Small red spots on the head in men. Why do red spots appear on the head of the penis and how to treat them? Non-infectious causes of pathology

Red dots appearing on the head are a reason to visit a doctor, even if they do not cause concern. A similar phenomenon occurs as a result of injury or as a manifestation of dangerous pathologies.


Before carrying out treatment, the doctor must determine why the penis turned red and covered with a rash, analyze the patient's complaints. If men have spots on the head of the penis, it is important to determine their causes, and they can be varied.

There can be quite a few reasons for the appearance of rashes and redness.

The first group is considered non-pathological. In this case, the rash is not dangerous to health, all provoking factors must be eliminated.

Mechanical damage

The penis has a huge number of blood vessels and capillaries. If points without itching are observed on the head of the organ, their overflow with blood, ruptures and even hemorrhages are possible. The reasons are banal - too strong an impact during sex. Normally, these phenomena pass within a day and do not cause any complications.

With mechanical damage, redness disappears within a day

Microtrauma occurs with a pathology such as phimosis. It appears due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the male organ, when the foreskin is narrowed and cannot expose the head. Sometimes injury occurs as a result of contact with hard materials. For example, when cycling for a long time, head friction occurs. Discomfort is possible when wearing tight jeans or trousers in the absence of underwear. If chemicals and hot water come into contact with the penis, thermal or chemical damage is inevitable. Redness on the head is accompanied by symptoms such as slight inflammation and discomfort when touched. If it does not disappear in a day or is combined with itching, high fever and general weakness, you need to go to the doctor.

allergic reactions

Spots that appear on the head and foreskin may be a manifestation of an allergy. It develops from local exposure or when an allergen enters the body along with food or medicines. Reactions are often provoked by:

  • anal and vaginal lubricants;
  • cosmetics;
  • shower gels;
  • washing powder;
  • latex when using condoms;
  • separate foodstuffs;
  • synthetic materials;
  • medicines.

To get rid of the problem, it is enough to eradicate contact with the allergen.

Other factors

There are other harmless causes of spots on the head that do not hurt:

  1. Poor hygiene - if a man does not wash his penis regularly, rashes can often be observed on them. Their appearance is provoked by bacteria, which multiply rapidly under favorable conditions.
  2. Non-communicable diseases - redness can be a manifestation of diabetes, weakened immunity, stress. Or they talk about a lack of vitamins and anemia.

Poor hygiene can cause a rash

Sometimes reddish dots become a harbinger of a cancerous tumor. The skin around them is usually flaky, and there are no other manifestations. Therefore, if you find alarming symptoms, you should definitely talk to your doctor.

Itching and red spots observed on the head of the penis are a common symptom of infections transmitted during sex. The causative agents are fungi, bacteria and viruses. Any disease is subject to mandatory treatment, as it can lead to serious complications. Otherwise, pathogenic microorganisms spread throughout the body and sometimes lead to death.


A fungal disease that a man catches from a woman. In some cases, it develops when the immune system is weakened. Violation is manifested by red spots, curdled discharge from the urethra, sour smell and itching. If you suspect you need to visit a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations. Treatment is carried out in relation to partners, and for the duration of therapy it is recommended to give up sex.

Thrush must be treated in both partners


If there are red spots on the head of the male organ, we can talk about chlamydia. Infection occurs with intimacy, and rashes are observed after ten to thirty days. The cause is irritation caused by purulent discharge from the urethra. In addition, there is pain in the lower back, perineum and scrotum. Itching is usually not noted.

Chlamydia can cause a rash


Spots on the penis occur due to irritation of the mucous membrane. Among the main signs of the disease are:

  • mucous and other secretions;
  • discomfort when urinating;
  • puffiness.

With trichomoniasis, swelling of the head is observed

In most men, the pathology does not manifest itself in any way. Clearly pronounced signs are observed one to three weeks after sex with an infected partner.


One of the most dangerous sexually transmitted diseases. Its first symptom is the appearance of a red spot on the penis, which quickly becomes a round and hard ulcer. It does not hurt or itch, but it has a negative effect on the inguinal lymph nodes. As a result, they can significantly increase in size and become more dense. These symptoms indicate the first stage of the disease, when the disease can be eliminated without difficulty.

When infected with syphilis, a rash is noted throughout the body

In the absence of therapy, the disease develops and manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • ulcers and spots all over the body;
  • temperature rise;
  • severe headaches;
  • enlargement of all lymph nodes;
  • discharge from the urethra;
  • pain when urinating;
  • hair loss;
  • formation of genital warts in the groin.

Papillomas and skin diseases

Red dots can appear on the penis with the development of skin diseases. One of the most common is psoriasis. It is considered dangerous because it is difficult to diagnose. The root cause of the violation is nervous disorders, stress, emotional upheaval. After solving psychological problems, all symptoms of the disease disappear.


The papilloma virus is manifested by rashes on the head and trunk of the penis. Very quickly, small spots turn into growths and warts, from which a liquid with a bad smell is released. Full recovery with this pathology is impossible, but the operation allows you to get rid of neoplasms. In the future, it is necessary to maintain immunity in order to block the virus and prevent it from developing further.

If the head of the penis itches and red spots are observed on it, you need to urgently go to the doctor. He will conduct the necessary research and select the optimal treatment regimen. In case of mechanical damage, it is important to exclude the impact of a traumatic factor. If a man has phimosis, surgical treatment is indicated. In case of allergies, the patient is advised to exclude contact with the allergen and drink a course of antihistamines. When redness is accompanied by additional symptoms, symptomatic treatment is prescribed, which involves taking antipruritic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment must be prescribed by the attending physician

Antibiotics are indicated for bacterial infection, antimycotic agents - for fungal. To combat sexual infections, a variety of drugs are used that are highly effective. Many diseases, such as candidiasis, are treated with a single tablet. Others require regular therapy.

Folk methods

Self-treatment of diseases affecting the reproductive organs threatens with consequences.

If the causes of red spots are unknown, alternative medicine recipes can worsen the patient's well-being. Therefore, their use is possible only as an addition to the main therapy. There are several popular methods:

  1. Aloe - eliminate the manifestations of balanoposthitis. Rinse the leaves under water, cut off the thorns and skin, attach to the spots. Perform the procedure until the symptoms disappear.
  2. Calendula and olive oil - an infusion prepared on the basis of these components is good for ulcers and erosion. Dried flowers of the plant pour oil, insist in a warm place for three weeks. A ready-made tool to treat problem areas.
  3. Sage - used for compresses and washing the genitals. To prepare the product, pour raw materials with boiling water and leave for half an hour.
  4. Oak bark - grind, pour water and boil over low heat for about thirty minutes. Ready broth to cool, strain and wash the genitals up to three times a day.

Folk remedies help eliminate unpleasant symptoms and make you feel better, but do not eliminate the root cause of the problems.


To prevent the development of diseases that manifest as red spots on the penis, you must follow simple recommendations:

  • observe hygiene;
  • every day to wash the genitals;
  • use condoms during sex;
  • eat properly;
  • wear underwear made from natural materials;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • use soaps and gels suitable for intimate hygiene.

Red spots that appear on the head of the penis are not always a harmless symptom. They can talk about the development of serious infectious diseases that, if left untreated, can be harmful to health. Do not self-medicate - it is better to go to a specialist.

