Cholesterol is high density lipoprotein (HDL). Lipoproteins: functions, meaning and classification

Human blood contains a large number of components. One of them is LDL cholesterol. It plays a significant role in fat metabolism, the construction of cell membranes and the production of hormones. Therefore, its deviation from normal concentration can be fraught with health problems.

What is LDL cholesterol

Cholesterol is a substance found in the blood. It has a fatty structure. Its synthesis occurs in the liver. In addition, it can enter the body with food of animal origin.

There are three main varieties of this substance: general, LDL and. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol is commonly referred to as "harmful". Its concentration in the blood will be determined by the content of cholesterol in the plasma.

The particle size is very small, so they can freely penetrate the walls of blood vessels. At elevated concentrations, particles can be deposited on the walls, forming plaques. Difficulty removing them from the body.

Main functions of LDL cholesterol

Having learned what it is, it is necessary to understand the functional tasks of such a substance. It has several purposes at the same time:

  1. Participates in the construction of cell membranes, affects their permeability.
  2. Without it, the full formation of steroid hormones, such as estrogen, cortisol and others, is impossible.
  3. Takes part in the formation of bile acids.

Low and high cholesterol levels adversely affect the health of the whole organism as a whole. Therefore, experts recommend regular blood tests.

Regulatory indicators

In order to assess the concentration of LDL cholesterol in the blood, it is necessary to know the indicators of a healthy person. The norm for men and women is different. This is due to the peculiarities of the hormonal background. The content of this substance may vary by age. Even the place of residence of a person can affect the indicator.

In women, it is customary to use the following standard values:

  1. At the age of 20 years - 60-150 mg / l.
  2. In the range from 20 to 30 years, the value of 59-160 mg / l is considered normal.
  3. From 30 to 40 years - 70-175 ml / l.
  4. In women from 40 to 50 years old, the normal value is in the range of 80-189 ml / l.
  5. Women over 50 have nothing to worry about if its indicator fits into the range of 90-232 mg / l.

Deviations from the above indicators are an occasion to think about your health. It is necessary to undergo a medical examination and consult a doctor.

For men, LDL cholesterol levels are as follows:

  1. At the age of 20 years - 60-140 mg / l.
  2. From 20 to 30 years old - 59-174 mg / l.
  3. If the age of a man is from 30 to 40 years, then the norm is 80-180 mg / l.
  4. At 40-50 years old - 90-200 mg / l.
  5. For men over 50 years old, an indicator from 90 to 210 mg / l is considered normal.

To determine the exact amount of cholesterol in the blood is carried out. This is a blood test that helps determine the concentration of all blood lipoproteins.

What causes high LDL cholesterol?

The causes of high cholesterol can be different. In many ways, the diet and lifestyle of a person plays a role. Often, all kinds of pathologies lead to this phenomenon. Among the main factors are:

  1. Obesity. Elevated levels of bad cholesterol most often indicate eating a large amount of carbohydrates and animal fats, which causes weight gain.
  2. hereditary factor. In some cases, such a deviation can be inherited. The risk group includes people whose relatives suffered heart attacks or strokes.
  3. Diseases of the heart and vascular system.
  4. Diseases of the pancreas. Most often, diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis and malignant tumors have an effect.
  5. Deviations in the work of the liver and kidneys.
  6. Hormonal changes in the body caused by pregnancy.
  7. Alcohol abuse and smoking.
  8. Sedentary lifestyle.

In the presence of such problems, it is necessary to regularly take a blood test to determine the level of cholesterol. Upon detection of its increased concentration, measures must be taken immediately.

What measures to take with high cholesterol

If LDL cholesterol is high, you need to act immediately. Otherwise, it will lead to the formation of vascular plaques, heart disease and other health problems. There are several ways to reduce the concentration of this substance:

  • First of all, you need to review your diet. It is impossible to completely refuse fatty foods. But it must be consumed in small quantities. Add more cholesterol-lowering foods to your menu.
  • Eat foods containing omega-3s. Such fatty acids are present in marine fish.
  • Lead an active lifestyle. Start playing sports, walk more in the fresh air, sign up for a pool. Do gymnastics every morning. Physical activity will help not only remove low-density lipoproteins, but also prevent the development of many diseases.
  • If the level of bad cholesterol is increased significantly, it is possible to use specialized medications. Most often, beds are used - means that block the work of the enzyme responsible for the production of bad cholesterol. Fibrates are also effective. They help break down LDL in the blood. The choice of specific drugs and the required dosage can only be carried out in conjunction with the attending physician.

