The correct direction of the head during sleep. How and in which direction to sleep with your head

During sleep, in relation to the cardinal points, it is important for inner harmony, health, and even for family happiness.

Some consider this nonsense, others believe and are ready, like Charles Dickens, to arrange their bed with the help of a compass.

This article is about where to go to bed with your head correctly from the point of view of yogis, feng shui and common sense.

Yoga believes:

each person has his own electromagnetic field, just like the Earth. The north of our “magnet” is at the top of the head, and the south is at the feet.

The electromagnetic north of the Earth is located at the geographic south pole, and the magnetic south is located at the north. In order to be in a good mood, it is necessary to coordinate your electromagnetic field with the field of the Earth.

Yogis advise sleeping with your head in the north or northeast direction. This is the most beneficial for our health and well-being. If the layout of the bedroom does not allow you to place the bed in a northerly direction, turn its headboard to the east.

Eastern teaching attaches great importance to the correct organization of the bedroom, the position of the bed in it, the direction of the body in a dream. All these factors play a big role in and for a person personally.

Feng Shui divides all people into two categories, Western and Eastern. For each category, the direction of the head in a dream is different. Moreover, within the category, these areas have individual meanings for each individual.

For example, if for one sleep means health, then for another -, for the third - development.

To determine which category you belong to, you need to determine your Gua number.

Calculate the Gua number

Write the year of your birth to make four digits in a row. Add up the last two numbers. If you get a two-digit number, then add the two numbers received again. For example, you were born in 1985, add 8 + 5, you get 13. Then add 1 + 3, you get 4. If the number came out in two digits, then add it again until you get one digit.

Men should subtract the resulting number from 10. Teenagers born in 2000 and later should subtract from 9.
For women, the resulting number should be added to 5. For girls born in 2000 and later, add to 6.


  • There is no Gua number equal to 5! If your final total is 5, then for men it will be 2, and for women it will be 8.
  • For the calculations to be correct, set your year of birth according to Chinese.

By calculating our individual Gua number, we can determine which category we belong to:

Eastern - 1, 3, 4, 9.
Western - 2, 6, 7, 8.

Guided by the Gua number, you can learn how to equip your home in the best possible way, how to put a bed and other furniture, how to hang a mirror and many other subtleties so that life and troubles and failures bypass.

But today we will not be distracted and decide on the direction of the head during sleep.

Auspicious direction for the head according to Gua numbers

1 - north, east, south, southeast.
2 - choose northeast, west, northwest and southwest.
3 - south, north, east, southeast.
4 - north, south, southeast, east.
6 - northeast, northwest, west, southwest.
7 - northeast, northwest, southwest and west.
8 - southwestern, western, northwestern, northeastern.
9 - southeast, north, east, south.

Unfavorable head positions:

1 - northeast, northwest, southwest, west.
2 - east, south, north, southeast.
3 - northeast, west, northwest, southwest.
4 - northeast, west, northwest, southwest.
6 - east, north, south, southeast.
7 - east, south, north, southeast.
8 - east, north, southeast, south.
9 - northeast, northwest, southwest, west.

There are several options:

Set Priorities: give preference to the direction that is favorable for the spouse who makes a greater contribution to the financial well-being of the family.

Make a compromise decision: put the bed in such a way that the direction of the head in a dream is less favorable for you, but also less unfavorable for your soulmate. And vice versa.

Don't think about directions at all. This option is especially suitable for those whose bedrooms do not allow you to place a bed taking into account the cardinal points.

If it’s impossible not to think about directions, and rearranging the bed is not an option, then lie down a little diagonally, approaching a favorable position.

And yet, do not lie down with your head to the window. If it doesn’t work out differently, move the bed as far as possible from the window. Also, you can not sleep with your feet to the door.

Guided by common sense

Trust your intuition if you do not trust the recommendations of feng shui and yogis: your body will tell you which position is most favorable for you.

