Resuscitation bilateral pneumonia treatment. Bilateral pneumonia: what could be the danger? Treatment of bilateral pneumonia in children

Bilateral pneumonia in an adult or a child is quite severe pulmonary pathology in which both lungs are affected. The inflammatory process develops due to exposure to bacteria, most often pneumococci, and is very difficult, and complications of this pathology can cause death.

People at any age can get sick with this severe pathology, but most often the disease occurs in newborns who have not yet developed immunity and whose body is not able to fight the infection that has penetrated inside.

The reasons

As mentioned above, the main causative agent of the disease is, which can enter the body by airborne droplets. However, other pathogens can cause this disease, for example, or Haemophilus influenzae.

And in some cases, infection occurs with several bacteria at once, and then antibiotic treatment does not give desired effect, because some bacteria are destroyed, while others continue to actively multiply.

The development of the disease occurs against the background of reduced immunity, so the disease often occurs in newborns, people exposed to stress, having chronic diseases internal organs suffering from other hormonal disorders.

Factors provoking the development of the disease in children and adults can be:

  • hypothermia;
  • allergic reactions;
  • other pathologies of the lungs;
  • wrong daily routine;
  • frequent colds;
  • autoimmune pathologies.


In medical practice, bilateral pneumonias are classified according to different features. The main criterion is the location of the foci of inflammation, taking into account which several types of pneumonia are distinguished:

  • focal pneumonia;
  • total.

Total is less common than focal, and is characterized by a pronounced clinical picture and rapid progression of the inflammatory process. In the process with this form, both lungs are involved in full, so death occurs very quickly.

Focal bilateral pneumonia is a disease that is much more common. With it, certain segments of the lung are affected on both sides. Often, focal pneumonia is a consequence of artificial ventilation of the lungs for a long time, therefore it occurs in people who are in intensive care (it is a complication). Unfortunately, the prognosis of such a pathology as focal pneumonia in the lungs on both sides has an unfavorable prognosis, since numerous areas are affected in both lungs.

If we consider the classification of pneumonia, taking into account which segment of the organ is affected, we can distinguish such types as:

  • bilateral upper lobe;
  • bilateral lower lobe pneumonia;
  • polysegmental.

Most severe course has a polysegmental form of the inflammatory process in both lungs. Such inflammation is severe, with severe symptoms, and therefore its treatment should be started as early as possible, since polysegmental pneumonia very quickly leads to respiratory failure and death of the patient.

The most formidable complication of such a disease as polysegmental pneumonia is hypersensitivity immediate type(HNT), which is often found in children, and leads to rapid respiratory failure and an extremely serious condition of the child.

Two forms of bilateral pneumonia should also be distinguished, depending on the severity of the course of the disease. The first form is called the "red hepatization stage", the second - the "gray hepatization stage". Accordingly, at the first stage, the alveolar acini become inflamed, and a slight hemorrhage occurs in them, giving the tissues of the lungs a reddish tint. Hence the name of this stage of the course of the disease.

In the second stage, the affected areas become covered with fibrin, due to which they acquire a grayish tint, after which respiratory failure develops and death occurs. Therefore, it should be started as early as possible until the disease progresses.

Depending on the nature of the inflammatory process, catarrhal and purulent bilateral pneumonia is distinguished. In addition, the pathology can be acute and subacute. The acute form of pneumonia always proceeds with severe clinical manifestations and the patient needs immediate treatment. The subacute form has less severe symptoms and less severe consequences than the acute form. Nevertheless, the treatment of this disease must also be timely, in order to avoid the development of complications.


Lung diseases always occur with severe symptoms. Of course, the symptoms can be individual, depending on the form of bilateral pneumonia and general condition a child or an adult, but there are symptoms that are characteristic of this particular pathology.

Such symptoms are as follows:

  • a sharp increase in temperature to febrile indicators;
  • fever and chills;
  • sweating and severe weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • the appearance of a dry cough, sometimes there is a cough with sputum.

Symptoms of the disease can appear in adults and children within a few hours after their body has been attacked. harmful bacteria. Patients may also develop bluish lips due to lack of oxygen.

Features of diagnostics

If a child or adult has a fever for a long time and is not relieved by conventional antipyretic drugs, and also has a cough and shortness of breath, it is necessary to urgently seek medical attention. medical care. To diagnose bilateral pneumonia, the doctor prescribes an x-ray, based on the results of which the diagnosis is established.

In addition, adults and children are taken, in which they see signs of an inflammatory process in the body. And in order to identify the pathogen, so that the treatment is more effective, it is advisable to pass a sputum culture, because otherwise you can start the disease and it will lead to the development of severe complications or even cause death.

Features of treatment

The treatment of a bilateral inflammatory process in the lungs in an adult or an older child will be identical and consists in the introduction of antibacterial drugs (taking into account the pathogen that caused the disease). It is also carried out symptomatic therapy antipyretic, antihistamine and expectorant drugs.

The patient needs bed rest plentiful drink and high calorie foods. In order to strengthen the immune system, the reception is indicated vitamin preparations. As prescribed by the doctor, in cases where it is difficult for a person to breathe on his own, he may be prescribed oxygen inhalations. When the treatment gave the first results, and the inflammatory process in the lungs began to decline, physiotherapy procedures and special breathing exercises are prescribed.

Untimely and illiterate treatment of the disease can cause serious consequences, including:

  • infectious-toxic shock;
  • pleural empyema.

Of course, the consequences of the transferred pathology can also develop in the case when the patient goes to the doctor late, that is, when the symptoms of the disease are already very pronounced.

Bilateral pneumonia in newborns

Separately, it is necessary to consider such an option as pneumonia in newborns, since the disease has its own characteristics of the course and treatment. This disease develops in 20% of premature babies and only in 2% of full-term babies, which is associated with a low immune response of the body of a premature baby.

The causes of occurrence in children are similar - the disease causes pneumococcus and other bacteria. Moreover, the pathogen can enter the body both through the bronchi and through the blood - in particular, the disease can be transmitted from a sick mother to the fetus.

At the same time, the symptoms of the disease differ from adults, and they are as follows:

  • heat;
  • gray-pale color of the skin;
  • dyspnea;
  • vomiting during feeding;
  • intestinal spasm;
  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • cough.

The disease in newborns is severe, so treatment should be started already in the first hours after the discovery of the disease. Acute bilateral pneumonia in newborns requires a two-week course of treatment, and sometimes the process may take longer, but if treatment is started in a timely manner, the baby recovers and the consequences do not develop.

Initially, treatment of newborns is carried out with broad-spectrum antibiotics, but after identifying the pathogen, the doctor prescribes certain kind antibacterial drugs. In addition to antibiotics, newborns are injected with vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B6 and some others, depending on medical prescriptions.

Feeding children is carried out through a tube, which makes it possible to save the child's strength. Physiotherapeutic procedures, such as electrophoresis, microwave and others, are also prescribed for newborns. AT severe cases pneumonia in newborns requires a blood transfusion.

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Pneumonia is an infectious-inflammatory process that affects all structures of the lungs. But the alveolar and interstitial tissues of the organ are more affected. According to statistics, pneumonia occurs in 14 people out of 1000. With age (56 years and above) this indicator is growing. Pneumonia can be unilateral or bilateral. Bilateral pneumonia is especially difficult to treat. This disease often leads to death (it ranks 4th in this indicator after heart disease, oncological diseases and injuries).

What is bilateral pneumonia?

Bilateral pneumonia - terrible disease caused by inflammation of the lung tissue. Inflammation of the lung tissue is usually caused by bacteria. Most often, this disease is caused by pneumococcus. Bilateral inflammation, also called croupous. This name arose due to the fact that morphological changes in the lung due to infiltration are very similar to grains of grain.

This disease is distinguished into a separate group due to peculiar changes in the lung tissue. At the first stage of damage to the alveolar acini, small-point hemorrhages occur. This stage is called "red curing". After some time, the damaged tissue becomes inflamed and covered with fibrin - the stage of "gray hepatization". The prognosis of the disease can be either a complete recovery or death (if a person has a severely reduced immunity or antibiotic treatment was ineffective).

Bilateral pneumonia is transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets.

