Causes of acne on the cheekbones in women. Acne on the cheekbones: causes and treatment. Painful bumps appear for various reasons.

Clean, healthy, radiant and smooth skin is a real dream of any woman. However, everything is not so simple, such a problem as acne is quite common. Localization of acne can be any. But the most common area is still the cheekbones.

At the same time, acne on the cheekbones in women can have different causes: heredity, stress, hormonal changes, based on this, options and methods of treatment are selected.

Causes of acne on the cheekbones in women

The cheekbones are the most visible part that cannot be hidden with makeup or. Pimples on the cheekbones are immediately noticeable to others, which later becomes a psychological problem for a person. The appearance of acne can be in the form of single inflammations with a core or as an extensive rash. Such formations are localized exclusively on the cheekbones. In most cases, this is influenced by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: liver, spleen, intestines, gallbladder, pancreas.

You can suspect gastrointestinal diseases in yourself if symptoms such as:

  1. Heaviness, pain, uncomfortable situations in the right hypochondrium - possible problems with the liver;
  2. Frequent constipation or, conversely, diarrhea;
  3. Taste in the mouth of bitterness;
  4. All kinds of pain sensations of the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. Feeling of mild nausea of ​​a constant nature;
  6. Heaviness in the stomach.

Frequent touching of the hands of the face and places of squeezing acne is a very harmful and dangerous habit. Inappropriate or incorrect extrusion in most cases ends in the formation of a large number of inflammations in the nearby area. And your face begins to require complex treatment.

How to treat acne on the cheekbones?

Currently, cosmetic treatments for acne on the cheekbones have a wonderful effect. Usually these are hardware cleaning methods: diamond, ultrasonic, laser and vacuum. Treatment must be continuous in order to obtain a full result. Some procedures are not cheap. Therefore, you should take a closer look at the standard methods of treatment, carrying out constant prevention of the appearance.

To combat the problem, you can try skin care treatments such as:

  • In the morning, before breakfast, drink a glass of clean water - toxins will be removed from the body, the general tone will rise;
  • Perform a face wash with the addition of a few drops of apple or lemon vinegar - such additives will nourish and better cleanse the skin;
  • Periodically make masks using natural products - honey, fresh vegetables, dairy products. They tone the skin and relieve inflammation;
  • In the presence of inflammatory acne, the face should be treated with a cotton swab moistened with salicylic alcohol - drying, disinfection and removal of inflammation will occur.

It is desirable to replace auxiliary means for washing with tar soap - this is a wonderful antiseptic, albeit with a specific smell.

Prevention methods

Proper nutrition is also important - this is the basis of treatment. You should also avoid stressful situations, you must give up bad habits, lead an active lifestyle. Remember, there will be a healthy body, there will be no problems with the face.

Pimples on the cheekbones appear not only in women, but also in men. This can seriously ruin your appearance. But do not try to solve the problem in a short time. Refer to official medicine and strictly follow the instructions of doctors. This is a sure way to defeat any diagnosis.

Super helpful video:

Also read.

Acne can occur on various parts of the face, but in most cases (particularly in women), the rash appears on or under the cheekbones. And she, as well as acne in other places, not only adversely affects the appearance of a woman, but also indicates a violation of the functionality of some internal organs.

Let's take a look at the reasons why this might happen.

For the most effective treatment, you first need to find out the cause of the rash. There may be several of them.

Table. The main causes of a rash on the cheeks

NameShort description

A common cause of a skin rash that appears not only in adolescents, but also in adults, is hormonal changes in the body (meaning disruption of the endocrine system). And that is why when acne appears, you must first be examined by an endocrinologist. If the assumption about the influence of hormones is confirmed, then the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment, and if not, then you will have to look for the cause in the internal organs.

It can also provoke a rash on the cheekbones, which has been repeatedly reported by scientists.

Quite often, demodicosis is hidden under the guise of a red rash on the cheekbones. That is why you need to visit also a dermatologist.

Excessive passion for such food creates favorable conditions for the onset of a rash. In addition, a large number of flour products and sweets eaten per day have a similar effect.

