Is it possible to smear a cold with acyclovir ointment. Herpes simplex is a winter problem. Acyclovir interaction with other drugs

Redness, itching, burning sensation, formation of small blisters, formation of ulcers on the lips - this is labial herpes (a cold or illness caused by the herpes simplex virus). In the presence of unpleasant symptoms, antiherpetic agents are used for external use. Quick-acting ointments for herpes on the lips help to overcome discomfort, speed up the healing process and get rid of pain.

Benefits of ointments

Medicines produced in the form of ointments, creams or gels have the following advantages:

  • with the help of topical agents, the highest concentration of pharmacological active substances penetrates directly into the affected area;
  • preventing the spread of the virus to healthy areas of the skin;
  • it is possible to combine several therapeutic agents that differ in the principle of action - complex therapy will provide a more pronounced effect;
  • preparations on an ointment, gel or cream base have a high degree of tolerance and a minimal risk of causing side effects;
  • the use of antiviral ointments to combat herpes is possible even at advanced stages in order to eliminate and alleviate the symptoms of the disease;
  • ease of use - no need to follow a strict dosage.

Local action is the main advantage of the ointment form of drug release

Herpes is completely incurable, all existing drugs are designed only to suppress its manifestations and prevent the virus from multiplying.

Review of ointments for herpes on the lips

To get rid of annoying and painful herpes on the lips, ointments, gels and creams are used, which can actually be divided into 2 types:

  • therapeutic - this list is replenished with agents that have antiviral, antiherpetic, immunomodulatory effects, they are designed directly to suppress HSV and inhibit its development;
  • restorative (auxiliary) - most often they are drugs for external use and a wide spectrum of action, which have antiseptic, antihistamine, analgesic, drying and antiviral effects, but are not aimed at combating HSV.

Topical preparations are used to treat and prevent herpes


An outdoor product is the best option that combines effectiveness and affordability.

How to apply:

  • apply to the affected area 5 times a day;
  • the duration of treatment depends on the stage of the disease (on average, 5 days are required).

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug.

The price is within 30 rubles.

The active substance of the ointment is acyclovir.

Antiviral therapy during pregnancy and lactation is possible on prescription, as the active substance passes through the placenta and breast milk.

Zovirax cream is an effective analogue of Acyclovir, with the same active ingredient - acyclovir.

Instructions for use:

  • lubricate the area damaged by the virus with a thin layer 3-5 times a day;
  • the duration of therapy is from 5 to 10 days.

Contraindications: intolerance to the components that make up the drug.

The average cost is 215 rubles.

Cream Zovirax for the treatment of herpes (5%)

During pregnancy and lactation, Zovirax is prescribed if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the possible risk to the fetus or child.


Mode of application:

  • apply ointment 5 times a day on labial herpes;
  • The course of treatment directly depends on the stage of the disease and the immunity of the sick person.

Contraindications: in the presence of individual intolerance to the components included in the composition, persons under 18 years of age.

The price is 75 rubles.

Ointment Gerperaks - contributes to the fight against herpes simplex virus

Treatment with Herperax during pregnancy is possible only on prescription. During lactation - it is worth suspending breastfeeding.

Despite its wide popularity, the effectiveness of oxolin is still not proven. This may lead to the conclusion that the remedy only helps as a placebo.

How to use:

  • the agent is applied three times a day;
  • the duration of treatment is from 4 to 10 days.

Contraindications: allergic reaction to the main component oxolin.

The cost of Oxolinic ointment varies from 11 to 40 rubles.

Oxolinic ointment is safe for treating herpes during pregnancy


Antiviral transparent gel, which is effectively used to combat herpes labialis. The active ingredient is a polysaccharide extract of tuberous nightshade shoots.

Application method:

  • the gel is applied to the area affected by the virus from 2 to 5 times a day;
  • the course of treatment lasts no more than 10 days, but not less than 4.

Contraindications: all forms of Panavir products are strictly prohibited for use in case of kidney dysfunction and hypersensitivity to the composition, it is also worth refraining from treatment for persons under 18 years of age.

The price ranges from 1000 rubles.

Panavir gel is a herbal preparation

The effect of the drug on the fetus during pregnancy or the child with HB is unknown, since studies on women for aesthetic reasons have not been conducted.


An antiviral drug with the active substance docosanol.

