Colds on the cheeks than to treat folk remedies. What is the best treatment for cold sores? Video - Why acne appears on the face

Every second person on earth is faced with a situation where he caught a little cold, as a result, after a few days, several red spots formed on the skin of his face. After some time, an inflamed tubercle is formed, which hurts and heals for a long time. In the common people, this phenomenon is called "cold on the face." How to treat such a cold? What prophylaxis should be carried out to prevent the further appearance of new sores on the face?

In many cases, a cold on the face caused by the herpes virus. It spreads quickly and is very easy to catch. Basically, the disease thrives in a latent form, and occurs only when a person's immunity is reduced. In this connection, a cold on the face manifests itself when freezing, after suffering a cold. Ulcers on the face are most often caused by a first-degree virus. Sometimes - the second type, but in many situations it affects the mucous membrane of the reproductive system.

How to determine that the disease is caused by the herpes virus? You can find this out by the following signs:

Note! In no case should the bubbles that appear be eliminated, since in this way an infection can be introduced.

Thanks to these symptoms, you can understand in advance that herpes will appear on the face and cheeks in the near future. It should be noted that therapy started on early stages able to prevent severe course diseases. In a situation where vesicles have already appeared on reddened skin, the patient should be prepared for the fact that therapy at this stage will take at least three to five days.

Methods of transmission of the disease

As mentioned earlier, herpes type 1 is more common in people. According to known data 80-90% of people on Earth are infected with it. In the majority of the population, the virus proceeds in a latent form, while in others it is accompanied by the appearance of various ulcers and wounds on the skin. This situation depends on the state immune system a person, if herpes manifests itself repeatedly during the year, then it is worth thinking about increasing immunity. Patients with cancer, reduced immunity, or other severe illness can become infected with the most complex forms of herpes. Such a virus can infect the brain, esophagus and lead to other serious damage in the body.

It's important to know! If you notice the appearance of a cold on your face more than a few times a year, consult a doctor to choose the right drugs to treat a cold and avoid negative consequences.

The virus is transmitted through the following actions:

  • kiss;
  • sexual contact;
  • using someone else's toothbrush, towel, etc.;
  • drinking liquid from the same bottle with the patient.

You can get herpes only from an individual with an acute form of the disease, and only if you have skin disorders. In addition, doctors do not exclude infection with herpes from an individual whose disease is asymptomatic.

Treatment for a cold on the face

How to get rid of herpes on the face? What is the most effective ointment for colds on the face? Modern medicines are able to quite successfully and efficiently eliminate all manifestations of a cold on the face. On the pharmacy market, there are many drugs that can reduce redness and the number of ulcers on the skin. Unfortunately, there is no drug in the world that can permanently eliminate herpes.

How to get rid of a cold on the face? First of all, this is due to the herpes virus, since when a person is initially affected by herpes, they attach to the Deoxyribonucleic acid of the cells of the body, and later they are copied as part of the cells during division. Further, the cold is in a latent form, sometimes manifesting itself - thereby flowing into an acute one.

The action of most drugs is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the acute form of the disease. Most effective drugs against herpes, intended for the treatment of various viral diseases, which include acyclovir. Such drugs prevent the reproduction of microbes, thereby eliminating the appearance of ulcers and wounds. There are 2 types of antiviral drugs: local and oral. For example:

  1. Acyclovir.
  2. Famvir.
  3. Allomedin.
  4. Fenistil Pencivir.

It is used not only for herpes of the first degree, but also for the treatment of other diseases associated with herpesvirus. It is more effective in the treatment of colds on the face and cheek than Acyclovir. Reduces the likelihood of transmission of the virus through sexual contact, saliva on the mucous membranes. If the appearance of a cold on the face is accompanied by itching and burning, then it is necessary to treat with drugs containing: tetracaine, novocaine. And in a feverish state, you can use Ibuprofen. When treating a cold on the face, in addition to medicines, it is important to use vitamins and do herbal medicine.

If there is a cold on the face, then much becomes inaccessible. It hurts to smile, you can't kiss, and waiting for it to go away on its own is too long. Where does this unpleasant skin manifestation come from, and how can I get rid of it? Unfortunately, this is not a cosmetic problem at all.

What does a cold look like and what is it?

It is worth sitting in a draft once, getting a little chilled or getting caught in the rain, as painful bubbles appear on the lip, under the nose or even in the nostril, filled with a clear liquid. Touches become painful, there is a pronounced edema, and these discomfort last quite a long time. On the face, a cold first looks like a small pimple, more often - a few bubbles nearby. But soon they turn into a painful sore.

They call it a cold external manifestations herpes, and in most cases we are talking exclusively about symptomatic treatment. The herpes virus is present in the bodies of most people, but if the immune system is normal, then external manifestations can not wait. That is why herpetic sores are called a cold - the body, weakened by hypothermia, is no longer able to contain the virus that is constantly present in it, and now you can already notice the characteristic bubbles on the lip.

How to cure a cold on the face

If a cold has already appeared, then you need to worry about it not getting bigger. The problem lies in annoying debilitating pain, which is not so strong as to be exhausted, but at the same time the hands reach out to rub the painful bubbles. They are easily injured, an infection gets into the wound, and even more painful swelling. Because of this, a small sore can quickly increase, “spread” to neighboring tissues.

A pronounced cold on the face needs intensive symptomatic treatment. Combined therapies work great - you need to prevent infection from entering the wound, reduce pain if possible and help the body cope with the raging virus. For this, both folk remedies and pharmaceuticals. When prescribed antiviral eye drops.

The most effective folk remedies

If a cold is already noticeable on the face, lotions from warm tea, black or green. Can be taken tea bag or moisten a piece of cotton wool with tea leaves. You need to check that the tea is warm, without sugar. Tannins and tannins contained in tea reduce pain and relieve itching, soothe the skin and slightly dry the bubbles. Good help oil tea tree, infusion of pharmaceutical chamomile.

Unappetizing but very effective remedyearwax. Fresh sulfur is applied to an itchy place even before the appearance of a pronounced sore. Surprisingly, after such a procedure, a cold may not appear at all. Ear secretions contain sulfur and silicon, it is these substances that prevent the manifestation of herpes.

Honey and propolis, which are often recommended as a panacea, can only be used if there is no allergy to bee products. You should not smear a cold with toothpaste, this can provoke an allergic reaction and seriously aggravate the situation. Although toothpaste may provide temporary relief, it is such an unpredictable remedy that it is better to give preference to traditional methods treatment.

modern medicine

Pharmaceutical companies offer several types of antiviral ointments aimed specifically at eliminating the external manifestations of herpes. Creams "Acyclovir" and "Zovirax", other drugs of a similar type are best for initial stage skin rashes caused by the herpes virus.

If the face hurts with a cold, it is necessary to take into account the localization of sensations. The characteristic “tickling” along the edge of the lips or on the mucous membrane of the nostrils with a high degree of probability indicates precisely herpes. In case of any doubts and unusual place pain symptoms you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and correct treatment.

Cold on the face of a child

The main problem with the treatment of children is that the kids scratch the sores, introduce an infection, and the problem is exacerbated at times. While the child cannot clearly communicate exactly where and how it hurts, it is possible to recognize and diagnose the disease only after a cold has appeared on the face. In this case, parents simply do not have time to apply preventive measures and enable early treatment.

In order to remove the sores as quickly as possible, it is necessary, if possible, to prevent scratching herpes, or at least prevent infection. To do this, you need to use pharmaceuticals that not only eliminate skin manifestations, but also relieve obsessive itching, because of which the child scratches his face.

Other cold manifestations

It's not always herpes. If during a cold, and the pain is localized not along the edge of the mucous membranes, but on the cheek, temple and distinctly “gives” to the eye, then inflammation may occur trigeminal nerve. This serious disease, which can acquire a distinct chronic character, occurs as a result of various negative impacts, from injury and infection to hypothermia aggravated by the herpes virus.

