Abyssinian (rosette) guinea pig. Rosette guinea pigs: how to care for and what to feed at home Rosette guinea pig care

The guinea pig is a wonderful and easy pet to care for and keep. In love and care, it will live 5 - 15 years. Although there are mortal dangers that lie in wait for your cute animal on the path of life.

The most harmful for guinea pigs:
1. Overheating - the animal can die in a few minutes. In no case should a friend be placed in direct sunlight, especially in an aquarium, glass jar, and even a cage.
2. Hypothermia and draft. Guinea pigs are from warm countries, so they need moderate warmth.
3. Food from our table.
4. Communication with sick animals, especially with adult guinea pigs. This is important if you decide to get a couple for the beast. A new piglet may be outwardly healthy, but in the latent period of some kind of illness. Therefore, quarantine must be observed: the “old” and “new” pigs must live separately for at least 23 days (this is the incubation period for distemper, a very dangerous disease).
5. Grass with dew. It causes bloating in the guinea pig.

To keep a guinea pig, you need to have inventory:
1. House: a cage for rodents or for birds with a little alteration is suitable. You can also use an aquarium without a lid. If you have a cat, the aquarium can be closed with a lid two-thirds.
2. Drinker. A special drinker is sold in pet stores. It is quite inexpensive. Attaches to the wall of the aquarium or cage.
3. A scoop, you can use a plastic toy, for cleaning.

Consumables - bedding: tyrsa, or hay, or cat litter. The tyrsa must be large, otherwise the powder may get into the nose or even close the airways. Tyrsa and hay are changed 1 time in 1-2 days (the reference point is the smell: if it smells, they are late with the cleaning). The best option is cat litter made from pressed wood waste. Its advantages are economy (you have to change much less often, when almost all the granules are scattered, that is, after 3-5 days), and almost complete absorption of odor. Try different granule options and choose the one that suits you best. There is no smell for 3-4 days.

What is useful to know about caring for a guinea pig:
1. Movement. Therefore, if her house is small, the animal should be let out for a walk in the fenced sector of the house or in the yard. A guinea pig walk is fun for the whole family because these animals are exceptionally cute and funny.
2. Communication. They are very social and affectionate pets. If a guinea pig is alone, she is sad. You have to talk to her, pick her up several times a day. From such communication you will get a lot of pleasure and positive.
3. Light. The house of a pig, especially a small one, must be placed in a bright place, otherwise rickets may develop.

Guinea pig food and nutrition:
A guinea pig needs very little food. We must remember that these animals are strict vegetarians! What to feed:
1. Grass, hay, straw. Up to 50% of the diet. In summer, it is fresh grass, dried. Do not give plants that cause bloating (as for rabbits). In winter it is hay or straw. They can be prepared in the summer or bought at a pet store. Healthy and favorite treats are dandelion grass.
2. Grain. This is about 30% of the diet. The best option is to buy a balanced diet for guinea pigs. The composition for hand decorative rats or rabbits is also suitable.
3. Fresh vegetables. Up to 20% of the diet. It is good to give cucumbers (but not early ones, greenhouse ones, otherwise the guinea pig may be poisoned by chemicals), carrots, apples. Sometimes you can use a little dried cabbage leaf.
4. Little by little you can give crackers.
Drink fresh water (change it daily). It is very useful to add a few drops of lemon juice to the water (based on the volume of the drinker). Small piglets also need to add calcium gluconate to the water, especially in winter. To do this, take 1/2 tablet of the drug for a drinker of 50-70 ml, rub it and pour it into the water. Lemon juice helps calcium dissolve quickly.

Guinea pigs should not be given: any food from our table: boiled, fried, salted, sweet, canned. Grass with dew. Fresh bread. Buryachok. Potatoes. Legumes. Berries. Nuts.

The first signs of guinea pig disease:
1. Poor appetite.
2. Pig doesn't "talk".
3. Diarrhea in an animal.
4. Runny nose or cough.
5. Lethargy, desire to hide in a corner of the house.
6. Sticky wool.
7. Inflammation of the eye (conjunctivitis).
8. The legs are "taken away".

A healthy guinea pig may occasionally sneeze if bedding crumbs get into the nose. When you see that the baby does not come out, try to drip the spout with saline, Saline drops, or just boiled water. Please note: if you notice any signs of illness in your guinea pig, contact your veterinarian immediately! An already sick animal is difficult to save. Easier to protect him from trouble.

