Cold lungs symptoms. Diseases of the lungs associated with the common cold. Features of the treatment of a cold of the lungs

IN medical practice quite often there is such a pathology as pneumonia from a cold. This is not always due to unqualified help or weakness of the body. As a rule, a person by his inaction brings himself to a similar state. Even a small colds can develop into a serious and dangerous illness in a short period of time.

Elementary runny nose causes heavy discharge that descend into the larynx. Inflammation of this organ causes bronchitis. If you do not take timely and radical measures, then pneumonia will inevitably come. As a rule, this trend is observed in people who continue labor activity, not paying attention to the beginning and progressing cold.


The immune system human has the ability to destroy almost all pathogens that are found in nature. But the immune system works effectively only if all body systems work normally. Under the influence of negative internal and external factors the protective properties of the body are sharply reduced. In this case, the risk of pneumonia increases several times.

The following factors can weaken the immune system:

  • Hereditary predisposition to colds and infectious diseases. This pathology is transmitted through the paternal and maternal lines.
  • Tendency to bad habits. Smoking is especially detrimental to the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. Cigarette smoke causes irritation, thinning and decreased functionality./li>
  • The presence in the body of foci of inflammation, purulent processes and tumors. The immune system cannot withstand the simultaneous impact on the lungs from the inside and from the outside.
  • Working conditions that are associated with heavy physical exertion or stressful situations. severe fatigue And nervous overload significantly reduce the protective properties of the body.
  • Inhalation a large number dust or harmful substances. Similar phenomena are observed in mines and some factories where cement, building mixtures and various chemicals are produced.
  • congenital diseases of cardio-vascular system and respiratory organs.
  • An increased level of disease in locality. When it exceeds the epidemic threshold, the concentration of harmful organisms reaches a value that the immune system cannot cope with.

Under the influence of such circumstances, the occurrence of a cold and its complications is quite possible. Colds and pneumonia are quite common in people who lead a passive lifestyle and do not get much fresh air.


What is an acute viral infection almost everyone knows. All people have caught a cold several times in their lives and have been successfully cured. A cold is accompanied by symptoms such as a runny nose, fever, and feeling unwell. As a rule, 2 weeks is enough for a complete recovery.

The situation is much more complicated when a cold turns into pneumonia. Often there are facts of a sudden increase in temperature after a certain improvement in health. In some cases, there are no characteristic symptoms. As a rule, fever is the first sign of the onset of such a serious illness as pneumonia. In the future, damage and destruction of the mucous membrane and the lung tissue.

The occurrence of pneumonia is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. The appearance of wheezing in the chest. They increase during a stay in a static position, decreasing slightly after coughing.
  2. Cardiopalmus. It occurs due to the occurrence of purulent processes in the respiratory organs.
  3. Shortness of breath leading to rapid breathing and shortness of breath. In connection with the defeat of the lung tissue, there is a decrease in its ability to absorb oxygen.
  4. Headache and weakness. It is caused by severe intoxication of the brain.
  5. Wet cough with characteristic green sputum. This is evidence that an inflammatory and purulent process occurs in the lungs.

The performance of a person is drastically reduced. He can't even do the simplest things. In the absence of a qualified medical assistance may come quite severe complications, potentially fatal.

Diagnosis and treatment

Upon detection characteristic symptoms pneumonia, you should call a doctor at home. It is not allowed to go to the clinic on your own. This is quite dangerous not only for the patient, but also for others. Inflammation of the lungs is a contagious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets and by physical contact.

To work out right direction treatment is a comprehensive diagnosis of the patient. He undergoes an examination by a specialist, takes blood, urine and sputum for analysis. IN without fail x-ray is ordered. The picture is the basis for the final diagnosis. If the patient has pneumonia, then the picture will clearly show blackouts in the affected areas. Treatment is recommended to be carried out in the clinic. This will allow round-the-clock monitoring of the patient's condition. In the ward, the patient can receive needed help and treatment.

The basis of treatment is taking antiviral, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Medicines are taken in the form of tablets, capsules and injections. Intravenous infusion to boost immunity physiological saline and vitamins.

Much attention is paid to physiotherapy. The patient is prescribed procedures related to heating, exposure to vibration, electromagnetic fields, high frequency current and ultrasound. For improvement therapeutic effect the patient is given mustard plasters and jars. Gymnastics for the lungs and the use of decoctions are used.

