Treatment of multi-colored lichen. Multicolored lichen: causes and treatment

Multicolored lichen is an aesthetically unpleasant disease. And most often it affects young people, aged 16 to 40 years. Lichen affects the upper layer of the epidermis. The disease is not dangerous, but delivering psychological and aesthetic discomfort. The exacerbation of the disease, as a rule, occurs in the summer. Since the sun promotes the development of the fungus.

Causes of multi-colored lichen

Regarding the reasons for which the fungus appears, it may be a genetic predisposition. As well as diseases of the intestines, respiratory organs, nervous system or excessive sweating. Quite often, the fungus also manifests itself in women taking contraceptive, oral pills. More than half of patients suffer from excessive sweating, which leads to the disease. Stress can also cause illness. Lichen can also appear in lovers of a solarium or sunbathing under the sun.

Signs of multi-colored lichen

Pityriasis versicolor has some similarities with diseases such as Zhiber's fungus or Vitiligo disease. For an accurate diagnosis, you should contact a dermatologist who, using a Wood's lamp and an iodine test, can reliably confirm the presence of lichen. For the initial stage of determining the fungus, you should pay attention to symptoms such as spots. They can be of different shades (yellow, brown, sometimes pink). As the disease progresses, the lesions become larger. Brown spots do not protrude above the skin and do not bother. Only sometimes there may be a slight itching, accompanied by peeling of the skin.

Places of defeat multi-colored deprive

It is most commonly found on the back, neck, shoulders, arms, or abdomen. It also occurs on the head. In this case, the hair does not change its properties or color. The fungus is not contagious if you do not wear the clothes of the patient or do not use his things.

Treatment of multi-colored lichen

Assign antifungal drugs in the form of ointments, lotions or solutions. They usually include salicylic-resorcinol alcohol, iodine and others. Most often, lichen is treated with combined preparations that include antifungal and antipruritic components. Common are Clotrimazole, Mycozoral, Ketoconazole, Mecoseptin. The ointment is applied to lichen 2 times a day. Also wipe the lesions with salicylic alcohol (3%). Oral medications like Fluconazole are effective against fungus. To wash your hair, Nizoral or Ketokenazole shampoo is prescribed. For the treatment to be successful, you need to take care of changing the linen, both underwear and bedding. After the treatment, no spots remain on the skin.

Folk remedies for the treatment of colored lichen

Common is an ointment based on tar or sulfuric ointment. This procedure is inconvenient. Since the smell of the ointment is unpleasant and difficult to wash off. Infusions of calendula, celandine, St. John's wort give a positive result in the treatment. Celandine or apple cider vinegar are also effective in fighting fungus. If lichen has affected large areas of the skin, then herbal infusions are recommended to be added to bath water.

Prevention of multi-colored lichen

It is recommended to disinfect bed linen by boiling and ironing. It is worth replacing the washcloths in the bathroom. On vacation, you only need to use your own towel and take a shower after visiting the beach. It will be useful to use sunscreen. Sunbathing is not worth the whole day, but only before the onset of heat and after lunch.

It is important not to engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment. To save time and money, it is worth contacting a dermatologist who will not only make the correct diagnosis, but also give recommendations for treatment.

One of the diseases affecting the upper protective layer of the epidermis is versicolor versicolor. According to statistics, the disease occurs more often in people under the age of 40 years. The maximum risk of color lichen in people living in countries with a predominance of high temperature and humidity.

Often a person does not notice the presence of the disease, but in sunny time the spots become clearly visible, so the popular name for the disease is “solar lichen”. It does not belong to the category of deadly, but causes significant psychological discomfort, therefore color lichen requires treatment.

Causes, pathogens and methods of infection

Get rid of versicolor possible, knowing reasons for its appearance and methods of treatment. The causative agent of the disease was identified for the first time in 1853. It turned out to be a yeast-like fungus. In 1951, M. Gordon identified the forms of the pathogen: Pityrosporum orbicular (round), P. Ovale (oval), Malassezia furfur (capable of changing from round to oval and vice versa). Pathogens are constantly on the skin in 90% of people, but are present in the form of inactive spores that do not manifest themselves in any way. To understand how to treat color lichen, it is necessary to consider the mechanism of development of the disease. It consists of the following:

  • Violation of the protective function of the skin. The human immune system is aimed at protecting the upper layer of the epithelium, releasing immunoglobulin A into it. It binds microorganisms dangerous to the skin and prevents them from entering the skin through tightly connected epidermal cells. Additional protection for the skin is the secret of the sweat glands, which contains a protein-lysozyme that can neutralize the effects of pathogenic organisms. For the manifestation of the disease, a necessary condition is a violation of the work of its protective mechanisms.
  • The appearance of mycelium - a form of fungus capable of active growth and germination deep into the skin.
  • The emergence of a protective reaction of the body in the form of an increase in the intensity of renewal of the epidermis to eliminate the fungus. As a result, small horny bran-like scales appear on the skin.
  • The weak response of the immune system to the development of the fungus is due to the fact that the fungus is constantly present on the skin and is not recognized by the cells of the immune defense. In the affected area, only the occurrence of a weak inflammatory process is possible.

Important! The causative agent of pityriasis versicolor can be transmitted from one person to another, so people with weakened immunity should limit close tactile contacts with the patient, do not use shared clothing and body care products.

It has a number of reasons and factors contributing to its occurrence:

  • weakened immunity;
  • increased sweating due to exposure to the external environment or diseases;
  • disruption of the digestive system, such as gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers, liver failure;
  • endocrine diseases, most often associated with disruption of the thyroid, pancreas;
  • vegetodystonia;
  • a state of constant stress, frustration, depression;
  • changes in hormone production associated with pregnancy, menopause, puberty, or disruption of hormone-producing organs;
  • increased fat content of the skin;
  • regular intake of drugs related to corticosteroids and cytostatics;
  • abuse of detergents for the skin, thinning the upper layer of the dermis.

