How and where to find a good doctor. The Thinking Physician Is Usually an Evidence-Based Medicine Specialist

During a period of depression, you need to consult a specialist, but you should not get too carried away with various antidepressants. Depression can only be overcome with comprehensive measures: healthy lifestyle life, build a daily routine in such a way that the ratio of work and rest is optimal. Be sure to walk, visit more often fresh air. During depression, you need to diversify your diet as much as possible - your favorite dishes can give a psychotherapeutic effect.

Effective remedies in the fight against depression - good company, friendly communication, interesting hobby.

You should give up the endless watching of TV, horror films, films with a tragic ending.

Take off depressive states help acupuncture, massage (including acupressure), aromatherapy using tonic essential oils.

All types of hydroprocedures are very effective: shower, sauna, bath, dousing and rubbing in the morning and / or evening cold water. Before going to bed, it is advisable to take warm baths, adding pine needle extract or essential oils to the water.

It is useful, including calm music, to sit quietly or lie down with your eyes closed for 10-20 minutes every day.

Exercises to get rid of depression

To carry out these exercises, 90 seconds are enough (half a minute each), but this is enough to cheer you up.

1. Stand up, stretched out in full height, smile, even if there is not the slightest desire, at least to depict a smile on your face - depression will decrease by 50%.

2. Widely spread your arms, as if there was a desire to hug someone. Lower them along the body, imagining that the muscles of the arms send a positive impulse to the body. Repeat the movement 5-6 times.

3. Rub your thighs vigorously with your fingertips. This will charge the body with joy.

Phyto-recipes for relieving depression

To combat depression, it is advisable to focus on sedatives plant origin, from which at home you can prepare drinks yourself. The main thing is to know herbs that have a stimulating effect. However, it should be remembered: they can only be used by those who have an unused supply of energy. For people whose reserves are limited, excessive stimulation can be harmful and even dangerous.

Effective natural remedies depression includes bananas containing the alkaloid harman, which is based on mescaline, often called the drug of happiness. By excellent means increase the tone of the body are also pears, chocolate - products containing the hormone of joy.

For depression, it is useful to drink a cup of tea with lemon and a teaspoon of honey in the morning. A glass will save you from impending longing herbal infusion with the so-called adaptogen plants, which have been used since ancient times to restore strength during their decline - ginseng, rosea rhodiola (golden root), safflower-like leuzea, Chinese magnolia vine.

Aromatherapy with individual selection of essential oils is shown. These can be favorite smells or aromas that have a tonic and restorative effect: basil, geranium, frankincense, lemon, lemon balm, myrrh, rose or sandalwood. The oil is sprayed with a spray or heated in a special aroma lamp.

When starting depression, it is better to use not tranquilizers, but natural sedatives with a slight hypnotic effect - valerian (valerian tincture), motherwort tincture, etc.

Nuts and dried apricots on honey.
It will take: 100 g light liquid honey, 100 g walnuts, 100 g dried apricots
Mix honey and passed through a meat grinder walnuts and dried apricots. Take a delicious mixture before meals, 1 tablespoon 2 times a day for 1 month.

herbal drink for depression.
It will take: 1 teaspoon thyme herb, 1 tablespoon lemon balm herb, 1 tablespoon peppermint herb, 1 tablespoon blackcurrant leaves, 2 tablespoons black long leaf tea, 200 ml boiling water
herbal ingredients mix with high-quality black tea, pour 1 teaspoon of the mixture with boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Drink a freshly brewed drink 1 glass 3 times a day. Tea with tonic herbs helps to get rid of lethargy, apathy and depression.

tea balm.
It will take: 1 tablespoon valerian roots and rhizomes, 1 tablespoon hop cones, 2 tablespoons marshmallow roots, 2 tablespoons oregano herb, 2 tablespoons mint leaves, 2 tablespoons chamomile flowers, 2 tablespoons black tea, 250 ml water
mix black tea thoroughly with herbal ingredients, brew the resulting mixture at the rate of 1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Drink a glass of freshly brewed drink 2-3 times a day, preferably with honey.

Herbal collection

when depressed.
It will take: 1 tablespoon of valerian root, 1 tablespoon of marigold flowers, 1 tablespoon of chamomile, 1 tablespoon of rose hips, 1 tablespoon of chokeberry, 20 ml of boiling water
Mix the herbal ingredients, pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture hot water, bring to a boil, remove from heat, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Drink half a glass 3-4 times a day.