In large quantities, they can lead to the described problem, especially in combination with an unhealthy lifestyle (bad habits, unfavorable environment, permanent stress and nervous strain).

With insufficient cleansing of the skin and excessive secretion of oil, the pores can become clogged, which leads to inflammation. This is also a common problem, but it is more related to pimples.

The process of the appearance of a rash as a result of stress has not yet been fully understood, but the fact that this can really happen can be said with confidence. It all starts with a decrease in the protective properties of the epidermis, under the influence of stress it recovers worse and copes with harmful bacteria.

Finally, a rash on the cheekbones can appear due to intestinal diseases (more on this later).

Other causes of the phenomenon include a deficiency of vitamins A, E, the use of low-quality cosmetic preparations, smoking, excessive indulgence in alcoholic beverages, irritation after peeling.

As you can see, in reality there are many reasons, but most often (with the exception of hormonal disorders) women suffer from the described phenomenon due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Let's pay more attention to this point.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - the main cause of a rash on the cheekbones

If the rash is localized strictly on the cheekbones, this is a serious reason to conduct an examination of the digestive tract.

Gastrointestinal disease can be suspected in the presence of one or more characteristic symptoms, which include:

Note! If you notice at least one of the above symptoms, then even before visiting a doctor you should make adjustments to your diet: all fatty, fried, flour and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet. Subsequently, the doctor, having determined the diagnosis, will prescribe a specific diet.

Of course, the examination and search for possible ailments takes several days, which means that while waiting for the results, you can take some measures yourself to get rid of acne on the cheeks.

How is a rash on the cheekbones treated?

For effective treatment, as we have just noted, it is necessary to find out why acne has arisen. And until the results of the examination become known, you can try to do local treatment at home.

It should be in proper nutrition, so you can start with a raw diet based on the use of fruits, vegetables and nuts (this can be resorted to not daily, but, say, once every two days).

It is also necessary to eat as many salads as possible, store-bought juices should be completely abandoned - it is better to make them at home using a juicer (dilute the finished juice with a little water).

You should be in the fresh air more often, regularly take walks - in a word, increase your activity. It is recommended to avoid stress, it is better to give up smoking altogether or, as an option, limit it. The skin of the face must be properly cared for, and requires constant rather than periodic care. In this case, it consists in observing a few simple requirements, let's get acquainted with them.

  1. Every morning, before breakfast, you should drink a glass of clean water - this is necessary to remove toxins accumulated during the night, as well as to raise the tone.

  2. You should also temporarily abandon the use of various gels and creams when washing. Instead, it is better to take tar soap - an excellent antiseptic.

  3. In the water used for washing, you can add a little apple cider vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice. This will additionally nourish the skin during water procedures. At the same time, it is very important to monitor the concentration: you need to use only a weak solution, otherwise the skin will dry out.

  4. Every day, the cheekbones must be treated with a piece of cotton dipped in - this will help get rid of inflammation.

  5. Finally, you can resort to masks made on the basis of natural ingredients. As such, vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes), sour-milk products or bee honey can act. Lotions prepared from decoctions of medicinal plants also help. All these procedures will not only relieve inflammation, but also return the skin to its former tone.

Below is one of the popular treatments for acne on the face.

Video - Get rid of acne on the cheeks

As a conclusion. Prevention

As a result, we note that in order to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant rash, it is necessary not only to visit a beautician regularly, but also to eat right, avoid stressful situations and depression if possible, be more careful about the choice of care products and cosmetics, and also be examined and treated in time. other diseases (especially the intestines). Do not neglect a healthy lifestyle - walking should become a habit, preferably before going to bed. Compliance with these simple rules will ensure a satisfactory condition of the skin (both internal and external).

Video - How to treat acne on the face

Acne has not been considered a teenage problem for a long time, it often affects adults as well. Localization of acne is varied, they can appear on the face, neck, chest, back. The biggest discomfort is delivered by acne that popped up on the face. Pimples on the face, depending on their location, can talk about problems and diseases of internal organs, be a manifestation of allergies, bacterial infections.

Causes of acne on the cheekbones

What causes acne on the cheekbones? The occurrence of acne is always preceded by a certain factor, or more likely their combination.