Hypothermia often leads to exacerbations of various inflammatory processes, usually people say that it blew, and this explains literally everything: conjunctivitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, acne. The reason is not a cold in itself, it's just an additional provocative factor that reveals an already existing problem.

Where else do you get a cold?

Happy are the people who are under the delusion that a cold can "jump up" exclusively on the lip or under the nose. Much more unpleasant is genital herpes, which is caused by a type 2 virus. The mucous membranes of the genital organs and adjacent tissues are also susceptible to viral infection, as well as facial ones. Genital herpes can be transmitted through unprotected sex, so you need to understand the responsibility to a partner or partner.

Herpetic eruptions can appear on any part of the body, it’s just that the mucous membranes are the first to react to an increase in the concentration of the virus in the body, and if you don’t pay attention to it and don’t take care general condition immune system, the condition will worsen.

Preventive measures

You can get herpes in any way: both sexually and through simple household contacts. That is why it is difficult to find a person who would not be a carrier of the virus. But being a carrier does not mean getting sick, and if the immune system is strong enough, the symptoms of the disease may not wait. To avoid unpleasant skin rashes, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, refuse bad habits.

Self-medication can become more dangerous than no treatment at all. You have a cold on your face - how to treat it? Thousands of people ask themselves this question and instead of visiting a doctor, they begin to take antiviral drugs uncontrollably. This may have a positive effect, and the likelihood skin manifestations is reduced to a minimum. But the virus at the same time acquires resistance to medicines and in the event of an exacerbation, it will not only become more difficult to choose therapy, immunity can be seriously shaken.

If herpes appears on the lips more than four or five times a year, painful blisters and sores appear on the genitals or just on the surface of the skin, then you need to undergo a complete physical examination to exclude diseases with similar symptoms, and also make an appointment with an immunologist. Complex treatment will allow you to equalize the amount of the virus in the body, to achieve a serious improvement.

In other cases, it will suffice to apply antiviral ointments when initial symptoms: characteristic itching and burning in the place where groups of bubbles will soon appear. Early use of ointments for herpes prevents the appearance of skin rashes.

Many people are familiar with the concept of catarrhal acne.

It is believed that they appear after being in a draft or cold. That's why they were named like that.

But such rashes can appear on different reasons. After all, human skin reacts to any disruption in the body.

But basically, such acne on the body jumps up during the cold season and often accompanies colds and viral diseases.

What is the nature of the rash

In most cases, catarrhal acne is an inflammation of the ducts. sebaceous glands.

But a large number of such rashes all over the body - on the back, priest, head, in an intimate place - can be a sign of a serious infection or dermatitis.

These pimples are associated with a cold because, with hypothermia or viral infection a person has reduced immunity, so the skin is attacked by bacteria.

The reasons

Like all other acne, colds occur due to various malfunctions in the internal organs.

Often the root cause of rashes is just a cold or hypothermia, but they do not always appear.

Such acne occurs in a person who has the following problems:

  • hormonal disruptions;
  • indigestion;
  • eating a lot of sweets and fatty foods;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • lowered immunity;
  • infectious diseases;
  • stressful situations;
  • overwork, lack of sleep.

Distinctive features

Pimples, which are called colds, are actually different from other rashes.

  • Usually they have big sizes and more dense.
  • The skin in this place turns red and hurts when touched.
  • Cold pimples develop in the deep layers of the epidermis, so they do not have a clearly defined head.
  • But it is almost impossible to disguise them, since inflammation captures a vast surface.
  • Over time, these pimples grow, pus accumulates under the skin, and their color can become bluish.
  • Aging occurs slowly, often inflammation worries 1-2 weeks.

Such pimples cannot be removed by conventional methods due to the fact that they do not have a top that comes to the surface.

Places of localization of catarrhal acne

Basically, catarrhal acne appears on the skin in those places where there are many sweat and sebaceous glands.

Therefore, most often they can be found on the face and head.

The localization of such rashes may indicate various problems in the body.

AT traditional medicine It has long been known that there are projection zones of all organs on the skin. Therefore, if catarrhal acne often appears in one place, it is worth visiting a doctor and being examined.

What problems can be suspected depending on the location of acne:

  • rash along the hairline often appear due to problems with gallbladder, perhaps, cholecystitis develops or stones appear;
  • acne around eyebrows indicate contamination of the body with toxins and problems with the intestines;
  • very often there are catarrhal acne on the nose, since there are many sebaceous glands and their blockage can lead to inflammation;
  • pimples on the lips most often a sign of herpes, such rashes can be provoked by a cold or hypothermia;
  • pimples on the chin signal problems with the endocrine system, and in women they can still indicate diseases of the genital organs;
  • with frequent sweating or a decrease in immunity, acne jumps on the back, where there are also many sebaceous glands;
  • on the labia rashes appear due to non-compliance with hygiene rules, hormonal disruptions, bathing in cold water or improper epilation;
  • a catarrhal pimple can even jump in the ear, which is associated with infection, for example, from a headset, or with hypothermia.

Video: "How to get rid of acne"

Noticing the appearance of such unpleasant formations, a person thinks about how to get rid of them quickly and without consequences.

It is quite difficult to cure catarrhal acne, so therapeutic procedures should be regular.


Cold acne on the face, the treatment of which is very complex and lengthy, is susceptible to the effects of certain drugs.

Treatment should be comprehensive, that is, along with cleansing procedures and measures to prevent the further spread of infection, various medications are used.

What is the best treatment for cold sores?

  • A remedy that has been proven over the years is Vishnevsky's ointment. It draws out pus well and relieves inflammation.
  • Effectively destroys bacteria and helps reduce the inflammatory process by rubbing the face with boric acid or salicylic alcohol.
  • From catarrhal acne on the lips, Acyclovir ointment helps well.
  • The drug "Baziron" effectively dries inflammation, regulates the production of sebum and kills bacteria.
  • Antibacterial ointments "Levomekol", "Synthomycin" or "Zinerit" can also be used.
  • Compresses with "Dimexide" or "Chlorhexidine" help to remove pus.

Means of struggle at home

If such acne appears frequently, you need to know how to treat them.

In addition to the use of special ointments, it is important to have a complex effect on the skin.

To quickly cope with rashes will help the observance of some rules:

  • wash your face with cold water;
  • cleansers must contain triclosan or salicylic acid;
  • immediately remove sweat from the face with a napkin or water so that the inflammation does not spread;
  • treat acne with antiseptic solutions or iodine, and then apply a moisturizer.

Features of treatment in children

Cold pimples can appear even in a child.

The reasons for this are the same: hypothermia, viral and bacterial infections, reduced immunity.

It is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible for examination and treatment. The sooner parents begin to deal with such acne, the easier it is to avoid complications.

  • Usually, doctors recommend lubricating acne with brilliant green - it dries up rashes better than other means and fights bacteria.
  • Antibacterial ointments and baths with chamomile are also prescribed.
  • Parents need to make sure that the child does not scratch or rub the rash.

Folk remedies

Folk healers have been collecting different means to fight acne. And it can be noted that such methods effectively help cleanse the skin, prevent the development of inflammation and get rid of rashes.

There are some of the best recipes that are used most often and, judging by positive feedback, really work:

  • wipe your face with a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort, valerian or mint;
  • Treat acne with tea tree oil 2-3 times a day;
  • take inside decoctions of calendula, chamomile, sage and other herbs that have a tonic effect;
  • use alcohol tincture celandine;
  • make white clay masks.

Cold pimples should never be squeezed out.

They are located very deep under the skin, so pus can penetrate into the blood and lymphatic vessels. In addition, such acne does not have a head, and there is simply no way out for pus.

Therefore, the treatment of such rashes is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is undesirable to accelerate maturation to steam them or apply warming compresses, as well as peeling.

But getting rid of the external manifestations of a cold is only part of the problem. After all, if such acne appeared, it means that inflammatory processes are going on in the body or the work of internal organs is disrupted.

Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an examination and deal with the cause of rashes from the inside.

These can be special antiviral or antibacterial agents prescribed by a doctor, drugs to strengthen the immune system or vitamin complexes.

Causes of a cold on the face

This type of inflammation can cause acne on the cheeks, acne on the chin and neck, rashes on the forehead, on the nose and even on the lips.

Factors provoking the occurrence of such a phenomenon as a cold on the face can be:
● weakening of the immune system;
● disruption of the digestive tract;
● activity problems endocrine system;
● availability gynecological diseases;
● entry of the herpes virus into the body.

In order to identify the cause of a cold on the face, it is necessary to visit a doctor who will prescribe a change necessary analyzes. Only after identifying the root cause, the specialist will select an individual treatment.

The difference between catarrhal acne and other inflammations

You should be aware that under the guise of this type of rash, they can often hide various diseases facial skin. These can be: dermatitis, furunculosis, allergic manifestations and etc.

Therefore, before proceeding with the treatment of acne that occurs due to a cold, it does not hurt to find out how they differ from other inflammations on the face. Moreover, it is quite simple.

Cold pimples are pockets of rich red color, they are quite dense in structure and do not have a top filled with purulent contents.

Initially, a slight reddening is formed, which grows in size over time and worries not only appearance, they are also characterized by rather painful sensations that occur if you touch the resulting pimple. They tend to fester, which causes great discomfort.

Where do cold sores most often form?

Here are examples of the most common places in which these types of acne appear:
1. Cold pimples on the nose occur in the case of a long stay in the cold, with a sharp hypothermia or with excessive sweating.
These rashes may appear in summer period when there is a frequent touch of the nose and even small inflammations eventually turn into strong foci and accumulations of acne due to contamination of the skin.
2. Cold pimples on lips may occur with frequent licking of the lips in the wind (roughness of the lips or cracking also appears), with hypothermia, as well as in the presence of common infections in the body.
3.Cold pimple in ear- appears if you sleep in a draft (even in summer), or like to take a ride in transport at an open window. The sharp pressure of a cool breeze is very pleasant in hot weather, but at the same time, it harms the body.
4. Cold pimples on chin can be standard acne, which occurs for a number of reasons. First of all, their appearance can be attributed to infections and acute respiratory infections, but it is quite realistic that acne on the chin appeared due to increased activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands, due to skin pollution, the use of low-quality cosmetics, due to problems in the digestive tract, etc. .

Whatever the reason for the appearance of acne, their presence on the surface of the skin indicates that there are certain malfunctions in the body. That is why it is not possible to quickly get rid of a cold on the face. But at timely handling to the doctor and compliance with all prescriptions, it is quite possible to successfully get rid of this problem.

Colds on the face: how to treat

Today, there are several ways that successfully complement medical treatment if you have a cold on your chin, cheeks or on the surface of your nose.
1.Vishnevsky ointment- great help if you have purulent inflammation, as the tool helps to quickly and effectively bring them out. This ointment perfectly disinfects the skin and heals acne if you treat it with inflamed areas of the face several times a day until the cold on the face completely disappears.
2.Boric acid- a fairly effective remedy for drying inflammation on the face, however, special care must be taken with this acid, as some people may have intolerance to this drug.
3.Chlorhexidine- this drug is an antiseptic that can protect the skin from various bacteria.
4.Iodine- is excellent remedy in order to cauterize existing acne, but you need to be careful with it, because this remedy must be applied exclusively pointwise so as not to injure healthy areas of the skin.
5. Dimexide- A fairly effective remedy, it is also well absorbed into the skin. Most often used as a lotion or compress. The disadvantage of the procedure is that when mixed with water, an unpleasant odor is formed.

Thus, combining the prescribed treatment with the above universal means, you can successfully get rid of colds on the surface of the face.

How to get rid of herpes on the lips

The most unpleasant manifestation of such a problem as a cold on the face is precisely herpes, which is located on the skin of the lips. Basically, the herpes virus attacks people with weakened immune systems.

This type of sore on the lips begins to manifest itself by easy burning sensations on the contours of the lips, however, if you do not pay attention to the first alarm bell, this will result in reddening of the lips.

Further, the formation of bubbles occurs, which after a while burst and painful sores appear in their place. At the first sign of this type of cold, you should immediately contact a therapist who will prescribe an individual treatment.

Doctors often prescribe to patients who suffer from herpes the use of remedies such as:
medicinal ointments;
wound healing drugs;
antiviral tablets.

In the matter of getting rid of inflammation on the lips, you should not get carried away with self-treatment, it is best to completely trust a qualified specialist.

Traditional methods for the treatment of colds on the face

In getting rid of catarrhal acne on the surface of the face, along with drug treatment we can successfully apply the methods that traditional medicine reveals to us.

Infusion from medicinal herbs
Prepare an infusion of mint, green tea and chamomile. Freeze into cubes and wipe your face.

Tincture of celandine on vodka

You need to take 1 tbsp. dry herbs in a glass of vodka. Infuse for 2 weeks, lubricate the inflammation several times a day.

Chamomile decoction

Prepare a decoction of chamomile, strain. Add 2 drops of tea tree oil, strain. Apply topically to affected areas.

Restorative therapy

Vitamins will help get rid of catarrhal acne, it is advisable to take multivitamin complexes.

Garlic compress
1 tsp combine garlic juice with 1 tbsp. honey, mix the ingredients and fill the gauze with the resulting mixture, which must be applied to the inflammation sites for 10 minutes, then rinse your face.

soda compress
1 tsp dissolve soda in 2 tbsp. boiling water, mix the components thoroughly and moisten a cotton pad in the resulting solution, which must be left on the lips, after 5 minutes wipe the lips with a soft damp cloth.

Be sure to remember that in the cold you need to dress warmly, no matter how trite it may sound. The body will not get cold, and the immune system will protect your health. Then you can avoid many problems, including the occurrence of catarrhal acne.

It should be remembered that only timely treatment can save you from such misfortune as a cold on the face. Therefore, the time allocated for self-care will pay off handsomely.

Frequently asked Questions

Inga, 20 years old:
- Hello, tell me, is it possible to crush catarrhal acne?

Specialist comment:
- Good afternoon, you can’t squeeze out acne because the infection can spread to a larger area.

Lilia, 31 years old:
- Hello, I heard that ice cubes help to defeat herpes on the lips. Is it so?

Specialist comment:
- Hello, in fact, applying ice cubes to a pimple on the lips can aggravate the inflammatory process, so you should not do this. It is better to choose an ointment that will dry and stop the inflammatory process.

Causes of the disease and information about the pathogen

Herpetic rashes on the face can be caused by three types of viruses - viruses herpes simplex 1 and 2 types, as well as a virus chickenpox Herpes zoster (Herpes zoster). In the vast majority of cases, skin lesions on the face are caused by the first two types (types) of the virus. With the varicella-zoster virus, the most severe, but, fortunately, rarer lesions of the skin of the face are associated.

The photo below shows sores on the face that are caused by the herpes simplex HSV-1 and HSV-2 viruses:

And this photo shows herpes zoster on the face (otherwise also called shingles; it is caused by the Herpes zoster virus):

Herpesvirus initially enters the skin of a person (this can occur when an infected person touches, for example, when kissing, sexual contacts, and also occasionally - with hygiene items and clothing). In those places where the viral particle manages to penetrate into the deep tissues under the skin, the virus actively multiplies in the affected cells, leading to the manifestation of a primary infection. Usually, it is in this case that the symptoms on the face are most pronounced, and are sometimes accompanied by generalized disorders of the state of the body.

This is interesting: after hitting the human body, it is easiest for a viral particle to infiltrate into soft, moist shells. That is why infection usually occurs through the lips, and for the reasons described below, it is on the lips that the symptoms of relapses then appear. Other areas of the face are less favorable for the development of herpes, and therefore it is less common here.