Reducing the level of low density lipoproteins will help solve health problems and significantly improve the quality of life.

Principles of dietary nutrition

A balanced diet is the basis for successfully lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. First of all, review your menu. Remove the following products from it:

  1. Lard.
  2. Hard fatty cheeses.
  3. Mayonnaise and sauces based on it.
  4. Any semi-finished products of industrial production.
  5. Sausages.
  6. Flour products, confectionery.
  7. Fat meat.
  8. Sour cream.
  9. Cream.

Try to eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible. Sea fish must be present in the diet. Best if it's salmon or sardines. At the same time, eat fish in boiled or baked form. Steam cooking is ideal.

  1. Green tea. It contains flavonoids, which have a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels.
  2. Tomatoes. They contain lycopene, a cholesterol-lowering substance. It is enough to drink two glasses of tomato juice a day.
  3. Nuts. Since, for all their benefits, they are too high in calories, they can be consumed in an amount not exceeding 10 pieces per day.
  4. Carrot. To get rid of the problem, it is enough to eat two small carrots a day.
  5. Garlic. This product is especially effective when combined with lemon. To prepare a healing agent, it is necessary to scroll lemon and garlic through a meat grinder. The use of cooked pasta helps to reduce LDL levels and cleanse the walls of blood vessels.
  6. Eggs. They are best eaten boiled or cooked in a steam omelet.
  7. Celery. Before use, it must be kept in boiling water for no more than 7 minutes and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

What does low cholesterol mean?

Sometimes, during a blood test, it turns out that LDL cholesterol is lowered. This is possible in the following cases:

  1. After a long fast.
  2. Staying in a stressful situation.
  3. The presence of anemia in a chronic form.
  4. Cystic fibrosis.
  5. Hyperthyroidism.
  6. The use of hormonal drugs.
  7. Oncological diseases of the bone marrow.
  8. Deviations in the work of the liver.
  9. Infectious diseases in acute form.

In order to restore the normal concentration of cholesterol, it is necessary first of all to find out the causes of the problem and eliminate them. To do this, you will need to undergo a medical examination.

How is the analysis and its interpretation

The most common method for determining the level of LDL is the Friedwald calculation. It is an exact formula according to which LDL is defined as the difference between total cholesterol and triglycerides divided by 5.

Blood tests should only be done on an empty stomach. A small amount of pure water is allowed. From the moment of the last meal, at least 12, but not more than 14 hours should pass.

A few weeks before the analysis, it is necessary to stop taking any medications. If this is not possible, but it is necessary to list to the specialist all the medications taken, indicate their dosage.

The recent consumption of fatty and fried foods, alcoholic beverages can also provoke an incorrect display of LDL cholesterol in a blood test. Do not engage in heavy physical labor immediately before the study.

A seriously elevated LDL level indicates that a person is suffering from atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. A slight deviation from the norm indicates the initial stage of the development of such diseases.

LDL cholesterol is an important indicator that needs to be constantly monitored. Measures should be taken even with the slightest deviations from the norm.

LDL (low-density lipoprotein) is called “bad cholesterol” for a reason. By clogging the vessels with clots (up to complete blockage), they significantly increase the risk of atherosclerosis with the most serious complications: myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease, stroke and death.

LDL - what is it

Low density lipoproteins are the result of the exchange of very low and intermediate density lipoproteins. The product contains an important component: apolipoprotein B100, which serves as a link for contact with cell receptors and the ability to penetrate inside it.

This type of lipoprotein is synthesized in the blood with the help of the enzyme lipoprotein lipase and partially in the liver, with the participation of hepatic lipase. The core of LDL is 80% fat (mainly cholesterol esters).

The main task of LDL is the delivery of cholesterol to peripheral tissues. During normal operation, they deliver cholesterol to the cell, where it is used to build a strong membrane. This leads to a decrease in its content in the blood.

