Skin diseases: how to recognize and cure? Types of skin diseases on the face Infectious skin diseases list

Dermatology- a branch of medicine that studies the functioning and structure of the skin, as well as mucous membranes, hair, nails, sebaceous and sweat glands; solves the problems of diagnostics, prevention and treatment of skin diseases.

A specialist who identifies skin diseases and prescribes treatment when dermatological diseases are detected is called a dermatologist.

History of dermatology

For the first time, mention of skin diseases is found in the manuscripts of ancient healers in China and Egypt. The great scientists Avicenna and Hippocrates were engaged in the development of methods for the treatment and diagnosis of such pathologies, but such a branch of medicine stood out as an independent direction only by the beginning of the 17th century, which was associated with a thorough study of the functioning and structure of the skin, and, of course, the invention of the first microscopic devices.

As a result of scientific justification and similar studies, a classification of skin diseases was first developed in 1776. This direction of medicine in Russia received scientific development at the end of the 18th century. A significant contribution to world and domestic science was made by such scientists as A.I. Pospelov, N.P. Mansurov, I.F. Zelenov and others.

Modern dermatology has been able to achieve significant development in the treatment and diagnosis of various pathologies due to the development of innovative technologies and accumulated experience. Today, this industry has close ties with phlebology, venereology, endocrinology, surgery and other medical areas, which is fully due to the need for a detailed study of various dermatological problems. This approach to a greater extent allows improving the already acquired knowledge, as well as developing new methods in the field of laser treatment, plastic surgery, immunotherapy and creating new, more effective drugs.

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Directions and tasks of dermatology

Despite numerous connections with different sciences, the closest area for dermatology is venereology. In dermatology, there are more and more new areas that are engaged in a detailed study of certain pathologies and diseases:

    Dermatocosmetology is a medical science that deals with the diagnosis of the causes of occurrence and the creation of methods for eliminating any cosmetic skin defects.

    Mycology is a branch of dermatology that studies fungal diseases.

    Trichology is a science that specializes in hair diseases.

    Pediatric dermatology is a science that studies the characteristics of children's skin diseases.

    Dermato-oncology - studies skin neoplasms for their good quality.

    Gerontodermatology is a branch of dermatology that deals with skin diseases in the elderly.

Causes and symptoms of skin diseases

Leather- the largest organ of the human body, which is visible to the eye. It, like a litmus test, demonstrates the state of all organs and systems, protects them from mechanical influences and infections.

Through the nervous, lymphatic, endocrine and circulatory systems, the skin is connected to almost the entire body. No wonder the diseases of most organs in a certain way affect the condition of the skin, nails, hair, mucous membranes.

For example, everyone is well aware that the skin with liver diseases acquires a yellowish tint; with scarlet fever, chicken pox, measles, the body becomes covered with a rash; persistent furunculosis can talk about the development of diabetes, problems in gynecology manifest themselves as acne on the neck, cheeks, chin.

The functional diversity of the skin, its structure and the impact on it of many internal and external factors characterizes the variety of dermatological diseases - dermatoses. Exogenous (external) factors that affect the appearance of skin diseases include:

  1. Biological factors causing:

    fungal skin lesions - mycoses: epidermophytosis, microsporia;

    pustular diseases - pyoderma: furunculosis, hidradenitis, impetigo;

    viral lesions - herpes, warts;

  1. Physical and chemical factors that cause the formation of inflammatory skin diseases - dermatitis: abrasions, diaper rash, burns.

Endogenous (internal) factors have a strong influence on the appearance of many skin diseases:

    diseases of the nervous system;

    metabolic disease;


    internal diseases of the systems;

    chronic foci of infection.

All of the above factors can act as a source of various deviations in the functionality of the skin and mucous membranes. Among the most common signs of skin diseases, the appearance of which you need to urgently consult a dermatologist, there are:

    changes in skin color and texture;

    skin rashes;

    itching, burning, soreness of the skin.

Dermatological diseases

Among the diseases that dermatology studies:

    occupational dermatological diseases;

    diseases that depend on changes in the reactivity of the body;

    skin diseases accompanied by intense itching (they talk about diseases of the internal organs) and neurotic disorders;

    hereditary skin lesions that are chronic in nature;

    pathological condition of the skin caused by changes in the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands and deviations in the chemical. composition of sebum.

It's no secret that most dermatoses are difficult to treat and are characterized by a chronic relapsing nature of the course.

The most common skin diseases:

  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • dermatitis;
  • scabies;
  • lichen;
  • demodicosis;
  • seborrhea;
  • various mycoses and allergies;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • vitiligo;
  • streptoderma;
  • scleroderma;
  • erythema;
  • hives;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • acne (acne disease).

Such skin diseases cause a lot of aesthetic inconvenience to people, they destroy the skin and its appendages (nails, hair and sweat glands), disrupting its natural functions - immune, protective, thermoregulatory, receptor and metabolic.

Modern dermatology

In our time, the development of dermatology does not stop. The emergence of new methods for the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases allows modern dermatology to make a breakthrough into the future. New techniques provide an opportunity to accurately and quickly determine the cause of a particular skin disease and establish an effective treatment. Often, when conducting skin examinations, dermatologists advise visiting other doctors, since a skin disease is only an external manifestation of a malfunction in a certain body system.

Now modern diagnostic methods are used to study the skin, nails, mucous membranes, hair: instrumental, laboratory, radiological, skin tests are carried out.

Treatment of skin diseases will require patience and compliance with all doctor's prescriptions. The main role in successful treatment is played by the exact observance of the regimen of diets and drug therapy, the correct regular hygiene of the diseased skin area. In the treatment of skin diseases, physiotherapy and apparatus procedures, psychotherapy, spa treatment, herbal medicine are widely used.

Thanks to more advanced therapeutic and diagnostic methods, it is possible to achieve a cure for many skin diseases that until recently were considered incurable.

Dermatology on the site portal

Skin diseases of various etiologies are very diverse and widespread, so our medical portal introduces all visitors to various signs, advanced methods of treatment and methods for diagnosing dermatological diseases.

The skin is an important human organ. It performs a protective function of the body and regulates body temperature. The direct connection of the skin with all internal organs cannot but affect its condition. Internal pathologies are not rarely manifested by skin diseases.

Skin diseases are pathologies with characteristic violations of the integrity of the skin and functional abnormalities, belong to the section of medicine - dermatology. The impact of the environment also affects the condition of human skin, which can cause dermatological diseases.

As a rule, skin diseases are not independent diseases and appear as a result of a malfunction of the internal organs.


Pathological processes are manifested by various rashes, inflammation, itching or peeling.

Skin diseases become noticeable almost from the first day, because they are characterized by pronounced symptoms:

  • rash and itching;
  • redness and other changes in skin pigmentation;
  • peeling;
  • the appearance of ulcers or erosions;
  • acne;
  • the presence of warts, papillomas;
  • painful sensations.

These symptoms indicate the development of a skin disease or are evidence of allergies, internal diseases, and unfavorable ecology. Therefore, any manifestation requires a thorough examination by a dermatologist. Self-medication can cause complications.

The reasons

The reasons can be completely different, they are divided into external and internal.

Among the external causes of skin diseases are the main ones:

  • climate - extreme cold or exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • injuries - abrasions, tears, cuts;
  • infectious skin lesions - fungal, viral, bacterial;
  • lack of body hygiene;
  • consequences of stress and other disorders.

Internal reasons:

  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • immune failures;
  • blood diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • violation of the intestinal microflora;
  • avitaminosis.

The main reason for the development of skin diseases is a violation in the work of internal organs. The liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, intestines and spleen cannot process and remove all the toxins that are formed in the body.

In this case, toxins are excreted by the skin and appear through the pores, for this reason dermatitis and dermatoses develop. It is assumed that psoriasis has the same etiology, but it is more of a genetic nature and speaks of an immune failure.

An important factor in the development of a skin disease is an aggressive reaction of immune cells to a particular irritant (allergy). Infection and fungi penetrate the skin and multiply, causing various skin inflammatory processes.

Dysbacteriosis is on a par with important causes of skin diseases. Disturbed intestinal microflora disrupts digestion and interferes with the absorption of nutrients the body needs.

To prescribe treatment, it is necessary to establish a diagnosis, for this a number of measures are taken:

  • visual examination of the patient;
  • laboratory tests of blood and urine;
  • skin scraping.

Initially, symptomatic drugs and drugs are prescribed to eliminate the cause of skin pathologies.

Signs and differences

Skin diseases can be infectious or non-infectious. These include dermatitis and dermatoses. The characteristic symptoms of these diseases are itching, peeling and discoloration of the skin.

This group of skin diseases also includes psoriasis, they are not transmitted by contact, these are diseases of the immune system, they require treatment with special drugs.


Atopic dermatitis usually occurs in young children under one year old, characterized by rashes, itching and redness of the skin. The disease can be of varying intensity, usually causes an allergy to food or mixtures. Strict, drugs to cleanse the body and improve digestion, as well as external agents to eliminate rashes and itching of the skin, are necessarily used for treatment.

Allergic dermatitis is more common in the adult population and is the result of a food irritant. The rash may appear in different places, the focus may be in one place, or rashes may appear in large areas. In addition to symptomatic agents, an antihistamine is prescribed.

Seborrhea occurs due to a violation of sebum formation, which contributes to the reproduction of a fungus that affects the epidermis. It differs in that it forms small scales, localized mainly on the head, behind the ears, in the armpits, in the navel and between the shoulder blades on the back. For treatment, an antifungal agent is used.


