Teeth hurt after treatment of deep caries. A little discomfort is normal! Why does my tooth hurt after caries treatment? Pain after deep caries filling

Pain after treatment most often is a normal physiological response living tissues for medical manipulations: drilling, heating, vibration, treatment with acids, antiseptics.

Unfortunately, sometimes the cause is complications, errors in diagnosis, negligence or insufficient experience of the doctor.

Possible reasons

Toothache under a filling can be both infectious and traumatic in nature, that is, it usually occurs either due to bacteria that cause inflammation in sensitive soft tissues, or due to some kind of mechanical effect. In general, the tooth itself cannot hurt, as it consists of bone tissue, which, by definition, is not sensitive to pain.
When pathogenic bacteria enter the pulp, it begins to become inflamed and cause severe pain. If you have already visited the dentist once for the treatment of a diseased tooth, then repeated pain may occur for the following reasons:

  1. If the area damaged by caries is not thoroughly cleaned or if a leaky filling is installed, a repeated carious process may develop, which, due to favorable conditions, will progress much faster. Usually such oversights do not happen when contacting a good specialist from a trusted clinic. So if after treatment you are experiencing severe pain for a long time, especially if it is a filling on the front tooth, you should immediately make an appointment for a second appointment. In advanced cases, the tooth will have to be removed. A filling on the front teeth should be installed with special care and accuracy!
  2. Sometimes it happens that deep caries has already managed to damage the dentin layer under the enamel, and the infection has gone further, to soft tissues, however, severe pain has not yet begun. The doctor removes the damaged area of ​​the enamel, seals the cavity. You return home, the anesthesia wears off and, perhaps immediately, or perhaps after a few days, you realize that your tooth hurts very badly under the filling. This means that the inflammatory process in the pulp has already managed to reach the nerve endings, i.e. you have pulpitis.
  3. There is also another situation. Suppose the doctor has cured the advanced form of pulpitis, but the inflammatory process has already moved to a deeper level and has entered the periodontal area through the apical opening at the root. Thus, if your tooth hurts under a filling, and the nerve is removed, there is a possibility of periodontitis.
  4. Another very unpleasant consequence of neglected forms of inflammation is a cyst. Most often, it grows for months, or even years, completely painlessly, while destroying the bone tissues of the jaw so much that it is already impossible to restore them without resorting to surgical intervention. So if your tooth hurts after a filling, do not put off going to the dentist for later, because this can turn into very disastrous consequences.
  5. An allergic reaction to the components of the filling substance is not uncommon these days. Now more and more new drugs appear that allow to reduce the duration of treatment of the patient to a minimum, however, some of them contain potent components that can cause, among other things, irritation. If suddenly, one or two days after the treatment, a tooth aches under the filling, perhaps it is the intolerance of a substance that is to blame. Often, such pain is accompanied by other symptoms that make it possible to diagnose an allergic reaction.
  6. Does the tooth under the filling react to cold, hot and pressure with aching pain? Possible reasons: shrinkage due to the use of low-quality material or left unsealed cavities, as well as the exit of the filling material into the periodontium through the apical foramen. To avoid such a situation, it is recommended to contact only proven dentistry, which has an X-ray machine at its disposal.
  7. No one is immune from mistakes, so even the best dentist can get in trouble. Often, it is necessary to clean the canals of the tooth from the remnants of the pulp with very thin instruments. If the tooth aches after a filling, a small piece of the tip of a needle or drill left inside may be the cause. An x-ray will allow you to rule out this possibility.
  8. And, of course, non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctor, as well as the rules of hygiene, can lead to painful sensations.


If pain is diagnosed after the filling procedure, then it is necessary to wait 2-3 days, perhaps they will pass.

The pain does not recede after 72 hours - you should consult a dentist.

Upon repeated admission, the dentist performs the following series of actions for caries:

  1. Produces local anesthesia.
  2. Removing the filling.
  3. Removal of the area affected by caries.
  4. Re-installation of the seal.

The stages of pulpitis treatment (primary or repeated) are as follows:

  1. The introduction of an anesthetic drug.
  2. Removing the filling and providing access to the canals of the tooth.
  3. Treatment of canal-containing areas using dental instruments with parallel exposure to an antiseptic.
  4. Installation of a filling on a dental canal.
  5. Filling the tooth with a permanent or temporary filling (this is decided by the dentist).

If the doctor has installed a temporary filling for you, then this means one thing - you will definitely have to visit him on the appointed day. If this is not done, then the consequences can be negative.

Prevention of tooth sensitivity

After filling, many patients face the problem of high tooth sensitivity. A sealed tooth unit begins to hurt when hot or cold gets on it. Only a living tooth can react to temperature changes in this way, if the nerve was preserved during the installation of the filling.

There are two main reasons why hypersensitivity may occur after treatment:

  1. Caries. A disease associated with the destruction and death of hard tissues of the tooth.
  2. Pulpitis. An inflammatory process that affects the bundle of pulp tissues, consisting of nerve endings and blood vessels.

In the first case, the pain syndrome is characterized as short-term, arising as a response to an external stimulus in the form of a cold or sweet. With pulpitis, pain continues for a long time after the cessation of the stimulus that provoked their appearance.

Carious lesions are classified according to the depth and shape of the flow. In accordance with the depth, caries happens:

  • at the stain stage;
  • elementary;
  • average;
  • deep.

A carious tooth is always filled, except for the stain stage. If after that it hurts or reacts painfully to external stimuli, then this indicates that the infected tissue was left behind. As a result, secondary caries develops.

Pain after pulpitis treatment may be associated with:

  • incomplete removal of the pulp;
  • penetration of infection into the root system;
  • delaying further therapy when installing a temporary filling.

If, after a filling is placed, the reaction of the tooth to external stimuli increases, it is worth asking the dentist about why this is happening. It may turn out that the reason lies in violations in the treatment of caries at a deep stage or insufficient air-water cooling during the preparation of the cavity.

It also happens that the treatment of caries or pulpitis was carried out qualitatively, without errors, but the tooth still hurts. This means that the patient has hyperesthesia - increased sensitivity of the teeth to stimuli, the manifestations of which are aggravated by the presence of microcracks in the enamel or the expansion of the dental canals.

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There are a number of preventive measures that can prevent too sensitive reaction of teeth after filling to hot or, conversely, cold. To do this, you just need to follow certain recommendations:

  • do not miss scheduled examinations at the dentist every six months and, if necessary, visit a specialist additionally;
  • monitor oral hygiene, brushing your teeth correctly, without damaging the enamel;
  • do not use a toothbrush with too hard bristles, as this can damage the gums;
  • reduce the amount of sweet and sour foods in the diet;
  • do not whiten the surface of dental units with compounds that contain aggressive chemical components;
  • avoid stressful situations.

However, there are primary rules, following which, the patient will be able to reduce the likelihood of sensitivity of dental tissues immediately after the installation of the filling material:

  • do not eat too hot or cold dishes, especially at the same time;
  • do not smoke if you have this bad habit
  • eliminate excessive mechanical impact on the teeth;
  • carefully monitor oral hygiene, including among the procedures carried out regular cleaning and periodic rinsing during the day with the help of ready-made pharmaceutical preparations or self-prepared solutions, decoctions, infusions.

Preventive methods are effective and allow you to survive the filling without any complications and discomfort. However, if a medical error is made during the filling process, then, alas, they will not give the desired effect. In this case, it is worth enduring discomfort for no longer than 3 days, after which the only correct solution to the problem is to contact a specialist.

The source of pain is the tooth and tissues surrounding it (gums, bone). She may be:

  • spontaneous or provoked by various temperature or chemical influences;
  • sharp, painful or weak, aching;
  • when pressing only on the filling, on the entire tooth or on the gum around the tooth.

Modern techniques require the creation of a special connection between the tissues of the tooth and the composite filling material. For this, special adhesives are used.

There are several generations of adhesive systems. Some of them, especially those containing acetone, are very demanding on the humidity of the cavity.

Even slight overdrying often leads to soreness after treatment. The reason for this is a violation of the normal flow of fluid in the tubules that make up the dentin.

At the same time, patients complain of a sharp pain when pressing the seal or only part of it.

Important! The risk of cavity overdrying is well known to dentists and filling material manufacturers. It is impossible to completely eliminate overdrying, especially in cavities with a complex contour, where wide areas dry out faster and stronger than narrow and deep ones.

The solution is to use special desensitizers (air conditioners). The solution is good, but it somewhat lengthens the time of work and makes it more expensive.

Trying to avoid overdrying, the doctor may underdry the cavity. This also happens if there are narrowness and depressions - areas of risk for the accumulation of moisture, which will interfere with the work of the adhesive. For some time, the adhesive layer will hold, but then “debonding” will occur (breaking of the seal from the bottom of the cavity). There are sudden, sharp, unpleasant sensations when you press the seal.

Insurance against "debonding" is the use of desensitizers under the adhesive layer. Or the doctor may refuse minimally invasive treatment of the cavity (the so-called treatment when they try to save as much tooth tissue as possible).

Treatment of the cavity according to classical methods eliminates narrowness and irregularities. Everything is “sawed off” to a smooth, smooth contour. Result: no narrowness, no risk of underdrying and overdrying, but for the sake of an even relief, many healthy dental tissues are lost.

Recurrence of caries

Pain associated with the recurrence of the carious process sometimes occurs a year or more after the filling.

The reason for them is insufficient processing of the cavity. The doctor either overlooked, or consciously regretted the relatively normal dentin and left it, hoping for remineralization.

With the recurrence of caries, not strong, but over time, increasing pain during chewing will gradually begin to be felt.

Later, the reaction of the tooth from cold and hot joins. Only retreatment of the tooth will solve the situation, now with a more radical treatment.

Complications of caries

The most common complication of caries is pulpitis (inflammation of the dental nerve). The cause is microbes that enter the pulp from the focus of caries. The deeper this focus, closer to the nerve and the longer it stays there, the more microbes penetrate to the pulp.

The tooth is not a monolithic structure. Enamel and dentin are tubular. Through these "tubules" (tubules) the infection reaches the pulp. Even complete drilling of caries does not guarantee that inflammatory processes have not already begun in the nerve, that is, pulpitis.

  • With sluggish chronic pulpitis, there are usually only unpleasant sensations, especially from cold and hot, while quickly passing. There is a good chance of a cure without removing the nerve.
  • In acute, irreversible pulpitis, the tooth hurts at night, strongly, spontaneously. There is no chance of saving the nerve, urgent action needs to be taken.

If the nerve is not removed in a timely manner, the infection will penetrate deeper and periodontitis will occur - inflammation in the bone tissue around the root. At the same time, the tooth hurts a lot at the slightest pressure, gum edema may develop, the general condition worsens, and the temperature rises.

Complications of caries (pulpitis, periodontitis) require urgent root canal treatment. It is carried out in two, sometimes in three visits. The doctor cleans the canal walls from infection with special tools, rinses them with antiseptic solutions and seals them with gutta-percha.