Those viral particles that penetrate the axons of nerve cells, reach their replication apparatus and introduce their genetic material into the chromosomes of host cells. From that moment on, the cell will constantly produce a small amount of viral particles, and the person will become a carrier of herpes for life.

After suppression of the primary infection, the body develops immunity to the pathogen. From now on, all viral particles produced by infected nerve cells will be effectively destroyed by the cells of the immune system - a balance occurs. However, if immunity is weakened due to diseases or for other reasons, individual viral particles reach the surface of the skin through the processes of an infected nerve cell, infect its cells and lead to a recurrence of the disease - a relapse.

Several very practical conclusions can be drawn from these theoretical calculations:

  1. It is impossible to completely destroy herpes in the body. In fact, after the initial infection, the virus in the body is stored in the form of genes in the chromosomes of nerve cells. For complete removal virus from the body, it would be necessary to destroy or replace all infected nerve cells. There is currently no way to do this;
  2. With relapses, herpetic eruptions will appear in approximately the same areas, since the virus is attached to those nerve cells that were affected by it. If the virus infects facial nerve, it is not able to move into the nerve cells that innervate, for example, the pelvic region or the trunk. Exceptions to this rule: the presence of immunodeficiency in an infected person, primary infection of a newborn child and infection with herpes zoster;
  3. Causes of recurrence of herpes - weakening of the immune system. As long as the immune system is working well, the virus will not manifest itself in any way;
  4. The disease can be cured quickly, and with due diligence, you can even completely prevent the appearance of bubble rashes during relapse.

On a note: popular in certain circles ideas about psychosomatic reasons herpes are not justified in terms of evidence-based medicine. So, for example, psychosomatic tables indicate that the causes of rashes on the face are unspoken bitterness and the desire to make others feel bad. It is difficult to imagine that the activity of the virus in the body of all people regularly tormented by this disease was always associated with such spiritual impulses.

In order for self-treatment of the disease to be effective, it is useful to know everything well concomitant symptoms in order to be able to take the necessary measures in time at their first manifestation.

Clinical picture with herpes lesions of the skin of the face

Usually herpes dermal on the face, manifests itself by the appearance of a compact group of small vesicles - papules. On closer examination, it can be seen that such bubbles have a transparent shell and are filled with the same transparent liquid.

The photo below shows herpetic papules under some magnification:

In addition to purely external manifestations, there is also a point sharp pain right at the site of the rash. It can be painful to touch the bubbles, so squeezing them out like simple pimples will not work.

Note: in many carriers of the herpes virus, after the initial manifestation, the infection does not manifest itself until the end of life. Usually such carriers do not even know that they are infected.

Both in children and adults, the disease manifests itself in almost the same way (see photo):

Shingles usually causes extensive skin lesions on the face. The most characteristic sign of it is rashes on only one side of the face.

On a note: herpes zoster in children develops extremely rarely. The so-called shingles is a disease of adults, and in children the virus almost never causes relapses.

All symptoms of herpes localized on the face usually appear in the following sequence:

  1. At the initial stage, in places of future rashes, a weak and well-recognized tingling sensation is felt;
  2. About a day after the onset of tingling, bubbles begin to appear. They arise quite “consistently”, and after half a day or a day they form complete foci of rashes. Over the next 2-3 days, the bubbles increase slightly in size and fill with liquid;
  3. On the third or fourth day, the papules open, the liquid flows out of them (it contains great amount viral particles), and small ulcers form in their place. The process of scab formation and covering of sores with crusts lasts for about a day;
  4. Approximately 7-10 days under the formed crusts a new layer of the epidermis is formed, after which the crusts peel off and all the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Sometimes herpes sores on the skin of the face can be accompanied by generalized symptoms: headache, fever, general malaise. This is typical mainly for primary infection.

On average, the disease completely disappears in two weeks. With timely treatment, especially unpleasant symptoms do not manifest themselves at all, but with severely weakened immunity, the disease can be severe and drag on for a long time.

Review: “I consistently get facial herpes once a year. It’s normal for all people, it appears on the lips, but if it sprinkles on me, it’s on the nose, and on the chin, and once even on the forehead. I noticed that on the lips such sores heal longer. If on the forehead or on the nose the crusts fall off after 2-3 days, then on the lips they hang for more than a week. But somehow there is no joy from either one or the other. Vladislav, St. Petersburg

In newborns, primary herpes infection can be very severe with lesions nervous system and internal organs. After such an illness, the child may develop severe mental disorders.

In hospitals after special studies you can definitely recognize the type of herpes and the form of its development - primary or recurrent. To do this, they usually take a blood test and study the antibodies present in it. The types of these antibodies determine how long the body has been familiar with the virus.

Note: analysis for herpes infections in without fail offered by pregnant women. This allows for successful prevention of neonatal herpes in newborns.

Pharmaceuticals and folk remedies for the treatment of herpes

In most cases, herpes on the face is successfully treated at home. For this use:

Antibiotics are absolutely useless for herpes, since they are not able to have any effect on viral particles, but only act on bacteria.

Some powerful antiseptics such as Miramistin are capable of destroying viral particles, but since they do this only on the surface of tissues, it makes sense to treat only opened papules and healing ulcers with them. These drugs will not have a pronounced therapeutic effect.

The famous salicylic acid and the ointment and paste made on its basis are also useless. Salicylic-zinc paste is intended primarily to relieve inflammation and provide a weak antiseptic effect. It cannot affect the course of the disease in any way.

Note: useless for herpes and homeopathic remedies. And when trying to treat them with a disease in pregnant women or infants severe complications are possible.

Important Rules

In order to quickly cure herpes in certain areas of the face, it is necessary, at the very first symptoms of the disease, to start regularly smearing itchy skin with antiherpetic ointment. With a constant presence on the skin and in subcutaneous tissues this medicine blocks the reproduction of viral particles, and cells of the immune system gradually cope with those already present.

Practice shows that if you start applying the ointment to the skin at the stage of the first tingling, then rashes will not appear.

If the bubbles that have already appeared are treated with ointment, then within a few hours they subside and turn simply into crusts, which themselves peel off within 6-7 days.

Treatment of herpes with the help of tablets and injections is carried out only with a complicated course of the disease. Such treatment is usually prescribed for people with immunodeficiencies or those who have developed herpes against the background of another severe somatic illness. In this case, the following tablets are usually prescribed:

  1. Based on acyclovir - Virolex, Zovirax;
  2. Based on valaciclovir - Valtrex, Vairova, Virdel;
  3. Based on famvir - Minaker, Famciclovir.

The regimen of taking the tablets is prescribed by the doctor.

There is a method of treating herpes in one day, when antiviral agents applied internally in large quantities. However, you should not expect that this will help to get rid of the consequences of rashes in 1 day - in a day with a good outcome, viral particles in peripheral tissues will be destroyed, but for another week the process of healing of sores at the sites of rashes will proceed. However, if such therapy is started even before the appearance of papules, then any manifestations of the disease on the skin can be avoided.

The use of funds based on Interferon (Reaferon, Genferon, Viferon) makes sense only with a complicated course of the disease and only if the doctor insists on it. In some cases, the use of these drugs can speed up recovery, but sometimes they also lead to serious side effects.

Review: “I tried to use Viferon for herpes a couple of times. Definitely faster with him, everything passes, especially if at the same time I am correctly smeared with ointments. But this is worth doing only if you missed the moment. As soon as I started to carry Acyclovir with me everywhere, I manage to spread the sore before the rashes. After that, I don’t need any Viferon anymore. ” Oksana, Novosibirsk

During pregnancy, herpes should be treated in consultation with the gynecologist. Depending on the duration of pregnancy, it is possible to use various drugs. In general, the use of even antiviral ointments during pregnancy is contraindicated, not to mention pills. Therefore, only a doctor should assess the severity of the situation.