Very often, caring owners of guinea pigs make a gross mistake in caring for them by bathing them much more often than is actually necessary. It should be noted that bathing is a rather unpleasant procedure for any guinea pig, causing her a stress reaction that has a negative effect on the functional state of the whole organism, which can then manifest itself in the form of various diseases. You need to bathe your pig only as a last resort, when this is the only way to get rid of wool contamination. If bathing cannot be avoided, then first you need to prepare a bowl filled with water at room temperature to a height of 2-3 cm from its bottom. For bathing, you can use only baby shampoo in case of emergency. Try to wash only contaminated areas of the guinea pig's body, avoiding getting water on the animal's head. After washing, wrap the pig in a terry towel, and then dry thoroughly. If the air temperature in the room is less than 19°C, it is necessary to dry the rodent's hair with a hair dryer, being careful not to frighten the animal. Please note that immediately after bathing, the guinea pig's sensitivity to drafts and cold increases significantly, as a result of which it needs more careful and attentive care.
Too long claws of a guinea pig significantly impede its free movement, therefore it is necessary to cut them regularly with sharp scissors or special tongs, while observing the utmost care so as not to harm the animal. In no case should you cut the claws too short, as you can touch the nerve endings or blood vessels, which will cause severe and excruciating pain to the rodent, and can also provoke an infection. If they are not very long, then it is better to use a nail file, which is more secure. On average, guinea pig nails are trimmed about 1-2 times a year. Animals less than one year old do not need to undergo this procedure.


Short-haired and rosette pigs are engaged in a personal toilet on their own.

Using claws and teeth, they clean and comb their fur coat. The animal, however, certainly will not be harmed if from time to time we comb it with a brush and wipe it with a dry cloth.

Frequent brushing is essential for long haired gilts. This is necessary not only so that it does not fall into tangles, but also for skin massage. If the wool in some area is tangled into a lump, then it is simply carefully cut out with scissors. For combing wool, you should use special combs and brushes. Angora pigs can be cut before the onset of summer. For long-haired beauties who have become mothers, shortening of the hair around the nipples is also recommended to make it easier for babies to find milk.

The most demanding, of course, is the Angora breed, that is, the Peruvian pig, because of its coat, which reaches 20 cm in length. Such an animal must be brushed (with a soft brush) at least once a week - and preferably two or three times a week - to prevent tangling of the coat. Brushing provides silky shine to the hair, but only in combination with an appropriate diet. If you feed a pig inappropriately, its coat will remain dull, no matter how you take care of it. Sunflower seeds and flaxseeds will be very beneficial for the coat, taking into account certain ingredients contained in these seeds. (Caution must be exercised, however, as these are oilseeds, and an excessive proportion of them in the feed can cause the animal to become obese.)
Caring for long haired guinea pigs. Long-haired guinea pigs need daily brushing and combing. Train your guinea pig for this procedure from an early age. Take the animal to your knees, having previously spread a towel. Detangle your hair with a long-toothed comb. Animal hair can be slightly moistened with water from a spray bottle - the comb will touch and pull the hair less. Comb the fur with a soft brush to a shine. Any areas that are stuck together or matted, especially at the back of the body, are trimmed with scissors or washed with a special anti-hairball shampoo for cats (commercially available at pet stores). Then dry the fur with a hair dryer.
Lack of adequate solid food can lead to overgrowth of teeth. In a guinea pig, like all rodents, the front teeth (incisors) are constantly growing, even if they use them intensively. There is a considerable danger in this, since too long teeth make it difficult to eat, and their sharp ends can pierce the tongue or gums. As a result, the animal stops eating altogether, and the intervention of a veterinarian is required. In addition to solid food, it is recommended to give the pig to chew on various (safe for her) objects.
In addition to caring for the teeth, an important element of caring for a guinea pig is keeping its claws in proper condition. The point is that they do not grow too long, because this would impede the movement of the animal. In bred guinea pigs, the claws do not wear off on their own to a sufficient extent, so the owner is obliged to help them with this. However, this should be done very carefully and only when absolutely necessary. In this case, you need another person to care for the animal. The most suitable tool is sharp special scissors or tongs for cutting claws.