According to statistics, about 90 percent of the population suffers from back pain. This also applies to older people and teenagers. This is often caused by pain in the lungs. It can occur as a result of certain diseases or damage to the thoracic spine or muscles that relate to it. Exact reason only a doctor can determine.

Let's talk about how the lungs hurt with a particular disease. In addition, we will dwell on some methods of treatment and prevention.

Can the lungs hurt and how serious is it?

It’s worth starting with the fact that the lungs can really hurt. Despite the fact that they do not have any nerve endings. The cause of discomfort may be hidden in inflammatory processes in the pleura, muscle tissue, diaphragm and some other organs. Even the appearance slight discomfort may indicate the onset of the disease. Most often, the lungs hurt when you inhale, since it is at this moment that they work to the maximum.

If such a problem occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor to determine accurate diagnosis and prescription of treatment. The situation is very serious and in most cases it is necessary medical intervention Otherwise, the chances of recovery will be minimal. At the same time, self-medication can not only not bring benefits, but also completely harm health.

So why do the lungs hurt? Let's take a closer look at some of the most common diseases.

Non-dangerous causes of lung pain

Although there are many dangerous diseases, there are situations when special treatment not required at all. If the lungs hurt when inhaling, then the following options may be the cause:

  • The presence of intercostal neuralgia. In this case, the pain is acute, and it can be compared with a needle prick.
  • Rapid increase in lung capacity. Most often this phenomenon occurs in adolescence.
  • Overtraining. This is typical for people who play sports a lot and actively, since after it absolutely all muscle groups, including the lungs, can hurt.

In the absence of more serious symptoms diseases in medical treatment there is no need. It is enough just to have a good rest, go for a massage or a bath.

Dangerous causes of pain in the lungs

With the question of whether the lungs can hurt, we figured it out. It remains to find out during which serious diseases this occurs. It should be said right away that when making a diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account how the lungs hurt (acute or Blunt pain, during inhalation or all the time, etc.), as well as the presence of possible additional symptoms.

The most common diseases that are accompanied by pain in the lungs:

  • dry pleurisy;
  • pneumonia;
  • flu;
  • tuberculosis;
  • rheumatism of the lungs;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • dry pericarditis.

Let us dwell in more detail on the symptoms and methods of treatment of each of them.

Dry pleurisy

Dry pleurisy is most often secondary and can occur in parallel with pneumonia, pulmonary infarction, bronchiectasis, lung abscess, cancer, and so on. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the pleura (parietal and visceral), as well as the subsequent loss of fibrin on its surface.

It can be quite difficult to determine the onset of dry pleurisy, since in the first stages there are no special symptoms. But after a while it happens acute development diseases. At the same moment, pains appear in the lungs during inhalation, coughing, sneezing, and also when pressing on the affected area. With dry pleurisy, there may be observed pain V armpit, stomach and shoulder. In addition, the disease is accompanied by the appearance of a dry cough, the development of tachycardia, an increase in body temperature up to 39 degrees and the onset of fever.

First of all, it provides for getting rid of the root cause of the disease. It is also possible to use analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antitussive drugs. During the acute period of the disease, it is desirable to maintain bed rest and the use of a variety of warming compresses, cans, mustard plasters.

Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia)

Patients may say that they have pain in the right lung, the left, or both. As a result, a conclusion is made about a possible one-or. Also, depending on where the lungs hurt, you can determine the approximate location inflammatory processes.

The disease is usually accompanied by fever up to 39.5 degrees, severe cough, sputum production. Patients complain that during deep breath they have pain in the lungs. Usually discomfort is felt within the affected area.

Why they hurt The answer is obvious: due to the presence of inflammatory processes in the tissues.

There are situations when any symptoms of the disease are absent. In this case, pneumonia is detected too late, and this can lead to the development of complications due to the lack of timely treatment. Treatment of pneumonia involves the use of drugs based on penicillin ("Flemoxin", "Ampicillin", etc.), as well as second and third generation antibiotics. In some cases, it is possible to use antiviral or antifungal drugs.