How to use for labial herpes:

  • lubricate the diseased area with cream 5 times a day, with the same interval between uses;
  • course of therapy for at least 5 days until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

Contraindicated for use: in case of an allergic reaction to docosanol or other constituent substances, the category of prohibition also includes persons under 12 years of age, with fructose intolerance, glucose absorption dysfunction, sucrase deficiency.

Erabazan cream costs about 380 rubles.

Erabazan is an effective remedy against HSV


The drug has antiherpetic and antiviral properties. The active ingredient in Viru-Merz is tromantadine hydrochloride.

How to treat herpes on the lips:

  • lubricate the affected area 3-5 times a day;
  • the course of treatment should not exceed 5 days.

Contraindications: in the presence of allergic reactions to the constituent substances, the advanced form of herpesvirus.

The price of the drug is 412 rubles.

Viru-Merz is used as an antiviral therapy

It is worth refusing treatment with the drug for expectant mothers and women whose children are on breastfeeding, since Viru-Merz has not been studied in relation to these groups.

A good remedy for rashes on the lips caused by the herpes virus.

Instructions for use:

  • lubricate the damaged surface of the lips with cream 3-4 times a day;
  • the remedy should be used until the symptoms disappear completely and after that for 3 days;
  • regular use of the cream for 3 months reduces the likelihood of relapses by 50%.

Contraindicated: in case of hypersensitivity to the components that make up the composition and children under the age of 2 years.

The cost of the drug is 110 rubles.

Virosept cream has an antiherpetic and antiseptic effect.

Antiherpes and immunostimulating ointment based on interferon alfa-2.

How to apply:

  • at the first sign of a cold, the ointment is applied in a thin layer 3-5 times a day;
  • the duration of treatment with Viferon is 5-7 days.

Contraindications: allocate only individual intolerance to the substances included in the composition.

The price is 180 rubles.

Gel Viferon relieves rashes on the lips

To stop the process, the following aids are used:

  1. Tsindol. Suspension or talker with anti-inflammatory, drying, adsorbing, astringent and antiseptic action. The price for a bottle of 125 ml is 110 rubles.
  2. Heparin ointment. It is commonly used to treat limb thrombosis, thromboembolism, and hemorrhoidal vein damage. With herpes on the lips, it helps to reduce blood clotting and prevent the formation of blood clots and get rid of existing ones. The price of a tube of 25 g is 74 rubles.
  3. Bepanten. Effective ointment / cream against diaper rash helps to combat herpetic eruptions. The cost is 758 rubles.
  4. D-Panthenol. One of the best inexpensive skin care products. It is widely used in medicine for the treatment of burns, abrasions, wounds, bedsores, transplants, dermatitis, boils, trophic ulcers and viral infections, including herpes on the lips. The cost is 172 rubles.
  5. Hydrocortisone ointment. Synthetic drug with anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and antipruritic action. Cheap ointment with a price within 30 rubles.
  6. Tetracycline. Antibiotic ointment with a wide spectrum of action. It is used at the stage of extinction of inflammation, when the virus begins to weaken. Apply the product to the sore spot in a thick layer, or make compresses. The average cost is 50 rubles.
  7. Levomekol. Treats inflammatory processes, purulent wounds. It will have a calming effect, accelerate healing. Can be used by pregnant women and infants after consulting a doctor. The price varies from 120 to 140 rubles.
  8. Zinc ointment. Zinc oxide dries, has antiviral properties. The average price is 20 rubles.

Folk recipes for ointments

Medications can also be replaced with ointments prepared at home. List of recipes based on effective active ingredients.

  1. Echinacea ointment. This product contains an antimicrobial substance and a good antiseptic. Echinacea disinfects and heals the wound. To prepare the ointment, you can use honey and oil based on a plant component. The prepared ingredients are mixed. The density should be such that the ointment can be easily rubbed into the sore spot several times a day.
  2. Propolis. Suppresses the action of various viruses, including herpes, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. To prepare the ointment, use a baby cream. Mix with propolis tincture in a convenient ratio.
  3. Calendula - has pronounced antibacterial properties. Relieves inflammation, soothes ulcers. The tincture with the component can be mixed with any convenient filler.
  4. Aloe vera is also an excellent antiseptic. Removes inflammation. Cut off a small part of the leaf from the plant. Squeeze out a couple of drops with your fingers. Mix with face cream, add a few drops of jojoba oil. Rub into the sore spot.
  5. Essential oils of sage, tea tree, fir, sea buckthorn. Natural antiseptics, relieve irritation, have a slight bacteriostatic effect, dry the wound. Can also be mixed with cream for ease of use. Treat the sore spot with the resulting ointment every 1-2 hours and after eating.

