What ointment is better for bruises for warming and pain relief. Treatment of bruises with medicinal herbs. Combined ointments with dexpantheol

Hello dear friends!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to you!

Our winter brings surprises in the form of thaws and, on the contrary, severe frosts. There is heavy ice on the roads. A month ago, going to work in the morning, I fell, slipped, and received a severe bruise on my leg. Cured, of course, mainly folk remedies, namely the silver bridge.

Now I will tell you in more detail my history of treating bruises with folk remedies, what helped me and what didn’t, and I will also remind you what to do after a bruise, what folk remedies for bruises and bruises exist.

What is an injury

Bruises are soft tissue injuries resulting from a fall or impact, they are varying degrees severity from mild, which we sometimes do not even pay attention to, to severe, accompanied by wounds and abrasions, and even damage to nerves and bones.

AT severe cases Of course, you should definitely seek medical help.

But even with a slight and moderate bruise, the resulting bruise (hematoma) must be treated. After all, with a bruise, internal hemorrhage occurs, the released blood accumulates in tissues or vessels. If the hematoma is not treated, it can lead to different kind complications, diseases of internal organs.

It has long been known that a harmless bruise and a small bruise can even develop cancer in a few months.

What to do in case of injury

Remember the three rules of first aid for a bruise.

First rule. It is necessary to provide rest to the damaged organ. Do not move your arm or leg, then the pain will be less. It is recommended to make a bandage, apply a medical elastic bandage.

Second rule. Cold should be applied to the site of injury as soon as possible.

It can be ice, snow, cold water, any cold object, even a coin. from bruises have been used since ancient times by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers.

I often, for some reason, come across an iron at home. His cold metal sole helped more than once.

With a bruise under the eye, you can attach a spoon.

Ice can be scraped off the walls of the refrigerator, you can get a pack of dumplings or something else from the refrigerator. Also, the option is to fill cold water heating pad.

Cold is applied in the first 24 hours after the bruise. The sooner the better, because the cold constricts blood vessels and prevents bruising, stops the growth of edema and prevents secondary damage to soft tissues.

But it also needs to be used correctly. In order not to injure the skin, the ice must be wrapped in a cloth and only used in this form.

You can apply cold for no more than 10-15 minutes to avoid hypothermia and frostbite of tissues. Then you should take a break of 2-3 hours and apply again.

Rule Three. The bruised arm, leg or finger must be lifted up so that the edema does not increase and there is an outflow of blood so that the damaged segment feels better.

At night, make an iodine mesh, it will have an anti-inflammatory and healing effect, improve blood circulation.

In a day after removing the edema, the damaged organs already need heat, you can heat it in a regular frying pan table salt, then pour it into a linen bag, but just a cotton sock will do, and attach it to the sore spot for 10-15 minutes. Warming up can be done 2-3 times a day.

You can, of course, buy an ointment for bruises, or at least bodyagi powder.

Bodyaga, perhaps the best remedy from bruises and hematomas, it is produced specifically for these purposes.

If you have bodyagi powder at hand, you need to dilute it with water so that you get a creamy slurry and apply it to the site of the bruise in the form of a compress for an hour.

There is also an ointment for bruises and hematomas based on bodyagi. If you use it immediately after a bruise, then the appearance of a bruise can be avoided, and if it does, you can get rid of it pretty quickly. The ointment is called “Bodyaga”.

Here is a list of popular ointments:

Ointments for bruises

  • troxevasin - has a resolving effect and strengthens the walls of blood vessels
  • heparin ointment - relieves inflammation, swelling, as well as pain, promotes rapid resorption of the bruise
  • bruise-off - also helps to relieve inflammation and swelling, and also has a masking effect like a foundation
  • lyoton - prevents the development of inflammation, strengthens the vascular walls
  • and also this list can be replenished with Vishnevsky's ointment, "Arnika", "Rescuer" and others.

Ointments should be applied as directed, usually several times a day.

But you still need to go to the pharmacy for them, and we love to be treated with what we have at home.

So, let's continue the treatment of bruises with folk remedies.

Hfolk remedies for bruises and bruises

Folk remedies for the treatment of bruises can be found even in our kitchen, and herbs can be used.

Unfortunately, I did not take the first measures after my fall, as I spent the whole day at work, and there was no particular pain.

And in the evening I discovered a huge hematoma.

The first one that came to my mind is food foil. I was just too lazy to make a silver bridge right away. I just put a piece of foil on my leg.

The ointment "Bodyaga" turned out to be at home, she began to use it. In addition, I tried to make saline compresses and a compress from the tincture of the golden mustache.

But the fact is that a very uncomfortable place was bruised - top part thigh, on which no bandages were kept, all the more it was necessary to go to work.

That's when I did it silver bridge for 3 days. And oh, miracle! I didn't even expect the bruise to disappear so quickly. But since the band-aid peeled off a little anyway, only in this place, not covered with foil, there was still blue.

After the second procedure, there was no hematoma at all.

In general, of course, there are a lot of folk remedies for bruises and hematomas.

