease that caused diarrhea is associated with erosion of the tissues of the small or large intestine, additional complications arise:

  • intestinal bleeding;
  • anemia;
  • infection of the abdominal organs with the risk of developing peritonitis and sepsis.

Permanent loose stools in an adult can contribute to the occurrence or development of hemorrhoids, which is nothing more than varicose veins of the rectum. If it is impossible to observe personal hygiene measures, inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes in the rectal zone are possible.

Significantly worsens the quality of life. A person experiences a constant urge to defecate (tenesmus), a feeling of a foreign body in the anus, even if there is nothing there. In many diseases accompanied by diarrhea, the patient is tormented by increased gas formation (flatulence), rumbling and pain in the abdomen, dryness and unpleasant taste in the mouth, headaches, weakness, nausea and other symptoms of general intoxication. In acute poisoning and infections, all symptoms are much more acute, fever, convulsions, damage to internal organs and the central nervous system are possible (a typical example is salmonellosis).

How to treat diarrhea?

There is a misconception that mild forms of chronic diarrhea, when loose stools occur only once a day, go away on their own and do not require special treatment. Sometimes this is the case, it is enough to take an enterosorbent or an Imodium tablet. But in most cases, violations of the gastrointestinal tract require close attention, since they can be a marker of another more serious disease, and it is better not to self-medicate here.

The fact is that with accuracy the cause of diarrhea can only be determined by a professional gastroenterologist, who must rely on a set of data:

  • questioning the patient;
  • external examination and palpation of the abdomen;
  • study of anamnesis;
  • study of the coprogram;
  • general and special blood tests;
  • instrumental examination and hardware scanning of the digestive tract.

A variety of details are important for making a diagnosis: the presence of plaque on the tongue, the condition of the skin, the color of the urine, the color and consistency of the feces.

There is a medical parable about how one man felt pain in his stomach. His son, a first-year medical student, diagnosed him right away: you have appendicitis. The patient called the doctor. The elderly doctor who arrived was crumpling his stomach for a long time and, in the end, said: “Most likely, you have appendicitis and we need to go to the hospital.”

The patient was surprised: “Doctor, my son diagnosed in one minute, and it took you half an hour!”
The experienced doctor laughed: “Your son has just begun to study and, apart from appendicitis, he still does not know anything. I had to first rule out many other possible diagnoses before making this one.”

The pharmaceutical industry produces many drugs that promise both to quickly get rid of loose stools and normalize the microflora in just a week. Before taking antimicrobials and artificial bacterial cultures, it is still useful to make sure that these are the drugs that are needed to treat diarrhea in your particular case.

Proper nutrition in most cases will bring much more benefit to the intestines than the uncontrolled use of medicinal chemistry.

If for a long time defecation in an adult occurs more than twice a day and at the same time the feces have a liquid consistency, this may indicate an ongoing inflammatory process in the body.

Most likely, this may be due to a disease in the gastrointestinal tract. Every person has experienced discomfort during diarrhea.

Causes of loose stools

The appearance of loose stools may indicate the presence of a viral or bacterial infection in the body. But sometimes this symptom can be a sign of other diseases.

The reasons for the appearance of loose stools must be determined. Self-treatment of prolonged diarrhea can lead to a weakening of the body and violations of its ability to work.

With improper treatment or its absence, loose stools can acquire a chronic type of disease. Treating the disease will be more difficult.

Patients have high fever with diarrhea. This symptom is characteristic of many varieties of diarrhea. The very first is a disorder associated with viruses and bacteria.

It is known that when microorganisms enter the body and collide with human immune cells, the production of antibodies begins. This process is constantly accompanied by high temperature.

In the absence of temperature in the body of an adult, this symptom may indicate an immunodeficiency state.

Why nausea and vomiting with diarrhea

Bouts of nausea with loose stools are quite common. This is due to a violation of the promotion of fecal and food mass, because of this, they are thrown in the opposite direction.

When intoxication occurs, then the absorption of harmful products into the bloodstream occurs. Thus, the intake of toxins passes through all organs. The brain reacts to this process always with a vomiting reaction.

