Ringworm in cats symptoms treatment. Lichen in cats - treatment, symptoms and description of the disease. Reasons for the development of ringworm

Ringworm in cats is caused by a fungus. With good immunity, the pet is unlikely to get sick. But if the animal's body is weakened, then the risk of catching this unpleasant infection is rapidly increasing. Everything is complicated by the fact that this disease is easily transmitted to humans.

Description of the disease

Ringworm in cats is an infectious disease caused by fungi called dermatophytes. In this case, the skin of the animal is mainly affected, but the claws and wool are also damaged.

If you do not treat a sick cat, then lichen can go away on its own. But due to the fact that the disease is easily transmitted to humans and others, it is still necessary.

That can be judged by some signs:

  1. Modification of the skin: the appearance of superficial inflammation of a local nature, the gradual loosening of the stratum corneum of the skin.
  2. Abrupt hair loss, more often in the head area, as well as on the neck and back.
  3. The appearance of scaly formations and dried crusts.
  4. Severe itching (optional).

The photo below will more clearly demonstrate what lichen looks like in a domestic cat.


The main cause of the disease is a weakened cat's immune system, which happens when the animal eats inadequately. It can also be a small kitten whose immunity has not yet been formed. Or the conditions of the cat leave much to be desired.

It is impossible to exclude such causes as diseases transferred by animals, leading to immune deficiency, immunosuppressive therapy, as well as malignant neoplasms that weaken the cat's body.

However, the fact that a cat belongs to a certain breed can also be a reason, because some breeds are genetically predisposed to lichen, as they have weak resistance to them. For example, Himalayan or Persian cats.


Ringworm is ringworm. The causative agents of this unpleasant disease are microorganisms, the Latin names of which are as follows:

  1. Trichophyton mentagrophytes.
  2. Microsporum canis.
  3. Microsporum gypsum.

The microorganisms declared under point 1 cause lichen called trichophytosis. The remaining two are the causative agents of microsporia. At the same time, Microsporum canis is the most common cause of dermatophytosis in animals. These microorganisms are very tenacious. They, of course, live on cats and dogs, but can safely exist in the environment for up to 18 months.

Some cats can carry spores but do not show symptoms of skin lesions. The habitat of Microsporum gypseum is soil and Trichophyton mentagrophytes is often carried by rodents.

The symptoms of both are identical. They seem to be treated and are grouped under the general name "ringworm". The type of dermatophytosis can only be determined by sowing.

Distribution Options

Microorganisms can get on the skin of a cat from another animal living nearby. A person can bring infection from the street on his shoes. And also, if the cat is on a free range, she can pick up the disease from stray cats.

Mushrooms love heat and humidity. Under these conditions, they can be viable for about two years. From the time of infection, the symptoms in the animal may appear only after 3-4 months.

Types of lichen

The behavior of a sick pet and the symptoms of lichen caused by pathogens of different types are very similar. However, according to the way lichen looks in cats, there are several types of the described disease. And this:

  • Ringworm. The causative agents of this type of disease were described a little higher. And by the way ringworm looks, you can judge the stage of the disease and, depending on this, start treatment. At the initial stage, microorganisms enter the skin through the upper layer of the epithelium. Knowing what the initial lichen looks like in a cat, you can identify and stop it in a timely manner, which will lead to a quick recovery of the pet. Short-haired cats in this sense are in a greater advantage than long-haired ones, since through short hair it is easier to see the irritation that has appeared on the skin in the form of dandruff or red dots.

  • Pink - Gibert's disease. A feature of this type of lichen is that it is not dangerous to humans. And its name comes from the fact that at the initial stage of the disease, a pink, itchy, scaly spot appears on the skin of a cat. Somewhere in 4-5 days this spot is covered with a continuous dry film.
  • Pityriasis (or multi-colored) is the most dangerous type of lichen. It is easily transmitted to a person or animal and is very difficult to treat. At the initial stage, a small oval spot appears, the color of which can be pink, yellow or brown.

A feature of the multi-colored species is what cat lichen looks like in cats in the future. And then such spots quickly spread throughout the body and finally merge into a single whole.


At the initial stage, in the very center of the affected area, small abscesses, scales or vesicles can be observed. In this place, wool often falls out. If you do not start treatment on time, then the boundaries of depriving will increase. With all this, itching may or may not be present among the signs of the disease.

