What is lichen rosacea. Pink deprive. Causes of rosacea

Pink lichen is a disease in which redness appears on the skin with a clear outline. The causes and pathogenesis of the disease have not been elucidated.

Scientists consider the nosology infectious-allergic, since skin symptoms appear after hypothermia.

A decrease in the activity of the immune system becomes a provoking factor for the development of bacteria or viruses, therefore, when low temperatures act on the body, pathogenic microorganisms are activated. The theory supports the bacterial etiology of the disease, but clinical studies have not been able to identify the causative agent.

Pink lichen - symptoms, treatment

Pink spots on the skin occur against the background of a decrease in immunity, often combined with skin itching. Appear on the body, back, chest, upper and lower limbs, face.

Infectionists believe that the pathogen is a bacterium or a virus. In response to the reproduction of microbes, the body triggers a series of allergic reactions that cause the symptoms of the disease.

A synonym for nosology is Gilbert's disease. Among all skin diseases, pink lichen accounts for about 4% of cases. The prevalence of nosology is quite serious. Scientists continue to search for the pathogen, deciphering pathogenetic mechanisms.

Exacerbation is observed in autumn, spring, when immunity is significantly weakened. With the same frequency, nosology occurs in representatives of the strong and beautiful halves of humanity. In children under 2 years of age, lichen does not occur, which experts explain by the transfer of immune complexes that destroy the pathogenic agent with mother's milk during breastfeeding.

Symptoms of lichen are observed at the age of 10-35 years. Dermatologists describe the manifestations of pathology as erythematous-squamous dermatosis, since the pathogenesis of Gilbert's disease is characterized by peeling and redness of the skin.

The main causes of pink lichen:

  • Allergy to plant pollen, dust;
  • hypothermia;
  • Nervous experiences;
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Post-vaccination reactions;
  • Bites of insects that are carriers of lice, bedbugs, fleas;
  • Metabolic diseases.

In the absence of a cause of the pathology, doctors identify provoking factors. The definition of a group of provocateurs is based on practical experience, which shows, after which allergic reactions are formed with symptoms of pink reddening of the skin.

Patients do not always show increased sensitization, leading to the formation of specific spots on the skin. With metabolic disorders, clinical signs of squamous dermatosis with erythema also appear.

The mere name "pink lichen" immediately scares away. Many people think that this disease is highly contagious and is transmitted from sick animals to humans. Particularly suspicious can calm down, pink lichen or Gilbert's disease is not dangerous and, moreover, not contagious.

What is rosacea? What are its main symptoms, treatment and prevention. These issues will be covered in the presented article.

What is pink lichen or Gilbert's disease

Gilbert's disease is a skin disease. The main manifestations are pale pink, scaly patches all over the body.

Pink lichen is characterized by round and oval spots, as it was not difficult to guess, pink.

They appear advantageously on the surface of the skin of the thighs, arms, legs, back, abdomen, shoulders. On the face, head manifestations of the disease are extremely rare.

At the moment, the disease is not well studied by specialists. The exact reasons for its sudden development are not known.

It is assumed that pink lichen is caused by a certain virus that enters the body at a time when a person's immunity is weakened. This time often falls at the beginning of spring and the end of autumn. Also, the causes of the disease can be severe hypothermia of the body.

Many immunocompromised people are susceptible to Gilbert's disease. However, women aged 10 to 40 are most often ill. As a rule, pink lichen appears once in a lifetime. However, relapses should not be ruled out.

Symptoms of pink deprivation

As previously mentioned, the disease is accompanied by the appearance of many lesions. The raised spots are pinkish in color. At first they are small. With the spread of the disease, spots can take up to 2 centimeters in size.

Initially, one large spot appears on the skin, which is called the maternal plaque. 5-7 days she does not disturb the patient. Further, smaller spots begin to appear on the body, which after a short period of time cover most of the patient's skin. After some time, the spots will disappear without a trace.

Symptoms include slight itching, fever, nervousness. The duration of the disease is approximately 4-6 weeks. In some cases, the period may be extended. With improper treatment or complications on the skin after pink lichen, a small eczema, purulent skin lesions may remain.

After Gilbert's disease, the patient develops strong immunity to the causative agent of the virus.

Diagnosis of pink lichen involves a primary examination of the patient's skin. All manifestations of the disease are quite characteristic. They are difficult to confuse with other diseases. Occasionally, it is necessary to distinguish Zhiber's disease from the seborrheic form of eczema, the secondary period of syphilis, rubella and measles. In such cases, a blood test is ordered.

