An overview of Bechterew's disease: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. C-reactive protein test. When death comes and why

Today we offer an article on the topic: "Is Bechterew's Disease inherited." We have tried to describe everything clearly and in detail. If you have questions, ask at the end of the article.

Hello dear friend.

Everything seems obvious, however, everything is not so simple. After all, if you carefully look at the majority of patients diagnosed with Bechterew's disease, you can see that not all, or rather not many, relatives suffer from Bechterew's disease.

There are families in which only parents suffer from this disease, and this does not apply to children. It happens, on the contrary, in healthy parents, children in adulthood acquire ankylosing spondylitis.

Some scientists and physicians argue that in the creation of diseases, the human mind also takes over. It is said that a person gets sick from a wrong way of thinking.

Wrong beliefs, wrong actions, not infections or injuries. Injuries and infections are the trigger that triggers illness.

As a child, I was very similar to my father, everyone told me about it. I believed it, and that's probably why I also thought mostly like him. My fears and complexes were more pronounced than those of my father.

Father was brought up in the spirit of love and devotion to the motherland and the party. I also had this trait. In short, I adopted all their beliefs from my parents.

But there was no place for myself in them. According to these convictions, I had to do everything only for others, and last of all for myself. Which is what I actually did.

Many will object that he had a hard life, harmful conditions, injuries, injuries and so on. So what. There were many people around him who were in the same conditions, doing the same thing as him. Only they did not suffer from Bechterew's disease.

Therefore, I believe that the way of life, the image of oil, is transmitted by inheritance, so to speak. And our subconscious triggers ankylosing spondylitis to remind us of our incorrect thinking.

But, this is just my opinion. Although it didn't come out of nowhere. Many esoteric authors and psychologists write about this. And based on my observations.

In order not to pass on Bekhterev's disease to your child, teach him to love himself first of all, and then everyone else. Self-love is not selfishness, do not be confused.

A person who truly loves himself will be able to love other people, and not go over their heads towards his goal.

Article source

/> Good luck everyone.

Hello dear friend.

Some people believe that Bechterew's disease is inherited. Well, how else do you want to think, if all the men in the family, for example, on the paternal side, had ankylosing spondylitis in one form or another, of varying degrees of activity.

Naturally, here the conclusion suggests itself that Bechterew's disease is inherited. Otherwise, where could this disease come from in all relatives in the male line.

Everything seems obvious, however, everything is much simpler. After all, if you carefully look at the majority of patients suffering from Bechterew's disease, you can see that not all, or rather not many, relatives suffer from Bechterew's disease.

There are families in which only parents suffer from this disease, and this does not apply to children. It happens, on the contrary, In healthy parents, children in adulthood acquire ankylosing spondylitis.

Doctors and scientists have put forward a version that a specific antigen is to blame for the appearance of Bechterew's disease in humans. A person who has such a specific antigen has a hereditary predisposition (according to doctors) for the occurrence of Bechterew's disease in him. And any infection is enough to start the ankylosing process.

It turns out that this antigen, a person suffering from Bechterew's disease, received from his parents. And parents at the same time can be completely healthy, although they also have such an antigen.

Some scientists and physicians argue that in the creation of diseases, the human mind also takes over. It is said that a person gets sick from a wrong way of thinking. Wrong beliefs, wrong actions, not infections or injuries. Injuries and infections are the trigger that triggers illness.

This, by the way, explains a lot. I already wrote in earlier articles about how I got sick. My father also had ankylosing spondylitis. But Bekhterev's disease was less pronounced in him than in me. And his pain began to appear at a more mature age, and my back began to hurt from childhood.

As a child, I was very similar to my father, everyone told me about it. I believed it, and that's probably why I also thought mostly like him. My fears and complexes were more pronounced than those of my father. Father was brought up in the spirit of love and devotion to the motherland and the party. I also had this trait. In short, I adopted all their beliefs from my parents. But there was no place for myself in them. According to these convictions, I had to do everything only for others, and last of all for myself. Which is what I actually did.

Socialist principles also played a very important role in education. This principle alone is worth something: “Before, think about the Motherland, and then about yourself.” Nikolai Ostrovsky lived by these principles. Or rather, it was his conviction. And what did he get as a result? Immobility and blindness at the age of 36.

Many will object that he had a hard life, harmful conditions, injury injuries and so on. So what. There were many people around him who were in the same conditions, doing the same thing as him. Only they did not suffer from Bechterew's disease.

Because they thought differently, treated what was happening differently. They did not forget about themselves, as Nikolai Ostrovsky forgot, and they had their own goals, and not party ones, like Nikolai Ostrovsky. Those people had a different way of thinking, and, accordingly, a different health and a different life.

Therefore, I believe that the way of life, the image of oil, is transmitted by inheritance, so to speak. And our subconscious triggers ankylosing spondylitis to remind us of our incorrect thinking. But, this is just my opinion. Although it didn't come out of nowhere. Many authors of esotericism and psychologists write about this.

Therefore, in order not to inherit Bechterew's disease to your child, teach him to love himself first of all, and then everyone else. Self-love is not selfishness, do not be confused. A person who truly loves himself will be able to love other people, and not go over their heads towards his goal. Where there is Love, there is Health.

I wish you success.

All the best.

Article source: Is it possible to get Bechterew's disease by inheritance?

Ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease, as doctors and patients often call it) is a disease that affects the sacroiliac joints of the articular elements in the skeleton, the vertebral discs and soft tissues adjacent to the spinal column.