Sometimes lichen spreads throughout the cat's body, its skin becomes greasy and flaky. The first symptom of the disease is increased molting of the animal. The cat is in a depressed state, refuses to eat and play, often begins to scratch his ears, and when the lichen is localized in the claws, they begin to take on an ugly shape and grow incorrectly. The photo below shows what lichen looks like in a cat's ear.

Differences from dermatitis

Sometimes owners confuse ordinary dermatitis and ringworm. However, knowing what lichen looks like in cats can be distinguished from other skin diseases. With ringworm, foci of alopecia, i.e., baldness, have a depressing appearance. The skin here is wrinkled, reddened, covered with coarsened scales, turning brown, which consist of exfoliated epidermal cells.

In addition, as a result of the vital activity of the fungus, substances are released that form fluid-filled pustules and papules on the surface of the cat's skin. At the same time, the wool loses its usual color, becomes dull, brittle and begins to fall out.

Timely identification of lichen and contacting a veterinarian will help to avoid human infection. Especially often, feline lichen is picked up by children due to their unstable immunity.

Principles of diagnosis

The variety of manifestations of the disease excludes the diagnosis only on the basis of an external examination. Dermatophytosis is determined by one, and if necessary, several laboratory tests.

The most accurate method for diagnosing ringworm is considered to be sowing on media with further examination under a microscope of the resulting culture. Less often and only if necessary, a histology of skin cells is performed. To do this, it is necessary to take a scab or scale from the affected area and give it to the laboratory for research.

Sometimes dermatophyte spores can be detected when examining the affected hair under a microscope. With this method, spores can be detected in 40-70% of cases, which is quite enough for a positive diagnosis.

One way is to use a Woods lamp. However, only in half of the cases that are caused by Microsporum canis, the hair shaft glows green. Wood's lamp will reveal a suspicion of lichen, but you still have to conduct additional research using seeding or hair microscopy.

Treatment at home

Having determined what lichen looks like in a cat, which is just beginning to spread over the skin, and having found these signs on your own pet, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic. Indeed, at home, treatment is possible only after consultation with a specialist.

From what lichen looks like in cats, treatment by a veterinarian will be prescribed. The severity of the disease, the age of the patient, the general state of health and the environment of his habitat will also be taken into account.

Young and healthy cats can manage the disease on their own. But in general, it is necessary to use a rather aggressive therapy. To do this, all the animals in the house are examined by the sowing method, after which the healthy ones are separated from the sick, but it is recommended that everyone use medicated shampoos indiscriminately. Long-haired individuals are cut off, the room is disinfected.

Disinfection of the room with ringworm

Almost always with Microsporum canis, environmental treatment is required, which is an extremely important point when there is a risk of infection:

  1. All hard surfaces are treated with a solution of lime (1 to 10) or chlorhexidine (4%).
  2. All fabrics, including bed linen and blankets, are washed in hot water with whiteness.
  3. Carpets and furniture upholstery are steam cleaned with the addition of chlorhexidine to water.
  4. The ventilation openings are vacuumed and disinfected, after which the bags are immediately thrown out of the vacuum cleaner.
  5. Collars, toys and beds should be thrown away and replaced.

Features of treatment

Sick animals should receive complex therapy through oral administration, vaccination and external treatment, prescribed depending on how lichen looks in cats. How to treat step by step, the veterinarian will explain.

Vaccination is best done with domestic vaccines, because abroad they do not know how to make high-quality drugs for this.

In the process of treatment, it is necessary to control the animal by periodic examinations and monthly crops. With two consecutive negative cultures with an interval of one month, the animal is considered cured.

However, it often takes several months before a complete cure, as re-infection from the external environment occurs.

In especially severe cases, drugs such as Griseofulvin, Itraconazole and Terbinafine are prescribed orally. Along with this, baths with lime sulfide or special shampoos and lotions containing Miconazole or Enilconazole can be used.

Describing what a passing lichen looks like in a cat, one can note healed lesions on the skin, overgrown with new hair.

Features of treatment for various types of lichen

How lichen looks like in cats and what type it is, treatment methods can vary.

For example, with ringworm, it is best to use Nizoral and Sebozol shampoos, and Sanoderm, Clotrimazole and Miconazole ointments. With weeping lichen, salicylic, sulfuric, ichthyol, tar ointments are suitable. Treatment of pink lichen is prescribed using drugs that increase immunity and optimize feeding. And with a multi-colored type, "Imaverol" and "Lime Sulfur" are often prescribed.

