Local treatment of colored lichen: which ointments are best. Pityriasis versicolor: causative agent, symptoms, treatment principles Pityriasis versicolor multicolored treatment

Those patients who took pills for pityriasis versicolor know that the process of treating the disease is quite long. Sometimes the symptoms of pathology gradually disappear, but you have to start all over again.

In order not to re-treat, you need to follow all the doctor's recommendations and use the drugs according to the instructions, taking into account the course, nature of the disease and its type.

Pityriasis versicolor is a pathology that affects the stratum corneum of the epidermis, hair follicles and nail plates. For the life of the patient, the disease does not pose any danger, it only reduces the quality of life, creating certain problems.

Multi-colored lichen during the bearing of a baby does not threaten either the fetus or the expectant mother. Pathology of an infectious nature is characterized by the absence of a severe inflammatory process and has several names - "beach disease" or "sun fungus".

Signs of multi-colored lichen in humans:

  • Rashes on the skin, localized in the places of the glands: armpits, back, chest, head and abdomen. There are no spots on the palms, feet.
  • After some time, yellow spots gradually acquire a brown tint, and obvious contours develop, turning into extensive foci of infection.
  • If you scratch the injured epidermis a little, then scales will come off its surface. All this is accompanied by unbearable itching.

Important! The spots become brighter in the sunny period of time - in summer, due to ultraviolet radiation, which increases pigmentation in problem areas. The epicenters themselves retain a light shade against the general background.

Pityriasis versicolor is most often diagnosed in young people. Sometimes it occurs in babies, but in the presence of concomitant diseases - vegetative neurosis, tuberculosis, and diabetes. You can become infected with an infectious pathology through the patient's personal belongings.

Lichen color requires a systematic approach. Complex therapy allows you to eliminate the symptoms of pathology (rash, itching, inflammation) and the cause of its appearance.

Treatment of "beach disease" is carried out taking into account the following principles:

  • in summer it is recommended to take sun baths;
  • the use of local antimycotic agents: creams, ointments, liquids;
  • pills for solar or multi-colored lichen;
  • observance of general and personal hygiene.

For the treatment of "beach sickness", which occurs in a mild form, the patient does not need to be placed in a hospital.

Among the medicines of complex action, there are:

  • medicine "Mycozoral";
  • drug "Clotrimazole";
  • "Fungoterbin" or medication "Binafin";
  • The drug "Itraconazole".

With the appearance of possible relapses, the doctor prescribes a special course of immunostimulants, antibiotics and multivitamin complexes. With a neglected disease, the drug "Neotigazon" is used, which has a systemic effect. The drug perfectly restores the functions of epithelial cells.

If skin pigmentation is present at the end of therapy, Cycloserine is used. The drug belongs to the group of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Of the immunostimulants, drugs such as Eleutherococcus, Echinacea, Immunal are prescribed.

Treatment of "solar fungus" is carried out with medication at home and only by prior agreement with the doctor.

Preparations against colored lichen

Antifungal medicines are presented in a network of pharmacies in various forms - light gels, ointments, tablets and sprays. Therefore, in any situation, you can choose convenient means for systemic and external therapy.

How to treat pityriasis versicolor:

Name of the drug

Characteristics, application

The medicine "Mycozoral" The drug is used against dermatophytes, yeast. He fights well with staphylococci, streptococci. When using tablets or ointments, there is a rapid disappearance of lichen symptoms.

The course must be completed to the end, in order to avoid relapse. “Mycozoral is not used during pregnancy, as well as with individual intolerance.

"Clotrimazole" The tool is applied 2 times / day. With external use, side effects are rare. In case of burning, itching, treatment should be stopped and consult a dermatologist.

The medicine is effective against yeast, which are the causative agents of "solar disease". It has an antibacterial effect, inhibiting the reproduction of microorganisms. At the same time, the active component is not absorbed into the blood, without having a systemic effect.

The use of "Clotrimazole" when breastfeeding a baby is contraindicated. Before prescribing it, the doctor should evaluate the possible risks and benefits.

Fungoterbin The active ingredient is terbinafine. Antifungal medicine for external use and oral administration. It is used as part of the complex treatment of fungal infections.

With the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, it is impossible to interrupt the therapeutic course. Otherwise, the lichen may recur.

"Itraconazole" Tablets are contraindicated in the presence of pathologies such as:
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • pathology of the lungs, obstructive bronchitis.

The advantage of "Intraconazole", its use in small dosages and a short period of time. The drug is contraindicated in women in position due to the significant risk of developing pathologies in the fetus.

Important! All tablet preparations that treat pityriasis versicolor in humans are recommended to be used for at least 2 weeks without a break. Tablets should be combined with topical drugs - sprays, ointments, compresses. "Solar fungus" is perfectly treatable with the help of alternative medicine recipes.

