Does monastery tea help against parasites. Is monastic tea effective for getting rid of parasites? How does the drink work?

Greetings, you friends! I open the ruble attributes of a networker and an Internet entrepreneur. This is the first article in the ruble and let's start with a good mood and well-being. You will be shocked by the information received!

And so the background is this, I was sitting at the computer, as usual, and nothing foreshadowed something shocking. I was doing my job, went to YouTube to watch the video that I needed and saw an interesting title in the proposed videos. Clicked to see...

I was just shocked by the information received. See for yourself, than hear a hundred times, it is better to see once! Watch this video till the end:

I recommend ordering only on the official website, so as not to fall for the hook of scammers. After all, whenever something very in demand appears on the market, scammers appear who begin to fake the product for personal gain. People who buy a product from scammers harm themselves and write negative reviews.

Composition of monastery tea

Another mistake of people who do not know, I would like to especially note. You can find the ingredients monastery tea. Here I am writing it now:

  • Tansy - has a strong anthelmintic property
  • Wormwood is another herb with anthelmintic properties.
  • Then in our herbal collection there is chamomile, which has the ability to destroy insects
  • Calendula kills unwanted bacteria
  • Sage will disinfect
  • Mint, which has a pleasant aroma and has antiseptic properties
  • We have anti-inflammatory birch, oak, yarrow, burdock. These plants strengthen the immune system and cleanse from diseases.
  • Sushenitsa will help your body recover after cleansing

How to brew monastery tea

Personally, I bought monastery tea and now I will tell you the most interesting! The main thing is to know how to brew it and drink it correctly, so it will bring maximum benefit.

  • Put a teaspoon of herbal tea in a teapot and pour a glass of boiling water over it.
  • Now we need to let our tea brew for a quarter of an hour. And it is recommended not to cover with a lid, so that oxygen can be accessed to the herbs.

But I brewed in a thermos. I think that this is the best way to release useful substances and the drink is constantly hot. Just do not immediately close tightly, because the steam in the thermos can squeeze out the lid. Just cover, and when it sits, close it tightly.

How to take monastery tea

First divide the thermos into four parts, then into three. The dosage should be gradually increased. For best results, drink on an empty stomach.

That's how I spent myself prophylaxis and somehow I began to feel more cheerful. I even got a job, as part of a reality show, about which I have a video on the "" page, so energy was added. I got a job in long-distance transportation to carry products to prove that it is possible to work and earn money on the Internet at the same time.

He made a sanitary book and lectures on personal hygiene were also given here. It was said that there are worms around that enter the human body and eat it from the inside.

You will say that I have a blog about making money on the Internet and what does it have to do with some kind of monastic tea. I will answer this question right away. Internet entrepreneurs and especially networkers should feel exceptionally good. How can any networker sell dietary supplements for health, and he himself has bruises under his eyes and constantly goes to the doctors.

Networkers and Internet entrepreneurs should show a healthy and high-quality lifestyle with their appearance. Then people themselves will find out from you what you do, that you always look great and have fun. Only in this way will you recruit a team and nothing else.

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A lot is said about the beneficial qualities of the ancient monastery tea, which the monks prepared on the basis of various herbs and berries. These balanced herbal preparations have been used to treat many diseases. Used as a disease prevention and even for weight loss. One tea, many uses. Just the cure for all ills.

Some myths about monastery tea

Monastic tea - a panacea for all diseases?

Monastic tea is credited with many healing properties. He will let you get in shape. And it will help in the fight against bad habits: it is useful for smoking and alcoholism. It can be used as a prevention and treatment of colds. Even human immunity will allow to raise. What is true and what is a myth - we will talk in more detail later in our article.

  • constipation is eliminated;
  • restoration of tissue fibers is ensured;
  • there is a removal of symptoms of intoxication of the body;
  • the general condition of the person improves.

The monastic collection is credited with active assistance in the fight against tobacco smoking. The tea contains herbs that can remove phlegm, reduce coughing and calm the nervous system during smoking cessation.

Drink manufacturers claim that almost 100 percent of smokers finally stop buying after drinking such tea. Even the smell of cigarettes makes me sick.

Monastic tea helps to quit smoking due to its composition:

  • coltsfoot has an expectorant effect, is prescribed in the treatment of pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • lungwort flowers help in the treatment of various respiratory diseases and even asthma;
  • black elderberry leaves contribute to the normalization of metabolism, as well as to calm the cough;
  • linden blossoms have an analgesic effect, help eliminate toxins and relieve coughs;
  • St. John's wort blossoms directly help eliminate the bad habit of buying cigarettes.

Helps to lose weight

Monastic tea - medicinal drink based on herbal ingredients

Monastic herbal collection can be used as an infusion for weight loss. As part of tea:

  • fennel eliminates the feeling of hunger and does not allow fatty layers to be tied;
  • chamomile helps to eliminate toxins and toxins;
  • linden has a diuretic effect on the human body;
  • flowering black elderberry can normalize the work of the endocrine system;
  • peppermint helps suppress hunger;
  • senna has a mild laxative effect;
  • Dandelion is used as a diuretic.