While preparing the material and studying what they write on the Internet, I even laughed enough. There are such tips that you need to cook something for a long time, insist and languish in a Russian oven, and also smear the bruised place with viper fat!

I have selected only the most affordable and simple ways treatment of bruises with folk remedies, proven and effective.

After all, everyone chooses his own, which he likes from what is at hand, and depending on the situation and the place of the injury.

Remedies for bruises from our kitchen

Salt. If you are wondering how to treat a bruise, choose regular salt. we already know. This is also the case when a salt compress will help cure almost any bruise. To prepare it, dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a liter of warm boiled water and soak a piece of cotton or linen in this solution. We cover the wet cloth applied to the bruise with polyethylene and wrap it with a warm scarf. We leave this compress all night.

We clean it and three on a coarse grater. We put the resulting mass on linen fabric or on gauze folded four times and applied to the bruise. We fix it with something - a bandage, a scarf, a scarf.

Let it sit until the potatoes dry, about 30 minutes. Then we make a new compress. After the third or fourth procedure, the pain will subside significantly.

It is possible and potato starch use. Dilute it with water until a slurry is obtained and make a compress, covering with cellophane and securing with a bandage.

Cabbage. White cabbage is also suitable, but if you like red cabbage and you have it at home, then this vegetable is three times better, as it contains useful substances three times more than in white cabbage.

We tear off a leaf from the cabbage and knead it well in our hands until the juice is released.

Apply to the sore spot, fix with a bandage.

All such compresses from natural home products are placed in the same way: until the mass dries, 2-3 times a day.

Onion. The onion must be peeled and finely chopped with a knife or grated on a fine grater, add one teaspoon of salt. Place the gruel in a gauze bag and make compresses. Each time you need to prepare a fresh compress.

Garlic. Compresses from bruises can also be made from chopped garlic.

Horseradish and radish. The bruise will quickly disappear if you make compresses from horseradish or radish grated again on a fine grater.

Beets and honey. Useful properties of beets will be useful for the treatment of bruises and bruises. Grate the beets, add a tablespoon of honey to it and you get a wonderful compress. Only this method can be used in the absence of an allergy to honey.

Beans. boiled white beans knead well and make a compress from it.

Pineapple and banana. From bruises and bruises even help Exotic fruits. Pineapples and bananas contain enzymes that promote the rapid resolution of bruises. Apply banana peel inside to a bruise, and with a piece of pineapple you can simply wipe the bruise.

Laundry soap. Although this is no longer an edible remedy, it is also in our kitchen, well, or in the bathroom. Soap is an excellent folk remedy for bruises, which will help relieve pain.

It must be grated and mixed with egg yolk. Make a compress from this gruel. Change every half hour.

You can use soap in another way: rub it on a damp cloth and apply it to the site of injury.

Apple vinegar. I mainly use it. And for the treatment of bruises, dilute 2 teaspoons of vinegar in a liter of water, moisten a cloth in it and apply compresses. Enough to keep half an hour. In a few days you will forget about your illness.

Treatment of bruises with medicinal herbs

There are a lot of medicinal herbs that can be used to treat bruises.

Tinctures of calendula and golden mustache

It is most effective to use herbs in the form of compresses from their alcohol tinctures. But there is one nuance here, that it still takes time to prepare these tinctures. And we can't wait a few days. Therefore, it would be good to always keep at least a tincture of calendula or a golden mustache in the house, just in case.

You could make calendula tincture yourself in the summer, but it is also sold in pharmacies. We use it for bruises in the form of compresses or lotions.

And I always have a jar of golden mustache tincture. I advise everyone to grow this plant, oh useful properties we'll talk about it again.

Decoctions of dried herbs

Fortunately, not only tinctures, but also decoctions of dried herbs can be used for bruises. It can be coltsfoot, chamomile, celandine. It will be better if they are mixed together. Pour a teaspoon of herbs with half a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes in a water bath, insist and cool for an hour, and then strain and use for lotions.

fresh plant leaves

In summer, you can pick a leaf of plantain, or burdock, or wormwood. Finely chop the leaf, squeeze out the juice and apply on sore spot as well as a cabbage compress.

You can simply wipe the bruised area with the juice of these plants.

At home, you can use a ficus leaf or aloe, which also have absorbable and healing properties. Ficus leaf juice cotton swab apply on a bruise for 1 minute, and a cut piece of an aloe leaf is fixed on a small bruise with adhesive tape.

All these described folk remedies help with bruises of the arms and legs, as well as other parts of the body.

How to treat bruises with one means or another, we figured it out. I will briefly dwell on some individual points and features.

Finger injury. Folk remedies

For finger injury backfire there may be bruising under the nails and pain, you can even lose a nail.

Therefore, if a finger is bruised, immediately use ice or pour a jet on the finger cold water. You can dip your hands in salted water for 10-15 minutes.

Then dry your hands and make a tight bandage. Change it periodically until complete healing.

In order to prevent blackening of the nail, you can make an iodine mesh or completely lubricate your finger with iodine.