Pain with improper removal of the nerve can occur if:

  • all roots and canals not found;
  • the channels have not been passed to the full length due to their curvature, narrowness;
  • if there is an injury to the surrounding tissues, perforation, removal of the solution for washing by the root.

In this case, aching pain will be felt, which increases when you press the tooth. The gums may hurt. If all the channels were not found, and part of the diseased nerve remained in the tooth, the reaction to cold and hot will remain.

It happens that for a long time, untreated inflammation destroys the root tip and causes resorption.

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Or the doctor, when processing with tools, widely opens the hole at the end of the root.

This leads to the pushing of the filling material behind the root.

Since all modern materials for root treatment and filling are completely biocompatible and inert, this situation is usually not a serious problem, but for some time after that the tooth will disturb when pressed on it.

Voids in the filling

  • Pores (voids) are usually formed at the stage when the filling material is poured into tubes. When taking material from there and filling the cavity, micropores may not be noticed. After drying, they are sealed inside the filling.
  • Another reason for the occurrence of voids is a violation of the material storage technology. At a high temperature in the office (summer), some materials become viscous, stretchy. It is impossible to seal them in the tooth, and the appearance of pores in the filling under such conditions is inevitable.
  • The use of too large portions of the material (hurry) also leads to the formation of pores.

The pores are usually painless. But they provoke splits in fillings, then pain is possible when chewing.

Reference! If there is a time in the filling, then a toothache often occurs with a difference in atmospheric pressure. For example, while flying on an airplane or diving. When the pressure is normalized, the pain disappears.

Tool breakage

In order to qualitatively remove the layer of dentin infected with the infection from the walls of the canals, it is necessary to apply force.

Soft "stroking" of the walls is not effective, leaves microbes in the canal and leads to re-inflammation.

Roots of teeth and channels often have curvature, narrowness. In these areas of increased complexity, there is always a risk of tool breakage.

Features of nerve removal

Experienced doctors perform depulpation only as a last resort. But sometimes it is impossible to do without it. What is the procedure? First, an x-ray is taken, according to which the dentist draws conclusions about the condition of the pulp (nervous tissue), the areas around the root, and gets an idea of ​​how deep the inflammation has spread. The specialist evaluates the length of the nerve and the features of its location, then proceeds to work and acts in several stages:

  1. anesthesia: local anesthesia to relieve the patient of the inevitable discomfort. Modern preparations make it possible to carry out all manipulations absolutely painlessly,
  2. caries removal: the dentist drills the affected areas of enamel and dentin with a drill,
  3. nerve removal: using a special tool called a pulp extractor, which is screwed into the canal, the dentist removes the neurovascular bundle in several stages,
  4. expansion and cleaning of the canals: it is carried out so that the doctor can qualitatively clean the canals from the remnants of the nervous tissue and prepare them for filling. The channels are expanded with thin burs, which help to level and smooth the inner surface of the walls,
  5. filling: a material specially designed for filling (for example, gutta-percha) is injected to the entire depth of the root. The consistency of this substance allows you to fill the cavity entirely so that there are no empty areas left. The upper part is covered with a composite material. In some cases, a large tab is placed or a crown is placed over the filling.

A tooth left without a nerve is called "dead". It becomes insensitive to irritants, enamel mineralization stops. It loses whiteness and becomes darker. To restore the aesthetic appearance, the dentist may offer intracanal bleaching, veneers or an aesthetic ceramic (or metal-ceramic) crown.

On a note! Upon completion of the manipulations, the doctor must evaluate the result. For control, an x-ray is again taken, according to which the dentist draws a conclusion about the quality of treatment. After a well-performed operation, a pulpless tooth will serve the owner for many years and can even become a support for a prosthesis.

Treatment in a clinic

Without the help of a dentist, it will not be possible to eliminate the problem if the tooth has begun to collapse, or the person feels pain throughout the jaw (generalized hyperesthesia). Treatment is also necessary if a recently cured and sealed tooth aches or reacts to cold. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • incorrectly placed filling material;
  • filling was carried out without treating caries, eliminating inflammation under the crown, cleaning the canals, or infection occurred under the filling during the procedure for its installation;
  • the sealed tooth was subjected to physical impact in the first hours after the filling was placed.

In dentistry, there are special procedures aimed at strengthening the enamel of problematic or heavily turned teeth and preventing hyperesthesia:

  • Fluoridation of tooth enamel

    fluoridation of enamel with the application of fluorine-containing varnish or by electrophoresis;

  • covering the enamel with a special filling material: it can be used in the complete absence of caries or with a slight carious lesion;
  • the appointment of special applications based on calcium glycerophosphate or mineral solutions;
  • an appointment with an orthodontist to correct an overbite.

In the event that there are no obvious dental reasons for increased sensitivity to cold or heat, you need to contact a therapist who will prescribe an additional examination. Without eliminating the underlying disease, it will not be possible to cure hyperesthesia.

Prevention of hyperesthesia

The best way to prevent hyperesthesia is to visit the dentist regularly. A qualified specialist will identify existing problems and give recommendations on the use of therapeutic pastes. With regular cleaning and timely dental treatment, the risk of a painful reaction to temperature changes is significantly reduced.

There are a number of effective measures aimed at preventing the development of diseases of the teeth and gums. Need:

  • Adjust your diet. It is necessary to eat foods with a high concentration of vitamins (fruits and vegetables without heat treatment), calcium (dairy products) and fluorine (fish, especially sea fish).
  • Eliminate cold and excessively hot foods that adversely affect the enamel of sensitive teeth. You also need to give up carbonated drinks with caffeine, which contribute to the intensive removal of calcium from the body.
  • Do not neglect rinsing with herbal decoctions and anti-inflammatory infusions.
  • Protect teeth (especially filled ones) from physical impact. With hyperesthesia, it is not recommended to click seeds and nuts.

Such a problem as an increased reaction of teeth to cold and heat must be addressed immediately after its occurrence. Otherwise, the transition of mild hyperesthesia to a more severe form is possible, which is fraught with the development of complications. A qualified treatment can be prescribed by a dentist, and the recommendations given by him must be followed. Modern methods of prevention and treatment of excessive tooth sensitivity allow you to quickly restore enamel and prevent the occurrence of pain.

In what cases is the reaction to temperature changes the norm?

Cases when a tooth after filling becomes sensitive and painfully reacts to sweet, cold or hot, are not so rare. However, this does not always mean that any pathology develops in the dental tissues, or an inflammatory process has begun due to an illiterately performed procedure and a violation of the required rules. Often this is a completely normal reaction of the body.

It is considered normal if the sealed tooth feels temperature changes for the following reasons:

  1. Natural response to intervention. As a result of the filling procedure, an invasion into living tissues is carried out. They are injured, and the chewing surface temporarily becomes susceptible to external influences. The problem resolves itself within a few days.
  2. Changing the tooth surface, which performs protective functions. The condition of the tooth enamel can suffer in the process of cleaning the chewing surface from the destruction caused by caries. Most often, in such situations, the nerve endings are not affected.
  3. Negative reaction to the material with which the tooth was sealed, due to individual intolerance. Much depends on the intensity and severity of the discomfort. In case of a sharp reaction to the cold, it is necessary to contact the dentist to replace the seal.

It must be understood that the occurrence of pain or the appearance of excessive sensitivity can be both a normal reaction and a sign of any complications. However, in the first case, the pain sensations are weak and gradually fade away. If this does not happen, then it is better not to wait and not self-medicate, but go straight to the dental office to find out the source of the problem and solve it.

Anesthesia, drilling with a drill, setting special matrices, treatment with acids and adhesives, polymerization of the material are necessary manipulations, but causing irritation and microtrauma of the tissues of the tooth and gums. Any injury takes some time to heal.

  • If the tooth aches after treatment, this is acceptable, but only when these sensations are not strong, last no longer than 1-2 weeks and gradually decrease. The reason is postoperative hypersensitivity.
  • Slight pain from pressing the filling is the norm, but only in the first days after treatment. There is an adaptation of tissues to the material, getting used to the new height of the tooth. Rarely the problem persists for up to six months.
  • A short-term, no longer than a few seconds, reaction to cold and hot occurs after the treatment of very deep caries or when treating a large cavity on several tooth surfaces at once. Usually subsides in 1-2 weeks.
  • Soreness of the gums is caused by anesthesia, the setting of special matrices, retraction threads, wedges. In this case, tissue injury is inevitable, but without these manipulations it is impossible to restore the tooth qualitatively. The gum heals in a few days.
  • If the aching pains do not subside after treatment, last longer than two weeks, increase, then it makes no sense to wait for healing. Repeated and more serious treatment is needed, possibly with the removal of the nerve.
  • Pain when pressing on the tooth can be a sign of debonding (separation of the filling from the walls), the development of inflammation, a consequence of overestimation of the filling. If reducing the height of the filling does not bring relief, the tooth must be treated again.
  • Strong, prolonged pain from cold and hot is a sign of pulpitis. It is impossible to pull with the removal of the nerve, since inflammation from the nerve can go to the surrounding bone.
  • Pain, redness, swelling of the gums is always a very alarming sign. This is either an allergic reaction to the material, a poor-quality filling (with an overhanging edge), or a symptom of inflammation around the root. In this case, it is necessary to replace the filling, it may require serious canal treatment, sometimes the tooth is removed.

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Photo 1. A snapshot of the oral cavity with inflamed gums around the tooth, after dental surgery.

Diagnosis of pathology

At home, you can check the correct installation of the seal in a simple way - take cold or hot water into your mouth.

If pain sensations arise immediately and pass just as quickly, the cleaning procedure from tissue affected by caries has not been sufficiently carried out.

Taking into account the fact that not all procedures were performed correctly in the treatment of pulpitis, the pain will gradually increase and just as slowly go away.

In some cases, a pulsation appears inside the tooth - this is the result of overheating of the dental tissue during the preparation process.

If symptoms do not go away within a few days, consult a doctor.

Dentists diagnose the cause of pain by examining the oral cavity. The tightness of the seal is examined and exposure is made to cold air and water. After removing the filling, the doctor performs probing by tapping on the tooth. With the appearance of painful sensations in various areas, the existing pathology is determined.

Pain in the walls is a sign of medium-sized caries, in the bottom of the tooth - its deep form, and deep in the mouth of the canal - pulpitis.

The use of medicines

When using special gels, tooth sensitivity can be significantly reduced. They relieve pain, contain the substances necessary to strengthen the enamel and create a temporary protective film. They help in the first period after treatment, when the sealed tooth is just beginning to react to cold and hot. In addition to eliminating the painful reaction to thermal changes, modern gels contribute well to the prevention of caries and periodontitis.

The following gels are the most popular and common in pharmacies:

  • Emofluor is used for inflammation of the gums.
  • O.C.S. helps to brighten the enamel.
  • Fluoridex can be given to children by brushing it on the teeth.

