Focal superficial antral gastritis. Chronic antral gastritis: symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention

Improper nutrition, neglect of health, stress, increased exercise stress and pathogenic bacteria increase the risk of antral gastritis. This is the name of a disease that affects the gastric section, where food is formed in a lump. Progressing, it disrupts the digestive glands, affects the mucous membrane, causing inflammation, erosion, scarring of the antrum.

Causes of the disease

The disease is caused by various causes, 95% of which are associated with bacterial damage. The infection is called Helicobacter pylori, located in the mucous membrane, it is the main causative agent of the disease, characterized by increased activity in the gastric environment with an acidity index of 4-6 pH and above. Reduced acid levels have a devastating effect on bacteria. In this case, the disease often takes a dormant form and in favorable conditions, is activated again.

In the process, the bacterium produces enzymes that transform the environment, causing Negative consequences for the body. One of them, urease, converts urea to ammonia, forming elevated level alkali.

Mucinase thins the stomach mucus, reducing its protective properties and paving the way for bacteria. They easily pass into the antral section, finding here a comfortable environment for active breeding. Its effect is functional disorders and inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane. The disease disables the pyloric part responsible for the production of bicarbonates, leading to an increase in the level of acidity, which in turn affects the mucous membrane and other areas.

If gastritis is not treated in time, complications can be in the form of ulcers.

The invasion of the Helicobacter pylori bacteria into the stomach and subsequent antral gastritis are due to several factors, of which stand out:

  • Improper nutrition;
  • Weak pylorus (pylorus), causing intestinal materials to enter the stomach;
  • allergic reactions;
  • Taking alcohol, tobacco;
  • Spicy food;
  • Effects on the stomach of certain drugs, such as anti-tuberculosis drugs;
  • Nervous shocks, stress;
  • Infectious diseases, including HIV, candidiasis;
  • Massive body burns affecting the stomach.

Sometimes bacteria enter endocrine pathologies, problems in the cardiovascular area, respiratory organs, kidneys. Very often, antral gastritis is caused by worms.

In addition to the stomach, the duodenum is susceptible to infection. Developing, the disease provokes erosion of the mucous membrane, cancer, lymphoma.

Symptoms of the disease

In the initial stage of antral gastritis, the affected part of the stomach does not receive sufficient secretion of juice, causing symptoms similar to those peptic ulcer. Appetite remains normal, but the patient complains of constipation, heartburn, acid taste, pain a few hours after eating.

Upon direct examination, the tongue looks clean and moist, pressing on the abdomen in the right zone causes pain. Invariable manifestations of the disease at various stages are also:

  • Contractions in the abdomen that accompany the feeling of hunger;
  • uncomfortable reactions. Feeling of fullness in the stomach;
  • Periodic nausea;
  • Problems with the stool (diarrhea, constipation);
  • Acid taste and heavy odor from the mouth.

The lack of timely measures translates antral gastritis into an advanced stage with subsequent complications of the disease. A possible consequence is gastric bleeding, severe mucosal defects, surface degradation, and stomach cancer.

Typology of the disease

There are several forms of the disease, different types of course and specifics:

Antral section, which is the simplest form an illness that occurs without the participation of bacteria. Inflammation affects only the upper layers of the mucosa, without penetrating into deep areas. The course of the disease is characterized by the absence of tissue lesions, scarring. Exposure causes thinning of the shell, reducing the production of enzymes and of hydrochloric acid;

Antral section. One of the most complex types disease caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Ulcers, cracks, erosions form on the gastric tissues. The patient is suffering internal bleeding. Their manifestations are general weakness, dark chair, characteristic elements in vomit. AT advanced stage antral disease, blood loss can lead to death;

Atrophic gastritis of the antral section. It is a chronic form of the disease, causing gastric insufficiency. The mucous membrane degrades, dysplasia, intestinal metaplasia develops. The phase precedes cancer.

Very often, the companion is bulbitis, which forms inflammatory processes in the duodenal bulb. It is caused by an excess of hydrochloric acid, which, entering the intestines, translates antral disease into an erosive stage.

Diagnosis of the disease

Examination of the patient and a clear identification of the disease is carried out different ways, including:

  1. X-ray;
  2. biopsies;
  3. FEGDS;
  4. Digital tomography;
  5. Fibrogastroscopy;
  6. Ultrasound.

Gastroscopy reveals compaction of the elements of the gastric relief, spasmodic contractions of the pylorus (pylorus), distributed peristalsis, and chaotic movement of the contents of the stomach.

The bacterium Helicobacter pylori is well diagnosed by original express tests. Elements of the mucous membrane are immersed in a special composition, where they change their appearance based on the nature of the lesion. The process is carried out within an hour - a day, the presence of an infection is indicated by a raspberry color.

The study is a kind of urease testing, also represented by a respiratory procedure. Urea (sensitive to bacteria), marked with C13, is introduced into the gastric compartment, after which the air is examined for its concentration. Indicators up to 1% demonstrate the absence of the disease, 3.5% - a mild stage, 9.5% - severe damage.

FEGD indicates spots in the mucous membrane, edematous manifestations, hemorrhages, surface erosion. Weakness of the pylorus causes internal congestion. The acidity of the stomach is examined using pH metering and subsequent study of the material.