Every man is very scrupulous about his dignity. Therefore, even the slightest deviation from the norm is regarded as a mortal danger. Often, men after unprotected regular sex, oral or anal, can find the appearance of red dots on the head of the penis. And these can be symptoms of both a sexually transmitted disease, and any other inflammatory or skin disease. But even diseases related to the type of sexually transmitted diseases cannot always affect a person only through sexual contact. You can pick up an infectious microbe when visiting public places, when in contact with the blood or seminal fluid of the patient, when using general hygiene products.

What diseases can provoke rashes on the penis?


The main and most common disease that accompanies red dots on the penis is balanitis. This is an inflammatory lesion of the skin of the head of the penis, often this inflammation also captures the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foreskin - balanoposthitis. There are several types of this disease:

  • Irritative balanitis appears due to excessive irritations of a diverse nature:
  1. mechanical
  2. chemical
  3. bacterial
  4. fungal
  5. and so on

Symptoms of simple balanitis are as follows:

  1. swelling of the head of the penis
  2. increased blood flow to the vessels of the penis
  3. maceration of the skin, that is, softening of the upper tissues, as with a long stay in water
  4. soreness
  5. itching of the head of the penis
  • erosive. With this form of balanitis, dark red and bluish defects of the upper skin membranes of the head of the penis appear - erosions.
  • ulcerative. This form of the disease is expressed by the appearance of deep ulcers with a purulent coating around the edges.
  • Chronic balanitis has such a feature in which there is a constant manifestation of an acute form of the disease that cannot be cured.
  • Balanitis obliterans characterized by the presence of whitish round spots and dense keratin foci on the head and the inside of the foreskin. Skin maceration is also observed.
  • Gangrenous form has characteristic features in the form of deep damage to the tissues of the penis in the form of advanced ulcerative balanitis.

What are the reasons for the appearance of such an ailment? Failure to comply with basic hygiene rules that create the best conditions for the reproduction of microbes and the development of infection. A weakened body and reduced immunity also play an important role in the development of this disease. With a careless attitude to one's own health and the lack of proper treatment for simple balanitis, the disease passes into more severe forms: ulcerative, chronic, erosive, gangrenous, and only balanitis obliterans is an independently acquired disease. Doctors still cannot find out the causes of this form of the disease.

Another reason for the appearance of inflammation of the head of the penis can be severe infections of the body, endocrine disorders, a consequence of dermatological diseases, or a deficiency in immunity.


An infectious disease of the urine - the reproductive system, where the causative agent is fungi of the genus Candida, also have in symptomatic manifestations such a factor as red dots on the penis. Along with rashes, other signs can be noted:

  • White discharge from the urethra, leaving a plaque
  • Swelling and inflammation of the head of the penis
  • Redness of the head, foreskin and urethral opening
  • severe itching
  • Ulcers and erosion

You can get candidiasis during sexual intercourse without contraception, at home, when using common objects such as a towel, wearing synthetic underwear, with prolonged antibiotic therapy.

herpes virus

Men who are carriers of type 2 herpes virus also have a history of skin manifestations on the head of the penis. It can be both red dots and vesicles and sores. But the defeat of herpes viridae HSV-2 is characterized, in addition to this, by a number of other symptoms:

  • Scabies
  • Mucus discharge from the urethra
  • Pain and burning during urination
  • Spread of vesicular - ulcerative rash throughout the genital area: penis, scrotum, anus
  • Swelling of the inguinal lymph nodes
  • Chills, temperature

The main causes of infection with the virus are unprotected intimate relationships and the contact route of infection: touching with a rash, for example. It is also possible to transmit herpes by airborne droplets.

Chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis

All these infections of various pathogenic flora in advanced forms lead to balanitis, as they are infectious inflammations caused by bacteria:

Treponema pallidum is a long, thin, protective bacterium that causes syphilis. It is possible to become infected with this disease through close contact: sexual intercourse of any orientation (vaginal, anal or oral), intrauterine (from mother to baby), with blood transfusion. The symptomatology of syphilis has on its list red spots on the penis, which quickly develop into decaying ulcers, and after 2 months the patient's entire body is covered with a rash. Without proper treatment, syphilis can be fatal.

  • Burning and pain when going to the toilet
  • Abundant urethral discharge, up to purulent
  • Inflammation of the head of the penis, urethral opening and foreskin

Gonorrhea can be treated with simple antibiotics.


This viral sexually transmitted disease is also marked at the initial stage by a red rash on the penis. Then the rash develops into warty growths on a thin stalk, releasing a liquid with an unpleasant odor. This is one of the most popular diseases today. In the treatment, special highly toxic compresses, a laser, surgery, antiviral drugs and immunostimulants are used.


The manifestations of this dermatological disease are truly multifaceted. Genital psoriasis is not a sexually transmitted disease, but it is rather difficult to diagnose, since red rashes on the head of the penis and the inner edge of the prepuce are not accompanied by peeling, as in classic psoriasis. The causes of this disease may be the following reasons:

  1. Violation of the nerve endings in the spine
  2. Dysfunction of organs located in the pelvic area
  3. Stress and depression
  4. Classic psoriasis of any other localization

mother-of-pearl glands

The presence of pink bumps located along the edges of the head of the penis, similar to pimples, is not a pathological manifestation. These are pearlescent papules that have nothing to do with sexually transmitted diseases. These glands appear during puberty, and remain only in 30% of the stronger sex. These bumps are harmless and not dangerous. But if they start to bother: they itch, hurt, swollen, reddened and swollen lymph nodes, then you should consult a doctor to examine these pimples and to exclude any infectious disease.


If you have red dots on the penis, you need to contact a dermatologist, urologist or venereologist, for the speedy diagnosis and identification of the causes of this rash, as well as for the timely treatment of the disease. To avoid infection with various infections, you should:

  • Maintain hygiene
  • Use contraceptives
  • Use personal items
  • Wear underwear made from natural fabrics
  • Maintain health and support immunity

As you know, there should not be any spots on a healthy male genital organ. If a man finds red spots on his head, this is a wake-up call, a signal of a disease.

There can be several reasons for the appearance of red spots. This means that you cannot start treatment yourself without a diagnosis. It is necessary to find out what caused the spots, and only then begin treatment.

To avoid the appearance of spots on the penis, it is necessary to observe personal hygiene, strengthen the immune system and select underwear made from natural fabrics. And then no disease threatens you.

Even small red spots on the head in men may indicate the presence of an infection in the body of a fungal or venereal nature.

In most cases, spots are found after unprotected intercourse, and this becomes a driving factor for an appointment with a dermatovenereologist.

Severe itching, swelling, redness, burning and pain during urination can also help not to delay a visit to the doctor. But, there are times when small dots on the head of the penis do not pose a serious danger and disappear after 1-2 days.

Possible reasons

Man covering groin with hands, outdoors, close-up

We have already determined that the appearance of red spots on the head in men can be caused by fungal, sexually transmitted and allergic diseases. Namely:

  1. contact dermatitis. A fairly common phenomenon that can provoke the appearance of red spots on the head of the penis, even in young boys. Allergens can be found in diapers, diapers, briefs (especially synthetic ones), soap, washcloths or shower gel. The rash may be accompanied by severe itching and redness in the groin area. Pain and burning in the urethra occur in isolated cases.
  2. Candidiasis. In other words, male thrush, which is characterized by the appearance of small red spots on the head and foreskin, which are usually accompanied by severe itching, a white curdled coating and an unpleasant odor. This fungal disease is sexually transmitted, so both partners are diagnosed and treated. There are many types of candidiasis, but the most common are acute and chronic. The first responds very well to treatment, with the second often there are difficulties, since there are complications in the form of infections of the genitourinary system.
  3. Balanoposthitis. A very common disease, occurring in 11% of all men. It is divided into many forms, depending on the nature of the manifestations and ways of infection. Red spots on the head of the penis are observed in almost all forms. Candidal balanoposthitis occurs most often and, in addition to the rash, white pellets can be observed on the head and foreskin, which are easily removed by hand or a stream of water from a tap. Also, the symptoms can be complicated by severe itching in the entire groin area. In advanced cases, there is a sharp, sour smell.
  4. Syphilis and gonorrhea. In some cases, the initial stage of gonorrhea and syphilis may be accompanied by the appearance of a red spotted rash on the head in men. To confirm the diagnosis, you need not only an examination by a doctor, but also a scraping from the lesions, a swab from the urethra and blood tests.
    It has been proven that red spots on the head and foreskin are much more common in men who are promiscuous and ignore the rules of personal hygiene.