The following pastes are popular:

  • Lacalut Sensitive with aminofluoride and sodium fluoride as active ingredients.
  • Sensodyne, which contains potassium chloride and removes the problem of open dentinal channels over time.
  • Glister, which has a good whitening property.
  • President, containing calcium hydroxyapatite, which strengthens bone tissue and solves the problem of open dentinal channels.

What else can cause pain from temperature irritants?

Answering the question posed, it is reasonable to note that situations when a filling is correctly placed, and the tooth still reacts extremely painfully to hot and cold, are far from the most rare. In such cases, experts recommend conducting an examination for the presence or absence of hyperesthesia, a painful condition that is manifested, among other things, by discomfort due to temperature effects. More precisely, situations in which the teeth react in this way are referred to as grade I hyperesthesia. With regard to the more severe stages of this pathology, they are characterized by the addition of other painful reactions - to sweet, sour, salty, as well as various kinds of tactile influences.

Microcracks in the enamel can be almost invisible

If we single out the main factor contributing to the increase in the severity of symptoms of dental hyperesthesia, then this is the appearance of microscopic cracks in the enamel tissue. Any dentist, “armed” with the necessary equipment, is able to notice them, and therefore it is not difficult to classify this problem in the clinic. Also, frequent signs of hyperesthesia include the expansion of the nerve tubules of the tooth.

How to get rid of an unpleasant symptom?

The most important question that worries most people is related to what to do when the tooth has become too sensitive. The solution to the problem has two ways: going to the dentist's office or eliminating pain at home.

When you visit a specialist again, treatment aimed at getting rid of excessive sensitivity and unpleasant symptoms includes a number of manipulations:

  • establishing a diagnosis, that is, finding out the reasons for such a reaction of the teeth;
  • conducting local anesthesia;
  • removal of the old filling;
  • treatment with antiseptics;
  • implementation of re-sealing of canals and cavities.

A second visit to a specialist is needed if the pain does not go away for a long time or there are other symptoms that indicate deviations in the process of adaptation to the filling. In the first days after treatment, you can cope with painful sensations on your own.

The most effective and efficient solution is to take analgesics. Popular painkillers for internal use are:

  • Ketorol,
  • Ketanov,
  • Nurofen,
  • Solpadein and their analogues.

Local applications can also be carried out. Suitable for this: Dikain, Ultracain, Novocain, Lidocaine and other drugs. It is important not to use medicines for a long period without first consulting a doctor. This is fraught with addiction and the appearance of side effects.

To try to solve the sensitivity problem on your own at home, you can drink warm milk in small quantities throughout the day, rinse your mouth with herbal decoctions or infusions, such as oak bark, oregano, tea tree, or a solution of soda and salt. You can also try applications with propolis.

Preventive actions

In order for a sealed tooth not to disturb during the first days after visiting a specialized specialist, it is advisable for the patient to follow a few simple rules, namely:

  • avoid eating too hot and cold food;
  • try to quit smoking (of course, if this bad habit takes place);
  • minimize strong mechanical effects on the treated tooth;
  • remember to follow the rules of oral hygiene (not only regular brushing, but also rinsing).

Paste with hypersensitivity facilitates the reaction

Taking into account the above recommendations allows the filled tooth to undergo adaptation with the least amount of difficulty. However, if the increased temperature sensitivity is the result of a mistake made by the dentist, such measures are unlikely to help. In such situations, you should endure no more than 72 hours, after which a second visit to the doctor is the only right decision.

Folk remedies for the reaction of teeth to cold and hot

If your teeth hurt from cold and hot slightly and infrequently, then you can use proven folk remedies. To eliminate minor but annoying pain, the following methods can be used:

  • rinsing the mouth with a soda solution prepared from one tablespoon of the product and a standard glass of water;
  • application with clove or tea tree oil, which can be done using a cotton swab;
  • rinsing the mouth with a decoction prepared on the basis of oak bark: one tablespoon of raw materials in a glass of water.

Disinfection of the gums near the problematic tooth helps to remove the inflammation of the mucous membrane, which leads to the exposure of the neck of the tooth. To do this, use the following methods:

  • rinsing the mouth several times a day with a decoction of burdock, prepared at the rate of 250 milligrams of water per 1 tablespoon of raw materials;
  • if the tooth feels cold and hot, you can make applications based on sea buckthorn oil and propolis, which are applied to the problem area in the morning and evening after meals.

Prevention and warning

In order for pathology not to arise, it is necessary to protect your enamel from various damages. To do this, follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Visit your dentist at least twice a year for a routine checkup.
  2. Balance your diet so that sour and sweet foods are found in minimal quantities.
  3. Do not use toothbrushes with hard bristles. They can not only damage the gum tissue, but also cause microscopic scratches on the enamel.
  4. Do not eat excessively hot food with cold food (such as hot coffee with ice cream). Due to a sharp temperature drop, tooth enamel can crack.
  5. Avoid teeth whitening with harsh chemicals. If you want your teeth to be snow-white, use whitening pastes. The process is longer, but safe for enamel.
  6. Observe personal hygiene: brush your teeth 2 times a day with a toothpaste that does not contain aggressive elements in its composition.

A very effective prevention is the use of mouth rinses. They can be manufactured by pharmaceutical companies and sold off the shelf. Or you can make a special decoction at home, based on various herbs and plants.

If you experience pain while brushing your teeth or eating cold food, contact your dentist immediately. Delay will lead to the destruction of the integrity of the tooth and nerve endings.

When the reaction is normal

This happens when the chewing surface was cleaned from carious destruction, and the nervous apparatus was not affected. In cases where, after a filling, the tooth reacts to cold, the condition of the enamel should not be overlooked. The increased response may be caused by a change in the protective surface.

Also, the cause may be individual intolerance to the composition installed in the cavity to replace the chewing surface. Then you need to monitor the response local signal so that the process does not cause sharp discomfort. If the reaction is strong, when the sealed tooth reacts to cold, it is necessary to open it to remove the applied composition.

Even if you have had the neurovascular bundle depulped, discomfort may occur. After all, during the operation, an introduction into the canal, or rather into the cavity, was carried out. Removal of the beam and the impact of the device on the internal space causes a normal reaction in the form of not intense pain. They will have a mild manifestation of pain, gradually disappearing.

Depulpation with tooth filling

Removal of a nerve is a serious dental operation, the competent execution of which is within the power of an experienced specialist. A certain algorithm, according to which many dentists act, and with a non-standard structure of the tooth or a sudden occurrence of complications, deviations from this algorithm are permissible.

First of all, anesthesia is performed, two injections into the gum in the area of ​​the operated tooth. From the moment the anesthesia begins, a person does not feel pain for 45-50 minutes. During this time, the dentist must:

  • protect the “workspace” from saliva. This will be done either using a special machine or cotton balls,
  • treatment of affected tissues is indicated if, during the examination, inflammation of the nerve is diagnosed as a result of caries. The dentist expands the canal for easy access to the nerve,
  • using a small-sized needle with teeth, the doctor removes the pulp. The nerve can be cut with a flexible instrument,
  • at the penultimate stage, the doctor treats the dental canal with an antiseptic, applies a temporary filling,
  • important, control shot. A dentist can make a mistake for any reason. If, according to the results of radiography, an incomplete filling of the tooth is determined, it is drilled and the algorithm is repeated from the beginning.

Correction: all of the above is done step by step, provided that the patient is in good health. In the event of an emergency situation, feeling unwell, loss of consciousness, sudden pain, the doctor must first correct the situation, and then, based on the state of health, decide whether it is possible to continue treatment.

What to do if the tooth aches and the gum hurts when pressed and biting?

  • With pain from pressing - limit the load on the tooth for a couple of days, in most cases this is enough for healing.
  • Even mild pain cannot be treated on its own, as this leads to the loss of precious time. At the slightest doubt, contact a doctor, preferably one who worked with a problem tooth, because he saw the situation “from the inside”. Often a telephone conversation is enough for the specialist to understand the problem and give recommendations.
  • In case of severe pain, it is acceptable to take painkillers (Ketanov, Nise, Nurofen, etc.) Do not take any medication before visiting the dentist - this interferes with the diagnosis and causes undesirable reactions of the body during anesthesia.
  • Feel free to ask your doctor questions before and after treatment. An experienced dentist will warn you about possible pain from the tooth and how to eliminate them even before starting work.


The occurrence of discomfort after cold or hot food is one of the signs that the filling is not done correctly. When in doubt, just drink a glass of cold water. With caries, pain will occur immediately, with pulpitis it will appear after a while. If any painful symptoms occur, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor for a second appointment. For more information about the detection of hidden caries, read the article.

Don't expect the problem to go away with time. Complicated caries and pulpitis progress over time, which leads to tooth decay.

To identify damaged areas, a special drug called “Caries-control” is used. After application in the cavity of the tooth, the dead areas are painted in a contrasting color. After that, it is easier to remove them completely.

Hyperesthesia in periodontitis

Why did the gums become inflamed, do the teeth hurt from sweet, cold and hot? Discomfort can be caused by periodontitis. This is an inflammatory disease of the gums, which is characterized by bleeding, swelling of the mucous membranes, and the formation of deep periodontal pockets. With the progression of the disease, the necks and roots of the teeth are exposed, the gums sag, pus is released from under them, and pathological tooth mobility appears. In the cervical region, the enamel is very thin, therefore, when exposed to thermal stimuli, it reacts with acute pain.

If the mucous membranes have fallen, the teeth hurt, ache from the cold, you need to visit a periodontist. Treatment begins with the removal of solid bacterial deposits. At advanced stages, curettage of gingival pockets, patchwork operations to remove subgingival deposits are performed. Patients are prescribed a sparing diet, applications of therapeutic gels on the affected areas, antiseptic rinses, gum massage.

How sweets affect the condition of the dentition

You need to know that sugar does not have an aggressive effect on the healthy enamel of the dentition units. Getting into the oral cavity during meals, glucose, fructose and sucrose remain in saliva and create favorable conditions for the active reproduction of microorganisms.

Eating the remnants of sweet food, bacteria intensively secrete various acids and other metabolic products. They accumulate on the teeth, leading to a gradual thinning of the enamel layer. As a result, the density of the enamel decreases, it becomes loose, prone to cracking under mechanical stress.

Microcracks and thinning of the enamel, in turn, lead to the unhindered penetration of microbes and organic molecules into the deeper layers of the tooth, contributing to the reproduction of pathogenic microflora in the dentin and pulp. And the deeper they penetrate, the closer the nerve endings of the pulp, and the more the tooth will hurt when sweet gets in - its sensitivity increases. Moreover, sugar molecules through the “voids” in the damaged enamel layer are able to penetrate directly to the nerve bundle, which is accompanied by acute pain sensations that pass only during rinsing.

