What to do if you are constantly cold and want to sleep? Should I be worried about illness? Constantly want to sleep and severe fatigue causes and treatment Why does it tend to sleep during the day

Being alert, active and attentive during the day is normal. But what if you wake up already feeling tired? Drinking a cup of coffee does not give vivacity, and there is no sense in observing the regime ... The problem must be solved!

First of all, healthy sleep is necessary for the restoration of all body systems. With a lack of sleep, the body experiences enormous stress and is prone to inflammatory diseases and viral infections.

During sleep, the brain processes the information received during the day. And if there is not enough sleep, then memory and thinking can deteriorate.

Drowsiness only at first glance seems harmless. Yes, you can look like a sleepy fly, and at work or school you will be assigned the unpleasant title of a lazy person. But this is not the worst. For example, a decrease in concentration while driving is fraught with much more problems.

Excessive daytime sleepiness even has a name - hypersomnia. It is faced by about 30% of the population of our planet. It can signal severe, chronic fatigue or serious illness.

You should be concerned if:

  • You want to sleep all the time and do not have enough strength and energy for anything.
  • Often there is no appetite.
  • You are irritated or feel anxious.
  • You cannot concentrate on the necessary things or thoughts.
  • Attention and memory deteriorated.

According to statistics, the feeling of fatigue is much more likely to torment women than men. Hormonal fluctuations play a big role here. For example, a constant desire to sleep is characteristic of the first trimester of pregnancy, since a woman's body produces progesterone, a hormone that causes drowsiness.

Also, in women aged 25 to 45-50 years, chronic fatigue syndrome may occur. Characteristic signs are decreased attention, irritability, headaches.

Sometimes severe fatigue or drowsiness is just a reaction of the body to an incorrect, unhealthy lifestyle, stressful situations, overwork, as well as a poorly ventilated or stuffy room. But sometimes the desire to sleep during the day speaks of serious somatic diseases. Let's consider each reason in more detail.

Sleep failure

The optimal number of hours is individual for each person. Someone feels cheerful after 10 hours of sleep, and someone after 5. The norm is considered to be 7-8 hours of sleep.

Modern man leads an active lifestyle and sacrifices healthy sleep due to work, study and other responsibilities. But over time, lack of sleep makes itself felt.

However, lack of sleep is not only a lack of sleep, but also a decrease in its quality. Insomnia or frequent awakenings for any reason prevent you from getting a good night's sleep. To minimize this problem, stop watching TV or surfing the Internet before bed. Even the artificial light of a night lamp by the bed can awaken brain activity.

Overwork and stress

With severe stress and endless stressful situations, the body consumes the entire supply of energy. It is not surprising that sooner or later he will need recovery through good sleep. Allow yourself to take a break and enjoy the rest, otherwise you may face depression. If you are worried not only about feeling tired, but also about apathy, irritability, anxiety, a desire to cry, it's time to contact a specialist.

Poorly ventilated area

Drowsiness can be caused by an elementary stuffy office. With a high concentration of carbon dioxide in the air, there is a feeling of fatigue and a desire to sleep. To cheer up, regularly ventilate the room or go outside for fresh air. Sports, jogging, cycling will also not be superfluous.

Bad habits

If you are one of those people who love to abuse coffee and cigarettes, then there is nothing surprising in the constant desire to sleep. Yes, coffee can really increase concentration, but not for long. And coffee, drunk in large quantities, will simply give the opposite effect. The thing is that caffeine promotes the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine by the adrenal glands - invigorating hormones. But the second, third, fourth cup of coffee is not so invigorating, have you noticed? After all, by drinking more than a couple of cups of coffee a day, you force your adrenal glands to work for wear and tear and a new batch of hormones does not have time to be produced.

Nicotine causes a spasm of cerebral vessels, preventing them from receiving the necessary amount of oxygen. Therefore, people who often smoke, there is a feeling of lack of sleep.

Another negative habit that causes a feeling of endless fatigue is malnutrition. Sometimes after a hearty breakfast, lunch or dinner, one tends to sleep. The thing is that when you overeat, the body spends a lot of energy on digesting food.

