How long does it take for a tooth to heal after extraction. How to rinse after tooth extraction for quick healing. Possible reasons for the long healing of the hole

Toothache not only takes away the joys of life, but is also dangerous to health. That is why dentists do not advise ignoring it, muffling it with painkillers and postponing treatment until tomorrow. With the possibilities of modern dentistry, tooth extraction is a last resort. However, in advanced cases, this procedure cannot be dispensed with.

Tooth extraction is implantation or prosthetics in the future, for which it is important to be financially prepared. However, first, an operation is to be performed in the office of a dentist-surgeon. Manipulations take place under local anesthesia, sometimes they bring significant relief. For this, you will have to be patient and carefully care for the oral cavity after removal. Wound healing has its own nuances, and if hygiene rules are not followed, serious complications are possible.

How long should the hole heal?

After tooth extraction, a hole remains, which is a source of increased attention. During the operation, the surgeon violates the integrity of blood vessels and nerves, damages neighboring soft tissues. As a result, the site of injury may become inflamed and bleed. Its healing is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the area of ​​the extracted tooth;
  • pain can radiate to the ear, eye, neighboring tissues;
  • rise in body temperature;
  • difficulty in swallowing, swelling, other disorders of the jaw.

All these consequences are considered the norm, but they should gradually fade away, and not progress. Many factors influence the successful healing of the gums. The main ones are proper oral care, the state of the body, and the rate of blood clotting. Until a blood clot appears that closes the wound (this takes up to three hours), there is a risk of infection entering it.

Stages of healing with a photo

For a complete recovery, it will take much more time, since healing after removal takes place both in the tooth socket and in the gum. They behave differently in this case:

With the extirpation of the wisdom tooth, the formation of new tissues will end by the end of the first month. When looking for a photo with a tooth socket at different times, this point should be taken into account so as not to be upset that the process is going wrong. Excessive stress will not benefit health, it will delay the healing period.

3 days after removal

Normally, the wound does not bleed on the 3rd day. The clot, which was burgundy on the first day, becomes lighter, acquires a yellowish tint. Its color is determined by natural physiological processes. Hemoglobin (the red component) is gradually washed out by saliva, but the fibrin framework is preserved. It forms the basis of a blood clot that prevents bleeding from the wound.

No need to climb into the problem area with your hands, injure with toothpicks and a brush. The wound heals according to the principle of secondary tension, from the edges to the center. If these conditions are not observed and hygiene is not observed, suppuration at the place of removal is possible after 1-3 days. This alveolitis is a dangerous complication with a complex of unpleasant symptoms. The gum becomes inflamed, the pain increases, the hole is filled with food or saliva, or empty, the blood clot is injured or absent. If time does not start treatment, the disease threatens with phlegmon, abscess, sepsis.

Day 5

By day 4-5, the color of the tooth socket normally becomes even lighter, the wound heals, as can be seen in the photo. The place of removal can still whine and bother. If the pain is not severe, there is no bad breath, inflammation or swelling of the gums, the process is going as it should. At this time, it is important to observe oral hygiene, try to talk less and not chew on the problem side of the jaw.

Day 7

For 7-8 days, the pain subsides. Granulations gradually replace the blood clot, only in the center of the tooth hole you can see its traces. Outside, the wound is covered with a layer of epithelium, and bone tissue is actively formed inside. If discomfort, swelling of the gums, painful sensations appear, you should see a dentist. It may be necessary to re-process the well and lay the medication. In practice, if the patient followed the instructions after tooth extraction, complications rarely occur.

Factors affecting the rate of gum healing

How long does tissue heal after extirpation? Each patient has their own regeneration time. The following factors influence the process:

Causes of inflammation of the hole

Inflammation of the tooth socket, surrounding soft tissues or periosteum cannot be missed. The process is accompanied by pain, swelling in the problem area, general malaise. Often the body temperature rises, it becomes painful to speak, swallow. Inflammation of the hole is caused by such factors:

  • infection with SARS, infections after removal (it is important to be healthy at the time of the operation);
  • weakened immunity due to diet, any disease;
  • the presence of carious teeth, from where pathogenic bacteria pass to other parts of the oral cavity;
  • improperly selected anesthesia;
  • poor processing of instruments, non-compliance with sanitary conditions during manipulations, as a result of which an infection penetrates the wound;
  • serious damage to the gums during extirpation;
  • the cyst from the extracted tooth remained in the hole.
In any situation that interferes with the healing process of the socket after tooth extraction, a dental surgeon should be consulted. Perhaps an X-ray, a complete blood count, an autopsy and repeated cleaning will be shown. In addition, the doctor will prescribe physiotherapy and supportive medications to improve well-being. After cleaning, the doctor puts Neomycin powder (antibiotic) in the hole, closes it with a swab. Symptoms of inflammation after that disappear within 1-2 days.

What to do if after a week the gum still hurts?

Normally, the pain in the soft tissues subsides gradually, and already on the 7th day the patient does not feel severe discomfort. However, with difficult removal, the gum heals for a long time, it hurts at night. In this case, you should contact the doctor who removed the tooth. At home, pain relievers (Tempalgin, Nalgezin, Nurofen, Solpadein) and rinsing will ease suffering:

  • weak soda solution;
  • a solution of furacilin (1-2 tablets per glass of water);
  • decoction of calendula, sage or oak bark;
  • antibacterial drug Miramistin.

How to properly care for the gums after tooth extraction?

Tooth extraction should be agreed as a last resort, when modern methods of dentistry are not able to restore it. If extirpation cannot be avoided, it should be entrusted to an experienced surgeon with a good reputation.

In addition, the doctor advises on wound care in the first days. The rules after tooth extraction are as follows:

  • you should slowly get out of your chair and go out into the corridor;
  • sit for about 20 minutes (sudden movements and fuss can cause unwanted bleeding);
  • do not eat or drink for 3 hours after manipulation;
  • do not rinse your mouth for the first 2 days;
  • do not touch and do not get the turunda in the hole if the doctor left it;
  • if a white clot, a swab with the medicine that was put during the intervention, fell out, you need to rinse your mouth with a solution of chlorhexidine;
  • when food gets into the wound after tooth extraction, do not pick with a toothpick, but rinse gently;
  • make "baths" for the hole with an antiseptic, as the doctor advises;
  • when chewing, try not to touch the affected area;
  • during cleaning, do not touch the problem area, so as not to break the clot;
  • from the third day, rinse your mouth with decoctions of herbs or antiseptic solutions;
  • use local preparations according to the recommendations of the dentist (Solcoseryl gel, Metrogil denta);
  • for pain and inflammation, do cold 15-minute compresses on the cheek;
  • you can not heat the problem area, take a bath, steam in the sauna;
  • avoid alcohol, smoking, exercise;
  • see a doctor if the hole with a clot turns black.

What does a normal healing hole look like after a while? Neat, not inflamed, without pain and discomfort. When this is not the case, a dentist should be consulted. He will carry out activities that will prevent infection or relieve inflammation.

When does gum heal after tooth extraction?

After pulling out, many people get the following information from the doctor: after how long (days) does the hole (gums) heal after the removal of the wisdom tooth, how long will the wound not heal? This is important, since after the operation there may be inflammation of the gums, bleeding of the holes, due to which the duration of discomfort can stretch for several days.

Because of the wound in the oral cavity, there is a lot of discomfort.

  1. With prolonged bleeding of the hole, the question arises of how to stop the protracted flow of blood.
  2. Sometimes suppuration of the wound and the appearance of a putrid odor begin.
  3. Food can get into the recess, providing an additional traumatic effect.