Another negative effect on the teeth of sugar is when the body lacks calcium and B vitamins. They are necessary for better absorption of simple sugars, such as glucose. Therefore, when eating sweets, their deficiency is replenished by taking from bones and teeth, provoking destructive processes.

Sugar and caries

Provocateurs of caries are bacteria that destroy the surface of the enamel, penetrate deep inside, after which the surfaces of caries gradually affect the pulp. These bacteria are found in plaque that forms after eating.

However, not every food causes the formation of plaque: on the contrary, some foods contribute to the self-cleansing of enamel: for example, apples, carrots. However, sweet carbohydrate foods, which contain sugar, almost always lead to the fact that soft plaque accumulates on the surface of the teeth, and then a stone.

That is why, in order to avoid the development of caries, it is necessary to limit the amount of sweet food consumed (sweets, toffees, creams), and after eating it, rinse your mouth with special compounds or brush your teeth.

Worried about a tooth without a nerve

Let me know if anyone has had this. About four months ago, a nerve was removed from the top six. So, this tooth reacts to hot food and hot drinks quite strongly, as if bursting. Unpleasant sensations pass in principle quickly. For cold, sweet, etc. doesn't react at all. What could it be? Bad tooth done? Can a neighbor give back like that? (there is a hole in the seventh). Although it feels like this one is clear.

if the nerve is removed, then most likely it is a neighboring one, is it not fate to go to the dentist?

it was like that for me, calm down, then it will pass, I have been like this for half a year or even more (the doctor said that since the treatment is deep, the residual reactions of the gums and the root of the tooth have an effect, then everything will recover inside and heal well and disappear, then it will pass, wait a few months

I have the same thing, it no longer reacts to cold hot, but it hurts to hard, for example crackers (

Most likely it gives another, usually this is how the wisdom tooth is mocked, it can deceptively give to any tooth.

Can and neighboring to give. once it seemed to me that it hurts 6 (and he is without a nerve), I was surprised, but I felt sure. I went to the dentist and it turned out to be a wisdom tooth!

Or maybe the nerve was badly removed.

Go to the doctor

We advise you to visit a dentist, as self-treatment may not be effective.
In case of developing hypersensitivity of the teeth, you should immediately visit the dentist. During the consultation, the doctor will examine the oral cavity, assess the condition of the teeth, establish the etiology of the pathology and prescribe the most appropriate treatment individually for each patient.

Depending on the provoking causes, the following types of therapy can be carried out:

  • Caries treatment. Correction of damaged teeth is carried out, after which the symptoms of hyperesthesia completely disappear. At this stage, the tooth is prepared, its cavity is cleaned of affected tissues, if necessary, depulpation is carried out, followed by filling. Also often for the purpose of prevention after the treatment of all carious foci, it is additionally recommended to carry out a professional cleaning of the oral cavity.
  • Gum treatment. Carried out by a periodontist. For these purposes, depending on the type of disease, medication or physiotherapy can be prescribed.
  • Enamel restoration is carried out after the elimination of the main cause that provoked the development of hyperesthesia. Most often, for these purposes, the following are carried out: natural restoration of enamel, fluoridation, sealing, remineralization, implantation of new enamel, installation of veneers,
  • Physiotherapy. It is carried out with a severe degree of development of pathology. Most often, specialists prescribe galvanic current procedures with solutions of calcium gluconate, Fluocal or Belak-F.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct establishment of the etiology of hyperesthesia. On its basis, the appropriate therapeutic course is selected.

What to do to remove the symptom?

In the normal process of restoration, the tooth does not hurt for long. Otherwise, you should consult your dentist.


The first and most reliable remedy that will help to cope with a toothache is painkillers. The most effective are:

  • Drugs that contain ibuprofen, such as Nurofen, Ibuprom, Ibufen. and are considered safe, so they are allowed even during pregnancy. Taken after meals. Relevant if the tooth hurts when pressed (we recommend reading: what to do if a tooth hurts when pressed?).
  • Citramon. Treats mild to moderate pain. Can be used for a maximum of 5 days.
  • Nise. Effective for acute pain, but has a number of contraindications, including pregnancy.
  • Tempalgin. It is taken after meals. Begins to act within half an hour after ingestion.
  • Ketanov. This analgesic effectively relieves even the most severe pain. Valid for 6 hours. Contraindicated in pregnant women.

Cold compress

Severe toothache requires methods that can quickly and effectively relieve pain. With the appearance of pronounced pain, it is worth avoiding a horizontal position. First of all, you can make a cold compress or simply apply a piece of ice to the cheek where the source of pain is located. A compress can be made from gauze or a clean cloth by wrapping a few pieces of ice in it. The cold immediately relieves the sharp pain. After that, you can make yourself a warm rinse from various herbal preparations.

Rinsing with soda and herbs

Another common way to relieve pain is to rinse the mouth. To do this, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Soda-salt solution. In half a glass of warm water, dilute half a tablespoon of soda and salt. Helps relieve puffiness.
  2. Chamomile tincture. Well disinfects and removes pain. Dry raw materials 10 grams are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for about 40 minutes.
  3. Decoction of oak bark. This natural antiseptic reduces tooth sensitivity. For two tablespoons of raw materials you need to take half a liter of boiling water. The poured oak bark must be kept on low heat until the water has evaporated by half. The resulting decoction should be kept in the mouth for a few seconds. Repeat the procedure a couple of times.
  4. Tincture of the snake mountaineer, which fights harmful bacteria. Pour half a liter of boiling water 10 grams of dry collection to insist for 15 minutes.
  5. Burdock herb tincture. A tablespoon of dry collection is poured into a glass of water, boiled for 2-3 minutes. Then infused for 40 minutes.

homeopathic treatment

Homeopathic treatment for painful reaction of teeth to temperature is extremely effective. It strengthens the body, affecting its metabolic processes, hormonal levels, immune status.

Chamomilla (Chamomilla)

Toothache associated with common colds. Increased reaction of teeth to cold more than to hot. Pain from food, worse at night.

Nux moschata (Nux moschata)

A drug for people with hypersensitivity in everything - hearing, sight, smell. Toothache not only from cold air or warm food, but also from touch, sour or sweet. The pain is piercing, radiating to the neck and ears.

Antimonium crudum (Antimonium crudum)

Toothache from cold water, food, air.

Pulsatilla (Pulsatilla)

It is prescribed for children and women with pain in the teeth from warm and hot food. From cold drinking the pain acquires a jerking character. Subsides from exposure to open air.

Mercurius (Mercurius)

With toothache of an inflammatory nature, which is sharply aggravated by the ingress of cold water. Numerous carious cavities, teeth set on edge from sour apples. Inflammatory processes in the gums.

Staphysagria (Staphysagria)

It is prescribed for toothache of a pulsating nature that radiates to the ear. The pain is worse from cold air or from drinking.

Natrium sulphuricum (Natrium sulphuricum)

It is used for acute sensitivity of teeth to hot. The cold dulls the pain.

Pulpitis as a cause of pain after filling

With this pathology, inflammation of the nerves and blood vessels that are in the dental tissue occurs.
Its occurrence can provoke nervous strain, infection and overheating of the pulp tissue.

Pain after filling again indicates that the procedure was performed with violations.

Due to frequent night pains, the tooth is amputated, since the infection penetrates from the crown into the root area.

Another cause of pain is the incomplete removal of the neurovascular bundle. There is a possibility that not all channels were found and passed by the dentist.

The process of treating pulpitis most often stretches over several visits to the doctor. In this case, the dentist will place a temporary filling from visit to visit until the treatment process is completed and a permanent filling is installed. If the treatment is delayed, after a while, microscopic gaps appear between the temporary filling and the dental tissue, through which irritants (including cold ones) penetrate into the tooth cavity, causing pain.

Hot tooth hurts - what to do before visiting a doctor?

Sometimes the pain is so severe that it becomes unbearable to endure.

If immediate medical attention is not possible, you can get rid of discomfort with the help of one of the following drugs:

You can also stop the pain by rinsing with a special solution (for acute pain - 2 tsp of salt and 1 tsp of soda per 0.5 l of warm boiled water, and for tolerable pain - 1 tsp each of soda and salt per 0.5 l of water). Rinse your mouth with such solutions twice a day.

If desired, you can use another method: attach a cotton swab with lidocaine to the aching tooth or rinse your mouth with a solution of lidocaine. Before using this remedy, make sure that there are no contraindications to its use. Caution requires the use of lidocaine in persons with epilepsy, children, debilitated and elderly people. Also, the drug can cause allergic reactions.

Read about the pros and cons of such crowns here.

Hyperesthesia after whitening

Whitening procedures contribute to a significant thinning of the enamel, therefore, they can increase the sensitivity of tissues. If such procedures are carried out at home, you must first consult with your dentist. If there are contraindications from clarification, you will have to refrain.

If a healthy tooth aches, hurts from cold and hot after bleaching, it is necessary to refrain from eating sweets, sour, salty foods for some time, drink only warm drinks. In your diet, you should add foods that promote enamel remineralization: cottage cheese, milk, fish, fresh herbs, vegetables, fruits.

Why does a sealed tooth become sensitive?

The main reason for the increased sensitivity of a sealed tooth is damage to nerve endings or tissue integrity during treatment. However, there are a number of other factors why the treated tooth feels and reacts painfully to external stimuli:

  • Wrong diagnosis. If the pulpitis was mistaken for chronic caries, then the filling can be installed on the wrong tooth.
  • Depressurization. The filling material moves away from the bottom of the cavity and causes irritation.
  • Negative impact on the pulp of dental polymerizers.
  • Poor quality built-in seal. For example, if the cavity was previously overdried, not completely filled, or the material went beyond it.
  • Allergic reaction to the composite material or drugs. In this case, swelling of the soft tissues occurs, soreness of the gums appears.

When is there a reason to worry?

Doctors sometimes recommend that their patients take painkillers after treatment, as they objectively assess the complexity and suggest temporary side effects. But the relief of the symptom does not last longer than 3-4 days even after tooth extraction. You must understand that pain is not an enemy at all, but a blessing that signals a problem. And if it appears on an ongoing basis for a week or more, this is a good reason to visit a specialist.

Pay close attention to the presence of accompanying symptoms:

  • Fever or a slight but constant rise in temperature;
  • Bleeding gums around the treated tooth;
  • Acute seizures that occur at night;
  • A significant increase in sensitivity, prompting you to completely abandon potential irritants in the form of ice cream or hot tea;
  • Numbness of the soft tissues of the jaw at the site of the procedure;
  • Darkening or bluing of the gums;
  • General malaise and weakness without objective reasons.

Constant aching pain with periodic exacerbations is associated with overdrying or underdrying of the formed cavity before filling. Both oversights of the doctor are fraught with complications. When overdrying, persistent irritation of nerve endings is possible, up to death. In case of insufficient drying, the adhesive (adhesive material) cannot be absorbed into the dentin, and when the filling shrinks, it breaks away from the bottom of the cavity, creating here a rarefied space like a vacuum. It also irritates the nerve endings (in professional language, the phenomenon is called "debonding").

