Quarantine in kindergarten. Under what conditions is it introduced and when is it canceled? Flu quarantine. What does the term mean. The work of preschool institutions (kindergarten, nursery) during quarantine

Most often, chickenpox gets sick once in a lifetime. After recovery, the body forms immunity to this disease, and during subsequent attacks of the causative agent of chickenpox, it successfully fights it. It is curious that children carry this infection much faster and easier than adults.

They usually become infected with chickenpox in crowded places: schools, kindergartens, playgrounds, because in the case of a single disease, the virus spreads at a tremendous speed and leads to mass infection. Therefore, children's institutions are always closed for quarantine if one of the children visiting them falls ill with the disease in question.

The chickenpox virus is very poorly stable in the environment.

Chickenpox symptoms

Varicella zoster virus (Varicella Zoster) causes chickenpox in humans. Moreover, the infection occurs by airborne droplets.

The first sign of the disease is a sharp increase in body temperature. It reaches 38-40 degrees. The patient complains of headache. After a while, a rash appears on the skin in the form of small bubbles filled with liquid. This rash causes the main discomfort of the disease - it itches.

In very rare cases, chickenpox occurs without a rash.

After a while, the bubbles begin to burst, forming small sores on the surface of the entire body. For disinfection and drying, they are treated with a solution of brilliant green, and sometimes potassium permanganate. The next stage is the healing of wounds - covering them with a crust, which in no case should be picked off, otherwise a scar will remain in place of the sore in the future. Chickenpox can be treated at home.

chickenpox quarantine

A person with chickenpox becomes contagious to others already 2 days before the appearance of rashes on the skin and mucous membranes. After the appearance of bubbles, the ability to infect others continues for another 7 days. The rest of the course of the disease does not cause danger to people who are close to the patient.

The incubation period of this disease is 7-21 days. During this time, the virus with blood and lymph spreads throughout the body, gradually enters the skin and then already leads to a rash.

If, after three weeks after contact with the patient, the child does not have the main signs of chickenpox, it means that he will no longer get sick.

Our children sometimes get sick, especially when they start attending preschool institutions. At school, children get sick a little less often, but during an epidemic, a fairly large number of children can get sick.

Of course, parents themselves contribute a lot to this, taking children who are not cured or frankly snotty and sick to kindergarten or school. Since there is no one to leave the child with, and at work no one likes sick leave. If a sufficiently large number of children are ill or if certain, rather dangerous and contagious diseases occur in a group or class, quarantine is imposed by medical workers of these institutions or clinics.

What is quarantine?
Quarantine is a system of special measures that are carried out in the focus of infection in order to prevent its further spread. More globally, quarantine is a system of measures to temporarily limit or isolate people who are potentially dangerous in terms of infection and the spread of certain infections. With the help of quarantine measures, it is possible to limit and stop the spread of dangerous infections. Quarantine measures are introduced both within the framework of one group of kindergarten or school class, and at the global level - the state, closing borders for the exit and entry, export or import of certain products or liquids.

Parents are usually more interested in quarantine measures introduced directly at the institution their child attends. And if for children of schoolchildren or preschoolers quarantine is another reason to sit at home and do nothing, then for parents it is a headache - what to do with the child. Which hangs around idle. Most often, quarantine is imposed when there are such infections that are transmitted:
- by airborne droplets (when talking, coughing, sneezing),
- by food and water (intestinal infections and some others),
- by contact (pediculosis, scabies, some contagious skin diseases).
In a word, the ways of infection are such that several children and adults can be massively affected at the same time.
Usually such infections occur in a certain season:
- colds or respiratory infections in autumn-winter and early spring,
- intestinal - in summer and early autumn,
- and some infections do not have a special seasonality.

How are deadlines set?
The process of development and spread of the disease has its own patterns, therefore quarantine terms are developed for each disease separately based on knowledge of its incubation period and time of contagiousness. Quarantine in the city or district as a whole is announced when the morbidity threshold is exceeded - in particular, for influenza and SARS, this is 20% of children or more. With the development of certain infections, for example, in a kindergarten or school, quarantine is imposed on a separate group (class), that is, on contact persons who do not have immunity to this disease.