Features of the treatment of pregnant cats

Having studied what lichen looks like in cats and how to treat it, it is necessary to note the features of the treatment of sick pregnant animals. In order not to harm unborn kittens, veterinarians often prescribe alternative treatments using gentle drugs, including tricolor violet, chamomile, oregano, and common valerian.

All of the listed herbal preparations can be mixed in the required proportions, or can be used as an independent medicine. But the veterinarian will tell you this.


For prevention, it is best to carry out timely annual antilichen vaccination. At the same time, the vaccine is both a preventive drug and a therapeutic agent at the same time. Immunity is then acquired by the cat after 30 days.

If the cat is not vaccinated, then it is better not to let it go outside at all, and with extreme caution one should treat the cat's communication with other animals. It is best to visit the veterinarian once every 6 months for a detailed examination.

Along with this, the pet needs to provide optimal nutrition, an active lifestyle and decent care. And the care and love of the owner will make the precious cat invulnerable to any disease.

Ringworm is the medical term for a fungal infection that affects the skin, hair, and nails of cats. The most famous of them is microsporosis, or ringworm. This disease occurs in dogs and other mammals. In cats, this infection is more common in long-haired breeds than in short-haired ones. Ringworm in cats is diagnosed mainly in kittens or young cats.

Lichen symptoms

In cats affected by lichen, symptoms in the initial stages are associated with the death of skin cells. These cells can lead to:

  • to dandruff
  • deterioration in the condition of the coat
  • to redness and irritation of the skin
  • darkening of the skin (hyperpigmentation)
  • Hair loss (alopecia)

These symptoms usually affect a round area on the skin. The classic sign of lichen in cats is focal (circular) hair loss.

Other characteristic ringworm lesions are nodular, rounded, or granulomatous lesions. In the folds of skin bordering the claw, inflammation, also known as paronychia, can begin.

These symptoms are just some of the possible signs of ringworm in cats, many of which are asymptomatic. These types of cats that are infected with ringworm are classified as asymptomatic carriers - they carry the disease-causing fungus but show no visible signs of the disease. It is important to understand that even if they do not look sick, these cats are contagious to humans and other animals.

We deprive the causes of infection

Ringworm is by far the most common cause of dermatophytosis (fungal disease) in cats. The incidence varies greatly by geographic location. Areas that are densely populated by animals (such as animal kennels or shelters), or that are heavily polluted and not quarantined, greatly increase the risk of lichen infection.

Weakened immune systems or taking immunosuppressive drugs (factors that reduce the body's ability to make a normal immune response) increase the chance that a cat will develop a fungal skin, hair, or nail infection.


The veterinarian will scrape the fungal culture from the skin and do a microscopic examination of the specimen. You may need to do a biopsy. Ultraviolet light may also be required for diagnosis (Luminescent Diagnosis).

Lichen treatment

Ringworm in most cats can be treated at home as an outpatient, but it is important to consider quarantine procedures due to the infectious and zoonotic (transmitted to humans) nature of the disease. Your veterinarian should prescribe antifungal medications. An Elizabethan collar (a wide collar around the neck) is often recommended to prevent licking and swallowing of medications applied to the cat's skin.

Fungal culture is the only way to control the cat's treatment. Many animals may improve with treatment, but fungal culture may provide positive results. It is advisable to continue treatment until at least one result is negative. A blood test should be done once a week or twice if the cat is receiving griseofulvin or another antifungal antibiotic. In addition, a blood test will help monitor liver health in cats receiving ketoconazole or itraconazole.

It is also important to understand that unprofessional use of drugs in the treatment of lichen can increase the likelihood of the disease becoming chronic.

Prevention of depriving

To prevent infection by depriving other animals, it is important to quarantine the infected animal and test all animals in the house. An infected cat should be treated appropriately to prevent a recurrence of the disease. Rodents should also be considered as possible carriers of the disease. If you suspect that your cat is dealing with rodents, it is highly recommended that you take the necessary steps to eliminate the pests.

Frequently asked Questions

What is ringworm?

What are the main symptoms of ringworm?

The classic symptoms of ringworm in cats are skin lesions that usually appear on the head, ears, and forelimbs. Ringworm can cause bald patches that look red in the center. In mild cases, localized areas of redness or just dandruff appear on the skin.

How do cats get lichen?

