Slightly enlarge the lips. How to enlarge lips permanently or temporarily at home. Decorative cosmetics, oral hygiene and prevention of chapped lips

Do you remember Scarlett O'Hara? Before meeting men, she bit her lips so that blood clung to them, and they became red and swollen. After the publication of the novel "Gone with the Wind" more than a dozen years have passed, and the fashion for expressive lips has not changed. Full, bright and fresh lips are the envy of many women. Most men admit that they pay attention first of all to a woman's lips, and only after that look into her eyes.

But not everyone naturally got plump and alluring lips. That is why today the lip augmentation surgery is the most demanded in the world of cosmetology. However, the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the subcutaneous tissues can lead to complications. If the drug is administered incorrectly, the lips may increase unevenly, the corners of the lips will protrude strongly. Such procedures have many contraindications, besides, surgical lip augmentation is an expensive pleasure. So why waste your finances and get an unnatural result at a health risk? From this article you will learn how to increase lips at home.

Massage perfectly enlarges the lips and tightens the corners of the lips up. After all, drooping corners are one of the primary signs of skin aging. Massage provides improved blood circulation in the area of ​​the lips, which makes them bright and puffy, like a child's. Massage should not be done if there are herpes on the lips or chapped lips. Wait until the skin heals and only then take up the massage. Here are some effective massage movements that can change the shape and fullness of your lips.

  1. Pour a small amount of cosmetic or edible oil on your hands. It is better to take an olive. Massage each lip thoroughly, slowly moving from one corner of the lips to the other. Make translational and rotational movements. Knead both lips so that they become slightly reddish.
  2. Take a toothbrush and brush your lips with it. Can be used for cleaning honey. The brush irritates the delicate skin of the lips and causes blood to rush to the site of irritation. Lips become voluminous right before your eyes. This method can be used for a short-term effect. For example, if you want to get a charming photo, rub your lips with a brush and take a picture - the picture will be stunning!
  3. Ice will help to give lips a seductive shape. Run ice over the lips for a couple of minutes to redden the skin and slightly increase the volume of the lips. If you do this procedure regularly, the lips begin to gradually maintain and remember this shape. And in order to prevent chapped and cracked lips, you can add coconut oil to the ice. It perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the delicate skin of the lips with vitamins.
  4. Contrasting wash will give lips volume that lasts for several days. Take two shallow cups and fill them with hot and ice water. Dip your lips alternately in a bowl of hot and cold water. The temperature contrast will increase the volume of your lips, which will last for two to three days. Moreover, this procedure changes not only the volume, but also the color of the lips. They become bright and saturated even without lipstick.

You probably know that a person's face has a huge amount of facial muscles. Most of them are localized near the eyes and lips. If you pump up certain muscle groups with the help of exercises, you can significantly increase the volume and shape of the lips. Here are some useful lip exercises.

  1. Draw more air into your lungs and say a long “I”. Then repeat the exercise with the sound "U". Stretching such sounds trains the muscles of the lips, and due to this they become more voluminous.
  2. Whistle - it's so nice. You probably noticed that after a short whistle, the lips get tired. And the thing is that during the whistle, all muscle groups of the jaw are developed. Whistle often while walking in the fresh air and after a couple of weeks you will notice that your lips have become fuller.
  3. Kissing is very useful for giving lips volume. If there is no suitable object for exercise at hand, you can kiss a soft toy or an apple. Place the object of adoration at a distance of 5 centimeters from your lips and try to reach it with your lips. Don't approach with your body, only with your lips! After successfully reaching the goal, stretch your lips in a satisfied smile. The smile should be wide, imagine that you are in Hollywood. You need to alternate kissing with smiles at least 10 times every day if you want to achieve real results.
  4. Draw with compressed lips. Press your lips tightly together and try to draw a circle in the air. Do the exercise to one side and the other. If you do it with ease, do the same trick, but not with a circle, but with a figure eight.
  5. Fill your lungs with air and blow it out through your narrowed lips. Imagine that you need to create the narrowest airflow possible.
  6. Squeeze your lips and move them in different directions. For example, the top to the right, and the bottom to the left, and then vice versa. It develops muscles well and lifts the corners of the lips.

For the exercises to be effective, they need to be done daily, and preferably several times a day. A real visible result can be achieved only after a month of regular "training".

Folk remedies for plump lips

Lips can be enlarged with the help of cosmetic products. Decoctions, masks and scrubs irritate the skin of the lips, provide more blood to the capillaries, which makes the lips swollen and seductive.