To do this, you can use a round bed, if the means and footage of the bedroom allow, or “settle” on the floor for a while. Go to bed arbitrarily, and in the morning analyze where nature has "turned" you. This position will be yours. True, they can affect the result of the experiment, so watch for a few days.

An interesting study by Sverdlovsk physicians can be cited to confirm the validity of this method. In the evening, the participants of the experiment went to sleep on the floor, randomly choosing a direction. In the morning, the researchers analyzed the influence of mood and well-being on body position.

As it turned out, people who were tired and overtired intuitively laid their heads to the east. If a person was before going to bed, then his body chose the position with his head to the north.

In this way, you can’t talk about the direction of the head in a dream, as something permanent. It is desirable to have sufficient freedom to move during sleep so that the body itself finds the best position for it. Apparently, therefore, round beds have become fashionable, allowing you to sleep even along, even across.

I hope you have found the answer to the question: where to go to sleep with your head. Listen to your feelings. Do not take other people's recommendations into service unaccountably, it is dangerous for the body and soul.

As a child, my grandmother told one of my acquaintances that sleeping on the back is harmful: nightmares will overcome and a heart attack will happen. After that, he is afraid of sleeping on his back all his life, although he wakes up in it in the morning.

Be healthy!

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project.

In which direction you need to sleep with your head, and which one with your feet, people rely on Eastern teachings - the rules of yogis and the same Feng Shui. According to them, each person has his own electromagnetic field, the north of which, and the south. Accordingly, in order to sleep well and feel rested and alert after sleep, it is necessary to fit in, consistent with the electromagnetic field of the Earth. Yogis recommend choosing a direction for sleeping so that it is located in the north or northeast direction.

They argue that if the layout is such that it is not possible to put the head of the bed to the north, try to place the head of the bed at least to the east.

how to sleep well feng shui

But still, the Chinese theory of Feng Shui is considered the most popular. And it is on it that they most often rely when choosing the optimal place to sleep.

You can go the hard way and the Gua number is ideal for yourself. According to Chinese teachings, people are divided into two groups: Eastern and Western. And for each of the groups there is a direction where it is better to sleep with your head. This is due to the fact that for some, the position of the head to the north can mean, for others - success in love affairs, and for others - illness. Therefore, it is very important to understand what Gua number you have in order to avoid accidental troubles. You can calculate it using the following formula: add the last two digits of your year of birth. If as a result of such manipulation you get a two-digit number, add it up again. Further, the calculation assumes that the resulting figure must be subtracted from the number 10. Women, on the other hand, will have to add the number 5 to the resulting number.

People with a Gua number of 1,3,4,9 are categorized as Orientals. Those who got 2,5,6,7,8 - in the western. Those who belong to the east should choose to sleep with their heads to the north, east, south, southeast. Westerners can sleep with their heads in the direction of the northeast, southwest, west, northwest.

An ordinary compass will help you accurately determine the cardinal points in the apartment. You can purchase both a separate device and use special programs that are now available in large quantities for smartphones and tablets.

In addition, remember that there are three more basic rules that the Chinese say will help normalize and harmonize your sleep. Rule one says that in no case should you sleep with your head or feet to the door. You should also avoid installing a bed under a bare ceiling beam. According to the third rule, you can not bed to the wall, which adjoins the door. If this is unavoidable, refuse to sleep with your back to this wall.

Choosing the direction to sleep with your head on the back of the bed

The shape of the headboard, according to scientists, also affects sleep. So, for example, if you want to be successful in your profession, sleep with your head against the wooden headboard of a square-shaped bed.

The ideal backrest option for creative people is wavy. But the triangular options should be abandoned. You can only sleep with your head to such people who, in principle, sleep little or do not like this process at all.

It is commonly believed that the position of a person’s body during sleep relative to the location of the bedroom, the entrance to it, the bed and other furniture affects its inner harmony, health, and even family happiness. Someone does not pay attention to this, considering it nonsense and nonsense, while someone believes and tries to follow certain rules. If you belong to the second category, it will be useful for you to read about where to sleep with your head is considered correct, some options and their rationale.

