What are the contraindications for myoma on physio magnetotherapy. Useful video about the physiotherapy treatment of gynecological problems. What procedures are prohibited

Most women are used to the fact that conservative treatment of uterine fibroids is only taking hormonal and pain medications. And they are surprised when they are offered to supplement it with physiotherapy. Of course, not all of them are useful in this diagnosis. But in general, physiotherapy is not only not prohibited, but it may be necessary to neutralize symptoms and inhibit tumor growth.

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What physiotherapeutic effect is useful for myoma

The development of fibroids is caused by an incorrect balance of hormones. The disorder leads to increased cell division of the muscular component of the uterus, due to which a tumor is formed. Many more factors serve to maintain its existence and growth, including stress, the effect of heat, and activation of blood supply in the pelvic area.

Physiotherapy used for uterine fibroids should counteract the listed conditions, that is, equalize the composition of hormones, normalize functions nervous system, at least not to increase the supply of oxygen to the tumor tissues.

The tangible effect of its influence will be the improvement general condition, normalization , reduction with them. You can give it using:

  • Radon and iodine-bromine baths;
  • electrophoresis;

Procedures take out menstrual period, it is best to start with 5-7 days of the cycle.


The effect of electrophoresis is provided by the supply of galvanic current. This frightens many, they believe that the pelvic area is subjected to heating. This is not so, the device only makes the tissues more receptive to the drug without exposure to high temperatures.

And yet, is it possible to do electrophoresis with uterine myoma, is largely determined by the speed of its growth. If the value does not reach 12 weeks of pregnancy, and development is slow or not observed at all, as additional treatment method is not contraindicated.

To alleviate the condition with myoma, the device introduces drugs with iodine: potassium or sodium iodide. In total, 15-20 procedures must be done, skipping critical days.

The procedure looks like this: cotton pads are impregnated with a 2% solution and placed on the abdomen and lower back, connected to the electrodes connected to the device. The manipulation takes several minutes. As long as it lasts medicinal substances in the form of ions enter the body through sweat and sebaceous glands. The strength of the current is selected depending on the sensitivity of the patient so that she does not feel discomfort and pain.

Electrophoresis with uterine myoma gives the following effect:

  • Decreased estrogen synthesis by the ovaries. It is they who feed the tumor;
  • Decrease inflammatory process in the myometrium;
  • Restoring regularity menstrual cycle;
  • Termination and ;
  • Decrease.

Magnetic therapy and fibroids

To enhance the effect of taking hormonal drugs magnetic therapy is suitable for myoma, whether it is possible to use the method is also determined by the size, rate of development and duration of the disease.

Manipulation is the impact of low-frequency pulses on the area of ​​the body where the tumor is localized. The depth of their penetration is 5 cm, the effect is gentle. The field created by the apparatus leads to the normalization of the concentration of many substances.

The most important thing in this is to equalize the balance of hormones with a decrease in estrogen production. As a result, magnetic therapy for uterine myoma leads to the fact that:

  • Abdominal pain caused by the presence of education disappears;
  • The menstrual cycle returns to normal;
  • The volume of secretions decreases;
  • Metabolism becomes closer to normal;
  • swelling goes away;
  • Increases immunity.

In some women, due to this type of physical treatment, the size of the neoplasm itself is reduced. Not the last role here is the restoration of the emotional background. The impact of magnetic rays, although directed at the pelvic area, leads to stabilization of the central nervous system, reduces stress. Everything happens by alleviating the symptoms of the disease.


Radon and iodine-bromine baths can counteract the growth of fibroids. These physiotherapy procedures for fibroids have a double effect on the body - through the blood, as well as nerve receptors. It is carried out through the skin.

Radon is an inert gas that contributes to the restoration of biological processes in the body. It stimulates the immune system, so that many functions return to normal. Special meaning this has a decrease in estrogen production.

Iodine-bromine baths improve metabolism, including carbohydrates, lipids, and restore hormone levels. The latter is ensured by the penetration of iodine into pathological tissues. Chemical element It also helps to reduce neoplasms by normalizing the functioning of the ovaries.

What is contraindicated in myoma

Sometimes hardware treatment, which provides a third-party effect on the body, is required in the treatment of other diseases. Therefore, the question arises: what physiotherapy is contraindicated in uterine myoma?

Experts call the following:

  • Ultrasonic impact;
  • Any type of laser radiation;
  • Ozokerite;
  • Phonophoresis;
  • Massage lumbar spine and abdomen;
  • UV treatment;
  • Inductothermy;
  • Infrared radiation;
  • Vibrotherapy in the pelvic area;
  • Paraffin;
  • Mud cure.