And also turmeric ointment helps well: mix turmeric powder with a small amount of water to a pulp state and lubricate your finger with this mixture. Due to its antibacterial and healing properties, turmeric will help quick recovery and cure.

Knee injury. Treatment with folk remedies

A knee injury is serious business. If the knee is swollen, tissue dysfunction is possible, inflammation is formed, which is fraught with the development of arthritis, inflammation of the meniscus and other unpleasant consequences.

First of all, with a knee injury, you need to apply cold compress, to ensure the immobility of the joint, while the leg should be in an elevated state. And then you should go to the doctor, take pictures and make sure that there are no fractures.

If there is no severe damage, you can try to treat the knee at home with folk remedies.

You can do all the same compresses described above, from cabbage leaves, for example, or vinegar compress, mixing a tablespoon of vinegar, vegetable oil and water.

A week after the removal of edema, more physiotherapy procedures are indicated.

Somehow I had such a case when I hit my knee hard on the corner of the table. At first, I did not attach much importance to what happened. But then the pain in the knee periodically arose and bothered for a long time until I got serious about treatment.

For a month, she made compresses from the tincture of a golden mustache at night and at the same time treated her knee with Almag.

The pain is gone forever. I don’t know what played the leading role here, I think both procedures in combination helped.

Treatment of a coccyx bruise with folk remedies

Also very annoying disease state. Pain with a bruised coccyx can occur both when walking and when sitting, give to the legs and there are frequent cases of injury spinal cord. So it is better not to postpone the visit to the doctor.

With a slight bruise and the appearance of a hematoma, we use ice and compresses from the juice of wormwood or onions.

Head injury. Folk remedies

Again, with a minor bruise, if you are sure that there is no concussion and other complications, we apply cold first of all.

After a day, the bump can be slightly warmed up with salt in a bag.

Also use cabbage leaves or thyme leaf as a folk remedy.

Chest injury. Folk remedies

The delicate skin of the chest is in great need of careful and gentle care.

Be sure to see your doctor to make sure there are no complications.

From folk remedies for bruising of the chest, salt lotions can be recommended, cabbage leaf, potato starch, diluted with water, bodyagu.

And if the first symptoms of mastopathy appear, refer to others

Eye injury. Treatment with folk remedies

For a bruise under the eye area, immediately apply something cold, such as a spoon or ice, to prevent bruising. Next, use bodyaga and other folk remedies.

In case of bruising of the cornea, immediately see an ophthalmologist!

Conclusion. We examined the treatment of bruises with folk easy and medium degree gravity. Folk remedies for severe bruises in principle, you can use the same, but in addition to the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

Which of them is the best remedy for bruises, it is difficult to say. All of them are good, they differ only in the duration of exposure, their use depends on the size of the hematoma, the degree of injury and the location. In some cases, it is more convenient to use one tool, in others - another.

I was helped in different time and a saline compress, and a compress from a golden mustache, and most of all I liked the silver bridge. It is easy to use and very fast.

Take care of yourself, may you never need to treat bruises either with folk remedies or in medical conditions.

Minor injuries are constant companions of a person. In everyday life, during sports, bruises and sprains cannot be avoided. You can rely on self-healing or use an ointment for bruises and bruises and swelling.

Mechanism of trauma development

Consider a bruise closed damage soft tissues when not. At the time of injury, muscle compression occurs, torn small vessels, blood flows freely from them. The tissues are impregnated, the bleeding stops.

A hematoma forms in its place. On the skin, it appears as a bruise. Gradually, it resolves, a “blooming bruise” is observed - it gradually changes color from blue to yellow.

A bruise is accompanied by edema - the release of blood plasma outside the bloodstream, pain from compression nerve endings.
If the amount of damage is small, you can deal with it yourself. First of all, a cold heating pad or a bottle of water is applied to the sore spot. ice water to cause vasospasm, reduce swelling and pain.

Reasons to see a doctor are:

  • extensive damage, with suspected damage to the periosteum and bone;
  • head bruises, facial injuries;
  • frequent bruises, hematomas that occur for no apparent reason.

Choice of remedy

Which ointment to use for bruises and sprains depends on the predominant symptom and the stage of the disease.

Action medical preparations could be as follows:

  • anti-inflammatory components relieve pain, redness and swelling;
  • pain impulses reduce the quality of life, painkillers or cooling agents are used to eliminate it;
  • improvement of blood circulation in places of damage accelerates metabolic processes, healing and tissue repair;
  • anticoagulants make the blood more fluid and fluid, which helps the resorption of the hematoma;
  • in places of damage, the walls of the capillaries are thinned, so substances are needed to strengthen them;
  • muscle spasm increases pain, it is eliminated by special components of medicinal preparations.

Types of remedies

Conventionally, according to the predominant effect, drugs can be divided into:

  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Cooling.
  3. Warming up.
  4. Absorbable.

Most of medicinal products has combined action, they cannot be attributed to a specific group. They contain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components, irritants, natural and herbal remedies. Folk remedies for bruises and bruises are popular.

it inexpensive ointment from bruises and sprains, accompanied by skin wounds in the form of abrasions, scratches, wounds.