An infectious disease such as the flu can also cause discomfort and pain in the lungs. The disease begins very rapidly and sharply. The flu is accompanied by an increase in temperature up to 38-40 degrees, the appearance of a headache, nasal congestion, hoarseness, a feeling of severe weakness and weakness. In addition, there is pain in eyeballs, which increases markedly during eye movement, as well as lacrimation and photophobia. Often there are manifestations of intoxication of the body and catarrhal syndrome. Dry cough with moderate and severe forms flu can cause severe pain in the chest, which begin in the region of the trachea and spread to the lungs.

Treatment of the disease involves several directions at once: strengthening the immune system, detoxifying the body, increasing its protective functions and the fight against the virus itself. The drug "Antigrippin" is widely known, which helps to get rid of headaches, reduce signs of toxicosis and stop the spread of inflammatory processes.

If light form flu can be treated at home, then in case of severe it is necessary to stay in a hospital. Regular medical supervision will help to avoid different kind complications. It is very important to observe bed rest and take a large amount of drink with vitamins (fruit juices, rosehip infusion, teas, compotes).


Called disease tuberculosis bacilli. People with reduced immunity are most susceptible to it.

Symptoms of tuberculosis may vary depending on the severity of the disease. In any of the cases, there is a noticeable decrease in appetite, fast fatiguability and a feeling of weakness, increased sweating, and chills. The temperature during tuberculosis rises to no more than 38 degrees, and main feature is that it does not disappear for a very long time.

Another important point- the appearance of a cough, during which the lungs hurt in the back and in front at the same time. In addition, with tuberculosis, the outgoing sputum may be contaminated with blood. In such a situation, urgent medical intervention is necessary, since there is great danger for life.

For the treatment of the disease, 4-5 drugs are used simultaneously. In addition, patients must be prescribed breathing exercises and physiotherapy, as well as drugs that increase immunity.

Pulmonary rheumatism

To date, the disease is rare. There are other names for it: pneumonitis, lung rheumatism, rheumatic pulmonary vasculitis. The disease is characterized by the appearance of weakness and shortness of breath, fever, tachycardia, increased ESR, neutrophilic leukocytosis. In addition, there are difficulty in breathing and the appearance of wheezing.

Antirheumatic therapy is used for treatment, and all the above symptoms disappear very quickly. The main thing here is to start treatment on time and prevent the occurrence of complications that can provoke pneumonia.

Lungs' cancer

This is one of the most dangerous diseases. With cancer, malignant tumors form in the tissues of the lung. The disease is accompanied by shortness of breath, severe cough, the presence of blood in sputum, weight loss. In addition, there are often secondary features, such as fatigue, apathy, causeless fever, voice change and the appearance of hoarseness.

How do the lungs hurt during cancer? It is worth noting that discomfort at the beginning of the disease will be only on the affected side. Over time, the pains increase significantly and are observed not only during coughing, but also simply when inhaling and exhaling.

Treatment of lung cancer can consist of a complex of various methods: radiation, surgery, chemotherapy. The necessary therapy option is selected based on the severity of the disease, the location and size of the tumor, general condition sick and so on.

Heart disease: myocardial infarction and dry pericarditis

Although these two diseases differ in their main symptoms, they have several common symptoms. This is a constant that is markedly increased by coughing, sneezing, deep breathing and even changes in body position. In addition, it can pass into the arm, shoulder, jaw and neck.

To eliminate the symptoms of diseases, antianginal ("Nitroglycerin") and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ("Ibuprofen", "Indomethacin") are used. In the absence of effectiveness from the use of the above funds, the patient is prescribed glucocorticosteroids ("Prednisolone").

Treatment of pain in the lungs

As you can see, there can be many answers to the question of why the lungs hurt. What to do to alleviate your condition? Unfortunately, no one can give an exact answer, since such pains are the result of a disease. Therefore, the only thing that needs to be done is to consult a doctor in a timely manner to establish an accurate diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe medical preparations or treatment procedures.

In addition, only a specialist, focusing on how the lungs hurt, is able to immediately determine the nature of the disease: the presence of inflammatory processes or damage to bone or muscle tissue in thoracic region spine.

There is also no single method of prevention from pain in the lungs, since the causes of the above diseases can be varied: from a cold, which resulted in complications (flu, pneumonia) and ending, for example, with severe stressful situation causing heart problems. Therefore, the only thing that can be said in this situation is: take care of yourself and listen carefully to your body.

