Plantar viral wart. How to get rid of plantar warts on feet? Treatment with a special patch

Dear readers! In this article, you will learn what a plantar wart looks like, what are the symptoms and causes of its occurrence. After that, you will get acquainted with the methods of treatment in traditional medicine and at home.

What is a plantar wart?

The virus enters during its contact with the skin through cuts and abrasions in the outer (stratum corneum) layer of the skin

plantar warts- this type of wart, which is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), appears on the outside of the skin on the sole of the foot, any toe and on the palm of the hands.

A plantar wart is also called a wart, chicken wart or chicken butt, horn wart, verruca plantaris or plantar warts.

The virus enters during its skin contact through cuts and abrasions in the outer (stratum corneum) layer of the skin.

First, a small yellowish-gray papule with an uneven surface appears. Gradually, the small element becomes dense, takes on the appearance of a dirty-colored spine.

Due to pressure on the foot during walking, the spine can be pressed inward, the stratum corneum will grow from above.

From the inside, the papule looks like fused papillae of different sizes with a pinkish tint. Additional capillary vessels are formed there, causing bleeding if the wart is hooked.

Important! If left untreated, plantar warts will gradually begin to cause severe pain, interfere with walking, causing disability, and create mosaic clusters around them.


The cause of the spike is the penetration of HPV under the skin.

The active stage of the virus develops with the following predisposing factors:

The mechanism of the appearance of a wart: you damaged the skin - abrasions, scratches, cracks appeared. The virus got there and integrated into the genes of skin cells. The cell changes shape like a tumor cell.

Sources of infection:

  • swimming pool;
  • shared shower;
  • bath and sauna;
  • sand on the beach;
  • someone else's shoes.

The following categories are at high risk of infection:

  • young people 20-30 years old with reduced immunity;
  • elderly people;
  • children who love to bite their nails and tear off hangnails;
  • people with pathological conditions: HIV-infected, cancer patients, etc.

human papillomavirus

human papillomavirus- a group of viruses, due to which a person develops warts, papillomas. Over the past 50 years, scientists have identified more than 100 types of HPV. Now 70% of people in the world are infected with HPV.

The appearance of a spinule can be caused by three types of HPV:

  • type 1 forms deep warts on the sole;
  • type 2 forms mosaic warts on the sole;
  • type 4 promotes the growth of small warts.


Appearance: dense, clearly delimited formation of a round or oval shape, with a yellowish or light brown tint, 4-20 mm in size.

Above the level of healthy skin, it rises only by 1-3 mm, and most of it goes inward and grows in width. With a severely weakened immune system, subsidiaries appear next to the main wart.


Types of plantar warts

There are several types of plantar warts:

  1. Viral occur in the skin under the influence of certain types of HPV, their diameter is from 1 mm to 1 cm. Formed when the immune system is weakened. Most often appear between the fingers and near the nails. They do not cause severe discomfort on the palms, but they spoil the appearance, they interfere with walking on the feet.
  2. Deep grow deep into the skin, slightly convex on the outside, rough, resemble old corns, sometimes bleed. They are under the nails. This type is rarely amenable to operations, it is removed by a laser.
  3. Internal (subcutaneous) appear on the fingers and toes. Under the influence of the virus, cells grow intensively deep in the epidermis. It mainly appears from the ingress of dust and dirt into open wounds. The incubation period can stretch for several years.
  4. flat occur in adolescents in the transition period on the arms and legs around the nails. Diameter: 1-5 mm. Slightly domed or smooth, flesh-colored or light pink.
  5. Single do not form groups, appear in one place, become denser with time and can exist for several years.
  6. Mosaic represent a scattering of warts covering most of the skin. They have one main - "mother". If you take it out, the rest will come down by themselves.
  7. black are considered a consequence of senile processes in the body, or the presence of blood clots in the blood vessels that feed this formation. They are asymmetrical (like moles), grow slowly, bleed, even without damage.
  8. fused are formed from several, acquire a bright red color and exude an unpleasant odor, releasing a liquid. Provoke the formation of ulcers on the skin. The patient experiences itching and burning.

Where can spikes appear?

Places of education:

  • on the feet and soles;
  • on the toes;
  • on the heels;
  • on the palms and fingers.

The difference between plantar warts and other diseases

It is difficult to distinguish a spinal cord from other diseases without the help of a specialist:

  1. Like a corn, the spike is rough, hard, during movement with pressure you feel pain. But if you steam out its top layer, you will notice pinkish papillae in the form of peculiar “volcanoes” that are practically on the surface, close to each other, and clogged vessels that look like black dots. Often there is blood coming out. This distinguishes the wart. If you see a homogeneous tubercle without various inclusions, then you have a dry corn.
  2. Callosity- skin thickening on the sole under the head of the metatarsal bone, there are no black dots in it, but there is a white nucleus.
  3. callus comes from an ordinary blister, consists of dead skin, at autopsy you will not find blood vessels, nerve endings are also not affected.
  4. corns located on the heels or at the base of the toes, but consist entirely of keratinized skin, there is no rod.

Are plantar warts dangerous?

Remember that spines are not oncogenic papillomaviruses; with timely treatment, they do not develop into cancer.

But if you use detergents, gels and soaps with a high chemical concentration, then the plantar wart is likely to degenerate into a malignant tumor.

When should you see a doctor?

If you find the symptoms of a spike, you need to go for a consultation with a dermatologist.

You need urgent medical attention if:

  • education increases in size;
  • the color has changed;
  • took on the appearance of a blurry spot;
  • new formations appear around;
  • you feel tingling, tightness, or itching.

A dermatologist will make a diagnosis, and if necessary, you will have to contact a surgeon.

Diagnostic methods

The dermatologist uses the following diagnostic methods:

Wart removal

Spinal removal is required if:

  • education restricts movement;
  • you are in severe pain;
  • the wart grows every day;
  • children begin to appear nearby.

Removal of growths is successful in 98% of cases.

The sore spot is lubricated with nitrogen, its temperature is -196ºС, deep tissue freezing occurs

- cauterization of the spike with liquid nitrogen. If the wart is small, you can not do anesthesia.

The sore spot is lubricated with nitrogen, its temperature is -196ºС, deep freezing of tissues occurs.

The spike is dying. But in its place a blister appears, inside a liquid with a pinkish tinge or colorless.

It is necessary to protect this place from damage, tie it with a bandage, you can’t cover it with adhesive tape, you can wet it, but don’t pierce it. After a week, new tissue will begin to form.


  • sensitivity to nitrogen;
  • epilepsy;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • colds.


  • no scars remain after the procedure;
  • the ability to wet the sore spot even during healing;
  • low cost of the procedure - about 500 rubles.


  • soreness within 2 weeks;
  • blisters often form near the problem area;
  • sometimes once is not enough.

Laser coagulation

A point beam is aimed at the affected area, acts on the roots, and the affected cells die

Laser coagulation- evaporation of the wart under the influence of a laser for 5-10 minutes. Local anesthesia.

A point beam is aimed at the affected area, acts on the roots, and the affected cells die.

At the site of removal, a not very deep wound will appear in the form of a red spot, but it will pass in about 2 weeks.

Treat the wound with rubbing alcohol for 3 days after surgery.

Do not break the emerging crust! Do not use any cosmetics until complete recovery!