Too long claws are shortened with special scissors or tongs for claws, while making sure not to damage living tissue. Slight excess length of the incisors is eliminated with a nail file, and very long teeth are trimmed with sharp special scissors. However, if you have never performed this kind of operation before, entrust it to an experienced person.

Pay attention to the blood vessels. You can’t cut the claws too short, because nerves and blood vessels pass in their upper parts. Damage to this living tissue causes excruciating pain to the animal, the wound heals for a long time, and chronic infection can occur as a complication. In a situation where living tissue is damaged, first of all, it is necessary to stop the bleeding with an astringent (for example, a lapis stick), and then take care of cell hygiene as much as possible in order to prevent infection.

Nail clipping in rodents is performed at about the age of 1 year, then 1-2 times a year. In nature, they grind naturally on sand and stones, and at home they grow excessively, which brings inconvenience and pain to pigs.

The cut must match the profile of the claw To prevent the claws from crumbling, special tweezers should be used (available at the pet store).

Nails must be carefully trimmed. It is better to do this with a lamp "in the light" so as not to make a mistake and not damage the blood vessels. It is easy to recognize the place to which a claw can be trimmed in animals with a light color. Examining the claw in the light, you will see translucent blood vessels; cutting is allowed only within the transparent area. To do this, you need special scissors or tongs for cutting claws. During this procedure, the pig must be held carefully, but firmly - it will strive to pull the paw out of your fingers. And one more thing: try to keep the cutting edge across the claw. It may crack if cut at an angle.

If the nails are dark, it is very difficult to determine the location of the blood vessels. In this case, this procedure should be carried out together: one holds the guinea pig and illuminates the claws from below with a spotlight, the other cuts.
Ears should also be checked regularly. If necessary, carefully clean the ears of dust and dirt with a paper handkerchief. Never use cotton swabs! Dirty ears that emit an unpleasant odor can be affected by ear mites: usually the animal tilts its head towards the affected ear. If you notice these symptoms, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.
Small formations, crusts in the corners of the eyes are best removed with a damp, soft paper handkerchief. Unexpected profuse lacrimation indicates inflammation or a wound. In this case, you need to seek help from a veterinarian.

Roset guinea pigs
(also called Abyssinian) are one of the most beloved and popular breeds of guinea pigs. This breed is ideal for beginners. These are funny and friendly pets, which are easy to care for. There are a large number of different guinea pig breeds, differing from each other primarily in the length, texture and color of the coat. Roset guinea pigs inherited their name due to the unusual structure of the coat: throughout the body of the Abyssinian guinea pigs are located wool sockets. It seems that the pig slept very restlessly, turning from side to side, and in the morning it was not combed. It should be noted that other breeds of guinea pigs can also have rosettes on wool, but only Abyssinians are called rosette guinea pigs. Abyssinian (rosette) breed appeared due to a mutation in the wool gene, which led to the appearance of rosettes on the body of the animal. The breed originated in England in 1861, eventually spread throughout Europe and America and was one of the most popular breeds in the 20th century. But modern rosette guinea pigs differ from their ancestors because they are a cross between Peruvian and smooth-coated guinea pigs, and the true rosette breed is now considered lost. Sockets have a short hard coat no more than 4 cm long, it does not adhere to the body, but “stands upright”. The limits of the norm are 8-12 outlets. A rosette on the nose is welcome, but if it is not present, this is not considered a disadvantage.

The main criterion for evaluating rosette pigs at exhibitions is socket quality, not their number. All rosettes should be well-formed, circular in shape, and emerge from point centers. The joints of the sockets form even ridges.

In addition to wool, breeds of guinea pigs also differ in body type and some other characteristics (just wool is the most obvious distinguishing feature, noticeable even to a non-specialist). So, in rosette pigs, the body resembles a square in silhouette. The pig itself should look symmetrical: at first glance it seems disheveled, but if you look closely, you understand that the rosettes break its body into even squares. Also, Abyssinians can have almond-shaped eyes, although this is unacceptable for other breeds. Representatives of this breed can have a wide variety of coat colors, including white, gold, brown, chocolate and red. Color can be either monophonic or combined. Rosette gilts are easy to care for, just brush your pet gently about once a week to remove dead hairs.

Rosette guinea pigs are very friendly. They quickly become attached to the owner, are usually completely non-aggressive and get along well with children. - very positive and playful animals. They are extremely mobile, so you need to play with them as often as possible, and also let them out of the cage for at least an hour every day. If you cannot devote enough time to your pet, it makes sense to get a companion for the pig, since Abyssinians get along well with other breeds of guinea pigs. It is only better that the companion be of the same sex, especially if you do not plan to have offspring from pigs.

