We deprive the prevention of infection. Appearance of ringworm in animals and measures against infection. Superficial ringworm on smooth skin

Despite different etiology diseases, denoted by one word "lichen" (eczema, ringworm, shingles, pitiriasis, pityriasis versicolor), measures to prevent their occurrence are the same. The most important safety rule is to exclude contact with sources of infection, which are stray animals (and cats) and infected people. In addition, you can not touch the personal belongings of patients.

Pity for poor street animals should not cross the boundaries of common sense: you should not touch such animals, even if they seem healthy and friendly. It is especially important to explain this to children who do not yet know how to properly communicate with our smaller brothers and can, for example, start kissing them. If contact does occur, hands should be disinfected as soon as possible. Cats often rub against people's legs to express their gratitude or affection, such "attentions" from a street purr you have fed are completely undesirable.

In no case should you take an animal into the house (especially if other animals and small children live in it) without preliminary survey him at the vet. A doctor can detect lichen and be able to cure it, saving both you and the animal from more serious problems in future.

We must not forget about the prevention of disease in pets: follow all the hygiene requirements (wash the paws of the animal after walking, limit contact with other animals), be sure to monitor the condition of their coat and skin and immediately contact the veterinarian, noticing anxiety symptoms. Need and preventive examinations: sometimes the disease does not show itself, but your pet suffers and puts you at risk of infection.

From person to person, lichen is transmitted less frequently, since the sick person is isolated. However, it is impossible to completely exclude all contacts, especially in the earliest stages of the disease, when it is not obvious. To prevent the spread of infection, disinfect all personal belongings of the sick person, dishes. His hygiene products toothbrush, comb) must be discarded. And of course, get checked out by a doctor.

It is very important to remember the behavior in public places ah: wear flip-flops while in the pool, public shower, bathhouse, on the beach. Do not use other people's towels, combs, dishes.

Observance of personal hygiene is obligatory: a civilized person should not forget to wash himself daily, have sets of clothes for the house, wear fresh linen, and wash his hands when returning from the street. It is necessary to carry out wet cleaning of housing at least once a week, try not to walk around the house in street shoes.

It is known that lichen often develops against the background of psychological distress: during the period when a person is experiencing severe stress. It is imperative to monitor your condition, relax and strengthen the immune system - this will help make the body more resistant to infection.

Lichen is a generic name for a group of common skin diseases caused, in most cases, by fungi or viruses. Infection with lichen usually occurs through contact with an infected person or animal. However proper prevention depriving a person who has been in contact with the patient will help to avoid this trouble. There are also types of lichen that are not dangerous to others - an autoimmune or allergic nature.

The most common types of the disease are:

  1. Pink deprive. The causative agent is unknown, the disease is not transmitted to others. People with reduced immunity get sick, especially those who have recently had a cold. Healing happens on its own.
  2. Shingles (herpes). Called by a virus chicken pox. Characterized severe pain and numerous eruptions. Infection can occur through contact with a patient with chickenpox or herpes zoster. It is treated with antiviral drugs that speed up recovery and prevent complications.
  3. Scale lichen. Another name for this dermatosis is psoriasis. The disease is not infectious etiology. Previously, the cause of its occurrence was unknown, but now there is an assumption about the autoimmune nature of the disease. It is not transmitted to the environment. A complete cure is not yet achievable, but there are means that can improve the quality of life of the patient.
  4. Eczema (weeping lichen). Appears as a result of hereditary predisposition, in diseases of the endocrine and nervous systems, with constant contact with water, frequent skin injury or chronic infections. Not contagious disease, the treatment of which depends on the specific cause of its occurrence.
  5. Pityriasis versicolor ( versicolor versicolor). The disease is caused by a fungus that is constantly present on human skin. The reason for the appearance is a decrease in immunity, excessive sweating, prolonged exposure to the sun or long-term use of corticosteroids. Treated with antifungal drugs.
  6. Ringworm (trichophytosis, microsporia). It is caused by three types of mushrooms. Transmitted from infected people or animals. Treatable with antimycotic drugs broad action. It is also necessary to prevent ringworm in humans, especially if there has been contact with the infection.

How not to get ringworm

Often, dermatologists have to deal with cases of ringworm (trichophytosis or microsporia) in practice. The disease is not too contagious, that is, its degree of contagiousness is low. Stray animals (especially cats) are most susceptible to it, but pets are not immune from infection. In humans, trichophytosis is most common among middle-aged and younger age and those with weakened immune systems.

The disease is manifested by the appearance of ring-shaped spots of a reddish hue on the skin. The skin of the head, feet, body and even nails are affected. These lesions are very itchy and itchy. The appearance of spots on the scalp is characterized by breaking off the hairs near the root and baldness (which is why lichen is called ringworm). In some cases, purulent discharge occurs in the affected areas.

Ringworm is transmitted through contact with fungus-infected scales of hair, skin, or fur. It is also possible to transmit the disease through household items - combs, hats, bed sheets, toothbrushes.

Prevention will help protect against the disease for those who fear infection or know that contact with the infection has already taken place and wants to protect themselves.