To obtain the desired effect on the normalization of weight, drinking tea is not constantly worth it. It will harm the body

You need to go through a two-week course of treatment and before that consult a doctor. Herbal infusion, although it has no contraindications, but individual herbs can do harm in certain diseases.

Treats gastritis and ulcers

Its therapeutic effect is achieved with systematic use for the treatment of certain diseases.

Monastic tea is recommended for gastritis and ulcers. The minimum course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. After that, you need to take a short break and after a while you can use it again. Before drinking tea, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Herbal collection consists of a number of useful, pharmaceutical herbs and plants.

Monastic tea is credited with beneficial effects on the digestive system. There is a strengthening of the protective qualities of the body, the normalization of the functioning of the pancreas.

The composition of the infusion includes 10 herbs that will have a positive effect only when they are combined at the same time.

  • elecampane contributes to the normalization and restoration of the body;
  • wormwood is responsible for activating the pancreas;
  • sage is used as an antimicrobial;
  • St. John's wort will relieve heartburn;
  • burdock promotes the elimination of toxins;
  • horsetail will help heal wounds;
  • the sequence normalizes the activity of the digestive system;
  • calendula is suitable for intoxication of the body;
  • chamomile has an analgesic effect and will allow ulcers to heal;
  • marsh cudweed is responsible for bringing the level of glucose in the blood back to normal.

Diabetes treatment

The secret of monastery tea lies in the balanced ratio of biologically active plants, roots and herbs.
  1. Strengthens immunity.
  2. Metabolism is activated and weight is normalized.
  3. The work of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract is being improved.
  4. Improves the activity of the cardiovascular system.
  5. The risk of complications inherent in diabetes mellitus, mainly visual impairment, is reduced.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a common back disease that worries a very large number of people due to various factors.

In the treatment of such a complex disease as osteochondrosis, one should not hope for a cure through the use of exclusively healing monastery tea. Although the herbal collection will improve overall health, even in this matter: the number of inflammatory processes in tissues will decrease; the level of salt deposition will decrease; improve blood microcirculation.

Without a special professional massage course, exercise therapy and swimming lessons, it will not be possible to achieve the desired result. Because to stop the process of destruction of the intervertebral discs will have to work hard.

The herbal composition includes:

  • oregano, characterized by antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • dandelion root, which helps to eliminate toxins and salts;
  • rose hips, characterized by a tonic effect. Plus, inflammatory processes are eliminated;
  • St. John's wort, used as a sedative and analgesic element;
  • elecampane root, which helps in removing puffiness. There is also a slight diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • pine buds, which have a positive effect on blood counts;
  • nettle leaves, which have a tonic effect;
  • lingonberries, used as an antioxidant of natural origin;
  • burdock, which can strengthen the immune system.

Approved by the prayers of the monks

It is prepared according to the recipes of the monks, who have long been involved in the collection of medicines and cured many diseases.

In the old days, when the healing collection had just appeared, it was possible that tea was spoken with prayers. Today it is produced on an industrial scale, so you should not hope for the implementation of ancient ceremonies. These are herbal preparations, which can undoubtedly be called medicinal due to the presence of useful components. But it would be a lie to attribute spiritual purification and faith to a drink. Now only the name remains from the deeds of the past.

Organic and environmentally friendly collection

Herbs collected in ecologically clean regions, properly selected

I would like all herbal preparations called "monastic tea" to be environmentally friendly and absolutely harmless to the human body. But in fact, not a single manufacturer indicates exactly where exactly this or that vegetation was collected. This remains at the discretion of the manufacturer. That is why, when buying such a product, it is recommended to pay special attention to the reputation of the company involved in the creation of herbal collection.

Divorce or truth, pharmacy fraud

St. Elisabeth Monastery, located in Belarus, is most often advertised as the manufacturer of this product

There is a lot of talk about monastic tea, some people think it's a scam. He is credited with many healing properties from various diseases and pathologies: from heartburn to diabetes. The herbal drink is drunk to reduce body weight and to get rid of the bad habit of smoking. In general, we can say that the herbal collection can be used exclusively as an additional course of treatment for drug therapy or for the prevention of diseases. It is impossible to talk about using tea as a full-fledged course of treatment. It is important to note that it is recommended to consult with a specialist first.

There is a lot of talk about monastic tea today. He is credited with a huge number of healing properties that allow you to get rid of many complex diseases. But in fact, it is not worth hoping for a positive result only after using a healthy herbal drink. This, at least, is not logical. Since such complex pathologies as diabetes or osteochondrosis cannot be cured in this way. In this case, a complex course of treatment and regular therapy is required. Although the tea itself can be drunk for the purpose of restorative action.

The rich plant composition causes a number of medicinal properties:

Contraindications to the use of tea are individual hypersensitivity to certain herbs, pregnancy and lactation. To avoid the development of allergies, tea is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.


The maximum anti-inflammatory, antihelminthic and healing properties of monastery tea are due not only to the rich composition, but also to the correct proportion of the herbs contained.

How to drink and store tea?