Acne on the face is always a feeling of discomfort, unpleasant or even painful sensations.

  1. Irrational nutrition, the use of fried, spicy foods, the abuse of dairy products, fast food stimulate the appearance of acne on the face, neck, and chest.
  2. genetic predisposition. If the parents suffered from acne, then it is likely that the children will also be.
  3. Features of skin type. A common cause of acne is improper care. For most teenagers, acne disappears before the age of 21. But if a person has a fat type and does not know how to care for her, this problem will haunt him for a long time.
  4. Ecology, dirty city air, poor quality water.
  5. Wrong lifestyle - stress, alcohol, smoking, lack of sleep and, as a result, chronic fatigue syndrome.
  6. Mechanical damage to the skin can lead to the formation of acne when bacteria attach.
  7. Pimples on the cheekbones can be caused by taking medications, such as steroid hormones.
  8. Allergy and avitaminosis. Food products such as chocolate, citrus, pepper can cause subcutaneous acne.

Here acne can be red, white, subcutaneous, small and large

What causes acne on the cheekbones? Pimples on the cheekbones in women appear due to hormonal disruptions. However, this does not always indicate diseases, it can be a normal physiological process that indicates fluctuations in hormone levels, for example, before the onset of menstruation or at the end of it. Endocrine diseases lead to the appearance of acne at an older age.

Pimples under the cheekbones in girls appear due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This arrangement of acne indicates problems with the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder. In this case, symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract join: stool disorder, abdominal pain, nausea, heartburn. If you have these symptoms, you should consult a gastroenterologist.

What causes acne on the cheekbones? Hyperkeratosis - an increase in the thickness of the layer of the horny epidermis. The cells of the upper layer of the skin begin to divide faster, resulting in thickening. With this violation, follicles, papules are formed, which resemble acne in their appearance. When these elements are removed, a point wound occurs. With bacterial infection, pustules appear in their place.

Why do acne appear on the cheekbones and other parts of the body? Acne on the neck, face, back and chest can occur due to demodicosis. This is a skin disease caused by mites that live in oil-based cosmetics, Vaseline. With this violation, not only the appearance of a rash is characteristic, but also a change in skin color.

Skin formations on this part of the face indicate the incorrect functioning of the body

How to treat acne?

Prevention and treatment of acne on the cheekbones is based on a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, giving up bad habits, no matter what the reasons for their appearance. This is the first step towards clear skin. As already mentioned, it is important to learn how to properly care for yourself, depending on the type. Care must be permanent. It is advisable to visit a beautician at least once a month.

  • sufficient water regime - 8 glasses of water per day;
  • acid cleansers (purified water with lemon juice, 2-3 drops);
  • chamomile lotions for the face relieve inflammation and irritation, nourish, give a healthy glow;
  • for lotions, if acne occurs on the cheekbone, use a solution of boric acid; resorcinol solution;
  • enrich the diet with foods containing fiber, fruits, vegetables;
  • clay masks dry acne on the cheekbones, remove excess shine from the face, matte;
  • a mask of kefir or yogurt relieves inflammation, improves tone;
  • inflamed acne on the cheekbones and neck are treated with salicylic acid 2-3 times a day;
  • compresses have an anti-inflammatory effect, absorb pus, ideally alternate cold and hot compresses, herbal decoctions are used for the procedure;
  • in young people they are dried when washing with tar soap.

When the full treatment has taken effect, various cosmetic procedures can be applied.

Knowing the cause and timely treatment of somatic diseases is the main way to healthy skin.

With constant stress, nervous overstrain, sedatives based on herbs are used. For allergic reactions - antihistamines.

How to achieve healthy looking skin: acne prevention

To maintain a healthy appearance of the skin, a seasonal intake of vitamins is indicated. It was mentioned above that beriberi is the cause of acne. Doctors prefer multivitamin preparations for taking in early autumn and spring.

Zinc and vitamin C improve skin elasticity and firmness, reduce the risk of developing allergic rashes, acne and comedones. Zinc and ascorbic acid are antioxidants, reduce the activity of male sex hormones, reduce inflammation, and accelerate wound healing.