Endoscopic examination is accompanied by tissue biopsy to identify histology and disease activator. Inflammation is pronounced, on the surface there is a significant amount of bacteria that exacerbate the disease. High efficiency demonstrates ELISA diagnostics, which consists in the detection Helicobacter antibodies pylori in the patient's blood, saliva, and gastric juice. They are formed no later than 1 month from the moment of the disease, remaining active for some time after healing.

Antral gastritis has similar symptoms with ulcers and other diseases of the stomach. To find it, you need to contact the services qualified specialist except for self-diagnosis.

Treatment of the disease

The fight against the disease and its prevention are carried out by doctors specializing in such medical fields as therapy, gastroenterology, endoscopy. Based on the form and nature of the disease, the treatment of antral gastritis is outpatient or inpatient.

The basis of counteracting the disease is a combination of diet, with the use of special preparations. The process is hampered by the peculiarity of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium, which can quickly adapt to various antibiotics. Because of this, the doctor combines drugs, prescribing clarithromycin, tetracycline, metronidazole, ampicillin.

The drug system is supplemented with inhibitors that put pressure on Helicobacter pylori in the stomach, after which antibiotics eliminate them. The absence of positive changes within 5 days leads to the appointment of another scheme, the decision is made only by the attending specialist.

From erosion of the mucous membrane and high acidity, enveloping drugs that counteract secretion help well - gefal, almagel, denol, sucralfate. Spasms of the pylorus are eliminated by papaverine, drotaverine, peristalsis is normalized with metoclopramide.

An important place in the fight against antral gastritis is also occupied by;

  1. Physiotherapy;
  2. Ultrasound treatment to eliminate painful symptoms;
  3. Galvanization of the gastric region;
  4. Use of modulated current.

Having localized the exacerbation of the disease, experts recommend mineral water, treatment with mud and paraffin. Complete healing mucous membrane is impossible without the use of protein-synthesizing drugs, including inosine, sea buckthorn oil, anabolics. Sometimes antral gastritis is activated by taking drugs, which leads to a complete revision of the drug regimen.

Folk remedies

Demonstrate high efficiency folk methods treatment of the disease. The simplest of these is food with high content oatmeal, such as porridge and jelly. Good help herbal preparations chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort and celandine, supplemented with aloe leaves.

Acidity reduces the juice of young potatoes, taken an hour before meals in the amount of one glass. The procedure is carried out for 10 days with a similar interval for 2 months. Old tubers are not recommended for use, due to the high content of corned beef, they can cause negative consequences.

It is useful to drink rosehip broth for breakfast.

An enveloping effect is created flax seeds whose decoction becomes reliable protection walls of the stomach. One tablespoon of ground flax is poured into a glass of water, boiled for 5 minutes, after which it is insisted for one hour. The dosage is one tablespoon of decoction, drunk 15 minutes before a meal.

Special meals

One of essential elements treatment is a diet prescribed by the attending specialist. It is based on liquid food and cereals, consumed in small portions with a 4-hour interval. The acute phase of the disease is treated by fasting, restoring the affected areas of the stomach. Any deviation from the special food leads to a deterioration in the patient's condition, turning the antral disease into a critical stage.

The approved products are:

  • Crackers from white bread;
  • Boiled meat (chicken, rabbit), fish;
  • Vegetable purees, pea soups;
  • pasta;
  • Steamed meatballs;
  • Weakly brewed tea lemon juice diluted with water.

Completely excluded from the diet:

  • Smoked, fried products, spices;
  • Canned food, marinades;
  • Soda, alcohol;
  • Chocolate;
  • Flour pastry;
  • Products with the effect of fermentation (milk, sour cream, black bread, grapes).

The patient should avoid establishments fast food, after finishing acute stage, fried foods gradually and in small portions are returned to the diet. Regardless of the degree of the disease, one should be extremely careful with dried fruits, fatty meat, salty products that can cause complications.

Then the nutritionist makes a special menu. Often, patients are recommended table number 2, which combines a balanced combination of products:

  1. Breakfast. Soft-boiled egg, cheese, oat milk porridge, weak tea;
  2. Dinner. Low-fat broth with pasta, meat cutlets, boiled carrots, kissel;
  3. afternoon tea. Rosehip tincture;
  4. Dinner. boiled fish, rice, fruit puree, weak tea.

Going to bed, it is important to take a glass of kefir.

Inflammation of the antrum of the stomach is much easier to prevent than to deal with the consequences of the disease. To do this, it is desirable to avoid excessive physical and moral stress, bad habits (smoking and alcohol), observe the daily routine, adhere to proper nutrition. Disease prevention is timely appeal to a specialist, excluding a careless attitude to health and self-treatment.

Chronic bacterial disease, in which the mucous membrane of the antral (pyloric) part of the stomach is affected, is called antral gastritis. The bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which causes the disease, can maintain its activity for a long time and dies only with low acidity. Therefore, antral gastritis may not manifest itself for a long time until Helicobacter pylori enters a favorable environment, where they begin to show activity.

A chronic bacterial disease in which the mucous membrane of the antral (pyloric) part of the stomach is affected is called antral gastritis.

Antral gastritis: causes of the disease

Helicobacteria, getting into the stomach, are fixed on the walls of the gastric mucosa. Bacteria are active only in an acidic environment. As a result of their activity in the antrum of the stomach, inflammatory focus, which leads to the death of the mucosal epithelium and an increase in the acidity of gastric juice.