The tooth may hurt after the treatment of caries in advanced form. This phenomenon is quite understandable. The doctor performs a lot of manipulations, removes a significant part of the bone tissue - the dental unit may ache and twitch over the next few days. But in most cases, a tooth hurts when biting due to pathological causes.

The nature of the pain is an important diagnostic criterion. This may be pulsation, twitching, the tooth may ache, the mechanical impact on the seal of the “repaired” unit (toothbrush, toothpick) is accompanied by dull pain.

Causes and manifestations

Why a tooth hurts after caries treatment: the pulp, moving away from the base of the filling, produces a “fresh” layer of dentin. This process can take from several months to 2 years. The sensitivity of the dental unit may be exacerbated when a filling is placed during the treatment of cervical caries. The tooth on the border with the gum often "responds" to cold, very hot food, as well as to spicy, sour dishes.

Often, teeth sealed after caries treatment hurt for up to a month. Their hypersensitivity, discomfort during eating, throbbing or aching pain causes the patient a feeling of anxiety and prompts him to go to the doctor.

The exit of the filling material beyond the root is another cause of pain after caries treatment.

Important! There is no dentist who can guarantee the patient with 100% certainty that there will be no discomfort after a filling.

The behavior of the tooth directly depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body, the quality of the manipulations performed by the doctor, and immunity. The main professional reasons for pain in the tooth after preparation for filling:

  • overdrying;
  • underdrying.

In the first case, the dentin, after thorough washing, etching of the filling surface, significantly increases the speed of its movement, the liquid is redistributed in the dentinal tubules also quite quickly. Dentin becomes dull, loses its natural luster, loses moisture. The pressure in the tooth changes, with pressure, a toothache often occurs, which prompts the patient to seek help from a dentist.

In the list of causes of pain in the tooth, one of the leading places is occupied by the underdrying of the filling surface during the treatment. Excessive humidity of the cavity interferes with the action of adhesives (adhesive materials), as a result of which part of the filling is rejected.

The tooth becomes extremely susceptible to any vertical load - with pressure, chewing, tight closing of the jaws after the treatment of deep caries, acute or aching pain occurs in this unit.

The development of a recurrent carious process under the filling is another factor leading to the appearance of a pronounced pain syndrome. Treatment of deep neglected caries (including pulpitis) can normally lead to pain due to the large amount of medical intervention.

Why does a tooth ache in such a situation:

  • improper hygienic care of the oral cavity;
  • insufficiency of primary medical manipulations.

So, a dentist can poorly prepare a cavity for preparation and filling, poorly treat an infected focus - residual demineralized tissues lead to further spread of pathogenic microbes.

Important! An additional factor that can provoke the development of recurrent caries can be an old filling, “strewn” with small cracks through which pathogenic microorganisms enter the dentin and pulp. Inside the tooth, accordingly, an active inflammatory process begins to develop.

Pain after removal of carious lesions may have a pulsating, aching character.

Complications of recurrent caries - subsequent demineralization, destruction of hard tissues of the tooth. Previously healthy areas may also be affected. Such a process proceeds slowly, sometimes up to several years, while it does not declare itself in any way (up to a certain point).

Aching pains in a filled tooth can “respond” for a long time to various materials used during treatment. In sensitive patients, composites with a piezoelectric effect can cause some discomfort. So, on the surface of some dental areas, electric charges arise (up to 1 microampere), which, with a functional load on the “repaired” unit, will certainly result in twitching, aching pain or other unpleasant sensations.

Light polymerizers used by a dentist to treat a carious tooth lead to structural changes in the pulp. After some time, the patient notices that the sealed unit has become painful for no apparent reason, and is sensitive to any vertical load. Thus, an intense stream of light directed at the cavity stimulates the work of small veins, slows down blood circulation in the capillaries, causes stromal edema and other changes that lead to a pronounced pain syndrome.


What to do if pain occurs in a “repaired” tooth as a reaction to the materials used (composites, etc.): seek immediate help from a dentist. The doctor will investigate the problem, send the patient for an X-ray, take steps to eliminate the symptoms that have arisen.

Any vertical load (mechanical impact) on a carious tooth is accompanied by aching or throbbing pain

These include:

  • filling replacement;
  • canal treatment (if indicated);
  • bite correction (if there is pain when pressing, closing the jaw);
  • surgical intervention, the purpose of which is to save a fragment or a whole tooth.

If caries turned into pulpitis (and this is what led to acute pain), the doctor will prescribe analgesics (Ketanov, Ibuprofen, Nimesulin) without fail. It is worth remembering that pain after the end of the anesthesia is normal. But if it persists for more than 3 days after the end of medical manipulations, this is a reason to seek medical help.

Folk remedies

At home, rinsing with a solution of sea salt (1-1.5 tsp / glass of warm water) will help relieve pain. Clove oil also has good analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties - it is enough to soak a cotton swab with it, put it behind the “affected” tooth for 10-15 minutes (an alternative is to chew a clove bud).

Rinses with a solution of baking soda, as well as decoctions (infusions) of medicinal herbs, also help to cope with post-filling pain. The same funds can be used for preventive purposes (to prevent complications).

Plants such as plantain, lemon balm, sage, chamomile relieve pain, reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process. To alleviate the condition, to calm the painful focus will help a piece of ice applied to the cheek from the side of the sealed tooth.


To avoid pain in the tooth after caries treatment, it is recommended:

  • Compliance with simple rules of oral hygiene - cleaning teeth, tongue, gums from food debris, plaque, rinsing the mouth with special antiseptic solutions, using toothpastes with a high fluoride content (to strengthen bone tissue).
  • At least once every 6 months visit the dental office for examination, assessment of the condition of the teeth and mucous membranes of the mouth. If symptoms of caries are detected, the doctor sends the patient for an x-ray, based on the obtained images, prescribes treatment.
  • After filling, you should not eat excessively hot, sweet, supercooled foods. Solid foods can cause sharp pain or irritation of the soft tissues surrounding the filled tooth.

Treatment of deep caries involves the removal of affected foci of bone tissue and pulp, thorough cleaning, washing and filling of the canals.

So, after caries treatment and tooth filling, patients may experience pain of a different nature (aching, throbbing, etc.). A similar symptom may be a variant of the norm (if the patient came to the doctor with advanced caries, and a long multi-stage treatment was required).

But in most cases, pain in a sealed tooth indicates incorrectly performed dental procedures, the exit of the filling material beyond the root, and the development of an inflammatory process. Is it possible to relieve pain at home - if it is mild, it is allowed to take an analgesic and use folk remedies. When discomfort continues to bother the patient for more than 3 days, it is necessary to consult a dentist for medical help.

Deep caries is an unpleasant disease that causes not only to experience strong pain from time to time, but also to feel insecure. It is important to start caries treatment as soon as possible so as not to get complications in the form of pulpitis or periodontitis. But sometimes even after the treatment of deep caries, the patient experiences toothache. This may be due to a number of reasons, and it is important to establish why, after the treatment of deep caries, the tooth began to hurt. Based on the established reasons, you need to act, and in some cases you just need to endure the pain until it passes.

Causes of pain after deep caries

A toothache after in some cases. These are: residual effects after the treatment of caries, mistakes made by the dentist during treatment, poor-quality treatment of deep caries. Pain after treatment of deep caries may occur due to recurrence of caries, complications (pulpitis, etc.) and improper removal of the nerve, overdrying (underdrying) of the tooth cavity, protrusion of the filling material beyond the root, the occurrence of voids in the filling, breakage of the instrument during treatment deep caries, allergic reaction. Let us consider in more detail these causes of pain in a sealed tooth.

Residual symptoms

Sometimes the pain after the treatment of deep caries does not indicate any serious problems or oversights of the dentist. As a rule, it is normal if in the first days after the treatment of deep caries the tooth hurts if its nerve has been removed. When the nerve of the tooth is removed, the nerve endings are irritated. We do not feel this pain while sitting in a chair at the dentist, because there was anesthesia. After the "freeze" departs, and painful sensations appear. This pain can last for about a week, but by about the third day it noticeably weakens, and we hardly feel it. Residual pain can also be felt after superficial or medium caries. It is felt by patients with hypersensitivity in soft and hard tissues. Residual pain is easy to bear and does not cause too much trouble or alertness. But other causes of pain after deep caries under a filling are more serious due to possible complications.

Recurrence of caries

The modern method of treating deep caries involves the use of special tools that can identify the affected tooth tissue. In the treatment of deep caries by the previous method, affected tissues may remain in the cavity of the tooth, causing tooth decay. If there is pain when pressing on the tooth, it is likely that the tooth is still destroyed after filling.

Complications of caries

If you do not notice further tooth decay, caries complications may occur, such as: pulpitis (damage to the pulp chamber of the tooth), periodontitis. It happens that the patient after the treatment of deep caries, experiencing temporary pain, tries not to touch the diseased tooth. If you ignore the pain after the treatment of deep caries, complications are quite possible. For this reason, if toothache continues for more than a week after treatment, you should consult a dentist to determine the causes of pain.

Incorrect or incomplete removal of the nerve

The tooth has a complex, branched system of nerves. In humans, the structure of some teeth is unique, sometimes dentists miss part of the root, which leads to toothaches.

Overdrying or underdrying of the tooth cavity

After cleaning the root canal of the tooth, it is treated with a special tool, which then needs to be dried. Too little or too much drying will irritate the soft tissues. Such pain can be mistaken for residual, moreover, it will pass in three days. But unlike the residual pain syndrome, improper drying of the dental cavity is a violation of the technology for treating deep caries. Such sensitivity after treatment of deep caries may indicate that the restoration will not be long-lasting.

The filling material extends beyond the edge of the root

After the removal of the nerves of the tooth, voids remain in the root, which must be closed with special pins. If this point is not fulfilled, the filling material will go beyond the root, which will lead to rejection of the material by the body. There will be inflammation and pain.

Voids in the filling

Voids can also appear in the filling itself, if the “dental” doctor used poor-quality filling material, or made flaws in the process of treating deep caries. Bacteria develop in these voids, an infection occurs that develops into a cyst (pus in the soft tissues of the tooth).

Tool breakage

This is a serious oversight of the dentist. Often, for example, the needles that are used to remove the nerve of the tooth break, because the tip of the needle is thin. Needle breakage is not considered a big problem. Provided that the doctor noticed this, and removed part of the instrument from the tooth cavity. If he does not get part of the needle out of the canal, inflammation of the tissues will begin.

Allergic reaction after deep caries treatment

Pain after treatment of deep caries is not always caused by the dentist's mistakes. The reason may be banal to the constituent parts of the filling material. During the treatment of deep caries, the rejection of the material by the body may not be noticed, but after the procedure, the tooth will be very painful.