It is worth considering that rosette guinea pigs are considered a difficult breed to breed, so if you have very little knowledge of breeding guinea pigs, it is best not to try to breed offspring from your Abyssinians. For example, experienced breeders know that it is forbidden to cross Abyssinians with long-haired breeds or with breeds with a different form of rosettes.

Rosette guinea pig (Abyssinian breed) was last modified: December 3rd, 2014 by allpets1

Update: May 2018

Guinea pig (from Latin cavia porcellus - small pig) is a domesticated rodent of the pig family, which belongs to the genus of pigs. The animal is a small, usually up to one and a half kilograms, well-fed animal with hanging ears, bulging large eyes and a wide muzzle. The huge popularity of the rodent is due to its attractive appearance, unpretentiousness, good-natured and trusting character and peaceful temperament. The guinea pig is the safest pet for preschool children.

The rodent got its name, which at first sounded like “overseas pig”, in Russia precisely due to the fact that it arrived from across the sea, and in shape the head of the animal resembled the head of a pig. The animal is also called kewi, kevey or guinea pig.

All individuals of the genus can be conditionally divided into 5 breed subgroups:

  1. Shorthair (Self, agouti, satin, Dalmatian, two- and three-color, and many others).
  2. Longhair (Merino, Peruvian, Texel, Alpaca, Angora, Coronet, Sheltie).
  3. Wirehaired (Rex, Abyssinian, American Teddy).
  4. Completely without wool (skinny, baldwin).
  5. Rare breeds (kui, harlequin, rainbow, havana, etc.).

Keivy were domesticated in the 5th millennium BC. e. Indian tribes in the territory of modern Peru, Colombia, Ecuador. The Indians worshiped guinea pigs and depicted them on art objects.

Distinctive features of the genus:
  • Dimensions: body length - 25 - 35 cm; weight - from 700 to 1500 gr. Some breeds may vary in size. For example, kui reach a weight of 4 kg and a length of 50 cm.
  • The length of the coat and the color of the animal depend on the breed. Color options are varied: white, cream, agouti, golden, red, chocolate, black, two- and three-color.
  • The daily routine is similar to the human one: they are awake during the day, they sleep no more than 4-6 hours at night.
  • They have a perfect sense of smell, good eyesight (can distinguish some colors) and excellent hearing.
  • They don't like water, but they can swim.
  • All breeds (even long-haired ones) shed moderately, but throughout the year.
  • They prefer to live in a group of their own kind.
  • Very clean animals, wash their paws like cats.
  • They love society and the caress of a person, they become smarter in the process of taming.
  • They are afraid of colds, drafts, overheating and falls from a height of more than 20 cm.
  • Kewis are coprophages, they eat their droppings, which is associated with the peculiarity of the gastrointestinal tract: vitamins are absorbed only after going through the digestive process twice.
  • Keeping with birds is unacceptable, especially with parrots of any kind.

There should be two feeders - for green food and for dry. Choose stable bowls, preferably ceramic ones, so that the animal cannot turn them over.

Photo of guinea pigs

Choosing a cage, place and accessories for it

The guinea pig is an unpretentious pet, the maintenance and care of which is quite simple. The most convenient size of a wire cage tray for keeping a pair of guinea pigs at home is 120 × 60 cm. Sawdust or other filler from a pet store is poured onto the tray with a layer of 3–5 cm. paws.

The height of the cage should be from 30 to 50 cm, which will give the animals the opportunity to stand on their hind legs. You can install one cage on top of another to save space. The cage should be placed in a bright place, but without direct sunlight. It is very important to protect the animals from drafts. The optimal average daily temperature for keeping a rodent is 18 - 20C˚. In summer, animals can be kept outdoors, for example, in a garden, protected from light.

Many people prefer a closed terrarium to the cage. This is due to the fact that the filler flies over a long distance from the first. The terrarium protects well from drafts, but it is more problematic to fix a hammock, salt stones, a drinking bowl and other accessories in it. On the other hand, the cage is more breathable, and it is easier to take the animal out for communication. Mandatory cage accessories:

  • drinker;
  • two feeders;
  • flat stone for grinding claws;
  • salt stone or mineral salt wheels;
  • tree branches;
  • hammock, ladders, shelves, manholes (optional).