This is how the first stage of the disease begins, which manifests itself severe pain similar to the pain of stomach ulcers. Among the main causes that provoke the disease, physicians distinguish:

  • bacterial intoxication;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • long-term use of medications;
  • smoking;
  • eating too hot food;
  • infection with candidiasis;
  • body burns;
  • vascular destruction;
  • HIV infection;
  • stress.

But most often, gastritis of the antrum of the stomach occurs due to infection with Helicobacter pylori. By self-medicating, many patients expose themselves to great danger. You can drown out the symptoms with pills, but it is impossible to kill bacteria in such ways. They progress, leading to the fact that further development of duodenitis, ulcers, lymphoma and even stomach cancer is possible.

By self-medicating, many patients put themselves in great danger.

Despite the fact that the bacterium has been thoroughly studied, the ways of its penetration into the human body are unknown. But official medicine I tend to believe that the bacterium enters the stomach with water, food, from an infected person upon contact. It is difficult to determine the ways of infection also because the bacterium in the body remains inactive for some time, does not show any symptoms.

Carriers of the pathogen can be family members, pets. The slightest indisposition of one of the people around you should be a cause for concern. If a diagnostic examination will show antral gastritis, everyone who lives nearby should undergo treatment. In the early stages, the disease is easily treatable without serious consequences.

Symptoms of the disease

The danger of the disease is that its symptoms are similar to those of other diseases gastrointestinal tract. It:

  • pain that appears some time after eating;
  • severe heartburn;
  • belching with an unpleasant acid odor;
  • frequent constipation interspersed with diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

The danger of the disease is that its symptoms are similar to those of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

There are several types of antral gastritis, each of which involves different methods treatment. It:

  • focal antral gastritis;
  • surface;
  • chronic;
  • erosive;
  • diffuse;
  • hyperplastic;
  • follicular.

Each disease has a specific but similar symptomatology. Early diagnosis ensures complete cure unpleasant disease. If the examination confirmed antral gastritis, a gastroenterologist will prescribe treatment. Help should be sought at the first symptoms mentioned above.

Focal antral gastritis

The disease of this form is the most common. The mucous membrane of the stomach is affected by foci. It provokes the appearance of an improper diet, an abundance of fatty, spicy foods, alcohol abuse. With an exacerbation of this form of the disease, it is necessary to exclude food that provokes an increase in acidity from the diet. it fresh bread, alcohol, fatty, smoked products, pickles, strong tea and coffee.

It provokes the appearance of an improper diet, an abundance of fatty, spicy foods, alcohol abuse

This variety requires strict adherence to the diet. If you do not follow the recommendations given by the attending physician, irritation occurs, slime layer stomach is destroyed. In addition to medications and diet, doctors recommend the use of traditional medicine. The presence of focal ulcers, erosion responds well to treatment with the use of psyllium juice.

Before treating antral gastritis of focal form, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

Superficial antral gastritis

This type of disease affects the mucosal area at the junction with the duodenum. This is the area of ​​the stomach where food moves from acid environment into alkaline. Here the food bolus moves into the area of ​​the duodenum.

At this point, the gastric mucosa produces mucus, which protects the walls from the effects of an alkaline and acidic environment. Inflammatory processes of superficial gastritis disrupt this process, causing bright clinical symptoms. Before treating superficial antral gastritis, the doctor conducts an examination and prescribes the appropriate treatment.

Important! severe heartburn accompanies any type of gastritis. You can not relieve seizures using soda. This aggravates the condition.

Superficial gastritis considered the initial form serious illness. At this stage, treatment is simple, often limited to diet, antibiotic therapy and the appointment of traditional medicine. Plantain juice is one such remedy.

Chronic gastritis

Chronic antral gastritis

This is a form of the disease that often occurs due to patients ignoring the symptoms of the disease. Frequent heartburn is extinguished with soda. Such “therapy” will temporarily relieve symptoms, but pathological processes in the antrum of the stomach progress, which provokes the appearance of a chronic form of the disease.

How to treat chronic antral gastritis? This is the most difficult process. This type of disease forces a person to adhere to a diet for life. A minor irritant in the form of a shot of vodka, a glass of beer, a cup of coffee, fried piece meat can provoke a painful new attack. Diet, bacterial therapy and traditional medicine is one of the methods of treating the chronic form of the disease.

The mucous membrane of the stomach is subjected to significant destruction, which does not allow it to produce enough mucus and protect the stomach from exposure to the walls of gastric juice. It's like alkaline liquids corrode the pieces fresh meat. After some time, nothing good man can't count. The only way out is surgery and excision of part of the stomach.

Erosive gastritis

With a constant negative impact on the walls of the gastric mucosa by irritating factors, small ulcers and erosion appear. The causative agents are Helicobacter pylori that enter the stomach with junk food or after contact with a sick person. If you ignore the treatment, then the sores are scarred, new ones appear.

Complications of gastritis

Before treating erosive antral gastritis, the doctor prescribes severe fasting for several days. The patient is allowed to drink only water. At this point, antibiotic therapy is carried out. Droppers are placed with some glucose content. During fasting, the stomach will be able to restore its natural functions, and therapy will heal erosion, destroy bacteria.

