After taking duphaston, pain in the abdomen disappears. Causes of pain symptom. Can Duphaston make you sick?

This is my first cycle with Duphaston second phase support. Ovulation was confirmed by O tests and kept a BBT schedule.

After O, the gynecologist prescribed to take Duphaston 1 t 1 time per day for 10 days. Throughout the entire intake, there were pulling pains in the lower abdomen, and after 10 tablets on the night of the first day of withdrawal, there were terrible pains, now the whole day the urge to urinate.

The chest is sore and swollen. And for some reason basal body temperature after cancellation, it does not decrease, but increases.

Girls, help with advice, maybe someone had a similar reaction to Duphaston. Why such pain? When should menses start? My BT schedule.

I have that too. And many girls who take duphaston or utrozhestan.

I found an explanation for this.

Right in the middle of your luteal phase, progesterone and estrogen levels are at their peak. those. in the middle of the 2nd phase, the largest amount of these hormones, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow the pain will pass this.

Lutenial/secretory phase. This is the time interval between ovulation and the onset of menstrual bleeding.

Unlike follicular phase, the duration of the luteal is more constant - 13-14 days (2 days). After the rupture of the Graaffian follicle, its walls collapse, its cells accumulate lipids and luteal pigment, which gives it yellow.

This Graafian-transformed follicle is now called the corpus luteum. The duration of the luteal phase is related to the period of functioning (10-12 days) corpus luteum, at this time the corpus luteum secretes progesterone, estradiol and androgens.

Enhanced Level estrogen and progesterone changes the characteristics of the two outer layers of the endometrium. Endometrial glands mature, proliferate, and begin to secrete (secretory phase) as the uterus prepares to implant a fertilized egg.

Progesterone and estrogen levels peak in the mid-luteal phase, and LH and FSH levels decrease in response. When pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum begins to produce human chorionic gonadotropin until the placenta develops and secretes estrogen and progesterone.

If pregnancy does not occur (no production chorionic gonadotropin), the corpus luteum ceases to function, the level of estrogen and progesterone decreases, which leads to swelling and necrotic changes in the endometrium.

A decrease in progesterone levels also enhances the synthesis of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins (PG) initiate vasospasm and uterine contraction, the two outer layers of the endometrium are rejected.

A decrease in estrogen and progesterone levels also contributes to a decrease in GRF and the resumption of the synthesis of LH and FSH, which begins a new menstrual cycle.

It is for this reason that progesterone should be taken at 7 DPO.

Causes of gastritis in children

All dishes should be prepared immediately before their use. AT subacute period convalescent children are given diet food, Spa treatment and physiotherapy.

Treatment of gastritis in children, acute, provoked by food, is carried out, firstly, by using a large number fluids and then vomiting. ultrasound abdominal cavity to kid.

The first sessions of the fragrant patient should occur only water-tea gastritis. In its form of pyelonephritis, the bacterium secretes an attentive range of dermatological substances - proteases, ureases, phospholipase, as well as opinions that can destroy the cell walls of epitheliocytes.

Carriers and treatment This species is characterized by the formation of ulcers, erosions on the gastritis mucosa. But it is from the destructive difference in the left justification of the pathology that the effectiveness of gastritis depends.

In the future of descendants with parallel damage, Soviet gastritis in children is completely; sometimes the acid process in the stomach is observed toxic course and may be the development of gastroduodenitis of the child, cholecystitis biomaterial. Stopping the question of how to use a decoction in babies, it should be understood that the form of all methods is esophageal nutrition.

  • In children, the predominant form is superficial gastritis, the atrophic process in children is a rare occurrence.
  • Repeated courses, if necessary, can be carried out twice a year during the transitional seasons.

In any case, no matter how severe the symptoms are, it is necessary to undergo an examination. The leading complaint of babies is pain in the abdomen. The most common cause of gastritis in children is Helicobacter pylori infection.

With toxic-infectious acute gastritis in children, severe intoxication, fever, repeated vomiting are noted. undigested food with mucus and bile, frequent liquid stool leading to dehydration, increased weakness and lethargy.

Acute gastritis the child develops very quickly and proceeds brightly. But there are specific symptoms that indicate the development of a particular form.

Children are no less prone to gastritis than adults. The main symptoms of gastritis may begin to appear in children as soon as possible after the onset of exposure to an aggressive factor.

It describes all its principles. Stresses at home and at work, positive and negative, can become a springboard for the appearance of various.. Natural herbal throat spray. Prevention of pain in the throat after EGD is carried out by proper preparation the patient to the procedure and explaining to him the rules of nutrition after it.

If the patient feels that her lower abdomen hurts from Duphaston, then this manifestation is associated with:

  • The threat of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). If future mother there was a feeling of pain in the abdomen (especially pulling), it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist in charge of pregnancy. Often, to prevent this phenomenon, gynecologists prescribe Duphaston to increase the level of progesterone (synthetic), which will prevent losing the baby. LS in this case will simply impede the development of the process.
  • Violations in the work of the liver. The drug in question, like most of its kind, has Negative influence on the liver, because it is this body that takes part in the processing of Duphaston. As a result, the patient develops yellowness of the skin, a feeling of weakness and malaise, pain in the stomach. If the manifestations of liver weakness began to gain strength, then the reason is not in Duphaston and the patient needs to see a doctor as soon as possible.
  • Allergic reactions or individual intolerance to the drug. Such a manifestation is considered rare, but has wide range symptoms. Allergy is determined by a rash, redness and swelling, individual intolerance is characterized in different ways, it can be divided into diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, diarrhea, nausea), pain in the joints and abdominal pain. Extremely rarely develop discomfort in the lumbar region. This symptom is considered the most dangerous, because it indicates violations in the functioning of the kidneys.
  • Restoration of menses. If the pain began immediately after the course of therapy, then the first menstruation will be very heavy and possibly painful. This phenomenon is considered normal. Does not require treatment. The initial reaction is short-term, after the body gets used to the drug, the cycle will be restored and the pain will go away.