Folk recipes will help overcome herpesvirus

Do not forget that only antiviral drugs with proven effectiveness will cope with the disease more effectively and faster.

The use of ointments for pregnant women and newborns

An illness during pregnancy can lead to fetal fading, provoke a spontaneous miscarriage, cause premature birth or premature rupture of amniotic fluid. Herpes also leads to the birth of a child with congenital abnormalities or stillbirth.

In order to prevent dangerous consequences, and sometimes deplorable ones, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist or therapist for advice. The specialist will select the right remedy that will minimize the risk of complications.

With the right treatment, a viral disease will not harm

The goal of treatment in newborns and children under one year old is to suppress the activity of the virus and prevent its development.

Ointments for the fight against herpes on the lips are used less often than other forms. Acyclovir is usually used in combination with other medicines. When the first signs appear, drying agents are used: zinc paste or Castellani liquid.

Which ointment is better to choose depends on the age, type of pathogen and the individual characteristics of the human body. In this matter, the ideal option is to entrust your fate to a specialist and not experiment with treatment methods.

"Cold" on the lips in medicine is called nothing more than the labial form of herpes simplex type 1. The herpes virus in the blood is almost 80% of people. But it makes itself felt only when the protective properties of the body are significantly reduced, immunity weakens. Well, the immune system can decline for a variety of reasons. As a result, one or more cold plaques appear on the lips, which cause a lot of discomfort to their owner.

Treatment of herpes on the lips

For those who have this problem, it is important to know that today medicine does not have such a tool that can remove viral DNA fragments from the body. All antiviral drugs only suppress the activity of the virus, causing it to " fall asleep" for an indefinite time.

Well, among such drugs, Acyclovir is highly effective, which is available in tablets for internal use, ointments (creams) for external use and in a solution for intravenous administration.

Acyclovir tablets for herpes on the lips suppress the activity of the virus from the inside. But ointments and creams help the wound on the lip heal faster, contribute to the activation of the tissue regeneration process, protect the wound from attaching a bacterial infection to it.

Acyclovir for herpes on the lips, description of the drug

The drug has an antiviral effect, is a synthetic analogue of thymidine nucleoside. The active components of the agent are integrated into the viral DNA chain, process it and block the possibility of further replication. That is, the drug does not allow the virus to multiply further. At the same time, it practically does not have a negative effect on the reproduction of human cell DNA. The medicine is excreted by the kidneys with urine, through the intestines with feces.

With herpes infection on the lip, it prevents the formation of new elements of rashes, reduces the likelihood of skin dissemination and visceral complications, accelerates the formation of crusts on the lip, and reduces itching and pain in the acute phase.

But it is worth remembering that with systemic use, this drug loses its antiviral activity, so its use must be clinically justified. It is effective only against activated viruses. It does not have the desired effect on viruses in a latent (sleeping) form.

Other trade names for Acyclovir: Zovirax, Gerpevir, Virolex, Acyclostad, Provirsan, Gerperax, Acigerpin, Cyclovir. The release forms are the same - tablets and ointments. All of them contain the active substance acyclovir.

Indications for use

Indications for the appointment of funds are:

  • treatment of herpes infection on the skin and mucous membranes caused by type 1 and type 2 viruses;
  • prevention of exacerbations of recurrent infections;
  • treatment of infections caused by the Varicella zoster virus.

Treatment of a cold on the lips with Acyclovir should be started as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear, then the medicine will be effective. These symptoms include tingling, itching, burning, redness, and a pimple.

When treating a disease, it is better to combine taking the drug in the form of tablets orally and ointments (creams) externally. In some cases, according to the doctor's prescription, the drug is administered intravenously in the form of a solution.

Instructions for use of the drug

Tablets Acyclovir

Tablets are prescribed in cases where there are profuse rashes on the lips, as well as for the purpose of prevention for people who have a "sore" appears at least 6 times during the year.

Tablets should be taken with or after meals, washed down with water. The dosage regimen is set by the doctor, taking into account the severity of the disease.

The dosage for adults is 200 mg 5 times a day, the intervals between doses should be 4 hours during the day and 8 hours at night. For example: 06:00-10:00-14:00-18:00-22:00-06:00.

For children from 2 years of age, tablets are taken in the same dose as for an adult. Up to 2 years - half the dose. The duration of the course is 5 days. In severe cases, the doctor may extend the course up to 10 days.