All of the above manipulations, except for their inherent positive impact, have the ability to raise the level of estrogen, which would contribute to the growth of the neoplasm and increased bleeding caused by its presence.

These physiotherapy procedures provide tissue heating. BUT local boost temperature also stimulates cell division, as it causes an increase in the supply of oxygen to them. After all, under the influence of heat, blood circulates more actively in the pelvic area. Therefore, in addition to the listed types of treatment, it is undesirable to visit a solarium and a bath, even just to stay in the open sun for a long time.

Physiotherapy used for uterine fibroids gives good effect in improving well-being and reducing the symptoms of the disease. But apart from parallel reception hormonal drugs You will need an appropriate diet and lifestyle.

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Currently, almost 30% of women reproductive age faced with the problem of uterine fibroids. Depending on the severity pathological process and its activity for each patient is compiled individual plan treatment.

There is an opinion that physiotherapy for myoma is contraindicated, but medical practice confirms the effectiveness of individual physiotherapy procedures in the fight against myoma formations.

When prescribing physiotherapy for uterine fibroids, it is important to know which of the methods of exposure will not only be useful and effective, but will not bring additional harm to the body. First of all, procedures that promote the activation of blood circulation and increase blood flow to the affected organ are undesirable. This is due to the fact that active blood circulation contributes to the activation of growth. cell structures myomatous node, and, consequently, an increase in the size of the fibroid itself.

It is strongly recommended to refrain from physiotherapy that causes local increase body temperature. In benign tumors, mechanical stimulation of the production of female hormones(progesterone and estrogen), affecting fast growth neoplasms.

With uterine fibroids, the following procedures are contraindicated:

  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • Ultrasonic impact;
  • Applications with sand and paraffin, healing mud;
  • Ozokerite;
  • Phonophoresis;
  • Laser therapy;
  • infrared light therapy;
  • The use of magnetic fields with high frequencies (inductothermy);
  • Massage and the impact of mechanical vibrations (vibrotherapy);
  • Use of a solar lamp.

Important! Physiotherapy is contraindicated during menstruation. best time for its use as a treatment, 6-7 days of the menstrual cycle are considered.

Among the permitted methods of physiotherapy, several of the most effective procedures can be distinguished:

  • Electrophoresis using iodine;
  • Iodine-bromine and radon baths;
  • Exposure to interference currents;
  • Magnetotherapy.

The above physiotherapy not only helps to restore physiologically normal function female organs, but also have a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

This is especially important as a rehabilitation therapy after surgical intervention on the uterus.

All physiotherapy procedures have their own mechanism of action based on physical and chemical properties influencing factor. In order to know why one or another method of physiotherapy is effective, and the other is not, one should consider the mechanism of action of each method separately.


Patients often ask: "Is it possible to do electrophoresis procedures for uterine myoma?". The answer is unequivocal - it is possible, this is one of the most effective methods physiotherapy treatment.

electrophoresis- this is the effect on the body of electrical impulses of direct current. It is used simultaneously with certain drugs, helping them to penetrate under the skin to the lesion. Electrophoresis in myoma is the most efficient, effective and safe method physiotherapy. He renders following effects on the pathological focus and the body as a whole:

  • Reduces intensity clinical picture diseases, in some cases completely eliminating it;
  • Restores pathologically altered endometrium;
  • Contributes to the normalization of ovarian function and the production of female hormones;
  • Reduces the proliferating effect of sex hormones on the endometrium in elderly patients.

In combination with iodine and potassium preparations, it has a pronounced positive effect on ovarian function. most pronounced therapeutic action can be achieved with the simultaneous use of electrophoresis for uterine myoma and iodine-bromine or radon baths.


The essence of magnetotherapy lies in the effect on the body magnetic field with low, variable or constant frequency. Most often this method used just before surgical intervention on the uterus with myoma. This is due to the fact that magnetotherapy has not only an anti-inflammatory effect, but also helps to soften the adhesions formed as a result of inflammation.

Considerable importance is given to this method of influence and in postoperative period in order to prevent complications or to treat an already formed postoperative infiltrate. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to combine magnetotherapy with electrophoresis using iodine, magnesium or zinc.

Positive effects of magnetotherapy:

  • Reducing the size of uterine neoplasms;
  • Stopping the growth of myomatous nodes;
  • Reduction and/or complete elimination pain syndrome in the area of ​​the pathological focus;
  • Restoration of a normal menstrual cycle with a decrease in the amount of discharge to an acceptable physiological norm;
  • Improvement psycho-emotional state women.