There are people who prefer to skip their morning meal. In this case, you should also not be surprised by drowsiness, since breakfast is very important for obtaining the energy the body needs.

Somatic diseases

As we have already said, constant fatigue and drowsiness can signal somatic diseases. Usually the feeling of lack of sleep is provoked by the following conditions:

  • Atherosclerosis. Vascular disease resulting from high levels of cholesterol in the body. The reasons are malnutrition, inactivity, stress.
  • Anemia. Lack of hemoglobin. Paleness and weakness are also symptoms of anemia.
  • Hypotension. Low blood pressure as a result of insufficient blood supply to the brain.

And these are just some of them!


A frequent manifestation of spring beriberi is a desire to sleep. The body lacks vitamins and nutrients. Also in spring, the body begins to actively recover from winter stress, colds, a small amount of sunlight and

pathological fatigue and drowsiness (hypersomnia ) can be observed in various diseases. As a rule, this symptom manifests itself in diseases of the nervous system.

How does drowsiness manifest itself?

A person suffering from fatigue and drowsiness is often overwhelmed by very strong drowsiness during the day. Periodically or constantly, he wants to fall asleep during a period not intended for sleep. Often this condition is facilitated by the lifestyle that a person leads - constant lack of sleep, stress, lack of proper rest. If drowsiness and headache occur after chronic lack of sleep and serious physical and psychological overload, then this can be corrected by fully resting. But if chronic drowsiness does not disappear after rest, then it can be suspected that this condition is a consequence of the disease.

Excessive drowsiness may be accompanied by a state of general loss of strength, a feeling of chronic fatigue. Dizziness and drowsiness are often combined, drowsiness and nausea can be observed simultaneously. In this case, only a doctor can determine how to relieve drowsiness after a thorough examination.

Why does drowsiness appear?

Why constant drowsiness worsens a person's quality of life can be explained by the studies that a specialist prescribes in the process of establishing a diagnosis. This symptom may indicate diseases associated with damage to the nervous system, brain, mental illness, etc.

Constant feeling of drowsiness is sometimes associated with manifestations in a dream . A person who snores at night and experiences pathological pauses in breathing (for 10 seconds or more) may experience constant drowsiness and fatigue. Patients suffering from sleep apnea have restless sleep, frequent awakenings at night. As a result, they are worried not only by such a symptom as constant fatigue and drowsiness, but also by headaches, increased pressure, decreased intelligence and libido. Before determining what to do with such a disease, you need to accurately establish the diagnosis.

In medicine, different types of apnea are defined. Central apnea observed in brain lesions, peripheral paresis of the respiratory muscles.

More common occurrence obstructive sleep apnea . This diagnosis is the result of hypertrophy or swelling of the tonsils, anomalies of the lower jaw, tumors of the pharynx, etc.

The most commonly diagnosed mixed apnea . This disease not only provokes bouts of drowsiness, but is also a risk factor for sudden death.

At narcolepsy attacks of pathological drowsiness occur from time to time, while the patient is overcome by a sudden irresistible desire of a person to fall asleep. Such attacks can occur in a completely inappropriate environment. Often drowsiness occurs when a person stays in a monotonous, monotonous environment for a long time. An attack can last up to half an hour, and one or several attacks can occur a day.

How to overcome drowsiness is an important issue for people who suffer idiopathic hypersomnia . In this state, a person sleeps much longer at night, after which he suffers from severe drowsiness during the day.

At Kleine-Levin syndromea in a patient, drowsiness appears periodically, while it is accompanied by a strong feeling of hunger, as well as psychopathological disorders. An attack can last up to several weeks. If a person is forced to wake up, then he can behave aggressively. As a rule, this syndrome is observed in men, more often in adolescent boys.

Drowsiness can manifest itself with brain damage. In patients epidemic encephalitis in the acute stage of the disease, severe drowsiness may occur.

Causes of drowsiness in women and men can also be associated with traumatic brain injury. After receiving such an injury, a person feels a breakdown, weakness, headaches and drowsiness. The hypersomnic state also develops with circulatory disorders in the brain. Such a condition over a long period can be observed with the development brain tumors .