Cats can become infected through direct or indirect contact with an infected animal, through bedding, utensils, and other items that have been contaminated with the cells or hair of sick animals. Ringworm spores are very viable and can survive in the environment for more than one year.

Which cats are most vulnerable to lichen?

All cats can become infected, but kittens less than a year old and older cats are most vulnerable to the disease. Long-haired cats and immunocompromised animals are also more prone to infection.

What should I do if my cat is likely to have shingles?

The infection has the potential to spread throughout the cat's body, so it's important to take it to the veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis. And since lichen can be passed on to you and other animals, it's a good idea to immediately quarantine the animal while the veterinarian makes a diagnosis. You should also wash your hands thoroughly after every contact with your cat.

How is ringworm diagnosed?

Because some cats have little to no symptoms, the diagnosis is rarely made based on appearance and physical examination. Diagnosis may require ultraviolet light, microscopic examination, or culture.

How to treat lichen?

Treatment for lichen depends on the severity of the infection. The veterinarian may prescribe a shampoo or ointment that contains special preparations that can kill the fungus. In some cases, oral medications are needed. It may take up to several months to completely eradicate the fungus. This is important to avoid recurrence of the disease.

How to prevent the spread of lichen?

If the veterinarian has diagnosed lichen, then he should explain what you must do to prevent the fungus from spreading to other pets and family members. Your doctor may recommend the following measures:

  • Bathing or rinsing all pets with a special shampoo.
  • Washing of all bedding and disinfection of toys of an infected animal.
  • Disposal of items that cannot be fully disinfected.
  • Frequent vacuuming to keep the house free of hair and skin cells.
  • Strict personal hygiene after bathing or touching a cat.

What can happen if lichen is not treated?

If a cat with lichen is not properly treated, the fungus can spread to large areas of the animal's body, leading to hair loss and skin infections.


Pets sometimes get sick. In the case of cats, one of the main problems remains lichen and how to treat it. Many are interested in whether this disease is transmitted to people in contact with animals. More on this in this article.


They call it depriving infectious disease of the skin and coat. It occurs as a result of the action of microscopic pathogenic fungi (dermatomycetes).

Microorganisms of the species Trichophyton and Microsporum cause, respectively, trichophytosis and microsporia. These types of lichen are usually grouped under the name ringworm. Moreover, their external signs are the same.

The main source of infection is the contact of an infected animal with a healthy one. However, the fungus can get into the home even on the soles of shoes or with dust, wool residue. The difficulty is that such an infection itself is resistant to the action of environmental factors. When exposed to a warm apartment with high humidity, fungal spores can remain viable for up to 2 years.

Important! Sometimes lichen is easily confused with other skin diseases. For example, rapidly growing papules are themselves a symptom of pustular dermatitis. But if they appeared at the site of hair loss, this is already a “launched” lichen.

Adult cats have a well-developed immune system and with proper care (balanced nutrition, hygiene), they rarely get sick. The only exception is artificially bred breeds - due to genetics, such cats are poorly protected from such diseases.

The risk group includes kittens with an immature immune system and adults who spend too much time on the street.

How lichen appears in cats, you can look at the photo, but for now we will describe its signs and consider the treatment.

The insidiousness of depriving lies in its long incubation period: from 1 week to one and a half months. After that, you can see the foci of the disease on the head. Localization on the tail, at its base or on the paws is quite rare.

Did you know? In the Irkutsk region there is a village Bolshie Koty. In addition to him, in the Russian Federation there are 5 more villages called Koty.

Symptoms in each case may differ - it depends on the general condition of the animal and the type of infection. So, trichophytoid lichen manifests itself in:

  • unbearable itching in a cat. She quickly loses weight, falls into apathy and may completely refuse food;
  • pronounced baldness of some parts of the dermis. At the same time, problem areas are covered with a hard coating;
  • redness of infected skin;
  • the appearance of small spots and tubercles that grow as the disease develops;
  • the formation of "horny" and scaly growths.
This form of the disease in difficult cases results in damage to the hair follicles, which increases the risk of suppuration. Pustules appear on the skin - pustules, over time they break and merge, forming a large purulent lesion.

To know everything about what lichen looks like in cats, pay attention to its other form. It's about microsporia. Veterinarians know that in healthy cats, it often occurs in a latent form without obvious signs.

Localization is the same - behind the ears or on the tail. If the cat has suddenly lost its “shape”, take a closer look: the appearance of “scales” or a massive breakdown of hairs indicate lichen.