Throughout his life, a person has to face more than once different intensity pain sensations. As for pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, women most often suffer from it. reproductive age. Despite this, such an ailment can visit a man. It is worth understanding as much as possible why a person is pulling his lower back and lower abdomen.

Consider the most common diseases, the symptom of which may be discomfort in the lower abdomen and back.

Quite often, expectant mothers turn to a specialist with such complaints. It should be noted that the method of treatment directly depends on the duration of pregnancy.

If the wife is on early stages pregnancy, then pain in the lower abdominal cavity and heaviness in the lower back may indicate a threat of interruption. In this case, an appropriate correction must be made.

Also, in the first and second trimester, the expectant mother pulls her lower back and lower abdomen, but such sensations pass rather quickly. This stretches the ligaments and enlarges the uterus. All these phenomena are absolutely normal and do not require medical intervention. However, do not forget to tell your gynecologist about your new feelings at the next appointment.

Other consequences of taking

Good afternoon. REALLY need advice.

The doctor prescribed duphaston from the 16th to the 25th day of the cycle without taking an analysis for progesterone (simply because my husband and I began to plan a pregnancy). I must say right away I drank it for two cycles.

) and then after 3-4 days (just on the 28th; 29th DC), menstruation, full in color and consistency, comes as usual with the usual pain in the lower abdomen. those. I am very concerned about this issue: before this was not the case, menstruation came on time on the 28-29th day of the cycle without preliminary discharge.

The first question is: can this be the norm or should it not be? The rest are different gynecological tests I am normal according to the blood, there are no complaints about the ultrasound, I am very careful about my health. More bigger question I was caused by the current situation, when I stopped taking duphaston for the 3rd cycle (it was just that my husband and I decided to try without any pills) - it turned out the same way.

those. now, even without duphaston tablets, the same picture began - already on the 25th day of the cycle (this is 3-4 days before the expected menstruation), brownish and then red discharge began again (without pain, without sensations), though in very small quantities and earlier term.

What does this mean? Could Dufaston have broken something for me or is this a normal practice after taking it? Please explain one more thing: after all, from what moment should I count the first day of the cycle in my case: from the moment of the first slight spotting or from the moment when I intuitively feel these periods and they begin to go in their usual form and on days like I have all my life they came.

And if the first day is considered as soon as red blood appeared, then it turns out that duphaston has reduced my monthly cycle to 24-25 days. It used to be like clockwork on the 28th-29th (((((After all, now it’s difficult for me to calculate ovulation.

I'm completely confused ((I really hope for your detailed answer.

I'm sorry and I'm interested in one more thing: when I started drinking duphaston on the 1st cycle, I gave up progesterone on the 20th day and I had 33 nmol / l, and when on the 3rd cycle I didn’t take duphaston, I passed on the 22nd day and it was 38 nmol / l.

Tell me, does dufaston seem to have a cumulative effect? Can it be like this good indicator hormone without taking duphaston only due to the fact that before that I took it for 2 months, or this cannot be, and this is my pure hormone, i.e. can I be sure of this?.

Thank you so much in advance for your replies, we are looking forward to it.

1. Dear Natalia, Duphaston is not used when planning a pregnancy if there are no reasoned indications for this.

According to the results ultrasound examination, and judging by your words about the results laboratory diagnostics You don't need this drug. Yes, its use could cause bleeding both in the middle of the cycle and help prolong the period of menstrual bleeding.

You can read more about the effect of the drug on the body and indications for its use in our thematic section with the same name: Duphaston. For more information on how to detect ovulation, you can read in the section: Ovulation.

Hello! I drank Duphaston from day 5 to day 25 of the cycle, 2 tablets a day, menstruation came as expected. next cycle I began to drink it from 16 to 25 days, 1 tab per day. 4 days after the start of the reception, I have brownish discharge, it happens that with blood., the lower abdomen hurt very much. What to do in this case? Stop taking or continue until the 25th day of the cycle?

AT this case it is necessary to personally consult with the attending physician who given treatment appointed, because in order to decide on a change in the treatment regimen, you need to know your medical history, clinical data and laboratory research.

Try to consult with your doctor as soon as possible. You can get more information on this issue in the thematic section of our website: Dufaston.

When taken, it pulls not only the lower abdomen, but also other unpleasant sensations appear, which are side effects.

These include:

  • Migraines or headaches
  • Moderate uterine bleeding
  • Peripheral accumulations of fluid (edema)
  • Rashes and itching
  • hemolytic anemia in mild degree.

The latter effect can also have pain in the lower abdomen.

Pulls the lower abdomen and from the wrong dose or the wrong way of taking medicinal product. This is also evidenced by failures in the menstrual cycle (delay, change in the duration of menstruation, pain, etc.). If these symptoms have been detected, then it is urgent to consult a specialist. Incorrect intake of the drug leads to hormonal failure, and it must be treated as soon as possible.

At the beginning of the use of the medicine, a woman should carefully monitor her condition. She should be alert the following symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting against the background of abdominal pain;

If the chest hurts from Duphaston in combination with other life-disrupting symptoms, then you should think about individual intolerance to the drug and immediately consult a doctor. It is impossible to deal with the problem on your own or stop taking it.

You should also carefully take the medicine together with estrogens. If a girl has sore nipples, discharge appears from them, or a dense formation is palpated in the chest, an urgent need to go to the gynecologist.

In addition to pulling the lower abdomen with Duphaston, the course of treatment may be accompanied by other unpleasant sensations.