This symptom often occurs when Wernicke's encephalopathy , multiple sclerosis , and etc.

Often, increased drowsiness accompanies mental illness. Being in a depressed state, a mentally ill person becomes less active, he has almost constant drowsiness. Adolescents who are ill often have a high need for daytime sleep.

In diseases provoked by infection, the patient often has weakness and drowsiness, a temperature of 37 and above, and general poor health. In addition, there are a number of other symptoms that indicate the development of a particular disease.

Sleepiness in the morning can be caused by delayed phase sleep syndrome . This condition is a consequence of violations of the natural rhythms of the body. A person wakes up very hard and in the morning remains in a state of drowsiness for a long time. But in the evening he does not have a desire to sleep, so people with this syndrome, as a rule, go to bed very late.

So-called psychogenic hypersomnia - this is a reaction to emotional upheavals, as a result of which a person can sleep deeply for many hours or even days. At the same time, it is impossible to wake him up, however, the EEG determines the presence of a clear rhythm and reaction to external stimuli.

Constant or periodic drowsiness sometimes occurs with some somatic ailments. This condition is observed in kidney failure , liver failure , respiratory failure , with severe anemia, heart failure, endocrine disorders. Dizziness and drowsiness are often noted in people who suffer from insufficient blood flow in the brain and low blood pressure.

Increased drowsiness in some cases is a consequence of taking a number of medications - neuroleptics, sedative antidepressants, beta-blockers, benzodiazepines, etc.

Often the answer to the question of why daytime sleepiness bothers a person is information about his lifestyle. Attacks of daytime sleepiness, as well as insomnia that manifests itself at night, may be associated with a violation of the usual sleep and wakefulness regimen. In the afternoon, severe drowsiness periodically overcomes those who have serious physical and mental stress. A common occurrence is drowsiness after eating. Eating, especially in large quantities, relaxes. Therefore, sleepiness after dinner can often even affect the quality of a person's work. How to get rid of this condition, a therapist or nutritionist can tell.

Also, drowsiness occurs due to alcohol intoxication of the body. In women, drowsiness is sometimes noted on certain days of the menstrual cycle. How to deal with such attacks depends on their intensity and frequency of manifestation. If drowsiness creates severe discomfort, you should ask a specialist about the methods of treating this condition.

Often there is increased drowsiness with. This symptom, the causes of which are associated with intense changes in the body of a woman, can appear already in the first weeks after conception.

Weakness and drowsiness during pregnancy is noted in a large number of women. This condition is even regarded as a sign of pregnancy. This condition is absolutely normal, since in the early stages of pregnancy this reaction of the body provides protection from strong nervous overstrain, stress, etc. It is quite natural that during pregnancy the female body needs rest and peace much more than during ordinary days of life. Therefore, drowsiness can periodically manifest itself in the later stages of bearing a child. In the third trimester, it becomes harder for a woman to move around, she is overcome by fatigue. Therefore, drowsiness at 38 weeks, at 39 weeks, that is, almost before, is a natural reaction of the body to the tremendous changes that have taken place. When drowsiness passes, it is easy to predict: after childbirth, the woman's body gradually recovers and returns to its normal state.

How to get rid of drowsiness?

To understand how to defeat drowsiness, you should initially conduct all the necessary research to establish the causes of this condition. The doctor examines and interviews the patient who turned to him with such complaints, if necessary, additional studies are prescribed. When ailments are identified, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

However, most often drowsiness and dizziness are associated with asthenia and general fatigue, malnutrition, insufficient rest, vitamin deficiency. In this case, some general recommendations and folk remedies for drowsiness will help.

Before practicing the treatment of drowsiness, you should ensure a normal sleep pattern, proper rest. You need to sleep at least 7 hours a day. A person should sleep in a calm and quiet environment. It is not necessary just before going to bed to pay attention to those issues that cause excitement, irritation. In order not to take sedatives later, a person should go to sleep calm and peaceful. Sedatives against insomnia can be taken only after coordinating such treatment with a doctor.