In pet stores there are houses for rodents made of different materials: bark, wood, plastic. Although, experts do not recommend buying a house for Kevy. The pet may become less tame and contact, he will spend all his free time in solitude.

The cage is cleaned 1-2 times a week. Usually pigs go to the same place when they need it, so you can teach them to defecate in a special tray and change it daily.

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Guinea pigs feel calm and comfortable only in the company of a relative partner. This is inherent in their evolution and is due to the life of the Cave in the wild. It is easier to keep two or more females in one cage. If you have two boys, they should be provided with enough territory, food and water to avoid quarrels. In extreme cases, the animals can be separated by a thin wire partition, through which they will see each other and sniff. Keeping heterosexual couples should not be practiced in order to avoid uncontrolled reproduction.

Members of the Federal Association of Practitioners (Germany) proved that 50% of Kevy's behavior consists of social communication with their own kind. In many European countries (Germany, Holland, Austria) it is forbidden to keep social animals alone. This includes the Hawaiian pig.


If there is enough space in the cage and there is an opportunity to “have fun” (hammock, ladders and other attractions), then walking the pet is not necessary. But if the cage is too small or, apart from the feeder and drinker, there is nothing in it, you can periodically organize walks for the pigs. In order to avoid such troubles as gnawed furniture or damaged carpet, it is better to build a special fenced enclosure. You can let the pigs out to run in the fresh air, but they need to be carefully monitored so that they do not run away into some kind of mink or become the prey of a larger animal.

Dental care

How you take care of your guinea pig's front teeth is very important. They require special attention. Like all rodents, they grow throughout their lives and require constant grinding. Usually the animals themselves grind off the excess on the young branches of fruit trees, but sometimes they need help. The incisors can grow long enough to pierce the tongue or gums. It also happens that Kevy has an incorrect incisor position from birth. In this case, you have to go to the veterinarian every 3-4 months to shorten the overgrown teeth.

Ear care

Eye care

When discharge or crusts appear in the corners of the eyes, they are carefully removed with a napkin dipped in boiled water. Excessive lacrimation or redness of the eyelids symbolizes an eye disease and requires an immediate examination by a specialist.

Nail care

Nails need to be cut from the age of 1 year. Do this 1-2 times a year. For clipping, use a sharp nail cutter for cutting the nails of cats or small breeds of dogs. In order not to injure your pet, first read on the Internet how the procedure is carried out. For professional help, you can contact your veterinarian. A damaged blood vessel passing through the claw heals for a very long time and is painful. A wound can provoke an infection and blood poisoning.

Hair care

Short-haired and rosette individuals need to be combed 1-2 times a week. Each time after you hold the pig in your arms, a small amount of hair remains from it. This is the norm. Just like the fact that there are small bald patches behind the ears of a rodent.

Long-haired breeds comb daily. First with a long-toothed comb, then with a soft brush. To facilitate combing, you can slightly moisten the fur with water from a spray bottle. Felled wool that cannot be untangled is trimmed with sharp scissors.


They bathe the animals only in case of emergency: if the wool got dirty in the ground, the animal had diarrhea, etc. A shallow plastic bowl is suitable for bathing. Water is poured into it to a level of 3 - 4 cm from the bottom. The water temperature should not exceed 38C˚. The pig is bathed using baby shampoo for the smallest or a special veterinary shampoo for rodents. While swimming, keep your ears, eyes and nose out of the water. The bathed animal should be wiped dry with a warm towel. Long-haired individuals must be dried with a hair dryer using warm, not hot air. A freshly bathed pet is very sensitive to drafts and cold temperatures.


Feeding a pig is one of the most important factors in the harmonious development and good health of a pet. From the wrong menu, kewis quickly get sick and die. Ideally, the diet of a rodent consists of the following types of food:

  1. Hay - 60% - should always be in abundance for a guinea pig (choose hay that is pleasantly smelling and greenish, in no case musty).
  2. A balanced grain mix from a pet store - 20% - is not recommended to make it yourself, as many cereals are prohibited for Cavey.
  3. Grass - 20% - this also includes fresh vegetables and fruits.
  4. Salt or mineral salt stone.
  5. Young branches - fruit trees or spruce, willow, aspen (in unlimited quantities).
  6. Homemade crackers, without flavorings and dyes - give occasionally in a small amount.