It is known that the probability of contracting respiratory infections is significantly higher with hypothermia. That is why we say about a person with a cough that he "caught a cold in the lungs." How often does a cold of the lungs provoke pneumonia? What are its symptoms? We will talk about this and much more in this article.

From colds to pneumonia

Hypothermia is a factor that significantly reduces the barrier function respiratory tract. Also in the conditions lasting influence low temperatures, human immunity is less active. That is why a cold snap is almost always associated with an increase in the number of cases and epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza.

Almost all viral respiratory infections reduce immunity, resulting in viral infection bacterial complication joins.

Bacteria can affect both the upper respiratory tract (nasopharynx, tonsils, trachea) and the lower ones - the bronchi and alveoli of the lungs. Most dangerous consequence The common cold is precisely inflammation of the lungs - pneumonia. This disease can be very severe, and can even lead to death. If a cold is accompanied by severe symptoms of impaired lung function, pneumonia should be suspected. This disease is much more common than many people think, and any cold can provoke it.

Symptoms of pneumonia

To begin with, it is worth noting that a distinction is made between typical and atypical form inflammation of the lungs. Symptoms of typical pneumonia are:

To make a diagnosis, a doctor's examination, a general clinical blood test, sputum analysis and an x-ray are required. When listening to the lungs, the doctor may notice hard breathing, wheezing. If they are, the doctor sends for an x-ray. In the presence of a focus of infection in the lungs, a darkening is noticeable on the x-ray. The blood test of patients with pneumonia has high performance inflammatory markers (ESR, leukocytes, C-reactive protein). Sputum analysis is done to rule out tuberculosis.

If the pneumonia is atypical, its symptoms will be different. It does not start as abruptly as the typical cough, dry. Worried about symptoms such as headache, sore throat. Changes on the x-ray may be minimal. Leukocytosis may be weak, minimal. This form of pneumonia is usually suspected when antibiotic treatment fails.


As already mentioned, there are typical and atypical pneumonia. The first is due to the introduction of bacteria such as streptococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus.

SARS is caused by other types of microorganisms, such as:

  • Pneumococcus;
  • mycoplasma;
  • chlamydia;
  • legionella;
  • unicellular eukaryotes (protists);
  • fungi;
  • viruses - influenza virus, parainfluenza, adenovirus, cytomegalovirus and others.

SARS proceeds differently than a typical bacterial one, which is associated with other mechanisms of cell damage. The danger of atypical pneumonia lies in its latent course. A person believes that he has a slight cold in his lungs, the symptoms do not bring significant discomfort, and he does not go to the doctor for a long time, and the disease progresses at this time.

Among the above, viral and bacterial causes predominate. A person suffers from acute respiratory viral infections, and on the 5th-7th day his condition worsens significantly. The infection reaches lower divisions respiratory tract, and bacteria multiply in sputum. This is how pneumonia develops in most cases.

At-risk groups

The following categories of the population are most susceptible to pneumonia:

  • working in cold conditions;
  • breathing dirty air (for example, miners);
  • smokers;
  • people who are immunocompromised or immunocompromised;
  • constantly in contact with patients (medical staff, pharmacists).

Among the sick, pregnant women, children under 5 years of age, the elderly, people with oncological and immune diseases, as well as people with severe overweight. Such categories of people (except those with immunodeficiency) are recommended to pay attention to the prevention of pneumonia, primarily vaccination. So, it protects not only from the viral infection itself, but also from its complications (including pneumonia). The duration of action of the influenza vaccine is one year. There is also a pneumococcal vaccine that protects against one of the more severe pneumonias. It creates immunity for about 3-5 years.


Treatment of pneumonia should be carried out in a hospital.

It's not a cold, so don't self-medicate. Be aware of mortality this disease! IN acute period bed rest should be followed.

Antibiotics play a major role in treatment. Their choice should be taken with responsibility, because the effectiveness of the entire treatment depends on it. Antibiotics are chosen by the doctor, he also prescribes the duration of the course.

Never stop taking an antibiotic early. Untreated pneumonia can flare up again, and the bacteria become resistant to the antibiotic being taken.

In addition to antibiotics, there are medicinal products:

What needs to be remembered?