Prevention of relapses is carried out with the same dose of tablets, however, if they occur more often than 6 times a year, then treatment can continue for several months in a row.

Ointment Acyclovir for colds on the lips

Ointment or cream is applied in a thin layer only on the affected area on the lip 5 times a day at the same intervals as taking tablets. Duration 5 days, if necessary, the course is extended to 10 days. It is necessary to be careful and ensure that the product does not get into the mouth, on the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose.

And in order not to additionally infect healthy surrounding tissues, the ointment should be applied with a clean cotton swab. Hands must also be clean.

Aciclovir against infection on the lips is used only on the prescription of a doctor to avoid the development of further complications. Duration of administration, dosage are also determined by the doctor. In people with a weakened immune system, taking the drug may lead to the emergence of strains of viruses that will be insensitive to the action of the drug.

In addition, when taking tablets, it is necessary to ensure that a sufficient amount of water enters the body. The effect will be higher if tablets and ointments are combined with immunostimulants to increase immunity.

As for intravenous solutions, this form of medicine is not used to treat a cold on your "mouth", because the side effects can be worse than the disease itself. They are used only for severe herpetic infections.

Acyclovir against "fever" on the lips, contraindications and side effects

The tool can not be used in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • acute allergic reactions;
  • children under 2 years old;
  • period of breastfeeding.

With caution, tablets are prescribed for dehydration of the body, in the presence of neurological disorders, impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver, and elderly patients.

The agent can cross the placenta. Therefore, during pregnancy, this medicine against herpes can be taken only as directed by a doctor and only for vital circumstances.

Side effects

Side effects may include the following:

  • bouts of nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • fatigue;
  • dyspnea;
  • tremor;
  • skin allergies (itching, rash).

If you drink pills at the same time as alcohol, you may experience convulsions and hallucinations. Therefore, it is better not to combine alcohol with medicine.

Painful rash and inflammation on the lips is herpes. Over time, the body can cope with this disease on its own. But a neglected disease in the future can lead to serious problems with immunity and complications in the eyes, facial nerves, oral cavity and larynx. To minimize the risks, at the first symptoms, Acyclovir is used for herpes on the lips.

The medicine consists of:

active substance of the drug:

  • acyclovir;


  • milk sugar;
  • calcium stearate;
  • potato starch;
  • aerosil;
  • medium molecular weight polyvinyl lyrrolidone.

The drug can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Developed by the Nobel laureate, Acyclovir is focused on the fight against the herpes virus, integrating into its DNA and suppressing the process of replication (reproduction). The spread of the virus is prevented, the formation of a crust is accelerated. The area affected by the rash stops growing, and pain also weakens.

Release form

In the pharmacy, Acyclovir comes in four varieties:

  1. Acyclovir tablets for oral use. Produced in blisters of twenty tablets, weighing 200 (regular) and 400 (-forte) mg.
  2. Eye ointment.
  3. Cream / gel for external use.
  4. Lyophilisate, for solution preparation. It is administered intravenously.

Instructions for use for colds on the lips

Launched herpes spreads throughout the body, leading to problems more serious than a skin rash. It penetrates into the oral cavity, forming acute stomatitis, into the larynx, triggering herpetic sore throat, gets on the eyelids. As a result, several small pimples will force you to visit the dentist, ENT and ophthalmologist.

Timely treatment will prevent these complications.

The standard procedure for the primary signs of a herpes infection is the combination of taking Acyclovir in the form of tablets and ointment / cream on the affected areas of the skin. Consider courses of treatment of 1 and 2 degrees of the disease.

With herpes 1 degree

1 degree of herpes, the so-called cold on the lips, is treated with a course of five days. It is important to note that the drug is taken five times a day, with a four-hour interval. No need to combine with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sleep should be limited to eight hours, otherwise the reception schedule gets off.

After sustaining time intervals of four hours, it is necessary to take one tablet of Acyclovir (200 mg) with a small amount of water and apply Acyclovir ointment to the affected skin.

It is strictly forbidden to pop pimples on their own and tear off the crusts that have formed in place of the bursting ones. These actions increase the risk of infection spreading to other parts of the body. Failure to follow this rule can lead to the appearance of shingles.

The dosage is calculated for adults and children from three years. For children under three years old, an ointment or cream is used.