In terms of nutrition, the Hawaiian pig is a very gentle creature, therefore, when offering new food to the animal, it is necessary to constantly monitor whether the product has caused indigestion. What suits one individual may provoke diarrhea or allergies in another.

Important feeding rules:

  • In the drinking bowl of rodents, fresh water with vitamin C dissolved in it should always be poured (the required dosage is checked with the veterinarian in accordance with the weight and number of individuals in the cage).
  • There should always be hay in the cage, even in summer, when there is a lot of fresh greenery.
  • Guinea pigs are fed twice a day, large breeds - three times.
  • Serving size for feeding per pig - 1 - 2 tablespoons of feed.
  • Popular in pet stores, cereal sticks with honey can be given no more than 2 times a week as a treat.
  • Many herbs are deadly for rodents, so you can only give 5 to 10 items that you are sure of.

Some poisonous herbs:

  • Parsnip.
  • Lilac.
  • Bindweed.
  • Iris.
  • Chestnut.
  • Ambrosia.
  • Buttercup.
  • Hawthorn.
  • Lily of the valley.
  • Laurel.
  • Burdock.
  • Spinach.
  • Sorrel.
  • Dandelion flowers and stems (leaves and roots can be given).
  • Scilla.

Allowed herbs for Cavey:

  • Anise.
  • Pansies.
  • Plantain.
  • Leaves and roots of dandelion.
  • Melissa.
  • Lettuce.
  • Peppermint.
  • Chamomile.
  • Linden.
  • Calendula.
  • Clover (with caution, there is bloating).
  • Strawberry.
  • Cowberry.
  • Coriander.
  • Yarrow.
  • Caraway.
  • Rose hip.
  • Blueberry.
  • Alfalfa.
  • Wheatgrass.
  • Sedge.


Preparing for pregnancy

Despite the fact that the animals reach sexual maturity early, experts recommend bringing them together at the age of at least 10 months. When choosing a pair, give preference to individuals of the same breed and age category. Future parents should not be related. Obese individuals should also be excluded. A week before the expected mating, increase the amount of vitamin E in the diet of animals.

It is advisable to plan a future pregnancy so that fertilization takes place no later than November, then the female will have time to feed the offspring before the spring molt. Otherwise, the combination of lactation and molting can be fatal for a female that has weakened after pregnancy. For the same reason, it is not recommended to cover females more often than three, and rare breeds that are difficult to care for and breed, twice a year.

Estrus in guinea pigs lasts 2 days, repeating every 12 to 20 days. The most favorable period for fertilization is the first 12 hours. It is not difficult to notice the readiness of a pig to become a mother, she takes a characteristic pose: she raises her back, spreading her legs and freezing motionless. Males are almost always ready to mate.

The fertilized guinea pig is placed in a separate cage. If the next estrus has not come, then this indicates a pregnancy that will last about 10 weeks. Multiple pregnancies may result in earlier births.

Guinea pig toxicosis

The so-called toxicosis can become a big problem during the bearing of young. This is a painful condition that is characteristic of many individuals in the last weeks of pregnancy or the first days after childbirth. Often this condition leads to the death of the animal. Manifestations of toxicosis:

  • Muscle cramps.
  • Loss of appetite or complete refusal to eat.
  • Profuse salivation.
  • Tousled dull fur.

The causes of toxicosis are malnutrition, lack of water or vitamins, stress or multiple pregnancy. It is necessary to isolate the pregnant female from all these factors and provide her with special care.

Caring for a pregnant female

  • Calm walks 1 - 2 times a day.
  • Stable temperature and humidity in the room.
  • Content in a cage with an area of ​​at least 1200 - 1500 cm 2.
  • Lack of stress - it is not recommended to take the pig in your hands (it can provoke a miscarriage), stroke it, often or for a long time to clean the cage.
  • A varied diet - in the first half of pregnancy, the feed rate is increased by 1/3, in the second - 2 times.
  • In addition to drinking water, they offer rosehip broth, milk and tomato juice.
  • Mineral and vitamin supplements for food (according to the recommendation and dosage of a veterinarian).
  • Installation in a cage house with a nest of fresh hay.
  • For hygiene purposes, long-haired females need to be trimmed a few days before giving birth.