Every man who notices red spots on the penis wants to get rid of them as soon as possible. However, self-treatment is not always effective, and in some cases, a neglected infectious disease can cause significant harm to health and cause various complications.

Expert opinion

Knyazev Igor Vladimirovich

Ask a question to the doctor

Therefore, it is very important to diagnose the disease in a medical institution.

If red spots appear on the head in men, the causes are identified based on the nature of the occurrence of diseases: mechanical damage, allergies, infections or concomitant diseases (diabetes mellitus, anemia, beriberi, etc.). All this is taken into account by the urologist during the examination and questioning of the patient.

In each case, the doctor directs the patient to additional examinations that will help specify the diagnosis.

When collecting an anamnesis, the doctor finds out the following information:

  • whether unprotected sex preceded the appearance of the spots;
  • whether the man uses condoms or lubricants during sex;
  • is there urinary retention, are there cramps during urination;
  • whether the spots increased in diameter;
  • spots disappear and appear or are constantly present;
  • Is there any discharge from the urethra?

Having received answers to the main questions, the specialist determines the infectious or non-infectious nature of the disease. Accordingly, the patient is assigned a series of tests.

The most commonly used method for identifying the causative agent of the disease is bacterial culture. In addition to clarifying the diagnosis, it helps to identify the sensitivity of the microorganism to antibacterial drugs.

Early diagnosis of red spots on the head in men allows you to determine the causes of the disease in time and prescribe competent treatment.

Infectious diseases are extremely dangerous in their composition. If they are started, then inflammatory processes can go to other organs: the bladder, prostate, scrotum, kidneys, testicles.

Diagnosis of allergic dermatitis

Men who have not experienced allergies are surprised that the cause of red spots on the head can be caused by the use of lubricants or wearing synthetic underwear. The fact is that individual intolerance occurs absolutely to any substance.

And if previously a person had no contact with him, then there was no allergic reaction.

The symptoms of an allergy on the penis are as follows:

  1. spots, dots and other rashes appear on the head of the organ;
  2. when microbes get on damaged skin, wounds and acne occur;
  3. in the case when the intolerance of the substance is strong, eczema may develop.

If the doctor suspected allergic dermatitis, then the patient is referred to an allergist.

To identify the irritant, one of the tests is done:

  • taking blood from a vein;
  • sensitivity test through the skin on the upper arm.

If there is no positive result for the main reagents, then the question of the autoimmune or psychosomatic nature of the appearance of spots is considered.

Diagnosis of infectious diseases

Inflammatory infectious diseases in which the head of the penis is affected are called balanitis, if the foreskin is affected - fasting.

Expert opinion

Knyazev Igor Vladimirovich

Ask a question to the doctor

Usually, when infected with pathogenic microflora, both parts of the penis are affected, so balanoposthitis is diagnosed.

Red spots on the head in men, the causes of which are affected by pathogens, do not occur with all STDs. For example, with trichomoniasis, such a symptom is absent. Therefore, before prescribing a group of tests, the doctor takes into account other symptoms.,

The standard examinations are as follows:

  1. blood test for STDs;
  2. bacterial culture of the contents of the urethra (smear);
  3. analysis by polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Additional research:

  • general urine analysis;
  • prostate examination;
  • sowing according to Nechiporenko (urinalysis).

Treatment for red spots on the penis

How to treat this disease? In the case of simple dermatitis, the treatment is to completely limit contact with the irritant, and the red spot on the skin of the male penis will soon disappear. In the event of an allergic reaction to latex, it is recommended to replace latex condoms with polyurethane ones.

If, after using them, the red spot on the penis does not disappear, then you need to seek help from a venereologist-dermatologist. In the case of allergic dermatitis, if the cause of its occurrence is known, the specialist will prescribe a medicine and recovery will be quick.

What to do if there are symptoms of genital herpes? Keep in mind that it is impossible to cure it forever, you can only hide the manifestations and alleviate the patient's condition for a long period of time. Acyclovir is considered the most effective drug in this case, and therefore it is prescribed by most urologists.

The drug is very active and has a number of contraindications that can lead to undesirable consequences and exacerbations. However, it must be kept with you in order to prevent primary symptoms in time. It must be remembered that genital herpes and common herpes are different diseases.

For some reason, men are embarrassed to see a doctor if they notice a spot on the skin of the penis, they try to use standard remedies for the treatment of herpes. This is a big mistake that can lead to worsening of the condition and difficulties in treatment.

In case of infection with syphilis, treatment consists of a two-week course of antibiotics (penicillin, tetracycline, etc.). In addition to antibiotics, multivitamin preparations and immunostimulants should be added.

After recovery, for another 2 years, you need to be registered with a venereologist and periodically donate blood for analysis in order to avoid the recurrence of the disease.

For the treatment of psoriasis of the penis, the following topical drugs are used, such as corticosteroid ointments. These drugs are effective for treating small areas of psoriasis and are used in small courses. Ointments that contain vitamin D can even be used on sensitive skin and mucous membranes.

The use of immunomodulators such as pimecrolimus and tacrolimus is also indicated. But they can provoke skin infections, so they should be used only after consulting a doctor. Salt baths and traditional medicine methods are effective in this case, complementing the therapy prescribed by a specialist.

Folk remedies

Self-treatment of diseases of the genital organs is very dangerous. If the patient does not know the reasons for the appearance of red spots on the head of the penis, then, using the advice of traditional healers and acquaintances, he can only aggravate the situation. For example, such a symptom is often found in precancerous diseases: Creyre's erythroplasia or Bowen's disease.

Therefore, the use of folk remedies is possible only as an adjuvant therapy.

  1. Aloe. In the treatment of balanoposthitis, aloe can be used. The leaves of the plant are washed under water, the thorns, the top layer of the skin are cut off and applied to the spots. The procedure is carried out twice a day until relief comes.
  2. Calendula and olive oil. The infusion is especially useful for ulcers and erosion on the head of the penis. Dried flowers (1 tablespoon) are poured with olive oil (1/3 cup) and infused in a warm place, preferably in the sun, for three weeks. The resulting infusion smears spots and erosion sites.
  3. Sage. With inflammation of the glans penis, you can do compresses or washing with infusion of sage. To prepare the product you need 2 tbsp. l. raw materials pour a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Compresses are made with gauze dipped in infusion. The procedure time is 20 minutes.
  4. Oak bark. You can wash the affected areas with a decoction of oak bark. The raw materials are crushed into powder, crushed oak bark is placed in a container and poured with water (250 ml). Then put on the stove and boil over low heat for half an hour. When the decoction has cooled, carefully filter and wash the genitals, dividing the decoction into three procedures.