How to determine why a tooth hurts after deep caries

It is important to be able to distinguish pain caused by residual symptoms or complications. If the tooth hurts after restoration, and the pain syndrome gradually decreases, then the problem is caused by residual effects.

If, after a few days, the strength of the pain does not decrease, it is necessary to visit the "dentist". Pain after deep caries may not occur immediately, but after a long period of time. You will also need to visit a dentist.

If some symptoms have been added to the pain after the treatment of deep caries, it is necessary to pay a visit to the "dentist" doctor. If the temperature rises, the cheek is swollen or inflamed, pain appears when you press on the tooth, pain during swallowing or chewing food, you must show the dentist. After all, teeth, like honor, must be protected from a young age!

When a toothache is unbearable, you should immediately go to the doctor. At home, you can only dull the pain syndrome, but its cause will not disappear and will continue to have a destructive effect, affecting not only the tooth, but also the tissue surrounding it. As a result, periodontitis and related problems arise.

If you can’t immediately go to the doctor, you can take general painkillers. Reduces the pain of rinsing the mouth. A simple and effective remedy is a solution prepared from soda and salt, a teaspoon of which should be dissolved in a glass of water. Gargle five times an hour until the pain disappears.

You should be careful about such a common means of reducing pain as warming up a diseased tooth. Heat can enhance inflammation, which will cause increased pain and active destruction of dental tissue.

Deep caries develops slowly and quite difficult.

In general, the process of the appearance of deep caries is divided into the following stages:

  • insufficient compliance with oral hygiene is the root cause of the onset of the disease;
  • fermentation and decay of food residues;
  • the formation of a large amount of soft plaque on the teeth;
  • the formation of tartar (hard plaque) from soft;
  • the development of microorganisms under hard dental plaque, which in the process of life release a large amount of organic acids that destroy the tooth;
  • formation of a carious cavity.

If caries is not treated for a long time, the cavity grows and affects an increasing volume of the internal tissues of the tooth.

There are several factors influencing the development of pain, it even happens that their combination causes discomfort. For example, a defect in a filling can cause a recurrence of caries or nerve inflammation. There are several main causes of post-filling pain:

  • poor-quality treatment (underdrying or overdrying of dentin),
  • complications of carious lesions (inflammation of the pulp),
  • recurrence of caries
  • filling defect (its exit beyond the boundaries of the tooth, voids inside, etc.), that is, it literally presses on the nerve due to the fact that it does not correspond to the bite,
  • foreign body in the canal
  • allergic reaction to the components of the filling material,
  • pocket formation due to poor oral hygiene. In this situation, the treatment was carried out, most likely, correctly, and the reason lies in the inflammation of the mucosa.

Why deep caries develops

Sometimes an inflammatory process develops in the neurovascular bundle, that is, the pulp of the tooth. Depending on the nature of the inflammation: chronic or, conversely, acute, the symptom complex is also different.

  1. If, after you have cured deep caries, the pains become spontaneous, paroxysmal, excruciating and sharp, sometimes pulsating and disturbing, especially at night, then this may indicate acute pulpitis.
  2. If, after caries is treated, the pain is mild or moderate, and mainly when exposed to some temperature irritants, then this may be chronic pulpitis. In this case, the dental unit does not hurt immediately after the stimulus has acted, but a little later.

Pain after caries treatment: causes of hypersensitivity

If a tooth hurts after caries treatment and this symptom only intensifies, you should consult a doctor. It is best to go to the clinic where you previously treated him. At home, it is impossible to cope with the resulting pain, since it is urgent to eliminate the cause of the appearance of soreness. In the dental clinic, it is necessary to take an x-ray, and then carry out a second intervention to replace the filling with a new one and eliminate the causes along the way. In case of allergies, a different composite material should be used.

The most difficult treatment will be when a cyst is detected. In this case, you need to cut off part of the gum, remove the pus, carry out processing and suturing. With a timely visit to the dentist, there is a chance that you will save the tooth. Modern treatment technologies help to achieve this, so it is better not to save money, but to contact a clinic with excellent equipment and qualified personnel.

Re-treatment of a tooth implies an x-ray of the tooth, which is necessary to determine the true cause of the pain.

This will be followed by the opening and removal of the filling, the procedure for re-cleaning the dental canals, then the treatment of the entire tooth cavity with antiseptic preparations and the setting of the filling.

The most difficult treatment process will take place in case of cyst formation.

In such a situation, surgical intervention is simply inevitable. It implies a cut of a small part of the gum, pumping out the purulent contents, after which the gum is processed and sutured. If the cyst is not too advanced, then thanks to modern technologies, you can get rid of it, while saving the tooth.

The development of pain after tooth treatment is a common phenomenon. The etiology of this pain is usually related to what kind of dental procedures the patient has undergone. Each person's body reacts differently to a particular therapy. It is necessary to consider the most common cases of toothache in patients of dental clinics.

This disease is characterized by the presence of a purulent inflammatory process occurring in the root tissues of the tooth. The chronic stage of development of this pathology is often asymptomatic. Therefore, the patient can experience pain only after the start of treatment for periodontitis.

Treatment of this disease is a rather complex and lengthy process, consisting of several stages.

  1. Placement of a temporary filling using certain medicines, which include calcium hydroxide. Dental canals are sealed for a period of 1.5 to 2 months. This stage allows you to prevent re-infection and build up bone tissue located near the top of the tooth.
  2. Symptomatic therapy with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Removal of temporary filling material and installation of a permanent filling.

Pulpitis is characterized by the presence of an acute inflammatory process occurring in the neurovascular bundle of the tooth. Treatment is to remove the dental nerve, followed by filling the top of the tooth.

Pain after pulpitis treatment is normal. After all, part of the pulp of the tooth was removed, and some dental tissues were subject to serious injury. Pain can also be associated with irritation of nerve endings due to the effects of antiseptics used in the treatment of pulpitis.

Pain syndrome in the field of filling the dental canals can be caused by:

  • firstly, by excessive trauma to the dental tissues, which need some time to recover. Such cases occur when the carious lesions were deep and extensive;
  • secondly, improper observance of dental canal filling technologies by the dentist. For example, when the tooth cavity is underdried or excessively dried before the procedure for filling the dental canals.

Here it is very important to know what kind of caries you were treated for, if it is an initial, superficial or medium caries, then the tooth should not hurt, unless the doctor made a mistake when treating the tooth. If a diagnosis was made - deep caries, then pain after treatment is normal.

1. Overheat the tooth

Those. when preparing a carious cavity, the doctor did not use water to cool the tooth tissues. In this case, the pulp chamber overheats, which leads to formation. The doctor, as a rule, did not even notice that the pulp was overheated, because. the patient is under anesthesia (the patient does not feel pain during caries treatment).

2. Incomplete removal of necrotic tissue.

When treating caries, it is very important to assess the situation and completely remove the “dead” tissues and soft dentin, otherwise this will lead to secondary caries under the filling.

3. Boron damage to the bottom or wall of the carious cavity (perforation).

Usually this complication develops in the treatment of deep caries, due to lack of knowledge of the topography of the teeth. As a result of such damage, traumatic pulpitis is formed, characterized by acute pain after tooth treatment. Conclusion: the dentist must know the topography of the teeth very well in order to avoid this complication.

4. Overestimation of the seal.

It happens that while sitting in a dental chair, when placing a filling, it did not interfere with you, and when you came home, you noticed that the filling seemed to protrude above the tooth. In this case, you need to contact your doctor in order to correct it, if you do not urgently do this, then complications are possible: breaking off the filling, the development of periodontitis (because a large load will be placed on the tooth).

If the pain is spontaneous, paroxysmal in nature and intensifies at night, then you need to URGENTLY run to the dentist who treated your tooth, perhaps a mistake was made in the treatment of teeth.

As we have already noted, pain after deep caries treatment is normal. You can pay attention to the increased sensitivity of the tooth, minor pain from sweet, cold, hot. All these symptoms will disappear within 1 week. This is due to the fact that in the treatment of deep caries, nerve endings are affected, hence pain occurs. If the pain factor does not go away after 7 days, then you need to urgently consult a dentist, it is possible that this is a complication after treatment.

If you experience pain associated with the development of a carious lesion, you should refrain from eating hot, sour, cold and sweet foods, as well as exclude mechanical effects and seek dental care.

You should not self-medicate: painkillers and folk remedies give a short-term effect, since they do not eliminate the cause of the toothache, but only temporarily eliminate it, therefore, with subsequent irritation, the pain will return again.

A feature of toothache in caries is that it disappears immediately after treatment. During the examination, the dentist will determine the degree of carious lesions and prescribe the most effective treatment. The initial stage of caries can be treated with modern methods that exclude drilling, which makes the procedure as comfortable as possible for the patient and absolutely painless.

After visiting the dentist, a toothache can be felt for a week. If more than a week has passed after a visit to the dentist, and the pain does not go away, but, on the contrary, only intensifies, then this may indicate poor-quality dental services or the development of an inflammatory process, you should immediately make an appointment for a second appointment.

Treatment procedures for deep caries have specific individual characteristics. If the tissues at the bottom of the carious cavity are located very close to the nerve chamber, the doctor will have to follow certain rules. Namely:

  • In this case, anesthesia is mandatory - due to the fact that the dentin is very sensitive near the pulp, severe pain will occur during the operation of the drill, which is difficult to endure without anesthesia.
  • When removing damaged tooth tissues, air and water cooling should be used, it is provided by a handpiece with four channels and an improved water supply system. In modern modernized versions, the tips have many channels for supplying a jet of water, including the ability to cool the tooth from the side. If tissue cooling is performed well, the risk of accidental overheating of the tooth will be significantly reduced.
  • Special pads or pastes should be used to treat and prevent inflammation, strengthen the internal tissues of the tooth above the pulp, eliminate bacteria and prevent complications such as pulpitis. The most commonly used pads with a base of calcium hydroxide. Eugenol pads can also be used, less often with a combined therapeutic composition.

Treatment of caries is carried out in stages. The following are considered the main steps:

  • disclosure of the tooth cavity with affected tissues, removal of the edges of the enamel, which interferes with access to the cavity;
  • removal of affected soft tissues manually or with the help of special devices;
  • creation of a cavity, which will subsequently be sealed;
  • treatment of the cavity with mild antiseptic solutions;
  • installation of a seal on a place prepared for it.

The most common materials used in dental fillings are:

  • composite;
  • glass ionomer cement compositions (not always);
  • glaciosites (compomeres);
  • ceramics with organic modifications (ormokers).

Many modern filling formulations are used as a liner to isolate glass ionomer cements. At the same time, their role is to resist carious processes due to the release of fluorides.