If there is a deficiency in the human body vitamin A , AT , FROM and others, it is necessary to make up for this deficiency. It is necessary not only to adjust the diet, but also be sure to consult a doctor regarding the choice of a vitamin complex. What vitamins from drowsiness and fatigue to take, the specialist will advise individually.

Sometimes the cause of drowsiness is an allergic reaction to a specific irritant. In this case, antiallergic drugs will help to overcome this condition. You should also try to avoid contact with irritants as much as possible.

To understand, get rid of drowsiness, correction of the daily schedule of awakenings and falling asleep can help. Experts advise going to bed at the same time, and not changing this habit even on weekends. You should also eat at the same time. It is not necessary to drink alcoholic beverages before going to bed, as drinking alcohol does not allow the body to enter the stage of deep sleep.

If the actual question for a person is how to drive away sleepiness at work in which case the following suggestions may help. For sudden bouts of drowsiness, you can do some intense exercise or take a few minutes walk in the fresh air. This exercise will help to cheer up. Drinks containing caffeine should not be abused. It is advisable not to drink more than two cups of coffee a day.

Pregnant women who are overcome by drowsiness are advised to sleep as long as possible, to devote enough time to both night and daytime rest. Significantly improve the well-being of walking in the fresh air. If a pregnant woman works, she must definitely give enough time to sleep at night - the expectant mother should sleep at least 8 hours a day. If possible, you should ventilate the room constantly, avoid those places where there are a lot of people. A pregnant woman should not overwork much and should always remember that the condition of the child depends on her rest and calmness.

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Sleep is one of the factors that determine the quality of human life. Sleep disorders affect every aspect of a person's life. We will tell you why you constantly want to sleep and how you can change it.

What is excessive sleepiness

Increased sleepiness- this is a state of a person in which he wants to sleep during periods that are not intended for this. Usually, unhealthy drowsiness appears during the day when you need to work or, for example, drive a car.

If the situation is one-time, then there is nothing to worry about. You need to rest well and the body will return to normal. When you want to sleep at odd hours all the time, then you can talk about a functional disorder.

A mentally and physically healthy person usually needs 7-9 hours to get enough sleep and feel alert. There are individual characteristics when, for example, 4-5 hours of sleep is enough. But the norm in medicine is considered to be a dream lasting, on average, 8 hours.

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For a person, as a representative of the animal world, night falling asleep and daytime wakefulness are characteristic. The sun goes below the horizon in the evening, there is no opportunity for productive activity. At night, all birds and animals fall asleep, a person should also sleep, recuperate. This is how nature intended.

Sleep disturbance can be expressed in two forms - insomnia (not being able to fall asleep) and hypersomnia (desire to sleep during the day).

The state of hypersomnia is characterized by such signs as: a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate, yawning, general weakness, inhibition of reactions and actions.

Drowsiness: the main causes

There are several factors influencing the occurrence of a state when you constantly want to sleep.


Can cause hypersomnia. This is a severe mental pathology in which a person lacks any desires and interests. A person does not see prospects and incentives for himself, he is not capable of activity, he neglects the implementation of elementary household activities. Fatigue and weakness that accompany depression lead to the fact that most of the time a person wants to sleep.

It also happens that a person has a complex unresolved problem. At the first stage, he experiences an upsurge, is determined to overcome it. But in situations where it is not possible to achieve a result, apathy and despondency come. Sleep closes the person from the outside world and the problems that have piled up.


A constant desire to sleep can be caused by diseases that lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain: impaired blood pressure (in both directions), ischemia, pulmonary and bronchial diseases, atherosclerosis, heart attack.

For example, in atherosclerosis, blood vessels become clogged with lipids that prevent cerebral circulation. As a result, a person constantly wants to sleep.

The scourge of modernity is such a disease as osteochondrosis. It is also characterized by spasm of the cervical arteries, which leads to oxygen deficiency in the brain. It is difficult for a person to concentrate on doing work and other daily activities.