With the disease, there is an increased deposition of calcium, which leads to cell death and severe pain, difficulty in mobility. Ankylosing spondylitis has a rather unfavorable prognosis for life: if it is detected in the early stages of development and treatment measures are taken, then a relatively full-fledged lifestyle can be maintained for as long as possible, but over time, the patient usually becomes disabled.

Ankylosing spondylitis, the ICD-10 code of which is M45, is more common in young men (22-40 years old), but the onset of development falls on late adolescence (15-17 years old). At present, scientists have not fully established why Bechterew's disease occurs, but they note that the appearance of the problem is typical for people who have a predisposition to it at the gene level and have a kind of immunity. Also, infections of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract act on the appearance of the disease. Some scientists believe that psychosomatic conditions also cause illness: for example, holding back anger, imbalance, etc. affect joints and stiffness.

What is Bechterew's disease, why is it dangerous for the patient? The main danger of Bechterew's disease is that a person loses full mobility, and with illiterate treatment, the disease affects other parts of the body, as a result of which disability is assigned to those who suffer from Bechterew's disease.


Symptoms of Bechterew's disease are similar to manifestations of other problems of the spine and joints.

With such a problem, the early symptoms are as follows:

  • pain in the sacral region;
  • pain in the spinal column, constrained movements;
  • chest pain affecting the costal joints;
  • reducing the distance between the chest and chin when lowering the head.

At a late stage, pain in the spine and hips increases, there are sensations of shooting, since the disease is accompanied by pinching of the nerves.

At the last stage of Bechterew's disease note:

  • signs similar to the appearance of sciatica;
  • poor blood supply to the brain;
  • bouts of shortness of breath;
  • sweating, pain covering the head, fatigue, depression, increased pressure;
  • strong, visually noticeable deformation of the spinal column.

Important! It is currently unclear whether Bechterew's disease is inherited, however, given the genetic predisposition factor, the disease can affect male family members.


Many patients who are faced with alarming symptoms are interested in which doctor treats Bechterew's disease. If symptoms are detected already at an early stage, you should make an appointment with an orthopedist who will conduct an initial examination and refer you to a rheumatologist if Bechterew's disease is suspected. Treatment of the disease requires an MRI, x-ray of the chest and spine, so these stages require the help of a radiologist. Also, for diagnosis, it is required to take blood tests, since an increase in ESR in the composition may indicate a disease.

Is the disease curable? Experience of world medicine

Many people are worried about whether it is possible to cure Bechterew's disease completely, but at the moment medicine does not know the ways for complete healing. But there are many techniques that maximally inhibit the development of the disease, relieve symptoms and allow the patient to lead a relatively normal, almost full life.

Treatment with medications

Sulfasalazine is an anti-inflammatory drug prescribed for Bechterew's disease.

Drug treatment includes the use of anti-inflammatory drugs from the NVPS group - diclofenac, ibuprofen, drugs based on prednisolone, that is, GCS, as well as drugs that affect the immune system: rituximab, methotrexate, and antimicrobials, for example, sulfasalazine.

With Bechterew's disease, it is extremely important to relieve pain symptoms, eliminate inflammatory processes, and also strengthen immunity if the development of the disease provoked an infectious process. Sulfasalazine is used when other agents no longer have the desired effect.

Gymnastics and exercise therapy

In addition to exercises, physiotherapy exercises carried out on special devices are useful for the disease. Massage is also used, which relieves muscle stiffness, models their position and is able to relieve severe pain. The use of massage is also available at home, which is very convenient if the patient encounters a painful attack in conditions where there is no one to help him.

Special exercises contribute to the preservation of motor activity, they prevent the formation of deposits and the development of spinal deformity. Gymnastics for Bechterew's disease includes warm-up exercises, twisting, muscle stimulation, etc. When exercising, frequency is important, and the movements themselves should be done very smoothly and measuredly.

Basic exercises that must be performed every day.

Starting position - sitting on a chair, looking straight ahead:

  • turning the head left and right, tilting the chin to the chest, to the shoulders;
  • pressing the chin to the neck, pulling the head forward.

Starting position - lying face up, arms along the body, legs together:

  • reach for your socks, slowly lie back down;
  • pulling your knees in turn towards you, make circular movements with your legs in the hip joint, knee;
  • raising your head, stretch your chin to your chest;
  • in the starting position, make “scissors” with your feet;
  • hands behind the head, raise the torso 45 degrees and lower;
  • with legs bent at the knees, raise the pelvis, bend and lower.

All movements should be smooth and slow.


Gymnastics for Bekheterev's disease is presented in this video:

Treatment according to the Bubnovsky method

Kinesitherapy according to the method of Dr. Bubnovsky is a special set of exercises that are aimed at creating an analgesic effect. They include exercises for the joints, thanks to which the patient will be able to develop the flexibility of the body, restore mobility, if it has already begun to be lost. Also, the technique provides for gymnastics for breathing, since the chest can also be deformed during the development of the disease.

There is no single set of exercises that would suit every patient with such a diagnosis. The methodology of Dr. Bubnovsky provides for the development of an individual block of classes for each patient.

Folk remedies, diet

Traditional medicine also plays an important role in the treatment. More often, an ointment is used from common thymus or aconite roots with lard, baths based on wild rosemary and pine needles, rosehip decoction, sunflower tincture.