Where to sleep with your head: the opinion of yogis

According to yogis, a person has an electromagnetic field, like our huge planet Earth. In order to achieve the harmony of people with this contradictory and complex world, it is necessary that the electromagnetic fields of people and the Earth be "harmonized", for this it is recommended to sleep with your head to the north.

Feng Shui: where to sleep with your head

Let us dwell in more detail on the popular and, as practice shows, effective teaching - Feng Shui. According to this oriental art of organizing space in rooms, the bedroom plays a huge role in marital happiness, the personal life of a person.

How to sleep properly? How to put a bed? You need to position it so that the headboard adjoins the wall, that is, it is correct to sleep with your head against the wall. Remember 3 basic rules:

  1. In no case should you sleep with your head or feet to the door.
  2. Don't place your bed directly under a bare ceiling beam.
  3. If the room allows you to put the bed only with the long side to the wall, then try not to adjoin it to the wall on which the door is located. If this cannot be avoided, then do not sleep with your back to this wall.

Where is it better to sleep with your head: features of the bed

The shape of the headboard of your bed will determine success in different areas of life. Therefore, if you are just going to buy a bed, use the following tips:

  1. Do you want to be successful in your career? Then sleep with your head against the square wooden headboard.
  2. If you are a businessman or an official, luck will undoubtedly wear you when you sleep with your head against the metal back of an oval or semicircular shape.
  3. Creative people who want fame and money in this area are advised to choose wavy headboards.
  4. Try not to buy triangular backs. You can sleep with your head towards them only for those who, in principle, sleep very little and do not like this business.

Also note, if your bed has a "Dragon and Phoenix" headboard where one side is higher than the other, the man needs to sleep on the higher side!

Where to sleep with your head: Gua number

According to Feng Shui, all people can be divided into groups. Each category has its own favorable direction, where it is better to sleep with your head. So let's calculate your Gua Number... Add the last 2 digits of your year of birth. In the event that you get a two-digit number, add up its digits. Now, men should subtract the received figure from 10, and women should add 5 to the received figure.

What direction is favorable specifically for you? Everything will depend on which group you are in.

  • Gua numbers 1, 3, 4, 9 - people of the eastern category.
  • Gua numbers 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 - people of the Western category.

For the eastern group, it is better to sleep with your head in the directions north, east, southeast, south. And the directions northeast, southwest, west, northwest are more suitable for the western group. Be sure to get a compass and determine in which direction the head of the bed on which you sleep so sweetly looks.

Have you ever wondered where to go to sleep with your head? It is believed that not only restful sleep, but also human health, inner and family harmony depend on the correctly chosen place and location of the bed. Someone believes that arranging furniture in an apartment, referring to a compass, is nothing more than a fashionable hobby, while someone finds a completely scientific explanation for this.

Head north or south?

According to the teachings of yogis, a person has his own electromagnetic field, like our planet. The Earth's magnetic field is directed from the south pole to the north. The magnetic field of a person or the flow of energy charged by our consciousness is directed from the head to the feet.

If you go to bed in such a way that your own field and the field of the Earth are coordinated, that is, with your head to the north or northeast, this will benefit your health, allow you to sleep well and feel cheerful in the morning. Also, the correct flow of energy helps to strengthen love and affection between spouses and the acquisition of material wealth.

The ancient Indian teaching of Vastu, on the contrary, states that one should not sleep with the head in the north, northeast or northwest directions. In this case, it is as if the interaction of two magnets with the same poles takes place, and a person loses energy, waking up completely broken.

In addition to the magnetic field, a person is also affected by ring (torsion) fields caused by the rotation of the Earth. During sleep, these fields also affect the human consciousness. In this regard, there are the following statements about the position of the sleeper:

  • head to the east - a person develops spirituality, the best personal qualities, a connection with God;
  • to the south - longevity;
  • to the west - the risk of developing selfishness;
  • to the north - a person becomes more rational and "soulless".