Birth and care of babies

Childbirth usually passes quickly and without features, lasting no more than 30 minutes. Newborns are born sighted, hearing and with developed incisors. Weight ranges from 50 to 140 gr. Litter contains an average of 3 - 5 individuals. The cubs grow rapidly, on the 2nd - 3rd day they begin to eat the food familiar to adults. By the month they become full-fledged guinea pigs, which can be planted from their mother.

It may happen that the mother dies during childbirth or after them from toxicosis. Then the best option would be to plant the offspring with another female, since it is better for babies to be among relatives. It is usually possible to feed orphans with diluted dry cream from a pipette. Be sure to provide crumbs with access to eating the litter of adult pets. If by the 17th - 20th day of life the weight of the cubs has increased by 2 times, then we can assume that they are saved and develop normally.

From unviable babies born with a weight of up to 40 grams, unfortunately, you need to get rid of immediately. They are almost impossible to get out and, even if possible, individuals will be too weak and painful for a full life.

It is a contagious, deadly viral disease. There is no cure, so the animal will have to be euthanized. Symptoms: weakness, apathy, convulsions, incoordination, paralysis.


This is a common bacterial disease in the mumps family, leading to paralysis of the limbs. A sick animal should be isolated and urgently taken to a veterinarian. Symptoms: diarrhea, refusal to feed, exhaustion.

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis

It is a contagious, incurable disease that can be transmitted to humans. Symptoms: shortness of breath, convulsions, pleurisy, fever.

Attention! The normal body temperature of a guinea pig is 37 - 39.5 C˚.


The causative agent is a bacterium of the genus Salmonella, which causes intestinal infections. Symptoms: diarrhea, lethargy, apathy, refusal to feed.


This is a dangerous incurable disease, the affected individual should be destroyed. The causative agent is a Gram-negative, non-motile ovoid rod. Symptoms: purulent runny nose, sneezing, abscesses on the skin, wheezing, diarrhea, convulsions.

Signs of a sick animal:

  • Apathetic and lethargic behavior.
  • The desire of the pet to retire, hide in the corner of the cage or house.
  • Dull and tousled fur.
  • Discharge from eyes or nose.
  • Dirty or wet fur around the anus.

There are a large number of different ones that differ from each other primarily in the length, texture and color of the coat. One of the most unusual breeds - rosette guinea pigs(they are also called Abyssinian).

Rosette guinea pigs got their name due to the unusual structure of the coat: throughout the body of the Abyssinian guinea pigs are rosettes of wool. It seems that the pig slept very restlessly, turning from side to side, and in the morning it was not combed. In general, other breeds of guinea pigs may also have rosettes, but most often it is Abyssinians who are called rosette guinea pigs.

The Abyssinian (rosette) breed appeared due to a mutation in the wool gene, which caused the appearance of rosettes of wool on the body of guinea pigs. It originated in England in 1861, gradually spread throughout Europe and America and was one of the most popular breeds in the 20th century. However, modern rosette guinea pigs differ from their ancestors because they are a cross between Peruvian and smooth-coated guinea pigs, and the true rosette breed is now thought to be lost.

Rosette guinea pigs have a short stiff coat no more than 4 cm long, it does not adhere to the body, but “stands on end”. Ideally, Abyssinians should have 10 sockets: 4 on the back and on the back, 1 on the shoulders. The limits of the norm are 8-12 outlets. A rosette on the nose is welcome, but if it is not present, this is not considered a disadvantage.

But at the same time the main criterion for evaluating rosette pigs at exhibitions is the quality of rosettes, not their quantity. All rosettes should be well-formed, circular in shape, and emerge from point centers. The joints of the sockets form even ridges.

In addition to wool, breeds of guinea pigs also differ in body type and some other characteristics (just wool is the most obvious distinguishing feature, noticeable even to a non-specialist). So, in rosette pigs, the body resembles a square in silhouette. The pig itself should look symmetrical: at first glance it seems disheveled, but if you look closely, you understand that sockets break her body into even squares. Also, Abyssinians can have almond-shaped eyes, although this is unacceptable for other breeds.

Abyssinians can have a wide variety of coat colors., including white, gold, brown, chocolate and red. Color can be either monophonic or combined. Rosette gilts are easy to care for, just brush your pet gently about once a week to remove dead hairs.

Rosette guinea pigs are one of the most popular breeds due not only to their unusual appearance, but also friendly character. Abyssinian guinea pigs quickly become attached to the owner, they are usually completely non-aggressive and get along well with children.