In the composition of the product:

  1. 21% protein;
  2. 4% triglycerols;
  3. 41% cholesterol esters;
  4. 11% free cholesterol.

If LDL receptors function with disorders, lipoproteins stratify the vessels, accumulating in the bloodstream. This is how atherosclerosis develops, the main symptom of which is the narrowing of the lumen in the vessels and failures in the circulatory system.

The pathological process leads to serious consequences in the form of coronary artery disease, heart attack, age-related dementia, stroke. Atherosclerosis develops in any organ - heart, brain, eyes, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, legs.

Of all types of lipoproteins, LDL is the most atherogenic, since it contributes more than others to the progression of atherosclerosis.

Who is prescribed an LDL test

Without fail, LDL in a biochemical blood test must be determined:

  • Young people over 20 years old every 5 years: they should check the risk of atherosclerosis;
  • If the tests revealed elevated total cholesterol;
  • Persons at risk of heart disease (when there are facts of unexpected death in the family, heart attack in young (under 45 years old) relatives, coronary syndrome);
  • With blood pressure exceeding the hypertensive threshold of 140/90 mm Hg;
  • Diabetics with diabetes of any type, patients with impaired glucose tolerance should be examined annually;
  • With obesity with a female waist circumference of 80 cm and 94 cm - male;
  • If symptoms of lipid metabolism disorders are detected;
  • Every six months - with coronary artery disease, after a stroke and heart attack, aortic aneurysm, leg ischemia;
  • A month and a half after the start of a therapeutic diet or drug therapy to lower LDL - to monitor the results.

The norm of LDL in the blood

Two methods have been developed for measuring LDL levels: indirect and direct. For the first method, the formula is used: LDL = total cholesterol - HDL - (TG / 2.2). These calculations take into account that cholesterol can be in 3 fractions - with low, very low and high density. To obtain the results, 3 studies are carried out: for total cholesterol, HDL and triglycerol. With this approach, there is a risk of analytical error.

It is not easy to reliably determine the concentration of LDL cholesterol in the blood of an adult; in the general case, it is assumed that VLDL cholesterol contains approximately 45% of the total volume of triglycerides. The formula is suitable for calculations when the triglycerol content does not exceed 4.5 mmol / l, and there are no chylomicrons (blood chile).

An alternative method involves the direct measurement of LDL in the blood. The norms of this indicator are determined by international standards, they are the same for any laboratories. In the analysis form, they can be found in the "Reference values" section.

In adults, LDL is normally in the range of 1.2-3.0 mmol / l.

How to decipher your results

Age, chronic diseases, aggravated heredity and other risk criteria adjust the parameters of the LDL norm. When choosing a diet or drug treatment, the task of the doctor is to reduce LDL to the personal norm of a particular patient!

Features of the individual LDL norm:

  1. Up to 2.5 mmol / l - for patients with heart failure, diabetics, hypertensive patients taking medications that lower blood pressure, as well as with a hereditary predisposition (there were relatives with CVD in the family - men under 55 years old, women - up to 65 years old).
  2. Up to 2.0 mmol / l - for patients who have already had a stroke, heart attack, aortic aneurysm, transistor ischemic attacks and other severe consequences of atherosclerosis.

LDL cholesterol in the blood of women may slightly differ from the male norm upwards. Children have their own risk groups. The pediatrician is engaged in deciphering such test results.

How to prepare for an examination

The analysis is carried out in a relatively good state of health. On the eve, you should not prescribe a special diet for yourself, take dietary supplements or medications.

Blood sampling from a vein is performed on an empty stomach, 12 hours after the last meal. The patient should be at rest: a week before the examination, you can not actively engage in sports, and heavy physical exertion is not recommended.

With an exacerbation of chronic ailments, after a heart attack, operations, injuries, after surgical diagnostics (laparoscoria, bronchosopia, etc.), you can take tests no earlier than six months later.

In pregnant women, the level of LDL is lowered, so it makes sense to conduct research no earlier than one and a half months after the birth of a child.