For diseases caused herpetic infection, recommended rich in vitamins and protein diet. It is advisable to consume a large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products. Exclude from the diet during this period should be sweet, pastries, alcohol, tea and coffee. The more natural the products on the table, the better. There are even special tables indicating products for such a diet, but strict adherence to them in most cases is redundant and not always advisable.

Disease prevention

Existing today in development or in experimental application no vaccine for herpes reliable protection from the virus, although in some cases there is a decrease in the frequency of relapses.

The best option to reduce the frequency and strength of relapses is to constantly strengthen your immunity. To do this, the diet is adjusted in favor of fresh natural products, hardening procedures are regularly carried out, if necessary, vitamin complexes are used. Given the increasing risk of recurrence of herpes in other diseases, any SARS or bacterial infections should be cured as quickly as possible.

To protect against infection with herpes, it is necessary to limit contact with people with clear signs primary or recurrent infection in active phase. The most dangerous person with fresh rashes, especially at the stage of proliferation (rupture) of papules.

Prevention of the disease in children consists in the fact that sick parents or relatives do not communicate with the child until complete recovery. If contact is necessary, the patient should wear a tight cotton-gauze bandage. This rule is also true for breastfeeding mothers.

Useful video about herpes and its potential danger to humans

This virus is present in the body of almost every person in a latent form, but manifests itself only at the time of a decrease in immunity. Most often, cold rashes on the face are associated with hypothermia in the winter.

Also provoke the appearance of cold rashes can:

  • weakening of the immune system;
  • stress;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • the presence of gynecological and endocrine diseases;

Most often, catarrhal rashes are localized on the lips, but rashes are also possible on the cheek and other areas of the skin of the face, as well as in the nose and ears. Before proceeding with the treatment of rashes, it is necessary to make sure that the herpes virus is their cause. In order to navigate the types of acne, read the article Why acne appears on the chin and how to deal with them.

You can predict the appearance of unpleasant bubbles by the characteristic itching and tingling at the site of the rash. It is very important to start at this stage proper treatment. Next, small bubbles filled with liquid appear. Bubble diameter: from 1 to 6 millimeters.

Continues to experience itching and soreness when touched. Swelling is possible at the site of localization of catarrhal rashes. It should be noted that the bubbles should not be pierced, as this can lead to infection in the wound and will not speed up the recovery time at all. Herpes can appear not only on the lips, but also on the nasal mucosa, in the ears and on any part of the face. Sometimes the virus can cause inflammation in the eye, leading to conjunctivitis.

4 stages of the course of the disease:

    Redness, tingling, burning and itching in the area affected by herpes. This stage can take from 2 hours to 1 day.

    After 1-2 days, bubbles filled with a clear liquid form at the site of redness. Swelling appears, itching and redness increase. Pain is felt in the affected area.

    After 3-5 days, the edema begins to decrease, the bubbles pour out, and the sore formed in their place is tightened with a crust.

    For 5-10 days, the crusts fall off. Red spots under the crusts disappear in a couple of days.

According to statistics, 85-95% of the inhabitants of the Earth are infected with herpes. But in people with good immunity, it may not manifest itself in any way throughout life, being in the so-called latent stage. Others, on the contrary, suffer from catarrhal rashes stably 2-3 times a year. This difference is due different state the immune system of people. So often people suffering from serious diseases associated with immunodeficiency have severe forms of the herpes virus.

You can get a cold when kissing, using someone else's lipstick, mug, toothbrush, and also sexually. The virus can only be transmitted from a person experiencing the acute stage of a cold.

Discussing ways and means of treatment this disease, it should be understood that this disease is incurable. Therefore, all cold remedies are aimed at reducing the activity of the virus and getting rid of its obvious manifestations.

The approach to treatment should always be comprehensive, including:

  • antiviral drugs;
  • wound healing creams and ointments;
  • immunomodulatory drugs.


There are many antiviral drugs for colds. They are issued in different forms- creams, ointments, tablets and even injections. There are many means, but the proven effectiveness is:

  • valaciclovir;
  • famciclovir;
  • acyclovir.

Based on these drugs, many drugs for herpes virus infection have been created. You can get by with a cold cream if the rashes are minor and are not accompanied by a number of other complications (fever, chills). If, using an ointment for colds, after 5 days there is no improvement in the condition on the affected area, then a doctor's consultation is also necessary.

With numerous rashes and in case of an increase in body temperature, it is necessary to seek the advice of a doctor. Most often, the doctor prescribes antiviral tablets, and sometimes acyclovir intravenously.

If the rashes are minor and disturb relatively infrequently (1-2 times a year), you can treat them yourself. If more often, it is worth contacting a specialist for further prescription of complex therapy. Because if for a long time you simply “suppress” the disease, the virus will only become stronger, each time manifesting itself with greater force.

Contraindications for the use of antiviral drugs are pregnancy, lactation and childhood. In such cases, the doctor prescribes other more gentle medications.

Immunostimulating agents

Both for treatment and for prevention, drugs that can strengthen the immune system are used. Most often, all these drugs have antiviral activity.

Immunostimulating drugs:

  • licopid;
  • derinat;
  • cycloferon;
  • viferon.

These immunostimulants have practically no contraindications and are taken in a course of 7 to 10 days.


Along with medications folk remedies are also used. Infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs, garlic and soda compresses, as well as regular intake of vitamins will help get rid of these unpleasant bubbles.

For example, in order to look great and not get sick, you can take 2 tbsp for 7-14 days in the off-season. spoons of echinacea

Reasons for the appearance

The main cause of acne on the face is weakening of the immune system.

That is why they mainly appear in the spring, when there is a lack of vitamins and other essential trace elements in the body, and in the fall, when daylight hours are noticeably reduced.

Pimples appear:

  • when a person is sick with ARVI, tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, etc .;
  • when there are untreated chronic diseases digestive and endocrine systems;
  • during periods of violation of the hormonal balance of the body;
  • with stress, lack of sleep, nervous disorders.

Pimples may appear on different parts faces.

On the nose

From the tip to the wings, pimples appear as a result of excessive sweating, when a person, wiping sweat from his face with his hand, brings dirt into an already present small pimple and it increases significantly in size.

On the lips

Sometimes they can be confused with foci of herpes infection, which is also activated during periods of hypothermia.

in the ear

They appear as a result of a draft (it can simply blow through near an open window in public transport) and are very painful.

On the chin

Cold pimples are easy to confuse with common ones. They can appear as a reaction to cosmetics, with pollution, excessive sweating, and due to the reasons listed above.


One of the causes of acne is a fungus.

Impetigo is a vesicular-purulent rash that looks exactly like red painful spots.

Its appearance is caused mainly by staphylococcus aureus or beta-hemolytic streptococcus.

Treatment of fungal diseases starts with a strict diet. Patients are contraindicated in chocolate, coffee, soda, nuts, vitamin complexes and immunomodulators are prescribed.

Local alcohol treatment or treatment with brilliant green or fucorcin is used.

Fungal diseases develop with different speed antibiotics are often used in their treatment.


A furuncle, which is easily mistaken for a cold pimple, often occurs due to the ingress of staphylococcus or streptococcus into the hair follicle.

If a furuncle has formed near passing blood vessels, for example, in the ear, then its breakthrough is simply dangerous to life. Because blood vessels on the face are sent to the brain, and the outflow of pus can occur inside, then infection in the blood usually leads to the most serious consequences.

This is fraught with inflammation of the soft tissues of the head and thrombophlebitis, inflammation of the lymph nodes, infection of the brain.


If disguised as pimples herpes virus, then it is treated with appropriate immunomodulators and special ointments: "Acyclovir", "Zovirax", "Pancevir".

It is almost impossible to cure herpes, but you can reduce the frequency of rashes on the face by simply playing sports, hardening, and improving immunity.

Violations in the body

If acne appears as a result of a malfunction digestive system, endocrine, gynecological problems, then the cure of the underlying disease also gives a cosmetic effect.

As a rule, after recovery, acne also disappears.