Eczema is most often hereditary, caused by immune failure and is a chronic disease. It has periods of exacerbation and remission. The skin becomes inflamed in places, itches and bakes. Eczema is manifested by wet rashes, then the crusts dry up, and the aggravation ends there. Eczema can be treated for a long time, but it is almost impossible to cure it completely.

Neurodermatitis is characterized by severe unbearable itching of skin areas that are covered with a rash. The person begins to get nervous, his sleep is disturbed and constant irritation follows. The skin dries in the affected areas and coarsens, age spots may appear.

This chronic disease is isolated in an independent group, psoriasis is considered the most severe disease. Its periods of exacerbation are completely unpredictable, and the nature of the occurrence is not fully understood. It is believed that psoriasis develops after severe stress. Characteristic plaques are localized on the knees, elbows, head, soles and palms. They look like scales, under which the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin shines, sometimes blood can come out. Psoriasis affects not only the skin, but also the nail plates, as well as the joints, in this case we are talking about psoriatic arthritis.

Treatment of skin diseases

Treatment of skin diseases is carried out depending on symptoms, but it is always directed not only to external manifestations, but also to internal organs. Therapy is carried out with drugs for oral administration and external agents to eliminate skin pathologies.

Of the external preparations, hormonal and non-hormonal are used. Basically, these are ointments containing glucocorticosteroids, their action is aimed at eliminating inflammation and reducing the response of immune cells. They quickly and effectively remove external symptoms, but they cannot be used constantly. This is bad for the immune system and reduces the protective ability of the skin.

Therefore, alternative non-hormonal preparations based on active zinc and tar are used. They also relieve inflammation of the skin and relieve itching. In addition, these drugs protect the damaged epidermis and promote tissue regeneration.

Today, there are many remedies for the treatment of skin diseases, but they are not recommended to be used without consulting a doctor.

The method of treatment and means depend on the etiology of the disease:

  1. In case of allergic skin rashes, treatment is aimed at eliminating the allergen and cleansing the body, for this, absorbents are used. To stop the increased production of histamines, antihistamines are prescribed. Ointments are applied externally to eliminate itching and inflammation of the skin.
  2. If dermatitis is associated with a malfunction of the internal organs, then medications are used to normalize their work. In addition, drugs are needed to eliminate intoxication of the body.
  3. In severe cases, the person may be hospitalized. In a hospital setting, it is easier to carry out diagnostics and laboratory tests. The appointment of injections and droppers makes treatment at home impossible.
  4. If the nature of the skin disease is fungal, then antifungal ointments and oral tablets are used. Treatment can take from 14 to 30 days.
  5. With an infectious nature, antibiotic therapy and drugs to strengthen the body are prescribed. Skin treatment is carried out with antiseptics and antimicrobial ointments.

Traditional medicine for skin diseases

Folk remedies are natural and do not cause side effects.

For skin diseases, folk therapy is also used:

  • For various eczema and lichen, lemon juice is recommended, it must be drunk according to the scheme: for the first day, prepare juice from five lemons and drink it during the day, for the second - 10 lemons, when juice from 25 lemons is drunk a day, the amount of citrus gradually decreases up to 5, the symptoms will disappear.
  • Garlic with honey is applied to rashes, covered with paper and fixed overnight, in the morning the bandage must be changed. Grated carrots will give the same effect.
  • Medicinal herbs are used to treat various dermatitis and other skin pathologies. A decoction of celandine can be used for lotions, and a series of brew for bathing.
  • St. John's wort insist on olive oil in a dark place for 14 days and lubricate problem areas of the skin. You can also use cranberry juice.

  • Sea buckthorn has a good effect in the treatment of eczema and other skin diseases. You can use sea buckthorn oil for external procedures and take berries inside.
  • Psoriasis is recommended to be treated with tar mixed with birch ash.

When treating folk remedies, it is necessary to take into account the possible individual intolerance or allergic reactions to some component.

Skin diseases are a common cause for concern for many people. Some of them are slightly dangerous to health, while others require immediate qualified assistance and, possibly, surgical intervention to save the patient's life. In order to contact a dermatologist in a timely manner, it is important to know the symptoms of human skin diseases, photos and descriptions of which we offer our readers.

Not everyone knows that the skin is the largest organ of the body, which has a complex structure and performs many functions. Its total area can be more than 2 m 2, and its weight can be from 2.5 to 5 kilograms, depending on the configuration and height.

The skin is assigned the role of a protective function in order to protect internal tissues from the effects of an unfavorable external environment, therefore it is very vulnerable. In addition, the skin serves as a kind of regulator of water balance and temperature in the body, and through the pores it releases sweat containing salt solutions and metabolic products. So regular and body is a guarantee of the prevention of many skin diseases.

Classification of diseases

Skin diseases have different types, which are differentiated among themselves primarily by the cause of occurrence.


Infectious skin diseases develop if pathogenic microorganisms have penetrated the skin tissue. Their vital activity causes severe inflammation, which is accompanied by pain and redness; in some cases, an increase in temperature (depending on the severity of the course of the disease).

In this case, vesicles, nodules, pustules and other erosions form on the skin. After recovery, they pass, and a scar may remain in their place or. Often, the infection accompanies other skin diseases, as the pathogen penetrates the tissues at the sites of their damage, for example, with scratches or scratches. Such a disease is dangerous because microorganisms can enter the human circulatory system and provoke the development of sepsis, which is a threat to life.

Common types of infections: folliculitis, felon, erysipelas, impetigo, ringworm.


In fungal skin diseases, the cause of tissue damage is the penetration of various fungi (Microsporum, Candida and others). Such diseases are characterized, as a rule, by a long course and a tendency to chronicity.

Symptoms may wax and wane, but over time, the disease affects more and more new areas of the skin. The clinical manifestations of such diseases are varied and depend on the type of fungus. As a rule, round spots with superficial peeling appear on the skin; noticeable redness. This is often accompanied by itching. With the progression of the disease, the foci grow.

This category includes multi-colored lichen, candidiasis, ringworm. Fungi can cause the development of seborrheic dermatitis or provoke infection into the tissues. For treatment, special preparations are used to destroy the pathogen, as well as means for skin regeneration.

Pustular and purulent diseases

Pustular and purulent diseases are a kind of infectious diseases. In these cases, the pathogens are staphylococci and streptococci, which entered the skin tissue through damage to the upper layers. The inflammatory process is accompanied by the formation of pus, acute pain when pressing on the affected area and its redness.

Often the local temperature rises, and with a long and severe course - the general one. Pustular skin diseases occur with the formation of small pustules; while purulent ones are characterized by the appearance of boils, abscesses and phlegmon. Outwardly, they look like swollen tubercles of various sizes with purulent contents.

In some cases, the disease resolves spontaneously if the pus breaks out on its own. But it is better not to delay treatment in order to avoid possible serious consequences (sepsis, meningitis). Therapy, as a rule, consists in the treatment of antibacterial drugs taken orally, intravenously and intramuscularly, as well as in the form of compresses.

In case of purulent skin diseases, it is necessary to seek help from a surgeon who will open the abscess, cleanse the cavity of pus and apply a bandage with the necessary medicine. It is strictly forbidden to perform such manipulations on your own at home, because people without special education are unlikely to comply with all sterility requirements and perform the procedure properly.


Allergic diseases of the human skin are an extensive group of pathologies. The most common of this category are eczema and dermatitis. Their symptoms can be varied, but most often they are red itchy spots that cause a lot of inconvenience and spoil the appearance of a person.

Favorite localization of lesions - on the inner bend of the elbows and under the knees. In the formation of skin diseases of an allergic nature, a malfunction of the human immune system plays an important role, which leads to the fact that the body begins to perceive certain substances as hostile allergens.

Children's skin pathologies often appear in the first years of life. Sometimes there is a spontaneous cure with age, but more often eczema and dermatitis have a chronic course with periodic exacerbations and remissions. To avoid extensive skin lesions and improve well-being, it is necessary to identify the cause that provokes rashes and itching. This can be done only after passing the necessary tests.

Another variant of the course of diseases of this group in humans are single reactions of the immune system. They are characterized by an acute onset, which is replaced by a gradual decline in the severity of symptoms, followed by recovery. For example, urticaria, familiar to many, belongs to such diseases.

The main therapy is prescribed by an allergist. To improve the condition, it is necessary to prevent contact with allergenic substances. For the treatment of skin rashes, various drugs are used: for example, non-hormonal or hormonal ointment.


The mechanism of occurrence of viral skin diseases is similar to the mechanism of development of infectious diseases. Only in this case, the causative agents are various viruses. Symptoms largely depend on the type of this microorganism.

The most common of them is papillomavirus, which is condylomas.

Today, science knows more than a hundred of its types, some of which are practically harmless to humans, while others can provoke the development of cancer. Often the skin is also affected by herpes of various types and molluscum contagiosum.

The course of all these diseases is usually chronic. General therapy is reduced to strengthening the immune response of the body, which allows you to suppress the activity and replication of viruses. Warts, which are a cosmetic defect, are removed if necessary. This is also recommended if they are located in a place where they are easy to injure. The exacerbation of herpes is removed by applying special ointments or other means to the affected areas of the skin.

Oncological skin diseases include basalioma, melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma. They are caused by the degeneration of benign cells into malignant ones, which sometimes occurs under the influence of adverse factors.

At risk are people with a genetic predisposition, leading an unhealthy lifestyle, working in hazardous industries and exposed to various waves of radiation. In some cases, skin cancer develops or under excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Danger signs can be:

  • rebirth of a nevus;
  • the appearance of an unevenly colored spot with uneven edges;
  • its rapid growth;
  • bleeding;
  • soreness and some other symptoms.