It should be remembered that folk remedies in this case are used to alleviate the symptoms, and not eliminate the cause.


Whatever the factor contributing to the formation of red spots on the head, it is important to pay attention to some preventive measures.

  • if possible, expose the body to strengthening;
  • enrich the diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, foods containing coarse fiber;
  • during the treatment process, refrain from intimacy or be sure to use condoms.
  • Sources:;;;;

    Red spots on the head of the penis are one of the symptoms of an inflammatory or infectious disease, in addition, they can appear as a result of injuries to the organs of the male genitourinary system, and they are not always accompanied by pain.

    Sometimes red spots are not dangerous, being the result of sexual intercourse in conditions of insufficient lubrication. In this case, the skin is rubbed and injured, which just leads to the formation of red spots.

    In other cases, red spots are accompanied by other symptoms, such as itching and burning. And then a change in skin color is a signal from the body that processes are taking place in it that can adversely affect the normal functioning of the system. At a minimum, this is a sufficient reason to consult a specialist for advice.

    Red spots on the head in men: factors in the development of the disease

    There should be no red spots on a healthy male genital organ. If they appear, then this indicates pathological disorders in the male organ that need to be diagnosed and treated. Red spots on the head in men are a serious reason to visit a dermatologist or venereologist.

    In this article, we will look at the possible causes, methods for diagnosing and treating various pathologies that may be related to the formation of spots.

    Non-infectious etiology of red spots on the head in men

    • If the appearance of spots on the glans penis is not associated with the introduction of pathogens, then the cause of the disease is non-infectious.
    • Allergic dermatosis, psoriasis, or weakened immunity can lead to rashes and spots of a different nature.
    • The most common cause of red spots on the male genital organ is an allergic reaction to chemical or physical irritants.

    If shortly after using a condom, red spots appear on the head of a man, then this certainly indicates that the lubricant of the contraceptive contains irritating substances. With severe allergies, in addition to spots, bubbles with a clear liquid can form on the head, and the tissues of the organ themselves swell.

    Causes of allergic dermatitis

    1. lubricants and lubricants of poor quality contraceptives;
    2. cosmetic products for personal hygiene containing aggressive additives;
    3. underwear made of synthetic materials.

    Diagnosis of allergic dermatitis

    Men who have not experienced allergies are surprised that the cause of red spots on the head can be caused by the use of lubricants or wearing synthetic underwear. The fact is that individual intolerance occurs absolutely to any substance. And if previously a person had no contact with him, then there was no allergic reaction.

    Allergy symptoms on the penis

    • spots, dots and other rashes appear on the head of the organ;
    • when microbes get on damaged skin, wounds and acne occur;
    • in the case when the intolerance of the substance is strong, eczema may develop.

    If the doctor suspected allergic dermatitis, then the patient is referred to an allergist.

    A rash and red spots on the head of the penis may be the result of a weakened immune defense of the body. The body becomes vulnerable to attack by fungi and bacteria. For example, thrush can be found in men who often get sick for a long time. One of the symptoms of yeast damage to the head of an organ is red spots.

    Spots on the penis can occur with psoriasis (scaly lichen), which has a non-infectious etiology. With this disease, the spots on the head of the penis are pink, peel and itch.

    The affected areas swell, become hot and sore. In addition to the penis, psoriatic rashes can be observed on the pubis, scrotum and groin. The reasons for the development of psoriasis are considered to be weakened immunity, prolonged stress, and a hereditary factor. Recent studies of this disease indicate an autoimmune nature.

    Other non-infectious causes

    Red spots on the head of the penis in a man are not uncommon due to poor hygiene of the penis. If a man sweats often, while rarely changing his underwear and washing his genitals, then such manifestations are not long in coming. Spots in the form of red dots appear as a result of injury to the organ.

    This is due to the fact that the head is abundantly supplied with blood vessels, which means that they can burst in case of injuries. This is especially noticeable after passionate oral sex, when under the influence of a vacuum, hemorrhage from small vessels occurs. Usually such spots disappear in six to eight hours. If they are noticeable the next day, then the reason may be different.

    Red spots on the head in men caused by infection

    The head of the penis can be affected by various microorganisms: fungi, viruses and bacteria. Such symptoms as red spots are certainly found in thrush, herpes, syphilis. If there is a clearly defined tumor on the head, and the spots are peeling off, then this may indicate a manifestation of an oncological disease. In order to avoid serious consequences, it is important to contact a specialist in time.

    Genital herpes

    • With this disease, red spots that appear on the head of a man are accompanied by itching, pain and burning during urination, and an increase in inguinal lymph nodes.
    • The disease can be distinguished from others by the presence of small bubbles with liquid. They are the ones that cause intense itching.
    • After maturation, the bubbles burst, and ulcers form in their place.


    If the activity of fungi is not associated with a weakened immune system, then the disease is sexually transmitted, and the symptoms are more pronounced. In addition to red spots, a white coating is observed on the head of the penis, the discharge has a curdled consistency and a sour smell. A man feels itching and pain when urinating.


    One of the most dangerous STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) has manifestations in the form of red spots on the head in men. At the initial stage, a small spot appears, which soon begins to grow, turning into a bright red ulcer with dense edges. The focus of erosion constantly releases serous fluid, which is why it has a “varnished” surface. At the same time, the patient has enlarged lymph nodes in the groin area (closest to the ulcer).

    Features of red spots in male genital herpes

    1. Modern men, for the most part, do not differ in particular constancy and selectivity in sexual relations.
    2. It is not always possible to completely secure these casual relationships, as a result of which a man is faced with such a common problem as herpes on the penis.
    3. Genital herpes, getting on the penis of a man, affects the scrotum, penis and anus, and in advanced cases can spread to the buttocks and thighs.
    4. Genital herpes is a very common infection of the genitals of 20-35 year old men.

    How does it manifest

    Herpes on the penis is a collection of watery blisters, framed by a red border. The blisters begin to burst, leaving behind rapidly drying sores. Typically, such rashes are localized mainly on the head of the penis. But in the absence of proper therapeutic measures, the infectious process spreads to the perineum, scrotum and the entire surface of the penis.

    In some cases, bubbles appear even inside the urethra, then a man is diagnosed with herpetic urethritis.

    The incubation period usually lasts no longer than two weeks, after which a whole scattering of bright red acne appears on the surface of the penis. In their place, the patient feels severe itching and a characteristic burning sensation, sometimes even causing pain.

    In some patients, even urination and shifting of the foreskin causes a feeling of extreme soreness. In addition to vesicles, patients note a slight increase in inguinal lymph nodes. In the morning, men may notice specific discharge from the urethra.

    Carefully! The genital herpes virus can be on the skin of the genital organs without visible signs. Observations show that during the first days after infection or the onset of a relapse, it is impossible to detect the development of the disease, although the virus is already settling on the genitals.

    The period of the disease is distinguished by vivid symptoms, when the vesicles grow, during which local focal lesions can form. Such stages of herpetic development are usually accompanied by chills, muscle pain, constant fatigue, fever and loss of appetite.

    How is infection carried out?

    A feature of herpes is its ability to be transmitted even through kisses. Sometimes infection can occur by direct contact with household items of a patient with herpes. And in some cases, a man in general can act only as a carrier and distributor of the disease, but at the same time does not have external herpetic symptoms.

    But more often the sexual form of herpes is transmitted through sexual contact: oral, anal or traditional sex. Men with multiple sexual partners are at particular risk.