Methods of laser coagulation:

  • Carbodioxide (carbon dioxide) laser the spine is cauterized at the beginning of its formation. Such a laser can cause visible scarring.
  • Erbium laser gradually removes the spikes by evaporating the layers. This is more efficient, but the method requires more time.
  • pulsed laser on dyes contributes to the death of spines by acting on oxyhemoglobin. The method is painless, scars rarely remain.


  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • oncology;
  • skin diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • high body temperature.


  • the speed of the procedure (5-10 minutes);
  • the best effect, because during the procedure it is possible to control to what depth the stem of the formation is removed;
  • once;
  • fast healing;
  • the method can be used for children;
  • available means - from 100 rubles. per wart 1 mm.


  • sometimes there is a small postoperative scar;
  • painful anesthesia;
  • special care.

You will be given local anesthesia, then a high-frequency current will cauterize the problem area

- burning a wart using an electrocoagulator.

It looks like a scalpel, but electric.

You will be given local anesthesia, then a high-frequency current will cauterize the problem area.

Cells die and are rejected as new tissue grows. You will not feel pain, and the wart will be removed by the roots.

During healing, you may experience itching and pain around the wound. It must be treated with an antiseptic.


  • increased sensitivity to electric current;
  • allergy to local anesthetic drugs;
  • infectious diseases during an exacerbation;
  • poor blood clotting.


  • bloodless removal;
  • removal with roots;
  • painlessness.


  • the method is used only with a shallow location of the spine;
  • the formation of a noticeable scar;
  • costs from 900 rubles.

The instrument cauterizes the surrounding vessels, which prevents HPV from entering the blood from the wart

It is carried out according to the principle of laser surgery - due to the evaporation of tissues, but using a radio knife (radio wave scalpel).

The instrument cauterizes the surrounding vessels, which prevents HPV from entering the bloodstream from the wart.

The beard releases heat under the influence of waves, and the affected cells evaporate.

The procedure takes no more than an hour. A recess will remain in place of the spike. A crust will form, it can not be touched and wetted for 8-10 days.

With the least side effects, surgery will be performed using the Surgitron apparatus. The heat at the tip of the knife penetrates the damaged cells and heats from the inside, healthy areas remain unharmed.


  • hypertension;
  • colds;
  • glaucoma;
  • allergy;
  • infections;
  • pregnancy.


  • bloodless method;
  • execution speed;
  • fast recovery.


  • the formation of a deep scar, pigmentation is possible;
  • cost - from 1000 rubles.

The doctor scrapes the affected tissue

spikes with a scalpel takes place under local anesthesia. We do not recommend injuring the sole or palm without important reasons.

With surgery, there is no certainty that the HPV is completely removed, and the wart will not grow back.

Use this method only when removing large spikes.

The doctor scrapes the affected tissue. After the operation, sutures are applied for 6-7 days. After healing, scars remain.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • various infections.


  • the most traumatic way, leaves scars;
  • there is no guarantee that the procedure will be painless with local anesthesia;
  • long recovery period;
  • price - from 1000 rubles.

Treatment of warts without surgery

At the initial stage of the appearance of the spine, try conservative methods: medication and local treatment.

The following medications are considered effective:

  1. Antivirals– gradually kill active viruses and prevent relapses. It is desirable to use in combination with other methods of treatment. Antiviral ointments have a local effect, they are not absorbed into the blood system:
    • Viferon- the basis of the drug is interferon alpha-2, similar to the one that the body produces as a response to viruses. Application: lubricate the wart 3-4 times a day for a week. It costs about 200 rubles. for 12 g of ointment.
    • Panavir- This gel is based on herbal ingredients. It penetrates deep into the skin and stays there for at least 3 days, water does not wash it off the affected area. It has an effect in a short time (maximum 10 days). Application: Apply to the wart 5 times a day for 5-10 days. It costs about 800 rubles. for 30 g of gel.
    • Oxolinic ointment- the main component of Oksolin protects cell membranes by blocking viruses. The most effective ointment is 3%. Application: apply ointment to the wart 3-4 times a day until it disappears completely. Price: 70-80 rubles. for 10 y.
  2. Keratolic preparations- soften the skin and remove the stratum corneum on it. The best remedies for removing warts on the feet, because there the skin is too rough, it must be steamed well:
    • Salipod- a patch that softens corns and calluses well, but is not very effective with thorns. It is better to use in complex treatment. It is based on salicylic acid and a little sulfur. Application: first, steam out the leg or arm, then glue the Salipod patch on the affected skin, fix it on top with a regular patch, hold for 1-2 days, then cut the wart under the root with nail scissors and wait a few days. 50-60 rub. for 10 pcs.
    • Vartoks- cream paste that softens the skin due to urea. Application: steam out the wart, remove it with scissors or pumice stone, lubricate it with cream, apply a cotton pad and cover with a patch not tight. Do not wet this place, and remove the bandage after a day. Wash with soap and repeat. 200 rub. for a tube of 20 ml.
    • Salicylic ointment- antiseptic with keratolytic action. Application: Protect healthy skin with a patch, then apply ointment to the spike. Use 2 times a day for a month. Price: 30 rub. for a tube.
  3. Necrotizing (cauterizing) drugs - infected cells are killed and dried out by them:
    • Feresol- the main component phenol has mummifying properties on warts. Application: lubricate the growth with cream once, if its size is up to 2 mm, or in several layers with a larger size, but apply the layers one by one only after the previous one has dried. Price: about 300 rubles. for 10 y.
    • Verrukacid- the solution is an analogue of Ferezol, but its effect is stronger. Application: lubricate warts up to 2 mm once, treat large warts 3-4 times after each drying of the solution. Cost: 230-250 rubles. for 2 years
    • Supercleaner is an alkaline solution. Cheap and available. It is safest to use a Lekker pencil. Application: cauterize the wart with one drop of the solution. Price: about 30 rubles. for 3 ml.
    • Solcoderm- a liquid that quickly kills the skin when applied. A wound appears at this place, on it there is a crust, which later disappears. Application: apply a drop of liquid directly to the affected area, lubricate healthy skin around with baby cream. Solcoderm economical: 1 ampoule - for 6-7 warts.

      Carefully! Use the liquid for the first time under the supervision of a doctor, as it is based on 4 aggressive acids - oxalic, nitric, acetic, lactic!

      Reapply after a week. Cost: 500-550 rubles. for 1 ampoule.

  4. Preparations with the effect of cryotherapy- freeze the wart. The effect of drugs is similar to cryodestruction in hospitals:
    • Cryopharm- an aerosol containing propane and dimethyl ether. Application: lower the applicator (included in the preparation kit) into the balloon, wait 3-4 seconds until it is filled with a freezing composition, then attach it to the spine for 20-30 seconds. Repeat 1 time per day for 10 days. Price: from 550 rubles.
    • Wartner Crio- painful, but effective drug. Freezes the thorn along with its root. Application: as a Cryopharm aerosol. After 2 weeks, the skin will become healthy. It costs from 700 rubles.
    • MaxiWart- spray by freezing an unnecessary formation on the foot removes it without a trace and a scar. Application: spray once on the affected area, the result is in 10-15 days. Price: 600-800 rubles.
  5. Immunomodulatory drugs - activate the immune system so that the body itself destroys HPV:
    • Groprinosin- pills that block the virus in the body. Used in combination with topical wart treatments. Application: adults are allowed up to 8 tablets, and children - 1 tablet per day. Price: 550-600 rubles. for 500 mg (20 pcs.).
    • Riodoxol- antifungal ointment 0.25 or 0.5%. To use: Apply a thin layer to the wart 3 times a day for 1 to 3 weeks. In case of burning, wash off the ointment under running water. Cost: about 200 rubles.
    • Lapis pencil- with the help of silver nitrate in its composition, it eliminates small warts. Application: moisten the pencil in cold water and rub the spine 2 times a day until complete recovery. The pencil does not itch or burn. Price: 130-150 rubles. for 1 piece

Ferezol Groprinosin

Cryopharma Lapis pencil

MaxiWart Oksolin

Viferon Panavir

Salicylic ointment Salipod

Solcoderm Wartner Cryo

Vartox Verrukacid

homeopathic treatment

Many patients are afraid of surgery and medicines, so they prefer homeopathic remedies.