Vitamins A and E nourish and moisturize the skin, relieve inflammation, peeling, remove fine mimic wrinkles, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and sebum production.

Introduce a lot of healthy fresh fruits, vegetables, olive and flaxseed oils, bran, cereals, boiled sea fish, lean meat into the daily diet

Vitamins of group B (B2, B6) accelerate wound healing, effectively fight premenstrual rashes. In order to reduce hormonal rashes, vitamin B6 is taken 2-3 weeks before menstruation.

Pimples under the cheekbones in young people require folic acid. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates wound healing, reduces the number of loose elements.

Proper daily care and cosmetic procedures are of great importance for a radiant appearance. Acne under the cheekbones in women dries up and disappears if the face is properly cleansed. Facial cleansing is a daily procedure that is carried out in the morning before applying makeup and in the evening. After washing, wipe the face with a tonic and apply a moisturizer.

A hot bath helps to get rid of excess fat by drying it out. Owners of normal and dry type should give preference to warm water. You can not rub your face with a towel, you need to gently blot it.

Weekly scrub cleanses dead cells, removes deep impurities and tones the skin. Weekly masks are made for acne (1 time in three days).

Purchased scrubs are best not to use more than once a week.

Before applying makeup, the face is covered with a base base to protect against the chemical components of cosmetics. Regular washing of makeup brushes is another necessary procedure. Bacteria can accumulate and multiply in the pile, which, with further use, will lead to the appearance of acne.

From home procedures are effective:

  • oatmeal masks;
  • honey;
  • sugar or salt scrub;
  • milk baths;
  • hydration with liquid vitamin E.

Facial massage is one of the procedures that are used to improve the skin or maintain its appearance. Massage improves metabolic processes in the skin, improves blood circulation, and hence nutrition. Thanks to this procedure, the surface layers are cleared of horny scales, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, and elasticity is increased.

Cryotherapy is the use of liquid nitrogen to treat acne. At home, ice cubes are used to maintain tone and prevent acne on the face and neck. Instead of ordinary water, decoctions of chamomile, mint, calendula are frozen.

In the salon, the beautician can offer acid peeling

For 30+, beauticians recommend using additional moisturizing. Many cosmetic companies produce special creams marked 30+. They contain the nutrients needed at this age. Thermal water will provide moisture. To do this, spray it on your face during the day. As an additional care, you can use almond oil for moisturizing. Weekly honey mask and facial massage, chamomile decoction lotion, sea salt scrub.

For 40+, it will be useful to use cocoa butter as a moisturizer. The cream for daily care can be enriched with vitamin E, lavender oil and rosehip oil, 5 drops each. Lotions from a decoction of calendula, St. John's wort, cold and hot compresses. As a peeling, a coffee scrub is used.

  • use tonics less often, they can dry out the face;
  • do not use soap for washing, only special gels;
  • washing gel can be enriched with shea butter;
  • in the cream for daily use, add rose oil, rice germ oil, peach pits, 5 drops each;
  • for an additional anti-aging effect, apply vitamin E to the face;
  • a honey mask will be relevant at this age;
  • coffee peeling;
  • weekly massages;
  • blue clay masks

The main rule of self-care is regular care and a healthy lifestyle. The implementation of these two points will help maintain youth and beauty for a long time, will avoid various problems, such as acne or facial wrinkles.

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I counted more than 10 potential causes of rashes on the cheekbones, which can lead many beauty fighters into a stupor.

But after reading this article, you will be able to deal with them, as well as receive clear recommendations that will help bring you a little closer to clear skin today.

Causes of acne on the cheekbones, or where is the dog buried here?

There can be many reasons for the appearance of acne on the cheekbones, but I will only highlight the most “popular” of them. By the way, the list below applies to almost all areas on the face.