Difficulty in the blood supply to the brain also occurs as a result of diseases such as anemia and hemoglobin deficiency. People with such diagnoses want to sleep during the day, they feel overwhelmed and lack of energy.

A similar condition is observed with beriberi and dehydration. In such cases, drowsiness is due to a lack of required substances in the human body.

A constant desire to sleep may be the result of psychopathologies: schizophrenia, psychoses of various etiologies,.

Hypersomnia can be the result of taking a number of medications, alcohol abuse and other prohibited substances.


The pathological form of daytime sleepiness is. This is a disease in which a person cannot physically control his sleep. Falling asleep occurs suddenly, at any time and in any place. A person does not just want to sleep, he literally falls asleep "on the go."

Most often, narcolepsy affects young men - from 15 to 30 years old, but there are no guarantees that the disease will develop at a later age. Approximately 30 out of 100,000 people suffer from the disease.

The cause of the disease is traditionally considered to be a deficiency of hypocretin, a substance responsible for sleep. However, the disease is not fully understood, and the genetic version of its origin is also being considered.

Narcolepsy is accompanied by an instant loss of muscle tone: a person is literally asleep and unable to control his body. Nacrolepsy is characterized by hallucinations, sound and auditory, which appear both before falling asleep and at the moment of awakening.

There is currently no cure for narcrolepsy. Doctors can only alleviate the condition of the patient by eliminating or minimizing symptoms so that the person can lead an acceptable lifestyle.

Why does a woman always want to sleep

There is an opinion that women want to sleep at the wrong time more often than men. It really is.

One of the causes of pathological drowsiness in the fair sex is pregnancy, when you constantly want to sleep. During the first trimester, there is a significant hormonal restructuring of the entire body of the expectant mother. The body gets used to the new state and goes into a special mode of operation.

During the period of gestation, progesterone begins to be produced in large volumes, which provokes the desire to sleep. At a later date, when the body is used to working in a new way, I want to sleep less and less.

Hypersomnia occurs in females due to natural phenomena such as geomagnetic storms or low atmospheric pressure. Women are more sensitive to changes in the atmosphere and more weather dependent than men.

A woman carries significant burdens on her shoulders, both at work and at home. The number of actions that need to be done during the day does not allow you to maintain the correct sleep and wakefulness regimen.

Often the wife and mother go to bed later than the other members, having redone all household chores and prepared themselves a “front of work” for the morning. Lack of sleep in a chronic form leads to the fact that a woman constantly wants to sleep during the daytime.

If the situation does not change for years, then a woman can get sick, at least she is guaranteed chronic fatigue and diseases of the nervous system. You need to speak frankly with your loved ones and distribute the responsibility for housekeeping among all family members.

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What to do if you constantly want to sleep

Increased daytime sleepiness, as we found out, has two signs:

  • it interferes with productive activities during the day, leads to irritability and chronic fatigue;
  • There can be many reasons why you constantly want to sleep: from elementary lack of sleep to serious illnesses.

To get rid of such an unpleasant state, we suggest going through the following steps according to an effective algorithm:

  • Analyze the quality of your night's sleep. It is necessary to clarify its period - at least seven hours. It is important that the sleep time corresponds to natural biorhythms - you need to fall asleep no later than 23 hours, and wake up at 6-7 in the morning.
  • It is important to determine the proper conditions for night rest. A comfortable pillow, good ventilation, tightly drawn curtains are essential factors for a healthy sleep.
  • Think about whether you have a habit of analyzing problems and difficulties while in bed. If you constantly want to sleep during the day, you may have increased psychological fatigue and. If there are serious problems in life, consider contacting a psychologist for help in overcoming them.
  • Do not neglect the well-known, but no less relevant ways to bring yourself into a state of peace of mind. Physical activity appropriate for age and ability, exposure to fresh air will help to achieve peace of mind. Take 15 minutes of time to exercise and do a contrast shower, this will help cheer up and overcome despondency.
  • If you want to sleep during the day at work or at home, pay attention to whether the room in which you are is sufficiently ventilated. The lack of oxygen leads to hypoxia and provokes the desire to sleep.
  • Track your nutrition. The body needs a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals. Fruit, chocolate and green tea will give you good spirits and a feeling of joy.
  • With hypersomnia, it is necessary to increase the intake of vitamins B1 and B6.
  • If you want to sleep at the workplace, make it a rule to do a light warm-up of the collar zone every hour.