Since the disease is caused by fungi, which develop best with elevated temperature and humidity, it is necessary:

  • change wet shoes and socks immediately;
  • walk only in well-ventilated underwear made from natural fabrics, change it often (once a day is enough);
  • sleep without underwear or pajamas at all;
  • wash at least once every two days, using a special fungicidal (antifungal) soap;
  • wash hands thoroughly after returning home from the street;
  • in public places (in swimming pools, on beaches, in locker rooms) it is obligatory to walk in rubber slippers;
  • use only your own hygiene items - a comb, toothbrush, towel, washcloth;
  • do not wear other people's clothes and hats;
  • boost immunity by walking fresh air, physical education, vitamin complexes;
  • if possible, avoid contact with sick people and animals.

Applying these simple rules for protection, you can easily avoid infection.

What to do if contact with the infection took place

For ringworm disease, prevention is needed from infection after contact with a sick animal or person.

What to do in this case:

  • be sure to thoroughly wash with a fungicidal agent (not only hands, but the whole body and head);
  • wash all clothes that were on you at contact on a high temperature setting and iron them well;
  • after about 7 days, go to an appointment with a dermatologist to identify the disease on the very early stage when it is easiest to cure it;
  • if one of the family members is sick, it is necessary to provide him with individual hygiene items (bedding, cutlery, washcloth, towel, comb, toothbrush, etc.), frequently disinfect all surfaces in the house, ventilate the room, do daily wet cleaning.

You can also protect yourself from lichen by strengthening the immune system, because the protective properties of the skin work effectively only with good resistance to infections of the whole body.

This will help proper nutrition, long-term hiking, moderate exercise, good sleep.

Prevention of shingles

Shingles is characterized by the fact that the virus that causes it remains in the body forever without showing any symptoms. Once having been ill with chickenpox in early age, a person remains carriers of the infection for life.

Symptoms of the disease appear after the stress transferred by the body - hypothermia, sharp decline protective properties of the body, taking immunosuppressants, as well as in severe chronic diseases.

Treatment and prevention of the disease:

  • avoid contact with sick people;
  • use individual household items and clothing;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • take vitamin complexes;
  • in contact with the patient for 3 days, inject antiviral gamma globulin;
  • After consulting with your doctor, start taking antiviral drugs. This will prevent the development of the disease;
  • use antiherpetic ointments and creams to speed up the process of regression of rashes.

Carrying out these activities will reduce the time of the course of the disease or help not to get sick at all.

Preventing rosacea

In the case of this disease, general strengthening measures will be sufficient to prevent colds. Will help hardening good nutrition, good dream, no bad habits.

How to avoid pityriasis

Prevention of recurrence of the disease is that in the warmest periods of the year you should use special shampoo and treat the skin 1 time in 7 days salicylic alcohol. Bed linen should be boiled and carefully ironed on both sides. It is better to wear clothes made from natural fabrics (preferably cotton).

People who are prone to versicolor disease need to carefully monitor personal hygiene, avoid overheating, excessive sweating, excessive physical activity and stress.

Eczema Prevention

There are several rules, the observance of which will help reduce the likelihood of eczema or alleviate the course of the disease:

  1. Compliance with personal hygiene. Warm baths with a decoction of chamomile, the use of salicylic and camphor alcohol for inflammation of the hair follicles.
  2. cure for comorbidities.
  3. The use of specially designed cosmetics selected by a beautician.
  4. A balanced diet to avoid allergenic products(citrus fruits, eggs, strawberries, red berries, sweets, peaches and apricots).

It should also not be allowed to overheat.

Prevention of recurrence of psoriasis

The primary appearance of psoriasis with the help of prophylaxis cannot be avoided. However, it is possible to prevent relapse, reduce the number of rashes.

You should constantly moisturize the skin and the air in the room, wear loose clothing made from natural fabrics, stop smoking and alcohol, avoid stressful situations. It is also necessary to periodically undergo a complete medical examination in order to prevent the appearance chronic foci inflammation.

Types of dermatosis, the prevention of which has not been developed

There are several types of lichen, the etiology of which is still not clear.

These diseases include:

  • asbestos lichen;
  • red lichen;
  • lichen sclerosus.

Since the causes of these dermatoses have not been fully identified, it is impossible to develop a prevention scheme.


The main causes of lichen in humans are not enough strong immunity, non-compliance with the regime of personal hygiene, bad habits and close contact with those who are infected. It is possible to protect yourself from infection with dermatosis by leading healthy lifestyle life and carrying out simple hygiene procedures.

The course of diseases caused by heredity, psycho-emotional causes or metabolic disorders can be alleviated. With the help of prevention, it will also be possible to improve the quality of life of a sick person, reduce the number of relapses.

The hair in the lesions appears to be clipped or broken off at the level of the hair follicles. Among the broken hairs, unaffected hairs can also be observed. Sometimes the lesions secrete exudate. Trichophytosis superficial on smooth skin is round spots of bright pink color with clear boundaries. The spots are covered with scales, small bubbles, crusts.