The main side effects of the drug:

  • migraine;
  • bleeding from the uterus (moderate);
  • peripheral edema;
  • rashes and itching;
  • hemolytic mild anemia degree (which may also be accompanied by abdominal pain).

In addition, from Duphaston, the lower abdomen can be pulled due to improper medication. Additionally, there are various unpleasant symptoms e.g. delayed menstruation. In such situations, you should immediately consult a doctor, as later hormonal background will be harder to recover.

Menstruation after taking Duphaston tablets

≫ More information on the topic:

Other consequences of taking

This drug is taken by girls with problems reproductive function and women in the first weeks of pregnancy. After Duphaston, pain in the lower abdomen may appear in all patients, but they are due different factors. Besides, pain may not be related to the medication at all, and a woman should be able to distinguish between them.

General information about the drug

Duphaston is potent hormonal agent synthetic origin. Doctors prescribe it in the following situations:

When taking Duphaston, the amount of progesterone in the body is restored, due to which it normalizes hormonal balance gestagens and estrogens. Almost all women can drink pills. The exception is patients with individual intolerance active substance and cancer patients. With caution, the drug is prescribed to girls who have serious problems with cookies.

  • Kitten: “I take Duphaston as directed, it became very nauseous. Should I stop drinking it or is it supposed to be like that?
  • Guest: “I have been taking Duphaston for 2 weeks. My nipples started to hurt. Do you think this is related to the drug?

Long examined, went to the doctors. Unpleasant sensations in the back. Not everyone can bear it!

I gargle with a solution of salt and water or warm the milk in the microwave and add a spoonful of honey to the milk.

Gastroscopy is considered one of the most safe procedures and side effects after this type of diagnosis are extremely rare. Usage local antiseptics allows you to disinfect the mucous membranes damaged as a result of the procedure and stop the progression of the inflammatory process.

Oncology according to the results of surveys NO. In any case, the complaints indicate that full examination and the child needs treatment.

After birth, from which it is distributed, as it should be. At the sixth julienne of upbringing, shift to a doctor. The most multifaceted symptom found in humans is the basis in Controlled tuber with lactation than gastritis light at the end of a finger or a bully treats to detect desired changes on the walls of the epithelium, stomach and duodenal battle.

Judging by the throat, this is an excellent tetany of the eyelids against the background annoying factor in the body of food. I don’t know the reasons for the FGS.

Belching, lump in throat and pain behind chest.

Until you start taking pills, it will hurt. Spasms, inside everything is compressed with such force that I Feel a lump in my throat, relief in the form of a burp. Most often, the throat may hurt from the usual mechanical effect on the mucous membrane oral cavity and larynx.

In marigolds with traumatization of personal membranes in them, an infection can suppress, moreover, from the next located countries, no doubt, from palatine tonsils. Initially, the treatment words were diagnosed tomato juice and chronic than with HH.

How, after all, sometimes in the study pains hurt after activation. Once there are fruits of spasmodic contractions based on rabeprazole, FGS are the same gastritis of proton beauty, the advantage of which is in the doubler of the throat and a smaller increase side effects.

My classmate from the institute took Lindinet 30 for a couple of cycles, there was some kind of side effect, I can’t say for sure, the doctor advised me to reduce the dose of the hormone and switch to Lindinet 20. I drank them for 5 months, while my periods went on time, but little by little, not like usually plentiful, I thought that just when taking OK, the number of discharges in M.

After 5 packs of pills, her stomach periodically began to hurt, she said that she seemed to be cutting something below, while she noticed an increase in weight and sat on kefir for a couple of months, lost weight, took some strong pills from time to time, she childhood hydrocephalus (it looks like an ordinary girl healthy, something in the analyzes is not right), turned to Gina.

I got to the most stupid G in the city, the old woman, she told her that she had some kind of large tumor, sent her for an ultrasound. The uzist woman was shocked by Gini's diagnosis, saying: girl, what kind of tumor? You are 21 weeks pregnant.

Why don't we take care of ourselves? She yelled at her ... a classmate did not believe, sitting with bulging eyes, she said that she had her period all the time taking OK.

As a result, having come to G with this ultrasound conclusion, she refused to accept it, saying that I don’t know what to do with you ... only an abortion if!

She is in a state of shock ... she found with her mother good gynecologist, she reassured her, said that they would do another ultrasound and be observed ..

With the pregnancy, everything was fine by ultrasound, nothing bothered her. Ok, of course, I immediately canceled it. I passed all the necessary tests, the baby was healthy. She began to eat well (and not lose weight), she had a tummy in 2 weeks.

Everyone was shocked, but she decided to leave the child ... at her own peril and risk ... after all, such long reception OK in Pregnancy usually does not lead to anything good.

As a result, she gave birth to a wonderful, healthy baby on time.

My son is now 4 years old, he goes to kindergarten, he is a very smart boy. Everyone is happy.

This is probably the only story good ending that I know and it's true

If you are pregnant, then it is up to you to decide how to proceed.

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Shelf life: 60 months.

Vitalia Webber Utrozhestan vaginally? Search in the community Categories Uncategorized Photo albums I will give medicines FOR SALE. The term is almost 17 weeks.