These measures will help if there are no somatic diseases, but you constantly want to sleep due to a violation of the night sleep regimen and its quality. In other situations, you should be examined by specialists.

The cause of sleep disturbance may be a metabolic disorder, insufficient production of neurotransmitters (endorphins, serotonin). In this case, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist.

Cardiovascular diseases that cause oxygen starvation also need to be treated. Consult a cardiologist who will prescribe a blood test, an ECG, and determine a predisposition to hypotension.

A neuropathologist will check you for osteochondrosis and prescribe the necessary drugs and procedures.

A specialist who deals with sleep disorders is called a somnologist. If other specialists cannot determine the reason why you want to sleep, the somnologist will help you understand the problems of falling asleep.

What not to do with increased sleepiness

Many of us, in the absence of time to visit hospitals, independently purchase medicines that are presented in huge quantities and are sold without prescriptions. You can't do this!

We talked about the fact that there are a lot of reasons why you want to sleep and they lie in various areas. Uncontrolled intake of drugs can only aggravate the course of pathologies and will not bring the desired result. The composition of sleeping pills includes mainly sedatives, i.e. sedative ingredients. But they cannot help, for example, in case of circulatory disorders. You will be able to sleep at night, but during the day you will want to sleep even more.

Widespread among people who want to sleep during the day, taking drugs that stimulate the nervous system: from banal coffee to energy drinks. Indeed, for a short time, caffeine will help cheer up, but it is not able to solve the problem of sleep disturbance.

Energy drinks have a negative effect on the heart and liver, in addition, they are addictive. The condition can only get worse.

The state when you constantly want to sleep is far from uncommon. At the same time, performance is significantly reduced and a feeling of fatigue appears. Sleepiness during the day is observed for various reasons. Only after their identification will it be possible to solve the problem and return to the usual rhythm of life.

The desire to sleep after dinner is quite normal. After a meal, blood flow to the brain increases significantly. Due to this, it stops working properly. So daytime sleepiness does not always indicate a health problem.

You may also experience drowsiness while driving. It is caused by motion sickness, which is familiar to everyone from early childhood.

If such symptoms do not leave all day, then they often indicate the development of diseases of various organs and systems.

The reasons

Allocate physiological and pathological causes of a constant desire to sleep. Such changes occur under the influence of various factors, upon elimination of which the state is normalized. Sometimes such changes are observed when there is a malfunction in the internal organs. Among the causes of daytime sleepiness may be pregnancy, changing weather conditions, taking medications and a number of diseases.

natural factors

Daytime sleepiness is often caused by weather changes. Heavy rain helps lower blood pressure. At the same time, the person wants to sleep very much. In addition, there is a feeling of weakness. As soon as the weather improves, the situation returns to normal.

Some people react this way to extreme heat. It is also possible to develop similar symptoms in those periods when the duration of daylight begins to rapidly decrease. The body at the same time begins the synthesis of the sleep hormone much earlier than the due date.

Lack of night sleep

Chronic sleep deprivation is the most common cause of daytime sleepiness. Even if a person is sure that he has enough night rest, in fact this may not be the case. Sleep is incomplete, its phases can go astray. In addition, frequent awakenings due to stuffiness and noise are possible.

Lack of sleep leads to a whole range of unpleasant symptoms. Eyes hurt, excessive irritability, deterioration in general condition and decreased efficiency are noted.


Great fatigue, weakness and drowsiness during the day appear in case of overwork. Travel, work, shopping and domestic problems lead to the fact that a person simply does not have energy. The brain needs rest, but it is forced to continue working for days. The solution to the problem is a break in work. To restore the activity of the nervous system, you should take at least a short vacation.

stress and depression

In situations where it is necessary to solve serious problems, initially a person has enough energy, but in the absence of the desired result, apathy sets in. I no longer have the strength to fight on. There is constant fatigue and weakness. Daytime sleepiness is a protective response of the body to stress.