To understand the duration of tissue overgrowth in the damaged area, you can first analyze in detail the processes that appear in the wound after surgery, determine the nature and factors of overgrowth. Also, it is necessary to determine the causes that provoke the appearance of relapses and secondary infection of tissues located near the wound, up to inflammation (alveolitis).

After the tooth is pulled out by a specialist, blood accumulates in the resulting recess and the overgrowth mechanism is activated. But it is impossible to accurately calculate the duration of tissue overgrowth.

Factors prolonging tissue tightening after surgery

Patients ask: when a complex tooth extraction is performed, how long does this place heal? The specialist removes the tooth from the recess, after which the healing of the wound immediately begins, which is called secondary intention. That is, the circular knitting that forms near the tooth narrows and the gum edges are connected.

The appearance of a blood clot in the wound characterizes the favorable healing of the wound after the removal of the diseased tooth. It is a kind of protection against infection, so you should not remove the clot that has formed, which some of us try to do mechanically: with a toothpick, with a finger, with an intensive mouthwash.

For several days, the blood clot is replaced by granulation tissue, followed by the formation of osteoid tissue. In other words, in the area of ​​the liquidated tooth, a new bone is formed with the design of the gums.

When a tooth is removed with damage to a large volume of the alveolar walls, the tightening period may be extended. Therefore, the recovery process in tissues depends on the following factors:

  • the main factor is the condition of the wound after the operation. The more mistakes the specialist made, the more difficult it will be to tighten the hole;
  • The next factor affecting wound healing is the risk of infection.

A frequent occurrence after a complex operation to remove a diseased tooth is infection of the hole, when carious remnants penetrate into the depth of the wound, causing suppuration and prolonged healing of the wound. It is worth noting that a purulent formation in the gum also manifests itself with inappropriate treatment of the damaged area by the patient.

At the same time, the infection enters after the process of tooth extraction into the resulting cavity, where food remains can constantly get there, which have been there for a long time with microorganisms that have penetrated from the oral cavity. This process is characterized by suppuration of the wound and its prolonged overgrowth.

Because of what the healing is stretched. The appearance of secondary infections

According to many doctors, many pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in the oral cavity, in addition to which conditionally pathogenic microbes are present in large numbers. They are called conditionally pathogenic because they can harm the body under specific conditions.

When a wound appears in the oral cavity, which is formed at the site of the extracted tooth, which serves as a kind of vessel for the accumulation of food debris, previously safe microorganisms from conditionally pathogenic are reincarnated into pathogenic ones. This leads to inflammation and purulent formations. When such problems arise, the following questions can be studied: how (how much) the hole heals after tooth extraction (photo); stages of healing of the hole; the wound does not heal. It becomes clear that the process of tightening the wound is mainly determined by the nature of oral hygiene, the appropriate care for the hole.

So, a secondary infection can resume when eating food with dirty hands, using an old toothbrush, etc. But the recovery process in the affected gum tissues can drag on for several months until the wound cleans itself from dead cells and tissues, with the onset of proliferation of granulation fabrics. After that, young bone will form.

Danger with prolonged overgrowth of the wound after surgery

Due to the addition of infection to the wound, alveolitis may occur - an inflammatory process in the wound after pulling out, which can last several days. The characteristic symptoms of the phenomenon can be acute pain in the damaged area, a violation of the normal overgrowth of the hole, the appearance of a putrid odor from the oral cavity. As a result of purulent inflammation, a delay in the healing of the gums is possible, in addition, there may be a danger of severe complications in the form of limited jaw osteomyelitis.

Especially dangerous is the long overgrowth of the wound against the background of infection, after the removal of the wisdom tooth from the lower jaw. Due to the surrounding of the lower dentition with soft tissues with increased blood supply, after a simple or complex operation, microorganisms can enter the wound. This leads to terrible consequences, up to penetration into the deep tissues of the infection. And infection of the maxillary zones and the jaw itself, with a decrease in the immune-protective functions of the body, can cause dangerous phlegmon and abscesses. The last stage of complications can be sepsis with blood poisoning by pathogenic microorganisms with a fatal outcome.

Ways to speed up the process of wound healing after surgery

To understand what are the effective ways to accelerate the healing of the gums after surgery, it is necessary to study the characteristics of optimal tissue tightening and the appearance of a blood clot. See what the gum looks like after tooth extraction (photo) - a blood clot is presented on our website.

The best option for overgrowing the wound is to comply with the conditions of sterilization. Of course, sterility is a conditional concept, because when dangerous and beneficial microorganisms are destroyed, adverse consequences (oral dysbacteriosis, etc.) can occur, which affects the general condition of the body. In order not to harm your health, but having created a quick and comfortable overgrowth of the wound after surgery, you should carry out prevention by general and local methods.

There are several rules, under which the gum will heal successfully after surgery:

  • eating for three hours is unacceptable, it is also undesirable to drink. This can damage the natural formation of a blood clot in the gum;
  • tightly hold the gauze swab with the upper and lower jaw, which the specialist left in the hole after pulling out. Pressure is important on the edges of the wound, which should last up to 20 minutes;
  • it is not allowed to visit saunas, baths, sports activities, heavy physical work, prolonged exposure to the sun and overheating for several days;
  • after surgery, it is forbidden to take alcoholic products and smoking, hard, hot and spicy foods for several days. Subject to such a recommendation, it is possible to protect the blood clot from injury, and the wound from purulent formation and secondary bleeding;
  • try not to sleep for several days and not to chew food on the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe jaw.

To speed up the procedure for tightening the hole after pulling out, local methods of treating an open wound can be used. The most popular of the techniques used are rinsing, but some experts talk about possible damage to the blood clot. Out of ignorance, some patients rinse their mouth with different compositions: vodka, salt, soda, hydrogen peroxide, etc.

With difficult pulling out of the wisdom tooth or the appearance of purulent odontogenic formations in nearby tissues and jaw bones, with reduced immunity, antibacterial treatment with antibiotics is recommended. This reduces the amount of bacteria in and around the wound.

Indications for tooth extraction

  1. The ineffectiveness of drug therapy or its impossibility;
  2. Significant destruction of tooth enamel;
  3. Narrowing, decay of the channels;
  4. crumbling of the root of the tooth;
  5. Periodontitis;
  6. Teeth that are in the hole when the jaw is fractured;
  7. Complete damage to the tooth against the background of specific pathologies (observed with syphilis, actinomycosis, tuberculosis);
  8. Teeth that caused inflammation of the maxillary sinus;
  9. Teeth with periodontitis with high mobility;
  10. Permanent tooth injury to the oral mucosa;
  11. Not erupted wisdom teeth with full formation;
  12. Incorrectly positioned tooth (does not participate in the chewing process, causes mucosal injury);
  13. Bone destruction of the tooth;
  14. Cyst;
  15. Aesthetic plastic.

Depending on the complexity of the pathology during surgical intervention, sections of the gums of various shapes are involved. This factor also affects its healing. After the extraction of the tooth, the doctor gives a number of recommendations. They must all be carefully performed to avoid many complications, prolonged tissue regeneration or bleeding.

Important:Even with the complete removal of the tooth, the wound in the mucosa should heal quickly. This is facilitated by the environment of the oral cavity. Saliva contains the natural antibiotic lysozyme and other components important for periodontal restoration.

Gums during tooth extraction

During dental procedures, the surrounding tissues are subjected to mechanical stress. This is not noticeable to the patient due to the use of an anesthetic. At the beginning of any intervention, a special injection is made. It is designed for a certain period, after which anesthesia can be repeated.