It includes:

  1. Tar - acts anti-inflammatory, kills microbes, improves microcirculation.
  2. Bismuth salt as a drying antiseptic.
  3. Castor oil aimed at softening the active components.

Liniment is applied externally in the form of dressings, tampons or compresses. Apply to the site of injury a small amount of, put paper or waterproof fabric on top. This compress is left for a period of 6-10 hours.

Then it is removed, wiped ethyl alcohol to eliminate odor and ointment residues. small bruises do not need long-term use of the product, you can limit yourself to 3 hours, combining with heparin ointment.
Liniment is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, extensive purulent processes. Do not use it for more than 10 days.

drugs with heparin

The most the best ointment from bruises - this is the one that includes heparin. It has anticoagulant property, dissolves blood clots and accelerates reorganization subcutaneous hematomas and bruising.

Heparin ointment contains benzyl alcohol of nicotinic acid. It has a dilating effect on the vessels and improves the absorption of heparin.

The anesthetic benzocaine effectively anesthetizes.
The duration of treatment is 5-15 days.

The scope of application extends, edema, hemorrhoids. Contraindicated in thrombosis, ulcerative necrotic processes, blood clotting disorders. Trade names: heparin ointment, Lyoton gel, Trombless.

Exist combined means where, in addition to heparin, other active ingredients are added - troxerutin, dexpanthenol.
In the first case, capillary fragility decreases, inflammation is removed.

Dexpanthenol is a metabolite of pantothenic acid, vitamin B5. It improves tissue regeneration, can be applied to abrasions at the site of injury. Representatives of this group are Troxevasin NEO, Venolife gel, Hepatrombin.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances that are included in the ointment for bruises and sprains, pain relievers for injuries, work effectively. Their components act on the cause of pain, relieve swelling.

Some of the common drugs are:

  • Voltaren gel - a remedy with diclofenac as an active substance, relieves symptoms at the site of injury;
  • directly Diclofenac in the form of a cream;
  • ointments with ketorprofen - Bystrumgel, Fastum-gel;
  • ibufen as part of Deep Relief, Dolgit;
  • Nise-gel, the active substance is nimesulide.

Local irritants

Finalgon consists of nonivamide and nicoboxyl, improves local blood circulation, dilates blood vessels, anesthetizes. It has a local irritating effect, creates a long-lasting feeling of warmth due to irritation of sensitive nerve fibers in the skin.
This leads to her slight redness.

Indications for use are extensive:

  • arthritis;
  • injuries and sprains,;
  • muscle pain after a heavy load;
  • , lumbago;
  • pre-heating of muscles before training in athletes.

Do not use for injuries of sensitive areas of the body - neck, lower abdomen, inner part hips.
Espol belongs to this group.
It contains an extract capsicum, is irritating, distracting and analgesic action.
By improving blood circulation, inflammation products are intensively removed, swelling and pain are relieved.

There is a small fibrinolytic activity, absorption of other drugs used at the same time improves.
It should be remembered that warming agents are not used on the first day after the injury! They are treated after subsidence acute process and old hematomas.

Ichthyol ointment

It has a specific smell, but good ointment from bruises and sprains, especially with trauma to the skin. It has antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties. Local irritating effect improves blood flow and trophism in the area of ​​application, is well absorbed by the skin.

Liniment is applied thin layer and do not rub, so as not to cause great trauma. Cover with a sterile bandage, bandage or stick with a plaster.

Wash hands well to avoid contact with eyes and mouth. Apply this therapy for up to 10 days. Cannot be combined with other creams, iodine, alkaloids, salts heavy metals.

Herbal creams

When the question arises of how to treat bruises at home, many prefer herbal preparations. They often include comfrey, badyaga.
Creams with comfrey are suitable for the treatment of hematomas, eliminate swelling, anesthetize, accelerate the epithelization of abrasions, and stimulate regeneration.

Therefore, it can be used for long-term non-healing wounds, cracked heels, dry skin. The cream is used at night under a gauze bandage.
The gel can be applied 3-4 times a day.

Badyaga is a representative of freshwater sponges.
The action of creams based on it is associated with irritation of the dermis with silicon needles. It dilates blood vessels and improves blood flow.

Not used for open injuries skin. After spreading the cream or gel, local redness and heat generation are observed.

medicinal plant, an extract from which is used to treat bruises, wound healing. Relieves inflammation, pain, kills germs. The effect is realized through the production of endorphins, which reduce pain, reduce vascular permeability, accelerates the resorption of bruises.

Which ointment for bruises is better determined by the specific case. Medicine offers remedies with a similar direction of action, but depending on the extent of the injury, the stage (fresh bruise or chronic), the presence of skin lesions, as well as contraindications, the choice of the most appropriate remedy is determined.

Bruises, sprains and other injuries that inevitably occur during our lives are often accompanied by bruising. It's one thing if this happens in winter, when the manifestations of a bruise (hematomas or bruises) are hidden from others by clothing, and quite another when it happens in the summer. I don’t want at all that while tanning on the beach, huge unaesthetic blue spots flaunted on the body, which, in addition to everything, deliver discomfort. Heparin ointment will help to effectively relieve pain, swelling and get rid of a bruise in a short time.