After several days of fasting, a strict diet is prescribed using products containing a large number of mucus. it oatmeal, rice broths, flax-seed. The course of antibiotics is continued. The further life of a person passes in compliance with the strictest diet. The patient is obliged to come once or twice a year for a preventive examination.

Important! Untreated gastritis can lead to stomach cancer.

Diffuse antral gastritis

Untreated gastritis can lead to stomach cancer.

This type of gastritis is characterized by the fact that the entire surface of the mucous membrane is affected. Food entering the stomach is digested slowly, irritating the painful walls of the stomach. A person is constantly tormented by heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea appear. There is a feeling of severe fatigue, irritability appears.

Before treating this type of antral gastritis, fasting for several days and antibiotic therapy are prescribed. Starvation and antibiotics will help restore the gastric mucosa. But this is possible if the disease has not passed into a more complex form.

After fasting, the patient is prescribed a diet. Of the drinks, only water without gas is allowed and green tea sugarless. Salt, alcohol - to exclude. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic therapy continues. Treatment is carried out only under the supervision of the attending physician. This type of gastritis, like all others, is dangerous with severe consequences. The disease progresses rapidly, which can lead a person to the operating table.

Hyperplastic gastritis

This is a type of antral gastritis that does not appear so often. It is characterized by the fact that a seal appears in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe junction with the duodenum. It even resembles a neoplasm that interferes with the passage food bolus into the gut. The danger of this type is that one neoplasm provokes rapid appearance on the mucous membrane of cysts, polyps, which threatens with cancer of the stomach. Therefore, physicians consider this form of gastritis a precancerous condition.

Pathology is rare, in no more than five out of a thousand cases. But professionals warn that ignoring recommendations, strict adherence to a diet is a direct path to stomach cancer.

Follicular gastritis

A special type of gastritis, but often diagnosed. With this form, follicles form on the walls of the stomach. This situation provokes a large accumulation of lymphocytes. Doctors say that this form occurs against the background of chronic antral gastritis.

Helictobacter pylori

When the gastric mucosa is damaged, the body's defense system is activated, as a result of which a large lymph flow is directed to the damaged areas. This should provoke the production of antibodies that can protect the mucosa from harmful effects. pathogenic bacteria. But this situation interferes natural production gastric juice.

A large amount of lymph provokes the growth of follicles, which after a while cover the mucous membrane with a dense layer, preventing the formation of juice. The production of hydrochloric acid, necessary for the digestion of food, decreases, and then stops altogether. Perspective - surgical intervention.

Diagnosis of antral gastritis

Regardless of the form of the disease, gastritis has the same symptoms. Even minor heartburn, which often recurs, should be the reason for a visit to a gastroenterologist. The disease responds well to treatment timely diagnosis and antibiotic therapy.

Important! If you often suffer from heartburn, this may indicate the onset of gastritis. The sooner you visit a doctor, the better the outlook.

The diet will be appointed in any case. But bacterial therapy differs depending on the form of the disease. Therefore, the attending physician prescribes a diagnostic examination, which includes:

  • blood test (general, biochemical);
  • blood test for antibodies;
  • breath test;
  • intragastric Ph-metry - measurement of acidity;
  • analysis of feces for a coprogram.

In addition to the tests, the patient undergoes X-rays, endogastroscopy, fibrogastroduodenoendoscopy. This makes it possible to obtain a small sample of tissue from the diseased part of the stomach. Based on the data obtained, an analysis of the clinic is made, and the doctor will determine how to treat antral gastritis.

Caring for a patient with gastritis

Treatment of gastritis

The disease is caused by bacteria, therefore antibiotic therapy is prescribed. Most of the drugs used to treat the disease have side effects. This is nausea, vomiting, and the attending physician should warn about this. But there is no other way to get rid of pathogenic bacteria in the stomach. Treatment should:

  • normalize the production of hydrochloric acid;
  • protect the gastric mucosa;
  • relieve pain;
  • get rid of unpleasant factors;
  • promote healing of erosions, regeneration of damaged tissues.

All tablets, injections, are prescribed strictly by the attending physician. Self-medication will only aggravate the situation. In therapy, it is recommended to adhere to a diet, use traditional medicine. Do not ignore professional help for stomach problems. Be healthy!


One of the most important organs in human body stomach is considered. He takes a special part, working daily to break down the food received. True, modern man does not particularly care about the stomach, paying attention to it only when pains arise.

Stomach problems have become the norm in the modern age. 80% of people experience daily pain, but they are in no hurry to identify the cause. Due to the large number of painkillers that are easy to purchase in pharmacies, a person gets used to endure pain, eliminating it for a while.

But the cause remains, and over time, the disease only gets worse. The most common disease of the stomach is gastritis in its various forms. And although a certain part of the organ may be damaged, the initial causes are often similar, such as malnutrition or alcohol abuse.

When making a diagnosis in patients, the question often arises, what is antral gastritis. To make it clearer, this is damage to the mucous membrane of the lower part of the stomach. In this place, there are special glands that help form digested food into a lump for easy passage through the intestines.

Violation of the digestive glands entails complications not only of the stomach, but also of the intestines. The result may be various stages peptic ulcer or more serious complications. How to determine that you have gastritis of the antrum of the stomach? What caused the disease? What methods are used to cure this form gastritis?