Quickly eliminate lichen allow funds based on birch tar, which is contained in the composition of the ointment "Konkov", "Vishnevsky". But when using such drugs, it is recommended to take into account that others may not like their repulsive aroma. For the treatment of colored lichen, you can also use tinctures of calendula, propolis, celandine (treat the infected surface).

For the treatment of colored lichen, the use of various ointments and tablets is allowed. But the disease itself does not pose a serious danger to children and older patients. Therefore, before using this or that drug, especially during pregnancy, you should consult with your doctor, undergo a full examination for the presence of concomitant pathologies.

A common dermatological disease is pityriasis versicolor. The peak of development occurs during the hot season: warm weather activates the reproduction of the fungus and provokes the appearance of a rash throughout the body. It is necessary to know the methods of treating pityriasis versicolor in humans: drugs, remedies and folk recipes.

The fungus Malassezia causes pityriasis versicolor


Color, bran, sweaty lichen - the names of one disease. Pityriasis versicolor is a dermatosis of the skin caused by the yeast-like fungus Malassezia. The main difference: it is not transmitted from a sick person to another person. The infection has no painful symptoms other than an aesthetically unattractive appearance of the skin.

The fungus is localized on the upper half of the body (arms, shoulders, neck, chest), as well as on the scalp. The sores are dark brown in color, prone to peeling and the formation of scaly crusts. The color of the rashes can vary depending on the type of skin of the patient, as well as the time of year. On fair skin, lichen appears as brown or yellow spots. In dark-skinned people - a pink rash. Since the infection disrupts the structure of the skin, the sores do not darken in the sun, but appear as light spots that differ significantly in color from healthy and tanned skin.

The disease can develop over time. If left untreated, pityriasis versicolor can lead to the formation of large foci of infection. In many cases, lichen color appears due to a person's genetic predisposition to the fungus. In this case, it will not be possible to cure pityriasis versicolor forever, but using modern methods of treatment, you can make sure that the infection goes away for many years.

The reasons

One of the main factors is the violation of the body's defenses. Decreased immunity leads to the fact that the fungus begins to actively multiply, causing the appearance of lichen. In the risk category are people prone to chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, oncology, HIV infection). Violation of the hormonal background can cause the development of multi-colored lichen. This is especially common in teenagers and pregnant women.

Mycosis can occur due to increased sweating and changes in the structure of human sweat. Therefore, with pityriasis versicolor, rashes often appear as a result of hard physical labor, accompanied by profuse sweating. The following factors that provoke the development of colored lichen also negatively affect human health:

  • stress and nervous tension;
  • lack of sleep and poor nutrition;
  • avitaminosis;
  • metabolic disease;
  • regular visits to the solarium;
  • problems of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sunny weather and hot climate;
  • improper use of hygiene products for skin care.

The disease is prone to frequent relapses, and for recovery, the patient must undergo a comprehensive course of treatment.

Only a dermatologist can diagnose pityriasis versicolor, who will prescribe the necessary tests, identify the causes, and select the most effective treatment.

Hot climates and sun exposure can trigger lichen

Treatment options

With pityriasis versicolor, drugs are prescribed that help to quickly cope with skin rashes, relieve inflammation and destroy the pathogenic fungus.

For the treatment of pityriasis versicolor in humans, drugs will help:

  • Antimycotic drugs for external use. Antifungal ointments, gels, body sprays and hair shampoos. They help to cope with the infection, especially at the initial stage of development.
  • Antifungal tablets. This method of treatment is used if the fungus has affected large areas of the skin, and also as an additional effect on the source of infection in combination therapy. A doctor may prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics if a bacterial infection joins pityriasis versicolor.
  • Antihistamines to prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction of the body when using various drugs.
  • Antiseptics. Medicinal solutions, talkers, rubbing from multi-colored lichen, which relieve inflammation, soften the skin, exfoliate the horny layer of the epidermis affected by the fungus.

Treatment takes place at home. To combat pityriasis versicolor, combined methods of treatment are used, including the use of several drugs at the same time.


Means for the treatment of pityriasis versicolor, like any other medicines, have a number of side effects and can adversely affect the human body.

Contraindications for drug treatment of color lichen:

  • disorders of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract;
  • blood diseases;
  • the presence of neoplasms;
  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy.