Chronic trichophytosis

If superficial trichophytosis does not end with recovery, it transforms into chronic. Chronic trichophytosis is less common, as it is less common and its signs are less pronounced. On the scalp with this form of trichophytosis, only small foci with broken hair in the form of black dots are observed. On smooth skin, the disease is expressed by pink-purple spots without clear boundaries, with a flaky surface. Chronic trichophytosis is characterized by damage to the legs, buttocks, forearms and elbows, less often the face and trunk. With this form of the disease, the fungus often affects the nails. The lesion begins with a small grayish spot, which gradually increases.

Over time, the nail acquires a dirty gray color with a yellowish tint, the nail plate becomes bumpy, deformed, easily crumbles. Trichophytosis infiltrative-suppurative captures hairy part head, beard and mustache area, as well as smooth skin. With this form of the disease, purulent follicular abscesses appear on the body, hair loss is observed, lymph nodes increase, and the patient's health worsens. Smooth skin is dominated by flat plaques with isolated papules on the surface, which turn into pustular elements.

How infection occurs

Human infection with trichophytosis occurs when direct contact with a sick person, and household way through infected items - hats, combs, scissors, bedding and clothing. Animals are also carriers of ringworm - mice, rats, large cattle. A person can become infected by direct contact with an animal, as well as by contact with hay, dust, and wool affected by the fungus. According to statistics, the incidence of trichophytosis increases in autumn, which researchers attribute to the period of agricultural work. The incubation period depends on the type of trichophytosis and ranges from a week to 2 months.

ringworm symptoms

Superficial trichophytosis and features of the lesion

The first symptoms of ringworm in a person with damage to the head, beard and mustache are spots, lesions, 1-2 cm in diameter (some reach a size of 4 cm), which do not merge with each other. Usually 1-2 large foci are distinguished and, more often, small spots form around them. The skin inside the spot is slightly swollen, reddish, flaky, sometimes itchy. On the outside of the spots, crusts or vesicles with purulent contents may appear. The body of the fungus grows into the hair, which leads on the 5th-7th day of illness to their breaking off in the area of ​​the resulting lesion. Broken hair is a kind of stump 2 mm - 2 cm high, covered with gray coating(fungal spores). If there are bubbles with contents, when pressed, pus is released on them. Such a course of ringworm can be complicated by abscesses, that is, the appearance of extensive inflamed areas with purulent cavities.

Skin lesions by fungi develop independently or are combined with hair lesions. Ringworm occurs on exposed areas of the body. One or more spots up to 3 cm in diameter with clear edges appear on the skin round shape, from which a ring is gradually formed. The spots rise slightly above the skin. Their color is rose red. Inside the spot are small scales that quickly become covered with crusts. The number of spots is usually in the range of 1-3 pieces, localization - shoulders, face and neck. Subjectively, a slight itching may disturb.

Less commonly, ringworm in humans affects the nail plates. Isolated white spots appear on the outer edges of the nails; in the place of the spot, the nail softens and crumbles.

Infiltrative suppurative trichophytosis

The difference between this type of ringworm and superficial is that with it the symptoms are more pronounced. Inflammatory process often takes a purulent course lasting several months. Mostly a person becomes infected from animals, infiltrative-suppurative ringworm is considered occupational disease breeders. The spots on the scalp, beard and mustache are red-blue. Erosions appear inside the spots, the hair follicles become inflamed, the hair in the affected area weakens, breaks off and falls out. Every hair follicle filled with pus. On the skin of the body, spots are festering plaques, pus leads to the death of fungi, which are found only along the outer edge of the rounded spot.

Diagnosis of ringworm

Diagnosis of ringworm is an examination, history taking, laboratory and instrumental research. Laboratory research include microscopic and cultural methods. Under a microscope, in scales from the lesions of the skin, convoluted filaments of mycelium - mycelium are visible. During microscopic examination of the affected hairs, their clear boundaries are observed, the hair is filled with large spores of the fungus, located in parallel longitudinal chains. The culture method shows colony growth as white lump 5-6 days after sowing.

Ringworm treatment

Ringworm treatment alone is out of the question. With mushrooms, jokes are bad and their self-diagnosis and treatment of trichophytosis can be costly in the event of a mistake. Only qualified treatment guarantees good result, especially since in modern conditions trichophytosis is guaranteed to be treated. In the treatment of trichophytosis of smooth skin without lesions vellus hair external antifungal drugs are used: tincture of iodine, sulfuric, sulfuric-salicylic or sulfuric-tar ointment.

In the treatment of ringworm, modern antifungal drugs are also widely used. With multiple foci on the skin, especially with the involvement of vellus hair in the process, as well as with lesions of the scalp, systemic antifungal therapy is necessary for several weeks. The hair is shaved off. In case of significant inflammation, apply combined preparations. In case of damage to vellus hair, epilation is performed with preliminary detachment of the stratum corneum of the skin. Detachment is carried out 2-3 times. With infiltrative-suppurative trichophytosis, the crusts are removed with a scalpel.