Knowing what does color lichen look like it is not difficult to determine the development of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

versicolor in humans has characteristic features of development. The general characteristics include the feature of the growth of lichen from the center in different directions. There may be several foci of the disease. At first, they are visualized as small yellow or pinkish spots with clear boundaries. As it grows lichen color spots on the body merge, forming an oval or diamond-shaped lesion with jagged edges, scaly in the center. Under the influence of sunlight, the spots begin to stand out with whitishness, since at the localization sites, depriving ultraviolet cannot penetrate into the dermis.

Forms of colored lichen

It has symptoms, which differ depending on the form of the disease:

1 Erythematosquamous is the most common form of lichen sunburn. Its distinctive feature is the presence of spots of a characteristic leopard color: brown, coffee-milk, beige.

With the growth of foci of the disease, a person may experience slight itching.

The spots are not convex, so they do not stand out on the skin. Touching the affected area does not cause discomfort or pain in the patient. With slight combing, small scales are separated from the lichen.

The most common sites of localization are the back of the chest. Less commonly, lichen in humans affects the area of ​​the shoulders, back, scalp, and thighs.

The exacerbation of the disease is seasonal. The peak incidence occurs in the autumn-spring period.

2 Follicular form. With this form pityriasis versicolor in humans there is a pustular rash. Papules are up to 3 mm in size, ulcers cause itching in the process of maturation, sometimes an increase in body temperature. This form of colored lichen is more often manifested in people with hormonal, endocrine disorders.

3 Inverted form - characterized by localization mainly in places of natural formation of skin folds. It occurs due to weakened immunity, genetic predisposition.

4 The rarest form of multi-colored lichen - affecting the internal organs. Such a form versicolor occurs in children born prematurely.

In summer, when the skin tans, the spots appear lighter, and in winter they appear darker.

Important! Treatment of the disease is possible only when diagnosed by a specialist, since when visually inspecting colored lichen on the skin, it is easy to confuse it with vitiligo, Zhiber's deprive, syphilitic roseola.

Methods for diagnosing lichen color

Before as get rid of multicolored lichen, a dermatologist makes a reliable diagnosis. First, he conducts a visual examination of the patient's skin. According to the anamnesis, the doctor may suspect the development of pityriasis versicolor, suggest the causes of the development of the disease.

Inspection and testing

To prevent misdiagnosis, the doctor may conduct tests:

1 Balzer test (iodine), in which the doctor treats the area affected by lichen with an alcohol solution of iodine. Since under the influence of the fungus the stratum corneum of the epidermis has a loose structure, these areas are more susceptible to coloring and are distinguished by darker spots.

Information! For testing, iodine can be replaced with aniline dyes: methylene blue, brilliant green.

2 Besnier's symptom (the phenomenon of "chips") is expressed as follows: when a glass slide is passed over the surface of the affected area, flakes of the epidermis resembling chips will remain on it.

3 Inspection of the spot under ultraviolet rays: the light of a Wood's fluorescent lamp is directed to the blooming lichen. It causes fluorescence in mushrooms of various forms - a yellow-brown glow, which is easy to see on the patient's skin when the light is off.

Laboratory diagnostics

In the laboratory, the doctor collects scales from the site of lichen localization on a glass slide and sends it to the laboratory for research. There, the material is soaked in an alkaline medium and examined under a microscope. Mycelium is a thread with a diameter of about 2-4 microns of small length. Along with this, the presence of spores is noted, the accumulation of which under a microscope resembles bunches of grapes.

With a lack of material, a part of it is placed in olive oil, which is a favorable environment for the growth of fungi. After 2-3 days, you can observe an increase in their colony.

Identification of comorbidities

Effective treatment of color lichen in humans is impossible without eliminating the factors that influence its appearance. To identify them, analyzes are carried out:

  • a general blood test allows the leukocyte formula to determine the work of the immune system and identify the development of pathological processes in the body;
  • blood test for sugar level, determination of glucose tolerance - allows you to determine the presence of endocrine disorders;
  • biochemical blood test - allows you to get information about the state of internal organs, metabolism, microelement deficiency;
  • conducting enzyme immunoassay to detect diseases of bacterial or infectious origin; analysis is necessary to exclude the impact of HIV on the patient's immune system.

Analyzes allow you to determine what caused the disease and how to cure multi-colored lichen.

Treatment of multi-colored lichen

Therapeutic lichen multicolor treatment involves the use of anti-fungal agents for oral and external use in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor regarding nutrition and lifestyle.

Important! How to cure lichen color should be instructed by a certified specialist after making a reliable diagnosis.

Treatment of color lichen in humans is carried out with drug therapy. In this case, drugs are used:

1 Antimycotics produced in the form of a spray, cream, ointment for topical use and having a fungicidal and fungistatic effect. They help to get rid of colored lichen, preventing its spread and relapse, and serve as a means of prevention during remission. The most common ones are:

  • Bifonazole cream, solution, powder (with 1% content of bifonazole) and its analogues: Mikospor, Bifosin;
  • Clotrimazole and its analogues: Candide, Candisan, Fungisan.

2 Antifungal drugs in the form of tablets are good for fighting lichen color and are used in the treatment of a disease that is difficult to cure. These drugs include:

  • Fluconazole and its analogues, such as: Flucostat, Medoflucon, Mikosist, iflyukan.
  • Itraconazole and its analogues, such as: Itrazol, Canditral, Orungal, Rumikoz. Preparations of this group are used for two to four weeks.
  • Medicines - derivatives of imidazole dioxolane: Ketoconazole, Nizoral, Mycozoral, Oronazole, Fungavis.