  • it is used even with a large number of neoplasms;
  • appointed in adult and childhood;
  • can be used in conjunction with other treatments;
  • low price, purchase without a prescription;
  • natural composition of drugs;
  • kindness to the body.


  • it is not always possible to cure a wart;
  • does not work with advanced disease;
  • long period of treatment.

Application Features:

  1. you drink "light" drugs as a preparation for more action;
  2. take the main course with a stronger dosage;
  3. the final stage lasting 2-4 weeks to restore the skin.

Homeopathic preparations:

  • Antimonium crudum(Antimonium krudum) - antimony sulfide, use on rough, keratinized areas of the sole, fingers, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bnails with a yellow growth. Price 50-55 rubles. for 10 g;
  • Causticum (Causticum)- consists of burnt lime with potassium sulfate, use to get rid of large but soft warts on the hands. Price: 70-75 rubles. for 5 g;
  • Thuja occidentalis (Thuja)- if you need to get rid of multiple warts of any kind, and when relapses are often pursued. Price: 200-230 rubles. for 25 years

To prescribe treatment with these remedies, consult a homeopathic doctor.

Removal by folk methods at home

According to doctors, folk methods are not effective. But if the disease has not yet started, you can use every chance to avoid surgery.

Recipes at home:


Sometimes, to destroy warts, people resort to the methods of ancient magic.

Take a 30 cm cotton thread. When you see the growing moon, go outside or open a window, touch all the warts with a thread and tie knots in the same amount as there are warts on the body.

Then read 3 times: "A month, a young month, take the warts with you." Bury the thread in the ground. She will rot - recovery will come.

How to remove the root of a plantar wart?

Removal of the root blocks the access of substances for blood circulation to the wart and prevents recurrence. You can make sure that there is no wart with an ultrasound. The root should be removed in the hospital.

To do this, choose one of the following methods:

You can also try to get rid of the root at home, using preparations that will dry the growth:

  • Supercleaner - an aggressive solution, burns out a wart with a base, a burn remains;
  • Dermavit is an aggressive ointment. Avoid contact with healthy skin;
  • Ferozol is a strong burning drug.

Important! Do not pull out the wart yourself, this often leads to dangerous inflammation.

Plantar warts in children

Over the years, a person develops strong immunity, so infection in children is more common than in adults, usually in children from 5 years old and adolescents. Infection occurs very quickly, but treatment takes a long time.

Reasons for the appearance:

Types of treatment used in the treatment of children:

  • getting rid of warts with the help of medicines;
  • cryotherapy;
  • laser removal.

Usually warts go away on their own in 1-1.5 years. Treat the child in case of painful education. To quickly relieve the child of discomfort, start treatment as soon as possible. Many removal methods are too painful.

The most gentle treatment methods are:

  • Ointments: Oxolinic, Tebrofen, Fluorouracil. Lubricate the wart every day, after 2 weeks it will begin to turn black and fall off;
  • Solcoderm solution (from 5 years old), Duofilm (from 2 years old), Supercleaner (from 5 years old). Apply to the wart for 5 days. But protect your baby's healthy skin;
  • Plasters Salipod and Salicylic. Cut off a small piece of plaster, stick on the wart, on top of the usual plaster. Change every 12 hours for 1-2 weeks.

To avoid the consequences on children's skin from chemical elements, it is better to prepare the preparations yourself (see the section "Removal of folk remedies at home").

Plantar warts during pregnancy and lactation

Causes of warts in pregnant women:

HPV can cause great harm to the health of the unborn child. Don't delay your treatment!

The only method allowed by doctors is laser burning.

The laser causes the tissue to evaporate. There are 2 types of laser: burning out the spike and removing damaged skin tissue in layers.

Doctors advise laser burning in the 1st and 3rd trimesters. If the wart does not cause inconvenience, it is better to postpone the treatment for the postpartum period.

Carefully! Do not try other procedures due to the chemical components of the drug or anesthesia. Otherwise, premature birth or abnormal development of the fetus may occur.


If untreated, the spine will grow, emit an unpleasant odor and hurt more, causing disability, and mosaic clusters will form around.

With the right treatment, you will recover completely. But there are also repeated cases of the appearance of plantar warts.

Types of complications after wart removal:

  • damage to healthy skin;
  • the appearance of scars or scars;
  • decreased immunity;
  • rarely - the development of spines into malignant ones.

Prevention of new plantar warts

Frequently asked Questions

Can I go to the pool if I have a plantar wart?

It is possible, but during swimming it must be tightly closed with a band-aid.

Why does it hurt to step on when there is a plantar wart?

In the process of movement, you press on the damaged area with the weight of your body, and it compresses pain receptors. This causes pain, forcing you to change your gait, wear looser shoes.

Does it hurt to remove warts?

No, if anesthesia is given.

Does it hurt to walk after laser hair removal?

Yes, it is difficult to step on the foot for about a week, the affected area heals slowly.

How long does a plantar wart take to heal?

The rehabilitation period is from 1 week to a month.

Are antibiotics prescribed for plantar warts?

In this case, antibiotics will not be effective. They are used for bacterial infections, not viruses. Warts are considered the result of a virus.

What is the ICD code?

Code according to the international classification of diseases ICD-10: B07 Viral warts.

After the removal of the plantar wart, the leg is swollen, what should I do?

This is a normal reaction. Make a bath, dissolving table salt in it, and apply a bandage with Levomekol. If it does not go away after a couple of days, go to the doctor to avoid inflammation.

Take action!

  1. Having found a wart, consult a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis.
  2. Make sure the growth is good with a biopsy.
  3. Choose the treatment or removal method that suits you best. Do not forget to protect healthy areas of the skin, read the possible contraindications.
  4. Follow preventive measures to prevent new warts.

The human papillomavirus, penetrating into tissues, can be in a passive or active state.
  • The passive state is characterized by the fact that the virus, being in the basal layer of the epidermis, multiplies slowly, not reaching the stratum corneum of the epithelium, therefore, outwardly, this state does not manifest itself in any way.
  • The active state is characterized by the fact that the virus is actively developing and, rising into the upper layers of the epidermis, manifests itself with numerous symptoms.

sign Manifestation A photo
shiny surface Initially, the plantar wart appears as a glossy plaque, then its surface becomes keratinized, becoming rough and rougher.
Dimensions The sizes of plantar warts range from one to two centimeters and rise above the surface of the epithelium by one to three millimeters. Most often, warts are oval or round in shape. There is also the concept of maternal and daughter warts. The maternal wart appears first and is the largest, and smaller child warts can usually form around it. Over time, the parent and child warts may coalesce to form larger lesions.
Painful sensations The plantar wart is located on the foot, where most of the weight is carried. The wart is compressed between the sole and the bones, which leads to compaction of the surrounding tissues. These warts, in most cases, are very painful due to the fact that the wart can compress the nerves in the foot, causing pain when walking.
Color In most cases, warts are light brown or yellow-white in color.
Black dots If the stratum corneum is removed from the surface of the wart, then dark dots may be observed on the bed of the affected area, which are formed due to the fact that the bleeding capillaries in this area are thrombosed. This feature is a distinctive feature of the plantar wart from corns and calluses.