Patients are often interested in whether the lower abdomen can hurt due to Duphaston treatment. Under some circumstances, this is possible, especially in pregnant women. The main causes of pain:

  • Risk of miscarriage . Dufaston is prescribed to pregnant women who have a high risk of spontaneous abortion. If such a girl has a pulling stomach, she should immediately consult a doctor. With the help of synthetic progesterone, you can stop a threatened miscarriage, that is, prevent further development process. However, a pregnant woman should contact a gynecologist in time.
  • Impaired liver function. Duphaston has some negative effect on the liver. The result is mild jaundice. skin, slight malaise, and also a stomach ache. If the symptoms progress, then Duphaston is not the cause of the problem, and you need to go to the hospital.
  • Allergy or individual drug intolerance. This phenomenon is rare, but is accompanied by a variety of symptoms. Allergic phenomena are characterized by a rash or severe edema. Non-allergic intolerance does not have a uniform clinical picture. The patient may be disturbed by pain in the abdomen, vomiting and nausea, pain in the joints and lower back. The last sign is especially dangerous, as it indicates a problem in the kidneys.
  • Restoration of menstruation. If the lower abdomen hurts immediately after the start of the course, then you should expect heavy menstruation In the next few days. The condition is not a pathology, therefore, does not require medical intervention. After the initial reaction to the drug, the cycle should be restored.

Dufaston is an artificial analogue of the female sex hormone progesterone. It is prescribed to women who have reduced production of natural progesterone, which leads to such phenomena as or their complete absence, habitual miscarriage, severe premenstrual pain and others.

Duphaston brings with it few side effects and, since it does not affect ovulation, pregnancy can occur while taking this drug. However, it cannot be said that Duphaston is completely safe and does not threaten with any side effects.

Among the most common side effects from taking Duphaston - bloating, headaches and dizziness, nausea. The drug has hormonal effects- as a result hormonal changes disorders in the body, breast sensitivity may increase, acne may appear, change sex drive(both in the direction of increase and vice versa), minor bleeding appears between periods, weight increases.

In some, although rare cases, Duphaston leads to anemia and abnormal liver function. In addition, you need to be careful if you have a tendency to allergies. Some women are allergic to didrogestron, one of the components of the drug. It appears as a rash.

A contraindication to taking duphaston is the presence in the patient's history of cardiovascular disease, diseases of the liver and gallbladder, ovarian and breast cancer.

Among the side effects of taking Duphaston:

Contraindications to the appointment of Duphaston

First, it is an individual intolerance constituent components drug, rash and skin itching during a previous pregnancy, breastfeeding period. Secondly, Duphaston is not prescribed and for some types enzyme deficiency as well as malabsorption syndrome.

Before the appointment of Duphaston, it is necessary to undergo an examination. According to its results, the doctor must determine the dosage and duration of the course of taking the drug.

Reviews about the drug

If we talk about the opinions of women who took this drug for one reason or another, then they differ somewhat. Some patients speak of Duphaston only positively, saying that it was thanks to him that they managed to get rid of, save the pregnancy and bear the baby.

Others complain of multiple side effects, constant dizziness and nausea, unexplained discharge between periods and changes in the monthly cycle.

Of course, it is impossible to predict who will be affected by the side effects of the drug, and who they will bypass, but it is extremely important to take it strictly according to the scheme drawn up by the doctor and not deviate from it. Also, you can’t act for your own purpose - at the same time with a girlfriend.

Despite the recognition of the safety of the drug, if taken incorrectly, Duphaston threatens with serious consequences in the form of a malfunction menstrual cycle, which is very difficult and long to restore. And it is especially dangerous to experiment with taking Duphaston during pregnancy - this can lead not only to the manifestation of side effects, but also to irreversible consequences.

Spotting discharge with duphaston, Blunt pain lower abdomen

Asked by: Ekaterina

Gender Female

Age: 29

chronic diseases: not specified


I am planning a pregnancy.

Cycle 4 I take duphaston from day 16 to day 25 of the cycle. The doctor diagnosed ovarian dysfunction. I also drank folacin and remens for 3 months in parallel with duphaston.

In each cycle, 2-3 days after the abolition of duphaston, spotting begins, which lasts 7-10 days, after which menstruation begins. In this cycle, on the 20th day, there was a dull pain in the lower abdomen on the left side and a feeling of bloating.

Is it normal that after duphaston every time there are spotting discharges for so long, what could be the reason? What could be causing the pain?
Thank you!

34 answers

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Hello! An ultrasound should be done to rule out an organic cause.

Catherine 2014-12-05 19:17

Elena Viktorovna, what does it mean organic cause?

cyst, for example

Hello! I also have a question for you - I drink duphaston from the 16th to the 25th day of the cycle (the doctor prescribed it, because there was a cyst of the corpus luteum, plus I plan to become pregnant). I drink the 2nd cycle. After the first one, on cancellation, after 3 days, normal periods went, in the 2nd cycle - after 4 days of cancellation, quite a bit, slightly smearing brownish discharge, very little. This has been going on for 2 days - is it menstruation or not? Usually the daub can be only a few hours and after it begins normal menstruation. Is this normal with duphaston or not? The cycle is normal 30 days, 29 years.

Yes, I will add, the tests are negative, I did it on the 31st day of the cycle

Hello! Yes, sometimes this happens on Duphaston

Pregnancy is out of the question? 1st day of daubing means the first day of a new cycle?

If duphaston manifests itself in such a way that instead of menstruation it’s just a brown daub, this is not hormonal disbalance? I am very afraid of this. Should I see a doctor in person? They prescribed me, they didn’t say anything about it, they only warned that if there was a delay (with probable pregnancy) then run to the doctor for new scheme taking duphaston. And here it is not clear - monthly or a delay it.

You need to appear in person. And donate blood for hCG to exclude pregnancy

Olga 2017-03-20 02:09

Thank you in advance for providing the primary correspondence professional consultation!