Quarantine times.
Let's talk about isolation times for major childhood infections. They are calculated from the maximum possible infectious period and the incubation period for each individual disease. So, when:
- Influenza quarantine periods are 3 days, then if the child does not get sick, then he did not receive the virus from the contact.
- for whooping cough, the quarantine period is two weeks 914 days),
- with bark, the maximum isolation period is 17 days,
- with mumps (mumps), chickenpox or rubella, these terms are three weeks (21 days),
- for scarlet fever or diphtheria, the quarantine period is a week (7 days),
- for meningococcus, the quarantine period is 10 days,
- for dysentery and other intestinal infections (including salmonellosis) - a week (7 days),
- the longest quarantine period will be in the group with suspected hepatitis A (Botkin's disease, jaundice) - quarantine is imposed for 35 days.

Quarantine position.
More often, of course, kindergartens are closed for quarantine, since it is the kids who suffer from dangerous quarantine infections most of all. In schools, the district SES usually declares quarantine in connection with influenza epidemics; for other diseases, a special regime is usually imposed only on the class and not so often. But kindergartens with the flu can work in a special enhanced security mode - children with even mild signs of a cold are not accepted, and the rest of the children are regularly examined and their temperature is measured, the staff wears cotton-gauze bandages (or should, of course, wear them).

But if a child in one of the groups of the garden gets other infections (influenza is in the group, chickenpox, measles or rubella), the group can be quarantined according to the period that we wrote above. The doctor of the institution, together with specialists from the SES department, carry out a set of measures for disinfection, monitoring children and adults, in each situation these measures are different and we will talk about them.

Children (and adults, by the way, too) who were in contact with the sick person are now called contacts, and are now subject to all quarantine measures - isolation from others, etc. This is necessary in case the baby is in the incubation stage, that is, he is also sick, but so far there are no manifestations, which means that he can also be a potential source of infection if he is not isolated. For the period of quarantine, children who have been in contact with the patient undergo daily examinations for the onset of the disease - they measure their temperature, examine the skin and mouth with the nose, assess their general condition and well-being. If the first signs of the disease appear, they are sent to the hospital. If there are no signs, after the expiration of the quarantine period, the babies live as usual - they will no longer get sick.

For the period of quarantine, they not only isolate some children (contact children) from others, but also carry out a number of special measures - all preventive vaccinations are canceled, it is forbidden to do the Mantoux reaction, children are not accepted into this group either after an illness, who have already recovered, or new ones, who are just should come. In addition, during quarantine, all entertainment events must be canceled. Trips, hikes, etc., sports competitions and matinees. Such children walk only within their playground and only strictly at a certain time, separated from all other groups. Regular wet cleanings are carried out in the group using the entire arsenal of disinfectants allowed in children's institutions, special attention is paid to common areas and sinks. Crockery, etc. In the absence of children in the group, quartzization of the premises is carried out.

Do you need to drive?
The question of whether to take a child to kindergarten, if quarantine is imposed in the group, or to leave him at home is a complex and controversial one, there is no unequivocal and only correct answer to it. Whether a child who has been in contact with a sick person gets sick or not depends on many external and internal conditions:
Has the child had this infection before?
- whether he was vaccinated against this infection,
How closely did they interact?
- how close they sat, how much they sneezed on him, etc.
- how contagious (degree of contagiousness) the virus or microbe is,
- how strong is the immune system (how often does the child get sick in principle),
- as far as you have the opportunity not to take the baby to kindergarten and stay with him,
- and many others.
So, chickenpox viruses in terms of contagiousness are very likely, up to 96% of contact children get sick, and your baby is likely to enter this group of children. At the same time, even a child’s strong immunity from chickenpox almost does not save. Less contagious, but nevertheless more dangerous is streptococcus, which is the causative agent of scarlet fever - a fairly large number of children also fall ill. Measles, rubella, whooping cough and mumps are also dangerous, but most children are vaccinated for these diseases, so the risk of contracting them is lower, especially if your child is vaccinated according to all the rules and completely the whole course. Vaccination can not always protect against the disease, especially if the vaccination is incomplete or has been for a long time, but then the disease, if it occurs, usually proceeds more easily.

If you decide to take your baby to a group during quarantine, you need to measure the temperature and examine the child every morning and evening. For diseases with skin rashes, a detailed examination of the skin is needed, for respiratory infections, you need to look into the throat. If this is a quarantine for an intestinal infection, monitor the child’s stool daily, ask about well-being and the presence of abdominal pain. If any alarming symptoms appear, you should call a doctor.

Some burning questions of parents.
The question is often asked - today many refuse to vaccinate their children, is it legal not to accept such unvaccinated children in the kindergarten group during quarantine for any infection? Yes, this is a completely legal refusal and it is spelled out in the federal law on immunoprophylaxis. If you are not vaccinated against whooping cough, and there is a whooping cough quarantine in the garden, you will be denied admission to the group, BUT, only for the quarantine period - it is illegal to refuse you admission at all.