3 Allylamine group drugs: Terbinafine, Exitern, Lamisil.

4 Keratolytics that help exfoliate skin cells. These include products containing salicylic acid, resorcinol alcohol, glycolic acid.

5 Preparations - retinoids - are used for prolonged treatment of color deprivation. These include Acitretin, its analogue - Neotigazon.

6 Antibiotic to reduce skin pigmentation - Cycloserine.

7 Antihistamines to reduce itching, such as Fenistil, Suprastin, Zyrtec.

8 Vitamins, immunomodulating drugs.

When deciding how to treat color lichen, the doctor relies on data on the duration and severity of the disease.

When following certain rules, independent use of the remedy for the treatment of multi-colored lichen is allowed.

Treatment at home

It takes a long time to treat lichen. Even in the absence of visible manifestations of the disease, the course of treatment must be completed. Since the disease does not require hospitalization, drugs prescribed by a dermatologist are used as prescribed by the patient on their own.

Patients often have questions: how to get rid of color lichen at home. At home, Demyanovich's liquid helps to fight against color lichen. For this, the product is rubbed into the skin for 2 weeks. To prevent recurrence, the procedure must be repeated after 2 months.

Andriasyan's liquid containing salicylic acid and resorcinol, which dries the top layer of the skin, is also an effective remedy.

Along with drug treatment, you can use traditional medicine recipes:

  • Make lotions from a decoction of celandine. To prepare it, 1 tbsp. herbs are poured with 2 cups of boiling water and infused for at least 15 minutes.
  • Apply sponges moistened with onion juice to the affected areas 2-3 times a day.
  • To raise immunity and tone the body, take a solution of 1 tbsp. water, 1 tsp honey and apple cider vinegar.
  • Regular lubrication of lichen stains with apple cider vinegar will help eliminate itching.
  • A tincture of calendula flowers will help remove stains. For its preparation, it is necessary to pour 100 g of flowers with 500 ml of alcohol 40%. Treat lichen with tincture should be 3 times a day. In case of excessive skin irritation, dilute 1 tsp. tincture in 200 ml of water.

Important! You can swim with a washcloth only one week after the start of therapeutic treatment.

Prevention of solar deprivation

Since ultraviolet light contributes to the destruction of the causative agent of solar lichen, sunbathing in moderation is recommended to prevent the disease.

In summer, with high humidity, it is necessary to treat the affected areas with salicylic alcohol, vinegar or citric acid diluted in water.

In order not to get sick with colored lichen, it is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene, regularly disinfecting clothes and bed linen, and airing the room.

People who are prone to lichen need to stick to a diet, eliminating the consumption of sweets, fatty and fried foods. Provoke the onset of the disease can be the use of products prepared using yeast, alcoholic beverages, kvass.

You can defeat the disease only by knowing how to get rid of multi-colored lichen and prevent relapse, adhering to the rules of hygiene, healthy eating and lifestyle.


Pityriasis versicolor or pityriasis versicolor is a skin infection caused by the malassezia fungus. Most often, this disease is diagnosed in countries with a hot climate, it is often called beach lichen. In preschoolers and people of retirement age, the disease is rarely detected, more often young people suffer from it.

The disease is prone to a long course with relapses in the warm season. Colored lichen does not pose a threat to life, but it can signal problems in the body and cause psychological discomfort to a person, reduce the quality of life.

In appearance, pityriasis versicolor can be confused with dermatological diseases. For example, with vitiligo. There is nothing in common between diseases, because versicolor is an infectious fungal disease, and vitiligo is impaired skin pigmentation due to the aggressive effects of substances, endocrine and autoimmune failures, etc. Normally, there are fungi in a certain amount on the human body. Under favorable conditions for them, they begin to actively develop. As a result, lichen occurs.

As mentioned above, normally each person has a certain number of Malassezia, Pityrosporum fungi, but not everyone suffers from colored lichen. This is due to the individual characteristics of the body, age and other factors. According to statistics, more often pityriasis versicolor affects people with disturbed hormonal balance, with problems of the endocrine system. For example, these are pregnant women, patients with thyroid diseases, patients with diabetes, tuberculosis, and oncology.

Other factors that provoke color lichen in healthy people are the hot climate in the country of residence or work in production in conditions of constant high temperatures and humidity. The reasons why people are more likely to get tinea versicolor are excessive sweating, being overweight, neglecting personal hygiene, and preferring to wear synthetic fabrics in the summer.

Often provokes the occurrence of color deprivation of passion for antibacterial ointments, tanning (on the beach and in the solarium), constant being in a state of anxiety, stress. More often multi-colored deprive men aged 16 - 40 years are ill.

Despite the fact that children very rarely suffer from multi-colored lichen, nevertheless such cases do occur. As a rule, in children, lichen affects the skin of the chest and abdomen, rarely - the face and head. The disease can be transmitted to children from other children or adults when sharing personal hygiene items.

Also, pityriasis versicolor in children can manifest itself due to heredity. Members of the same family have largely the same skin type and chemical composition of the secretion of the sweat glands. Another factor due to which lichen can be transmitted is the neglect of personal hygiene by parents.

In adolescence, the appearance of lichen provokes hormonal changes in the body against the background of active physical exertion and neglect of hygiene procedures. As mentioned above, the fungus on the skin, under favorable conditions for it, begins to actively multiply, turning from a conditionally pathogenic into a real disease.