Treatment of Zhiber's disease

The presented disease does not need special treatment. It goes away after 4-8 weeks. There are some steps you can take to speed up the healing process. It is also important to prevent various inflammations of the skin, the formation of eczema and other unpleasant complications.

Doctors in the treatment of Gilbert's disease recommend a hypoallergenic diet. It involves the elimination of nuts, foods with strong flavors, coffee, chocolate, citrus fruits, eggs, alcoholic beverages, red fruits, spices from your diet.

This list can be supplemented by confectionery, carbonated drinks, smoked foods, canned foods.

The patient is also forbidden to take long baths, go to the bath. This will reduce the spread of spots on the skin of the entire body. You can wash, but only quickly and in the shower. About shower gels, soap will have to be forgotten for a while. Rubbing the body with a washcloth is also not worth it.

Within 5 weeks of treatment, the patient should not use perfumed body products. It is undesirable to visit a solarium, take sunbaths, swim in pools, a river or a lake.

As for clothing, it is wiser and safer for the skin to give preference to cotton and linen fabrics during treatment. Do not wear clothes made of wool or synthetic materials.

As the main treatment, the doctor prescribes antihistamines, vitamins, and immunostimulating agents to the patient. As an external treatment, lotions, the use of water-zinc talker, and corticosteroid creams are possible. The affected areas of the skin should be smeared with rosehip, sea buckthorn or milk thistle oil. In some cases, strong antibiotics are prescribed.

There are also scientifically unconfirmed methods of treatment, but about them a little later.

With favorable treatment, Gilbert's disease does not affect future life and health.

Pityriasis rosea Zhibera - a skin disease of unknown etiology, manifested by characteristic rounded spots of pale pink color with slight peeling.

Pink deprive Zhibera is common, in 4-5% of patients who have applied to a dermatologist. It is observed mainly in middle-aged women, rarely in children and the elderly, more often in the autumn-winter period.

The peculiarity of this disease is that with and without treatment, it will not resolve before 6-8 weeks. Subjective sensations in most cases are absent, sometimes itching is noted (in emotional people and when exposed to irritating factors on the skin).

Etiology (causes) of Gilbert's pink lichen

No hereditary predisposition was noted. Risk factors for the development of pink lichen Zhibera are infectious diseases, prolonged hypothermia.
The infectious onset of the disease is not rejected due to the connection with the transferred angina, influenza, SARS. Sometimes several family members get sick.

Symptoms of pink lichen Gilbert

Manifestations all begin with a "mother's spot" - a large spot, pinkish-yellowish in color, with peeling. After peeling off the scales, a narrow “collar” remains, bordering the central brownish-yellow part of the spot. The periphery retains a pinkish color. Similar elements are compared with medallions. This is a pathognomonic (i.e., very characteristic of this particular disease) sign. In rare cases, there are rashes of several primary foci located in different parts of the body.

After 7-14 days, the number of spots increases, they are smaller in size, pinkish or pinkish-yellow in color, the so-called "kids". Secondary rashes in the form of scaly oval spots of red or dark pink oval color, in most cases located along the Langer lines and resemble the branches of a Christmas tree. Most often, spots are noted in the trunk and proximal parts of the limbs. observed in very rare cases.

Recovery occurs spontaneously after 6-12 weeks. In very rare cases, the disease can last longer - up to several months and years. Relapses of the disease are extremely rare.

Atypical forms of pink lichen

Atypical forms include forms with the absence of a primary maternal plaque, with rashes in the face and neck, and the so-called irritated pink lichen - pityriasis rosea irritata, which occurs with friction, pressure, sweating, improper treatment and is characterized by severe itching and target-like spots, like erythema multiforme. . In very rare cases, rashes in the form of vesicles, hemorrhages and pustules are possible.

Diagnosis of pink deprivation of Gilbert

Diagnosis of pink lichen is based on a characteristic clinical picture. It is important to contact a specialist - a dermatovenereologist for an accurate diagnosis, since pink lichen, its manifestations, may remind you of other dermatological diseases. So, syphilitic roseola is excluded on the basis of the presence of peeling, maternal plaque, negative serological reactions and the absence of other signs of syphilis. Based on the correct diagnosis, therapy is prescribed.