Various herbal infusions also have effectiveness:

  • an infusion of 1 tablespoon of string, a teaspoon of wild rosemary and a tablespoon of plantain (this mixture is brewed per liter of hot water). It should be consumed 2-3 times during the day;
  • infusion, which includes a tablespoon of sage, calendula and a teaspoon of oregano (per liter of hot water);
  • aconite tincture is prepared from 10 grams of plant roots, infused with 100 grams of 60% alcohol for 14 days.

Whatever phytotherapeutic collection is chosen, it is drunk for seven days, and then it is recommended to change the infusion. After a month of use, meadowsweet infusion is included in the diet.

The diet for Bechterew's disease is also very important: with the help of it, the body is cleansed of toxins, which will become an facilitating factor in the treatment. The diet provides for the use of rice without salt, infusion of dried apricots and the exclusion of meat dishes from the menu. You can not eat fatty, when cooking, use only refined oil. A large amount of greens, fresh fruits and vegetables should be present in the daily diet.

It is advisable to eat only fresh, home-cooked food.

What group of disability can be assigned in case of illness?

With the development of the disease to the late stages, in which a person's vital activity becomes inferior, the patient is issued 1, 2 or 3 disability groups, depending on the degree of irreversibility of changes and limited mobility. If it is necessary to reduce the scope of work duties, group 3 is established, their serious reduction is group 2, and with a highly progressive disease and a sharp disability, group 1 is determined.

Important! Ankylosing spondylitis can cause other diseases, the development of which also threatens with disability.


Yuri Petrovich, 37 years old:

“Doctors found Bechterew's disease in me, when for six months my back constantly hurt, especially the lower back and lower. I use gymnastics, drink painkillers, sometimes indulge in folk remedies. You can live well."

Grigory, 34 years old:

“I encountered Bekhterev's disease ten years ago, since then life has been just hellish. Seizures are relieved only by regular gymnastics, corticosteroids and massage. Here is the last one I recommend!”

Andrey, 25 years old:

“There was a suspicion of ankylosing spondylitis, so as not to become disabled, I began to use gymnastics and aconite ointments. While the pain is not strong, I hope that it will carry over.


The disease known as Bechterew's disease is a complex disease that can make life unbearable and a person disabled. Doctors do not yet know how to cure Bechterew's disease. But if it is detected in time, it is possible to delay the development of the disease and reduce the impact on the patient's health. Treatment should be comprehensive and should be approached responsibly, only then can you live with this diagnosis until old age without serious restrictions on movement.

Ankylosing spondylitis photos and symptoms

Bechterew's disease (photo below), also known as ankylosis, is a chronic inflammation of the joints, which is accompanied by:

  • the occurrence of syndesmophytes,
  • loss of sensation in the spinal ligaments,
  • limitation of the patient's mobility due to complete damage to the spine as a result of loss of sensitivity.

As a result of the disease, the spine loses its flexibility, and the posture itself becomes stooped forward. In severe cases, the disease can spread to the ribs, causing difficulty in breathing.

As a rule, the disease begins at a young age - up to 30, and in some even in adolescence.

Symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis:

  • One of the first signs is a dull pain in the back in the lumbar region, which is worse in the morning, but weakens during the day.
  • Fatigue appears - the body uses energy to fight inflammation.
  • At an early stage, body temperature is often elevated, and many have no appetite.

Further symptoms may vary:

  • backache,
  • pain and swelling in other parts of the body - hips, knees and ribs,
  • fatigue (increased fatigue).

These signs usually develop gradually over several months or years and may come and go over time.

For some people, the condition improves over time, for others, on the contrary, over time, the disease progresses more and more.

Along with the above symptoms, a curvature of the back occurs - the vertebrae are deformed.

The symptoms of the disease vary greatly from person to person. Some have only fairly mild and sporadic pain, while others experience severe, constant pain.

In some cases, pain may also affect other joints where ligaments or tendons attach to bone:

  • hips,
  • lap,
  • legs,
  • shoulders.

In addition, many patients develop due to inflammation:

  • Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis
  • about a third of patients often experience permanent inflammation of the eyes.

Smoking also has a detrimental effect on patients. People who smoke are four times more likely to experience serious complications from ankylosing spondylitis than non-smokers.

Bechterew's disease is inherited

After a number of medical studies, it has been proven that the HLA-B27 gene, which is to some extent responsible for this disease, is inherited.

If a close relative, such as a parent, brother, or sister, has ankylosing spondylitis, that person is three times more likely to get the disease than someone who does not have the disease in the family.

There are other genes that are associated with ankylosing spondylitis. These are ARTS1 and IL23R. These genes play a role in influencing immune function.

Ankylosing spondylitis: radiological signs

In order to identify the clinical picture of the patient, an urgent x-ray examination is needed.

Analysis of the results will reveal which of the three stages of Bechterew's disease the patient is in.

Let's take a closer look at how each of them can appear in the pictures:

  • Stage one. The earliest phase of the course of the disease manifests itself in the form of severe damage to the sacroiliac joints, as evidenced by the results of x-rays.
    The photographs of the patient show an increase in the size of the joint space, foci of chronic cartilage osteosclerosis, and cartilage destruction. The process of development of sacroiliitis begins.
  • Stage two. The contours of the joints lose their clarity and begin to gradually narrow.
    The x-ray picture shows a false effect of a diffuse increase in the size of the joint space. With a detailed analysis of the image, you can see that such a gap resembles the outline of a rosary.
    The patient has a developed form of periarticular osteosclerosis in the sacrum, which is why the articulation area has a rather uneven appearance during an x-ray examination.
  • Stage three. At this stage, the reduction of the joint space becomes critical, which leads to its complete disappearance and the development of bone ankylosis.
    Ankylosing spondylitis progresses, ossification of the ligaments of the spine begins in the region of the first lumbar vertebra.
    On x-ray, it looks like a small curved needle. A consequence of the development of the third phase of the disease is neoplasms in the form of syndesmophytes between the vertebrae. In the pictures, they take the form of a sharp bamboo stick. Lateral examination can reveal acute inflammation of the posterior vertebrae of the joints.