Symptoms of multi-colored lichen

You can recognize pityriasis versicolor by pronounced spots on the skin. A focus develops around the hair follicle, the spot grows in size, takes a rounded or irregular shape with delineated boundaries. The color of the spot is different enough from healthy skin to go unnoticed. The spots spread, merge with each other, and with an extensive lesion, the human skin becomes similar to a geographical atlas. The color of the spots is different - from yellowish to dark coffee. The foci of the disease do not protrude above the surface of the skin, as is the case with other forms of lichen. There may be no itching, no pain. More often, manifestations of lichen are found on the upper half of the body - on the back, neck, chest, shoulders and in the armpits. Rarely, versicolor affects the head and face.

Dermatologists distinguish several subspecies of multi-colored lichen - achromic, yellow and black. They differ among themselves in the type of pathogen, the color of the foci of the disease, the nuances of the recommended treatment. Accurate diagnosis is the responsibility of the doctor, who conducts a visual examination and directs the patient for tests.

Some patients who contract pityriasis versicolor try to mask the skin defect with a suntan. Alas, this does not give the desired results. On the contrary, areas of the skin affected by lichen lose their normal pigmentation. Therefore, they are not affected by UV radiation, whether tanning on the beach or in the solarium. Therefore, lichen against the background of tanned skin will become even more prominent with light spots.

Diagnosis of colored lichen

It was mentioned above that the spots of multi-colored lichen are outwardly similar to the spots that occur with vitiligo. On closer inspection, you can see that the surface of the spots is loose, flaky. It is not difficult to scrape off the skin flakes. For doctors, it is not difficult to identify lichen color, since it is not so common. A simple way to differentiate the disease is to conduct a Balzer test (skin is smeared with iodine). In this case, the doctor will note that the affected areas acquire a brighter color due to the loose surface.

The localization of the foci of the disease is well detected using a Wood's lamp. Under the light of the lamp, the places affected by lichen begin to glow with a specific color. This makes it possible to see the focus of the disease on the skin even when outwardly it is practically not detected in any way. The most accurate diagnostic technique is a laboratory analysis under a microscope, when scrapings are taken from the patient from the affected skin for examination. This allows you to accurately tell if there are pathogens on the skin, which ones, and to which antifungal drugs they will react.

How contagious is tinea versicolor?

When asked whether pityriasis versicolor is contagious, doctors do not give a unanimous answer. The disease itself is not dangerous for a person if it proceeds without complications and other diseases. Doctors tend to consider the disease conditionally contagious, since lichen is transmitted by fungi, which, under favorable circumstances, will cause disease in a new "owner".

You can become infected through personal contact with a sick person, when sharing personal items, in common locker rooms and fitting rooms. If you know how color lichen is transmitted, you can take adequate preventive measures and never get infected with it.

Treatment and prevention of pityriasis versicolor

The doctor will draw up a treatment regimen based on the course of the disease, the degree of spread, the general health of the patient. With small areas of damage, it is enough to use local remedies - ointments, gels. In severe cases of the course of the disease, medication is prescribed orally. Systemically acting tablets will rid the entire body of fungi. When choosing from topical products, you should give preference to lotions, sprays and solutions. They are easy to apply, gently rubbed and well absorbed, without staining everything around.

Salicylic-resorcinol alcohol, iodine are standardly included in the composition of ointments, lotions from the fungus. Combined remedies that act simultaneously against fungus and itching on the skin have shown themselves well. The most popular drugs are Clotrimazole, Mecoseptin, Ketoconazole, Mycozoral. Ointments are applied to the foci of the disease twice a day. In between, the stains are wiped with salicylic alcohol. You can wash your hair with Ketoconazole or Nizoral medicated shampoo.

Of folk remedies, apple cider vinegar is the simplest and most popular. Moisten a cotton pad in vinegar and wipe lichen spots 6-7 times a day, repeat the procedure after 3 days. Apple cider vinegar lotions are no less effective, which are applied to the lesions for 5-10 minutes. If a person's skin is alkaline, a little bite can be added to the shower gel. This will prevent fungus and various viral diseases. Apple cider vinegar eliminates itchy skin, heals the skin.

To prevent relapses, you need to change underwear more often, iron clothes that have come into contact with the body. All necessary recommendations will be given by the attending physician. He will also tell the patient whether multi-colored lichen is contagious or not, how to supplement treatment with folk remedies and avoid relapses.

Getting rid of the causative agents of multi-colored lichen takes time, but it will take even longer for the affected skin to acquire its natural color. In the summer heat, the pigmentation of the once diseased areas can return, like the lichen itself. After the beach, you must definitely take a shower, use only a personal towel. It is advisable to use products that protect against UV rays. You can sunbathe in the morning and in the afternoon. For the purpose of prevention, you need to boil and iron bed linen, be sure to change washcloths in the bathroom.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

pityriasis lichen is an infectious non-inflammatory disease of the stratum corneum (dermatosis) caused by opportunistic fungi of the genus Pityrosporam and characterized by the formation of yellow-brown spots on the skin. This disease is long-term and is considered relatively safe, because it is non-contagious (not contagious), almost never causes complications and does not affect the quality of life. That is why, in most cases, people begin treatment for pityriasis versicolor for aesthetic reasons in order to eliminate ugly, in their opinion, spots on the skin.

Brief description of the disease

Pityriasis versicolor has been known to doctors for a long time, as a result of which this disease has a number of names, such as "multicolor lichen", "beach lichen", "Tinea Versicolor", "Pityriasis Versicolor", "Pityriasis furfuracea", "Lichen versicolor", etc. These various names were given at different times on the basis of one or another symptom of the disease, which was singled out by doctors as the most characteristic. Currently, the official name of the pathology is pityriasis versicolor, however, all other variants of the names are also still used, so you need to know them in order to navigate and understand what disease is meant in any situation.

Pityriasis versicolor must be distinguished from another skin disease that has a similar name, namely, Devergy's pityriasis pilaris (Pityriasis versicolor). Deverzhi's lichen is red, and pityriasis versicolor is multi-colored, and these two different diseases are united only by the presence of the word "pityriasis" in the names.