The attending physician will help to choose the right medications and minimize their negative effects. The names of the drugs described below have proven themselves well in the fight against a pathogenic fungus that causes pityriasis versicolor:

  • Mycozoral. Effectively acts with pityriasis versicolor on the skin. Presented in the form of tablets, suppositories, ointments and shampoos. The active substance ketoconazole helps to quickly destroy the spores of pathogenic microorganisms. Already after the first days of using the remedy, the external symptoms of the disease disappear. In combination therapy, Mycozoral should be taken separately from other medicinal products. Best early in the morning or late in the evening.
  • Fluconazole. The medicine has a number of advantages that distinguish it from other drugs, has an affordable price and effectively copes with the disease. With multi-colored lichen, you should take 150 mg of the drug per week. Reception of tablets needs to be repeated in 7 days.
  • Clotrimazole. Presented in the form of ointment, solution, spray. The tool is easy to use and copes well with pathogenic microorganisms. The ointment should be applied twice a day, gently rubbing into the affected areas.
  • Triderm. It helps to cope with the disease in severe cases. The medicine has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, effectively coping with the symptoms of the disease, helping to heal extensive skin. Ointment or cream Triderm should be applied to the foci of inflammation twice a day for 10-14 days. Read the manufacturer's instructions before use.
  • Nizoral. One of the most popular antifungal shampoos. Works great on germs, helping to heal the scalp as well as revitalize the hair. Can be used instead of shower gel. Good for combination therapy.
  • Fungoterbin. The main active ingredient is terbinafine. The drug can be used both for external use in the form of ointments or creams, and for internal use as tablets. The medicine should not be taken for more than two weeks. Suitable for the treatment of skin diseases in young children. Before using Fungoterbine, the skin affected by the fungus is cleaned with alcohol solutions. You should continue taking medications even after the visible symptoms of the disease disappear.
  • Rumikoz. Contains itraconosole. The drug is available in a dosage of 200 mg. Adults should take the tablets by mouth twice a day with plenty of water. Rumikoz should be taken only after consultation with your doctor, because the drug has many side effects.
  • Bifonazole. Antifungal external agent. The ointment is applied regularly 2-3 times a day for 14 days.
  • Griseofulvin. A drug that has proven itself in the treatment of fungal infection. The peculiarity of taking the tablets is that they need to be drunk twice a day with a small sip of vegetable oil. Then the drug will more effectively affect the source of the spread of the disease. An adult takes a loading dose of medication up to 8 tablets per day.
  • Cyclopirox. Helps to remove pityriasis versicolor on the body and on the head. Treatment lasts 10 days. 1% agent is used. The medicine relieves inflammation and quickly destroys spores of pathogenic fungi.
  • Sebozol. A head wash that helps cure ringworm in the hair. Often used as an adjunct in combination therapy. Wash your hair with Sebazol should not be more than twice a week. The best time is late evening. After the procedure, the hair should dry naturally.

All names of medicines are presented in the pharmacy network in a wide range. To purchase, you do not need to have a special prescription. However, before taking it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

Nizoral - antifungal shampoo


The use of combination therapy will help to quickly cope with the disease. Treatment of pityriasis versicolor is carried out with auxiliary drugs. Salicylic alcohol copes well with the fungus, which is used in its pure form to wipe the skin. This method of treatment will help to disinfect the focus of inflammation, as well as remove scales with spores of microorganisms. To combat color lichen, 1% salicylic alcohol is used. This tool is convenient in that it can be used for treatment at home.

No less effective is the talker from multi-colored lichen, which is prepared by prescription in special pharmacies.

The most popular rubs are Tsindol and Vidal's milk. Means are made on an alcohol basis and may include additional ingredients: zinc, glycerin, water, talc. Medicines kill the infection on the skin by acting directly on the pathogen.

Easily and quickly copes with foci of infection, killing the fungus and relieving inflammation of the skin. An economical way to deal with lichen color.

The recipe for preparing a boric acid treatment solution is simple:

  • Buy boron powder at the pharmacy;
  • Pour a bag (10 g) with a glass of boiled water, mixing the resulting mixture well.
  • The dissolved acid is used to wipe the skin.

This should be done regularly for 5 to 10 days.

Boric acid can be purchased at a pharmacy


You can successfully treat multi-colored lichen at home with the help of folk remedies. Most often, tar soap and birch tar are used as therapeutic agents; tinctures of celandine, calendula and lemon balm for external use are excellent.

One of the most popular folk remedies is hellebore water. Preparing the tincture is simple: you need to have hellebore root. Care must be taken when harvesting, as the plant is poisonous. As an antiseptic, hellebore is also sold in pharmacies. Therapeutic tincture is used for 14 days when treating the skin.

In the treatment of pityriasis versicolor, you can use the following means:

  • finely chop freshly picked sorrel and carefully treat the foci of inflammation with the resulting mixture two to three times a day;
  • ordinary ash kills pathogens on the skin;
  • wipe the skin with milkweed tincture, make sure that there is no allergic reaction;
  • lilac solution: to prepare a tincture, 200 g of dried flowers must be poured with alcohol, infused (7-10 days), used to treat sore skin.

The fight against pityriasis versicolor can continue for a long time. It is important to be patient and follow all the doctor's prescriptions - then you will succeed, restore beauty and health to your skin.

Pathogenic fungus can be overcome by adhering to strict hygiene rules. Twice a day, an infected person must cleanse the skin in the shower.

Wear clean linen daily and use new towels.