Analysis for LDL is carried out in parallel with other types of examinations:

What you need to know about LDL

Part of this type of lipoproteins, when moving with the bloodstream, loses the ability to bind to their receptors. The particle size of LDL is only 19-23 nm. An increase in the level contributes to their accumulation on the inside of the arteries.

This factor changes the structure of blood vessels: the modified lipoprotein is absorbed by macrophages, turning it into a "foam cell". This moment also gives rise to atherosclerosis.

This group of lipoproteins has the highest atherogenicity: with small dimensions, they freely penetrate into cells, quickly entering into chemical reactions.
The fact of determining LDL is typical for a high concentration of triglycerol.

Low LDL - what does it mean? The following factors may influence the results:

  • Lower indicators - thyroid thyroxine, estrogens and progesterone (female hormones), essential phospholipids, vitamins C and B6, small doses of alcoholic beverages, dosed systematic physical activity, a balanced diet.
  • And if HDL is elevated, what does this mean? Increase the concentration of cholesterol - β-blockers, estrogens, loop diuretics, hormonal contraceptives, alcohol and tobacco abuse, overeating with fatty and high-calorie foods.

Causes of changes in LDL levels

Prerequisites that contribute to lowering the concentration of LDL, may be
congenital pathologies of lipid metabolism:

If LDL is lowered, secondary pathologies may be the cause:

  • Hyperthyroidism - an overactive thyroid gland;
  • Hepatic pathologies - hepatitis, cirrhosis, congestive CVD with excess blood in the liver;
  • Inflammation and infectious diseases - pneumonia, tonsillitis, sinusitis, paratonsillar abscess.

If LDL is elevated, congenital hyperlipoproteinemias must be the cause:

The cause of increased HDL can also be secondary hyperlipoproteinemia in the form of:

Prevention of the consequences of HDL imbalance

How to treat high HDL levels?

The basis for stabilizing LDL levels is lifestyle restructuring:

  • Changing eating behavior towards a low-calorie diet with a minimum amount of fat.
  • Weight control, measures for its normalization.
  • Systematic aerobic training.

Compliance with proper nutrition (calorie intake from fatty foods - no more than 7%) and an active lifestyle can reduce LDL levels by 10%.

How to normalize LDL, if within two months of following these conditions, LDL levels have not reached the desired level? In such cases, drugs are prescribed - lovastatin, atorvastatin, simvastatin and other statins, which must be taken constantly under the supervision of a doctor.

How to reduce the likelihood of aggressive exposure to "bad" cholesterol, see the video

"Very bad" cholesterol

Among the 5 major cholesterol carriers are very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), which have the maximum atheron potential. They are synthesized in the liver, the size of the protein-fatty substance is from 30 to 80 nm.

Since blood contains up to 90% water, fats need “packaging” - protein for transportation. The amount of protein and fat in lipoproteins indicates their density.

The more lipoproteins, the higher their fat content, and, therefore, the danger to blood vessels. For this reason, VLDL are the “worst” of all analogues. They provoke severe consequences of atherosclerosis (heart attack, coronary artery disease, stroke).

As part of VLDL:

  • 10% proteins;
  • 54% triglycerides;
  • 7% free cholesterol;
  • 13% esterified cholesterol.

Their main purpose is to transport triglyceride and cholesterol produced in the liver to fat and muscle. Delivering fat, VLDL create a powerful depot of energy in the blood, since their processing provides the most calories.

In contact with HDL, they give triglycerides and phospholipids and take cholesterol esters. So VLDL is transformed into a type of lipoprotein with an intermediate density, a high rate of which threatens atherosclerosis, CVD, and brain catastrophes.

Their concentration in the blood is measured using the same formulas, the norm for VLDL is up to 0.77 mmol / l. The causes of deviations from the norm are similar to the prerequisites for fluctuations in LDL and triglycerides.

How to neutralize "bad" cholesterol - advice from Doctor of Biological Sciences Galina Grossman on this video

In the human body, cholesterol (aka cholesterol) plays an important role in metabolism, is part of the structure of many body cells. However, there are “good” and “bad” fractions of this element, which affect human health in different ways. With an increase in the amount of cholesterol in the blood, the risk of heart attack and stroke increases.