What is antrum gastritis

Initially, you should understand why the antrum of the stomach is so important. Another name for the lower part of the organ is pyloric. And him main function- This is a decrease in acidity in processed food for its further breakdown already in the intestines.

Another important work of the antrum is muscular. Due to this, the formed food lump enters the duodenum for further processing. When there are causes that disrupt the normal operation of this area, gastritis develops.

Now you can answer the question, what is antral gastritis. This is a form of gastritis where the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed, leading to a number of complications. And certain pathogens can serve as the causes of the disease. Not to mention the accompanying illnesses:

  • diarrhea;
  • ulcer;
  • cyst;
  • gastric cancer at an advanced stage.

How does antral gastritis develop?

Bacteria are the cause of this disease. And Helicobacter pylori is considered the main one in the hierarchy of microorganisms. It is located precisely in the mucous part, inflaming and atrophying. lower part stomach, thereby sabotaging its work.

The main insidiousness of this bacterium is that, by releasing waste products, the microbe infects the mucous membrane. The result is a dysfunction of the glands responsible for reducing the acidity of digested food. can irritate the intestines, and the duodenum suffers first of all.

If you do not start treatment, the progression of the disease will lead to complete atrophy of the glands, in place of which scars will begin to form, and gastritis will go into a chronic stage. Restoring the previous work of the body will take much more time.

Others related causes leading to the development of antral gastritis are:

The disease can be of two main types:

  • Acute illness.
  • Chronic disease state.

As for the varieties, antral gastritis differs:

  • First easy stage development of the disease - superficial antral gastritis. In this form, only the superficial layers of the gastric mucosa are affected. And serious complications like scarring is not and will not be, if the course of therapy prescribed by the attending physician is completed in a timely manner.
  • The next stage of the disease is an erosive form of gastritis of the antrum. Difficult stage of the disease, affecting the deeper layers of the mucosa. Therefore, erosions begin to develop, turning into ulcers, not only in the stomach, but also in the intestines. Also, the symptoms and manifestation of the disease become more pronounced, the pain takes on a cutting character, and the feces become dark in color. In the patient's vomiting, they differ blood clots, which indicates the presence of bleeding ulcers. If you do not seek help from a specialist in time, then a large loss of blood can lead to death.
  • The most serious stage of the disease is atrophic. It is quite difficult to cure it, because the disease has passed into the chronic stage. Here, the deep layers of the mucosa are already affected and the glands responsible for controlling acidity atrophy, which leads to gastric insufficiency. Such a diagnosis is a precancerous stage of the disease.

Whatever the stage of the disease, antral gastritis has symptoms. They signal to the patient about problems with his health, they should not be neglected. On the manifestation of the first pain in the stomach it is better to undergo an examination.

Symptoms of the manifestation of the disease

Any disease is accompanied by certain symptoms, antral gastritis is no exception. Here is a list of the most common:

  • Regular pain in the stomach, either after eating, after 2 hours, or on an empty stomach.
  • Standard discomfort like heaviness or fullness of the stomach, as well as tightness.
  • Periodically, acid belching occurs due to the strongly acidic environment in the stomach.
  • Heartburn.
  • Nausea and even vomiting from inability to digest food.
  • The patient constantly feels bad taste in the mouth, not to mention the bad smell.
  • The entire digestive tract suffers from disruption of the stomach.
  • If the disease is severely neglected, then gastric bleeding opens, this can be determined by vomit with blood mucus and dark color feces.
  • In severe form, the patient may lose weight because they are unable to eat and digest food.

If you observe several symptoms in yourself, then be examined by a doctor.

How is antral gastritis diagnosed?

To put correct diagnosis need to be examined special device to identify possible inflammation gastric mucosa. Here are the required research procedures:

  • FEGDS - the device is used for internal study of the tissues of the gastric mucosa. The study can determine the presence of erosion, inflammation or stomach ulcers.
  • X-ray.
  • CT scan.
  • Special urease test for the presence of Helicobacter pylori.
  • The study of gastric juice to determine its acidity.

After all necessary procedures the doctor prescribes the treatment of antral gastritis. It depends on many factors.

Different treatment options for antral gastritis

How to treat antral gastritis? After the diagnosis, the doctor determines the methods of treatment. It depends on the intensity of damage to the gastric mucosa, and the causes contributing to the disease. There are two ways to deal with the disease:

  • Treatment of antral gastritis with medications.
  • Treatment of the disease by means of traditional medicine.

If applicable drug treatment, then it takes place in a special hospital under the supervision of doctors and consists of three stages:

Antibacterial treatment to destroy everything harmful bacteria. It consists of regularly taking special antibiotics that prevent the growth of germs and bacteria. Here are the most common ones that relieve acid levels and stomach cramps:

  • "De-nol";
  • "Renicidin";
  • "Omeprazole";
  • "Phosphalugel";
  • "Almagel";
  • "Alugastrin";
  • "Platifillin";
  • "No-shpa";
  • "Festal";
  • "Mezim".

After destruction harmful bacteria doctors move on to the second stage. Its main focus is the restoration of damaged areas of the mucosa plus the normalization of all major digestive processes. Medications which apply in this case:

  • "Actovegin";
  • Solcoseryl.