Where and how to find good doctor?

Today, the medical services market offers a huge selection of different medical clinics and various centers. But how do you find a good doctor? YOUR doctor?

Bad ecology, malnutrition, the rapid rhythm of life and constant stress every day make an invaluable contribution to the state of our body. And no matter how hard we try to smooth them out negative impact, sooner or later the moment comes when qualified medical care is simply necessary. As a result, we begin to frantically leaf through our notebooks, call our relatives, friends and acquaintances in search of the right specialist. But, unfortunately, this does not always help, and even in the lists of friends-friends, that cherished phone is not always found. Then, as a rule, we turn to the nearest, more or less suitable for our requirements, clinic or medical center, and there ... how lucky. I suggest that you "do not play Russian roulette", but use a specialized social project, with the help of which you will be able to choose the right doctor based on REAL REVIEWS of patients and OWNING ALL INFORMATION about the education, specialization and work experience of the specialist you are interested in for FREE.

1. You are looking for a doctor of a certain specialization

To do this, go to the website (this is a special Internet service, the database of which currently includes 200 specialized clinics, 210 diagnostic centers and more than 10,800 doctors).

Choose your city.

To date this service available for residents of Moscow, Moscow region and St. Petersburg.

Then you can choose the specialty of the doctor you are interested in from the proposed list or use the convenient site search system. To do this, in the window opposite the words "Looking for a doctor" select the desired specialty. And in the list that opens, click on the desired option.

You can narrow your search by selecting the area closest to you. To do this, in the search form in the box with the words "any district" type the name of your district,

or click on the metro icon (in the same window on the right) and select the appropriate option from the proposed list of metro stations or city districts.

For example, I am looking for a cardiologist. As a result, I have a list of all cardiologists in Moscow and the Moscow region.

For convenience, you can also sort the list of doctors depending on their rating, work experience and cost of admission. In addition, the service provides for sorting the output list depending on the possibility of visiting a specialist at home.

It does not matter whether you go to a commercial clinic or choose the services of a public one: it is necessary that the doctor is competent and his diagnoses are justified. But how do you know if a good specialist is in front of you? Head of Quality Control Department medical care and endocrinologist at the Atlas clinic, Yuri Poteshkin, listed several signs by which you can recognize a good doctor.


Yuri Poteshkin, Endocrinologist at Atlas Clinic


A good doctor looks neat: a clean medical gown, clothes, hands - everything should be in in perfect order. It is important that from the first minute of acquaintance, the doctor evokes a sense of trust and security in the patient. it required condition without which no treatment is possible. According to research, patients who trust their doctors find it easier to change their lifestyle - for example, to lose excess weight or avoid salty foods high risk arterial hypertension.

One of important factors trust between the doctor and the patient - participation, participation of the patient in the process of treatment and decision-making. Options when the patient is in the walls medical institution turns into an object of treatment, silent and uncomplaining, become a thing of the past. Now the patient can choose how to be treated, and the doctor's task is to provide him with enough information to make a decision.


The doctor is obliged to interview the patient and find out what caused the visit and what the patient's goal is. The doctor will ask questions about the patient's well-being, his habits and lifestyle, the history of the development of symptoms, concomitant diseases and the medications he takes. Be sure to ask about cases of illness among close relatives - parents, grandparents, siblings.

Some questions may seem irrelevant to the case or the main specialty of the doctor. This is normal: the doctor must take into account everything to the smallest detail and pay attention to details that are not necessarily obviously related to the patient's complaints. A good specialist knows a lot of subtleties and checks everything possible options diseases.

Any appointment should include an examination. At the same time, it will not necessarily be accompanied by a magnificent ceremony - the patient does not always need to undress and lie down on the couch. For examination, it will be enough for some specialists to assess the body type, the distribution of subcutaneous fat, the condition of the hair and skin, and to palpate the organs necessary for diagnosis. At the same time, it is necessary that the doctor takes into account the comfort of the patient and does not invade his personal space unnecessarily.


The doctor must calmly and patiently answer all the questions of the patient and comment - within the necessary limits - on each of his decisions. good doctor will always explain what is happening, reveal all the terms incomprehensible to the patient, give the patient the opportunity to make decisions.