What are high density lipoproteins

Most of the substance is produced by the body in the liver (about 80%), the remaining share falls on its intake with food. Cholesterol takes part in the formation of hormones, bile acids, cell membranes. The element itself is poorly soluble in liquid, therefore, for transportation, a protein shell is formed around it, which consists of apolipoproteins (a special protein).

This compound is called lipoprotein. Several of its species circulate through the vessels of a person, which turned out to be different due to the different proportions of the elements that make up the composition:

  • VLDL - very low lipoprotein density;
  • LDL - low density lipoproteins;
  • HDL stands for high density lipoprotein.

The latter contain little cholesterol, consist almost of the protein part. The main function of HDL cholesterol is to transport excess cholesterol to the liver for processing. This type of substance is called good, it accounts for 30% of blood cholesterol. The excess of low-density lipoproteins over high-density lipoproteins provokes the formation of cholesterol plaques, which, when accumulated in the arteries and veins, lead to a heart attack, stroke.

Blood test for cholesterol

To determine the level of cholesterol, it is necessary to pass a biochemical blood test that determines the content of HDL and LDL. Research is assigned as part of a lipogram. It is recommended to do it to all people over 20 years of age at least once every 5 years. If the patient is prescribed a low-fat diet, medications, blood tests should be done more often to monitor the effectiveness of therapy.

How to take

A blood test for total cholesterol requires some preparation before delivery. To get the correct indicators, you must follow these rules:

  • sampling should be done in the morning;
  • limit fatty foods for 2-3 days before the procedure;
  • the last meal should be 8 hours before the test;
  • avoid physical exertion, emotional overstrain;
  • stop smoking at least 30 minutes before the test.


The results of the analyzes show the total amount of cholesterol in the blood, the content of triglycerides, which affect lipid processes, and HDL, LDL. We can say that the ratio of bad and good cholesterol determines the likelihood of developing vascular disease. This value is called the atherogenic index or coefficient. Otherwise, there is a specific list of indicators of the level of LDL and HDL in the blood of women, men of different ages:

LDL cholesterol, mmol/l

HDL cholesterol, mmol/l

The coefficient of atherogenicity is increased

Such a conclusion, when deciphered, indicates the likelihood of developing heart disease, cholesterol plaques, narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, which leads to stroke, heart attack. In this case, "bad" cholesterol prevails over "good". To calculate the atherogenic coefficient, you need to subtract HDL cholesterol from the total amount of HDL cholesterol and divide the result once again by the HDL level. The reason for the development of an increased indicator is:

  • severe liver disease;
  • heredity;
  • renal failure (chronic);
  • untreated diabetes mellitus;
  • cholestasis;
  • inflammation of the kidneys in a chronic form, which leads to nephrotic syndrome.

The coefficient of atherogenicity is lowered

This is good news, in this case the risk of developing cholesterol plaques, blockages, heart attack or stroke is extremely small. This fact does not carry any diagnostic value and means that there is elevated HDL cholesterol, which does not pose any danger to human health. During treatment, they always try to bring the atherogenic index to normal or lower it.

Norm HDL

Normal in relation to good cholesterol is not the correct wording. The acceptable level of this fraction varies from case to case and is determined individually for a person. The likelihood of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system is influenced by many factors that should be studied individually for each patient. Low HDL cholesterol levels definitely cause the risk of atherosclerosis. According to general statistics, it is possible to assess the risk of development in adults according to the following indicators:

  1. A high probability of developing atherosclerosis in men at 10 mmol/l, in women - 1.3 mmol/l, without taking into account concomitant factors.
  2. The average probability of atherosclerosis will be 1.0-1.3 mmol/l in men and 1.3-1.5 mmol/l in women.
  3. A low probability of atherosclerosis in humans will be at 1.55 mmol / l.

How to increase good cholesterol if HDL is low

At different periods, a person may have a different percentage of HDL cholesterol. Therefore, a single blood test is not an indicator of the "usual" amount of cholesterol. This suggests the need to check the level of the substance regularly in case of fear of an increase. Changes can occur over a short period of time, this is called fluctuations in cholesterol metabolism. To increase HDL, you should:

  • exclude corticosteroids, anabolic steroids, androgens;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • take statins, fibrates, cholestyramine, phenobarbital, insulin, estrogen.