Pastel must be washed separately from the things of healthy family members, not forgetting to process it with a hot iron.

During the period of treatment, it is better for the patient not to use cosmetics, except for medical ones. Avoid wearing synthetic clothing and underwear.

During treatment, you need to pay close attention to a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition plays a huge role in strengthening the immune system. Fried, salted, pickled and smoked dishes should be excluded from the diet. Diversify the menu to include more fresh vegetables and fruits.


Even after undergoing a course of treatment, impaired pigmentation of the skin will persist from 3 to 6 months. Since the disease is prone to frequent relapses, a number of preventive measures should be followed to increase the body's defenses. It is best to go in for sports, take daily walks.

People at risk should pay increased attention to their health. If a person has once suffered pityriasis versicolor, then for preventive purposes, he should periodically use antifungal drugs in the form of shampoos or shower gels. Avoid being in the heat, do not visit the solarium and try not to be nervous.

Regular walks can help prevent lichen


Pityriasis versicolor is a disease caused by pathogenic fungi. Stress, decreased immunity, changes in hormonal levels, and the development of chronic diseases can easily provoke a disease. Lichen colorus is accompanied by frequent relapses, so it should be treated under the supervision of a doctor. The pharmacy chain offers a wide range of medicines.

To overcome a pathogenic fungus on the body, you can use ointments, sprays, gels and tablets. There are special shampoos for scalp treatment.

No less effective are tinctures and rubbings prepared from auxiliary agents: tar soap, salicylic alcohol, boric acid. A dermatologist will help you choose effective remedies for lichen color, which will help restore the health and beauty of the skin.

Are you a neat and clean person who carefully monitors the condition of your skin? Then, at the sight of even a tiny pimple or scratch, you strive to immediately get rid of this flaw. All women and men, even if they do not talk about it, dream of silky, smooth and elastic skin.

Often we become unwitting contemplators of terrifying photos of people with serious skin problems. We can only sympathize with many of them, since there are skin diseases that are practically not amenable to any treatment. Fortunately, there are not so many of them, and to get rid of most skin ailments, modern medicine has developed effective treatment regimens that allow you to get rid of the insidious disease once and for all.

One of the most common pretexts for contacting a dermatologist is such an unpleasant phenomenon as color lichen. There are many reasons that can cause this skin disease and many effective ways to solve the problem. How to recognize color lichen and what needs to be done to eliminate it, we will consider further.

What is lichen and why "colored"?

Lichen colorus is a skin disease caused by fungi. It manifests itself in the form of spots of different colors. Basically, this disease is diagnosed in people who are prone to the development of dermatomycosis. Traditionally, this insidious disease lies in wait for its potential victims in the hot season, when the air temperature and humidity are set, ideal for the reproduction of fungal microorganisms.

Colored lichen is a skin disease that, in principle, is not capable of causing serious harm to the human body, however, due to the unpleasant appearance of the spots, one gives a person considerable psychological discomfort. Already at the first manifestations of the disease, one should be puzzled by the choice of an effective method of treatment. The sooner you start to act, the sooner such an unaesthetic problem will leave your life.

Ringworm or simple peeling? An accurate diagnosis in each case can only be made by a dermatologist. However, you should seriously worry about the state of your health if small protruding spots appear on the skin. As a rule, these formations, starting from the mouths of the follicles, have a yellowish-brownish-pink color. If measures are not taken in time, then these protrusions merge into spots, located mainly on the back, neck, shoulders, chest, and scalp. Such formations are characterized by the absence of symmetry. Some patients experience mild itching in the affected area from time to time. Gradually, the zone of influence of fungi changes its color to a darker, brownish or coffee.

Many of us, having found “colored” spots on our bodies, are tormented by the question: what caused the development of colored lichen. As mentioned earlier, the main "culprit" of this unfortunate event can be considered a predisposition to ringworm. However, there are several more reasons for the appearance of unwanted "spotting" on the body:

  • Violation of physiological processes occurring in the epidermis.
  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).
  • Diseases of the endocrine system, including diabetes.
  • A sharp decrease in immunity, the cause of which may be a recent infectious disease.
  • Abuse of hygiene products with an aggressive chemical composition (shower gels, antibacterial soaps, scrubs).

Often, infection with color lichen occurs through personal contact with people suffering from this disease, or through the use of personal items belonging to them. That is, having a predisposition to the development of dermatomycosis, you can easily “grab” colored lichen in the fitting room of a store or in a public locker room.

Colored lichen treatment: where to start?

If spots characteristic of lichen color appear on the skin, you should immediately seek help from a medical institution, where a dermatologist, after examining and clarifying the diagnosis, will be able to prescribe certain medications, procedures, and a diet to get rid of terrible spots. Depending on the test results, other specialists may need to be consulted.