Important! It is better to vaccinate animals annually - this way you can protect not only the tailed pet, but the whole family.

For immunocompromised animals symptoms will be more pronounced:

  • hair loss, and without local molting. The dermis dries up sharply, wounds appear massively;
  • severe itching;
  • slight inflammation of the nose;
  • tubercles are clearly visible.
At the slightest suspicion of lichen, do not delay a visit to a specialist.

It is carried out by experienced veterinarians based on outpatient clinics. The fact is that the symptoms of lichen often “intersect” with signs of other diseases, and only a doctor can determine the cause of infection, as well as prescribe treatment.

From the affected areas of the skin or wool, a fence (scraping) of crusts and scales is made. It is studied with a microscope and tested by introducing it into a nutrient medium. The method is reliable, but you will have to wait 2-3 weeks for the result.

A faster research concerns hair. Small spores are clearly visible on them.

Did you know? The image of a cat is used in heraldry as a symbol of independence and determination. Such graphic elements can be seen on the coats of arms of cities, aristocratic families and football clubs.

Another diagnostic method is the translucence of diseased skin with the so-called Wood's lamp. By directing the "ultraviolet", the veterinarian can see the fungi themselves. For example, if the wool under the action of the beam became saturated green, then this is a sure sign of trichophytosis. True, this method does not always give a complete picture of the disease: once on the surface of the dermis, pathogens may not shine, confusing the doctor.

According to the results of the examination, a course of treatment is prescribed.

Treatment of a dangerous disease

Lichen in cats is dangerous, although its treatment at home is quite real.

First you have to put on rubber gloves and do several painful procedures for the pet:

  • cut the wool near the lichen;
  • wash problem areas with a slightly warm soapy solution. After that, the “crusts” will soften a little;
  • Treat stains with brilliant green or iodine. Suitable and "human" antifungal compounds. Birch tar and sulfur ointments will also help, but they must first be diluted with water to a low concentration.

Important! Keeping track of a sick cat is not always possible. Therefore, the bedding and clothes in the apartment will have to be washed, adding a little bleach - harmful spores die from it.

Folk veterinary medicine offers another recipe - a mixture of sunflower oil and ash (both wood and ashes from freshly burned paper are suitable). This substance is applied to the sore spot 2-3 times a day.

Medicinal baths with the addition of sulfurous lime also help well. With this treatment, the coat will first turn yellow, but this will not last long. But the effect will be long-lasting.

Take a look at the shampoos you use. If enilconazole or miconazole are present in their composition, then the remedy will fit to combat lichen in a cat - a few washes will suffice.

The cat will have to temporarily isolate. If this is not possible, then at least not be allowed on the bed or sofa.

Do not forget about disinfection - we take the removed growths and hairs outside and burn them. The scissors with which the pruning was carried out will also have to be processed so that disputes do not divorce on them.

Preparations for lichen in cats

Folk remedies that have no contraindications can help in mild cases. If the lichen is severe, the question of how to treat lichen in a cat rests on medications.

Most often, these are antifungal ointments such as "Thiabendazole" or "Miconazole". They are used in the early stages. For primary treatment, solutions are made from Creolin or Enilconazole at a concentration of 1/100.

Did you know? Cats have been in space, too: in 1963, French biologists sent a cat, Felisset, on a suborbital flight, who returned unharmed.

Then they can produce vaccination(unless previously vaccinated). For medicinal purposes, the vaccine can be administered 3-4 times with an interval of 2 weeks. For such injections, the compositions "Microderm", "Vakderm F" or "Polivak" are taken.

In severe cases, when a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dermis is affected and the infection passes to the claws, oral agents are prescribed. These are Terbinafine, Griseofulvin, Intraconazole and similar drugs. The popular "Fluconazole" is slightly weaker than the listed drugs, but its low cost can be called its advantage.

With complications in the form of purulent lesions, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used. They are supplemented by immunostimulants (Ribotan, Anandin, Fosprenil, Imunofan). Such combinations can only be prescribed by a doctor, and even then not always - such treatment already belongs to non-standard measures and requires a lot of experience from the veterinarian.

Little is required from the owner of a sick cat: to ensure timely administration of drugs and to comply with the dosage.

Is it dangerous for humans

We already know how lichen manifests itself in cats, now we will answer the question of whether it is transmitted to humans. Unfortunately yes. This form is called anthropozoonosis, and is most dangerous for children. Transmitted through contact with animals.