Medicines for treatment

Proper treatment at an early stage can significantly improve symptoms and even slow down the progression of the disease.

Drugs used for treatment:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
  • anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha agents (TNF inhibitors),
  • methotrexate
  • ulfasalazine
  • corticosteroids for a limited time.

Ankylosing spondylitis: prognosis for life

Like most aspects of this disease, the prognosis is complex and can be difficult to predict.

In some, the disease does not cause serious disorders and at a certain stage it can freeze without developing further.

But for others, this form of arthritis can progress to disability.

Proper treatment can help slow the progression of the disease.

Although ankylosing spondylitis tends to worsen over time, it is not uncommon for it to subside at some point.

Statistics show that men tend to have a worse prognosis - they are more likely to experience severe joint damage with age than women.

Ankylosing spondylitis is not a sentence. People live with this disease for many years, and women even give birth to children.

Since the inflammatory process eventually stops and the joints no longer hurt, the problem is not in the pain itself, but in the consequences of joint and musculoskeletal deformity.

In the case of Bechterew's disease, it is difficult to make any predictions, one thing has been proven - a healthy lifestyle, smoking cessation,

proper nutrition

and timely treatment are the only panacea.

The tendency to develop Bechterew's disease (ankylosing spondylitis) is believed to be hereditary, and the majority (about 90%) of patients were born with a gene known as the HLA-B27 gene.

Bechterew's disease: causes of the disease

At present, it is not known exactly what causes the disease, but in many cases there is a connection with a specific gene, known as HLA-B27.

Studies have shown that more than 9 out of 10 patients are carriers of this gene, known as leukocyte antigen - B27 (HLA-B27). It is important to know that not all people who have this gene will develop Bechterew's disease.

It is believed that only 8 out of every 100 people have this gene, but most of them have never been sick and will not get sick with this disease.

However, the presence of this gene may make the body more vulnerable to disease, and the disease itself is caused by one or more environmental factors - although this has not been proven.

Is it possible to get a disability with ankylosing spondylitis

Is it possible to get disability with Bechterew's disease and in what cases? In more detail about which disability group is assigned for Bechterew's disease:

  • Stages 1 and 2 of Bechterew's disease, in which persistent limitations of life are expressed, followed by a violation of the musculoskeletal system. With such a diagnosis, disability of the 3rd group is given. This type of complication provides for gentle working conditions.
  • Group 2 is issued to people with pronounced first two stages with a progressive type of complication with an average or high frequency of prolonged exacerbation. Patients are recommended light work, preferably at home.
  • The severity and irreversibility of changes in joints with impaired functions of the spine of the last degree, decompensation of the musculoskeletal system. 1 disability group is assigned. The patient in this case is chained to the bed and needs care.

How to get a disability

Bechterew's disease, or as it is also called "ankylosing spondylitis" has no direct connection with the assignment of the status of a disabled person. Accordingly, disability is assigned to the patient on the basis of other factors, the cause of which is the disease itself.

To qualify for a disability, you must:

  1. undergo a medical and social examination, a referral to which is issued by a district therapist - you should undergo an examination by a number of doctors.
  2. after the examination, the therapist who gave the referral puts the final seal and signature,
  3. the signed referral is handed over to medical and social experts, where they will appoint a day for the commission to pass,
  4. the commission will determine the group of disability.

The term for granting the status of a disabled person

To date, the legislation provides for a re-examination for disability in case of Bechterew's disease.

  • If 1 group is assigned, it is necessary to retake it once a year.
  • Groups 2 and 3 of disability due to Bechterew's disease require confirmation of the status every two years.
  • Indefinite disability is possible after 4 years from the date of establishment of the first one.

When does death come and why?

The average life expectancy in patients with Bechterew's disease is 65-70 years. Death comes, as a rule, from other diseases or injuries associated with the main:

  • spinal fractures due to osteoporosis,
  • stroke,
  • stomach cancer, which can arise from an ulcer earned by long-term medication.

Ankylosing spondylitis video

Ankylosing spondylitis, a video description of which is provided below, for all its complexity, has one very important and positive aspect: unlike many other diseases of the spine, it can freeze at any stage and stop its further development.

Accordingly, almost all pain sensations cease, and a person, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet, continues to live a full life.

Article publication date: 04/07/2016

Date of article update: 02.12.2018

Ankylosing spondylitis is a long-term inflammatory disease of the joints (spine and limbs), in which intervertebral ligaments also fuse, calcium salts are deposited in them, the joints are blocked, and the mobility of the vertebral segments decreases. In the absence of treatment, disability occurs. The illness can last for years.

Other names for pathology: ankylosing spondylitis, ankylosing spondylitis, ankylosing spondylitis.

Damage to the spine with Bechterew's disease

It is very important to diagnose the disease at an early stage. Symptoms of the disease are quite common and non-specific: pain, stiffness in movements. Since Bechterew's disease "disguises" itself as other diseases, doctors do not diagnose it in 72% of cases (and in women - in 94%). At best, an x-ray will be ordered.