Treatment of bilateral pneumonia

Consider in detail how to treat bilateral pneumonia. If the disease does not have complications, then it may be cured at home, but under the close attention of a doctor. Be sure to follow all the recommendations of the doctor (reception medicines and bed rest). But most often with bilateral pneumonia, treatment is required in a hospital.

The main thing in the treatment of pathology is antibiotics (the doctor chooses them individually). When prescribing a medicine, the doctor must take into account the characteristics of the patient, the causative agent of the infection, the severity of the disease. In addition to antibiotics, a number of other drugs are prescribed. These include: antipyretics, mucolytics and antiallergic drugs.

What is the peculiarity of the treatment of pneumonia?

With bilateral inflammation of the lungs, the treatment is as follows:

  1. Strict bed rest.
  2. Caloric nutrition.
  3. Drinking regimen (liquid helps to remove harmful substances from the body).
  4. Taking vitamin preparations. Sometimes oxygen inhalations may be prescribed.
  5. At the recovery stage, physiotherapy and breathing exercises are prescribed.
  6. After recovery, the patient is observed by his doctor for a year.

Folk remedies in the fight against bilateral pneumonia

We remind you that the diagnosis and treatment is always carried out by a doctor. Folk remedies are not the main method of treatment, they serve only as a useful addition to the main therapy.

There are the following ways to treat pneumonia:

Rub mustard on your back, cover it with a cloth and sit like this for a couple of minutes. Then wash off the mustard and put on a warm knitted sweater. For greater efficiency, you can first take a decoction of linden and lie down a little under the covers.

Stir 1 tbsp. honey, alcohol, mustard. Add flour, mix everything and make cakes from the resulting mass. The cake is placed on the back and remains there for 4 hours. Don't sting, otherwise you may get burned. Honey cakes can be used only when there is no allergic reaction to honey.

With bilateral pneumonia, treatment will be safe and effective if you use a decoction of birch buds with honey. To prepare it, you need 65-90 gr. honey and 105 gr. kidneys. The ingredients must be mixed and brought to a boil on the stove (the mixture should boil - 7 or 9 minutes). Don't forget to stir. Then put on a sieve and strain. A similar decoction should be taken before going to bed and washed down with warm water.

Many people are interested in the question of how long a complex form of bilateral pneumonia is treated. Unlike uncomplicated forms of pneumonia, the duration of treatment is 16-21 days.

Bilateral pneumonia can be prevented by following the guidelines below:

  1. Be sure to get a flu shot every year, as it is the lack of it that often leads to a complication in the form of pneumonia.
  2. Be sure to wash your hands before and after the street, the toilet. It is necessary to wash for at least 30 seconds with soap so that the infection does not enter the body.
  3. Get enough rest, do physical exercises.
  4. If the child has asthma, then vaccination is simply necessary.
  5. It is important for older people to be vaccinated against pneumococcus, the main causative agent of the disease.
  6. Also stop smoking.

Well, now you own important information about this disease. Do not forget that only a doctor can prescribe the correct diagnosis and treatment.

Bilateral pneumonia is a severe disease that is characterized by a lesion lung tissue due to acute inflammation. It flows from characteristic symptoms, and is accompanied by the release of exudate into the alveoli.

Despite the development of pharmaceuticals, and the presence of a sick number of antibacterial drugs, the danger of this pathology for human life remains at the present time.

According to statistics, mortality from pneumonia is in fourth place worldwide and accounts for 4% of all cases of the development of the disease.

Of particular danger is a bilateral lesion in the aggregate and the presence of HIV, oncopathology and congestive insufficiency organs. In these cases, bilateral polysegmental pneumonia is often noted, which is the cause of the death of the patient.

Who is at risk?

The main causes of pneumonia are:

  • gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms (pneumococcus, staphylococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, Proteus, legionella and others);
  • mycoplasma;
  • viruses (influenza and parainfluenza, adenovirus);
  • fungal infection.

There are cases of the development of pneumonia of a non-infectious nature, in which case the cause may be traumatic injury chest, exposure, intoxication as a result of poisoning, allergic reaction.

There are a number of people for whom the likelihood of developing pneumonia is quite high, the reason for entering the risk group is:

  • chronic bronchitis;
  • constant stress and overwork;
  • malnutrition, exhaustion;
  • heart failure with disorders in the pulmonary circulation;
  • hereditary anomaly in the structure of the lung tissue;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • prolonged debilitating diseases and the serious condition of the patient;
  • exhaustion;
  • the presence of foci chronic infection in the body;
  • long bed rest;
  • elderly age.

play an important role in the development of lung pathology bad habits. As a result of exposure to the tobacco lady, damage to the inner shell occurs bronchial tree with violation of the cleansing function of the respiratory system.

How to identify pneumonia by symptoms?

To make a diagnosis, the doctor conducts a survey of the patient, and may assume the presence of pneumonia already by characteristic signs. They are especially pronounced with bilateral lesions:

  • the temperature rises sharply, which is difficult to stop with conventional antipyretics;
  • severe headache;
  • pressure sensations behind the sternum associated with breathing;
  • heavy sweating;
  • dyspnea;
  • symptoms of general intoxication;
  • painful cough, most often with sputum;
  • skin blanching and acrocyanosis.

Since bilateral pneumonia refers to acute conditions, the first signs of the disease appear already two hours after the start of reproduction. pathogenic flora in the lower respiratory tract.

Additional research methods

To clarify the diagnosis, an auscultatory technique is used. In the area of ​​tissue inflammation, multiple coarse and fine bubbling rales are heard. Sometimes there is a pleural friction rub (if pleurisy joins) and crepitus.

Pneumonia is easily diagnosed by x-ray. In most cases, the picture shows changes in the lower parts of the lungs. It visualizes different kind darkening and strengthening of the pulmonary pattern.

Such a diagnosis for pneumonia is carried out at the beginning of the disease, and after 4 weeks to control the correctness of treatment and differential diagnosis.

In the presence of symptoms of complications on echocardiography and ultrasound of the pleural cavity, fluid effusions can be detected.

Indirect signs confirming the presence of an inflammatory process are urine and blood tests. Revealed leukocytosis, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate. In the presence of complications on the kidneys, hematuria or proteinuria may occur.

What to do with bilateral inflammation?

Treatment of bilateral pneumonia should be started immediately, since any delay can lead to various complications:

  • abscess development;
  • respiratory and cardiovascular failure;
  • pleurisy;
  • gangrene of the lung;
  • endocarditis;
  • sepsis;
  • meningitis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • anemia;
  • psychosis.

To provide assistance with this serious illness, the patient must be hospitalized in a therapeutic or pulmonological department.

Treatment at home is unacceptable, since this condition requires constant monitoring by medical personnel. AT acute period he needs complete rest and bed rest.

During treatment, you should drink as much liquid as possible and take vitamins. Food should be easily digestible, nutritious, containing all the necessary substances.

Medical treatment

For etiological treatment used antibiotic therapy. In this case, the doctor selects drugs that have a wide spectrum of action, without waiting for the results of tests and cultures. A little late treatment can be corrected after receiving the data.

Selection is carried out depending on the severity of the process, most often synthetic penicillins, macrolides, or latest generation cephalosporins are used.

If necessary, they are administered parenterally. The course of treatment can be from 7 to 14 days. In some cases, the specialist recommends combinations of funds from different groups.

In addition, with bilateral pneumonia are used:

  • antipyretic;
  • expectorants and mucolytics;
  • antihistamines.

If the patient's condition is very serious, and there are signs of complications, then he is placed in the intensive care unit and detoxification therapy is carried out in combination with antibacterial (intravenously).

Relief from respiratory failure is provided through the use of inhalation with oxygen. In the presence of a decrease in immunity, the patient is prescribed drugs to strengthen and stabilize it.

Other Methods

After achieving some improvement in the condition, physiotherapy and massage are applied. The patient is prescribed special breathing exercises.

The prognosis depends on the severity of bilateral pneumonia and the characteristics of the patient's body. The most unfavorable course of the disease occurs in children under one year old, especially when it is caused by gram-negative flora.