What to do if there are problems with the skin, as they say, but there is no opportunity to immediately contact a specialized institution? To make the manifestations of colored lichen less bright and relieve itching, you can use simple recipes. To treat the affected areas, a diluted tincture of calendula is suitable, which 3-4 times a day needs to be treated on the skin in the places where the spots appear. Onion juice is also suitable for rubbing.

You should not get too carried away with self-medication before visiting a doctor, since such “self-medication” can cause great harm to our body. It is worth using creams, sprays, lotions, tablets, ointments, shampoos, tinctures prepared according to folk recipes, solutions of medicines only after coordinating such treatment with a specialist competent in this matter. Uncontrolled intake of antimycotics can cause unpleasant relapses in the future.

Medicines for the treatment of colored lichen

The following ointments are used to treat such a skin disease as color lichen:

  • Sulfuric or sulfuric-salicylic.
  • Miconazole.
  • Mycospor.
  • Econazole.
  • Travogen.
  • From fragrant rue.
  • Sorrel.
  • From St. John's wort.
  • From white hellebore.
  • Herbal.

When diagnosing lichen color, creams clotrimazole, ketoconazole and some other medications produced in creamy form are also prescribed.

In most cases, to obtain a 100% result, local exposure to the affected areas is not enough. Then the “heavy artillery” enters the battle for the purity and health of the body - pills for colored lichen:

  • Nizoral.
  • Fluconazole.
  • Lamisil.
  • Fulcin.
  • Griseofulvin.
  • Thermizil.
  • Kestin.
  • Exefin.
  • Skin-cap.
  • Psoril.
  • Rumikoz.
  • Irunin.

These effective pharmacological preparations allow you to cope with the most resistant fungi. Adhering to the rules of personal hygiene in the future, you will forget about skin problems.

Why does it occur and how to cope with itching and irritation?

Psoriasis is an extremely unpleasant disease, but it can be cured with the help of the mud of the Kulunda Lake, a review about it.

Folk recipes for the treatment of colored lichen

Alternative medicine also offers quite effective methods of getting rid of colored lichen.

  • Here, for example, the impact on the affected areas with a cooled solution of boric acid (10 g of acid powder per 200 ml of boiling water). If painstakingly, for ten days, lubricate the affected areas with this composition, then your skin will very quickly take on its original appearance.
  • Another option for returning the skin to its normal state is to treat the affected areas with onion juice.
  • An effective solution for baths and compresses can be prepared by pouring 800 ml of hot water into 3 tablespoons of a mixture of string and eucalyptus, taken in a 1: 1 ratio. The healing broth is kept in a water bath for forty minutes, and then filtered and cooled.
  • Lotions for the treatment of colored lichen can be prepared by grinding celandine and pouring boiling water over it. For 400 ml of liquid, one tablespoon of crushed plant stems will be required. Infuse the mixture for a quarter of an hour.

The main thing in the treatment of colored lichen is determination and a positive attitude. If you believe in the result and diligently follow the doctor's instructions every day, and not engage in amateur activities, then the positive dynamics will not be long in coming. Antifungal agents, as a preventive measure, can be prescribed to members of your family. This will avoid unwanted relapses.

Each skin disease can be identified by external signs, but for this you need to carefully study the materials that are presented on our website. Today we will try, as popularly as possible, to explain to you what a multi-colored lichen is in a person, point out the causes of multi-colored lichen, and also share methods for treating this disease.

Pityriasis versicolor is a long-term, one might even say chronic, fungal infection. Also, this disease can be found under the name "color lichen", "pityriasis versicolor" and "sun fungus". The disease should be differentiated from syphilitic roseola, deprive Gibert (Gilbert) and Vitiligo.

Pathogenesis and causes

Pityriasis versicolor appears due to the fungi Malassezia furfur and Pityrpsporum orbiculare, which are located at the mouth of the follicles, in the stratum corneum of the human epidermis. During microscopic examination of the affected skin particles, it can be seen that the fungus that affects the skin has the appearance of thick and curved threads that are arranged in whole clusters. Doctors believe that individual predisposition of human skin to such diseases, violation of the physiological processes of the stratum corneum, the chemical composition of sweat and excessive sweating are of considerable importance in pathogenesis. There is also an opinion that more often a fungal disease occurs in people suffering from tuberculosis. Basically, multi-colored lichen appears in young women and men, while children rarely get sick, especially children under 7 years old. Color deprive is possible in children whose body is weakened by tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, vegetative neurosis with excessive sweating.


Pityriasis versicolor, like other skin diseases, can be recognized by certain signs. A number of spots form on the affected area of ​​the skin, the color is yellowish, brownish-yellow. They originate from hair follicles and increase in size. Many spots merge together, sometimes occupying large areas of the skin. Over time, the spots become dark brown, sometimes even coffee. It was this constant change of colors that gave rise to the name of the skin disease - versicolor versicolor. The spots are not convex, that is, they do not form skin relief, practically do not itch, but constantly peel off.