If a we are talking about the appointment of the analysis, the doctor will explain what information the study will give and why it is necessary to conduct it. Any analysis plays no role until it is interpreted by a specialist. At the request of the patient, the physician should be ready to comment on each indicator of the analysis and evaluate its contribution to the diagnosis.

It is important that each examination ends with a preliminary or final diagnosis. In some cases, in order not to disturb the patient in advance, the doctor may remain silent until a certain point about the diagnosis or the reason for the appointment of the analysis. This is necessary, for example, if you suspect oncological diseases- no need to frighten the patient until reliable research results are obtained.

At the same time, if the patient asks a direct question, the doctor needs to say all the possible options, and not just name the most negative one. Here, the doctor will need knowledge of the principles of ethics and deontology. (the doctrine of the problems of morality and ethics. - Approx. ed.).


Behind every doctor medical education, but modern science develops rapidly: diagnostic methods are improved, the knowledge base about diseases is constantly updated, new results appear clinical research. Therefore, it becomes a necessity for a doctor to know foreign languages: most articles are published in English.

The doctor will not prescribe drugs with unproven effectiveness - except in cases where healthy patient I'm sure he's sick. In this case, such appointments work on the principle of placebo and the patient feels better. In parallel with this, as a rule, it is recommended to consult a psychotherapist - such symptoms may be associated with depression or neurosis.

A good doctor will not make outdated or commercial diagnoses - diseases that are not available in International classification diseases or do not correspond to the patient's symptoms, but for the treatment of which expensive treatment can be prescribed. If you are not sure about the prescribed treatment or examination, it is better to consult with another specialist or check the doctor's actions on UpToDate (search by articles for patients is free).

All doctor's prescriptions must comply with international recommendations. The doctor cannot put pressure on the patient. If you have any doubts, feel free to ask your doctor all the questions or seek a second opinion from another specialist if you did not get a clear answer.


The efforts of one specialist are not always enough to treat a patient - sometimes teamwork is needed. In such cases, targeted recommendations do not work: often a trusted doctor that you learned about from friends needs to send you to another specialist, and the magic of the recommendation may end there. The geography of treatment becomes immense, medical papers are lost in different institutions (if you get them at all), the medical history has to be repeated dozens of times.

quality medical service requires integrated approach. Behind the back of the doctor should be a proven clinic or his own network of contacts. Then the doctor can easily assemble a multidisciplinary consultation or transfer the patient to another clinic.

When transferring a patient, continuity of care is needed - to transfer information, describe and continue the diagnostic concept or treatment regimen. This provides not only fast and quality care but also maintains the trust of the patient. Ideally, each patient has a lead doctor who keeps track of the patient's treatment history.

Together with medical card he transfers the medical history and all information about the patient to colleagues within one clinic, and when transferred to another institution, he prepares a detailed extract and continues to monitor the patient's treatment. Each next doctor complements the obtained data and results of treatment and allows you to accurately determine the diagnosis and select the appropriate treatment.

For effective work all instruments must be available to the doctor laboratory diagnostics and the ability to refer the patient to another facility or, if necessary, urgently hospitalize.

How to find a good doctor? Reviews of relatives will help

Where to find a good doctor

The number of clinics offering various medical services and equipped with the most modern technology is growing every day. But the success of treatment depends mainly on the doctor.

Find a good specialist who you can trust with your health is very difficult, because there are no reliable criteria for determining the quality of his work. Therefore, you can only rely on the reviews of people who have a problem similar to yours and they have already successfully got rid of it, or at least are in the process of treatment.

The most popular and most effective method Finding a good doctor is a survey of relatives, colleagues and friends. If people find a great specialist who really helped them, then they save his contacts and share them without any problems

The main disadvantage of this method is its complexity. Searches can be delayed, especially in the case of doctors narrow specialization. If a dentist, neurologist or gynecologist visits quite often from time to time a large number of people, then, for example, not everyone has “their” nephrologist or phlebologist in mind. In addition, it is not a fact that a specialist whom your friend praises will also suit you.

Roy Martina: how to choose a doctor

  • More

A good option, although also quite costly in terms of time and effort, is to search for a doctor on the Internet. The network has medical portals with ratings of doctors and reviews of their work. These sites provide intermediary services, that is, right on the page with personal data and a photo of a doctor, you can make an appointment.