Usually the effect of the anesthetic ends after 3-5 hours, dull sensations are replaced by discomfort, a feeling of fullness and pain of varying intensity. But from that moment on, periodontal cells begin to actively regenerate under a blood clot in the hole. The duration of tissue repair depends on various factors.

How does gum heal?

After complex extirpation

The gum is incised and followed by suturing. In some cases, the tooth is hollowed out, the roots or elements of bone tissue are sawn. The doctor uses several instruments. This usually occurs with a deep breakage of the tooth in the gum.

To access the complex area, the periodontium is opened as much as possible. Such operations require a longer tissue rehabilitation. Symptoms after removal persist for a week. After deep operations, some complications may occur.


After processing the seams after a while, the hole becomes inflamed. This indicates a failure of healing. Swelling, redness, bleeding, pain appear in the area of ​​the extracted tooth. If a bacterial infection has joined, a slight purulent content is formed. This makes mouth odor unpleasant.

General symptoms are added to the specific manifestations - fever, weakness and a feeling of chills. The gum does not heal for a long time, the tissues become more inflamed, the infection process spreads to the neighboring area. It is impossible to ignore such symptoms so that osteomyelitis does not begin to develop.


A fibrous formation with liquid appears on the gum. Conventional folk remedies for its elimination and further healing of the gums do not help. At the first signs of cyst formation, they turn to the dentist. In the early stages, it can be treated conservatively.

As it progresses, surgery is required. Sometimes the cyst is opened on its own. During this period, it is important to clean the damaged tissue in a timely manner.


If an infection penetrates into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hole or the lower part, an inflammatory process begins in the periosteum. With flux, the gum becomes a bright red hue, pain and fever appear. Flux is characterized by swelling of a certain part of the face. Treatment of pathology is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The flux must be removed. For the rapid healing of the gums, antiseptic and healing drugs are prescribed.

Common inflammation of the periodontium

Sometimes after tooth extraction for various reasons, inflammation of the gums in the area of ​​​​the hole is observed. Such a manifestation is not always associated with the development of complications. It is noted with prolonged cell regeneration, weakened immunity, individual characteristics of tissues.

Even after the appearance of a clot, blood may be released for several more days in a row. At an early stage, you can prevent the development of inflammation yourself. But with the spread of inflammation, it is better to consult a dentist. At home, it is advisable to use decoctions of herbs to rinse the gums. This will temporarily stop the spread of the infection.

Other causes of gum disease:

  1. Incorrectly selected anesthesia;
  2. Accidental damage to healthy nearby tissues by the instrument;
  3. Violation of the technique of tooth extraction;
  4. Insufficient antiseptic measures.

Gum healing after wisdom teeth removal

The process of extirpation of such elements is more complex than conventional incisors or molars. Wisdom teeth are located in a hard-to-reach place, have crooked roots. It is important to remove them, because they do not participate in the chewing process. They are more difficult to clean, microbial plaque constantly accumulates on them.

Wisdom teeth are most susceptible to caries and decay. After removal, the gum heals longer, swells and turns red. But if purulent contents and edema do not form, this condition is normal.

When to contact the dentist?

  1. Bleeding continues for more than 5 days;
  2. A blood clot has fallen off the hole, preventing the entry of microbes;
  3. The appearance of periodic or constant severe pain;
  4. The formation of purulent secretions;
  5. A slight increase in temperature and deterioration of well-being.

The above symptoms indicate the introduction of an infection. So that it does not spread to the jaw, further treatment and control over the healing of the gums is carried out by the dentist.

How to heal gums quickly with medical means

There are many medications and folk remedies that help restore the periodontium in a short time after tooth extraction. Their correct and regular use will prevent many complications, and a second visit to the dentist is excluded.

Dental gel

Means have a complex effect, reduce symptoms and severe pain. Their action is shown quickly. During use, bleeding, itching and redness are eliminated. Most gels contain an antiseptic component that fights infection in the wound. From this, the hole heals quickly and without consequences. The gel acts in a directed way, a protective film is formed on the surface of the gums. The basis of the drug is an oily substance. It gently covers inflamed tissues, suitable for prosthetics and artificial crowns.


Antimicrobials are required when the infection takes root, but they are not self-prescribed. The use of antibiotics is necessary in advanced inflammatory processes, accompanied by intoxication of the body. Their preparations are produced in the form of gels for the gums, which simplifies the application.

Anti-inflammatory toothpastes

There are special formulations, the use of which prevents inflammation from spreading to healthy areas. They do not have a therapeutic effect, but are indispensable prevention. During their application, it is impossible to act on the site of the extracted tooth with a brush. The oral cavity is gently cleansed without pressure. Popular pastes recommended by dentists are Lakalut, Paradontax, Glister, President. In their composition, they have a whole set of strengthening and disinfecting components.

Balms and rinses


The drug quickly acts on the inflamed gums, instantly killing microbes. The liquid is sold ready-made in a pharmacy in a special convenient bottle. It doesn't need to be diluted. After gently brushing your teeth in the morning, chlorhexidine is poured into your mouth in a small amount and gently rinsed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hole with a clot.


It is used for dental and surgical purposes to prevent the entry of pathogens into the wound. Betadine is sold ready-made, but it is recommended to dilute it for mouth treatment. A teaspoon of the drug is poured into 100 ml of water. Betadine is used in the daytime and in the evening.

Balm for rinsing

A huge range of healing balms is designed to strengthen the gums. They can be used after every meal. They do not have side effects, as they are made from the extract of plant components.

Folk recipes

soda solution

A very simple but effective recipe, after regular use, quickly copes with inflammation and infection. For 200 ml of water put 5 grams of soda. Mouth rinsing is carried out only with warm boiled water. You can treat the oral cavity with soda solution every 4 hours. It relieves swelling and pain well.

Calendula extract

Calendula has been known for its antiseptic properties for many years. It is brewed on its own or bought in ready-made alcohol tincture. Crushed flowers are used to make a decoction. For 500 ml of hot water, 30 grams of grass is taken. Insist for about an hour and rinse your mouth every 2-3 hours.

Chamomile and sage

Together, these herbs create an instant antibacterial and soothing effect. You can buy ready-made dry herbs at the pharmacy. Brew them according to the instructions on the package. Rinse can be alternated with other infusions and decoctions. The damaged gum is also treated with a special compress. To do this, a swab is taken, moistened in a concentrated decoction and gently applied to the diseased gum for five minutes.

Stages of healing

Important:Complete healing of the hole in the gum after tooth extraction occurs within 4 months. During this time, the edges of the gums will get as close as possible. Gradually, the blood clot is replaced by granulation and bone tissue.

The appearance of a clot

After a tooth is removed from the gums, blood accumulates on the surface of the hole. She turns into a lump. It performs an important function - protection from infection, bleeding. It cannot be removed, even if under it the periodontium has acquired a whitish or yellowish tint. The color change is due to the release of fibrin from the blood. This is not purulent content, so the symptom usually disappears after 4 days, and the pain disappears.

gum swelling

Swelling after tooth extraction for three days is considered a normal reaction. This is how injured tissues manifest themselves even with the slightest mechanical impact. With complex extirpations, the edema passes to a certain part of the face and persists for up to 7 days.

When does a wound heal well?

  1. During the day after the extraction of the tooth, the pain intensifies, and then gradually subsides. On the third day, there is no pain, the hole is covered with a blood clot.
  2. On the third day, the epithelial blood cells are replaced by granulation tissue.
  3. After 7 days, most of the clot is already replaced by granulation, an updated epithelium appears.
  4. After 15 days, complete coverage of the epithelium is observed, which is replaced by the formation of bone tissue.
  5. After 30 days, the hole should be completely filled with bone tissue. The formation starts from the sides, grows and covers the central part.
  6. After 45 days, the bone tissue almost completely covers the hole, but it still remains.
  7. After 4 months, the structure of the hole becomes normal, the healing process is completely completed.
  8. After the cessation of bone formation, the alveolar tissue rapidly resolves, as do the edges of the former hole. The upper ridge becomes thinner and lower.