Doctors by referral

11102, 11106, 11103, 11101, 11108, 11114, 11111, 11162

Zhigunova Svetlana Yurievna

Chief doctor of the clinic at Kolomyazhsky pr., 20

Dubinskaya Anna Yakovlevna

Children's dentist

Ivanina Vera Rashidovna


TikhanovaAlla Mikhailovna

Children's dentist

Tsarkova Tatyana Vladimirovna


Shashorina Darina Gennadievna


Batyukova Oksana Ivanovna

Children's dentist

ZhivotovskayaNina Arturovna


  1. Acute increasing throbbing pain after treatment, which tends to intensify at night, indicates acute pulpitis.
  2. Weak pain sensations arising under the action of thermal stimuli and subsiding after its termination indicate chronic pulpitis.


As part of the diagnosis of deep caries, the dentist takes into account the data of clinical examinations, patient complaints, and the results of instrumental studies. If the crown part of the tooth is severely destroyed, which presents some discomfort to the patient, a diagnosis can be made. The carious cavity with deep infection is large, filled with soft light dentin from the inside. Attempts to probe the floor of the cavity usually cause increased sensitivity and pain. The walls and bottom are pigmented dense dentin, which may have a brown or black tint.

Thermodiagnostics allows you to identify a short-term pain reaction to cold and hot, which quickly disappears after the cessation of exposure to the stimulus. Electrodiagnostics shows the reaction of the pulp to that from 2 to 6 μA. If deep secondary caries is suspected, X-ray diagnostics or radiovisiography is performed.

If the pain that arose after treatment began to gradually fade away, then this is a residual sign. The remaining indicators indicate complications, the degree of development of which can only be determined by a dentist. The following symptoms may be the reason for an urgent visit to the doctor:

  • the intensity of the pain does not decrease within three to four days;
  • the temperature has risen;
  • inflamed gums;
  • swelling of the gum or part of the cheek;
  • with pressure on the cured teeth, acute pain appears;
  • painful to swallow;
  • painful to eat or drink.

How to distinguish residual symptoms from complications

The main symptom of deep tooth damage is a short-term sharp pain, which is a response to temperature, chemical and mechanical stimuli. It passes immediately after the cessation of contact with hot, cold, salty, sour, sweet, the end of the chewing process. If food fragments get stuck in the carious cavity, then the pain persists for a longer time.

If your tooth hurts under a filling, then this is a clear sign of the formation of a carious cavity. Such a lesion can take years to develop. In this case, there will be a long asymptomatic period at first, and tenderness on pressure will appear only when the destruction of the dentin reaches the bottom of the tooth. The seal may break off and fall out.

How to distinguish residual symptoms from complications

After therapy, painful sensations may be present in the tooth - sharp or aching. Normally, pain can last up to two weeks - with pressure on the tooth, drinking cold drinks after hot food. If the discomfort persists for more than two weeks, see a doctor, because. the symptom may be a sign of secondary infection. Read more about the treatment of secondary caries here.

If deep caries is not treated in principle, it can lead to periodontitis, pulpitis, and granuloma formation. As a result, there is a possibility of simply losing a tooth. More information about caries complications here.

Prevention methods

The condition of the teeth largely depends on heredity, but caries can be prevented by:

The basis of a healthy oral cavity, elimination of post-filling pains, compliance with hygiene rules:

  • daily morning and evening performance of the necessary manipulations - cleaning teeth, gums, tongue from food debris;
  • rinsing with special dental solutions, using a paste containing fluoride (you should not use the same one all the time). The abrasive properties of some products can damage the enamel;
  • the brush should not be too hard.

Once every six months, it is necessary to undergo a preventive examination by a dentist. If clinical symptoms of caries are detected, x-rays are taken, and the necessary treatment is received at the dental clinic.

Timely detected carious manifestations are cured quickly, without causing serious inconvenience to the patient.

After applying the filling, and before the caries lesion is diagnosed, the infection of the oral cavity should not be eaten too sweet, hot, supercooled foods. Rigid, hard food irritates the treated area, causing pain.

A spectacular smile is the result of taking care of your dental health.

To minimize pain after caries treatment, you must follow the doctor's instructions. However, it is also worth choosing a professional specialist who will carry out the work with high quality. Tips for the prevention of post-filling pain will be as follows:

  • in the first days after treatment, you should refrain from eating too hot / cold foods, spicy and sweet foods, mechanically hard foods (seeds, chips, nuts),
  • special attention should be paid to oral hygiene, use a brush with medium hard bristles, dental floss, irrigator, brushes and mouth rinses,
  • in the first week after filling the tooth, it is better to refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol,
  • dress according to the weather, avoid hypothermia or overheating of the body, especially when it comes to the treatment of pulpitis or periodontitis,
  • visit the dentist once every 6 months in order to detect repeated carious lesions or filling defects in time.

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The causes of pain after caries treatment may be:

  • Resurgence of caries
  • Empty areas inside the filled tooth may appear due to the use of poor quality filling materials, and possible violations of the filling technique.
    In the void space, harmful microorganisms usually begin to form and multiply, which are the cause of the formation of a purulent disease - a cyst, which is most often localized in the basal part of the dental cavity. Patients present with characteristic signs of a cyst already at the time when surgical intervention is necessary, before that the cyst does not manifest itself with any symptoms.

If a tooth hurts after caries treatment, then this phenomenon is mostly a consequence of the fact that the doctor made mistakes when he put the filling. But there is an exception: this is if the pain began after deep caries was cured. This is called caries, in which the bottom of the carious cavity is separated from the dental cavity, in which there is a nerve, only by a thin layer of healthy tissue.

The buffer zone between the carious cavity and the nerve can be so thin that the infectious process has long penetrated the tooth cavity, however, active inflammation has not yet occurred. And if you disturb such a dental unit, for example, carry out treatment, even if according to all the rules, then it is not at all surprising that the tooth hurts after the treatment of deep caries. Because there is inflammation of the nerve - pulpitis.

Soreness after you have been treated for caries comes in varying degrees of intensity. Sometimes it is only a slight increase in sensitivity, and sometimes it is a paroxysmal pain syndrome.

So, why does a tooth hurt after treatment? There are the following reasons:

After treatment of deep caries, increasing pain may warn of pulpitis (inflammation of the pulp). The disease can be both acute and chronic, caused by completely untreated caries.

High tooth sensitivity after healing is a normal reaction if it lasts no longer than a week. When the tooth responds to stimuli for a longer time, it is likely that the canal has become infected. You need to go to the dentist to determine why the tooth hurts and treat it.

Why does a tooth hurt after caries treatment? Since certain manipulations were performed that affected the tooth tissue, gums, the feeling of pain immediately after the treatment session is quite normal. Anesthesia ceases to act and unpleasant sensations appear after exposure to cold foods on the teeth during meals. It will take some time to restore normal health, because there were effects on the nerve endings.

But how long can a tooth hurt after treatment? Patients note that the discomfort lasts for several days. The pain is not too strong, rather it is aching in nature.

After caries treatment, the tooth may hurt for several days.

Intense, violent attacks are rare. After major operations, such as removal of nerves and canal filling, at least one and a half dozen days should pass. Therefore, significant relief can be expected. At the same time, the patient feels improvement every day and no sharp attacks are observed. Otherwise, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the treatment is incorrect, it is better to correct the inaccuracies as quickly as possible.

In the treatment of pulpitis, the impact is at a deeper level, the tissues located directly near the root of the tooth are involved, the channels are washed, and instruments made of metal are also used. Therefore, pain is observed for a long time after the end of all stages of the operation. It may take more than two months to heal, the reaction of each person is strictly individual.

But if a tumor appears, and the pain becomes sharp, the patient complains of significant discomfort, and the general condition worsens significantly, a fever appears, then you should immediately contact a specialist. Complications can occur after each operation, filling is no exception. They need to be eliminated as soon as possible.

  • Resurgence of caries which occurs due to poor-quality treatment, during which infectious bacteria could remain in the tooth cavity.
  • The formation of pulpitis, periodontitis, cysts, that occur during the complication of the advanced stage of caries.
  • Errors in endodontic treatment that occur in the absence of certain experience and knowledge of the doctor. Namely, it can be: a breakage of the instrument in the dental canal (needles that are used to remove nerves often break off), if the fragment is not removed in time, the inflammatory process is inevitable. In addition, the wrong process of removing the pulp, removing the filling beyond the tissues of the roots of the tooth, which after a few days will manifest itself as the presence of painful symptoms in the cavity of the tooth. Therefore, it is recommended to treat teeth only in dental clinics that employ experienced dentists with an excellent reputation.
  • Overdrying, or not drying the tooth cavity before laying the filling. The process of placing a filling in a treated tooth cavity requires skills and a certain level of knowledge from the dentist. There are times when doctors may not dry out or dry out the tooth canal, which will be an irritant for the nerve endings and cause pain. The pain may disappear after a few days, but due to the fact that the scheme for the correct setting of the filling material was violated, the filling will last a relatively short period of time.
  • The presence of voids in the filling material. Empty areas inside the filled tooth may appear due to the use of poor quality filling materials, and possible violations of the filling technique. In the void space, harmful microorganisms usually begin to form and multiply, which are the cause of the formation of a purulent disease - a cyst, which is most often localized in the root part of the dental cavity. Patients present with characteristic signs of a cyst already at the time when surgical intervention is necessary, before that the cyst does not manifest itself with any symptoms.
  • Allergic response of the body. Often, patients complain of severe pain in the tooth after the treatment. The cause of such an ailment may be the intolerance of the patient's body to the materials that make up the filling. The only way out in this situation is to replace the filling with a filling from another manufacturer and with a different basic composition.

Ways to get rid of pain

Normal, residual pain in a healed tooth does not require intervention. However, if desired, you can drink anti-inflammatory or painkillers. Unpleasant symptoms should disappear in a couple of days, but if this does not happen, you need to contact your dentist.

At home, it is allowed to resort to traditional medicine methods if the patient goes to the hospital in the near future. For example, a small piece of salted lard is applied to a diseased tooth. This method will not eliminate the cause of the pain - at best, it will only drown it out. How can lard help? The fact is that it has an increased concentration of salts, which draw fluid from the tooth. Thus, swelling is removed, pressure on the nerve is reduced and pain is reduced.

A garlic compress is also used. A clove of garlic should be cut and rubbed with it on the wrist, which is opposite to the localization of pain. Then grind another one and attach it there. Putting gruel on bare skin is undesirable, it is better to wrap your hand with gauze twice. Then the wrist should be tightly bandaged and left for an hour.

Rinsing with a decoction of herbs. You can use St. John's wort flowers mixed with chamomile, elderberry and strawberry leaves. Ten grams of each ingredient is enough. Pour the mixture with half a liter of water and boil for 40 minutes. After the decoction has cooled, rinse your mouth with it as often as possible.

You can get rid of residual pain or endure severe pain before a visit to the dentist with the help of painkillers: Ketanov, Nise or Ketarol tablets, Kamistad, Dentol or Metrolgin freezing gels.