If parents do not want to risk the health of the child and want to stay at home with him during the quarantine, is it possible to take sick leave, will it be paid? Yes, the labor code spells out the right of parents to take a sick leave with a child under seven years old and attending a kindergarten if quarantine has been declared in the garden. A sick leave is issued and paid as usual - both mom and dad can take it, the district doctor issues this sheet.

We will talk about separate quarantine measures for each of the most common infections next time.

Quarantine for certain infections.

Quarantine for measles is declared as soon as at least one sick person is detected. Immunoglobulins are administered to those in contact with the patient, and those who have not been previously vaccinated are urgently vaccinated. Are these measures really necessary?

Risk factors for measles

This disease is considered childish. It would seem that such a serious increase in temperature, the appearance of a rash. The child will get sick, and you don’t have to worry that this disease will appear again at an older age. After all, adults endure childhood diseases very hard.

But she's far from harmless. The virus, penetrating the body, not only contributes to an increase in temperature and the appearance of exanthema.

Because of it, pathologies arise:

  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • nervous system;
  • respiratory tract;
  • immune system.

It has been proven that with post-measles lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, Crohn's disease, ulcers occur. The virus can persist in the brain as long-term infections. It is the main cause of sclerotic encephalitis.. This disease develops over several years.

The causative agent of measles has an immunosuppressive effect on the body. The resistance to all diseases decreases, because of this, very serious complications arise. For example, if measles is accompanied by pneumonia caused by a bacterial infection, then a fatal outcome is possible. It is the leading cause of child mortality, especially among infants aged 3 months to 2 years.

Measles causes:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • otitis.

These diseases give serious purulent complications leading to disability.

The worst consequences are:

  • encephalopathy;
  • meningitis;
  • encephalitis.

Measles, before the introduction of effective measures to combat it, was the most common and dangerous. Even now, in countries with a low level of medical development, measles is the main cause of childhood death. In addition, the disease spreads instantly, everyone who has not suffered it before or has not been vaccinated gets sick.

How measles is transmitted

The source of the disease is man. And it is transmitted by aerosol. The patient during coughing, sneezing and even during tearing spreads the measles virus around him. It can penetrate keyholes. The causative agent of the disease does not exist for a long time outside the human body. And when exposed to open air, its concentration becomes too small to cause illness.

The natural susceptibility to the measles virus is 96%, but re-infection is almost non-existent. The exception is patients with immunodeficiency.

The main epidemiological factors are:

  • high susceptibility to measles virus;
  • airborne transmission;
  • the intensity and nature of human communication;
  • weak resistance of infection in the external environment;
  • lifelong immunity to measles in recovered patients.

That is, the most severe outbreaks of the disease occur in those countries where mass immunization is not currently carried out, children's institutions are not closed for quarantine.

Measles proceeds in stages, the course of the disease is divided into periods:

  • incubation;
  • catarrhal;
  • rashes;
  • pigmentation.

A sick person excretes the measles virus into the external environment from the middle of the incubation period to 4 days after the onset of exanthema. All contacts get sick if they have not been previously vaccinated.

In extreme cases, the disease can also affect vaccinated people. This is due to the fact that after 10–15 years, the acquired immunity to measles decreases somewhat, or due to certain individual characteristics, a person is most susceptible to the disease. But they have it in a mild form, with mild typical manifestations. Because of the disease, there are no serious consequences, and even more so, it does not lead to death.

With immunodeficiencies of various origins, the disease is very difficult. So among cancer patients, 70% of the sick die because of it, among HIV-infected people - 40%. In addition, vaccination is contraindicated for these population groups.

There is no specific cure for measles. She is treated symptomatically.

During the incubation period (at the latest on the 7th day after the onset of a possible infection), immunoglobulin is administered to those who have been in contact with the sick person. This is necessary in order to:

  • facilitate the course of the disease;
  • prevent serious complications.
  • mass immunization;
  • isolation of the patient;
  • early diagnosis and identification of patients
  • passive prevention;
  • quarantine in the institutions where the sick person was.

At the moment, serious epidemic outbreaks are recorded in the countries of Africa and Asia. Cases have been identified in some European countries among those who have not been vaccinated, according to the WHO.

Measles is a rapidly spreading disease with consequences. In order to prevent a surge in the epidemic, when a sick person is identified, quarantine is introduced. It will end when it becomes clear that the infection has not spread, that is, not earlier than after 17 days. And if immunoglobulin was administered to those in contact with the patient, then the separation lasts 3 weeks.