If for various reasons the clot fell out of the hole, then the healing process of the gums is delayed. The formation of bone tissue will not occur from the edges of the clot, but from the walls of the bone in the jaw. After the formation of granulation tissue, it is important not to tear it off. If it is damaged without a clot, then this is fraught with bleeding, the formation of inflammation and edema.

Any healing of tissues requires a full supply of nutrients and vitamins. The diet must be complete. Dairy products rich in calcium are included. Vitamin complexes are taken to enhance the effect.

It is recommended to support the immune system for its active fight against microorganisms with the help of immunomodulatory drugs. They are made on a vegetable basis, are well perceived by an organism. Against the background of their intake, there is a high jump in the protective properties of the tissue.

The exclusion of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes for a week after tooth extraction will reduce capillary fragility in the affected gum. The risk of bleeding will be much lower.

To prevent the development of infection, it is important to avoid hypothermia, dust and cold air.

Conclusion:Any negative processes - the appearance of pus, severe pain, extensive edema and high temperature indicate the development of complications. They must be removed only under the supervision of a dentist.

Recovery after tooth extraction

For normal healing of the tooth socket after extraction, certain rules of postoperative care should be followed. The list of recommendations for all patients is standard, only the names of the drugs that should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician may differ. To eliminate toothache after a tooth has been pulled out, the use of folk recipes is allowed, unless they can cause allergies or irritation of the mucous membrane.

Normally, after the extraction of the tooth, a blood clot should form, which protects the socket from pathogens and prevents bleeding. But this process can be disrupted for various reasons, and a dry socket after tooth extraction increases the risk of infection entering the deep layers of the periodontium and bone tissue.

What to do for normal gum healing after tooth extraction:

  • stop smoking for at least a few hours after the operation;
  • take antihistamines and pain medications prescribed by your doctor;
  • while brushing your teeth, bypass the hole so as not to damage the blood clot;
  • for a few days to refuse too hot food;
  • try to chew on the healthy side;
  • wash the gums with antiseptic solutions;
  • do not rinse your mouth strongly so as not to wash the clot.

Why does the hole hurt

The healing of the hole after tooth extraction is accompanied by pain for some time. In dentistry, good painkillers are used, therefore, during the operation, the patient does not feel anything, but after a few hours, moderate aching pain appears. The duration of this symptom will depend on the degree of gum trauma during tooth extraction.

With difficult removal, the mucosa can be significantly damaged, therefore, during the recovery period, it is necessary to use anesthetic dental gels and take anti-inflammatory pills. This also applies to the removal of a wisdom tooth, which is difficult to reach, because the removal takes place in several stages with significant damage to the soft tissues.

Pain for 1-3 days after treatment is normal. If the symptom persists for a week or longer, an urgent need to go to the doctor for treatment.

The main cause of pain will be the development of alveolitis - inflammation of the socket of the extracted tooth. This complication can occur with a mild degree of severity of symptoms, less often there is abundant formation and discharge of pus from the wound, the cheek swells strongly and signs of general intoxication appear.


After the removal of a molar tooth, you may encounter such a problem as alveolitis. The condition is characterized by inflammation of the gums, absence of a blood clot, swelling, and pain. The violation is accompanied by infection of the tissues, the color of the hole changes, the body temperature rises less often and bleeding from the wound occurs.

Why, after tooth extraction, there is no clot in the hole and inflammation begins:

  • trauma to the walls of the hole, which often occurs when wisdom teeth are removed;
  • thermal effect on the gum immediately after surgery;
  • active rinsing of the mouth, washing out the clot;
  • brushing your teeth too hard on the first day;
  • weakened immune defense, acute infection at the time of surgery;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • ignoring the rules for caring for the well after treatment.

The first manifestations of alveolitis are more often observed 2-3 days after tooth extraction. The resulting wound may begin to bleed, but not always. More often, the main symptoms are severe pain, swelling of the gums and general weakness due to intoxication of the body.

How elsealveolitis appears:

  1. serous form. Constant aching pain in the area of ​​the removed crown, fever to subfebrile. General well-being does not suffer much. On examination, the doctor sees the absence of a blood clot, tissue hyperemia, food debris in the hole. This stage proceeds within 2-3 days, then becomes complicated.
  2. Purulent form. Severe pain, putrid breath, fever to febrile. Weakness, malaise, lack of appetite accompany for 1-3 days, then the process becomes chronic.
  3. Chronic form. The general condition is normalized, but there is weakness and body temperature of 37-37.5 degrees. The tissues are swollen, there is aching pain and a feeling of pulsation of the gums. There is a release of pus from a partially overgrown hole. The color of the hole becomes cyanotic. There is pain when chewing and opening the mouth.

For the treatment of alveolitis, the doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, antibacterial agents and antiseptics to wash the inflamed hole. When there are pains of a neurological nature, Finlepsin is indicated, with long-term treatment with antibacterial agents, Omez or Omeprazole is additionally prescribed. A surgical operation may be required when the pus that has accumulated in the hole does not come out, but compresses the surrounding tissues. This threatens its exit inside, infection of periodontal tissues and bones.

Other complications

Alveolitis may be accompanied by bleeding, hematoma, tissue infection, cyst formation, and flux. Each condition is dangerous in its own way and requires a separate approach to treatment. Their self-treatment at home is permissible, but only after the examination of the dentist and the prescription of drug therapy by the doctor. The risk of developing consequences increases when the tooth was pulled out urgently against the background of acute inflammation and a purulent focus.

Features of various complications after extirpation:

  • cyst- is formed due to chronic inflammation without treatment, at the initial stage it is eliminated with medication, later surgical removal may be required;
  • flux- occurs due to infection of tissues during or after extraction, first soft tissues are affected, and then the periosteum;
  • hematoma- occurs when the vessel is injured during the operation, the tissues become cyanotic, swell, there is a feeling of bursting;
  • bleeding- also the result of a vessel injury and problems with blood clotting, the condition is not dangerous, it occurs immediately after treatment and the doctor quickly fixes the problem.

Normal gums can heal for about a week, after extraction of the figure eight - up to 14 days, with complex removal of molars - 10-14 days.

The state of the immune system will also affect how long the gum heals after surgery. A weakened body does not respond well to any surgical intervention, and may not be able to cope with the infection.

What to do with a dry hole

The first thing to do after accidentally removing a blood clot is to see a doctor. This will ensure that there are no serious complications that require immediate surgery. After that, you need to follow the treatment prescribed by the doctor, additionally resorting to traditional medicine recipes that will help improve overall well-being and anesthetize the gums.

When the serous stage has passed, and the dentist is already observing a purulent process, curettage of the hole will be performed.

Under local anesthesia, the gums are incised, the purulent contents are removed and the wound is washed. The doctor leaves an antiseptic in the hole, so you will need to go to an appointment to change the turunda every 3-5 days. After the procedure, the dentist will prescribe medications to be taken at home.

To create a blood clot, the doctor provokes bleeding by scraping the hole. If it is filled with granulation, curettage is performed. In each case, bleeding will occur and a clot will form. The doctor may then apply several stitches to bring the edges of the wound closer together. After that, the gums will still hurt for some time, but not as much as with purulent inflammation.

After curettage, the doctor prescribes painkillers based on anti-inflammatory drugs and an antiseptic solution for washing the mouth 3 times a day after meals.