With herpes 2 degrees

2 degree of herpes, genital, requires ten days of taking Acyclovir. In case of relapses and exacerbations, as well as for their prevention, the dosage of Acyclovir for herpes of the 2nd degree will be as follows:

  1. Patients with healthy immunity use the drug four times a day, the interval between doses is six hours. It is possible to reduce the frequency of reception to three and two times, with eight and twelve hour intervals, respectively.
  2. In the presence of immunodeficiency, Acyclovir is applied four times a day, every six hours.
  3. People with reduced body resistance or with problematic absorption of the active substance of the drug should apply it four times a day. Recent organ transplants are included in this group.
  4. To prevent occurrence.

With the flu, immunity is weakened, a person who previously suffered from a herpes rash should take Acyclovir in combination with other drugs. As an alternative, the doctor may prescribe Cycloferon. It has a bifunctional activity, in addition to the antiviral effect, being an immunomodulator.

So that herpes does not bother, you need to avoid colds and hypothermia.

The right move would be a careful choice of tattoo parlors and beauty salons. Places like this are one way to get infected. You should trust only reliable craftsmen and institutions.

An important rule for the prevention of herpes, like many other diseases, is personal hygiene. Even after being infected with the herpes virus, careful hygiene helps prevent it from spreading throughout the body.

Women should pay special attention when applying cosmetics to their faces; with one careless movement, they can bring the virus into their eyes. There is a known case when a whole team in the accounting department was infected with labial herpes from one tube of lipstick.

Condoms do not prevent infection. Even brief mucosal contact with affected skin results in transmission of the virus.

Do not touch affected areas. The itching and burning are unbearable, but dirt and germs on the fingertips will only make matters worse. And the virus itself will go on a journey on its hands, and one involuntary touch may be enough for it to manifest itself in another place.

A patient with herpes should use a separate towel, drink and eat from their dishes.

On various surfaces, the herpes virus survives up to four hours. Disinfect common items (toilet seats, door handles, water taps, computer keyboard, light switches).

Refrain from tactile contact with the infected when it is not necessary.

Remember: there is no effective means of removing the herpes virus from the body, all drugs only restrain its spread and manifestation. A virus that enters the body and is not destroyed by the immune system remains in it forever. The therapeutic effect of Acyclovir is that it only stops the virus.


The drug proved to be well tolerated. However, people with kidney disease are at risk. Without prior medical examination, they should not use Acyclovir. It is not recommended to use the product after tattooing.

For kids

Cases of prescribing Acyclovir tablets to children under three years of age are very rare. The problem is that there is no data on the study of the effect of the drug on the body of a child of this age. Whether to take Acyclovir for children under one year old and in what quantity - the doctor decides, but this happens in exceptional cases. The dose is determined separately. An alternative is the appointment of an ointment / gel.

During pregnancy

Planning for taking Acyclovir by pregnant women at any stage should be strictly agreed with the attending physician.

Experimentally, it was found that the drug crosses the placenta and affects the fetus. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe to smear Acyclovir on the affected areas of the skin three times a day.

If the pregnancy has reached the second trimester, a preventive course of taking the drug may be prescribed. During this period, it does not affect the appearance of pathologies in the fetus, because the body and vital systems of the fetus are already formed.

For women who have given birth during lactation, Acyclovir ointment for the lips is prescribed with extreme caution.

What is more effective for herpes on the lips - tablets or ointment

Analyzing reviews on the Internet, one gets the impression that the ointment solves the problem. This is not true.

As explained earlier, the herpevirus permanently settles in the body, periodically activating under stress, hypothermia, and a decrease in immunity. And if the ointment acts on its external manifestations, then the active substance contained in the tablets fights inside.

The complex use of these two types of drugs, according to the instructions and in the correct dosages, can help to achieve the fastest and highest quality getting rid of herpes on the lips.

Hello dear readers. Now, in the season of colds and viral infections, it is increasingly possible to meet people on the streets with a runny nose, colds, and coughs. Today we will talk about such a common problem as herpes. Herpes is caused by a viral infection that causes small pimples with blisters to form on the skin, which then ulcerate and form a crust. People often find herpes on the lips. Many do not even try to treat it, because they prefer to endure the itching, pain and inconvenience. When herpes appears, it becomes clear to the patient what kind of problem he has, since the symptoms appear immediately, and they are very characteristic. The boundaries of the oral mucosa begin to tingle, which already indicates the onset of the disease. Further, the symptoms become even more characteristic.

If you start taking drugs when the symptoms of herpes have just appeared, and the disease is in its infancy, the formation of bubbles may stop or even not begin.

But, you need to know what medicines you need to use to get rid of herpes on the lips.