    According to studies, it is possible to get genital herpes even when using a condom (20% risk), but only if the infected partner has a relapse of the disease at the time of sexual intercourse. And if the condom has a lubricant containing an antiseptic like nonoxynol, then the risk of infection is reduced to almost isolated cases.

    Attention! The patient is especially dangerous during acute periods of herpes, when his contagious power is especially high and can be transmitted to partners with incredible speed.

    How and how to treat herpes on the penis

    • If it suddenly happened that an infection with genital herpes occurred, then it will not be possible to cure it forever.
    • Therefore, the therapeutic process is aimed at eliminating the main clinical manifestations of pathology.
    • For the entire treatment period, the patient must refuse all possible sexual contacts and exclude the use of alcoholic beverages, although genital herpes is not treated with antibiotic drugs.

    Most often, for antiherpetic therapy, antifungal and antiviral drugs, immunomodulators, ointments, colloidal soap and immunoglobulin injections are used.

    Most often, doctors resort to drugs like Acyclovir, Valaciclovir and other medicines of this series. Treatment with such drugs is quite lengthy. Due to the risk of relapse, such drugs should always be at hand for the patient, since it is very important to prevent the development of an exacerbation in a timely manner already when the first symptoms occur. Since the drugs of the Acyclovir family have many contraindications, a man must undergo a thorough examination before prescribing.

    After several doses of the drug, the patient notices a decrease in the primary symptoms and a decrease in the burning sensation. During treatment, and even after it, urologists recommend that men wear underwear made of soft, natural, lightweight materials that let enough air through to the skin. In such underwear, sores on the penis will heal much faster.

    Lifestyle in illness

    With proper treatment, all symptoms of the infection disappear without a trace after a couple of weeks, but many patients experience periodic relapses of the herpes virus. Since it is impossible to completely exterminate the virus, it is necessary to make it sleep for as long as possible. Regular intake of antiviral drugs, strengthening of immunity and a specialized diet contribute to this.

    • Studies have shown that some foods contribute to the development of recurrences of the infection. These experts include alcoholic beverages, fatty foods and sugar.
    • In order for the periods between relapses to last as long as possible, it is recommended to consume more foods rich in lysine, among which it is worth highlighting lean meat, lentils, egg white, potatoes, and soy.
    • It is also useful to eat more fish, vegetables (boiled or fresh), legumes.

    Genital candidiasis ("thrush")

    This is an infectious disease of a fungal nature that occurs in both sexes. In men with thrush, it occurs most often due to weakened immunity against the background of chronic bacterial infections and AIDS.

    The reasons

    • Prolonged use of antibiotics that reduce the body's own protective resource;
    • Diabetes;
    • Avitaminosis;
    • Abuse of sweets;
    • Functional hormonal changes in the body at a young age;
    • Insufficient hygiene of the genital organs;


    Thrush on the head usually appears in the form of balanitis and balanoposthitis. In both cases, we are talking about fungal inflammation of the surface epithelium of the penis and its foreskin.

    Candidal balanoposthitis is common mainly in children. At this age, the foreskin very tightly covers the head of the penis. The situation is sometimes complicated by phimosis - partial keratinization of the flesh, which prevents it from even forcible disclosure for the purpose of hygienic care. In this case, the fungal microflora present there can be transferred to the epithelium of the flesh from the head.

    At the initial stage of inflammation in boys and adult men, thrush looks like redness and swelling of the skin of the head and foreskin. The infection has only an irritating effect, which manifests itself in the form of burning and itching in this part of the body.

    In the future, as fungal colonies grow, changes in the epithelium become more destructive, affecting the urethra. The result of cell destruction and increasing infection of surrounding tissues are:

    • Purulent discharge and offensive odor from the urethra;
    • Cutting, soreness and difficulty in passing urine;
    • Ulcerative formations on the head of the penis;
    • Painful sensations when walking;
    • General weakness;
    • Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin.

    The final stage of balanitis and balanoposthitis can be creeping infection of the ureters, bladder, kidneys and even intestines.

    Forms of candidiasis

    Diagnosis of thrush comes down, first of all, to an external examination of the patient and clarification in the process of collecting an anamnesis of the medical history: its first manifestations, current symptoms, the effectiveness of treatment (if it was carried out).

    To clarify the diagnosis, it may be necessary to conduct a microbiological analysis of discharge from the urethra and particles of the epithelium from the head of the penis and foreskin. The purpose of the study is to identify the causative agent of the disease, a fungus of the Candida family. For boys, this is mostly the case.

    In the case of adult men, it is also important to exclude the possibility of the existence of gonorrhea, as well as a banal non-fungal urethritis, which have largely similar external symptoms.

    When confirming the diagnosis of balanitis or its complicated, balanoposthitis version, urine and blood are additionally examined for sugar. This is necessary in order to find out the presence or absence of diabetes mellitus in the etiology.

    The nature of damage to the epithelium and discharge from the urethra may indicate the following forms of candidiasis of the head of the penis and foreskin:

    • Catarrhal (superficial) - with redness, swelling and white mucous excrement from the urinary canal;
    • Catarrhal-erosive - with the appearance of rips (erosions) on the inflamed and weakened epithelium;
    • Catarrhal-erosive-ulcerative - with growth in breadth and deepening of erosions inside the epithelium, leading to the formation of numerous ulcers on the surface of the head of the penis and its foreskin.

    At the acute stage of the disease, these symptoms manifest themselves most clearly: they are accompanied by itching and pain in the head of the penis, a disgusting smell from purulent excrement, and a large number of erosions and ulcers.

    The chronic stage is less pronounced. To erosive damage to the epithelium and ulcers, another indicator of skin deformation is added - it wrinkled on the head. Itching, pain, and swelling may be absent altogether. Pathological processes at this time proceed latently and affect other tissues and organs.

    A frequent consequence of prolonged inflammation is phimosis - partial closure of the head by the foreskin, narrowed as a result of keratinization.

    To open the head, the foreskin already needs to be specially smeared with a hygienic cream.

    How to get rid of thrush and its red spots

    Treatment of candidal balanitis and balanoposthitis can be local and systemic. Local therapy, depending on the nature and severity of the infection, may include:

    • Baths with hygienic solutions based on antiseptics,
    • antibacterial ointments,
    • antifungal creams,
    • Hormonal preparations.

    In systemic treatment, antibiotics are added to these drugs, which are introduced into the body by alimentary (tablets, capsules) or parenteral (intravenous and intramuscular injections).

    A good effect, especially at the chronic stage, is given by regular physiotherapy procedures: UHF, laser and electromagnetic irradiation.

    Surgery is required to eliminate phimosis. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and is usually limited to one or two short incisions in the foreskin. Treatment of thrush is carried out in stages.

    First, a group of pharmacological substances that can affect the pathological microflora of the penis is determined. For this, particles of the epithelium of the head of the penis and foreskin are sown in a Petri dish. Subsequently, a pure culture of the Candida fungus is isolated and the sensitivity of various drugs is checked on it. The most effective of them, after checking for an allergic reaction, are assigned to the patient.

    Complementary therapeutic measures

    In parallel with the main treatment aimed at the destruction of the causative agent of the disease, a complex of auxiliary therapeutic measures is carried out. Their goal is to eliminate the causes that led to the increased reproduction of the fungus. Among them are:

    • Normalization of metabolism with the help of vitamins and proper nutrition;
    • Stimulation of immunity through hemoglobin immunotherapy;
    • Limitation or (if possible) complete cancellation of antibiotics that led to dysbacteriosis;
    • Elimination of intestinal dysbacteriosis with bacterial preparations containing live lactobacilli.