How to eliminate the consequences of the operation at home:

  • apply a dental anesthetic gel to the gum;
  • after the inflammation subsides, stop rinsing your mouth;
  • take an anesthetic during a period of severe pain;
  • avoid eating dry food (crackers, chips);
  • rinse your mouth with soda-salt solution after eating;
  • apply a cotton swab dipped in clove oil to the gum.

How to remove inflammation and pain

The best option for eliminating inflammation with swelling of the gums is the use of dental gels. They contain anti-inflammatory and analgesic components, and also disinfect the wound. Gels will also help when an ulcerative lesion has formed as a result of infection or injury to the mucosa.

Which gel is suitable for gum treatment after dental treatment:

  • Holisal- anesthetizes, relieves inflammation, destroys bacteria, begins to act in a few minutes, cooling diseased gums;
  • Metrogil Denta- one of the safest, acts superficially, is absorbed in small quantities, therefore it is used in pediatric dentistry;
  • Kamistad- not the most powerful analgesic, contains chamomile extract and lidocaine hydrochloride;
  • Asepta- is not a drug, has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, contains propolis and is significantly inferior in effectiveness to other gels.

In addition to dental gels, other effective remedies can be used - Forest Gum Balm, Malavit.

It is not recommended to use gels and tablets of your choice if they have already been prescribed by a dentist. They differ in action and composition, and some may be completely useless in alveolitis or other complication of extirpation.

When everything goes fine after removal, there is no inflammation and a blood clot is formed, you don’t need to constantly think about how to speed up healing and fanatically rinse your mouth with an antiseptic and lubricate the gums with gel. This will not help, but will contribute to the violation of the microflora, which will then lead to gingivitis or stomatitis.

The dentist should be aware of the presence of health problems before any procedure, even if they seem insignificant. Extraction of teeth, like any other surgical intervention in the oral cavity, has contraindications.

  • in the first few days after the operation, refuse heavy physical work;
  • avoid overheating of the face from the side of the hole of the extracted tooth;
  • try not to smoke for the first 24 hours;
  • give up alcohol so as not to provoke bleeding;
  • during the day to exclude visiting the bath.

The risk group for the appearance of alveolitis or dry socket includes smokers, women taking oral contraceptives, patients with diabetes mellitus. People with bleeding disorders are susceptible to bleeding. Inflammation occurs in patients who ignore the rules of hygiene in the postoperative period.


Why is it really traumatic

There is no difference in what technology will be used to remove the tooth. In any case, after the intervention will remain:

  • a wound on the mucous surface of the mouth;
  • bone wound (hole).

Any violation of the integument is an open way for infection to enter the body.

When a tooth is removed, a hole remains, which will take some time to heal. During this period, food can get into such a wound and “get stuck” there.

Despite the fact that human saliva has antibacterial properties, it is also a carrier of a large number of harmful microbes. That is why, after the operation, a certain time is required for healing.

With such manipulations, the dentist violates the integrity of the mucous membrane, conducts a rupture of blood vessels and nerves of a certain nature.

And in order to remove the tooth itself, the specialist has to damage nearby ligaments, muscles and other soft tissues. Therefore, the removal site becomes inflamed at first, although healing already begins from the first minute after the operation is completed.

Often the healing process is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • bleeding (stops after about 1-3 hours);
  • pain syndrome in the area of ​​the extracted tooth, which can radiate to nearby tissues and organs;
  • reddening of mucous surfaces;
  • the temperature may rise for a short time;
  • due to swelling and pain, the full functioning of the jaw is difficult.

These consequences after a tooth extraction operation are considered normal, but only if they do not start to progress.

What increases the risk?

For wound healing to be successful, a lot of factors should be taken into account.

And first of all, whether the person had any other diseases before the operation. If, for one reason or another, he had to take medications that thin the blood, then such a symptom as bleeding can last longer than 3 hours.

And here lies the first potential danger. The blood clot that forms at the site of the hole serves as a kind of blockage of an open wound. If it is not there, then the risk of infection in the body increases, which can lead to complications.

Not only the speed of healing, but also the risk of complications depends on oral hygiene. The oral cavity is a rather aggressive environment, since all the food that gets there leaves its pieces. Thus, favorable conditions are created for the development of pathogenic microflora.

Possible problems

The operation is not always painless. Sometimes during the intervention, a person receives damage that leads to certain consequences.

If the doctor is not experienced, the patient violates the rules of oral hygiene, or simply turned to dubious dentistry, this can lead to the following problems:

  1. dry hole. It has already been said above about the blood clot that should form in the hole. Its main purpose

    Moisturize soft tissues and act as a barrier to microbes. It can occur due to the individual characteristics of the density of the blood, the use of medicinal thinning drugs, or due to intensive rinsing of the mouth.

  2. Alveolitis. It is an inflammation in which the gums begin to swell and hurt, and purulent discharges form in the soft tissues. This situation may arise due to infection or a foreign body in an open wound.
  3. Parasthesia. This problem affects the gum and is tissue paralysis. It occurs against the background of damage to the nerve endings that were located near the extracted tooth. Here the restoration occurs independently, without the help of a specialist.
  4. Changing the position of the teeth. If the doctor has not completely removed the root or an inflammatory process has begun in the operated site, then this can affect not only the sore spot itself, but also the teeth that are located nearby.
  5. Damage can also be more serious, for example, fracture of a tooth or even jaw. To avoid such serious consequences, you need to contact a qualified specialist, and not look for cheaper ones.

Whether the patient has these or other problems after tooth extraction directly depends on how long the gum and the wound as a whole heal.

Time required for full recovery

After a tooth extraction operation, healing will occur in two places in the oral cavity - in the hole and in the gum itself.

In each place, regeneration will take its own time:

The healing process can be influenced by external and internal factors. Therefore, in some patients, healing takes place in 2 months, while for others it takes 3-4.

What can lengthen the recovery process?

Even a highly qualified specialist does not give exact terms for healing. But on the other hand, he can warn of the potential danger that stretches such a process.

The rehabilitation process is influenced by:

These reasons always negatively affect the healing process. But besides the fact that they can stretch it, they also lead to complications.

How to speed up healing?

Tooth extraction is a very unpleasant operation, which will remind you of itself for a long time during the recovery period.

But it can be made easier and faster if you adhere to the following recommendations:

When do you need to see a doctor urgently?

There are a number of situations where a patient may develop symptoms that indicate the onset of a serious complication.

These include:

  • bleeding lasting more than 3 hours and yet it is plentiful;
  • severe pain and swelling, which does not pass more than 3 hours and begins to affect nearby tissues and organs;
  • temperature above 37 degrees, lasting more than a day;
  • suppuration(white or gray accumulation), which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor and pain in the hole;
  • headache, appearing along with temperature and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck.

All of these conditions require an immediate response!


In order for the postoperative period after tooth extraction to be optimally comfortable and without consequences, it is necessary:

  • find a qualified dentist, with experience and dentistry, with good reviews;
  • strictly follow all the recommendations that the doctor will prescribe;
  • do not take any medications on your own;
  • at the slightest alarming signs, immediately seek medical help.

Upper fangs Removing the nerve hurts

Tooth extraction is a surgical intervention that requires a subsequent period of rehabilitation. The recovery time depends on the complexity of the operation and the location of the tooth. Wisdom teeth require a long period of rehabilitation, and after the removal of canines and incisors, the gums heal quickly.

Healing time

Healing begins as soon as the dentist extracts the tooth. Tension occurs as a result of contraction of the circular ligament located around the tooth, which causes the edges of the gums to converge. A blood clot forms in the hole, which in no case should be removed. Bone tissue begins to form, over which the gum is located.