The essence of pityriasis versicolor lies in the fact that pseudomycelium of the fungus constantly grows in the stratum corneum of the skin. Due to the reproduction and growth of pseudomycelium in the stratum corneum, a subacute inflammatory reaction occurs, as well as increased reproduction and cell death with the formation of a large number of horny scales. As a result of these pathological processes, the areas of the stratum corneum soften, peel off and lose their normal color, forming characteristic lesions on the skin in the form of spots of uneven shape and various sizes. That is, the main external manifestation of pityriasis versicolor are spots on the skin, having different shapes and sizes, painted in yellowish-brown shades on untanned skin, and in white-yellow colors on tanned skin.

The disease is caused by opportunistic fungi, which can be present on human skin in several forms. When the fungus is in a non-pathogenic form, it is part of the normal microflora of the skin, does not harm a person and does not cause pityriasis. But if for some reason the fungus passes into one of two pathogenic forms, then it becomes able to penetrate from the surface of the skin into the depths of its stratum corneum and thereby cause the development of pityriasis versicolor. Classifying a fungus as conditionally pathogenic means that normally it does not harm a person, but when favorable conditions are formed for it, it causes the development of the disease.

Usually, favorable conditions for the fungus, in which it passes into a pathogenic form and causes lichen, is the high humidity of the skin, and the high temperature of the air or skin. This means that any factors that contribute to the prolonged stay of the skin in a wet and hot state (for example, increased sweating, intense physical work, being in a hot, stuffy room, taking antipyretic drugs, vegetative-vascular dystonia, heavy sweats with tuberculosis, too warm clothes etc.), in fact, can be considered as provoking the development of pityriasis versicolor. That is why pityriasis versicolor is much more common in people living in a hot and humid climate, compared to those who are constantly in the temperate climate zone.

Separately, it should be noted that people may have a genetic tendency to develop this mycosis. This category is characterized by the occurrence of the disease even with a slight influence of provoking factors.

The disease most often occurs between the ages of 10 and 50 years. Children under 10 years of age and people over 55 years of age almost never suffer from pityriasis versicolor.

Since pityriasis versicolor is caused by opportunistic representatives of the human skin's own normal microflora, this disease, despite its infectious nature, is non-contagious. This means that a person suffering from pityriasis versicolor is not dangerous to others, since the disease is not transmitted from him to other people. Therefore, everyone around can fearlessly enter into close tactile contacts (hugging, handshakes, etc.) with people suffering from pityriasis versicolor.

At the initial stages of the disease, the fungus, which has passed into a pathogenic form, penetrates into the outlets of the sebaceous glands located in the region of the hair follicles. In the sebaceous glands, the fungus multiplies, affecting a small area of ​​the stratum corneum around the hairs. The affected areas look like small yellow-brown dots on the skin. As the disease progresses, the affected areas of the skin increase in size, taking the form of irregularly shaped spots of various sizes. Such patches can be any shade of brownish, brown, or tan on untanned skin and whitish-yellow on tanned skin. With a long course of the disease, the spots merge with each other, forming extensive lesions with a diameter of up to 15 cm.

The surface of the spots is covered with scales, which, with a slight scraping, begin to peel off intensively. The more often a person washes, the less noticeable peeling and scales on spots, due to the fact that they are constantly mechanically removed and do not have time to accumulate in large quantities. However, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation (including when sunbathing in the sun), the spots begin to peel off intensively and acquire white-yellowish or creamy shades, unlike the rest of the skin, which becomes dark. Intense peeling of spots that occurs under the influence of sunlight can lead to spontaneous spontaneous healing due to the fact that the fungus will simply be removed from the stratum corneum of the skin along with falling scales.

Spots with pityriasis versicolor, as a rule, are localized on the upper body - on the trunk, chest, back, décolleté, under the arms, on the shoulders, abdomen, etc. In more rare cases, spots appear on the arms, legs, neck, in the genital area, and also on the head under the hair.

Spots of pityriasis versicolor usually do not manifest themselves clinically, only occasionally provoking mild itching.

Lichen can last for years, but by the age of 55 - 60 years, it almost always heals spontaneously. Unfortunately, due to a genetic predisposition, lichen can recur even after high-quality treatment.

Pityriasis versicolor is treated with antifungal and keratolytic agents, as well as specialized skin washes. Antifungal drugs destroy the fungus, keratolytic agents cause increased peeling, which allows you to simultaneously kill the pathogenic microbe and remove it from the affected areas. Means for washing the skin allow you to quickly and effectively remove peeling and prevent relapses of the disease. Almost all remedies for the treatment of pityriasis versicolor are used externally, and only in rare cases, antifungal drugs are taken orally.

Photo of pityriasis (multi-colored) lichen on the skin and on the head

This photo shows pityriasis versicolor patches in the armpit.

This photo shows pityriasis versicolor patches on untanned skin, localized in the décolleté area.

This photo shows a pityriasis versicolor lesion in the back on tanned skin.

This photo shows pityriasis versicolor patches on tanned skin.

This photo shows pityriasis versicolor patches on untanned skin.

This photo shows lichen patches on the face.

Causes of pityriasis versicolor

The causative factor of pityriasis versicolor is a fungus of the genus Pityrosporum, which is opportunistic and is present on the human skin as part of the normal microflora. This means that the fungus is normally present on the skin, like other representatives of the microflora, without causing any diseases. But if conditions favorable for the fungus are formed (high humidity and temperature), then it transforms into a pathogenic form and causes lichen.