The third stage of gastritis treatment involves following a diet specially designed for the patient by a gastroenterologist.

How long the course of treatment will be depends on the severity of damage to the gastric mucosa. In addition, drugs are regularly changed due to the rapid adaptation of microbes to them.

Diet for antral gastritis

Developed carries several directions. Therefore, it is extremely important to comply with get well soon. Maybe, strict rules will be unbearable for most patients, but it is necessary to normalize the work of the stomach. Violation of the diet will worsen the disease.

In the case of cancer, the only treatment is surgery. And then the restrictions on food intake will become much stronger.

Here is a list of foods prohibited for antral gastritis:

  • Any alcoholic product.
  • To give up smoking.
  • Any carbonated product in the form of sweet drinks.
  • Fried food is excluded.
  • Reduce consumption of fish and meat.
  • Remove all smoked meats from the diet.
  • All raw fruits and vegetables are prohibited.
  • Sour berries and citrus fruits.

You can eat liquid food, regardless of the stage of the disease. In this case, the food should be divided into 6-7 receptions in a small amount. Since the food is liquid, it will be digested faster, especially if you are active image life.

List of allowed products:

  • Bouillon soups with finely chopped vegetables. It will be even better if it is almost puree, especially if the gastritis is severely advanced.
  • All food must be steamed in a slow cooker, baked in the oven or cooked like a soup.
  • Fish and lean meat is possible only after the end of the course of treatment, but only in boiled or baked form.
  • It is allowed to eat various cereals, such as:

- rice;

- buckwheat;

- semolina;

- oatmeal.

  • Dairy products:

- dietary yogurt;

- cottage cheese with low percentage fat content;

- milk;

- cream;

- yogurt.

  • It is also desirable to bake fruits or cook compotes.

But not only the selection of products matters, it is necessary to cook them correctly and follow the diet. Train yourself to eat certain time so that gastric juice begins to stand out just before eating. Also, chew your food thoroughly, so it will be easier for the stomach to digest it.

Do not bring to the development of antral gastritis, it is better to eat junk food little by little, so you will avoid serious damage to the gastric mucosa. Do not start the disease, it can lead to severe complications in the form of ulcers or even cancer.

Prevention never hurts

by the most effective method prevention of any type of gastritis is proper and timely nutrition. It is better to develop it in early childhood. Eliminate everything from your diet harmful products, which can provoke disruption of the stomach.

Reduce your intake of fried, smoked, spicy or fatty foods. bad habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol should also be avoided. Stressful situations can also become the cause of gastritis, so it is recommended to take life easier and try to relax emotionally regularly. Find any hobby that brings you peace and joy.

Visit more often fresh air especially for office workers. Take care of your own health, remember that the treatment of the disease is much more unpleasant and more expensive, especially now.

Video: gastritis types and types

Antral gastritis- this is pathological process, which is accompanied by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. This is the form chronic gastritis, which occurs due to untimely or poor-quality therapy. This name was given to gastritis due to the concentration of pathology in the antrum of the stomach.

Varieties of antral gastritis

Taking into account morphological changes, the ailment in question is divided into several types:

  1. Superficial antral gastritis is a violation of the upper layer of the gastric mucosa. Moreover, the deep layers of the organ are not affected, therefore, there is no scarring.
  2. Erosive antral gastritis- is the most dangerous inflammatory process, which leads to serious disorders of the lower mucosa. Previously, this disease had such a name as antral sub atrophic gastritis. The symptoms are similar to the catarrhal process. Inflammation is extensive, which leads to the formation of erosion. This disrupts the functioning of the glands of the stomach and contributes to the rapid formation of scars.
  3. Hyperplastic gastritis. Neg is characterized by an increase in the mucous membrane of the antrum. This pathology is accompanied by the formation of cysts and polyps.
  4. Antral atrophic gastritis- This is one of the most dangerous ailments, because it causes a precancerous condition of the stomach.
  5. Superficial focal antral gastritis- This is a disease for which the formation of places of atrophy is characteristic, which leads to the development of an atrophic disease.
  6. catarrhal- This is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the lower part of the stomach.

Treatment plan

Superficial antrum gastritis can be cured only with an integrated approach. Only after passing all the tests, the doctor prescribes certain complex drugs, each of which has its own effect.


In the treatment of the disease, the most important thing is to get rid of the infection. As a rule, this bacterium Helicobacter pylori. It is she who is a fundamental factor in the development of gastritis. Eliminate unpleasant symptoms disease and remove the cause of its formation allow antibacterial drugs belonging to the group of semi-synthetic penicillins. Most often it is Amoxicillin.

Proton Pump Tools

Such medicines are necessary to take to regulate the gastric glands and reduce the level of acidity. This group includes Omez, Nexius. The next drug - De-Nol allows you to adjust the acidity. Superficial gastritis of the antrum can be cured with the help of the following funds: Ranitidine and Famotidine. They act as blockers of H2-histamine receptors.


This group includes medicines, the purpose of which is to neutralize hydrochloric acid, sorption and excretion bile acids. The drug has an enveloping and cytoprojective effect. These drugs should include:

  • Reni,
  • Maalox.


The presented funds have a peripheral effect. The most effective are Atropine, Metacin, Platifillin. Used to relieve severe pain.