If the bruise is small, you can try to mask it with tonal means, which is quite difficult, and you will have to apply a decent layer of “make-up”. But what to say if a hematoma occupies a fairly large area on your body? Yes, and to eliminate the pain masking agents can not. Therefore, it is recommended to use by special means from bruises active substance in which is bodyaga or heparin. Such funds have a different price range, but their effect will be the same. Heparin ointment is just such a tool.

The name of the tool speaks for itself, as active agent protrusion of heparin. Applying the ointment to the area of ​​the bruise stimulates the metabolic processes between the cells in this area. The ointment is effective in the treatment of bruising and bruising.

Mechanism of action of heparin.
Heparin is an anticoagulant with antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory effects. As a rule, it is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis and their complications. The substance acts on the blood plasma, while agents that enhance the anticoagulant effect are activated, that is, blood clots dissolve and their formation is prevented.

As part of the ointment, heparin is present in the form of sodium heparin. The use of Heparin ointment promotes blood thinning and resorption of bruises or bruises. It contains another substance - benzyl nicotinate ( a nicotinic acid), contributing to the expansion of surface blood vessels and to facilitate the absorption of heparin. Heparin ointment for bruises provides relief from swelling and reduces pain.

Use the ointment from the hematoma should be for five to twenty days, it all depends on the area of ​​​​the hematoma. The course of treatment can vary from 5 to 20 days. It should be applied three times a day, rubbing it into the bruise area until it disappears completely. After using the ointment, there is a feeling of warmth and redness of the skin at the site of application. With such manifestations, you should not be afraid, this is not an allergy, but just the action of nicotinic acid. Hence, it is impossible to use this drug simultaneously with blood-thinning and vasodilating drugs (Aspirin, Warfin, etc.).

Before getting rid of a bruise with Heparin Ointment, consult your doctor for contraindications.

Contraindications Heparin ointment.

  • The period of pregnancy and lactation, use only for medical reasons.
  • Blood diseases, in particular a violation of its coagulability.
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Decrease in platelets in the blood.
  • Open wounds, including those with signs of suppuration.
Overdose symptoms and side effects.
  • Bleeding (seek medical attention immediately).
  • Itching of the skin, urticaria and dermatitis.
  • Hypersensitivity reactions (with a tendency to develop them, the ointment should be tested on a small area of ​​the skin before use).
If you use facial bruise ointment, be extra careful. Avoid getting the ointment in the eyes, and before applying, be sure to remove cosmetics from the face.

Ointment for bruises and bruises helps to quickly get rid of soreness, bruising in the impact zone and injury. Treatment of sprains, edema for children and adults is the same - rest and absorbable external preparations. An analysis of the composition and action of ointments for bruises allows you to choose which ointment for bruises is better - Heparin, Lyoton, Troxevasin or Indomethacin.

Contusion - trauma to the subcutaneous tissue

Contusion - damage to soft tissues ( subcutaneous tissue, muscles, periosteum). As a rule, as a result of a bruise, those tissues that are located closer to the bones suffer the most (they are pressed against hard surface and take more damage). Bruises appear due to blows, falls.

Often bruises are accompanied by internal hemorrhage and bruising (hematoma). The outpouring of blood occurs at the site of soft tissue injury, and can form a bruise that is visible from the outside (visible blue-violet spot) or is limited to swelling (if the hemorrhage has occurred deep enough and the blue spot has not come to the surface). Also, with small bruises, small local hemorrhages are possible, which do not form visible blue spots (hematomas) and quickly resolve with the bloodstream. In this case, swelling does not occur, and the pain disappears a few hours after injury.

If the blow was strong enough, a noticeable hematoma formed, then the site of the bruise swells, increases in size, and hurts.

Note: a bruise differs from a fracture in the absence of anatomical damage. In general, tissues have small integrity violations. But the bones and cartilage are not affected.

As a result of bruising in the tissues are formed:

  • edema;
  • accumulation of blood (hematoma);
  • slight inflammation.

Treatment for bruises includes the following activities:

  • peace- to reduce pain. If the bruise is located near the joint, it is fixed with a bandage. If possible, move the bruised limb less.
  • External ointments for bruises- to reduce swelling, resorption of bruising and reduce inflammation.