The classic scheme for the treatment and fight against herpes on the lips

  • As soon as the primary signs of herpes appear on the lips (they include tingling and itching), they begin to apply an antiviral ointment.

For those who have herpes exacerbations quite regularly, it is better to purchase such drugs in advance and carry them with you, especially when traveling, when climatic conditions change and the body is not ready for such changes.

All of them have a common principle of action - they contain acyclovir, which kills the virus. The drug is similar in structure to a human DNA element, so the virus attaches to it, but then dies, unable to function normally and multiply.

Applying the ointment is very simple - you need to spread it with a cotton swab on the rash area. Further, periodically, when the old portion of the drug is absorbed, a new one is introduced.

Due to the fact that the drug acts quickly and effectively, blisters and ulcers can be eliminated in a short time.

  • In case of delay in starting the treatment of herpes, the next stage is the appearance of vesicles and further ulceration in the area of ​​​​the corners of the mouth.

In this case, it will take more than one day for these problems to be removed, as the tissues must recover. They also start taking acyclovir tablets and ointments.

Of course, local remedies are much better than internal ones, since they act directly on the focus of inflammation and are not carried with the blood throughout the body.

Even pregnant and breastfeeding women can take aciclovir creams and ointments as they are safe. But in order to cure herpes faster and more effectively, it is better to take pills that work harder.

However, it is important to consult a doctor before starting treatment, since taking antiviral drugs internally may not always be the right solution.

  • When the vesicles with herpes begin to open, at this stage there is a peak of the viral disease, so it will not be possible to cure it quickly.

Sometimes after the healing of subsequent ulcers even scars remain. Therefore, at this stage, you need to help yourself as much as possible to get rid of the problem and strengthen the immune system.

In addition to taking antiviral drugs, they begin to use immunoglobulins and vitamins. This will also help prevent infection of those around you.

Chamomile has a good anti-inflammatory effect, the use of which speeds up recovery.

Pharmacy medicines for herpes - which of the drugs to choose?

When taking gels, creams, ointments, tablets with varying degrees of effectiveness, the development and reproduction of the herpes virus in the human body is inhibited.

This reduces the number of adverse symptoms up to the onset of a long-term remission.

You can start taking herpes pills as early as 2 years old. But patients should be aware that antiviral therapy has many side effects. So, fluid can begin to accumulate in the body, forming edema, and an allergic reaction often occurs.

And this means that there should be a clear argument why it is necessary to take antiherpetic drugs in tablets.


The active substance is characterized by the introduction into the virus for its further destruction. It is enough for adults to take 0.25-2 g of the drug to achieve success in treatment.

The number of tablets per day, as well as the duration of treatment, is best agreed with the doctor, who will determine the stage of the disease and the degree of susceptibility of the body to treatment.

If the patient has problems with the activity of the kidneys, liver, this should be taken into account when choosing a dosage.

As for elderly patients, they are advised to drink plenty of fluids when using this antiviral agent.


If a person has herpes, the doctor often prescribes this drug. It is based on famciclovir, an antiviral agent that quickly enters the bloodstream and turns into penciclovir there.

This active substance destroys the causative agent of herpes. The advantage of the drug is the possibility of taking it at any time, regardless of the meal.

Typically, the patient is prescribed 0.25 g of the substance for three doses per day. The course of treatment is a week. But some doctors may prescribe a different regimen if the situation differs from the standard.


A classic antiviral drug that inserts itself into the viral DNA and destroys it. The internal form of the drug is good because it equally penetrates into all tissues of the body, where it fights the virus.

The course of treatment is usually five days. The treatment regimen is as follows - tablets with a dosage of 0.2 g are taken 5 times a day, that is, every 4 hours. If the patient has a severe form of herpes, the doctor may increase the course of treatment.

Zovirax ointment

This drug works similarly to the above, but at the local level. Its difference is that healthy cells of the body are not negatively affected.

Ointment in the form of a strip is applied to the infected part of the skin of the lips.

In this case, the frequency of application is 5 times a day. In total, the course of taking the remedy is about several days, and when there are no more signs of the disease, the application of the ointment continues for another three days to destroy the remnants of the herpes virus and eliminate the possibility of relapse.

Zovirax ointment is good in that it can be used in extreme cases, even for pregnant women, if necessary.


This tool is different from the rest, because it is of plant origin. But it works just as well. The gel is used to comprehensively affect different strains of the herpes virus.