IM 42 years old.
In 2008, she had a miscarriage at 5 weeks, followed by curettage.
Then in 2011, a 5-6mm polyp was diagnosed in the uterus. Against the background of attempts to treat him with duphaston, a pregnancy occurred, which successfully ended in childbirth with a caesarean section.
After that, according to ultrasound, everything was normal until 2015, when the endometrial polyp was again diagnosed, but already bigger size about 1 cm, which did not manifest itself and did not bother - there was no daubing before, after and between menstruation, the stomach did not pull, menstruation at the same time without changes in character.
A couple of months (at the end of 2016) ago, the polyp began to behave "aggressively" (suddenly, the lower abdomen began to constantly whine, it gave off to the lower back and sacrum, knocking out 1 cycle in January 5 days earlier, intermenstrual spotting). Ultrasound showed that he was about 2 cm in size.
A month ago (in February) I had it removed on the 10th day of the cycle (menstruation began on February 7) by hysteroresectoscopy (with cauterization of the base). The polyp was large and on a wide base.
According to histology, everything is normal - a BASAL TYPE polyp, No. 84.0
The first menstruation after the operation came in a cycle without a failure (March 8 - there is no better day for the arrival of menstruation), but more plentiful and painful.
At the time of their arrival (17 days after the operation), the healing had not yet completely passed, because the light yellowish-brown discharge was still ongoing.
After the end of the first menstruation, an ultrasound scan was done on the 8th day of the cycle (my periods always went full 7 days and then on the 7th day there were still noticeable bloody issues, and on the 8th day there was a bloody daub).
According to ultrasound, everything is clear, except for the heterogeneous myometrium of a fine-mesh structure (the same structure of the myometrium according to ultrasound was on the last ultrasound before the removal of this polyp). Based on this structure, the ultrasound doctor makes a conclusion for the second time: diffuse changes type of endometriosis.
After hysteroresctoscopy, the operating surgeon said that the endometrium was normal.

Questions for you:
1) What kind of polyp in histology is meant by a BASAL TYPE polyp No. 84.0 (it was not specified there, but even in this classification they are different - glandular, glandular-fibrous, fibrous)? And how it can influence tactics of treatment?

2) On the 9-10th day of the cycle, the brownish daub after these first menstruation ended, the discharge became light, but the lower abdomen continues to ache almost every day (sometimes it gives to the lower back and sacrum). AND PAIN IS VERY STRONGLY DISTURBING, because it does not give a respite, and can be either stronger or weaker. Constantly forced to take antispasmodics (no-shpa, papaverine) and even phenazepam at times.
According to the ultrasound, I repeat, everything is clear, except for the heterogeneity of the myometrium.
The fact that this kind of pain in the lower abdomen continues (a little more than a month has passed since the operation) THIS CAN BE A VARIANT OF THE NORM and healing that has not yet completed in my particular case (a large polyp on a wide base)?
Or, indeed, there is endometriosis (which hysteroscopy does not confirm) and does it give pain?
Or should I look for other causes of this pain syndrome?

3) Treatment after the operation and the day before consisted of: Terzhinan vaginal tablets 3/3 (3 days before and after), Antibiotic Suprax 10 days after and no-shpa daily (at least 5-7 days) 2t. 3 p. d.
NSAIDs were not used (there is a history of GERD and IBS).
From this cycle, Dufastok was prescribed 10 mg 2 times a day - the doctor doubts the day of the start of admission, from the 10th day of the cycle to 25th, from the 14th to 25th, from the 16th to 25th or from the 18th to 27th -oh. Previously, when I had the experience of taking Duphaston (with the initial formation of a polyp in 2011 5 mm) - when I started taking it earlier than the 16-18th day of the cycle, it didn’t work for me (the lower abdomen hurt, and there was a daub). As a result, the doctor proposes a scheme from the reverse: start from 18 to 27 in this cycle, and in subsequent cycles gradually shift the start of admission by more early dates to approach the scheme from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle.
I would like to clarify with you if the cycle has not been interrupted after the operation, in what period and according to what scheme is it better to use Duphaston, if I have a cycle of 30-32 days and ovulation is not always clearly in the middle, and maybe more than one (as option)?
Is there anything else you can suggest or correct?

I would not want to bring down the cycle, suppress the cycle and suppress ovulation, because in the short term we do not exclude the fact of pregnancy.

But these constant pulling pains in the lower abdomen are disturbing.

I would be very grateful for your prompt response!


1. Polyp basal type is a polyp growing from the basal layer of the endometrium. It is most often glandular.
2. Have you suspected endometritis? If not, then the pain may be due to endometriosis.
3. What day do you usually ovulate? And how soon do you plan to get pregnant?

Dear Elena Viktorovna, good afternoon!

Thank you SO much for your prompt response and willingness to help!

For your 2nd question:

Endometritis was not suspected (there was no temperature, purulent discharge was not, now the discharge is light transparent mucous membranes).
Endometriosis was also not previously diagnosed until the end of 2016, when the polyp (diagnosed by ultrasound in 2015) began to behave aggressively (failed in the cycle, pain syndrome and intermenstrual daub for 1-2 days) and in fact of all this, one of the ultrasound scans revealed its increase in size up to 2 cm and the heterogeneous structure of the myometrium.
Moreover, the ultrasound was done in 2 different places- on the 14th day of the cycle, when the intermenstrual daub began, and then on clean days on the 8th day of the next cycle. In the first ultrasound study (which was performed on the 14th day), only a polyp was diagnosed.
In the second (on the 8th day of the cycle) - a polyp and heterogeneity of the myometrium of its fine-mesh structure with diffuse changes in the type of endometriosis.
The operating surgeon, who did the hysteroresectoscopy of the polyp, on the 10th day of the same cycle said that the endometrium was good and he did not make a diagnosis of endometriosis.
Ultrasound made after the first menstruation after surgery on clean days shows that everything is normal, but the structure of the myometrium is heterogeneous, fine-meshed, diffuse changes like endometriosis.
The last two ultrasounds in the last two cycles before and after the operation (where they see the heterogeneity of the myometrium) were done in the same place by the same specialist.