The composition of the ointment for bruises and edema

Ointment against bruises contains components that stimulate the resorption of bruises, reduce swelling and prevent local thrombosis, namely:

  • Warming component. In ointments for bruises and sprains, this can be bee or snake venom. In small doses, animal or insect venoms speed up blood flow and reduce muscle spasm, which often remains after a blow. Among other ointments with a warming effect - Turpentine ointment, pepper-camphor liniment, complex pepper liniment, Finalgon and other compounds that are used to warm the ligaments and treat coughs.
  • Anticoagulant- a substance that prevents the formation of blood clots and eliminates sticking blood cells to vascular walls. A bruise almost always forms a bruise, bruise or hematoma. Therefore, the ointment for bruises and injuries should contain an anticoagulant. It will prevent blood clotting and the formation of a blood clot at the site of injury. It will reduce the number of clots and accelerate their resorption. Among the most available anticoagulants is iodine.(applying an iodine mesh helps to dissolve swelling and reduce swelling). Also an example of a popular anticoagulant in the composition of ointments is heparin. Based on it, several trade names ointments for bruises (Heparin, Lyoton, Trombless, Thrombophob, Dioflan).
Important: the use of ointments with anticoagulants after a fall is possible only the next day after the formation of a bruise. Otherwise internal bleeding may intensify. The anticoagulant contained in the composition will prevent the formation of a blood clot at the site of rupture of the blood vessel.
  • Decongestant- to reduce swelling and reduce pain. Examples of external preparations with anti-edematous action are Troxevasin, Indomethacin, Venoruton gels ( with vitamin rutin).
  • Anesthetic- necessary for severe injuries. An example of an anesthetic formulation is menovazine. This is an alcohol rub. with novocaine, which combines a warming and analgesic effect. Finalgon also has an analgesic effect, which includes a warming component and an anesthetic. The effect of anesthetic ointment for bruises is symptomatic. It reduces pain, while swelling and swelling still persist.

The best ointment for bruises is one that contains several listed components and provides a complex action (Finalgon, Troxevasin).

Note: when choosing an ointment for bruises for children, you should pay attention to the naturalness of its components. And also the absence of allergens, since it is in childhood majority appears allergic reactions that disappear with age. Often, children do not need ointment for bruises, as minor injuries heal on their own. Sometimes children need pain relief at the site of injury.

Sports ointment for bruises with anti-inflammatory action

Anti-inflammatory component in the composition of ointments - treats inflammation. As a rule, bruises are not accompanied by significant damage, they do not form post-traumatic inflammation. But the composition of some ointments from hematomas includes anti-inflammatory components ( example - hormonal ointment Gepatrombin G with prednilosone).

If there is no other remedy at hand, anti-inflammatory ointments with hormones can be used for bruises, but for a short time (to prevent the subcutaneous tissues from getting used to the hormonal component).

Anti-inflammatory components of a non-hormonal nature are often introduced into the composition of ointments for bruises for athletes. Due to frequent (daily) injury in their tissues are formed chronic inflammation. An example of a potent anti-inflammatory ointment - complex drug Indomethacin.

Ointment for bruised ribs

A person can get bruises of the ribs when falling from a height or when hit. Unlike fractures, bruises can be successfully treated on their own.

It is possible to distinguish a fracture of the ribs from a bruise by the presence of bulges on the ribs in the impact zone, as well as by shortness of breath. If there is a suspicion of a fracture, it is necessary health care, possible damage to the pleura, which will require urgent surgery.

Rib injury treatment uses external ointment preparations. It is also recommended to limit the activity of movements, to keep calm. In case of rib injuries, it is recommended to sleep on your back and not strain your abdominal muscles.

What ointments for bruised ribs are used for treatment:

  • Turpentine ointment.
  • Linimentes with pepper and camphor.

Ointment for back and shoulder bruises

Back and shoulder bruises are not as dangerous as rib bruises. They don't carry potential lung tissue damage. Therefore, even strong blows into the shoulder area large hematomas can be treated at home.

The use of an ointment for a bruised shoulder accelerates healing, reduces swelling and reduces pain. You can apply two compositions in turn with an interval of 1 hour. For example - Heparin ointment for resorption blood clot. And after a while - warming turpentine ointment. A shoulder injury can affect enough deep tissue. In this case, its treatment requires effective and strong drugs- gel Troxevasin, Indomethacin or Finalgon.

Ointment for joint injury

The most commonly injured are the elbows and knee joints. A bruised joint often occurs in athletes and representatives of dangerous professions (rescuers, firefighters). When a joint is bruised, the integrity of bone and cartilage tissues is preserved. If the blow was not strong and the internal hemorrhage was small, after 12 hours the pain disappears. If the blow was stronger, the periarticular tissues were injured with the formation of a noticeable hemorrhage, then edema occurs, the pain persists for several days.

A bruise severely limits the mobility of the joint, makes it painful to flex, extend, rotate and other movements. In order to quickly get rid of the consequences of a bruise, immediately after the injury, it is necessary to apply cold. And after 6-8 hours - apply an ointment with anti-edematous, absorbable and warming action.

Ointment for leg injury

leg injury - frequent injury preschool and younger school age. She does not require special treatment, goes away on its own, but causes discomfort.

Ankle injury occurs when wrong run, careless jumps. It often happens while playing football. A knee bruise is more often formed with a careless fall.

Symptoms of injury to the joints of the leg - soreness when walking, when turning the ankle, bending the knee, feeling pain in calm state. There may also be slight swelling.

When injuring the ankle, foot, knee bruise - what ointments reduce the sensation of pain? They use drugs with anti-edematous and warming effects, if necessary - with painkillers in the composition.