Prevention of ringworm

If it is necessary to prevent infection in the family from an already existing patient with trichophytosis, it is necessary to disinfect all objects with which the infected person has come into contact. In addition, it is necessary to exclude the contact of the patient with other members of the family, the team until complete recovery. Relatives and persons in contact with the sick person, as well as pets, are certainly examined, since they often serve as a source of infection. To exclude primary infection with trichophytosis, periodic medical examinations in children's institutions and careful handling of animals are necessary.

Ringworm in children

A child can most often get sick with ringworm after contact with a sick animal. The primary source of infection is a variety of domestic animals - cats, dogs, Guinea pigs, rabbits, etc. Any of these animals may be infected with one of two types of fungus - trichophytosis or microsporia. It is noteworthy that for the disease it is not at all necessary to stroke the animal, it is enough to come into contact with its hair or with objects with which it came into contact.

From a sick person to a healthy one, trichophytes are most often transmitted - another variant of the disease that has similar clinical manifestations. Animals are the second most important source of transmission of the fungus, but more often from domestic animals, children can become infected in countryside and the more common causative agent in these cases is microsporum.

Symptoms of ringworm in children

Symptoms of ringworm in children depend both on the form of the disease and on the fungus that caused it. IN childhood almost always there is superficial trichophytosis of the scalp. Ringworm got its name from this form of the disease. The fact is that the main symptom is damage to the hair on the head, which break off at a level of 1-2 mm above the surface of the skin. It looks like the hair is cut with a clipper, hence the name "shearer".

In addition to the hair, the skin underneath also suffers. On it, rounded foci with an indistinct border appear, covered with bran-like scales. Most often, there are several foci, although in relatively rare cases the affected area may be single. On their border there are sometimes small pustules, vesicles, crusts.

Remarkable is the fact that little patients do not show any complaints - no itching, no pain, no discomfort. Because of this, often the fungus quickly spreads to healthy areas of the skin. Over time, namely after the onset of puberty in men, self-healing occurs, and in women - the transition of the disease to chronic form. Apparently, this phenomenon is associated with the hormonal state, which differs dramatically in the bodies of women and men.

Treatment of ringworm in children

Any mycosis is characterized by a rather long period of treatment, and ringworm is no exception. Modern drugs quite effectively destroy the fungus anywhere in the body, however, due to the specific localization of the pathogen in the skin, which has a fairly low permeability, apply antifungals falls within a few weeks.

The main antibiotic in the treatment of both trichophytosis and microsporia is griseofulvin. This drug is used orally at a dosage indicated by the attending physician until complete cure. Together with griseofulvin are used and local forms antifungal drugs in the form of a cream or ointment - ketoconazole, isoconazole, bifonazole, etc. For 4-6 weeks.

In recent years, powerful modern antifungal antibiotics- itraconazole (Orungal, Itrazol), terbinafine (Terbizil, Lamisil) and fluconazole (Flucostat). These drugs have a very high proven efficacy against ringworm pathogens in children (forums where practitioners describe their achievements confirm the data scientific research). The convenience of these drugs is that they can be used orally without the need for constant local treatment of the lesion. The only downside is that they are relatively high cost course of treatment, but the effectiveness is worth it.

The criterion for the effectiveness of treatment is the disappearance of external manifestations, the absence of hair glow under the Wood's lamp, the threefold absence of fungi in the material taken for microscopy from lesions. In addition to treating the patient himself, all people who have been in contact with the sick person must also be examined. When found in family members, children's institution, which is visited by a sick child, as well as in other contacts of signs of ringworm, treatment should begin immediately. Pets from which the child could become infected should also be examined by a veterinarian.

Despite the fact that the disease does not cause tragic outcomes, ringworm in children can create certain problems with the socialization of the child. A "lichen" child may well become an outcast in children's team. Therefore, the treatment of this disease must be very thorough, without any self-treatment. Mistakes in the choice of the drug, its dosage, timing of use can lead to the spread of the disease, which will inevitably affect the physical and moral condition of the patient. Only following the recommendations of a qualified dermatologist will help you quickly get rid of the disease and return the child to society.

Questions and answers on the topic "Ringworm"

Question:Hello! I have ringworm. Which doctor should I contact?

Answer: Consult a dermatologist, he will diagnose, determine the degree of skin damage, prescribe tests and treatment for ringworm. Do not forget about precautions: personal hygiene and the safety of others to prevent ringworm infection.

Question:Hello. I have a question. 2 days ago I came to my relatives and found symptoms of ringworm in their cat. I stayed in the room with the sick animal for about two hours, touched the cat's fur - but not in the infected area - and now I'm afraid that I won't get infected with lichen. When I got home, I thoroughly washed my hands and face with soap. What is the probability that I could get infected and what should I do?

Answer: Watch closely for itching and check the skin (especially on the hands) for another 30 days after exposure (which is sometimes required from infection to symptoms of ringworm). If any suspicious symptoms appear, consult a dermatologist.