    In boys, enhanced penile hygiene is also important. To open and wash the head of the penis with soap or antiseptic solutions, the child must learn to open the foreskin on his own. This is facilitated by the use of a special cream for children. The doctor and parents only show how it's done. In the future, he should know that if necessary - "I smear myself."


    It is necessary to treat thrush necessarily and in full. The forecast largely depends on the speed of taking measures and their effectiveness. What can happen if this is not done? The possible consequences are very sad:

    • Keratinization of the epithelium of the foreskin, leading to its excessive narrowing - phimosis.
    • Complete infection of the urinary system up to the bladder and kidneys;
    • Reduced sensitivity of the head of the penis, which prevents erection during sexual intercourse;
    • Damage to the cavernous vessels of the penis, leading to impotence;
    • Destruction of the lymphatic vasculature with the transition of inflammation to regional nodes.

    If you start the disease of the male genital organs, the tissues of the penis are threatened with complete necrosis with the development of gangrene. The only way out in this case is amputation of the penis.

    In order not to bring the outcome to trouble, thrush must be eradicated at its very beginning. Timely cure phimosis, infections in the urinary system - diseases that are the most common causes of balanoposthitis and balanitis.

    And what is really very simple is to follow the basic rules of personal hygiene: daily and thoroughly wash the penis, do not wear tight underwear, and also change it to clean as often as possible.

    Signs and symptoms of syphilis in men

    The first signs of syphilis in men appear as an ulcer, bright red in color and having a noticeable outline. They are observed mainly on the penis: both on the head of the penis, and in the region of the trunk, in the anus, as well as in the diuretic canal. The sizes of ulcers are from 1 to 4 centimeters.

    The disease is contagious, although it does not have painful symptoms. Syphilis in men is also called "Hard chancre", due to the presence of hard edges in the abscesses.

    The disease has a distinctive symptom - to disappear even without treatment and reappear after a while.

    Complications of syphilis in men

    Complications may occur during the course of the disease. They are expressed as:

    • Edema
    • Seals of the foreskin;
    • If another infection enters the ulcer, then there is a high probability of edema in its area. In rare cases, tissue death.

    With a double localization of the ulcer on the penis, the head of the penis is pinched by swollen tissue, leading to serious tissue death. This phenomenon is called "Re-gangrenization", as well as "Fagedernism". The risk group for this manifestation of syphilis in men is people who are dependent on alcohol.


    How does syphilis manifest itself in men? If the disease proceeds without complications, then after a week, after the manifestation of the main symptom, an increase in inguinal lymph nodes occurs. This increase in nodes can be of two types:

    1. Unilateral;
    2. Bilateral.

    With bilateral syphilis in men, one of the inflamed inguinal lymph nodes may be larger than the other. At the same time, there is no inflammation of the skin and there are no pain and suppuration.

    Possible manifestation of regional lymphangitis, if the male genital organ is affected, during the transition to the second stage of the disease, the development of polyadenitis is possible - the so-called group disease of the lymph nodes

    If, with the manifestation of syphilis in men, no treatment measures were taken and he himself disappeared, then there is a high probability of the transition of male syphilis to the second stage, characterized as various kinds of skin rashes and their disappearance. The manifestation of this kind of rash is sometimes perceived by doctors as a symptom of another disease.

    The manifestation and disappearance of the rash indicates that syphilis in men progresses inside the body and adversely affects its health in general. The presence of inflammation of the lymph nodes in a patient leads to an increase in temperature and a manifestation of weakness.


    It is more difficult to treat the disease, the longer a person has syphilis.

    1. At the first signs of the disease, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
    2. To accurately determine the presence of the disease, a blood test for syphilis is performed.
    3. Based on the Wassermann reaction, it is possible to determine the disease and determine its stage.
    4. Other accompanying symptoms may be similar to other, less serious diseases.

    If a man has not been treated for syphilis, within 3-4 years, from the moment of infection, there is a high probability of manifestation of the third stage of syphilis. It is characterized by damage to the skin, internal organs of a person, as well as the nervous system, in which there is the formation of tubercles under the skin and in the skin, covered with ulcers. Rarely observed "Invisible syphilis" - the first and second stages proceed unnoticed, without the manifestation of any symptoms.

    How to treat syphilis

    For the treatment of syphilis in men, regardless of the stage, penicillin is used.

    Before starting treatment, the patient is explained the need for regular tests to accurately detect recovery. Quantitative reagin tests and examinations should be carried out at 3, 6 and 12 months and every year until a negative result is obtained.

    1. With a decrease in reagin titers by 4 times in 6 months, the treatment is not of high quality.
    2. With proper treatment of male syphilis, a negative result, when conducting reagin tests, is obtained anywhere from 9 to 12 months.
    3. When conducting tests such as RIF-ABS and RMGA-BT, the test result can be positive throughout a person's life.
    4. With CSF neurosyphilis - a study is carried out every 6 months until recovery and for 2 years, receiving normal tests. Upon receipt of negative tests for syphilis within 2 years, the patient can be assured of a cure and further observation by a doctor is no longer necessary.

    Progression of dorsal tabes does not depend on treatment. In most cases, it affects the nervous system. The manifestation of recurrence is observed from 6 to 9 months. CSF is carried out after a year of observation. If the VDRL test result is positive, then a repeated but intensive course of treatment is necessary.

    Particular attention should be paid to urinary tract infections. Further treatment will not be known if the change in cerebrospinal fluid remains at the same level for 6-9 months.

    Gonorrhea (trichomoniasis)

    Symptoms: red spots on the skin of the penis, itching and burning, purulent or mucopurulent discharge from the urethra

    These diseases are sexually transmitted and are mainly manifested by symptoms of urethritis, however, in case of severe inflammation and irregular hygiene of the genital organs, they can be accompanied by balanoposthitis - inflammation of the skin of the glans penis and the inner layer of the foreskin.

    The first manifestations of gonorrhea usually occur 3-4 days after casual sexual intercourse, for the development of trichomoniasis more time is needed - about 10 days. The discharge from the urethra in acute gonorrhea is profuse, creamy, homogeneous, yellow or yellow-green in color. For trichomonas inflammation, moderate, foamy, mucopurulent discharge is more characteristic.

    1. Discharge from the urethra accumulates in the preputial sac, causing inflammation of the skin of the glans penis and the appearance of red spots on the skin of the penis.
    2. The tissues of the head become edematous, loose, small ulcers and erosions appear on the surface, touching which causes severe pain.
    3. Sexual intercourse becomes practically impossible.
    4. Urination and getting urine on skin wounds is also accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

    Severe inflammation, as evidenced by red spots on the penis, and swelling of the head leads to the development of phimosis, which prevents the head from being exposed and hygiene procedures. This, in turn, further aggravates the situation. Launched balanoposthitis caused by gonococcal or trichomonas infection is often accompanied by inflammation of the lymphatic vessels of the penis, appearing on its surface, in the form of red strands and stripes.

    Therefore, it is necessary:

    • external examination of the organ by a venereologist, bacterioscopic and bacteriological analysis of scrapings from the urethra and rectum, examination for sexually transmitted infections, including syphilis and HIV.
    • immediate appeal to a venereologist and the start of specific antibiotic therapy.