Pneumonia is a dangerous and fairly common disease. This main reason death from influenza and other acute respiratory infections. It should be suspected with every cold - it is recommended to listen to the lungs with a doctor for any cough. This disease is very contagious, so patients should be careful when communicating, protect loved ones from close contact with us, especially children and the elderly. With a timely visit to the doctor, pneumonia is successfully treated within 2-4 weeks.

Not in all cases, a person is at risk of getting sick. bad cold. Sometimes, after a slight hypothermia or staying close to infected people, the body temperature rises only slightly, a slight runny nose appears, which ceases to bother after 2-3 days. This is how a mild cold manifests itself.

However, such an ailment should not be taken lightly. If you continue to go to work, as if nothing had happened, stay in a draft, do not apply any healing actions, then very soon the disease can turn into a more serious form. Then, for sure, you will have to take sick leave and lie in bed, suffering from an unbearable runny nose and a debilitating cough.

Mild cold: causes

The same factors that provoke a mild cold can lead to a more severe one. respiratory disease. The risk of developing a cold is increased if a person:

  • thoughtlessly selects clothes for going out. You need to focus not on the calendar, but on the weather outside the window. So, already in early September there may be frosts, so it does not hurt to put on a knitted hat and jacket in the morning. Some continue to flaunt in T-shirts and thin sweaters, because literally the day before yesterday it was summer. The same thing in winter: even in January there can be a thaw with temperatures up to 10 degrees Celsius, and many continue to wear fur coats and down jackets, while sweating and being exposed to overheating. Therefore, before leaving the house, you need to look at the weather forecast for the day on the Internet, and then pick up your wardrobe;
  • often stays in in public places where there is a high risk of catching viruses. The likelihood of infection increases during the off-season and in winter;
  • is under stress. In this case, all the forces of the body are thrown into eliminating the consequences of stress, and at this time, pathogenic viruses can attack the respiratory mucosa;
  • malnourished and not getting enough vitamin C, increasing defensive forces in the fight against SARS.

So get sick respiratory infection V mild form almost everyone is at risk. Every day we go out, visit shops, work in an office or other premises, are exposed to wind or cold. In order not to get a cold, you should apply special methods protection, and then the viruses will not be able to start their destructive activity in the body.

Mild cold: symptoms

Respiratory infections caused by various pathogens have very similar symptoms. At first, it can be difficult to tell if it's a mild cold or a serious illness that can lead to complications.

Usually a mild cold has the following symptoms:

  • temperature rise to subfebrile 37-35.5 degrees;
  • Not good severe runny nose in which the ability to breathe through the nose is preserved;
  • sore throat, unaccompanied painful sensations;
  • complete or nearly complete absence cough
  • a slight deterioration in well-being, in which the ability to work remains.

However, even with these symptoms, it is best to take steps to treat a mild cold, otherwise more severe symptoms may occur.

Mild cold: treatment

What should a sick person take with a mild cold in order to quickly restore working capacity and prevent viruses from causing damage to health? It is desirable to combine both therapeutic and folk remedies. good effect can provide the following proven methods:

  • hot shower at the very first symptoms of a cold. You can do light physical work beforehand, such as mopping the floors to sweat a little. Next, you should quickly take a hot shower, after which you need to dry yourself thoroughly and wrap yourself up. warm blanket. Similar procedure will wash off the sweat and reduce the temperature;
  • providing warmth for the feet. It is necessary to warm the feet as much as possible by wearing socks or wrapping yourself in a blanket. Additionally, you can put dry mustard in your socks;
  • taking antiviral drugs. If you start taking the drug in time in the very first hours of the illness according to the instructions, you can quickly eliminate the symptoms of a cold;
  • a pleasant cure for colds in mild forms - drink warm tea with lemon, vprikuska with honey or raspberry jam.

Sometimes the question arises: is it possible to play sports or work with a mild cold? If these are simple physical exercises at home, then it is quite possible. Visiting a fitness club is highly undesirable. Firstly, you can easily get cold, and secondly, infect others.

In order not to decide in a hurry, how to get rid of mild cold, it is better to take care in advance not to get sick. Some drugs, such as Fortsis, will help in this. This remedy contains an extract of cistus, which has valuable properties- the ability to block any penetration of viruses into the cells of the body. As a result, infection does not occur even through contact with the sick.