Causes of abdominal pain with diarrhea?

Pain during an attack of diarrhea is a characteristic phenomenon. Most often it manifests itself in food and microbial poisoning. As a result, with pain, motility in the intestines always increases.

Pain sensations are paroxysmal in nature, they can intensify and subside until complete cessation. With a painful attack, a signal is given to defecate, after which diarrhea occurs.

The appearance of loose stools in an adult for a long time can be due to many reasons.

In order to stop the disease, it is necessary to determine what are its causes, why this symptom appeared. Only then will it be possible to stop the influence of the factors causing diarrhea.

Why there is an unpleasant belching with diarrhea

An unpleasant odor when belching is the primary symptom of diarrhea. It usually precedes the appearance of loose stools.

Its manifestation as the fact that enzymatic deficiency occurs in the pancreas, biliary system and stomach.

When food enters the body, it is not digested and the process of its decay begins. Thus, there is the formation of gases with an unpleasant odor, which comes out of the stomach with the help of belching.

Undigested food, moving into the intestines, provokes irritation and the appearance of a weak stool. A rotten smell on the background of diarrhea is the second sign of digestive disorders.

This indicates the disease and its further development. Don't waste your time, seek the advice of a specialist.

Symptomatic manifestations of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract

The appearance of diarrhea is associated with a symptomatic manifestation of a violation in the gastrointestinal tract. With loose stools, a person has a stomach ache, vomiting, nausea, and high fever.

During the day, the patient may have a bowel movement more than three times. The chair is plentiful, with frequent desires, general weakness is observed. If no action is taken, dehydration may occur.

In this situation, an urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary, do not waste time, call an ambulance, after examination by a specialist, treatment will be prescribed. He will tell you what to do in this situation.

Fecal masses in humans are almost seventy-five percent ordinary water, everything else is a mass consisting of fiber enzymes, mucous compounds, some microorganisms, particles of intestinal epithelial cells, partially or completely digested food.

Diarrhea can be caused by an allergic reaction to a certain food. It can also be a reaction after taking the drug.

Loose stools appear if there is damage to the mucosa in the large intestine.

Or pathogenic bacteria have gathered in it. If the patient ate poor-quality food. Or it was not suitable for his body, due to the complex process of digestion in the gastrointestinal tract.

Also, if a person has undergone a stressful situation or he suffers from a mental illness, then a stool disorder may appear after this.

The main reasons for the appearance of loose stools:

  • oncological formations;
  • diseases associated with ulcerative colitis;
  • diseases associated with pancreatic disease;
  • disorders in the processes associated with the absorption of fluid;
  • allergies to certain foods;
  • intolerance to fermented milk products;
  • loose stools caused by infection, bacteria, fungus, worms;
  • with hemorrhoids;
  • diarrhea after drug treatment;
  • diarrhea after a stressful situation;
  • lack of enzymes;

The appearance of loose stools in irritable bowel syndrome comes from excessive activity of the nervous system in an adult associated with a mental disorder.

If a person is in a stressful situation for a long time, then there may be disturbances in the work of the intestines associated with its motility.

In this regard, a sharp pain appears in the abdomen, flatulence and uncontrollable urge to empty. Loose stools (mushy type) after the completion of the defecation process temporarily stops.

Usually, activated charcoal is taken to get rid of loose stools. Activated charcoal has the property of removing fluid, adsorbing toxins and other harmful substances formed in the body after diarrhea.

Since watery stools already remove fluid from the body, dehydration can occur, activated charcoal can complicate the situation. Treatment may be lengthy.

With diarrhea after poisoning, it is imperative to rinse the stomach. To do this, boil water and add ordinary potassium permanganate to it.

The prepared solution should be light pink in color, you need to drink about 3 liters of water.

With celiac disease, it is necessary to exclude all foods containing gluten and follow a diet. A long process of therapy is also observed.

This disease needs to be treated for many years. Preparations with enzymes are connected, as well as medicines for dysbacteriosis and to strengthen the body.

If diarrhea was caused after taking antibiotics, treatment with the probiotic preparation "Linex" should be carried out.