    To somewhat reduce inflammation of the skin of the head, relieve itching and burning, careful intimate hygiene will help: treatment of the glans penis with antiseptic solutions (miramistin, chlorhexidine), baths with decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants with anti-inflammatory effects. However, it is important to understand that all these activities are not a cure for the aforementioned diseases.

    Despite the appearance of spots on the penis, it is categorically not recommended to start antibiotic therapy on your own, since self-medication without determining the exact cause of inflammation and determining the sensitivity of pathogen microbes to antibiotics is fraught with the transition of the disease to a chronic form.

    Causes and diagnosis of red spots

    Every man who notices red spots on the penis wants to get rid of them as soon as possible. However, self-treatment is not always effective, and in some cases, a neglected infectious disease can cause significant harm to health and cause various complications. Therefore, it is very important to diagnose the disease in a medical institution.

    If red spots appear on the head in men, the causes are identified based on the nature of the occurrence of diseases: mechanical damage, allergies, infections or concomitant diseases (diabetes mellitus, anemia, beriberi, etc.). All this is taken into account by the urologist during the examination and questioning of the patient. In each case, the doctor directs the patient to additional examinations that will help specify the diagnosis.

    When collecting an anamnesis, the doctor finds out the following information :

    • whether unprotected sex preceded the appearance of the spots;
    • whether the man uses condoms or lubricants during sex;
    • is there urinary retention, are there cramps during urination;
    • whether the spots increased in diameter;
    • spots disappear and appear or are constantly present;
    • Is there any discharge from the urethra?

    Having received answers to the main questions, the specialist determines the infectious or non-infectious nature of the disease. Accordingly, the patient is assigned a series of tests.

    Diagnosis of infectious diseases

    Inflammatory infectious diseases in which the head of the penis is affected are called balanitis, if the foreskin is affected - fasting. Usually, when infected with pathogenic microflora, both parts of the penis are affected, so balanoposthitis is diagnosed.

    Red spots on the head in men, the causes of which are affected by pathogens, do not occur with all STDs. For example, with trichomoniasis, such a symptom is absent. Therefore, before prescribing a group of tests, the doctor takes into account other symptoms.


    • taking blood from a vein;
    • sensitivity test through the skin on the upper arm.

    If there is no positive result for the main reagents, then the question of the autoimmune or psychosomatic nature of the appearance of spots is considered.

    Standard examinations

    • blood test for STDs;
    • bacterial culture of the contents of the urethra (smear);
    • analysis by polymerase chain reaction (PCR).


    • general urine analysis;
    • prostate examination;
    • sowing according to Nechiporenko (urinalysis).

    The most commonly used method for identifying the causative agent of the disease is bacterial culture. In addition to clarifying the diagnosis, it helps to identify the sensitivity of the microorganism to antibacterial drugs.

    Early diagnosis of red spots on the head in men allows you to determine the causes of the disease in time and prescribe competent treatment. Infectious diseases are extremely dangerous in their composition. If they are started, then inflammatory processes can go to other organs: the bladder, prostate, scrotum, kidneys, testicles.

    Red spots on the head: treatment methods

    After the cause of the appearance of red spots on the glans penis has been clarified, the doctor draws up a therapy regimen. The patient is prescribed appropriate medications: antibiotics, antihistamines, immunomodulatory or anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Treatment of mechanical damage is carried out in order to eliminate the consequences of injuries. For this, ointments with an antiseptic and healing effect can be prescribed. If injuries occur as a result of phimosis, then surgical treatment is performed to excise the foreskin. For the treatment of allergic dermatitis, Tavegil, Suprastin and similar drugs are prescribed to eliminate the reaction to the allergen.

    In addition to taking antihistamines and avoiding contact with the allergen, red spots on the head of the penis should be treated with mild antiseptic solutions (Miramistin, Chlorixedine and analogues). This is necessary so that pathogens do not get into the wounds. If the damaged skin becomes infected, then a boil may occur, which is dangerous by additions.

    Red spots on the head of the penis, caused by pathogenic microflora, are treated with those drugs to which microorganisms are sensitive:

    • bacteria - antibiotics;
    • viruses - blockers of viral agents and immunomodulators;
    • fungi - antimycotic agents.

    The drugs are prescribed orally and for local therapy in the form of ointments or gels. One tablet is enough to treat candidiasis, and regular therapy for a long time is necessary to cure syphilis. Therefore, it is better to entrust the choice of medicines to the doctor.

    • The most popular drugs for thrush are Ecodax ointments, Clotrimazole, Pimafucin tablets, Flucostat capsules, Diflucan.
    • With genital herpes, Acyclovir tablets are often prescribed.

    It should be remembered that infectious diseases of the genital organs are transmitted through unprotected sex, so successful therapy requires the treatment of both partners.

    1. If the cause of the appearance of red spots on the head of the penis is psoriasis, then steroid-based ointments are included in the therapy: Sinaflan, Afloderm, prednisolone or hydrocortisone ointments.
    2. In severe cases, immunosuppressants Methotrexate, Cyclosporine, as well as glucocorticoids Prednisolone, Metipred are prescribed.

    Red spots on the head of the penis, which appear due to a decrease in the protective functions of the body, do not require special therapy. To strengthen the immune system, the patient is prescribed vitamin-mineral complexes and immunostimulating agents. Syphilis is treated for at least one month. The patient is registered and periodically undergoes tests for two years to rule out relapse.

    Of the main drugs against the pathogen, Tetracycline or Penicillin are effective. In addition, the patient takes drugs that increase immunity: vitamins and immunostimulants.

    Folk remedies

    Self-treatment of diseases of the genital organs is very dangerous. If the patient does not know the reasons for the appearance of red spots on the head of the penis, then, using the advice of traditional healers and acquaintances, he can only aggravate the situation. For example, such a symptom is often found in precancerous diseases: Creyre's erythroplasia or Bowen's disease. Therefore, the use of folk remedies is possible only as an adjuvant therapy.


    In the treatment of balanoposthitis, aloe can be used. The leaves of the plant are washed under water, the thorns, the top layer of the skin are cut off and applied to the spots. The procedure is carried out twice a day until relief comes.

    Calendula and olive oil

    The infusion is especially useful for ulcers and erosion on the head of the penis. Dried flowers (1 tablespoon) are poured with olive oil (1/3 cup) and infused in a warm place, preferably in the sun, for three weeks. The resulting infusion smears spots and erosion sites.


    With inflammation of the glans penis, you can do compresses or washing with infusion of sage. To prepare the product you need 2 tbsp. l. raw materials pour a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Compresses are made with gauze dipped in infusion. The procedure time is 20 minutes.

    Oak bark

    You can wash the affected areas with a decoction of oak bark.

    • The raw materials are crushed into powder, crushed oak bark is placed in a container and poured with water (250 ml).
    • Then put on the stove and boil over low heat for half an hour.
    • When the decoction has cooled, carefully filter and wash the genitals, dividing the decoction into three procedures.

    It should be remembered that folk remedies in this case are used to alleviate the symptoms, and not eliminate the cause.


    You can avoid many diseases that cause red spots on the glans penis if you follow simple rules, in particular:

    • if there is no confidence in the partner, use condoms during intercourse;
    • observe personal hygiene;
    • daily wash the genitals;
    • strengthen the immune system (eat well, play sports, etc.);
    • wear underwear made from natural fabrics;
    • use soaps or gels suitable for intimate hygiene.

    Red spots on the head of the penis may be the first signs of pathological processes such as various fungal or sexually transmitted infections. Often accompanying symptoms of redness of the male organ are itching, burning, swelling of the penis, pain during urination. But in some cases, red spots on the head appear spontaneously and disappear after a couple of days.