  1. Cinnamon oil is great for lips. It is found in most lipsticks and lip balms. Cinnamon activates and irritates the blood capillaries, blood rushes to them and the lips become scarlet and voluminous. Cinnamon oil can be used as a lip balm. It improves their shape, volume and protects the delicate skin of the lips from drying out during cold weather.
  2. Another effective home remedy for lip augmentation is peppermint oil. Oil is used instead of lip gloss. It stimulates blood flow to the lips and makes them puffy invitingly.
  3. There is another way to increase lips quickly and safely. Take a hot pepper and cut off a couple of small fingernail-sized pieces from it. Place these pieces in your lip balm. When cosmetics absorb the hot properties of pepper, it can be used. When you apply the balm to your lips, you will feel how they increase, redden and swell before your eyes. And it looks very natural. But do not overdo it with the dose - if the balm is very hot, you will not be able to use it.
  4. Nicotinic acid is a cosmetic product for hair growth. It can be bought at any pharmacy. However, few people know that this acid can significantly increase the volume of your lips. Nicotinic acid is sold in ampoules or tablets. Lubricate your lips with olive or sunflower oil first, and then apply nicotine from the ampoule to them. Tablets must first be dissolved in water. Leave on for 5-10 minutes and wash off the mask. After such a procedure, the lips will look charmingly plump for several hours. Usually this procedure is done before an important event or going out, when you need to look perfect.
  5. There is another effective remedy for lip augmentation. Take half a teaspoon of sugar, lemon and glycerin. Mix the ingredients and apply the mass on the lips for about 30 minutes. After half an hour, the mask can be washed off. This remedy makes the lips slightly swollen due to citric acid. After such a procedure, the contours of the lips will become more pronounced and clear, which visually increases their size.
  6. If you want to increase your lips for an hour and a half, you can use the following method. Apply toothpaste to your lips and leave for a few minutes. The menthol contained in the paste irritates the skin of the lips and makes them puffy and red. This method is often used by models before photo shoots. However, you need to be careful that the paste does not get on the skin around the lips, otherwise everything will be red.

After any cosmetic masks, it is imperative to moisturize your lips with special balms or cosmetic oils.

How to give lips visual volume with makeup

Properly selected makeup can completely change the appearance of a girl. Cosmetics can work wonders - it skillfully hides flaws and proudly emphasizes the dignity of a woman. With the right makeup technique, you can give your lips a visual volume.

To visually enlarge the lips, you need to focus on them. Do not highlight your eyes with sharp arrows or smokey eye makeup. It is necessary to slightly emphasize the eyes with light shadows and paint over the eyelashes well. Make expressive cheekbones - they will emphasize the line of the lips. For lip makeup, be sure to use a contour pencil. When outlining the contours, you need to slightly protrude beyond the edge of the lips in order to visually increase their size. But do not overdo it so that the lips do not look artificial. For lip liner, it is best to use a light-colored pencil - it looks more natural and natural.

Be sure to apply gloss on the lips - it perfectly creates an imitation of the volume and splendor of the lips. If you apply more light gloss in the center of the lips, then the overflow of reflections gives the lips an alluring swelling.

"Full Lips"

This is a modern device for giving fullness to the lips. Full Lips is a cork made of solid silicone that is put on the lips. Then you need to “suck out” all the air from the cork so that a vacuum forms in the cork. The lips are in an extended state, in which they need to be held for about 30 seconds. After that, the device moves back slightly so that air gets inside. The result is simply stunning - the lips become plump and voluminous in less than a minute.

You may experience mild discomfort at first, but this will pass quickly. This effect lasts for several hours. This device has gained great popularity because it is effective and absolutely safe. Full lips can be stored in a cosmetic bag - the device does not take up much space. You can buy it at any cosmetic or online store, its cost is about $10.

If you are the owner of modest and thin lips, do not be upset. Modern cosmetology, proven folk recipes, regular exercises and massage treatments will make you a beauty with a seductive smile. Everything is in your "lips"!

Video: how to increase lips without surgery

Hyaluronic acid injections are called beauty injections. With their help, cosmetologists restore youthfulness to the skin, and give volume to the lips.

The cosmetic procedure will make them plump, correct the shape. It is very popular among women of all ages.