Treatment of pink deprivation of Gilbert

There is no specific treatment for rosacea. The disease usually resolves on its own. During the onset of secondary rashes, friction and pressure of the elements are not recommended to avoid the appearance of an irritated form of pink lichen. The opinion that taking a bath and shower contributes to the development of the disease and the appearance of an irritated form is not justified - just while taking water procedures, it is necessary to avoid strong friction with a washcloth or sponge.
With severe itching, antihistamines, topical corticosteroids (hydrocortisone) and prescription antipruritic mixtures are prescribed.
There are studies showing that taking high doses of erythromycin, acyclovir and ultraviolet radiation in the first days of the disease leads to a faster and more uncomplicated course of the disease.

pink lichen- a dermatological disease of a viral, infectious or other origin. Its second name is Gibert's disease. Most often occurs with a weakened immune system, after suffering colds or in autumn and winter. Is this disease dangerous and how to treat pink lichen?

Also read information about another variety of lichen -.

What is pink lichen or lichen Zhibera?

Deprive Zhibera appears on any part of the body and face. It can be solitary, but most often group rashes form near the maternal plaque. Lichen can have any form. Outwardly, the spot is pink in color, clearly outlined by a red border. Initially, the skin is lichen smooth, later the top layer becomes rough, and the lichen acquires a yellowish tint. In rare cases, plaques may present with blisters and small nodules. This happens in people with low immunity.

With Gibert's disease, plaques of different appearance are simultaneously present on the body. This is due to the cyclicity of the disease and the different time of rash.

Causes of occurrence:

  • Hypothermia or overheating
  • Stress
  • allergic reactions
  • Infectious diseases
  • Impaired or weakened immune system
  • Insect bites (lice, bedbugs, fleas)
  • Avitaminosis

The disease can last from 4 weeks to 6 months. All this time, the plaques change color, and the peeling of the skin changes intensity. There may be itching that lasts for several days. Less commonly, ringworm pink is accompanied by fever, swollen lymph nodes, and general malaise.

Treatment of pink lichen - what and how to treat?

Zhiber's disease is considered non-dangerous and skin formations can go away on their own in some time, so there is an opinion that the treatment of pink lichen can be omitted. But given the cyclicity of rashes, the final recovery and restoration of the skin can be very long and reach up to six months. It is especially unpleasant if the lichen is localized on the face or neck. What to do to speed up the process and how to treat pink lichen?

If pink lichen has appeared, then you need to limit its contact with water, and even more so, you can’t rub the skin with a washcloth so as not to spread the plaques all over the body.

Salicylic ointment

It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, drying and antimicrobial action. Produced in tubes or jars of dark glass. It is used externally for inflammatory and infectious skin diseases, including for the treatment of pink lichen. Apply 2 times a day to problem areas. After a few applications, the lichen becomes lighter and merges with the skin color. Apply salicylic ointment until complete cure. Contraindications: children under 1 year of age, renal failure, hypersensitivity. The average cost of Salicylic ointment is 20 rubles. Similarly, you can use Salicylic-zinc paste.


It is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid. It is produced in the form of a gel and ointment, the percentage of the active substance is the same, there is no significant difference. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic action. Well eliminates itching and irritation. It is used for dry inflammatory skin diseases. For the treatment of pink lichen Zhibera ointment or gel is applied in a thin layer on the plaques, gently rubbed. Flucinar cleans the surface of formations from scales and evens out the color. It has many contraindications and side effects, before use, you need to carefully read the instructions. The average cost of Flucinar is from 150 rubles.

Lorinden ointment

Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal drug for external use. Produced in aluminum tubes. For the treatment of depriving pink in the first days, Loriden ointment is applied 2-3 times a day, then one is enough. If you need to use a bandage, then it must pass air. Makes the skin more even, plaques less noticeable. Loriden should not be used for more than 2 weeks and for children under 10 years of age. There are many contraindications, including some viral skin diseases, acne and age spots. Do not apply the drug to the skin of the face. The price of Loriden ointment is from 220 rubles.

Sinalar cream, ointment, emulsion

Combined preparation of the hormone glucocorticoid and antibacterial substances. Regardless of the form of release, cream, ointment and gel have the same concentration of fluocinolone - 0.25 mcg. Sinalar is produced in tubes of 15 and 30 g. A small amount of the product is rubbed in the morning and evening into pink lichen. Quickly eliminates itching, brightens plaques and makes them less noticeable. After a few days, the skin becomes softer, scales and roughness disappear. Contraindications: skin infections, acne, acne, prickly heat, inflammation and itching of the genital organs. With prolonged use, skin atrophy is possible.

Ointments with birch tar

You can independently prepare an effective ointment for pink lichen with birch tar. It has bactericidal, wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Birch tar has long been used to treat skin diseases. Any fatty ointment, for example, simple sulfuric, is suitable as a basis. A cap (5 ml) of pharmacy tar is poured into a jar of ointment (25 g) and mixed thoroughly. Apply the remedy 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening, 10 days are enough to cure lichen.