Treatment of erosive antral gastritis must necessarily include drugs that would make up for the lack of vitamins and nutrients. All multivitamins are administered by injection. These include vitamin B group, nicotine, ascorbic acid. If the inflammatory process proceeds for a long time, then it is worth using preparations rich in vitamin B12, iron, folic acid.

In addition to the presented medicines, they also emit at least effective drugs for the treatment of astral gastritis:

  1. Means for stimulating the release of hydrochloric acid. This group includes plantain juice, herbal tinctures, plantaglucid.
  2. Medicines that have a restorative effect. These include Actovegin, Solcoseryl, Riboxin. Their action is aimed at improving trophism in the mucosa and tissues, activating metabolism.
  3. Sedative treatments are drugs that have a sedative and hypnotic effect. This group should include Elenium, Seduxen, Phenozepam.

Proper nutrition

Diet therapy is one of the main components of the treatment of antral gastritis. Thanks to it, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of relapses, restore the mucosa. If the diet was chosen correctly, then it is possible to eliminate the effect on the walls of the stomach of a chemical and mechanical nature.

Balanced and proper nutrition important role in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. It is worth choosing the right products with a balance of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and vitamins. It is these components that will saturate the body with all useful substances without harm to the stomach.

Eating can be done regularly without a long break. Requires frequent and fractional nutrition. The number of meals per day will be 4-6 times. In addition to the fact that you need to eat in small portions, meals should occur at the same time. Don't overeat before going to bed. The last meal will take place no later than 18-19 pm.

The diet should not contain such products:

  • smoked meats,
  • spices,
  • fatty, fried, sour, spicy foods,
  • alcohol and drinks containing it,
  • all types of soda,
  • undiluted fruit juices,
  • coffee,
  • sour varieties of apples,
  • citrus,
  • grape.

Also, people with astral gastritis should forget about smoking. In a limited amount, eat sweet pastries and dishes containing a large amount of sugar. Eat food should be warm, avoiding too hot or cold. Otherwise, it will lead to irritation of the gastric mucosa. Proper nutrition must be selected on an individual basis. It depends on the violation of the secretory function, the severity and duration of the course of the disease.

You can learn more about gastritis, as well as effective management and diet from the following video:


All physiotherapeutic manipulations should be implemented during the period of remission or subsidence acute process. An excellent therapeutic effect can be obtained by the following procedures:

  • mud,
  • paraffin,
  • ozocerite applications.

But they can be carried out only for those patients who have normal or increased secretion of hydrochloric acid. For a person with low acidity with rigid antral gastritis, such manipulations are prohibited.

In the chronic course of the disease, a positive effect can be achieved using galvanization, UHF procedures, phonophoresis and electrophoresis. Lead nervous system it will be possible to return to normal with the help of balneotherapy.

Folk methods

You can eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of antral gastritis using methods alternative medicine. But get positive effect succeeds only if they are used with medicines and diet.


To prepare the medicine, take blueberries in an amount of 10 g and pour hot water- 200 ml. Wait until the drink is infused. Reception is carried out 3 times a day, 2 tablespoons.


This remedy effectively copes with severe pain in the abdomen. To obtain, take hawthorn berries, steam them in the oven. Eat dried fruits and drink the resulting liquid.

Black currant

The presented remedy should be used by those who have low acidity. Take the fruits of black currant, grind them in a meat grinder. Drink freshly squeezed juice 3 times a day for ½ cup.

Sea ​​buckthorn

Take sea buckthorn berries, send to a meat grinder. Drink freshly squeezed juice before meals 3 times a day in the amount of 1 cup.

White cabbage

Prepare juice from this product and consume it 3 times a day, 200 ml each. Reception is carried out 20 minutes before meals.


Send the lemon to the juicer, dilute the resulting juice with water. Before using the product, add sugar. Consume 100 ml per day. This recipe should be used by those people who have reduced level acidity.


To get rid of gastritis, you need to consume baked or fresh apples. This tool should be used by those who have low acidity.

Tomato juice

This remedy can also be used by people suffering from low acidity. Apply tomato juice without pepper, but with a small amount salt. Use the product 2 times a day for a glass.


To eliminate high acidity, you can use fresh potato juice. Use the product 150 g 3 times a day. After taking the drink, it is recommended to lie down a bit. The course of therapy will leave 10 days.


Using this root crop, it is worth making juice. It is effective for people who have hyperacidity. You can eliminate the weight of the unpleasant symptoms of gastritis if you use the remedy in an amount of 200-300 g 3 times a day.


To defeat gastritis forever, you need to use wheat grains. Take them in an amount of 10 g and pour water. When sprouts form, you need to wash them, grind them with a meat grinder. Add to the resulting mass vegetable oil. Take the medicine on an empty stomach.

Antral gastritis is a fairly common disease. Accompanied by symptoms such as pain, nausea, fever. The disease can be cured with the help of complex therapy. In this case, it is advisable to use medications, sparing nutrition and alternative medicine methods.

Treatment of antral gastritis (superficial, erosive, atrophic)

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A pathology such as antral gastritis is spoken of in cases where inflammation of the gastric mucosa is caused by the presence in the human body of such a bacterial agent as Helicobacter pylori. Such a disease of the stomach can be asymptomatic for a long time, but when the process reaches a certain stage, symptoms of an inflammatory lesion of the organ occur, which causes a lot of trouble to a person, forcing him to seek medical help.