Enlargement, hydration, rejuvenation

Hyaluronic acid is relatively safe, it not analogous to silicone as many people think. It is a polysaccharide that is produced naturally in the body.

It is part of tissues, binding water in cells and intercellular space. This keeps the skin youthful and elastic.

One molecule of hyaluronic acid accumulates a thousand water molecules.

With age, the amount of hyaluronic acid decreases. Can provoke its production by special procedures or enter through injections.

Hyaluronic acid is also found in many moisturizers. But it affects only the upper layers of the skin.

Since acid is a natural substance for the body, it is not rejected artificially after administration, and does not cause allergies.

How long does hyaluronic acid last in lips? One session is enough for six months.

If desired, the injection is repeated. You can trust her only to cosmetologists.

Pros and cons

Hyaluronic injection takes a little time - from 15 to 30 minutes.

The results are noticeable immediately. The injected drug does not shift, does not migrate. After a beauty injection, rehabilitation is not required.

Injection is suitable for women aged 17 to 60 years. The injected substance is absorbed and excreted from the body without negative effects, the contours return to their previous state.

An anti-aging corrective leaves no marks, scars or scars. Repeated injection gives even longer results.

The downside is soreness of the procedure. Anesthesia will help to be patient for the results, but some patients claim that they feel every needle prick, and the feeling is not pleasant.

The procedure has a number of contraindications. In most cases, the service is safe, but animal-based hyaluronic acid can provoke allergies.

Therefore, it is necessary choose a salon with an impeccable reputation for the procedure, clarify what materials the beautician works with, be interested in reviews and recommendations.

The desire to be perfect sometimes goes beyond the bounds of reason. Trying to keep up with trends, you can overdo it with injections, and not notice how the lips look unnaturally large. It is important to stop on time.

To do this the objective opinion of people you trust will help.

Until now, experts are arguing, or maybe it's hyaluronic acid that is addictive, makes women of different ages run back to the salon for another injection.

Indications for correction

The famous blonde Marilyn Monroe noted that a girl should have beautiful eyes and lips. Of course, plump, sensual, they do not leave women without the attention of a male audience.

Each girl has her own reasons and motives for contacting a beautician. This is in line with fashion trends, the desire to become more beautiful for the sake of a beloved man, or a rebellion against Mother Nature, who did not reward plump lips.

Cosmetologists distinguish three categories of women who decide on the procedure:

  • Girls under 30 who want to look more attractive, sexy.
  • Hyaluronic acid injections after 30 years of age help to emphasize the contour, remove asymmetry, and correct disproportion.
  • For women over 50, the procedure lifts the corners, restores color.

What other fillers are used in cosmetology for rejuvenation and beauty preservation, after reading another article.

Contraindications for injections

Lip augmentation and correction is not available to everyone. In beauty centers refuse to inject hyaluronic acid:

  • pregnant women, nursing mothers;
  • with inflammation in the area of ​​future injections;
  • patients with hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • during or after infectious diseases;
  • in violation of blood clotting.

Experts also do not advise resorting to contouring during the menstrual cycle. This affects the duration of action of hyaluronic acid.

Preparation for the procedure, technique

Preliminary preparation before the introduction of a rejuvenating and corrective agent is not required. The injection is done on an outpatient basis. In time, it takes from 15 to 30 minutes.

In cosmetology clinics, various fillers (fillers) with hyaluronic acid are used.

These are the brands:

  • Style (France);
  • Pluryal (Luxembourg);
  • Restylane (Sweden);
  • Teosyal (Switzerland);
  • Surgiderm (France);
  • Juvederm (USA).

When there are no contraindications or health problems, it remains to discuss with the cosmetologist the desired shape of the sponges. Before the introduction of hyaluronic acid need to administer anesthesia.

Use a gel or an injection into the gum. This procedure is similar to a dental one. Anesthesia lasts up to half an hour. During this time, the master must give the lips the desired shape.

The drug for administration is in sealed disposable syringes, which guarantees sterility. First, the beautician makes an injection in the center of the lips.

The procedure, although short, does not endure haste. The drug should be evenly distributed along the contour. After that, the rest of the portion is introduced. There should not be any seals, cones.

For the correction of small lips, 1 ml of the drug is enough, for large lips - 2-3 ml. The substance is injected with a thin needle. After the injections, a light massage and a cold compress are necessary.