Sole Wart Removal

There are currently many effective and safe treatments for plantar warts. However, it should be noted that in some cases, reliable removal of the wart is complicated by the fact that the human papillomavirus penetrates into the deepest layers of the epidermis ( to the basal layer).

Wart treatment is necessary if:

  • the wart hurts;
  • the wart bleeds;
  • large wart;
  • coloration of the wart is uneven ( for example, blotches appeared in it);
  • there is a rapid growth dynamics of the wart.

There are the following methods for removing plantar warts:
  • cryodestruction;
  • laser coagulation;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • radio wave surgery;
  • surgical excision.


This method consists in the fact that the wart is affected by liquid nitrogen with a temperature of minus 196 degrees. Cryodestruction is characterized by the fact that when the wart is frozen, the virus-affected area of ​​the skin is destroyed, followed by stimulation of the body's immune forces. However, it should be noted that if a wart has appeared and exists for up to six months, then the effectiveness of its removal is 84%. While the effectiveness of the removal of warts that have existed for more than six months, is reduced to 39%.

The cryodestruction procedure can be performed:

  • usually ( liquid nitrogen is applied until a light halo with a diameter of two millimeters appears around the wart);
  • aggressively ( after the appearance of a light halo around the wart, liquid nitrogen continues to be applied for another five to twenty seconds).
Studies have shown that the aggressive method of freezing the wart is more effective than the conventional method, but the disadvantage is that it is more painful.

After removal of the wart, hyperemia is observed at the site of exposure ( redness) of the skin, followed by the formation of edema. After a few hours, a bubble forms on the affected area ( may contain hemorrhagic or serous fluid), and about six to seven days after the bubble dries up, a crust forms in its place, which falls off on its own within two weeks.

  • the bubble formed at the site of the wart should not be opened;
  • the affected area should not be sealed with adhesive tape;
  • the site of exposure is recommended to be freely, without tightening, bandaged with a sterile bandage to prevent mechanical damage and contamination of the affected area;
  • twice a day it is recommended to treat the affected area with salicylic alcohol 2%;
  • try to avoid getting water on the impact site.
Advantages of the method Disadvantages of the method
tissue healing occurs without scarring if exposure to liquid nitrogen occurs superficially, then there is a high probability of relapse ( re-education) warts
the procedure is performed without the use of local anesthesia after the procedure, local hypo- or hyperpigmentation may be observed
removal of a wart using this method takes from one to two minutes if deeper cauterization occurs, there is a risk of scarring

Laser coagulation

Removal of warts with a laser beam is one of the most common methods of treatment today. This method is characterized by layer-by-layer cauterization of the affected area, which allows you to control the depth of exposure. Also, when removing a wart, the laser beam simultaneously solders the vessels, thereby preventing the development of bleeding at the site of exposure.

There are the following methods of laser coagulation:

  • Carbon dioxide (CO2) - laser. The impact on the wart is made using infrared light ( wavelength is 10,600 nm). The disadvantage of this method of treatment is that tissue cauterization is not selective, that is, there is a possibility of damage to healthy tissues. The efficiency of plantar wart removal with a carbon dioxide laser is 70%.
  • Erbium laser. This method is characterized by a shorter wavelength, the length of which is 2940 nm, which significantly reduces the likelihood of scarring after tissue epithelialization. The effectiveness of this method of treatment is 75%.
  • Pulsed dye laser. This method is characterized by selective energy absorption ( wavelength is 586 nm) oxygenated hemoglobin, in which the destruction of dilated capillaries in the wart occurs, as well as stimulation of the immune system, which contributes to an effective cure. The effectiveness of this method of treatment is approximately 95%.
After laser treatment, a crust forms on the affected area, which falls off on its own within seven to ten days. It is not recommended to tear off the crust, as well as lubricate it with something ( ointments, creams, alcohol solutions). Also, in the first few days after the procedure, you should avoid getting water on the site of exposure.


The plantar wart is exposed to high frequency current. Cauterization of the affected area should be done under local anesthesia. Due to the coagulation loop applied to the affected area of ​​the skin, an electric current is applied to the wart, which leads to its death. Also, the action of high temperatures leads to soldering of the vessels, which prevents the development of bleeding.

After the procedure, a dense crust forms at the site of exposure, which disappears on its own within ten days.

After removing the wart, the following recommendations should be observed:

  • during the healing period, try to avoid getting water or soap on the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • the formed crust should not be touched or torn off;
  • in the first seven to ten days, it is recommended to treat the site of exposure with an antiseptic agent ( e.g. Lugol's solution, Iodinol) once or twice a day.

radio wave surgery

This method of treatment consists in using a special electrode that emits high frequency radio waves ( 3.8 - 4.0 MHz). Exposure to high temperatures on the plantar wart causes the cells affected by the papillomavirus to evaporate. Also, due to cauterization of blood vessels, the use of this method prevents the development of bleeding. After exposure, a crust forms on the affected area of ​​the skin, which disappears on its own within seven to ten days.

During the healing period is contraindicated:

  • in the first two days after the procedure, the cauterization site should not be wetted;
  • tear off the crust within seven to ten days.

Surgical excision

This method is characterized by the removal of the wart with a scalpel under local anesthesia. After excision of the affected area, sutures are applied, which are removed after seven to ten days.

General principles for caring for the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin after removing the wart:

  • in case of formation of a crust, it must not be touched or torn off;
  • limit the ingress of water to the affected area;
  • after removal of the wart, it is impossible for the exposure site to be in direct sunlight;
  • do not apply any cosmetic products to the affected area of ​​the skin ( e.g. cream or lotion);
  • within one to two months after the removal of the wart, it is not recommended to visit public saunas, baths or pools;
  • after removal of the wart, it is recommended to use vitamins A, C and E, as they contribute to rapid regeneration ( healing) tissues, and also stimulate the body's defenses.
Note: If complications arise after the removal of the wart ( inflammation of the affected area, prolonged healing, scarring), you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

For all methods of treatment, contraindications to the procedure are:

  • diabetes;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases near the wart;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • increased body temperature;
  • high blood pressure ( above 140 per 100 millimeters of mercury).