Speaking about antral gastritis, we are talking about the inflammatory process in one of the sections of the stomach. It is worth noting that this organ consists of three sections - the pyloric section (upper), middle (directly the body of the stomach) and antral (lower) section. And that's it in lower section a bacterium settles, causing inflammation in it, which affects the movement of food and its digestion. Another term for this pathology is called type B gastritis, and usually the process is chronic.

The reasons

Chronic antral gastritis of the stomach is caused by a microorganism that invades the mucous membrane and causes a violation of the production of bicarbonates that regulate acidity. As a result, the acidity in the stomach increases, which can cause both inflammation in the antrum and in other parts of the organ.

It is important to know how the bacterium enters the human body. This can happen when kissing, as the microorganism is transmitted through saliva. That is, by kissing a person who has Helicobacter in the body, you can get infected. Accordingly, infection can also occur through household appliances, namely dishes, cutlery. Children often become infected with this microorganism through inadequately sterilized bottles and nipples.

Using the same toothbrush can also cause infection. Helicobacter can also be transmitted through medical equipment, especially used repeatedly with diagnostic or therapeutic purpose for different patients.

Fortunately, the bacterium is not transmitted through the air, as it is an anaerobic and quickly dies when exposed to air. In this case, the bacterium can stay in the stomach for a long time and not cause an inflammatory process, however, under the influence of certain provoking factors, it can begin to actively multiply, causing symptoms of the disease.

Such provoking factors can be:

  • excessive human passion for fast food, as well as fried, spicy food;
  • constant overeating;
  • frequent consumption of coffee and alcoholic beverages (in recent times the number of exacerbations has increased due to people's excessive passion for tonic drinks, the so-called energy drinks);
  • smoking.

Unfortunately, even constant exposure to stress can trigger the activity of the microorganism, causing antral gastritis. That is why doctors recommend that people seeking to maintain health avoid and nerve strain, because many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs cause precisely malfunctions in the nervous system.


Depending on the nature of the course of this disease of the stomach, there are acute and chronic pathology. But more important is the classification according to the type of distribution and the nature of the lesion. So, there are several forms of this disease of the stomach:

  • erosive antral gastritis is the most severe form pathology, since with it erosions are formed on the surface of the stomach, similar in clinical signs with ulcers. This can cause the development of bleeding, which is dangerous to humans;
  • superficial antral gastritis is considered the most mild form diseases due to the fact that with it only the outer cells of the mucosa are affected, without involvement of the deeper tissues of the organ in the inflammatory process;
  • antral atrophic gastritis, predominantly having a chronic course. With this form of gastric pathology, atrophy of the mucous membrane of the affected organ occurs, which can cause gastric insufficiency. This form of the disease is considered a precancerous condition.

Also common forms of such a pathology as antral gastritis include diffuse, hyperplastic, follicular, focal. We are talking about diffuse when the inflammatory process spreads over a large area. About hyperplastic - when inflammation causes the growth of the gastric mucosa. Follicular is very rare (only 1% of cases) and is characterized by the accumulation of lymphocytes in inflamed tissues and blockage of the glands that produce bicarbonates. Focal antral gastritis is an inflammatory process with a clear localization (within individual foci). This type of stomach pathology is also called antral subatrophic gastritis.


The symptoms of this disease of the stomach are not very different from the symptoms of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including other pathologies of the stomach. In particular, symptoms such as:

  • emergence and eructations;
  • occasional nausea and even vomiting;
  • bad taste in the mouth, bad breath;
  • bloating and stool disorder;
  • pain, which can be acute (on an empty stomach) or aching, bursting in nature, occurring immediately after eating.

At the same time, when other parts of the stomach, except for the antrum, are affected, symptoms such as weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss, pain in the upper part of the stomach, and a constant feeling of heaviness may occur.

Each form of the disease is characterized by its own specific symptoms. For example, in the erosive form of the pathology, bleeding often develops, so blood can be found in the stool, which becomes black. With this form, the patient is also noted. And if another part of the organ is involved, the disease can be complicated by inflammation of the pancreas and even lead to development.

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis is made on the basis of laboratory research and instrumental examination patient. Laboratory tests allow to establish the presence of Helicobacter pylori DNA in the body of a sick person, which indicates that this microorganism actively multiplies in the stomach, causing an inflammatory process. Treatment in this case will be aimed at the destruction of the microorganism.

Instrumental diagnostic methods are:

In some cases, CT is prescribed.

Treatment of the disease should include, first of all, antibiotic therapy, which is prescribed taking into account the determination of the sensitivity of the pathogen to certain antibacterial drugs. In addition to antibiotics, the use of drugs that reduce acidity, as well as drugs that stabilize the production of hydrochloric acid, is indicated.

Diet plays an important role in antral gastritis, so treatment involves the use of liquid or ground food, in small portions up to 6 times a day. It is forbidden to eat those foods that excite secretory function stomach. Sometimes treatment involves a different duration therapeutic fasting, giving time to the mucous membrane of the inflamed organ to recover. Fasting should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician. Also in the complex therapy of antral gastritis, treatment is used folk ways, which consists in the use of flax seeds, potato juice or infusions of some herbs (St. John's wort, chamomile, yarrow).

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