    A lot of diseases of the male genital organs are described in medicine, but almost all of them are characterized by such signs as red spots on the head of the penis, spots and dots on the tissues of the foreskin, which can sometimes itch.

    Red spots on the penis appear with fungal infections (candidiasis), herpes, allergies, infectious diseases. With the manifestations of such alarming symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible, who will prescribe the correct treatment.

    Causes of redness and symptoms

    The culprits of redness can be non-infectious and infectious lesions.

    The causes of rashes are as follows:

    • trauma to the head and mechanical damage;
    • allergic reactions to chemical exposure, irritants, drugs;
    • infectious lesions;
    • papilloma virus, which is treated mainly by laser and surgical methods;
    • fungal diseases (thrush, balanitis);
    • malignant tumors.

    Contact dermatitis is an allergic reaction to irritating components found in contraceptives, underwear, soap, shower gels, or a side effect from taking medications, etc. It is accompanied by redness and itching in the groin.

    Thrush (candidiasis) is caused by fungal microorganisms that are sexually transmitted. Manifestations - small red spots on the penis, white plaque, an unpleasant odor and itching sensations. Candidiasis is acute (well treatable) and chronic (affects the entire genitourinary system).

    Inflammation of the head of the penis (balanoposthitis) occurs when red patches affect the penis. At the same time, the head and foreskin are covered with small white balls, the patient experiences severe itching in the groin area, the discharge acquires a sharp sour smell.

    Psoriasis is characterized by small pinkish patches that flake and itch. The disease is hereditary.

    An itchy spot on the penis with watery secretions, general weakness, lack of appetite, pain when emptying the bladder and sexual intercourse, rashes in the form of watery vesicles, swelling of the lymph nodes are symptoms of genital herpes.

    With sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis), red spots on the penis are observed in the initial stages, the head of the penis is very itchy. With syphilis, the redness increases in size to a pea, hardens and turns into a hard chancre. The color of the skin on the head of the organ changes. After blood tests and a smear from the urinary duct, the venereologist prescribes the necessary treatment.

    Cancers can also show up as redness on the penis.

    Red spots on the head in men and in the tissues of the foreskin are very often observed in individuals with promiscuous intimate relationships, as well as in people who do not observe the hygiene of the genitals. The causes that caused this kind of damage to the penis may be associated with taking antibiotics, which reduce immunity. Drug candidiasis is temporary and disappears after 5-7 days, no treatment is required.

    It is possible to identify the main symptoms that are observed with redness of the penis:

    • swelling of the head of the penis and discoloration of skin tissues;
    • increased blood flow to the penis;
    • softening of the skin of the penis, changing its structure (the effect of a long stay in the water);
    • itching, pain, various discharges from the urethra and plaque formations on the head.

    Forms of the disease

    Depending on the etiology, there are several forms of damage to the male member:

    1. erosive form when the red spots on the head of the organ change, become dark red, the skin becomes cyanotic, erosion appears.
    2. Ulcerative form- the next stage, when erosive formations turn into purulent ulcers, which merge and capture large areas of the organ.
    3. Chronic lesion, not amenable to treatment, is manifested by periods of exacerbation and remission.
    4. Obliterating redness with covering of the tissues of the foreskin with keratinized areas, foci with whitish spots. The skin of the penis softens and soaks (maceration).
    5. Gangrenous form causes deep damage to the soft tissues of the penis with purulent formations and necrosis of tissue cells.

    Diagnosis of pathology

    As soon as red rashes appear on the genitals, a man needs to go to a medical facility for a diagnosis. The process begins with a questioning of the patient, the attending physician finds out the symptoms and causes of the disease, prescribes appropriate tests, various examinations to clarify the type of disease.

    When collecting information, the doctor asks the patient for the necessary information:

    • whether there was casual sex without the use of protective contraceptives;
    • the use of condoms and various creams and oils during intercourse;
    • Are there pain during urination, urinary retention;
    • change in the size of the spots;
    • the nature of the manifestation of spots;
    • the presence of various secretions from the penis.

    To identify the allergen, a venous blood test and sensitivity tests performed on the skin are done.

    Tests for suspected infections:

    • blood test for viruses;
    • bacterial culture of a smear from the ureter;
    • analysis by polymerase chain reaction (PCR);
    • general analysis of urine;
    • prostate examination;
    • urinalysis according to Nechiporenko.

    Treatment of the disease

    It is necessary to start treating the disease after clarifying the cause of the appearance of red spots on the penis. Rashes on the head of the penis caused by pathogenic microbes must be treated with medications that affect infectious agents. For bacterial infections, antibiotics are prescribed. Viral infections are treated with antivirals and immune system modulators. For fungal infections, medicines are used that kill fungal pathogens. For any type of disease, careful hygiene of the genital organs is required.

    Medicines can be used orally, in the form of injections and compresses from therapeutic ointments or gels. With the infectious nature of the disease, treatment of both partners is necessary.

    Single oral dose for candidiasis Flucanosole, Diflucan, Flucostat etc., ointments are applied to the genitals clotrimalose and Pimafucin. Late forms of the disease are treated with antibiotics and antifungal agents.

    Allergic dermatitis is treated with antihistamines ( Tavegil, Suprastin, Zodak etc.) and by protecting the organ from the causative agent of allergy; treatment of the affected areas of the penis with antiseptic solutions Miramistin, Chlorhyxedine and etc.

    Spots due to mechanical injury to the organ are cured with compresses from antiseptic ointments with healing properties. Sometimes surgery is required (for phimosis).

    For genital herpes, tablets and ointment are used.

    Psoriasis is treated with steroid ointments ( Sinaflan, Afloderm, Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone); antidepressants ( methotrexate, cyclosporine) and glucocorticoid drugs ( Prednisolone, Metipred).

    Sexually transmitted diseases (especially syphilis) are cured tetracycline, penicillin. To strengthen the immune system, vitamin complexes and immunostimulants are prescribed.

    The peculiarities of infectious diseases are dangerous complications that arise from untimely or poor-quality treatment, when the disease can go to the organs of the genitourinary system (bladder, prostate tissue, scrotum, kidneys, testicles).

    Folk remedies

    Traditional medicine for lesions of the genital organ in men is used as an auxiliary therapy that alleviates symptoms and stimulates the protective properties of the body, but does not eliminate the causes of the disease.

    Inflammatory processes in balanoposthitis are well cured by compresses on the affected areas of aloe leaves, peeled.

    For ulcers and erosive formations, an infusion of calendula flowers with the addition of olive oil, which is used to lubricate the spots, is an effective remedy.

    Compresses and treatment with sage infusion relieves inflammation of the head of the penis. In addition, it is useful to wash ulcerative lesions with a decoction of oak bark.

    Preventive actions

    To prevent ailments that provoke a rash of red spots on the head of the penis, it is enough to follow the usual rules:

    • use of protective contraceptives during sexual intercourse;
    • regular thorough hygiene of intimate organs, frequent change of underwear;
    • use of individual towels, washcloths, combs and other personal hygiene items;
    • healthy lifestyle - proper nutrition, physical activity, giving up bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
    • use underwear made from natural materials;
    • try to use hypoallergenic soaps and gels;
    • at the first undesirable signs, consult a doctor;
    • timely treatment of diseases.

    It is important to remember that most often red rashes on the penis can be the first signs of a serious illness, causing discomfort, limiting a man's sex life. You can not self-medicate because of false shame or carelessness. Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

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