Depression can also lead to similar symptoms. With severe damage to the psyche, interest in everything that happens around is lost.

Taking medicines

Among the causes of constant, severe drowsiness, the use of medications used in the treatment of mental and neurological disorders is distinguished. Among these drugs:

  • neuroleptics;
  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers.

In addition, people tire more quickly with first-generation antihistamines and hypertension medications.

Infectious diseases

The feeling when the whole body hurts and you want to sleep with acute respiratory infections is familiar not only to adults, but also to children. Such changes are due to the fact that the body is trying to use all its forces to fight the infection. Daytime sleepiness is also observed in the absence of pronounced symptoms of pathology. In this case, the presence of a hidden inflammatory process occurring in one of the organs provokes a similar condition.

Hormonal imbalances

A considerable number of hormones can affect the nervous and physiological processes. If their concentration is insufficient, then a person constantly wants to sleep during the day, there is a breakdown, weakness and fatigue. It is also possible to suppress the immune system, lower blood pressure, lack of appetite and a sharp decrease in body weight. Hormones synthesized by the thyroid gland and adrenal glands are capable of provoking such changes.

Decreased blood flow to the brain

There are a number of pathologies in which the brain experiences a lack of oxygen, and as a result of this, malaise and daytime sleepiness occur. Among these diseases:

  • asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • ischemia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • heart attack.

Body intoxication

If you want to sleep and weakness appears throughout the body, then such symptoms often indicate pathologies of the kidneys or liver. They can occur in acute and chronic form. At the same time, toxic substances enter the body, provoking the appearance of such symptoms.

The strongest poisoning occurs under the influence of drugs and a number of harmful substances.


Often, drowsiness during the day warns of a serious illness - atherosclerosis. It is generally accepted that only the elderly are susceptible to it, but cases of the development of this pathology have become more frequent in young people. In this case, the vessels of the brain are clogged with lipids, which are deposited on the walls. Blood circulation is disturbed, there is a feeling of noise in the head and memory deteriorates.


The development of this disease is most often observed in people engaged in sedentary work. Among the symptoms of the disease, not only the fact that a person constantly wants to sleep is distinguished. There are also the following changes:

  • lethargy;
  • pain in the neck;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • increased fatigue;
  • spasms of the cervical arteries.


There is nothing surprising in the fact that a woman wants to sleep all the time during pregnancy. The point is not at all that the expectant mother gets tired faster. From the moment of successful fertilization, the need for rest increases significantly as a result of hormonal changes. As a rule, daytime sleepiness is observed in the first trimester, and after that the body functions normally. In the later stages, such symptoms indicate anemia or eclampsia.

Anemia, beriberi, dehydration

Conditions in which there is a shortage of blood in the circulatory system and hemoglobin often lead to impaired blood circulation in the brain. With anemia, constant weakness and fatigue are often observed. Eyes become "heavy", I want to sleep. In addition, there is pallor of the skin and dizziness. If dehydration occurs or the body lacks nutrients, similar symptoms also appear.

Bad habits

People constantly want to sleep in case of drinking excessively large amounts of alcoholic beverages. This effect is due to the negative impact on the nervous system and vital organs. A decline in strength is not excluded due to smoking, in which the blood supply to the brain tissues deteriorates. Narcotics have a sedative effect.

Mental and neurological diseases

Allocate neurological and mental causes of drowsiness. As a rule, such conditions are accompanied by apathy, fatigue, increased fatigue and a number of other symptoms. The following health problems can provoke such changes:

  • autonomic crises and seizures;
  • apathetic stupor;
  • psychosis, regardless of its type;
  • epilepsy;
  • schizophrenia.

Sleepiness in a child

Babies sleep a lot in the first few months of life. The older the baby gets, the less time he needs to rest. The most common cause of drowsiness, when the crumbs literally close their eyes on the go, is overwork. Similar changes are also observed in the development of infectious diseases.