More information will be given by a photograph of a dangerous disease.


Of the papulosquamous skin diseases, the most famous are psoriasis and lichen planus. Psoriasis occurs at different ages, and to date, scientists have not been able to name the exact cause of the onset of the disease, although most of the doctors tend to have disorders in the human immune system. Often the debut of psoriasis occurs after a stressful situation or other severe illness.

It manifests itself in the formation of plaques from dry and red papules that rise slightly above the skin. The course of such a disease is undulating, that is, periods of relief are replaced by exacerbations. A special type of psoriasis is psoriatic arthritis, in which a person's joints become inflamed.

Lichen planus is also common, which often accompanies chronic diseases of the internal organs. It is easily recognizable by plaques with a smooth surface striated with transverse lines.

Having learned the names of skin diseases, their external signs and symptoms, you should not try to diagnose yourself. This can only be done by a dermatologist upon examination, after talking with the patient and conducting the necessary diagnostic studies.

Currently, skin diseases are considered as a symptomatic complex indicating problems with internal organs. Most often, skin diseases on the body are manifested in dysbacteriosis, pathologies of the liver, intestines, thyroid and pancreas. Skin diseases are considered from the position that the epidermis is primarily an organ of the immune system.

It takes on the primary impact of external pathogenic factors: dirt, pathogens, cold, heat, aggressive environments, etc. Any skin diseases on the human body have a set of pathogenetic causes, the timely elimination of which determines the success of therapy. In this regard, the diagnosis of skin diseases includes tests of urine, blood and feces, ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, and the study of hepatic transaminases. Thus, the causes of skin diseases are identified for their further relief and complex therapy for the external manifestations of dermatosis.

Skin affected by dermatosis may appear at different stages of the disease as covered with rashes or scabs, pustules or blackheads, vesicles and pustules.

Varieties of common skin diseases

The social significance of skin diseases is great, since skin diseases are very common. Skin manifestations are accompanied by many internal diseases. Common skin diseases that are not associated with lesions of internal organs and systems often prevent the ability to play sports, sometimes limit communication, deprive the individual of the opportunity to work or perform some kind of social role.

Varieties of skin diseases of any etiology are usually called the general term "dermatoses". Thus, skin and skin diseases are currently considered from the point of view of their relationship with the functioning of internal organs and the whole organism as a whole. Therefore, the main varieties of dermatoses are divided according to the gradation of the influence of external and internal factors. So, hepatic itching, psoriasis, as an effect of liver damage, eczema against the background of allergic alertness, and a number of other serious pathologies are distinguished. You can read more about the types of dermatoses on this page.

In the meantime, look at the skin diseases in the photo, which shows their symptoms:

Classification and causes of major skin diseases

The simplest classification of skin diseases - dermatoses - is their division according to the type of etiological factors into endogenous and exogenous.

External and internal causes of skin diseases in modern man

External (exogenous)

Internal (endogenous)

Mechanical (injuries, wounds, bruises, abrasions, cuts, etc.);

physical (heat and cold, radiant radiation, electric current);

chemical (acids, alkalis, many others);

Hereditary factors, genetic disorders (ichthyosis, psoriasis, many others);

allergic predisposition;

immune system disorders;

endocrinopathy (hyperglycemia in diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, etc.);

functional changes in the nervous system and endocrine glands (stress; puberty, pregnancy, menopause);

foci of chronic infection (development of autoallergy; exacerbation of chronic dermatoses);

diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (liver disease, colitis, gastritis);

changes in the vascular system (state of capillaries, arteries, veins, lymphatic vessels);

diseases of the hematopoietic organs (T-lymphoma, coagulation system, thrombocytopenia, etc.);

malignant neoplasms (metastasis to the skin);

diseases of the genitourinary system (adenomas, uremia, etc.)

There is no generally accepted classification of dermatoses. There are various approaches to the division of skin diseases into types: according to clinical signs, according to histological characteristics and pathohistological changes. The main skin diseases include all pathogenic changes in the layers of the epidermis with the addition or non-attachment of a secondary infection.

The epidermis is hyperemic with a dotted red rash. If left untreated at this stage, further transformation occurs. Fluid bubbles appear. They open and form pustules with a wound eroded surface. Bacterial seeding easily occurs on it and the development of the next stage begins - suppuration.

What are skin diseases in adults: symptoms

Skin diseases in adults are referred to as dermatoses, which are used as collective terms for various congenital and acquired pathological skin changes of various origins, include over 2300 items in the ICD10. You can find out more about skin diseases on this page further. Common types of skin diseases are presented, they are accompanied by brief characteristics.

Chronic skin diseases can be divided simply into two large groups according to the etiopathogenetic principle:

  • Congenital diseases of the skin- changes in the fetus during pregnancy under the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors in metabolic disorders, tuberculosis, diabetes, various infections in a pregnant woman. In this group - almost all epithelial pathology, which is defined by dermatologists as the word "atopy", all constitutional changes, parasyphilis;
  • Acquired chronic dermatoses arising under the influence of conditions of life, life, work, ecology.

It is possible to distinguish among them such groups of dermatoses as:

  • allergic dermatoses(i.e. associated with a perverted immune response of the body),
  • connective tissue diseases(damage to collagen fibers in scleroderma, lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, periarteritis nodosa, pathology of elastic fibers in leiomyomas, changes in the level of erythrocytes, lymphocytes, leukocytes in some erythema),
  • bullous or blistering dermatoses(autoimmune diseases in essence, i.e. associated with a violation of the control of the immune system over the recognition of one's own and someone else's for the body, when autoantibodies appear against altered cells of the body itself, often altered under the influence of prolonged exposure of microbes to foci of chronic infections; microbe + cell protein complex leads to the appearance of autoantibodies).
  • dermatoses in endocrinopathies(amyloidosis, lipoid necrobiosis, retinopathy, angiopathy, alopecia and diseases of the hair, skin glands, acne);
  • d ermatoses associated with psychopathy and neuropsychic pathologies (atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema), etc.

Other various chronic skin diseases

The classification of various skin diseases in the form of a single generally accepted classification can only be compiled on the basis of a single conceptual position in relation to the formation of a classification of diseases.

Currently, the science of dermatology is making attempts to create a unified classification, taking as a methodological principle or clinical manifestations of human skin diseases, or primary morphological elements in dermatosis, or etiological factors, or by agents of physical, chemical, biological, infectious effects, however, more than 2/3 dermatoses are not classified according to any of the listed factors.

The English Scientific School of Dermatology offers physiological research and classification methods.

The German school offers a very complex classification according to the histopathomorphology of the elements (using the characteristics of tissue changes in dermatoses with such concepts as: acanthosis, anaplasia, hyperkeratosis, granulosis, granuloma, dyskeratosis, microabscesses, parakeratosis, papillomatosis, acantholysis, vacuolar degeneration, ballooning degeneration, spongiosis).

The Russian school of dermatology offers an interesting and informative concept - according to the principle of the presence of malformations, for example, highlighting such groups of chronic skin diseases as:

  • Hereditary diseases, i.e. genetically determined;
  • Keratoses;
  • Connective tissue pathologies;
  • Violations of epithelialization and the formation of cystic elements;
  • Phakomatosis, i.e. associated with neurocutaneous interactions;
  • Photodermatosis;
  • Tumors.

Look at these human skin diseases in the photo, where their typical clinical signs are visible:

Diagnosis of diseases of the skin

First, let's talk about the causes of skin diseases, since this is extremely important for diagnostic measures. In addition to the factors of negative influence described above, the condition of the internal organs is of decisive importance. The classic cause of dermatosis is a violation of the microflora of the small and large intestines, helminthic invasion and the development of a large number of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, sensitization of the body occurs and the skin reacts painfully to any contact with a negative environmental factor.

Knowing about such causes of skin pathologies, it is logical to start examining a patient with a banal analysis of feces for worm eggs. It would also not be bad to make a coprogram. Diseases of the skin in about half of clinical cases are associated with dysbacteriosis.

Diagnosis of skin diseases and their treatment includes, generally speaking, all the actions that you learned in the study of basic clinical disciplines:

  • Inspection(we fix in the history of the disease the color of the skin, the condition of the appendages of the skin, the localization of morphological elements, the consistency of the rashes, the features of objective symptoms, the location and grouping or dispersion of the elements of the rashes);
  • Complaints sick, i.e. subjective symptoms of dermatoses;
  • Anamnesis(clarification of exogenous and endogenous factors of influence, seasonality of rashes, family nature of dermatosis, connection with working conditions, rest, nutrition, the presence of somatic diseases, chronic infections, the effectiveness of means and methods of previous treatment);
  • Clinical Analysis, carried out at a sufficient professional level of knowledge of morphological elements and the nature of the course of skin rashes, often does not require laboratory confirmation;
  • Laboratory research(microscopy, bacteriology, histology, immunological and serological reactions are necessary in some cases).

Therapy for skin diseases

Therapy of skin diseases includes the use of general treatment and local manipulations, the choice and combination of which depend on:

  • The prevalence of skin manifestations;
  • The degree of aggression of dermatosis;
  • The duration of the flow;
  • The need for the use of specific drugs for the treatment of skin diseases (for example, fungicidal therapy for fungal skin diseases);
  • The use of angioprotectors or angiocorrectors, depending on the progression of clinical symptoms;
  • Lipotropic agents or hepatoprotectors, taking into account the role of liver pathology in the pathogenesis of dermatosis;
  • Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, dysbacteriosis;
  • Treatment of endocrinopathies, mobilization of the functioning of the adrenal glands;
  • Possibilities of using thalassotherapy and heliotherapy.