On these sites, as a rule, it is convenient to search for doctors by specialty and area of ​​work. It is possible to filter specialists by popularity, length of service, cost, rating and number of reviews

There are detailed questionnaires that indicate the experience of a specialist, his category, scientific degrees, a list of problems with which he works, as well as the place and time of admission, cost and other important points.

But at least a couple of dozen reviews, according to which one can draw some kind of conclusion, are collected only by doctors from the capital. In addition, it is not always possible to check the veracity of reviews. Suddenly, the doctor himself wrote a laudatory ode in the hope of attracting new patients?

If your problem is fairly common, you can search the forums dedicated to it. And there, ask the local residents for the contacts of a doctor whose work they were satisfied with. Knowing the name of the doctor and his specialization, you can also try to find reviews about him on other sites or social networks.


Our legislation gives the patient the right to choose a doctor (clause 1, part 5, article 19 of the Federal Law “On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in Russian Federation”), the right is declared. But how to do that? How to find the doctor who will restore your health, take you out of a state in which your life is in danger? How not to fall into the hands of an incompetent, illiterate, inexperienced, irresponsible doctor who, at least, will not help you?

The first step on this path can be the advice of a person you trust (relative, friend, work colleague, doctor you have previously consulted). The recommendation is an old, proven method.

Information relating to your health must be mined and then subjected to careful analysis.

How can a patient evaluate medical worker? Here it is necessary to pay attention to the following.

The condition for accepting a doctor to work in a medical institution in the Russian Federation is the presence of two documents: a doctor's diploma and a specialist certificate. Chief Physician will not hire a person who does not have these documents. Here, the head of the medical facility guarantees the patient that he will be examined and treated by a specialist who has the right to do this. Theoretically, the patient can demand and check with the doctor the documents that give the latter the right to provide medical care. But it is practically hardly advisable to do this, since the head of the health facility has already done this work for the patient. Everyone is wrong, of course. But the likelihood that a person who is not a certified specialist will work in a Russian medical institution is very low. At this stage, a smart patient can start evaluating his doctor by asking which institution issued his diploma and certificate. The rating of medical universities is known. The school your doctor went through matters to you. It is known that institutions with centuries-old traditions, where doctors, who are the pride of the national health care, worked, where scientists worked, who created entire areas in medicine, prepare the best specialists. The very fact of being within the walls of a well-known university makes you comply.

It is not difficult to find out in a conversation what your doctor graduated from. Graduates of prestigious medical universities are proud of their diplomas and talk about it with pleasure. It is not superfluous to find out how your doctor studied. If he graduated from a university with a gold medal, a red diploma, or at least he did not have triples in exams, this is a definite plus.

Having worked certain time Having gained experience in their profession, a medical worker in Russia can apply for a qualification category in their specialty. We have three medical categories: second, first and highest. Medical degree and specialist certificate issued federal agencies. The category by specialty is assigned by the regional attestation commission, which includes the most authoritative doctors working in this particular area. A specialist can apply for the second category after working for at least 3 years, for the first category for at least 7 years and for the highest category for at least 10 years. The doctor submits a fairly large list of documents to the certification commission, which includes a report on the work done by him. At the appointed time, he appears before this commission, and it decides which medical category the doctor is worthy of.

To assess the level of the doctor, it is advisable for the patient to find out what medical category the doctor has. The optimal answer would be "the highest qualification category".

Regarding degree and academic title. They are awarded for achievements in scientific and pedagogical activity. clinician, researcher, teacher different types activities. A doctor may be an excellent clinician, but a poor teacher or researcher. Conversely, a doctor can be an excellent researcher, he can be loved by students, but in medical practice he may not be successful. I have great respect for scientists and educators, being both. Here I mention this so that patients understand that not always a professor or doctor medical sciences treats better than the average practitioner. It is known that acute appendicitis it is better to operate with an ordinary surgeon who performs such operations every day than with a professor who, perhaps, did his last appendectomy 20 years ago. But in general, in your assessment, if the doctor has a degree, an academic title is a plus. If a doctor has books, scientific papers, publications on your illness, you better choose this doctor.

In addition to the medical school that gave a diploma and certificate to a specialist, qualification category, academic degree and title, postgraduate improvements in a doctor are also important. In what institution, in what volume, in what capacity did your doctor undergo postgraduate training? Currently, some doctors have the opportunity to train abroad. Rating of the most prestigious Western medical centers also well known.