Most often, lichen spots are randomly located, but their constant localization is the back, chest, neck, abdomen, outer surfaces of the shoulders and lateral surfaces of the body, sometimes you can also find multi-colored lichen on the face (although this is a controversial opinion). Thanks to special equipment, doctors detect multi-colored lichen on the head, on its hairy part, but what is most interesting, it does not affect the hair itself. It is possible that it is for this reason that frequent relapses of the disease occur, even if the therapy was successful. If multi-colored lichen is observed in preschool children or adolescents, its signs can be found on the chest, neck, armpits, back, abdomen, scalp, and also in the limbs. The course of a skin disease is quite long, sometimes months and years pass ... Quite often, relapses are possible. One of the methods of treatment is sunbathing, during which pityriasis versicolor disappears, and only white spots remain in its place, called pseudoleucoderma in medicine.

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Diagnosis of depriving does not cause any difficulties. If, for some reason, they are present, then doctors resort to some auxiliary methods. In this case, Balzer's iodine plug, aniline dyes or scrapings, mercury-quartz lamps, microscopic examinations are used, with the help of which the symptoms of color lichen become more pronounced and the clinical picture manifests itself.

Sometimes multi-colored lichen is confused with other diseases that we indicated above, but, with the help of the experience of dermatologists, the true disease is quickly established and treatment is prescribed.

Treatment of multi-colored lichen

Of course, there is a cure for pityriasis versicolor, but it is worth remembering the fact that the most desirable is the appointment of a doctor, although many people self-medicate.

After an external examination and some tests in a licensed clinic, a dermatologist will prescribe a course of treatment for you, which will include some drugs from the list or a combination of them:

  • pills for multi-colored lichen;
  • rubbing from depriving the color;
  • ointment from multi-colored lichen;
  • spray from colored lichen.

These drugs for the treatment of lichen color include salicylic ointment, salicylic alcohol, resorcinol alcohol, amorolfine, naftifine, clotrimazole, mycosolone, ciclopirox, terbinafine, bifalazole, sulfuric ointment, itraconazole, ketoconazole and other available creams, ointments, tablets, capsules and solutions .

Treatment with folk remedies

Despite the fact that medicine in our country is well developed and provided with qualified specialists capable of diagnosing a disease and curing it with effective methods, such a thing as self-medication will always take place anyway. So, let's get a little imbued with popular beliefs and see what remedies for colored lichen are offered to us by the people.

How to cure versicolor lichen with celandine

Traditional medicine recommends using this remedy to quickly cure the disease, by the way, while not rejecting the methods of modern medicine. Now just follow the advice - collect the above-ground part of the celandine, that is, leaves, stems, flowers, and gently chop. As a result, you should get 200 grams of raw materials. This greenery is thoroughly mixed with the same amount of sand sugar and placed in a piece of gauze, wrapping the mixture into a kind of bag with it. Now you need to cook yogurt to the consistency of cottage cheese and dip a bag of mixture into it (everything happens in a three-liter jar). Oddly enough, but this process will last a whole month and every day you will have to remove the film on top of the jar, possible mold, and constantly pressing the bag to the bottom of the jar, stir the mixture.

When the time is right, strain the tincture into another container and put it in the refrigerator. The medicine for colored lichen is ready for use. Recommended three doses per day, one tablespoon. If, after the first dose, discomfort, indigestion, nausea, or even dizziness is felt, the dose should be changed down.

How to treat pityriasis versicolor with burdock and onions

Pityriasis versicolor can be cured by other means. Traditional medicine journals and other sources claim that they are no worse than the first remedy, the recipe of which we have provided you above.

You need to take a few onions and pass them through a meat grinder. Next, from the resulting slurry, squeeze the onion juice through several layers of clean gauze. Onion juice, which you have drained, should be lubricated with affected areas on the skin three times a day.

Burdock oil is used in a similar way. It should be lubricated with multi-colored lichen (all lesions) three times a day, for several weeks. As the source promises, the disease will soon recede.

Treatment of colored lichen with folk remedies is widely developed and has dozens of similar recipes. We will not describe each of them in detail, since we have a certain view of the problem - it is solved with the help of a doctor and medications, and we have given folk recipes only as an example.

Multicolored lichen during pregnancy

We want to draw the attention of future mothers to the disease, who may also face the problem of this skin disease. It should always be remembered that when choosing a treatment for color lichen during pregnancy, it is necessary to accurately establish the toxicity of drugs and their possible effects on the fetus. So, many pills for color lichen are categorically contraindicated during pregnancy and the lesions can only be treated with tinctures or ointments. So, our advice to you, if the problem befell you precisely during the period of bearing a child, then only a highly qualified specialist can tell you how to treat color lichen at the moment.