Question:Hello! We adopted a kitten, after 10 days it turned out that he had ringworm. All this time the kitten did not get off our hands. My child is 8 years old, I am very afraid for her. Are there any prophylactic(ointments). I washed the whole apartment with Domestos, ironed everything, steamed it off, I disinfect everything every day, it still seems that this is not enough - the kitten has been in contact with us for ten whole days (although we took the animal to the veterinarian as soon as we took it).

Answer: None preventive treatment in that case no. Treatment will be needed only if the child still has lichen.

Question:Hello! I am 29 years old, I have 2 pregnancies, 25 weeks. A couple of months ago, my grandmother picked up a kitten, a week ago a pink spot with a clear contour appeared on my stomach, yesterday I had a scraping and I was diagnosed with ringworm. They prescribed treatment: in the morning - iodine, in the afternoon - Sulfuric ointment, in the evening - pimafucin cream. I am very concerned about the following question: what effect will ringworm and its treatment have on the baby? And I’m also afraid for my son and husband, I don’t know how to protect myself from them so as not to infect.

Answer: To exclude damage and illness of family members, try to exclude a direct contract with the affected skin area, do not sleep in the same bed with the child, change underwear 2 times a day and wash it and iron it on both sides, bed linen 1 time per day throughout the course treatment. The presence of this lichen will not affect pregnancy, but local treatment will not cause signs of damage to the fetus.

Question:My daughter's girlfriends gave her a kitten bought at a bird market for her birthday. Such a pretty kitten, fluffy, clear eyes. Who would have thought that he was contagious! Now we are treating Mariska for ringworm. The doctor says that it is necessary to shave off the hair. The daughter is not given - she has a gorgeous braid. Tell me, is it possible to save hair and how to treat this disease in general?

Answer: Today, even if microsporia occurs on the scalp, doctors do not require parents to shave off all their children's hair. You can only carefully cut out those places where there are spots that need to be treated with ointment. If there are a lot of spots and they are actively spreading, you will have to use pills. It is better to drink them with milk, and not with water or juice - in order to be better absorbed, the antifungal drug needs fats. In addition, the course of treatment often includes vitamins, restorative therapy.

Question:Hello. The fact is that my child is now suffering from ringworm for the third month and I sleep in the same bed, maybe this was the reason for this spot in my groin?

Answer: Unfortunately, in absentia it is not possible to assess whether an infection could have occurred, whether you have ringworm. Therefore, it is impossible to prescribe treatment without seeing the skin. I recommend that you take the time to visit a dermatologist. It will be necessary to take a scraping and conduct a study in the rays of a Woods lamp. Only then will it be possible to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

1 What is lichen: symptoms of its manifestation

For correct definition lichen should be aware of its symptoms and manifestations. Some forms are not dangerous to the body, while others lead to serious complications. The necessary measures should be taken when the first symptoms of pathology appear. For the treatment of lichen, it is important to know not only external manifestations but also forms.

Deprive is a whole group of diseases that have similar symptoms. All species are united by the following features:

  • pathology manifests itself in the form of dark or light spots on various parts of the whole body;
  • a general deterioration in the state of the body is not observed;
  • the main symptoms of the disease are itching, peeling and inflammation.

Causes of lichen

causative agents of lichen

Cause pityriasis versicoloryeast-like fungus Pityrosporum, which exists in one of three possible forms:

  • P. orbiculare - rounded cells;
  • P. ovale is a variety with oval cells;
  • Malassezia furfur is the so-called mycelial form.

All three variations are the same organism, capable of changing in this way, depending on the conditions.

The most common variety is ringworm. The incubation period for lichen in humans can vary depending on many factors. Most often it is from several weeks to two months.

Usually this disease is transmitted from a sick animal or person to a healthy one. The most common method of transmission of the disease is contact-household. It is also common to become infected by touching sick animals, using objects that an infected person has touched, or visiting shared areas.

Main types

Modern dermatology has several main types of lichen: bubble or herpes, flat red (plus several of its varieties), pink, herpes zoster, multi-colored, pityriasis.

Each disease is caused a certain kind fungi or viruses and has its own symptoms. At the same time, the issues of prevention for all types remain the same. To better understand how to prevent the disease, consider the main ways of transmission of infection.

pink lichen

The official name for pink lichen is dermatosis erythematous-squamous. It is still unknown what exactly causes this disease.

There is a theory about its infectious nature, since often its appearance is associated with common acute respiratory diseases. This theory is supported by the fact that in a person who has undergone pink lichen, there remains a strong immunity to this disease - more precisely, relapses of the disease are not observed.

However, there have been no cases of transmission of pink lichen from person to person. And this is the answer to the question: can lichen be non-contagious? Maybe if it's rosacea.

The maternal plaque pink lichen- a pinkish spot of an oval shape, which is slightly flaky in the center. Approximately a week after this, papular lesions appear on the limbs, in the groin. oval spots pale pinkish in color with a diameter of 1-2 cm. In this case, a person may experience flu-like symptoms. Maternal plaque often disappears by that time.

Feature these formations, similar to medallions, have a bright red border and a pale center covered with bran-like scales. Sometimes individual spots merge into larger formations. After 1.5-2 months, the disease can go away on its own, without treatment.