The drug is administered by injection of 200 mcg. Of course, such treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. The tool can be used even for pregnant women, but to a limited extent, but it is prohibited for nursing mothers.

Popular folk remedies for herpes - TOP 10 remedies

For everyone who has herpes on the lips, the first place is the question of how to treat herpes at home. Traditional medicine offers many remedies that have been proven over the years.

1. Aloe juice

To cure rashes on the lips, you need to get a teaspoon of the juice of this plant and mix it with half the amount of honey.

This medicine is taken once a day, immediately before meals. But it is not necessary to prepare this mixture, since it is enough to cut off a slice of aloe and treat the wound with the oozing plant.

To do this, you can attach it to it for half an hour. A few days of such actions, and herpes will be defeated.

2. Earwax

If you lubricate the foci of herpes twice a day with your own earwax, on the 2nd-3rd day the treatment will begin to give a serious result.

3. Ice cubes

Every day, it is necessary to apply ice to the foci of the disease for 15-20 seconds, 2-3 times. This will begin to kill the cold-intolerant virus.

In addition, exposure to ice will cause the wounds to dry out and speed up recovery.

4. Regular salt

Small crystals of table salt can cure herpes if you apply it to the wound several times a day. It is also recommended to leave a salt compress at night.

To do this, a teaspoon of the substance is diluted in a third of a glass of water, then gauze is impregnated with this solution and fixed on the wound surface.

5. Toothpaste

A rather unusual method is that the damaged part of the lip is treated with a small amount of paste and waiting for it to dry.

This usually speeds up the healing and drying process of the sores. Moreover, the use of the product before the appearance of bubbles eliminates their occurrence.

6. Decoction of chamomile

The traditional herbal preparation is not only drunk, but also used as a local remedy. To do this, take a tablespoon of raw materials and insist half an hour in a glass of boiling water.

Then the broth is filtered, mixed with a tablespoon of propolis tincture for alcohol. The resulting preparation is excellent for treating ulcers on the lips and for internal use in a tablespoon 2 times a day.

7. Freshly made tea

A strong tea drink is prepared and a cotton swab is impregnated with it. Next, apply it to the lip. The procedure is done three times a day until the skin recovers.

8. Paper ash

It is not the powder itself that is used, but an ointment based on it. To do this, take half a spoonful of honey, a nightingal spoonful of ash and 3 chopped cloves of garlic. Everything is mixed and applied to the lips three times a day.

9. Garlic and onion

Onion or garlic is cut in half, and the juice of the plant is rubbed on the ulcers on the lips themselves. Due to the unpleasant smell, it is better to do this at night, and then cover the lips with a thin layer of honey.

10. Honey, coffee and flour

The effectiveness of the following recipe is known: 10 g of honey and flour are mixed with 5 g of coffee and 50 g of kefir, 2 cloves of chopped garlic are added.

All this is mixed and applied to the wound surface until the resulting ointment dries. After that, the substance is again smeared on the wound, leaving it for half an hour, after which it is washed off. After a few sessions, the herpes virus will be defeated.

Firing procedure

This is the most dangerous but effective method. A teaspoon is heated over a fire and applied to damaged skin. 4-5 sessions are done per day, after which the virus disappears for a long time.

How to treat herpes for pregnant and lactating mothers

During pregnancy, women are more prone to exacerbation of herpes, as the immune system becomes much weaker. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to take drugs without a doctor's prescription.

To get rid of the problem, you need to fight in other ways. So, women are advised to follow a certain diet containing a minimum of pastries and a maximum of proteins, start taking vitamins, and increase the duration of sleep.

In exceptional cases, it is possible to use ointments against herpes, but they must be prescribed by a doctor.

How to speed up the healing of wounds and ulcers with herpes

If herpes is treated, it stops in 2-4 days. But the disease leaves behind small wounds that will heal for some time.

To speed up this process, you can apply Kalanchoe juice, aloe, sea buckthorn oil to the sores. Thanks to their use in a week, there will be no trace of the wound.

But this applies to cases where all stages of the development of herpes are allowed. If the infection is suppressed at the very beginning, it will not even be able to manifest itself.

The defeat of the lips with herpes is typical for many millions of people around the world. The virus settles in the body, and it is almost impossible to destroy it.

Periodically, when immunity is weakened, there are moments when it reminds of itself, causing a person to suffer.

To defeat the disease, you need to fight not only with its external manifestations, but also with internal ones. Looking for how to cure herpes on the lips - quickly? There are a lot of remedies for today that help in getting rid of herpes, but they should be used under the strict supervision of a doctor, and not prescribed by yourself.