Treatment of warts without surgery

Name of the ointment Mechanism of therapeutic action How to use
Salicylic ointment It has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Possesses keratolytic ( exfoliating) an action that, due to softening, dissolution and rejection of the surface layer of the epidermis, contributes to the rapid renewal of the skin. For the treatment of warts, salicylic ointment 60% is used. Before using the drug, it is recommended to steam the legs, and then dry them thoroughly. After that, a thin layer of ointment should be applied to the plantar wart, and then the treated area should be bandaged. Repeat the procedure every other day until the complete disappearance of warts.
Oxolinic ointment It has a pronounced antiviral effect. For the treatment of plantar warts, a three percent oxolin ointment is used. The drug is applied to the affected areas of the skin, after which a waxed ( coated with a thin layer of wax) paper. The procedure should be repeated two to three times a day. The course of treatment is two to three months.
Viferon Contains vitamin E. It has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Has antioxidant properties anti-oxidation agent), and also enhances regeneration ( update) cells. The ointment is applied three to four times a day for five to seven days.
Riodoxol It has broad antiviral and antifungal activity. Before using the drug, damaged skin must be steamed and thoroughly dried. Then a thin layer of ointment should be applied to the plantar warts. The procedure should be carried out one to three times a day until the warts disappear completely.
Note: in case of side effects ( e.g. redness, itching, burning) should be washed off with warm water and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

For single and shallow plantar warts, it is recommended to use alternative methods of treatment.
Name of the tool used Cooking Application
Acetic acid It is necessary to purchase acetic acid 70%, petroleum jelly, and also prepare a pipette for applying the exact dosage. Before using acetic acid, it is necessary to smear the healthy skin around the wart with petroleum jelly.
Then, using a pipette, one drop of acetic acid should be applied to the wart. Use this method once a day until the wart is gone.
Garlic infusion It is necessary to chop three cloves of garlic, and then pour boiling water over the resulting mass ( 50 ml). After one hour, the resulting infusion must be filtered and used. The wart area should be lubricated with the resulting infusion once a day until the formation completely disappears.
Brine Required in warm water 100 ml) dissolve one tablespoon of salt and add one tablespoon of table vinegar ( 9% ). The resulting solution must be thoroughly stirred, and then the pulp of one plum should be dipped into it and infused for two hours. After the time has elapsed, it is necessary to remove the plum from the solution and grind it into gruel. The resulting plum gruel must be applied to the wart.
For reliable fixation, wrap the foot and put a sock on it.
This compress must be left for two to three hours. The procedure should be repeated every day until the complete disappearance of the wart.
Infusion of wormwood Needed in a glass of hot water ( 250 ml) add three tablespoons of dry wormwood, cover and infuse for two hours. With the resulting solution, it is necessary to lubricate the affected areas of the foot three to four times a day until the warts disappear.
Lemon peel infusion It is necessary to remove the peel from two lemons and place it in a crushed form in a liter jar. Then 100 ml of table vinegar 9% should be added to the vessel and the jar should be closed with a tight lid. The contents should be insisted for one week, periodically shaking the jar. After the expiration date, the infusion must be filtered. The resulting infusion should be moistened with warts twice a day until they disappear completely.
Decoction of St. John's wort For one glass of water 250 ml) you need to add one tablespoon of chopped St. John's wort and boil for 15 minutes over low heat. After boiling, the broth must be cooled and then filtered. With the resulting decoction, it is necessary to lubricate the warts three to four times a day until they completely disappear.
Note: If you experience any side effects, you should immediately contact your doctor.

Currently, celandine is also effectively used in the treatment of plantar warts. This plant has a medicinal juice of yellow-orange color.

The celandine has the following medicinal properties:

  • bactericidal ( causes the death of hidden microorganisms);
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • choleretic;
  • antiviral;
  • wound healing;
  • cauterizing;
  • antipruritic;
  • celandine also contains vitamins A and C.

In the treatment of plantar warts, fresh celandine juice is used, which must be rubbed on the affected skin two to three times a day until the warts disappear completely. Before applying celandine, it is recommended to thoroughly steam the legs in hot water and remove the keratinized part of the wart with a pumice stone.

In the treatment of plantar warts, celandine has the following therapeutic effects:

  • helps to reduce pain during walking;
  • accelerates the process of drying the wart and the formation of a crust;
  • Due to the content of vitamins A and C in its composition, it stimulates local immune responses.
Also, the composition of celandine includes various acids ( ascorbic, amber, apple, lemon), to which HPV is susceptible.

To improve the effectiveness of the treatment of plantar warts, the following recommendations should be observed:

  • daily hygiene procedures for the feet;
  • To strengthen the immune system, you should regularly use vitamins ( e.g. vitamins A, E, C);
  • use individual shoes e.g. slippers);
  • with dry skin of the legs, it is necessary to regularly use moisturizing and nourishing foot creams;
  • in public places ( bath, sauna or swimming pool- it is necessary to use personal slippers and avoid walking barefoot;
  • choose the right shoes carefully e.g. appropriate size, natural materials);
  • with excessive sweating of the legs, it is necessary to use drying agents ( e.g. Urotropin, Formagel), and also try to choose shoes according to the weather.

Plantar warts (horns) are hardened growths caused by the human papillomavirus. They are benign growths that have a small chance of degenerating into a cancerous tumor. Such formations are rubbed with shoes, hurt, interfere with walking and spoil the appearance of the foot. All these are reasons to get rid of them immediately, and folk and medical methods will help in this.

Treatment of plantar warts is best done with pharmacological preparations. Medicines for getting rid of the symptoms of papillomavirus are sold in every pharmacy. They are inexpensive and, when used correctly, are safe and effective.


Inexpensive domestic cream for getting rid of pathological growths. Good for home use. It can remove any kind of warts, not just plantar ones. The drug softens the formations, penetrates into the subcutaneous layers and destroys the viral cells located there.

Before using Vartox, the leg is steamed, the protruding parts of the spike are cut off, then a little ointment is applied to it. A piece of cotton wool is placed on top and fixed with adhesive tape. The next day, the bandage is removed, and the swollen wart is cut off and sealed again. After a few weeks, a small compacted formation will disappear.

Vartox is sold at any pharmacy without a prescription. Its price is about two hundred rubles.


An antiviral drug that kills the infection at the site of the spine and causes the destruction of its structure. The cream is applied to the steamed wart in a small amount. A plaster with a piece of cotton wool is glued on top, which is left for a day. Treatment continues until the complete disappearance of the build-up. Usually it takes 10-15 days.

Quickly and permanently removes calluses, warts and papillomas. The mechanism of action of the drug is to cauterize the overgrown pathological tissue. After its application, no scars or spots remain on the skin. The course of treatment is only a few days.

Use the medicine as follows:

  1. The growths are pre-treated: salicylic ointment is applied to their surface for 20-25 minutes, then the softened top layer of the spike is cut off;
  2. Next, the warts are lubricated with Verrukacid using a special applicator, which is sold complete with the medicine;
  3. Apply the drug carefully so as not to touch the surrounding tissue. You can smear Vaseline around the spine. This will protect healthy skin from the aggressive action of the components of the solution.

Before starting treatment, you should consult with a specialist. The doctor will accurately determine the nature of the origin of the compacted growth, its variety, send it for tests, and prescribe the correct therapy. Self-administration of drugs can lead to complications and relapse of the disease.

Plantar warts are treated several times - from two to five, with a break of three to four minutes. During this time, the applied liquid should dry completely.

The price of Verrukacid in pharmacies ranges from 150 to 250 rubles. The tool is also available under the name Ferezol.


A plaster that softens keratinized skin. It contains salicylic acid, rosin, sulfur. It has bactericidal and antiviral action.

To combat warts, it is used according to the following scheme:

  1. First, a regular patch is glued to the skin, a hole for the spike is cut in the middle of it;
  2. Then Salipod is glued on top, so as not to hurt healthy skin;
  3. The tape is fixed with another piece of a simple adhesive plaster.

Salipod is left on the skin for two days, and then changed to a new one, and so on until the growths completely disappear.

The package includes an applicator for point dosing of the solution and a vial of medicine. The drug cauterizes skin formations, due to which the wart mummifies and disappears.

It contains aggressive, toxic acids. The medicine removes even the most inveterate growths that other drugs cannot cope with.