Recovery speed depends on:

  1. Wound conditions. If the dentist makes mistakes, the wound becomes large and torn, which increases its healing time.
  2. Infections. Accession of infection is possible both during surgery and in case of non-observance of hygiene rules.
  3. Location areas. Healing after the removal of canines and incisors requires less time than after the rest of the teeth.
  4. care. With improper care and refusal to rinse after eating and treating the hole, pathogenic bacteria can penetrate, which causes suppuration, which significantly increases the healing period.

The most important role in wound healing is played by subsequent care. Pathogenic microflora can be brought into it with dirty hands or an old toothbrush. Avoiding rinsing and using antiseptic solutions also increases the risk of infection. Food particles that remain on the teeth are an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

Important! With a quality operation, the healing rate is from 2 to 3 weeks. During this time, the wound heals and bone is formed.

In complex operations with a gum incision, tissue regeneration can take up to 50 days. Throughout the entire period, it is required to carefully observe oral hygiene and treat the wound, preventing its infection. At a young age, the hole heals faster than in the elderly.

An increase in the recovery period is possible with:

  1. Taking anticoagulants.
  2. Blood diseases.
  3. diabetes mellitus.

These criteria can cause prolonged bleeding that will not stop for more than a day. During this period, it is necessary to quickly stop the blood so that a clot can form.

Wisdom tooth extraction

Removal is a complex surgical intervention, accompanied by traumatization of soft and bone tissues, as well as blood vessels. In some cases, the wound is sutured and recommendations for subsequent care are given. After about 3 weeks, the hole is overgrown with connective tissue with the formation of an epithelium. The load during eating can be distributed over the entire oral cavity.

Restoration terms change in case of:

  1. Recovery after the extraction of a tooth with multiple roots is about 4 weeks. When infected, the time increases by another 1.5 weeks.
  2. If the tooth was lying horizontally or had a curved shape, a large laceration is possible. Recovery time can be up to 2 months.
  3. In the case of a large wound and sutures are applied to it, the healing time is reduced.

After the healing of the hole, the stage of bone formation occurs. It usually takes up to 2 months. At this time, a person does not feel unpleasant symptoms and can lead a normal life. After the formation of bone tissue, it is compacted and further fused with the gum.

Important! Complete restoration of the gums and bone tissue occurs in 4 months. If infection was detected, the period is increased to 10 months.

The healing takes the longest time after the removal of the eighth tooth in the lower jaw due to the proximity of soft tissues. Ingestion of bacteria can cause infection of surrounding tissues. In severe cases, with reduced immunity, the development of abscesses and phlegmon is possible.

Healing Acceleration Methods

In order for the recovery process to take a short period, it is important to create sterile conditions. It is necessary to use both local and systemic drugs prescribed by a doctor and follow the recommendations:

  1. Tightly hold the gauze swab, which is placed on the hole for 20 minutes.
  2. Refusal to eat and drink for 3 hours immediately after surgery.
  3. In the early days, it is necessary to give up solid food and alcoholic beverages.
  4. Heavy physical activity is contraindicated for several days.
  5. 3 days you should not chew on the side of the jaw where the removal was performed.

The first three days you need to be as careful as possible, because the speed of further healing depends on this period. Once a blood clot has formed and tissues begin to regenerate, the risk of infection will be greatly reduced. At this time, it is advisable to eat only liquid food and clean the oral cavity after eating.

Important! Do not rinse with hydrogen peroxide, salt, soda, vodka and vinegar. Such methods can slow down the rate at which a blood clot forms and cause bleeding.

Gels, solutions and pastes

The use of any means should be carried out after consulting a specialist who will select the best option in a particular case. Rinsing is carried out after eating very carefully so as not to injure the hole.

For these purposes, use:

  1. Chlorhexidine. Dilute a 0.05% solution with water in a ratio of 1:1 and rinse the mouth for 3 minutes.
  2. Furacilin solution. 0.02 g of furacilin is dissolved in a glass of water, the composition is filtered and rinsed.
  3. Miramistin. Irrigate the oral cavity with the prepared solution 2 times a day.

With too intense rinsing, the blood clot is washed out, which can cause re-bleeding, osteomyelitis, and an acute inflammatory process. In the first 48 hours after removal, rinsing is prohibited.

Topical preparations in the form of gels and pastes can speed up the regeneration process and make it less painful. These include:

Apply to a cotton pad and apply to the hole for 10 days in the morning, afternoon and evening
The affected area is dried with a cotton pad and the paste is carefully applied with a cotton swab, after which the composition is slightly moistened with water. The procedure is performed up to 5 times a day
Indicated in case of acute pain. Apply to the affected area 3-5 times a day. Course of application - 7 days
Apply to the hole area in the morning and evening. Contraindicated during pregnancy. The course of treatment - up to 10 days

In the case of the development of severe inflammation, characterized by purulent processes, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. Such medicines should be selected exclusively by a doctor, as they can cause unpleasant side effects.

Important! Most commonly used in dentistry Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, Flemoxin and Lincomycin. The dosage is selected individually depending on the age of the patient and the degree of complication.

Acute purulent inflammation may require a course of antibacterial injections, the introduction of which is carried out in the gum. In other cases, the actual use of drugs in the form of tablets and ointments. They allow you to speed up healing, so they are especially important after major operations.

Video - Consequences of tooth extraction

Pain after tooth extraction, as well as a slight swelling, is normal. After 48 hours, unpleasant symptoms begin to decrease, and the swelling gradually subsides. You should be concerned if after 5 days there are:

  1. Strong pains.
  2. Bleeding.
  3. Pus.
  4. Bad breath.
  5. Edema and swelling.

If you notice the symptoms described above, it is important to visit a specialist immediately. Only he will be able to identify the infection and prescribe the correct treatment. Do not self-prescribe antibiotics and rinse your mouth with questionable solutions.

Important! In acute inflammation, alveolitis, flux or cyst may develop. Treatment is carried out in the conditions of dentistry.

Usually, tooth extraction does not cause complications, and the gum heals in about 2 weeks. In the absence of tissue infection, this process lasts 20 days. At the same time, a person can lead a normal life and not experience tangible discomfort a week after the operation.

How long does it take for gums to heal after a complete tooth extraction? How to care for the hole and what problems can be encountered in the recovery process?

Extraction is one of the most unpleasant dental procedures that many people put off until the very last moment. They go to the dentist only when the pain becomes acute and it is no longer possible to endure it. The rehabilitation period also causes a lot of concern: not everyone heals the hole simply and without problems. Patients are concerned about another question: how long does the gum (hole) heal after the removal of a wisdom tooth?

A few years ago, almost all problems were treated by extraction, but now dentists are ready to fight for the preservation of any tooth, even regardless of the presence of a cyst or almost complete destruction. But if the doctor said that it is necessary to remove the problematic root, it is impossible to postpone the unpleasant procedure. Otherwise, various complications and diseases are possible that will affect the health of the entire jaw.

First of all, it is worth understanding: painful removal is a long time ago, thanks to modern anesthetics, the removal process is absolutely painless. Only painful sensations are possible while the gums heal after tooth extraction. Any pain medications that are suitable for the patient will help to cope with this pain. The only serious question is how many days the gum (hole) heals after the removal of a wisdom tooth.

Before removal, it is advisable to take a picture so that the doctor can familiarize himself with the location of the roots and plan the removal process. After injecting the anesthetic, the dentist begins the removal process. It is impossible to say exactly how long a “simple” tooth is usually pulled out, depending on the complexity of the process and the skill of the specialist.