Our legislation obliges a doctor to undergo improvement once every 5 years. If your doctor does this more often, and even in clinics of well-known universities, this is another plus for him in your assessment.

The patient can independently probe the level of the doctor's training by asking him a question regarding his health, to which he knows the answer. It is unlikely that a specialist will like it if he sees that he is being examined. Therefore, an intelligent patient weaves the question into a conversation with a doctor. Having received a competent answer, he communicates further.

The skill level depends largely on general level person. The doctor must be smart. If you have or have doubts about this, you must take measures to evacuate from the doctor's office. I had to meet stupid people who had a medical degree and a specialist certificate and who worked in health care facilities. It is not difficult for a smart patient to figure out a fool.

The moral character of the doctor is just as important. Now, unfortunately, less and less importance is attached to the education of doctors. The word "shameful" has become unfashionable. Somehow I know the director high school said: "It is terrible to imagine to what extent a doctor should be a decent person." When choosing between a more conscientious and less conscientious doctor, one should choose the one who has more conscience. Be wary if the doctor is helpful. If he directly starts talking about money, then it is better to part with him. The morality of a doctor is not only a guarantee against extortion. A decent doctor will not dump on duty the problems that have acutely arisen in his patient after hours. It will not refer formally to a patient receiving paid medical service when the latter ran out of money. Or when a patient receiving medical care under an insurance policy does not have the ability to pay necessary research not covered by his insurance.

Knowledge by a specialist foreign language- a plus. This gives him additional opportunity be aware of the achievements of world medicine.

The age of the doctor should also be taken into account. Most often, the older the doctor, the more medical experience. But it also happens that in the process of work, due to different reasons the doctor changes his specialization or he had a big break in his specialty. In connection with this circumstance, and the doctor, who does not look young, the patient should ask about his experience in the field of medicine of interest. Sick with chronic disease, who has many years of struggle with the disease, it is better to have a doctor who is not of pre-retirement age.

Young doctors have their advantages. They've just come out of the big, cutting-edge medical centers that medical schools are. They are aware of everything new, full of ideas, energetic, they do not yet have professional fatigue, and they are more accessible.

At one time, I was lucky to listen to lectures by a prominent Russian scientist, a well-known military field surgeon, Professor A. N. Berkutov. Once he told us, students of the Military Medical Academy, about the brilliant N. I. Pirogov: “Pirogov became wise with age. Clever man, growing up, becomes wise. A stupid person becomes just an old fool in old age.

A feature of the medical profession is that it takes many years, sometimes more than a dozen years, to train a specialist. Only book knowledge is not enough for a clinician. With the acquired theoretical knowledge, he still has to go through a number of clinical situations, to work for many years. (This, by the way, repels a certain category of young people from medical universities, who, seeing this, understand that it is possible to honestly earn some money in medicine only after 30–35 years). The clinical experience of a doctor is a guarantee of better medical care. I cited the statement of Professor A. N. Berkutov so that an intelligent patient understands: a gray-haired doctor is not always the best doctor.

People are arranged in such a way that they quickly find a common language, feel more comfortable with their peers. If the doctor you choose is the same age as you, this is an additional plus for him.

If you are a patient with a difficult diagnosis, then you need an experienced specialist who has been practicing for many years in the field of medicine you are interested in, who has a name in this field, scientific work. If your problem is standard and you have a disease that affects many thousands, you are better off going to an ordinary practicing doctor.

For shy people, the sex of the doctor matters. In such situations, it is better to choose a doctor of the same gender as the patient. But the qualifications, the level of training of a specialist should be in the first place here too. Even a shy man needs to seek help from a more skilled female urologist, and not wait for a male urologist of the same qualification to appear.

It is optimal when the doctor and the patient mentally coincide, think the same way, have a common culture. A common language in such situations is found faster. If the nationality of a doctor, his religion, his race is important to you, then you need to take care of this in advance and choose a doctor of the same nationality, faith, race as you. This will help you create the necessary atmosphere of trust in your relationship with your doctor.

Pay attention to how his colleagues, nurses, even nurses communicate with your doctor. If he respects them, you will see it. The doctor's authority among colleagues is an important sign that your doctor is "good".