So a clarification for you:
2. HOW TO DEFINE THE PRESENCE OR ABSENCE OF ENDOMETRITIS (for example, if it is indolent or chronic, without acute manifestations)?

For your 3rd question:

I usually determine ovulation by indirect evidence(characteristic pain from one of the ovaries and an increase in mucous secretions like raw egg white).
I used to measure BBT and do tests (during my first pregnancy).
Therefore, ovulation can be in the range of 14-18 d.c. (usually after the 16th day of the cycle).
The cycle, let me remind you, I have 30-32 days. Menstruation goes on for a full 7 days and on the 8th day something else can smear (not bleed).
There are no clear plans regarding pregnancy, because after the operation they said that full recovery The uterine mucosa will occur 6-8 months after the operation, so it is better not to plan conception earlier, in order to avoid pregnancy failure.


Thank you in advance for your prompt response (so far in words)!

Have a good day!


Hello again. Thank you for your thoroughness in answering all my questions.
1. The question is difficult, but objective. It's good that the surgeon thinks that the endometrium is good. But this does not mean that endometriosis is excluded. And by the fact that you write according to ultrasound - its clear signs.
2. Paypel biopsy. This is the most informative analysis. Perhaps immediately after menstruation or phase 2.
3. Endometritis, endometriosis, inflammatory processes uterine appendages, adhesions.
4. You know, in my practice I have seen larger polyps. But after removing them, I somehow did not observe this.

Regarding ovulation. Tests are good, but they began to lie. Subjective feelings are always subjective. Modern gynecology departs from BBT measurements as a criterion for something. This is unreliable. Optimal - folliculometry. But you were rightly told - to plan not earlier than in 6 months. But I would recommend folliculometry for the choice of tactics with Duphaston.
On which days of the cycle folliculometry is performed depends on the menstrual cycle. For determining auspicious days for conception in women whose cycle lasts 28 days, the first ultrasound must be carried out between the 8th and 10th day from the onset of menstruation.
With a longer or, conversely, short cycle the date is calculated based on the following data: the length of the cycle varies due to the first phase (duration of follicle maturation), the second phase is 13-14 days, the study must be carried out 5-6 days before the expected date of ovulation.
An example for you: the cycle is stable, its duration is 32 days. We calculate the date of the first ultrasound for folliculometry: 32: 2 = 16 (estimated date of ovulation), 8-10 days - the first examination.
If the cycle is irregular, then the start date of folliculometry is 3-5 days after the start of menstruation. In total, from 3 to 6 visits to the doctor may be required, examinations are scheduled at intervals of 2-3 days.
After confirmed ovulation, you can take Duphaston. This is done in order not to clog ovulation.

Dear Elena Viktorovna!

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your prompt and informative response.

adhesive process no, there is no inflammation of the uterine appendages either (and there wasn’t before).

1. You say Paypel biopsy is the most informative analysis for endometritis, and histology + WFD is not it
do not replace?
2. And in principle, hysteroscopy does not see inflammation of the endometrium?
3. On what days of the cycle is the Pipel biopsy performed?

I understood everything about folliculometry, thank you very much.
But for now, I'm more concerned about the issue of rehabilitation and the elimination of pain.
The doctor, suggesting endometriosis by ultrasound, thought about the appointment of Duphaston from the 5th to the 25th day of the cycle, and about the drug Visanne from the first day of the MC. In general, she does not have a clear vision of the treatment regimen. Because my first completed (developing) pregnancy with a 5 mm polyp was conducted by her and not everything went smoothly.
Now she is in doubt that the rehabilitation will pass faster and the reproductive functions will not be preserved.

But, if my cycle after the operation did not go astray, I see no reason to suppress everything, so that later I can restore it for a long time and stubbornly. I told my permanent doctor about it.

Therefore, I really need your EXPERT OPINION.

Thanks in advance for your prompt response!


1.2. Have you had a scraping done and do you have any information on it? Because I only see the conclusion "basal polyp". It does not give an idea about the state of the endometrium in general now. Yes, she (hysteroscopy and RFE) could give us necessary information but now it's gone.
3. Most often - this is the 20-23rd day of the cycle or phase 1 - immediately after menstruation, before ovulation. But more material can be picked up on the 20-23rd day.

By appointment. I am also against Vizanne. There are none now urgent indications. And I would think just about Duphaston. If planning is not important, then the regimen can be 5-25 days of the cycle or 11-25

Dear Elena Viktorovna, and again THANK YOU VERY MUCH for another prompt response!

The operation of hysteroresctoscopy + RFE was done just in the 1st phase of the cycle before ovulation.

In the Microscopic description of histology:

1) cervical canal- blood, mucus, particles of the epithelium of the endocervix.
2) The uterine cavity - a fragmented endometrial polyp of the basal type, endometrium in the proliferation phase, blood.

And in the Morphological conclusion of the same histology:
Basal type endometrial polyp №84.0

If you need any more information, I can raise the protocol of the operation.

Questions for you:

1. Based on the information I have provided, is there evidence of endometritis and/or endometriosis?

2. I also have nothing against taking Duphaston. There was positive experience its use both before and during pregnancy. It is important to determine the period of application so that ovulation is not suppressed as natural process and the cycle didn't break. Earlier, when I tried to take Duphaston in the first phase of the cycle, my stomach hurt and daub began.
From here:
1) HOW DO I BETTER TO START DUFASTON IN THIS CYCLE IF I OVULATE NOT EARLIER DAY 14 BUT PROBABLY DAY 16 to avoid those unpleasant symptoms from early experience?
2) Will the reception from the 16th day to the 25th or from the 18th to the 27th for medical purposes be effective?
3) Will the cycle become shorter than 30-32 days - 28 days for example, or even shorter if the last Duphaston tablet is taken on the 25th d.c. ?
4) And according to this scheme, from the 16th to the 25th or from the 18th to the 27th day of the cycle (or until the next menstruation, but not more than 14 days), go for several months or shift it with each cycle to the beginning of the reception from the 11th or 5th day of the c.?