In any case, from the very beginning of treatment, you need to start drink vitamin complexes, which are now sold enough in pharmacies.


A variety of dermatitis can also be easily confused with catarrhal acne.

To get rid of them, you need to identify the allergen and exclude it from the environment.

Long chronic dermatitis treated with hormonal drugs.

Plus, you can mistake cancerous basaliomas for acne. Therefore, a visit to the doctor is a must.

How to get rid of cold acne on the face?

  • During the morning hygiene procedures need to use for the face special gentle products and tonics.
  • Every time the skin on the face sweats or becomes dirty, you need to wipe it with special antibacterial wipes.
  • You can not supercool, face with oncoming gusts of wind should be wrapped in a scarf, collar or pashmina.
  • Diet - you have to give up spicy, fried, flour, sweet.
  • Daily baths with sea ​​salt significantly reduce the inflammatory process.

The doctor who will prescribe the cause of acne will determine the cause necessary tests and send for consultation to related specialists.

Parallel to general treatment body and immunity gotta start local treatment skin.

Pimples can be smeared with triclosan, or ointments based on salicylic acid. Perfect for these purposes "Bepanten" and "Bepanten plus". At the first appearance of acne bepanthen quickly stop the inflammatory process.

A variety of masks will help, moisturizing, nourishing, increasing skin regeneration.


Great for burning the skin. Iodine kills the bacterium immediately, but it is detrimental to sensitive skin.


Universal antiseptic that protects against all bacteria.


It penetrates well into the skin, with it you can make compresses and lotions.

Boric acid

Some use boric acid for cauterization, but it must be used carefully, some have individual intolerance.

Vishnevsky ointment

Vishnevsky's ointment, common in medicine, helps well. It is suitable for those who can put up with the smell of tar for a while.

Pharmacies sell special creams from catarrhal acne - for example, Acyclovir or Lacri. Definitely in autumn and spring need to take a course of vitamins.

Mud masks help well or clay. they are usually sold in pre-defined single dose sachets and are easy to apply. For about a quarter of an hour, clay should be kept on the inflamed area. In pharmacies you can find special plaster against cold pimples. Such a patch is glued to the affected area overnight. Urgently relieve swelling from a huge pimple on the face, for example, before work they will help regular nasal drops. A few drops on the inflamed area will help relieve swelling and reduce the size of the pimple. If a pimple has formed right in the nose, it will help instillation of interferon- this will increase local immunity. There is a proven folk remedy purulent acne gray. The match is soaked in water and applied to the affected area.

What do cold sores look like?

Such subcutaneous formations are painful and very unpleasant illness. Their formation occurs gradually. First, a seal forms under the skin, which after a while develops into an inflammatory process.

As a result, catarrhal acne appears on the face, which are painful bumps, painted bright red. The skin around them is swollen and inflamed.

An ordinary eel looks a little different: purulent contents are located on its top. The structure of catarrhal formations differs more high density, so light extrusion is almost completely excluded.

The maturation of such acne occurs for a long time, sometimes within 1 or 2 weeks. The main distinguishing features of skin neoplasms with a cold include:

  • most often, such manifestations are observed with the onset of cold weather;
  • acne on the body is very painful, characterized by a large extent of the inflammatory process;
  • long aging period.

Subcutaneous inflammation is difficult to hide with decorative cosmetics, because they are quite extensive and convex. Experts do not recommend squeezing them out, as this can provoke more serious consequences. Pus, together with the infection, enters the bloodstream, and with it pathogenic bacteria spread throughout the body. For this reason, if you want to forget about cold acne on your face, then it is better to entrust the treatment to a qualified specialist who will tell you how to deal with the disease correctly and safely.

Why does a cold appear?

The main factor that leads to the appearance of painful rashes is the weakening of the immune system. As a rule, this is typical for winter time, as well as for the off-season. Consider other causes that cause a cold on the face:

  • acute forms of respiratory diseases;
  • external factors in the form of drafts and cold;
  • sudden drop in temperature;
  • stress and nervous disorders;
  • viral infections;
  • problems in the digestive tract;
  • gynecological diseases, as well as diseases of the endocrine system;
  • lack of female hormones and the predominance of male;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

What do acne on the face indicate?

Colds on the skin of the face are closely related to the state of the body, and their location can signal various pathologies. Experts use a certain theory that connects the place where a pimple appears with some internal organ.

  • On the lips. Such painful neoplasms indicate an infection in the body, hypothermia, and the habit of frequently licking your lips.
  • On the forehead. The location of the neoplasms in this place indicates that the bowel is disturbed or there is a chronic infection. The body needs quality cleansing. Rashes along the hairline signal gallbladder disease.
  • On the head. emergence painful pimple often associated with hormonal imbalance, hypothermia or infectious diseases. Rashes cause a lot of inconvenience, cause headaches.
  • On the nose. In this area of ​​​​the face there is a large number of sebaceous and sweat glands, so the skin here is almost always oily. Such an environment is very favorable for the development of pathogens. Even more unpleasant phenomenon It is considered a catarrhal pimple in the nose. After suffering a respiratory disease, the risk of subcutaneous formations increases.
  • Acne on the chin indicates chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the event that rashes on the skin are associated with diseases of the internal organs, then first of all it is necessary to deal with them. Those. the root cause of the problem should be removed.

Effective treatment of skin neoplasms is possible only after the elimination of factors that adversely affect the immune system.

How to get rid of cold pimples? There are home methods that apply natural ingredients. Before deciding how to get rid of a cold on the face and how to treat it, you should consult with qualified specialist, which will select the most effective course. Some folk recipes that do not have contraindications can be tried before consultation. We will tell about them below.

Folk methods of treatment

How to get rid of cold acne on the face? At home, many patients use folk recipes. Such methods prevent the development of inflammation, activate the process of acne maturation. Consider a few popular methods that help cure a cold on the face.

  • White clay mask. Powdered clay can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is diluted in a small amount of water, and then applied to the forehead, cheeks, chin. After drying, the cream-mask is washed off. This ointment for colds on the face helps reduce inflammation.
  • Gadgets. Treatment with decoctions of herbs quickly reduces the manifestation unpleasant symptoms, disinfects the surface of the skin. How to cure the disease with herbs? To do this, you need to use celandine, chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, prepare a decoction, and then wipe the painful areas.
  • A decoction of mint and valerian root. For cooking, you need to take 1 spoon of each component and pour boiling water over it. After the water has cooled, the decoction is filtered, and then it can be taken orally or smeared on inflammation.
  • Compresses. You can treat catarrhal acne with the help of compresses made from fresh carrots. The vegetable is rubbed on a grater, mixed with a small amount honey, then applied to a gauze napkin and applied to the infected area. Potato, apple or cucumber can also act as the main component.

Before you decide how to treat cold acne, how to remove irritation, you should try these options. If the result is not satisfactory, you should contact a specialist. Self-medication using unknown drugs or remedies advised by incompetent people is by no means recommended - this is fraught with aggravation of the situation.

What does a cold look like and what is it?

It is worth sitting in a draft once, getting a little chilled or getting caught in the rain, as painful bubbles appear on the lip, under the nose or even in the nostril, filled with a clear liquid. Touches become painful, there is a pronounced edema, and these unpleasant sensations last for quite a long time. On the face, a cold first looks like a small pimple, more often - a few bubbles nearby. But soon they turn into a painful sore.

Colds are called external manifestations of herpes, and in most cases we are talking exclusively about symptomatic treatment. The herpes virus is present in the bodies of most people, but if the immune system is normal, then external manifestations can not wait. That is why herpetic sores are called a cold - the body, weakened by hypothermia, is no longer able to contain the virus that is constantly present in it, and now you can already notice the characteristic bubbles on the lip.

How to cure a cold on the face

If a cold has already appeared, then you need to worry about it not getting bigger. The problem lies in annoying debilitating pain, which is not so strong as to be exhausted, but at the same time the hands reach out to rub the painful bubbles. They are easily injured, an infection gets into the wound, and even more painful edema can quickly form. Because of this, a small sore can quickly increase, “spread” to neighboring tissues.