The order of application is as follows:

  1. The legs are steamed in hot water, the top layer of the epithelium on the spine is removed with a pumice stone;
  2. The foot is wiped with ethyl alcohol;
  3. With an applicator, carefully apply the solution to the keratinized growths. The liquid must not come into contact with the surrounding skin;
  4. The drug should be completely absorbed into the wart.

If the medicine is applied in the right amount, then the treated growth will immediately change color - it will turn yellow or gray. Three days after the procedure, the wart dries up. If this does not happen, then the treatment can be repeated after a week. The growth should fall off on its own. You can’t tear off the dried crust yourself.

Care must be taken during treatment to avoid unpleasant consequences. In case of an overdose of a caustic substance or its contact with the body, severe tissue burns will occur. If Solcoderm was on healthy skin or the patient felt pain and burning during treatment, then treatment should be stopped and the affected area should be washed with plenty of water.

The price of Solcoderm is 500-600 rubles. It is sold in all pharmacy chains without a prescription.


It contains concentrated alkalis that burn out skin growths. The drug can cause severe burns, so it should be used with caution. The liquid is applied with an applicator to the wart, while the surrounding skin should be covered with adhesive tape. The feet are pre-steamed, the protruding part of the build-up is cut off or cleaned off with a pumice stone. It is advisable to apply a thick layer of petroleum jelly on the skin around the treated area.

Treatment of warts is carried out no more than once every three to five days. The liquid must dry completely, it must not be sealed with a plaster. Three days after the application, the growths begin to die off, after another seven days they disappear. The wound at the site of formation heals for about two weeks.

After treatment with Supercleaner, a small scar may remain. Also, at the site of the removed wart, an infectious inflammation sometimes appears or a new one grows. The reason for this is the root of the formation remaining under the skin.

The drug is not prescribed for young children, people with hypersensitivity of the skin.

It is dangerous to touch an inflamed viral outgrowth with your hands, comb it, try to pick it off. This will cause the virus to spread to other parts of the body and lead to the appearance of new warts of varying degrees of cancer.

Removal of plantar warts folk recipes

Home methods to cope with formations is possible only at the initial stage of the disease. If the coarsened growth appeared a long time ago, then traditional medicine will be effective only in combination with pharmacy medicines. It is most correct to contact a dermatologist when you find spines in yourself, who will select the optimal treatment regimen.


On a birch one can often see large shapeless, sometimes flat, growths - chaga mushroom. It is a valuable medicinal raw material, widely used in medicine and helps against many diseases.

Treatment of forceps at home is carried out in several ways:

  • Drink mushroom infusion. To do this, the chaga is crushed, poured with water and insisted for two days. The medicine is drunk three times a day, one spoonful. The infusion deteriorates quickly, so after a few days you need to prepare a new one;
  • Take dry extract inside. A pinch of mushroom powder is drunk with a glass of water three times a day;
  • Preparing local remedies. A cream based on chaga and glycerin is smeared once a day with growths on the foot. They disappear after a month. In parallel, you can treat the legs with Vishnevsky ointment.


With the help of an alcohol solution of iodine, “young” spines can be removed in one week. To do this, the drug is applied to the pathological formation with a cotton swab without affecting the surrounding skin, as it can lead to burns.

Smear the warts on the foot with medicine four to five times a day. Before using the iodine solution, it is advisable to steam the legs.


A piece of garlic clove is applied to the spike and fixed with a band-aid. The feet must first be prepared - steamed, the growth and the skin around it should be treated with pumice, the protruding part should be carefully cut with scissors.

Garlic is applied before bedtime. It remains all night, in the morning it is removed, and the affected area is washed with tar soap. This treatment is carried out every evening for two weeks. Small warts disappear completely by the end of the course.


This plant is an excellent antiseptic. It will not only help remove the growth on the leg, but also prevent the spread of the virus.

Before use, onions are soaked for one to two hours in acetic or malic acid. Then a part of the plant is applied to the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and fixed with a bandage. The compress is left overnight.

In the morning, it is removed and the skin is treated with vegetable oil. Repeat this procedure every evening until the warts are completely eliminated.


There are several recipes for getting rid of thorns with potatoes:

  • Raw puree compress. Only the top layer of the tuber is suitable, along with the peel. The frayed mass is placed on cellophane with holes and applied to the site of localization of warts. The compress is fixed with a bandage and left for two to three hours. This procedure is carried out daily for several weeks;
  • Half of the cut tuber is applied to the growth. The root crop is tied to the leg with a bandage and left for one hour. After a while, the wart will disappear;
  • A decoction of potato "eye" helps to get rid of growths in a couple of weeks. For its preparation, finely chopped sprouts are taken, the same volume of water is added, the mixture is simmered over low heat for an hour. The resulting broth is smeared with warts two to three times a day;
  • Raw grated potatoes are added to the alcohol infusion of celandine and the resulting mixture is infused in a dark place. In a few hours the medicine will be ready. The drug is applied to the spikes twice a day.

The best protection against warts is the normalization and strengthening of immunity. If a person’s body is healthy, then new growths will not appear in him, and old ones often disappear on their own.


Its juice helps to cure warts, papillomas and other skin formations. This herb is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. The plant contains in its composition essential oils, alkaloids, tannins. It has a bactericidal, irritating, anti-inflammatory effect, due to which, when it is applied to the growth, the viruses die, the local immune response of the body increases, and the spike eventually dries up and falls off. Along with this, the medicine promotes the rapid healing of damaged skin.

Treatment with celandine is effective, painless, and does not require financial costs. However, before using it, you need to check yourself for allergies and individual intolerance to the plant. To do this, one drop of juice is applied to the skin and left for 10-20 minutes. If irritation, redness, itching or rash does not appear on the body, then it can be safely used for therapy.

To cure thorns, celandine juice is applied to the growths two to three times a day in its pure form. This is enough to completely get rid of warts within a week. But only the fresh juice of the plant, collected in early summer during its flowering period, is suitable for such treatment.

For year-round use of the herb, a decoction is prepared from its dried leaves according to the following recipe:

  1. Crushed celandine is poured with boiling water (1 tablespoon of grass per one and a half liters of water);
  2. Then it is boiled for five to ten minutes;
  3. After that, the medicine is infused for about five hours.

A decoction compress is applied to steamed skin, tightly fixed and left overnight. After seven to ten days of such treatment, the growths should pass.


A finely chopped branch of this plant is poured with alcohol and left to infuse for 14 days. For two weeks, the bottle should be shaken 5-6 times. The finished tincture is lubricated with warts a couple of times a day. After a month, the formations will turn black and fall off.


70% acetic acid is mixed with flour in such a proportion that a slurry is obtained. Small spikes can be effectively treated with this mixture. The medicine is applied to the warts twice a day until they are completely eliminated.


A small piece of this product is thoroughly kneaded and applied to the growth. The plate is fixed with adhesive tape and left for several days. Then it is removed and fresh medicine is applied. The skin before applying propolis is washed and treated with pumice. The course of treatment is up to five weeks.

Cornflower and rowan

The powder from its seeds is applied to the sore foot, bandaged on top. The skin is pre-steamed, cutting off the protruding sections of the spike. The bandage is left overnight. Treatment lasts until the complete disappearance of warts and is approximately three weeks.

Rowan has a similar effect. The crushed berries of this tree will quickly remove warts. A slurry of them is applied at night to diseased areas of the skin, fixed with gauze and left in a compress until the morning.