For pain, rinsing with a solution of half a teaspoon of soda, dissolved in a glass of warm water, helps well. Also suitable are baths from infusions on mint, sage, chamomile, lemon balm. Decoctions can be frozen and ice applied to the sore spot until it melts. We gave even more recipes in the article "How to treat caries at home." Before using painkillers or folk remedies, be sure to consult your doctor.

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Tags:Dental diseases, Caries

If the pain after tooth treatment is not pathological, effective folk methods will help to eliminate it. Recipes for the 3 most popular folk remedies will be described below.

Before using this or that folk remedy for the treatment of toothache, it is recommended to find out if you are allergic to the components that make up its composition.

The nature of pain depending on the stage of caries

The superficial stage of caries is characterized by moderate short-term pain that occurs when the affected tooth comes into contact with chemical or thermal irritants. At this stage, the patient may not attach significant importance to toothache, associating it with an increase in the sensitivity of tooth enamel.

On closer examination of the tooth, a small spot of light brown or brown color can be found. This process is the result of leaching of minerals, in particular calcium, from the tooth surface. The superficial stage is the easiest to treat and does not require the use of drills. The main therapy is the saturation of the tooth with useful elements, after which all signs of caries disappear.

The second stage of caries, in addition to more pronounced pain, is characterized by the appearance of darker spots and the formation of a yellowish coating on the surface of the tooth. When hot, sweet or sour are consumed, pain may worsen. At this stage, it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible.

The middle stage of caries, which is accompanied by damage to the dentin by carious microorganisms, the pain becomes more pronounced and disappears immediately after the removal of the chemical, thermal or mechanical stimulus.

With deep damage to the dentin, the pain becomes more intense, and since pulpitis often joins deep caries, pain can also occur without any effect. The duration of an attack of toothache directly depends on the duration of the destructive process. Gradually, short-term attacks are replaced by constant pain. When the inflammatory process flows into a chronic one,

painful sensations weaken, and most patients begin to complain of pain that occurs when the affected tooth comes into contact with a stream of cold air.

In some cases, the pain intensifies, acquires a pulsating character, especially when food enters the carious area. After cleaning and removing the irritant, it becomes less pronounced.

First aid should consist in removing food debris, washing and closing with a cotton swab dipped in an anesthetic solution. After that, contacting the dentist should be immediate.

The last stage is cement caries. This stage is typical for older people, mainly after 55 years. The main reason is the exposure of the root of the tooth and the uncontrolled intake of carbohydrates. The second reason for the transition of caries to the last stage is not following the rules of oral hygiene. Note that in older people, the transition of caries from one stage to another occurs much faster, while acute pain is observed.

Stages of the filling procedure

If a tooth hurts after a tooth treatment, is it worth contacting a doctor immediately or a consultation is not necessary and you can take measures to eliminate discomfort on your own?

Treatment of caries is carried out only in a specialized clinic

First you need to understand the procedure itself and its stages.

Caries treatment is carried out only in a specialized clinic and includes the installation of a filling.

Typically, a session consists of the following steps.

  • Preparatory process, including cleaning of the oral cavity, local anesthesia.
  • Since caries infects tissues, they must be removed so that the infection does not progress further.
  • This is followed by processing the resulting cavity before installing the seal.
  • Be sure to install special compounds in the cavity that form the second dentin.
  • This is followed directly by filling, processing and grinding of the seal.

Caries can be neglected, in this case a large amount of tissue is affected. Naturally, sufficient effort is required from the doctor, such a procedure can be painful in itself.

In addition, in some particularly difficult cases, the removal of the dental nerve is required. This happens if the treatment of caries was not carried out and pulpitis developed. In this case, removal of the nerve, pulp is required. For some time, a temporary filling is installed, then a complete treatment of all canals of the tooth is performed.

Questions about the causes, intensity and duration of pain during and after caries treatment are perhaps one of the most popular questions for a dentist-therapist. The treatment of deep caries is generally the most difficult manipulation among the treatment of other carious lesions, therefore, unfortunately, it is not always possible without pain here.

According to the classification of the depth of the carious process, the following types of caries are distinguished:

  • Elementary;
  • Surface;
  • Average;
  • Deep.

The last stage of the development of the carious process involves the proximity of the destroyed and infected tooth tissues to the healthy pulp (“nerve”). As a result, when diagnosing, there is always a risk of confusing deep caries and the complications that have begun in the dental pulp when a carious infection penetrates into it. Therefore, in such cases, treatment should be carried out only after a detailed diagnosis of the stage of the process.

Factors of occurrence of deep caries

The causes of caries in general, including deep ones, are directly related to the activity of cariogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity. In the process of fermentation of carbohydrates, bacteria of the species Streptococcus mutans (and some others) produce organic acids that cause the appearance of initial forms of enamel destruction (spot caries) with a gradual transition of the pathological process to dentin tissues.

In this case, softening of the dentin occurs due to the release of mineral components (compounds of calcium, phosphorus, fluorine) from it, followed by the dissolution of organic matter (collagen) under the action of bacterial enzymes. The formation of a cavity of the type of medium caries with softened infected dentin, left without treatment, inevitably leads to a deepening of the pathological process and an increase in the area of ​​destruction. If at this stage the treatment of deep caries is not carried out, then you can lose time, and there will be a complication with the transition of the infection to the unprotected tissues of the pulp (“nerve”) inside the tooth.

Unfortunately, not everything depends on the person himself. There is another important factor that some people face when dealing with a problem tooth: the secondary occurrence of caries under the filling with various disorders in it or under it. If some stages of the treatment of deep caries for various reasons were performed with an error, then deep caries occurs under the filling. This is especially true for defects and chips of a poorly placed filling.

On a note

Unfair treatment of deep caries by a dentist is usually associated with the following factors:

  • With a poorly cleaned carious cavity from infected and softened dentin, when the filling cannot simply hold on to the soft tissues of the tooth.
  • With poor isolation of the working area from saliva, gingival fluid and blood. Often, the necessary means of isolation and preparation for sealing are not used during work, and most of the materials for fillings, as you know, are not firmly fixed in a humid environment. This leads, with long-term results, to the loss of all or part of the filling, chipping, cracks, violations of the marginal fit, etc. In any case, the process of tooth decay often continues after such treatment.
  • In violation of the instructions for the selected filling material or with the wrong choice of material in a particular clinical situation. Due to the variety of modern fillings, errors are possible at the stage of setting the material, often associated with the doctor's time limit. Any trifle for modern "light" seals is especially important and determines their guarantee and durability.

Localization of cavities with deep caries

To date, for the convenience of treating deep caries, doctors use the classification of carious cavities according to Black, depending on their location on the chewing and front teeth.

Class I. Localization of the carious process in places of natural pits and fissures of small, large molars and incisors.

Class II. Localization of lesions on the contact (lateral) surfaces of molars and premolars (large and small molars).

Class III. The location of the carious cavity on the contact (lateral) surfaces of the canines and incisors while maintaining the cutting edge and corners of the crowns.

Class IV. The location of the carious process on the contact (lateral) surfaces of the canines and incisors with a violation of the cutting edge and corners of the crowns.

Class V. Localization of carious lesions in the area of ​​the necks of all groups of teeth.

It is interesting

The classification of cavities was introduced by Black back in 1896 to standardize the methods of preparation and filling of cavities and exist to this day. However, modern "light-curing" materials, which are based on the principle of "chemical bonds" with tooth tissues, allow not to adhere to the rules and techniques of Black preparation. Despite this, dentists actively use it in various clinical situations in order to properly treat deep caries.

It is also noteworthy that after the death of the author, another 6th grade was added, which they began to officially call “according to Black”. It includes cavities on the cutting edges of incisors and canines and tubercles of molars. Most dentists are of the opinion that this class was erroneously added to the main classification, since the author did not give consent to this.

The main symptoms of deep caries

Before treating deep caries, the dentist carefully examines the patient's complaints, since it is at this stage that it is already possible to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

If we collect statistics from case histories with deep caries, then among the most common complaints and their features, the following can be distinguished:

  • Aesthetic imperfection or deformation of the tooth.
  • Pain from temperature stimuli (hot and cold), chemical (mainly sweet) and mechanical (when solid food penetrates into the cavity).
  • The short duration of the pain. Pain quickly disappears after removal of the stimulus.
  • Violation of the seal (split, displacement, loss) and the associated caries, which proceed either asymptomatically, or with the above short-term pain syndrome, when the tooth aches periodically.

Criteria for choosing a filling material before treatment

After the diagnosis is made, the treatment of deep caries is carried out according to the accepted protocol. Before preparation (treatment) of the carious cavity, the dentist determines in advance an approximate set of filling materials necessary in this clinical situation.

Now let's talk about which basic materials, and in which case, are preferred.

An outdated type of filling materials are amalgams (silver and copper). They cannot be used in anterior teeth, as they are not aesthetic, so their area of ​​use is classes 1, 2 and 5 according to Black, as well as for teeth covered with crowns.

It is interesting

For the treatment of deep caries in the 20th century, amalgams were an indispensable filling material that is still used today. There is practically no filling, except for amalgam, which can boast of 20-30 years of successful existence in the tooth. Silver amalgam is a metal filling with an active antibacterial action of silver (and mercury). The possibilities for holding it are almost limitless.

Unfortunately, in Russia it was hastily canceled because of the likelihood of contamination of the body with mercury, since the silver powder was kneaded on it. American dentists have successfully proved the opposite: they conducted a series of studies and did not reveal the possibility of mercury poisoning, even for staff, subject to protective standards. According to the latest data, since 2000, American dentists have been performing annual amalgams for several million teeth. In Russia, amalgam is almost never used, although the treatment of deep caries with their use is quite effective.

A more modern type of filling materials is the so-called glass ionomer cements (GIC). Most often, GIC is used in the treatment of deep caries as a lining material for fillings or restorations made of composites, for almost all classes according to Black (it all depends on the brand of material), for filling all classes of milk teeth, sealing fissures, fixing crowns, etc.

The doctor may give preference to this material in the following cases:

  • terrible oral hygiene;
  • on the teeth;
  • the location of the carious cavity below the gum level (under the gum);
  • the impossibility of isolating the working area from moisture.

Another type of filling material is composites. We will not dwell on their types in detail, we will only note that there are composites of chemical and light curing.

Modern clinics prefer functional and aesthetic light-curing materials that have proven themselves in the treatment of deep caries. They are placed on carious cavities of any class, they are easy to use, easily and firmly bond with the tissues of the tooth, they are quite durable with the exact execution of the technical details of the setting.

Unfortunately, each company produces composites with a set of properties that can have both positive and negative aspects. The price of such materials also differs. In any case, it is undesirable to use them in subgingival deep cavities, when there is no way to isolate them from moisture. Such treatment of deep caries may not be effective.

Stages of deep caries treatment

The treatment of deep caries consists of a series of steps carried out by the dentist in the order required for a given clinical situation.

The video below shows an example of the treatment of deep caries:

This is how, in fact, the treatment of dental caries takes place (from drilling to the installation of a filling)

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