Treatment with an ointment for bruised ankle helps to quickly remove soreness and make it easier to step on the foot. The ointment will allow professional football players to return to a full-fledged game.

Ointment for coccyx injury

Coccyx injury often accompanies fans of extreme cycling. Also, a bruised tailbone is a common winter injury when slipping on ice. The coccyx is often injured in various falls on the back.

Injuries to the coccyx are dangerous by disrupting the blood supply along the spine. Coccyx - the support of everything spinal column. His blow can cause slight mixing of the vertebrae and internal organs.

Therefore, a bruised tailbone heals for a long time. Soreness after this bruise can persist for several weeks, occur with prolonged sitting.

On a note: with a bruise of the coccyx, damage to rather deep layers of tissues is possible. Therefore, for treatment it is necessary to use an ointment with deep penetration (Troxevasin, Indomethacin).

finger bruise

Even a small bruise of a finger or nail is accompanied by severe painful sensations. The fingers of the extremities have more pain receptors than the surface of the shoulders, torso, and ankle. Therefore, an ointment for a bruised finger should contain an anesthetic component, even if there is no noticeable swelling, redness or hematoma.

Common injuries in children include pinched fingers and nail injuries in doorways. With a slight bruise of the nail, an ointment with analgesic and anticoagulant action (Finalgon) is needed, or the alternate use of several ointments (heparin and turpentine).

Note: it is possible to treat a bruised nail with external ointment agents with an anticoagulant or warming effect if there are no external skin lesions and open wounds. Otherwise, these compounds cannot be used.

And now we give examples of the compositions and actions of the most popular ointments for bruises and bruises - Heparin, Lyoton, Troxevasin.

Heparin ointment for bruises

The most well-known composition for the treatment of bruises is Heparin ointment. For soft tissue bruises, bruises, sprains, it is recommended to smear the bruising site with a heparin composition. At the same time, heparin contained in the ointment dilutes clots and promotes the resorption of blood clots.

The main advantage of heparin is the price. This is the most inexpensive ointment for bruises, the safety of which has been proven for decades, on children and adults, on athletes, rescuers, tourism instructors and other representatives of traumatic professions.

Important: the use of Heparin ointment after bruises is possible no earlier than 12 hours after injury and bruising.

Lyoton - an analogue of Heparin ointment

Lyoton is a drug of German and Italian manufacturers. This is another inexpensive pain relief ointment for bruises. It is an analogue of Heparin ointment, contains the same heparin and has a resolving effect.. Lyoton contains additional components (oils), therefore its price is higher than Heparin ointment. But in general, Lyoton is an example of what is not always cheap ointment from bruises is ineffective.

Troxevasin and Indovazin - ointments for bruises and bruises

Troxevasin- popular pharmacy gel for treatment various injuries- bruises, bruises, sprains. The gel contains troxerutin- substance used to treat venous stasis. It reduces vascular permeability (which prevents further development edema), increases the tone of the veins (which accelerates the speed of blood flow), limits the release of inflammatory mediators (which blocks the development inflammatory response in the impact zone).

Troxerutin is characterized by deep penetration into subcutaneous tissue. In them, it improves blood microcirculation, removes edema and improves nutrition.

These properties make preparations with troxerutin popular in the treatment of injuries, bruises, bruises.

Note: the main purpose of the action of Troxevasin is the treatment of thrombophlebitis and hemorrhoids. As remedies for bruising and bruising, formulations with an antithrombotic effect are often used, intended for the treatment of venous pathologies.

There is another analogue of Troxevasin - ointment Indovazin. This complex preparation contains the same troxerutin and additionally - indomethacin(drug for the treatment of inflammation and reduce swelling). Complex action components provide a strong therapeutic effect of Indovazin in various subcutaneous injuries.

Few have experienced this unpleasant phenomenon like a bruise or bruise after a blow. Such traces can be quite difficult to hide under clothing or a layer of foundation. For the speedy resorption of the bruise, special medications from bruises. With the timely application of such a drug, you can significantly reduce the recovery process after an injury.

and hurt?

A bruise is a damage to a soft tissue area without violating the integrity of the skin. This type of injury is familiar, probably, to every person. It is characterized by damage to blood vessels and cells. A few days later, a bruise with a characteristic purple-red tint forms at the site of the bruise. The blood poured out from the vessel upon impact will gradually dissolve, and the color of the bruise will also begin to change.

Completely traces of a bruise disappear on their own in 2-3 weeks. The recovery process will help speed up the remedies for bruises, which are presented in a wide range. Before you start self-treatment pathological phenomenon, you need to make sure that the bruise is minor and you can do without the help of a specialist.

How to quickly get rid of a hematoma?

If it was not possible to prevent the bruising, you can try to minimize the consequences. First of all, a cold compress should be applied to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bsoft tissue. It is best to use ice for this, but if it is not available, you can use other well-chilled items. Due to the cold, the vessels will begin to contract, which will significantly reduce blood flow, and the bruise will be much less. Cold compresses are applied only on the first day.