Bilateral pneumonia is a dangerous condition that occurs mainly when lung tissue is affected by pneumococcus. It is also called "croupous" because the morphological changes due to lung infiltration are similar to oatmeal grains.

In the case of bilateral pneumonia, mortality in about 20% of cases is due to pneumococcus. The lack of adequate antibiotic therapy and reduced immunity often lead to death.

This disease is provoked by bacteria with high pathogenicity. Usually, against the background of one infection, other microorganisms begin to multiply additionally. Bilateral pneumonia in children and adults is difficult to treat precisely because of the combination of several pathogens.

In addition to pneumococcus, the disease is caused by Chlamydia pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Coxiella burnetii, Legionella pneumophila, Streptococcus pyogenes and others. The disease caused by these bacteria can also be fatal.

Bilateral pneumonia in a child and an adult can occur under the influence of factors such as hypothermia, frequent colds, lack of sleep, autoimmune diseases, allergic conditions, chronic lung diseases.

The effect of hypothermia is manifested in a decrease in the blood supply to the respiratory tract. If insufficient oxygen and nutrients enter the bronchi with blood, then the delivery of immunoglobulins to lung cells is disrupted. In this case, failures occur in the production of alveolar macrophages, that is, cells that provide protection for the respiratory tract. This creates conditions that are optimal for the reproduction of bacteria.

Bilateral pneumonia can be caused by frequent colds due to the fact that viruses destroy the bronchial epithelium. Lack of sleep reduces the reserve capacity of the body. Sleep for at least 8 hours is required to effectively counter foreign agents.

Chronic pulmonary diseases cause deformation of the bronchi. As a result, bronchiectasis is formed - cavities in which pathogenic bacteria accumulate.

Bilateral pneumonia of the lungs occurs due to allergic diseases due to the fact that they deplete the immune system, that is, reduce the strength of its resistance to viruses and bacteria. People suffering from hay fever bronchial asthma and hyperplastic rhinitis, are much more prone to lobar pneumonia.

Bilateral pneumonia in newborns may be congenital. The infection takes place during prenatal development or already in the process of childbirth.

Signs of bilateral pneumonia

With a disease such as bilateral pneumonia, symptoms appear a few hours after the pathogen begins to multiply in the respiratory epithelium. In the early stages of this insidious disease the following phenomena are observed:

  • severe weakness and malaise;
  • sweating;
  • herpetic eruptions on the skin of the face;
  • cough;
  • heat.

On a radiographic image, 2-sided pneumonia is manifested by focal, segmental or total infiltrative opacities. Without competent therapy, the very next day, an x-ray will reveal a total darkening of the lung fields. The patient in this situation develops severe respiratory failure. He needs to be admitted to the intensive care unit.

If you do not understand the meaning of the diagnosis, for example, you cannot figure out what bilateral punctate infectious pneumonia is, do not hesitate to ask questions to your doctor. He must give you all the information you need.

During a visual examination, the doctor draws attention to violations of the physiological movement of the chest during inhalation and exhalation. Auscultation reveals a weakening of vesicular breathing in the lower pulmonary lobes on the left and right, as well as a pleural rub. With percussion, there is a dullness of sound in the projection of the upper border of the lower pulmonary lobes.

A complete blood count shows an increase in ESR and leukocytosis with a shift in the formula to the left. Sputum is analyzed for the presence of pathogens.

Treatment of bilateral pneumonia

The doctor must take into account the type of pathogen, the state of the immune system, the presence of secondary pathologies. At the same time, at the initial stage, there is no way to identify the pathogen - it usually takes 3 to 4 days.

When bilateral pneumonia is diagnosed, treatment is based on the use of parenteral strong broad-spectrum antibacterial agents. 3-4 generation cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones are used. The disease should be treated with combinations of drugs. This helps to prevent the terrible consequences of bilateral pneumonia.

After receiving the results of the sputum examination, therapy is adjusted. Antibiotics are prescribed for a specific pathogen.

Treatment of bilateral pneumonia in adults and children is supplemented with mucolytic, antipyretic, antihistamines. In addition, bed rest, plentiful drinking, high-calorie nutrition, vitamin therapy are necessary.

If bilateral pneumonia is diagnosed, treatment should in no case be carried out at home, folk remedies. Therapy of the disease is carried out in a hospital, under the constant supervision of qualified medical staff. According to statistics, it is bilateral pneumonia that gives the most severe consequences, which they try to treat at home.

If a we are talking about the elderly patient, it is necessary to take into account possible reduction kidney work. It affects the pharmacokinetics medicines. In the treatment of such patients, allergic reactions, toxic effects, and impaired immunity at the cellular level are sometimes noted.

Bilateral pneumonia in a newborn is treated under conditions intensive care. The baby is placed in a special incubator with oxygen supply.

This disease is usually tolerated by patients very hard. The duration of treatment for bilateral pneumonia in an adult and a child may be different. It all depends on the type of pathogen, the strength of the immune system, the timeliness of contacting a doctor, the adequacy of the prescribed therapy and other factors. It makes no sense to find out on the forums how long a complex form of bilateral pneumonia is being treated. All questions should be discussed with your doctor, since only he has the opportunity to give objective answers.

In list possible consequences this disease- infectious-toxic shock, pericarditis, abscess. In some cases, pleural empyema develops, that is, purulent inflammatory changes, as well as sepsis - blood poisoning, in which pathogens spread throughout the body.

Mortality from pneumococcal inflammation is 60% of cases of all types community-acquired pneumonia. This is due to the high toxicity of the pathogen and rapid reproduction. Adverse outcomes are often observed in children under one year old and in persons over 60 years of age.

The likelihood of death increases if legionella join pneumococcus. Mixed infection leads to the occurrence of 2-sided pneumonia in a matter of days. A person can die within 4-10 days after the active multiplication of microorganisms in the lung tissue.

Bilateral pneumonia in children

AT childhood the anatomy of the respiratory tract has some peculiarities. Among them - the incomplete development of the palatine tonsils, the small length of the trachea, the contraction of the pleural sinuses, the lack of immunity against many microorganisms.

In children younger than 1 year, bilateral pneumonia even now often ends in death. High level mortality is due to belated diagnosis and the lack of adequate treatment that can eliminate the etiological cause of the disease. Parents should be alert for the following signs:

  • unusual sleepiness in a child;
  • shallow breathing;
  • pallor and cyanosis of the skin;
  • temperature above 37 degrees lasts more than 48 hours.

In such a situation, you need to call an ambulance immediately. Timely hospitalization can save a child's life.

Acute infectious pathology, which is characterized by damage to the lung tissue, is called pneumonia. This disease is better known as pneumonia. There are many varieties of the disease. And all the symptoms of pneumonia in an adult depend on the form of pathology. Understanding such a subtle nuance is an effective key to its treatment.

Brief description of the disease

Pneumonia develops if an infectious-inflammatory process localized in the respiratory system extends to connective tissues lungs and alveoli. Of course, this greatly affects the functioning of the body. Indeed, in the alveoli, some of the fibrin and blood are sweating. The patient has difficulty breathing normally, a violation of gas exchange develops.

The disease can manifest itself in different ways. The symptoms of pneumonia in an adult depend on the area of ​​​​the lesion and the localization of the focus. Sometimes intoxication develops. Blood clotting may be impaired, bronchial patency worsens.

Despite the rapid development modern medicine pathology is quite common. And even today it can lead to death. Therefore, you should know the symptoms of pneumonia in an adult. After all, it is very important to identify the disease in a timely manner and begin adequate treatment.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Basically, pneumonia occurs due to exposure to microorganisms:

  • bacteria (streptococci, pneumococci);
  • viruses (causative agents of influenza, parainfluenza, rhinoviruses);
  • fungi (aspergillus, histoplasma).

In addition to the above, special species can take part in the development of pathology: legionella, chlamydia, mycoplasma. It is the latter group that provokes the development of atypical pneumonia in adults.

But even if the pathogen enters the body, a person will not necessarily develop a pathology. Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult will appear only if there are factors that reduce immunity.