To relieve pain, "No-shpa", "Papaverine" are used (all actions must be coordinated with the attending physician). "Regidron" helps to restore the water-salt balance in the body after diarrhea.

In the treatment of diarrhea, one should not waste time on self-treatment, it is necessary to immediately seek the advice of a specialist to determine the cause of the onset of the disease. Otherwise, the treatment may be long.

Probably, every person from time to time is faced with such a rather unpleasant phenomenon as diarrhea. It often develops against the background of indigestion, but there are other factors that can provoke such a problem. It is worth considering that in no case should it be left unattended, since loose stools can indicate various ailments, including quite serious ones. If at the same time it is also quite frequent, such a phenomenon causes the fluid to be washed out of the body. To correct loose stools, you can use a variety of means, including traditional medicine preparations.

Why does loose stool occur? The reasons

Quite rare causes of diarrhea are considered to be Crohn's disease, as well as pseudomembranous colitis. In addition, such a symptom may appear due to the development of chronic pancreatitis or thyrotoxicosis. Loose stools are sometimes the result of surgical interventions on the intestines or the result of the systematic use of laxatives.

Sometimes it appears on the background of allergic reactions or intolerance to dairy products. Among other things, diarrhea can disturb a person if he has a lack of zinc in the body and uremia. It sometimes develops due to disorders of the autonomic nervous system, as well as as a result of the development of amyloidosis and some systemic ailments.

What to do if you have loose stools? Treatment

For effective treatment of diarrhea, it is first of all necessary to understand the causes of its development. It is not recommended to independently select medicinal formulations to correct such a problem, because the wrong choice can significantly undermine health. Thus, when loose stools appear, it is worth seeking medical help.

The specialist will collect an anamnesis, prescribe certain tests, and also select an adequate treatment. It is strongly recommended to consume special medicinal formulations that effectively optimize the level of potassium, as well as sodium and chloride in the body. Such medicines include rehydron, as well as citrogluxolan.

Codeine phosphate may be prescribed to reduce the frequency of bowel movements. Also, the consumption of a wide variety of adsorbents, for example, smectite, activated carbon, etc., has a pretty good result. If an infectious lesion is detected, the doctor will most likely prescribe antibiotic drugs.

How does traditional medicine treat loose stools? Folk remedies

One of the most effective and at the same time simple remedies for the treatment of diarrhea is considered to be oak bark. This herbal remedy has truly unique astringent properties. To prepare a medicine, you should buy oak bark in a pharmacy, take a tablespoon of such raw materials and brew with one glass of boiled water only. Wrap up the future medicine well and infuse it for one hour. Then strain the infusion and consume it one or two teaspoons during the day. It is worth consuming the entire prepared volume of oak infusion per day.

Another simple and at the same time very effective method of treating diarrhea is to consume rice water. To prepare such a medicine, boil half a liter of water, pour one and a half teaspoons of ordinary rice into it and cook at minimum power for forty minutes. After cooling such a composition and strain it. Consume the finished drug throughout the day. At a time, it is worth drinking about a quarter of a glass, and the interval between doses should be two to three hours.

To prepare the next medicine, you will need dried pomegranate peels. They should be ground with a coffee grinder and brewed with boiling water. For a teaspoon of dry plant materials, you need one glass of boiling water. Boil the medicine in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, then leave for another forty minutes to infuse. The resulting medicinal composition should be consumed two teaspoons four to five times a day.

Dill seeds can also be used to prepare a remedy for diarrhea. A couple of teaspoons of such raw materials should be brewed with four hundred milliliters of boiling water. Infuse the remedy for half an hour, then strain. Consume half a glass of the finished medicine three times a day about half an hour before a meal.

For the treatment of loose stools, you can use different products that every housewife has at hand. So a medicine based on potato starch has a good effect. A teaspoon of such a substance should be brewed with half a glass of cold pre-boiled water. Stir the composition well, then drink it in one go. Such a solution copes well with indigestion.

You should not start treating diarrhea if you are not sure of the causes of its occurrence. In some cases, such a symptom signals the development of quite serious diseases.

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