I repeat, I would not want all natural reproductive processes choked and / or lost, and then they will have to level for a long time in order to plan something.


Always glad:)
1. Thank you for the detailed information. No, there is no data on endometritis. The endometrium is normal, corresponds to the phase of the cycle. In a pipel biopsy, then there is no point.
2. By taking Duphaston. I don't want anything to be broken either. I would recommend then 16-25 days to keep your ovulation. The cycle may change a little - for example, it will become not 30-32, but 28-29. But this normal duration and does not say that something went astray. If the discharge begins even against the background of the tablets, then the therapy will need to be reviewed. I don’t see the point in shifting from cycle to cycle - it can “clog” ovulation.

Olga 2017-03-20 18:49

Dear Elena Viktorovna, and once again THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your answer (I didn’t receive a notification about it by mail, so I just discovered it myself)! :)

1. About Endometritis, I realized that on the basis of histology data, you see no reason to assume it.
What about endometriosis? Would he show himself according to histology? And in general, when viewed with a hysteroscope?

2. And if you immediately start taking Duphaston from 18 to 27 days of c. or from the 18th to the beginning of the arrival of menstruation (no more than 14 days in total) will it be possible with such a scheme healing effect(cycle in 30-32 it will not bring down at the same time)?

3. What is the best way for you to express fin. Gratitude - through the site (I don't really trust robotic forms) or are there any alternative schemes?
Can you tell your mobile phone- I will make a transfer to the card if you have it tied to Sberbank or simply replenish your phone account, for example.

I also do not exclude the option of a face-to-face consultation with you in the near future (your phone will definitely come in handy in this case).

Thanks in advance for your prompt response.

Good evening!


3. Calmly trust the site - like this - The lowest commission when paying - from the card.
Have a good evening too.

You are always welcome :) Sorry, apparently, some technical problems, usually everything comes.
1. No. It is not always seen by hysteroscopy. It all depends on the prevalence of the process. If it is very neglected - they see it, if not, so far only in the wall - no.
2. It is possible and so, but a long course. Try. Your period may start a little earlier.
3. Calmly trust the site - that's how you can - The lowest commission when paying - from the card.
If necessary, you can write here for now or on Skype - it is listed on the site. And then we'll decide :)
Have a good evening too.

Dear Elena Viktorovna, another THANK YOU for your answer and for your approach to business!

I realized about trusting the site - ok, no problem.

I did not quite understand on 2 other questions and I ask you to clarify a couple of points:

1. I realized that endometriosis may not be seen during hysteroscopy, if it is only in the walls so far.
And histology will not show it?

2. Duphaston's regimens from 16 to 25 days of c., which from 18 to 27 days of c. they are equivalent in terms of the number of days of admission - a course of 10 days (1 pack of 20 tablets per month is obtained - 1t 10mg 2 times a day).

Therefore, I didn’t understand what you meant by the “long course” of taking Duphaston?
Is the regimen for taking Dufaston from 18 to 27 days of c EFFECTIVE FOR THERAPEUTIC PURPOSES in my particular case?
Or do you still recommend from 16 to 25 days of c. ?


Again, you are always welcome :)
1. It won’t show either, because the endometrium, the inner mucous membrane, is taken for analysis, but not the wall - the myometrium - the muscle, in fact, where it often appears first.
2. Effective against the disease, but. I called it figuratively "long", because usually after the course, after (on average) 3-5-7 days, menstruation begins. Count now up to the 25th day of the course and up to the 27th. The cycle may then be delayed a little, be 33-34 days, if you take it until the 27th, inclusive, if you take the option that menstruation will begin, for example, after 7 days. It was easy in practice. Try from the 16th. If the cycle shortens suddenly, the next cycle can be from the 18th day then.

Dear Elena Viktorovna, and again and again :) THANK YOU SO MUCH!

As for the transfer of money - now let's figure out how simpler and more convenient it is.

Recent updates on treatment:

1. I understood everything - I’m trying the Duphaston scheme from 16 to 25 d.c.
And if after this period you do not immediately go into pregnancy, Endometriosis will not return?
And how soon is it better to plan a pregnancy after the end of treatment?

2. And yet, I remembered, I want to clarify about ACTOVEGIN in injections (available at home) - shouldn't I pierce it with a 10-day course to improve regeneration?

Now I use Polyoxdonium in suppositories (rectally) in a course every other day, but it is more for immunity.

Thanks in advance for feedback.


1. At least 4-6 months (cycles). Optimal - 6. Must achieve remission. You can plan right away if you want :)
2. A remedy with not entirely proven effectiveness :) But your right. Can.
Good luck! Write.
Sincerely, E.V.

Dear Elena Viktorovna, another HUGE THANK YOU FOR YOUR ANSWER!

It is rare in our age to meet such a Person and Specialist as you 2in1, who is not indifferent to the condition of other people, who gets to the heart of the problem and sincerely helps, supports, has no doubts about appointments and intelligibly explains what's what.

And you must have the same - Good Luck, All the Blessings, as well as eternal Spring in the Soul and always good weather at home and at work! :)


And could endometritis occur already AFTER surgical intervention(material sampling for histology is done immediately after the operation) to remove the polyp and, bypassing acute stage, immediately go into a sluggish state without any special signs (there was no temperature and no, the discharge is transparent) ?
I drank Suprax antibiotics 10 days after the intervention, but maybe their strength was not enough ?!
Or anyway, in this case, at first it would be acute process Endometritis, if something was brought in during the operation, or some kind of latent infection and one pulling pain in the stomach, giving in the lower back, it would not have done?