These include:

  • any chronic pathologies (diseases of the urinary system, blood circulation, oncology, liver diseases, HIV infection);
  • bad habits;
  • mechanical injuries in the lung area;
  • complete immobility, prolonged hypodynamia;
  • malnutrition (lack of minerals, vitamins);
  • professional hazards;
  • exhausting physical activity;
  • fatigue, neurosis, chronic stress;
  • elderly age;
  • taking certain medications (immunosuppressants, chemotherapy, hormonal drugs);
  • penetration of chemical agents into the respiratory tract.

General signs of the disease

Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult are divided into:

  • typical (pulmonary);
  • atypical (extrapulmonary).

Of course, self-diagnosing an ailment at home is very problematic. However, if you know common features, which manifests a dangerous pathology, it is quite possible to distinguish it from a banal ARVI.

But it should be understood that the following general symptoms pneumonia in adults.

So, the pulmonary symptoms include:

  1. Cough. Often it is wet, with the presence of copious sputum. However, the elderly may experience dry.
  2. Dyspnea. Its occurrence is associated with physical activity. As a rule, it is moderate.
  3. Pain. Patients feel severe discomfort in the sternum, exactly in the place where the inflammation occurred. With the localization of pneumonia in the lower parts of the lungs, a person feels symptoms of irritation of the diaphragm. Pain occurs in the abdomen.
  4. Wheezing, rapid breathing are heard.
  5. In case of effusion in pleural cavity the patient has fluid sharp pain aggravated by coughing, shortness of breath, severe discomfort when moving or taking a deep breath. In some cases, a violation of hemodynamics may develop: pressure will decrease, the pulse will become more frequent, and hypoxia will develop.
  6. The nasolabial triangle acquires a bluish tint.

Like many infectious pathologies, pneumonia leads to intoxication. In this case, extrapulmonary signs are observed.

These include:

  • hyperthermia;
  • worsening condition: loss of strength, weakness, fatigue;
  • headache, discomfort in the joints and muscles.

However, it should be understood that clinical picture will be quite diverse in a pathology such as pneumonia. Symptoms in adults, treatment depend on many factors. Among which: the causative agent, the mechanism of the development of the disease, the conditions for the onset and course of the disease, the spread of the process, the presence of complications, the severity.

Types of pathology

There are several classifications. Let's consider some of them.

If we take into account the causative agent of the disease, then the following types of pneumonia are distinguished:

  • bacterial;
  • viral;
  • mycoplasma;
  • fungal;
  • mixed.

According to the mechanism of development, the disease is classified as follows:

  • primary ( independent disease respiratory system);
  • secondary (complication of some pathologies);
  • post-traumatic;
  • postoperative;
  • infarction-pneumonia (provoked by an embolism pulmonary arteries or thrombosis).

According to the prevalence of the inflammatory process, pneumonia can be:

  • one-sided;
  • bilateral.

Depending on the course of the disease, the following forms are distinguished:

  • acute;
  • protracted;
  • chronic.

Classification by predominant lesion:

  • parenchymal pneumonia (croupous, lobar);
  • focal (bronchopneumonia, lobular);
  • pathology with damage to the connective tissue.

Consider the most common types. Let us analyze what causes pneumonia symptoms in adults, the treatment of the disease and the main features of the pathology.

viral disease

This pathology has its own characteristics. However, it is extremely rare in its pure form. In adults, viral-bacterial pneumonia is most often diagnosed.

As a rule, pathology is a complication of SARS, influenza. If viral pneumonia is diagnosed, the symptoms in adults are the following:

  • muscle pain;
  • runny nose, nasal congestion;
  • fever;
  • general fatigue;
  • headache;
  • cough with whitish transparent sputum;
  • chills;
  • pain in the sternum, aggravated by deep inspiration, coughing.

Asymptomatic pneumonia

In some cases, inflammation of the lungs can be observed, which is manifested by almost no signs. This pathology is characterized as a latent form of the disease.

Pneumonia without symptoms in an adult is a dangerous condition. As a result of the absence characteristic features the necessary treatment is not carried out. And this, in turn, can lead to quite unpleasant consequences.

In addition, a person does not even suspect that he is contagious, and leads a normal life. The danger lies in the fact that it continues to infect the surrounding people.

A latent form of pneumonia can develop as a result of reduced immunity, taking certain medications (antitussive drugs, antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids).

Nevertheless, pathology can be suspected by the following symptoms:

  • pallor of the skin, mucous membranes;
  • shortness of breath
  • rapid pulse;
  • fatigue, weakness;
  • unusual blush;
  • wheezing breath.

Croupous pneumonia

In pathology, an entire lobe of the lung is affected. Sometimes inflammation covers several lobes. The development of croupous pneumonia is provoked by pneumococcus. The causative agent is highly pathogenic. Therefore, there are severe symptoms pneumonia in adults: with fever, intoxication of the body.

The following signs of the disease are characteristic:

  • chills;
  • hyperthermia (up to 39 degrees Celsius);
  • cough (the first 2 days - dry);
  • pain in the sternum of a stabbing character;
  • "rusty" sputum due to streaks of blood (appears on day 3);
  • difficult shallow breathing.

In case of complication of the pathology, skin hyperemia, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, herpetic rash on the chin, cheeks, nose, decreased pressure, wheezing in the chest are observed.

Focal pneumonia

This ailment is characterized by a gradual, inconspicuous onset. In this case, symptoms of pneumonia are observed in adults with a temperature of 38-39 degrees.

The disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • the temperature rises to febrile;
  • weakness;
  • cough with phlegm;
  • sweating;
  • dyspnea;
  • pain in the chest when inhaling, coughing;
  • hard breathing;
  • acrocyanosis.

Atypical form of the disease

Sometimes there are symptoms of pneumonia in an adult without fever. This form is provoked by atypical microorganisms:

  • mycoplasma;
  • legionella;
  • chlamydia.

SARS can also be caused by viruses, fungi, and protozoa. The symptoms of pneumonia in an adult without fever are very similar to a cold.

The main signs of the disease:

  • weakness, fatigue;
  • headache;
  • stuffy nose, runny nose;
  • dry cough, much worse at night;
  • sore throat;
  • shortness of breath, wheezing;
  • nausea, vomiting.

However, if the pathology is provoked by the Legionella microorganism, then the temperature may rise. Pathology is characterized coughing. A slightly different clinic is observed if pneumonia is provoked by chlamydia, mycoplasmas. Symptoms in adults without fever are characteristic manifestation such a pathology.

This form of the disease is subject to:

  • smokers;
  • living in common closed premises (barracks, hostel);
  • people with weakened immune systems;
  • patients suffering from chronic lung diseases;
  • children;
  • young people.

Radical pneumonia

This is a very serious form of pathology. Symptoms of hilar pneumonia in adults may not appear for a long time. However, this often leads to dangerous consequences. The insidiousness of pathology lies in the difficulty of diagnosis. After all, the focus of inflammation is localized in lung root.

The disease proceeds much brighter than a simple pathology. It should not be forgotten that radical pneumonia is very dangerous. Symptoms and treatment in adults should be observed by a doctor. After all, at wrong therapy high risk of complications.

The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • wheezing in the lungs;
  • severe cough (dry or with a lot of sputum);
  • fever, not straying medicines;
  • discomfort in the throat, perspiration;
  • runny nose;
  • weakness, chills.

The main method of combating pathology is antibiotic therapy. If the treatment is chosen correctly, then already for 2-3 days the patient becomes much easier. Often used and physiotherapy.

Treatment of the disease

The approach to the fight against the disease should be comprehensive. The mainstay of treatment is antibiotics. Preference is given to a penicillin preparation. However, in some cases, other medications may be prescribed.

The most popular antibiotics used to treat pneumonia are:

  • "Augmentin".
  • "Amoxicillin".
  • "Cefazolin".
  • "Amoxiclav".
  • "Cefatoxime".
  • "Azithromycin".

In addition, symptomatic therapy is prescribed. Expectorants are recommended to the patient restorative means, antipyretic drugs. Depending on the form of the pathology, mucolytic, antimicrobial drugs are prescribed.

If symptoms characteristic of a form such as SARS are observed in adults without fever, then antibiotics are selected depending on the bacteria that caused the disease. As a rule, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • "Erythromycin".
  • "Azithromycin".
  • "Tetracycline".