Learn more about how to take an analysis.

Video about bad and good cholesterol

Hello dear readers! This article is about LDL cholesterol. We discuss the reasons for its increase. You will learn what diseases cause fatty alcohol deposits, and how to reduce the compound at home.

LDL cholesterol is low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, a substance that is popularly called bad or harmful cholesterol. LDL is the main transport form of an organic compound; it is this type of fatty alcohol that actively enters the vessels and internal organs.

The human liver and small intestine are responsible for the production of the compound.

Indicators of the substance are more associated with the risk of developing atherosclerosis. Compared to HDL cholesterol, this is due to the fact that the LDL fatty alcohol fraction interacts with blood vessels and internal organs.

When moving through the vessels of an increased amount of cholesterol, the cells of the vascular walls capture particles of the substance. Under the influence of local factors, the formation of atherosclerotic plaques occurs. Plaques narrow the lumen of blood vessels and provoke thrombosis, causing diseases such as heart attack and stroke.

When promoted

High LDL cholesterol is said to be when values ​​exceed 4.52 mmol/liter in women and 4.8 mmol/liter in men. With an increased concentration of a low-density compound, the risk of developing dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system and the brain increases.

High concentration provokes its deposition on the vascular walls. As a result of the formation of plaques and narrowing of the lumen of the veins and arteries, circulatory disorders occur, primarily the heart, kidneys and brain suffer from pathological changes.

Good and bad cholesterol

The value of total cholesterol includes indicators of LDL and HDL cholesterol. HDL is high-density lipoprotein, commonly referred to as “good” cholesterol.

When a substance is produced in the liver, low-density lipoproteins pick up the substance and carry it to the cells. This process is natural and necessary for the human body, and in the absence of adverse factors, it is completely safe. If the liver makes too much of the compound, LDL can lose it during transport, lagging particles and forming plaque on the walls of blood vessels.

High-density lipoproteins perform the reverse transport of the substance, delivering cholesterol from cells to the liver in the form of bile. HDL have an anti-atherogenic effect - they take fatty alcohol deposits from the walls of blood vessels and prevent the formation of new accumulations of organic matter.

See the next video for more details.

Reasons for the increase

An increase in the level is called hyperlipidemia, a condition doctors consider the main cause of the development of atherosclerosis, a disease that leads to consequences such as heart attack and stroke.

An increase in concentration provokes the following conditions:

  • stagnant processes and stones in the gallbladder;
  • kidney disease;
  • liver disease;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • pancreas cancer;
  • prostate cancer in men;
  • alcoholism;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • obesity.

The level of a substance in the blood is also affected by the food that a person consumes daily.

The norm in women and men

The table shows the norms of cholesterol concentration in men and women, depending on age, in units of mmol / liter:

How to know if it's upgraded or downgraded

The compound level is measured by a laboratory blood test. The test is carried out on an empty stomach, in the morning the patient is allowed to drink some water. The test is possible only 12 hours after the last meal, but the interval cannot exceed 14 hours.

Before passing the analysis for a few weeks, stop taking medications. In cases where drug withdrawal increases the risk of a threat to the life and health of the patient, it is necessary to provide the doctor with all the information about the medications taken and indicate the exact dosages of the drugs.

What foods lower cholesterol

At an elevated level, the patient is prescribed treatment for the underlying cause that caused the abnormal secretion of fatty alcohol, therapy, as well as a medicinal diet. The special diet eliminates high-fat foods and includes foods high in HDL.

  • sea ​​fish, as well as special additives based on fish oil;
  • nuts and seeds, especially flaxseed;
  • barley and oats;
  • apples, pears;
  • tomatoes;
  • garlic;
  • carrot;
  • peas;
  • dried beans.

To cleanse the vessels, the menu includes cranberries, persimmons, freshly squeezed orange juice, watermelons, green tea, dark chocolate, oat bran.

You will learn more about nutrition with high cholesterol in the following video.

drugs to reduce

The main drugs for normalizing the level of LDL cholesterol in the blood are statins. Statins reduce the secretion of fatty alcohol by the liver by blocking the work of the main enzyme that is responsible for the production of a harmful substance.