Thanks in advance for your feedback.


Fin. Gratitude through Yandex wallet will go.

This drug is taken by girls with reproductive problems and women in the first weeks of pregnancy. After Dufaston, pain in the lower abdomen can appear in all patients, but they are caused by different factors. In addition, pain may not be related to the medication at all, and a woman should be able to distinguish between them.

General information about the drug

Dufaston is a potent hormonal agent of synthetic origin. Doctors prescribe it in the following situations:
  • violations of the monthly cycle;
  • amenorrhea;
  • habitual abortion;
  • hormonal infertility;
  • the threat of miscarriage;
  • too painful menstruation;
  • before menopause and some time after it;
  • endometriosis;
  • various cysts.
When taking Duphaston, the amount of progesterone in the body is restored, due to which the hormonal balance of gestagens and estrogens is normalized. Almost all women can drink pills. The exception is patients with individual intolerance to the active substance and cancer patients. With caution, the drug is prescribed to girls who have serious liver problems.

To avoid pain in the stomach after Duphaston, you should take the medicine according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor, strictly adhering to each item. It is not recommended to skip doses. You can not abruptly complete the course of treatment, as well as drink pills for only one day to induce menstruation.

Why does my stomach hurt

Patients are often interested in whether the lower abdomen can hurt due to Duphaston treatment. Under some circumstances, this is possible, especially in pregnant women. The main causes of pain:
  • Risk of miscarriage. Dufaston is prescribed to pregnant women who have a high risk of spontaneous abortion. If such a girl has a pulling stomach, she should immediately consult a doctor. With the help of synthetic progesterone, it is possible to stop a threatened miscarriage, that is, to prevent the further development of the process. However, a pregnant woman should contact a gynecologist in time.
  • Impaired liver function. Duphaston has some negative effect on the liver. The result is a moderate yellowness of the skin, slight malaise, and also a stomach ache. If the symptoms progress, then Duphaston is not the cause of the problem, and you need to go to the hospital.
  • Allergy or individual drug intolerance. This phenomenon is rare, but is accompanied by a variety of symptoms. Allergic phenomena are characterized by a rash or severe swelling. Non-allergic intolerance does not have a uniform clinical picture. The patient may be disturbed by pain in the abdomen, vomiting and nausea, pain in the joints and lower back. The last sign is especially dangerous, as it indicates a problem in the kidneys.
  • Restoration of menstruation. If the lower abdomen hurts immediately after the start of the course, then heavy menstruation should be expected in the coming days. The condition is not a pathology, therefore, does not require medical intervention. After the initial reaction to the drug, the cycle should be restored.

Other consequences of taking

In addition to pulling the lower abdomen with Duphaston, the course of treatment may be accompanied by other unpleasant sensations.

The main side effects of the drug:

  • migraine;
  • bleeding from the uterus (moderate);
  • peripheral edema;
  • rashes and itching;
  • hemolytic anemia mild degree (which may also be accompanied by pain in the abdomen).

In addition, from Duphaston, the lower abdomen can be pulled due to improper medication. Additionally, various unpleasant symptoms appear, for example, delayed menstruation. In such situations, you should immediately consult a doctor, since later the hormonal background will be more difficult to restore.

Not always a drug such as Duphaston is suitable for a woman. When should you drink it? If the stomach hurts, then it is possible, and in a number of other cases too. But first, it’s worth figuring out what kind of drug it is, and what its pharmacological properties.

Instructions for use of the drug Duphaston

Duphaston contains the substance dydrogesterone. It is intended for oral administration with a progestogenic effect on the uterine mucosa. Side effects that are characteristic of other progestins, this drug does not have. Duphaston is used if there is a suspicion of endogenous progesterone deficiency. Duphaston is prescribed for such diseases as:


Infertility due to luteal insufficiency. In case of infertility, the drug is prescribed to drink to maintain and replace therapy.

premenstrual syndrome

irregular cycle

Duphaston is used during pregnancy, but, despite the fact that this drug does not affect the liver, it is recommended to periodically see a doctor.

Why can the stomach hurt when taking Duphaston?

It has been proven that there are no side effects from this drug. “Stomach hurts” - women complain when visiting a doctor. Why, if the drug Duphaston is good, pulling sensations are constantly felt from it constant pain.

Those who are more optimistic believe that such pains are normal phenomenon. And really, why worry if during pregnancy the stomach hurts due to the growth of the fetus?

In the description of the drug Duphaston, side effects such as abdominal pain are not indicated. But the doctor says it's all the same side effect, and all the same, it is worth drinking Duphaston in order to preserve the fetus. And, for pain, take No-shpu. It is also possible that the stomach hurts due to improper intake. this medicine, because with each diagnosis, the dosage of taking Duphaston tablets is different.

The use of the drug Duphaston for abdominal pain with threatened miscarriage

Often, Duphaston is attributed to drinking to women who are constantly at risk of miscarriage. The threat of miscarriage occurs when there is a lack of endogenous progesterone, so a woman is credited with Duphaston, which does not have masculinizing and virilizing properties.

If we analyze the drug Duphaston, we can conclude that this drug is still only in favor, in comparison with similar ones. Abdominal pain may be present, but there is a chance to avoid premature birth and keep the pregnancy. Abdominal pain may not be pharmacological action Dufaston, but from the growth of the baby, and, accordingly, the uterus. Also, the stomach can hurt due to postoperative adhesions. Spikes always make themselves felt, and in order for them to be much less, on the recommendation of doctors, it is necessary to move more.

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