In addition, a sudden change in state can be triggered by head trauma and intoxication.

With a systematic desire to sleep during the day, you can suspect serious health problems:

  • heart disease;
  • leukemia;
  • hepatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • metabolic disease;
  • tuberculosis.

What to do if you constantly want to sleep

It will be possible to fight daytime sleepiness by adhering to a number of recommendations:

  1. Stick to the normal routine. Go to bed at the same time every day.
  2. Do exercises in the morning. It is not at all necessary to resort to excessive physical exertion. A set of exercises that take only a quarter of an hour will help to cheer up.
  3. Open the curtains as soon as you wake up.
  4. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Give up bad habits and walk more often in the fresh air.
  5. Drink vitamin complexes that improve the general condition and help eliminate unpleasant symptoms.
  6. Drink enough liquid throughout the day.
  7. To quickly cheer up, it is recommended to turn on dance music.
  8. Ventilate the room more often. Lack of oxygen negatively affects well-being.

If you suspect the development of any diseases, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to select the optimal treatment tactics. If the condition has arisen for physiological reasons, then therapy, as a rule, is not carried out. It is enough to eliminate the provoking factor.

1. Take a break

If you nod off at work, get up and take a walk, for example, to the buffet. You don't have to buy a muffin or a full meal, just unwind.

Boredom often leads to drowsiness. No wonder we yawn with an annoying interlocutor and fall asleep during a dull movie. Therefore, we dilute the monotonous work with small breaks.

2. Eat an apple

It is important to consider the time of daytime sleep. Doctors advise not to doze in the evening. This can lead to nighttime insomnia. The fact is that in the dark we produce melatonin, which is responsible for deep sleep. Therefore, if we doze off after sunset, the mode of production of this substance goes astray. As a result, we toss and turn in bed all night.

4. Turn on the light

Increased sleepiness usually comes along with a reduction in daylight hours. Sunlight, falling on the retina, regulates the production of melatonin, that is, in fact, sets our biological clock.

Therefore, to cheer up, open the blinds or curtains. And if it's dark outside, turn on the light. The brighter the better.

5. Open the window

Fresh air will help to instantly cheer up. Just open the windows and ventilate the room. Lack of oxygen is one of the causes of drowsiness. If you have time and opportunity, feel free to go for a short walk.

6. Wash your face with cold water

Washing with cold water will also help relieve fatigue. This is stress for the body, so for a while you will gain vigor.

Researchers at Cardiff University have proven Investigation of the Effects of Coffee on Alertness and Performance during the Day and Night that caffeine does increase a person's activity level.

The fact is that the so-called adenosine accumulates in our brain - it is he who is responsible for fatigue. It turned out that caffeine is similar to this substance. And, getting into the blood, it replaces adenosine. That is why for a while.

What to do if you still want to sleep

1. Get enough sleep

Sometimes you can resort to the help of coffee, but it is more effective and more useful to get enough sleep. Rest at night should be complete. The norm for an adult is 7-9 hours.

Give up stimulants (coffee, energy drinks) and think about the causes of daytime sleepiness. If it's a lack of sleep, then you need to get enough sleep regularly, and not on weekends. And of course, improve your sleep conditions. Everything is important here: the bed, the pillow, the mattress, the bedroom itself, the air temperature, the humidity, the freshness of the air, the presence of allergens and, of course, the light.

Elena Tsareva, somnologist

2. Relax

Have you had enough rest, but still nodding off? Perhaps it's an overstrain: physical or psychological. Prolonged stress leads to fatigue and loss of energy. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body. In this case, experts advise correctly.

3. Eat right

To improve your performance, you need to establish not only a sleep pattern, but also think about nutrition. It is enough to follow the simple advice of nutritionists:

  • Eat at the same time.
  • Don't overeat.
  • Balance your diet: include proteins, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates in your diet.
  • Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink water.

4. Make an appointment with a doctor

If you follow a sleep and nutrition regimen, go in for sports, but you still constantly want to sleep, then the reason is deeper. Drowsiness can be a sign of pregnancy or a serious illness. So go see a doctor.

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