Methods for the treatment of skin diseases

Modern methods of treating skin diseases include general agents (sedatives, antihistamines, desensitizing, specific and non-specific immunocorrectors, immunotherapy methods, corticosteroid drugs, cytostatics, antibiotics, anabolic drugs, and many others) and local treatment (powders, lotions, agitated mixtures, aerosols). , ointments, pastes, oils, compresses, plasters, medicinal soaps, etc.).

The choice of therapy regimen is carried out by the attending dermatologist, depending on the patient's condition and the degree of damage to the epithelial cover.

Local treatment of skin diseases

Assign, taking into account the localization and distribution, depth and nature of the lesion, and be sure to ask the patient about the tolerability of previously used drugs.

An important rule for local treatment of skin diseases with various lesions:

  • It is impossible to forcibly remove scales, crusts, drug residues - the affected areas are abundantly moistened with cotton wool with vaseline or vegetable oil (olive, peach, linseed, corn, sunflower, etc.);
  • You can apply an oil bandage - in this case, excess layers are easily and painlessly removed from the focus of dermatosis. Purulent discharge of erosions and ulcers is removed with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Around the focus, the skin is treated, wiped with 1-2% salicylic, camphor or 40-70% ethyl alcohol (child's skin - 30%). Accordingly, they use tweezers, crooked scissors, and cotton swabs.

The effectiveness of local therapy depends on the "little things" during manipulations. Let's pay attention to some common and proven practice, well-established methods of local treatment of pathological skin conditions.

How to treat skin diseases with lotions (with video)

Before treating skin diseases with lotions, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis and write out a prescription for the pharmaceutical preparation of the pharmacological composition. Examples of effective solutions for lotions: saline solution, 1-2% resorcinol solution, 0.25% silver nitrate solution, lead water, 2-3% boric acid solution, furacilin solution, rivanol (ethacridine lactate), 0.25-0.5% solution of chlorhexidine, decoctions and infusions of herbs, tea, flowers - of course, as prescribed by a doctor.

Principles of the procedure: the solution should be cold, it should be stored in the refrigerator and poured in small portions into a dish to wet the fabric (or add ice during the procedure), it is better to use linen or linen fabric, not gauze, in 4-6 layers. In addition, the patient should be explained that during the procedure, he himself determines the duration, the time of contact of the wet tissue and his skin, but not by the second hand of the clock, but by his own feelings: "... until a feeling of warmth ...". Namely: in a cold medicinal solution for lotion, a tissue folded appropriately for application to a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin (several layers of gauze or linen) is immersed.

For example, in the prepared fabric for lotions on the face, you can cut holes for the mouth and eyes. So, immerse the fabric in a cold solution, wet it - now you need to wring it out, but without grabbing it with both palms (do not heat it!), And try to do push-ups with your fingertips, but hard enough - the solution does not pour from the fabric. Apply a wet, cold, wrung-out cloth to the site of skin manifestations, slightly pressing it to the skin by the edges (and not with the surface of the palms - do not heat it up!), and hold it for as long as you feel the coolness of the wet tissue - until you feel warm! When this sensation appeared (1-2 minutes or 10-15 minutes - individual differences are due to many factors), moisten the fabric again (in a fresh part of the solution from the refrigerator, if the one that was poured initially has warmed up) - wring out - apply - until sensations of warmth. This is repeated for 20-30 minutes (sometimes for 1-2 hours). The whole procedure is repeated 2-4 or more times a day (according to indications).

As a variant of the action of the solutions, wet-drying dressings are used: in this case, 8-12 layers of gauze are moistened with the solution prescribed for this patient and cover the area of ​​\u200b\u200bchanges on the skin, fixed, after 2-3 hours the solution is changed. It should be remembered that hypertonic solutions are sometimes prescribed for lotions and wet-drying dressings.

Watch how skin diseases are treated in the video, which shows the method of applying lotions:

How to treat skin diseases with talkers and ointments

Shaken mixtures (talkers) are used in water, water-alcohol and oil. Before treating skin diseases with talkers, you need to prepare, which includes cleansing the epidermis.

The composition of the talker: about 30% solid, powdery substances (zinc oxide, starch, talc, white clay, as well as precipitated sulfur, tar, naftalan, ichthyol, etc.) and about 70% water or oil base (water, alcohol, glycerin , vaseline oil, vegetable oils). It is necessary with shaking movements to carefully displace 2 layers in a package with a talker, namely: sediment and supernatant, and only then apply to the skin (with a cotton swab or cotton swab). The liquid quickly evaporates in the air, leaving a thin layer of powder on the skin. Such treatment can be carried out 2-3 times a day, water-alcohol mixtures are used for no more than 3-5 days, as they can cause excessive dryness of the skin. The paste is used both without dressings and under 2-3 rounds of bandage.

The paste is applied with a spatula and with light movements, in strips, smeared over the lesion. The paste basically has equal amounts of solids (powders of zinc oxide, talc, etc.) and fatty substances (lanolin, petroleum jelly, fish oil, olive oil, etc.), as well as various medicinal substances (sulfur, ichthyol, tar, naftalan, resorcinol, ASD, boric acid). The paste has an anti-inflammatory, drying, keratolytic effect. The paste is applied 1-2 times a day with a spatula, along the growth of vellus hair, while we must not forget that the paste is not washed off with water, but removed with a cotton swab dipped in any vegetable oil.

Oils are used not only for cleaning foci and as part of talkers and pastes, but also independently, locally - olive, peach, lavender oil, tea tree oil, jojoba oil and other delights of arbmatherapy in the form of inhalations, baths, applications, etc. A method proven for decades in the practice of treating dermatosis - the use of zinc oil (20% zinc oxide in vegetable oil) with the addition of various drugs.

Powders and powders are used to reduce itching, disinfection, i.e. when you need to absorb fat, sweat, moisture, and to cool the skin. Powder forms of indifferent substances (zinc oxide, talc, starch, white clay), disinfectants (xeroform, dermatol) and antibacterial (streptocid, levomycetin) and other substances (resorcinol, sulfur, borax, naftalan, menthol, anestezin, etc.) are used.

Most often, ointments are used in the local treatment of dermatoses.

The ointment consists of a fatty base (vaseline, lanolin, vegetable oil, purified lard, fish oil, etc.) and drugs (sulfur, tar, resorcinol, ichthyol, salicylic acid, cytostatics, corticosteroids, antibiotics, sulfonamides, dimexide, interferon, snake poison, propolis, etc.). Depending on the ingredients, the ointment has an antipruritic, exfoliating, bactericidal, resolving, anti-inflammatory effect.

Methods for applying ointments necessarily correspond to the skin process: according to the doctor's prescription, for some dermatoses, the ointment is applied without a bandage, without rubbing, for others, the ointment is rubbed, ointment bandages are also used - a correctly applied bandage with ointment stops air from entering and the effect of drugs in the lesion is stronger , deep. (The local temperature rises, the surface layers of the epidermis loosen, the blood vessels of the skin expand.)

If independent movements of patients with severe dermatoses are significantly difficult (pemphigus, arthropathic psoriasis, erythroderma, reticulosis and lymphomas, systemic lupus erythematosus, collagenoses, etc.), care is taken: change of bed linen, hygiene procedures (washing over the basin from a jug; washing with a weak solution potassium permanganate using a cotton swab attached to a forceps; rinsing the mouth with disinfectant solutions, wiping the tongue and mouth with a 1% solution of borax with a 10% solution of glycerin with a spatula wrapped in gauze).

Ointments and pastes are applied taking into account the indicated expiration date, from the general package the nurse gives the required amount of medication to the patient on waxed paper.

Medicinal soaps: tar, glycerin, sulfuric, resorcinol, sulfur-salicylic and others.

Varnishes - fast-drying compositions with the formation of a thin film, applied without a bandage strictly to a limited area (warts, nail plates, etc.).

Plasters - a sticky mass based on wax and some other substances used to soften fabrics. Apply patches salicylic, corn, with urea and others.

Therapeutic baths

Medical baths are a very important part of local treatment. According to the temperature indicator, baths are called ordinary, or indifferent (34-36 ° C), warm (36-38 ᵒС), hot (39 ° С and above), cool (33-21 ° С) and cold (20 ° С and below). ). The duration of ordinary baths is 15-25 minutes, warm - 10 minutes, hot - 5 minutes. Baths are recommended to be taken 1-2 hours after eating. The duration of therapeutic baths, such as starch baths, is sometimes 0.5-1 hour. Therapeutic baths with the addition of starch (potato or rice), as well as hercules or bran (wheat or almond) act as an antipruritic and skin softening agent. There are several options for preparing such therapeutic baths at home. For example, you can put starch or bran (0.5-1.0 kg) in a linen bag in a bathtub with water of normal or warm temperature (36-37 ° C) and periodically wring out the bag directly in the water.

You can prepare a decoction of bran in advance, strain and add to the bath.

You can dilute 1-2 cups of starch in cold water in a separate small bowl, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous suspension, then pour this suspension into a prepared warm bath.

You can first pour this diluted starch suspension (1-2 cups in 1-2 liters of water), with constant stirring, into a pot of boiling water (5-7 liters), and then pour this starch jelly into the prepared bath, equalize the temperature to the designated this patient and then start the procedure.

There is another method: oat flakes (2-3 cups) are poured with ordinary water in containers such as a three-liter jar and left for 6-8 hours, i.e. in the morning or in the evening, depending on the time convenient for the patient to carry out the procedure - a therapeutic bath. Before use, the contents of the jar are mixed and filtered through a sieve - everything that has passed this filter - a fluffy, soft and delicate fine suspension, is poured into the prepared bath.