Due to the hereditary development factor, it is believed that it is impossible to cure Bechterew's disease; you can only stop progression. However, this is a controversial issue, as many people are cured: they reconsider not only habits, physical activity and diet, but (most importantly) their thinking and attitude towards life.

How the disease develops, what are its symptoms, correct diagnosis and treatment methods - read on.

What happens when you get sick?

The mechanism of the development of the disease: inflammation of the capsule, attachment sites of ligaments and tendons, bone tissue occurs. Fibrin (a special protein) begins to be deposited and inflammation passes to the cartilage. Next, there is an fusion of connective tissue, and then bone. In 50% of patients, peripheral joints are also involved.

Five causes of illness

Five causes of ankylosing spondylitis:


    immunological disorders,

    rheumatic infection


    gonorrhea infection.

Four forms of the disease

In Bechterew's disease, sedentary joints usually become inflamed: sacroiliac (sacrolinitis), facet, costovertebral, and large joints of the extremities.

There are 4 forms of Bechterew's disease.

(if the table is not fully visible, scroll to the right)

Form of pathology Which joints are affected Features of the course of the disease



Pain from sacrum going up spine; kyphosis develops in the thoracic region, and lordosis develops in the cervical region. First, there may be eye damage: iridocyclitis, glaucoma.


Spine, hip, shoulder joints.

A characteristic symptom: pain radiates to the knee, thigh, groin.


Spine, knee joints, feet.

Ankylosing spondylitis in this form is often observed in adolescents.


Spine, small joints of the hand, feet.

The pain is mild, characterized by long remissions.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Ankylosing spondylitis develops slowly, begins with almost imperceptible pain in the sacral region. The pain symptom is clearly expressed at night, more often it manifests itself in the second half of it. The nature of the pain: pulling, dull, aching. In the morning, a person feels stiffness, then, as motor activity progresses, it disappears.

People with back pain often turn to a neurologist, general practitioner, chiropractor. Due to the similarity of the initial symptoms of the disease with other pathologies of the spine, diagnoses are often made: osteochondrosis, lumbalgia, protrusion or herniated discs. They begin to be treated, and the real cause of the pain continues to progress.

In the presence of characteristic symptoms, you should contact a rheumatologist. A competent specialist will conduct an examination according to the following criteria:

  • age 15–45 years;
  • night pains;
  • stiffness in the morning;
  • the pain increases at rest, decreases with movement;
  • gradual onset of discomfort;
  • the presence of a disease in relatives;
  • psoriasis;
  • inflammatory bowel disease;
  • urethritis;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the buttocks (alternately, in the left and right);
  • hypercalcemia and high ESR in the blood test;
  • thoracic kyphosis of the spine.

To make a diagnosis of Bechterew's disease, you need: MRI (reveals the onset of the disease) and radiography. Of particular importance is the analysis for the detection of the incompatibility complex antigen HLA B27. Although its clinical role has not yet been deciphered, it is found in 90% of people with ankylosing spondylitis.


Ankylosing spondylitis, with untimely treatment, leads to complications:

  • spinal deformities;
  • limitation (loss) of motor activity;
  • eye diseases;
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels;
  • kidney disease;
  • diseases of the respiratory system.

In advanced cases, the ability to move is lost and disability occurs.

Treatment Methods

Treatment of Bechterew's disease is aimed at eliminating pain, eliminating inflammation, stopping the process of growth of connective tissue and deformation of bones and cartilage.


Regardless of the degree of development of the disease, when making a diagnosis of Bechterew's disease, it is necessary to eliminate the main symptoms: inflammation and pain. For this, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are prescribed: diclofenac, indomethacin, as well as reopyrin, butadione and others. Perhaps the use of sulfasalazine: it has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. With severe symptoms, methylprednisolone and immunosuppressants (cyclophosphamide, azathioprine) are used.

The use of selective NSAIDs is very effective. With Bechterew's disease, they can be used for a long time without negative consequences. One such drug is Arcoxia.


Physiotherapy for Bechterew's disease is used for:

  • pain relief,
  • relieve inflammation and swelling,
  • enhancing metabolism in connective tissue,
  • decreased immune response
  • muscle relaxation,
  • elimination of contractures (limitations of joint mobility).

Defibrosing methods

These are medicinal ultraphonophoresis and electrophoresis. They have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, dissolve (defibrate) the connective tissue, eliminating adhesions and scars.

Fibromodeling methods

These are paraffin therapy, ozokeritotherapy, various baths (radon, hydrogen sulfide, etc.). They enhance tissue metabolism, cell regeneration, resorption of infiltrates, reduce muscle spasm and pain.

Posture Correction Methods

This stretching, stretching, massage, relaxation. Such an effect increases the mobility of the vertebral segments, improves microcirculation, and relaxes the muscles. In massage, rubbing, stroking, kneading, vibration are used.

Methods of exposure, their duration and number of courses are set by the doctor individually.

exercise therapy

Therapeutic exercises for Bechterew's disease are strictly dosed exercises according to the indications and under the supervision of a doctor. It normalizes altered joint functions, strengthens ligaments and muscles, restores nerve conduction, blood and lymph circulation. Under the influence of long and hard training, the symptoms of the disease disappear, and the functions of damaged joints can be restored.


To prevent the development of ankylosing spondylitis, physical activity is necessary. Swimming has a very good effect on the joints, especially in combination with exercise therapy.

If possible, be sure (at least once a year) to undergo sanatorium treatment at mud resorts, resorts with sulfide and radon waters.