In a standard extraction, the gum is carefully separated from the tooth, which is grasped with forceps. The doctor will gently rock the tooth and pull from the alveoli. As a rule, the process is faster in the lower jaw: the upper molars are more difficult to capture correctly. In difficult cases, the dental crown will have to be divided into parts and each removed separately to avoid serious damage to the jaw. If you need a complex tooth extraction, the gums can heal for a long time.

Removal of "eights" occurs in the same way. In some cases, if the remaining hole is too large (often this happens after the removal of two adjacent teeth), the doctor can sew up the gum with special threads that will help the hole heal after the tooth is removed. Over time, they resolve on their own, and the hole overgrows without complications.

How long does it take to pull out a “simple” tooth? The process rarely takes longer than 15-20 minutes.

But how long does it usually take for a wound to heal after a tooth extraction?

What to do after removal

After the removal procedure, a gauze swab will be applied to the gum, which the patient must “bite” for 10-15 minutes: this will stop the blood and press the vessels. After the swab is saturated with saliva, it must be spit out to prevent infection of the wound.

Saliva with a small amount of blood can be observed for several days. If the bleeding is too intense, you can repeat the manipulation with the swab (the main thing is that the gauze is sterile), but if the bleeding does not stop, it is better to consult a doctor.

You can’t eat for at least three hours (it’s better to increase the “fasting” period as much as possible). It is impossible to say exactly how long an extracted tooth usually heals, but during this process it is recommended not to eat too hot, cold and hard food. It should be chewed on the wrong side from which the tooth was removed.

After tooth extraction, it is worth monitoring how the gum looks. A slight swelling is possible, which can be reduced with the help of cold compresses: cold water is poured into a plastic bottle or heating pad, into which crushed ice can be added. In no case should you warm the tooth: this can provoke secondary bleeding and the rapid development of inflammation. You will have to give up tanning, solarium, baths and saunas.

During the healing of the gums after any tooth extraction, it is necessary to refuse from excessive physical activity, sports training at this time will not benefit the body. Only if all these recommendations are followed, wound healing after the removal of wisdom teeth will occur successfully and without consequences.

Normal recovery times

How long does it take for a gum (wound) to heal after a wisdom tooth is removed? With a well-performed operation, the final convergence of the edges occurs after 14-17 days. Stitching the edges immediately after the procedure can speed up the process.

So, the wisdom tooth was removed, how long will it heal? It is impossible to predict how long the hole heals after a complex tooth extraction with a rupture of the surrounding tissue. The edges of the wound in this case are torn and too far apart, the alveolus is not covered by the gingival margin. If there is inflammation of the tissue around the hole, the wound will not heal for a long time after tooth extraction: the recovery process can take up to 50 days.

Read also:

Tooth extraction and alcohol: is it possible?

It is necessary to monitor how quickly the gum heals after a complete tooth extraction. Too long healing is fraught with inflammation of the hole, which is evidenced by acute pain and a putrid odor. If the usual inflammation turns into a purulent one, the development of limited osteomyelitis is not excluded. An infection that has passed into the depths of the tissues is fraught with phlegmon and life-threatening abscesses. Sepsis may be the biggest problem. You need to monitor how long the gum (hole) overgrows after tooth extraction.

Possible Complications

It is not always possible to predict exactly how long the gum will heal after the removal of a molar or wisdom tooth. In addition, the patient may experience certain complications. What happens after the complete removal of a wisdom tooth?

One of the most common problems is dry socket. After removal, a blood clot should appear in the hole, which performs a protective function. Thanks to him, the tissues are moistened, and microbes and infections do not enter the wound. It is impossible to remove this clot and it is important to ensure that it is not washed out during rinsing.

It can be difficult to see the hole on your own, a small cosmetic mirror should help. In the absence of a clot, the wound will appear dry, and bone will begin to appear through the thin gum layer. After a few days, aching pain may begin, gradually it will only intensify.

In this case, you will have to visit the dentist again. A tampon soaked in drugs will be applied to the wound, replacing the blood clot, which will, as it were, speed up the healing of the gums after the removal of the wisdom tooth. You need to change the tampon daily until all the stages of complete healing of the hole after tooth extraction have passed.
You can’t ignore the problem: if you don’t worry in time that the hole does not heal due to dryness after the complete removal of the wisdom tooth, alveolitis, an inflammatory process, may develop. The swelling of the gums will increase, the tissues will turn red and pus will begin to form in the gum. The hole becomes gray, the temperature rises and the lymph nodes become inflamed.

For the treatment of alveolitis, the gum will be anesthetized, and the hole will be cleaned of the remnants of the clot. The hole will have to be scraped out to remove foreign bodies and the focus of inflammation. After the wound is treated with antiseptics and a tampon soaked in drugs is applied. Of course, complications can affect the healing process of the hole after the removal of the wisdom tooth.

Tooth extraction is a rather complicated procedure carried out with the help of surgery. In place of the removed dental unit, a deep hole remains, which bleeds and causes pain of varying intensity to the patient. It is impossible to say for sure how long the wound heals, since this process is individual. To prevent dangerous consequences and accelerate the healing of the hole formed after tooth extraction, careful care is recommended.

Why is tooth extraction so traumatic?

Regardless of the method of tooth extraction (extraction), this operation is associated with damage to the oral mucosa and the formation of a bone wound in place of the removed unit of a bone wound - a hole. Violation of the integrity of the skin can provoke the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the body.

The hole after tooth extraction heals for a certain time. During this period, food can get into it, as a result of the gradual decomposition of which inflammation inevitably develops. In addition, the inflammatory process in an open wound can be provoked by saliva, which, despite its disinfecting properties, is a carrier of pathogens.

In the process of extraction, if the integrity of the mucous membrane is violated, the vessels and nerve endings are injured, since the removal of the tooth root is associated with damage to the ligaments, muscle and other soft tissues. As a result of this, the hole formed after the extraction of the tooth looks inflamed at first.

Wound healing is usually accompanied by the following phenomena:

Such phenomena are considered normal signs of a healing hole. However, in case of their progression, it is urgent to see a doctor.

What can increase the risk of problems?

The likelihood of developing complications depends on several factors. If the patient has taken blood-thinning medications shortly before the extraction, bleeding during and after the operation will be extremely difficult to stop. In addition, a blood clot will not form at the site of the extracted tooth, which should protect the hole from food and infection.

Not only the duration of wound healing, but also the likelihood of undesirable consequences depends on oral care after extraction.

If you do not rinse your mouth after each meal and neglect regular brushing of your teeth, after a short time a pathogenic environment will develop in the oral cavity.

How long does the gum last?

For each patient, tightening the hole has its own timing. The recovery period after extraction depends on the following factors:

  1. age. The younger the patient, the faster regeneration processes proceed in his body. In this case, in the elderly, the postoperative period lasts 7-14 days longer than in younger patients.
  2. The presence of foci of inflammation. This condition may be indicated by redness of the gum tissues. If such a symptom concerns a single-rooted tooth, the wound will heal 5-7 days longer than expected, if we are talking about a multi-rooted unit, the hole will be delayed 13-16 days longer than it would be in a standard situation.
  3. Injury. Any surgical intervention is associated with a violation of the integrity of soft tissues. So, when removing a wisdom tooth, it is often necessary to make an incision on the gum in order to extract a deep root. In this case, the regeneration period can last up to 5 weeks.

Not the last role in the restoration of tissues after extraction is played by the state of the patient's immunity. If the defenses of his body are weakened, the wound will heal for a long time and poorly.