The usual form of the fungus, in which it is present on the skin as part of the normal microflora, is called Pityrosporum orbiculare. In this form, the fungus has a characteristic rounded shape, from which it got its name. The transition of the fungus into a pathogenic form, in which it causes pityriasis versicolor, can be carried out in two ways. That is, from a normal fungus can go into two different pathogenic forms, each of which is capable of causing lichen. Each pathogenic form of the fungus has its own name - it is Pityrosporum ovale and Malassezia furfur. The fungus in the form of Pityrosporum ovale has a characteristic oval shape, due to which it is able to penetrate the stratum corneum of the skin and cause lichen. It is the oval shape of the fungus that causes primary foci of lichen. The fungus in the form of Malassezia furfur forms a mycelium, penetrates deeply into the stratum corneum and is characteristic of the progressive course of pityriasis versicolor.

That is, normally, the fungus that causes pityriasis versicolor is present on the skin in the form of Pityrosporum orbiculare. In the initial stages of the disease, when lichen develops, the fungus is found on the skin in the form of Pityrosporum ovale. Further, when the first spots have already formed, the fungus passes into the form of the mycelium of Malassezia furfur and in this state can exist for years, supporting the progression of lichen.

Thus, it can be generally said that the cause of pityriasis versicolor are three forms of opportunistic fungus, which are called Pityrosporum orbiculare, Pityrosporum ovale and Malassezia furfur. In various sources, you can find any of the three names, but you need to know that these are forms of the same microorganism, two of which cause pityriasis versicolor.

The transition of the fungus into pathogenic forms occurs with increased humidity and an increase in skin temperature. That is, any situations in which the skin is often wet and hot provoke the transition of the fungus into a pathogenic form and thereby lead to the development of pityriasis versicolor. These factors that activate the fungus are called predisposing.

Currently Predisposing factors for pityriasis versicolor include the following:

  • Increased sweating (idiopathic, during heavy physical work or active sports training, when being in hot conditions (for example, in the heat of the street, in a hot shop, in a bath, etc.), when wearing excessively warm clothes that are not suitable for the weather, when taking medications against the background of various diseases, such as vegetative-vascular dystonia, tuberculosis, rheumatism, etc.);
  • Oily seborrhea of ​​the skin;
  • Lubrication of the skin with fats;
  • malnutrition;
  • Diseases that occur with long periods of fever;
  • Taking hormonal glucocorticoid drugs (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, etc.) or antibiotics for a long time;
  • Change in the pH of sweat to the alkaline side (for example, with diabetes, obesity, malignant tumors, Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, etc.);
  • Age under 10 and over 55;
  • Genetic predisposition to pityriasis versicolor, inherited;
  • High air humidity in tropical and subtropical countries;
  • Taking oral contraceptives.
Contrary to popular belief, impaired immunity is not a predisposing factor for the development of pityriasis versicolor. Therefore, in people with reduced immunity, the risk of developing pityriasis versicolor is no higher than in everyone else.

Since lichen requires high humidity and temperature to develop, this disease most often affects people living in countries with a hot and humid climate. So, in the tropics and subtropics, about 30 - 40% of people at least once in their lives suffered from pityriasis versicolor, and in countries with a temperate climate, only 2 - 5% of them.

Despite the fact that pityriasis versicolor is provoked by a fungus and is essentially an infectious disease, it is not contagious, that is, it is not transmitted from person to person or from animals to people. The non-infectiousness of lichen is due to the fact that the pathogen is a representative of the normal microflora of a person, and certain conditions are necessary for its transition to a pathogenic form.

Pityriasis (colorful) lichen - symptoms

Pityriasis versicolor in children

In children under 10 years of age, pityriasis versicolor almost never occurs, since they have protective mechanisms against the negative effects of moisture and high temperature on the skin of the body. However, if the skin of a child is often lubricated with solid fats (for example, butter, cocoa butter, etc.), then pityriasis versicolor may develop even at the age of less than 7-10 years.

Starting from about the age of 10 years, when children enter prepuberty and they begin to restructure the body with the production of sex hormones, the skin acquires properties like in adults, that is, it becomes sensitive to high humidity and temperature. As a result, it is from the age of 10 years that children also become susceptible to pityriasis versicolor, which develops in them in the same way as in adults - when an opportunistic fungus passes into a pathogenic form under the influence of predisposing factors.

Pityriasis versicolor in children usually proceeds in exactly the same way as in adults, without any fundamental differences and features. Only its spots on untanned skin in children are often painted in light colors, including white, resembling those on tanned skin. Otherwise, there are no features and differences in the course and treatment of pityriasis versicolor in adults and children, so considering this disease separately in childhood does not make practical sense.

Multicolored lichen during pregnancy

The development of pityriasis versicolor during pregnancy is not dangerous, since this disease does not adversely affect the fetus. This means that a pregnant woman may not worry about the condition of the child if she falls ill with pityriasis versicolor.

Moreover, since pityriasis versicolor is not fraught with complications and does not have a negative impact on human health, and drugs for its treatment, on the contrary, can be dangerous for the growth and development of the fetus, many doctors recommend not starting its therapy during pregnancy. Gynecologists and dermatologists recommend that you calmly endure and give birth to a child, and after that proceed with the treatment of pityriasis versicolor with antifungal agents that will no longer be able to harm the baby.

However, if for some reason a woman wants to start treatment for pityriasis versicolor during pregnancy, then drugs that are safe for the fetus should be selected. In the vast majority of cases, these are external means. But you should not use any external drugs for the treatment of pityriasis versicolor, their choice must be approached very responsibly, choosing those drugs that do not penetrate the systemic circulation and, accordingly, do not harm the fetus. A gynecologist or pharmacist can give comprehensive advice on which topical antifungals are safe to use during pregnancy.