To avoid spinal deformity, sleep on a moderately hard mattress and with (or without) a flat pillow.

Owner and responsible for the site and content: Afinogenov Alexey.

Bechterew's disease diagnosis - what is the prognosis for life? Will it be possible to maintain working capacity, will it be possible to live to old age? Bechterew's disease, or ankylosing spondylitis, is a pathology whose exact mechanism of development has not yet been studied. The spine grows together, the joints of the elbows, knees, and feet lose their elasticity. Posture changes, severe pain appears, mobility is lost.

The disease may not interfere with a full life and work. It all depends on how the patient will listen to the recommendations of doctors.

If you stop the development of the disease, you will be able to avoid the worst prognosis - a complete loss of mobility and irreversible disruption of the internal organs. P Patients with ankylosing spondylitis can live and earn by mental labor. Women do not lose the opportunity to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child. But the most important thing is that if you do not start the problem, the life expectancy forecast will remain the same as that of a healthy person.

The exact cause of Bechterew's disease has not been identified by modern medicine. The working hypothesis for the development of ankylosing spondylitis is as follows:

  • The patient inherited the HLAB27 antigen. The antigen exists in the tissues of the joints and is immune to infectious diseases;
  • When the infection enters the body, it interacts with the antigen and it begins to give new properties to the tissues of the joints;
  • Human immunity considers the changed tissues of the joints to be an infection and sends lymphocytes to fight it;
  • Lymphocytes deform the tissues of the joints, and the inflammatory process begins;
  • Trying to overcome the inflammatory process, the body builds up a new bone in the places of the articular joints, and the spine grows together, begins to resemble a bamboo stalk.

The onset of the disease and the prognosis are influenced primarily by the genetic factor, and secondly by lifestyle. People experiencing back injuries, persistent low temperatures, infectious diseases are more likely to get sick.

Psychologists have also identified the relationship of the emotional background with Bechterew's disease. It is believed that many sick people constantly suppressed anger, stressful conditions and other emotional negativity.

Patient quality of life

Bechterew's disease affects the vertebrae and joints of males at an early age. Female patients are much less likely to become victims of Bechterew's disease. Ankylosing spondylitis develops slowly, over time, the following problems are observed:

  • Pain attacks from about three to five in the morning;
  • Limited mobility after sleep. At the same time, it gets better after active charging;
  • Chronic pain in the bone tissue of the heels;
  • It hurts in the chest area, it is difficult to move it and, as a result, breathe;
  • Constant spasms of the vertebral muscles, an atrophic process in it;
  • The curvature of the lumbar disappears, the spine becomes flat;
  • Rapid weight loss;
  • Constant fatigue;
  • Fever, inflamed eyes;
  • With the development of the disease, the patient bends, tilting his head and body forward, stoops strongly, bends his legs slightly at the knee joint;
  • Shoots in the lumbar;
  • Swelling knees;
  • Severe shortness of breath;
  • The head is spinning and aching, attacks of high blood pressure and nausea are tormented if the vertebral artery is clamped;
  • There is no way to turn, except with the whole body.

The pain syndrome goes away after warming compresses and ointments,.

Bechterew's disease is a chronic pathology, exacerbated by periods. In the worst case, it becomes difficult for the patient to walk, sometimes the bones fuse completely and the ability to walk is lost. If the bones of the breast change, congestive processes in the lungs and an inflammatory process appear, which can affect vital organs and worsen the prognosis.

In a patient, the joints and ligaments first become inflamed, then the cartilaginous tissues of the joints are destroyed, calcium salts accumulate, and dense tissues grow.

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Most often, the inflammatory process appears in the area of ​​​​the sacrum, and then diverges along the back to all the main joints. Symptoms are due to the disappearance of elasticity and mobility of the ridge. In advanced cases, it ossifies completely. In the process, the patient begins to experience difficulties with the movement of the upper and lower limbs, the head. All these processes greatly impair the patient's quality of life, but may not reduce its duration.

Types of pathology development

Ankylosing spondylitis develops in the following ways:

  • Rhizomyelic type - the ridge and joints of the pelvis, knees are deformed;
  • Central - only the spine changes;
  • Peripheral - affects the joints of the elbows and feet;
  • Scandinavian - the symptoms are similar to rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Visceral - the work of internal organs is disrupted.

Forecast of ankylosing spondylitis

If ankylosing spondylitis is detected, the prognosis depends on the following factors:

  • When did the pathology manifest itself - in childhood or in adolescence;
  • Which joint was deformed initially, how fast the disease developed, which vertebral regions are involved (the worst picture is observed if the thoracic or pelvic region was first changed);
  • How affected are nearby joints;
  • Do other diseases develop in parallel, such as osteoporosis or osteochondrosis;
  • Are there symptoms of deformation of the connective tissues of internal organs;
  • Is breathing difficult due to altered connections of the ribs with the vertebrae;
  • Are there any chronic pathologies of the internal organs;
  • How well the patient responds to the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The more of these factors are diagnosed, the less comforting the prognosis will be. In the diagnosis, general blood tests and biochemistry, radiography, magnetic resonance and computed tomography are used. Based on the available data, the attending physician will prescribe medications to suppress the autoimmune course of the disease.

Usually the prognosis for life remains positive unless:

  • The rapid development of the disease, which cannot be stopped;
  • Severe kidney deformity with symptoms of chronic insufficiency;
  • Heart valve damaged at an early age with symptoms of arrhythmia and heart failure.