Where to lay your head in Feng Shui?

Following the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui is becoming more and more popular among people seeking to achieve success and prosperity in all areas of life. Trying to update the design of their home, many also try to streamline the space, arranging all objects according to the flow of energy flows. Of great importance is the correct organization of the bedroom, the choice of the shape and position of the bed and the direction of the body of the sleeper.

First of all, it is recommended to avoid positioning the head or feet directly to the door of the room. If the room has two doors, then the bed should not stand between them. Alternatively, a screen can be used to close one of the doors. It is undesirable to sleep on a bed without a back behind the head. It is believed that during sleep a person should have some kind of protection.

As for the direction of the sleeping head, it is determined individually for each person. Feng Shui divides people into Western and Eastern types. To determine its type, the Gua number is calculated.

To do this, you need to write the year of birth, add the last 2 digits, if the number is two-digit, sum it up again. After that, you need to subtract the resulting number: for men - from 10, for boys (born after 2000) - from 9. Or add this number: for women - to 5, for girls - to 6. If you get the number 5, you need to replace it: for men - by 2, for women - by 8, since the number 5 does not exist.

Your type is oriental if the calculated number is 1, 3, 4 or 9. South, east, southeast and north will suit you. You are a Western type if your number is 2, 6, 7 or 8. Favorable for you will be the northeast, northwest, southwest and west directions.

  • Sleeping with your head to the north brings prosperity, stability, improves health, balances family relationships and gives peace of mind.
  • For young active people, it is more suitable to sleep with your head to the east. This will give a surge of strength, increase the ability to develop new ideas and projects.
  • Creative people need to choose the western direction, which gives inspiration and emotional uplift.
  • Those who want to build a career, achieve success in business, need to put the head of the bed to the south.

Where to sleep with your head according to Orthodoxy

Believers who try to comply with the canons of the Orthodox faith in all their actions may be worried about where to sleep with their heads and what effect this has. On this occasion, it can be said that the Christian religion, which illuminates the lives of people, does not pay any attention to this aspect. Moreover, such warnings about misfortunes and troubles that overtake those who sleep with their feet to the doors are considered superstitions, which the believer should not succumb to.

From a common sense point of view

If you are a rational person, it makes sense to choose a sleeping position based on your own preferences and well-being. To do this, you can sit on the floor for a while, changing the position as you wish, and in the morning analyze where nature or intuition has turned you. Moreover, it is noticed that the mood of a person can influence the choice of position for sleep.

The East is such a delicate matter that it pays attention to those little things that Westerners do not attach any importance to at all. But gradually the boundaries between cultures are erased, and Eastern traditions begin to penetrate into our Western way of life. One of them was the coordination of the interior with the principles of the ancient doctrine of harmony with the outside world - Feng Shui. How to sleep according to Feng Shui, where to turn your head and where it is better to put a bed - let's try to figure it out together.

What feng shui teaches

Feng Shui begins in the east with the choice of the location of the house itself. Then it is properly planned, since the bedroom, according to this tradition, should be located in the northwestern part of the house, and in no case opposite the front door. This will contribute to a stable, long and harmonious relationship between spouses.

House layout

But the selection of a site and the independent planning of a house or apartment for many is an unaffordable luxury, as well as following absolutely all the principles of the doctrine. But to choose a place for the bed and the direction where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui, everyone can do it. This, of course, will not lead to absolute harmony with nature, but according to the followers of the ancient teaching, it will significantly improve the quality of sleep.

Qi energy

To follow the rules was easier, you need to understand what underlies them. Feng Shui claims that the universal life force or Chi energy is constantly circulating in the house. It is believed that she enters the apartment through the doors, fills the entire space and exits through the window.

It is not worth constantly being in the way of the movement of energy, this will weaken a person and take away his vitality. But when the energy stagnates in the house, and even more so in the bedroom, this is also bad.