This video shows how to increase and correct contours using hyaluronic acid injections in the lips:

There are two techniques for administering the drug:

  • Filling the contour. It is carried out quickly, since edema increases every minute, which can affect the final results.
  • Lip filling. Gives a more natural look. The injection is injected evenly over the pink surface.

After the injection, you can immediately return to your usual activities.

At the same time, there are several contraindications after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid - what not to do for a few days:

  • use decorative cosmetics for the first three to four days;
  • visit the solarium for a week;
  • steam in the sauna;
  • swim in the pool;
  • take a hot bath;
  • drink hot drinks.

Doctors also advise against kissing, not eating hot food, and not smoking for several days after injections.


One session is enough to noticeably change the lips. Hyaluronic acid increases their volume, making them plump, smoothing the contour.

The results, which depend on the skill of the beautician, the quality of the filler, will be noticeable after two to three days.

In these photos you will see lips before and after injections with hyaluronic acid preparations for contour correction, enlargement, raising lowered corners:

After two weeks, you need to look to the beautician for a follow-up examination.

Possible Complications

The drug rarely causes allergic reactions. To avoid complications, it is important to tell the doctor about the state of health.

The day after the injections possible swelling, redness, the outline will be blurry because of this.

Don't be afraid. After a few days, the symptoms will pass if you follow the advice of a cosmetologist.

Average prices, doctors' opinion

Lip augmentation and correction with hyaluronic acid is a high-cost procedure. But given that we are talking about beauty and aesthetics, it is not worth saving.

The price depends on the manufacturer of injections based on polysaccharide and on the volume. On average, for beautiful lips you have to pay from 15 thousand rubles.

The services of a novice master will be cheaper, but it is worth considering all the risks. Doctors advise to think over all the pros and cons, not to take the procedure lightly.

Even if the doctor has a high level of qualification, uses high-quality materials, has extensive experience in performing such procedures, he cannot guarantee the result if he does not know the whole truth about the patient's health condition.

That's why hiding something, hoping for a chance - very irresponsible.

The procedure does not require much time, but requires a lot of preparation. It concerns the choice of a cosmetology center.

What is good and how to do it right? Learn all about its benefits and uses.

Video and photo after the facial contouring procedure is it worth using this technique.

The cosmetic procedure for correcting the shape of the lips is very popular among women of all ages. Young girls want to achieve plumpness and expressiveness, older ladies want to get rid of lip defects that betray their age. Despite the apparent ease, this procedure requires prudence in the choice of the drug for injection and a specialist who has experience in lip correction.

About what questions are most often asked to a beautician by women who dream of lip augmentation, and what they need to know in order for the procedure to go smoothly. Anna Funikova, a dermatologist, head of the training center "Academy for Professional Training of Beauty Industry Specialists", told the site readers.

how to make lips bigger

This question is asked by a large number of clients of beauty parlors. The age at which patients begin to be interested in this topic is already around 14 years old. To begin with, good specialists recommend to their patients to use various professional glosses and lipsticks for lip augmentation. Usually such remedies are based on the use of various irritating components that cause a temporary rush of blood to the lips.

This effect remains exactly for several hours when applying lipstick. If we talk about how to increase lips for a long time, then we cannot do without injection procedures, because we cannot increase the volume and correct the shape for a long time only with cosmetics.

The procedure itself is correctly called lip contouring and requires the use of fillers. Lip contouring has been known for over 20 years. Previously, non-absorbable fillers were used: silicone and polyacrylamides. At the moment, it has been proven that these drugs cause many complications, migration of the drug, the formation of seals, ulcers, granulomas: the terrible programs that we watch on television, with a demonstration of the precipitation of the drug or deformation of the shape of the lips, describe just cases of using non-absorbable, permanent fillers. Now they are banned in the US and Europe, but unfortunately, we have procedures with them.

The patient needs to know that she will be injected

When a girl chooses a lip filling procedure for herself, she must definitely know exactly what exactly she will be pricked in order to enlarge her lips. A modern preparation for contour and volume modeling is synthesized hyaluronic acid, which is identical to human and has a biosynthetic origin. This means that the genetic code of a special bacterium has been changed, and when it eats wheat hydrolyzate, the bacterium itself synthesizes human hyaluronic acid. This process is similar to the synthesis of insulin, which is now prescribed to patients with diabetes.

There are a huge number of hyaluronic acid preparations on the market. They differ in density, ease of use for the master himself, and most importantly, in the purification of this hyaluronic acid from the bacterial wall and from drugs that stabilize the substance itself from decay in human tissues.