After the bath, the body is dried with a sheet or a soft towel.

Means for external therapy of skin diseases can be divided into the following groups


Aniline dyes (1% alcohol solution of brilliant green, methylene blue, fuchsin (fucorcin drug), gentian violet), hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, boric acid (2-3%), alcohol

20% benzyl benzoate ointment (10% emulsion) tar, green soap, sulfur aerosols "Spregal", "PARA-plus", "Nittifor", "Pedilin", "Medifox" 0.2-0.4% - ny


Iodine tincture, orungal, nizoral, lamisil, mycospor, nitrofungin, clotrimazole, exifin, exoderil, and many others. others


Menthol, anestezin, diphenhydramine, citric and acetic acids

Lichen and eczema appear most often from dirt and infection through the skin. In children, they often occur because of scrofula and anemia. Getting rid of lichen is not so difficult, only perseverance and purity are needed, and with scrofula - the treatment of the disease itself. Among the most common lichen is spiral, red (in the form of a thread), most often it happens on the hands. To cure it, you should grate raw red beets, tie them in a gauze bag to the affected area until the disease passes. When the beet dries up, you need to put fresh.

Lichen versicolor has the appearance of itchy nodules, affecting mainly the mucous membrane of the nose and lips, it rarely spreads throughout the body. In these cases, Dr. Lassar's ointment helps well: salicylic acid - 2 parts, zinc oxide - 5 parts, rice starch - 25 parts, yellow vaseline - 18 parts. In addition, at the same time it is necessary to treat nervous disorders.

Scrofulous deprive affects mainly the places around the mouth and nose, has the shape of a cake. It is well and quickly cured by lubricating with a mixture of real bee honey and salt.

Sweaty lichen is pink in color, but on the border with healthy skin it has a bright red color. It affects places under the breast, navel, sometimes spreads to the groin.

The surface of the lichen is often covered with scales, the disease can last for years and when using any ointments, especially with zinc oxide, it becomes covered with sores and turns into weeping lichen-eczema.

Scaly lichen is also called flaky eczema - psoriasis. This is a very stubborn, unpleasant type of disease, often not amenable to any treatment. First it affects the elbows, then the knees, then the back of the head. Sometimes it spreads throughout the body. It looks like large red spots covered with scales; painfully. itchy, but not contagious.

Useful for this disease sunbathing and sea bathing.

You can try to treat lichen in a simple old way: mix one spoonful of pure tar with three tablespoons of fish oil, grind it, smear a cloth with this ointment and tie it to the lichen. It also helps in such cases, lubrication of dry lichen with naphthalene. This is a thick, black-brown ointment made from crude oil (not to be confused with naphthalene!).

Sometimes dry lichen turns into weeping, then eczema begins.

Most often, this disease indicates an imbalance in the activity of any internal glands, so it is difficult to treat eczema because of the variety of its types. Only a specialist in skin diseases can determine its specific type.

You can, however, try one of the recommended methods, and if it does not help, then try another. The main rule: if possible, protect yourself from the sun and light, apply bandages and dressings to sore spots, and if this is not possible, then sprinkle talc over the ointment recommended by the doctor.

Treatment of any eczema should begin with the careful removal of crusts from sore spots with fresh unsalted butter, then lubricate the wound with the agent indicated by the doctor.

With weeping eczema, baths with a decoction of oak or pine bark help.

Home remedies for skin conditions

1. A good remedy for all sorts of lichen and eczema is lemon. The course of treatment is as follows: on the first day - drink juice from five lemons in several doses, on the second - from ten, and so reach 25, adding five lemons every day. Then reduce the number of lemons until you reach five again. It is better to drink juice through a straw so as not to spoil the tooth enamel, rinse your mouth thoroughly after taking it.

2. Mash boiled garlic with an equal amount of honey, apply on a cloth to a sore spot, cover with wax paper on top, tie. In the morning, wash with green soap or gasoline, spread again and tie. When the scales disappear, you can skip the procedure for a day or two -

3. From eczema on the head: take one nutmeg, a little ginger and galangal, pour a bottle of alcohol, put in a warm place for two days. The resulting tincture wipe eczema. At the same time, it is good to take inside a cup of decoction of yarrow and elderberry flowers, taken in the same proportion.

4. Red non-spiral dry lichen is treated as follows: douse it with hot water twice a day for three minutes, after three days a noticeable improvement occurs, and after two weeks it should disappear completely.

Herbal treatment

1. Common lingonberry.

Berry juice is used externally for lichen and scabies. The juice of fresh knotweed grass is used to treat bleeding or old wounds, ulcers (moisten a napkin with juice and, after washing the wound with the same juice, put it in place of damaged tissues). The herb also helps with burns, abscesses.

2. Common oak.

A decoction of the bark is used for washing and compresses for skin diseases, wounds, burns, frostbite.

3. St. John's wort.

St. John's wort oil is used to treat burns, various skin diseases and accelerate wound healing (pour a tablespoon of St. John's wort flowers with a glass of vegetable oil, leave for 14 days, shaking occasionally).

4. Viburnum ordinary.

The juice of the fruit is used to lubricate the face with acne and lichen. An infusion of fruits treats eczema (grind the fruits in a mortar, pour boiling water at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons of fruits per glass of water, leave for 4 hours. Drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day).

5. Swamp cranberry. Cranberry juice compresses are used for lichen, dry eczema and other exudative skin processes.

6. Burdock large (burdock).

a) infusion and decoction of the roots are used for metabolic disorders, eczema (pour a teaspoon of chopped root with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 12 hours, strain. Drink 1/2 cup of warm infusion 4 times a day; pour a teaspoon of chopped root with a glass of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes on low heat, cool, strain.Drink 1 tablespoon of decoction 3-4 times a day);

b) a decoction in the form of a compress is used for eczema, dermatitis, skin rashes accompanied by itching (pour a tablespoon of crushed root with 2 cups of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes, cool, strain).

7. Carrot seed.

Grated carrots are applied to inflamed skin, burns, purulent wounds.

8. Sea buckthorn.

Skin diseases such as cheilitis, eczema, psoriasis, lupus ulcer, Darier's disease are quite successfully cured by ingestion of sea buckthorn oil 2 ml per day and externally in the form of a 5% sea buckthorn oil ointment. Sea buckthorn oil promotes rapid resorption of infiltrates, reduces erythema, swelling, pain and burning, stops peeling, promotes epithelialization and the disappearance of itching.

9. Common yarrow.

10. Common blueberry.

The infusion of the leaves is used as an astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. It is used for external treatment of wounds, ulcers, and also in the form of douching (brew 1 teaspoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, strain after 30 minutes).

11. Rosehip.

a) carotolin-oil extract from the pulp of rose hips is recommended for the treatment of various skin diseases (trophic ulcers, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis), for which napkins soaked with the drug are applied to the affected areas 1-2 times a day;

b) Rosehip oil, obtained from seeds and containing unsaturated fatty acids, carotenoids and tocopherols, is used externally and internally. They lubricate nipple cracks, trophic ulcers and bedsores, burns, radiation damage to the skin. In ulcerative colitis, oil enemas are useful daily or every other day, 50 ml for 2-4 weeks.

12. Treatment of external skin disease

Inflammation, boils, pimples, scab, scabies, lichen.

Take 300 g of pork fat and 100 g of purified sulfur, prepare a gruel and lubricate the sore spot every day until recovery.

Rejuvenating lotion for dry aging skin of the face and neck

Required: 1/2 cup vodka, 20 g dried chamomile flowers, 2 tbsp. l. ready-made extract of Rhodiola rosea (it can be prepared at home), 250 ml of water.

Cooking method. Pour boiling water over the chamomile inflorescences and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Pour vodka and Rhodiola extract into the infusion.

To prepare the extract yourself, you will need 10 g of dry crushed root of Rhodiola rosea and 100 g of 40% alcohol. Pour the root with alcohol and insist in a dark place for 5-10 days. Strain and filter.

Mode of application. Soak a thin layer of cotton wool or gauze folded several times with the lotion and apply on the face for 15-20 minutes. On top, you can put another layer of cotton wool or a napkin. After that, lubricate the skin with a fat nourishing cream, and after another 15 minutes, wipe your face with a dry cotton swab.

Mask for pale, thin and dry skin

Mix equal amounts of cucumber juice, honey, milk and lecithin. Apply the resulting mixture on the face and neck. Cucumber juice can be replaced with any other vegetable juice.

Swelling and itching of the skin after treatment with leeches

Not all patients tolerate the therapeutic suction of leeches equally well: some patients may experience skin redness, swelling, itching. If after a day from the moment of hirudotherapy sessions (treatment with leeches) the itching has not stopped, then the skin is lubricated with a mixture of ammonia and vaseline oil (the components must be taken in equal amounts).

Kerosene treatment

Leather is a kind of business card. It can be used to judge the state of human health. The presence of skin rashes, peeling, wen indicates not only a disturbed metabolism in the body, but also overwork or nervous tension, malnutrition and lifestyle. The appearance of the skin and its condition - color, firmness, elasticity - are changeable and are associated with the general condition of the body.