A pronounced cold on the face needs intensive symptomatic treatment. Combined therapies work great - you need to prevent infection from entering the wound, reduce pain if possible and help the body cope with the raging virus. For this, both folk remedies and pharmaceutical preparations are used. With herpetic conjunctivitis, antiviral eye drops are prescribed.

The most effective folk remedies

If a cold is already noticeable on the face, then lotions from warm tea, black or green, perfectly help. You can take a tea bag or moisten a piece of cotton wool with tea leaves. You need to check that the tea is warm, without sugar. Tannins and tannins contained in tea reduce pain and relieve itching, soothe the skin and slightly dry the bubbles. Good help tea tree oil, infusion of pharmacy chamomile.

An unappetizing, but very effective remedy is earwax. Fresh sulfur is applied to an itchy place even before the appearance of a pronounced sore. Surprisingly, after such a procedure, a cold may not appear at all. Ear secretions contain sulfur and silicon, it is these substances that prevent the manifestation of herpes.

Honey and propolis, which are often recommended as a panacea, can only be used if there is no allergy to bee products. You should not smear a cold with toothpaste, this can provoke an allergic reaction and seriously aggravate the situation. Although toothpaste may provide temporary relief, it is such an unpredictable remedy that it is better to give preference to traditional methods of treatment.

modern medicine

Pharmaceutical companies offer several types of antiviral ointments aimed specifically at eliminating the external manifestations of herpes. Creams "Acyclovir" and "Zovirax", other drugs of a similar type work best at the initial stage of skin rashes caused by the herpes virus.

If the face hurts with a cold, it is necessary to take into account the localization of sensations. The characteristic “tickling” along the edge of the lips or on the mucous membrane of the nostrils with a high degree of probability indicates precisely herpes. If you have any doubts and an unusual place for pain symptoms, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and correct treatment.

Cold on the face of a child

The main problem with the treatment of children is that the kids scratch the sores, introduce an infection, and the problem is exacerbated at times. While the child cannot clearly communicate exactly where and how it hurts, it is possible to recognize and diagnose the disease only after a cold has appeared on the face. In this case, parents simply do not have time to apply preventive measures and use early treatment.

In order to remove the sores as quickly as possible, it is necessary, if possible, to prevent scratching herpes, or at least prevent infection. To do this, you need to use pharmaceuticals that not only eliminate skin manifestations, but also relieve obsessive itching, because of which the child scratches his face.

Other cold manifestations

It's not always herpes. If the face swells with a cold, and the pain is localized not along the edge of the mucous membranes, but on the cheek, temple and distinctly “gives” to the eye, then perhaps there is inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. This serious disease, which can become distinctly chronic, occurs as a result of various negative influences, from trauma and infection to hypothermia aggravated by the herpes virus.

Hypothermia often leads to exacerbations of all kinds of inflammatory processes, usually people say that it's blown, and this explains literally everything: conjunctivitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, acne. The reason is not a cold in itself, it's just an additional provocative factor that reveals an already existing problem.

Where else do you get a cold?

Happy are the people who are under the delusion that a cold can "jump up" exclusively on the lip or under the nose. Much more unpleasant is genital herpes, which is caused by a type 2 virus. The mucous membranes of the genital organs and adjacent tissues are just as susceptible to viral damage as the facial ones. Genital herpes can be transmitted through unprotected sex, so you need to understand the responsibility to a partner or partner.

Herpetic eruptions can appear on any part of the body, it’s just that the mucous membranes are the first to react to an increase in the concentration of the virus in the body, and if you don’t pay attention to this and don’t take care of the general state of the immune system, then the condition will worsen.

Preventive measures

You can get herpes in any way: both sexually and through simple household contacts. That is why it is difficult to find a person who would not be a carrier of the virus. But being a carrier does not mean getting sick, and if the immune system is strong enough, the symptoms of the disease may not wait. To avoid unpleasant skin rashes, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, give up bad habits.

Self-medication can become more dangerous than no treatment at all. You have a cold on your face - how to treat it? Thousands of people ask themselves this question and instead of visiting a doctor, they begin to take antiviral drugs uncontrollably. This can have a positive effect, and the likelihood of skin manifestations is minimized. But the virus at the same time acquires resistance to medicines and in the event of an exacerbation, it will not only become more difficult to choose therapy, immunity can be seriously shaken.

If herpes appears on the lips more than four or five times a year, painful blisters and sores appear on the genitals or just on the surface of the skin, then you need to undergo a complete physical examination to exclude diseases with similar symptoms, and also make an appointment with an immunologist. Comprehensive treatment will equalize the amount of the virus in the body, achieve a serious improvement.

In other cases, it will be enough to use antiviral ointments when initial symptoms appear: characteristic itching and burning in the place where groups of bubbles will soon appear. Early use of ointments for herpes prevents the appearance of skin rashes.

Cold acne occurs most often in the cold season, when the immune system is weakened and difficult to resist. pathogenic bacteria. Inflammation of this type is most often formed on the face, but can also occur in other parts of the body. Regardless of the location, cold pimples are always very painful and do not go away. long time. Treatment of the disease involves whole complex activities, the main purpose of which is to increase immunity and eliminate an aesthetic defect from the skin.

Such acne is one of the most painful subcutaneous neoplasms that cause discomfort even at the stage of formation. With the development of inflammation, first appears slight seal under the skin, which gradually acquires a whitish hue, and a tubercle forms on the body.

At the same time, the skin around the inflamed area also swells and becomes painful. Due to the dense structure, it is impossible to squeeze out pus. The focus itself can mature for 5-14 days until a purulent head appears. After opening, the pimple can be cleaned for another 2-5 days, taking into account its size and the amount of pus.

Attention! Cold neoplasms should not be covered with cosmetics, it is especially dangerous to do this after opening the wound. So you can bring a secondary infection, which slows down recovery.

Since a decrease in immunity can provoke several factors at once, it is important to identify the main ones that can ultimately lead to illness.

CauseFrequency of manifestation
Viral infections (tonsillitis, flu)Often
Endocrine pathologies, often of a chronic natureSometimes
Digestive disorders, often chronicSometimes
Infectious lesions of other systemsRarely
Nervous disorders, depressionRarely
Hormonal disordersSometimes
Gynecological diseasesSometimes
Lack of vitamins and mineralsRarely

Attention! People who already have certain skin problems in the form of acne and inflammation are especially susceptible to catarrhal acne. In this case, the problem needs to be treated comprehensively, eliminating all sources of rashes at once.

Video - Why acne appears on the face

To support your body, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • drink healthy teas, fruit drinks and compotes to stimulate the immune system;
  • do not press the inflammation, it can intensify it, in addition, such manipulations are very painful and difficult to bear;
  • you can not soar the affected area or use warming compresses, as heat only enhances the manifestation of the infection, which can lead to the formation of new cold foci;
  • can not be supercooled;
  • if a decision is made to squeeze a pimple, you should wait for it to fully mature in order to prevent the formation of a scar;
  • with daily washing, it is recommended to use products with salicylic acid, it brings inflammation to the surface and disinfects the skin;
  • fatty, rich and salty foods should be excluded from the diet as much as possible;
  • would be helpful to take water procedures with sea salt or seaweed mixtures.

Attention! It should be understood that the manifestation of catarrhal acne is only outward sign violations. It is important to treat the underlying cause of the pathology in order to prevent future recurrences.

Antiseptics for the appearance of catarrhal acne

You should use drugs of this type immediately when the first signs of a problem appear, such symptoms include redness of the skin and its soreness. Such manipulations allow you to limit the focus of inflammation, preventing bacteria from spreading further throughout the body.