There are several varieties of pink lichen in humans, depending on the form of rashes: papules, urticaria and vesicles. The so-called Vidal's lichen is much less common - it manifests itself in the form of very large, slightly flaky spots.

The features of pink lichen are the maternal plaque, as well as the fact that the disease does not develop on the face, feet and hands, as well as on the head.

Separately, pink lichen Zhibera is isolated, which looks like a lot small spots the same coloration.


Ringworm is called superficial mycosis smooth skin, that is, a disease that is caused by a fungal infection. It is caused by dermatophyte fungi, and therefore ringworm refers to "dermatophytosis".

Both infections affect both smooth skin and those parts of the body on which hair grows. Both are highly contagious. This means that they can become infected through close contact with an infected object. In the case of microsporia, these are most often various furry pets.

Superficial lichen of the scalp

It often forms in the area of ​​the temples and crown, leads to brittleness and loss (the hairs break off at a distance of about 6 cm from the root, acquire a grayish faded tint).

The spots are small - no more than 5 centimeters in diameter. Usually one site is formed, with a strong infection - several, while they do not merge.

The skin is red and swollen, along the edges of the wound there are bubbles with liquid contents. When they burst, a white-yellow crust forms on the surface.

Superficial ringworm on smooth skin

Signs of disease in animals

Ringworm on the body is manifested by red rashes of a round shape. As the pathology develops, these spots become similar to plaques in the form of a ring.

The fungus exists due to skin proteins. As soon as the nutrition ends, it spreads further along the epidermis.

Therefore, ring-shaped plaques increase in diameter and grow. In the center of the ring, the skin looks healthier, and at the edges it is surrounded by a bright red border.

Photos of lichen rashes can be seen below.

Symptoms of the disease

Lichen is called a skin disease, that is we are talking, first of all, about skin manifestations illness. Some types of lichen in humans can also show other characteristic manifestations. But most often, the first symptoms of lichen appear on the skin.

What does lichen look like

To the question "What does lichen look like?" difficult to answer unambiguously. Most often they are round. small spots having a red, pinkish, brownish color.

Typically, such spots have a well-defined border - smooth, scalloped or including bubbles and crusts formed in their place. Inner surface spots - scaly or smooth flat.

The spot can also grow around the periphery and form rings and even “targets” (a ring within a ring) - this symptom is not found in all lichen.

When lichen affects the skin on which hair grows (head, beard, groin), this is reflected in the hair. So, areas of ringworm in this case look like evenly or unevenly trimmed.

When discussing the topic “What does lichen look like?”, It should be emphasized that shingles falls out of the list of lichens that appear in spots. It is characterized by rashes in the form of small vesicles (vesicles, pustules) throughout the body - most often they are located in the form of paths that pass in the same place where the nerve pathways are located in the body.

Some lichens are characterized by the Koebner phenomenon: the appearance of rashes at the site of injured skin (lichen planus, some dermatophytosis).

You should know: any rashes for which a logical explanation cannot be found (allergies, injuries, etc.) should be examined by a dermatologist, as they may turn out to be symptoms of lichen. It is better to catch the disease at an early stage than to treat extensive skin lesions and related complications later.

The first signs of depriving

On initial stage most types of lichen appear as a maternal plaque. This is the only spot that most often forms on the back or on the chest. After one to one and a half weeks after that, other spots appear.

With shingles, the symptoms will be somewhat different. In the first two days, the so-called prodrome disease, developing general malaise, weakness, a person loses his appetite, his temperature may rise.

The next stage may develop neuralgic pains, the intensity of which increases against the background of movement or hypothermia. In those areas where rashes later appear, puffiness forms in the form of spots.

With a weakened immune system, the disease leads to swelling lymph nodes, in some cases to their opening, fever, headaches, a state of general malaise.

The causative agent of the disease has several subspecies, due to which the disease has various places localization and manifestation in the body. There are the following types of ringworm:

  • Superficial, affecting the body and scalp;
  • Ringworm of a chronic course;
  • Based on the nail plate;
  • Infiltrative suppurative.

Signs of ringworm appear within 14 days of infection with the fungus, then spread to the entire hairline, body, nails. The lesions are often few and rarely reach large sizes(The most common lichen is the size of a palm).

1. Superficial lichen

The manifestation of the disease in children directly depends on its form and the fungus that caused the lichen. Almost always, children have superficial trichophytosis in the scalp.

It is because of this form that ringworm could get its name. The reason is that the disease often affects the hair on the head, which begins to break at a height of 1-2 mm.

In appearance, the manifestation of the disease resembles simply cut bald hair. It is for this reason that this type of lichen is called "ringworm".

In addition to the hair, the disease damages the skin under the hair. It shows foci having round shape and fuzzy boundaries.

Lichen scales are also observed on such spots. In most cases, the patient has several foci of the disease at once, although in rare cases the formation may be single.

In some cases, crusts, vesicles and pustules are observed at the border of the formation.