The skin performs several main functions: protection of internal organs from mechanical damage and exposure to chemicals; cleaning from poisons and toxins with the help of sweat and sebaceous glands; the skin is involved in the exchange of gases similarly to the lungs, in thermoregulation (regulates the exchange of heat between the body and the external environment). Since the skin has a large number of sensitive nerve endings, one of its important functions is tactile. The skin, as well as other organs, takes part in the general metabolism - water, mineral, nitrogen, carbon, vitamin. The latter plays a very important role in the life of the skin. Vitamin A deficiency affects the activity of the sebaceous glands, pigmentation, and the formation of the stratum corneum. The skin becomes dark, dry, rough, flaky, cracked. The appearance of coal rash, seizure, seborrheic inflammation, urticaria, brittle nails and hair are also largely associated with a lack of this vitamin. Vitamin C is very effective for loose skin, freckles, hair diseases, dermatosis, pigmentation. Vitamin E, especially together with vitamin A, is recommended for sluggish skin, acne vulgaris and rosacea, dermatoses. Vitamins H, K, P of plant origin prevent the appearance of flabbiness, wrinkles, inflammation of the skin.

The main non-contagious skin diseases include allergic reactions, viral dermatoses, herpes, acne vulgaris, hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating (most often due to functional disorders of the nervous system), lupus erythematosus, lichen planus, pyoderma (pustular skin diseases), boils, hydradenitis (" bitch udder"), psoriasis, seborrhea, various eczema.

It should be noted that most skin diseases, and especially inflammatory ones, are closely related to the body's immune response, which results in healing of injuries and getting rid of infections.

Basic Recipes

Recipe 1. In the treatment of purulent wounds that do not heal for a long time, healers of Central Russia recommend the following interesting and affordable recipe. Take 1 liter. lean (sunflower) oil, 30 ml of freshly squeezed juice of the whole celandine plant and 100 ml of kerosene (it is better to use purified kerosene). The components are thoroughly mixed, then the product is infused for 7 days in a dark, cool place. The mixture is impregnated with a linen rag (it is more convenient to use a gauze napkin) and applied to the affected area. The bandage is changed 2 times a day for 2 weeks. The mixture must be thoroughly shaken before each use.

Recipe 2. In the treatment of sluggish wounds and trophic ulcers, the agent of the following composition is used. Take 300 ml of 70% ethyl alcohol, add 20 ml of fresh celandine juice and infuse for 3-4 days in a dark, cool place. Then 50 ml of purified kerosene is added to the mixture. The mixture is applied to the affected areas in the form of a gauze bandage; it is recommended to lubricate the edges of the wound with purified kerosene every time the dressing is applied. The bandage is applied 1 time per day. Treatment continues until the condition of the wound, ulcer improves.

Recipe 3. With widespread furunculosis, it is recommended to lubricate the affected areas of the skin with purified kerosene 1 time per day. This method is not applicable in the treatment of furunculosis on the skin of the face. If during treatment there is local irritation on the skin, it is better to refuse treatment with kerosene.

Recipe 4. For papillomas located in easily injured areas, it is recommended to lubricate with a walnut-kerosene extract, which is carried out 1-2 times a day. There is information about the effectiveness of lubrication with this remedy for warts and condylomas.

Recipe 5. In psoriasis, the internal use of a walnut-kerosene extract on vegetable juices is recommended. Prepare any fresh vegetable juice (beets, potatoes, carrots, cabbage are suitable) in a volume of 1/2 cup. For 20-30 min. before meals, take 10 drops of walnut-kerosene extract on a piece of refined sugar (but not instant) and drink the product with vegetable juice. This technique is repeated 3 times a day for 4 weeks. After a 2-week break, the course of treatment can be repeated. Simultaneously with the internal use of the walnut-kerosene extract, it is recommended to continue the external treatment prescribed by the dermatologist.

Recipe 6. With psoriasis, it is recommended to use the so-called talker, which includes walnut-kerosene extract, birch tar and fish oil in a ratio of 1:3:2. The components are thoroughly mixed. Chatterbox is applied to the affected areas of the skin 1 time per day for 2 weeks. It is necessary to first check whether the patient tolerates birch tar: for this, a little composition is applied to the inner surface of the forearm and left for 1-2 hours. If redness and irritation are not noted, the remedy can be used for this patient.

Recipe 7. In case of hair loss, you need to take olive oil and stir purified kerosene in it in a ratio of 1:1 or 2:1. The resulting mass is rubbed into the hair roots once a week for 2-3 hours before washing. To enhance the effect of olive oil, it is recommended to insist on burdock roots for a week at the rate of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable raw materials for 1 cup of oil.

Recipe 8. With itching, dandruff, oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp at home, you can easily prepare a therapeutic composition that is rubbed into the scalp 3-5 hours before washing your hair. The product contains kerosene, castor oil and ethyl alcohol in the following ratio: kerosene - 1 part; castor oil - 2 parts; ethyl alcohol - 10 parts.

Recipe 10. A bandage is applied and fixed on the corn with an ointment prepared from kerosene, granulated sugar and saltpeter taken equally.

Recipe 11. For eczema of the hands, it is recommended to dry the roots of dandelion and burdock, grind them separately into powder and add 1 teaspoon of each component to 100 g of purified kerosene. To get a healing ointment, simple mixing is not enough: you need to take a wooden spoon and carefully grind the root powder with kerosene with it. An enamel bowl is best suited for this. Rubbing continues for 20-30 minutes, after which the composition must be folded into a jar with a lid. It is best to store the mixture in the refrigerator, away from the freezer.

The treatment procedure consists in a combination of proper care for the hands affected by the disease and the skillful use of the prepared remedy. The ointment is applied in the evening, before going to bed. By the time the treatment course begins, look for old mittens that you don’t mind getting dirty. They should be worn on the hands each time after applying the mixture and removed in the morning after waking up. The remnants of the ointment are removed with slightly warmed whey. A piece of clean cloth is dipped into it, soaked, and then hands are cleaned with blotting movements. During treatment, it is undesirable to do housework that requires contact with water (washing dishes, laundry, etc.). It is also unacceptable to get soap on the skin of the hands.

Recipe 12. For fungal diseases of the skin of the feet, the following remedy is recommended. Take 100 g of purified kerosene, add 50 g of celandine ash to it and insist for 10 days in a dark, cool place. Then the resulting infusion is poured into an enamel container and heated in a water bath for 30 minutes. The cooled product is carefully filtered through a gauze filter and stored in a dark glass container at room temperature. Means lubricate the lesions 1-2 times a day. The product has a more effective effect after a warm bath for the feet. The course of treatment lasts, as a rule, 2-3 weeks.

Please note that it is desirable to prepare this remedy in the air or in a room where sufficient ventilation can be provided.

The most important aspect of the treatment of skin diseases is to enhance the detoxification function of the liver. To solve this problem, preparations of vitamin A and the trace element zinc are used.

Vitamin A is called beauty vitamin (found in egg yolk, dairy products, as well as in carrots, tomatoes, green salad, peas and other vegetables); it gives smoothness and elasticity to the hair. With a lack of vitamin A in our diet, the hair becomes dry, dull, brittle. Everyone who cannot boast of thick hair, and even more so suffers from their diseases, clearly lacks B vitamins and, of course, vitamin A.

The appointment of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, licorice and alfalfa herbs has a beneficial effect, and tea tree oil, grape seeds, etc. are recommended for topical application. Glutamine, Pycnogenol Vitaline.

Anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and wound-healing effect in exudative diathesis, furunculosis, eczema and neurodermatitis, psoriasis has a decoction of the series. For bathing children, it is better to use it in the evening after 22:00, when the anti-allergic effect of such herbal medicine increases due to the optimization of the adrenal cortex and the normalization of metabolism. The same remedy can be used along with massages to eliminate fat-like deposits under the skin (cellulite on the abdomen and thighs of women).

To cleanse the skin, a mixture of lingonberry leaves, nettle, St. John's wort, valerian is used - throw a handful of each into 3 liters of water, boil for 10 minutes. on a small fire. Infuse for 1 hour, pour into a bath with a volume of at least five buckets of water. Take such baths for 10-15 minutes.

The remedy for profuse sweating of the feet is powdered oak bark. The powder is sprinkled on the inside of the socks daily for 5-8 days. You should not achieve excessive dryness of the skin of the legs, as this can lead to headaches.

To remove wrinkles and give elasticity to fading facial skin, a honey formula is proposed: 30 g of honey and 30 g of wax are mixed with 30 g of onion juice and 30 g of white lily bulb juice. The mixture is heated in an earthenware pot over low heat until the wax dissolves. The mixture is stirred and cooled. Rub your face in the evening. Facial skin massage mixture: pine nut pulp, crushed pine nut shell, almond pulp, hop oil, juice of sprouted wheat grains. It cleanses the skin, accelerates its recovery, helps to reduce wrinkles.

Decoctions of string, roots and leaves of strawberries, mint, linden leaves in the mixture have a calming effect on skin diseases, including various eczema.

With frequent formation of acne and pustules:

A tincture is prepared from petals (10 g) of white lily per 100 g of vodka. Insist 2 weeks. Wipe the skin of the face before going to bed;

Crushed seeds of sowing coriander and violet root (1: 1) are used as a powder in places of a rash on the face;

Use an infusion of herbs and dill seeds as warm compresses;

At the same time, several grams of brewer's yeast (a source of B vitamins) should be added to food.

Calendula treatment

Dermatitis, eczema

With dermatitis (acute inflammation of the skin) and eczema of various origins, phytocompositions help eliminate itching, cool and dry weeping areas. In the acute period, compresses, hot baths, ointments are contraindicated. It is better to use wet-drying dressings, lotions, irrigation with infusion of flowers (preparation, see above) or with alcohol tincture (dilute 1 teaspoon of tincture in 0.5 l of water).