Any form of pneumonia today is successfully cured. But the main thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner and fully comply with the treatment prescribed by him. Implementation of such simple rules will give you a quick recovery. Health to you!

Symptoms and treatment of bilateral pneumonia

Pneumonia bilateral is one of the most dangerous diseases lungs, which, if not properly treated, can result in the death of the patient.

Reasons for the development of bilateral pneumonia

Bilateral pneumonia is often provoked by the influence of harmful microorganisms on the lung tissue. Most often, the causative agent of this disease is pneumococcus, less often the disease can be caused by Haemophilus influenzae, staphylococcus, or several pathogens at the same time.

In the body of each person there are certain viruses and microbes, but the protective functions have a deterrent effect and do not allow pathogens to develop. Therefore, the causes of bilateral pneumonia are different, one of the main ones is the weakening of the immune system.

Deterioration defensive forces body can be caused by:

  • violations of the rhythm of life;
  • chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi, provoking deformations of these organs;
  • frequent colds;
  • allergies;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • hypovitaminosis.

During hypothermia, local blood supply in the airways decreases, lung cells stop receiving nutrients and oxygen in the required amount. This provokes the creation of favorable conditions for the development of pathogens.

Frequent colds have a destructive effect on the bronchial epithelium, and also provoke a decrease in local protection. Violations of the rhythm of life are presented, first of all, constant lack of sleep leading to a decrease in the reserve capacity of the body to counteract viruses and bacteria. Normal duration human sleep should be at least 8 hours.

Allergies also weaken the immune system. Experts noted that bilateral pneumonia is often diagnosed in people suffering from bronchial asthma or hyperplastic rhinitis.

Symptoms of bilateral pneumonia

Signs of bilateral pneumonia are similar to those of other forms of the disease.

Symptoms of bilateral pneumonia are presented:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature, which practically does not decrease under the influence of antipyretic drugs;
  • frequent headaches;
  • the occurrence of pain in the chest, the intensity of which increases during deep breaths;
  • weakness and malaise arising from a decrease in pressure;
  • excessive sweating and shortness of breath;
  • chills;
  • muscle pain;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased heart rate;
  • signs of general intoxication of the body;
  • bouts of coughing, accompanied by sputum with bloody impurities (sputum is not observed in all cases of the disease);
  • the appearance of rashes on the face, as well as the acquisition skin pale or bluish.

Bilateral pneumonia belongs to the category acute diseases, therefore, the first symptomatology appears within a few hours after the pathogen began to multiply in the respiratory tract. But depending on the severity of bilateral pneumonia and the stage of development, the symptoms can manifest themselves with different intensity.

In its development, the disease goes through two stages. The first stage is characterized by inflammation of the alveolar acini, accompanied by a slight hemorrhage. In the second stage, inflammation of the involved areas occurs and fibrin is formed on them. These processes provoke the development of respiratory failure.

When identifying the above symptoms, it is important to seek help from a doctor in a timely manner, because bilateral pneumonia develops rapidly and can be fatal in a week. Children have more fast development illness than adult category patients. In some cases, infection of the child from the mother through milk is diagnosed.

Diagnosis of bilateral pneumonia

Diagnosis of the disease can only be based on the results of an X-ray examination of the lungs. In the early stages, the disease will appear on the picture as focal or segmental eclipses.

If left untreated, after a few days the clinical picture can change dramatically, and the picture will clearly show the absolute eclipse of both lungs. In this case, urgent hospitalization of the patient is necessary.

Treatment of bilateral pneumonia

The appointment of treatment for bilateral pneumonia should be preceded by determining the nature of the pathogen, analyzing the state of the patient's immunity and identifying concomitant diseases. For this purpose, a bacteriological examination patient sputum and antibacterial sensitivity test.

But quite often, specialists do not have additional time to conduct all necessary analyzes and treatment should be started immediately. In such cases, a general treatment regimen for bilateral pneumonia is used, in which the patient is prescribed strong antibiotics with a wide spectrum of activity. The main purpose of their use is to relieve inflammation and detoxify the body. Treatment involves the simultaneous use of several drugs. This helps prevent the development of serious pathologies.

Mandatory drugs include antihistamines and antipyretics. Further antibacterial therapy can be adjusted after receiving the results of studies that give a better understanding of the pathogen. During the treatment of bilateral pneumonia, the patient must be in the hospital and be sure to adhere to the conditions of strict bed rest and high-calorie food. To improve the protective functions of the body, the patient is prescribed vitamin therapy.

To exclude the development of bilateral pneumonia, it is necessary, first of all, to prevent hypothermia. Therefore, the legs should always be kept warm. To a greater extent, this applies to young children who are not able to take care of themselves and at the same time are quite vulnerable to the effects of harmful microorganisms.

After a slight improvement in the condition, oxygen inhalations and physiotherapy procedures can be prescribed. It is strongly not recommended to treat bilateral pneumonia at home, because it is impossible to get rid of this disease without the use of antibiotic therapy.

Complications of bilateral pneumonia

Bilateral pneumonia is a rather insidious disease that requires an individual approach to the treatment of each patient. The result of illiterate treatment or its complete absence may be the development of complications, represented by:

  • blood infections (development of sepsis);
  • infectious-toxic shock;
  • the occurrence of abscesses;
  • fatal outcome.

Often, those cases of bilateral pneumonia that were provoked by pneumococcus are fatal. This is due to the excessive toxicity of the pathogen and its ability to multiply rapidly. In the category of persons for whom the disease represents the most great danger includes preschool children and elderly patients.

Disease prevention

Since bilateral pneumonia can develop against the background of frequent colds, it is important to pay sufficient attention to improving immunity and not to forget about the responsible and timely treatment of respiratory diseases.

Diseases of the respiratory system require special attention, which, with improper treatment, acquire chronic form, creating favorable soil for the reproduction of bacteria. Great importance has a system proper nutrition, involving the use of those products that are necessary to saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins.

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults

Pneumonia is infection. It remains one of the most widespread in the world. It is a leader among nosocomial infections leading to death. It is important to know the symptoms of pneumonia in adults in order to take action in time. Treatment of pneumonia and the prognosis of the development of the disease depends on the nature of the infection, the age and general condition of the patient.

What is pneumonia and why is it dangerous

Acute inflammation of the lungs is called pneumonia. It is caused by infections that can be transmitted different ways, affects the lung tissue. In the list of diseases that caused death, it is in fifth place, and medicines do not always help. The lethal outcome among adults from pneumonia is 10-33%. Intrahospital and atypical form carries away the disease more lives- the risk of dying increases to 50%. In the elderly, people with weakened immune systems, the prognosis for the course of pneumonia is often disappointing.

From ordinary pneumonia, 1-3% of young patients die without diseases that could impair treatment. Among elderly patients, mortality is up to 40-50%. Causes of death from pneumonia:

  • concomitant diseases, such as heart disease, existing respiratory diseases (such as bronchitis), diabetes mellitus, problems in the genitourinary system;
  • bad habits (smoking, especially long-term experience, drug addiction, alcoholism);
  • unfavorable living conditions;
  • weakened immunity.

Pregnant women are at particular risk of pneumonia. The disease itself is severe due to dangerous pathologies. For a woman carrying a child, she is doubly dangerous - for the expectant mother and fetus. In the early stages, pneumonia threatens the embryo, whose tissues and organs have not yet been formed. In the last trimester, pneumonia is less dangerous for a child than for a mother. Prevention is simple: strengthening the mother's immunity.

The first signs of pneumonia

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults depend on the type of infection that caused the disease. There are several types of pneumonia, and each has its own clinical picture. The provoking factor for the occurrence of pneumonia is hypothermia, affecting the upper respiratory tract. In the elderly, it often becomes pathological. There are several symptoms of pneumonia in adults: they are divided into varieties insidious disease. A common type of pneumonia is viral, occurs in half of the cases. Other reasons:

A disease that occurs without symptoms characteristic of pneumonia is called atypical. Latent pneumonia is dangerous because its treatment is taken late, when many complications appear. Pulmonary manifestations fade into the background, the patient is more concerned about general intoxication. The radiograph shows no changes in the airways. Signs of atypical inflammation:

  • dry cough;
  • sore throat;
  • muscle pain;
  • headache;
  • weakness.