How is versicolor transmitted

Treatment of colored lichen may not come in handy if you follow some rules. The most important thing is that you should not use other people's things - towels, T-shirts, combs, and so on, as particles of skin peeling may remain on them, which are carriers of the disease. See below for more details and some cautions.


Lichen colorus is considered conditionally contagious. That is, in fact, the carrier of the fungus that causes color lichen is the majority of the world's population, and in order for external signs of lichen to appear, a conducive environment is just needed - vegetative-vascular disorders, increased oily skin, sweating, as well as a decrease immunity. To a direct question, “is lichen color contagious,” we can answer for sure. Of course, but only if personal hygiene is violated. So, we already know how to get rid of colored lichen, but how not to get sick, we will try to find out in the next lines of our article.

Multicolored lichen in a person whose treatment is quite long can be prevented. To do this, it is enough to use special prophylactic agents during possible periods of exacerbation of the disease, which can be found out from the doctor (nizoral, keto-plus, sebozol and others). With their help, you can prevent the appearance of unwanted spots and peeling on your skin. Also, you should carefully monitor the immune processes, the weakening of which can cause lichen, and the level of sweating, which should be corrected with the advice of doctors.

Prevention of the reappearance of multi-colored lichen in a person can be a number of specific hygiene procedures - rubbing water-salt and water-acetic, constant hardening, treatment of excessive sweating. Also, the general rules for preventing the disease include a general examination of people who have been in contact with the sick person, and some restrictions on taking baths, wearing synthetic underwear, etc.

We also have some tips on how to avoid getting sick while on vacation:

  • do not sunbathe immediately after getting out of the water, let the skin dry a little;
  • you should always use special sunscreen;
  • it is worth protecting yourself from relaxing on mass beaches;
  • use only your own towels, wash them often;
  • take a shower after relaxing and sunbathing on the beach;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene and do not use other people's things.

Pityriasis versicolor (synonymous with versicolor versicolor) is a fungal infection of the superficial stratum corneum of the skin (epidermis) in humans.
Latin name: Pityriasis versicolor
ICD10 code: B36.0
Other synonyms: lichen yellow, lichen versicolor, sun fungus, sun or beach lichen.

Treatment of pityriasis versicolor - at the dermatologist.

The reasons

The only cause of pityriasis versicolor in humans is the yeast-like fungus Pityrosporum (that is, it looks like yeast).
This pathogen has three forms: Malassezia furfur (mycelial form), Pityrosporum orbiculare (round form) and Pityrosporum ovale (oval form of the fungus). Normally, a person can have Pityrosporum orbiculare and Pityrosporum ovale in the skin, but they do not cause lichen. As soon as these forms of the fungus turn into the form of Malassezia furfur, a person develops versicolor versicolor.

Mostly young people are ill, more often men, in countries with a hot and humid climate. Children and the elderly rarely get sick.
If pityriasis versicolor appears in a child or an elderly person, you should look for the underlying disease or predisposing factor that led to the development of a fungal infection on the skin.

The disease is chronic and often relapses.

Contagiousness (that is, infectiousness) is low. That is, the fungus, of course, is transmitted from person to person. But you are unlikely to be able to get infected from a patient with pityriasis versicolor. After all, with a probability of 90%, every person on Earth has this pathogen.

In addition to the main reason, there are predisposing factors that contribute to the development of fungus in human skin:

  • diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases,
  • HIV and immunodeficiency as a result of blood cancer treatment,
  • excessive sweating of the human body,
  • stress,
  • hereditary predisposition, special composition of sweat and excess sebum,
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • in general - a decrease in immunity, which is designed to fight the fungus.


On the head

If pityriasis versicolor is located on the scalp, it is called seborrhea, or dandruff.

The symptoms are exactly the same - spots, itchy scalp, peeling. At the same time, it is peeling that most often worries patients.
How to treat pityriasis versicolor on the head and other hairy areas of the body - yes, just like on the rest of the body. Only you need to choose not a cream or ointment, but a spray or solution for external skin treatment plus a shampoo with an antifungal agent.


The diagnosis of pityriasis versicolor in humans is based on:

1) The main symptoms: spots on the skin of different colors, merging into conglomerates.

2) Pityriasis peeling of spots.

3) Spots without inflammation.

4) Diagnosis under a microscope is the main instrumental method for diagnosing multi-colored lichen. The exfoliated skin particles are scraped off the surface of the spots, treated with potassium alkali and viewed under a microscope. Both the mushrooms themselves and their mycelium are visible.

5) Examination of the skin under the Wood's lamp. A Wood's lamp is an ultraviolet fluorescent lamp with a magnifying glass for examining the skin.
Spots of pityriasis versicolor under Wood's lamp give a yellow-greenish glow or reddish-brown, different from the surrounding skin. Moreover, the multi-colored spots of lichen also give a different glow under the Wood's lamp.

What does pityriasis versicolor look like under a Wood's lamp?