Pityriasis (varicolored) lichen in children and pregnant women: treatment, prevention (opinion of a dermatovenereologist) - video


The diagnosis of pityriasis versicolor is made on the basis of the characteristic appearance of the spots, as well as several tests that distinguish the disease from others similar to it in clinical manifestations, such as vitiligo, white or pink lichen, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, dermatophytosis of the body, eczema, cutaneous syphilis.

Currently, the following diagnostic tests are being carried out to clarify the diagnosis of pityriasis versicolor and distinguish it from other diseases with similar manifestations:

  • Microscopy of scrapings from spots- when examining under a microscope the scales, previously treated with a 20% KOH solution, with pityriasis versicolor, the filaments of the mycelium of the fungus and the yeast cells themselves are visible in the form of a characteristic picture with the figurative name "naval pasta". This means that the mycelium of the fungus looks like long strands, between which there are dark, rounded yeast fungal cells. That is, in total, white strands and dark rounded pieces between them are visible in the microscope, which resembles the appearance of the "navy-style pasta" dish;
  • iodine test- stains and surrounding skin are treated with 5% iodine solution and after a few minutes the color intensity is fixed. Spots in pityriasis versicolor are dark brown, and their color is much more intense than the surrounding normal skin;
  • Examining spots in the light of a Wood's lamp- with pityriasis versicolor, the spots glow reddish-yellow or greenish-golden;
  • Positive "shavings" symptom (Bernier's symptom)- when scraping the stain, peeling appears. Exfoliating particles are very small, similar to flour.
In the vast majority of cases, for the diagnosis of pityriasis versicolor, it is enough to study the spots in the light of the Wood's lamp and the iodine test.

For self-diagnosis of the disease, you can use the available and simple methods that are shown in this video:


General principles of therapy for pityriasis versicolor (how to treat?)

Treatment of pityriasis versicolor should be aimed at the simultaneous destruction of the fungus and the accelerated exfoliation of the horny scales of the affected skin. This means that in the treatment of pityriasis versicolor, antifungal agents are used that have a detrimental effect on the causative agent of infection, and keratolytics - agents that accelerate the exfoliation of dead skin cells.

All keratolytics are external agents, that is, they are applied to the affected areas of the body for a certain period of time, after which they are washed off. Antifungal drugs can be intended for both external use and oral administration. As a rule, antifungal agents for external use are used to treat pityriasis versicolor, since they are able to penetrate into the loosened layer of dead cells of the stratum corneum of the skin and destroy the fungi and mycelium filaments in it. Antifungal drugs for oral administration are used to treat versicolor versicolor only with severe and extensive lesions (for example, the follicular form on the background of diabetes mellitus, etc.) or with persistent recurrence of the disease with the ineffectiveness of external agents.

So, In general, the treatment regimen for pityriasis versicolor is as follows: alternate lubrication of spots, first with antifungal external agents, and then with keratolytics 1-2 times a day for 2-4 weeks, until the peeling disappears. When the peeling disappears on the spots, this will mean that the fungus has died and the lichen has been cured. But, despite the death of the fungus, the spots will be noticeable for some time, until a new layer of completely healthy skin grows in their place, after which there will be no trace of them.

If pityriasis versicolor is localized on the scalp, then instead of ointments, shampoos containing antifungal components, such as selenium sulfide, zinc pyrithione, ketoconazole, etc. are used. Shampoos are applied to the scalp daily for 1 to 4 weeks, depending on the speed of recovery. The moment of recovery is also determined by the disappearance of peeling in the area of ​​the spots. Keratolytics are not used in this case, since they can adversely affect the hair.

If lichen stubbornly does not respond to external treatment(after applying for more than 4 weeks, peeling in the area of ​​​​spots persists) or recurs, then, in addition to antifungal ointments or shampoos and keratolytics, they add antifungal drugs in tablets. Usually, tablets are taken for 1 to 4 weeks, focusing on the disappearance of peeling in the area of ​​​​spots, as a sign of recovery. During the entire period of taking the tablets, the spots are lubricated with antifungal ointments and keratolytics.

Also a useful auxiliary, and sometimes the main treatment for pityriasis versicolor is exposure to the sun (tanning). The fact is that under the influence of sunlight, active exfoliation of skin cells occurs, along with which the fungus is removed from the stratum corneum. With intense peeling, spontaneous recovery from pityriasis versicolor is possible. That is, the sun's rays, in fact, act like a powerful keratolytic, leading to the removal of the fungus from the skin structures and, accordingly, complete recovery. Thus, you can try to cure pityriasis versicolor by intensively sunbathing throughout the warm period of the year.

If the spots of pityriasis versicolor are very itchy, then the following recommendations should be followed to reduce the severity of itching:

  • Wash only with water without soap;
  • Wash in warm water and avoid hot water as it makes itching worse;
  • After washing, apply moisturizers to the skin.
In the event that the above measures do not help reduce the severity of itching, it is necessary to start taking antihistamines, such as Suprastin, Fenistil, Parlazin, Zirtek, Erius, Telfast, Claritin, etc. Antihistamines should be taken until the end of treatment.

Compliance with any diet during the treatment of pityriasis versicolor is not required. Also, when treating lichen, you can freely wash as much as necessary. But during therapy, you should often change underwear and bed linen, giving preference to products made from natural fabrics, and after recovery, disinfect all linen accessories (sheets, underwear, towels, etc.) by boiling.

Unfortunately, despite the relative safety of the disease, versicolor is prone to recurrence, so most people re-infect within 2 years after successful treatment. Relapses do not mean that the treatment was of poor quality, just that a person most likely has a hereditary predisposition to the disease, as a result of which he develops an infection very quickly compared to others if conditions are favorable for it.

To prevent relapse pityriasis versicolor, it is necessary to periodically (1 time per month) take one tablet of antifungal drugs.