Drugs from the statin group:

  • Simvastatin;
  • Lovastatin;
  • Pravastatin.

Also, patients are prescribed fibrates, which destroy LDL in the blood, partially dissolve cholesterol deposits:

  • Atromidin;
  • Oralipin;
  • Trikor;
  • Clofibrin;
  • Lipigem.

The main therapy includes nicotinic acid. Medicines from this group inhibit the synthesis of harmful cholesterol, resulting in a decrease in the level of fatty alcohol in the blood.

Folk remedies

As an auxiliary therapy, it is allowed to use traditional medicines. Here are some recipes:

  • Flaxseed - add to food one tablespoon of flaxseeds, previously ground in a mortar, 1 time per day. It is recommended to use the medicine within 1 month.
  • Celery - boil the celery stalks in boiling water for 5-7 minutes, sprinkle the finished product with sesame seeds and sugar.
  • Licorice roots - grind licorice roots, pour 2 tablespoons of raw materials into 500 ml of boiling water, boil for ten minutes on low heat, strain the medicine. Take a decoction of one third of a glass four times a day. The course of treatment takes 2-3 weeks, then take a break for a month.

lowering cholesterol at home

To reduce the concentration of a harmful compound in the blood, it is not enough to take medications - without changing the lifestyle, after the end of the course of therapy, this value will increase again.

Correction of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle will help to avoid the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and prevent the development of dangerous diseases.

Preventive measures include:

  • refusal of junk food - fatty, fried foods, canned food, marinades, smoked meats, bakery and confectionery products, fast food, the inclusion of fresh vegetables and fruits, healthy cereals in the diet;
  • exclusion of bad habits - drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • healthy weight loss with the problem of obesity;
  • daily physical activity - sports, exercise, exercise therapy or walks in nature.

These simple rules will help lower your cholesterol and prevent it from rising again.

It is also important to treat all diseases in time, many of them provoke an increased secretion of organic matter.

What to remember

The value of total cholesterol includes:

  • LDL - "bad";
  • HDL is "good".

Depending on age, the norm varies:

  • from 3.1 to 7.8 mmol / liter - in women;
  • from 2.9 to 7.05 mmol / liter - in men.

To reduce use:

  • drugs - satins, fibrates, nicotinic acid;
  • folk remedies and food;
  • lifestyle modification.

See you in the next article!

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is a substance for transporting unused cholesterol (fats) in the blood from peripheral tissues to the liver for disposal of excess. HDL is lowered in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases or acute infections.

Norms of indicators:

  • in men - 30-70 mg / dl (0.78-1.1 mmol / l);
  • in women - 30-85 mg / dl (0.78-2.2 mmol / l).

From which it can be seen that the lower limit of indicators for adults is the same.

Cholesterol, the main substance transported to the liver by HDL, plays an important role in the body: it is responsible for maintaining the hardness of cell walls, the production of steroid hormones by the gonads and adrenal glands, and, according to recent data, is also involved in tissue respiration processes in the brain. Contains a lot of cholesterol.

The structure of lipoproteins

High-density lipoprotein (lipoprotein - means the same) is conventionally called "good" because of its function, ultimately aimed at utilizing excess cholesterol by the liver. It prevents various cardiovascular catastrophes, in fact controls the weight of the human body, and even takes part in immune processes.

It is impossible to feel a decrease in high-density lipoproteins. To understand what low HDL means, you need to pay attention to indirect signs of health problems:

  • weight gain without changes in eating style and previous physical activity;
  • the appearance of a feeling of shortness of breath during previously habitual walking at a moderate walking speed;
  • identified changes in the hormonal background: menopause, thyroid disease with insufficiency of its function, long-term use of oral hormonal contraceptives without control of concomitant indicators, diabetes mellitus;
  • long-term use of the following groups of medicines: beta-blockers (from high blood pressure), diuretics.

Who is prescribed a blood test for HDL?