Chickenpox or varicella is a highly contagious disease spread by airborne droplets. The risk of infection is especially high in crowded places. This infection primarily affects children and adults who did not have chickenpox in childhood. This disease is traditionally considered childhood. Usually it is infected in schools, kindergartens and hospitals. In this review, we will look at how to properly organize quarantine by

Main activities

As a rule, the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets from a sick person to a healthy person. As a result of getting into the oral cavity and nasal mucosa of an uninfected baby, the infection instantly enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. Until the pathogen accumulates in the tissues in the right amount, it will not manifest itself in any way. This period can last from 1 to 3 weeks.

So, how to properly organize chickenpox quarantine? How many days does it last? The main purpose of this event is to prevent the further spread of the infection. Quarantine is carried out if a case of chickenpox has been detected in one of the groups. All actions are carried out in accordance with SanPiN. Examination of children in such a situation should be carried out by medical workers every day. During quarantine, all classes are held with children in the same room. In addition, the room should be wet cleaned twice a day. Effectively removes the chickenpox virus and UV exposure. That is why during quarantine, quartzization of premises is carried out several times. Dishes, furniture and toys are treated with a special disinfectant every day. The premises are ventilated twice a day.

Quarantine: as announced

If a child infected with chickenpox is found in the group, then quarantine is declared in the garden for chickenpox. How many days does it last? First of all, information about the sick person is transferred to the children's hospital. The local doctor examines the child. If the diagnosis is confirmed, information about the case of infection is transmitted to the SES, which in turn prepares a quarantine order in the institution.

Will the garden be closed during quarantine?

What awaits the institution in which chickenpox was discovered? Quarantine - how many days in kindergarten? First of all, it is worth saying that the institution does not close and continues to work, but with a number of restrictions.

Quarantine duration

Many parents worry about quarantine after chickenpox. How many days does it last? As a rule, in kindergartens and schools it lasts three weeks. This is the length of the maximum incubation period for chickenpox. If, after the end of the quarantine, a case of the disease is found again, it can be increased.

Should you take your child to kindergarten?

Not every parent has the opportunity to leave the child at home. How many days can chickenpox quarantine last? If your child was not in childcare when the infection was discovered, staff will likely advise you to stay at home. This will help prevent further spread of the disease. If it is not possible to leave the child at home, you can ask the head teacher to temporarily transfer the child to another group. If the parents decide to take the baby to kindergarten, they will be asked to write a receipt of the appropriate content.

Sometimes there are not quite standard situations. For example, the child could interact with the patient outside the kindergarten. In this case, he can visit the children's institution during the first 10 days from the incident. From day 11 until full recovery, he should be at home.

Vaccinations during quarantine

There are many more restrictions that quarantine brings with chickenpox. How many days will a child have a special regime in kindergarten? Often, parents are faced with a difficult choice: is it worth getting a chickenpox vaccine during quarantine? Is it possible to do the Mantoux reaction during this period of time? According to medical professionals, there are no contraindications to vaccination against chickenpox during quarantine. The best injection in this case would be the Varilrix vaccine. It can be administered to prevent disease. As for other vaccinations and Mantoux, they can only be done after quarantine is completed in the garden.

Precaution won't hurt

Suppose a group your child attends has been diagnosed with chickenpox. How many days will it take? If for some reason you have to give the baby to a group in which an incubation period is introduced, you should remember the precautions. They will help protect children from infection.

  1. Children are advised to attend the group in a gauze bandage.
  2. Physical education and music classes are held only in one room.
  3. The quarantine group goes outside through a separate exit and walks only in a specially designated area.
  4. Upon returning home, the child must wash and disinfect their hands.
  5. At home, for the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to carry out a thorough treatment of all surfaces.
  6. Parents should examine the child every day and monitor his well-being. If you suspect that the baby is sick, you need to call a doctor at home.

Quarantined institutions: who should not visit?

Suppose the kindergarten or school that your child attends has introduced chickenpox quarantine. How many days will the special regime last? Who should not go to quarantine establishments? Doctors do not recommend that pregnant women, children under the age of one year and the elderly appear in institutions where quarantine has been declared. If it is impossible to exclude a visit to the institution for some reason, you should definitely wear a gauze bandage.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, there is no need to introduce chickenpox quarantine at school or kindergarten. At an early age, this disease is mild. So it's better to just let the child get sick naturally. If we are talking about such social institutions as a hospital, then quarantine is simply necessary here. However, despite all the recommendations presented, many parents, when chickenpox quarantine is introduced in the children's educational institution that their child attends, prefer to leave the child at home. If it is still not possible to leave the child, then they ask the head of the institution to temporarily transfer the baby to another group. However, such measures are not always justified.