You can also use butter as a base. It is softened and mixed with tar in equal amounts. Apply to the plaques at night, cover with a bandage and fix with a plaster. After several procedures, the lichen will begin to disappear.

Aciclovir (tablets)

An antiviral drug is used to treat skin lesions. Available in the form of tablets and ointments. Can be used to treat pink and herpes zoster. It stops the reproduction of the virus and with the timely use of the drug, the number of plaques can be significantly reduced. Acyclovir also increases the body's resistance to viruses.

In complex therapy with external ointments, it gives a quick result. The plaques turn pale, become less noticeable and disappear quickly enough. Adults take 1 tablet 5 times a day for 5 days. Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, children under 1 year of age. The average price of Acyclovir tablets is 28-50 rubles.


An antibacterial drug used in the early days of pink lichen to stop the spread of plaques. After 5 days, the appointment will not bring any benefit. Adults need to take 1 tablet by mouth after meals every 6 hours. Reduces the period of treatment, several times reduces the number of microorganisms. Reduces and prevents further skin breakouts. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, renal failure. The average cost of Erythromycin is 90-120 rubles.


For any skin diseases, it is recommended to take antihistamines and pink lichen is no exception. Antiallergic drugs eliminate itching, relieve swelling and inflammation, soothe and reduce the number of spots. Preparations: Tavegil, Suprastin, Fenistil, Zirtek, Zodak. Accepted according to the instructions.

Is rosacea contagious?

Rosacea is contagious! But it is not always transmitted and mainly to people with weakened protective functions of the body. Infection can occur through close bodily contact, the use of hygiene items (washcloths, towels, combs, linen). If someone in the family has Gibert's disease, close contact should be limited. There is an opinion among the people that lichen is transmitted to humans from animals. Only pigs can get pink lichen, but their form is non-contagious and harmless to humans.

Prevention of lichen Zhibera (pink lichen)

It is difficult to establish the exact cause of the appearance of lichen, so its prevention is of a general nature. Since people with a weakened immune system are susceptible to the disease, first of all, you need to take care of strengthening the body's defenses.

Prevention of pink lichen is a healthy lifestyle and rational nutrition. It will be useful to give up bad habits.

How to prevent ringworm:

  1. Avoid hypothermia.
  2. To cure infectious and viral diseases to the end, after them to carry out vitamin therapy.
  3. Avoid stressful situations. In difficult times, take sedatives.
  4. Maintain immunity by taking vitamins, eating protein foods.
  5. Temper the body and lead an active lifestyle.
  6. Keep your body and hands clean.
  7. If allergic reactions occur, take antihistamines.
  8. Limit your intake of artificial foods filled with preservatives, flavors, and chemical additives.

If a person has been ill with pink lichen, then he develops a stable immunity to it. Repeated relapses are extremely rare and only in people with a weakened body.

Pink lichen does not have a negative effect on the body and is more of a cosmetic problem.

In fact, you can not carry out treatment and skin formations will pass on their own after a while. They do not leave scars, scars and spots. But with treatment, the duration of the presence of plaques on the skin is reduced many times over. And if you take action at the very beginning of the disease, you can prevent the spread of formations throughout the body.


Decreased immunity after suffering colds or viral diseases can lead to the development of pitiriasis or pink lichen. More often this disease affects women than men. Pityriasis rosea occurs in adults over 40 years of age and in children over 10 years of age. How does pitiriasis develop and progress? What methods are used to treat and prevent this disease?

Symptoms and signs of pink lichen in humans

For the first time, a description of the processes occurring in the body affected by pityriasis was given by the French dermatologist Gibert. The disease is named after him. Gibert's disease has some similarities with other skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, syphilis, pityriasis versicolor. Therefore, before deciding on the use of any drug for the treatment of rashes on the body, it is necessary to consult a qualified dermatologist. How does the development of Gibert's disease proceed? Consider the specific signs and symptoms of pitiriasis:

  • Zhiber's disease is provoked by a weakening of the immune system and a deterioration in the general condition of the human body. Against the background of these phenomena, there is a decrease in appetite and sleep disturbance, lymph nodes often increase, and the temperature rises.
  • The initial stage of this disease is the appearance on the body of a large maternal spot, which is often localized on the body in the region of the shoulder girdle. It is a pink-red formation in the form of transparent pityriasis small scales of the skin. The scaly central part of the patch is slightly sunken and paler in color compared to the peripheral part, which has an intense pink-red color and raised edges over adjacent areas of healthy skin. The size of the maternal spot gradually increases and reaches 2–10 cm.
  • On the 7-10th day after the formation of the first plaque on the body, numerous rashes begin to appear on the abdomen, back, legs, arms. However, pink lichen spots rarely affect the scalp, feet, hands and face. These neoplasms are characterized by an oval shape, red-pink color, peeling. Often these spots are located along the lines of Langer, which correspond to the lines of tension and run along the natural folds of the skin. Red-pink formations can reach a diameter of 3.5 cm. Doctors call them “medallions”.
  • After some time, the secondary spots become yellowish in the center, and the skin on them takes on a wrinkled appearance and subsequently cracks into tiny scales. After most of the scales fall off, a brown-yellow formation will remain in the center of the focus of pink lichen, and the edges of the spot will acquire a pink tint. After 2-3 weeks, pink lichen disappears, and dark or white spots remain in place of the plaques, which later disappear.

Pitiriasis lasts up to 1 month on average. Complete cleansing of the skin occurs by 6-12 weeks after the onset of the disease. But there are times when pink lichen has to be treated for several months or years. A person who has once been ill with pitiriasis acquires a strong immunity to this disease and in most cases does not re-infect with pink lichen. Most patients with pink lichen do not experience any pain during the course of the disease. People with nervous system disorders may experience itching when the skin is exposed to a variety of irritants.

Causes of pink lichen Zhibera

Medicine does not yet know which pathogen pulls out pink lichen. But some scientists come to the conclusion that the herpes virus of the 7th generation provokes the disease. Other experts suggest that this disease has an infectious-allergic cause. Even among doctors there are adherents of the theory that pink lichen occurs against the background of a decrease in immunity during hypothermia, stress, nervous strain. Often, pitiriasis develops against the background of previous respiratory diseases, hypothermia, weak immunity and pregnancy.

Features of the course of the disease in pregnant women

Expectant mothers get pink lichen more often than other categories of people. Scientists conducted a study of 38 cases of pityriasis in pregnant women. During the study, experts came to the conclusion that transferred pink lichen in early pregnancy increases the risk of spontaneous abortion and has a negative impact on the development of the fetus. Often, expectant mothers suffering from pitiriasis complain of symptoms unusual for this disease:

  • severe headaches;
  • insomnia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased fatigue.

Photo: what the disease looks like on the face and body

Often, pink lichen goes away on its own, but this does not mean that you need to treat the disease negligently. The doctor will tell the patient with symptoms of pitiriasis what kind of lifestyle to lead and what medications to take. But there are a number of actions that cannot be done to a patient with pink lichen. So, it is strongly not recommended to lubricate the affected areas with iodine, salicylic acid, alcohol, ointments containing sulfur, because these agents have drying effects. See below the photo of what the disease looks like:

How and what to treat the disease at home

In most cases, pink lichen passes on its own in 1-2.5 months without the use of special medications. But there are certain rules that the patient must follow in order to recover quickly and not provoke unpleasant complications of the disease. Particular attention in the treatment of pityriasis is paid to skin care and nutrition.

In order not to cause the development of allergic reactions, doctors recommend wearing loose clothing that does not squeeze parts of the body and rubs against inflammation. Experts advise not to wear woolen and synthetic underwear during illness and to abandon body cosmetics. It is absolutely contraindicated during Gibert's disease to expose the skin to irritants. Is it possible to wash with pink lichen?

The patient's contact with water (washing in the shower, bathing in the bathroom), exposure to ultraviolet rays, clothing that causes friction on the affected skin, self-treatment with drugs containing tar and sulfur can especially complicate the course of pitiriasis. These factors can lead to a complication of pitiriasis, manifested in the transformation of pink lichen spots into eczematous formations and the occurrence of infectious processes in them with the development of purulent lesions of skin areas.

hypoallergenic diet

Since pink lichen is supposed to have an allergic component, it is important to properly organize nutrition in its treatment. It should be based on a hypoallergenic diet. This means that fried, spicy, sour foods must be excluded from the patient's diet. The patient's menu should not contain products that can cause an allergic reaction and worsen the skin condition. Low-fat broths, cereals, vegetables, fruits should be the basis of nutrition for a patient with pitiriasis. Tobacco and alcohol should not be used in the treatment of pink lichen.

External treatment: ointments and creams

After diagnosing the disease, the dermatologist will tell you how to smear the affected skin. It will help you choose effective creams for the treatment of pitiriasis. In no case should you use on your own, which can cause skin irritation or corticosteroid drugs. Hormonal ointments or creams have many side effects, so only a doctor can decide on the appropriateness of their use for the treatment of pink lichen.

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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