For the timely detection of a decrease in HDL, screening studies should be periodically carried out, that is, those that are planned to be done by everyone at risk, namely:

  • Pregnant women and in menopause - a decrease in HDL is associated with hormonal changes, estrogen levels. Estrogen, being a steroid hormone synthesized from cholesterol, regulates the production of HDL by the liver through feedback. With a lack of “good” cholesterol, the concentration of “carriers” of these molecules back to the liver decreases and the amount of newly produced HDL decreases.

It has been observed that in women after menopause, the level of cholesterol in the blood rises sharply.

  • Obese. Body mass index (BMI) greater than 30.
  • Survivors of myocardial infarction and other vascular accidents.
  • Patients with vascular atherosclerosis, especially in the brain.
  • Those with food allergies, in particular celiac disease (intolerance to gluten, which is found in large quantities in grain products), because this group of patients has a limited ability to consume foods rich in fiber, which plays a key role in any therapeutic diet.
  • Often, an analysis for HDL is prescribed before surgical interventions, invasive (penetrating into the body) diagnostic procedures to assess the risk of possible complications.


In the laboratory, blood is taken, the serum is separated and the HDL value is determined.

The sampling is done on an empty stomach, 12-14 hours after the last meal. Either one HDL or all indicators of the blood lipid profile are measured in a comprehensive analysis. Results are usually ready within 1 day or 1 business day.

In some situations, to answer diagnostic questions, the ratio of HDL to total cholesterol is calculated.

Blood tests for lipid profile reveal abnormalities in the body's fat metabolism

You should not do the tests yourself. Often the laboratory is interested in a larger volume of diagnostic procedures, so the list of necessary examinations should be assigned by the attending physician.


Low target values ​​in HDL or lipid profile tests should not be treated. It is necessary to treat the patient individually, paying attention to the clinical picture of the disorder, complaints and symptoms. This is what therapists do. Or those doctors with whom the patient is registered and attends consultations in a timely manner: endocrinologist, cardiologist and others.

Treatment begins with determining the cause that caused the decrease in HDL, and then therapy is directed to eliminate the identified cause or relieve exacerbation. Most often it is:

  • Diabetes. For treatment, blood glucose levels are monitored (lipid-lowering drugs, diet) and complications are corrected.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver. They monitor liver tests, correct diet, prescribe adequate physical activity and, excluding the use of alcohol and other toxic substances, drug therapy.
  • Obesity. The body mass index is determined by the formula: weight (kg) divided by height (cm) squared. The ideal range is 18-21. An increased score of more than 30 is considered obesity, in which the body weight is reduced.

Obesity is one of the risk factors for dyslipidemia.

  • A diet high in fast carbohydrates and high in polyunsaturated fatty acids can also lead to a decrease in HDL. The higher the concentration of low and very low density lipoproteins (LDL and VLDL) in the blood, the lower the HDL levels. Therefore, for treatment, the diet is adjusted.

Universal tips for normalizing the daily routine, increasing physical activity and giving up bad habits, which will help not only increase HDL levels, but also avoid many other painful conditions.

  • Give up smoking. This action alone will already raise HDL levels by 10%.
  • Monitor your weight, avoid increasing it to obesity rates (BMI > 30), and if available, pay attention to measures to reduce it.
  • Sufficient exercise. Charging in the morning, in the warm season. A good way to do cardio would be cycling away from highways.
  • Pay attention to the amount of liquid consumed per day (should not be lower than 2-2.5 liters per day). Coffee is not counted in this amount because it has the opposite effect of the desired goal, promotes dehydration and increases blood pressure.
  • Give up alcohol. As alcoholic beverages, it is permissible to occasionally consume red wine.

In case of lipid metabolism disorders, alcohol should be avoided.

Some foods help raise HDL levels. It:

  • sea ​​fish;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • hard cheese;
  • milk and yogurt;
  • white meats (poultry, rabbit);
  • nuts and dried fruits;
  • legumes (soy, peas, chickpeas).

With all the variety of tips for normalizing low levels of HDL cholesterol, the key to prevention is the normalization of lifestyle with the normalization of body weight and sufficient physical activity, namely, physiotherapy exercises. This simple, but such important advice will quickly help bring the indicators back to normal and moreover, it is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases and the musculoskeletal system than all possible diets at the same time, because the role of food in blood cholesterol levels is only no more than 20% .

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