It is also curious that children often do not experience the symptoms characteristic of lichen - discomfort, pain and itching. Resulting in fungal infection begins to spread rapidly to healthy areas of the skin.

In the future, with the onset of puberty in women, the transition of the disease to a chronic form is observed, and in men - self-healing. Most likely, this feature is hormonal balance which is fundamentally different for women and men.

Lichen affects any part of the human skin, but most often the disease develops on the head. In this case, if the patient a large number of hair, the first signs of infection may go unnoticed.

In the initial stage of ringworm on the head, the signs of the disease may be subtle. A person's condition of the hair deteriorates sharply, they become dull, brittle and inelastic. The hair is losing volume. At the same time, hair damage is noted not on the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head, but on separate areas that have been exposed to the fungus.

Then the hair is destroyed. At the same time, they do not fall out, but break off at a length of about 0.5 cm.

These lesions look like areas cut with scissors (hence the name of the disease). Bald spots appear on the head.

The skin on the affected areas turns red, swells and flakes, scales form. You can see a white coating that looks like flour.

Ringworm is a common and highly contagious skin disease. He is called mushrooms Microsporum (Microsporum), hence another name "microsporia".

Fungi Microsporum - causative agents of the disease

In nature, there are about 20 species of this fungus, all of which cause skin damage. Microsporia affects skin cells and hair follicles, leads to brittleness and hair loss, the appearance of foci of inflammation and flaking of the skin.

Most often we deprive children and adolescents aged 4-15 years old., especially those who attend educational and extracurricular institutions:

  • Firstly, their skin is delicate and not dense enough, and it is easier for fungal spores to penetrate into the pores.
  • Secondly, they are more likely to come into contact with animals, which are the main source of infection.
  • Thirdly, their immune system is not fully formed, therefore, when a pathogen enters the skin, infection almost always develops.

Ringworm on the temples of a man

Risk factors and routes of infection

Ringworm in a cat is contagious to humans

The way of transmission of this disease is contact. A person can get infected from:

  1. Animal, especially a homeless person or contact with a homeless person. Most often we deprive cats, especially kittens, get sick. A seasonal surge of microsporia in humans is observed in August-September, when cats give birth to offspring. Less often, but still get sick ringworm deprives the dog. Spores of the fungus Microsporum are found on the hair and skin cells of a sick animal.
  2. From another person- by direct contact with the skin or through household items. The spores are extremely tenacious, they persist in the external environment for up to 3 months. There is a risk of infection through the skin in public places.

Getting on the skin of a healthy person, Microsporum does not necessarily cause disease. Weakened immunity, existing skin inflammations and wounds increase the risk of developing microsporia several times.

What does ringworm look like? Diagnostics

Not always the infection is localized exactly at the site of infection. Most often, lichen occurs on the skin of the face, neck and shoulders, scalp, less often on the palms and feet.

Scales and vesicles on the skin from lichen

On the skin

  • Oval reddish spots appear on the skin ranging in size from half a centimeter to 7 centimeters in diameter.
  • Often there are several spots on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin that merge into one. Usually there are no more than 3 large foci.
  • The skin soon becomes covered with scales and crusts (in the center), and vesicles (rashes) form around the perimeter of the spot.
  • The spots have clearly defined borders, along the edge there is a bubble "roller".

Red spot with clear borders on the skin

At purulent form on the entire affected area there are abscesses of different sizes.

The skin at the site of the lesion is red and swollen, the swelling extends beyond the lesion.

On the scalp

If the infection is localized on the scalp, on examination, formations around the root of each hair are noticeable.

Microsporia on the scalp: fungus around each root

The fungus grows inside hair bulb filling it and damaging the hair root. Therefore, it becomes weak and brittle, falls out easily and painlessly if it is pulled with tweezers.

The patient complains of itching, often scratching the wound. Manifestations of the disease occur 5-7 days after infection.

When infected from person to person incubation period can take up to a month and a half.


Diagnosis of microsporia: scraping of lichen scales for further analysis

If microsporia is suspected, an additional examination is prescribed:

  1. Microscopy of the scales of the affected area, which helps to establish the type of pathogen;
  2. Bakposev scales on nutrient media;
  3. The luminescent method (using a Wood's lamp) allows you to assess the extent of the lesion.

The data of these studies help to distinguish microsporia from dermatoses of various origins.

Classification and symptoms of microsporia

Depending on the location of the infection, 4 types of microsporia are distinguished:

It often forms in the area of ​​the temples and crown, leads to brittleness and loss (the hairs break off at a distance of about 6 cm from the root, acquire a grayish faded tint).

The spots are small - no more than 5 centimeters in diameter. Usually one site is formed, with a strong infection - several, while they do not merge.

The skin is red and swollen, along the edges of the wound there are bubbles with liquid contents. When they burst, a white-yellow crust forms on the surface.

It occurs most often on the face, neck, shoulders, and arms. Small areas are formed, up to 4 cm in diameter, their number can reach 30 pieces.

Each speck is characterized by the presence of white scales in the center and a small rash along the edges.

During the first days of the disease, grayish areas with scaly skin appear on the skin, and after a few days a bubble roller forms along the edge of the focus of infection.