Symptoms of such a disease are unpleasant:

  • general weakness against the background of a slight increase in temperature;
  • brittle hair;
  • bald spots appear;
  • regular itching and thirst.

Important! The most dangerous age in terms of infection is the interval between 4 and 15 years. Children have incompletely formed immunity, while adolescents are slightly weakened due to age-related changes in the body.

The fungus can go to any part of the skin - from the feet to the top of the head. Such an ailment is noticed immediately, and treatment begins immediately. In advanced form, it is rare, and cases of suppurative lichen in humans are rare.

For treatment, use any antifungal ointments that treat the affected dermis. In case of infection of smooth skin in children, iodine-containing solutions are taken for treatment.

For systemic treatment of complex cases, triazole-based drugs are prescribed: Irunin, Griseofulvin, Intrasil are suitable. For the best effect, take vitamins and immunostimulants.

To avoid such complications, remember about prevention:

  • regular cleaning of the home, especially carpets and furniture;
  • periodic inspection of the animal;
  • it is advisable not to let the cat into street animals;
  • getting a new pet, be sure to examine it at the veterinarian;
  • surfaces in the apartment can be treated with a weak solution of bleach. He will not hit people in the nose, but for the fungus it is fatal;
  • and, of course, do not forget to wash your hands after contact with animals, reminding children of this.

Did you know? The smallest cat in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records, is considered a representative of the Himalayan breed named Tinker. With a length of 19 cm and a height of 7 cm, the animal weighed only 800 grams.

Now you know how to recognize lichen in a cat and how to treat it. We hope these data will be useful, and everything will come down to prevention. Health to you and fluffy pets!

Among the skin diseases in cats, ringworm is considered the most common. It is worth noting that this pathology itself will not be able to fade away, and its progression can destroy the animal, so help depends only on the owners and a competent approach to treatment.

An infectious disease caused by fungi of the genus Mycrosporum and the genus Trichophyton.

Infectious diseases of the ears in cats occur due to the development of a fungus.

The pathology caused by the fungus Mycrosporum is called microsporia. The disease caused by the fungus Trichophyton is called trichophytosis. In both cases, there will be the same symptoms, which is why the treatment will be carried out according to the same scheme.

These types of fungus characterized by the formation of a large number of spores, which are distributed in the environment and can be found anywhere the pet is.

Causes of infection

The main cause of infection is a decrease in the protective properties of the animal's body.

The spores of the pathogen are highly resistant to adverse conditions, resistant to the use of disinfectants and can persist in the environment for about two years.

Kittens are most at risk of infection. , who have not reached the age of one year due to still weak immunity, or animals weakened by a recent illness, due to which the body's resistance is significantly reduced, and there is a risk of infection.

Kittens are most at risk of infection.

Clinical signs

The initial stage of the disease is manifested by the appearance of a rash in the area affected by the fungus.

With ringworm, the cat's hair begins to fall out.

  • At first, such a sign is difficult to notice, especially in long-haired breeds, since the affected areas are hidden by a thick coat.
  • Most often, owners notice alarming symptoms only when the coat begins to fall out.
  • The disease "ringworm" got its name precisely because the animal's hair begins to fall out intensively in infected areas.
  • The diseased area is accompanied by itching, the pet constantly itches, nervousness manifests itself, often turning into aggression and inability to make contact with the owner.
  • Due to the progression of the disease and scratching, inflammation may occur.
  • Bald areas of infection peel off, scales form.
  • As a rule, the localization of the disease is the head - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears, chin or near the oral cavity.
  • Less often, the development of pathology on the limbs or the tail section is observed.
  • Ignoring the disease will lead to the spread of lichen throughout the body of the animal.

Help Methods

Medical treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment for a cat can only be prescribed by a veterinarian.

The course of therapy is quite long, with possible relapses of the disease, so you should be patient and strictly follow all medical recommendations.

The initial stage of lichen in cats

The initial stage is eliminated by the use of local remedies in the form of an ointment, spray, cream or shampoo against a fungal infection.

Pregnant women are at risk of contracting lichen from cats.

An adult with stable and strong immunity may not notice the course of the disease. Young children, people with weakened immune systems, and pregnant women are at risk of severe infections and complications.

Video about lichen in cats

Cats and cats, although quite clean animals, often “catch” lichen - mycosis and wool caused by microscopic fungi. Among all animals, it is in the feline fauna that ringworm (Herpes tonsurans) is more common, the disease is much more severe with associated complications (deramtitis, furunculosis, pustulosis, etc.) than in other domestic mammals.