  • clogged pores. Everything is very simple. With excessive secretion of sebum and lack of cleansing of the skin, the pores become clogged, the inflammatory process begins. Remember that clogged pores are one of the most common causes of the appearance, which can turn into serious problems.
  • Food. You are what you eat. In fact, malnutrition (or allergies to certain foods) provokes acne all over the body, but the cheekbones are a particular risk group. By the way, I advise you to read in order to exclude the "provocateurs" of rashes, which you may not be aware of.
  • Squeezing and touching the face with hands. No matter how much you feed a wolf, he still presses acne. 🙂 Incorrect or inappropriate extrusion almost always ends in painful pimples not only on the cheekbones, but all over the face.
  • Stress and nervous disorders. The mechanism of stress acne is not yet fully understood, but it is safe to say that this is not a myth. First of all, the protective properties of the skin decrease, which, under the influence of stress, begins to cope worse with the reproduction of bacteria and recover more slowly.
  • Hormonal disruptions and jumps. The classic cause of acne on the cheekbones and cheeks in adolescents, pregnant women, girls during lactation or menstruation.
  • demodicosis. It often happens that demodicosis is hidden under the guise of red acne under the cheekbones. Therefore, do not hesitate to visit a dermatologist.
  • and internal (subcutaneous) acne on the cheekbones are often adrenal and kidney diseases. Such rashes can also signal the presence of gynecological and endocrine diseases in women, or prostatitis in men.

Other reasons include: beriberi (lack of vitamins A and E), smoking or alcohol abuse, irritation from shaving, the use of low-quality cosmetics.

As you can see, there are many reasons, which often leads to confusion those who decide to fight for acne-free cheekbones and face. But don't worry, we'll take care of everything now. 🙂

Be sure to read the article about, since this "couple" is the main potential companion for rashes on the cheekbones. This article will help you avoid this problem.

Proper treatment of acne on the cheekbones is the key to success

50% of successful treatment is the correct determination of the cause of acne and acne on the cheekbones, so a visit to a dermatologist will be the best solution.

And if you can only vaguely guess why subcutaneous or purulent acne appeared on the cheekbones, then a dermatologist, having examined you, will be able to say exactly “where the legs grow from” and prescribe the most effective treatment that will help you get rid of the problem as soon as possible. .

But do not sit back if going to the dermatologist is temporarily impossible. Your main task at the moment is to narrow the circle of potential "culprits" to a minimum.

How to do it? Very simple. It is only worth analyzing the above reasons. Based on them, I am compiling a list of recommendations and tips that today, at least a little, will tip the scales in your favor:

  • Revision of food, clothing, cosmetics, detergents and linen for allergenicity and skin irritation is the first thing you can do right now. Synthetic clothing, like junk food, often causes acne all over the face, so by eliminating irritants, you will take a huge step towards clear skin.
  • Reduced stress levels. Reduce the stress level in your life, because it affects not only your well-being, but also the condition of your skin.
  • Pay due attention to the care and cleansing of the skin of the face. Remember that lack of care is a direct prerequisite for oily skin and a bunch of bacteria, which together can turn your face into a sieve of pimples and blackheads.
  • Remember the formula: - help the skin cope with acne faster!
  • Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic topical agents may help: Zinerit, Baziron, Skinoren, Yam Ointment - only the most popular of them.
  • Essential and cosmetic oils will perfectly help to cope with the problem.. I recommend reading an article about, which sometimes give better results than pharmacy external products.
  • Watch out for unconscious hand touching and pimple popping. Often we press acne on the machine (I suffered from this problem very often). Keep your hands under control. 🙂
  • Check for the absence of demodicosis, beriberi, or diseases of the adrenal glands and kidneys. This way you rule out (or confirm) another potential cause and narrow down your search.
  • Limit or better avoid smoking and alcohol.

The list turned out to be a bit long, but now you know what needs to be done today in order to forget about such a problem as pimples on the cheekbones in the near future.

How did you deal with this problem? Write your review in the comments, it can help other people, thanks!

It is always unpleasant to see acne on the face. Their appearance may be caused by hormonal changes in the body during adolescence. In adulthood, the cause of the appearance may be a serious disease that occurs in the body quietly and imperceptibly. Quite often, acne also appears on the face of older people. They are a signaling agent of an existing disease.

What is the cause of this acne formation

Modern medicine knows a fairly large number of causes of this phenomenon. The most plausible explanation for the occurrence of acne on the cheekbones in women is a violation of the stomach and intestines. Such a diagnosis is very easily confirmed.