6) Iodine test, or Balzer test is an important diagnostic symptom. It can be carried out at home and, if not delivered, then suspect the diagnosis of multi-colored lichen yourself.
Take a tincture of iodine, lubricate the spots and the surrounding healthy skin. After a few seconds, wipe it so that there are no drops of iodine on the skin. Healthy skin becomes yellowish, and pityriasis versicolor patches absorb iodine excessively and turn brown.

7) Symptom of Besnier, or floury peeling. When scraping foci of skin lesions, for example with a glass slide or a scalpel, a small flour-like peeling appears.

Besnier's symptom - floury peeling

Differential diagnosis is carried out:

  • With Becker's nevus at the stage when there is no hair growth yet.
  • With pink deprive Zhibera is also in the initial stage.


Treatment of pityriasis versicolor has only cosmetic indications, since there is no inflammation or damage to other organs in this disease. Such patients are not contagious, since the fungus is present in almost all people, it's just a matter of immunity.

How to treat pityriasis versicolor:

1) Correction of the underlying disease (if any), which led to the appearance of pityriasis versicolor. We must not forget about this direction. Be sure to get rid of the provoking factor.

2) Local skin treatment.

It is always carried out.
Creams, ointments, shampoos, sprays and solutions with antifungal (antimycotic) agents are used.

Exactly the same treatment regimen when using the following topical antifungal agents:

  • clotrimazole (cream or solution),
  • miconazole (cream)
  • terbinafine (lamisil) - cream,
  • fungoterbin (spray or gel),
  • oxiconazole (cream),
  • thermicon (spray or cream).

If multi-colored lichen affects areas with hair growth (on the head, in the groin, on the labia or penis), it is better to use not ointments or creams, but sprays or solutions of the above drugs.

3) General treatment.

Mandatory to be carried out:

  • with widespread lesions on large areas of the skin,
  • with weakened immunity,
  • with the ineffectiveness of local treatment after 2 weeks.

But a number of dermatologists advise always using systemic antifungals at the same time as creams or ointments. The effectiveness of this treatment is higher due to the effect on the fungi in the hair follicles.

Attention: general treatment without local treatment is ineffective!

Antifungal drugs are prescribed in tablets or capsules that must be taken orally.

  • Fluconazole (in capsules of 150 mg). How to take: 2 capsules once a week - for a course of 2 weeks. That is, they took 2 capsules on Monday, a week later - 2 more capsules. Fast, cheap and efficient.
  • Itraconazole - 200 mg once a day - for 1 week.
  • Ketoconazole - 200 mg once a day - for 3-4 weeks.

Approximate scheme for the treatment of pityriasis versicolor

  1. Fluconazole - 2 capsules once a week - a course of 2 weeks.
  2. Shampoo Nizoral - wash your head and body daily in the evening for the first week. And every other day - 2 and 3 weeks.
  3. Instead of Nizoral for the body, you can use the Termikon spray - apply once a day to the affected areas - 3 weeks.
  4. Salicylic acid - lubricate the affected areas 1 time per day in the morning.
  5. Taking multivitamins (Complivit, Selmevit and others).
  6. A set of measures to improve immunity.

Treatment of pityriasis versicolor during pregnancy


  • You can not take any antifungal agents inside, as they can adversely affect the fetus.
  • Outwardly, locally it is best to use Nizoral shampoo. And only in cases where the benefit to the mother's body outweighs the risk to the fetus. Treatment should be coordinated with your gynecologist.
  • In most cases, it is better to wait until childbirth and then conduct a full course of treatment.
  • Remember: the pathogen does not affect the fetus in any way and does not affect childbirth.

When breastfeeding

  • Do not take drugs by mouth.
  • Do not treat breasts with ointments and creams.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment?

  1. The first symptom should disappear - peeling on the spots.
  2. The spots, at least the pinks and browns, should be gone. White spots may persist for some time until the skin tans evenly in the sun.
  3. Mushrooms and filaments of fungal mycelium should be absent from skin scrapings.


Remember: if the spots are gone, it does not mean that they will not return. The disease is chronic and cannot be permanently cured. Therefore, prevention is a must!

  • Taking ketoconazole - 400 mg once a month - every month. Or taking another antifungal drug.
  • In the month of May, before the summer period begins: Nizoral shampoo - wash once a day - 3 days in a row.
  • Wash clothes at 95% for the entire treatment period.
  • Iron clothes with a hot iron for the entire treatment period.
  • Do not wear synthetic clothing - it does not absorb sweat.
  • For excessive sweating: use antiperspirants and change clothing frequently!
  • Treatment of all diseases and correction of conditions that led to the appearance of pityriasis versicolor.
  • Strengthening the immune system in various ways is a must!!!
  • Is it possible to go to the solarium and sunbathe? At the time of treatment - it is impossible. After treatment, you can and even need to sunbathe a little in the sun, as sunlight kills the pathogen - the fungus.
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