Causes of ringworm

In cats, lichen can be caused by two types of imperfect fungi that are part of the same Fungi imperfecti group:

  • microsporum;
  • trichophyton.

According to their biological characteristics, these fungi are closer to molds.

In very rare cases, the cause of damage to the skin, hair follicles is the soil fungus Sporothrix schenckii. The disease is called sporotrichosis.

How infection occurs or how it spreads

The main source of the disease is sick animals, which transmit the fungus to healthy cats as a result of close contact. It is the infected individuals that release fungal spores into the environment along with falling hair and skin flakes, thereby contaminating everything around them.

The causative agent of microsporia and trichophytosis is characterized by a long-term preservation of virulent (infectious) properties outside the body:

  • fungal cells can live in soil, objects up to 7 years;
  • and even more disputes - up to 12 years.

Rodents, lice, ticks play an equally important role in the spread of lichen.

Both adult cats and babies are affected, in which the disease occurs much more often and is more severe.

How to understand that a cat has lichen?

Lichen in a cat is manifested by the formation of patches of baldness on the head or neck.

For any person who has become the owner of a fluffy lump, it is important to learn how to distinguish ordinary dermatitis or an allergy on the skin from ringworm. You need to be able to do this not only because the disease is dangerous for the life of a cat, but also for your own safety, since. Particularly susceptible to microsporia (trichophytosis) are small children whose immunity is imperfect and cannot independently cope with the relief of a pathogenic fungus.

  • So, the first signs of lichen in a cat can be attributed to areas of the skin located in the head area (areas around the eyes, ears), neck and limbs.
  • Foci of alopecia (baldness) do not look very attractive. The skin on them is wrinkled, reddened, covered with rough brownish scales, consisting of exfoliated epidermal cells. A close examination of the affected area shows a white coating - the mycelium of a microscopic fungus.
  • Red-brown itchy spots at first are small, limited, later, if left untreated, an increasing surface of the skin is involved in the pathological process, the number of affected areas increases, they can connect with each other, turning the animal into a continuous “scab”.
  • Along with this, pyogenic microflora penetrates into nearby follicles due to a decrease in the protective function of the epidermis, which leads to purulent dermatitis.
  • In addition, as a result of the vital activity of the fungus, substances are released that contribute to the formation of fluid-filled vesicles (pustules and papules) on the skin.
  • The affected coat loses its usual color due to damaged pigmentation cells, becomes dull, the hairs break off and fall out.
  • Of the general signs of the disease, food refusal, rapid weight loss and a decrease in the overall resistance of the body are characteristic, which is accompanied by the appearance of new diseases.

With good immunity in cats, microscopy can proceed in a latent form, when only individual hairs in the muzzle and ears are affected. They look like small limited foci with hair broken off at the base, covered with a white sheath, which consists of mycelium and spores of microscopic fungi.

Establishing diagnosis

If lichen is suspected, the owner should immediately seek help from a veterinary clinic to make sure the diagnosis is correct. The veterinarian will make a scraping from the affected areas and send it for analysis to a veterinary laboratory, where, based on crops and microscopy, the presence of a fungal infection will be confirmed or denied.

It is important that the scraping be done on the border between the healthy and the affected area of ​​the epidermis, since it is in this place that the bulk of the fungus accumulates.

Often, a veterinarian does not need to rely on the help of laboratory workers to make a diagnosis. So, a cat's hair with microsporia has an amazingly beautiful emerald glow in the rays of a special lamp, which is perfectly visible in a dark room.

How to prevent and treat ringworm in cats?

The owner must also remember about his health, taking precautions when dealing with a sick animal, so as not to get sick.

  1. For the prevention of lichen are used (Vakderm, Microderm and others). They are also used for its treatment. Usually, after the first injection, the animal recovers quickly and no additional treatment is required.
  2. The generalized form of lichen requires a more serious approach to therapy and, in addition to vaccination, one has to resort to the use of topical antifungal drugs, coupled with oral administration of medications.
  3. Before treatment with ointments (Griseofulvin, Miconazole, Nystatin), with a severe degree of damage, it is advisable to cut the cat bald in order to get rid of potentially infected wool, which is burned. In this case, the healing process will go faster.
  4. Inside give Griseofulvin, Ketoconosal in doses prescribed by a veterinarian.

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