Sometimes thoughtless self-treatment leads to more disastrous results than the lack of medical care.

Winter along with snow, sleds, skates and Santa Claus brings specific winter problems. For example, it is at this time of the year that small, nasty, very painful bubbles most often appear on the lips. A cold on the lips, or, in the medical term, labial herpes, is considered to be an unpleasant, but "harmless sore", although this is not at all the case ...

What does it look like?

At first, itching worries, then a spot appears on the red border of the lips, and there are bubbles on it. When the bubbles burst, an ulcer forms, it becomes covered with a crust, then gradually heals. This is the typical course of this disease.

What is the reason?

The cause is most often the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). It causes labial herpes in 80% of cases. In 20%, the herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), also known as the genital herpes virus, is to blame. I will talk about it in detail in the next article. Here I will only note that HSV-2 is transmitted not only during orogenital (higher love - lower kisses) contacts, so you can be “lucky” without them.

The herpes virus can either be infected, or it wakes up from a latent, i.e. hidden, state.

Herpes viruses adore nervous tissue and "hide" (persist) in nerve nodes (ganglia). When conditions favorable for them and unfavorable for our body come, viruses come out to rob.

What provokes?

Herpes on the lips appears with acute respiratory diseases (ARI), influenza, bronchitis, etc. Dry, cracked, chapped lips are an excellent landing site for viruses. Herpes most often appears (and is more severe) in people who are weakened, with some common diseases, such as diabetes or oncology.

What is dangerous?

Herpes is contagious. During the period of manifestations of the virus, you can easily infect another person, while his infection can be much more severe than yours.

Herpes viruses affect peripheral nerves and the central nervous system, eyes, genitals, and even internal organs.

For children, especially infants, infection can be deadly. It happens that a sick person carries the virus to himself in different places (eyes, genitals). In this case, for example, ophthalmic herpes can lead to blindness.

Earwax and hydrogen peroxide, herbal tinctures and Corvalol - than traditional medicine does not offer to treat herpes. Dermatologists are especially “pleased” with attempts to cauterize the problem with a variety of caustic agents. Unlike most skin diseases, we know the etiology (causes) of herpes labialis. There are proven etiotropic (acting on the cause) drugs, so why not use them?

What should be treated?

The creators of the antiviral agent acyclovir received the Nobel Prize for good reason. This drug stops the herpes virus from multiplying and stops the infection.

The principle of action of acyclovir is simple. Scientists took one nucleoside (the building blocks of DNA) and redesigned it so that, by integrating into the DNA of the virus, it would not allow other nucleosides to integrate behind it. Everything! Imagine a defective, uneven brick on one side.

Brings the drug into "combat readiness" a special enzyme - viral thymidine kinase. Thus, the drug does not affect healthy cells without viruses.

Can you heal yourself?

I am a longtime and sworn enemy of self-medication, but if the disease manifests itself typically, as described in the first lines of this article, herpes does not go beyond the red border of the lips, does not spread to other areas of the skin or mucous membranes (mouth, nose and eyes), proceeds without strong pain at the site of the lesion or somewhere else, without fever, i.e. there are no other symptoms associated or not associated with the process - you can not go to the doctor, but use creams containing acyclovir on your own. Moreover, in my personal experience, with uncomplicated labial herpes, and not very expensive ointments with acyclovir work well.

In all other cases, when systemic treatment (tablets) may be needed, a visit to the doctor is necessary. You should definitely visit a doctor if the rashes recur more often than 5-6 times a year, even if the manifestations themselves occur normally.

When to get "Acyclovir"?

As soon as possible. As I already wrote, the drug does not destroy the virus, but only stops its reproduction, stopping the replication of viral DNA. Therefore, the sooner we start treatment, the fewer viral copies we get. So the disease will pass faster, and there will be fewer complications.

I recommend that people who often get cold sores on their lips carry a tube of antiviral ointment with them so that they can use it even at the itch stage. It is necessary to lubricate the place affected by herpes at least 5 times a day. It is best to do this with a fingertip, gloves or a cotton swab. In extreme cases, just wash your hands well before and after lubrication.

Lovers, of course, can not be stopped, but kissing at a time like this is not a good idea. And any: both on the forehead and cheek, and not on the forehead and on the cheek. Also, you should not use common hygiene items and utensils - cups, glasses, glasses, etc.

Good health!

Leonid Schebotansky


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