The best prognosis for the patient will be made if a long remission begins and the disease stops developing altogether. Females are more likely to survive the disease, they are less likely to have severe conditions, doctors allow them to become pregnant and give birth. As a result of ongoing pathological processes, men by the age of fifty are constrained in a bent posture that they cannot change. The back at this stage of Bechterew's disease completely loses mobility. In women, this state usually comes only in old age, or does not reach at all.

Most often, people with Bechterew's disease can safely engage in intellectual work. But professions that involve physical work are categorically contraindicated. If the development of the pathological process is stopped in time, the patient will be able to lead a normal life until old age. If the disease is in a neglected state, the patient can completely lose mobility, and death is possible due to disruption of the internal organs.

The prognosis of the patient's life expectancy can be considered favorable if the internal organs continue to function normally ten years after the onset of the disease.


When the spine loses its elasticity and ossifies, this can naturally make a person disabled. The curves of the spine disappear, it becomes like a straight bamboo stick. Patients rarely become officially disabled. Such a verdict is passed only in cases of severely impaired functioning of the spine, articular joints of the pelvis and shoulders. Or in a more serious case - when the disease has affected the work of internal organs.

On average, patients with Bechterew's disease live for about seventy years. The prognosis for life is more or less positive.

If in the first stages of Bechterew's disease the symptoms are already very pronounced and reduce performance, the patient may be assigned a third disabled group. In the most severe cases, the first can also be assigned. The second group is assigned if insufficiency of internal organs is formed. In the case of the first group, the person is already dependent, requires outside help.


The main help for people with Bechterew's disease is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It takes up to five years to use the medicines. The drugs are used in large doses during the acute period, in small doses during the remission period. In Bechterew's disease, inexpensive drugs such as Ibuprofen or Diclofenac are most often used. More expensive and modern - Movalis. If the disease is just beginning to manifest itself, such drugs will act very effectively, relieve pain and restore efficiency.

Since patients take NSAIDs for long periods, monitoring by a gastroenterologist is necessary. Abuse of anti-inflammatory drugs can cause the development or aggravation of gastritis and peptic ulcer.

Other drugs - Sulfasalazine, Wobenzym. To locally relieve symptoms and improve the prognosis, apply:

  • Dimexide compresses;
  • Glucocorticoids by injection;
  • Therapeutic massage of the spine;
  • Treatment with leeches.

To normalize metabolism, you need to give up bakery and pasta, potatoes. Patients are advised to consume more meat and dairy products, pepper.

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The earlier the pathology is diagnosed, the faster the patient will be able to listen to the following tips, make life easier and improve the prognosis:

  • Once every three months, pay a visit to the rheumatologist's office. The disease is incurable, but only a doctor will help prevent it from developing at full speed, causing various complications;
  • Every year, do an X-ray examination of the joints and back, be examined by narrow-profile doctors in order to notice violations in the work of internal organs in time;
  • Visit an ophthalmologist every month to exclude inflammation of the eyes and blindness as a possible complication;
  • Move. Inactivity is contraindicated in the same way as strong loads. Swimming, stretching, and regular walking can help slow spinal ossification. Running, lifting weights and doing martial arts is not allowed.
Your feedback on the article

Bechterew's disease is a systemic inflammatory pathology that is chronic in nature and is accompanied by damage to the spine and sacroiliac joint.

Also, the disease can disrupt the functioning of various organs - the heart, kidneys, lungs, etc. As a rule, the disease is diagnosed in young men - up to 40 years.

Which disease antigen is inherited

At present, the exact causes of the development of the disease are unknown. However, in most cases, its appearance is due to the presence of a specific gene - HLA-B27. According to scientists, 9 out of 10 patients with this diagnosis are carriers of this antigen. It should be borne in mind that not all people who have this gene will subsequently get sick.
However, it must be understood that the presence of this gene increases the risk of developing the disease. In this case, Bechterew's disease can develop under the influence of environmental factors. However, their role in this process has not been fully proven.
Research scientists confirm the fact that the HLA-B27 gene is inherited. If the closest relatives - parents, brothers or sisters - have this disease, the chances of getting sick with it increase by 3 times.
Scientists have been able to prove that there are other genes associated with the disease. These include ARTS1 and IL23R. They have a certain effect on the functioning of the immune system.

What factors increase the risk of hereditary transmission of the disease

It is believed that it is not the disease itself that is inherited, but the tendency to develop it. Many experts argue that this process may be associated with the influence of certain factors. Most often, pathology develops with a decrease in immunity.

The inflammatory process begins in the junction of the ilium with the sacral region. After that, it affects the rest of the joints.
The presence of the HLA-B27 antigen in the body leads to an increase in the susceptibility of joint tissues to infection. The antigen negatively affects the state of the joints - the immune system perceives tissues as microbes. That's why he tries to destroy them.
In this case, the body tries to compensate for the destruction of cartilage tissue, but this process cannot be fully restored. As a result, bone tissue is produced, which leads to ossification of the spine and fusion of joints with each other.
However, even with the presence of a dangerous antigen in the body, the disease may not develop. Additional factors play an important role in this process. The following can provoke the appearance of the disease:

  • stressful situations;
  • colds;
  • depressive states;
  • infection of the genitourinary system.