Magnetic therapy for fibroids is prescribed to patients of reproductive age, the size of the uterine tumor in which does not exceed 12 weeks. The course of treatment begins the next day after the completion of menstruation. At home, it is allowed to use the popular Almag medical device.

Physiotherapy baths for myoma

Many women are interested in the question: “Is it possible to take therapeutic baths with benign neoplasms?

With uterine myoma, radon and iodine-bromine baths are allowed and most often used. Nice results in the treatment of myoma nodes show turpentine baths, but they are not suitable for all patients.

The appointment of a particular procedure is strictly individual and should be monitored by the attending physician. Turpentine baths at benign tumor used with extreme caution.

Radon baths for uterine myoma:

  • Reduce intensity (up to complete cessation a) uterine bleeding;
  • Regenerate the structures of the affected organ at the cellular level;
  • Increase blood clotting;
  • Stimulate all metabolic processes;
  • inhibit tumor processes:

Iodine-bromine baths for myoma:

  • Have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Improve blood circulation at the same time, without increasing blood flow to the pelvic organs;
  • Stimulate the normalization of the thyroid gland;
  • Activate metabolic processes;
  • They have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Turpentine baths for myoma:

  • Reduce the growth of nodes and reduce the size of fibroids;
  • Restore capillary blood flow;
  • Activate metabolism;
  • Normalize all metabolic processes.

Important! Turpentine baths are used only for fibroids that do not exceed 8 weeks in size. Iodine-bromine baths - inhibit the growth of neoplasms, accompanied by a long inflammatory process.

Sharko shower

Some believe that Charcot's douche has a resolving effect on tumor formations, but with uterine myoma it is better to refuse this procedure. Taking a shower increases blood flow, which can lead to the growth and accelerated development of the tumor process.

Separately and in combination with other methods of physiotherapy, it is carried out at the INTELmed clinic. Our specialists draw up an individual treatment plan taking into account the clinical picture and concomitant diseases.

It was previously believed that magnetotherapy, like most physiotherapeutic methods, cannot be used for uterine myoma. However, practice shows that in most cases benign hormonal tumor does not apply to contraindications to magnetic therapy. Main principle- lack of stimulation of female sex hormones, estrogens, with their excess. So, with uterine fibroids, pulsed ultrasound, copper electrophoresis, heating, and mud therapy are prohibited.

At conservative treatment uterine fibroids with magnetotherapy in women of reproductive age, a variety of effects are observed.

  • Reduction in the size of myomatous nodes in more than half of the patients. The diameter of the tumors is reduced by an average of 16 percent. Reverse development even under the condition of long-term existence of fibroids.
  • Improving the effectiveness of conservative therapy in the first three months of the procedure. Preservation of positive dynamics in six months. It is expressed in a decrease in symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbosacral spine, normalization of the menstrual cycle. In patients, its duration and volume of periodic discharges are reduced.
  • Stopping the growth of uterine fibroids in all patients who have undergone a long complex treatment conservative methods.
  • Improvement of the psycho-emotional state. Decreased anxiety, irritability, depressive symptoms, hypochondria.

The use of magnetic therapy for uterine fibroids is advisable for patients of reproductive age with tumors up to 12 weeks and a duration of up to 8 years. Moreover, it is enough to carry out general magnetotherapy. Also appointed:

  • hormone therapy - taking gestagens for 6 months from day 5 to day 25 of the cycle,
  • diet therapy - an increase in the diet of fiber, foods with monounsaturated fats.

The course starts on the 5th-7th day of the menstrual cycle. Reminder: new cycle counted from the first day of discharge. The hardware parameters change depending on the phase of the cycle. During menstruation, magnetic therapy is not carried out so as not to provoke increased bleeding.

In the department of gynecology of the clinic "INTELmed" they carry out:

  • treatment of endometriosis, endometritis, cervical erosion, genital herpes, urogenital infections,
  • other diseases.

Available to gynecologists wide range surgical methods treatment, including minimally invasive. Conservative therapy is also used.

Come in for a consultation. The doctor will examine you, collect an anamnesis, and, if necessary, prescribe laboratory diagnostics.

Popular questions

Ivanova Katya

Good afternoon! Tell me, is it worth it to do physiotherapy (magnetotherapy and laser therapy - for res...