Stages of healing of the hole

After extraction, healing occurs in the hole left after the extracted tooth and in damaged gum tissues. At the first stage of rehabilitation, the gums are restored. After that, the formation of new bone tissue begins. Then it is compacted. Upon completion of this stage, the bone tissue is fused with the gum, this ends the postoperative period of extraction.

Not every patient has an idea of ​​how the wound formed at the site of the extracted tooth should look like during healing. Below are photos of examples of its phased recovery, on the basis of which we can conclude how the standard postoperative period should proceed, not associated with certain complications.

Overgrowth of the soft tissues of the gums

After the operation, a blood clot should form at the site of the extracted tooth within 1-3 hours, it is strictly forbidden to touch it, since it prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering the wound.

At this stage, brush your teeth regularly and rinse your mouth after every meal. In addition, during the recovery period, it is necessary to observe a special diet.

After 3-4 days from the moment of the operation, epithelialization of soft and hard tissues begins in the hole, accompanied by the formation of granulation tissues. At the same time, painful symptoms are significantly reduced, redness and swelling are reduced, the wound is covered with white plaque (we recommend reading: why does white plaque appear on the gums?). Normally, the healing hole should have only white color. Other shades indicate developing complications. If the wound turns yellow, green or black, while exuding an unpleasant odor, then an inflammatory process has begun in the injured tissues and pus has accumulated.

When a wisdom tooth is removed, the gums recover much longer. This is explained by the fact that the wounds remaining after tearing out the "eights" in most cases are large. Often, the area of ​​wisdom tooth extraction has to be sewn up, which not only prevents microbes from penetrating into the wound, but also accelerates its healing.

Formation of new bone tissue

On the 7-8th day after extraction, bone tissue begins to form. The blood clot remains in the cavity of the hole, there is no recess after tooth extraction. The patient no longer hurts the place of surgical intervention and he practically does not experience discomfort while chewing food. The process of new bone formation is usually completed by the end of 2 weeks. A month after extraction, the cavity of the hole will be almost completely filled with bone tissue. It finally overgrows, as a rule, in 2-3 months.

Bone thickening

At this stage, the formed bone tissues are compacted and after a certain period they turn into fully mature and strengthened bones. This process is necessary to replace a missing tooth.

This stage lasts about 4 months, which is how long it takes for the final formation of mature bones.

Fusion of bone tissue with the gum

At the final stage of the postoperative period, the formed bone tissue fuses with the existing jawbone. This process takes at least 4 months. However, the specified period is significantly increased if infection or other complications have been detected. In this case, the fusion will take 6-10 months.

How can you speed up healing: the rules for caring for the hole

After the operation, the patient receives recommendations for caring for the hole formed after the removal of the dental unit. Compliance with a number of rules will avoid undesirable consequences and speed up the rehabilitation period. Care for the hole is necessary as follows:

These rules must be strictly observed. Otherwise, complications may develop that require surgical removal.

What factors can hinder recovery?

The healing time of the wound formed as a result of tooth extraction is influenced by the professionalism of the dental surgeon, the condition of the periodontium and roots, as well as the correct implementation of hygiene procedures for the oral cavity. The rehabilitation period is delayed when the inflamed tooth is removed. Poor wound cleaning is also associated with an increase in the recovery period. In cases where food has got into an empty well with an unformed blood clot, there is a high risk of developing an inflammatory process, which will greatly complicate healing.

The use of a brush for cleaning the oral cavity, the bristles of which are inhabited by pathogenic microorganisms, can provoke inflammation and, as a result, prolonged tightening of the hole. In patients suffering from diabetes or pathologies of the circulatory system, the recovery period is often longer than in standard situations.

Possible Complications

As a result of tooth extraction, severe pathological processes can develop. Among them are such phenomena as:

  1. Alveolitis. The disease is accompanied by an increase in pain, the appearance of bad breath, intense bleeding, hyperthermia, weakening of the body and severe headaches. This condition is dangerous by the ability to rapidly flow into osteomyelitis of the alveolar process.
  2. Inflammation of the gum tissue. At the same time, the hole is filled with pus, fibrous or granulation tissue, the gum becomes inflamed and bleeds, throbbing pains are felt in it (we recommend reading: what to do if you have pus from the gums?).
  3. Paresthesia. This condition develops as a result of injury to the nerve endings surrounding the extracted tooth, and is associated with paralysis of the gum tissues.
  4. Changing the position of the teeth. This is due to incomplete extraction of the root or the development of inflammation in the area of ​​​​surgical intervention.
  5. Fracture of a tooth or jaw. To avoid these consequences, it is recommended to contact only highly qualified specialists.

When should you see a doctor?

The extraction procedure may be associated with certain signs indicating the development of dangerous pathological processes. These include the following states:

  • heavy bleeding lasting more than 3 hours in a row;
  • many hours of intense pain and swelling that does not subside;
  • hyperthermia lasting more than 1 day;
  • the formation of pus, associated with an unpleasant odor and pain in the wound;
  • headache attacks, accompanied by fever and swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

If at least one of these conditions occurs, you should immediately contact your doctor. In the event of the slightest delay, severe and dangerous consequences can develop.

A person who has had a tooth pulled out should know.

This information will help determine if the recovery process is proceeding correctly. An abnormally long overgrowth of the gums may indicate complications that will have to be treated on an outpatient basis.

After reading the article, you will find out how long the gum heals after a simple and complex tooth extraction and for what reasons this process can slow down.

The healing of the gums depends on many reasons, so it is impossible to name the exact number of hours or days after which the gum can be considered completely healed.

Some patients forget about the pain after a few hours, others suffer from discomfort in the mouth for several days.

Such a big difference in terms is explained by the individual characteristics of the organism (the ability to regenerate, anatomical differences) and the degree of surgical intervention.

In addition, the rate of healing of the gums after tooth extraction is affected by whether the incisor, canine or root was removed.

The most difficult is the removal of wisdom teeth, especially if they erupted in an inclined position or they have horizontal roots.

After the removal of the wisdom tooth, an extensive and deep wound remains, which heals for at least three days, and it will take several weeks for the final tightening.

It is difficult to extract a tooth with a destroyed crown. Here, no matter how much the doctor tries to extract the root, you still have to cut the gum and then suture it, which causes additional injuries to the soft tissues, and the healing time will increase.

It happens that the crown is destroyed directly during surgical procedures, and the removal is classified as difficult.

The rate of recovery is affected by how many teeth were pulled out at the same time. When several are removed at once, a more extensive wound is formed, which heals longer.

Immediately after the removal of the tooth from the hole, blood begins to accumulate in it. After a few minutes, it will curl up and form a clot. This formation is a natural defense against infection.

The clot does not so much prevent blood from flowing out of the hole, but closes it with itself, preventing bacteria from penetrating deep into the gums.

It is strictly forbidden to rinse your mouth immediately after returning from the hospital. On the second day, this procedure will already be quite safe, since fibrin will be released from the clot and clog the wound.

But still, you should not rinse your teeth especially vigorously - just take the healing solution into your mouth and move it several times from one side to the other, and then spit it out.

For oral care in the postoperative period, proven folk remedies are used.

With their help, you can not only relieve inflammation if the wound is already swollen or festering, but also prevent these negative phenomena.

Calendula flowers are used to treat the oral cavity. Two tablespoons of dried flowers are rubbed with hands to a powdery state, poured with a glass of boiling water and incubated for one hour. Rinse your mouth with this drug after every meal.

All home remedies used for mouthwash should be at room temperature. It is better not to overcool the diseased gum.

It is all the more dangerous to heat it, since heating will accelerate the reproduction of microorganisms, and the processes of inflammation and suppuration will begin in the wound.

Now you know how long the gums heal after tooth extraction, and you can take steps to reduce this period.

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