Asymptomatic SARS cause legionella, viruses, chlamydia, mycoplasmas, therefore it is treated with antimicrobial drugs. After infection, signs of the disease appear in the period from 2 to 10 days. Changes in the lungs begin later than with typical pneumonia. The temperature rises, the patient begins to suffocate, he does not have enough air. A large percentage of patients can be cured at home, but sometimes the disease is severe. Mortality from this type of disease is 3-5%, the cause is cardiopulmonary failure.


This type of disease is caused by several viruses. First up is the flu. At the beginning of pneumonia provoked by the influenza virus, malaise is noticeable for a period of 3-5 days. Then the condition worsens, shortness of breath begins, chest pains appear. Pneumonia is treated with rimantadine, zanamivir, oseltamivir. Viral pneumonia is also caused by cytomegalovirus.

Serious complication viral inflammation lungs - SARS, respiratory syndrome. It is caused by Paramyxoviridae viruses (they are also the cause of measles and mumps). The syndrome is very dangerous. Symptoms of pneumonia in adults with viral pneumonia are:

  • very high fever accompanied by chills;
  • dry cough (unproductive);
  • headache and muscle pain;
  • fatigue for no reason.


The cause of pneumonia in this case are bacteria: pneumococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus. Bacterial inflammation of the lungs begins with a sharp jump in temperature to 41 degrees. It lasts up to 3 days, and this symptom is considered a clear sign of a bacterial infection. If the temperature either drops or rises, this is a viral picture. Pneumococcal pneumonia is accompanied by the discharge of "rusty" sputum, heart contractions become more frequent (tachycardia), breathing becomes difficult. The disease is treated with antibiotics.


The most dangerous variant of pulmonary inflammation is fungal. This is due to the fact that fungal pneumonia does not appear at first, and people do not know that they are sick. The disease is diagnosed late. The beginning of the process of inflammation of the lung tissue is similar to atypical pneumonia, but with exacerbation of symptoms, the nature of lung damage changes, cavities form. A common causative agent of such pneumonia is Candida albicans, a fungus. At first, the patient has cold symptoms: fever, cough, fatigue and shortness of breath. Then, when coughing, pus is released, at the same time the correct diagnosis is made.

The main symptoms of pneumonia in an adult

Colds, flu, should not last more than 7 days, but if 4-7 days after the onset of ARVI the patient's condition worsened, this is a signal of the onset in the lower respiratory tract dangerous inflammation. Symptoms of pneumonia in adults include pallor and shortness of breath. If they have a cold, they are accompanied by weakness, sweating, loss of appetite - this is typical for intoxication at the onset of pneumonia.

Temperature with inflammation of the lungs

With atypical pneumonia, body temperature is not always more than 37.5. In normal cases, a sharp increase to 40 degrees is characteristic. With inflammation of the lungs, antipyretic drugs do not work. If it is not possible to bring down the temperature, this is a sign of pneumonia. The temperature starts to drop as the antibiotics kick in. It is dangerous if the disease proceeds without a temperature: patients sometimes do not take action until the condition worsens. How long the temperature lasts depends on the pathogen: fungus, bacteria or virus.

What is the cough with pneumonia

At the beginning of the disease, the cough is dry, this is called unproductive. It becomes obsessive, constant, debilitating. Inflammation develops - this symptom also changes. Sputum leaves, the color of which depends on the nature of the infection: yellow-green, purulent, "rusty". A hacking cough that does not go away in 7-10 days is a clear sign of an inflammatory process in the lungs.

Voice jitter

The doctor can recognize the symptoms of the disease by assessing voice jitter patient. The patient says words where there are several “p” sounds, and the doctor puts his palms on his chest, and determines the voice trembling. With pneumonia, part of the lung, or the whole lung, is compacted. This will be noticed by the physician conducting the diagnosis, by the fact that the voice tremor increases.

Diagnosis of the disease

If an inflammatory process in the lungs is suspected, a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out. Sometimes, already at the initial appointment, the doctor can determine the disease by auscultation, that is, by listening to the chest with a phonendoscope. But the main method of diagnosing an adult is an x-ray. Be sure to take blood from the patient for general and biochemical analysis. If the patient is in the hospital, they examine the culture of sputum, urine, check the blood for antibodies to viruses.

Varieties of pneumonia

Mild forms of pneumonia, detected in the initial stage, are treated at home. Remember that even mild pneumonia will cause complications if not properly cared for. You need to follow the doctor's recommendations on how to treat pneumonia at home:

  • used antipyretic drugs, anti-inflammatory;
  • a plentiful drink is prescribed;
  • an important component of treatment is diet: the body is poisoned with toxins, lightweight nutrition is required, more liquid.

How to treat pneumonia, how long the process will last, depends on the severity and type of the disease. The infection sometimes resides in lung tissue for years, leading to chronic illness. Fibers and connective tissues are affected, they put pressure on the pulmonary vesicles, which leads to hardening of the lungs, pneumosclerosis. The patient feels discomfort, constantly coughing. It's sluggish protracted illness, which gradually leads to complications.

Ordinary pneumonia is divided into mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe in severity, it depends on how the disease proceeds. to heavy sharp forms pleuropneumonia refers when one is inflamed lung lobe or several. Localization occurs pneumonia:

  • focal (focused in the focus of inflammation);
  • segmental or polysegmental, depending on whether it is located in one or more segments;
  • share - does not go beyond one share;
  • total - covers all the lungs.

One-sided and two-sided

The inflammatory process is concentrated either on one side, or it is bilateral. Unilateral pneumonia is divided into two types:

  1. Right-sided - occurs more often, the right bronchus is wider than the left and shorter than it, the infection penetrates there more freely.
  2. Left-sided - develops less frequently, with it stagnant processes in the lung are observed.

Bilateral covers both lungs: the entire lung tissue becomes inflamed, and the disease is provoked by bacteria (pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae). Against the background of one infection, others multiply additionally harmful microorganisms, mixed infection develops. Several pathogens enter the fight against a person, it is difficult to choose antibacterial drugs for treatment.


The focus of inflammation, located along the root of the lung, is difficult to diagnose. Such cases are called hilar pneumonia. In the diagnosis, computed tomography is used. The doctor must rule out tuberculosis and lung cancer, the focus of inflammation is similar in the picture to the tumor. Held tuberculin tests. If anti-tuberculosis drugs are mistakenly prescribed, but they do not work, this is considered a diagnostic sign.


Bronchial pneumonia is characterized by damage to the small branches of the patient's bronchial tree. Bronchopneumonia refers to focal. The recovery process will take a long time. Sometimes the disease is secondary, develops against the background of bronchitis. A person tries to cure bronchitis, it drags on, the condition worsens, weakness appears, the temperature rises. The cough that accompanies bronchitis intensifies, an unpleasant purulent sputum sometimes streaked with blood.

Important symptoms of this disease: shortness of breath, increased heart rate up to 110 beats per minute, chest pain. Not only bronchitis, but also SARS leads to the development of bronchopneumonia. Viruses and bacteria often cause this type of pneumonia, in order to treat the disease correctly, they establish the pathogen, prescribe antiviral drugs or antibacterial. How much the disease is treated depends on the type of pathogen.


In addition to community-acquired pneumonia, which develops under normal conditions, there is a severe form of the disease - hospital, it is nosocomial. The diagnosis is made when inflammation appears two days or more after a person is admitted to a hospital with a completely different diagnosis. This is the most merciless species, killing 50% of patients. Microorganisms cause disease. Types of nosocomial pneumonia:

  • associated with artificial ventilation lungs;
  • postoperative;
  • nosocomial pneumonia in hospitalized patients in serious condition.

Patients' immunity is weakened, the body was fighting another disease, it was not ready for the invasion of new microbes. To save the situation, patients are given droppers, intravenous nutrition is used to maintain vitality body, use drugs of a new generation, strong drugs. cure nosocomial pneumonia succeeds not always. Treatment of pneumonia at home in this case is excluded.