Is it necessary to conduct a diagnosis if the child's relatives have Bechterew's disease

If the next of kin has Bechterew's disease, special attention should be paid to conducting high-quality diagnostics. Timely detection of pathology and adequate therapy can slow down the destructive process.
A general examination and analysis of the clinical picture helps to diagnose the disease. Also, a person is prescribed a consultation with a neurologist and an orthopedist. To make an accurate diagnosis, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are indicated. High diagnostic value has radiography and a blood test to determine the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
Of no small importance is the differential diagnosis, since Bechterew's disease can easily be confused with spondylosis and osteochondrosis. It is also necessary to exclude the presence of rheumatoid arthritis.

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How to prevent the development of the disease in children at risk

Unfortunately, there are currently no effective preventive measures. If the disease is still inherited, it is necessary to prevent its development. To do this, it is necessary to maintain maximum motor activity of the joints:

  • perform therapeutic exercises every day;
  • perform a massage;
  • go swimming;
  • abandon physical activity that negatively affects the condition of the spine and joints;
  • for sleep you need to choose a flat hard bed and a small pillow;
  • the workplace should be organized in such a way that you do not have to slouch;
  • doctors do not advise the use of corsets, as they lead to a weakening of the muscular frame of the spine.

What to do if the disease is inherited

Existing methods of treating Bechterew's disease are aimed at preventing or slowing down the progression of the disease. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve pain and stiffness.
To stop the development of the disease, the following categories of drugs are prescribed:

  • sulfasalazine;
  • corticosteroid hormones - injected directly into the joint with prolonged inflammation;
  • cytostatics.

New genetically engineered drugs that affect the immune processes in the body can also be used. Usually they are prescribed with the rapid development of the disease, high activity of the inflammatory process, or damage to internal organs. There are studies that prove the fact that these drugs can slow down the rate of development of the disease.

Bechterew's disease is a very serious pathology that significantly reduces the quality of human life. The tendency to develop the disease is inherited, but maintaining the right lifestyle helps to minimize the likelihood of its symptoms. Therefore, doctors advise to play sports, eat right, eliminate bad habits.

What do we inherit from sick parents?

Hello dear friend.

The opinion of doctors - most diseases are inherited

Some people believe and doctors contribute to this, that Bechterew's disease is inherited. Well, how else do you want to think, if all the men in the family, for example, on the paternal side, had ankylosing spondylitis in one form or another, of varying degrees of activity.

Naturally, here the conclusion suggests itself that Bechterew's disease is inherited. Otherwise, where could this disease come from in all relatives in the male line.

If Bechterew's disease is a hereditary disease, why does not everyone get sick?

Everything seems obvious, however, everything is not so simple. After all, if you carefully look at the majority of patients diagnosed with Bechterew's disease, you can see that not all, or rather not many, relatives suffer from Bechterew's disease.

There are families in which only parents suffer from this disease, and this does not apply to children. It happens, on the contrary, in healthy parents, children in adulthood acquire ankylosing spondylitis.

Or, let's say, why does one child in the family fall ill, while others do not, although one of the parents has Bechterew's disease? Or why do boys get sick more often and girls less often? Or why both parents have ankylosing spondylitis, but the children do not?

Maybe Antigen is to blame for the presence of Bechterew's disease?

Doctors and scientists have put forward a version that a specific antigen is to blame for the appearance of Bechterew's disease in humans. A person who has such a specific antigen has a hereditary predisposition (according to doctors) for the occurrence of Bechterew's disease in him. And any infection is enough to start the ankylosing process.

But, the same scientists confirm that an antigen test is taken in order to get another argument in favor of the diagnosis. And that the presence of an antigen does not mean a diagnosis of Bechterew's disease.

If the child has an antigen and the parent does not, how can this be related to heredity? Doctors and scientists cannot explain this. But, they tend to think that the presence of an antigen can provoke ankylosing spondylitis, but is not its cause.

Or maybe not a disease is inherited, but sick thinking?

Scientists also suggest that the human mind also takes part in the creation of diseases. They believe that a person gets sick from the wrong way of thinking, wrong beliefs, wrong actions, and not from infections or injuries. Injuries and infections are the trigger that triggers illness.

This, by the way, explains a lot. I already wrote in earlier articles about how I got sick. My father also had ankylosing spondylitis. But Bekhterev's disease was less pronounced in him than in me. And his pain began to appear at a more mature age, and my back began to hurt from childhood.

As a child, I was very similar to my father, everyone told me about it. I believed it, and that's probably why I also thought mostly like him. My fears and complexes were more pronounced than those of my father.

The beliefs of my parents became my beliefs

Father was brought up in the spirit of love and devotion to the motherland and the party. I also had this trait. In short, I adopted all their beliefs from my parents. But there was no place for myself in them. According to these convictions, I had to do everything only for others, and last of all for myself. Which is what I actually did.

For example, the principle: “Before, think about the Motherland, and then about yourself.” For my father, it was a law, that is, a conviction. Looking at him and taking an example from him, I also thought and, of course, the result is the same, the diagnosis of Bechterew's disease.

Remember Nikolai Ostrovsky. He lived by these principles. Or rather, it was his conviction. And what did he get as a result? Immobility and blindness at the age of 36.

The way of life leading to Bechterew's disease is inherited

And our subconscious triggers ankylosing spondylitis to remind us of our incorrect thinking. But, this is just my opinion. Although it didn't come out of nowhere. Many authors of esotericism and psychologists write about this. And based on my observations.

In order not to pass on Bekhterev's disease to your child, teach him to love himself first of all, and then everyone else. Self-love is not selfishness, do not be confused. A person who truly loves himself will be able to love other people, and not go over their heads towards his goal.

I wish you success.

All the best.

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