To consolidate the effect of treatment, prevent recurrence of acute inflammation, it is worth preparing the following ointment of a complex composition: take 5 g of marigold flowers, rose petals, peppermint leaves or lemon balm, immortelle flowers (sandy cumin), ivy budra grass, walnut leaves, bark oak, horsetail herb, as well as 10 g of burdock root. The mixture is poured into 250 ml of vegetable oil. Heated in a water bath for 15 minutes. Insist in warmth all night, filter through several layers of gauze. The ointment is applied to the affected surface with a thin layer under a not very tight gauze bandage, twice a day for 4-6 hours. After the procedure, the remnants of the product are washed off with a decoction of calendula and the affected area is left open for several hours. Treatment is continued until the lesions are completely healed.


This group of skin diseases includes fungal infections (scab, trichophytosis - ringworm, etc.). For treatment, gauze folded in 3-4 layers is moistened with infusion of marigolds and lotions are made on the area of ​​​​the body affected by the fungus. Powder from dried flowers is also used - in pure form or mixed with talc.


The disease is extremely difficult to treat - it is necessary to influence both the affected immune system and the strongest causative agent of this infection. However, calendula can help with its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Plant preparations are used topically: to accelerate healing (epithelialization), to prevent secondary pyogenic infection. Lubrication of herpes foci is carried out twice a day with half-diluted alcohol tincture.


This disease, like herpes, has a complex etiology - psoriasis is caused by a complex of causes, which has not yet been sufficiently studied. To increase the overall resistance of the body, strengthen the immune system in this disease, they use an alcohol tincture of calendula inside, lubricate the affected areas of the skin with an ointment with calendula. Preparation of the ointment: boil 3 tablespoons of flowers in a glass of fat (unsalted butter or interior pork fat), let it brew for 10 minutes, filter.


Lotions and rubbing with infusion of calendula flowers reduce enlarged pores on the face, reduce sebum secretion. This helps to fight one of the causes of acne and abscesses on the skin - inflammation of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Alcohol tincture is diluted in the following proportion: 1 teaspoon of the drug (pharmacy or home-made) in a glass of water.

Rubbing the skin with the following compositions also helps:

1 tablespoon of dried marigold flowers is poured with 2 cups of boiling water, insisted for an hour, filtered and 2 tablespoons of water or cologne are added; wipe the face in the morning and evening;

50 g of calendula inflorescences are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka; insist 8-10 days; use for lotions, diluting 1 teaspoon of the product with 150-200 ml of boiled water.

Injuries, cuts, abrasions

Fresh juice, ointment or alcohol tincture of calendula inflorescences lubricate bruises, abrasions, small wounds, bruises, tumors. Skin irritation from insect bites will also pass faster if you lubricate these places with fresh calendula juice.

Cracked skin

Marigold flowers are poured with vegetable oil (1 tablespoon of raw material per 100 ml), infused for 12 hours. Then heated in a water bath for 30 minutes and filtered. Use the composition to lubricate painful areas.


Calendula is especially recommended for acute burns of the 1st-2nd degree to relieve pain and inflammation. A napkin of 2-3 layers of gauze is moistened with alcohol tincture (take 1 tablespoon per glass of water) and applied to the burned area for 5 minutes, after which skin softeners are used.


For the treatment of extensive and deep bedsores, water infusions and decoctions of calendula flowers are used: they have a calming, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. 2 teaspoons of flowers are poured with 2 cups of boiling water, insisted for 15 minutes, filtered. Used for washing festering bedsores and for wet-drying dressings.

With extensive, difficult to treat bedsores, crushed fresh calendula leaves are applied directly to bedsores, ulcers and festering wounds.

Treatment with aloe

For abscesses and furunculosis, a fresh aloe leaf is cut along the leaf blade and applied to the sore spot with the cut side; a warm bandage is applied on top. You can crush the leaf into a pulp and also apply it to the abscess - this speeds up the process of "ripening" of the boil and helps to draw out the pus.

In case of a cut or burn, as well as long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers, you can also apply an agave leaf, cut lengthwise, or crushed leaf pulp with juice in the form of lotions to the affected area, changing them every 2 hours. Usually, the effect appears after 5-6 hours - the wound begins to heal and heal.

Aloe juice can also be used to irrigate purulent wounds. This gives a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates the process of closing, healing damaged areas.

Treatment with beer

1. Required: 1 glass of beer, 1 tbsp. l. St. John's wort flowers, 1 tbsp. l. motherwort herbs, 1 glass of vegetable oil.

Cooking method. Pour motherwort grass and St. John's wort flowers with vegetable oil and beer. Let it brew for 3 weeks. Strain.

Mode of application,. Wipe the skin with this oil infusion every evening.

2. Required: 1 cup beer, 1 cup dry motherwort herb, 1/2 cup vegetable oil (olive, peach, almond, corn).

Cooking method. Pour the motherwort with vegetable oil and beer. Put the mixture in a water bath and heat. Let it brew for 3 hours. Strain.

Mode of application. Wipe the lotion on the skin 1-2 times a day.

3. Required: 1 liter of beer, 1 tbsp. l. dry rose petals, 1 tbsp. l. motherwort herbs, 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers, 1 tbsp. l. mint leaves, 1 tbsp. l. parsley, 1 tbsp. l. plantain leaves, 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice.

Cooking method. Mix all ingredients in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Pour the mixture with hot beer. Infuse in a warm place for 2 hours, then strain. Add aloe juice.

Mode of application. Lotion wipe the skin of the face in the morning and evening instead of washing.

4. Required: 1 glass of beer, 1 tsp. chamomile flowers, 1 tsp. motherwort herbs, 1 tsp plantain leaves, 1 tbsp. l. starch.

Way cooking. Mix the herbs, pour the mixture with 1 glass of beer, let it brew in a thermos for 15-20 minutes. Then strain the infusion and add to it, stirring constantly, 1 tbsp. l. starch.

Mode of application. Apply the mask in a warm form with a brush or cotton swab on the face. Rinse it off with warm water through ZOmin, apply a nourishing cream on your face.

5. Required: 1 glass of beer, 1 tbsp. l. flaxseed, 20-25 drops of pharmacy motherwort tincture.

Cooking method. Pour flaxseed with hot beer for 10-15 minutes, then pour in motherwort tincture, put on low heat and stir until a thin slurry is formed. Cool down.

Mode of application. When the mixture is pleasantly warm, apply it on your face, rubbing lightly. After 20 minutes, remove the mask with a decoction of warm tea, then rinse your face with cold milk and dry with a soft towel.

6. Required: 1 glass of beer, 2 tbsp. l. dried and crushed bearberry herb.

Cooking method. Grass pour 1 glass of hot beer in an enamel bowl, close the lid and heat in a water bath, stirring occasionally for 15 minutes. Then cool at room temperature for 15 minutes and strain.

Mode of application. From this infusion, make lotions on the skin of the face 2 times a day. You can also make ice cubes from bearberry infusion and rub it on your face, neck, and chest.

7. Required: 1 liter of beer, 1 tbsp. l. dry herb motherwort.

Cooking method. Fill motherwort with 1 liter of hot beer.

Mode of application. Rinse with warm water, then lean over the bowl and cover with a washcloth. Wait until your face is sweaty. Then pat your face dry with a towel, remove any blackheads, if any, and then rinse your face and neck with cold water. The duration of the steam bath is not more than 10 minutes.

8. Required; 1/2 cup beer, 2 tbsp. l. yeast, 2 tbsp. l. infusion of chamomile and calendula flowers, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Cooking method. Crumble the yeast, then rub it with vegetable oil, beer and herbal infusions until a mushy mass is formed.

Mode of application. Apply the resulting mixture on the face and neck for 20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

Skin disease treatment

“I read a lot about the treatment according to Bolotov B.V., in particular for allergic and skin diseases. Tell us about the methods of treatment of skin and allergic diseases according to B.V. Bolotov.»

If you think about it, there is hardly a person who has not experienced skin diseases. Since early childhood, we suffer from diathesis, itchy dermatitis. And then all kinds of allergies begin, juvenile acne appears a little later, and only then comes the time for psoriasis, eczema. Of course, the skin is a protective shell that comes into contact with the external environment and inevitably suffers from it. However, the reason that skin diseases accompany from birth to the last breath is that most skin diseases are secondary. The main disease is most often ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidney diseases, chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis (this is written at the beginning of the book).

Here we will talk about the treatment of a wide variety of allergic skin diseases according to Bolotov and L. and G. Pogozhevs

One more important note. In the external treatment of eczema, psoriasis, always remember the general principle of treating skin diseases.

On the dry you need to put dry, and on wet - wet. If the skin inflammation is weeping, then lotions from medicinal plants are used. If the inflammation is dry, then ointments are applied.

mud treatment

Mud treatment is recommended for psoriasis, focal and diffuse neurodermatitis, dermatomyositis and chronic recurrent eczema, scleroderma. There are a variety of methods of mud therapy for healing wounds, trophic ulcers, etc. When applied topically, mud has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and resolving effect.

clay treatment

Clay has disinfecting properties, relieves simple and purulent inflammations, accelerates wound healing, helps to treat ulcers with abscesses, eczema and other skin diseases.

Burns are well treated with clay or clay water. The consequences of burns of I and II degrees can be significantly reduced if, immediately after receiving a burn, while blisters have not yet swelled, a cool clay cake is applied to the damaged area. The pain from the burn disappears after 20 minutes, and the burn itself - after 2-3 days.

It is more difficult to treat burns with open wounds, especially third-degree burns. They are washed with a disinfectant solution, and then with settled clay water. You can get by with only clay suspension, but water should not stagnate in the wound. To speed up the healing of the wound, you need to make a ring around it and cover it with soft clay. Severe burns take longer to heal, but the use of clay can cut the healing process by almost half.