Lobar pneumonia affects the lobes of the lung and pleura. With this type of pneumonia, it is important to prescribe antibiotic injections in time, the duration of which is determined by the doctor. Physiotherapy, detoxification is used. Lobar pneumonia begins suddenly and acutely. There are three forms of the disease:

  • upper lobe - proceeds severely, with neurological disorders;
  • lower lobe - gives a pseudo-picture " acute abdomen”, which is confusing in the diagnosis, chills and “rusty” sputum are characteristic;
  • central - inflammation develops deep in the lung, the symptoms are mild, difficult to determine.


Croupous pneumonia is acute. The nature of the lesion of the lungs is bilateral. If the pathology is not recognized and treatment is not promptly started, the patient will die from brain hypoxia and cardiovascular insufficiency. The first day the patient has a dry cough. The next day, rust-colored sputum leaves, vomiting occurs. On the third day, it gets worse, shortness of breath appears, tachycardia develops. The patient is unable to climb one floor. Croupous pneumonia is treated in pulmonology, in a hospital or intensive care unit. Lung lobes the patient is totally affected on both sides.

Video: types and symptoms of pneumonia

Pneumonia - dangerous disease, it is important to determine it in the early stages, when treatment is effective even with folk remedies at home. In the video below, experts will talk in detail about the symptoms of pneumonia, teach you what to look for if pneumonia occurs without typical symptoms. Early detection avoid irreversible consequences.

Causes of polysegmental pneumonia

Polysegmental pneumonia (especially bilateral) is one of the most severe diseases and requires speedy treatment. The fact is that bilateral polysegmental pneumonia always develops rapidly, leading to respiratory complications and even death.

With this disease of any type (bilateral, right-sided or left-sided), an inflammatory effect occurs on the lung epithelium. This inflammation disrupts the work in several functional segments (they are called areas of the lungs containing alveoli in large numbers). There is a rapid progress of the disease, which eventually becomes the cause of respiratory failure.

Polysegmental pneumonia: causes

The conclusion of radiography about polysegmental pneumonia is established by specialists when a patient develops foci of inflammation in the lung tissue, which can be placed in different segments from either side or from 2 sides at the same time.

When this disease occurs, children experience pain, because in their lungs during the entire illness the pleura is irritated (it acts as a protective shell), which is located on top of the lung fields. Contains pleura set nerve endings resulting in irritation and pain. The lungs themselves do not have pain receptors, so severe bilateral inflammation is not always immediately apparent until the patient has an x-ray procedure or the first signs are noticed.

The causes of polysegmental disease can be different, the main ones are:

One of the serious features of polysegmental pneumonia in children is immediate-type hypersensitivity (health workers use the abbreviation GNT). It occurs in the area of ​​pulmonary lesions in the form of tissue edema, which develops rapidly.

Most often, immediate-type hypersensitivity occurs with pneumococcal infection, since its antigens are most similar to body proteins, which is why the immune system is unstable, not recognizing HNT antigens. In this case, the immune system perceives its proteins as bacterial antigens and then starts destroying them. In adults, such a reaction occurs when there is a right-sided lower lobe polysegmental pneumonia in the body. Hypersensitivity of the immediate type contributes to the deterioration of the patient's condition due to increased inflammatory effects on the body.

Signs of emerging polysegmental inflammation

The polysegmental type of inflammation in patients of any age includes symptoms of an intoxication or bronchopulmonary category. The first aggravate the course of the disease in the patient and are detected muscle weakness, dizziness, headaches, chills, fever and pain in the joints.

Signs of intoxication syndrome:

  1. polysegmental inflammation with intoxication syndrome always accompanied by an elevated temperature, reaching 39-40 ° C. The development of the disease is lightning-fast and is most often provoked by pneumococcal pneumonia. Pneumonia itself is characterized by a constantly elevated temperature (it almost does not subside even for several days), adequate treatment contributes to a gradual decrease in temperature.
  2. Significant chilliness in some cases is a precursor to feverish sensations lasting for several hours, the patient during this time sweats profusely. When the lung epithelium is damaged, the concentration of pathogens increases, which contributes to the deterioration of the blood supply to the brain due to an increase in blood viscosity. This causes dizziness and headaches.
  3. Violation of the lung epithelium in children occurs due to a staphylococcal or streptococcal disease and contributes to a stable elevated temperature up to 40°С. Medical workers this fever was given the name febris continua, the translation of which means "constant fever". Pneumococcal pneumonia in children can cause fulminant fever, accompanied by a clear intoxication syndrome. This type of fever may not go away for several days.
  4. Croupous childhood pneumonia is accompanied by an intoxication syndrome. This type of pneumonia is very rare. Clinical signs polysegmental are similar to the symptoms of segmental pneumonia. It manifests itself in children in the form of shortness of breath, wheezing and weakened breathing, and the localization of foci occurs mainly in the upper parts of the lungs. To clarify the damage to the segments, an x-ray is done in 2 projections. At the same time, the shadow of infiltration is homogeneous and intense.
  5. Polysegmental pneumonia contributes to the formation of muscle weakness in patients. The reason for this is the reduced fluidity of the blood, which further disrupts the saturation of the body with oxygen.
  6. A similar pathogenesis occurs in the joints, accompanied by painful sensations in them. This happens due to the deterioration of microcirculation in the periosteum.

Signs of bronchopulmonary syndrome

With the accumulation of infiltrate in the body and the reproduction of pathogens in the respiratory tract, bronchopulmonary syndrome occurs.
The following main symptoms are distinguished:

  • the occurrence of hoarseness during breathing and talking, which appear due to swelling of the walls of the bronchi;
  • cough with sputum;
  • when inflammatory processes occur in the pleural sheets, pain occurs in the chest.

The normal body uses the cilia of the epithelium of the upper respiratory tract to remove pathogens. With insufficient work of the cilia or the ingestion of infectious bacteria into the underlying sections, the elimination of bacteria occurs through bronchial contractions in the form of a cough.

Polysegmental pneumonia contributes to a large accumulation of fluid, the body removes it through persistent cough. With inflammation of the lungs, the cough lasts until the airways are completely cleared.

Pain in the areas of lung damage occurs due to inflammation of the pleura, which is irritated with lesions in any form of the pleural sheet. With pleurisy, polysegmental pneumonia exacerbates pain or calls severe pain in the chest with sudden movements.

All of the above symptoms are factors of pneumonia. To confirm them, you need to take an x-ray. All these signs are the reason for an early visit to the pulmonologist in order to avoid serious complications.

How is polysegmental pneumonia treated?

Treatment of unilateral or bilateral pneumonia is possible through the use of antibacterial agents and drugs.

The etiology of pathogens in children and adults is different, so therapy involves the use of different antibiotics.

The best will be timely treatment, when medical specialists will be able to quickly sow cultures of bacteria that are the result of an illness on a special medium and determine the sensitivity of the disease to antibiotics. Within 2 weeks of therapy, the doctor prescribes broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs to the patient. Also, treatment includes the elimination of existing complications or their prevention.

Bilateral, right-sided or left-sided polysegmental pneumonia is a disease that should never be started. Its development can lead to respiratory failure and death.

Community-acquired pneumonia: diagnosis, treatment. Prevention of community-acquired pneumonia

Community-acquired pneumonia is one of the most common infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. Most often, this disease is the cause of death from various infections. This happens as a result of a decrease in the immunity of people and the rapid addiction of pathogens to antibiotics.

What is Community Acquired Pneumonia?

It's a respiratory infection lower divisions. Community-acquired pneumonia in children and adults develops in most cases as a complication of viral infection. The name of pneumonia characterizes the conditions of its occurrence. A person gets sick at home, without any contact with a medical institution.

Pneumonia in an adult

Adults most often get pneumonia as a result of bacteria entering the body, which are the causative agents of the disease. Community-acquired pneumonia in adults does not depend on geographical areas and socio-economic relations.

What is pneumonia?

This disease is conditionally divided into three types:

  1. Mild pneumonia is the most large group. She is treated on an outpatient basis at home.
  2. Moderate disease. Such pneumonia is treated in the hospital. The peculiarity of this group is that the majority of patients have chronic diseases.
  3. Severe form of pneumonia. She is treated only in the hospital, in the intensive care unit.