Therefore, when choosing a clinic in which the patient wants to undergo a lip augmentation procedure and change their contour, one should ask what company the drug is used for.

There are a lot of questions about the certification of these drugs: how they are certified in our country and in the world, whether they have American certification. We are especially interested in the FDA certification - this is the US Federal Department of Food and Drug Administration, i.e. US State Pharmaceutical Commission. It is one of the most serious in the world and can initiate, at its own expense, research on the safety of all drugs. At the moment, there are so many fillers based on hyaluronic acid registered in the world: these are woven, such as, for example: Juvederm, Restylane, etc.

Further, before lip augmentation, consult with a specialist who will do the procedure directly.

He must have a medical education and a certificate of completion of courses in contouring and volumization, i.е. volume modeling.

There are several cases when we need to increase the lips or change their shape. The first of these is constitutionally small lips, when they are congenitally very small, characterized by pronounced visual asymmetry, or have a very strange shape. Under such circumstances, the indication age limits are shifted to a younger age - 18 years old, when the patient is already an adult and can decide on his own to carry out this procedure.

The work here will be quite complex, and the specialist must have experience in modeling and augmentation of lips that have constitutional features or are deformed due to trauma.

And the second moment when we increase lips is an aesthetic component. Lips have always been a very strong sexually attractive feature. They were emphasized with the use of cosmetics - lipstick and gloss. Lips are a sign of sexuality, as many of the patients believe.

What is important to consider during the first injection

When patients come for a consultation, the first thing they say is "I don't want very big lips." In our clinic, we explain to them that in order to make very large and even just large lips, you need to use a large amount of the drug, and this will be a very expensive procedure.

Therefore, when we use one syringe, one dose of the drug to model the volume and shape of the lips, we can only increase this volume by 15-20 percent and at the same time correct their shape, for example, raise the corners of the mouth or slightly enlarge the lip so that when smiling it does not completely exposed the gums and teeth. So the use of an ordinary dose initially looks like the right decision.

The drugs themselves used for injections are usually always called “For the lips” (Kiss, Lips, Smile), they are specially calculated both in terms of volume and thermal stability (so that when the patient consumes hot drinks, there is no rapid disintegration of the drugs and complications associated with with this).

Enlargement of lips is quite simple, drugs are used disintegrating, the shape is restored within 5 months. The procedure itself is quite effective, because it will be the prevention of premature aging and the appearance of so-called purse-string wrinkles - vertical wrinkles around the mouth that maximally betray the woman's age. Additionally, the transverse striation on the red border of the lips will go away, which will really help to make the lips themselves as attractive as possible.

Unfortunately, we must always correctly understand what the patient wants, how much this or that form of lips suits him. We always start from what the patient has, because when clients bring a beautiful picture, and we see that the original material with which we need to work will not allow this to be achieved, the most important thing in such a situation is not to make empty promises.

We must also, as estestists, bring beauty and the standards of this beauty into society. Very often it is necessary to keep patients from doing a marginal and very pronounced, large lip shape.

We advise you to start with one or two syringes of the drug, and then go on with such new lips for several months and decide on their possible stronger increase.

It is important to note that at the moment there are fashion trends for lip augmentation: the so-called. baby face, when, regardless of the facial expressions of a person, his lips seem to be folded into a slight smile. I can safely say: baby face is not suitable for all patients! And regardless of the fact that this is a fashion trend, we still come to the conclusion that even enlarged or corrected lips should not be striking.

When, after contour-injection plastic surgery, the patient looks like that everyone around notices that something has changed, but they don’t know why, and they can’t point to a specific subject of change, it is in such cases that the success of the overall result can be summarized.

Not only middle-aged women, but also young girls. In fact, the trend is that more and more young patients are resorting to fillers. Take at least 18-year-old Kylie Jenner. We asked Yuliana Chechurina, a specialist with extensive experience in injecting fillers into the lips, a dermatologist-cosmetologist at the Estelab Effective Cosmetology Clinic, about the risks and realities that we should be aware of before “meeting” with a needle.

Find a good specialist

The choice of a specialist must be taken responsibly. If copies of the diploma and certificates of completion of the relevant courses are not hanging in the office, do not hesitate to ask to see them. But this is not enough: you need to establish a trusting relationship between you and the doctor. Perhaps for this it makes sense to first undergo less “serious” procedures with him, for example, to do a course of peels.