Chronic ringworm

Combines the previous two, often affects the area of ​​the elbows and knees, buttocks.

The foci of inflammation do not have a bubble rim, but smoothly pass into healthy skin.

It strikes deep tissues, develops against the background of the joined bacterial infection, which penetrates through the affected areas of the skin.

Usually this form of ringworm occurs when improper treatment, combing the wound dirty hands, as well as against the backdrop of serious concomitant diseases(diabetes, autoimmune).

Often the patient's temperature rises, the lymph nodes closest to the site of infection increase and become inflamed.


Immediately after the diagnosis of the patient with ringworm should be isolated from other family members, his personal belongings should be disinfected - otherwise, after treatment, re-infection may occur.

We deprive the patient of the clothes, it is necessary to wash at high temperature and be sure to iron

At the time of treatment, the patient needs to allocate individual means hygiene (separate soap, towel, etc.) that are gently disinfected regularly.

Wash clothes, towels, bed linen separately, with powder, at a temperature not lower than 60 degrees.

An effective treatment regimen for ringworm

Griseofulvin tablets

Mushroom mycelium develops rapidly, sprouting into the pores of the skin.

That's why local treatment often it is not enough, and the doctor prescribes a combination: external therapy and oral antifungal drugs.

One of the most efficient schemes treatments for adults and children griseofulvin for internal use.

Tablets are prescribed for adults, suspension for children (it has a pleasant texture and sweet taste). The drug quickly stops the growth of mushroom mycelium.

Griseofulvin is used in courses (there are two options):

  • First - once every two days for two weeks, then another 2 weeks - twice a week.
  • The second option is to take the drug every day for 10 days, then take a three-day break - and again a 10-day course.

The regimen is prescribed by the doctor, focusing on the results of the tests.

Outwardly, sulfur-salicylic or sulfur-tar ointment is prescribed.

When prescribing treatment, the doctor takes into account the presence of other diseases, general state health, allergies to medicines.

Ointments and gels

Clotrimazole ointment

Used for local treatment. They allow you to suppress the activity of the pathogen, stimulate fast healing skin.

After complete healing local funds should be used for at least another week.

Clotrimazole is an antifungal drug that is used to treat fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes.

Also apply:

  • Ketoconazole;
  • Lamisil;
  • Bifonazon;
  • Sulfur-tar ointment;
  • Sulfur-salicylic ointment.


Lamisil spray

They are used to clean the wound from scales, as well as for antifungal treatment.

Often the doctor prescribes them as an addition to ointments - to enhance the effect and to prevent the formation of resistance to the drug.

Most often used:

  • tincture of iodine.


Terbizil tablets

If the patient has hypersensitivity to Griseofulvin, you can use:

  1. - take 1-2 times a day, depending on the dosage. Minimum exchange rate treatment - two weeks. With microsporia of the scalp, the duration of treatment with the drug increases to 6 weeks.
  2. Imidazole 1 tablet is prescribed daily for 1-2 months, depending on the degree of infection.


Microsporia often occurs against the background of reduced immunity and beriberi. Therefore, during treatment, it is necessary to include more fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, dairy products, lean meats.

Do not eat foods that have been stored for a long time or could have spoiled

Avoid sweets yeast baking, products obtained by fermentation, alcohol. Blue cheeses, sweet drinks and juices, pickled vegetables, smoked meats and semi-finished products are also contraindicated.

Since the immune system is weakened by a fungal infection, vegetables and fruits are best peeled, and refuse products that have been stored for some time and theoretically may be susceptible to mold, so as not to aggravate the course of the disease.

Hygiene measures in contact with the sick

If there is a patient with ringworm in the family, you can not use common household items with him. The treatment of the skin should be carried out with gloves, before and after manipulations, wash hands with soap and water.

Household items in the apartment must be disinfected! To do this, you can use a solution of soda

Even if you just talked to the patient without contact with the wounds, you need to wash your hands.

Shared items (door handles, surfaces that the patient may have come into contact with) should be disinfected regularly.

Patients with ringworm are not allowed in children's and educational establishments, swimming pools and baths. Until the final recovery, it is better to stay at home to minimize the risk of infecting other people.


You can get ringworm even in a hairdresser - through poorly sterilized tools. Therefore, it is important to choose trusted hairdressers and ensure that you get a clean and sterile haircut.

Be sure to check your pets regularly for lichen.

Microsporia is a very common and contagious disease, therefore:

  • After visiting public places and transport, you need to wash your hands. Be sure to wash your hands after contact with animals, especially stray ones.
  • If the pet lives in an apartment or in the yard, can come into contact with foreign animals, you need to regularly inspect it and vaccinate it.
  • It is important to support immune system and stick proper nutrition to treat on time chronic infections, disinfect scratches and damage to the skin.

After the end of treatment, the patient should undergo a control examination for several months (2-3 times - a week after the end of treatment, then - after 2-3 months).

Children who have been ill with ringworm should be observed by a doctor throughout the year and undergo repeated examinations.

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