Answer: Hello Katya! Gynecologist Zh.R. Volkova answers your question. There is no single answer to your question. To treat the question of treatment tactics, it is not ...

Answer: Hello Katya! Gynecologist Zh.R. Volkova answers your question. There is no single answer to your question. To treat the question of treatment tactics, you need to know what kind of cyst it is (follicular, corpus luteum, endometrioid, etc.). It is also necessary to conduct additional methods of examination.

Physiotherapy for fibroids has some limitations, but it often helps to cope with unpleasant symptoms and slow down tumor growth.

The goal of physiotherapy for fibroids

The main factor contributing to the development of fibroids is a violation of the hormonal balance of the body. With such a violation, an excessively rapid division of the cells of the muscular layer of the uterus occurs, as a result of which a tumor is formed. Many factors help to maintain this neoplasm, the main of which are increased blood circulation in this area, stress and others.

Physiotherapy prescribed for fibroids helps the body resist these factors. Also, these procedures should normalize monthly cycle and reduce the amount of discharge during menstruation. Optimal time to start physiotherapy procedures - 5-7 day of the cycle. What physiotherapy can be done and how will they affect the tumor?


This method of physiotherapy is based on the use of constant electric current. Some people are afraid to perform electrophoresis because they believe that the pelvic area will be exposed to heat, which will increase the flow of blood and oxygen to the fibroids. In fact, during electrophoresis, there is no heating of the tissues, so it can be done safely. With the help of the current, the tissues of the body become more susceptible to the administered drugs.

Electrophoresis with myoma is not allowed in all cases. It all depends on the size of the tumor itself and the rate of its growth. If it is small in size, while it increases very slowly or does not develop at all, then this procedure can be carried out. Most often, the course consists of 15-20 procedures, during which preparations containing iodine are administered.

The procedure for electrophoresis performed with uterine myoma is as follows.

Cotton pads are soaked in the prescribed medicine and then placed in the lower abdomen and lower back. They are joined by electrodes connected to the apparatus. Then the current is turned on, its strength should be such that it does not cause discomfort to the patient. The electrophoresis itself usually takes no more than 10 minutes. During this time, drug ions enter the body through the glands.

Electrophoresis with myoma helps:

  • restore the menstrual cycle,
  • reduce ovarian estrogen production
  • get rid of the menstrual flow,
  • reduce the inflammatory process in the muscular layer of the uterus,
  • relieve pain during menstruation.

Do not forget that there are some contraindications to electrophoresis. Therefore, the doctor who prescribes it should know about all your chronic pathologies and allergic reactions.


During magnetotherapy, low-frequency pulses are applied to the area where the tumor is located. They penetrate no deeper than 5 cm and have a gentle effect on the body. Magnetotherapy for myoma helps to normalize the concentration of many substances at the site of exposure.

For magnetic therapy, several devices are used that create a magnetic field, which are placed on the abdomen in the place where the tumor is located. The course of magnetotherapy consists of 10-15 procedures for 15-25 minutes. Not suitable for all women with such a diagnosis, so a gynecologist should determine whether it can be carried out. He pays attention to the size of the fibroids (it should be small), the rate of its growth and the duration of the disease.

The main effect that magnetic therapy has in the diagnosis of fibroids is the normalization of hormonal balance and a decrease in estrogen production. In addition, magnetic therapy helps:

  • get rid of abdominal pain caused by a tumor,
  • reduce the volume of menstrual flow and return the cycle to normal,
  • boost immunity,
  • normalize metabolism,
  • stabilize the work of the central nervous system,
  • reduce stress and restore emotional background.

Radon and iodine-bromine baths

Radon is an inert gas. It helps to normalize biological processes in the body. Radon baths help reduce estrogen production and stimulate the immune system.

Iodine-bromine baths provide positive influence on metabolism, normalize hormonal balance, contribute to the penetration of iodine into pathological foci and reduce inflammation.

What physio-procedures are impossible for uterine myoma?

Gynecologists do not recommend such procedures that increase the level of estrogen in the body, and therefore contribute to the growth of fibroids. Also, some manipulations can increase the temperature at the site of the tumor, which will also contribute to its growth. Therefore, you should not do the following physiotherapy procedures.

  1. Any type of physiotherapy associated with the effect of a laser on the body. Including magnetic laser therapy. Despite the fact that this procedure helps to reduce inflammation, it also enhances blood microcirculation. Therefore, magnetic laser therapy can contribute to tumor growth.
  2. ultrasonic impact.
  3. Massage of the lower back and abdomen.
  4. Inductothermy.
  5. Ozokerite.
  6. Infrared radiation.
  7. Phonophoresis.
  8. Paraffin.
  9. Vibration methods of influence.
  10. Mud cure.