Abyssinian guinea pigs are very funny and mischievous animals.. They are extremely mobile, so you need to play with them as often as possible, and also let them out of the cage for at least an hour every day. If you cannot devote enough time to your pet, it makes sense to get a companion for the pig, since Abyssinians get along well with other breeds of guinea pigs. It is only better that the companion be of the same sex, especially if you do not plan to have offspring from pigs.

By the way, about offspring. It is worth considering that rosette guinea pigs are considered a difficult breed to breed, so if you have very little knowledge of breeding guinea pigs, it is best not to try to breed offspring from your Abyssinians. For example, experienced breeders know that Abyssinians are forbidden to cross with long-haired breeds or with breeds with a different form of rosettes.

The rosette guinea pigs are the perfect choice for those who have never kept a guinea pig at home. it funny and friendly pets which are not difficult to care for.

Guinea pigs with the exotic prefix "Abyssinian" are of great interest both to the breeders of these animals and to ordinary people. Everything about these pets is excellent, from appearance to simple content. Unfortunately, there are not so many real Abyssinian pigs in the modern world. How can they be distinguished from other breeds? How long do they live? Let's talk further.

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Origin story

Rosette pigs appeared in Europe in the second half of the 19th century. Initially, representatives of this breed lived in England, later the animals spread throughout Europe, where they caused considerable excitement. It is believed that the ancestors of these animals lived in Central and South America. As for the name, the exotic prefix "Abyssinian" is very well matched to these bizarre animals.

Pigs have nothing to do with cats with the same name. But why they were called that is still an unknown fact. At the same time, many are interested in how long these animals live at home today.


The Abyssinian is clearly different in appearance from representatives of other breeds. Its peculiarity is the presence of so-called "rosettes" in wool, which are vortices of the same shape with clear symmetrical contours. Otherwise, the pet is not much different from its own kind: four paws, eyes, a tail and a slightly flat muzzle with protruding ears on the sides.

breed standard

Show Abyssinian gilts should ideally have ten rosettes: four on the back, two on the thighs and two more on the shoulder blades. Representatives who have a rosette on their nose are especially valued. The length of an adult is on average 25-30 cm. To the touch, the female's coat is softer and more pleasant. In general, rosette gilts are considered rough-haired.

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According to the standard, a rosette pig can be either plain or spotted. Sometimes there is a tortoiseshell color, in which red and black are mixed, as well as blue, which implies a mixture of white and black. The most common are piebald pigs. The length of the coat cannot be more than four centimeters.

These pets are great for lazy owners, as they do not require special care. If you decide to settle several animals of this breed, then it would be better to create a family of them. In this case, the settlement of one male and several females would be an ideal option. The boy in this case plays the role of a peacemaker.

In the cage of a rosette pig, it should be spacious. It is better to scatter sawdust on the surface, among which it is necessary to put a feeder and a drinker. Also in the cage should be a shelter for the pet, where he can feel safe.


Representatives of the Abyssinian breed show a good appetite, which extends to many products. You can feed the animals with healthy ingredients from the table, or you can purchase special feed mixtures from pet stores. The main food in the summer is grass, and in winter - hay.


From time to time it is necessary to comb the fur, cut the claws and, of course, monitor the general condition of the pet, preventing the development of diseases. How long do these pets live? With the right content, such a pig can live from 8 to 12 years.


Abyssinian rosette pigs are distinguished by their cheerful disposition and amusing character. They are able to get along with others and are often good friends for young children. This pet can even be taught to sit on its hind legs, if you set yourself such a goal. To play in a cage with a pet, you need to install a wheel, ladder, balls and various rattles that can be purchased at any pet store.

Pet character

Abyssinian pigs are calm in nature. They rarely decide to bite people and almost never show aggressiveness. But this does not mean at all that the animal is not able to fend for itself. Quite the contrary: two females can begin to sort things out, and males will even get involved in a fight. If the animals are related by blood ties, then most likely they will live well with each other. By the way, this breed belongs to the category of hard-to-breed. A rosette pig almost always gets along with a person and happily “communicates” with his beloved owner. As long as they live nearby, so much delight a person!

What causes rosette guinea pigs

Photo gallery

Video "Guinea pig"

In this video you can see several representatives of this exotic breed.

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