Pain when coughing in the lungs is primarily suggestive of a respiratory disease, and this is true. A person may experience chest pain with SARS and colds, and, of course, with more serious illnesses- pneumonia, bronchitis or pleurisy, but this kind of pain can also occur for other reasons.

Oncology of the lungs

Constant coughing may indicate that in the lung area develops malignant tumor. Very unpleasant sharp pains of a stabbing nature, appearing in a certain place, and over time extending into the arm and neck, should alert. They should be a reason to see a doctor for an examination for oncology. If the tumor is not removed in time, it can progress and spread to the spine or ribs.

Cough with tuberculosis

dry or moist cough, accompanied by pain in the lungs, may indicate that a person has tuberculosis. The peculiarity of this disease is that cough appears at the slightest physical activity and at the same time it hurts not only to cough, but even to breathe deeply. A person gets tired quickly and has a general weakness.

Complications of a cold

A cold that has not been treated for a long time can develop into a severe cough, as a result of which the pleura, lung tissue or mucous membrane is damaged. In such cases, there is insufficient discharge of sputum with blood, and there are severe pains that take your breath away. It is necessary to try to direct the treatment to thin the sputum so that it leaves more abundantly, and seek the advice of a doctor.

What to do with pain in the lungs?

If pain in the lungs appears only during coughing attacks, then in order to alleviate the patient's condition and reduce the number of attacks, antitussives are prescribed. By acting on the cough center, such drugs reduce the intensity of the cough, and it becomes less painful. If there is an abundant discharge of sputum from the body, you can take drugs that reduce its formation.

Influenza, SARS, acute respiratory infections, colds

As they say, the flu can be treated and it will pass in two weeks or left untreated, then recovery will take 14 days, however, in this case, the risk of complications increases dramatically. But if you take advice traditional medicine, you can reduce the treatment time by 2-3 times and the disease is much easier to tolerate. The cause of the influenza epidemic is the activation of viruses due to a decrease in immunity associated with seasonal factors. For example, ideal conditions for the attack of viruses, is cold and wet weather (spring and winter). The cause of a cold can be windy, damp weather or exposure to a draft, as well as abrupt change weather. If you are shivering with a cold, the cause is cold. If it flows from the nose, the reason is dampness. If liquid is released white slime from the nose - exposure to dampness and cold at the same time.

stuffy nose, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, dry cough, headaches, fever and other colds are observed.

symptoms are more pronounced than with a cold: heat, intoxication, a sharp headache, the whole body aches or hurts, in some cases there is clouding of consciousness, uneven heartbeat, blood pressure decreases.

Lungs hurt

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Colds of the lungs: symptoms and treatment

Text: Tatyana Maratova

Infectious diseases, such as a cold or flu, are not dangerous in themselves, but because of their complications. One of these complications is pneumonia due to a cold, pneumonia. People call it - a cold of the lungs.

A cold of the lungs is, in fact, inflammation against the background of cell damage by cold viruses. In other words, pneumonia. If a cold of the lungs is ignored and left untreated, the case can end very quickly and, alas, with a fatal outcome.

Causes of the disease

Colds of the lungs happens to about every hundredth inhabitant of the planet every year. And if an adult with healthy lungs there are quite a few chances to overcome this scourge without harm to health, then the elderly and small children, becoming ill, risk a lot. For some, pneumonia can be fatal.

A cold of the lungs occurs primarily due to prolonged hypothermia, especially against the background of a common cold. Another common cause may be a disruption in the process natural output sputum from the bronchi, which leads to inflammation in the lung tissue. To reduce this possibility, it is necessary to active image life, doing physical work or sports - in this case, the lungs are well ventilated and less prone to disease.

The most severe form of a cold of the lungs is acute pneumonia. It starts suddenly, with a strong chill, the temperature literally in a couple of hours rises to thirty-nine or forty degrees. One lung or both may be inflamed. With inflammation of one, the side hurts a lot, with bilateral inflammation- hurts rib cage and, sometimes, the upper back. The patient develops a dry cough that lasts up to several hours. Physical activity causes heavy breathing. Blood vessels can burst from coughing, then the patient can cough up blood. The most main danger is that the brain does not receive enough oxygen, as the lungs do not work as they should. This is true for any form of pneumonia, but for acute form the likelihood of such a complication is very high.

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