Articulate your expectations

Discuss in detail with your doctor what you want to receive. The lips you want won't always beautify you. A good specialist will assess the proportions of your face and suggest a correction in accordance with your individual parameters. After all, the main task is that after the injection you should continue to look natural.

Make sure you have no contraindications

This is an exacerbation of chronic diseases, skin inflammation, diabetes, an allergy to filler components (for example, lidocaine), problems with blood clotting. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, as well as the age of up to 18 years, are also contraindications. In addition, injections are not recommended if the last exacerbation of herpes on the lips happened less than six months ago.

Tune in to strict adherence to doctor's prescriptions

Before the procedure, prepare to refrain from hot drinks, alcohol, blood-thinning drugs. Within three hours after it will not be possible to apply any cosmetics to the lips. Also, for some time you will have to avoid hot drinks, baths, saunas, solariums, intense sports and even passionate kisses.

Do not plan the procedure for the first days of the cycle

After the procedure, it will hurt, the lips will swell

The recovery period lasts, as a rule, only a day. But a slight swelling and pain can persist for up to a week.

Do not take "Aspirin" and "Ibuprofen" during recovery

These anti-inflammatory drugs increase the chances of a hematoma.

The condition of the lips will improve significantly

The mechanical stretching of the skin caused by the ingestion of the drug stimulates the production of new collagen. In addition, the lips become more hydrated.

Results will last less than a year

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid gradually and evenly dissolve without outside help. On average, the duration of the effect is from three months to a year, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. Despite this, I prefer these drugs, since fillers based on other components, such as biopolymers, can provoke various complications over time.

Many women often ask this question, especially if they want to look attractive and plump their lips. Today, there are many ways to give volume to the lips, the main thing is in the desire to pump up the lips to know when to stop so as not to spoil the face. What methods of lip augmentation exist, we will find out below.

Pumping lips - methods of pumping lips

You can pump them up both in an operative way and without surgical intervention. Operations of this kind are called cheiloplasty, and special implants will help give the lips the desired volume.

Non-surgical lip augmentation methods are as follows: injection of hyaluronic acid through injections, gel augmentation, lipofilling (fat tissue augmentation), plastic surgery.

Injections of hyaluronic acid and other drugs - the most common method lip augmentation. And silicone for this purpose is used less and less. Also, in some cases, Botox injections are practiced, but they can only correct the lip shape, but not increase them in volume.

Hyaluronic acid for lip augmentation

This substance is the most applicable today for non-surgical lip augmentation. Thanks to hyaluronic acid, they become more voluminous. Also this drug is the safest because it is natural to the body. And the doses of hyaluronic acid administration are minimal.

If the patient wants to increase her lips through injections based on hyaluronic acid, then she turns to a beauty salon or a cosmetology clinic. Be sure to voice your expectations regarding the result:

  1. Do you want to pump up one lip or both at once.
  2. Do I need to change the lip contours.
  3. Whether or not the corners are raised.

Tell the specialist in more detail how you see yourself after the procedure, so that he can tell you if this is possible in your case. The more information you provide, the more you will be pleased with the end result. The procedure for lip augmentation using hyaluronic acid will take about half an hour.

The procedure will look like this:

  • the specialist makes a couple of injections for pain relief or applies a cream to reduce sensitivity;
  • acid is injected in small doses into places that require correction, using a syringe with the thinnest needle;
  • doses are minimal, but they need to be distributed over the labial tissues, so the number of injections can reach up to 20;
  • at the injection sites of hyaluronic acid, there is less fatty tissue, therefore, after its introduction, the volume of tissues begins to increase;
  • swelling may appear, but it quickly passes;
  • after the injections are completed, the lips are massaged in order to prevent the accumulation of acid and connect it with the labial tissue.

As a rule, a noticeable effect will be already after the first procedure, but in some cases an additional one is required, which can be prescribed in two weeks.

During the procedure, there may be a feeling of discomfort, which disappears. If the pumping is regular, then there are practically no such sensations, because the body is used to it. After injections, the lips are moisturized and increase in volume. Minor swelling subsides in about two days.

Indications and contraindications for contouring with hyaluronic acid

Indications for such a procedure are as follows: wrinkles on the upper lip, asymmetrical shapes if you are unhappy with the volume and size of your lips. The procedure also has contraindications. So, you can not make injections with hyaluronic acid for such diseases and conditions:

As part of the precautionary measures, some experts prescribe to patients a few days before the manipulation to take Acyclovir. Thanks to this, you avoid developing herpes in the affected areas.