Dermatitis and wounds: begin to treat with blood purification and removal of toxins from the intestines, liver and kidneys. In folk medicine, a lot of experience has been gained in the external treatment of dermatitis and wounds with clay.


Puberty changes the texture of the skin. The pores enlarge and secrete more oil. Black heads form from fat mixed with dirt and dust. They can close pores. Bacteria then get under them and cause small infections or pimples. The trouble is that when a pimple bursts, bacteria spread in large numbers to the surrounding skin of the face and to the fingers. When a teenager touches another part of his face, he transfers the bacteria to other blackheads and new pimples begin to form. When pimples are popped, they usually get bigger and a scar is more likely to form. Some teenagers who are disturbed by the thought of sex believe that acne is the result of dirty thoughts or masturbation.

Parents usually perceive teenage acne with fatalism, believing that only time can help. This is an overly pessimistic view. In many cases, with the help of modern methods, it is possible to achieve a complete cure or achieve a significant improvement.

The child has the right to the help of his doctor or dermatologist - to maintain a good mood and appearance and to avoid the appearance of scars that sometimes appear on the site of acne.

The doctor will prescribe special medications, but there are common methods that also help. Daily exercise, fresh air and direct sunlight eliminate many complications. Large amounts of chocolate, candy, and other rich, sugary foods are thought to contribute to acne, and it's worth trying to abstain from such foods, at least for a while. It is recommended to thoroughly wash your face twice a day, although in some cases experts have questioned the benefits of this. The usual procedure is for the face to be thoroughly but gently cleansed with a damp, soapy cloth and then rinsed with warm or cold water. You need to make it clear to a teenager why you should never touch your face with your hands except when washing your face, and why you should never pop a pimple. If an abscess has formed and disturbs the teenager, he should blot it with a cotton swab, trying not to smear the pus when the abscess bursts.

Another change associated with the condition of the skin during puberty is a strong release of sweat under the arms and a change in its smell. Some children can't smell their own, but it can make them unpopular with their classmates. During this entire period, you should wash daily with soap and use deodorant.

Do I need to use powders and oils for baby skin care?

Gone are the days when a baby was sprinkled with scented talc after every bath. Powders and oils are unnecessary because your baby's skin is naturally rich in sebum, and the use of additional products can lead to irritation and even harm. Emollients (cold-pressed vegetable oil or Natures Second Skin) can only be used on limited areas of dry skin; otherwise they are not needed. Powder rolls off quickly and accumulate in skin depressions and can actually contribute to skin irritation and rashes. Often recommended as a substitute for talc, corn starch can serve as a breeding ground for disease-causing fungi. If inhaled, powders can irritate the nasal passages. and child's airways.

Hyperelastic skin (Chernogubov-Ehlers-Danlos syndrome)

This term refers to a group of hereditary connective tissue diseases caused by a violation of the formation of a substance (collagen), which is its main component. This syndrome is manifested by increased mobility of the joints (for example, a person can easily reach the forearm of the same hand with his thumb, easily reach the floor with his palms, etc.), excessive extensibility of the skin, increased vulnerability with poor healing, formation in the area scars of soft protrusions of subcutaneous fatty tissue, which resembles a hernia. In some cases, it can be noted that these protrusions become more and more dense over time, which is associated with the deposition of calcium in them. Since the connective tissue is part of the vascular wall, such people are prone to increased vulnerability and frequent bleeding.

According to clinical manifestations, 10 types of this syndrome are distinguished. The above signs are most pronounced and constant in the classical syndrome (I-III types), although they differ in their intensity, the disease is more severe in the case of type I.

The most characteristic sign of type IV (arterial, ecchymotic) is a tendency to rupture of large vessels, the appearance of through defects in the intestinal wall. In the case of the last of these defects, a person notes the sudden onset of intense pain in the abdomen, similar to a dagger strike. At the same time, it is impossible to clearly indicate the place of its localization. Subsequently, an increase in body temperature to high numbers can be noted. The pain in the abdomen does not go away, but, on the contrary, everything is growing. The muscles of the anterior abdominal wall become tense, the stomach becomes like a plank. All these symptoms are accompanied by a sharp blanching, the skin of a person is covered with a cold sticky sweat. In case of failure to provide such a patient with qualified surgical care in time, a fatal outcome becomes most likely. Returning to the description of changes in the skin in Chernogubov-Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, it can be noted that it is thinned, the veins are translucent, the increased extensibility is not very pronounced, the increased mobility is limited only to peripheral joints, mainly fingers.

Type V syndrome occurs only in males. In this case, the main manifestation of the disease is increased extensibility of the skin. In type VI (ophthalmic), disorders of the skeletal system are primarily striking, mainly various curvature of the spine, increased vulnerability of eye tissues, leading to rupture of the sclera, cornea, and retinal detachment in case of injury.

Type VII is characterized mainly by increased joint mobility, which leads to frequent subluxations. Children with this rare disease are often born with congenital hip dislocations. People with this type of syndrome are short in stature. The appearance is also characteristic: the eyes are located at a fairly large distance from each other, in addition, upon careful examination, one can notice the presence of a vertical crescent-shaped fold at the inner edge of the eye.

In type VIII, skin changes are as follows: increased bleeding, there are cicatricial-atrophic areas on the knee joints, inflammation of the gums with early tooth loss. In this type of disease, increased skin extensibility and excessive joint mobility are not pronounced. With type X of the Chernogubov-Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, mild signs are combined with changes in the blood.

The main manifestation of type XI is increased joint mobility.

The prognosis is the most unfavorable in type IV syndrome, which is explained by the high probability of rupture of large vessels and the appearance of a through defect in the intestinal wall (occurs especially often in women during pregnancy).

Treatment disease is aimed only at eliminating symptoms. It is necessary to protect yourself from any possible injuries, to be constantly under the supervision of an orthopedist and an ophthalmologist. It is useful to take ascorbic acid.

Skin aplasia, congenital

The disease is a congenital malformation, located mainly on the scalp, in rare cases on other areas of the skin, such as the forearm, legs and face. The disease is the absence of all or several layers of the skin. In most cases, the pathology is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, in more rare cases, in an autosomal recessive manner. The development of congenital skin aplasia in chromosomal disorders, such as trisomy on the 13th pair of chromosomes, has been described. The mechanism of development of aplasia is unclear. Microscopic examination of a piece of tissue (histologically) determines the absence of the epidermis or dermis, depending on the depth of the defect. The skin lesion is usually located in the parietal region in the midline. The defect is small, oval or rounded, depending on the stage of development, covered with a film, granulation tissue, or has the appearance of an ulcer. The focus, as a rule, is single, small in size, but cases are described with extensive, multiple lesions located on the head and other parts of the body. There may be changes only on smooth skin. In severe cases, defects in the skull, meninges, and brain may develop, with life-threatening bleeding. Aplasia of the skin can be combined with other malformations, more often of the hands and feet. It is believed that such combinations may represent specific syndromes. A combination with focal dermal hypoplasia, epidermolysis bullosa has been described.

Treatment only symptomatic, aimed at preventing various types of infection, bleeding and accelerating the healing of the defect. For this purpose, vitamin E and antibacterial agents are used.

The spring sun is not harmless! Protect your skin!

During the long winter, we really yearned for the bright sun, so as soon as it sparkles in the sky on a warm spring day, we rush to enjoy it, exposing our delicate skin under its generous rays. Do you think the spring sun is less safe for us than the scorching summer sun? You are very much mistaken! In spring, the sun is very active. It is merciless to us, and without regret it can leave age spots on the skin of the face. Scientists around the world report that the spring sun is very aggressive, especially to the skin weakened after the winter, which is not at all prepared for sunbathing and needs careful handling and thorough protection.

But this does not mean at all that you should not enjoy spring walks, just that you should follow some tips that beauticians give to protect your skin in spring. It is worth taking care of protection in early March, starting to use special sunscreens with a high coefficient of protective substances. Do not forget that the sun contributes to the appearance of wrinkles, overdries and dehydrates your skin. As a rule, pigmentation on the body is a sign of age-related changes in the body, but there are cases when this problem is faced already at the age of 20. The appearance of age spots directly depends on the amount of melanin contained in the skin. If melanin is produced in a smaller amount in certain areas of it, then age spots appear in this place.

How to protect your skin from such changes. It needs to be prepared for a meeting with the spring sun. The first is proper nutrition, because the appearance of the skin directly depends on the internal state of the body. In winter, include as many citrus fruits as possible in your diet, drink water with lemon, take vitamin complexes, eat green onions and sweet peppers. There is another secret of traditional medicine - wash your face with sour milk, whey. With the advent of spring and summer, wipe the skin of the face with parsley juice and lemon juice (1: 1).

No matter how effective traditional medicine recipes are, still do not refuse to use protective sun creams. They should be applied 30 minutes before leaving the house. If your skin is still burned, then you should use a special tool, for example, Panthenol.

Skin itching from mosquito bites

Unpleasant sensations will decrease or stop altogether if the places of mosquito bites are smeared with a weak solution of ammonia in water (half a teaspoon of ammonia should be taken for one glass of water).

Our tyrno-anise drops, which can be bought in pharmacies, successfully cope with this task. The method of application is similar to that described.

Treatment of mummy for skin diseases

For skin diseases such as warts, dermatitis, diaper rash, eczema, pustular (pyoderma) and fungal diseases (mycoses), it is useful to steam the affected areas before going to bed, as well as the limbs of the arms and legs in a 5-6% mummy solution. At the same time, you need to take a mummy solution inside.

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