Causes of warts

The strains of the virus that provoke the appearance of spikes are usually infected during household contact with the patient or during sexual intercourse with the carrier of the infection. The disease has a long incubation period and favorable conditions are needed for its development - a decrease in immunity, hormonal disorders, or an exacerbation of a chronic disease.

Another reason for the appearance of growths on the soles is psychosomatics. As a result of chronic stress, nervous disorders, depression, there is a decrease in the protective functions of the patient's body, and, as a result, an exacerbation of the infection. The papilloma virus in the body of a healthy person is usually in a latent state and does not cause the appearance of spinules.

A wart on the foot looks like hyperkeratosis, molluscum contagiosum. Only a physician can distinguish a spinule from these infectious pathologies. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to visit a dermatologist who, using histological analysis, will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

What does a spike look like

A plantar wart is a small round or oval growth of a grayish color, it does not have a skin pattern, and black dots are visible on its surface. With its structure in section, the formation looks like a small spike, which goes with a sharp end into the inner layers of the epidermis.

If the wart grows strongly into the skin, then when walking it causes a sharp pain. Because of this, inflammation and abscess often occur.

How to distinguish a spike from a common corn or corns

The main differences between the spine and other dense formations are as follows:

  • at the initial stage of development, the wart is soft, but it itches and itches;
  • over time, it causes inconvenience and pain when walking, becomes covered with a dark layer;
  • its color is dark or flesh;
  • inside the formation there are black dots and a rod is visible;
  • in the center the growth is rough.

What a plantar wart looks like can be seen in the photo below.

Plantar warts are often disguised as calluses, and curing them is an order of magnitude more difficult. What to do when a wart appears on the foot, how to get rid of it as quickly and efficiently as possible? Is it possible to deal with plantar warts and growths on the toe at home? We analyze all the ways to get rid of warts on the foot in this article.

Friends, hello everyone! Svetlana Morozova is with you. We continue the topic of papillomas on the body and the fight against them. Warts on the feet are one of the most frequent and unpleasant: they are picked up easily, often hurt when walking, and are located in a place that is difficult to access for treatment. Today I will tell you how to cure a wart on the leg - a medical approach and folk methods. Go!

Friends! I, Svetlana Morozova, invite you to mega useful and interesting webinars! Host, Andrey Eroshkin. Health Recovery Expert, Certified Dietitian.

Topics for upcoming webinars:

  • How to lose weight without willpower and so that the weight does not return again?
  • How to become healthy again without pills, in a natural way?
  • Where do kidney stones come from and what can be done to prevent them from reappearing?
  • How to stop going to gynecologists, give birth to a healthy child and not grow old at 40?

Wart on the foot: how to get rid of different types of papillomas

Warts on the legs are treated with a complex of procedures, and not in 1 day. The selection of drugs or the method of hardware therapy sometimes differs depending on the type, location, size of growths.

What are they:

  • Ordinary (vulgar) - round hard growths that look like a knot. They practically do not differ in color from the rest of the skin, they can darken over time. The top layer often flakes off, and the wart itself itches.

Simple warts "jump" more often on the back surface of the foot, on the toes and between them, near the nails and even under them, on the knees, heels. Less often - on the very foot.

  • Flat - smooth formations in the form of spots, practically do not rise above the surface of the skin. Sometimes several flat warts grow together in one place. They may not be felt, not itchy. Soak after shower.

These papillomas are located on the heels, back and sides of the foot, lower leg, toes, on the feet in the toe area. Often they are confused with corns, however, unlike the latter, flat warts do not have a skin pattern.

  • Pointed, otherwise "cock", "chicken" spines - high, rough, hard warts with many "roots" on the surface, quickly grow in breadth and deep into the skin. In the thickness of these warts, black dots are visible, as in the photo - clogged vessels. If you soak such a build-up and rub it with a pumice stone or washcloth, blood will appear from the black dots.

Spikes are formed on the heels, on the entire inner surface of the foot, on the back of the toes and between them. Often they can appear in the child's arms. They itch and feel painful when walking. They can grow up to 2 cm in diameter.

At the same time, warts often disguise themselves as moles, calluses, and sometimes (in very rare cases, but still) turn out to be malignant. Therefore, only a doctor should diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Now let's look at how you can get rid of warts on the legs.

Medical technologies for getting rid of warts

What is most often used to treat plantar warts:

  • Surgical removal of the wart. A simple operation to cut out a wart. For the treatment of outgrowths on the sole, especially a deep "chicken" wart, this method is used most often - cheaply and cheerfully, and the scars will not be visible after the wound has healed.

The formation is cut out under local anesthesia, then a bandage with an antiseptic is applied. Until the tissues grow together, the bandage will need to be applied regularly at home.

  • Electric cauterization. Otherwise electrocoagulation. Discharges of high-frequency current cause the cells affected by the virus to curl up. After burning out, a crust remains in place of the wart; after its healing, scars do not remain, with the exception of large and old warts.

The electrocoagulation procedure is carried out to remove all types of warts on the feet or legs. Everything takes place under local anesthesia, however, electrocoagulation is practically not used to burn formations and other sensitive areas.

  • Burning out with liquid nitrogen (cryolysis). Nitrogen confuses the growth cells, something like a burn is formed, a bubble appears. Therefore, this method is not used for plantar warts - the vesicle cannot be injured. Several sessions may be required to remove a "chicken" wart or an overgrown vulgar wart.
  • laser treatment. The laser burns out small formations, no more than 5 mm in diameter. Suitable for flat and ordinary papillomas on the foot, as well as young pointed warts that have not had time to grow. The procedure and healing are painless, no scars remain.
  • Radio wave therapy. Radio waves destroy the structure of the wart, while not damaging the tissue - this is a non-contact, non-invasive method. Therefore, healing takes place very quickly - up to a week.

Previously, another method was used - chemical burning. The wart was treated with caustic acid or alkali. Now this method is practically not treated anywhere - injuries are high, the risk of damage to surrounding tissues, and healing takes a very long and painful time.

Drug therapy for warts on the legs

Medicines are prescribed in a complex: antiviral and antibiotics for external action on the wart and for oral administration, as well as products in the form of ointments, gels, patches, aerosols based on acids and alkalis.

Here is a list of effective external preparations against papillomas on the feet:

  • Salipod;
  • Cryopharm;
  • Solcoderm;
  • Kollomak;
  • Panavir;
  • Podophyllin;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Sallicylic ointment;
  • Oxolinic ointment.

Inside, antiviral and immunostimulating drugs are simultaneously taken:

  • Viferon;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Isoprinolin;
  • Immunal;
  • Cycloferon.

Folk remedies can speed up the healing process. Nature has given us many plants that can destroy the virus, soften the tissues of the wart, improve the penetration of drugs to the roots of the growth, accelerate the regeneration and replacement of affected tissues with healthy ones.

What "grandfather methods" have such effects:

  • Cauterization of a wart with juice from a fresh cut of celandine, dandelion, milkweed, mountain ash, Kalanchoe, aloe;
  • Grated puree from the top layer of raw potatoes with skins;
  • Masks of chopped garlic, onion, horseradish, cabbage;
  • Lubrication of the growth with lemon juice or sour apple;
  • Cauterization with apple cider vinegar;
  • Treatment of a wart with a cotton swab dipped in tincture of mountain ash, wormwood, calendula;
  • Spot cauterization with iodine;
  • Mask made of grated laundry soap.

Conspiracies and mystical rituals with potatoes are in no way connected with effective folk remedies.