Community-acquired pneumonia is:

  • focal. A small area of ​​the lungs is inflamed.
  • Segmental. Characterized by the defeat of one or several parts of the body.
  • Equity. Some part of the organ is damaged.
  • Total. All lungs are affected.

Community-acquired pneumonia is unilateral and bilateral, right-sided and left-sided.


  • The body temperature rises.
  • There is chills and weakness.
  • Decreased performance and appetite.
  • There is sweating, especially at night.
  • Headache, joints and muscles.
  • Consciousness is confused and orientation is disturbed if the disease proceeds in a severe form.
  • Pain in the chest area.
  • Herpes may appear.

  • Abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Shortness of breath that occurs during physical exertion. When a person is at rest, this does not happen.

The reasons

Community-acquired pneumonia develops when microbes that cause inflammation enter a weakened human body. The causes of the disease are as follows:

  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Viral infections.
  • Concomitant diseases: diabetes mellitus, heart, lungs and others.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Prolonged stay in bed.
  • Transferred operations.
  • Elderly age.


  • Pneumococci (more often than others is the cause of the disease).
  • Staphylococci.
  • Atypical pathogens: mycoplasmas and chlamydia.
  • Klebsiella.
  • Viruses.
  • Pneumocysts.
  • Escherichia coli.
  • Haemophilus influenzae.


During the examination, it is very important to identify and evaluate the clinical symptoms of the disease, such as fever, chest pain, cough with sputum. Therefore, if a person has community-acquired pneumonia, a medical history is required for each patient. In it, the doctor writes down all the patient's complaints and appointments. To confirm the diagnosis, a radiation examination is performed: a chest x-ray. Clinical manifestations with community-acquired pneumonia are:

  • Cough with the release of mucopurulent sputum, in which there are streaks of blood.
  • Pain in the chest during breathing and coughing.
  • Fever and shortness of breath.
  • Trembling voice.
  • Wheezing.

Sometimes the symptoms differ from those typical for this disease, which makes it difficult to establish correct diagnosis and determining the method of treatment.

Radiation examination

The patient is assigned an x-ray if he has community-acquired pneumonia. Diagnostics beam method involves the study of the organs of the chest cavity in its anterior part. The picture is taken in frontal and lateral projection. The patient passes x-ray examination, as soon as she turns to the doctor, and then after half a month after the treatment has begun antibacterial agents. But this procedure can be carried out earlier if complications have arisen during the treatment or the clinical picture of the disease has changed significantly.

The main sign of community-acquired pneumonia during an X-ray examination is the compaction of the lung tissue, the picture shows a darkening. If there are no signs of compaction, then there is no pneumonia.

Right lower lobe pneumonia

Many patients go to the hospital when they are troubled by symptoms such as shortness of breath, cough, accompanied by the release of mucous sputum, fever up to 39 degrees, pain with a tingling sensation with right side under the rib After listening to the patient's complaints, the doctor examines him, listens and probes where necessary. If it is suspected that a patient has a community-acquired right-sided pneumonia, which, as a rule, is much more common (why we pay special attention to it), he is assigned a full examination:

  • Laboratory studies: general, clinical and biochemical blood tests, urine and sputum tests.
  • Instrumental studies, which include chest x-ray, fibrobronchoscopy and electrocardiogram. The shape of the darkening on the x-ray image allows you to clarify the diagnosis, and fibroscopy - to identify the involvement of the bronchi and trachea in the inflammation process.

If the results of all tests confirm that the patient has right-sided community-acquired pneumonia, the medical history is supplemented. Before starting therapy, the results of studies for all indicators are recorded in the patient's card. This is necessary so that during the treatment, if necessary, to carry out its adjustment.

Laboratory and instrumental research may show inflammation of the lower right lobe lung. This is another story of the disease. Community-acquired lower lobe pneumonia - that would be the diagnosis. When it is accurately established, the doctor prescribes a treatment that is individual for each patient.

How to treat community-acquired pneumonia?

Patients with this diagnosis can be treated both in the hospital and at home. If a patient has community-acquired pneumonia, a medical history is mandatory, regardless of the place of treatment. Patients on outpatient treatment are conditionally divided into two groups. The first includes people under 60 years of age who do not have concomitant diseases. To the second - over 60 or people with comorbidities(any age). When a person has community-acquired pneumonia, treatment is with antibiotics.

For patients of the first group are assigned:

  • "Amoxicillin" dosage of 0.5-1 g or "Amoxicillin / clavulanate" - 0.625 g at a time. Taken during the day 3 times.
  • An alternative to these drugs may be: "Clarithromycin" or "Roxithromycin" dosage of 0.5 g and 0.15 g, respectively. Take twice a day. Azithromycin may be prescribed, which is taken once a day in an amount of 0.5 g.
  • If there is a suspicion that the disease is caused by an atypical pathogen, the doctor may prescribe Levofloxacin or Moxifloxacin 0.5 g and 0.4 g, respectively. Both drugs are taken once a day.

If patients of the second group have community-acquired pneumonia, treatment is carried out using the following drugs:

  • "Amoxicillin / clavulanate" is prescribed three times a day for 0.625 g or twice a day for 1 g, "Cefuroxime" should be taken in an amount of 0.5 g at a time twice a day.
  • Can be assigned alternative drugs: "Levofloxacin" or "Moxifloxacin" 0.5 g and 0.4 g, respectively, once a day inside. "Ceftriaxone" is prescribed 1-2 g intramuscularly, also once a day.

Treatment of the disease in children

Community-acquired pneumonia in children with an uncomplicated form of the development of the disease, depending on age, is treated with the following drugs:

  • Children under 6 months are prescribed: "Josamycin" twice a day for a week at the rate of 20 mg per kilogram of body weight. Maybe "Azithromycin" - the daily rate should not exceed 5 mg per kilogram of body weight, the duration of treatment is 5 days.
  • Children under 5 years of age are prescribed "Amoxicillin" orally 25 mg / kg twice a day, the duration of treatment is 5 days. May prescribe "Amoxicillin / clavulanate" in terms of per kilogram of body weight 40-50 mg or "Cefuroxin axetil" dosage of 20-40 mg/kg, respectively. Both drugs are taken twice a day, the duration of treatment is 5 days.
  • Children over 5 years of age are prescribed Amoxicillin at a dosage of 25 mg / kg in the morning and evening. If SARS is suspected, Josamycin is administered orally, increasing the dosage to 40 mg / kg per day for a week, or Azithromycin according to the scheme: 1 day - 10 mg / kg, then 5 mg / kg for 5 days. If not positive result in treatment, you can replace "Amoxicillin" at the rate of 50 mg / kg once a day.

Preventive measures to prevent the disease

Prevention of community-acquired pneumonia is carried out using pneumococcal and influenza vaccines. If necessary, they are administered simultaneously, only in different hands. For this purpose, a 23-valent non-conjugated vaccine is used. It is entered:

  • People who are over 50 years old.
  • People living in nursing homes.
  • Adults and children with chronic diseases of the lungs, heart and blood vessels or who are under constant medical supervision.
  • Children and adolescents (from six months to adulthood) who take aspirin for a long time.
  • Pregnant women of the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.
  • Doctors, nurses and other hospital and outpatient staff.
  • Patient care staff.
  • Family members of those people who are at risk.
  • Health care workers who care for patients at home.

Prevention of community-acquired pneumonia is:

  • The right lifestyle that involves classes exercise regular long walks fresh air, leisure.
  • Balanced healthy eating with a normalized content of proteins, vitamins and microelements.
  • Annual vaccination of children and adults against influenza, which is done before the onset of the cold season. Very often, the flu gives a complication. A person falls ill with pneumonia, which is difficult.
  • Life without hypothermia and drafts.
  • Daily cleaning and airing of the premises.
  • Frequent hand washing and rinsing of the nasal passages.
  • Restriction of contacts with patients with SARS.
  • During the period of mass spread of infection, the intake of honey and garlic. They are excellent immunostimulants.
  • If you yourself or your child get sick with the flu, do not self-medicate, but call a doctor.
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