After treating the skin with a disinfectant and cream in a clinic, you need to properly care for them after the procedure:

  • do not eat or drink anything hot;
  • it is forbidden to kiss (even on the cheek).

Frequency of procedures

Naturally, over time, hyaluronic acid begins to slowly dissolve and the lips become the same again. Since this substance is not a foreign element for the body and helps to retain moisture in the skin, the effect of the new procedure will last longer. So, hyaluronic acid is somewhat slows down the aging process lip tissues.

Don't overdo the magnification so as not to stretch the lip tissue. In such cases, after the acid is absorbed and the volume is reduced, the lips look extremely unattractive. If you know the measure, then at the end of the action of the acid this will not happen.

As a rule, the effect of the use of hyaluronic acid lasts about 6-12 months and may vary depending on the drug and individual metabolic characteristics.

Preparations based on hyaluronic acid

Based on this substance, there are several preparations for lip augmentation. Basically, they have a gel-like structure, which guarantees an excellent result. From each other they differ in additional components, price and absorption rate.

The choice must be entrusted to a specialist who is obliged to find out if the patient has this or that reaction to the components of the drug.

The most used drugs:

  1. Restylane.
  2. Juvederm.
  3. Pearline.
  4. Surzhiderm.
  5. Teosial.

All of them passed clinical trials and have the appropriate certification.

Botox for lip augmentation

Botox in cosmetology is a fairly widely used drug in the form of botulinum toxin. It is used for such purposes as: lifting the corners of the lips, asymmetry correction getting rid of wrinkles. Depending on the goal, you need to choose points for injections in an amount of up to six and the dose of the drug.

After the introduction of Botox, the skin is smoothed, the lips look young, but the enlargement effect will be only visual, since this drug does not add volume. If you want to simultaneously correct the lips and give them volume, it is possible to use hyaluronic acid and Botox together.

Lipofilling method. This method provides that the patient's lips are injected with her own fat, which is previously taken from other areas of the skin. This procedure is extremely complicated and should be carried out only by a highly qualified specialist.

However, it has the following advantages:

  • Safety.
  • Absence of allergic manifestations.
  • The absence of a rejecting effect and other side effects.

Lip augmentation silicone. This method was popular earlier, but now it is significantly inferior to injections based on hyaluronic acid. For the first time, it is recommended to introduce a minimum amount of silicone, since the reaction of the body to it can be any.

Silicone is far from being an ideal drug for lip augmentation and is no longer the most common. Sometimes the results of unsuccessful procedures can be terrifying. Experts do not recommend this method.

The cost of the procedure for inflating lips

To the question “how much does lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid cost?” very difficult to answer. A telephone consultation will not be enough, the doctor must see the patient, examine the scope of work.

Also discuss pain relief and drugs to be used for injection. The price of this procedure may vary, it depends on the following factors:

  • the drug used for lip augmentation;
  • the amount of its introduction;
  • clinics where the procedure is performed;
  • specialist qualifications;
  • individual characteristics of the patient.

So, the introduction of one dose will cost from 5 to 25 thousand rubles. Basically, this covers the cost of the drug that is used by the master. And even for the same drug, the difference in clinics can be significant.

As for the amount of the injected drug, an injection using Teosial in an amount of 1 mg costs about 11 thousand rubles, but 3 ml of the same remedy will cost almost 30 thousand rubles respectively.

It is also extremely important not to save on the drug, so as not to be disappointed with the result. If a specialist has recommended a certain drug to you in one quantity or another, it is better heed his advice and do not replace the recommended drug with a cheaper one or choose a lower dose.

However, sometimes it is possible to save money on the lip augmentation procedure without loss of quality. To do this, follow the promotions in cosmetology clinics and salons, discounts can sometimes reach 50 percent, which will save a lot.

Also, a condition for a lower cost of the procedure may be low qualification of a specialist, for example, it can be a novice master.

In addition, students of medical universities and colleges can carry out a similar procedure for free as part of their practice. The advantage of this option is that the procedures they will carry out under close supervision their leaders, who will be able to correct their mistakes in time.

And of course, decide whether you really need to pump up your lips? Do you have enough weighty arguments for such a decision, or is such a desire dictated by the influence of the public and fashion magazines? anyway better good weigh all the pros and cons solutions to enlarge your lips.

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