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Don't self-medicate. Folk recipes should not replace a full-fledged treatment.

Note: how to prevent warts on the feet

Feet are very susceptible to the papillomavirus: it is humid here, microcracks and chafing often appear - ideal conditions for the spread of the virus.

How can you protect your feet from this:

  • Pay enough attention to foot hygiene, wash them daily with soap and change socks / stockings every day or more often, as they sweat;
  • Monitor the condition of the skin and nails on the feet: make baths and masks, remove rough skin, lubricate with a nourishing cream, seal cracks and calluses;
  • Do not walk barefoot in public places: baths, pools, saunas, after visiting, wash and dry your feet thoroughly, you can treat them with antiseptic sprays;
  • Do not use someone else's shoes, including slippers at a party - it is safer to bring your own;
  • Keep your shoes clean and dry, dry them regularly, treat the insoles with a solution of vinegar or lemon juice, soda.

These simple rules will allow you to forget about the discomfort that a wart on the foot brings, how to get rid of it can be difficult, long and expensive.

Perhaps this article has come to an end. Follow the link and learn even more about how to get rid of warts.

Plantar warts, or thorns, are a type of wart that occurs on the soles of the feet and on the palms. The reason is the HPV virus. Of all skin warts, it occurs in 30%. They are the ones most often removed. Removal by a dermatologist is the fastest way to treat. Self-healing is observed in 30% of cases in the first 3 months. Information for physicians - ICD-10 code: B07.

Other names:

  • verruca plantaris (Latin medical name),
  • thorn (from the word "thorn"),
  • horny wart (from the word "horn").

Classical spike on the palm

Reasons or reasons?

Scheme of infection: man scratched his skin. The virus enters the skin. Embedded in the genes of skin cells. And the cell takes on ugly forms, becoming like tumor cells. Many of these cells outwardly look like a wart.

Attention: some types of human papillomavirus can cause dysplasia and cervical cancer ().

Got infected! When did this happen?

Infection with the type of HPV that causes warts occurs during childhood. Almost all children become infected with this virus - in kindergartens, at schools, in public places. But not everyone gets sick - it all depends on the immune system.

In childhood, warts appear for the first time. Then the adult's immune system copes with this virus. Therefore, in adults, warts on the skin rarely appear. And if an adult has spikes, this indicates a decrease in the activity of the immune system. .

Entrance gates for the virus are injuries of the soles of the feet and palms: scratches, cuts, abrasions and calluses.

Provoking factors - excessive sweating of the feet and wearing tight shoes, stress.

Symptoms and manifestations

Main manifestation: dense rounded formation on the palm or sole of the foot.

Main symptom: pain when walking and itching in the area of ​​the wart.

initial stage

  • a small "corn" appears on the skin,
  • she itches a little
  • slight pain when walking.

After 2-4 weeks

  • a rough surface appears in the center,
  • often - black dots in the center,
  • along the edges - a small roller of keratinized skin.


  • Why do spines appear on the palm and sole? Because the skin here is especially dense (unlike other parts of the body). And this type of HPV virus infects just such skin.
  • Why does it hurt when walking? Because the plantar wart grows inwards. When walking, the weight of the body presses on the wart and it compresses the pain receptors.
  • Why skin itching? Because ugly cells grow and press on neighboring skin receptors, which leads to itching.
  • Why black dots? This is the result of blockage of blood vessels in the thickness of the wart on the foot or on the palm.

Sole warts with black dots

Dimensions - 3 -10 mm. At the same time, the pathological formation rises above the surface of the skin by only 1-2 mm, because it grows inward and in breadth.

Child warts may appear nearby. They merge with the mother and form a painful conglomerate. This is a clear indicator of a decrease in immunity. And this often requires medical treatment.

The structure of the spike in the section

Yellow is the surface of the skin.
Violet - virus-affected cells proliferate, forming the body of the spine.

Treatment in the hospital and at home

In 90% of people, a wart on the foot or palm goes away without treatment at an early stage, while in 30% of cases - in the first 3 months. The immune system suppresses the virus and heals the skin. The time of self-healing depends on the stage of the process: from 2 weeks to 1.5 years.

When should a thorn be treated?

When the body itself cannot cope with the disease, and it needs help:

  • if it hurts a lot
  • if it interferes with walking,
  • if grown to a large size,
  • if there are children nearby.

How and what to treat?

Removal is a treatment method that is successful in 98% of patients.

1) Removal by drugs

For these purposes, local necrotic agents are used.

  • solcoderm (detailed article about this drug - link),
  • vartox (read more - link),
  • duofilm(),
  • collomack(),
  • super cleaner,
  • verrukacid, or ferezol () - acts softer, good efficiency,
  • lapis () - effective for long-term use.

They contain acids or alkalis. Removal of plantar warts (thorns) occurs through a chemical burn of the skin. The wart is dying. And in this place there is an inconspicuous scar.

Treatment time: 1 - 5 weeks (average 14-20 days).

To prepare for the procedure on the wart, you can glue the Salipod corn patch (2 days), or cut off the spike with nail scissors.

2) Instrumental removal.

a) Soft laser. ()
Your wart will evaporate under the action of the laser. In this place you will have a deep wound. The wound will heal in 10-14 days.

Here is a video of laser wart removal:

b) A liquid nitrogen. ()
Deep tissue freezing occurs. A bubble forms. It will be soooool and then more painful!! Heals 14 days.

Here is a video of cryodestruction of a wart on the foot with liquid nitrogen:

in) Radio wave radiation (device "Surgitron" and others). ()
The same effect as from the laser - evaporation of fabrics. And only a deepening-wound will remain from the wart.

Here is a video of the removal of a plantar wart with a radio wave with a looped tip (watch from 40 seconds):

G) Surgical removal of the wart with a scalpel.
Produced under local anesthesia. Seams are applied. It is used very rarely, since the laser or radio wave is much more convenient, easier and less traumatic.

e) Electrocoagulation.
The wart is burned out with an electrocoagulator. This is the same scalpel, only electric. It is now rarely used in large clinics.

Here is a video of the removal of the spine by electrocoagulation:

And here is a review from our reader: link

3) Treatment of hard-to-remove warts.

In some cases, removal does not lead to a cure for warts - they appear again and again. How to act in such cases?

  1. It is necessary to identify the cause of the decrease in skin immunity in this place. It is possible that this cause may be excessive sweating of the legs, wearing rubber or tight shoes, impaired blood flow in the limbs, common diseases - diabetes, HIV and others.
  2. Focal immune therapy. The doctor injects immune drugs under the skin. For example, injections of interferon subcutaneously for 7 days. Such injections enhance the immune response in the skin and reverse the development of spines.
    Another method of focal immunotherapy is treatment with creams based on (trade names - Aldara cream, Keravort), gel treatment or.
  3. General immune therapy. It is rarely prescribed, with a persistent course of the disease, with multiple spines on both limbs. You can use immune preparations:,.

Folk methods - can I start with them?

Non-traditional methods of treatment are ineffective. For a quick cure, dermatologists recommend removal.

1) Garlic

Garlic kills viruses.

  • The wart is steamed in hot water and partially cut off with nail scissors. At the same time, the skin roller is cut off. Partially cut off the wart tissue itself. If the vessels of the wart bleed, it's not scary.
  • Cut the plastic from the garlic and place it on the wart.
  • Attach with adhesive tape.

Scheme for the treatment of spikes with garlic

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