In addition to the above physiotherapy procedures, you should not visit the bathhouse and solarium, as they also cause heating of body tissues. And you should be careful in the scorching sun.

The use of physiotherapy for uterine fibroids can reduce or remove unpleasant symptoms and improve well-being.

The only limitation is that you need to know which physiotherapy can and cannot be done. And do not forget about taking medications and following an appropriate diet.


Electrophoresis is a physiotherapeutic procedure. It consists in the effect on the body of iodine ions, sodium iodide, potassium iodide and other iodides. It has a complex positive effect on the entire body and is indicated for gynecological diseases. Electrophoresis for uterine myoma is also prescribed quite often. It is able to have a positive effect in combination with hormone therapy.

Electrophoresis and myoma

Is it possible to do electrophoresis with uterine myoma? It is not only allowed, but also indicated for this disease. If the doctor prescribes conservative therapy, then it often consists of the following aspects:

  1. Hormone therapy, as the main;
  2. Diet therapy as additional measure;
  3. as an additional measure (including electrophoresis).

Such treatment cannot cope with the tumor on its own. But assigned to early stages, it significantly increases the effectiveness of hormone therapy. The body's susceptibility to medicines rises. Relieves stress and depression, which can also cause an acceleration in the growth of fibroids.

Apparatus for electrophoresis

Positive Effects

The appointment of electrophoresis for uterine myoma produces a positive effect. Usually, it manifests itself in the following directions:

  • Reducing symptoms, as well as eliminating the likelihood of developing an inflammatory process. Pain symptoms decrease, bleeding decreases or disappears;
  • Recovering normal functioning ovaries. They begin to produce hormones normal amount. Potentially, hormonal balance can normalize;
  • Normalization of the state of both myometrium and endometrium. As a result, the intensity of menstruation may decrease. Pain in the abdomen and lower back, uterine bleeding will disappear;
  • Elimination or reduction of severity anovulatory cycles. AT childbearing age a woman's cycle normalizes, becomes two-phase. Anovulatory cycle disorders are a frequent occurrence in myoma;
  • For older and older patients great importance has a decrease in the proliferative effect of sex hormones on the uterus.

Of course, pronounced effects only achieved by passing full course procedures. Although improvements can be observed after the first or second manipulation.

The duration of the course is determined individually by the doctor. It can be from 5 to 15 procedures.

Negative Effects

While the procedure is safe and beneficial, it is believed to have some negative effects. So, it improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs. It is believed that because of this, it increases blood flow to the fibroids. As a result, bleeding may develop or increase. This happens rather rarely. However, therefore, the procedure is not recommended during menstruation.

The course of the procedure

It is worth remembering that the method is prescribed only when the fibroid does not grow. It is also important that its size does not exceed 12 weeks. During the procedure, the patient's body is affected galvanic current and iodine ions, iodides. The course of the procedure is as follows:

  1. Cotton fabric pads are impregnated with a 2% iodide solution;
  2. They are placed on the patient's abdomen and lower back;
  3. Then special electrodes are attached to them;
  4. The electrodes are connected to the main drug in the installation;
  5. Current is applied to the electrodes.

The procedure takes only a few minutes. She does not cause discomfort. During it active substances enter the body through the sebaceous sweat glands. The current strength during the procedure is selected individually. It should be such that it does not cause discomfort to the patient.

Manipulations must be done daily. However, it is necessary to take a break during menstruation. For other reasons, the course cannot be interrupted. This will reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. Often the duration of the course reaches 20 days.


The cost of the procedure is quite high. With a duration of 20 minutes, the patient pays from 800 to 1100 rubles, depending on the clinic in Moscow. Procedures are carried out both in private and municipal medical centers. It is also sold as a spa treatment.


Despite the fact that the procedure is recognized as safe, it can not be carried out by everyone and not always. It should be abandoned in the following cases:

  1. Myoma is in the stage of active growth;
  2. Fibroids are larger than 12 weeks;
  3. The presence of an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs;
  4. Problems with the heart and cardiovascular system;
  5. The presence of a pacemaker in the patient's body;
  6. Blood clotting disorders;
  7. Allergy to the drug, which is not so rare;
  8. Diseases of the skin;
  9. An increase in body temperature (both existing and appearing after or during the procedure).

Such treatment is quite safe and universal. However, only a doctor should prescribe it.

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