Any rubbish that has not been used for a long time, but is still in the house, delays the flow of Qi. He needs to get rid of it regularly.

Sharp corners, mirrors, fountains and other interior and decor elements can change the direction of the energy flow. The intensity of its movement is influenced even by the colors in the room and the prevailing materials: metal, wood, stone.

In traditional Feng Shui, absolutely everything is taken into account, down to the smallest detail. Therefore, the services of such a specialist are very expensive. We are primarily interested in how to arrange the bed in the best way for the sleeping person.

Place and conditions for sleeping

In order to sleep properly according to Feng Shui, you first need to bring the bedroom itself into maximum compliance with its principles. Soft, natural tones should prevail in its interior. Earthy shades bring peace and comfort to the house: brown, chocolate, soft copper, delicate peach.

Blue or green colors will contribute to harmonious relationships. Discreet light lilac will attract healing energy. Pink will make relationships more romantic.

The following rules must also be taken into account:

Decorate the bedroom with flowers, hang wall lamps, make beautiful linens and use fragrances.

Top Destinations

Definitely the best direction for sleep does not exist, just as there is no best time of the year or the best elements, everything is individual. It is necessary to choose the position of the head, based on whether there is even an opportunity to correctly place the bed itself. After all, if it costs poorly, then wherever you sleep with your head, the rest will be of poor quality. It is also necessary to take into account the energy features of each of the directions.


If the bedroom itself is best located in the northwestern part of the house, then sleeping with your head to the west is not suitable for everyone. This position of the body contributes to the accumulation of sexual energy and it will be difficult for lonely people to cope with it.

But for a couple in love, it fits perfectly - their sex life will be active, and the relationship itself will be harmonious.


If we take the universal position of the body, where it is better to sleep with your head, then this is the north. So the magnetic fields of the human body are in strict accordance with the magnetic fields of the Earth, and throughout the night there will be an active accumulation of energy.

It has been observed that people who sleep with their heads to the north wake up earlier and sleep better than others.


A person who sleeps with his head to the east reveals his spiritual abilities. This direction gives additional energy and contributes to success in all endeavors. On the other hand, it raises the level of personal ambition. So people with big egos should avoid this head position.

East position is very useful in the heat - it will give a feeling of additional coolness, as the energy flows in its natural direction.


The head, located to the south, will attract energy during the night to implement the most daring projects. This position is perfect for those who have grandiose life plans. But it does not promote partnerships and is more suitable for ambitious singles.

In addition, the energy of the south is sometimes too hot and aggressive, it can cause anxiety and even nightmares.

Intermediate positions of the head: northeast, northwest and southeast, southwest combine the energies of the constituent directions. Their impact on a person is softer and more harmonious. How to sleep according to Feng Shui for you, only you determine.

The Importance of Sleep Hygiene

But no matter how you arrange the bed and your own body, remember that if the elementary rules of sleep hygiene are not observed, the bed itself is uncomfortable, and the clothes hinder movement and prevent the body from breathing, the fact that you will sleep according to Feng Shui will not help. wait.

The Teaching does not cancel the natural physiological processes and characteristics of the human body, but only complements them.

The main conditions for a normal night's rest remain unchanged:

  • healthy lifestyle;
  • proper moderate nutrition;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • compliance with the daily routine;
  • regular physical activity;
  • proper response to stress.

If you follow these principles, plus decide how to sleep according to Feng Shui is better for you - a sound healthy sleep with pleasant dreams will not keep you waiting.

Otherwise, no matter how much you move the bed around the apartment and in which direction you lay your head down, your body will not see a good rest. No feng shui will save you from chronic fatigue and the symptoms of regular sleep deprivation.

However, Feng Shui also teaches the same - harmony with the outside world begins, first of all, with inner harmony. First, we put our thoughts and body in order, and only then we begin to transform the world around us. Rather, he himself begins to change in accordance with the new energies that you let into yourself and your home.

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