Chickenpox is an unpleasant and extremely contagious disease. But it is better for them to get sick in childhood. In this review, we examined the cases in which chickenpox quarantine is announced, how many days it lasts, and what other measures are taken to prevent the spread of the disease.

Quarantine for chickenpox in institutions of mass congestion of children is appointed in order to prevent the spread of the disease.

Chickenpox is a highly contagious infectious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. The reason for the development of the pathological process is the penetration into the human body of the herpes virus type 3. Most often, chickenpox is ill in childhood.

After a disease, a strong immunity is produced in the body. It remains throughout life.

But if a person did not have chickenpox in childhood, then the risk of infection in adulthood remains. In children, the disease in most cases is mild and rarely causes complications.

When and how is quarantine declared?

In places of mass congestion of preschool and older children, quarantine is announced for the duration of the incubation period of this disease. The starting point is the date at which the last infection was recorded. The introduction of quarantine is carried out by the head of the educational institution. The decree is issued on the basis of a medical report that confirms the outbreak of the virus.

Quarantine in kindergarten means limiting the contact of children with chickenpox with healthy ones. That is, if a child has been diagnosed with chickenpox, he is not allowed to attend a preschool. Children who have been in contact with sick people but have not been infected may continue to go to the garden.

If the child did not visit the children's group at the time of the introduction of quarantine, then parents are offered to temporarily transfer the baby to a group where there were no cases of chicken pox. Another option is to leave the child at home until the end of the quarantine period.

Information about the infection and the temporary restriction of attendance at preschool and educational institutions is posted on the front door.

Children who have had symptoms of the disease can return to kindergarten or school after receiving a certificate from a doctor, which confirms that there is no danger of spreading the infection in the team.

What to do with an outbreak of chickenpox in kindergarten and school

Most often, infection occurs through direct contact with a carrier of pathogenic microflora. Outside the human body, the virus quickly dies. However, when information about children infected with herpes type 3 appears, disinfection measures are not taken.

Quarantine rules in preschool and educational institutions:

  • Groups in which cases of chickenpox have been recorded are not allowed in areas such as a common sports or music room.
  • Game classes and the educational process are held in a room, access to which by other groups of children is limited.
  • Quarantined teams are provided with a separate (alternate) entrance to the building.
  • The room is regularly ventilated, wet cleaning is carried out.

If a person's immunity is strong, but infection still occurred, the incubation period can be long. For this reason, children who have not previously had chickenpox, but went to the quarantine group, are not allowed to visit public places.

Chickenpox - Dr. Komarovsky's School

Is quarantine necessary for chickenpox? - Doctor Komarovsky

Children who are in quarantine and attend kindergarten or school must undergo a daily medical examination. The doctor examines the skin for the presence of vesicles of chickenpox and measures body temperature. If signs of illness are detected, the child is isolated from the team and the parents are informed. From a public institution, a patient can be taken away by one of the relatives.

How long does it take

From the moment the pathogenic microflora enters the body until the first symptoms of the disease appear, 21 days pass. Quarantine for chickenpox is established relative to the duration of the incubation period. If 21 days have passed since the last recorded case of the disease and there are no repeated outbreaks of the disease, then all restrictions on the team are removed.

If another infected person appears during quarantine, the isolation period is extended.

If the family has a sick chickenpox, a healthy child is allowed to attend a kindergarten or school from 1 to 10 days. Starting from day 11 and up to and including 21, home quarantine is introduced, i.e. visiting public institutions is prohibited.

chicken pox guidelines

SanPiN are sanitary rules and norms that establish criteria for the safety of the external environment and requirements for ensuring suitable conditions for human activity.

This document states that in the event of an outbreak of chickenpox, it is not necessary to introduce quarantine in the children's team.

Parents or guardians of an infected child have the following obligations:

  1. Diagnostics. Even if the disease is mild, it is necessary that the child is examined by a doctor.
  2. Provide care. During the illness, the child should stay at home. Visiting public places is not allowed for about 3 weeks. A dangerous period for others is the time when the body is covered with bubbles. After the rash, they burst, and the liquid they contain contains a "concentrate" of the virus.
  3. Get confirmation of the end of treatment. After chickenpox, when the crusts come off and the patient feels normal, the child can attend a kindergarten or school, but with a certificate from a doctor that confirms a satisfactory state of health.

SanPin norms do not require mandatory vaccination (more).

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