Choosing the best remedy for bruises

Pharmaceutical companies offer many drugs that will help quickly eliminate traces of a bruise on soft tissues. Their therapeutic action is based on the suppression inflammatory process and pain syndrome. In addition, the remedy for bruises and hematomas should dissolve the blood under the skin by accelerating the recovery (regeneration) of cells.

When choosing a medication for, it is necessary to give preference to gels that have a light texture and are quickly absorbed. Good help with bruises means based on troxerutin and heparin: "Troxevasin", "Lioton", "Heparin-Akrigel", "Troxerutin". No less effective preparations for external use, having in the composition natural ingredients("Badyaga", "Arnica", "Traumeel C"). For the treatment of bruises and sprains in the early days, ointments with a cooling effect are used. On the 3-5th day, you can start using warming agents to dissolve the hematoma.

Facial injury treatment

A hematoma on the face can form according to the most different reasons. Such injuries are great danger for good health. Indeed, in most cases they are associated with concussion and other serious injuries. And a person with bruises on his face looks suspicious and attracts the attention of others. To quickly get rid of such a "decoration", you must use a remedy for bruises.

They dissolve somewhat faster than on other parts of the body. However, the application medicines, such as "Bruise-OFF", will speed up this process. Also, one should not forget about the cold compress in the first hours after the bruise. In severe cases, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Ointment "Troxevasin"

One of the most popular remedies for eliminating hematomas is an ointment from the Troxevasin group of angioprotectors. A variety of the drug is also produced - "Troxevasin Neo". They are used to improve the condition of capillaries and veins. The tool has the following medicinal properties:

  • strengthens the walls of capillaries;
  • relieves inflammation and swelling;
  • reduces capillary permeability;
  • blocks pain syndrome;
  • improves microcirculation in damaged tissues.

The main active ingredient of the drug is troxerutin. Dexpanthenol and heparin are present as auxiliary components in the Troxevasin Neo composition. With this ointment, it is recommended to apply immediately after soft tissue injury.

"Troxevasin" can be used as a remedy for bruises and bruises on the face. Active substance quickly penetrates into the middle layers of the dermis, has a tonic effect on the walls of blood vessels. It leads to significant reduction swelling and stopping subcutaneous bleeding.

How to apply "Troxevasin"?

The agent is applied in a thin layer to the site of injury and rubbed with light massaging movements until completely absorbed. It should be borne in mind that it is forbidden to apply ointment to open wounds. For more pronounced effect a tight bandage can be applied to the injury site. "Troxevasin" is applied up to four times a day until the puffiness subsides.

Contraindications to the use of "Troxevasin"

The tool must not be used when open wounds, hypersensitivity to the components. Also, do not prescribe ointment to women in the first trimester of pregnancy and patients under 18 years of age.

Homeopathic remedy "Traumeel C"

Pronounced therapeutic effect possesses a homeopathic preparation produced by the well-known pharmaceutical company Heel, "Traumeel C". The action of the remedy for bruises is to relieve swelling and inflammation, relieve pain, improve the condition of the walls of blood vessels, and accelerate the process of tissue regeneration.

As part of a comprehensive homeopathic remedy The following medicinal plants are included:

  • mountain arnica;
  • yarrow;
  • pharmacy chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • calendula;
  • belladonna;
  • daisy;
  • angustifolia and purple echinacea;
  • comfrey pharmacy.

The ointment also contains sulfuric calcium liver and soluble mercury Hahnemann. According to the instructions, direct indications for the use of the drug are sprains, hematomas, etc. "Traumeel C" can be applied to the damaged area up to 5 times a day. The drug is well combined with other medicines as part of complex treatment.

Heparin ointment for bruises

Inexpensive and effective means already used long time in medical practice, is Active ingredient drug - heparin - has anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic effects. The substance dissolves blood clots.

Most often, the ointment is used as effective remedy from for example). It quickly relieves swelling, pain syndrome. Often, patients apply heparin ointment to eliminate bruising on the face. However, it should be borne in mind that nicotinic acid is present in its composition, which causes vasodilation on the surface of the skin. This causes reddening of the skin when applying the ointment and may slightly increase the hematoma.

"Dolobene" for sprains and bruises

Gel for local application Dolobene is one of the most powerful means, which are recommended for use in hematomas. Active Ingredients The drug is simultaneously three substances: sodium heparin, dexpanthenol and dimethyl sulfoxide. The remedy for bruises and sprains has a comprehensive effect, removing inflammation and swelling of soft tissues, anesthetizing and restoring damaged tissues. The components of the drug quickly penetrate the skin.

Gel can be used for bruises various etiologies, sports injuries, inflammation muscle tissue, sprains, bruises. After applying funds to skin covering you should wait until it is completely absorbed and apply a bandage.

Contraindications to the use of "Dolobene"

Like other remedies for bruises, the drug "Dolobene" has some contraindications. Ointment is not used in violation of the liver and kidneys, bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, stroke and myocardial infarction. Dolobene is not prescribed during pregnancy, as well as for the treatment of children under 5 years of age.

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