Preparations for the treatment of pityriasis versicolor

Listed below are the names


Weakened immunity and humid hot weather can cause multi-colored spots on the skin - the main symptoms of lichen. The disease is common, affecting mainly young people and adolescents. This article will tell you about the color lichen disease - the treatment with which means and drugs will be most effective, whether the disease is contagious and what are the causes of its occurrence.

What is color lichen

Multicolored pityriasis versicolor is a fungal disease of the skin, characterized by the appearance of scaly, sometimes itchy spots on the trunk, neck, and shoulders. The color of the affected areas can be different - pink, brown, yellow-brown, coffee, which is why lichen is called rainbow. The causative agent of the disease is the fungus pitirosporum oval, which affects the stratum corneum of the epidermis and hair follicles. The causes of colored lichen are:

  • high humidity and air temperature;
  • ionizing radiation;
  • increased sweating;
  • the effect of solar radiation;
  • wearing synthetic clothing;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • weak immune system;
  • diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, VSD.

In all patients, lichen color can manifest itself in different ways, which is clearly visible in the photo - the shape, color, location of spots, the presence of peeling and itching are individual signs of the disease. Pathology can be transmitted only through close bodily contact of a healthy person with an infected person, so it is very important to follow the rules of hygiene. Lichen color does not pose a health hazard, but brings great aesthetic and psychological discomfort.

  • Ointment for the treatment of lichen in humans
  • Remedy for depriving a person - varieties of the disease, drugs and traditional medicine recipes
  • Pityriasis versicolor in humans, causes, photo. Treatment of pityriasis versicolor drugs and folk remedies

How to treat color lichen in humans

If you find lichen color on your body, it is recommended to discuss its treatment with a dermatologist, without resorting to the use of unverified methods at home. After a thorough diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe a comprehensive course of therapy that promotes a speedy recovery and prevents the occurrence of relapses of dermatosis. Treatment of colored lichen is carried out with the help of medicines and traditional medicine.

Medical treatment

A doctor should prescribe drugs for therapy, since self-medication can worsen the condition of the skin and significantly delay the healing process. Drug treatment of lichen involves the use of external fungicidal agents (creams, ointments, lotions), the use of antifungal drugs in the form of tablets, as well as taking a complex of vitamins that increase immunity.

Treatment of pityriasis versicolor folk remedies

If you are interested in how to cure pityriasis versicolor quickly, pay attention to alternative medicine methods. The following folk remedies for colored lichen can become very effective during the treatment of the disease:

  • rubbing lichen spots with burdock oil or onion juice;
  • taking a bath with a decoction of blackcurrant;
  • the use of strained turnip juice to rub the affected skin;
  • lubrication of lichen with a solution of boric acid powder;
  • applying fresh sunflower leaves to the skin;
  • application to the affected areas of birch tar.

How to treat color lichen

There are many ways to treat pityriasis dermatosis. The selection of the optimal therapy option should be carried out by a doctor, depending on the individual characteristics of the course of the disease in the patient. If you do not know how to get rid of colored lichen on the body, use the following recommendations:

  • change and disinfect bed linen daily;
  • wear clothes only from natural fabrics;
  • wipe the skin in hot weather with water with the addition of apple cider vinegar, citric acid, or using a weak solution of salicylic alcohol;
  • eat a balanced diet;
  • temporarily do not use body cosmetics;
  • sunbathe - this helps to destroy the fungus;
  • avoid stressful situations, excessive physical exertion;
  • get rid of bad habits.

Antifungal ointments

Often, during the treatment of colored lichen, antifungal ointments are prescribed - miconazole, clotrimazole, lamisil, kektazol. It is recommended to use a drug that has a fungicidal effect and effectively removes spots on the skin - Nizoral. Apply external agents to the areas affected by the fungus twice a day. For the effectiveness of therapy, you should refrain from taking a shower for twelve hours after the ointment from colored lichen has been applied to the skin.

Systemic antimycotics

Tablets from colored lichen form the basis of the treatment of the disease. Popular effective drugs used to eliminate the fungus are Mycozoral, Fungoterbin, Rumikoz, Binafin. Taking these pills, the patient may notice a sharp improvement in the condition of the skin, but therapy cannot be interrupted - the disease can recur if it is not completely cured.

Preparations for strengthening immunity

Fungal bacteria that provoke the appearance of colored lichen exist on the surface of the skin in almost every person, but appear only when the body's defenses are reduced. Tincture of Eleutherococcus, Echinacea, Leuzea, Immunal are immune boosters that should be taken to prevent and eliminate the symptoms of colored dermatosis.

Pityriasis Shampoo

You can get rid of lichen spots on the hairy areas of the body using antifungal shampoos for lichen, spray and lotions containing selenium sulfide, zinc pyrithione, ketoconazole, ciclopirox. It is recommended to use Nizoral, Mycozoral for treatment. The medicinal substance from the composition of the preparations, when applied topically, does not penetrate the skin sufficiently, therefore the use of shampoos should be combined with therapy with systemic antimycotics.

How to treat ringworm with folk remedies

There are several ways to get rid of the color lichen disease - treatment with pills, ointments, creams, alternative therapy. Natural ingredients strengthen the immune system and speed up the healing process. Some effective traditional medicine recipes are presented below:

  • Herbal collection of calendula and blackberry leaves should be steamed three times a day, leave for an hour and consumed warm.
  • Dry bean grains in the oven, grind in a coffee grinder, stir with vegetable oil and apply to lubricate lichen stains.
  • Mix the crushed celandine grass with sugar, wrap in cheesecloth and pour yogurt. The infusion should stand for a month, after which it should be consumed one tablespoon several times a day.
  • Add St. John's wort to Vaseline, lubricate the affected skin with a mixture.
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