The main causes of rashes on the cheekbones are the symptoms talking about a possible disease:

Of course, the appearance of acne in the cheekbones, as well as other places, can be caused by other reasons. . The main factors are:

  1. Heredity. Inflammation and redness most often occur on oily skin. Perhaps one of the relatives had something similar in their youth. It is worth asking how quickly the rashes passed in those years. As a result, it will be possible to get a general picture of the appearance of acne. It is necessary to take care of such skin daily, carrying out several special events. It is almost impossible to remove acne with only one remedy.
  2. It is mandatory to wash every day with a special tool that is right for your skin. The body should be wiped with lotion and use a cream that restores the normal function of the sebaceous glands of the skin.
  3. hormonal activity. In this case, we are talking about the cyclic appearance of acne and skin rashes when puberty begins. After the hormonal background reaches a normal state, skin problems will disappear on their own, rashes will stop appearing. When a woman chooses the right birth control pills for herself, the appearance of acne and blackheads completely stops.
  4. Stress. This reason cannot be avoided by any person. Modern life, rapid rhythm and constantly emerging problems, gradually weaken the body's defenses. The human skin instantly responds to the changes that occur. To prevent acne, you need to relax as much as possible, walk in the fresh air and have a good time.
  5. Lots of dead cells. To fight acne, you need a special cleansing scrub. It is necessary to make daily cleansing masks. But, at the same time, it must be remembered that if inflammatory processes take place on the skin, then such a scrub does not need to be used, since it can only worsen the situation. Acne can move from the cheekbones to another place on the face.
  6. Microorganisms. They develop quite vigorous activity in a short time. The dermatologist, in the scraping made, finds traces of subcutaneous mites. It will take a special treatment for acne to disappear and the skin to become clean and healthy again.
  7. Skin damage. They can cause inflammation, sometimes the occurrence of secondary infections.
  8. The use of drugs. In some cases, cosmetics containing chlorine, bromine and other substances can cause acne.
  9. Wrong nutrition. The skin of the face instantly reacts to a large consumption of spicy and smoked foods, drinking alcohol and smoking. She becomes flabby and ugly. Pimples and rashes appear on the cheekbones.

Doctors note several types of acne on the cheekbones. They are:

  1. single;
  2. Purulent;
  3. With swelling.

Sometimes a severe rash can be observed on the cheekbones. The location of such rashes may be local, or descend below and appear in the cervical region. To combat this phenomenon, an integrated approach is needed.

To understand the cause of acne on the cheekbones, dermatologist prescribes tests, the data of which will help to detail the real cause of acne.

While the tests are being done, you can try to get rid of acne on the cheekbones yourself by performing a few simple steps:

  1. Eat fresh vegetables. Include unroasted nuts, fruits and berries in your menu;
  2. Drink two liters of water during the day;
  3. Drink only freshly squeezed juices, slightly diluting them with water;
  4. Forget about tobacco and alcohol;
  5. Spend more time walking
  6. Do sport;
  7. Avoid stressful conditions.

How to properly care for your face?

Poor skin hygiene is considered one of the causes of acne on the cheekbones. This issue requires special attention. A lot of people think it doesn't matter.

However, in order to exclude the occurrence of acne, it is necessary to cleanse the skin daily, wash your face with water, to which you add some lemon juice. This will help make the skin brighter and fresher.

To carry out antiseptic treatment, you can wash your face with tar soap. But you should not abuse such means. They can cause dry skin.

One of the reasons for the appearance of acne may be excessive hygiene, during which too much of the protective layer of the epidermis is removed. As a result, acne occurs on the face.

To cope with inflammation, and remove rashes on the cheekbones, decoctions must be used, which include:

The preparation of the decoction is done as follows. A tablespoon of herbs is poured into a glass of boiling water, it keep 15 minutes in a hot water bath. When the water has cooled, it is necessary to strain the broth, after which you can start rubbing.

Some women freeze the resulting broth using special molds. They use this ice to wipe problem areas.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the appearance of acne on the cheekbones is an indicator of a serious disease that goes unnoticed inside the body. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the real cause of their occurrence. Only complex therapy will give you the most positive results.

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