  • every morning you need to prepare fresh tea;
  • one teaspoon of tea is poured into a glass of boiling water;
  • so that the plants contained in the collection fully reveal their healing qualities, you should wrap the cup with a terry towel;
  • tea needs to be infused for half an hour, and you should not completely cover the cup - if you leave ¼ of the surface of the broth open, then the tea will turn out to be rich, healthy and tasty;
  • you can immediately drink the whole glass of tea on an empty stomach, or you can divide it into 3 servings, which should be drunk during the day half an hour before meals;
  • it is recommended to start the course with small doses - ¼ cup a day, gradually increasing them.

The manufacturer indicates that the minimum duration of the treatment course is 3 weeks, but it is recommended to drink tea within a month. In the future, if necessary, you can repeat the course in 10-15 days. A prerequisite for cleaning is brewing a fresh portion of the broth every day.

In closed packaging, monastery tea has an unlimited shelf life. It must be stored in a dry cabinet, protected from moisture and direct sunlight. After opening the pack, the shelf life is 4 months, and in order for herbal extracts to retain their beneficial qualities, they should be stored correctly:

  • tea should be poured into a ceramic, glass or metal jar with a tight-fitting lid;
  • you can store tea in a dense fabric bag, but in no case in a plastic bag, as the extracts will quickly lose their healing properties;
  • the optimum storage temperature is 18–23ºС;
  • despite the fact that open tea can be stored for 4 months, phytoncides and flavonoids will begin to break down 2 months after opening the pack, so it is not recommended to pour several packages into one container - it is better to open them as needed.

Useful Tricks

Doctors' opinions

Konovalov B.P., therapist, Moscow

  • private headaches;
  • unhealthy appearance, bruising under the eyes and swelling;
  • allergic reactions;
  • frequent constipation and diarrhea;
  • poor appetite;
  • sleep disorders;
  • chronic fatigue and apathy;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • irritability and nervousness.

Reception features

The composition of the monastery tea includes herbs that have a pronounced effect on the human body. Allergic reactions and exacerbations of liver and kidney diseases are possible. Some elements of the composition are not recommended during pregnancy, so pregnant women should not use this tea.

Some herbs have a sedative effect and lower blood pressure.

This feature is worth paying attention to people with hypotension. Taking drugs with a diuretic effect, like this tea, is not indicated for all categories of patients. A conscientious manufacturer must indicate on the packaging of the collection of herbs not only the composition, but also a list of contraindications.

The undoubted advantage of monastery tea is a completely natural composition. It can be drunk both for the treatment of minor health problems and as a preventive measure. This tool will not harm your health, like toxic tablets from worms.

Cooking method

You can buy ready-made tea, or make it yourself from pharmacy herbs. One teaspoon of the collection is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. The resulting tea can be drunk on an empty stomach in the morning, or divided into several small portions and drunk throughout the day.

Precautionary measures

Some of the indications for taking tea may indicate serious illnesses. For example, the alternation of constipation and diarrhea is one of the signs of neoplasms in the intestines. Before starting self-treatment, you should visit a doctor to rule out serious health problems.

The choleretic and diuretic properties of herbs can cause kidney stones to move, after which emergency surgery is required.

Reducing the amount of fluid in the body is good for people with edema, but bad for low blood pressure and dehydration.

The decision on the need to receive the monastery collection should be based on knowledge of the action of the herbs that are part of it.


Truth or Divorce

The cost of about 1,000 Russian rubles per 100 grams of herbal tea is not liked by buyers and raises suspicions of the seller's good faith, since the components of this product are several times cheaper.

Under the name "monastic tea" on the network (you can also buy a product in pharmacies, but it is much less common than on the Internet), the usual one is sold. It contains herbs with healing properties. Depending on the type of disease, herbal tea is offered based on a certain fee.

Interesting! There is a version that this tea is called so because it was the monks in the monasteries who originally studied the healing properties of herbs. People came to them to get a cure for all diseases, since then it has become a tradition that the collection of medicinal herbs for treatment has become "monastic tea".

To drink or not to drink

Important! Single herbs, unlike the complex collection of herbal tea, do not have a complex effect on the body. For this reason, many people prefer to buy a ready-made drink, rather than making their own herbal infusions.

  • Constant headaches for which pills do not help.
  • Pain in muscles and joints.
  • Heaviness in the ribs on the right (where the liver is located).
  • Chronic fatigue, general weakness against the background of the absence of prerequisites for its development.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Sleep or poor or, conversely, drowsiness can be called excessive.
  • Diarrhea or diarrhoea.
  • Irritable behavior, neuroses.
  • Bags under the eyes.
  • Allergic reactions of a different nature, skin rashes, tearing, runny nose.

How monastery tea "works"

The first important action of tea is the fight against. Herbs also have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, protect against viruses. Moreover, monastery tea will help cleanse the body, especially the liver and kidneys, of toxins and toxins. Plus, the immune system will strengthen, allergic reactions will disappear.

If you buy a certified product, then the collection must be drunk strictly according to the instructions. In particular, half a tablespoon pour a glass of boiling water, leave for thirty minutes. Take once a day on an empty stomach. The portion of the intake should be increased gradually, starting with 100 ml and reaching the end to 250 ml.

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