For treatment, you can use such means as salicylic acid, iodine and boric acid. They are used strictly pointwise. To do this, after pre-cleansing the skin with cotton swab or antiseptic sticks are applied to a maturing pimple. In the same way, secondary infection can be prevented.

It is also important to use antiseptics when deciding to squeeze a pimple, because after such actions the skin is particularly susceptible to bacteria. Treatments are carried out in the morning and in the evening for 1-2 weeks, usually this time is enough to eliminate the manifestations of a cold.

Attention! Do not exceed the recommended number of daily uses of antiseptics. They greatly dry the skin, which in the end can lead to new problems with the skin, including the appearance of acne of a different type.

Ointment Vishnevsky and Ichthyol with the appearance of catarrhal acne

A traditional remedy for the treatment of complex inflammatory processes. Medicinal ointment differs in the most safe and natural structure. The drug includes medicines such as Birch tar, Castor oil and xeroform. When using Vishnevsky's ointment, you can achieve faster maturation and opening of a catarrhal pimple.

For treatment, you must first cleanse the skin well. After that, a large amount of ointment is applied to a clean gauze or bit and applied to the inflamed area, it is best to fix the compress with gauze. Such lotions are left for the whole night. In the morning, the gauze should be removed and the pimple treated with any antiseptic. Usually 1-2 procedures are enough to open a pimple, but they can be done within one week.

Ichthyol ointment should also be used as a compress, similar to Vishnevsky's ointment. But a distinctive feature of Ichthyol is that it is not able to accelerate the opening of inflammation. Such a remedy should be used in order to clean the wound and prevent the development of secondary infection. The course of use is no more than two weeks with compresses at night.

Attention! Vishnevsky's ointment is actually the fastest way to treat colds. But the drug has a very pungent odor, which is not always convenient for patients with hypersensitivity. In the presence of such problems, it is better to turn to analogues of the remedy.

Antibacterial ointments for colds


Semi-synthetic ointment, which includes antibacterial components such as methyluracil and chloramphenicol. Active substances instantly absorbed into the skin, allowing you to provide the necessary antibacterial effect. Before the pimple is opened, Levomekol treats the affected area 1-2 times a day, the ointment should also be applied next to the inflammation. After opening the pimple, the ointment is used with compresses. To do this, Levomekol is applied to clean gauze and applied all night to the sore spot. Treatment lasts no more than two weeks.

Synthomycin ointment

A feature of this ointment is its composition, which includes lidocaine. It allows you to remove the increased soreness of the skin, which does not disappear until the pimple opens. Second active ingredient The drug is levomycetin, which belongs to antibacterial drugs. To eliminate the main manifestations of the disease, it is required to apply Synthomycin to the affected areas 2 times a day. Treatment is continued for 5-10 days, taking into account the severity of the condition.

Baziron AS

Quite a popular remedy for the treatment of any inflammatory rashes on the face or body. When using Baziron AC, you can also improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which will get rid of acne and other acne. It is required to apply the drug in the morning and in the evening after preliminary cleansing of the skin. Treatment is usually continued for no more than three weeks.

Attention! These medications can also be used for other facial rashes. The therapy is carried out in courses and allows you to quickly eliminate the external manifestations of the violation. Using antibacterial ointments it is enough to apply an antiseptic once a day.

With the constant occurrence of catarrhal acne, it is useful to consult a dermatologist and an immunologist. In some cases, a long course of treatment is required, which involves the use of immunostimulating agents, physiotherapy, ultraviolet radiation, and even the help of a psychologist. In other cases, it is enough to continue to adhere to a healthy diet and proper routine days to forget forever painful rashes and discomfort due to their occurrence.

One of the manifestations of a weakened immune system can be a cold on the face. The problem is that they can appear even in women who carefully monitor their skin, moreover, at the most inopportune moment.

It is important to know how to solve this problem.

A cold appears due to the herpes virus, which manifests itself when the body becomes cold and the immune system is weakened. This can happen in autumn, spring or winter. But the most unpleasant thing about this skin disorder is the process long healing. Sometimes they even leave scars. In addition to the causes of infection on the skin, there may be:

  • Acute respiratory diseases.
  • drafts.
  • Nervous strain.
  • A sharp drop in air temperature.
  • Frequent colds.
  • Herpes virus.
  • Problems of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Gynecological diseases.
  • An overabundance of male hormones and a lack of female ones.

The difference between herpes and other skin diseases

Flaws on the face are very difficult to hide, unlike defects in the body or figure. But there are manifestations, for example, acne, you can apply foundation to them, then you can’t hide herpes. Recently, in cosmetology, all acne that appears in the cool season has been called colds. Any cold snap, weather change, drafts with weakened immunity can lead to such manifestations.

But under the “mask” of acne from a cold, other more serious diseases can hide. It can be an allergic reaction, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis. Now it is important to know how to treat them.

Cold pimples are redness on the skin, purulent. At the initial stage, redness is noticeable, besides, it is locally much denser, but there is no abscess on the surface, it looks like subcutaneous inflammation. Later a short time there is a very strong painful sensation which appears when touched. If you have doubts and it seems to you that you have another disease, you should consult a doctor.


The solution to this problem takes time, how much depends on the immune system and the duration of the violation. The problem is that very often acne is a manifestation of internal more serious diseases. It is important to identify and eliminate the cause of the violation. But only full complex, that is, both external and internal use, can lead to the restoration of the body.

Treatment is always more difficult than prevention. Try to follow a few rules to avoid problems.

  • Boost your immunity. Engage in exercise, hardening, proper nutrition and give up bad habits. Take vitamins or pick up a vitamin complex. Eat more vegetables and fruits.
  • Avoid hypothermia.
  • You can't pop pimples. This can leave you with scars or pits and increase the number of breakouts. The worst thing is that you can additionally bring some kind of infection. Plus, this place hurts.
  • Wash your face every morning warm water and then apply special cosmetics. At their core, they must contain either triclosan or salicylic acid.
  • Take a bath with sea salt, herbs or algae extracts.
  • Eat right. Eat less fried, smoked and sweet food. Also limit your intake of spices and salt.


Top features that can help you identify what kind of acne you have. There are several manifestations.

  • Pain when touching the reddened places.
  • The most convenient places for the occurrence of acne: lips, nose, chin and auricles.
  • Long aging process.
  • Manifestations in the form subcutaneous acne. Visually it seems that there is a bump.
  • Appearance in the cool season or after being in drafts.


Of course, you must try to prevent the appearance on the skin. Sometimes it is not the first attempt to find the most suitable medicine. How to get rid of this problem? There are a very large number of drugs that can help you.

  • Vishnevsky ointment. This is a drug, the use and therapeutic effect of which has been known for a long time. They help draw out pus within 24 hours. For this, it is recommended to use the ointment 2 times a day. The ointment additionally has such properties as an emollient, disinfectant and healing agent. Thus, acne, catarrhal acne can be quickly cured.
  • Vitamins. Taking them will help boost your immune system. A specialist will help you choose the right vitamin complex for you.
  • Iodine. Prepare your skin before applying iodine. This can be done with a cleanser or alcohol. Then apply iodine on problem areas with a cotton pad. It penetrates very quickly and kills bacteria. But be careful, because this tool damages very quickly. upper layer skin. Therefore, try to avoid this problem, after 30 minutes of applying iodine, use panthenol. Repeat morning and evening.
  • Baziron. The action, exactly the same as from iodine, dries the sores.
  • Chamomile decoction. Soothes inflamed skin. It is recommended to use not only during the period of exacerbation, but simply for the sake of prevention. With this solution, you can wash children, and not just adults.
  • Dimexide. Another powerful tool. It is best to do compresses or lotions. The disadvantage of this drug is the unpleasant odor that it spreads. Dimexide must always be mixed with water. If the proportions are not respected, then this may result in a burn.
  • Don't squeeze pimples or scratch them. Until fully ripe if done similar procedure, you can only aggravate the situation.
  • It is good to use a variety of oils in this case. For example, you can apply to a painful area
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