Appearance also matters when choosing a specialist. A decent, good-looking appearance is not just a sign good manners, culture, but also the duty of the medical worker. If the doctor looks unkempt, then you cannot be sure that your treatment will be clean and that your doctor will do everything to prevent you from becoming infected with, say, hepatitis C. It is not uncommon for people who are careless to themselves to be careless to work. The pretentiousness of appearance should also alert you. If a doctor has an earring in his ear, and a female doctor is too naked, it means that they do not really understand what their profession is. classic in appearance- optimum. As one of my colleagues, a competent and successful therapist, said to his assistant: “Outside the hospital, do whatever you want. In a medical institution, you must comply.

The availability of a doctor is an important factor for the patient. Best if you live close to where he works. But more important is his employment. For example, a well-known therapist who teaches at a university, for whom “everyone wants to be treated,” can be constantly, chronically busy, in addition to teaching and scientific work. You, when necessary, will not always be able to get an appointment with him, this appointment may be postponed more than once.

At your doctor's office in addition to medical work there may be other duties (trade union work, for example). He may not always have enough time for you.

Information about where and by whom the doctor previously worked is useful. For example, perhaps here, in a metropolitan clinic, a doctor works as an ordinary specialist, but before that, say, he worked for ten years as a leading surgeon in a large hospital somewhere in a region on the periphery. This is one situation. If you find out that the doctor got a job in this hospital, having been forced to resign from another hospital, where the patient died through his fault, this is a different situation. We often have “arrangements” for work through connections. Such a doctor can be kept in a hospital only because of his high-ranking relatives, patrons. For the time being, it is usually covered over experienced doctors, head of the department (until he makes a mistake or is transferred to a more profitable place). I don't think this doctor would be the best choice for you.

The hospital administration is trying not to make "dirty rubbish in public." Finding out if the doctor had penalties, and if so, what kind and for what, is not easy, but possible. If, for example, you find out that the doctor has a reprimand for appearing at work drunk, be on your guard. In Russia they drink, it's common knowledge. The life of a medical doctor is not sugar, this is also known. We treat people who drink indulgently. But if a doctor is punished for drinking, this means that at work he constantly gets drunk beyond measure. It is unlikely that such a specialist will suit you.

The administration of the hospital does not hide the encouragement of employees. If you see your doctor's face on the Hall of Honor or a certificate of achievement, this is a good reason to increase his rating.

At present, some medical institutions on their websites on the Internet they provide information about the doctors working for them. This data for an intelligent patient can be useful.

Much depends on what kind of doctor you are looking for. If you need a medical certificate for the pool, then you can not strain yourself here. But if you need, for example, a surgeon for abdominal surgery, we need to work here.

Ask your surgeon about their experience in treating a condition like yours. How much he independently performed such operations as you are planning. What are the results of these operations. How often he had complications, failure. Could he compare the results of his operations with those of his colleagues. You are not an expert in medicine, but by the reaction of the surgeon to these questions, by his answers, you can decide whether he can be trusted to work with your body or not. If the doctor is annoyed by your questions, he avoids answering or answers with general phrases: “I did a lot of these operations, but I didn’t have any complications,” beware. If the surgeon is specific and says that he has performed tens, hundreds of these operations, that there were such and such complications in his practice, and that this is a completely acceptable percentage of complications that surgeons all over the world have, that the vast majority of those operated on by him are practically healthy , and if you want, you can talk to his operated patients - you can trust such a surgeon. In major surgery, that is, where stationary, many hours, abdominal, complex operations The optimal age for a surgeon is between 40 and 50 years. By this age, the specialist accumulates sufficient experience, and he retains the strength for hard work in the operating room.

When choosing a therapeutic doctor, a smart patient should also find out what experience he has in treating your disease. this specialist. How many patients he treated with such a disease, how many of them recovered, what complications these patients had, what results his colleagues have in treating your disease, how much better or worse they are than his own, why they are better or worse.

If you are shy, you can collect information about a surgeon or therapist without asking the specialist these questions directly, but by talking with experienced patients, nurses, your doctor's colleagues, and heads of the medical institution.

Curiosity - good quality for a doctor. The more he tries to find out about you, the better off you are.

Remember, asking your doctor questions can save your life.

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5 HOW TO FIND THE HOSPITAL YOU NEED medical organization(clause 1, part 5, article 19 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”). Even if your doctor’s talent is such that he “cuts down trees”, if you are lucky and

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Conclusion, or How to find a good doctor Save physical health, good spirits, sense of humor, the ability not to depend on outside help until old age– what could be better? The health of our heart and blood vessels is largely in our

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